Annales Scientia Politica, roč. 3, č. 1, 2014 Článok



PhD in Public Administration, Doctoral candidate at the Social and Humanitarian Policy Department of The National Academy of Public Administration Е-mail: [email protected]

those days is very important for the successful solution Abstract: of the modern problems. Therefore, the profound and comprehensive study of the forms, methods and means This paper deals with the state and management of the state’s influence on the national culture influence of the Ukrainian People’s Republic Directory on development in different periods of the national the national and cultural development of the Ukrainian liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people in 1917- People’s Republic (December 1918 - 1920). Peculiarities of 1920s, especially in the epoch of the Ukrainian People’s the cultural development in this historical period are under Republic Directory existence and activity, is topical for the review, positive experience of the Directory “Public Administration” as a science and requires humanitarian policy in the context of humanitarian careful analysis of the wide range of archival sources. development of modern is analyzed. Analysis of the recent researches and publications.

Publications of the researches on the Ukrainian Keywords: People’s Republic public administration in the field of

culture began to emerge during the Directory epoch. In Public Administration, government, humanitarian their articles such political and cultural figures as H. policy, culture, Directory, the Ukrainian People’s Republic. Pavlutskyy, L. Kurbas, F. Shmidt, M. Hrushevskyy, D.

Doroshenko, O. Voynarenko, V. Vynnychenko, R.

Mlynovetskyy and others dealt with the urgent Statement of the problem. The revolutionary events of problems of the nation-building of the national culture 1917 in Ukraine opened a new chapter in the history of on the territory of Ukraine. After the Ukrainian Public Administration in the field of culture. People’s Republic defeat extremely productive in this Overthrow of the Russian Empire with its centuries- area were such members of the Ukrainian diaspora as long Russification policy, struggle for the D. Antonovych, Yu. Lypa, O. Olzhych, D. Doroshenko, establishment of a sovereign Ukrainian state, deep D. Chyzhevskyy, Ye. Malanyuk, I. Kostetskyy etc. social and economic and political changes and the Works by modern scholars such as V. Averyanov, resulting wave of expectations and hope for the V. Troschynskyy, V. Luhovyy, V. Skurativskyy, V. national revival aroused spiritual growth in a society Knyazyev, P. Sytnyk, I. Kuras, V. Mayboroda, V. that was manifested in public cultural development. Maslov, I. Nadolnyy, N. Nyzhnyk, P. Nadolishnyy, V. The historical experience of the humanitarian policy of Ryzhyh, I. Rozputenko, V. Bykov and others deal with

42 Annales Scientia Politica, roč. 3, č. 1, 2014 Článok the issues of various components of the management organization and development were carried out by the in the field of culture and public administration theory Chief Administration of Arts and National Culture and history. In their works scholars reveal current within the Ministry of Public Education, which trends in public administration of the humanitarian consisted of six departments: of Preservation of sphere, explore such issues as decentralization of Ancient Buildings and Art Heritage (head – M. state’s influence on the spiritual life of the society, Bilyashivskyy), of Archive and Library (V. public role and place in the management of culture, Modzalevskyy), of Plastic Arts (H. Pavlutskyy), of essence of the state management of higher education, Theater (M. Starytska), of Art Industry (A. Sereda) and science and other components of the humanitarian of Music (Ya. Akymenko-Stepovyy, and since January, sphere. 1 1919 – K. Stetsenko) (Fund 3689, s. 1, 36). Emphasizing of the unsolved aspects of the problem to On December, 30 1918 at the meeting of the which the article is dedicated. For more than nine decades Directory the Theatre Council within the Ministry of the Ukrainian national revolution has been at the heart Public Education was entrusted to examine the state of of the scientific debates, having given rise to the theatrical affairs in the Ukrainian People’s Republic. appearance of a large variety of general literature. In According to its recommendations the Council of spite of this there is a range of key issues of the public Public Ministers allocated some money to the administration in the field of culture during the professional Ukrainian theatres. Thus, the State Drama Ukrainian People's Republic Directory epoch which Theatre received from the government 1.074 million remain unexplored. Peculiarities and mechanisms of karbowanezes, City Theatre – 413 thousand this process, various aspects of the state’s impact of karbowanezes, “Young Theatre” – 100 karbowanezes. those days on the revival of the Ukrainian culture, the (Fund 1429, s. 106). formation of the specialized institutions of the public In January 1919, Theatre Department front office of administration of the national culture and art issues, the Chief Administration defined 11 bills that needed etc. require further research. immediate approval of the Directory (Fund 3689, s. 4) In recent decades some aspects of this problem have and prepared establishment of the instructor and been reflected in the works of the Ukrainian scientists: director courses, Ukrainianization and updated V. Andruschenko, A. Aleksyuk, V. Bondar, A. Derbak, repertoire. M. Dmytrychenko, V. Kozakov, K. Korsak, V. Kremen, Early in 1919 the transition to the Ukrainian V. Sytnik, Yu. Chernetskyy, H. Schokin, T. Yatsenko repertoire in Kyiv City Opera was launched. During and others. However, its complete analysis in the January and February of 1919 Ukrainian-language available modern literature is absent. repertoire was introduced in some theatres in Poltava, Aim of the article. Revealing of the essence, content Zhytomyr, Berdychiv, Vinnitsa, Odessa and other cities and peculiarities of the state cultural development of of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (Bulletin) the Ukrainian People’s Republic in the Directory epoch (Robitnycha gazeta). On January, 11 1919 Government (1918 - 1920). made a decision to establish National State Opera in Summary of the basic material. After the repudiation Kiev (Fund 62, s. 3). Establishment of the Ukrainian of authority by Hetman Skoropadskyy on December Union of the Theatrical Art Men in Kiev in January 14, 1918 and the rise to power of the Directory 1919 was logical consequence of the theatrical life Ukrainian People’s Republic was up built. National development. At the same time the magazine and cultural life of those days was influenced by the “Theatre”, which was edited by a known playwright S. central government in the first half of 1919. Total Cherkasenko, began its activity (Nova). insecurity, ambiguous policy, permanent warring State and management activities of the Theatre against the Bolshevik and White Russian forces department were primarily carried out through contributed to the state’s support of cultural processes. personnel policy, involving famous actors, directors, But state and management mechanisms of the theatre workers with establishment of new theatres. Ukrainian culture development continued to evolve For example, with the active participation of Les and in some areas this process was quite rapid. Kurbas drama theatre was created in Mogyliv- Very important step of the Ukrainian People’s Podilskyy. Mykola Sadovsky organized actors and Republic Directory in the humanitarian policy was founded several new theatres, including the Main State resolution of December, 24 1918, according to which in Public Theatre in Kamyanets-Podilskyy. Also, in the the government there was created a position of the Ukrainian People’s Republic there were organized Minister of Arts, which was taken up by D. about twenty nomadic cultural and educational Antonovich. However, complex military and political cinemas to spread education among the urban conditions of the late 1918 – early 1919 did not give an population, and especially village dwellers opportunity to realize such enactment. Therefore, state (Dnistryanska). and management functions in the Ukrainian culture

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Early in 1919 there was designed a programme of decision to allocate almost 60 thousand hryvnyas to the prospective cinema development in Ukraine, which these institutions (Fund 2582, s. 30 – 31). The included a range of measures to increase the network department developed and the Directory subsequently of the stationary and nomadic cinemas and production adopted Appropriation Bill of 635 thousand hryvnyas of the Ukrainian films (Law). for the establishment and maintenance of 24 handicraft Popularizing movie, the Directory supported industries schools -workshops in 12 counties in Podilya legislation based opening of new cinemas and Governorate (Fund 3689, s. 17). Besides, within the especially founding of children cinemas in Kiev, department there was a Commission on the unified Katerynoslav, Vinnytsya, Kamyanets-Podilskyy and school plan development. other cities, which became a novelty in the national State and management activity of the Plastic Arts cinematography formation. Moreover, the Ukrainian department was manifested primarily in the People’s Republic government made film distributors reorganization of art schools in the Ukrainian People’s introduce systematic exhibition of films in schools, Republic. Within the department there was established colleges, universities, clubs, people’s houses, a committee that made a decision to unite Kiev Art “Prosvitas” into their practice and increased allocations School and the Institute of Architecture and establish for the state nomadic cinemas network development the Institute of Plastic Arts that consisted of four (Cinematograph). faculties. This very committee also prepared a Bill on Archive and Library department significantly the establishment of the Institute, its Charter, curricula strengthened its management activities in this epoch. of the faculties and budget of the Institute (Directory, s. Late in 1918 the department developed a range of state 433 – 444). measures to support a network of the Ukrainian Public administration of Musical and Choral Art People’s Republic libraries that were backed by 49 department was carried out by Art department. On million hryvnyas allocated by the Directory. Formation January, 13 1919 the Ukrainian People’s Republic of the National Library staff and establishment of the Directory Resolution reorganized the State Symphony nationwide library fund in its structure continued. It Orchestra, M Lysenko into “Republican”, and for its was planned to collect in the National Library all development more than 66 thousand hryvnyas were existing scientific publications in the humanities, allocated (Fund 1065, s. 3 – 36). The department natural sciences, technical sciences which were monitored cultural events, assisting in amateur published in the Russian Empire and abroad since endeavours of young art choirs. Thus, with the Middle Ages and till the beginning of the twentieth assistance of the Arts department Folk Choir of century (Fund 3689, s. 28). Kamyanets-Podilskyy, National choirs of Vinnitsa, Chief Administration of Arts and National Culture Zhytomyr and others received financial assistance carried on state support of children libraries from the government. development, foundation of which began during the One of the most important artistic events of the UCR (Ukrainian Central Rada) epoch. Due to the Directory epoch was foundation of the Ukrainian growing needs of the younger generation in study Republican Chapel on January, 24 1919 under the materials and fiction, early in 1919 administration supervision of O. Koshyts and allocation of 2.3 million funded opening of new children libraries networks in hryvnyas for its development. The chapel was given towns and large villages. Later, on the initiative of Kiev the task of national importance – to promote Ukrainian “Prosvita” and support of the Ministry of Public national art on the high professional level both in Education there was developed a programme of one Ukraine and abroad. As a result of touring in France, thousand residential libraries opening in the Ukrainian Czechoslovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, People’s Republic within the next two years. Their Holland, England, Germany, Poland, Spain Ukrainian founding made a qualitative change in the library musical art first showed itself to the world, having development and became one of the innovations of the gained popularity in the European countries. Directory state policy on the libraries development in Public administration in other culture branches – Ukraine. And though for a short period of time in literature and art mostly lost that massive character power of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, this idea that was observed during the epoch of the Ukrainian was not fully realized, however, the government State with Hetman P. Skoropadskyy. Public presented idea remained alive and did not lost its administration of fine art development was aimed not relevance in the following years (Fund 2582, s. 29, 33, at achieving new but at preserving existing 36). achievements, as well as at protecting cultural Art Industry department carried out state and monuments. Although in the newspapers and management activities to improve the financial magazines of those days from time to time there condition of Typography schools-workshops in Kiev appeared some information about art events, for and Kamyanets-Podilskyy. Budget Committee made a example, the solemn celebration of the 25th work

44 Annales Scientia Politica, roč. 3, č. 1, 2014 Článok anniversary of Mykola Voronyyand foundation of the work to some extent, and on June, 7 1920 the Council award in his name, however, state and management of Public Ministers approved the appointment of P. component of the literature and art development in Zaytsev as a head of the Chief Administration of Arts general stalled. It goes without saying that a and National Culture, the staff of which consisted only progressive event was foundation of the Publisher’s of 3 officials. It is important to mention that until its Union of Ukraine at the congress of Ukrainian last days the Directory sought to maintain and develop publishers on January, 3 1919, but in conditions of the humanitarian component of the national life. political turmoil such events were rather rare. Conclusions. Complex political and military Public administration of Preservation of Ancient situation did not make it possible to create an effective Buildings and Art Heritage department was primarily mechanism of cultural processes management and aimed at preserving Ukrainian fortresses, including prevented their sustainable creative development. Medzhybizh and Pylyava Fortress of County, However, new steps were taken in the field of cultural Satanovsky Castle of Proskuriv County, and policy and they were a spiritual support of the social clarifying situation with private and state cultural and awareness national recovery and development. historical monuments protection. With the assistance Political insecurity during the Directory epoch, lack of of the Chief Administration of Arts and National permanent territory and government institutions Culture and the Ministry of Home Affairs the palace of eventually led to the loss of state control over the Count Potocki in Antoniny, Volhynia was taken under artistic process by the Chief Administration of Arts and protection. In February 1919, the Ukrainian People’s National Culture. It was the reason for cultural Republic Council of Public Ministers assigned 6 million potential of the Ukrainian people during this period hryvnyas to publishers for publication of Ukrainian being largely unrealized. Experience of those days culture history monuments art series. requires critical reframe and creative application in the Early in February 1919 due to the restoration of humanitarian policy of modern Ukraine. Soviet power in Kiev, the Directory and its government were evacuated to Vinnytsya. Subsequent moves of the References Ukrainian People’s Republic Directory and short stays Central Central state archive of the higher bodies of of Ministry of Public Education in Kamyanets- authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 3689. – Podilskyy, Rivne, Kolomyia, absence of the Chief Description 1. – Case 7. – Page 1, 36. Administration of Arts and National Culture Central state archive of the higher bodies of department head were unfavourable for the public authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 1429. – administration of the national culture development. Description2. – Case7. – Page106. However, in September 1919 Theatre Board activity Central state archive of the higher bodies of was renewed and the authority of the old members authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 3689. – and the need of incorporation of the Artist’s Union of Description1. – Case21. – Page 4. Ukraine and Podolia Governorate society “Prosvita” Bulletin of the Ukrainian People’s Republic. – 1919. representatives were acknowledged. Theatre – January, 22. department prepared draft resolution on the Robitnycha gazeta. –1919. –January, 26. appropriation of 1,843,000 francs for four months more Institute of manuscripts of Vernadsky National of Ukrainian Republican choir trip to Western Europe Library of Ukraine– Fund 62. – Case193. – Page3. starting from June, 24 1919, which was approved by Nova Rada. – 1919. –January, 26. the Government on October, 16 1919. Dnistryanska hvylya. – 1919. – September, 14. Bilshovyk onset and overrun of the Ukrainian lands Law on the Ukrainian inscriptions in motion picture by Poland in November 1919 made the Directory make films of the Ukrainian People’s Republic / Bulletin of a decision to evacuate the government and dissolute all the State Laws. K.: – 1919. – March, 2. machineries of government. Further machineries of Cinematograph / Bulletinof the society “Prosvita” government transformations were sporadic and in Katerynoslav. Bilshovyk. – 1919. – May, 3. ineffective. According to the Council of Public Central state archive of the higher bodies of Ministers decision on November, 15 1919 I. authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 3689. – Ohienkowas appointed as a general proxy minister of Description1. – Case21. – Page28. the Ukrainian People’s Republic government in Central state archive of the higher bodies of Kamyanets-Podilskyy. The Directory Resolution on authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 2582. – February, 16 1920 dismissed on January, 1 1920 26 Description2. – Case176. – Page29, 33, 36. Ministry of Public Education officials, including three Central state archive of the higher bodies of government officials of the Arts and National Culture authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 2582. – Administration. Only in April and early in May of 1920 Description2. – Case176. – Page30-31. the Directory government institutions resumed their

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Central state archive of the higher bodies of authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 3689. – Description1. – Case21. – Page1-17. Directory, Council of the Public Ministers of the Ukrainian People’s Republic. 1918-1920. Doc. and mat. in 2 volumes. –V. 2. –K., 2006, P. 433-444. Central state archive of the higher bodies of authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 1065. – Description1. – Case147, 279. – Page3-36. Central state archive of the higher bodies of authority and control of Ukraine. – Fund 2582. – Description2. – Case176. – Page27.