Hindawi BioMed Research International Volume 2018, Article ID 8168791, 14 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8168791

Review Article p300/CBP as a Key Nutritional Sensor for Hepatic Energy Homeostasis and Liver Fibrosis

Weilei Yao, Tongxin Wang, and Feiruo Huang

Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, College of Animal Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Feiruo Huang; [email protected]

Received 21 December 2017; Revised 14 March 2018; Accepted 12 April 2018; Published 15 May 2018

Academic Editor: Koichiro Wada

Copyright © 2018 Weilei Yao et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Te overwhelming frequency of metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes are closely related to liver diseases, which might share common pathogenic signaling processes. Tese metabolic disorders in the presence of infammatory response seem to be triggered by and to reside in the liver, which is the central metabolic organ that plays primary roles in regulating lipid and glucose homeostasis upon alterations of metabolic conditions. Recently, abundant emerging researches suggested that p300 and CREB binding protein (CBP) are crucial regulators of energy homeostasis and liver fbrosis through both their activities and transcriptional coactivators. Plenty of recent fndings demonstrated the potential roles of p300/CBP in mammalian metabolic homeostasis in response to nutrients. Tis review is focused on the diferent targets and functions of p300/CBP in physiological and pathological processes, including lipogenesis, lipid export, gluconeogenesis, and liver fbrosis, also provided some nutrients as the regulator of p300/CBP for nutritional therapeutic approaches to treat liver diseases.

1. Introduction With the development of epigenetics in liver disease, it has received considerable research interest in the past 20 Obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and nonalcoholic years. Te disorder of energy metabolism is considered to fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are becoming major health be mediated through epigenetic mechanisms, by altering concernintheworld,andnutrientsassociatedwiththose the expression of key genes [8]. Te most well studied epi- disease are grouped in the metabolic syndrome [1–3]. Tese genetic marks is posttranslational modifcations (PTMs) of diseases seem to have two common characteristics: they histones. During the past decades, specifcally, the inventory involve the destruction of homeostasis, and they are generally of acetylation, as evidenced by the number of modifcation associated with chronic infammation [4]. Te liver is well sites identifed, is fast catching up with other major PTMs knowntobethelargestvisceralorganinthebodyand such as phosphorylation and ubiquitylation. Acetylation is maintains the balance of glucose and lipids by adapting its a highly reversible process that is regulated by histone metabolic activity to the needs of energy of the organism (HATs)and histone deacetylases (HDACs), [5]. Recently multiple evidence indicates that nutrient excess respectively [9, 10]. Recently, acetylation status of nonhistone and obesity activates several proinfammatory signaling path- proteins has also been shown to be regulated by HATs and ways, leading to chronic low-grade infammation, also called HDACs[11,12].Predictably,asthepivotalmetabolicorgan, metafammation in liver, which may give rise to the chronic liverislargelysubjectedtolysineacetylation.Teacetylation liver injury. Sustained wound healing response to sustained of the nonhistone proteins including transcription factors chronic liver injury will lead to fbrosis. Advanced liver involved in regulation of metabolic genes and their relevance fbrosis leads to cirrhosis, liver failure [6, 7]. Further, the to metabolic homeostasis are even more important. damage of hepatic delicate energy balance may aggravate p300/CBP has a histone acetyltransferase activity that many pathological states such as obesity, diabetes, and other transfers an acetyl group to the lysine residue, and the chronic noncommunicable diseases. acetylation level of nonhistone proteins has been identifed 2 BioMed Research International as a key mechanism for regulating transcription [13–16]. elevated in diet induced obese mice [20]. Sterol regula- Recently, the roster of p300/CBP acetylated lysine sites has tory element-binding 1 (SREBP1C) is a expanded, through using multifarious nutritional, genetic, critical lipogenic activator, which is dynamically regulated and pharmacological model systems. Emergent theory indi- in response to nutritional changes [34–36]. It was taken cates that high glucose and lipid as well as metabolic hormone for granted that SREBP1C expression levels in liver were alteration may regulate the activity of p300/CBP,and it is also increasedinresponsetofeeding.SREBPsarebHLH-LZ involved in regulating multiple hepatic energy homeostasis transcription factors that bind as dimers to sterol regulatory and infammatory pathway in response to nutrient excess or elements of target genes for lipid metabolism. By overex- deprivation, through acetylating nonhistone proteins includ- pression of SREBP1C in the mice livers, SREBP1C has been ing SREBP1C (K289 and K309), ChREBP (K672), and FOXO1 shown as a crucial role in the transcriptional activation (K242, K245, and K262). Besides, p300/CBP is global tran- of lipogenic genes, which led to increase of hepatic lipid scriptional coactivators that are involved in the expression of accumulation [37, 38]. Te activity of SREBP1C was shown to lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis genes via regulating DNA be regulated by posttranslational modifcations, such as phos- binding transcriptional factors. Here we will focus primarily phorylation, ubiquitination, and acetylation [39]. Te authors on the diferent mechanisms, that is, p300/CBP in regulating observed that SREBP1C was acetylated at Lys-289 and Lys- hepatic energy homeostasis and liver fbrosis under diferent 309 by p300/CBP through tandem mass spectrometry [40]. trophic conditions. So, p300/CBP may regulate lipid synthesis via acetylation of SCREBP1C. Under high glucose and insulin conditions, 2. p300/CBP in Hepatic Energy Homeostasis SREBP1C was acetylated by p300/CBP acetyltransferase in both cells and mouse liver, which led to increasing its p300 and CBP are two acetyltransferase in humans stability and recruitment to its lipogenic target gene pro- and most higher eukaryotes. p300 (also called EP300 or moters [20]. Tose fndings have crucial suggestions in the KAT3B) is so-named because it is about 300 kDa in size (with context of metabolic regulation, as inhibition of p300/CBP- 2414 amino acids). CBP (also called CREBBP or KAT3A) dependent SREBP1C acetylation may provide a measure is composed of 2441 amino acids, and because of the high to reduce lipogenesis during excess nutrient. In addition, sequence homology observed between it and p300, the two small molecules that inhibit the acetylation of SREBP1C proteins are now collectively referred to as p300/CBP [28]. by inhibiting p300/CBP may be used to treat metabolic p300/CBP plays also a role in pivotal transcriptional coactiva- disorders, such as NAFLD, obesity, and T2DM. tor proteins in integrating and coordinating multiple signal- Te liver increases fatty acid synthesis in response to glu- dependent events [29]. p300 and CBP are crucial regulators cose and insulin by upregulating the expression of lipogenic of hepatic homeostasis through both their acetyltransferase genes such as fatty acid synthase (FAS) and acetyl-CoA activity and transcriptional coactivator. More recently, a carboxylase (ACC) through the SREBP1C and carbohydrate- growing number of experiments have suggested p300/CBP in responsive element-binding protein (ChREBP) [41]. ChREBP hepatic metabolic homeostasis including lipogenesis, gluco- was also shown as a major regulator of lipogenesis and acts neogenesis, and the regulation of insulin action. Tese results in synergy with SREBP1C to activate fatty acid synthesis indicate that p300/CBP activity might insure the coordinated [42, 43]. Te targets of ChREBP include ATP citrate regulation of several diferent metabolic functions in liver. (ACLY), FAS, ACC, and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) Further elucidation of the role p300/CBP plays in hepatic [44, 45]. ChREBP is also regulated by posttranslational energy homeostasis may provide novel insights into devel- modifcation. During fasting, ChREBP could be phospho- oping treatments for hepatic metabolic syndrome and other rylated at S196 and T666 by protein A (PKA), lead- liver diseases. ing to prevention of nuclear entry and reducing its DNA binding, respectively [46, 47]. Under high glucose uptake 3. Hepatic Lipid Metabolism conditions, ChREBP was dephosphorylated to be converted into an active form, which is displaced into the nucleus to 3.1. Hepatic De Novo Lipogenesis. Te balance between lipid facilitate binding of ChREBP to its response element [47]. synthesis and catabolism is closely associated with the nutri- Julien and colleagues found that ChREBP was acetylated tional status of the organism [30, 31]. Condition of overnutri- at Lys-672 by glucose-activated p300/CBP, which enhanced tion promotes lipid synthesis while malnutrition accelerates its transcriptional activity by increasing its recruitment of fatty acid oxidation [32]. Although lipids are primary for its target gene promoters in cultured mouse hepatocytes maintaining organismal homeostasis, many diseases, such as, [19].Furthermore,inmicemodelsofobesityandT2DM, obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and type 2 diabetes high p300/CBP HAT activity was associated with ChREBP are associated with the disordered lipid synthesis [33]. An hyperacetylation and hepatic steatosis [19]. In accordance amount of literature has implicated that p300/CBP afects with these results, the authors also recently showed that the lipid metabolism in diferent tissues and cells; here we p300/CBP was a crucial regulator in regulating activity of primarily clarify its efects on hepatocyte and liver. nuclear bile acid receptor (FXR) through acetylating FXR Recently, by treating with glucose and insulin to mimic in K217 acetylation site [17]. Remarkably, in high glucose feeding conditions in HepG2 cells, Ponugoti et al. found that and insulin states, the deacetylation of FXR was dramat- hepatic de novo lipogenesis was increased [20]. Remark- ically decreased, and hepatic FXR acetylation levels were ably, hepatic de novo lipogenesis levels were also highly highly increased [17, 18]. Acetylation of FXR enhanced its BioMed Research International 3

Plasma FA Chylomicron

Entrance Export


VLDL lipogenesis

Dissociates from DNA p300/CBP p300/CBP Ac p300/CBP Lipogenic DNA-PK Triglyceride MTPMT FXR Ac genes Ac P MLX PCAF ChREBP SREBP1C USF1 Ac

ChoRE SRE E-box

p300/CBP Nucleus DDX3 MTP Ac HNF4 Hepatocyte

Figure 1: Potential contributions of p300/CBP to development of hepatic lipid metabolism. Red arrow: hepatic de novo lipogenesis and hyperlipidemia in p300/CBP regulation: the scheme indicates the regulatory actions of the inducible p300/CBP acetylation and their efects on de novo lipogenesis in both enzymatic and transcriptional events. Blue arrow: the regulation of p300/CBP in lipid export by interacting with DDX3 and inducing acetylation of HNF4 which increased the MTP promoter activation (HNF4: hepatocyte nuclear factor 4; MTP: microsomal triglyceride transfer protein).

stability but inhibited heterodimerization with RXRa, DNA FXR may be inhibited because of low expression and activity binding, and transactivation activity [17]. It was accepted of SIRT1 [17]. Tese fndings suggested that inhibition of that p300 acetylated FXR which decreased the FXR activity hepatic p300 activity may be benefcial for treating metabolic [17]. Inactivated FXR would aggravate hyperglycemia and diseases. hyperlipidemia via SHP expression. In addition, increased Hepaticlipidsynthesisismodulatedinaprecisemanner SHP RNA level leads to decreasing PLTP and VLDLR RNA in response to change of nutrients and hormones [48]. levels and increasing G6Pase and PEPCK RNA levels [18]. Transcription factors for lipogenic genes (such as FXR, So the acetylated FXR by p300 led to a decreased activity SREBP1C, and ChREBP), are equally activated on insulin of FXR and increased expression of SHP which promoted and glucose signaling which involved multiple downstream target genes expression associated with lipid and glucose molecules, including a variety of and phosphatases metabolism. Later, SIRT1 deacetylated FXR, which decreased [48]. p300/CBP could acetylate these transcription factors FXR acetylation levels. In normal conditions, FXR is activated under high glucose and insulin conditions, leading to the acti- by agonists and p300 is recruited, which results in increased vation of lipogenic genes transcription. Te work discussed acetylation of histone H3 and, subsequently, transcriptional here demonstrates that various transcription factors involved activation. At the same time, the process for limiting the in acetylation of p300/CBP may provide a therapeutic targets stimulated activity is initiated by acetylation of FXR by p300, for suppression of activity of p300/CBP to combat overnutri- which impairs FXR interaction with RXRa and DNA binding, tion (Figure 1). resulting in dissociation of FXR from the promoter. Te activity of FXR is tightly balanced by the opposing actions of 3.2. Hepatic Lipid Export. Lipid homeostasis is basically p300 and SIRT1 via FXR and histone acetylation. However, maintained through the balance between infow (lipogen- in metabolic disease states, deacetylation of the acetylated esis) and outfow (�-oxidation and lipid export) of lipid 4 BioMed Research International metabolism, which is under complicated and sophisticated production is crucial as a source of fuel that maintains the controls [21]. Blocking of lipoprotein assembly may inhibit basic functions of other tissues, including skeletal muscle, lipid export, which is one of the causes of lipid accumulation, redbloodcells,andthebrain[67,68].Glucagonplaysvital therefore resulting in the occurrence of hepatic steatosis [21]. role during fasting state, in part by activating gluconeogenesis Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP), a crucial through cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) regulator of liver lipid homeostasis, is synthesized largely and CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 2 (CRTC2) intheliverandintestine,whichisprimarilymodulatedat [69–72]. Te factors forkhead box protein O1 (FOXO1) can the transcriptional level [49]. Te crucial role of MTP in also promote the transcription of gluconeogenic the assembly and secretion of lipoproteins was originally genes such as glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) and phospho- identifed in patients with abetalipoproteinemia, a syndrome enolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK1), which in turn leads caused by mutations in MTP gene4 [50] and observed to elevating gluconeogenesis [73]. in MTP liver-specifc knockout mice [51]. Recently, RNA FOXO1 is a signifcant downstream mediator of the helicase DDX3, also known as DBX or CAP-Rf [52–54], has insulin signaling pathway [22]. In the fed conditions, FOXO1 been reported to be associated with the expression of MTP was phosphorylated by insulin through AKT, leading to which in turn leads to lipid accumulation and afects ApoB its nuclear exclusion and degradation. FOXO1 levels were secretion [21, 55, 56]. decreased in nuclear which led to suppressing the hepatic At present, there is limited information between glucoseproduction[74,75].Ontheotherhand,FOXO1was p300/CBP and lipid export. Tsai and colleagues showed regulated via acetylation of p300 and CBP [76, 77]. Recently, that downregulation of DDX3 led to lipid accumulation and Anne and colleagues showed that mRNA and protein levels reduced ApoB secretion in hepatocyte-derived HuH7 or of FOXO1 were elevated prominently in the mice livers HepG2 cell lines [21]. Te mechanism of this efect appears afer fasting. In the fasting conditions, phosphorylation of to be related to the interaction of p300/CBP with DDX3. CREB at Ser-133 was activated by glucagon through cAMP- Further research demonstrated that DDX3 interacted with PKA pathway and led to recruitment of the p300/CBP and p300/CBP and induced acetylation of hepatocyte nuclear CRTC2 to CRE-containing genes including PEPCK1 and factor 4 (HNF4) which synergistically increased the MTP G6Pase. Te elevated expression of gluconeogenesis was the promoter binding afnity of HNF4 [57–60]. Deservedly, major pathway in increasing hepatic gluconeogenesis [68, many approaches had focused on MTP as a therapeutic 78] and FOXO1 induced accordingly PEPCK1 and G6Pase candidate in virtue of its physiological importance of gene expression [79, 80]. According to the information, the lipoprotein secretion [21, 61]. However, this observation authors concluded that glucagon may elevate FOXO1 gene demonstratedanovelroleofp300/CBPinlipidmetabolism expression in the fasting state via p300/CBP. In this way, and provided a clue to design new strategies for therapy of FOXO1 would further increase gluconeogenesis. Remarkably, hepatosteatosis (Figure 1). silence of coactivator p300/CBP led to the decrease of mRNA and protein levels of FOXO1. In addition, suppression of 4. Hepatic Glucose Homeostasis histone acetyltransferase activity of p300/CBP prominently reducedmRNAandproteinlevelsofFOXO1inliveroffasting Glucose serves as a primary fuel for mammals [23]. Main- mice and fasting blood glucose levels. By characterization of taining the glucose balance is one of the central mechanisms Foxo1 gene promoter, p300/CBP upregulated the expression for the survival of the organisms [62]. Te liver is crucial of Foxo1 gene via binding to tandem CREs in the proximal in maintaining glucose balance, which regulates the balance promoter region of Foxo1 gene [22]. Taken together, these ofglucoselevelsinplasmaandliverbycontrollinguptake results indicate that p300/CBP may play a critical role in and storage process of glucose [62–64]. Te homeostatic regulating gluconeogenesis in the fasting state (Figure 2). processes are regulated by hormone, including insulin and glucagonasthemainregulatorsofglucosemetabolism. 4.2. Nutrient Supply and Hepatic Glucose Homeostasis. Hep- Peripheral tissue consuming glucose, glycolysis, and storage atic glycogen breakdown maintains normal blood glucose of glycogen was accelerated by insulin under the fed condi- level during early fasting; proper hepatic glycogen synthesis tions, while glucagon ofsets the efect of insulin and increases in the feeding/postprandial states is crucial. It has been hepatic glucose production under fasting conditions [65]. known that gluconeogenesis is critical for hepatic glyco- Recent works have showed that p300/CBP is a regulator gen synthesis. It was reported that depletion of hepatic of glucose homeostasis which is critical factor in metabolic p300 decreased glycogen synthesis and storage, which led diseases. to relative hypoglycemia [81]. Previous investigations have known that insulin suppressed gluconeogenesis by phospho- 4.1. Fasting and Hepatic Gluconeogenesis. In the states of rylating CBP at S436, which led to disassemble the CREB- limited energy, such as fasting or prolonged calorie restric- CBP complex. However, p300 lacks the corresponding S436 tion, the role of liver is to provide the organization with phosphorylation site at CBP.In a phosphorylation-competent glucose to maintain normal glucose levels, originally through p300G422S knock-in mouse model, the authors showed that breaking down glycogen (glycogenolysis) and then convert- mutant mice decreased markedly hepatic glycogen content in ing to gluconeogenesis [66]. Several transcription factors and the tracer incorporation assay under the postprandial state coactivators are involved in the gluconeogenesis controlled [81]. Terefore, p300 has a critical role in glycogen synthesis by nutrition and hormone. During fasting, hepatic glucose by maintaining basal gluconeogenesis. BioMed Research International 5

Fasting Feeding Glucagon Insulin



FOXO1 p300/CBP P P CBP CREB CREB Gluconeogenic genes p300/CBP G6P p300 P PEPCK CREB CRTC2 CREB FOXO1

Nucleus Glucose 6-phosphate

Gluconeogenesis GS G6P

Glycogen Glucose Glucose

Euglycimia Diabetes Hepatocyte

Figure 2: Potential contributions of p300/CBP to the development of hepatic glucose homeostasis. In the fasting condition, phosphorylation of CREB recruiting p300/CBP increases FOXO1 gene expression and, accordingly, FOXO1 induces PEPCK1 and G6Pase gene expression. In the feeding condition, p300 constitutively binds to the CREB coactivator complex maintaining glyconeogenesis and sustaining euglycemia through the activation of basal gluconeogenesis (CREB: cAMP response element-binding protein; FOXO1: hepatocyte nuclear factors forkhead box protein O1; G6Pase: glucose-6-phosphatase; PEPCK1: phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase).

Reports from decades ago have suggested that the CBP and p300 are closely related proteins, but p300 lacks gluconeogenic pathway accounted for 50%–70% of newly S436 phosphorylation site found on CBP that cannot be synthesized glycogen [82]. In the perfused rat liver or in phosphorylated at this site. Recently, the authors found p300 primary rat hepatocytes, physiologic concentration of glucose constitutively bound to hepatic CREs such as found in the had minimal efects on the glycogen synthesis when glucose Ppargc1 gene promoter and maintains basal gluconeogenesis was the sole substrate; however, efcient glycogen synthesis in the fed and postprandial states [91]. In the fed state, HGP occurred when gluconeogenic precursors were added [83, was partly inhibited by insulin via the phosphorylation of 84]. Studies from rat, mouse, and dog using radiotracer- CBP at Ser-436. Due to the phosphorylation event, CBP labeling techniques have frmly established that the gluco- and CRTC2 disassembled from the CREB complex [78]. In neogenic pathway contributed substantially to hepatic glyco- addition, the phosphorylation of p300 on Ser-79 and CBP gen formation during postprandial state [85–87]. Human on Ser-78 reduced their histone acetyltransferase activity studies reached the same conclusion [88]. Tese studies and acetylation of CRTC2 via insulin and promoted nuclear indicate that a signifcant amount of gluconeogenesis still exclusion and degradation of CRTC2 in the cytoplasm [79]. occurseveninthepresenceofelevatedbloodglucoselevels Indeed, p300 constitutively bound to the CRE site such as and that physiologic hyperinsulinemia does not completely the Ppargc1 gene promoter in both the fasting and feeding inhibit net gluconeogenic fux [85–89]. Terefore, in the states. Tus, the activation of gluconeogenic pathway by postprandial and fed states hepatic gluconeogenesis is crucial constitutive binding of p300 to the CREB coactivator complex for converting gluconeogenic precursors into glucose that maintains glyconeogenesis and sustains euglycemia through canbestoredasglycogenorreleasedintoblood,particularly the activation of basal gluconeogenesis in the postprandial when fed a high protein diet [90]. state [81] (Figure 2). 6 BioMed Research International

Given that diabetic patients have increased hepatic gluco- in adult tissues such as liver and lung repair afer an neogenesis [92, 93], one might predict that hepatic glycogen injury [103–105]. Recently, Wnt/�-catenin has been reported storage would be increased. In fact, however, previous studies to be associated with organ fbrosis, suggesting that they haveshownthatdiabeticpatientshavelowerhepaticglycogen may be new therapeutic targets in liver fbrosis [106, 107]. content due to decreased glycogen synthase (GS) and/or HSCs represent a primary fbrogenic cell type in the liver increased glycogen phosphorylase activity [92, 93]. Tis [108]. HSCs is activated in a liver fbrosis, which change discrepancy might be explained by an increase in glucose their phenotype from quiescent retinoid storing HSCs to 6-phosphatase in diabetic patients [94, 95], which would collagen producing and contractile myofbroblast-like cells increase the conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to glucose [109]. Following activation by upstream signaling from rather than being used for glycogen synthesis. Furthermore, Wnt/�-catenin translocates to the nucleus. Nuclear �-catenin p300 maintained constitutive activation of gluconeogenesis recruits the Kat3 transcriptional coactivators, CBP or p300, even in the postprandial state, which is due to the fact that to stimulate the transcription of its target genes, and distinct p300 activity is not regulated by insulin [91]. Te latter fnding roles have been reported for CBP and p300 [110, 111]. may explain rodent and human data, which suggests that CBP/�-catenin-mediated transcription is crucial for prolifer- gluconeogenesisisunabletobecompletelyinhibitedeven ation/nondiferentiation, whereas p300/�-catenin-mediated when high serum insulin levels are achieved in insulin- transcription activates diferentiation [112]. A recent study sensitive normal animals and human subjects. found that CBP/�-catenin was the major interactor and regulator of liver fbrosis [25]. Te efects of PRI-724, an 5. Hepatic Inflammatory inhibitor of CBP/�-catenin, on liver fbrosis, were examined Response and Fibrosis through using a mouse liver fbrosis models induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) or bile duct ligation (BDL). PRI- 5.1. NF-�BinProinfammatoryResponse.It is well known 724 treatment decreased the liver fbrosis induced by CCl4 or that immunity and metabolism are closely related [96]. It has BDL. Mechanically, the authors investigated the contribution been reported that chronic low-grade systemic infammation of CBP/�-catenin to the liver fbrosis of mice [25]. Te results plays a critical role in metabolic disorders such as obesity, indicated that the inhibition of CBP/�-catenin suppressed insulinresistance,andT2DM[97].Inthiscondition,acti- liver fbrosis through the inhibition of HSC activation, which vation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-�B) is crucial efector provided novel therapeutic possibilities for treating the liver that induces infammatory responses. A study showed that fbrosis (Figure 3(b)). p300/CBP had a signifcant role in infammation by relating with the phosphorylated NF-�B[98].Sincethen,arecent 5.3. STAT4(PIAS4)/SMAD3 Signaling Pathway and Liver study found that salt-inducible kinase 2 (SIK2) activity, Fibrosis. In the cells produced by ECM, fbrogenesis is activatedbyinsulinandinhibitedbyglucagon,wasdecreased determined by a network of growth factors, , and in mice livers fed on a high-fat diet (HFD) [99]. SIK2 transcription factors [113]. Transforming growth factor (TGF- can suppress p300 function through the inhibition of its �) is by far the most extensively studied in the liver to promote HAT activity via direct phosphorylation at Ser89 [19]. SIK2 fbrogenesis factor, mainly through the SMAD family of reduced expression led to an infammation characterized by transcription factors [114]. SMAD3 is an efective profbro- increased secretion of IL-6 and TNF-� and stimulation of NF- genic transcription factor, which has long been reported �B activity via downregulation of p300 HAT activity. HFD as a regulator of the signaling pathway downstream of exposure activated the hepatic NF-�Bsignalingpathway, transforming growth factor [115–117]. SMAD3 activity can be which caused insulin resistance, thereby linking infamma- regulated by its posttranslational modifcations. For example, tion to insulin resistance [24]. Terefore, this fnding indi- serine phosphorylation is critical for SMAD3 dimerization cated that SIK2 activators or p300 inhibitors, by decreasing and nuclear translocation [114]. acetylation of p300, may ofer novel therapeutic measures to Recent studies may demonstrate that p300/CBP func- treat hepatic diseases such as liver fbrosis (Figure 3(a)). tions as the regulator of liver fbrosis through modulating SMAD3 activity. Researchers found that PIAS4 silencing 5.2. CBP/�-Catenin in Liver Fibrosis. Liver fbrosis is a com- using short hairpin RNA (shRNA) reduced high-fat high- mon pathology of various progressive chronic liver diseases carbohydrate (HFHC) diet induced liver fbrosis in mice [100]. Under nutrition surplus conditions, some diferent [118]. Mechanistically, the recruitment of SMAD3 to the typesofcells,suchashepaticstellatecells(HSCs)and promoter regions of profbrogenic genes was suppressed by portal fbroblast cells, trans-diferentiate into profbrogenic silencing PIAS4, which led to dampening SMAD3 acetylation myofbroblasts, which promote the deposition and produc- likely by upregulating expression of SIRT1 [118]. In another tion of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins [101]. Although study, PIAS4 was activated by treating with high glucose it is thought to be a host defense mechanism, excessive in cultured primary mouse HSCs while at the same time fbrosis formation may destroy the normal liver structure suppressing SIRT1. SIRT1 promoter activity was repressed and function, leading to the end-stage liver diseases such as by the overexpression of PIAS4 which resulted in SMAD3 cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma [102]. hyperacetylation and increased SMAD3 binding to fbrogenic Wnt/�-catenin is involved in almost every aspect of gene promoters [26]. Coincidentally, Inoue et al. found that embryonic development as well as the pathogenesis of p300/CBP acetylated K378 in the MH2 domain of SMAD3 many human diseases and is also involved in self-renewal and enhanced the transcriptional activity of SMAD3 [119]. BioMed Research International 7

(a) Nutrition surplus (c) HFD PIAS4 SIK2 p300/CBP

Fibrogenic SIRT1 AC S89 Gene SMAD3 p300 SMAD element

Nucleus NFB Transcriptionally active Pro-fbrogenic gene (d) (b) -catenin p300/CBP

HIF- HIF- -catenin TCF CBP HRE Non-diferentiation HIF-1 target genes -catenin TCF Fibrosis CBP NormalNormal LiverLiver

fbrogenic gene

LiverLiver FibrosisFibrosis

Figure 3: Potential contributions of p300/CBP to the development of proinfammatory response and liver fbrosis. (a) p300 HAT activity inhibited by SIK2 activates phosphorylated NF-�BinHFD.(b)CBP/�-catenin-mediated transcription in fbrogenic genes expression. (c) p300/CBP acetylates K378 in the MH2 domain of SMAD3 and enhances the transcriptional activity of SMAD3. (d) p300/CBP interacts with HIF-1� forming the HIF-1�-p300/CBP complex and then binding to the hypoxia response element (HRE) to activate the transcription of genes involved in fbrogenesis. (SIK2: salt-inducible kinase 2; NF-�B:nuclearfactorkappaB;HIF-1�: hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha).

Moreover, a recent study showed that high glucose increases stimulation of hypoxia was demonstrated to be a promoter of the activity of the transcriptional coregulator p300, which HSC/myofbroblast-like cells (MFs) migration in the human increased TGF-� activity via SMAD3 acetylation [120]. Taken HSCs. In addition, the silencing of HIF-1� resulted in together, these fndings suggest the possibility that p300/CBP primary inhibition of HSC/MFs migration, which suggested may contribute to liver fbrosis by promoting acetylation of a signifcant function of HIF-1� in the development of liver SMAD3 in high glucose condition. However, further studies fbrosis [123]. are necessary to verify this hypothesis (Figure 3(c)). A recent study showed that inhibiting HIF activity through the disassembly of the HIF-1�-p300/CBP protein- 5.4. HIF1-� Recruits P300/CBP in Liver Fibrosis. Hypoxia- protein interaction was considered to be a potential ther- inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1�) is a crucial transcription apeutic target for hepatic fbrosis [27]. HIF-1� is degraded factor in response to hypoxic stress by modulating expression at the posttranscriptional level via interaction with the of genes involved in maintaining oxygen homeostasis [121]. von Hippel-Lindau protein, in normoxic conditions [124]. Recently, the upregulation of HIF-1� was documented to Moreover, HIF-1� is also hydroxylated at Asn803 by factor be concerned with activation of HSCs and liver fbrosis inhibiting HIF1, blocking the interaction of HIF-1� with [122]. Te function of HIF-1� in the development of liver the p300/CBP coactivator protein [125]. Nevertheless, under fbrosis has certifed by the experiments used in HIF-1� hypoxic conditions, HIF-1� accumulates and dimerizes with liver-conditional knockout mice, which suggested that HIF- HIF-1�, forming a protein heterodimer that complexes with 1�-recruitment preceded fbrosis and that the silencing of p300/CBP in the nucleus. Te HIF-1�-p300/CBP complex HIF-1� led to a remarkable decrease of ECM deposition then binds to the hypoxia response element (HRE) to activate in hepatocyte [122]. Recently, the activation of HIF-1� by the transcription of genes involved in fbrogenesis [126]. Tus, 8 BioMed Research International a measure to repress hypoxic responses in fbrosis may be resveratrol, and procyanidins, in the pathogenesis of the to target the protein-protein interaction between HIF-1� and metabolic diseases have been identifed. Nevertheless, the p300/CBP. Wu et al. reported, for the frst time, that the molecular mechanisms of potential inhibitory roles still need aminocoumarin antibiotic, novobiocin, directly blocked the further researches, which would reveal the mechanism of protein-protein interaction between HIF-1� and p300/CBP. efect of these dietary constituents in the prevention of liver Novobiocin directly bound to HIF-1� C-terminal activation diseases. domain (CTAD), suppressed he cruitment of transcriptional coactivator p300/CBP, leading to decrease of hypoxically 7. Conclusions and Future Perspectives regulated genes [127]. Ultimately, this repressed liver fbrosis. Tese results indicated a novel mechanism of inhibiting HIF- It is obvious that the feld of nutritional epigenetics is 1�-p300/CBP complex which has the potential for innovative further clarifying the mechanisms of gene-nutrient interac- therapeutic use in liver fbrosis therapy (Figure 3(d)). tion. It provides the role of nutrition in defning phenotype from genotype [137]. As a result, there is great meaning 6. Nutritional Therapeutic Approaches in identifying epigenetic-based therapeutic strategies as a method to prevent the development of liver diseases. In is a kind of polyphenol that was found in the animal and cellular researches, p300/CBP, via acetylation of popular spice . Curcumin’s biological functions has several substrates, allows a variety of interactions with con- been widely studied. It is well known that it has features like stituents of signifcant metabolic pathways like lipogenesis, , anti-infammatory, and anticancer properties lipid export, gluconeogenesis, and infammatory pathways. [128]. Curcumin was found to be a HAT inhibitor even as Further studies suggested that p300/CBP possessed histone late as 2004. Tere are already more than 5000 publica- acetyltransferase activity and were involved in many cellular tions involving certain aspects of curcumin to date. More processes. importantly, curcumin is a certain inhibitor of p300/CBP Glucoseandlipidaretheprimaryenergysources.Tey [129]. NF-�B activity and the production of interleukin-6 are also pivotal components of organic metabolism in mam- and TNF-� were promoted by the high glucose-induced mals. Inappropriate diet can infuence the metabolic rate elevations in p300 activity. And the high glucose-induced directly. And it can alter the body’s homeostasis. Te underly- elevations in p300 activity were abrogated by curcumin ing changes in energy storage and utilization would be shown [130]. Curcumin derivative attenuates liver fbrosis [131]. Te as metabolic syndrome including obesity and high blood mechanism of curcumin conveying this protection is not pressure and high blood glucose, which are predisposing well understood, but its efects via inhibiting the activity of features that signifcantly increase the risk for liver diseases p300hasthepossibilityofplayingacriticalroleinthepro- and type 2 diabetes [138]. Plenty of reports have suggested cess of protection. A polyphenolic phytoestrogen resveratrol that supplementation of some components such as curcumin, hasshownthesamefeaturesascurcumin[132].Moreover, resveratrol, and procyanidins, can help moderate high- resveratrol is a natural polyphenol that can be found in fat-induced infammation, obesity, glucose intolerance, and grapes and red wine known to activate the deacetylase activity insulin insensitivity. Although the molecular mechanisms of silent information regulator 1 (SIRT1) and that would underlying the inhibitory roles of them in the development of deacetylate and inhibit the FOXO1 [133]. But, the histone high-fat-induced metabolic syndrome are unclear, the efects acetyltransferase p300 has been known to be able to acetylate are, at least in part, through modifcations in the expression and increase nuclear localization and transactivating activity and activity of P300/CBP. In this review, it is further clear of FOXO1 [134]. For that reason, resveratrol may orchestrate that p300/CBP plays an essential role in the progress of glucose homeostasis and diabetes by increasing deacetylation hepatic energy homeostasis. For instance, under the high of FOXO1 through SIRT1 to suppress the acetylation of p300. glucose conditions, p300/CBP upregulates the expression of Another inhibitor of p300 is procyanidins. Procyanidins from lipogenic genes (FAS, ACC, ACLY, and SCD1) by acetylating grape seed extracts possess an efcient anti-HAT activity. In SREBP1C and ChREBP, which promotes its stability and a current study, the authors found that Pro-B3 (procyanidins recruitment to its lipogenic target gene promoters. On the B3) exhibits the strongest inhibition against p300 HAT of other hand, p300/CBP is involved in hepatic gluconeogenesis all catechin derivatives [135]. A recent study demonstrated produces no matter in the fasting or feeding condition; that procyanidin was related to signifcant protection against however, their purposes are all to keep the stability of glucose serious liver injury in mice which was caused by the induction homeostasis. Tese evidences demonstrate that p300/CBP of CCl4 which was the most widely used chemical liver plays diferent roles in maintaining energy homeostasis. In poisoning that causes experimental liver fbrosis [136]. As metabolic disease states, p300 actives gluconeogenic pathway mentioned above, p300/CBP plays a signifcant role in reg- by constitutive binding of the CREB coactivator complex ulating liver fbrosis. Tus, it can be foretold that curcumin, in the continuous supply of nutrients. Tis may provide an resveratrol, and procyanidins could serve as protection of explanation for why obese patients are prone to have diabetes. liver diseases by inhibiting p300 HAT. What is more, as super enhancer inducers, under the With advance in our developing knowledge of the con- condition of overnutrition, p300/CBP stimulates expression tribution of epigenetic modifcations to the development of of key genes in liver fbrosis. p300/CBP acts on liver cellular metabolic syndrome, the roles of dietary constituents with targets (SMAD3, �-catenin, HIF-�,andNF�B) to stimulate HAT and HDAC regulating properties, such as curcumin, fbrogenic genes expression. Tus, inhibition of p300/CBP BioMed Research International 9

Table 1: Overview of p300/CBP regulates liver lipid, glucose metabolism, and liver fbrosis through regulating diferent targets.

Progress Activity Targets Efect Nutritional state Metabolic response Reference High glucose and Lipogenesis↑ Acetylation FXR Inhibitory [17, 18] insulin Gluconeogenesis↑ Lipid High glucose and metabolism Acetylation ChREBP Stimulatory Lipogenesis↑ [19] insulin High glucose and Acetylation SREBP1c Stimulatory Lipogenesis↑ [20] insulin Binding DDX3 Stimulatory / Lipid export↑ [21] Glucose Acetylation FOXO1 Stimulatory Fasting state Gluconeogenesis↑ [22] metabolism Binding CREB Stimulatory Feeding state Gluconeogenesis↑ [23] Proinfammatory Binding NF-�B Stimulatory High-fat diet [24] response↑ Liver fbrosis Binding �-Catenin Stimulatory / Liver fbrosis↑ [25] High-fat Acetylation SMAD3 Stimulatory Liver fbrosis↑ [26] high-carbohydrate Binding HIF-1� Stimulatory / Liver fbrosis↑ [27] activity is a versatile strategy to treat such liver fbrosis SREBP1C: Sterol regulatory element-binding andhasthepotentialtobeimpactfulforavarietyof transcription factor 1 patients with heterogeneous drivers of liver fbrosis. For FAS: Fattyacidsynthase instance, curcumin has long been identifed as a p300/CBP ACC: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitor of histone acetyltransferase activity, thus alleviat- ChREBP: Carbohydrate-responsive element-binding ing fbrosis may be a therapeutic strategy. However, it is protein currently unclear whether curcumin, resveratrol, or pro- ACLY: ATP citrate lyase cyanidins mediates their efect by p300/CBP altering the SCD1: Stearoyl-CoA desaturase acetylation state of metabolic enzymes. More work is needed PKA: ProteinkinaseA to better understand the mechanisms by which regulation FXR: Bile acid receptor of p300/CBP afects downstream protein interactions and MTP: Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein signaling pathways. Nonetheless, targeting the activity of HNF4: Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 the signifcant transcriptional coactivators p300/CBP may CREB: cAMP response element-binding protein represent a potential avenue for the treatment of liver fbrosis CRTC2: CREB-regulated transcription coactivator in later researches (Table 1). 2 Even transcriptional coactivator p300/CBP for hepatic FOXO1: Hepatocyte nuclear factors forkhead box energy homeostasis and fbrosis has been identifed and protein O1 studied, to explain the molecular mechanism of the tran- G6Pase: Glucose-6-phosphatase scriptional regulation of lipogenesis, gluconeogenesis, and PEPCK1: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase fbrogenesis, more issues yet to be fully elucidated. Initially, GS: Glycogen synthase how do multiple transcription factors activate genes in NF-�B: Nuclear factor kappa B a cooperating way? Secondly, what enzymes regulated by SIK2: Salt-inducible kinase 2 p300/CBP in response to nutrients supply or deprive are HSCs: Hepatic stellate cells involved in posttranslational events? Tirdly, except cur- ECM: Extracellular matrix cumin, resveratrol, and procyanidins, are there any other BDL: Bile duct ligation inhibitors of p300/CBP that are related in the allevia- TGF-�: Transforming growth factor tion of liver fbrosis? Answering these questions may be shRNA: Short hairpin RNA fatal for assessing the potential specifcity and efcacy of HIF-1�: Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha p300/CBP modulation into the therapeutic strategy of liver MFs: Myofbroblast-like cells diseases. HRE: Hypoxia response element CTAD: C-terminal activation domain Abbreviations SIRT1: Silent information regulator 1. T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus Conflicts of Interest NAFLD: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease PTMs: Posttranslational modifcations Te authors who have taken part in this study declared that HATs: Histone acetyltransferases they do not have anything to disclose regarding funding or HDACs: Histone deacetylases conficts of interest with respect to this manuscript. 10 BioMed Research International

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