Dead, 1,302; Saved, 868--Enormity of SeaTragedy ? Grows, and Hope of Reassuring News Becomes More Faint

THE TITANIC AMD HER CAPTAIN, E. J. SMITH. TOLL OF SHIP'S DEAD LIST OF TITANICS PASSENGERS CARPATHIA BEARS IS FELT WORLD OVER BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN LOST ALL THAT ARE Of ALIVE Ihr I3S first i'lam puMD^cre who perished when the Tltnnlc Trent 24 tue IK) second clnss paasengcrs who down, were women and 114 men; lost their Ursa, 21 were women and 139 men. The list which hits To Thousands of Homes Sinking of White ed compiled by striking from ih- orlsrtiisl follows red. paantiiKtr list the names of lho«: wJiu are reported to hare tuen It Now Is FIRST-CLASS Definitely Known That No Other Star Liner Titanic Has Bur¬ PASSENGEHS. , wife, manservant S. Gale. Brought John Jacob Aator. and innld. John Gill. Vessels Reach Scene of Accident II. J. Allison, wire daughter, son, in den of Sorrow and Immeasur¬ Frederick Sutton. Giles. maid and nurae. Itslph G. Thome and wife. Hansek Glvard. Time to Pick of Pas¬ able . Mr. Cruchurtu. Up Any Dread. Harmonil Ar-tagn-Vey-tlo. Samuel Grcenbers;. WyckofT Vanderhoef. Fred Giles. or Crew. Major Butt. W. Anderson Walker, sengers J. Baumann. Edgar Giles. PASSENGERS PERISH MISERABLY IN r. M. Harren. Lawrence Gnrey. Qulgg Baiter. J. Weir. T. Walter itnrrl«. FIGURES ICY WASTE THAT BETRAYED THEM Ileattle. George U. Widener. TELL STORY OF HEROISM I. III? Bonuell. Samuel Herman. M. J. White. Stepben Hold. OF MEN ABOARD THE SINKING II. BJornstrom. Perclvel W. White. LINER to Stephen Weaurt Blackwell, George Hunt. No Reassuring News Comes Lessen Tragic Story, Richard V. White, yrtfe, maid and Leonard Hlckman. Ueno' Blank. manservant. '': and No Doubt Remains That All on Board Were J. J. Borebank. Stanley Hickman. Masters of Millions Stand Aside While Cearec D. Wick nnd wife, Ambrose Hood. Many Bravely John B. Bradf. i.nircr Wright. Lost Except Those Who Are Now on Carpathia. E. Braudels. Benjamin Howard. Boats Are Filled With Women and Children. Ellen T. Howard. Dr. Arthur Jackson Brew. Rule of the Sea Holds True, and Women and SECOND-CLASS PASSENGERS. Benjamin Hart. Great Secret of Ship's Death in Collision With Frank Carlson. John Aahhy. Children Are Put in Lifeboats, While Men Are F. M. Carran. John HnrpCT. Not Yet Told, and Wireless Ear Is Samson Abclson. Mr. Hoffman and two children. Iceberg Every J. P. Carran. Hannah Abelson. Left to Meet Death of Heroes. T. W. Cavendish. Ororge Hocking. Waiting to Catch Story Which Carpathia Has to Edgar Andrew. Henry P. Hodgea. New that came the air from Herbert F. Chaffee. Lillian Bentham. of the Sea's Horror York, April 16..Nothing through Hobert Martha HUtuner. Tell--Mysteries May Be Chlabolm. Robert J. Hut»-mau. tho sea to-day mitigated in any degree the pity and the horror Walter M. Clark. Bertha llett. Cleared . Clifford Jeffert. Up To-Day. of the Titanic tragedy except as individual distress was abated George Qulne-y Clifford. Reginald Butler. E. P. Erneat Jeffrey. That the final roll of the rescued from the Titanic disaster had the addition of names to the list of the known survivors. Colley. B. J. Beauchamp. Sidney S. Jncohsohu. by gradual Mm. A. T. Compton. Jose De Brlto. Stephen Jenkins. practically been made up was the .'mpression that grew almost into There are no known survivor.-; that are not on the The Her. Thomna It. D. Carpathia. -Allan S. \\ . Comptnn. Bylea. Dr. J. C. Jeuklna. conviction last the hours vore on without the revision of Mr. Hanihridge. night aji was too late, and found none, and no other re¬ A. T. Compton, Jr. John D. Jarrls. to the of Virginian ship has Solomon Bowrntir. S. Kantor nnd wife. lists adding measurably total known survivors. John B. Crafton. Mildred Brown. ported any. In the icy. seas where the Ti¬ Kdward G. Crosby. llnulel Keane. Of the definite news of the disaster the night added title. Down rinding fog-sniothcrcd Perch Bally. Itcv. Churlea Klrkland. John Bradley Cununlngs. W. Hull the Atlantic coast, in many as he report show? tanic sank, exposure must soon have destroyed those who were left P. P. Dal}. Botaford. P. Karnes. fog-enveloped places, William Bcrreman. Johu the Cunarder on her the 8t>S lives that to life belts or when all the boats were no Thornton Da>ldson. Henrik K villner. ed, crept Carpathia, bearing wreckage gone and help Carl Bryhl. Ilcnc Learnot. the waters Mr. Douglas. Frederick J. had been snatched from when the Titnic's boats, laden had come an dthe great foundered. The Mlas Caroline Endreo. BanOeld. Jnhn I.lnjnn. steamship receding Oympic, It. C. Coleridge. Hobert W. N. Leraon, to their limit, one by one made their way from the giant liner as it on Mlas E. Adama. Col whose powerful wireless began Tuesday morning to recite the Mra. A. F. I,. Eganheliu. Harvey Iyer. Joseph Laroche. became known that she was soon to take her fatal Irene C. Corbett. J. J. Lamb. plunge. names of the conducted the work of the B. L. Foreman. Mra. C. But the rescue was within wireless living, relaying Carpathia's Mark Fortune. P. Corey. Charles Louch. although ship reported range and the successive T. John H. Chapmen. R. F. Levy. of the Sable Island station at a hour and dispatches, bulletins posted at the Wliite Star P. Franklin. Elizabeth Chapman. comparatively early every J. Futrelle, William LnhtJgen. wirelcss ear was to catch the snap of a receiver which office kept many an anxious man or woman all and Arthur Rer. Eraeat E. Carter. Emlllo Maaglaraoohf. waiting might waiting day, Gee. Lillian Carter. mean the secret of the death was about to sent others away God. E. Lb GoldenherB. Mr. Marshall. that great liner's be given thanking Charles V. Clark*. Erneat Mornweek. came George B. Goldeschmidt. F.rlk Collander. up, midnight and went and the night began to grow old.and Nearly All Men Went Down. Victor Glglio. Noel Malachnrd. not Stuart Collett. James McCrle. c still the word had been spoken. It is a now that all of men Henry B. Harris, Charles practically certainty nearly the of vthe W. H. Harrlaon. Chsptuan. Joseph Mantrlln, Figures Tell Story of Heroism. Titanic's went down with the H. William Carbines. Frank IL company ship when.she plunged two Hoven. Harry Cotterlll. Mnyberry. Carefully compiling the available lists, the record of the named miles toward the ocean floor or that while Charles 31. Rari. Thomas F. Miles. they perished miserably Christopher Head. Sebaatlanl Dr Carlo. Mary Mack. survivors of the disaster stands significantly thus: clinging to wreckage or life preservers in the icy waste that be¬ W. F. Heat. Herbert Denbury. Thorium Mundil. James V. Drew. .Henry Mitchell. Men.79. trayed them. They gave up life within of the Herbert H. Milliard. Marshall sight little, rocking W. E. Hopkins. Drew. A. Mallett. Women.223. boats that held their women and children. Percy Deacon. \V. J. Matthews. A. O. Holvcraon and wife. Charles Children.16. It cannot lie doubted now that among these were Colonel 3Ilss A. E. Icham. Darlcs. Peter McKane. John Birnbaum Jakob. William Dlbden. August Meyer. Total.328. Jacob Astor, Isidor Straus. .Major Archibald \V. Butt, aide to C. C. William J. Denton. Jacob Milling. Of the known survivors it is estimated that not Jones. Lena N. Def. remaining 540 President Taft; George 1). Widmcr, of Philadelphia) Karl H. Behr, II. F. Julian. Joseph Nlcbolls. more than too were seamen required to man the boats. This would the tennis j Futrcllc, the William T. Edward A. Kent. Stanley Fos. Hobert D. Norman. champion Jacques writer; F. It. Kenyon. ArueJ Fnblstrom. Nicholas Naaser. leave approximately 440, and in the ordinary proportions of women .Stead, the London editor; Francis D. Millet, the American artist, Herman Klnber. Harry Faunthorpe. L. Xesson. and children in the where the in the Titariic's Charlea Fillbrook. Richard Otter. steerage, passengers and many, many more who were known on both sides of the At¬ William S. Lambert. care E. G. l.ewy. Annie FJunk. Hobert Phillips. numbered 710, it seems prohahle that the greater part of these lantic. Milton C. Long. Joseph Fynney. Or. Alfred Paine. 440 were women and their little ones. Alfred Gaskell. Frederick The loll of the Titanic's dead will be felt the world over. The J. H. luring. Pengeliy. could show more the heroism of ihe crew and J. E. Magrulre. William Glllesple. Clifford Parker. Nothing plainly names of ihc survivors sent by wireless include a small number of William Gilbert. Martin Ponezll. the men who stood the doomed Pierre Marochal. Gale. passengers by ship, facing practi¬ men, who were able t< rind place with the women and children in D. W. Marvin. Hnrn Crank Pnlsauni. inevitable and sent th women Peter H. Rebouf. cally death, and children away in (he all too few boats. Such as there is the T. McCaffrr. the lifeboats. to goodness places among Timothy J. McCarthy. Harry Heuern. Some would have be left: that was a certainty. living Henry Steeper Harper, of the publishing firm of Harper & J. IC McGough. Emlle Richard. Hundreds, in fact, were left. But to all appearances, the men who Co., and Mrs. Dr. and A. Melody. Approximate Statement Darld Fteevea. Harper; Mrs. Mary Fraucnthal and Mr. and Miss E. were left stayed behind deliebrately aside to lot the Mrs. T. G. Fraucnthal. Mrs. Edgar J. Meyer and wife. of Remolds. .calmly stepping Jolij, Jacob Astor, with her maid, is Dr. W. E. M In a hon. Titanic Disaster Georae Sweet. weaker ones., those to whom they owed protection, take their way on the Carpathia, which is the survivors to this and II. Mnrkland Molaotn. Krnrst A. SJostedt. to hurrying port, Clarence First cabin paanengera, Augustus Smith. safety. which should arrive here the others res¬ Moore and manservant, 325. Thursday night. Among Mr. .Morgan, wife and maid. Second cabin passengers, 2SS. Illchnrd .1. Slomer. "Sinking by the head. Have cleared boats and filled them with cued arc: J. Bruce !smay the managing Director of the White Star Cbarlca Natseh. Third cabin passengers, 710. Ilayden Sobey. women and children." Line; Mrs. D. A. W. .Newell. Total number of posacngera, 1,320. Philip J. Stokes. George VYidencr, of Philadelphia: George Gordon II. M. Slayter. This was the final message these brave men sent the wolrd. for and Cosmo Mrs. A. S. M elm Ron. Members of the crew, 8«0. Lady Duff, Jacques Futrcllc, Mrs. Charles M. S. Orira. Total passengers and crew. 2,1 SO. F. W. SeHgwtck. it was directly afterward that their wireless signals sputtered and Hays, whose husband is president of the Grand Trunk ; M. H. W. parr. Number of known survivors. SWS. Perrlval Suhnrp. then Railway Austin Partner. Number wlio Anno SInkkonen. stopped altogether. 'Mrs. Henry B. Harris and Mrs. of San Fran¬ probably pcrlahed, S. The that cisco. Washington Dodge, V. Payne. 1,803. Ward Stnnton. picture inevitably presents itself, in view of what is Thomas Pears and wife, Total tinmher of named ourrlv- OeorKe Swnne. known, is of men like John Jacob Astor. master of scores of mil¬ No Victor Pcnaaco, wife and oro, 32S. L. .Mnnltu Shelter. Distinctions Made in Rule of the Sea. maid. SI. E. I. lions: of the famous of The list of Walter 'C. Porter. Approximately twenty lifeboats Strunt. , family bankers: !si. survivors includes women and children from first Jonkheer manned by seven members William J. Turpln. .lor a merchant William T. veteran Renchllng. of the Ellen Straus, prince; Stead, journalist'; cabin, the second cabin and steerage. No distinctions were made George Rheims. erew each, I40. Toonejr. Archibald soldier; W. A. Röchling II. Estimated saved Moses A. Tr imp Inn sky. Major But?, Washington Röchling, noted engi¬ when the rule of the sea sent women and ateeroge passen¬ Mrs. A. T. or children to the boats and Hugh Rood. gers, 400. Terran. neer.of any all of these men stepping aside and bravely, gal¬ left the men to their fate. J. Hugo Hose. Total. SRS. James Veole, to that M. Mrs. George Wilkinson. lantly, remaining die, the place he otherwise might have The first Rothschild. NAMED SVRVTVORS. ' message from the that filtered A du in C. filled could, be taken some airs this Oympic through Alfred Röwo. Flrat cahtn pnsacngersi Wilkinson. perhaps, by sabot-shod, shawl-enshroud! stormy early morning, that there, were 86S survivors on W. T. Stead. Women, 141. William J, Ware. jed, illiterate and pennilscs peasant woman of the was modified Mr, Schabert. A3. Leopold Welsr.. Europe. Carpathia, to-day "'to about 800," but whether one Men, Edward Of the survivors, what: Their of and message allowed for the boat's Frederick Seward. Children. 6. Wneadon. story peri! suffering, crews and others did not was not William lt. Stirer, Totnl, 210. John James Ware. with the revelation will furnish of what on made clear. Florence I«. Wore. they just happened board .lohn M. Smart, Second cabin passengersi the stricken ocean which will leave There is no absolute j. Clinch Smith. Women, 02. Charles Wilhelm. the,imagination certainty here as to how manv souls were R. W. Smith; E, Arthur Weat. nothing to draw upon.still remains to be told. I tow on the Titanic when she hurled Men. Id. Edwin Wheeler. quickly they herself against an iceberg. The first W. A. Spenaer. Children, 10. will be able to tell it and clear up all the of which- ~* Max Mian H. Vndla. mysterie.- identity (Continued on Elgrhth Frollcher Stehll and wife, Total, 118. the limited of Fa**-T ._ A. A. Stewart. There were also 740 third-class carrying capacity the Carpathian wireless has loft ' passengers on board. . (Continued On "Ninth* Pace.) *