olf Ball Controversy Still Hangs Fire As Scores Come In I TOPS AMATEUR An Hour After The Golf Marathon New Golf Ball Tends One Minute After The Battle IT LOOKS LIKE IGUE SLUGGERS MAX AND CARNERA i _____ i For New York, July 8.—-(UP)— i of (bti North Knd Thorn- To Scores Higher Official announcement of a lea the heavy sluggers world’s at the heavyweight champion- Amateur league bout between Max of ship Sehmel- •r the sixth week play, and last Thomas dob outfielder Stars And Duffers Alike ing, present tttleholder, Primo Camera is expected S bite In 14 trips to the to-day following a meeting between the an average of .Bit, L. S. CAMERON By managers of the two lighters and of the Press Henry Carrington (Culled Sports Editor) President William F. of U a dose second with Carey New York, new balloon ball of United Madison Garden. of .441. Two pitchers July 8—(UP)—The Square Camera was semi-olBdally se- yet to taste defeat In the States golf makes for higher scoring by stars as well as by lected as Schmellng’s next Johnny Jablon- oppon- they being duffers, a United Press survey disclosed to-day. ent at a conference be- I of the HIUs who has won yesterday Schmel- tussles and Ray Daly or the tween Carey, Joe Jacobs, A comparison was made of scores Leo one who has won three Ing's manager, and See, turned In for the last two open of the Italian’s managers. DR HERR WINS of championships, the most recent of a forfeit g ab r h ave. Posting $85,000 by which, held at Toledo, O., was won See to-day Is expected to make E. T. ...4 14 8 8 .671 78 HOLE GAME N. by Bill Burke of Greenwich, Conn. the bout official. The light prob- Brk ..4 15 0 7 .447 The 1931 championship was played will be held sometime In P. G.4 II 1 I .442 ably Golf marathona wenilng to be over a 71-par course, while other September, either at Jersey City, Brk_8 20 2 4 .460 recent were courses in vogue since Burke’s 144 opens held on or P. G.4 18 2 8 .444 Billy Philadelphia Chicago. hole victory over George Von with pars of 72. KJm at Toledo, two of the Wa- A Idttic Comparison. tertown Country Clnb's tourna- The 30 leaders of 1931 required ment entries wont 78 holes before 9,012 strokes for the 72 holes thoy ALLOWED ROUND NET they nettled a match that began played In the championship proper. SQUARES last Saturday. At the finish yes- The 30 leaders of the year before terday, Dr Kdward Herr was win- also used up 9,012 strokes, but, as PLAY FOR WOMEN ner over Dr F, J. Krbe, on© up. pointed out, this year's course had PROTEST AGAINST They started with 88 holes, broke a lower par. even, played 18 more, were still The first 15 players of last year’s COMPLETED AT WCC In a tie, and decided on three championship who also played the PLAZA COLTS‘9’ holes to settle It They couldn’t first four rounds this year, had high- and then figured another 18 hole er totals in 1931. These leading Despite overcast skies and sodden match Sunday should decide stars required 4,482 strokes in 1930, Many New Players Signed coutrs play In the annual Naugatuck something. Still they finished and 4,522 strokes in 1931, despite Valley tennis championship opened even. After 75 holes they were the fact that Inverness, scene of the By Public Parks and yesterday on the courts of the Wa- all square. They again decided 1931 championship, has a par of ; terbuty Country club. With fine co- on three extra holes whlc’i decid- one stroke lower than that of In- Recreation League eperation manifest »y the competit- ed the match Hi Dr Herr's favor. terlachen at Minneapolis, where the ors in the women’s singles It was tournament was held last season. Teams—Blinn With Ma- the tournament commit- possible for Some If you are at all Imaginative, you can deduce how these two young It takes two j?