PRSRT STD U.S. 3267$*( 3$,' The Roundup

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Wednesday, May 15, 2019 Volume 45 • Number 14 Governor Signs Legislation To Return More Oil And Gas Tax Revenue To Eastern Montana Communities

Helena, Mont. – Governor Steve Bullock has signed House Representative Krautter credits the successful legislative Bill 656, a bill sponsored by House District 35 Representative effort to a united approach at the legislature. “We started having Joel Krautter (R-Sidney), to return more oil and gas tax revenue phone conferences and meetings with eastern Montana mayors to eastern Montana cities and towns. Sidney Mayor Rick Norby DQGLQWHUHVWHGVWDNHKROGHUVEHIRUHWKHVHVVLRQEHJDQWRÀQG was on hand for the bill signing and said, “This has been one common ground, identify our strategy to get this passed and ad- of my proudest moments as Mayor and I am so thankful for the dress any concerns early. I especially want to thank Tim Burton work of Representative Krautter.” In signing the bill Governor and Kelly Lynch with the Montana League of Cities and Towns Bullock stated that, “When eastern Montana does well, all of for their assistance and hard work on this bill. Bringing more oil Montana does well.” and gas money back to eastern Montana communities, where The legislation restores a funding structure that distributes the wealth is produced and impacts are felt on public safety and PRQH\IURPWKH%RDUGRI2LODQG*DV·RLODQGJDVQDWXUDOUH- LQIUDVWUXFWXUHZDVDSULRULW\RIPLQHVR,·PYHU\KDSS\WRVHH source account to cities and towns in counties with oil and gas this victory for the people of my district and eastern Montana,” production, without raising current production tax levels. This Krautter said. funding structure for cities and towns was in place prior to the Proponents of the bill included Richland County, with Com- 2017 legislature, at which time distributions to cities and towns missioners Shane Gorder and Loren Young traveling to Helena was eliminated due to legislative changes diverting money for to testify in support of the bill, Roundup Mayor Sandra Jones, other state programs. HB 656 restores this funding structure Sidney Mayor Rick Norby, Fairview Mayor Brian Bieber, Wolf to cities and towns, with a 50 percent distribution increase for Point Mayor Chris Dschaak, Fallon County Commissioner Roy FLWLHV DQG WRZQV IURP SUH OHYHOV 7KH ELOO·V ÀVFDO QRWH Rost, the Montana Association of Oil, Gas and Coal Counties, estimates the legislation will eventually restore the total annual the Montana League of Cities and Towns, the Montana Associ- distribution of $1-5 million to cities and towns in counties with ation of Counties, the Montana Infrastructure Coalition, and the oil and gas production. Montana Petroleum Association. Senator Tom Richmond (R-Billings) carried the legislation .UDXWWHU·VELOOKDGELSDUWLVDQVXSSRUWIURPWKHYHU\EHJLQ- in the Senate and stated the bill, “serves a very good purpose, ning, being co-sponsored by Senators Tom Richmond (R-Bill- it does provide some direct funding for impact areas that would ings), Steve Hinebauch (R-Wibaux), Duane Ankney (R-Col- not otherwise go there.” strip), Kenneth Bogner (R-Miles City), and Representatives Fairview Mayor Brian Bieber, while unable to attend the $ODQ'RDQH 5%ORRPÀHOG 5KRQGD.QXGVHQ 5&XOEHUWVRQ  bill signing was thankful to hear about the passage of HB 656 Joshua Kassmier (R-Fort Benton), Daniel Zolnikov (R-Billings) stating, “Thank you to everyone involved in this process. Funding and Democrats Bridget Smith (D-Wolf Point) and Mary Ann such as this is crucial to the survival of Fairview and other small Dunwell (D-Helena). oil impacted towns and cities.”

The Public Is Invited To Outlaw’s Gallery When Left to right, front to back: Representative Joel Krautter (R-Sidney), Governor Steve Bullock, Sidney Governor Burgum Visits On Governor Doug Mayor Rick Norby and Representative Bridget Smith Burgum Day In Watford City On May 23 (D-Wolf Point). (Photo submitted)

Watford City, ND – Mayor Phil Riely proclaimed Thursday, walk in the morning and then hosting a public listening session May 23, 2019 as Governor Burgum Day in Watford City. The IURP DP²  SP &7 DW 2XWODZ·V *DOOHU\ ORFDWHG DW MDT to Resume governor and his team are coming to visit Watford City for 120 Main Street South, Watford City. The public is invited to their Main Street Initiative. Mayor Riely urges local businesses attend as the governor discusses attracting and retaining a 21st to dress up their Main Street storefronts, and residents and century workforce; promoting healthy, vibrant communities; and Work Between students to display their warmest Watford City welcome to the IDFLOLWDWLQJVPDUWHIÀFLHQWLQIUDVWUXFWXUHDQGSODQVWRSDUWLFLSDWH governor and his team that day. in a question and answer session. Sidney To Fairview The governor and his team will be conducting a Main Street Next Week

&UHZVZLOOVRRQEHSXWWLQJWKHÀQLVKLQJWRXFKHVRQWKHQHZ stretch of highway between Sidney and Fairview. Border States 135th Annual State Firefighters Paving was scheduled to begin chip sealing operations on MT- 200 north of Sidney on Monday and, depending on weather, the contractor anticipates completing work the same week. &KLSVHDOLQJLVWKHÀQDOSKDVHLQDSURMHFWVWDUWHGODVW\HDU Convention To Be Held At Rough to improve safety and add capacity to the MT-200 roadway between Sidney and Fairview. Previous work focused on road widening to accommodate the installation of center-left turn lanes and passing lanes Rider Center In Watford City along MT-200, as well as surface improvements throughout the corridor. Chip sealing provides a moisture barrier for the underlying pavement extending the life of the roadway and lowering long- term costs. Drivers should expect reduced speeds of 35 mph in work ]RQHVZLWKÁDJJHUVDQGSLORWFDUVWRGLUHFWWUDIÀF7UDYHOHUVDUH encouraged to allow additional travel time to accommodate delays of up to 15 minutes and are reminded to watch for work crews and equipment. Updated detour and delay information can be found at: Chip sealing is scheduled to begin the week of May 13, and, weather permitting, will be completed within the week.

Spring Cleaning Is Going To Hit Sidney Watford City, ND fire trucks On Friday, May 17 (photo by Roxann Uhlich). The third annual Sidney Clean Up Day, where beautifying the community is the goal, is scheduled on that date starting at about 8 a.m. and ending at 2 p.m. Organizers for the event By Anna Dragseth :KLWH+RXVH$WSPWKHUHZLOOEHDSDUDGHRQ:DWIRUG&LW\·V include the Richland County Volunteers in Action, Seitz Insur- 7KLV \HDU ZLOO EH WKH ÀUVWHYHU )LUHÀJKWHUV &RQYHQWLRQ main street which the Watford City Fire Department encourages hosted by the Watford City Fire Department. The 135th Annual the general public to attend. Friday evening there is a banquet ance, the City of Sidney, Sidney Chamber and Richland County. Organizers hope to engage more volunteers than ever 1RUWK'DNRWD6WDWH)LUHÀJKWHUV&RQYHQWLRQZLOOWDNHSODFHDW and entertainment for the attendees. On Saturday, June 1, an before by having free trash bags and gloves available at Sidney the Rough Rider Center located at 2209 Wolves Den Parkway, HOHFWLRQRIRIÀFHUSRVLWLRQVDVZHOODVÀQDOUHSRUWVZLOOFRQFOXGH Watford City. The convention will start at 8 a.m. on Thursday, May the convention. “The purpose of the convention is to conduct the City Hall. Materials will be available in front of the garage doors 30 and conclude on Saturday, June 1. Attendees will consist of EXVLQHVVPHHWLQJRIWKH1RUWK'DNRWD)LUHÀJKWHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ E\WKHIRUPHUÀUHKDOOQH[WWR&LW\+DOO Large dumpsters will be located at the IGA and South 1RUWK'DNRWD)LUHÀJKWHUV$VVRFLDWLRQPHPEHUVZKLFKFRPSULVHV DQGSURYLGHDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRVRFLDOL]HZLWKRWKHUÀUHÀJKWHUVIURP Shopko parking lots. There will also be additional trash cans SULPDULO\RIDOOWKHÀUHGHSDUWPHQWVLQWKHVWDWHRI1RUWK'DNRWD across the State,” said Chairmen of the Convention Committee, situated along Second Street S.E. DSSUR[LPDWHO\ÀUHÀJKWHUVLQFOXGLQJVSRXVHVDUHH[SHFWHG -HII*URQRV7KH1RUWK'DNRWD)LUHÀJKWHUV$VVRFLDWLRQKDVKDG to attend. The convention will begin with a golf scramble at an annual convention each year that rotates between host cities 6LGQH\·VVFKRROVKDYHFRPPLWWHGWRFRYHUORFDOSDUNVDQG the Fox Hills Golf Course on Thursday, May 30. There will be throughout the state of North Dakota. “In 2016, the Watford City the walking path. Sidney Health Center is donating gloves and will clean up its campus during the day. UHJLVWUDWLRQIROORZHGE\D)LUH&KLHI·VPHHWLQJDQGDVRFLDODQG )LUH'HSDUWPHQWDWWHQGHGWKH1RUWK'DNRWD)LUHÀJKWHUV$QQXDO barbecue. On Friday, May 31, the convention reconvenes with Convention in Bottineau, ND and submitted their nomination Organizers are interested in larger events such as cleaning a Memorial Service honoring members of the North Dakota Fire and was unanimously elected to host the 135th Annual Fire WKHRXWVLGHRIEXLOGLQJVHWF,I\RXNQRZRIVXFKDQHHGHGSURM- Department that have passed away since the last convention. Convention in 2019,” explained Gronos. The Watford City Fire ect, please provide the information to Sidney City Hall. To reward the adult volunteers, there will be a no-host social Various other reports and business will be conducted as well as 'HSDUWPHQWLVORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRKRVWLQJLWVÀUVWHYHU1RUWK'D- beginning at 4 p.m. at the Meadowlark. Participants will get $1 Keynote Speaker, Robert J. Darling Lt Col USMC (Ret) who will NRWD)LUHÀJKWHUV$QQXDO&RQYHQWLRQDQGLVH[FLWHGWRVKRZFDVH be presen: 24 Hours Inside the President Bunker; 9-11-01: The all that the Watford City area has to offer. off a pint during the social. Individuals should make sure to ask for a coupon while gathering supplies. 2A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019

DEL Pickup And Delivery Dates: O EVENTS DRIVE-IN M Sidney: Wednesday Only SEND US YOUR EVENTS! CLEANERS OBITUARIES Watford City: Wednesday & Saturday THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207 SCIENTIFIC “ODORLESS” CLEANING 111 West Main • Sidney, MT 59270 406-433-3306 • Fax: 406-433-4114 • Email: [email protected] Serving Watford City At Meyer’s Department Store RICHLAND COUNTY 200 N Main • 701-444-2906 | Mon-Fri: 10am - 6pm • Sat: 10am - 5pm Crystal E. Martell, 85 Serving Sidney At Big Sky Embroidery And Design Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. 108 E Main • 406-433-7679 | Mon-Fri: 10am - 5pm Wed., May 15 Sidney, MT 10 a.m.-4 p.m. -WaterWorks Traveling Art Show - This event continues through June 1. Lobotomy By Lino DRY CLEANING | SHIRTS & JEANS STARCH | WELDERS STARCH A memorial service for Crystal Martell, 85, of Sidney, MT was Azevedo - This event continues through June 1. Viewing is 1129 2nd Ave W • Williston, ND | 701-572-3734 | held Friday, May 10 at 11 a.m. at Fulkerson-Stevenson Funeral free and open to the public. MonDak Heritage Center, 120 Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 3pm +RPHZLWK3DVWRU5LFKDUG(YDQVRIÀFLDWLQJ 3rd St. SE, Sidney, 406-433-3500. Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 Remembrances, condolences and pictures may be shared p.m.; Saturdays, 1-4 p.m. with the family at 1 p.m. - Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony - Honoring WKRVHRIÀFHUVZKRKDYHGLHGLQWKHOLQHRIGXW\:LOOEHKHOG Crystal passed away, Sunday, May 5 at Sidney Health outside of the Richland County Law and Justice Center. Thank You Center. Honor posting of the colors, tolling of the bell and taps. Traditional bagpipers will provide music for the ceremony. The family of Willie Atkinson would 6- 8 p.m. - Car Show - Everyone is welcome to come and VKRZRII\RXUFDUVDQGYLHZWKHDUHD·VFDUVDQGWUXFNV like to thank everyone for the cards, Between Rod Iron and Burger King. Weather permitting. Sign-up Your Thurs., May 16 condolences, flowers and monetary 16 p.m. - Candle Carving Class - $20 per person. MonDak Heritage Center, 120 3rd St. SE, Sidney. For more gifts. Your kindness and generosity Children For Junior information, 406-433-3500 or e-mail, [email protected]. Fri., May 17 was appreciated. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. - Sidney Spring Cleanup Day - Volunteers – Willie Atkinson Family Master Gardener will be appreciated. Free trash bags and gloves will be available at Sidney City Hall in front of the garage doors by WKHIRUPHUÀUHKDOO/DUJHGXPSVWHUVZLOOEHORFDWHGDWWKH :HEHOLHYHHYHU\FKLOGGHVHUYHVDVXFFHVVIXOIXWXUH Program, Watford IGA and South Shopko parking lots. Additional trash cans will be situated along 2nd St. S.E., Sidney. :HFDQKHOS\RX 5:30 p.m. - Marriage Night - One night live stream City Starting May 22 experience for Christian couples. Speakers are Francis & VWDUWRUH[SDQG Lisa Chan, Les & Leslie Parrott and Michael Jr., Comedian. DKLJKTXDOLW\ If you would like your children who are ages 10 to 12 years Dinner provided. Faith Alliance Church, 301 E. Main St., FKLOGFDUHDQG old to learn more about gardening, the Junior Master Gardener Sidney, MT. Register at MARRIAGENIGHT.ORG, $15 per Program (JMG) is for them! This free course will be held in person. HGXFDWLRQ Sat., May 18 SURJUDP Watford City starting Wednesday, May 22 from 5 p.m. CT to 10 a.m.-4 p.m. - Open Studio Saturdays - Do your own 6:30 p.m. CT and continuing weekly on Wednesdays during project with wet clay, paint with acrylics, or create something the summer. Pre-registration is requested by Monday, May 20 special together with your little one. Pricing is based on &RQWDFW)DPLO\&RQQHFWLRQVWRGD\ at NDSU Extension/McKenzie County. Please call 701-444- the medium and the size of your project, and ranges from $10 to $65 with all supplies included. For more information 6HUYLQJQRUWKFHQWUDO 3451 to register or email [email protected]. This program is modeled after the highly successful Master Gardener visit DQGQRUWKHDVWHUQ07 saturdays/. MonDak Heritage Center, 120 3rd St. SE, Sidney, Program and offers horticultural and environmental science 406-433-3500. education, and leadership and life skills development through Mon., May 20 fun and creative activities. The program is committed to helping 7-8 p.m. - Sidney City Council Meeting - If a resident has young people become good gardeners and good citizens so a matter to discuss with City Council, contact City Hall to be that they can make a positive contribution to their community, put on the agenda. Public welcome. City Hall, 115 2nd St. &ĂŵŝůLJŽŶŶĞĐƚŝŽŶƐDd͘ŽƌŐ SE, Sidney, MT. For more information call 406-433-2809. dŚŝƐƉƌŽũĞĐƚŝƐĨƵŶĚĞĚŝŶǁŚŽůĞŽƌŝŶƉĂƌƚƵŶĚĞƌĂĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚǁŝƚŚƚŚĞDŽŶƚĂŶĂĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚŽĨWƵďůŝĐ,ĞĂůƚŚĂŶĚ,ƵŵĂŶ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ͘dŚĞƐƚĂƚĞŵĞŶƚƐ school and family. ŚĞƌĞŝŶĚŽŶŽƚŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌŝůLJƌĞĨůĞĐƚƚŚĞŽƉŝŶŝŽŶŽĨƚŚĞĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ͘dŚŝƐƉƌŽũĞĐƚǁĂƐĨƵŶĚĞĚǁŝƚŚϭϬϬйĨĞĚĞƌĂůĨƵŶĚƐĂƚĂĐŽƐƚŽĨΨϲϭ͘ϱĨŽƌƉƵďůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ͘ Tues., May 21 Participants will meet at the 4-H Building on the McKenzie 5:30 p.m. - 1979 Class Reunion Meeting - Pizza House, County Fairgrounds and work in their raised garden beds just Sidney, MT. Classmates enjoy pizza and refreshments north of the building. They will be planting their own vegetable DVLWHPVDUHÀQDOL]HGIRUWKHWKFODVVUHXQLRQRQ-XQH DQGÁRZHUJDUGHQV 28-29. Bring any class photos or reunion items. For more MEMORIAL DAY DEADLINES information contact Libby Berndt, 406-489-1072. Deadlines for our Wed, May 29th issue of The Topics of learning will include plant growth and develop- 6 p.m. - Acrylic Pour Painting: The Swipe Method Class Roundup are: ment, soils and water, seed germination and more. $25 per person. MonDak Heritage Center, 120 3rd St. SE, 10am Thurs, May 23rd for display ads Youth gardeners can explore their world through meaningful Sidney. For more information, 406-433-3500 or e-mail, & 10am Fri, May 24th for classified ads & news. horticultural and environmental science activities that encourage [email protected]. leadership development, personal pride, responsibility, and Thurs., May 23 6 p.m. - Glass Fusion Pendant Lamps Class - $55 per We Will Be Closed Mon, May 27th. Have A Safe community involvement. The program incorporates service person. MonDak Heritage Center, 120 3rd St. SE, Sidney. And Happy Weekend! learning and volunteerism, which enables youth to make a For more information, 406-433-3500 or e-mail, mdhc@ positive contribution to their community. Peer and cross generation mentoring occurs when JMG Sat., May 25 groups interact with community volunteers and leaders. JMG 10 a.m.-6 p.m. - Wheel Throwing Lessons - $100 per Kids can be mentors to younger youth, by teaching them about session. Sign up in advance. MonDak Heritage Center, 120 3rd St. SE, Sidney. For more information, 406-433-3500 or horticulture. e-mail, [email protected]. JMG provides an opportunity for youth to interact and bond Mon., May 27 with nature. As they go through the JMG program, they can learn 9:30 a.m. - Fairview Memorial Day Services - how to conserve our natural resources and make knowledgeable Refreshments, 9:30 a.m., lunch, 11 a.m., program, 11:30 decisions about the environment. a.m. Fairview Cemetery. Flowers may be placed at the 111 W. Main, Sidney • 406-433-3306 cemetery the afternoon of May 24 and need to be picked up If you are interested in receiving more information, please by June 3. call NDSU Extension/McKenzie County. Tues., May 28 12 p.m. - Diabetes Support Group - Free peer support AREA RECOVERY GROUPS for type II diabetics and prediabetics. Community Services Building RM 201, 1201 W. Holly St., Sidney, MT. For more MONDAYS: information call 406-433-2207 or [email protected]. 12 p.m. — AA Monday Noon Group, Matthew House American Red Cross 6 p.m. - Acrylic Pour Painting: Creating Cells - $25 per person. MonDak Heritage Center, 120 3rd St. SE, Sidney. 2IÀFHQG6W1:6LGQH\07 For more information, 406-433-3500 or e-mail, mdhc@ 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. – *ULHI5HRYHU\6XSSRUWJURXSDW)LUVW Babysitter’s Training /XWKHUDQ&KXUFKLQWKHPXVLFURRP:DWIRUG&LW\ ROOSEVELT COUNTY 6 p.m. – $O$QRQ)DPLO\*URXS0HHWLQJ7ULQLW\/XWKHUDQ Course Offered, Events in Froid unless otherwise listed. CT Zone &KXUFK(GEOGJ6/LQFROQ$YH6LGQH\ Tues., May 21 8 p.m.— $$*URXS1RUWKHUQ3XPS &RPSUHVVLRQ 7 p.m. - Northeast Montana Land and Mineral Owners Watford City, May 31 Association Meeting - Anyone with oil or gas related :DWIRUG&LW\&DOORUIRUGLUHFWLRQVRU questions are welcome to attend. The meeting is open to the ULGH+RWOLQH,QIR A workshop designed to help youth develop basic skills for public. Community Center, Froid, MT. TUESDAYS: babysitting will be held on Friday, May 31 at the Yellowstone MCKENZIE COUNTY Room in the McKenzie County Courthouse in Watford City. The 7 p.m. — $$:HOFRPH+RPH*URXS'LVWULFW,,$OFRKRO course will start with 8:30 a.m. CT registration and will conclude Events in Watford City unless otherwise listed. CT Zone DQG'UXJ&RQIHUHQFH5RRPQG6W6:6LGQH\ Sat., May 18 by 3:30 p.m. CT. Anyone ages 11 to 15 interested in babysitting 11 a.m. - First Annual Dodgeball Tournament, Alexander, 07 are encouraged to attend. ND - Age groups: 4th-8th grade, 9th grade to adult 7 p.m. – KRXU:RPHQ·V$$JURXSPHHWLQJ1RUWKHUQ Topics to be included in the training are: leadership and community members. Register up to the day of the event. 3XPS &RPSUHVVLRQ:DWIRUG&LW\+RWOLQH,QIR learning to be a safe and responsible babysitter, basic care, Team cost $50. Alexander School Gym. Concessions VDIHW\DQGVDIHSOD\DQGÀUVWDLG available for purchase. To sign up email ftc#9963@gmail.  com, Facebook: Alexander Comets FTC Team #9963 or an THURSDAYS: Pre-registration is requested by Wednesday, May 29 at the FTC team member. NDSU Extension/McKenzie County. Please call 701-444-3451 7:30 p.m. – $O$QRQ0HHWLQJ3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFKWK Thurs., May 23 to register or email [email protected]. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Listening Session With North Dakota $YH1(:DWIRUG&LW\1' McKenzie County Extension Agent Marcia Hellandsaas will Governor Doug Burgum - Outlaws Gallery, 120 Main Street 8 p.m.— $$*URXS1RUWKHUQ3XPS &RPSUHVVLRQ teach the session. S, Watford City, ND. For more information contact Vawnita Best at [email protected]. :DWIRUG&LW\&DOORUIRUGLUHFWLRQVRU Sat., May 25 ULGH+RWOLQH,QIR 8 a.m. - BTMA Outdoor Arenacross - McKenzie County FRIDAYS: Fairgrounds, Watford City, ND. For more information contact Law Enforcement Ryan Pederson, 701-495-1053. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.-6WRQHV)DLWK%DVHG5HFRYHU\ Fri., May 31 PHHWLQJ6LGQH\)LUVW&KXUFKRIWKH1D]DUHQHWK 4 p.m. - )LUHÀJKWHUV&RQIHUHQFH3DUDGHRI)LUH7UXFNV 6W6:%DFNGRRULVRSHQ Memorial Ceremony, Watford City, ND - Parade route will start at the corner of Park Ave. and Main Street, move north on Main to 4th Ave., 8 p.m. – $$:HOFRPH+RPH*URXS'LVWULFW,,$OFRKRODQG then turn East down 4th and end at the intersection of 4th 'UXJ&RQIHUHQFH5RRPQG6W6:6LGQH\07 May 15, Sidney and 12th St SE. SATURDAYS: Sat., June 1 You are invited to attend a Law Enforcement Memorial Cer- 9 a.m.-12 p.m. - WK$QQXDO&KLOGUHQ·V)LVKLQJ'HUE\ 7 p.m. —$$:HOFRPH+RPH*URXS'LVWULFW,,$OFRKRO Free event. Open to children 13 years and younger. DQG'UXJ&RQIHUHQFH5RRPQG6W6:6LGQH\ HPRQ\KRQRULQJWKRVHRIÀFHUVZKRKDYHGLHGLQWKHOLQHRIGXW\ Registration, 9 a.m.; lunch, 11:30 a.m., awards, 12 p.m. The Ceremony is to be held outside at the Richland County Law 07 Watford City Fishing Pond, Watford City, ND. and Justice Center Wednesday May 15, at 1 p.m. There will be Sat., June 8 7 p.m. – $$JURXSPHHWLQJ1RUWKHUQ3XPS  honor guard posting of the colors, tolling of the bell, and taps. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. - Alexander Comets FTC #9963 Robotics &RPSUHVVLRQ:DWIRUG&LW\+RWOLQH,QIR 2IÀFHUVZLOOEHLQ'UHVV8QLIRUPVDQG7UDGLWLRQDO%DJSLSHUVZLOO Fundraiser - Community spring cleaning sale and vendor SUNDAYS: also be attending to provide music for the ceremony. show. Concessions available for purchase. School Parking Lot, Alexander, ND. If you would like to rent a space call, 7 p.m. — $$:HOFRPH+RPH*URXS'LVWULFW,,$OFRKRODQG 701-828-3334, email, [email protected] or Facebook: 'UXJ&RQIHUHQFH5RRPQG6W6:6LGQH\07 Alexander Comets FTC Team#9963. Spaces for sale items, $10; vendors, $40. Memorial Day Weekend WILLIAMS COUNTY Events in Williston unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. Thurs., May 16 Race in Watford 6-8 p.m. - History Fair The Holocaust: History And BTMA is sponsoring another motocross race in Watford Memory - The public is invited to see what WHS students City on May 25. This will be our 7th race as we host one a have learned about the Holocaust. There will be WWII month. Anyone can enter and there are categories for all ages artifacts on display. Williston High School, Williston, ND. LAKE WATER LEVEL REPORT Sat., May 18 Sakakawea and abilities. BTMA has goals of providing dirt bikes and riding 2019 Williston Community Sale - Raymond Family Current Elevation ...... 1846.6 JHDUIRU\RXWKWKDWFDQ·WDIIRUGLW Community Center, Williston, ND. Bring donations to the /DVW:HHN·V(OHY ...... 1846.6 BTMA founder Ryan Dwain Pederson is a Veteran racer west overhead door of the Raymond center. Hosted by the One Year Ago ...... 1843.2 of American Motorcycle Association Supercross and Outdoor :LOOLVWRQ%DVLQ8QLWHG:D\LQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDQRQSURÀW Release For Day (C.F.S.) ...... 24,000 Pro Nationals. live auction partner. For more information call Ryan for details, 701-495-1053. Thurs., May 23-Sun., May 26 SIDNEY WEATHER DATA Great North Dakota Trappers Brigade Rendezvous - Camping, shooting, seneca run, trail walk, fort shoot, range Source: MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center VKRRWNLIH KDZNWKURZDQGQRLQOLQHULÁHV:LOOLVWRQ1' Date High Low Precip. For more information call Larry, 541-363-6001. May 6 ...... 54 ...... 26 ...... 0.00 Signup For The Roundup May 7 ...... 54 ...... 30 ...... 0.00 DAWSON COUNTY May 8 ...... 59 ...... 31 ...... 0.00 The Roundup offers free weekly mail delivery in Sidney, Events in Glendive unless otherwise listed. MT Zone May 9 ...... 55 ...... 26 ...... 0.00 MT. If you have a Sidney mailing address and currently do not Sat., June 1 May 10 ...... 70 ...... 40 ...... 0.00 receive The Roundup newspaper at home (and would like to) 9 a.m.-12 p.m. - Paleo Experience - This event will include a May 11 ...... 56 ...... 40 ...... 0.00 sign up today! Stop by 111 West Main, call 406-433-3306 or send visitor center tour, visit to the paleo lab and a hike to see the Hadrosaur fossil exhibit. $10 per person. Meet at the Visitor May 12 ...... 72 ...... 29 ...... 0.04 your name and address to us at either [email protected] Center, Makoshika State Park, Glendive, MT. This event Total YTD Precipitation ...... 2.43 or PO Box 1207, Sidney, MT 59270. occurs every Saturday through Aug. 17. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 3A Missouri Yellowstone Confluence Center Has New Site Supervisor

Joseph Garcia became the site supervisor for the Missouri


“On The Ridge” by Daphne Clark. Check website or Facebook for Hours | 105 E Main St • Sidney, MT | 406-433-4386 | Daphne Clark, daughter of the area where she was her skill set. In 2012, Daphne Darwin and Dorothy John- raised. Over the years, she enrolled at the Academy of son, was born and raised in has watched the ranching Art University to pursue a rural North Dakota only three life in North Dakota and 0DVWHU·V LQ )LQH$UW 6KH miles from the Montana bor- Montana disappear. selected AAU because of Show Your Graduates der. Her grandparents had In 2010, Daphne was drawn their philosophy anyone can a ranch 10 miles from her to start painting when a create art if they are willing childhood home. She spent friend introduced her to oil to put in the work. It was a much of her adolescence at paint as a medium. It was QDWXUDOÀWWREULQJWRJHWKHU their ranch; chasing cows, then she discovered she her background and love for How Much You building fences, milking could easily spend hours the MonDak region and the cows and helping check for mixing colors and manip- outdoors into her painting. spring calves. ulating paint on the can- There was a story in these Daphne received a bache- vas with different brushes, rural areas just waiting to be ORU·V GHJUHH LQ ELRORJ\ LQ strokes and the pallet knife. told to the rest of the world Appreciate Their 2003 and has spent time 7KH ÁXLGLW\ DQG YHUVDWLOLW\ and Daphne wants to tell since then working as an of this new medium had that story. Environmental Health Prac- Daphne hooked, yet she titioner working to protect craved feedback to further Time And Effort Over Lawn Garden Time The Years

& If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it’s time to call us. We can turn your property into the neighborhood showplace. Silver Adjustable Bolo Diamond Stud Earrings Bracelets Starting At Starting At Visit our lawn & garden department Pulsar & Seiko Watches at our HARDWARE CENTER % Plant & Lawn Food • Grass Seed $149$70 50off Weed & Insect Control Lawn Fertilizers & Spreaders some Potting Soil % exclusions 20off STOREWIDE apply XNLV380817

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. • 406-488-1909 • Downtown Williston, ND 114 West Main, Sidney, MT • Mon-Fri: 10am - 6pm •Sat:10am - 4pm | 572-2051 • 800-201-2051 4A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 Golden Roundup

When The Shoe Is On [email protected] TTY711 “Retirement Living At It’s Best” Large 1 bed apartments • Individual climate control The Other Foot • Close to downtown • Transportation available Activities • Noon meals • Support Services Security cameras By Lois Stephens Maybe this observa- tion applies only to this household, but some- how I doubt it. It seems that when the man of the house does something sil- ly, or makes a mistake, or has some sort of accident, the woman of the house is expected to soothe feelings, assure her man that accidents do happen, the incident of course was in no way his fault, she of course will pay any resulting bills, and she will never mention the peccadillo again. However, woe on the woman if she happens to make the same sort of error, have a similar acci- Come Home To Crestwood! dent, or commit some sort neighbor could pull him out, no harm done, and he would of foolish act. She can rest assured that she will hear about EHEDFNLQEXVLQHVVLQQRWLPHÁDW0\KXVEDQGGLGSKRQH this boo-boo for the next three and a half weeks at least. a coworker from the Heritage Commission, and that gen- She learns quickly to tune out the snide comments and tleman did come to the rescue. Donnie arrived, the men jibes tossed her way regarding the unfortunate incident, did their conferring about the situation, hitched the tow and of course she knows she will pay any resulting costs. strap to the truck, and Donnie gassed his vehicle ready Let me provide a small example of what I am talking to free the embedded pickup from the snow. It’s All About Saying Goodbye about. We had a very snowy February here in Virginia 7KDQNVWRWKHFRQÀJXUDWLRQRIODQGVFDSHWKHLPPR- City. It seemed we spent our days continually shoveling, bile truck slid sideways instead of pulling up and out of the plowing, and moving the white stuff from one place to ditch and onto the driveway. My husband quickly applied FULKERSON another. During one of those particularly frustrating days the brakes and the sliding truck came to rest about one of playing in the snow, my husband decided to borrow foot from a large tree. Any more attempts at pulling the a pickup and plow from the Heritage Commission. The WUXFNZRXOGGHÀQLWHO\KDYHVODPPHGLWLQWRWKDWWUHH7KLV STEVENSON &RPPLVVLRQ·VSORZDQGWUXFNDUHODUJHUWKDQRXURXWÀWVR left two options. Either cut down the tree or call a wrecker P\KXVEDQGÀJXUHGWKDWWKHODUJHUULJZRXOGPRYHVQRZ that could pull the truck and plow sideways and up onto better and further away from the road. the driveway again. FUNERAL HOME All worked well until he backed into the driveway in My husband opted to chop down the tree. Of course, front of the shop. Wet snow, combined with ice underneath the three of us made jokes about the tree had to go any- the snow cover, conspired against him and the left rear way, accidents happen, and similar cheerful, supportive wheel of the pickup slid over the edge of the driveway, comments. putting the truck on a slant. My husband tried to drive out 0\ KXVEDQG ÀUHG XS WKH FKDLQ VDZ FXW GRZQ WKH 315 2nd St NW but only succeeded in making matters worse. He managed tree, moved branches and limbs out of the way, hooked to get the truck and plow thoroughly lodged in snow. WKHSLFNXSWR'RQQLH·VWUXFNDQGRXWWKHERUURZHGSLFNXS Sidney, MT • 406-488-2805 As the good wife of this operation, I made all the came, intact, unscathed, and ready to roll. The heroic men proper soothing, calming remarks required and expected had done it again, extricated themselves from a sticky Watford City: 701-842-2490 of me, I assured him that all would be well, and that the situation without any harm done. All should be forgiven and forgotten. Williston: 701-572-6329 Fast-forward several weeks. I made a run to Ennis Tioga: 701-664-2122 NETZER LAW OFFICE, PC to complete some errands, and then drove back home again. That day we had experienced melting, slippery snow and ice on unpleasant road conditions. I got home Remembrances & condolences Estate Planning And safely and began to back into the driveway in front of the house. The tires slid on slush, I went sideways, slid off may be shared with family at: Real Estate the driveway, and came to rest, believe it or not, about two feet from a large tree. Licensed in Montana and North Dakota I expected comfort and support about this little error, a bit of a tow job, and that would be that. Hah, I forgot that 1060 S. Central Ave. Ste. 2, Sidney, MT ZKHQWKHVKRHLVRQDQRWKHUIRRWWKLQJVGRQ·WZRUNRXW 406-433-5511 • [email protected] quite the same. Not only was my husband furious with me, naturally he had to second guess what I had done and how I had done it, take a picture of the Subaru sitting at an angle, inform me that he would NOT cut down the Leonard P. Nelson tree, that we would need a wrecker to put the Subaru back on level ground, and that it would probably cost me (note: ME) $200. Cancer Center We did hire the wreck- er. It took about three min- utes and $150 to have the Subaru safely back on the driveway. Yes, I paid for it. 701.774.7464 So, folks, how do we compare with other house- holds? I watched him pull Make us part of your cancer care team! up the picture of the Sub- aru sitting in the ditch so he could sigh loudly and The Leonard P. Nelson Cancer Center Collaborates with your provider from any shake his head in disgust. I listened to rhetoric for network to provide your cancer treatment close to home. D ZHHN :HOO QR , GLGQ·W because I tuned it out and also began reminding him in no uncertain terms that he had been in a similar predicament less than a month before. These antics annoyed me immensely. He has no idea how close he came to never cel- Michael Grant, MD Carlos Silva, MD Shin Yin Lee, MD ebrating another birthday. Radiation Oncology Hemotology/Oncology Hemotology/Oncology ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 5A Dine With The Griz, May 22, Sidney BEST Fans and alumni of the University of Montana are invited to 80RIÀFLDOVZLOOEHSURYLGLQJXSGDWHVRQDOO80$WKOHWLF WKH$QQXDO%DQTXHWRIWKH6LGQH\&KDSWHURIWKH*UL]]O\ 3URJUDPV 80$WKOHWLF 'LUHFWRU .HQW +DVODP *UL] )RRWEDOO OF LUCK 6FKRODUVKLS$VVRFLDWLRQRQ:HGQHVGD\0D\DWWKH6LGQH\ +HDG&RDFK%REE\+DXFNDQG*6$([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU6HQLRU Country Club. $VVRFLDWH$'*UHJ6XQGEHUJZLOOKHDGOLQHWKHSURJUDPDORQJ &RPH RXW DQG VXSSRUW WKH *UL] DQG HQMR\ D GLQQHU DQG ZLWK6LGQH\QDWLYHDQG/DG\*UL]$VVLVWDQW%DVNHWEDOO&RDFK TO ALL AREA GRADUATES! VLOHQWDXFWLRQVWDUWLQJDWSP$QKROHJROIVFUDPEOHZLOO -RUGDQ 6XOOLYDQ 9RLFH RI WKH *UL] 5LOH\ &RFKUDQ$VVLVWDQW also be held that day with registration beginning at 11 a.m. and 'LUHFWRURI&RPPXQLFDWLRQV(ULF7DEHUDQG'LUHFWRURI)RRWEDOO UNION GATEWAY AGENCY golf at 1 p.m. 2SHUDWLRQV-LPP\0RULPRWR 202 3rd Ave NW • Sidney MT 59270 7KHFRVWIRUWKH0D\HYHQWLVDVIROORZV Phone: 406-488-4366 • Fax: 406-630-4433 ‡'LQQHU2QO\ Alexander Comets ‡*ROI2QO\ Class of 2019 ‡'LQQHUDQG*ROI ‡+ROH6SRQVRU ,QFOXGHVGLQQHUDQGJROIIRU Robotics Fundraiser, ‡&RUSRUDWH6SRQVRU ,QFOXGHVGLQQHUDQGJROIIRU For more information and to purchase tickets or sponsor- We’re Proud VKLSFRQWDFW6LGQH\*6$3UHVLGHQW%LOO%UHQQHUDW June 8, Alexander 9LFH3UHVLGHQW.HYLQ0D\HUDWRU6HF7UHDVXUHU3KLO 2Q6DWXUGD\-XQHWKH$OH[DQGHU&RPHWV5RERWLFV7HDP -RKQVRQDW will be hosting a Community Spring Cleaning and Vendor show. 7KHHYHQWLVVSRQVRUHGE\6LGQH\&KDSWHURIWKH*UL]]O\ 7KHVKRZZLOOEHJLQDWDPDQGFRQWLQXHWKURXJKSPDQG 6FKRODUVKLS$VVRFLDWLRQ7KH6LGQH\*6$·VPLVVLRQLVWRUDLVH - funds to support scholarships for communities. Redshirt-soph- Of You! ZLOOEHKHOGDWWKHVFKRROSDUNLQJORWLQ$OH[DQGHU1'&RQFHV sions will be available for purchase. omore safety Michael McGinnis, a 2017 Sidney High School If you would like a space to sell your items contact one graduate, will be vying for playing time on a combined academic RI WKH )7& 5RERWLFV7HDPV0HPEHUV RU FRDFKHV E\ FDOOLQJ and athletic scholarship as a member of the Griz football team. RUHPDLOIWF#JPDLOFRPRUYLVLW)DFHERRN $OH[DQGHU&RPHWV)7&7HDP 7KHSDUNLQJVSDFHIRUVDOHLWHPVZRXOGEHDQGYHQ- Fairview Graduate GRUV Participating in 406-482-440182-4401 Kylee Byer Dodgeball Tournament, RATPOD Bike Ride for May 18, Alexander


Richland County Fair & Rodeo “Blue Jeans & Country Dreams” 2019 JEEP COMPASS July 31 - August 3, 2019 SPORT 4X4 • MSRP $29,270 LESS REBATES & ACTION AUTO DISCOUNTS PRESALE TICKETS AVAILABLE $3,108 (Tickets Available At The Fair Office & Online) SALE PRICE $26,162 #4083-B#4 BEGINNING MAY 23 • 8:30 AM 2019 JEEP COMPASS TRAIL Package Deal $75: 1 Concert Ticket, 1 Admission Button, 1 Thurs Rodeo Ticket & 1 Fri Rodeo Ticket HAWK 4X4 • MSRP $35,960 LESS REBATES & ACTION AUTO DISCOUNTS Carnival $4,902 PayOnePrice In Concert SALE PRICE $31,058 #4079-B#4 Passes $20 rd 2019 JEEP CHEROKEE Sat,,g Aug 3 • 7:30 ppm Concert Tickets LIMITED 4X4 • MSRP $35,565 Presale: LESS REBATES & ACTION AUTO DISCOUNTS Randy Houser General: $50 • Reserved: $55 $4,866 During Fair Week: SALE PRICE $30,669 #4009-B#4 (If Available) & Sara Evans General: $55 • Reserved: $60 2018 CHRYSLER PACIFICA TOURING L • MSRP $42,375 LESS REBATES & ACTION AUTO DISCOUNTS $8,898 SALE PRICE $33,477 #4041-B#4 2019 JEEP CHEROKEE LIMITED 4X4 • MSRP $35,940 LESS REBATES & ACTION AUTO DISCOUNTS $2,853 SALE PRICE $33,087 #4132-B#4 2018 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED 4X4 • MSRP $47,530 LESS REBATES & ACTION AUTO DISCOUNTS PRCA Rodeo | Brookman Rodeo LLC $5,770 Thurs & Fri, August 1st & 2nd SALE PRICE $41,760 #4078-B#4 7:30 pm each night 406-433-2801 ACTION AUTO 220 E Main St • Sidney, MT | 433-2312 • 1-800-788-2312 | 6A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 Sidney Soccer Results North Dakota State University College Signing


Both teams played in Miles City Saturday, May 4. U19 defeated Miles City 2-1; Jace Johnson 1 goal on a penalty kick; Seth Dyk 1 goal. U19 defeated Big Timber 1-0; Julian Imhof 1 goal; Seth Dyk 1 assist. U15 defeated Big Timber 5-1; Nathan Romo 3 goals; Tyler Loan 1 goal; Harper Karalus 1 goal. U15 defeated Red Lodge 8-5; Carter Heggem 4 goals; Nathan Romo 3 goals; Tyler Loan 1 goal .

.DWLH %HUJOXQG D 6LGQH\ (DJOH DWKOHWH VLJQHG ZLWK 1'68 IRU WUDFNÀHOG RQ Thursday, May 8 at the Sidney High School. Pictured are Stacey Collins (head track/ Everything Roundup ÀHOGFRDFK /HYL:HOWLNRO FXUUHQWSROHYDXOWFRDFK DQG6WHYH

Sidney 2019 Softball Team 120 2nd St NW Front row: Hailey Christensen, Trudi Speldrich, Suttyn Barnhart, Brooke Morrill, Chloe Schroeder, Shanti Berkopec, Cheyenne Christian. Sidney, MT Phone: 406-433-BANK BLUE ROCK Back row: Lexi Metz, Zoe Morrill, Hadley Garsjo, Ashley Lefors, Maddie Fax: 406-433-3235 PRODUCTS CO. Peters, Brooke Franklin, Lauren Beenken, Aidan Wiese, Serenity Kuntz, 501 9th Ave NE, Sidney 406-433-3403 Kodi Obergfell, Malia Crosby, Kodi Schulz.

Don’t Forget... PIZZA & FINE • Softshell Saturday FOODS • Taco Tuesday • Taco Bravo Thursday ProBuild, LLC Hwy. Shops At Fox Run (406) 488-8706 100 14th Street SE 16 S, 404 N Central • Sidney, MT David Williams Sidney, MT Sidney 2429 W. Holly St. Open Daily 6am - 10pm Cell (406) 489-8706 724 S. Central Ave 406-433-2305 Scott Ramus 406-433-2012 • Montana Sidney, MT 406-488-4400 Cell (406) 489-8707 M-F: 7am - 5pm • Sat: 8am - 1pm 406-433-4650 406-433-2295 1511 S Central Ave • Sidney

ELK RIVER It’s All About Saying Goodbye PRINTING FULKERSON Your 1-Stop STEVENSON Full-Service Print Shop FUNERAL HOME Richland County ALL COMMERCIAL PRINTING Mon-Thurs: 9-12 & 1-5 Fair & Rodeo Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Closed Friday Full Color Marketing Materials July 31-Aug. 3, 2019 Sat: 9am - 1pm Color Copies • B&W Copies 315 Second St. NW 2405 West Holly St. Lamination • Specialty Papers Sidney, MT 59270 406-433-2400 Tickets go on sale Thursday, Card Stock 406-488-2805 [email protected] May 23 online & at the Fair office 215 East Main St • Sidney email: [email protected] 406-433-2801 1(800)482-1810 • 433-1810 433-4375 • Sidney, MT East-Mont Rau Enterprises Inc. METZ FUEL Elementary Candy • Paper Goods & SERVICE Cleaning Supplies School & More! • Oil Changes UNION GATEWAY • Full Service Gas AGENCY 608 E. Main • Sidney 406-482-1088 202 3rd Ave NW Wholesale Distributors • Bulk Fuel (406) 433-7645 3200 W Holly Sidney, MT 12138 Cnty Rd 350 Sidney MT 59270 406-433-2402 406-433-2910 488-1602 • Sidney, MT Phone: 406-488-4366 625 S. Central • Sidney, MT Fax: 406-630-4433 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 7A FIREMEN’S ANNUAL BREAKFAST – Free Will Donation | Rides & Fun For The Kids | Come Support Our Firemen! – Sunday, May 19 • 6 am - 1 pm • Sidney Fire Hall • 1105 3rd St NW, Sidney Serving sausage, french toast, scrambled eggs, juice & coffee MonDak Heritage Center Announces Sidney Vietnam Veterans Memorial Unveiling, May 25, Sidney

The MonDak Heritage Center announces the unveiling of Congratulations ´1R6ROGLHU/HIW%HKLQGµ SKRWRE\7KRP the Sidney Vietnam Veterans Memorial Sculpture, Saturday, %ULGJH+HOHQD,QGHSHQGHQW5HFRUG  May 25 at 2 p.m. at the MonDak Heritage Center, 120 3rd Ave SE, Sidney. Join us for the unveiling of “No Soldier Left Behind,” ELIZABETH a bronze sculpture by artist Lyle Schwabauer recognizing local men and women that served in Vietnam and the military during the Vietnam War. The sculpture is the culmination of efforts by Margaret and Nolan Mikelson, alumni of Sidney High School who SHANNON started the project as a way to honor classmates that served in the war. Photographs of the Vietnam War taken by photographer And All Area Graduates! Carl Hansen and other records from the MDHC Collections will complement the sculpture. Schwabauer is a self-taught artist operating out of the Mountain Sage Gallery in Helena, and Hansen worked as a PizzaPi • Burgers • Beer • And More photographer for the Smithsonian before retiring in 2009. Both are also alumni of Sidney High School. Free Ice Cream! Fairview, MT • 406-742-5180 The unveiling of “No Soldier Left Behind” is FREE to the OpenOpe Tues-Fri at 4:30 pm • Sat & Sun at 2 pm public. Light refreshments served. It will be on display at the MonDak through August 31. MDHC is open Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturday from 1-4 p.m. Admission Union GatewayAgency is FREE. For more information call 406-433-3500 or e-mail [email protected]. ˜ž›ȱȱ —œž›Š—ŒŽȱŽŠ–ȱȱ

ȱ —Ž™Ž—Ž—•¢ȱȱ Vaccines Protect You, Your Family, And Your Community Ž™›ŽœŽ—’—DZȱ By Elsa Ramirez, Execu- save lives. Vaccines protect sure your child is up to date HU \RX·UH XS WR GDWH RQ \RXU WLYH2IÀFHU2IÀFHRIWKH our children from debilitating on all of his or her scheduled vaccines, too. —œž›Š—ŒŽǯŒ˜– 5HJLRQ'LUHFWRU86 and deadly disease, and they vaccinations. This is especially We all want our children ’ a/LIH 'HSDUWPHQWRI+HDOWK +X- promote the overall health of important if you have an infant, to grow up in a world that is a+HDOWK

man Services our communities. Vaccines because vaccinating your free from preventable diseas- Ž Š¢

 a0HGLFDUH6XSSOHPHQW Pockets of our country are safe and highly effective. baby on the recommended im- es. The single most important a0HGLFDUH3DUW' Large studies undertaken over munization schedule provides thing each of us can do to a*URXS+HDOWK

DUHH[SHULHQFLQJDVLJQLÀFDQW ˜—Š uptick in the number of mea- WKH\HDUVKDYHFRQÀUPHGWKHLU protection against 14 serious achieve that goal is to get fully ’ a9LVLRQ sles cases. safety again and again. childhood illnesses. vaccinated – for ourselves, our a'HQWDO Measles is not a harm- Vaccines do not cause For measles, the Cen- families, and our communities. a/RQJ7HUP&DUH

less childhood illness. It is autism and do not contain ters for Disease Control and You can find out more ǯž— actually a highly contagious, toxic chemicals. Any serious Prevention recommends that about the measles vaccine 202 3rd Ave NW  dangerous disease that can side effects from vaccines are children get two doses of the and other vaccines at Vac- Sidney MT 59270 even be deadly. But measles exceedingly rare, and the pro- MMR vaccine, starting with the phone 4064884366  fax 406 630 4433 is also easily preventable with tection from disease that vac- ÀUVWGRVHDWWRPRQWKVRI    a vaccine. cines provide far outweighs age, and the second dose at 4 7KHUH·VDORWRIPLVLQIRU- any potential risks. through 6 years of age. mation swirling around, so let ,I\RX·UHDSDUHQWWDONWR ,I\RX·UHDQDGXOWFKHFN me provide the facts: vaccines \RXU FKLOG·V GRFWRU WR PDNH with your doctor about wheth- JW. Mechanical Sidney Area Leadership Program Servicing Montana & NW North Dakota Applications Now Accepted For All Your HVAC Needs. By Bill Vander Weele, social and economic change Participants are welcome RESIDENTIAL HEATING & COOLING Sidney Chamber on the Sidney area. from all aspects of business, Applications are now be- Because of expressed de- manufacturing, government, • Furnace & Air Conditioning Installation & Service ing accepted for the 2019- sires by employers, a change non-profit, retail and social 2020 Sidney Area Leadership WR WKH OHDGHUVKLS SURJUDP·V services industries. Program through the Sidney format is that Issue Days will Topics on Issue Days COMMERCIAL HEATING & COOLING Area Chamber of Commerce now last from 8 a.m. until 1 will include agriculture, busi- and Agriculture. p.m. instead of running late ness, education, energy, gov- • Preventative Maintenance Founded in 1998, the into the afternoons. ernment, health and human • New Unit Installations program is designed to de- Tuition is $250 per par- services and tourism. The velop the leadership potential ticipant or $200 for Chamber seven Issue Days take place within our community. The members. Deadline to turn between September and April. leadership program brings in an application is July 26. Class participants will COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION together individuals of diverse Forms are available at the Sid- also learn during two or three • Walk-In Cooler & Freezer Repair backgrounds and experiences QH\ &KDPEHU RIÀFH RU ZZZ Skills Development Sessions with demonstrated talent and Participants and other enrichment activi- • Preventative Maintenance commitment. The program are encouraged to ask their ties. During the second year of QUALITY FIREPLACES offers these selected individ- employer to sponsor their tui- the program, participants will uals a unique opportunity to tion fees in return for the skills coordinate one of the seven explore the resources of the and knowledge they will bring Issue Days. Montana and NW North Dakota 24 Hour Service community and the impact of back to the workplace. Cell: 406-439-4141 • [email protected] Available “Where Dreams Are Delivered 4 Wheels At A Time”

1212 W 2nnd St,St Williston, Williston ND • (701) 577 -1111 • 1 - 800- 568- 5160 • www. WE NEED YOU! Sales Professional Top Pay - Great Benefits You will be selling top brand Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Honda’s and Pre-owned vehicles. We offer a competitive pay package, health insurance and 401K If you have the experience, then call or email today. We will be willing to train the right individual. All inquiries are confidential. Call Todd Deardurff at 701-577-1111 or email him at [email protected] Ryan Motors 1212 2nd St W, Williston ND, 58801 8A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019

Culbertson High School Graduation • May 18th at 12:00 pm

Gabriella Boyd-Weinberger Karissa Damm Ashley Frenick Tristan Labatte Chase Lambert Carter Nickoloff Noah Nickoloff

Lucas Oelkers Bryan Pederson Huntly Perry Summer Romo Augustus Spradley Kai Underdahl Emma Voigt

Quinntana Wettlin Lambert High School Graduation • May 18th at 10:30 am

Casey Cayer Garrett Cayer Paxton Ferguson Katherine Hill Liz Hill Seth Prevost Tyler Thiessen

Jacalyn Wright Bainville High School Graduation • May 18th at 3:00 pm

Rona Butikofer Cameron Downs Bonny Krogedal Lextyn PortraAllie Romo Kinsey Ross Garrett Ryder Med Lake High School Graduation • May 18th at 2:00 pm

AJ Ullmer Paytyn Wilson Melissa Balikian Sapphire Baxter Nick Kirby Jennifer Lancaster

Richland Federal Credit Union Hurley’s Oilfield Services Tri County Implement Sidney, MT • 406-482-2704 CQ Bar & Grill PJ’s Auto Glass & Tint Sidney Sugars Inc. Sidney, MT • 406-798-3686 Fairview, MT • 701-844-1234 Sidney, MT • 406-488-4400 Culbertson • 406-787-5890 Lambert, MT • 406-774-3421 Sidney, MT • 406-433-3301

Pepsi-Cola of Sidney Gem City Motors Eagle Ford Roosevelt Medical Center Lower Yellowstone REC Reynolds Market 406-433-3403 Sidney, MT • 406-433-3120 Sidney, MT • 406-433-1810 Culbertson, MT • 406-787-6400 Sidney, MT • 406-488-1602 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2305

Richland Pump & Supply Builder’s First Choice Daniels-Sheridan FCU Nortana Grain Town & Country Repair Sheridan Electric Sidney, MT • 406-488-8706 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2012 Med Lake, MT • 406-789-2209 Lambert, MT • 406-774-3331 Lambert, MT • 406-774-3475 Med Lake, MT • 406-789-2231

Sidney, MT • 406-433-3306 Prewitt & Company LLC Medicine Lake Ag Supply The Roundup | Sidney, MT • 406-482-5251 Med Lake, MT • 406-789-2524 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 9A

Savage High School Graduation • May 18th at 1:00 pm

Breanna AdolphJared Hofer Tyler Lien Kiana Miller Kayla Nelson Soda Rice Sawyer Thiel Froid High School Graduation • May 18th at 9:00 am

Parker Tofte Andrew Waldie Molly Danielson Mackenzie Dethman Hunter Krogedal Haley Labatte Garrett Martin Richey High School Graduation • May 18th at 3:00 pm

Brylee Brost ChaseIvan Buller Brown HalleKyler Fatzinger BrownCharlie Haley Hoffman OlsonAnna Bryce Johnson Reitz Abbie Ellie Smith Smith Leotie Isaac SponheimWhitehead Fairview High School Graduation • May 18th at 3:00 pm

Emily Axtman Austin Calvert Brianna Carr Austen Cozzens Kyla Cross Carson Cayko Seth Farrow

Kelly Hansen Matthew Hurley Gerit Johnson Dylan Klein Jade Lawhead Joey Lopez Jamison Miller

Bryce Neu Blake Patten Jaycie Rau Michael Scholes Bailey Seader Elizabeth Shannon Austin Singer

Prewitt & Company LLC Macayla Sipe Gabby Villareal Alex Young Sidney, MT • 406-482-5251 Congrats

Hotel Albert Gold Rush Casino Eagle Country Ford Prairie Electric Fairview, MT • 406-742-5164 Fairview, MT • 406-742-4653 Sidney, MT • 406-433-1810 Savage, MT • 406-776-2474 To All Our

PJ’s Auto Glass & Tint Elk River Printing Sidney Sugars, Inc. Richland Pump & Supply Seniors! Sidney, MT • 406-798-3836 Sidney, MT • 406-433-4375 Sidney, MT • 406-433-3301 Sidney, MT • 406-488-8706 – From the Fairview School Board, Administration & Staff

Richland Federal Credit Union Pepsi-Cola of Sidney Lower Yellowstone REC Stockman Insurance Sidney, MT: 406-482-2704 Triple S Disposal Reynolds Market 406-433-3403 Sidney, MT • 406-488-1602 Richey, MT • 406-773-5521 Culbertson: 406-787-5890 Savage, MT • 406-776-2500 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2305

Gem City Motors Mon-Kota Fertilizer Hurley’s Oilfield Services Waterhole #3 Tri County Implement Craig’s Meat Processing Sidney, MT • 406-433-3120 Fairview, MT • 701-844-5300 Fairview, MT • 701-844-1234 Fairview, MT • 406-742-5224 Sidney, MT • 406-488-4400 Savage, MT • 406-776-2447

Body Bliss Powder Keg W.L. Neu Construction, Inc. Korner Motel MonDak Family Clinic Double Barrel Saloon & Casino Fairview, MT • 406-480-5180 Fairview, MT • 406-742-5180 Fairview, MT • 406-742-5549 Fairview, MT • 406-742-5259 Fairview, MT • 406-742-5621 Fairview, MT • 406-742-8110

Pioneer Brand Products Miller’s Garbage Service Quinnell Electric Builder’s First Source Neu’s Super Valu Merchants Bank Savage, MT • 406-776-2400 Savage, MT • 406-776-2334 Savage, MT • 406-776-2331 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2012 Fairview, MT • 406-742-5441 Fairview, MT • 406-742-5203 10A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019

Sidney High School Graduation • May 19th at 2:00 pm

Joshua Aisenbrey Alex Anderson Lee Lunden Bachmeier Sean Baxter Lauren Beenken Railyn Behringer Jory Bell

Katelyn Berglund Tyler Berka MaKenzie Bjork Hollye Blekestad Angeleanna Bridges Janelle Brien Shane Buxbaum

Kylee Byer Rachel Cabrera George Carpenter Hailey Carranza Chad Christensen Gaven Clifton Rod Contreras

Dilyn Coughlin Christian Dean Jacob Dean Trevor Dean Josh Delaney Tianna Earle TyAnn Edd

Aaron Entz Shaylyne Fisher Brooke Franklin Jasmin Fritts Kyler Garsjo Yarenci Gonzales Martinez Jonathan Gonzalez Martinez

Madison Gorde Madison Hammer Cammy Heck Cortney Hecker Wyatt Heringer Evan Herman Katharine Hoolsema

Carter Hughes Ainhoa Idoate Julian Imhof Tyler Iversen Kaleb Jimison Kaylee Kardell Kamrinn Kays

Kaitlynyy Keithley Olivia Kober Riley Kostelecky Bridgerg Larson Hailie Larson Kelton LeFors Brianna Lunderbyy

B&B Builders Fink Chiropractic Miller’s Corner Builder’s First Source Sonda’s Solutions Fink Dental Center Sidney, MT • 406-482-4401 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2225 Sidney, MT • 406-433-4041 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2012 Sidney, MT • 406-433-6757 Sidney, MT • 406-433-4422

Jerry E Hughes Financial Advisor Yellowstone Bank Winners Pub Sports Bar South 40 Prewitt & Company LLC Tri County Implement . Sidney, MT • 406-482-5251 322 South Central Ave Sidney, MT • 406-433-BANK Sidney, MT • 406-433-4636 Sidney, MT • 406-433-4999 Sidney, MT • 406-488-4400 Sidney, MT 59270 406-433-7777 Reynolds Market Richland Federal Credit Union East-Mont Enterprises Taco Johns Richland Pump & Supply Sidney, MT • 406-433-2305 Sidney, MT • 406-482-2704 | Culbertson • 406-787-5890 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2910 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2295 Sidney, MT • 406-488-8706

Sidney Sugars Inc. Lower Yellowstone REC Gem City Motors Eagle Ford Hedahl’s Auto Value Parts Stores The Roundup Sidney, MT • 406-433-3301 Sidney, MT • 406-488-1602 Sidney, MT • 406-433-3120 Sidney, MT • 406-433-1810 Sidney, MT • 406-482-3304 Sidney, MT • 406-433-3306 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 11A Fishing Regulations Sidney Track And Field At Scoping Survey The Jockstop Invitational Available Online

By MT FWP formulate tentative proposals mandatory harvest of northern Montana Fish, Wildlife to present to the Montana pike and standardizing the & Parks invites anglers and )LVK  :LOGOLIH &RPPLVVLRQ daily walleye limit on the Mis- other interested parties to par- in August. Additional public souri River from Holter Dam ticipate in a survey regarding comment on tentative propos- to Black Eagle Dam; FKDQJHV WR WKH  ÀVKLQJ als will be collected this fall • Requiring ice fishing regulations. The survey is DQG WKH ÀQDO UHJXODWLRQV ZLOO shelters to be removed from available at be considered at the October the ice by at least March 1 in ÀVKSXEOLF&RPPHQWVUHJV6- commission meeting. the Eastern Fishing District; coping.html. 6RPH RI WKH LGHDV QRZ • Allowing bow and arrow The survey is part of a being considered by FWP KDUYHVW RI &KLQRRN VDOPRQ public scoping process to include: from Oct. 1 through Nov. 30 UHYLHZÀVKLQJUHJXODWLRQVDQG ‡ &KDQJLQJ WKH ODUJH- on Fort Peck Reservoir. identify potential issues with mouth and smallmouth bass Anglers and others are fisheries. This review hap- limits on some waterbodies in invited to participate by re- pens every four years. the Western Fishing District; viewing these and other FWP Public input is vital to • Allowing single-point ideas - and by contributing crafting fishing regulations, lures only on the Middle, additional ideas of their own. VDLG(ULF5REHUWV):3ÀVKHU- 1RUWKDQG6RXWK)RUNVRIWKH &RPPHQWVFDQEHVXEPLWWHG ies management bureau chief. Flathead River; online or at public meetings We evaluate how a regulation • Implementing a hoot that will soon be scheduled PD\LPSDFWDÀVKHU\ELRORJL- owl restriction on the Ennis in each FWP region. cally, angling opportunities for Dam to Mouth stretch of the &RPPHQWV FDQ DOVR the public and the regulations Madison River that would be sent by mail to Montana social acceptability. prohibit fishing between 2 FWP Fisheries Division, P.O. This initial scoping pro- p.m. and midnight from July Box 200701, Helena, MT The Sidney Track and Field team competed at the Jockstop Invitational held at cess runs through June 21, 1 through Aug. 31; 59620-0701 or via email atf- Dawson County High School on Friday, May 10. Pictured is Abby Reitz on the 2019. FWP staff will then • Establishing no limit or [email protected]. high jump, clearing 4-08 (photo by Pam McGlothlin).

Sidney High School Graduation • May 19th at 2:00 pm

Kashania Martinez Katrina Meldahl Caitlyn Metrick Sean Montgomery Thomas Moore Kaden Olsen Michael Patterson

Angel Kobe Piedra Brandon Rasmussen Shanyn Reidle Abigail Reitz Cole Roberts Lilli Seitz Sydnie Severson

Bethany Shaffer Caleb Slade Heidi Smook Michelle Stagl William Steinley Trev Stewart Carlee Strasheim

Cori Todd William Turville Kyle Twigg Kia Vang Ashley Vasquez Gabriel VenderDahl Jarred Vojacek

Picture not available: JaydeJayden Vojacek ojace SedaSheridan Williams a s Jace Winter te Ryanya Wyman y a Nicholas GreeneGreene-Daniel Daniel

Pepsi-Cola of Sidney Rau Elementary School Frontier Fulkerson-Stevenson Funeral Home PJ’s Auto Glass & Tint The Depot Casino 406-433-3403 Sidney, MT • 406-482-8725 Sidney, MT • 406-488-4657 Sidney, MT • 406-488-2805 Sidney, MT • 406-798-3686 Sidney, MT • 406-433-4650

Elk River Printing Hurley’s Oilfield Services CHMS, P.C. Sidney, MT • 406-433-3306 Sidney, MT • 406-433-4375 Fairview, MT • 701-844-1234 Sidney, MT • 406-433-2092 The Roundup |

Congratulations To All Of Our Seniors! - From The Sidney School Board, Administration & Staff 12A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019

Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at (Paypal required for online purchases)

Add a photo /PX5BLJOH to your classy online! $SFEJU$BSET (additional charge) (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $t%FBEMJOF.POEBZOPPO

HELP WANTED CARRIERS NEEDED AIRCRAFT BUYING, REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF HEARING ON & Justice Center in Richland SERVICE Need extra cash or want SELLING AND THREE NEW ZERO STEP NAME CHANGE County. REPRESENTATIVE to get some exercise while APPRAISALS HOMES FOR SALE This is notice that Petitioner Dated: 4/19/19 US: a fun, fast-growing online getting paid? We have carrier Aircraft buying, selling and The Best Price/Quality in the has asked the District Court Janice Klempel global company with a great routes available in several appraisals! Call Sidney Air Bakken. No association, own for a change of name from Clerk of District Court customer support team parts of Sidney. 406-433- Service, Inc for sales and your lot and home, 2,000 Meaghan Leigh Hanson By Laurel Molden looking for someone to join 3306 or fi ll out application at acquisitions! Call 406-480- sq. ft. per unit. $274,000. to Meaghan Leigh Handran Deputy Clerk of Court us as a customer-oriented The Roundup, 111 W. Main, 2024, ask for Barry. Rauschendorfer Construction, The hearing will be on 5/28/19 (Publish May 1, 8, 15, 22, service representative. This Sidney. 406-489-1880. at 2 p.m. 2019) R&L PAINTING person will help our customers The hearing will be at the Law PART TIME DRIVER Will paint houses, barns, create and host successful WANTED quonsets, silos, grain bins, etc. FOR SALE raffles and events, provide HANGERS FOR SALE Part time Delivery Driver for References available. R&L product/services information Hangers available at the The Roundup. Must be able Painting, call 406-488-8244 or CAREER OPPORTUNITY and resolve any emerging Sidney Airport. Call 1-406-480- to lift up to 80 pounds. Must 406-480-4055. problems that our clients 2024 Text for faster response. Information Technology Technician have a valid operator’s driver’s might face with accuracy and license, no CDL required, PILOT SERVICE Lower Yellowstone Rural Electric Cooperative seeks to fill an effi ciency through a multitude must have a clean driving You buy it we fly it. Single PUBLIC NOTICE immediate opening for an Information Technology Technician of communication channels. Montana 7th Judicial District record. Apply by submitting a engine, multi engine, turbine. position in Sidney, MT. This position is an exciting opportunity to YOU: someone who is looking Court completed generic application Aircraft management service be a problem solver in the cooperative and assist with serving the to make a difference with our Richland County and proof of driving record also available. Call 406-480- membership of LYREC. customers, and our company In the Matter of the Name (MVR) to Job Service in 2024, ask for Barry. This position will assist in planning and facilitating the with: - Proven customer support Change of Sidney. Cooperative’s technology work plan. Design, purchase, install, experience or experience as a Meaghan Leigh Hanson maintain, and troubleshoot PC, mobile devices, and server hardware/ client service representative - Your Name Now software. Monitor and maintain software licenses and certificates. A professional manner and a Meaghan Leigh Hanson FOR RENT Troubleshoot and maintain phone system, building security demonstrated commitment to Petitioner OFFICE FOR RENT technology, UPS systems, switches, routers and peripherals. Provide providing excellent customer Cause No.: DV-19-43 1050 South Central Ave., training and guidance to employees for secure and proficient use of service - Ability to multi-task, Sidney, MT. Please call 406- software and hardware. prioritize, and manage time 480-2367 for more information. This position supports the information technology environment effectively and always follow- ensuring that it is secure, meets the needs of the business and through - Good computer and FOR LEASE IN Get Your Sale In The gives employees and directors the tools and training they need to internet skills - Demonstrated WATFORD CITY Classifieds Section For Just: be effective and proficient in their area of responsibility. Travel and ability to effectively resolve 50 x 90 heated shop with 2 MAKE YOUR training will be required with this position. customer issues/complaints, small offi ces. 24 x 100 lean- Applicants may download an employment application from our with empathy and patience to storage building open on GARAGE SALE website at Complete the employment application - Strong written and verbal one side. Located on 700 $ 25 (first 30 words. and submit it along with a cover letter, resume, salary expectations communication skills - The block and HWY 23. Zoned for 10¢/word after) and references to: Lower Yellowstone Rural Electric Cooperative, ability to be a good team commercial. 406-489-2922. Deadline: Mondays by Noon Attn: Corey Candee , PO Box 1047, Sidney, MT 59270. Applicant player, someone who will KNOWN! 9 may also email all required documents to [email protected]. contribute positively to the HANGERS FOR RENT/ 406-433-3306 Deadline for applications to be received will be end of day on May team environment The HANGERS FOR SALE 29, 2019. position requires 40 hours Hangers available at the [email protected] per week, 8 hour per day Sidney Airport. Call 1-406-480- 111 West Main • Sidney, MT shifts Monday- Friday, with 2024 Text for faster response. occasional overtime and the &ŝŶĂŶĐĞ/ŶƚĞƌŶƐŚŝƉ possibility of some weekend FARM & RANCH work for doing projects. Hourly REDMOND NATURAL SALT >ĞŐĂĐLJ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůWĂƌƚŶĞƌƐŝƐƐĞĞŬŝŶŐĂŵŽƟǀĂƚĞĚ&ŝŶĂŶĐĞŝŶƚĞƌŶǁŚŽŝƐƌĞĂĚLJƚŽ pay: $12 per hour DOE. www. In 50 lb. bags or 44 lb. blocks. ĂƉƉůLJŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞŽĨĮŶĂŶĐŝĂůƚĞƌŵƐĂŶĚƉƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐƚŽĂŶĂƵƚŚĞŶƟĐƌĞĂůͲǁŽƌůĚ Please Ask about our garlic in salt ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ͘ZĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďŝůŝƟĞƐŝŶĐůƵĚĞ͗ĂŶĂůLJnjŝŶŐĚĂƚĂ͕ƉƌĞƉĂƌŝŶŐĮŶĂŶĐŝĂůƌĞƉŽƌƚƐ͕ ĂŶĚůĞĂƌŶŝŶŐĂďŽƵƚǀĂƌŝĞĚŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJƌĞůĂƚĞĚĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ͘dŚŝƐŝƐĂŶĞdžĐŝƟŶŐ send for an application to for fl y control. Sidney Feeds. ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJĨŽƌĂŶLJƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƉƵƌƐƵŝŶŐĂĐĂƌĞĞƌŝŶĮŶĂŶĐĞ͊ TicketPrinting - Elk River 406-480-2024 Barry; 406- Systems, Inc. 22 S Central 480-0379 Phil. Stoney Butte ŽŵƉĞŶƐĂƟŽŶĚĞƉĞŶĚƐŽŶĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ͘,ŽƵƌƐĂƌĞDŽŶĚĂLJͲ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͕ ϰϬŚŽƵƌƐͬǁĞĞŬĂŶĚŇĞdžŝďůĞ͘ĂŶďĞƐĞĂƐŽŶĂůŽƌƉĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚ͘ Ave, PO Box 6934, Harlowton, Feeds, Brockway; 406-485- 3200 W. Holly • Sidney, MT | 406-488-1602 • MT 59036 or email bperry@ 2537 or 406-853-3551 Paul. WůĞĂƐĞƐĞŶĚƌĞƐƵŵĞƚŽůŝŶĚƐĂLJ͘ƌ͘ƌĂƚŚΛĂŵƉĨ͘ĐŽŵŽƌ ŵĞƌŝƉƌŝƐĞ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůƩŶ͗>ŝŶĚƐĂLJZĂƚŚ ROUNDUP READY ϭϱϬϬϭϰƚŚ^ƚt^ƚĞϮϭϬ tŝůůŝƐƚŽŶ͕EϱϴϴϬϭ SUMMER WEED SOYBEAN SEED ND17009GT soybean seed. SPRAYERS NEEDED, Legacy Financial Partners, A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial RICHLAND COUNTY High yielding variety. Save Services, Inc. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA and SIPC. at the Richland County Weed your own seed for next year. District. Job starts June 3, Chris Hoffman. Trenton, ND. 2019 and runs through the 701-571-9838. middle of August. Starting pay is $15 per hour. Hours HAY FOR SALE are Monday through Friday Locally grown. Can deliver. Join our team! from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. with 701-677-5696 or 701-590- Help Wanted Job Opportunities five hours of overtime per 1418. The Roundup Newspaper is looking for a Admissions Receptionist Housekeeping week. Applicants must be 17 HORSE SUPPLEMENTS, freelance reporter to cover area events and Housekeeper years of age by June 1 and EQUILIX, EQUIPRIDE Certified Surgical Technician Laundry Worker have a valid driver’s license. write feature stories as needed. Agriculture For the best in horse products, and energy background is a plus. Pick up an Applications can be picked Equilix in tubs and Equipride in Clinic Lodge up at the Job Service or application at The Roundup office located at RN, LPN or MA Food Service Cook bags and pails. Sidney Feeds. 111 West Main, Sidney or call Receptionist completed online. We will 406-480-2024 Barry; 406- begin reviewing applications 406-433-3306 for more information. Patient Accounts Representative 480-0379 Phil. Stoney Butte Clinical Informatics Analyst May 1 and will continue to do Feeds, Brockway; 406-485- so until positions are filled. Personal Assistance Aide 2537 or 406-853-3551 Paul. The Roundup Dining Services RCWD is an equal opportunity Food Service Worker II Registered Nurse employer. SERVICES AUTO TRADER Dishwasher/Utility Worker Intensive Care Unit ROUND OR Labor and Delivery DENTAL HYGIENIST RECTANGULAR TABLES & Extended Care Surgery Healthy Smiles Dental is CHAIRS FOR RENT Administrative Assistant looking for an energetic and Parties, weddings, get- 2004 SWIFT CUSTOM CHOPPER Certified Nurse Assistant Staff Pharmacist motivated hygienist to join our togethers. Ultimate Showdown S&S 113 cu motor, 3300 actual miles, Licensed Practical Nurse team. Please drop off resume Registered Nurse Assoc. Located at Hefty Seed at 203 2nd Ave. SW, Sidney or Co. South of Sidney, has flawless. email drthiessen@midrivers. tables & chairs for rent. Will com. Build Cost: $45,000 deliver. Call 406-488-4338. Sell Price For additional information or to apply $ online, visit our website or contact: 24,000 Human Resources at (406) 488-2571 NOW SELLING [email protected] INSTALLED MAGRUM MOTORS 216 14th Ave SW • Sidney, MT Williston, ND NEW AND 701-572-0114 • 701-770-6375 WINDSHIELDS BENEFITS: Health insurance • Generous paid leave • Competitive FOR MOST MAKES USED TIRES pension plan • Flexible spending accounts • Voluntary dental, vision, offering light mechanics as well critical illness and accident insurance • Life and AD & D Insurance • AND MODELS ONLY $17 A WEEK! Hospital and Fitness Facility Discounts MAGRUM MOTORS MAGRUM MOTORS If you run it for two weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run it for two more weeks FREE! Williston, ND • 701-572-0114 • 701-770-6375 Williston, ND • 701-572-0114 • 770-6375 [email protected] • (406) 433-3306 for details Visit Our Website at: Ranches For Sale Richland County, Montana Ranch #1: We Want Your 4,100 acres, 2,820 deeded, 1,280 State leases Unneeded Used Items! Great set of improvments • $2,500,000 • Household Furniture (living room, bedroom, dining, family room) • Yard and Garden • Large and Small Appliances Ranch #2: • Garage Sale Items • Antique Type Items 4,880 acres, all deeded • $2,400,000 Donations Appreciated, but will pay for items in good shape. We will pick up. Possible lease on adjacent 2,172 acres may be added Call Linda at 406-489-1945 or stop by. For Further Information, Contact Roger Cymbaluk 102 N Central Ave • Downtown Sidney | Mon-Sat: Noon - 6pm | 406-489-1945 Basin Brokers, Inc. • Williston, ND | 1-800-572-5560 • 1-701-572-5560 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 13A Spring Girls’ Little Eagle Basketball Camp Thank You

The Fairview Ministerial Association would like to express its deep gratitude to all of the hundreds of contributors who donated, and continue to donate, to the Flood Relief Fund. 100% of these funds will be used strictly for flood relief, now and in the future when needed. 7KHÀQDOGD\IRUWKH/LWWOH(DJOH%DVNHWEDOO&DPSZDVKHOGRQ6DWXUGD\0D\WK 3LFWXUHGDERYH.LQGHUJDUWHQWKURXJKQGJUDGH6SULQJ*LUOVZLWKKHOSHUV-HQQD $QGHUVRQ6RSKLH3HWHUV'DLV\6QRZDQG&RDFK'DQ3HWHUV SKRWRVE\-D\PL /RREH\  EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY NOT EVERY DAY DOES A POSITION SUCH AS THIS OPEN UP IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY! Ryan Motors in Williston, N.D. is looking for an Aggressive, Dedicated Team Player to join our F&I Team We Are Looking For: We Offer You: •Team Player • Great Working Conditions *UDGHVUGWK6SULQJ*LUOVZLWKKHOSHUV-HQQD$QGHUVRQ'DLV\6QRZ-HUU\ •Automotive Knowledge •Unlimited Income +D]HQ6RSKLH3HWHUVDQG&RDFK'DQ3HWHUV •Dedicated to Customer Satisfaction •Health Insurance •Self Motivator •Paid Vacation .H\&OXE+ROGV,QVWDOODWLRQRI2IÀFHUV •Desire to Work with People •Sick Days We are willing to train the right individual. All inquiries are confidential. Call Todd Deardurff at 701-577-1111 or email at [email protected]

1212 W 2nd StSt, WillistonWilliston, ND (()701) 577-1111 • 1-800-568-5160 •



• Portable Toilet Rentals • Septic Pumping & Installation • Jetting Frozen Sewer Lines • Pump Repair & Replacement AUTO BODY • Snake Jobs • Camera-Locate Sewer Lines COMPLETE AUTO BODY • SAND BLASTING Office: (406) 433-7586 • Pipe Burst Sewer Lines WINDSHIELDS • ROCK CHIPS • FIBERGLASS • INTERNAL COATING Fax: (406) 433-7596 (eliminates digging up entire yard) From compact cars to big rig vehicles, bring it in! We’ll work on it! Service: (406) 489-0915 • Troubleshooting 2004 12th St SE • Watford City, ND • PO Box 592 • 701-444-2834 PO Box 1003 / 34980 Hwy 23, Sidney, MT Customer Service is Our #1 Priority WE DO Farm & Ranch, Oil Field & Construction Materials, Fencing AFFORDABLE Supplies, New Steel, Pipe, Aluminum & Stainless HOMES BEST! 1420 5th St SW • Sidney, MT Sidney: 35002 CR 123 • 406-433-7737 Williston: 13896 W. Front St. • 701-572-5493 House & Garage Packages, Medallion Cabinetry, All Styles Glendive: 2703 W. Towne St. • 406-377-4398 Miles City: 12 Peggy Lane • 406-874-7428 Floor Covering, Plumbing Supplies, Anderson Windows, 406-433-7767 • 406-489-1880 Plentywood: Hwy 16 East • 406-765-2624 Trim & Millwork & Pole Barn Packages M-F: 8am - 5pm • Sa: 9am - 1pm


ϮϮϰϲƚŚ^ƚ͘^t͕^ŝĚŶĞLJͻϰϬϲͲϰϯϯͲϮϰϳϲͻƐŝŐŶƐŽĨƐŝĚŶĞLJΛŵŝĚƌŝǀĞƌƐ͘ĐŽŵ ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 15A Eastern C Divisional Track & Field Meet Thursday, May 16th At The Lambert Track Field

Schedule of Events: Track Events Field Events 10:45am ...... 100 Meter Hurdles Finals ...... Girls 10:00am ...... Pole Vault ...... Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Finals ...... Boys Shot Put ...... Boys 11:15am ...... 100 Meter Dash Finals ...... Girls Javelin ...... Girls 100 Meter Dash Finals ...... Boys Long Jump ...... Girls 11:35am ...... 1600 Meter Run Finals ...... Girls 11:30am ...... Discus ...... Boys 1600 Meter Run Finals ...... Boys Triple Jump ...... Boys 12:00pm ...... 4x100 Meter Relay Finals ...... Girls High Jump ...... Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Finals ...... Boys Lunch Break 12:20pm ...... 400 Meter Dash Finals ...... Girls 400 Meter Dash Finals ...... Boys 1:00pm ...... Javelin ...... Boys Lunch Break Long Jump ...... Boys Pole Vault ...... Girls 2:00pm ...... 300 Meter Hurdles Finals ...... Girls Shot Put ...... Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Finals ...... Boys 2:30pm ...... High Jump ...... Boys 2:20pm ...... 800 Meter Run Finals ...... Girls Discus ...... Girls 800 Meter Run Finals ...... Boys Triple Jump ...... Girls 2:40pm ...... 200 Meter Dash Finals ...... Girls 200 Meter Dash Finals ...... Boys 3:00pm ...... 3200 Meter Run Finals ...... Girls 3300 Meter Run Finals ...... Boys 3:35pm ...... 4x400 Meter Relay Finals ...... Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Finals ...... Boys

Participating Teams: Lambert, Grenora, Froid/Med. Lake, Brockton, Culbertson, Bainville, Fairview, Savage & Circle.

MEDICINE LAKE AG SUPPLY MARATHON SEED CLEANING Chris & Amy Ator Cammi Seader LAMBERT, MONTANA Owners 406-774-3331 406-480-5180 SIDNEY, MONTANA PO Box 245 ¥ 220 Main Street Family Dining 406-433-3014 Medicine Lake, MT 59247 812 9th St West 789-2524 ¥ 789-2493 Open 4:30 pm Tue-Fri Fairview, MT 40406-433-25086 433 2508 Toll Free 1-866-528-7733 2 pm Sat & Sun 416 S. Ellery Cell 765-7453 Fairview ¥ 406-742-5180 Open 8am - 5pm [email protected]

Good Luck Warriors! CU Daniels- Sheridan

R Federal Credit Union Your savings federally insured to $250,000. Open 10am - 2am Daily National Credit Union Adm., a U.S. Govt. Agency 401 Ellery Avenue Serving Daniels, Sheridan & Fairview, MT North Valley Counties 406-742-8110 406-774-3475 Scobey, MT 406-776-2474 Steakhouse Hours: M-TH: 8:30am - 5pm P.O. Box 1160 • 487-5391 Savage, MT Sun-Thurs: 5-9pm Fri: 8:30am-Noon Lambert, MT Medicine Lake, MT [email protected] Fri & Sat: 5-10pm 304 S Ellery Ave • Fairview, MT PO Box 267 • 789-2209 Savage, MT 406-776-2334

Mon-Kota, Inc. Fertilizer & Irrigation QUINNELL Sales & Service ELECTRIC •Oil Field Roads & Locations • Reclaim Work • Commercial Shops At Fox Run • Gravel & Scoria Hauling • Residential 404 N Central • Sidney, MT 504 South Ellery • Remodels Open Daily 6am - 10pm 2429 W. Holly St. Fairview, MT Fairview, MT • 701-844-5300 • New Construction 406-433-2305 Fairview, MT Lounge: 742-4653 • Office: 742-4654 406-488-4400 406-742-5549406-742-5549 Chuck Quinnell Open From 10am - 2am [email protected] 406-776-2331

HURLEY’S Play OILFIELD SERVICES • Potable Water • Sewer System ProBuild, LLC To Win! •Loaders • Communications • custom meat processing • Backhoe • Trucking 100 14th Street SE • curing & smoking From the Fairview School Board, • sausage & Jerky 419 S. Ellery • Skid Houses • Porta Potties Administration & Staff Sidney, MT • wild game Fairview, MT Fairview Dispatch: 701-844-1234 406-433-2012 • Slaughter at the plant Warriors Fairview, MT M-F: 7am - 5pm • Sat: 8am - 1pm or your farm! 406-742-5164 16A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 Public Auto Auction

3409 2nd Ave. West Williston, ND

Lori Balogh - Auction Coordinator Email: [email protected] Ph: 1.701.577.1020 Ext 4 Indoors At Our New Lifted Truck Location 3904 2nd Ave W • Williston, ND (Across from Walmart) • 701-577-1020 Sat, June 1 • 11am Some vehicles Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Boats, without reserve RVs, Motorcycles, Wheels $ starting & Tires, Trailers & More! at:99 Bring Your Mechanic. Preview All Week On Bring Your Checkbook, Location Or Go To Credit Card Or Cash (click((cclick onon tththehhee auctionaaucctttion tab)ttaaabbb))

Cash Prizes For Lunch Will Bidders & Buyers Be Available

Accepting Consignments Through Thurs, May 30th (Call Lori at 701-713-5716) Sale Conducted by • Your vehicles will be previewed at auction site Stevens • We do all state & federal legal paperwork Auctioneer • Safe & secure • $200 sale fee, 1% Auctioneer fee Services Williston, ND (no cost if your item doesn’t sell)