California State University, Northridge


A graduate project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Fine Arts in Screenwriting


James Y. Shih

May 2017

Copyright of James Y. Shih

ii The graduate project of James Y. Shih is approved:

______Dianah E. Wynter, Professor Date

______Jon Stahl, Professor Date

______Eric Edson, Chair Date

California State University, Northridge


Thank you to my family for their love and support. Thank you to Richard Sue, Benito Soto, Cin-Yee Shih, John Jeng, Professor Eric Edson, Professor Dianah Wynter, Eddie Hamel, Nichol Simmons, Laura Cox along with my other CSUN MFA classmates for their invaluable advice and support in helping shape this story. Thank you also to each friend and instructor that has encouraged me thus far in my academic and writing career– –your kind words and constructive criticism has made me better and my work stronger.

iv Table of Contents

Copyright Page………………………………………………………………………...….ii

Signature Page………………………………………………………….……...……...….iii


Abstract………………………………………………………………..……...……...... vi





James Y. Shih

Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting

UPROAR is a feature length, 1999 drama that follows awkward, high school junior Sean Chang, when on the way to Winter Ball, finds that his troubled best friend Wes Wu has taken Sean’s girlfriend and the dance hostage by gunpoint. In order to get his girlfriend and other students to safety, he must find a way to get inside the gym and talk Wes down or subdue him.



INT. MILMONTE HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY - COMMON AREA - DAY SEAN CHANG, (17) Asian American, pensive, idles at a computer table by himself. He checks his watch and scratches at his hand. He waits. Around him, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS group together studying and reading. Sean avoids looking at them, pronouncing his isolation. Rows of bookshelves line the area. A large mascot, MILLY THE HEDGEHOG, an overly happy, red hedgehog is painted on the wall above a MILMONTE HIGH SCHOOL logo. Sean turns to the computer and logs into AIM (AOL INSTANT MESSENGER), staring at the keys as he types. He presses enter. Nothing. MALE VOICE (O.S.) That's an easy password. Sean looks up. He's mistakenly typed his password "one2345" into the username field. He deletes it and turns to WES WU (18), Asian American, sneering at him. SEAN You didn't see that. Bout' time, was going to IM you. WES I'm here. Let's go. They leave the common area.


Sean watches down the hall. SEAN We good. Wes nods. He squats near a small service door in the hallway, locked with a Masterlock. He puts his ear to it and turns the knob. WES Aw, yeah. Wes pulls on the lock, it's open. Sean gives Wes a silent high five. They sneak through the service door, re-locking it after them.

1 INT. UNDERGROUND TUNNELS - LIBRARY SIDE Sean and Wes climb down into a tunnel. The space is tight, pipes line the walls and emergency work lights light the monochrome space. Sean records with his CAMCORDER. WES This way. They move down the tunnel. Sean films the area. SEAN How's the map coming? WES Working on it. Think there's a path to the gym. SEAN No way, you gotta put it in the Gray. Be safer than through the roof. Wes nods. Sean puts the camera on Wes's face, he gives a playful, evil grimace. Sean laughs. They turn a corner.

INT. UNDERGROUND TUNNELS - PATH TO THE LANE OF SHADOWS Sean and Wes move along a larger tunnel and stop in front of a space in the wall. Three signatures are signed across it: PENGUIN, WOLF, and SPARROW. Sean pulls out a candle and lights it. He places it under Penguin's signature. Wes pulls out a flask. WES To Peter. He pours some scotch on the ground. He takes a big swig. He hands it over to Sean.

WES Waterfall. SEAN I know, you germaphobe. Sean tips the flask to his mouth, lips away from the opening, drinks and hands it back to Wes. SEAN One year. Today. We miss you. WES Save a place for us.

2 Wes chugs the flask. They stare at the signatures. A school bell RINGS above ground, breaking the silence. SEAN Lane of Shadows? WES Naw, I got to head back through campus. SEAN Cool, I'll go with you. The head back up the tunnel.

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS - DAY - LUNCH TIME They traverse the crowded school, passing by some of the notable cliques. The SKATERS: LARRY TORRES, aka LT, 18, athletic Filipino American, does a kick flip on the sidewalk, as his friend JOHN, Latino American (17), watches balancing on his board. WES I don't get why these brown guys are trying to be Tony Hawk. SEAN (laughs) Stop hating, LT's pretty cool. Sean looks closer for someone. SEAN I don't see Elly. WES She probably took the day off. Sean nods.

INT. TORRES' HOUSE - DAY ELLY TORRES (17), lies in bed. Her walls are adorned with POSTERS of WEEZER, THE GET UP KIDS, and other 90's emo rock bands. KNOCK. ELLY Yes? MRS. TORRES (40s), a kind, strong soul, opens the door and peeks in.

3 MRS. TORRES Baby, there's some tinola in the fridge. Warm it up for dinner, it will make you feel better. Elly hugs her pillow. ELLY Thanks Mama. MRS. TORRES I'm off to the hospital, get some rest. Mrs. Torres looks at Elly, her back to her. She nods and closes the door. Elly pulls a nearby drawer and takes out a picture. INSERT: PETER DARA (17, South Asian American) smiles back as he holds Elly in his arms.

EXT. SCHOOL CAMPUS - DAY In front of the Art/Humanities building, Sean watches from a distance the ART STUDENTS: ANNE TRAN, 17, Asian American, stylish, sketch out an anime character on a drawing pad. Her friend MEGAN KIM, Asian American, 17, looks on. MEGAN That looks good Anne. ANNE I still need to work on the eyes. Anne looks up and catches Sean's stare. Sean freezes. Anne gives him a wide smile and waves back. Sean, flustered, returns an awkward wave and looks away. Wes eyes Megan, she pretends not to see him.

MEGAN Weirdos at 12 o'clock. Let's go, I feel like they're eyeing us like prey. ANNE You're hot stuff, that's why. Megan snorts. MEGAN Come on. They gather their things and walk into the building.

4 WES She never gives me the time of day. Sean pulls out his camcorder and films Wes. SEAN Wes, say that again? WES I said, Megan... Wes catches Sean filming and shoves the camera. WES (laughing) Fucker. Instead of filming me, should've filmed her. Spank bank. SEAN Gross. THE TABLES They walk off to the tables area, where students hang out for lunch. They pass a table of ASIAN STUDENTS reading textbooks and going over notes. Wes grimaces. Sean turns the camcorder to him. WES Can't believe I share the same race as these overachieving, parent pleasing kiss asses. SEAN They're not all bad. WES They're worse than bad, they're robots stuck in the matrix.

Sean nods. Wes motions towards another table with TWO WHITE GUYS, their arms around TWO ASIAN GIRLS. WES And seeing these arrogant, entitled white guys with Asian chicks makes me want to fucking puke. SEAN Why don't white chicks get yellow fever? WES They got Wes fever. Sean gives an exasperated sigh.

5 WES Real talk though, the system is rigged to fuck the Asian man in the ass––you know what I say to that? Wes air jerks off into the camera. SEAN Ew, keep your dirty yellow sperm off my lens. Wes laughs. WES You know who else I can't stand? The JOCKS: Ben, (18, white), tall, handsome, and Eddie (17, white), stocky, lumber towards Wes and Sean. Wes eyes them. Ben notices Sean filming. BEN Oh shit, these guys are filming a gay Asian porno. Eddie laughs. Sean shuts of his camera, embarrassed. Wes sizes Ben up. WES Only in your wet dreams, Ben. Ben fake jukes on Wes. Wes sticks out his middle finger. Sean steps in. SEAN Hey Ben, just chill. Let's go Wes. BEN (to Sean) Keep your dog on a leash. Wes WOOFS at Ben. Ben mean-mugs Wes. Sean pulls Wes to go. Ben turns to leave, Eddie faces Ben.

EDDIE You're going to let these faggots talk to you like that? Wes turns back and edges close to Ben and Eddie. WES From two guys who smash into dudes all day, whose the faggot? Ben shoves Wes. Wes trips and falls onto Sean. Sean's camcorder falls, cracks on the ground. Sean picks up the camera, distraught. SEAN Fuck! Wes sees his friend saddened and turns to Ben.

6 WES You fucker! Wes pushes Ben hard. Ben bends low and tackles Wes to the ground. A STUDENT nearby jumps onto a lunch table. STUDENT (announcing ) Fight! Fight! STUDENTS from all the different cliques swarm Wes and Ben. Ben wrestles Wes to the ground and rains PUNCHES on him. The Asian geeks wave their books in the air. The skaters LT and John push in to watch. The crowd ROARS. Sean lunges to push Ben off of Wes. Eddie catches Sean and throws him into the cheering crowd. Sean, enraged, charges Eddie and they scuffle. Ben mounts Wes and chokes him. Wes pulls out a MASTERLOCK from his pants pocket, and smashes it into the side of Ben's head. WES Fuck you! Ben topples to the side, grips his head in pain. Wes loops his finger through the Masterlock like a brass knuckle. Sean and Eddie grab at each other and throw punches, Eddie giving the most damage. Ben struggles up then launches towards Wes. Wes lands his Masterlock fist into Ben's face. Blood SPRAYS.

Ben tumbles to the ground. Wes pounces on Ben, hammering him. Ben lashes his arms out and bear hugs Wes. Ben head butts him. A gash forms on Wes's eyebrow. WES Arghh! FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) Coming through! GUARD DERRICK, 30s male in officer uniform, and GUARD JACKIE, 50s female, push through the crowd. Sean shoves Eddie away.

7 SEAN Wes! Sean rushes over and grabs Wes. Eddie pulls the hurt Ben up. Wes hides the bloodstained Masterlock in his pocket. Derrick holds up pepper spray at the four boys, Jackie gestures for the crowd to move away. GUARD JACKIE Stand back, stand back. (checks on Ben) You ok to move? Ben nods. GUARD JACKIE (calls the radio ) Nurse Kate, we got an injured boy heading your way. (to Derrick) Derrick cuff that kid. Jackie points at Wes. Derrick handcuffs him. Wes doesn't resist. GUARD JACKIE (to Sean) You come with us. (to Eddie) You got him? Eddie nods. GUARD JACKIE Let's go. Jackie leads Eddie and Ben as the crowd disperses. Sean picks up his broken camera and bag and follows. He looks back to Derrick push Wes through. Wes grins like a madman.

INT. PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE - DAY PRINCIPAL JOHNSON, 50s severe looking man, stares at Sean, patched up and bruised, who shifts in his seat. The office has file cabinets, degrees and a GO HEDGEHOGS banner adorns the walls. PRINCIPAL JOHNSON I just spoke to the nurse, looks like Ben will need some stitches along his temple. He's also going to have to miss the game this Saturday. SEAN Principal Johnson, Ben and Eddie -

8 PRINCIPAL JOHNSON Let me finish - some students have mentioned that Wes used a weapon against Ben. Can you confirm this? Sean picks at the dried blood on his sleeve. PRINCIPAL JOHNSON Given current events, like what happened in Colorado, we have a no tolerance policy. JOHNSON flips through the papers on his desk. PRINCIPAL JOHNSON Given your record and what other students have said, you'll only be getting detention. Now, with college on the horizon, I advise you–– Sean stares at JOHNSON's mouth form words that he couldn't care less about. STATIC NOISE fills his ears.

EXT. SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD - DAY - AFTER SCHOOL Sean cuts through the football field and listens to his WALKMAN play NIN's Downward Spiral or something similar. At the far end of the field, the FOOTBALL TEAM practices, minus Ben. Eddie warms up. Avoiding Eddie, Sean turns away to walk the other direction. Along the fence he sees Anne holding a large ART TOTE BAG. He hesitates, then runs up. SEAN Hey Anne. Uh, need help? He gestures to her bag. ANNE Sean, I'm all right, thanks. Are you ok. That fight––

She rubs her hand indicating Sean's torn skin and bruised hands. Sean hides his hands in his jacket. SEAN It was dumb, those guys––forget it. What are you drawing these days? ANNE A watercolor of a lone boat on a stormy sea. SEAN Sounds depressing. Anne laughs.

9 ANNE I'm . Behind Sean down the field, Eddie notices Sean and Anne talking. Sean returns the laugh. He gets more comfortable. SEAN That's garbage. Hey––you're into anime right? Anne stares at Sean like he's an idiot. She turns around and sports her backpack that's covered with buttons for SAILOR MOON, ESCAFLOWNE, KARE KANO, NAUSICAA, etc... SEAN Sorry dumb question. ANNE Let's say I'm more than a casual fan. SEAN I might make a trip to the anime store downtown soon. If you need anything, let me know. ANNE Oh, that'd be cool. Sean scratches at his hand behind his back. SEAN Maybe I'll message you on AIM sometime? Anne looks at Sean, deciding. Sean's nail digs into his hand. ANNE Sure, I'm at AnneChan02, no spaces. Sean fumbles for a pen in his pocket. He writes on a scrap of paper and shows her.

SEAN Like this? Anne, nods. SEAN Cool, I'll be the weirdo named Super ego alpha ninja that messages you. ANNE Super ego...oh, clever. S E A N. Sean leans back in surprise.

10 SEAN You're the first person that's gotten that. Well aside from Peter––– Sean and Anne get quiet. Anne catches Eddie watching them and whispering to a teammate. Sean looks back and sees Eddie. ANNE Hey, I gotta go catch my bus. Stay out of fights, ok? Heard it was crazy. Especially, Wes–– SEAN Yeah, it got out of hand––I'll, I'll message you soon. Sean waves goodbye as Anne walks away. He turns the corner of the gym, out of Eddie's line of sight––

EXT. GYM - SIDE OF THE BUILDING - CONTINUOUS ––Sean puts on his head phones when––WACK. A pebble hits him in the arm. SEAN Ow! What the fuck? Sean spots Wes sitting on an exercise course, laughing. Sean throws the rock at Wes, he dodges behind the monkey bars.

EXT. EXERCISE COURSE Sean runs over to Wes and punches him playfully. A series of monkey bars, benches, and balance beams fill the tanbark space. SEAN Bitch ass. Wes fixes his jacket sleeve. A bandage covers his cut eyebrow.

WES Saw you talking to Anne Tran, what she want? SEAN Just chatting. She's cool––so are you going to jail or what? Wes scowls and rubs his bandaged head. WES Suspension. Possible expulsion if they can prove I used a "weapon".

11 SEAN Bullshit, it was self-defense. I told Principal dickwad that they started it. Does your Dad know? WES Fuck no. He's in China on business, probably fucking an underage prostitute. Wes clenches his fist, relaxes, clenches it again. WES Man, it felt so good to punch Ben in the face. You hear that crowd? Sick fucks. What you think Eddie and Ben get? SEAN Probably a free pass, just saw Eddie in football practice. Wes grimaces. WES Fucking white people. If the system doesn't teach them a lesson, we should. Bring out GRAY. Sean hesitates and scans the area. SEAN Here? WES It's my week to have Gray, anyways. Sean sets down his bag and pulls out GRAY, a gray, non-distinct thick notebook. Wes grabs it and flips it open. Every other page is labeled Wolf or Sparrow. Wolf's pages list student names, prank equipment like toilet paper and eggs. Sparrow's pages are caricatures of people, drawings of the school. Wes turns to a page with Ben's picture on it, horns have been drawn on. WES We're going to run an Operation Bao Chou on Ben. Hit his car and his house. Note: Bao Chou means revenge in Mandarin. Sean mulls this over, scratches at his arm. SEAN What're you thinking? Wes grins and scribbles into the notebook. Sean leans in.

12 INT. SEAN'S ROOM - NIGHT Sean fiddles with his camcorder at his desk. Connects it to a small TV in his room. Glue and tape hold the damaged device together. Sean hits play on the camcorder. The TV comes to life with an image of Sean and Wes on the school roof. SEAN Yes it works!

SCHOOL ROOF - NIGHT - TV SCREEN WES Check out the view from here. The camera pans across the school giving a clear view. SEAN (O.S.) Oh shit. A guard walks below in the quad area. SEAN (O.S.) (loud whisper) Wolf get down! Wes crouches, the camera shakes. They giggle.

INT. SEAN'S ROOM Sean grins watching the old memory. There's a KNOCK on Sean's door. WOMAN'S VOICE (O.S.) Time to eat!

SEAN Ok! Note: Dialogue in italics is in Taiwanese. Sean turns off the TV.

INT. SEAN'S HOUSE KITCHEN - NIGHT MAMA CHANG, (50s) sets the table with Taiwanese/Chinese style food. A torn COSTCO rotisserie chicken sits in the center. PAPA CHANG lies on the couch covered with blankets in the adjacent living room. Sean settles in at the table. Sean looks at his dad with a sense of frustration. NOTE: Dialogue in italics is in Taiwanese, English subtitled.

13 MAMA CHANG (to Sean) Just eat. Your dad is resting. Give me your plate. Mama Chang heaps vegetables onto Sean's plate with force. SEAN Ma! Too much! She sets the plate down on the table. MAMA CHANG Your Principal called. Said you got in a fight. Sean grabs his plate and throws on chicken, stuffs it in his mouth. MAMA CHANG Stop! Sean chews and gulps down his food. MAMA CHANG I can see the bruise on your cheek. Did you see a doctor? Did you break anything? SEAN Ma, relax. I'm fine, I saw the nurse. Mama Chang relaxes a bit. MAMA CHANG With your sister at college and your father...I need you to behave and get a good job. SEAN They started it. MAMA CHANG I don't care. I work so hard for you to go to a good school not to fight, but to learn––Were these black kids? SEAN No mom, you're so...racist. (to self) There's barely any black people at my school. MAMA CHANG White kids? SEAN (switching to English ) Yeah, so? They pushed us first. You just want me to take it?

14 (Taiwanese) Totally lose face? PAPA CHANG Sean. Sean and Mama Chang look to the bundle of blankets. PAPA CHANG Come here. Sean walks over.

INT. CHANG'S HOME - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Sean sits beside his Papa. Papa sits up on the couch. PAPA CHANG You got into a fight? SEAN They were bullying us–– PAPA CHANG Did you win? Sean smiles at this. SEAN I fought back, then the guards came quickly, so no real winners. Papa Chang nods. PAPA CHANG Look, I want tell you something. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be around...

SEAN Dad you're not sick, you're... PAPA CHANG Listen. I was just like you. I used to stand up and fight for principle. But after I lost my job and the money––I learned that you can't always fight, ok? You just have to be quiet and work hard. Remember, this is their country. Sean shakes his head. Sean's PAGER beeps. It says, "907". Sean types in "10 4".

15 SEAN Dad, I gotta leave. PAPA CHANG You understand what I'm saying. If you stand out too much–– SEAN Dad, don't forget to eat, ok? Bye. Sean puts away the pager and walks back to––

KITCHEN He picks up his plate, washes it and bolts upstairs. Mrs. Chang sits alone at her table. She looks at her husband, a broken man. He lies back down on the couch.

EXT. LAKESIDE PARK - NIGHT Wes skips rocks along the surface of a dark lake. He stands on a pier that juts into the water. A DUFFEL BAG lies next to him. Sean steps onto the pier. A sign reads 907 LAKESIDE. Wes skips a rock, it skips an impressive number of times before sinking. Sean grabs a rock and throws it hard along the surface. It plunks into the water. SEAN Dammit. How do you skip it so well? WES It's not about throwing hard, it's about the follow through and the twist of the wrist. Kinda what we learned when we were in karate.

Sean throws a rock, it sinks again. SEAN Sure thing, Sensei. Wes takes a large rock and splashes it into the water. The waves spread. WES Operation Bao Chou Phase 1 starts now, code names in effect. Sparrow, did you prep the TP? SEAN Yes. Eggs in your possession? WES Of course.

16 Sean and Wes put on dark leather gloves and face masks.

EXT. SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD - LATE NIGHT Wes and Sean sneak in the darkness towards a house. An SUV sits in the driveway. WES Ben's car. Film me. Sean opens the camcorder and turns it on Wes. Wes's green NIGHT VISION image edges stealthily towards the car. MONTAGE: They smash eggs onto his windows. They play catch with the toilet paper over the car. Sean films Wes slash the tires. The tires SQUEAL air out. SEAN (whispering) Oh shit, he's going to be so pissed. A LIGHT flashes on one of the house windows. SEAN Fuck. Wolf, let's go. Wes reaches in his bag and pulls out a BRICK. SEAN Wes...Wolf, what are you doing? Wes eyes the window with the light on. Sean puts down the camcorder. SEAN Wolf - no. Wes rears his arm back to throw, Sean smacks the brick. The brick THUDS to the floor. A driveway light ILLUMINATES. Wes gets in Sean's face.

WES What the fuck, man? Sean shoves the camcorder and leftover toilet paper into his bag. Wes launches the brick into the SUV's rear window. CRASH! WOMAN'S VOICE (O.S.) What was that! The neighbors lights turn on. Sean and Wes run off into the dark. BEN'S MOM (40s) and BEN'S DAD (50s), middle class, white baby boomer couple, step out the front door in their nightgowns. Ben, bandaged, steps outside and inspects the damaged vehicle.

17 FEMALE CHILD'S VOICE (O.S.) (from inside ) Daddy, what was that? BEN'S DAD It's ok, baby. (to wife) I'll call the police. Ben's dad walks inside. BEN It was Wes Wu! That fucker! BEN'S MOM Calm down Ben, don't wake the neighbors. A FIGURE appears in a nearby upstairs window.

INT. CHARLIE'S ROOM - NIGHT The figure, CHARLIE STEIN (17, Vietnamese/Jewish mix) peers into the distance at the dark figures of Sean and Wes running towards Lakeside. Charlie smirks.

INT. WES'S HOUSE - NIGHT Sean and Wes pile into the white, spotless living room of Wes's large, empty house. Sean flicks on the lights. Wes jumps up and slaps them off. WES You crazy? Police might see us. SEAN You're the one whose crazy. Ben has a baby sister, you could've hurt her.

Wes gets in Sean's face. WES You almost got us in jail. They crouch on the moonlit kitchen floor. Wes takes off his shoes and places them to the side. SEAN Operation Bao Chou is about disruption, not hurting others. WES The person who said that is dead now.

18 Sean glares at Wes. WES You're in my house, don't look at me like that, Sean. SEAN Wes––let's cool off. Tomorrow–– WES I'm going to visit my cousin at his base in San Diego tomorrow. Was going to invite you, but–– Wes organizes his bag. WES Just go. Wes pulls a SWIFTER broom out of a closet and swifts the area they were crouching. Sean looks to Wes for a goodbye. Wes ignores him. Sean exits through the back door.

EXT. SCHOOL QUAD - DAY LT walks with his sister, Elly, across the quad. ELLY Dad's busy, I'll need a ride after school to Sarah's. LT Yeah, should be fine. (sees friends) Wassup - LT gives props to his friends, John and GARY (17), an African American guy. JOHN What up homie! This Elly? Dang shorty you tall now. ELLY Been tall John. I see your still short. GARY Oh damn! Shots fired! Gary punches John lightly on the shoulder. GARY (to Elly) What you doing now? Hang with us. JOHN I don't know about hanging with a sophomore.

19 Elly shoots John a mean glare. She looks to LT. LT Go hang with your friends, I'll catch up with you later. Elly gives him a mean look and storms off. LT Hold up guys. LT catches up with Elly. Pulls her. LT Hey, is everything ok? ELLY (teary) Why do you care? LT Sis, I care. Is it about––I know it must hurt, but it's been a year–– Elly wipes her eyes and cold stares him. ELLY Don't worry about it, I'll catch the bus. LT No... Elly walks away. She passes Sean, who waves. SEAN Hi, Elly. ELLY Hi Sean, sorry. She gives him a faint wave and rushes off. LT heads back to his friends, downcast. Sean looks after Elly, confused. ANNE (O.S.) What's going on Sean? You were looking for me? Sean looks up to see Anne join his lunch table. SEAN I just wanted to––I mean––

Sean fumbles with a fancy envelope in his hands.

20 SEAN Remember Mr. Hall's English class? I'm in it now and we're writing poems. ANNE Oh gosh, yeah, that was the funnest part of his class. SEAN Was wondering if you could look over an assignment. Sean slides the envelope over to Anne. She eyes it. ANNE That's a nice envelope. SEAN Just take a look when you get home. ANNE (suspicious) Ok. I don't mind looking at it here... Sean shakes his head. SEAN It's cool, maybe just get back to me tomorrow? Anne nods. Sean leans forward. SEAN Doing anything this weekend? Maybe we can meet up. ANNE For what? SEAN (flustered) Uh, anime shop or bowling–– ANNE Yeah, I'll let you know. Anne stands. ANNE I'll see ya poetry boy. Anne taps the edge of the envelope to her temple and walks away. Sean waves back. Anxious.

21 INT. SEAN'S ROOM - NIGHT Sean paces back and forth in his room. He stares at his computer screen. SEAN (to self) To message or not. To message or not. In the AIM user box, the name AnneChan02 is highlighted. SEAN Fuck it. Sean types into an AIM MESSAGE BOX on his computer, SUPEREGOALPHANINJA to AnneKun. SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Hi Anne. How's it going? Sean, pushes away from his desk and scratches his hands. SEAN Oh my god, I'm such a stalker. I'm so pathetic, can't even wait one day... BING. He jumps back to his desk. ANNECHAN02 Hi Sean! I'm doing good. I just read your poem... Sean nervously taps the desk and then the keyboard. SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Oh, cool, what did you think? ANNECHAN02 Should probably tell you in person. Doing anything now?

SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Nope. ANNECHAN02 Want to meet up at the Lanes in 30? Sean stares at the message. SEAN (to self) Oh shit. It's a date. Play it cool. He jumps back on the keyboard.

22 SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Yeah, I can be there, might be a little late though. ANNECHAN02 45? SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Yeah sure. ANNECHAN02 K. See ya then! =) SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Cool. =) Sean turns off the screen. He opens up his wardrobe. SEAN (to self) Don't fuck this up. Sean shifts through his closet.

INT. THE LANES - NIGHT A smattering of HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS bowl in the bowling lanes that line the long building. Sean, dressed too formal for the venue, stares at the entrance. He stands up as Anne walks in dressed stylish, casual. ANNE Hey, there. Wow, um, look at that blazer. SEAN Thanks, nice sweater.

She smiles thoughtfully. ANNE Cool if we step outside? It's kind of loud in here. SEAN Sure. They exit the arcade.

EXT. THE LANES - BACK ENTRANCE - NIGHT Anne walks to the bench and sits, Sean sits next to her.

23 SEAN So, you said you looked at the poem? ANNE Yeah. I actually brought it. Anne pulls out the envelope. ANNE It's very sweet. Anne hands it to Sean. SEAN No, keep it. Sean pushes on her hand. SEAN Its for you. Anne lays the note on the space between them. ANNE Yeah, with the references to anime and art and the last question–– Sean edges close to her. Anne tilts her head away. ANNE Sean. SEAN Will you go to Winter Ball with me? ANNE I can't––

Anne hands the note to Sean. ANNE Thank you Sean. I'm really flattered. It's just that--I already promised Ben that I'd go with him. Sean sits back, floored. ANNE Thank you for the poem, but it might be better if I return it. She gives Sean a solid stare. ANNE Did you and Wes smash Ben's car?

24 SEAN What does that have to do with anything? ANNE Just––be careful Monday. I don't want to see either of you guys hurt. I better get back. Anne gets up and steps away. Sean watches her leave. He stands and walks to a nearby tree. SEAN Fuck! Sean punches the tree. His bloody fist hangs at his side.

INT. SEAN'S ROOM - NIGHT Sean stands in front of the mirror. With his camcorder, he films the bandage on his bloodstained fist. He turns to his desktop computer and types a message. SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Hey Wes, hope things are cool. Fucking found out Anne's going to Winter Ball with Ben. Sean steps back and looks up at the poster of ROBOT WITH A GUN. BLING. A message from WOLFELDERSOLDIER: WOLFELDERSOLDIER Fucking told you, pussy. Fuck that bitch. Any girl that chooses Ben, is not worth anything. SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Got a Bao Chou idea. WOLFELDERSOLDIER Oh yeah? Cool dude. Hey, my bad about the Peter comment... SUPEREGOALPHANINJA It's all good, RIP Penguin. WOLFELDERSOLDIER RIP Penguin.

EXT. SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY Sean hides behind a bush with his CAMCORDER. He zooms in on Ben's house, scans the windows.

25 WES (O.S.) (imitating an officer ) Hey chink boy, what the hell you doing? Sean jolts up. Wes grins at Sean, he's decked out in an army jacket and pants. SEAN Looks like you just got out of the army. WES Fuck yeah. Got to shoot guns with my Marine cousin while you got your dick broken. What's the plan, ninja man? Sean lays out his notebook with drawings and plan notes. SEAN We're going to embarrass the shit out of Ben. LATER Sean's POV with camcorder. He zooms in on Ben's upstairs bedroom window. Ben takes a dump with the bedroom bathroom door open. Sean and Wes snicker behind the bush. LATER Ben leaves the house on bicycle.

EXT. BEN'S BACKYARD - DAY Wes fidgets with a window lock then clicks it open. He signals Sean to come over. They climb through the window.


Sean and Wes creep through the upper-middle class house. Family photos hang on the wall. Ben's smiling head and football photos take up the bulk of the wall space. Wes picks up a photo and fake gags to Sean. Sean chuckles. They walk upstairs.

INT. BEN'S BEDROOM - DAY Sean and Wes slip into the room. Football paraphernalia, Men's Health magazines, posters of female models decorate the room. An acoustic guitar sits in the corner. Wes grabs it.

26 WES This neanderthal is attempting to play music. SEAN Anyone can play guitar. WES Not when it's missing strings. Wes over tightens the high strings. They SNAP. Sean laughs. Sean types on Ben's desktop computer. SEAN Fuck, it's password protected. Let me see. Sean flips through the papers on Ben's desk. He feels around the back of the monitor and pulls a sticky note. SEAN Got it. That idiot. The note reads: password hint- my name + favorite number + my name. SEAN Favorite number? WES Twenty-one. Wes pulls out a varsity jacket with the number 21 on the back. Sean types in the password: ben21ben. SEAN Good shit. We're in. Sean pulls out a large external hard drive from his backpack and plugs it in to power and into the computer. He copies Ben's files to the drive.

Wes leans over Sean and browses Ben's hard drive. WES We should delete everything. SEAN Dude, then he'll know we've been in here. WES System failure, happens all the time. Sean shakes his head. A SOUND of a car pulling up to the driveway jerks their heads. SEAN Oh shit.

27 Car doors open and close. The muffled SPEECH of Ben's Dad and Mom as well as Ben's LITTLE SISTER come in. The screen reads 60% copied, the progress bar inches forward. The VOICES get louder. They're inside the house. Wes shuts the door and blocks it with a guitar case and books. BEN'S DAD (O.S.) Ben you home? We got you food. WES (to Sean) We got to go Sparrow. SEAN Fuck. Sean taps cancel and pulls the drive. FOOTSTEPS climb the stairs. The steps get closer. Sean snatches up his bag. BEN'S DAD (O.S.) (closer) Ben? There's a knock on the door. Ben's Dad opens the door. It's stuck. He pushes forward and the pile of books collapse. The guitar case falls. BEN'S DAD What the hell. Ben's dad examines the mess and then goes to the bedroom window that's wide open.

BEN'S DAD He forgot to close the window. Ben's Dad walks to the window.

EXT. BEN'S HOUSE - DAY Ben's dad shuts the bedroom window. Sean and Wes hug the side of the second story wall. They inch to the side of the house and jump off.

EXT. SCHOOL BUS STOP - DAY Elly waits for the bus. A car screeches behind her. LT waves out the window.

28 LT Elly, how about I take you today? Elly turns her back on him. ELLY It's cool. LT Elly, the bus is going to take forever. ELLY I need some time to think. A bus pulls up to the stop. Elly gets on the bus. It drives off. LT Fuck! LT shifts into drive and peels out of the parking lot after the bus. Near the parking lot is the Art Department Building where we see––

EXT. ART DEPARTMENT BUILDING - CONTINUOUS Wes, cleanly dressed, approaches Megan who draws in her sketchpad. She's dressed in a brooding manner. WES Hey Megan. Megan shoots him a glare, she returns to her drawing. WES What you drawing?

MEGAN I thought you were suspended. WES Did you miss me? Megan shakes her head. WES You didn't respond to my AIM messages. Megan slaps her sketchpad shut. MEGAN Been busy.

29 Megan grabs her bags and collects her utensils. WES Hey, wait. I made you this. Wes sets down a necklace: a silver chain threaded through a bullet. WES Pretty cool, huh? Got the casing and then I have a little shop in my garage and was able to drill a hole and thread that link. Megan studies the necklace. It's good workmanship. MEGAN Wes, despite being incredibly fucking creepy, it's well done. Wes beams. WES I knew you would appreciate it. You're the only person who gets me. Megan sets down the necklace. MEGAN Bye, Wes. WES Wait. Wes taps her arm. She jerks it back. WES Ok, geez. I was just wondering what you're doing for––

He breathes in heavy. He's unfamiliar with this anxiety. WES ––you know, that dance in December. MEGAN (laughing) Are you asking me to Winter Ball? WES Yeah, why's that funny? Megan postures up and looks Wes in the eye. MEGAN I would never go to Winter Ball with you.

30 WES What the–– MEGAN First off, I don't date Asian guys. Second, you're––I don't know how to say this nicely––creepy. WES (taken aback ) Ok. Ouch. MEGAN Wes, sorry, I just, you're not my type. But sometimes, you do surprising shit like that necklace. Wes grabs the necklace. WES I don't know how to interpret that. MEGAN Bye Wes. WES Are you going with anyone? Who? Megan weighs this. MEGAN If you have to know, I'm going with Charlie Stein. WES Wait, that fucker's half Asian. MEGAN I don't have to explain myself. Megan walks off. Wes grips the bullet necklace in his hand.

The bullet point breaks his skin. Blood drips onto the concrete.

EXT. SCHOOL BUS STOP - NIGHT The bus rolls in and Elly steps out. She pulls out her CELL PHONE, a NOKIA brick of a phone, and makes a call. LT drives up to the stop. Elly puts her phone away. LT Hey. ELLY Hey bro.

31 LT Still mad at me? ELLY Whatever. LT rustles up Elly's hair. Something catches his eye in the school––

EXT. SCHOOL QUAD - NIGHT Wes, dressed in black, stands in the school quad, studying the exterior of the gym building. LT What the fuck, Wes is back? ELLY What's he still doing at school? LT watches Wes for a second. Wes walks away to the side of the gym out of sight. LT shrugs his shoulders. LT You spent time with Wes and those guys, what's his deal? ELLY He hates everyone. LT That's just fucking high school. Can't wait to go to college. LT and Elly speed out of the parking lot.


Sean films the lake scenery with his camcorder. He examines the small ripples in the water and the ducks. Wes sneaks up from behind carrying a duffle bag. Sean jumps when he notices him. SEAN Fuck, you scared me Wes. Wes returns a heavy stare. A new bruise darkens his face. SEAN Wes, is everything ok? WES Dad's back in town.

32 SEAN Wes, he shouldn't... WES It's ok. He heard about the suspension. I'm too quick for him now. Sean nods, understanding. Sean tilts the camera down to the duffel bag. SEAN What's in the bag? You prepped all the Phase 2 stuff already? WES Turn that off. Sean turns off the video camera. WES I was thinking, wouldn't it be great to go out big, instead of getting old and dying in a dead end job? Wes pulls the duffel bag close. SEAN I think you've been watching too much TV. WES You know before Columbine there was a Taiwanese kid, just like you, shot up his school, killed 2, injured 4. Before that, there was Chinese guy, killed 6 by himself at his school. I wonder why we never heard about them. Wes reaches into his bag. Sean edges back.

Wes pulls out a STUFFED WOLF WES Have you met Mr. Wolf? Sean smiles nervously. SEAN I don't believe so. Sean grips the camera in his hand. Wes waves Mr. Wolf's arm.

33 WES (Mr. Wolf voice) Hi Sean! Don't you think it's stupid white kids get so much attention? And all us Asians get no recognition or pussy? SEAN Wes, we'll show Ben and those bitches what's up. We'll go Phase 2. WES Fuck Phase 2. Phase infinity. Wes reaches into the bag and pulls out a SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL. WES Check this baby out, snagged it from my cousin. Wes throws it to Sean. Sean catches it, its weight jolts him. He sets down his camera. SEAN Shit Wes, this is real. WES Fuck yeah. Sean lowers the gun, slowly to the ground, leaves it and picks up his camera. SEAN I should get going, my mom's going to worry. WES Where the fuck you think you're going? Wes pulls out another SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL from the bag.

Sean freezes. Wes looks back and forth between the gun and Sean. WES Don't shit your pants. The safety's on. Sean stares at Wes, unsure how to respond. WES I dream about Peter sometimes. When I get hit with the world's bullshit, I'd tell him, "I'll be there soon." He's right, who wouldn't want to sign out of this world.

34 SEAN He had Elly. WES And she broke his fucking heart. That turned out well. Wes studies Sean, Wes tilts his head. WES Look, I just thought if anyone tries to fuck with us and your embarrass Ben plan, we have protection. SEAN You're taking this too far. Wes points the gun at his own temple. WES Am I? SEAN Please, Wes. Wes lowers the gun. SEAN Don't do anything stupid. WES I thought you'd be ok with this. Sean backs away and steps into the green brush. Wes points the gun towards the water. A SHOT RINGS OUT, ducks fly out overhead. Sean walks away. He looks back at Wes pointing the gun at the water. Wes FIRES again into his reflection.

SEAN Wes, they're going to call the cops. WES I'll be gone before then. Sean turns away.

INT. SEAN'S ROOM - MORNING Sunlight streams into the room. Sean lies in bed, restless, hand on the receiver. He stares at the number pad.

35 He taps "9", "1". He pauses. Hangs up. He goes to his computer, opens up AOL INSTANT MESSENGER and taps on WolfElderSoldier. SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Hi, meet up before school? Want to talk. WOLFELDERSOLDER AWAY MESSAGE: I'm AFK right now so FO. SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Msg my beeper when you get a chance. Sean stares at the screen. He checks the wall clock. He's late. He stuffs school items into his backpack and leaves.

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL SIDEWALK - MORNING Sean checks his beeper. Empty. A stream of students rush past him towards the campus. A HAND taps Sean on the shoulder. LT smiles at him, skateboard in one hand. LT Yo Sean, where's your crazy friend Wes? Sean scans the sidewalk. SEAN Hey LT. Don't know, you see him? LT I saw your homeboy at school the other night.

Sean looks LT straight on. LT startles from the directness. SEAN When was this? Exactly? LT It was yesterday night, about 9p. I was going to ask him myself today in first period. Sean reaches into his bag and pulls out a piece of paper and scribble on it. LT looks on curious. LT What is all -- Sean hands LT the paper.

36 SEAN That's my beeper, my house number, and AIM. If Wes comes to first period, try my beeper first. It's important. LT Um, ok. Sean rushes past LT.

EXT. WES'S HOUSE - DAY Upscale suburban neighborhood. The hedges are clipped and the wide streets are clean. Fancy cars like Mercedes Benzs, Jaguars, sit in expansive driveways of large homes. Sean stands behind a hedge and watches the outside of Wes's house, a well kept two story building. MRS. DARA, Indian woman (50s), Peter's mom, power walks on the sidewalk, notices Sean and looks at him quizzically. MRS. DARA Sean? SEAN (startled) Mrs. Dara. MRS. DARA It's been so long, I haven't seen you since–– Mrs. Dara quietens. SEAN How've you been? MRS. DARA I've been ok. The shop keeps me busy. You should come by some time. You and Wes. It'd be nice to see you two again. A POP sound comes from Wes's backyard, alerts Sean. MRS. DARA Huh, maybe someone is cooking. SEAN It was great to see you Mrs. Dara. I'll talk to Wes about coming by. Sean hugs her. Mrs. Dara nods her head.

37 MRS. DARA Thank you. SEAN I'll see you. Sean jogs to the back of Wes's house.

EXT. WES'S HOUSE BACKYARD - DAY Behind Wes's house extends an extensive backyard with a pool and a plot of grass surrounded by a large wooden fence. Sean, camcorder in hand, crouches outside of the fence and zooms in through the slits in the fence. Wes walks out, wears heavy goggles. He holds a WATERMELON and puts it on the grass. With a power drill, he DRILLS a hole into the watermelon. He then places a PIPE looking object into the hole. A long cord runs from the pipe. Sean zooms in but can't get a clear shot. Wes walks back behind a short brick wall, cord in hand. SEAN (to self) Wait a minute. Wes yanks the cord. The watermelon EXPLODES. Shrapnel and watermelon fly out, a nail sticks through the fence inches from Sean's face.

SEAN AH! Wes looks towards the sound. He sprints towards Sean's direction. Sean rushes away.

INT. CHANG'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Sean rushes through the front door. No one's home. Sean paces back and forth in the living room. He slows his breath. He grabs the phone. He stares at it. He punches in 9-1-1.

38 911 OPERATOR (O.S.) 911, what is your emergency? SEAN I want to report a loud bang. 911 OPERATOR Please explain. SEAN Just a loud bang, it was on 3194 Bluestone Drive, a house. I think someone is blowing up stuff in the backyard. Typing sounds. 911 OPERATOR Ok, we have an officer in the area and will be there soon. What's your name and number? Sean contemplates this. SEAN Sorry I have to run, thank you. Sean hangs up the phone and heads out the door.

EXT. WES'S HOUSE - DAY Sean hides out near the front of Wes's house. A MERCEDES BENZ pulls up in the driveway. SEAN (to self) No, no, no...

MR. WU, Wes's dad, (50s) stern, steps out of the car. He lugs a large suitcase to the front door and enters the house. MR. WU (O.S.) (Mandarin, subtitled ) Wes, what the hell are you doing at home?! It's school time. A POLICE CAR rounds the corner and parks in front of Wes's house. A POLICE OFFICER steps out and walks to the open front door. POLICE OFFICER Anyone home? Mr. Wu comes to the front, surprised by the cop.

39 MR. WU Yes officer, can I help you? POLICE OFFICER Had reports of some loud sounds, would it be alright if I take a look at the backyard. MR. WU Yes, of course. Mr. Wu walks out and leads the cop to the side gate that heads to the backyard.

INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY Students shuffle into their seats. MRS. ANDERSON, (40s, white), calls roll. LT taps a pencil on his desk. MRS. ANDERSON Mr. Wes Wu, are you here? LT stares at the empty desk chair. Carved into the desk in the corner is a Chinese character "".

EXT. WES'S HOUSE - DAY The cop walks back out to the front with Mr. Wu and Wes. POLICE OFFICER False alarm, sorry for the inconvenience. The police officer gets in his car and drives away. As the car turns a corner, Mr. Wu grabs Wes and shoves him into the house. He slams the door. MR. WU (O.S.) (Mandarin, subtitled ) I know you were fucking lying to the cop. You good for nothing. What are you up to now? WES (Mandarin, subtitled ) Nothing. MR. WU (Mandarin, subtitled ) I leave for work and you miss school and make loud noises. Don't I give you enough money? Sounds of stuff breaking and hitting. Wes rushes out the front door, his nose bleeding. He heads to the house side gate and grabs a GARBAGE BAG. He runs down the street, red watermelon juice drips on the sidewalk.

40 EXT. SCHOOL QUAD - LUNCHTIME - DAY Sean sits by himself at the school quad, pokes at his packed chow mein noodles. LT grabs a seat next to him. LT Hey Sean, Wes didn't show up. Sean nods, not looking up. SEAN Thanks. Wes storms onto the quad and beelines towards Sean, blood smeared on his face. Sean stands up, Wes shoves him hard. Sean stumbles back. WES What the fuck Sean. SEAN Wes. WES You fucking snitched on me? LT Hey guys. WES (to LT) Fuck off. This is between me and this snitch. Other students gather around them. LT backs away. WES I saw Mrs. Dara, she said you were at my house this morning, isn't that right?

SEAN I didn't mean... WES See anything? STUDENT (O.S.) Fight! Wes and Sean stare at the crowd that has formed around them. Wes grabs Sean by the jacket and brings him close. They stare at each other. STUDENT (O.S.) Punch him in the face!

41 WES (to the crowd ) You fucking robots don't tell me what to do. Wes releases Sean. WES Argh! He flips the lunch table. Food and drinks spill. He points a finger at Sean. WES You're fucking dead to me. Wes storms off. The crowd disperses.

INT. SEAN'S ROOM - NIGHT Sean spins in his swivel chair, the computer monitor lights his face. On the wall nearby hangs a picture of Sean, Wes, and Peter. Sean scans his friend list, Wes is nowhere to be seen. He searches Wes's username: USER NOT FOUND. Sean clicks on a bookmark: WES WU'S WEBSITE. ERROR: SITE NOT FOUND Sean spins away from the computer and pulls out the Gray notebook. He flips through the pages. A page titled Penguin stands out, in it are collages of 90s celebrities and quotes: "Everyone gets 15 minutes of fame." Sean smiles at this. He flips through more pages and comes up on "Operation Bao Chou - Ben". He looks through the revenge plan against Ben and rips it out of the notebook.

He tears up the pages into pieces.

EXT. SCHOOL QUAD - DAY MONTAGE: - Sean passes Wes in the quad, Wes ignores him. - Anne and Ben hold hands in the hallway, Sean grimaces and turns a corner. - POSTERS of "Winter Ball 12/12 - Party like it's is!" decorate the school walls. - Sean watches Elly help out in chemistry class as a TA, she catches him staring at her, Sean looks away embarrassed.

42 EXT. SCHOOL BUILDING - STAIRS - DAY Elly struggles carrying some books and chemistry BEAKERS up the stairs. Sean runs up to her. SEAN Need help? Sean gently takes the beakers from her hand. ELLY Thanks. They walk up the stairs together then-

HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS -down the hall. Students brush past them as they make their way to class. SEAN You're taking a lot AP classes this semester? She nods her head. ELLY Yeah, it's tough. How's your college apps going? SEAN Alright, I'm just not sure what to study yet. They walk in awkward silence. Ahead, Anne and Ben, holding hands walk towards them. Sean quickly turns a corner and stands against the wall out of Anne's view. Elly, puzzled, follows him. ELLY Class is this way. SEAN Hold on. I just... ANNE (O.S.) Hey Sean. Anne and Ben stand near Sean. Ben looks away disinterested. ANNE You check out the new vampire anime they got on Toonami? SEAN Nah, been real busy, no time.

43 Sean avoids eye contact. BEN We better get to class. Anne looks at Sean and then at Elly. ANNE See ya. Sean smiles and waves his hand. Anne and Ben walk off. Sean turns the corner down the hallway, Elly walks beside him. ELLY Awkward. Sean looks at Elly, they share a chuckle. SEAN Sorry, just... ELLY It's ok––I get it. Speaking of anime...have you heard of Evangelion? They just started broadcasting on PBS. Sean turns to face Elly and looks her straight in the eyes. SEAN That anime––changed my life. ELLY Yeah, it's really good. I was never an anime fan till Peter got me into it. Off Peter's name, they walk in silence. Elly notices a red PATCH on Sean's bag, an image of half of a leaf.

ELLY That's the NERV symbol, from the show. Sean nods enthusiastically. SEAN Yes, the logo is actually derived from the maple leaf... QUICK SHOTS (no dialogue): Sean gesticulating and getting animated as he speaks to Elly. Elly laughing and sharing her thoughts. They walk down the hall and then into their classroom together.

44 EXT. SCHOOL CAMPUS - DAY WIDE SHOT: The school from afar, the roofs of the buildings and the gym are visible. A FIGURE on the roof of the gym moves back and forth. The public announcement system crackles on. STUDENT ANNOUNCER 1 (O.S.) Good morning Hedgehogs, remember to get your Winter Ball tickets by next Friday to be eligible for the raffle...

EXT. GYM ROOF - CONTINUOUS On the gym roof, the figure sets down a bag. STUDENT ANNOUNCER 2 (O.S.) That's right! Don't miss your chance to win some great prizes like a $20 Big Box pizza certificate...

The figure looks up and sneers, it's Wes.

EXT. HALLWAY - DAY The bell RINGS. Students file out of the classrooms. Elly walks out, Sean follows. SEAN Hey Elly. Elly turns to look at him. Sean waits as the other students walk away. He faces her, hand itching. SEAN I was thinking, if you don't have a date already, if you wanted to check out the Winter Ball with me?

ELLY Check out? SEAN You know, go with me to the ball, see if it's cool. If not, we can go get In-N-Out. Sean scratches at his hand, then puts them behind his back. Elly mulls it over. ELLY I don't know. It's been tough–– SEAN It's cool, I get it. It's been a weird year. Maybe we can just get In-N-Out––

45 Elly laughs at his dorkiness. ELLY Fuck it. Sean jolts up at the words. Elly holds out her hand. ELLY Let's go to Winter Ball. He takes her hand. They shake. SEAN Alright! ELLY I better get to class, I'll see ya. Sean moves in for an awkward hug and releases. SEAN I'll see ya. Elly waves. Sean struts away, elated.

INT. MALL - DAY SHOPPERS of all ages and races, fill the outlet mall. SALES REPS call out to potential customers from their island kiosks. On a pay phone stands Sean in the middle of a call. SEAN ...not as fancy as a suit but not too ghetto. INTERCUT WITH:

INT. COLLEGE DORM - DAY Tupac and Biggie Smalls POSTERS adorn a a messy girls' dorm room. YING (21), has her hair wrapped in a towel and is in oversized Calvin & the Hobbes pajamas. She draws chemical bonds onto FLASHCARDS. GANGSTA RAP plays in the background. YING That's a pretty broad range Sean. SEAN Work with me Ying. YING What's your budget?

46 SEAN $50. YING Damn. Ok, you already got the black slacks I gave you for Christmas, just wear that and get a nice blazer and a button up shirt. No bright colors, but also don't wear all black, it'll make you look like you're going to a funeral. Sean writes this down in a notebook. SEAN Awesome, thanks Ying. YING All good. How's the parents? SEAN Dad's still depressed. Mom's still controlling. Ying scratches a line on her flash card. YING I'm sorry Sean. I wish I could be there more. SEAN It's whatever's. (phone beeps ) I gotta run, no coins left, catch ya later. Sean hangs up.

INT. ROSS CLOTHING STORE - DAY MONTAGE: Sean tries out different blazers and button up shirts. His sense of style is lacking, the blazers are oversized and the button ups are tacky colors.

He shakes his head at the mirror as he tries each look.

INT. ROSS CLOTHING AISLE - CONTINUOUS Sean searches through the mismatched clothing aisles. Charlie and Megan browse the next aisle. Charlie moves to say hi, Megan pulls him back. Sean pretends not to notice. CHARLIE Hey Sean. Charlie walks over. Megan shakes her head slightly.

47 SEAN Oh hey Charlie, you guys shopping for Winter Ball too? CHARLIE Yeah, trying to figure out the best outfit. Megan perks up at Sean's response. MEGAN (re: Sean) You're going to Winter Ball? SEAN (pointed) Yeah, I'm going with Elly, you know, JT's sister. Megan mulls this over. Charlie nods. CHARLIE Oh, nice. That's awesome man. We didn't think... Megan jabs Charlie in the ribs. MEGAN Well, nice seeing you. Let's check out Hot Topic. CHARLIE Ok cool, catch ya later Sean. Sean nods and shares awkward fist bumps/props with Charlie. A blazer catches his eye. SEAN Nice. Sean holds up a STYLISH BLAZER.

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL QUAD - DAY Wes watches Sean and Elly talking at the lunch table. SEAN ...I'll meet you at the gym tonight, have to pick up something first. ELLY Sounds good. You want to try this? Elly holds up a POCKO treat, Sean gobbles it. Elly laughs. Wes grimaces. Elly grabs her bag and waves bye to Sean. Wes beelines across the quad to Sean. Sean sees him coming.

48 SEAN Hey, Wes... WES Where's Gray? Wes glowers down at Sean. Sean stands so they're eye level. SEAN I don't have it. WES Bullshit. You had it last rotation. SEAN I mean, its not with me, it's at home. WES That book has my writing too, it's not just yours. Sean nods. SEAN It also has Peter's pages too. Wes clenches his fists. Sean scratches his hand. SEAN I'll bring it tomorrow. WES No, that's too fucking late. Wes turns to leave. SEAN Hey wait, Wes. How've you been? You going to the dance tonight?

WES I am actually. SEAN Oh yeah who with? WES I see your with Elly. Isn't that a riot. Wes sneers. SEAN It just happened.

49 WES Nothing just happens. I'll see you tonight. They part, tense.

EXT. SCHOOL GYM - NIGHT Snowflakes, snowmen, and other winter decorations hang on the gym exterior. Elly, dressed in a simple, beautiful blue dress, waits for Sean at the entrance. Anne, Ben, Megan, and Charlie, dressed for the ball, approach the door. Megan stops. MEGAN Sean stand you up Elly? Elly turns to Megan. ELLY He's on his way, he said he had to pick up something. MEGAN (backhanded) Is that right? I like your dress, a bit plain, but cute. Elly nods, unsure how to react. Ben taps his foot impatiently. Charlie fixes his BOWTIE. Anne walks towards Megan. ANNE (admonish ) Megan. (re: Elly) Looks pretty. I'm Anne, by the way. Anne and Elly shake hands. ANNE It's a bit cold out, did you want to wait inside?

Elly scans the horizon, a breeze passes, shivers. ELLY Sure. The group enter the gym and the door closes. After a beat, Wes approaches the door. He carries a big duffle bag.

INT./EXT. SEAN'S CAR - NIGHT Sean drives quickly through the streets. A bundle of FLOWERS and a SMALL BOX sit in the passenger seat. "10 Minutes to Downtown" by the Get Up Kids or something similar plays on the stereo.

50 INT. GYM - NIGHT Anne, Elly, Megan, Charlie, Ben and other STUDENTS and FACULTY mingle and snack. Wes walks the perimeter of the gym. He LOCKS each door methodically with U- LOCKS. Elly's phone rings, she picks it up.

EXT. SCHOOL PARKING LOT - NIGHT LT is in his car on the phone. LT You make it to the gym ok? Did Sean show up yet? ELLY (O.S.) Yes. And not yet. But he said he'd be a little late. Sean screeches into a parking spot. The Gray notebook lays in the passenger seat. LT I see your boy now. TRACKING: Sean runs from the parking lot to the––

EXT. GYM ––gym, FLOWERS in hand.



LT Well, have fun. Gary should be there. 'Bout to hang with John. Tell Sean not to drink too much and–– Sean runs up to the entrance of school gym, breathing hard. He pulls on the doors, they're locked tight. SEAN That's strange.. A GUNSHOT rings out from inside, jolting Sean. SEAN What the hell...

51 Someone SCREAMS. LT Elly! What's that sound?

INT. GYM Wes holds a SAWED OFF SHOT GUN over a terrified crowd of students and faculty. WES Shut the fuck up! Gary, LT's friend bends low and makes a call on his cell phone. Wes puts the gun to his temple. WES Hey black, put that phone away. Gary pockets the phone, shaking. WES If I see or hear anyone of you pickup up a call or pager, you're fucking dead. Wes scans the crowd. Elly puts her phone down. His gaze falls on her. He points the gun at Elly. WES You cheating bitch, where's your boyfriend? And I'm not talking about the dead one. Elly stares at Wes. ELLY On his way to stop you. WES Funny, funny. You Flips can dance, sing, make jokes–– Wes hits her with the butt of the shotgun. A student SCREAMS.

EXT. GYM ENTRANCE Sean pounds the window. He YELLS. Wes, inside, turns to him. WES SEAN! Wes gets into Sean's face, the pane between them.

52 WES (muffled by the glass ) You're late to the party, now you have to hear it from there. Wes turns away out of view. SHOTS. SCREAMS. Sean pounds the window.

INT. GYM Principal Johnson, stands up, hands in front of him. PRINCIPAL JOHNSON Wes, please just lower your weapon, there are other options. WES Just the guy I was looking for. BLAM! Wes shoots Johnson in the chest. SCREAMS. Johnson flies backwards and collapses a few feet away. Ben stands. Wes points his gun at Ben. Ben sits down.

EXT. GYM ENTRANCE Sean kicks at the window, no effect. He scours the gym wall for something. SEAN (to self, whisper ) There! Sean pulls down on a fire alarm. RINNGGG. Sean edges up to the window. Wes screams at the students, pointing his gun at them. GUARD JACKIE (O.S.) Sean! Sean turns to Guard Jackie, she runs towards him. SEAN Wes, he's taken them hostage. Guard Jackie looks through the window, wide eyed at Wes waving a gun. She radios the office. GUARD JACKIE (into walkie ) Call 911, we got a shooter at the gym. I repeat, we got a student with a gun at the gym! Sean stays at the building, looking madly for an entrance. He looks up.

53 SEAN (to self) The roof... Guard Jackie pulls on him. He resists. SEAN No! I have to get in there, no! GUARD JACKIE We have to wait for the cops! You're going to get killed. Sean shoves Guard Jackie off of him and runs towards the side of the building.

INT. GYM Wes paces in front of the students and faculty. WES You all forced me into this. Speaking of which, Ben... why don't you and Eddie come to the front? Ben and Eddie look at each other, hesitant. WES NOW! Ray and Ben stagger to the front, their intimidating bodies, now shaking with fear. Wes notices. WES All that muscle, for what? Useless. EDDIE (voice shaking ) Please, Wes–––

WES (imitating Ray ) Please, Wes––– (angry) Shut up. Wes blasts Eddie in the stomach. BEN Nooooo! Ben rushes Wes. BLAM. CUT TO BLACK

54 EXT. GYM - LATER Sean examines the high side of the gym building as it expand up into the night sky. FOOTSTEPS. Sean gets into fighting stance. LT runs out of the shadows. SEAN LT? LT I heard gunshots. He sets the phone down and grabs Sean by the collar. SEAN Hey–– LT Why the fuck you ain't there to protect her, man? SEAN I got here too late–– LT Did you know Wes was going to do something crazy like this? That why you wanted to see him that day? LT brings him close and peers into Sean's eyes. Sean looks away. SEAN He blew up a pipe bomb, I called the police, but Wes...he's smart. LT shoves Sean away. SEAN We got to get in there. LT I know we do, fuck, maybe we should wait for the cops. Sean shakes his head. SEAN He's not shooting right now, so they'll build a perimeter and try to negotiate. LT How the fuck you know?

55 SEAN Columbine, one victim bleeding to death for three hours til they reached him. Eric and Dylan had already been dead two plus hours. Sean studies the length of the wall. SEAN Someone in the gym could be bleeding to death. Maybe Elly. We need to get in there now. LT processes this. LT Windows, doors–– SEAN No, I already checked all the ground floor doors and windows, we gotta go through the roof. LT (looking up ) No way. SEAN Peter said there's a way to the roof inside the gym. The P.E. and the science teachers would go up there and BBQ. Always wanted to crash it... LT Yeah, I remember my bball coach bragging about it, but we're outside. Sean sees a pipe going up along the length of the wall. SEAN Nice, we can use this––

The PA system crackles on. WES (O.S.) Sean Chang. Report to the gym or there will be blood on your hands. That is all. LT Damn, he got into the coach's office. Sean grabs hold of the pipe. SEAN Fuck you Wes. Sean slowly scales the wall, using the pipe as support. LT looks up.

56 LT grabs hold of the pipe and follows suit after Sean. They shimmy up the long metal pipe––using the metal bolts as hand and footholds. Sean takes a big step, and his foot slips. LT catches it with the top of his head. LT Watch yourself. LT pushes up on Sean's foot. Sean resets himself and climbs up.

INT. GYM OFFICER MAY NGUYEN, 40s, Asian female, drives her car close to the gym and parks. OFFICER MAY Officer May Nguyen onsite, first car in the perimeter. Gun raised, she moves in towards the window. Edging to the side of the window she sees a distorted vision of Wes farthest from her walking with a gun-like object, a group of students and faculty huddled on the ground. OFFICER MAY Visual on suspect and hostages. I see one shooter and approximately thirty hostages. OPERATOR ALI (O.S.) Copy that. Sergeant Tomley and fellow officers will be there soon to assist. SWAT will be there ASAP. Stand back for now, do not alert shooter of presence until a negotiator is on site. Guard Jackie approaches Officer May's car. GUARD JACKIE Officer?

OFFICER MAY Yes, was it Jackie? GUARD JACKIE Yes, I need to tell you, one student, Sean–– Guard Jackie speaks to Officer May fervently behind her vehicle.

INT. GYM Ben grips his leg, riddled with buckshot. Anne has tied shirts as makeshift bandages around the leg. Ray lies next to Principal Johnson. Both dead.

57 ANNE (to Wes) We need a doctor. Wes ignores her and counts the crowd. WES All the faculty this side. Students that side. The group reluctantly separates as directed. The teachers and staff, off to the right, seven of them. The larger group of students to the left. WES Now this group, girls here, guys the other side. The students don't move. WES Now! BLAM! Wes shoots the roof. SCREAMS. The students separate, guys to the left, girls in the middle. Anne passes Ben off to Charlie and sits next to Megan. Wes eyes Megan sitting in the middle group. WES Well bitch, are you still too good for me? He points the gun at her. WES How about I fuck you right here in front of everyone? In front of Charlie. Who's the better man then? Megan wipes her eyes. Anne sits next to Megan.

ANNE Wes, don't–– WES Shut up woman! I have the talking stick. He holds up his shotgun.

EXT. GYM - OFFICER MAY'S CAR BLAM! Officer May and Guard Jackie jolt at the shot. OFFICER MAY (to car radio ) Ali, what's the ETA?

58 OPERATOR ALI (O.S.) Ten minutes or less. They had to call in the team from the other county. OFFICER MAY Shots fired, I'm moving in. A new male voice blares on. SERGEANT TOMLEY (O.S.) Officer Nguyen, this is Sergeant Tomley. You are advised to wait till our arrival. Maintain the perimeter. Officer May flicks the safety off her pistol. OFFICER MAY With all due respect sir, that did not work in Littleton, I'm moving in. Guard Jackie will be by my vehicle to update you. Out. SERGEANT TOMLEY Officer May Nguyen––! May turns off the radio. OFFICER MAY (to Guard Jackie ) I will follow Sean's lead. Update the officers when they arrive. Guard Jackie nods. Officer May heads off to the side of the building.

EXT. ROOF OF THE GYM Sean heaves himself up over the roof ledge, a 4 foot high wall encircling the roof.

LT follows after. The two of them lie on the roof exhausted. The moon shines down on them. Sean sits up and examines the space. Off to the side sits a portable BBQ grill. Atop the grill, something SHINES in the moonlight. SEAN We finally crashed the BBQ. Sean notices a trap door next to the grill. SEAN Over here. Sean heads towards the trap door. LT sits up and follows.

59 A FISH LINE shines back and forth, connected to the grill. LT, oblivious, walks forward and trips hard on the fish line. He tumbles to the ground. CLICK. At the familiar sound–– SEAN Get down! Sean pulls LT back. A PIPE BOMB on top of the BBQ grill EXPLODES. LT and Sean cover up. NAIL SHRAPNEL sticks into LT's left leg and hits Sean's shoulder. LT SEAN Argh! Gahh! LT hugs his hurt leg. Sean holds his shoulder. Sean rolls over to LT and examines his leg. AN IRON NAIL is stuck in his calf. LT Oh fuck, bad is it? Sean pulls off one arm of his dress shirt, the other is pinned to his shoulder by the nail. He eases the nail out of his shoulder. SEAN Aghhhh... The nail clatters to the ground. He pulls off the shirt and rips it into wide strips. He bandages his shoulder then he takes a strip and puts it against LT's leg. He reaches for a nail–– LT Hold on...hold on, I think you're supposed to leave it in so it doesn't bleed. SEAN I took the one in my shoulder out.

LT studies Sean's wrapped shoulder, blood spreads out from the punctured area. LT Your bleeding more. Sean looks at his shoulder, he wraps it tighter. LT winces as he moves his leg. LT Damn it, Elly knows about this shit, she did first aid. SEAN We're going to get to her. A CREAK comes from the trap door. Frantic, Sean grabs a nearby rock. Charlie, disheveled, inches his head out of the open trapdoor.

60 CHARLIE Oh my gosh, it's you guys! WES (O.S.) (yelling from below ) Who is it? Charlie stares at Sean and LT, pleading. WES (O.S.) Answer me now or I shoot this cunt! Below a girl SOBS. Sean stands. SEAN (yells down) Wes, I'm here, just––I'll come down. Silence. WES (O.S.) Sean. Bout time. Sean turns to LT. SEAN (whispers ) He doesn't know your here, just go–– LT I need to see my sister. Also–– (whispers ) the coach has medical supplies down there and a sharp letter opener. SEAN So––

LT ––I'll find a moment to distract–– WES (O.S.) (from below ) Sean! I'm going to shoot someone in 10, 9... Charlie looks at Sean and LT. CHARLIE Come on! Charlie leaves the trap door open and climbs down the ladder. Sean and LT follow after.

61 EXT. GYM - SIDE WALL - NIGHT May studies the side of the building. MAY How did those kids get up there? Her RADIO CRACKLES on. TOMLEY (O.S.) (walkie) Officer Nguyen, where the hell are you? We're pulling up shortly. MAY (to walkie) Get to the gym ASAP. Note: there was an explosion on the roof, bomb squad is needed. TOMLEY (O.S.) Fuck. Nguyen, I need you to stand down. A GUNSHOT rings out. May flinches. MAY (to walkie) I'll report back. May shuts off the radio. She examines a pipe that runs along the height of the building.

INT. GYM - NIGHT Charlie, Sean, and LT climb down the ladder into the gym. LT struggles down, Sean helps support his injured leg. They land at the top of the bleachers overlooking the gym. Below, Principal Johnson's dead body lies in a pool of blood. Ray, dead, sits slumped against him, his white dress shirt dark with blood. The group is separated into three groups. Ben is in the student male group, his arm bleeds from a gunshot wound. Wes stands in front, shotgun pointed at Anne and Megan who he's pulled away to the front. Megan shivers nervously, Anne seems calm, though her twitching hands give her away. Elly looks up in surprise at Sean and her brother. WES Sean, and you're with LT. Why was that not told to me Charlie!

62 CHARLIE Wes, please–– WES Just–––come down. Charlie, Sean and LT walk cautiously down to the gym floor. Charlie takes his place in the huddle. Sean steps forward, Wes shakes his finger, "No". SEAN Wes–– WES Did you guys like my little BBQ trap? SEAN LT's hurt, we need to get supplies. WES SHUT THE FUCK UP. Wes cocks his shotgun and points it at Anne. He grips his shoulder. WES You don't ask for shit. Or I blow away your old crush. Sean shuts up. Wes steps back, gun still at the ready. WES I've done so much for you, I get these white worshiping Asian bitches here... Yet, you aren't happy. Beat. WES The ultimate Bao Chou. You still abandon Peter and me. For what? Pussy? Wes points the gun at Elly. LT pushes forward, Sean motions him down. LT eases back, wincing, blood trickles down his leg. SEAN Wes, I know I've been selfish. I didn't know how to deal with Peter's shit, your shit, my shit at the same time. WES Stop making excuses! Wes fires a round into the roof. STUDENTS scream. The recoil hits Wes's shoulder, he winces. Sean presses on.

63 SEAN I wasn't a good friend to you. (looks at the wounded ) Some people are hurt and your shoulder––there's some stuff in the coach's office right over there–– Points to a nearby office. SEAN I can get you an ice pack and some bandages for others. WES I'm not a fucking idiot, the intercom is in there. SEAN You can see me through the window, I'm not going to call anyone. Wes rubs his hurt shoulder. He backs away to have a clear shot. WES Hurry the fuck up, if not I'll shoot Anne first. Sean nods. LT gives him a knowing look. Sean heads over to the coach's room. He walks along the wall. The inside door handles are locked with U-Locks. He enters the coach's office, the door's been blasted open.

INT. GYM - COACH'S OFFICE Sean flips on a light. He scrounges a cabinet and finds bandages and chemical ice packs. He passes the desk slowly, a LETTER OPENER that looks more like a short dagger, sits in the pencil holder next to the intercom phone. Sean drops a bandage on "accident" onto the desk. He picks it up, turning his back to Wes and the window and secretly pockets the letter opener.

WES What did I say about the intercom! Sean turns quickly to Wes holding up the bandage. He grabs the bandages and ice packs and walks out.

EXT. GYM ROOF May heaves herself onto the roof, careful to land quietly. She breathes heavy, then scans the area.

64 She creeps along the roof towards the trap door. She hears muffled shouting then a GUNSHOT. A bullet pierces a hole in the roof space near her. She covers her mouth to keep from yelling out loud. She settles and moves forward slowly. Something tugs on her foot. Exhaling, she eases back and looks. It's a trip wire connected to another PIPE BOMB. Like a slow moving cat, she gets her foot over the wire. MAY Don't die yet May. She crawl ahead, with even more trepidation.

INT. GYM Sean cracks the chemical ice pack and hands it to Wes. Wes snatches it from Sean. A set of keys jingle on a carabiner attached to Wes's jeans. One key is a U-LOCK KEY. Sean steps back, he hands a roll of bandages to Elly who sits next to LT. SEAN Maybe we should pull the nails... ELLY No, it'll cause more bleeding. She takes the bandage and wraps LT's leg, stabilizing the nails. LT (wincing) I knew I was right. SEAN (whispering to LT) I got the letter opener.

LT nods. SEAN When I make the peace sign, get close, distract. Elly, I'll throw you keys, the circular black one is for the door locks––– WES (from behind ) Sean! I can fucking see you! What are you planning? Do you really want Anne to die? Wes holds the ice pack to his rib, his other hand holds a gun pointed at Anne. Anne looks out to Sean.

65 SEAN Just making sure LT is ok. Wes scans Sean's face. WES Huh. (snaps his fingers ) Had a thought. If you want, you and Anne can fuck right now in front of Ben. I can make her. Anne turns to Wes and spits in his eye. Wes smiles and aims the shotgun. BLAM. ANNE AAAHHH! Blood seeps out of Anne's right foot, now a bloody mess. Some of group SCREAM. A MRS. ARELI, 30s, from the faculty group, stands up. MRS. ARELI Wes, please stop! Wes aims the shotgun at Mrs Areli. Sean discreetly shows LT the peace sign. LT Hey Wes, what the fuck you doing? WES (still aimed at Areli ) LT, who said you could speak? Sean edges to the side, out of Wes's view and moves closer to him. Areli stands firm, shaking. POLICE SIRENS grow louder. LT hobbles up. LT You take us hostage and then just wait for the cops? Sean moves in closer. He grips the handle of the letter opener he hides slightly behind his leg. Wes sneers at LT. WES LT, you know absolutely shit about me and you're much too dumb to try to get inside of my head, so why–– LT Dumb? I got 1250 on my SAT WES 1250, what a fucking joke, I––– Sean rushes forward and STABS Wes with the letter opener into his side.

66 WES ARGHHH! Wes fires a shot hitting Mrs. Areli in the arm. She falls, holding her arm in shock. The crowd of students SCRAMBLE. LT stumbles forward and battles with Wes for the shotgun. Sean grabs the key carabiner from Wes's belt loop and throws it to Elly. SEAN Get them to the door! Elly catches the keys. Students and faculty push on the locked doors fruitlessly. STUDENTS/FACULTY Let us out! Help! Open the door! Elly runs to the U-Locks, frantic. A STUDENT helps Mrs. Areli to the doors. Charlie and Megan lift Anne who GROANS in pain. Wes elbows Sean in the face, Sean slips on the blood on the ground and falls, pulling the letter opener out with him. Blood seeps Wes's side. WES Fucking shit! Wes kicks LT's nail embedded leg. LT SCREAMS in pain and releases the shotgun. BLAM! Wes whips his gun at Megan and shoots her. She falls forward. Gary running, scoops her up. Wes reloads. Elly finds the key, opens the U-Locks, the students pour out. Wes aims his gun at Elly.

WES You fucking bitch! LT No! LT grabs for the gun, Wes wrenches it away and shoots LT in the next. LT falls back and hits the ground. Elly looks in horror ELLY LT! She steps towards LT. Wes lifts the gun towards her.

67 ELLY (to Wes) You! Sean tackles Wes from behind. They tumble to the ground. The letter opener, clatters to the side. Sean looks up to Elly. SEAN Get out! Elly grabs her brother and drags him to the door. Wes knocks Sean off with the butt of his shotgun. ELLY Sean! Wes raises his gun. Elly and LT stumble out. The keys fall to the ground. Wes fires, the buckshot tears the door frame. Ben stumbles towards the door. Wes shoots, hits the side of his stomach. Ben collapses on the ground, holds his gut. Blood spills out. NEGOTIATOR SOTO (30s), wades past the students rushing out. Peeks into the gym, hand on his holster. Wes pulls a handgun from jacket and FIRES at Soto. Soto grabs cover. The last of the hostages leave. The doors closed. Wes rushes over and quickly locks the door. Sean staggers up, a half court away from them. He picks up the bloody letter opener. WES Drop it. Sean grips the letter opener. Wes aims gun at Ben's head.

WES Or Ben gets a bullet in the head. The letter opener clatters to the ground. Sean puts his hands in front of him. SEAN Wes. It's over. Stop. Wes locks the remaining doors. Ben groans.

68 EXT. GYM - PERIMETER POLICE OFFICERS and EMERGENCY RESPONDERS receive the stumbling, traumatized students and faculty as they leave the building. Soto and THREE OFFICERS standby the entrance. OFFICER 1 (into radio) Sergeant Tomley, permission to move in? SERGEANT TOMLEY, 50s white, radios radios back. TOMLEY (radio) Hold. Tomley questions a rattled Charlie. Anne is carried out on a stretcher by EMTs. An ambulance roars off with Megan. CHARLIE Sean and Ben are still in there, I don't see them out here. TOMLEY (to radio) Get Soto to establish communication. There's still hostages. Soto moves in a shakes the doors. SOTO Wes, can you hear us?

INT. GYM The doors rattle.

WES I can't hear you! Behind Wes and Sean, Officer May climbs down from the ceiling, stealthy. SOTO I want to talk. Tell me what happened. I can see you're angry. Wes motions to the door. WES (to Sean) Can you believe this guy?

69 Officer May creeps closer, gun in hand. SEAN Let me bandage Ben or else he'll die. WES Then let him die. He used to be friend right? Sean walks towards Wes and the bandages. Wes kicks the bag of bandages away. WES You still have his side, even after all he's done to you–– Wes catches sight of Officer May in the bleachers. He FIRES at her, misses. With no clear shot, May takes cover behind the bleachers. Wes pulls Sean in front of him. WES Don't make a move or I'm going to shoot Sean dead. May positions herself behind a bleacher, gun raised. SOTO (O.S.) Wes, what's going on, maybe I can help you. Sean leans towards Ben whose barely conscious. Wes shoots into the ceiling. WES No one move! (to Soto) One of your pigs crept in here. Call her off!

EXT. GYM ENTRANCE Soto grabs his radio.

SOTO Tomley, can you tell your officer to stand down. TOMLEY (radio) Officer May, please stand down.

INT. GYM Wes grips his stab wound. Officer May stays under cover. OFFICER MAY Wes, I'm not going to shoot. My boss told me to stand down.

70 She raises her gun for him to see and places it on the ground. OFFICER MAY What's going Wes? WES (to Sean) Shut the fuck up! Wes guides Sean towards the janitor's closet. Sean dips his foot in the pool of blood near Ben. WES This big fucker on the floor is going to bleed to death if you don't get him help. Wes and Sean shuffle near the janitor closet door. May pokes her head out to see where they're going. BLAM! Wes fires and she ducks back in. Sean drags his foot along the floor, a thin trail of blood follows. WES Stay fucking there or I'll shoot Sean. Wes pushes Sean through the janitor's closet door, Wes follows after and closes the door. Officer May rushes over to Ben, still breathing. She grabs the bandages and applies a quick patch up over his wounds. SOTO (O.S.) Wes? Officer May? MAY Standby. May eyes the keys on the ground.

INT. UNDERGROUND TUNNELS Sean leads in front of Wes down the dark, murky tunnel under the school. Wes grunts, holds his side. SEAN So you found the tunnel to the gym. WES There's a lot you don't know Sean. They walk in silence. Sean pauses. SEAN You murdered LT, Eddie, the principal––

71 Wes pushes Sean, he stumbles forward. WES Stop here. Sean and Wes stop in front of their signatures. WES Peter. Wes touches the edge of Peter's signature. WES He would've wanted this. SEAN Are you fucking kidding me? Sean grips his bleeding shoulder and glares at Wes. SEAN Only you wanted this. Peter was friends with LT. Wes points the gun to Sean's face. WES And Peter was Elly's boyfriend so don't stand on your high ground. Wes perks up to the SOUNDS of footsteps rumbling nearby. Sean touches the wall, intent. WES Move. To the Lane of Shadows. Sean and Wes step down the corridor.

INT. GYM - NIGHT May unlocks the locks on the doors. She picks up her radio. OFFICER MAY (to Soto) I'm opening up the doors, please stand down. The shooter is not present. SOTO (over radio) Copy that. Team stand down, officer is opening the doors. May swings the doors open. The SWAT TEAM move in carefully, scanning the doors and the floor. A PARAMEDIC rushes to May and Ben, kit in hand.

72 PARAMEDIC What happened? OFFICER MAY We've got a wound in the stomach and his arm is bleeding as well. I patched it up best I could. PARAMEDIC (eyeing Ben) Got it. (to team outside ) Stretcher! (to May) Are you shot? OFFICER MAY I'm fine. Take care of this kid. Officer May puts her hand on Ben's shoulder, he lulls his head up, breath heavy. BEN Sean? OFFICER MAY We're going to help him. BEN (nods his head ) Ok––I'm sorry. OFFICER MAY It's alright. They're going to help you. I'm going to help Sean. TWO PARAMEDICS bring in a stretcher and they ease Ben onto it. Tomley comes in. TOMLEY What the fuck were you thinking going solo? You could've died or got someone killed. OFFICER MAY Sorry, I had to–– May eyes trace along the floor where a trail of blood leads to the janitor's closet. Officer May pulls out her pistol and follows the trail. TOMLEY Where... OFFICER MAY Suspect took Sean Chang this way. (to Officer Soto nearby ) Soto with me, weapon ready.

73 Soto looks to Tomley, Tomley nods. May and Soto follow the trail to the janitor's closet. May motions to Soto to open the door, May stands perpendicular to the frame. Off Soto, May nods. Soto swings the door open, May faces the closet, gun drawn. No one. The closet is full of cleaning supplies. OFFICER MAY The fuck? May steps in, checking for any traps. Her eyes dart to the SEWER GRATE at the back wall. Spots of blood speckle the floor near it.

EXT. PARKING LOT The parking lot has been made into a makeshift emergency response center. Paramedics carry Ben into an ambulance. In front of another ambulance, LT lies stretched out on a stretcher, blood soaking through the layers of bandages. A PARAMEDIC checks LT's vital signs. Elly holds LT's hand, sobbing. MR. & MRS. TORRES stand nearby, hands on their daughter's shoulder. The paramedic steps back. PARAMEDIC I'm sorry, he's dead. Elly looks at the paramedic in disbelief. ELLY (gripping the gurney ) No, no. Elly grieves over LT. Reporters nearby FLASH photos.

MR. TORRES Get the fuck away! Mr. Torres waves his arms, shooing the reporters away.

EXT. LANE OF SHADOWS A large pipe feeds out into the Lane of Shadows, a fenced off creek lined by trees and a gravel riverbed. Sean eases out of the large pipe through a torn grate, Wes follows. WES Head down.

74 Sean touches the pipe wall and steps down to the gravel bed. Wes eases off the pipe lip, gun in hand. The pair, with Sean in the lead, walk alongside the creek. Moonlight filters through the trees, casting dim shadows on the ground and the line of blood glistens on the pipe wall. WES Remember our barbeque? Sean kicks a rock into the water. SEAN "Fuck the science teachers, we're going to have our own barbeque" Peter said. WES That's right. (chuckles) He brought that Tandoori chicken stuff. I got the marinated pork belly–– SEAN I brought steak. Plain. WES You piece of shit, bringing steak with no seasoning. Always the worst–– Wes looks down the gravel path. WES Yeah, it was around this area. Stop. Sean stops. He rubs his shoe in the ground. WES Peter and I met up here once, without you. We stole his parent's liquor and got pissed drunk. Right before he––

Wes mimes crashing the car. Sean absorbs this. SEAN Why didn't you guys invite me–– WES Cuz he knew you'd be there to judge him, just like you judged me. I got Peter. I understood. You will . Sean sits on the ground, draws on it. Looks up at Wes.

75 SEAN What did he say? WES What? SEAN Before you let him get in the car? Wes looks at Sean. WES You think it's my fault, that I let him die? SEAN When he and Elly broke up the first time–– Sean stands up and looks up at the moon, hiding just behind the branches above. SEAN He told us living was suffering. He got a C on the midterm the next day...he said his dad hit–– WES Fuck his dad, fuck everyone. This life is bullshit. Worrying about getting pussy, grades, pleasing Daddy, teachers, white people, bitches––maybe Peter's a fucking genius and thought, why don't I check out, this ride sucks. Sean stares at Wes. SEAN I fucking miss him. Wes lowers his gun. He stares at Sean, as if a crack in his shield of rage was letting him see Sean for the first time.

WES Yeah. The two of them stand there in the shadows, the creek murmurs along next to them. Wes's eyes catch something on the ground. WES What the fuck is that? Wes points to the ground near Sean's feet. An ARROW shape is drawn into the dirt. Wes stamps the arrow out and points his gun on Sean. WES You leading that bitch here? Paranoid, Wes looks behind him.

76 SEAN Wes–– WES Move! Sean moves forward down the path. Wes follows, checks behind him for cops. He grips his side wound.

INT. UNDERGROUND TUNNELS Officer May and Soto along with SWAT OFFICERS 1 & 2 ease down the tunnel, flashlight and guns drawn. SOTO Geez, who would've thought they had such a crazy tunnel system down here. MAY It's an old building they–– Drawings on the wall catch her attention. She traces her finger around a drawing. MAY (to self) Thanks Sean. (to team) They went down this way. Look for any similar markings as this. May and her team rush away. PULL BACK to reveal a BLOODY ARROW drawing on the wall.

EXT. PARKING LOT Mama and Papa Chang push through the crowds of people to the border of the perimeter. MAMA CHANG Oh my god, oh my god, where's Sean? PAPA CHANG Stay calm, he must be here–– Papa Chang, disheveled but determined, pushes against the emergency tape barrier and waves down OFFICER HERNANDEZ. PAPA CHANG Officer, we received a call. My son–– OFFICER HERNANDEZ Sir, please step back––

77 MAMA CHANG Our son, Sean Chang! Where is he? Officer Hernandez perks up. OFFICER HERNANDEZ You're the parents of Sean Chang? PAPA CHANG Yes, Chang is spelled Z-H-A– OFFICER HERNANDEZ I know. (to radio) Commander Tomley, the Chang parents are here. MAMA CHANG Is he ok? (to Papa Chang ) Why is he talking into the radio? Officer Hernandez listens in through his earpiece and nods. He lifts the barrier tape. OFFICER HERNANDEZ If you two could follow me, my commander would like to speak with you. A nearby PARENT 1 pushes forward. PARENT Why are you letting them pass? What about us? A GROUP OF PARENTS form around the Changs and Hernandez. OFFICER HERNANDEZ Please everyone step back–– PARENT What the fuck, we've been waiting for hours, our kids are in there too! OFFICER HERNANDEZ We need to speak to them specifically, don't worry–– PARENT 2 Why them specifically? Are they the shooter's parents? The group erupts and surge forward, they grab at the Changs. Hernandez and other OFFICERS push the crowd back. OFFICER HERNANDEZ (to the Changs ) Head to the big tent ahead, go!

78 Papa and Mama Chang duck under the tape and run forward as Hernandez and the officers push back the crowd.

EXT. PLAYGROUND - NIGHT Sean steps out from the creek treeline onto a children's playground. Monkey bars, bridges, slides, elementary school kid's dream. Lamps light the landscape. BOBBY (10, boy) and THAO (11, girl), chase each other on bikes on the playground lot. JASON (9, boy) and SANDEEP (10, boy) climb the monkey bars. They pause mid hang as Sean appears. Behind Sean, Wes steps out. The pair are a mess of blood and tunnel grime. The boys gape at them. Wes hides his handgun gun behind him. Jason walks up to Sean. Judges his clothes. JASON You guys bums? Sandeep runs up. SANDEEP Don't be rude Jason. Bobby and Thao notice and ride over. Sean eyes Wes then looks to the kids. SEAN Hey guys, where's your parents? It's late. Thao studies Sean and Wes. THAO (to Wes) You look familiar. WES Is that so? Thao's eyes widen with recognition, she notices him hiding something behind him. THAO Hey guys... BOBBY What's that behind you, man? JASON Oh shit, is that a BB gun? Jason steps close and points to Wes's gun.

79 WES It's better than a BB gun. Sean steps between Wes and the kids. SEAN Everyone go home. Wes cocks the gun. SEAN (to the kids) Leave. NOW! BLAM! Wes fires into the sky. The kids SCRAMBLE away. Jason stumbles. Sandeep lifts him. They run off. Wes points it at Sean. WES You really think I was going to shoot kids? Come on, man. He pushes Sean forward. RUSTLING. SOTO Wes, let's talk this over. May, Soto and the two officers emerge from the tree line. Wes pushes Sean in front of him and puts the playground between him and the cops. WES Enough talking. Wes FIRES at the cops. The officers, take cover, shoot back, striking the playground. Sean ducks down.

OFFICER MAY Watch the hostage! Wes sprints away. OFFICER MAY Follow him! Soto leads the two other officers and run after Wes. Officer May reaches Sean. His side bleeds. A stray bullet. OFFICER MAY Sean, hold on. (to radio) Medical assistance needed, on the corner of––

80 Sean, exhausted, shot, passes out.

INT. TORRES HOUSE - NIGHT Mr. Torres speaks to an OFFICER at the front door. Elly watches from the stairs. OFFICER ––for the loss. Thank you for your cooperation. We'll be in touch in the morning. MR. TORRES Thank you. Goodnight. Mr. Torres closes the front door and looks up at Elly. MR. TORRES Elly, I–– ELLY Sorry, Daddy, I just––can't talk to anyone right now. Mrs. Torres places a hand on Mr. Torres's shoulder. He holds it. MR. TORRES Ok. We love you. Elly nods and goes into her room. Mr. and Mrs. Torres hug each other and cry.

INT. ELLY'S BEDROOM Elly collapses on her bed. She stares at the ceiling. ELLY Sean. Elly sits up and goes to her desk and picks up the phone. She dials a number. Voicemail. ELLY Sean, call me back or AIM me when you can––I need to hear your voice. She sets down the phone and wakes up the computer. She logs into AIM. She messages SuperEgoAlphaNinja. ELLY (messaging ) Sean, where are you? She lies back down so tired she's unable to sleep.

81 INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Sean lies bandaged in a hospital bed. Bright fluorescent lights, light blue and green hues decorate the walls. Sean goes in and out of consciousness. POV: The faces of NURSES, POLICE, Officer May, Mr. & Mrs. Chang, his sister Ying, flood in and out of his vision. Sean's alone. Then–– Peter looks at him from the foot of his bed, wearing a gray hoodie. His face is sad. Sean reaches out to him. SEAN (struggling ) Pe––– Peter's gone. Sean wakes up, arm stretched towards the foot of his bed. Mama Chang and Ying come to his side. Father Chang stands behind them. MAMA CHANG What is it? YING Sean, you ok? Sean settles back, he stares at the ceiling. SEAN Ying. They get Wes? Ying shakes her head. YING No. They checked his house. His dad–– murdered.

SEAN Fuck. MAMA CHANG Don't tell him such bad things now, he's recovering. SEAN Mom, it's ok. What about Elly, the others? YING I don't know, it's been chaotic––at least for you the doctor says the bullet only grazed your side. Papa Chang stands beside Sean, tears in his eyes.

82 PAPA CHANG Son, how do you feel? SEAN I'm fine dad––are you ok? PAPA CHANG Don't worry about me. You need to take care of yourself. (to Mama Chang ) Su-Li let him rest. Papa Chang pats Sean and pulls on Mama Chang. Mama Chang shoots Sean a concerned look. They step away. YING Ben is in the next room, I remember him from grade school. SEAN Ben–– YING He's ok, you should rest. KNOCK KNOCK. Commander Tomley stands by the door, flanked by officers. He holds something in his hand. TOMLEY Excuse me. I'd like to speak to Sean Chang here if he's up to it. Sean zeroes in on the notebook Tomley has. It's the Gray.

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT - NIGHT TV REPORTER 1, (40s, male) speaks to the camera as EMERGENCY PERSONNEL, STUDENTS and PARENTS reunite in the background. TV REPORTER 1 Tearful students hug their parents who've been waiting for hours to find out if their children are safe. For some, this is not the case. TV REPORTER 2, (40s, female) speaks to another camera. TV REPORTER 2 A massive manhunt is on the way for "Wes Wu". Police are sweeping the neighborhood, block by block. If you have any information–– CUT TO:

83 INT. BEN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT TV REPORTER 2 continues her report on a television set in Ben's bedroom. A YEARBOOK PICTURE of Wes's face is posted on the screen. Note: The TV reports play throughout this scene. TV REPORTER 2 ––or happen to see him, please exercise caution. He is armed and dangerous. WES (O.S.) Hey look mom–– We follow the bloodstains on the floor to Wes in the open bathroom door connected to Ben's room.

INT. BEN'S BATHROOM WES ––I'm on TV. Wes washes his hands then touches his newly bandaged side wound, making sure it's secure. He washes his hands then throws on his shirt. He steps out to––

INT. BEN'S BEDROOM ––Ben's desk, sits at the open computer, he logs in and turns on AIM. He types in SuperEgoAlphaNinja into the username. WES What was it––? Wes types in a password, he's in. WES Yes.

A message pops up from EllyNovember. ELLYNOVEMBER Sean, where are you? Wes smiles at his good luck and types: SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Elly! I need to see you.


84 INT. ELLY'S BEDROOM Elly lies in bed still staring at the ceiling. A BLING sound snaps her out of her reverie. She perks up at the message. ELLYNOVEMBER Sean! Are you ok? What do you mean? SUPEREGOALPHANINJA I'm fine, need your help. About Wes. Meet me at Lakeside park in 20 min. Don't tell anyone. Elly stares at the message, taken aback. ELLYNOVEMBER What is it? SUPEREGOALPHANINJA I need to see you in person. Alone. It's important. Trust me. ELLYNOVEMBER Ok. I'll be there. Can't sleep anyways. SUPEREGOALPHANINJA Thank you. Bring your phone. =) Elly gets up and throws on her jacket and pockets her phone. She looks at the messages, pensive. Time is 3:10AM. She opens her window and climbs out carefully onto the roof. BEN'S ROOM Wes gets dressed. He grabs a baseball bat in the corner of the room and feels it's weight. He looks at the TV. An ASIAN TV NEWSREPORTER (female, 20s) is on screen.

ASIAN TV NEWSREPORTER Although it's too early to tell, race and sex may have been a motive–– A bat SMASHES the TV screen. WES Shut the fuck up. He SWINGS and smashes a mirror.

INT. HOSPITAL Tomley questions Sean in his hospital bed.

85 SEAN ––I had it in my car so I could return it to Wes. (angry) I wasn't reviewing notes with Wes for the shooting. I tried to stop him. TOMLEY You understand it's a little troubling–– Ying interjects. YING We want a lawyer. TOMLEY Sorry young lady, each minute we delay–– YING Don't patronize me, we want a lawyer before you have my brother say another word. Officer Hernandez peaks his head into the room. OFFICER HERNANDEZ Sergeant, Lieutenant Daniels is here to see you. Tomley grits his teeth. TOMLEY I'll be there. (to the nearby Officers ) Sean is to be on watch until further notice. SEAN Wait, where's my pager? TOMLEY With my investigative team. So far only Elly Torres has tried to get in touch with you twice. Sean perks up at Elly's name. Tomley heads out the room. Officers stand guard outside the entrance. Sean reaches out to Ying. SEAN Let me borrow your phone. Ying hands Sean her cell phone. He types in a number. Mama Chang hovers. SEAN Mom, please. Ying pulls Mom away.

86 MAMA CHANG (to Ying as she backs away ) Why is he calling a girl this late? How long have they been going out––? Sean listens to the phone, someone picks up. Just breathing. SEAN Elly? WES (O.S.) Don't say my name or I blow this bitch's brains out. Sean shocked, turns from his family. SEAN (playing it cool ) Ok. WES (O.S.) I have Elly. Meet me at Lakeside in thirty minutes. No cops. Just you or she's dead. Bye. SEAN Wait! CLICK. Sean stares at the phone. Sean calls the number again. ELLY? (voicemail) Sorry I can't come to the phone right now–– SEAN Fuck. Ying walks over to Sean. YING Eveything ok? She pick up? SEAN Yeah, can you take the parents to the lobby or something. I need, I just–– YING I get it. She puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. YING Get some rest baby bro. She walks over to the parents, Father Chang nods and heads towards the door. Mama Chang walks to Sean.

87 MAMA CHANG I'm going to get you some vitamins, they'll help you recover, don't stress too hard, remember to breathe–– SEAN Ok mom, stop, I––I love you. She stares at him, perplexed. MAMA CHANG Get some rest. SEAN (to Ying and Papa Chang ) I love you Daddy. Love you Ying. Papa Chang nods his head. YING Love you to little bro, we'll be back soon. The Chang family walks out the room. The officers outside see them off. Sean pulls the hospital curtain around his bed, blocking the view from the hallway. He pulls his sheets taut. He looks out the building window. He's on the second floor, not too far up. He gingerly puts on his street clothes. He makes a makeshift rope out of the hospital sheets and ties it to his bed. He looks into the hallway, the officers are looking the other way. He pulls on the bed sheet rope hard, it's sturdy. He climbs out the window holding the rope.


Sean scales down the wall, keeping an eye out for anyone watching. The last sheet RIPS. He falls one story into the bushes below. Sean swallows his GROAN and grip his hurt side lying on the ground.

INT. BEN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Broken glass litters the room. A shattered TV smokes on a desk. Pieces of the smashed computer scatter across the table. BEN'S DAD (O.S.) (in the hallway, on the phone ) I'll grab his jacket and a change of clothes, will he need anything else?

88 Ben's dad opens the door. BEN'S DAD Oh my god. He stands agape at the damage.

INT. HOSPITAL ROOM Officer May walks into the empty hospital room. OFFICER MAY Sean, are you sleeping? I wanted to–– She shivers at the cold draft. OFFICER MAY It's cold. Here I'll––– She sees the rope coming out the window––the empty bed. She swings open the door. OFFICER MAY (to Guard A) Who spoke to Sean last? He's gone. GUARD A What? (looks at the empty bed ) Damn it. He was speaking to his sister, they should be in the lobby. OFFICER MAY Radio the team, I'm going to talk to the family. Guard A nods, May runs to the lobby.

EXT. LAKESIDE PARK - TREES At the edge of the park, in the shade of large trees, Sean breaks a branch and grips it in his hand. The moon is lower and casts longer shadows on the park benches. The branch is about forearm's length and firm, he tucks it into his arm sleeve. He bends low and pockets some rocks in his pants. He creeps out of the tree line and approaches the pier.

EXT. LAKESIDE PARK - PIER Sean walks out to the edge of the pier, the planks CREAK from the weight.

89 The reeds nearby RUSTLE. Wes steps out, gun by his side. His cheek and forehead bleeds from scratch marks. They face each other on the pier. WES You alone? Sean nods. SEAN Where's Elly? WES She's fine, more or less. She put up a fight. He gestures to his cheek. WES I don't know what you and Peter see in her. Sean discreetly shakes his jacket arm. SEAN (ignoring him) Wes, stop this madness. Your dad–– WES Is dead. The world's a better place. Wes scratches his temple with the barrel of his gun. WES If only I could kill everyone else. SEAN I don't think you have enough bullets. WES I have enough to kill you.

Wes raises the gun to Sean. WES ...and then myself. SEAN Join Peter. Is that what you wanted? WES The trio reunited. Except––he's going to be mad at you. Fucking his girl. Wes shakes his head in disgust.

90 WES I see him sometimes. And all I have to share with him is shit, the shit this world is, the shit you've done against him. SEAN I see him too. WES Stop. I know what you're trying to do. Empathize and then manipulate like that negotiator. SEAN In the hospital––I saw him, wearing that same stupid hoodie. His face was sad. Wes nods, takes this in, lowers the gun and walks closer. SEAN He wouldn't want you to hurt Elly. WES There it is! The manipulation. Well, he wouldn't want you fucking her. How was it? How was her pussy? Sean inches the stick discreetly out from his sleeve, keeping it to his side. SEAN Wes, you need help. WES I have enough help in this hand. He motions to his gun and looks out to the water. WES I've wanted to sign out for so long. I want it to be here. I thought you understood––but you judged me like everyone else. Wes raises the gun. Blood trickles from Wes's forehead wound into his eye. Sean eases the branch out. WES (to Sean) Any last words–– Sean swings the stick at Wes's hand. The gun FIRES before it clatters to the edge of the pier. Sean's arm bleeds. Adrenaline pumping, he charges, swings the branch wildly at Wes. Wes throws his forearms up. He grabs Sean's stick and headbutts him. Sean falls back. Wes runs towards his gun. Sean throws a rock into Wes's face, he grabs his face in pain.

91 Sean scrambles and gets the gun, Wes tackles Sean. They grapple for the gun. BLAM! Wes's shoulder bleeds. Sean gets on top of Wes and aims the gun at Wes's head. WES Do it! Wes grips the barrel. WES Fucking do it! SEAN Argh! Sean rams the handle of the gun into Wes's temple. WES (face bloody) Thats it! Come on SEAN! Sean rams the gun down HARD. Wes slumps down, unconscious. Sean eases up. He scans the space. SEAN Elly! Where are you? From the reeds that Wes stepped out from, a RUSTLE. Sean runs over. He drops the gun as he enters the reeds.


Mama Chang and Papa Chang sit in their chairs distraught. Ying comforts them. Charlie is there as well. Officer May is on the phone. OFFICER MAY (to phone ) You got a location? May scribbles into her notebook. OFFICER MAY I can work with that. And what else? Oh, shit. May scribbles furiously. Ying walks over.

92 YING Any news? OFFICER MAY We ran a trace on your phone to Elly's phone. Her phone pinged a tower near the southwest side of town. It's a general area we'll have to sweep with helicopters–– CHARLIE (O.S.) Lakeside. May looks at Charlie with sudden realization. OFFICER MAY The park on the southwest. CHARLIE Last time, I saw Wes and Sean head there, when they––fucked Ben's car. May types in a number. OFFICER MAY (to phone ) I want the search focused at Lakeside Park. Get a SWAT TEAM ready.

EXT. LAKESIDE PARK - REEDS Elly lies on her side: gagged, arms and legs zip tied together. Based on the marks on the ground, she's been able to shimmy across to the reeds and rustle them. He bends down and unties the gag. ELLY Sean, you're bleeding.

SEAN It's ok, I got you. Sean searches his pocket. He finds a sharp rock and cuts at the zip tie restraints. After some effort, her arms and legs break free. She hugs him, enveloping him. They kiss. Holding her hand, he leads her out of the reeds and––

93 EXT. LAKESIDE PARK - PIER - CONTINUOUS ––walks out to see Wes standing, holding the gun. They freeze. Wes looks at them holding hands. Sean steps in front of Elly. She moves from behind him to stand side by side Sean. Wes observes them. The faint WHIRR of helicopters approach. Wes listens to the impending storm. WES Thanks for the fight. Bye Sean Chang, hi Peter. Wes stares Sean in the eyes. WES I just wanted you to be here. Wes shoves the barrel of the gun into his mouth. SEAN Wes! BLAM! Wes crumples to the ground. Sean rushes forward. He holds Wes as life leaves him. Above HELICOPTERS fly ahead. HELICOPTER PILOT (O.S.) There was a shot at Lakeside Park, pier area. Suspect appears to have a self-inflicted––

Spotlights shoot down on Sean and Wes. Blaring SIRENS approach. SWAT TEAM surround Sean as he holds Wes.


INT. UNDERGROUND TUNNELS - DAY - FLASHBACK A HAND with a sharpie, signs a blank space of wall: Penguin. Pull back to reveal: Peter steps back and admires his signature. PETER What do you guys think? WES I think it's my turn to sign. PETER Sean?

94 Wes grabs a different color sharpie and signs Wolf. Sean admires both of the signatures. SEAN Your guys handwriting is lot better mine. Got a lot of pressure now. WES Sean, stop being a pussy. PETER (ignoring Wes, to Sean) Here, this is your favorite color right? Peter hands Sean an aqua blue sharpie. PETER Even if you fuck up, it's still going to look cool. Sean laughs and turns to the wall. He signs "Sparrow". The three of them observe their signatures. They share a smile of youth and innocence.

MONTAGE: - Students around the country watch multiple news reports of the shooting. - TVs in homes, classrooms, bars display: NEWS REPORTER A In a package received in the mail, the essay details intense hate towards women, particularly asian women and white men–– NEWS REPORTER B ––the family of the victims and the extended family of the shooter have declined comment for the time being––

NEWS REPORTER C The police department is denying any warning signs that were brought to their attention despite sources saying Wes had been reported as–– One by one the screens turn off.

INT. UNDERGROUND TUNNELS - DAY - YEARS LATER A HAND turns on two electric candles and places them under a wall with the signatures Penguin, Wolf, and Sparrow. New GRAFFITI surrounds it, but no graffiti covers the names, as if in respect.

95 EXT. HIGH SCHOOL QUAD - DAY - YEARS LATER Sean (20s) walks the empty campus. He passes the vacant tables of his old school breathing in past memories. His left arm moves stiffly.

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - BLEACHERS He walks to the bleachers looking out over the football field. ELLY (O.S.) Sean? Sean turns to find Elly (20s). SEAN (surprised) Hey, wow, its––– Elly climbs up the bleachers and they hug. ELLY It's been a while. SEAN Yeah. Sean looks off to the side. Not far off is the remodeled Gym and a GROUP OF FACULTY and STUDENTS standing outside of it eating appetizers. A reception in progress. A banner that reads, "IN REMEMBRANCE", hangs from the entrance. ELLY I saw Anne and Ben, they're not together any more. They brought their kid, really cute. Sean nods his head, not sure what to say. Elly senses the awkwardness of her comment.

ELLY Hey, are you alright? Elly holds Sean's hand. SEAN I have no idea what I'm going to say in my speech. ELLY Tell them, tell them about your life. SEAN My life kind of sucks right now. Elly hugs Sean, holds him close.

96 SEAN Why didn't we work? Elly breaks the hug. ELLY It's––when I see you––it's too hard. Sean nods his head. SEAN It's the same for me, I just, it still hurts. Sean looks at the reception in the distance. SEAN It does get better. I met a girl at UC. ELLY Oh yeah? SEAN She's is a bit different. Things are complicated. ELLY You guys make it complicated. Let's go. They walk towards the gym. ELLY Kids still climb into the tunnels. SEAN I know, why do you think I was late? Elly playfully slaps Sean.

Sean looks at the building. He sees: Officer May, Anne wearing a prosthetic, Ben with a leg brace. Charlie waves at them. Elly holds Sean stiff arm and they join the group.

INT. GYM REMODELED - CONTINUOUS POV: MEMORIALS for LARRY TORRES, MEGAN KIM, EDWARD ANDERSON, PRINCIPAL DAVID JOHNSON, line the stage of the new space. Sean looks at each one intently. He closes his eyes. INSERT: Underground Tunnels - the two electric candles. FADE OUT