CVs OF TEACHING AND ACADEMIC STAFF 2020-2021 academic year


































Anna Stepanova Full Professor, Doctor of Science (Philology) E-mail: [email protected] Position 2018 – now. Vice for Research, , Dnipropetrovsk Education and Faculty Professional Development 2019 MA in Philology, Translator, Alfred Nobel University; 2015 Full Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of ; 2014 Doctor of Letters. Main speciality: Philological Sciences (Comparative Literature, Literature of Foreign Countries); 2007-2010 Post-Doctoral Studies at Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine. 2004 Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 1999 Candidate of Philological Sciences (Compared to PhD). Main speciality: Philological Sciences (Theory of Literature); 1995-1998 Post-graduate education at Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine; 1990-1995 University degree. Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine. Professional experience 2018-now Vice Rector for Research, Alfred Nobel University 2014-2018 Full professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1999-2014 Assistant Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

Editorial Board memberships (Editorships) Chief editor of “Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Philological Sciences” Research projects: 2019-now “Polycultural Aspects of Germanic and Roman Philological Discourse and Issues of Teaching Translation, Foreign Languages and Literatures”, № 0119 U000132. 2010-2017 “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching” № 011ОV000323. 2008-now Scientific supervisor of the works submitted to International conference “Youth of Ukraine in the Context of Cross-Cultural Communication”

Conferences: 2019 International Scientific Conference “History and theory of literature in a modern philological epistem”, 24-25 October, Kharkiv (Ukraine) 2018 XI International Scientific Conference “18th century: laughter and tears in Literature and Art of the Enlightenment”, 22-24 March, Moscow (Russian Federation) 2017 International Scientific Conference «Wschód- Zachód. Dialog języków i kultur», 18-19 September, Slupsk () 2016 X International Scientific Conference “18th century in the mirror of other centuries”, 24-26 March, Moscow (Russian Federation) 2015 The European Scientific and Practical Congress “Scientific achievements 2015”. – 20 February, () Publication List Books (monographs): 1. Stepanova A. and others (2018) XVIII vek: Smeh i slezy v literature i iskusstve jepohi Prosveshhenija [18th century: Laughter and tears in Enlightenment literature and art]. Saint Petersburg, Aletheia Publ. 2. Stepanova A. (2015) «Zakat Evropy» Osval'da Shpenglera i literaturnyj process 1920-1930- h gg. [“The Decline of the West” by Oswald Spengler and the literary process of the 1920s-1930s]. Saint Petersburg, Aletheia Publ., 496 p. 3. Stepanova A. (2013) Esteticheskoe soznanie i problemy urbanizma v literature jepohi moderna: paralleli, vzaimodejstvie, celostnost' [Aesthetic consciousness and the problem of urbanism in the literature of the modern era: Parallels, interactions, integrity]. Saarbrüken, Lambert Academic Publishing (Deutschland), 260 р.

Selected academic articles: 1. Stepanova A. (2019) Theme of Madness in a Short Story “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether” by Edgar Allan Poe and in a Similarly-Named Film by Claude Chabrol. - Cognition, Communication, Discourse, Series “Philology”, No. 19 (Special Issue Meaning-Making in Theatre and Film), pp. 113-121. 2. Stepanova A. (2019) Povest' I.S. Shmeleva «Chelovek iz restorana» i odnoimennyj fil'm Ja.A. Protazanova: pojetika vizual'nosti i problemy jekranizacii [A Novelette “A Man from the Restaurant” by I.S. Shmelev and the Eponymous Film by Ya.A. Protazanov: The Poetics of Visuality and the Problem of Film Adaptation]. – Philological class, vol. 4 (58), pp. 153-162. 3. Stepanova A. (2019) Obraz faustovskogo soznanija v kul'ture i literature XX veka: ot arhetipa k ideologeme [The image of Faustian consciousness in the culture and literature of the twentieth century: from archetype to ideologeme]. - Polilog. Studia neofilologiczne, vol. 9, pp. 5-20. 4. Stepanova A. (2019) Jestetika literaturnogo v zhivopisnom izobrazhenii: Uil'jam Hogart i angliĭskaja literaturnaja tradicija XIX veka [Aesthetics of the Literary in the Picturesque Images: William Hogarth and the English Literary Tradition of the 19th Century]. - Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Philological Sciences, Vol. 1(17), pp. 47-71. 5. Stepanova A. (2018) Povest' Ivana Shmeleva «Jeto bylo» i rasskaz Jedgara Po «Sistema doktora Smolja i professora Perro»: jekspressionistskaja traktovka romanticheskogo sjuzheta [“The System of Doctor Tarrand Professor Fether by Edgar Poe”: Expressionistic Interpretation of the Romantic Plot]. - Slavia Orientalis, no. 4, vol. LXVII, pp. 679-690. 6. Stepanova A. (2018) «Princessa Greza» Je. Rostana: na puti ot «Prohozhej» Sh. Bodlera k «Neznakomke» A. Bloka [E. Rostand`s “Princess the Dream”: on a way from Ch. Beaudelaire`s “To a Woman Passing By” to A. Blok`s “The Lady Unknown”]. - Polilog. Studia neofilologiczne, no. 8, pp. 157-173. 7. Stepanova A. (2018) Sinkopy dzhazovogo veka v rekvieme Pervoj mirovoj: Richard Oldington i Otto Diks [Syncopation of the Jazz Age in the Requiem for : Richard Aldington and Otto Dix]. – Tomsk State Yniversity Journal of Philology, vol. 51, pp. 206-220. 8. Stepanova A., Kalinichenko V. (2017) The image of a city through the prism of cultural- philosophical concept introduced by Oswald Spengler. - Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Philological Sciences, Vol. 2(14), pp. 23-30. 9. Stepanova A. (2017) Category of aesthetic senses transition (to a question on perusal of an epoch). - Polilog. Studia neofilologiczne, no. 7, pp. 109-119.

Textbooks: Stepanova A. (2015) Zarubezhnaja literatura XIX veka. Romantizm: uchebnoe posobie [Foreign literature of the 19th century. Romanticism: Textbook]. Dnepropetrovsk: DUAN, 160 p.

Tetiana Suvorova Associate Professor, Doctor of Science (Linguistics) E-mail: [email protected]

Position 2020-now Associate Professor,Department of English Philology and Translation Studies, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2016 Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics (speciality: 10.02.04 – Germanic Languages), Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine 2007 - 2014 postgraduate student in Kyiv National Linguistic University, the Department of English Philology and Philosophy of the Language after Professor O.M. Morokhovsky, specialty 10.02.04 - Germanic languages, Ukraine 2000 - 2001 Master of Science (MSc) in State Pedagogical University, post student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of secondary education. and Literature", qualification - Master of English and Foreign Literature, Ukraine 1995 - 2000 specialist degree in Kherson State Pedagogical University, student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of secondary education. English Language and Literature, and Literature", qualification - of English, German Language and Foreign Literature, Ukraine

Professional Experience 2019 - now Associate Professor, Department of English Philology and Translation Studies, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2017-2020 Assistant to the Dean on Scientific Work, Department of English Language and Teaching Methods, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, , Ukraine 2013-2020 Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Teaching Methods, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kherson State University, Ukraine 2013-2017 Assistant to the Dean on International Co-operation, Department of English Language and Teaching Methods, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kherson State University, Ukraine 2007-2014 Postgraduate student, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine 2000-2007 Lecturer, Kherson State University, Ukraine

Editorial Board memberships (Editorships) Students scientific studies: a collection of scientific papers, Kherson State University (Ukraine)

Research projects 2018 - Synergy of Imagery: Case Study of American Folklore Ballads: Semiotic and Cognitive Approaches (Sources and Approaches Book, Kherson State University (Ukraine)

Internships and study trips 2020 regular two-week professional training at Futurelearn (“How To Teach Online: Providing Continuity for Students?”, 2020) 2020 the online professional training on “Creating bright presentations” 2020 a three-week professional training at University of Nottingham on stylistic issues 2019 Open European and Asian research analytics championship, London 2019 Open National research analytics championship, the IASHE Expert Panel, London 2017 Open European and Asian research analytics championship, London 2017 Open National research analytics championship, the IASHE Expert Panel GISAP, London 2016 Open National research analytics championship, the IASHE Expert Panel, London 2016 Open National research analytics championship, the IASHE Expert Panel, London 2016 a six-months training at Cambridge University on preparing to IELTS 2016 SAE Exam (Cambridge English Highest) - B 2 2016 a 6-week internship at Cambridge University devoted to teaching English as a foreign language. 2015 Open European and Asian research analytics championship, London 2015 International FILLM congress, UNESCO, University of Nottingham, NINGBO, 2015 Open European and Asian research analytics championship, London 2015 Open National research analytics championship, the IASHE Expert Panel, London 2015 Open European and Asian research analytics championship, London Winner, awarded by Incentive diploma that was given by a decision of the IASHE Expert Panel, London: Diploma "For the originality of thought" 2015 Open National research analytics championship, the IASHE Expert Panel, London 2015 Open European and Asian research analytics championship, London 2014 Open National research analytics championship, the IASHE Expert Panel, London 2014 Open European and Asian research analytics championship, London

Сonferences: 2019 II International Scientific Conference "21st Century Linguistics: Achievements and Prospects", May 15-16, 2019, Kherson State University, Ukraine 2018 All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Language. Society. Culture »Kherson State University, Faculty of Foreign Philology, Department of German and Romance Philology, Ukraine 2017 And the All-Ukrainian Scientific Internet Conference "Dialogue of Languages and Cultures in the Modern Educational Space", November 17, 2017, Sumy, Ukraine 2017 21st Century Linguistics: Achievements and Prospects, November 15-16, 2017, Kherson State University, Ukraine 2017 The Relationship of the Functions of the Speaker of Social Culture, Means of Communication, Storage and Communication in Modern Language Systems (2017-10-18), London. 2017 Participant of the championship: National championship in scientific analytics - "Ukraine" within the framework of the conference "Relation of functions of the social culture expression, means of communication, storage and transfer of information in modern language systems", (2017-10-18), London. 2017 European-Asian Scientific Analytics Championship Opened at the Conference "Relation of Functions of Social Culture Speaker, Means of Communication, Storage and Transfer of Information in Modern Language Systems", (2017-10-18), London 2015 IV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Linguo-cognitive and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Communication", 2015, Ostroh, Ukraine

Other activities 2019-2020 a member of the board on Quality Assurance (Kherson State University, Ukraine)

Publication List

Books (monographs): 1. Suvorova, T. (2018) Synergy of Imagery: Case Study of American Folklore Ballads: Semiotic and Cognitive Approaches (Sources and Approaches Book, Kindle Edition. (ISBN: 978-966-630- 157-7 E-book production made by Booqla) 2. Suvorova, T. (2017) Creating Images of American Folklore Ballads in the Archaic Period. Development and Modernization of Philological Sciences: Experience of Poland and Prospecs of Ukraine: Collective Monograph. Izdevniecība “Baltija Publishing”. 2017/10, pp. 304-326. 3. Suvorova, T.; Moskvichova, O. (2017) Metamorphosis and formation: cognitive-semiotic essays. Kherson: Island, 6/4/2017. Pp. 81-252. 4. Suvorova, T. (2015) Sy`nergiya obraznoyi sy`stemy` amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x balad XVIII – XX stolit` : (monografiya) [Synergy of the figurative system of American folk ballads of the XVIII - XX centuries]: Dnipropetrovsk : Serednyak TK ", 2015. - 456 pp. (ISBN 978-617-7257-79-9)

Selected academic articles: 1. Suvorova, T. (2020). The Discursive Metonymy in the Imagery of American Folklore Ballads (2020) Psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics. Series: Philology, Vol 27 No 2. 2020 2. Suvorova, T. (2019). Tekstual`ny`j svit simejnogo zhy`ttya inspektora Gvarnachcha V romani "Innocent" Magdaleny` Neb [The textual world of the family life of Inspector Gvarnach in the novel "The Innocent" by Magdalen Neb]. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series "Linguistics": Coll. Science. wash. Issue 34. Volume 2. - Kherson: KSU, 2019. S. 100 -104. 3. Suvorova, T. (2018). Verbal`ni obrazy` amery`kans`koyi fol`klornoyi balady` yak sy`nergety`chnoyi sy`stemy` [Verbal images of the American folk ballad as a synergetic system]. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series "Linguistics": Coll. Science. wash. Issue 34. Volume 2. - Kherson: KSU, 2018 4. Suvorova, T. (2017). Modelyuvannya konceptual`nogo vymy`ru sy`mtemy verbal`nyx obrazy`v [Modelling the Conceptual Dimension of the Verbal Images System]. International Academy of Science and Higher Education ; Organizing Committee : Т. Morgan (Chairman), B. Zhytnigor, S. Godvint, A. Tim, S. Serdechny, L. Streiker, H. Osad, I. Snellman, K. Odros, M. Stojkovic, P. Kishinevsky, H. Blagoev. – London : IASHE, 2017 5. Suvorova, T. (2017). Kogny`tyvny` ta verbal`ny` oznaky` sistemy obrazy`v amerykans`koi fol`klornoi balady [Cognitive and verbal features of imagery of American folk ballads]. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series: "Linguistics": [Collection of scientific works]. - Kherson: Hers. state Univ., 2017. - Vol. 30. - P. 155–158 6. Suvorova, T. (2017). Sposoby` osmy`slennya xudozhn`ogo svitu v amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x baladax [Ways of understanding the art world in American folk ballads]. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series: "Linguistics": [Collection of scientific works]. - Kherson: Hers. state Univ., 2017. - Vol. 27. - P. 232–238. 7. Suvorova, T. (2017). Amery`kans`ka fol`klorna balada yak liry`ko-dramaty`chny`j riznovy`d poety`chnogo tekstu [American folk ballad as a lyrical-dramatic kind of poetic text]. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series "Philology": [scientific collection]. - Odessa: Helvetica Publishing House. - № 26. - Volume 2, 2017. - P. 65–67. 8. Suvorova, T. (2016). Konceptual`na metamorfoza v amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x baladax [Conceptual metamorphosis in American folklore balads]. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series "Philology": [scientific collection]. - Odessa: Helvetica Publishing House. - № 23. - Volume 2, 2016. - P. 57–59. 9. Suvorova, T. (2015). Formuvannya slovesnoyi obraznosti baladnogo tekstu [Formation of verbal imagery of a ballad text]. The 7th International Conference on European Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics: [materials of the conference, Vienna, June 26, 2015]. - Vienna: “East West” Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2015. - P. 33–37. 10.Suvorova, T. (2015). Rozvy`tok arxety`pnoyi sxemy` cherez konceptual`ni obraz-sxemy` (na materiali amery`kans`ky`x balad) [Development of an archetypal scheme through conceptual image- schemes (on the material of American ballads]. Literary process: methodology, names, trends: [col. Science. pr. (philological sciences)] / Kyiv. Univ. B. Hrinchenko; OE Bondareva, OV Yeremenko, IR Buniyatova and others. - К.: Київ. Univ. B. Hrinchenko, 2015. - № 6. - P. 67–72. 11.Suvorova, T. (2015). Kognity`vni ta verbal`ni obmezhennya formuvannya formuvannya slovesny`x obraziv amery`kans`koyi fol`lornoyi balady` [Cognitive and verbal limitations of the formation of the formation of verbal images of the American folk ballad]. Scientific Bulletin of the Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University. Series: "Philological Sciences": [collection of scientific works] / ed. VS Golyuk, GO Drobot, IE Sikora. - Lutsk: Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University Publishing House. - 2015. - Vip. 8 (309). - P. 111 - 118. 12.Suvorova, T. (2015). Svitotvirna funkciya obraznosti baladnogo tvoru [The world-creating function of the imagery of a ballad work]. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostroh Academy". Series "Philological": [collection of scientific works] / compilers: IV Kovalchuk, O. Yu. Kostyuk, SV Novoseletska. - Ostrog: Publishing House of the National University "Ostroh Academy", 2015. - Issue. 56. - P. 292–296. 13.Suvorova, T. (2015). Struktura obraznosti amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x balad [The structure of imagery of American folk ballads]. Electronic resource]: [materials of the IV International scientific- practical Internet conference "Philology of the XXI century: theory, practice, prospects", Odessa, April 24, 2015] - Odessa, 2015. - 1 electronic., Wholesale. disc [CD-ROM]; 12 cm. - 130 c 14.Suvorova, T. (2015). Sy`stemny`j pidxid do vy`vchennya obraznosti amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x balad [A systematic approach to the study of the imagery of American folk ballads]. "Modern philology: promising and priority areas of research": [International scientific-practical conference, Odessa, June 26, 2015]. - Odessa: South-Ukrainian organization "Center for Philological Research", 2015. - P. 61-64. 15.Suvorova, T. (2015). Kognity`vni ta verbal`ni obmezhennya obraznosti amery`kans`ky`x balad [Cognitive and verbal limitations of the imagery of American ballads]. American and British studies: linguistics, literary studies, intercultural communication: [collection of scientific works] / for general. ed. AG Gudmanyan, OG Shostak. - K.: Talkom, 2015. - P. 165–167 16.Suvorova, T. (2015). Endogenni vlasty`vosti obraznosti amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x balad [Endogenous properties of imagery of American folk ballads]. Trends and prospects for the formation of professional vocabulary: Reports of the V Interuniversity scientific-practical seminar on the functioning of professional speech, linguocultural and socio-cultural aspects of philology. - Irpin: National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, 2015. - Issue. V. - P. 72–76. 17.Suvorova, T. (2015). Ekzogenni vlasty`vosti obraznosti baladnogo tekstu [Exogenous properties of the imagery of the ballad text]. "New in the philology of the modern world": [Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference: Lviv, June 12 - 13, 2015]. - Lviv: NGO "Scientific Philological Organization" LOGOS ", 2015. - P. 115-118. 18.Suvorova, T. (2015). Metody`ka doslidzhennya obraznosti amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x balad [Methods of studying the imagery of American folk ballads]. Science and Education a New Dimension. Philology. - Budapest. - ["Philology and Linguistics in the Digital Age - 2015". - III (10), Issue 47. - P. 106–110 19.Suvorova, T. (2015). Organizuyucha funkciya obraznosti v amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x baladax [Organizing function of imagery in American folk ballads]. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Series "Philology": [scientific collection]. - Odessa: Helvetica Publishing House. - № 15. - Volume 2, 2015. - P. 144–148. 20.Suvorova, T. (2015). Obraznist` amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x balad: kognity`vno- semioty`chny`j aspekt [Imagery of American folk ballads: cognitive-semiotic aspect]. Scientific Bulletin of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after . Series: "Philological sciences" [linguistics]: [Collection of scientific works]. - Drogobich, 2015. - № 3. - P. 278–285. 21.Suvorova, T. (2015). Modal`ny`j modus obraznosti baladnogo tvoru [Modal mode of imagery of a ballad work]. Scientific works: [scientific-methodical journal]. - Mykolaiv: BSU Publishing House named after Petra Mogili, 2015. - Vip. 241. - Vol. 253. - Philology. Linguistics. - P. 91–94. 22.Suvorova, T. (2015). Lingvokul`turologichny`j aspekt doslidzhennya obraznosti amery`kans`ky`x fol`klorny`x balad [Linguo-cultural aspect of the study of the imagery of American folk ballads]. Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія: "Лінгвістика" : [Збірник наукових праць]. – Херсон : Херс. держ. ун-т., 2015. – Вип. 22. – C. 214–217. 23.Suvorova, T. (2015). Vlasty`vosti obraznoyi sy`nergety`chnoyi sy`stemy` xudozhn`ogo cilogo (endogenni parametry`)[Properties of the figurative synergetic system of the artistic whole (endogenous parameters)]. Naukoviy Bulletin of the UNESCO Chair of the Kiev National Linguistic University. Series "Philology. Pedagogy. Psychology": [scientific collection] / for zag. ed. Z.O. Valyukh. –Kyiv: Kyiv National Linguistic University, 2015. Vol. 30. - P. 283-292. 24.Suvorova, T. (2015). Arxety`p yak smy`slotvirna skladova slovesny`x obraziv [The archetype of yak smislotvirna skladova verbal images]. Scientific notes of the National University "Ostrozka Academy". Series "Philological": [collection of scientific works] / order: І. V. Kovalchuk, O. Yu. Kostyuk, S. V. Novoseletska. - Ostrog: Vidavnitstvo National University "Ostrozka Academy", 2015. - VIP. 51. - P. 94–98. 25.Suvorova, T. (2014). The Structure and Organization of a Poetic Creative Entity. LXXXIII and LXXXIV International Research and Practice Conference and the II Stage of the Championship in Philology, Art History, History, Philosophy, Culturology, Physical Culture and Sports (London, June 26 – July 02, 2014)] 26.Suvorova, T. (2014). Preemstvennost i otkryitost sistemyi slovesnyih obrazov balladnogo teksta [Continuity and openness of the system of verbal images of the ballad text]. "Problems of Combination of Individualization and Unification in Language Systems within Modern Communicative Trends" : [Peer-Reviewed Materials Digest (Collective Monograph) Published Following the Results of The XC International Research and Practice Conference and the III stage of the Championship in Philology (London, October 09 – October 14, 2014)] 27.Suvorova, T. (2014). Gologramma kak effekt kontrapunktnoy organizatsii sistemyi slovesnyih obrazov balladyi [Hologram as an effect of counterpoint organization of the system of verbal images of a ballad]. Izvestia GSU im. F. Skaryna. - 2014. - № 4. Humanities. - S. 148-152. 28.Suvorova, T. (2013). Kontrapunkt kak organizuyuschiy printsip sistemyi slovesnyih poeticheskih obrazov [Counterpoint as an organizing principle of the system of verbal poetic images]. Language Means of Preservation and Development of Cultural Values : [Peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the LXX International Research and Practice Conference and III stage of the Championship in philological sciences (London, November 14th – November 20th , 2013)] / International Academy of Science and Higher Education; Organizing Committee : Т. Morgan (Chairman), B. Zhytnigor, S. Godvint, A. Tim, S. Serdechny, L. Streiker, H. Osad, I. Snellman, K. Odros, M. Stojkovic, P. Kishinevsky, H. Blagoev. – London : IASHE, 2013. – P. 16–18.

Nataliia Zinukova Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy) PhD (Pedagogy)

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Position

Head of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2018 Doctor of Science. Main speciality: Pedagogical Sciences (theory and methods of teaching foreign languages), Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. 2016-2017 Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Complete Specialist’s Study Program in Philology, Translation Studies. Professional qualification: Specialist in Philology, Translator/Interpreter from/to English and Russian, English and Russian Trainer. 2013-2016 Post-Doctoral Studies at Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2008 Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 2005 Candidate of Science (Compared to PhD). Main speciality: Pedagogical Sciences (theory and methods of teaching foreign languages); 2000-2003 Post-graduate education at Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine; 1984-1989 University degree of English Philology. English Language and Literature Lecturer. Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine. Professional experience 2005-now Head of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2004-2005 Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2003-2004 Senior Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1997-2000 Instructor of English, English Philology and Translation Department, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1996-1997 Instructor of English, the Department of Business Foreign Languages, Academy of Management, Business and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1990-1996 Instructor of English, the Foreign Languages Department of Dnipropetrovsk State Chemical Technological University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Editorial Board membership (Editorship) Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series: Philology (Ukraine)

Research projects 2019-now “Polycultural Aspects of Germanic and Roman Philological Discourse and Issues of Teaching Translation, Foreign Languages and Literatures”, № 0119 U000132. 2010 – 2017 “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching”, № 0119U000132.

International Projects: 2019 – now Supervisor of International Students’ project (English Language Summer School Course (6 weeks), University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter (UK) 2019 – Scientific supervisor in the international project “Double Bachelor Diploma in English Philology, Translation”, Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland. 2018 – IV International Staff Week, University of Cadiz, , 18-22 June 2018, supported with EU Erasmus+ (UCA). 2018 – now - Lecturer in the international educational project supported with EU Erasmus+ “English Philology Specialization International Business English”, Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (Lectures on Contrastive Grammar (45 h), Written Communication (40 h), Humanitas University in Sosnowiec, Poland 2018 – now - Lecturer in the international project “Double Master Diploma in Management, Managing the firm on the international markets”, Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland. (Practical English Course – Conversation (8h), at Humanitas University in Sosnowiec, Poland 2018-2019 the international educational project supported with EU Erasmus+ “English Philology Specialization International Business English”, “English Philology. Specialization: International Business English” (Lectures on History of English-Speaking Countries (70 h), International Business Ethics (30 h), Introduction to Linguistics (30 h), Culture of English-Speaking Countries (70 h) at Humanitas University in Sosnowiec, Poland 2018-2019 International Project “Distance Learning: Linguistic Studies” (Foreign Language (English) (40h), at Humanitas University in Sosnowiec, Poland 2014-2017 Academic Project “Double Diploma in Philology” with WSZOP in Katowice, Poland

Internships and study trips:

2019 Supervisor of students’ internship (English Language Summer School Course (6 weeks), University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter (UK) 2018 Study trip to the University of Cadiz, Spain, IV International Staff Week, Spain 2012 Researcher at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics University of Cambridge (UK) 1999 Study trip to Lake School of English, Oxford (UK)


2018 University of Wales, Trinity Saint David Collaborative Partner Conference 2018, Wales, 6 December, 2018, Wales, UK 2015 International Conference LIF 2015 – Language in Focus. Modern Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Praxis in ELT and SLA, Cappadocia, 2015 VIII International Scientific Conference “Major Issues in Translation Studies and Translators’/Interpreters’ Training, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2014 3-rd Conference on Continuity and Change in the English Language and Culture. Katowice, Poland 2014 2-nd International Conference “Language Skills: Working with Text and Around Text”, Lublin, Poland

Other activities 2014 – now Vice President of Ukrainian Translators’ Trainers Union (UTTU)

Publication List Books (monographs):

1. Zinukova N.V. Interpreting in Foreign Economic Activity: Theory and methods of Masters in Philology Training / N. Zinukova (the original is in Ukrainian) – Dnipro: ANU, 2017. – 460 pp. 2. Zinukova N. V. Professional and Methodological Training of Students Specialising in Philology in Higher Educational Establishments / N. Zinukova, L. Kalinina, I. Samoylyukevich (the original is in English) – Dnipropetrovsk: DUEL, 2009. – 494 pp. 3. Zinukova N.V. The role of Switching Mechanism in Professional Interpreters Training / N. Zinukova (the original in Russian) in Essential Problems of Translation Studies. - Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University, 2014.

Selected academic articles: 1. Zinukova N.V., Volkova N.P., Lebid O. Cooperative learning as a means of forming communicative skills to students. Revista ESPACIOS, 41 (Nº 02). - 2020. – P. 1-9. 2. Zinukova N.V. Learning outcomes and competence level of graduates as components of Masters’ in Translation Studies Training Quality // Humanity Visnyk, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Hryhori Skovoroda “Vystcha Ocvita of Ukraine, 37-1, V (73), 2017. P. 374-384. 3. Zinukova N. Interaction of translation and interpreting competences in future interpreters’ training // Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. Hungary. III(34), Issue: 69, 2015. – P. 17-20. 4. Zinukova N. Interaction of translation and interpreting competences in future interpreters’ training // Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. Hungary. III(34), Issue: 69, 2015. – P. 17-20. 5. Zinukova N.V. Professional directing in Interpreting Training / N. Zinukova. Linguistics in XXI century: New Rresearch and Prospects / Collectiom of scientific works of Scientific Research and Forign Languages Teaching of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – Кyiv: LOGOS, 2014. – P. 58-67. 6. Zinukova N.V. Creative Writing: How to Teach Students To create Advertisment / N. Zinukova,V. Zirka. Functional Semantics and Semiotics of Sign Systems: Collection of Scientific works: in 2 parts. – Moscow: RUDN, 2014. – P. 72-81. 1. Zinukova N.V. Professional Training of Translators in the Modern World: the Requirements of Translation Industry Market / N.Zinukova. Visnyk of Alfrd Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology. Pedagogical Sciences. No 2 (8), 2014. – P. 42-48. Selected publications (conference proceedings etc.): 1. Zinukova N.V. Multilingual Society: Competence Development in Interpreters and Translators Training / N.Zinukova. In the International Conference LIF 2015 – Language in Focus. Modern Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Praxis in ELT and SLA, March 5-7, 2015. Cappadocia, Turkey. – P.89. 2. Zinukova N.V. The Problem of Multilingual Education and Development of Multilingual Competence / N.Zinukova. In the 3-rd Conference on Continuity and Change in the English Language and Culture. Katowice, Poland, 6-th June, 2014. – P. 11. 3. Professional Translators’ training: how to meet the translation industry requirements? / N.Zinukova. In Scientific Conference “The Contents of Translators Training and Modern Requirements of the Profession. Dnipropetrovsk, 12 December 2014, Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University, 2014. – P. 69-70. Textbooks: 1. Zinukova N.V. Essential Issues in Interpreter training / N. Zinukova, O. Svitlychna. Dnipropetrovsk: DUAN, 2014. – 320 pp. 2. Zinukova N.V. Business English / N. Zinukova, I. Korotkova. The Fourth edition – Dnipropetrovsk: ANU, 2020. – 312 pp.

Olena Beresten Assistant Professor, Candidate of Sciences (History) E-mail: [email protected] Position Assistant Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro Education 2012 Associate Professor of Roman and Germanic Languages Department, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 2006 Candidate of Science (Compared to PhD). Main speciality: Historical Sciences (History of Ukraine) 1995-2000 University degree of German Philology. German Language and Literature Lecturer. Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine. Professional experience 2013-now Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2007-2013 Associate Professor of Roman and Germanic Languages Department, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2006- 2007 Lecturer of the Second foreign languages Department, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2003-2006 Head of methodological Laboratory «Teaching foreign languages» Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine.

Research projects:

2019-now “Polycultural Aspects of Germanic and Roman Philological Discourse and Issues of Teaching Translation, Foreign Languages and Literatures”, № 0119 U000132.

International Projects:

2014-2017 Academic Project “Double Diploma in Philology” with WSZOP in Katowice, Poland

Conferences: 2019 V International scientific and practical conference «Youth of Ukraine in context of international communication» Dnipro, Ukraine All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference «Romano-Germanic languages: general development trends of linguistic phenomena, contrastive and areal studies», Dnipro, Ukraine

2018 IV International scientific and practical conference «Youth of Ukraine in context of international communication» Dnipro, Ukraine V Regional scientific and practical conference «Теndencies and perspectives of development for teaching foreign languages in innovational society», Dnipro, Ukraine 2017 III All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference «Modern German studies: theory and practice», Dnipro, Ukraine All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference History of Ukrainian German, Kiev, Ukraine Other activities Member of Ukrainian Translators’ Trainers Union (UTTU)

Publication List Selected academic articles: 1. Beresten O., Mihlik O. Pesnya kak sredstvo motivatsii na uroke Alfred Nobel University. Series. Pedagogical sciences: Publishing house of Alfred Nobel University, 2019. - P. 6-14. 2. Beresten O. Lingvostranovedeniye na uroke nemetskogo yazyka [Linguistic and cultural studies at a German language lesson] // Messenger of Alfred Nobel University. Series. Pedagogical sciences: Publishing house of Alfred Nobel University, 2019. - P. 86-91. 3. Beresten O. Obucheniye fonetike na uroke nemetskogo yazyka [Teaching Phonetic at a German language lesson] // Messenger of Alfred Nobel University. Series. Pedagogical sciences: Publishing house of Alfred Nobel University.- 2(14) 2017. – P. 123-126 4. Beresten O. Lingvisicheskiye osobennosti prosaicheskih basen G.E. Lessinga [Linguostylistic features of the prosaic fables of G. E. Lessing] // Messenger of Alfred Nobel University. Series. Philology: Publishing house of Alfred Nobel University - 2(14) 2017. – P.181-185. 5. Beresten O., Pliushchai O. Sredstva vyrazheniya komicheskogo v basnyah Gotholda Efraima Lessinga [Сomic expression means in fables by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing] // Messenger of Alfred Nobel University. Series. Philology: Publishing house of Alfred Nobel University - 2(12) 2016. – P.118-123. 6. Beresten O. Grammatika na uroke nemetskogo yazyka [Grammar at a German language lesson] // Messenger of Alfred Nobel University. Series. Pedagogical sciences: Publishing house of Alfred Nobel University..- 2(12) 2016. – С. 67-71. Selected publications (conference proceedings etc.): 1. Beresten O. Mihlik O. Sposoby uglubleniya znaniy inostrannogo yazyka studentami starshyh kursov [Ways to deepen knowledge of a foreign language among senior students] // Materials of VI International scientific and practical conference «Youth of Ukraine in context of international communication» Dnipro, Ukraine, 2020.– P.175-176. 2. Beresten O., Mihlik O. Tematichnyy tekst u navchanni ta praktychnomu zastosuvanni [Тhеmatic text in teaching and practical using of foreign language] // Materials of All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference «Romano-Germanic languages: general development trends of linguistic phenomena, contrastive and areal studies», Dnipro, 2019. - P. 6-8. 3. Beresten O. Landeskunde im Deutschunterricht [Linguistic and cultural studies at a German language lesson] // Materials of V International scientific and practical conference «Youth of Ukraine in context of international communication» Dnipro, Ukraine, 2019.– P.179-181. 4. Beresten O. Hören im Deutschunterricht [Listening at a German language lesson] // Materials of V Regional scientific and practical conference «Теndencies and perspectives of development for teaching foreign languages in innovational society», Dnipro, 2018.- P.151-152. 5. Beresten O., Mihlik O. Igra na urike nemetskogo yasyka [Playing at a German language lesson] Materials of III All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference «Modern German studies: theory and practice», Dnipro.- P. 71-72. Textbooks: 1. Beresten O. Praktykum z nimets’koyi movy [Workshop of German language. Training manual] (electronic edition), Publishing house of Alfred Nobel University 2019. – 47 pp. Beresten O., Mihlik O., Turchak O. Wirtschaftssprache Unternehmung. Business German language. Training manual, Publishing house of Alfred Nobel University, 2019.- 231 pp.

Nataliya Bidnenko Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Philology) MA (Translation Studies) e-mail: [email protected]

Position Associate Professor, the Vice-Dean of the English Philology and Translation Study Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Education and Faculty Professional Development

2019 - Master Degree of Translation, Philology Department in Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro, Ukraine; 2015 - Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Study Department, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 2014 - Master Degree of Social Sciences, Tourism Management in Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu – National- Louis University, Nowy Sacz, Poland; 2009 - Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Study Department of Alfred Nobel University in Dnipropetrovs’k; 2007 - University degree of Philology, “the English Language and Literature” in Dnipropetrovs’k National University; 2002 - PhD in Philology, Candidate in Philology, the Thesis Title “Drama in the aspect of literary translation (on the base of Ukrainian and Russian variants of the play “The Devil’s Disciple” by B. Show)”; 1995-1999 - Post-graduate Education in Dnipropetrovs’k National University; 1995-1990 - University degree of Philology, “the Russian Language and Literature” in Dnipropetrovs’k National University. Editorial Board memberships (Editorships) The Vice Editor of the scientific journal “Philology Science” published in Alfred Nobel University;

Research projects 2018 – now – “Polycultural aspects of Roman-Germanic philological discourse and the problems of teaching translation, foreign languages and literature”. 2010 – 2017 “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching”, № 0119U000132. International Projects 2020 – The scientific consultant and opponent in the international project “Double Master Diploma in Management, Managing the firm on the international markets”, Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland. 2020 – The manager of international internship of the 2nd and 3rd year students of Philology Department in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (01.02.2020 - 08.02.2020). 2019 – The manager of international internship of the 2nd and 3rd year students of Philology Department in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (02.02.2019 - 09.02.2019). 2019 – The scientific consultant and opponent in the international project “Double Bachelor Diploma in English Philology, Translation”, Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland. 2018 – 2020 - The lecturer in the international educational project supported with EU Erasmus+ “English Philology Specialization International Business English”, Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland. 2018 – now – The lecturer and coordinator in the international project “Double Master Diploma in Management, Managing the firm on the international markets”, Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland. 2017-2018 – The lecturer and coordinator in the international project “Double Master Diploma in Management, Business Communication”, Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland. 2017 – The manager of international internship of the 2nd and 3rd year students of Philology Department in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (02.06.2017 - 12.06.2017). 2016 – The manager of international internship of the students of Philology Department in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (02.06.2017 - 12.06.2017). 2016 - The Member of Jury of International University Contest “The Future is in Your Mind” organized by “Humanitas” University in Sosnowiec, Poland, 23-24th May, 2016. 2015 – 2016 International Academic Project “Diplomas in Management and Marketing” with Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu – National-Louis University (WSB-NLU) in Nowy Sacz, Poland. The lecturer of «Cross cultural Communication» (30 hours) and “Introduction to the Art” (30 hours) in Management Department of WSB-university, Nowy Sach, Poland. 2015 - The manager of international internship “Practical studying English and Polish for students and ” for the 3rd year students of Philology Department in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (15.02.2015 - 25.02.2015). 2014 - The manager of international internship «Student-oriented teaching – training for English teachers” for the 4th year students of Philology Department in Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu – National-Louis University (WSB-NLU) in Nowy Sacz, Poland (06.01.2014 - 16.01.2014), 60 teaching hours.

Internships and study trips 2020 - International internship in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (01.02.2020 - 08.02.2020). 2019 –International internship in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (02.02.2019 - 09.02.2019). 2017 – International internship in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (02.06.2017 - 12.06.2017). 2016 – International internship in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (02.06.2017 - 12.06.2017). 2016 –International University Contest “The Future is in Your Mind” organized by “Humanitas” University in Sosnowiec, Poland, 23-24th May, 2016. 2015 – 2016 International Academic Project “Diplomas in Management and Marketing” in Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu – National-Louis University (WSB-NLU) in Nowy Sacz, Poland. 2015 - Internship “Practical studying English and Polish for students and teachers” in Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland (15.02.2015- 25.02.2015). 2014 - International internship «Student-oriented teaching – training for English teachers” in Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu – National-Louis University (WSB-NLU) in Nowy Sacz, Poland (06.01.2014 - 16.01.2014), 60 teaching hours. 2 2012-2014 –Master Degree Studying of Social Sciences, Tourism Management in Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu – National-Louis University, Nowy Sacz, Poland.

Conferences 1. II International forum of young scientists and researches «SCIENCE AND STUDY 2020», 17-18 September, 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2. International conference «Education under the Pandemic Conditions: How to Organise the 2020- academic year» supported Switzerland within the DECIDE Swiss-Ukrainian project — «Decentralisation for the democratic education development», introduced by the Consortium Public Union «DOCCU — Civic competences development in Ukraine» and the Teacher Training University of Zurich (PH Zurich, Switzerland), as well as the Finnish-Ukrainian project aimed at supporting the New Ukrainian School «Study Together», 21-22 August, 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine. 3. XXIX International Scientific Conference "LANGUAGE AND CULTURE" named after Serhiy Burago, June 22-24, 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine. 4. International scientific-practical conference «Economic system of the country in the context of international cooperation: state and prospects of development» (Lviv, August 31, 2019) / NGO "Lviv Economic Foundation". - Lviv: LEF, 2019. 5. XXVIII International Conference "LANGUAGE AND CULTURE" named after Serhiy Burago, June “Language and Culture”, Kyiv, 24-27 June, 2019, Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine. 6. Х scientific international conference «Contemporary problems of translation knowledge and methodology of teaching translation». – Karazin Kharkiv National University, 04-05 April, 2019, Kharkiv. 7. Teacher Development Seminar. Express Publishing, Dnipro, Alferd Nobel University, 16 April, 2019, Dnipro. 8. Modern WEB technologies in organizing educational process. Seminar – training, Alferd Nobel University, 11 April, 2019, Dnipro. 9. The Confident and Competent Teacher: supporting educational reform. 24th Annual National IATEFL Ukraine Conference, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 19 – 20 April 2019, Kyiv. 10. Modernization and scientific researches: innovative social and technological development paradigm: II International scientific conference, Kyiv, 25-26 January, 2019. 11. VI International scientific conference «Ecomomics – Changes – Management 2018». – Humanitas University, Sosnowiec, Poland, 7th December, 2018. 12. XXVII International Conference “LANGUAGE AND CULTURE”, Kyiv, 25-27 June, 2018, Shevchenko National University. 13. IX Annual Cambridge Day Conference 2018/ Developing Listeting and Speaking skills for Communication and Fun with Young Learners/ 28th March 2018. – Kyiv. 14. ІV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth in Ukraine in the cross-cultural communication”, 5th April, 2018, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University. 15. XXVI International Conference “LANGUAGE AND CULTURE”, Kyiv, 23-25 June, 2017, Shevchenko National University. 16. The British Council’s first online CPD conference for teachers and teacher educators “Teaching for Success Online Conference”: Assessing and Managing Learning. – 5 – 9 October 2016. 17. ІІ Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “The contest of preparing translators and modern translating requirements”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 7th October. 2016. 18. VІ Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Contemporary problems of linguistic studies and pedagogic practice”, Dnipro National University, Dnipro, 1-2 December, 2016. 19. ІІ International scientific and practical conference “Pedagogy and Psychology: modern methodology and innovations, experience of practical implementation”, Odessa, Innovative Education Institute, 17-18 March, 2017. 20. ІХ international scientific and practice conference “Contemporary problems of translating study and methodology of teaching translation”. – Karazin Kharkiv National University, 20-21 April, 2017. 21. Scientific conference “Rzemioslo – przyszlosc, terazniejszosc, przeszlosc”, Politechnika Oploska, wydzial ekonomii i zarzadzania, Opole, Poland, 21st April 2017. 22. XXV International Conference “Language and Culture”, Kyiv, 22-24 June, 2016, National University.

Other activities Academic Activities Member of Ukrainian Translators’ Trainers Union (UTTU); Member of IATEFL in Ukraine; Member of Expert Board of the International Public Relations Center (IPRC) in “Humanitas” University in Sosnowiec, Poland. Publication List Selected academic articles: 1. Bidnenko N., Lykhopok D., Argumentative statements in English written business discourse and the ways of their rendering into Ukrainian/ N. Bidnenko, D. Lykhopok (the original is in English) // Language and Culture (scientific journal). – K., 2020. – N. 22. – p. 110 – 117. 2. Garmider L., Lykhopok D., Bidnenko N., Conceptual model of restoration process of development of enterprise personnel potential/ L. Garmider, D. Lykhopok, N. Bidnenko (the original is in English)// Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły HUMANITAS. Zarządzanie. Volume XX, Issue 3/2019. – Sosnowiec, 2019. – T. I. – S.227-241. 3. Bidnenko N., The problem of differentiation of languages for special purposes in English terminology / N. Bidnenko (the original is in English) // Language and Culture (scientific journal). – K., 2019. – N. 23, Vol. IV (191). – p. 138 – 150. 4. Bidnenko N., Linguistic peculiarities of terms used in modern English scientific and technical literature / N. Bidnenko (the original is in English)/ // Language and Culture (scientific journal). – K., 2018. – N. 21, Vol. IV (190). – p. 101 – 112. 5. Bidnenko N., Practical and theoretical issues of modern terminology/ N. Bidnenko// (the original is in English) – Philology studies. - Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2018, N1(15). – p. 213-224. 6. Bidnenko N., Zajerko O. On the problem of translating internationalisms in modern English media discourse into Ukrainian (the original is in English)/ N. Bidnenko// Language and Culture (scientific journal). – K., 2017. – N. 20, Vol. III (188). – p. 123 - 127. 7. Bidnenko N. The peculiarities of patent literature and the problems of its translating into Ukrainian (the original is in English)/ N. Bidnenko// Language and Culture (scientific journal). – K., 2017. – N. 20, Vol. III (188). –p. 128 – 132. 8. Bidnenko N. Teaching languages for special purposes for developing future translators’ professional competences and linguistic skills (the original is in English)/N. Bidnenko// Philology studies. - Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University, 2016. - №2 (12). – p. 265-269. 9. Bidnenko N., Sytnik I. Innovative business and marketing strategies for managing and developing recreational touristic enterprises in Poland and Ukraine/ N. Bidnenko// Przegląd Nauk Stosowanych, Opole. - nr 13/ 2016 (Applied Sciences Review). – p. 77-91. 10. Bidnenko N.P. The peculiarities of rendering modern English scientific and technical literature/ N.Bidnenko// Anglistics and Americanistics. – S. 6. – Dnipropetrovsk, 2015. – p. 114-120. 11. Bidnenko N.P. The problem of rendering translator’s individual creative view and author’s individuality at the process of translating fiction (the original is in Ukrainian)/ N. Bidnenko// Language and Culture (scientific journal). – K., 2015. – N. 18, Vol. I (171). – p. 142-153. 12. Bidnenko N.P. Interscientific homonymy as one of the common linguistic processes in terminology // N.Bidnenko – Language and Culture. – K., 2014. – p. 282-289. 13. Bidnenko N.P. The peculiarities of rendering drama texts (the original is in Ukrainian)/N. Bidnenko// Actual problems of translation: Linguistic studies. - Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University, 2014. – p. 5-11. 14. Bidnenko N.P. The language peculiarities of modern English scientifc and technical literature style (the original is in English)/N. Bidnenko// Philology studies. - Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University, 2014. – p. 76-81.

Textbooks 1. Bidnenko N. English terminology and scientific and technical translation: textbook/ N. Bidnenko. 2nd edition. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2020. – 240 p. 2. Bidnenko N. English terminology and scientific and technical translation: textbook/ N. Bidnenko. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2018. – 240 p.

Yana Galkina Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Philology) MA (Translation Studies)

E-mail: [email protected] Position Assistant Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department of Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro

Education and Faculty Professional Development

2019 Master`s degree 035, Philology, Translation Studies (English), Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro

2015 Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 1998 Candidate of Science (Philology), the Thesis Title: “From O.Wilde to I.Severyanin: the ways of European aestheticism”; 1995-1998 Post-graduate education at Dnipropetrovs’k State University; 1995 University degree of Philology.Russian Language and Literature Teacher. Mykolaiv State Pedagogical University.

Professional Experience 2013-now Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department of Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro 2003-2013 Associate Professor of V.A. Sukhomlynsky Mykolaiv National University. 1997-2002 Lecturer of Dnipropetrovsk State University. Editorial Board memberships (Editorships)

Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series «Philology», Ukraine.

Research projects: 2013-now “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching” № 011ОV000323. Conferences: 2015 Scientific and Methodological Teachers’ Conference “The prevention and the detection of plagiarism in academic and scientific activities as an instrument to improve the quality of higher education” – 31 March 2015, Dnipropetrovsk, Alfred Nobel University 2014 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Major Subjects Teaching and Means to Intensify the Process of Education for Student Philologists”. – 26 June 2014, Dnipropetrovsk, Alfred Nobel University

Publication List Selected publication (conference proceedings etc):

1. Galkina Yа. (2015). Moty`v sud`by` v rasskazax A. Gry`na o Pervoj my`rovoj vojne [The motif of fate in the stories of A. Green about the First World War]. Py`tannya nimecz`koyi istoriyi. Zbirny`k naukovy`x pracz`[Questions of German History ], 2015, рр. 257 – 264. 2. Galkina Yа. (2016) Mezhdu Faustom y Kalyostro: ambyvaletnost arxetypa [Between Faust and Cagliostro: the ambivalence of the archetype]. Slov'yanski naukovi chytannya: literaturoznavchyj ta lingvokul`turologichny`j aspekty [Slavic Studies: Literary and Linguo- Cultural Aspects], 2016, рр.. 156-164 3. Galkina Yа. (2017) Subyektna struktura cyklu M. Zerova "Motyvy Odisseyi" yak yedynoyi lirychnoyi systemy [The structure of the subject in the cycle of M. Zerov "Motives of the Odyssey" as a single lyrical system]. Filologichni seminary: Teatr liteaturnogo procesu: teoriya i dijovi osoby [Philological seminars: Theater of the literary process: theory and actors], No 20, рр.195 – 200. 4. Galkina Yа. (2017) "Odysseya" v soznanyy "neoklassykov" (lyryka N. Gumyleva y N. Zerova) [“Odyssey” in the minds of “Neoclassicists” (the lyrics of N. Gumilev and N. Zerov)]. Visnyk universytetu imeni Alfreda Nobelya. Seriya: Filologichni nauky [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series «Philology»], No2 (14), 2017, рр.38-43 5. Galkina Yа. (2017) Avtoparody`jnaya refleksyya v poezy`y Ygorya Severyanyna (styxotvorenyya "Yyulskyj polden" y "Kolyaska")[Auto-parody reflection in the poetry of Igor Severyanin (poems "July Noon" and "Carriage")]. Visnyk Xarkivskogo nacional`nogo universytetu imeni V.N. Karazina. Seriya "Filologiya"[V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin. Series «Philology» ], No 76, 2017, рр. 290-293 6. Galkina Yа. (2018) Ygor Severyanyn y zavershenye tradycyy russkogo klassycheskogo romana [Igor Severyanin and completion of Russian classic roman tradition]. Visnyk universytetu imeni Alfreda Nobelya. Seriya: Filologichni nauky [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series «Philology»], 2018 Visnyk universytetu imeni Alfreda Nobelya. Seriya: Filologichni nauky [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series «Philology»], No 1 (15), 2018, pp. 126-131

Daryna Holub PhD (Philology) MA (Translation Studies) E-mail: [email protected] Position Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro Education and Faculty Professional Experience 2018-2020 Complete Master’s Degree Study Programme in Management. Professional qualification: Company Management in Domestic and Foreign Markets, Humanitas University in Sosnowiec, Poland; 2017-2019 Complete Master’s Degree Study Programme in Philology. Professional qualification: Master of Arts in Philology, Translator/Interpreter from/to English and Russian, English and Russian Trainer, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2018 Candidate of Science (Compared to PhD). Main speciality: Philological Sciences (Comparative History of Literature); 2012-2015 Post-Graduate Studies at Oles Honchar National University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2003-2008 University degree of English Philology. Professional qualification: Language and Literature (English) Oles Honchar National University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Professional experience 2016-now Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2008-2012 Assistant at Department of Foreign Languages, State Financial Academy, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2007-2008 Teacher of English, General Secondary School #1, Petropavlivka, Dnipropetrovsk region. Research projects: 2019-now “Polycultural Aspects of Germanic and Roman Philological Discourse and Issues of Teaching Translation, Foreign Languages and Literatures”, № 0119 U000132. 2010 – 2017 “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching”, № 0119U000132.

Internships and study trips: 2019 International Academic Training (Ensuring the Quality of Education in Higher Educational Establishments), WSZOP, Katowice (PL)

Conferences: 2020 English Language Teaching Online Conference 2020, 27-29 February, Oxford, Great Britain 2020 Digital Workshop on Information Security (online), 11 February, Kyiv, Ukraine 2019 Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, EdCamp Linguist Сonference “Positive Change”, 01March, Kyiv, Ukraine 2019 Oxford ELTOC 2019 Online Conference, 01-02 March 2019 Kyiv National Linguistic University, International Scientific Conference “AD ORBEM PER LINGUAS”, 20-22 March, Kyiv, Ukraine 2019 Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 24th Annual National IATEFL Ukraine Conference “The Confident and Competent Teacher: supporting educational reform”, 19 - 20 April, Kyiv, Ukraine

2019 7th International Computer Science workshop “Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE)-2019”, 25 December, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine 2018 Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 23d Annual National IATEFL Ukraine Conference “Learn, Reflect, Develop”, 20-21 April, Kyiv, Ukraine 2018 Zaporizhia National University, International Seminar “CLIL Methodology and American English Teaching”, 14 June, Zaporizhia, Ukraine 2017 Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, International Scientific Conference “Genrology and Modern Systems of Literature Analysis”, dedicated to the memory of Victor G. Zinchenko, 28-29 April, Odesa, Ukraine

Publication List

Selected academic articles: 1. Holub D. The Curriculum of the Academic Course “Theory of Text” // Visnyk of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Pedagogy and Psychology, Issue 32. - 2020. – P. 219-224. 2. Korobeinikova T.I., Volkova N.P., Zinukova N.V., Holub D.A. (2019) Google Cloud Services as a Way to Enhance Learning and Teaching at University // Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2019) Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 20, 2019. (Scopus). 3. Holub D.O. Stierlitz in the Context of “Personal History” // Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology, Issue 1 (17), 2019. – P. 81-88. 4. Holub D., Korobeinikova T., Myronova T. The Curriculum of the Course “English Language for Translators” // Visnyk of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Pedagogy and Psychology, Issue 30. - 2019. – P. 161-167. 5. Holub D. The Curriculum of the Academic Course “Translation and Interpreting of Business Communication” // Visnyk of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Pedagogy and Psychology, Issue 29. - 2018. – P. 203-207. 6. Holub D. Culture and cold war as a problem of spy novel // Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology, Issue 2 (14), 2017. – P. 32-38. 7. Holub D. “The Spy Who Came from the Cold” (Critical Reflection of the Genesis of a Spy Novel) // Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Philological Seminars. Theatre of a Literary Process: Theory and Characters, Issue 20, 2017. – P. 108-117.

Selected publications (conference proceedings etc.): 1. Holub D.O. Express Digibooks Platform in Classroom-Based and Self-Paced Learning / D. Holub. In the V International Conference The Youth of Ukraine in Cross-cultural Communication Context , April 16, 2020. Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. – P.89. 1. Holub D.O. G Suite for Education as a Model for Online Learning The Problem of Multilingual Education and Development of Multilingual Competence / D. Holub. In the I Ukrainian Conference of Young Scientists and Students. Information Technologies in Education and Business. May 15, 2020. Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. – P.42-44. 1. 7th International Computer Science workshop Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE) December 25, 2019, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine. 1. Holub D.O. The spy who came from the cold»: genesis of spy novel / D. Holub. In the III International Conference The Youth of Ukraine in Cross-cultural Communication Context , March 30, 2017. Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. – P.62.

Textbooks: 12. Holub D.O., Myronova T.Yu. Practicum on English phonetics. (Consonants. Part I) / D. Holub, T. Myronova. Ed. By N.V. Zinukova. Dnipro: ANU, 2019. – 91 pp.

Tamara Ishchenko

Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Master of Arts in Translation Studies E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Position Assistant Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro Vice Rector for International Cooperation Education 2018-2019 Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Complete Master’s Study Program in Philology, Translation Studies. Professional qualification: Specialist in Philology, Translator/Interpreter from/to English and Russian, English and Russian Trainer. 2015 Candidate of Science (Compared to PhD). Main specialty: Philological Sciences (Translation Study) 1992-1997 University degree. Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine.

Professional Experience 2019-now Vice Rector for International Cooperation 2019 Work with ENEMO election observers during Presidential Election 2019 2019 ENEMO election observers during Parliamentary Election 2019 as language assistant. 2017-now Head for international Cooperation Department 2016 Head for European Projects Center 2015-now Assistant Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro 2014 Work with ENEMO election observers during Presidential Election 2014 2014 OSCE election observers during Parliamentary Election 2014 as language assistant. 1998-2015 Senior Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department of Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk 2004-now Part-time Manager-Translator for the National Paralympic Committee of Ukraine, Kyiv National Paralympic Team member during Athens Paralympic Games (2004), Torino Paralympic Games (2006), Beijing Paralympic Games (2008), London Paralympic Games (2012), Rio Paralympic Games (2016).

Research projects: 2019-now “Polycultural Aspects of Germanic and Roman Philological Discourse and Issues of Teaching Translation, Foreign Languages and Literatures”, № 0119 U000132. 2010-2019 “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching” № 011ОV000323. 2010-2014 English Sport LSP: Cognitive and Translation Issues (PhD thesis)

International projects 2020-2023 Manager for the project EIW 3 within the program Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs 2019-2021 Manager for project Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency «DOBRE» financed by USAID 2017-2018 Manager for British Council project «Regional hub for gamification in education «Nobel- Quiz» 2016-2017 Manager for Visegrad Fund project «Transformation and educational processes in the countries of the Visegrad Group» 2014-2017 Academic Project “Double Diploma in Philology” with WSZOP in Katowice, Poland

Internships and study trips: 2020 Study trip to the Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey 2020 Study trip to the Aidyn University, Turkey 2020 Study trip to the University of Rieka, 2018 Study trip to the WSZOP in Katowice, Poland 2018 Study trip to the WSВ in Katowice, Poland 2018 Study trip to the Rio de Janeiro State University (Brasil) 2018 Study trip to the San Paulo State University (Brasil)

Conferences: 2018 University of Wales, Trinity Saint David Collaborative Partner Conference 2018, Wales, 6 December, 2018, Wales, UK 2015 International conference Language and the World: Researching and Teaching, Kirovograd Teachers Training University, Kirovograd March, 26-27 2014 International conference Language and the World: Researching and Teaching, Kirovograd Teachers Training University, Kirovograd March, 27-28 2013 Interactive Seminar “Relevant Translation Theory and Practice Issues”. 27 February 2013, Dnipropetrovsk. 2013 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference Moodle Technologies in Teaching Practical English. 9 October 2013, Dnipropetrovsk. 2012 Conference Innovative Approaches to Teaching English 31 January 2012, Dnipropetrovsk. 2012 Conference Are you ready to embrace technological innovations from Cambridge University Press 24 February 2012, Dnipropetrovsk. 2012 Seminar Broadening the Horizons. English Teachers’ Workshop 13 April 2012, Dnipropetrovsk. 2012 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference Moderns Approaches to the Organization of the Students Individual Work while Teaching Business English 27 April 2012, Dnipropetrovsk. 2012 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference Ways, Means, Methods and Techniques of Translation 19 June 2012, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk 2012 The 2nd English Teachers’ Conference Innovative Approaches to Teaching English, Dnipropetrovsk, 29 November 2012 2011 Seminar Project Management (project funded by the EU). 24-25 May 2011, Dnipropetrovsk. 2011 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference Distance learning techniques in Teaching Practice of Translation. 17 November 2011, Dnipropetrovsk.

State Awards: 2016 Quin Olha Order 2012 Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers’ Honour Certificate; 2008 Ukraine Prime Minister’s Honour Certificate; 2008 Labour and Conquest Medal.

Other activities Member of Ukrainian Translators’ Trainers Union (UTTU)

Publication List Selected academic articles: 1. Ishchenko T.V. (2009) Leksyko-semantychni osoblyvosti fakhovoi movy sportu. [Lexico-semantic peculiarities of sport professional language]. Materialy Vseukrainskoho naukovo-metodychnoho seminaru “Aktualni problemy filolohichnoi nauky ta pedahohichnoi praktyky”. [Materials of all- Ukrainian research and methodological seminar “Philological science and pedagogical practice current problems”]. Dnipropetrovsk, DNU. – PP. 57-58. 2. Ishchenko T.V. (2010) Kontsept “sport” v kontseptosferi anhliiskoi movy. [Concept “sport” in the English concept sphere]. Materialy II Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Aktualni problemy filolohichnoi nauky ta pedahohichnoi praktyky” [Materials of II all-Ukrainian research and methodological conference “Philological science and pedagogical practice current problems”]. Dnipropetrovsk, DNU. – PP. 54-55. 3. Ishchenko T.V. (2010) Anhliiska sportyvna idiomatyka: vykhid za mezhi fakhovoi movy. [English sport idioms: expansion beyond the professional language]. Materialy IV Mizhnarodnoi naukovo- praktychnoi konferentsii “Linhvistychni problemy ta innovatsiini pidkhody do vykladannia chuzhozemnykh mov u vyshchykh navchalnych zakladakh” [Materials of IV International research and practical conference “Linguistic problems and innovation approaches to the foreign language teaching in higher educational institutions”]. Lviv. – P. 173. – PP. 279-282. 4. Ishchenko T.V. (2010) Termin ta terminolohiia yak obiekty linhvistychnykh dolidzhen. [Term and terminology as the linguistic researches objects]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. “Liudyna. Kompiuter. Komunikatsiia”. [Collection of research works. “Person. Computer. Communication”]. Lviv: National University publishing house. – PP. 123-127. 5. Ishchenko T.V. (2011) Komunikatyvni aspekty anhliiskoi fakhovoi movy sportu. [English sport professional language communicative aspects]. Naukovi pratsi Kamianets-Podilskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. Ivana Ohiienka. [Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University research works]. Filolohichni nayku. [Philological science]. Issue 26. Kamianets-Podilskyi: Private Enterprise «Medobory-2006». – PP. 123-127. 6. Ishchenko T.V. (2012) Spetsyfica dyskursu sportu. [Sport discourse specificity]. Naukovi zapysky. [Research notes] Volume: Filolohichni nauku (movoznavtvo). [Philological science (linguistics)]. Issue 105 (2). Kirovohrad. – PP. 476-480. 7. Ishchenko T.V. (2013) Naukovo-tekhnichnyi riznovyd fakhovoi movy sportu: komunikatyvno- prahmatychni normy ta pereklad. [Scientific and technical variety of sport professional language: communicative and pragmatic norms and translation]. Naukovi zapysky. [Research notes]. Volume: Filolohichni nauku (movoznavtvo). [Philological science (linguistics)]. Issue 116. Kirovohrad. – PP. 305-308. 8. Ishchenko T.V. (2014) Deiaki osoblyvosti perekladu fakhovykh tekstiv sportu. [Some features of professional sport texts translation]. Naukovi zapysky. [Research notes] Volume: Filolohichni nauku (movoznavtvo). [Philological science (linguistics)]. Volume 126. Kirovohrad. – PP. 354-359. 9. Ishchenko T.V. (2014) Typovi pomylky pry perekladi fakhovykh tekstiv sportu. [Typical mistakes in professional sport texts translation]. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. [Scientific Bulletin of University]. Hermanska filolohiia. [German philology]. Volume 692 – 693. Chernivtsi. – PP. 41-45. 10. Ishchenko T.V. (2014) Opyt lingviticheskoho analiza nauchnoho tekta: kommunikativno- prahmaticheskie normy i perevod. [Experience in linguistic analysis of the scientific text: communicative and pragmatic norms and translation.] Problemy mezhkulturnoi kommunikatii v sovremennom obshchetve: mezhdunarodnyi sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Kazakhstan-Venhriia). [Problems of intercultural communication in modern society: the international collection of research papers (Kazakhstan - Hungary)/ ed. By Е. А. Zhuravlova. – Astana. – PP. 142-147. Textbooks: 1. Ishchenko T.V. (2012) Kommunikativnye strategii angloiazychnoho obshcheniia. [English speaking communicative strategies] / T.V. Ishchenko, V.V. Kalinichenko / ed. by N.V. Zinukova. – Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University. – 152 p. 2. Ishchenko T.V., Biriukova M.S., Papsuieva N.I., Marchuk N.I. (2012) Translation Practice. – Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University. – 126 p.

Tetiana Korobeinikova PhD in Pedagogy MA (Translation Studies)

E-mail: [email protected]

Position Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro Education and Faculty Professional Development 2017-2019 – Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Complete Master’s Study Program in Philology. Professional qualification: Master of Arts in Philology, Translator/Interpreter from/to English and Russian, English and Russian Trainer 2014 - PhD. Main speciality: Pedagogical Sciences (theory and methods of teaching foreign languages): Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Compared to PhD). The thesis title “Developing Future Teachers’ English Competence in Dialogical Speech with the Use of Information and Communication Technologies” 2009-2013 - Post-graduate education at Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. 2002 - Graduated from Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. Complete higher education. Speciality: Language and Literature. Professional qualification: philologist; English, Spanish and Foreign Literature Lecturer Professional experience 2016-now Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2015-2016 - Associate Professor of Philology and Translation Department, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V.Lazarian, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2012-2015 - Senior Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazarian, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2009-2012 - Lecturer of English, Department of Germanic and Romance Languages, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. 2002-2009 - Lecturer of English, English Philology Department, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. 2001-2002 – Teacher of English, Secondary School 144, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Research projects: 2019-now “Polycultural Aspects of Germanic and Roman Philological Discourse and Issues of Teaching Translation, Foreign Languages and Literatures”, № 0119 U000132. 2016 – 2017 “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching”, № 0119U000132.

Internships and study trips:

2019 the professional and qualification enhancement programme “Contemporary Tendencies of Higher education in European Union Countries. Experience of Technical University of Varna.” May –June, 2019, Varna,

Conferences: 2020 International Scientific Conference “AD ORBEM PER LINGUAS”, KNLU, June 17-18, 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine 6th International Scientific Conference “Youth of Ukraine”, April 16, 2020, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine English Language Teaching Online Conference 2020, February, 27-29, 2020, Oxford, UK 2019 7th International Computer Science workshop “Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE) December 25, 2019, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine 3rd International Conference “Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European experience”, November 12-14, 2019. – Amsterdam, Netherlands 15th International Conference “Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education”, June 3-6, 2019, Varna, Bulgaria 2017 3rd International Scientific Conference “Youth of Ukraine”, March 30, 2017, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine International Scientific Conference “AD ORBEM PER LINGUAS”, KNLU, March 29-30, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine International Scientific Conference “Transformations in Ukrainian Education and Scientific Research: Global Context”, May 25-26, 2017, Uman, Ukraine 9th International Scientific Conference “Major issues in translation studies and translator/interpreter training”, April 20-21, 2017, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2016 Scientific Conference “The Contents of Translators Training and Modern Requirements of the Profession. Dnipropetrovsk, October 7, 2016, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Other activities Member of Ukrainian Translators’ Trainers Union (UTTU)

Publication List Books (monographs): 1. Keysova ta podcast tehnologii formuvannia mizhkulturnoi kompetentnosti [Case and Podcast technologies for developing intercultural competence] (2017) / O. Bihych, T. Korobeinikova, D.Rusnak, V.Strilets ta insh. (the original is in Ukranian) - K. : Vyd. tsentr KNLU, 2017. – 160 pp. 2. Suchasnyi student u konteksti osobystisno-diialnisnoho pidkhodu za rezultatamy naukovo- metodychnykh doslidzhen (2014) [Modern Student in the context of the personality- and activity-based approach approach: on the basis of scientific and methodological researches / O.B. Bihych, M.M. Voloshynova, M.S. Hlazunov, T.I. Korobeinikova ta inshi ; [za zah. i nauk. red. O.B.Bihych]. (the original is in Ukranian) – K. : Vyd. tsentr KNLU, 2014. – 148 pp. 3. Elektronni zasoby navchannia inozemnykh mov studentiv: dosvid rozrobky y aprobatsii [Electronic means for teaching students foreign languages] (2012) / Bihych O. B., M.M. Voloshynova, T.I. Korobeinikova ta inshi ; [zah. i nauk. red. : Bihych O. B. ]– K. : Vyd. tsentr KNLU, 2012. – 160 pp.

Selected academic articles:

1. Korobeinikova T., Plotnikov Y. (2020) (Anti) discriminative practices, limitations and barriers in teaching foreign languages: annotated bibliography // Visnyk of the Kyiv National Linguistic University, Series “Pedagogy and Phychology”: Collection of Scientific Papers, KNLU Publishing Center, 2020, Vol. 32. – P. 173-191. Access mode: http://visnyk- 2. Korobeinikova T.I. (2019) Modern online services of the English language self-work management for perspective translators // Visnyk of the Kyiv National Linguistic University, Series “Pedagogy and Phychology”: Collection of Scientific Papers, KNLU Publishing Center, 2019, Vol. 30. – P. 97-102. Access mode: 3. Korobeinikova T.I., Volkova N.P., Zinukova N.V., Holub D.A. (2019) Google Cloud Services as a Way to Enhance Learning and Teaching at University // Cloud Technologies in Education (CTE 2019) Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, December 20, 2019. (Scopus) 4. Korobeinikova T.I . (2018) The computer technology of developing English interactional competence of prospective translators // Visnyk of the Kyiv National Linguistic University, Series “Pedagogy and Phychology”: Collection of Scientific Papers, KNLU Publishing Center, 2018, Vol. 29. – P. 105-112. Access mode: 5. Korobeinikova T.I. (2018) Developing of English competence in dialogical speech of future translators with the use of an educational computer program “WISE” // Academic Notes. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, edition 161, Kropyvnytskyi, 2018. – P. 111- 116. Access mode: 6. Korobeinikova T.I. (2017) Management of the self-work of perspective translators // Collection of Scientific Papers of Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, 2017. – Vol.1. – P. 200-206. Access mode: 7. Korobeinikova T.I/ (2015) Current requarements of formation of English competence in dialogical speech of perspective teachers // Scientific Messenger of the UNESCO Department of Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, 2015. – issue 31. – P. 251-260. Access mode: 1%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%BD%D1%96%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0_%D0%9A%D0 %9D%D0%9B%D0%A3_31_15.pdf 8. Korobeinikova T.I. (2015) Stages of English competence in dialogical speech development of future teachers // Psyhologo-pedagogichni problem silskoi shkoly, Uman, 2015. – Vol.53. – P. 8-14. Access mode: 1%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%BD%D1%96%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0_%D0%9F%D0 %9F%D0%9F%D0%A1%D0%A8_52_15.pdf 9. Korobeinikova T.I. (2015) Subsystem of exercises for teaching English dialogical speech // Collection of Scientific Papers. Problemy pidgotovky suchasnogo vchytelya, Uman, 2015. – Vol. 12. – Part 1. – P. 39-46. 10. Korobeinikova T.I. (2015) The peculiarities of development of perspective teachers’ English competence in dialogical speech with the use of the educational computer program // Collection of Scientific Papers. Problemy pidgotovky suchasnogo vchytelya, Uman, 2015. – Vol. 11. – P. 60-66. 11. Korobeinikova T. (2015) Didactic background of using multimedia tools in teaching future translators English dialogical speech // Canadian Journal of Education and Engineering. - Ottawa University Press, 2015. - № 2 (12) - Р. 409-415.

Selected publications (conference proceedings etc.): 1. Korobeinikova T. Virtual learning environment to enhance the training of bachelors in computer science / korobeinikova T., Kosariev V. In the 3rd International Conference “Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European experience”, November 12-14, 2019. – Amsterdam, Netherlands.- P. 77-80. 2. Korobeinikova T. Teaching with Google: experience of English for translators Google Classroom. In the 15th International Conference “Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education”, June 3-6, 2019, Varna, Bulgaria. – P. 286 – 289. 3. Korobeinikova T. Development of learning autonomy in translation practice. In the 9th International Scientific Conference “Major issues in translation studies and translator/interpreter training”, April 20- 21, 2017, Kharkiv, Ukraine. – P.50-51. Textbooks: 1. Tests in written translation / T. Ishchenko, T. Korobeinikova, T. Marchuk, N. Popsueva. The third edition – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2018. – 150 pp. 2. Korobeinikova T. Detective Stories. [adapted English texts, exercises, vocabulary by T.Korobeinikova]. Upper-Intermediate. – Kyiv: Ariy, 2018. – 160 pp. 3. Gramatyka angliyskoi movy [English Grammar] / O. Kovalenko, T.Korobeinikova, O. Kuznetsova. - Kyiv: Ariy, 2017. – 112 pp.

Olena Turchak Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Philology) E-mail: [email protected] Position Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro Academic Activities Member of Ukrainian Translators’ Trainers Union (UTTU) Editorial Board memberships (Editorships) Executive Assistant of “Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Philological Sciences”of “Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Philological Sciences” Professional development (latest research projects, conferences) Research projects: 2019 – now Multicultural aspects of Romano-Germanic philological discourse and problems of teaching translation, foreign languages and literatures, № 0119U000132 2011-2014 Political stratification modern democratic society: international experience and Ukrainian realities 2010-2011 Socially-humanitarian problems of entrepreneurship in the : Trends, Analysis, Management Сonferences: 2020 International Scientific and Practical Conference “New in the philology of the modern world”, Lviv, Ukraine 2019 All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Social and humanitarian dimensions of law: the evolutionary paradigm”, Dnipro, Ukraine 2018 International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern philology: perspective and priority directions of scientific researches”, Odesa, Ukraine 2017 II All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Socio-political problems of today”, Dnipro, Ukraine 2017 III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth of Ukraine in the context of intercultural communication”, Dnipro, Ukraine 2017 VIII International Scientific Conference “Lexical and grammatical innovations in modern Slavic languages”, Dnipro, Ukraine 2016 All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Socio-political problems of today”, Dnipro, Ukraine 2013 IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Philology and Culture: Contemporary Challenges and Prospects for Development", Makhachkala, Russia 2013 XI International scientific-practical conference "Innovations in Modern Philology", Moscow, Russia 2013 VI International Scientific Conference "Lexical and grammatical innovations in modern Slavic languages", Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2013 ІI International Scientific Conference "Language – Literature – Culture in the context of domestic relationships ", State Pedagogical University, Berdyansk, Ukraine 2012 XV International conference " and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of a dialogue of national cultures" Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2011 V International Scientific Conference "Lexical and grammatical innovations in modern Slavic languages", Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2011 ІІ International Scientific Conference "Theoretical problems of modern linguistics", Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University, Simferopol, Ukraine Education 2013 Associate professor of humanities, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 2005 Candidate of Sciences (Compared to PhD). Main speciality: Philological Sciences (); 1999-2002 Postgraduate student of Dnipropetrovsk National University, specialty "Ukrainian language", Ukraine 1991-1996 Philologist, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and Art, Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine Professional Experience 2017-now Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2009-2017 Associate professor of Political Science, Sociology and Humanities, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2005-2009 Associate professor of History and Political Science, University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2003-2005 Senior lecturer in History and Political Science, University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2001-2003 Lecturer in History and Political Science University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 1996-2000 Lecturer in Ukrainoznavstvo, State University of Railway Transport, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine Publication List Books (monographs): 1. Turchak O.M. (2016) Pytannia movnoi polityky v suchasnij Ukraini [The issue of language policy in modern Ukraine]. Tsyvilizatsijni vyklyky dlia suchasnoi Ukrainy: monohrafiia [Civilization challenges for modern Ukraine] / O.V. Dashevs'ka, R.M. Kliuchnyk, D.V. Proshyn ta in. – Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University. – PP. 98–123. 2. Turchak O.M. (2013) Politychna komunikatsiia, ii funktsii v protsesakh politychnoi stratyfikatsii [Political communication, its function in the process of political stratification]. Politychna stratyfikatsiia suspil'stva [Political stratification of society] / V.A. Poltorak ta in. – Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University. – PP. 179–192. 3. Turchak O.M. (2010) Mova polityky iak politychna tekhnolohiia [Language policy as a political technology]. Politychnyj marketynh: sutnist', funktsii, problemy vykorystannia [Political marketing: the nature, functions, problems of use] / V.A. Poltorak ta in. / za red. V.A. Poltoraka. – Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University. – PP. 78–85. Selected academic articles: 1. Turchak O.M. (2020). Epitet iak tvorchyj element idiostyliu Hryhora Tiutiunnyka [Epitet as a creative element of Hryhir Tiutiunnyk’s]. Visnyk Universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series «Philology»]. No 1 (19). – PP. 319–326. 2. Turchak O.M. (2018) Metaforyzatsiia tvoriv Hryhora Tiutiunnyka [Metaforization of Hryhir Tiutiunnyk’s works]. Visnyk Universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series «Philology»]. No 1 (15). – PP. 271–275. 3. Turchak O.M. (2017) Zalezhnist' poiavy indyvidual'nykh novotvoriv vid vplyvu zovnishnikh chynnykiv u mezhakh styliu zasobiv masovoi informatsii [Dependence of individual nonce formations approval from of external factors influence in borders of the style of mass media]. Visnyk Universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series «Philology»]. No 2 (14). – PP. 210–217. 4. Turchak O.M. (2017) Prychynno-naslidkovyj zv'iazok strukturno-semantychnoi zalezhnosti okazionalizmiv u movi periodychnykh vydan' kintsia KhKh stolittia [Cause-result relationship in the structural and semantic features of occasional words in the language of periodical in the late 20th]. Visnyk Universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series «Philology»]. No 1 (13). – PP. 240–245. 5. Turchak O.M. (2016) Osoblyvosti slovotvoru ekonomichnoi terminolohii [Feature of economic terminology derivation]. Visnyk Universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series «Philology»]. No 2 (12). – PP. 247–252. 6. Turchak O.M. (2016) Osoblyvosti movy polityky iak osnovnoho zasobu politychnoi tekhnolohii [Features of the language of politics as the main means of political technology]. Naukovi zapysky Berdians'koho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Scientific notes of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Series "Philological Sciences"]. – No 11. – PP. 62–66. 7. Turchak O.M. (2016) Yukstapozytni typy iak osnova novotvoriv publitsystychnoho styliu (na materiali periodychnykh vydan' kintsia KhKh stolittia) [Juxtaposite types as the basis of journalistic style innovations (based on periodicals of the late twentieth century)]. Visnyk Kharkivs'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni V.N. Karazina. Seriia «Filolohiia» [Bulletin of Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazina. Philology series]. – No 75. – PP. 32–36. 8. Turchak O.M. (2015) Ekspresiia ta ekspresyvnist' iak skladovi funktsional'noi kharakterystyky okazionalizmiv (na materiali presy kintsia KhKh stolittia) [Expression and expressiveness as components of functional characteristics occasionalisms (based on press late 20th century)]. Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'koho universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series «Philology»]. – No 1 (9). – PP. 164–169. 9. Turchak O.M. (2014) Okazional'ni spoluchennia sliv iak proiav ekspresyvnosti v movi ukrains'koi periodyky kintsia KhKh stolittia [Occasional word combination as a manifestation of expressiveness in speech Ukrainian periodicals of the end of the XXth century]. Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'koho universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series «Philology»]. – No 2 (8). – PP. 189–194. 10. Turchak O.M. (2014) Leksema "ochi" iak osnova portretnoi detali ta ii movna realizatsiia u tvorakh Hryhora Tiutiunnyka [Lexeme «eyes» as a basic of a portrait detail and its linguistic realization in Hryhir Tiutiunnyk’s works]. Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'koho universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia. Seriia "Filolohichni nauky" [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series «Philology»]. – No 1 (7). – PP. 228–233. Selected publication (conference proceedings etc): 1. Turchak O.M. (2020) Vstavleni komponenty iak prykmetna rysa poetychnoho syntaksysu Ivana Dracha [Inserted components as a notable feature of the poetic syntax of Ivan Drach]. Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia «Nove u filolohii suchasnoho svitu» [International Scientific and Practical Conference “New in the philology of the modern world”]. Lviv. 2. Turchak O.M. (2019) Oznaky movnoi nehramotnosti v ukrains'kij movi iak proiav bilinhvizmu [Signs of language illiteracy in the Ukrainian language as a manifestation of bilingualism]. Sotsial'no-humanitarni vymiry pravovoi derzhavy: evoliutsijna paradyhma: Materialy Vseukrains'koi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Social and humanitarian dimensions of law: the evolutionary paradigm”]. – Dnipro. – PP. 424–427. 3. Turchak O.M. (2018) Indyvidual'no-avtors'ki kompozyty v movi periodychnykh vydan' [Individual- author composites in the language of periodicals]. Suchasna filolohiia: perspektyvni ta priorytetni napriamy naukovykh doslidzhen': Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia [International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern philology: perspective and priority directions of scientific researches”]. Odesa. 4. Turchak O.M. (2017) Mova iak element politychnoi kul'tury [Language as an element of political culture]. Sotsial'no-politychni problemy suchasnosti: II Vseukrains'ka naukova konferentsiia [II All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Socio-political problems of today”]. – Dnipro. – PP. 70–72. 5. Turchak O.M. (2017) Do pytannia pro kul'turu ukrains'koi movy v mezhakh dilovodstva [On the question of the culture of the Ukrainian language within the office]. Molod' Ukrainy v konteksti mizhkul'turnoi komunikatsii. Materialy III Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth of Ukraine in the context of intercultural communication”]. – Dnipro. – PP. 59–60. 6. Turchak O.M. (2017) Hrafemy iak prykmetna kharakterystyka okazionalizmiv [Grapheme as a distinguishing characteristic occasionalisms]. Leksyko-hrammatycheskye ynnovatsyy v sovremennykh slavianskykh iazykakh: VIII Mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsyia [VIII International Scientific Conference “Lexical and grammatical innovations in modern Slavic languages”]. Dnieper. 7. Turchak O.M. (2016) Komunikatyvna funktsiia iak skladova politychnoi kul'tury [Communicative function as a component of political culture]. Sotsial'no-politychni problemy suchasnosti: I Vseukrains'ka naukova konferentsiia [I All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Socio-political problems of today”]. – Dnipropetrovsk. – PP. 16–18. 8. Turchak O.M. (2013) Kompozytsyia kak odyn yz sposobov obrazovanyia okkazyonal'nykh suschestvytel'nykh (na materyale ukraynoiazychnykh peryodycheskykh yzdanyj kontsa KhKh veka) [The composition as a way of formation of occasional nouns (on the basis of Ukrainian periodicals of the late twentieth century]. Novoe v sovremennoj fylolohyy: Materyaly KhI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-praktycheskoj konferentsyy [New in modern philology: Materials of XI International scientific-practical conference]. – Moskva. – PP. 34–37. 9. Turchak O.M. (2013) Slozhnye okkazyonal'nye prylahatel'nye kompozytnoho typa v ukraynskykh peryodycheskykh yzdanyiakh 90-kh hodov KhKh veka [Sophisticated occasional adjectives composite type in Ukrainian periodicals 90th years of the twentieth century]. Fylolohyia y kul'turolohyia: sovremennye problemy y perspektyvy razvytyia: sbornyk materyalov 4-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-praktycheskoj konferentsyy [Philology and Culture: current problems and prospects of development: proceedings of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference]. – Makhachkala. PP. 63–65. Textbooks: 1. (2019) Dilova nimets'ka mova: Navchal'nyj posibnyk [Business German] / O.O. Michlik, O.Y. Beresten, O.M. Turchak. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University. – 232 p. 2. Turchak O.M. (2018) Ukrains'ka mova: zbirnyk zavdan' dlia praktychnykh zaniat', samostijnoi roboty ta kontroliu znan' [elektronne vydannia] [Ukrainian language: a collection of tasks for practical classes, independent work and knowledge control [electronic edition]]. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University. – 96 p. 3. Turchak O.M. (2018) Dilova ukrains'ka mova: zbirnyk zavdan' dlia praktychnykh zaniat', samostijnoi roboty ta kontroliu znan' [elektronne vydannia] [Business Ukrainian: a collection of tasks for practical classes, independent work and knowledge control [electronic edition]]. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University – 100 с. 4. Turchak O. M. (2013) Ukrains'ka mova (za profesijnym spriamuvanniam). Zbirnyk zavdan' dlia praktychnykh zaniat' ta samostijnoi roboty [Ukrainian language (for professional purposes). Collection of tasks for practical lessons and independent work]. – Dnipropetrovsk. – 110 p. 5. Turchak O. M. (2009) Korotkyj rosijs'ko-ukrains'kyj tlumachnyj slovnyk iurydychnykh terminiv [A brief Russian-Ukrainian glossary of legal terms]. – Dnipropetrovsk. – 144 p. 6. (2005) Hramatychni osnovy perekladu nimets'kykh fakhovykh tekstiv: Navchal'nyj posibnyk [Grammatical bases of translation of German professional texts] / V. T. Vorobjov, I. P. Kosyns'ka, O. M. Turchak. – Dnipropetrovsk. – 252 p. 7. Turchak O.M. (2004) Testovi zavdannia z dystsypliny “Ukrains'ka mova (za profesijnym spriamuvanniam)” [Test tasks in the discipline "Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)"]. – Dnipropetrovsk. 8. Turchak O.M. (2004) Testovi zavdannia dlia pidsumkovoho kontroliu z dystsypliny “Ukrains'ka mova (za profesijnym spriamuvanniam)” [Test tasks for the final control in the discipline "Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)"]. – Dnipropetrovsk. 9. Turchak O.M. (2004) Ukrains'ka mova profesijnoho spriamuvannia. Zbirnyk vprav ta zavdan' dlia studentiv usikh spetsial'nostej [Ukrainian language of professional orientation. Collection of exercises and tasks for students of all specialties]. – Dnipropetrovsk. 10. Turchak O.M. (2003) Ukrains'ka mova. Orfohrafiia. Vpravy ta zavdannia dlia abituriientiv [Ukrainian language. Orthography. Exercises and tasks for entrants]. – Dnipropetrovsk. 11. Turchak O.M. (2002) Praktykum z dystsypliny «Dilova ukrains'ka mova» dlia studentiv usikh spetsial'nostej [Workshop on the subject "Business Ukrainian" for students of all specialties]. – Dnipropetrovsk.

Valeria Kalinichenko Master of Arts in Translation Studies, Senior Lecturer

E-mail: [email protected] Position Senior Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2010-2011 Master of Arts, Translator (two foreign languages), Lecturer, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2006-2010 Bachelor of Arts, Translator, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law, Ukraine

Professional Experience 2019-now Senior Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 Language Assistant, Presidential Elections, OSCE 2014, 2015 Language Assistant, Parliamentary Elections, OSCE 2014 Interpreter, Presidential Elections, ENEMO 2011 Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Research projects: 2019-now“Polycultural Aspects of Germanicand Roman Philological Discourse and Issues of Teaching Translation, Foreign Languages and Literatures”, № 0119 U000132. 2011–2017 “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching”, № 0119U000132.

International projects 2017 International Translation Project. TextPartner, Katowice, Poland 2016 International Literary Translation Contest INALCO RUSSE OPEN Kids, Département d’Études russes, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, France

Internships and study trips 2020 Online course “Psycholinguistics”, Saint Petersburg State University, 2018 Staff Training (STA) within ERASMUS+ programme, the Higher School of Labour Safety Management in Katowice, Poland (9-15 April 2018); 2018 Creative thinking through intercultural communication, Centre for Modern Languages, UOC - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 28 August - 18 September 2018. 2018 Gamification in educational process. Series of seminars (24 hours) – 16 October 2018, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro. 2013 Online course “The Future Of Storytelling”. – Timeframe: October 2013 to December 2013. – Fachhochschule Potsdam, .

Сonferences: 2020 Global Skills. Assessment for Learning. Vocabulary. Digital Skills. – Oxford English Language Teaching Online Conference 2020, 27–29th February 2020 2020 National Geographic Learning in Ukraine. – The National Geographic Learning and Linguist Online Conference, 01 April 2020 2011-2020 International Scientific Conference “Youth of Ukraine in the Context of Cross-Cultural Communication”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro. 2014 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Major Subjects Teaching and Means to Intensify the Process of Education for Student Philologists”. – 26 June 2014, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2014 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Seminar "Multilingual Approach to Foreign Languages Teaching". – 10 November 2014, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2013 Interactive Seminar “Relevant Translation Theory and Practice Issues”. – 27 February 2013, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2013 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Moodle Technologies in Teaching “Practical English”. – 9 October 2013, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2013 Online course “The Future Of Storytelling”. – Timeframe: October 2013 to December 2013. – Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany. 2012 Conference “Innovative Approaches to Teaching English”. –31 January 2012, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2012 Conference “Are you ready to embrace technological innovations from Cambridge University Press”. –24 February 2012, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2012 Seminar “Broadening the Horizons. English Teachers’ Workshop”. –13 April 2012, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2012 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Moderns Approaches to the Organization of the Students Individual Work while Teaching Business English”. – 27 April 2012, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2012 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Ways, Means, Methods and Techniques of Translation”. – 19 June 2012, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2012 The 2nd English Teachers’ Conference “Innovative Approaches to Teaching English”, 29 November 2012 – Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2011 Seminar “Project Management” (project funded by the EU). – 24-25 May 2011, Dnipropetrovsk. 2011 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Distance learning techniques in Teaching Practice of Translation. – 17 November 2011, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2009 Nowy Sanz School of Business – WSB NLU (6-17 July 2009, Nowy Sanz, Poland)

Publication List

Selected academic articles: 1. Stepanova A.A., Kalinichenko V.V. The image of a city through the prism of cultural- philosophical concept introduced by Oswald Spengler. – Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series: Philology, № 2(14), 2017, pp.23-29. [Stepanova A.A., Kalinichenko V.V. (2017) The image of a city through the prism of cultural-philosophical concept introduced by Oswald Spengler, Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series: Philology, № 2(14), 2017, pp.23-29] Eng 2. Kalinichenko V., Zgurovska Ya. Allusions Functioning in Oscar Wilde’s Short Stories. – Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series: Philology, № 1(9), 2015, pp.135-142. [Kalinichenko V., Zgurovska Ya. (2015) Allusions Functioning in Oscar Wilde’s Short Stories., Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series: Philology, № 1(9), 2015, pp.135-142] Eng 3. Kalinichenko V.V. Hra sliv: pidkhody do vyvchennia / Aktualni problemy perekladoznavstva: monografiia. – D.: Dnipropetrovskyi universytet imeni Alfreda Nobelia. – 2014 – 160 s. – s.42-51. [Kalinichenko V. (2014) Approaches to study word play, Topical Translation Problems: monograph, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, pp.42-51] Ukr 4. Kalinichenko V. Wordplay out of one approach / V. Kalinichenko // Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho universytetu imeni Alfreda Nobelia. Seriia “Filolohichni nauky”. – № 1(3) – 2012. – s.241-247. [Kalinichenko V. (2012) Wordplay out of one approach, Philological Journal of Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, No 1(3), pp.241-247] Eng 5. Kalinichenko V.V. Sintez kulturnykh traditsii Zapada i Vostoka v rasskaze D.H. Lourensa «Zapakh khrizantem» // Uralskii filologicheskii vestnik, seriia "Draft: Molodaiia nauka". – №4 – 2012. – s.110-120. [Kalinichenko V. (2012) Synthesis of the West and the East cultural traditions in D.H. Lawrence’s short story Odour of Chrysanthemums, Ural Philological Journal, Draft: Young Science. №4, pp.110-120] Rus 6. Kalinichenko V. Feeling «Odour of Chrysanthemums» within cultural synthesis / V. Kalinichenko // Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho universytetu imeni Alfreda Nobelia. Seriia “Filolohichni nauky”. – № 2(4) – 2012. – s.92-98. [Kalinichenko V. (2012) Feeling «Odour of Chrysanthemums» within cultural synthesis. Philological Journal of Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, No 2(4), pp.92-98]. Eng

Selected publication (conference proceedings etc): 1. Kalinichenko V. Evaluation as a category in political discourse / V. Kalinichenko. In the 6th International scientific conference “Youth of Ukraine in Cross-cultural Communication”, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, April 16, 2020 – P.27-29 2. Kalinichenko V.V. The Cloud Atlas: Eclectism of Genres / V. Kalinichenko. In the 5th International scientific conference “Youth of Ukraine in Cross-cultural Communication”, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, April 02, 2019 – P.123-125 3. Kalinichenko V.V. Connotative Aspect of Translation in Publicistic Discourse / V. Kalinichenko. In the 4th International scientific conference “Youth of Ukraine in Cross-cultural Communication”, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, April 05, 2018 – P.30-31 4. Kalinichenko V. Development of novella: Decameron vs. The Canterbury Tales / V. Kalinichenko. In the 3rd International scientific conference “Youth of Ukraine in Cross-cultural Communication”, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, March 30, 2017 – P.63-65. 5. Kalinichenko V. Zootopia: Problems of Proper Names Rendering / V. Kalinichenko. In the 9th scientific conference with international participation “Actual Problems of Translation Studies and Translation Teaching Methods, Kharkiv, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, April 20-21, 2017 – P.41-42. 6. Kalinichenko V. Word-play translation in education stirs imagination / V. Kalinichenko in International Scientific and Practical Conference “Future Translators’ Training and Modern Job Requirements”, Dnipropetrovsk, Alfred Nobel University, 2014. – pp.25-26. 7. Kalinichenko V. In the Stream of Consciousness of Modern France: Anna Gavalda Novel Consolation / V. Kalinichenko in the 15th International conference “France and Ukraine, Scientific and Practical Experience in the Context of National Culture Dialogue”, Dnipropetrovsk, Porohy, 2012. – pp. 231-236. 8. Kalinichenko V. (2012) With Journey Metaphor through Life / V. Kalinichenko in the 8th Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological conference “Applied Linguistics – 2012: problems and solutions”, Mykolaiv, 2012, pp.41-44.

Textbooks: 1. Ishchenko T.V. English speaking communicative strategies = Kommunikativnyie strategii angloiazychnogo obshcheniia / T.V. Ishchenko, V.V. Kalinichenko / ed. by N.V. Zinukova. – Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University, 2012. – 152 p. Eng, Rus

Oleksandr Pliushchai MA (Translation Studies) Senior Lecturer E-mail: [email protected] Position 2008– now Senior lecturer of Spanish and Italian languages at the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2007-2008 Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation, qualifications: translator/interpreter into/from two foreign languages (English, Spanish), University language instructor (Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law.

International projects and professional training 2019 III Forum for teachers of Spanish at Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania (Diploma). 2019 Grant Erasmus+КА107 (teaching program) academic mobility at the University of Cadiz, Spain (Diploma). 2017 Grant from Education, Culture and Tourism Council in Castilla and Leon. Courses for teachers of Spanish at Salamanca Linguistic Institute ISLA, Salamanca, Spain (Certificate). 2016 Grant from Education, Culture and Tourism Council in Castilla and Leon. Courses for teachers of Spanish at Mester Academy, Salamanca, Spain (Certificate). 2016 Participation in Dilit Insegnante project. Free study at the Italian language course at Dilit language school, Rome, Italy (Diploma B2). 2016 Grant Erasmus+КА107 (teaching program) academic mobility at the University of Cadiz, Spain (Diploma) 2014 Grant from Education and Culture Council for non-native teachers of Spanish, Salamanca Linguistic Institute ISLA, Salamanca, Spain (Certificate). 2013 Practical Course for Teachers DELE, international language school "International House Madrid", Madrid, Spain (Certificate). 2012 Intensive Course for teachers DELE, international language school "International House Madrid". Spain, Madrid (Certificate).

Membership 2012-now Member of the All-Ukrainian Organization of specialists in Hispanic Studies (since 2012). Conferences, workshops 2019 V International Conference “Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context”. 2018 IV International Conference “Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context”. 2017 III International Conference “Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context”. 2015 1. Scientific seminar “Modern motivation paradigm of High Education: competence approach”. 2. VІ International scientific practical conference “Practical Psychology in modern society”: Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. 2014 1. International scientific-methodical conference. "Actual problems of modern linguistics and methods of teaching a foreign language in the pre-university and university preparation." Nizhny Novgorod State Medical University of Engineering and Economics Institute, Knyaginino (Russia). 2. The IVth International Conference "Modern trends of teaching humanities in secondary and higher education: language, literature, history" Gorlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. 3. Participation in the Vth International Congress of Hispanists of Ukraine. "Nobel Laureates and their contribution to society." Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. 4. Meeting with Nobel Prize laureat J. M. Vargas Llosa at Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. 5. Scientific-practical conference "The content of training translators and modern demands of the profession." Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. 6.Problems of teaching literature and literary translation, translation of modern methods of teaching and its implementation in the educational process. Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. 7. Scientific and methodological seminar for teachers' methods of identification, qualitative evaluation and measurement of the body of knowledge, abilities, skills and other competencies acquired by students in the study of the subject "Translation of second foreign language (Spanish). 8. Scientific-methodical seminar for teachers "Multilingual approach to learning foreign languages." Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. 2013 1. "Current orientation of humanitarian disciplines teaching in secondary and higher schools: language, literature, history." Gorlivka, Ukraine. 2. "Current linguistic problems and methodology of teaching foreign languages in high school and college preparatory system." Kniaginino, Russia. 3. "Current research in linguistics, literature and intercultural communication." Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 4. Third Congress of Ukraine Hispanist dedicated to the translation of the book "Meditations on Quijote" of the Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset, Kiev Aviation University. 5. "Intensified teaching of the second foreign language" in the Department of Romance and Germanic languages. 6. "Peculiarities of organization of individual work of students-philologists teaching translation and interpreting from /to Spanish/Ukrainian/Russian as a second foreign language", Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk. 2012 1. "Use of results of scientific research disciplines teaching" Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk. 2. "Broadening the Horizons: Teachers' Workshop" organized by the Department of applied linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages, University Alfred Nobel, Dnipropetrovsk. 3. "Modern teaching methods and strategies of translation". Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 4. "Language problems and innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages in higher educational establishments." Lviv, Ukraine. 5. "Current orientation of humanitarian disciplines teaching in secondary and higher schools: language, literature, history." Gorlivka, Ukraine. 6. "France and Ukraine: scientific and practical experience in the context of the dialogue of national cultures". Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 7. "Modern approaches in the organization of student individual work teaching translation and interpreting from/to Spanish as a foreign language" at Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. 8. Seminar ”Spanish for teachers” organized by the Spanish editorial EDELSA with the company "Linguist" with the Spanish lecturer Olga Moralez Lopez at Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk. 2011 1. Seminar Spanish for teachers organized by the Spanish editorial EDELSA with the company "Linguist", at Odessa Mechnikov National University. 2. Teacher Trainings with lecturers of Cervantes Institute in the city of Kiev, National T. Shevchenko University of Kiev. 3. "Intensification of teaching Spanish, French and German as a second foreign language and ." Report theme: "Preparation of PowerPoint presentations for second foreign language teaching" Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk. 4. "Intensification of teaching Spanish as a second foreign language, translation and interpretation issues "Translation and interpretation through theory and practice," Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro.

Publication List 2019 1. Pliushchai O., Semerenko L., Pysmennyi T. (2019) Consigli pratici per una classe di traduzione in spagnolo e italiano per lo sviluppo di abilità traduttive professionali: prova dei compiti [Practical recommendations for translation and interpretation lesson in Spanish and Italian], Alfred Nobel University Publishers, p. 221-229. 2. Pysmennyi T. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2019) Interlingual Homonyms in Spanish and Italian: False Friends – Real Enemies of Translators, Alfred Nobel University Publishers, p. 280- 289. 3. Pliushchai O., Semerenko L. (2019) Musicality of a literary work and translation issue, Alfred Nobel University Publishers, p. 111-117. 4. Pliushchai O. Di Gaetano Sabrina. (2019) L’importanza dell’analisi comparative tra le lingue romanze [Importance of contrastive analysis of the romance languages]. V International Conference “Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context”, p. 37-38. 2018 1. Pliushchai O., Semerenko L. (2018) Myth and beauty in the intertextual structure of Jogn Keat´s poetry. Alfred Nobel University Publishers, p. 177-181. 2. Mikhlik O., Pliushchai O. (2018) Zu manchen spezifika derlehrkommunikation im fremdsprachenunterricht an nicht sprachorientierten hochschulen [Oral communication teaching peculiarities at non-philological departments]. Alfred Nobel University Publishers, p. 157-162. 3. Pliushchai O. Di Gaetano Sabrina. (2018) Sulla traduzione dei testi turistici [Touristic texts translation]. IV International Conference “Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context”, p. 18-19. 2017 Pliushchai O.O., Ratomskaya L.V. (2017) Contrastive analysis of the expression of passivity in Spanish and in Italian / Collection of scientific works. Philological series of Science, № 2 (14), Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University Publishers, p. 204-209. 2. Pliushchai O.O., Onishchenko M.Y. (2017) Lexical ways of creating imagery in the language of novels of Vladimir Danilenko. Philological sciences: Collection of scientific works. Issue LXVІ. - Kherson: KSU, 2017. - 238 p. - P. 41 - 47. 3. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2017) Titulares y eslóganes españoles traducidos al ucraniano: análisis de transformaciones. Alfred Nobel University Publishers № 1 (13) – p. 114-119. 4. Pliushchai O. Di Gaetano Sabrina. (2017) Lo studio nei riguardi delle lingue sorelle [Study of similar languages]. III International Conference “Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication ”, p. 74-75. 2016 1. Beresten E.E., Pliushchai O.O. (2016) Means of expression of the comic in the fables of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University / Collection of scientific works. Philological Sciences Series, Dnepro: Alfred Nobel University Publishing House, p. 118-122. 2. Pliushchai O.O. (2016) Linguistic and extralinguistic features of modern electronic dictionaries. Research in lexicology and grammar of the Ukrainian language / collection Science works / ed by. I.S. Popova, Dnipro, Bila Publisher, isue. 17. p. 100-110. 3. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M., Mikhlik O. (2016) Particularidades organizativas del trabajo autonomo [Individual work organization]. University Bulletin / Collection of scientific works. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology" № 2, Dnipro: Publishing house Alfred Nobel University, p. 259- 265. 2015 1. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2015) Pautas metódicas del trabajo con el texto temático en la clase del idioma extranjero [Methodological issues of work with a text at a foreign language lesson] / Collection of scientific works. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology" № №1(9), Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University Publishers, p.141 – 146. 2014 1. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2014) Problemas de formación traductológica en la enseñanza de español como segunda lengua extranjera [Translation skills in teaching Spanish a s a foreign language] / Material of the III international conference “Humanitarian disciplines as High School”, Gorlivka, Donetsk, p. 251-254.

Textbooks: 2019 1. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2019) "Translation and interpretation through theory and practice". Manual in translation and interpreting of the Spanish/Ukrainian practice for advanced students of philological and translation departments, Alfred Nobel University Publishers, Dnipro, 260 p. (Authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). Second edition.

Taras Pysmennyi Lecturer MA (Translation Studies)

E-mail: [email protected] Position 2019-now. Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2014-2020 Master of Science (MSc) in International Economic Relations, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Professional Experience 2019-now. Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Internships and study trips 2019 Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Lithuania), III International Forum of Hispanists. 2019 Instituto Cervantes, Madrid (Spain) obtaining an international diploma in Spanish B2.

Сonferences: 2019 V International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "The Youth of Ukraine in the context of intercultural communication", Alfred Nobel University, April 2, 2019, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2017 XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "European Integration Choice of Ukraine and Macroeconomic Problems" Alfred Nobel University, March 22, 2017, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2014 XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students " European Integration Choice of Ukraine and Macroeconomic Problems" Alfred Nobel University, December 10, 2014, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Publication List Selected academic articles: 1. Pysmennyi, T., Pliushchai, A., Onischenko, M. (2019). Interlingual homonyms in Spanish and Italian: false friends – real enemies of translators. Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series: Philological Sciences №2 (18), 280-288. 2. Pliushchai, A., Semerenko, L., Pysmennyi, T. (2019). Consigli pratici per una classe di traduzione in spagnolo e italiano per lo sviluppo di abilità traduttive professionali: prova dei compiti. [Practical advice for Spanish and Italian translation classes to develop professional translation skills: practical exercises] Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series: Pedagogy and Psychology. Pedagogical sciences. №2 (18), 221-228.

Textbooks: 1. Pysmennyi T. (2020). Español: curso práctico. [Spanish: practical course]. Dnepr: Lira Publishing. – 216 p.

Anna Ryzhkova Master of Arts (Philology), Lecturer

E-mail: [email protected] Position 2019 – now Lecturer of Chinese, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Education and Faculty Professional Development 2013-1017 Bachelor of Arts in Philology (Chinese), Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2018-2020 Master of Arts in Philology (Chinese), Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Professional Experience 2019 – now Teacher of Chinese, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Publication list 1. A. Ryzhkova, H. Dashchenko (2019) The specificities of Chan Buddhist themes implementation in the poetry of Song Dynasty nuns. – Philological Sciences. Collection of Students’ and Professors’ Scientific Works, V.1, pp. 287-292.

Mykhaylina Samoilenko Master of Arts in Translation Studies, Lecturer E-mail: [email protected] Position 2020 – now. Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and Translation, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2018 – 2020 Master of Arts in Translation Studies, Alfred Nobel University, Ukraine. 2014 – 2018 Bachelor of Arts in Translation Studies, Alfred Nobel University, Ukraine.

Professional Experience 2020 – now Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and Translation, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Internships and study trips 2017 Humanities University (Poland) English Philology.

Conferences 2020 IV International Research and Practice Conference “The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural Communication Context”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2018 V International Research and Practice Conference “The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural Communication Context”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2017 VI International Research and Practice Conference “The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural Communication Context”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Publication List

Selected thesis 1. Samoilenko M. (2020) Dialectisms as a linguistic phenomenon in English publicistic discourse — Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2020. 2. Samoilenko M. (2019) Caractéristiques principales de traduction des textes publicitaires français — Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2019. 3. Samoilenko M. (2019) Les particularities de traduction des slogans publicitaires du parfum français — Dnipro: National Mining University, 2019. 4. Samoilenko M. (2018) Domestication and Foreignization in literary Translation — Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2018. 5. Samoilenko M. (2017) Verlan comme variante de la langue des jeunes en France — Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2017. 6. Samoilenko M. (2017) Falsos amigos del traductor — Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2017. 7. Samoilenko M. (2016) Le verlan comme une variante de la langue des jeunes sur l’example du film “La Haine” — Dnipro: National Mining University, 2016. 8. Samoilenko M. (2016) Les expressions idiomatiques françaises de couleur — Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2016.

Alina Fesenko Master of Arts in Translation Studies, Lecturer E-mail: [email protected] Position 2020 – now. Lecturer of the Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2018-2020. Master of Arts in Translation Studies, Translator/Interpreter from/to English, Spanish and Polish, Teacher of the English and Spanish Languages. 2014-2018 Bachelor of Arts in Philology, Translator/Interpreter from English and Spanish.

Professional Experience 2020 – now. Lecturer of the Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Research projects 2019-2020 Translation Peculiarities of English Idioms with Animalistic Image into Ukrainian. 2017-2018 Neologisms in Popular Science Text and Their Translation.

International projects 2018. Project Transformation and educational processes in the Visegrad Group countries. 2018. Project “Summer program of and culture”.

Internships and study trips 2017. International internship at Wyżcza Szkoła Humanitas, Sosnowiec, Poland. 2017. International examination TOEIC at Wyżcza Szkoła Humanitas, Sosnowiec, Poland. 2018. Study trip to Polish Language Center ‘VARIA’, Krakow, Poland.

Publication list Selected academic articles 2018. IX International research and practical conference La Juventud de Ucrania en el contexto de la communicacion intercultural “La colorística de la obra de Charles Dickens "Christmas Carol”, Universidad Alfredo Nobel, Dnipro, Ucrania. 2018. IX International research and practical conference Youth of Ukraine in Cross-Cultural Communication Context “The coloristics of the work of Charles Dickens "Christmas Carol", Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2017. III International research and practical conference Youth of Ukraine in Cross-Cultural Communication Context “Translation of Neologisms”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2016. II International research and practical conference La Juventud de Ucrania en el contexto de la communicacion intercultural “Aspectos socioculturales del aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras”, Universidad Alfredo Nobel, Dnipro, Ucrania. 2013. Student and School Pupil’s Alfred Nobel Conference dedicated to the 180 anniversary of the birth of Alfred Nobel, “Alfred Nobel”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Yuliia Tiapina Master of Arts in Translation Studies, Lecturer Email: [email protected] Position 2019-now. Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Education and Faculty Professional Development 2013-2019 Master of Arts (MA) in Translation Studies, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Professional Experience 2019 Assistant for the LTO in the ENEMO organization 2019-now. Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Сonferences: 2019 V International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, April 2, 2019, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2017 III International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, March 30, 2017, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2016 II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, March 31, 2016, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2015 International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, April 2, 2015, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Tatiana Marchuk Senior Lecturer E-mail: [email protected] Position Senior Lecturer of the English Philology and translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnepropetrovsk. Education 1962-1967 University degree. Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine. Professional experience 1996-now Senior Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1994-1996 Instructor of English, Foreign Languages Department, Dnipropetrovsk State Chemical Technological University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1990-1994 Interpreter of the of Designers’ Supervision Group, Nigahi Project(open-cast mine) Singrauli, India; 1986-1990 Senior Lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Dnepropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1976-1980 Instructor of English, Foreign Languages Department, Pedagogical Faculty of Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1974-1976 Instructor of English, Foreign Languages Department of Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Chemical Technology, , Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1972-1974 Interpreter to the Resident Representative of V/O “ Prommashexport”, Machine- Building Plant, Ranchi, India; 1969-1972 Instructor of English, Foreign Languages Department of the Dnepropetrovsk State Institute of Chemical Technology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 1967-1969 Teacher of English, Secondary School № 46 Kryuiy Rig, Ukraine.

Research projects: 2010-now “Linguistic aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching № 0110V000323. Сonferences: 2014 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Major Subjects Teaching and Means to Intensify the Process of Education for Student Philologists”. – 26 June 2014, Dnipropetrovsk Ukraine; 2014 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Seminar "Multilingual Approach to Foreign Languages Teaching". – 10 November 2014, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2013 Interactive Seminar “Relevant Translation Theory and Practice Issues”. – 27 February 2013, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2013 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Moodle Technologies in Teaching “Practical English”. – 9 October 2013, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2012 Conference “Innovative Approaches to Teaching English”. – 31 January 2012, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2012 Conference “Are you ready to embrace technological innovations from Cambridge University Press”. –24 February 2012, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2012 Seminar “Broadening the Horizons. English Teachers’ Workshop”. – 13 April 2012, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2012 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Moderns Approaches to the Organization of the Students Individual Work while Teaching English Grammar”. – 27 April 2012, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2012 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Ways, Means, Methods and Techniques of Translation”. – 19 June 2012, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2012 The 2nd English Teachers’ Conference “Innovative Approaches to Teaching English”, 29 November 2012 – Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2011 Seminar “Project Management” (project funded by the EU). – 24-25 May 2011, Dnipropetrovsk; 2011 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Distance learning techniques in Teaching Practical English Grammar. – 17 November 2011, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Publication List Textbooks: 1. Business English (N. Zinukova, T. Marchuk) (the original is in English), Part III. The second edition – Dnipropetrovsk: UAN, 2020 – 115 pp. 2. Tests in Written Translation (T. Biryukova, T. Ischenko, T. Marchuk, N. Papsuyeva) (in English and Ukrainian). The second edition – Dnipropetrovsk: UAN, 2019, - 158 pp. 3. Business English (N. Zinukova, T. Marchuk) (the original is in English), Part III – Dnipropetrovsk: UAN, 2020 – 96 pp. 4. Business English Tests (N. Zinukova, T. Marchuk) (the original is in English) – Dnipropetrovsk: DUEL, 2019 – 108 pp. 5. Practice in Phonetics (N. Zinukova, N. Petrenko, T. Marchuk) (the original is in English) – Dnipropetrovsk: DUEL, 2000 – 213 pp.

Marianna Onyshchenko Senior Lecturer E-mail: [email protected] Position Senior Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Education and Professional Development 1994-1998 Post-graduate education at Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine. 1988-1993 University degree of Philology. French and Spanish Language and Literature Lecturer. Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine.

Professional Experience 2003-now Spanish language and translation Senior Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 1993-2003 French and Latin languages Lecturer. Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine.

Research projects: 2018-now Multicultural aspects of Romano-Germanic philological discourse and problems of teaching translation, foreign languages and literatures" (state registration number 0119U000132). The direction of research is multicultural aspects of Romanesque philological discourse and problems of teaching foreign languages and translation. Conferences, workshops, seminars: 2020 VІ International scientific-practical conference "Youth of Ukraine in the context of intercultural communication" April 2020, Alfred Nobel University.. Dnipro, Ukraine 2020 Seminar "Current trends in Spanish teaching: theory and practice" University "", April 2020 Dnipro, Ukraine 2020 Seminar "Innovations in educational legislation. Methodical, psychological and career guidance aspects of preparation for external evaluation" February 2020, Alfred Nobel University.. Dnipro, Ukraine 2020 Workshop "Development of critical thinking for media literacy: a workshop for teachers of practical courses" March 2020, Alfred Nobel University.. Dnipro, Ukraine 2020 Workshop "Preservation of emotional balance in the conditions of quarantine measures COVID- 19" April 2020, Alfred Nobel University.. Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 Scientific and methodical seminar "Current issues of accreditation of educational programs" November 2019, Alfred Nobel University.. Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 Strategic Workshop "Strengthening teaching and learning as a strategic goal of higher education development" October, December 2019, Lviv, Kiev 2019 International Conference "Bridges to Opportunities: Practical Tools for Working with Young People in Employment and Entrepreneurship". March 2019 Lviv, 2019 V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth of Ukraine in the context of intercultural communication" April 2019, Alfred Nobel University. Dnipro, Ukraine. 2019 Training for training experts on quality assurance in higher education, Kyiv National University. Taras Shevchenko March 2019 2018 Seminar "Domestic and international experience of dual education and its implementation at Alfred Nobel University" November 2018, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine, (speaker) 2018 Methodical seminar "Innovative methods of teaching and introduction of information technologies in the educational process of training philologists" June 2018,. Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine, 2017 XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ideas of Academician V.I. Vernadsky and the problems of sustainable development of education and science", June 2017, Kremenchuk, Kremenchug National University Ukraine, 2017 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Philological Sciences: Current Trends and Factors of Development", January 2017, Odessa Ukraine, 2017 International Scientific and Practical Conference " Current trends and factors in the development of pedagogical and psychological sciences", February 2017, Kyiv Ukraine, 2016 All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference «The content of translator training and modern requirements of the profession» October 2016, Alfred Nobel University., Dnipro, Ukraine

Other Activities 2015- now Member of the All-Ukrainian Organization of Hispanists. 2015- now Member of the Ukranian Translator Trainers’ Union (UTTU) 2018 – now head of the Didactic Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2018 - 2013 Deputy Head of the Department of English Philology and Translation, Alfred Nobel University. Dnipro, Ukraine.

Publication List Selected academic articles: 1. Pysmennyi T. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2019) Interlingual Homonyms in Spanish and Italian: False Friends – Real Enemies of Translators, Alfred Nobel University Publishers, pp. 280-289. 2. Onishchenko M. (2017) On the question of the structure of multicultural competence of future translators / Collection of scientific works "Pedagogical Sciences" № 80 Kherson, Kherson State University - Vol. LXXX - Volume 3, pp.187-192 3. Onishchenko M.Y. Pliushchai O.O., (2017) Lexical ways of creating imagery in the language of novels of Vladimir Danilenko. Philological sciences: Collection of scientific works. Issue LXVІ. - Kherson: KSU, 2017. - 238 p. - pp. 41 - 47. 4. Onishchenko M. Pliushchai O., (2017) Titulares y eslóganes españoles traducidos al ucraniano: análisis de transformaciones. Alfred Nobel University Publishers № 1 (13) – pp. 114-119. 5. Onishchenko M. (2017) Multicultural competence of future translators as an important component of professional competence. Pedagogical sciences: Collection of scientific works. Issue 149. - Chernihiv: 2017. - pp. 108 - 113. 6. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M., Mikhlik O. (2016) Particularidades organizativas del trabajo autonomo [Individual work organization]. University Bulletin / Collection of scientific works. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology" № 2, Dnipro: Publishing house Alfred Nobel University, pp. 259-265. 7. Oníschenko M.. Pliuschai A., Onischenko G. (2016) Particularidades organizativas del trabajo autónomo de los estudiantes-filólogos en la enseñanza de español como segunda lengua extranjera / Collection of scientific works. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University Publishers, pp.259 – 265. 8. Oníschenko M.. Ganzha S., Onischenko G. (2016) Reflection of the gender stereotype "woman" in the language of Stepan Rudansky's works/ Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University / Scientific collection. Series "Philology". Odessa: Helvetica Publishing House. - Vip. 21. - Volume 1 - pp. 50 - 53 9. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2015) Pautas metódicas del trabajo con el texto temático en la clase del idioma extranjero [Methodological issues of work with a text at a foreign language lesson] / Collection of scientific works. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology" № №1(9), Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University Publishers, pp.141 – 146.

Selected publications (conference proceedings etc.): 1. Pysmennyi T, Onishchenko M (2020) La interpretación y las peculiaridades de la jerga en la lengua española en 6 ejemplos. Youth of Ukraine in the cross-cultural communication context: Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists, Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University - 228 p. – рр. 199 2. Onishchenko M Pysmennyi T, (20200 Particularidades del sistema lexical de la correspondencia comercial Española. Youth of Ukraine in the cross-cultural communication context: Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists, April 16, 2020 - Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University - 228 p. – рр. 67

3. Onishchenko M. (2019) Comunicación pluricultural en el proceso educativo // Youth of Ukraine in the cross-cultural communication context: Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists, Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University - 248 p. – рр. 212 4. Onishchenko M. (2018) Competence approach to learning. Actual problems of higher professional education of Ukraine: Proceedings of the VI International scientific-practical conference on March 20, 2018 / For the general. ed. EV Luzik, OM Akmaldinova. - Kyiv - 241 p., pp. 110-111 5. Onishchenko M. (2018) Enfoque por competencias en la formación de futuros traductores/ interpretes // Modern higher education: problems and prospects: VI All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and scientists: abstracts, Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 2018. - pp. 132 – 134 6. Onischenko M. Onischenko G (2017) Lexical features of Volodymyr Danylenko's works // Philological sciences: modern tendencies and factors of development: International scientific-practical conference, - Odessa: South Ukrainian organization "Center for Philological Research" - 132 p., pp. 22 – 25 7. Onishchenko M. Onischenko G. (2017) Problemas traductológicos de formar la competencia fraseológica en la enseñanza de E/LE // Current trends and factors in the development of pedagogical and psychological sciences: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference - Kyiv: NGO "Kyiv Scientific Organization of Pedagogy and Psychology" - 200 p. - pp. 46-49 8. Onishchenko M. (2017) Training of future translators in the conditions of noosphere education // Ideas of academician Vernadsky and the problems of sustainable development of education and science: Proceedings of the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference - Kremenchuk, Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradsky, - pp. 43 9. Onishchenko M. (2017) Formation of multicultural competence of future translators // Trends in the development of psychology and pedagogy: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference - Kyiv: NGO "Kyiv Scientific Organization of Pedagogy and Psychology" - 136 p., pp. 47 – 49 10. Onishchenko M., Pliuschai A. (2016) Puntos metodológicos de la traducción jurídica/ The content of training translators and modern requirements of the profession: materials of the II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University., pp. 15 - 16. 11. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2015) Pautas metódicas del trabajo con el texto temático en la clase del idioma extranjero [Methodological issues of work with a text at a foreign language lesson] / Collection of scientific works. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology" № №1(9), Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University Publishers, p.141 – 146.

Textbooks: 1. Pliushchai O., Onishchenko M. (2019) "Translation and interpretation through theory and practice". Manual in translation and interpreting of the Spanish/Ukrainian practice for advanced students of philological and translation departments, Alfred Nobel University Publishers, Dnipro, 260 p. (Authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). Second edition.

Lubov Semerenko Associate Professor E-mail: [email protected]

Position Associate Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro Education and Faculty Professional Development 1970 -Lesya Ukrainka State Pedagogical (Teacher Training) Institute (now Eastern European National University), Lutsk, the Department of the English language and literature. 1978-The Republican Centre of Foreign Language, Kyiv, the Department of the . 1982-Two-year course of the Spanish language at Oles Honchar National University, Dnipropetrovsk.

Research projects: 2019-now “Polycultural Aspects of Germanic and Roman Philological Discourse and Issues of Teaching Translation, Foreign Languages and Literatures”, № 0119 U000132.

2010 – 2017 “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching”, № 0119U000132. Other activities 2014 – now Member of Ukrainian Translator Trainers’ Union (UTTU)

Publication List Selected academic articles:

1. Semerenko L., Pliushchai O., (2019) Musicality of a literary work and translation issue. Series: Philological sciences, № 1, Alfred Nobel University Publ., p. 39-46. 2. Semerenko L., Pliushchai O., Pysmennyi T. (2019) Consigli pratici per una classe di traduzione in spagnolo e italiano per lo sviluppo di abilità traduttive professionali: prova dei compiti [Recommendations for translation and interpretation lesson in Spanish and Italian]. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology, № 2 (18), Alfred Nobel University Publ., p. 221-229. 3. Semerenko L., Pliushchai O., (2018) Myth and beauty in the intertextual structure of John Keats´s poetry. Series: Philological sciences, № 1 (15), Alfred Nobel University Publ., p. 177-181. 4.Semerenko L.I., Self-training potential in training interpreters (the original is in English), , Kyiv,2014.


1. L. Semerenko, S. Medynska Effective business communication. Manual for students majoring in economics . (Semerenko, S. Medynska) (the original is in English) Dnipropetrovsk: DUAN, 2010.

2.I L. Semerenko, O. Svitlychna Interpreting Business Communication (L. Semerenko, O. Svitlychna edited by N. Zinukova) (the original is in English) – Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University, 2018. – 128 pp. 3.. L. Semerenko Improving Interpreting Skills, (L. Semerenko, edited by N. Zinukova) (the original is in English) – Dnipropetrovsk: Alfred Nobel University, 2018.

Nataliia Talan Lecturer (English) Email: [email protected] Position:

2018 - Now. Lecturer of department English Philology and Translation, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Education: 2012 - South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University. KD Ushinsky, specialty "Language and Literature (English, German)", qualification: philologist, teacher of English, German languages and foreign literature. 2007 - Odessa National University, I.I. Mechnikov, majoring in international relations, qualification: specialist in international relations with in-depth knowledge of Hebrew and English. Professional development: 2020 - QA-session, “organization of an effective educational process with the help of Zoom platform”, certificate #2231, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2020 - Workshop “Very Verified: Online Course on Media Literacy”, certificate #2057, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 - Municipal Extracurricular Educational Institution "First Kyiv State Courses of Foreign Languages", program "English as a Foreign Language", level B2 certificate #61034, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2019 - Seminar “Visual Literacy & The Power of the Image” “No word Is An Island: the importance of word partnerships”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2018 - Seminar express publishing: work with the electronic version of textbooks digi books, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2018 - Workshop on the use of google classroom in the learning process, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Professional Experience: 2018 – now Lecturer of department English Philology and Translation, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2010 – 2013 Teacher of English “Sunshine International Language School”, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2008 – 2009 Teacher of English, №1, A.P. Bystrina, Odessa, Ukraine. 2007 – 2010 Teacher of English, “Brita Language Center”, Odessa, Ukraine. 2007 – 2008 Teacher of English, Educational complex Chabad Or-Avner, Odessa, Ukraine.

Other activities: 2019 – now Preparation of applicants for participation in sectional meetings during the international conference "youth of ukraine in the context of intercultural culture".

Participation in activities for recruitment of potential applicants

Publication list: Research article: Talan N.I. (2020) Problema perekladu modalʹnykh diyesliv z anhliysʹkoyi na ukrayinsʹku movu [The problem of modal verbs translation from English into Ukrainian], Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Series “Philology”, 2020 – 18p.

Natalia Shyian Lecturer E-mail: [email protected] Position 2019 – now. Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and Translation, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Education and Faculty Professional Development 1989-1995 English language and literature. Dnipropetrovsk State University. Ukraine. Professional Experience 2019 – now. Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and Translation, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2012 - 2015 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities, Dnipro National University. Dnipro, Ukraine 2011-2020 Lecturer, Intensive English Studies Centre of Dnipropetrovsk National University. Ukraine 2006-2011 Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Social Studies for Journalists, Dnipropetrovsk National University. University, Ukraine 1995-2006 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities, Dnipropetrovsk State University. Publication List Selected academic articles: 1. Shyian N. Yu. (2020) Hipero-hiponimichni vidnoshennia terminiv(na materiali terminiv biolohii suchasnoi anhliiskoi movy) [Hyper-Hyponymic Relationships ( on the Material of Biological Models in Modern English)]. Visnyk Universytetu imeni Alfreda Nobelia: Filolohichni nauky [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series “Philology”] No. 1 (19) . - PP. 344-352. 2. Shyian N. Yu. (2015) Otchuzhdenie kak prichina razrusheniya vnutrennego mira geroev U. Folknera [Alienation as the Reason of Destruction the Inner World of Heroes in W. Faulkner] / Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia». Seriia «Filolohichna» [Bulletin of the National University Ostroh Academy. Series “Philology” No. 55. – PP.286 – 289.

Marina Pavlovich Lecturer MA (Translation Studies) E-mail: [email protected] Position 2019-now. Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2014-2020 Master of Arts (MA) in Translation Studies, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2008-2013 Master of Science (MSc) in International Economic Relations, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Professional Experience 2019-now. Lecturer of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Сonferences: 2020 VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, April 16, 2020, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2019 V International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, April 2, 2019, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2018 IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, April 5, 2018, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2017 III International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, March 30, 2017, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2016 II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, March 31, 2016, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2015 International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "The Youth of Ukraine in cross-cultural communication context", Alfred Nobel University, April 2, 2015, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2014 XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students " European Integration Choice of Ukraine and Macroeconomic Problems" Alfred Nobel University, December 10, 2014, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2013 XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students " European Integration Choice of Ukraine and Macroeconomic Problems" Alfred Nobel University, March 26, 2013, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2012 IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students " Current economic and business problems" Alfred Nobel University, April 5, 2012, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2011 XI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students " European Integration Choice of Ukraine and Macroeconomic Problems" Alfred Nobel University, December 8, 2011, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2011 X International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students " European Integration Choice of Ukraine and Macroeconomic Problems" Alfred Nobel University, March 22, 2011, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2010 VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students " European Integration Choice of Ukraine and Macroeconomic Problems" Alfred Nobel University, April 22, 2010, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Larysa Ratomska Senior Lecturer E-mail: [email protected]

Position Senior lecturer, French language instructor, English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Education and Faculty Professional Development 1984-1987 State Central Courses, distance learning of foreign languages "English language Department”, Moscow. 1973-1978 Higher Education: Dnepropetrovsk State University, specialty "Philologist, teacher of the French language and literature." Professional Experience 2003 – now. Senior lecturer, Alfred Nobel University. 2002-2005. Teacher of foreign languages at the Department of the Dnipropetrovsk State Academy of Construction and Architecture. 1995-2002. Teacher of French and Latin languages, lyceum №100, Dnepropetrovsk. 1993-1995. Teacher of foreign languages, Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy. 1991-1993. Translator, LLC "Auto Express", Dnepropetrovsk. 1989-1991. Teacher of foreign languages, Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport. 1986-1989. Teacher of foreign languages, Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute. 1978-1986. Teacher of foreign languages, Dnepropetrovsk Civil Engineering Institute.

Conferences ● Problems of teaching literature and literary translation, translation of modern methods of teaching and its implementation in the educational process. Dnepropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, November 24 - December 26, 2014. ● Scientific-practical conference materials “Preparation of translators and interpreters, profession requirements”, Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, December 2014. ● Scientific and methodological seminar for teachers' methods of identification, quantitative evaluation and measurement of the body of knowledge, abilities, skills and other competencies acquired by students in the study of the subject "Translation of second foreign language (Spanish)." Dnepropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, October 28, 2014. ● Scientific and methodological seminar "Intensification of teaching students professionally oriented disciplines", Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, June 26, 2014. ● XVI International Conference "France and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of the dialogue of national cultures" Dnipropetrovsk O. Gonchar National University, 2013. ● Methodological seminar, interuniversity conference “Approaches in teaching French and experience of its implementation, Dnipropetrovsk O. Gonchar National University, April 23-24, 2013. ● Interregional scientific seminar of Latin "Latin language is a bridge between antiquity and modernity" Dnipropetrovsk O. Gonchar National University, May 23, 2013. ● Seminar “Broadening the Horizons. English Teachers’ Workshop”. – Dnipropetrovsk, April 13, 2012. ● Scientific and methodical seminar in teaching methods, techniques, tools, and technology", Dnipropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, June 19, 2012 ● Methodological seminar for teachers of higher and secondary schools «Approche actionelle dans l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur» (chaire de la philologie romane de l'UND O.Honchar en cooperation avec Alliance francaise et Institut regionale de la formation continue, 2012. ● Seminar for high school teachers of Latin "Latin language - a bridge between antiquity and modernity", Dnipropetrovsk O. Gonchar National University, 2012. ● Workshop "Distance learning technologies in teaching the subject "Practical course of the second foreign language (French)" Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, 2011. ● Methodological seminar "Latin – links between antiquity and modernity", Dnipropetrovsk O. Gonchar National University, 2011. ● Seminar for high school teachers of Dnipropetrovsk "Formation of communicative competence as the main approach of learning French in secondary and high school", 2011.

Professional training ● Scientific seminar “Modern motivation paradigm of High Education: competence approach”, Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, May 13, 2015. ● Problems of teaching literature and literary translation, translation of modern methods of teaching and its implementation in the educational process. Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, November 24 - December 26, 2014. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Publication List ● Pliushchai O.O., Ratomskaya L.V. Contrastive analysis of the expression of passivity in Spanish and in Italian / Collection of scientific works. Philological series of Science, № 2 (14), Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University Publishers, 2017, p. 204-209. ● Ratomska L.V., Boryssevich I. P. «Structural and semantic translation peculiarities» // Scientific-practical conference materials “Preparation of translators and interpreters, profession requirements”, Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University, December 2014, p. 15- 16.12. ● Ratomska L.V., Boryssevich I. P., Zgourovska J. «Le mystere de la lanque basque» // Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University Editorial “Vestnik, series ”Philology”. Translation studios. - Dnipropetrovsk: № 2 (8), 2014. - p. 186-192. ● Ratomska L.V. Terminology and headlines translation features into the Ukrainian language // "Vestnik" Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. "Philology. Translation studios. - Dnepropetrovsk: 2013. - p. 224-229. ● Ratomska L.V. About relevant equivalence in translation // Materials of the XVI International conference "France and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of the national dialogue of cultures", Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2013. ● Ratomska L.V. Language agents of the French advertising as the formative factor of intercultural competence // Collection of scientific papers. Taganrog, TTY, 2012. ● Ratomska L.V. Le sens du mot: champs sémantiques; champs lexicaux // Materials of the XV International Conference "France and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of the national dialogue of cultures". Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2012. ● Ratomska L.V. Philosophical aspect of the Latin aphorisms // II Interregional Conference "Latin. Links between antiquity and modernity" Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2012. ● Ratomska L.V., Plyuschay A.A. Political Discourse as a sphere of communication, Omsk Dostoevsky State University, Omsk, Russia, 2011. ● Ratomska L.V. Integration trends in the process of learninga foreign language // XIV International Conference "France and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of the national dialogue of cultures". Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2010. ● Ratomska L.V. The systemic nature of training materials // XIV International Conference "France and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of the national dialogue of cultures", Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2010. ● Ratomska L.V. Culture-oriented materials as a method of language learning // Materials of the XIII International conference "France and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of the national dialogue of cultures". Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2009. ● Ratomska L.V. Davydenko J.E., Marcolinguistic approach in translation in the context of teaching foreign languages // Materials of the XII International Conference "France and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of the national dialogue of cultures", Dnipropetrovsk National University , 2007. ● Ratomska L.V. Principal approaches in elaborating of foreign language texts in the modern test theory // Materials of the XI International Conference "France and Ukraine, scientific and practical experience in the context of the national dialogue of cultures". Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2005.

Textbooks: ● Ratomska L.V. Methodological instructions of French for students of economic specialties, I- II year of study. Dnepropetrovsk: PDABA, 2005. ● Ratomska L.V. Baranova E.V. Guidance for practicing French, materials of admission exams to post-graduate studies. Dnepropetrovsk: PDABA, 2004.

Tetiana Myronova

Senior Lecturer

E-mail: [email protected]


2017- now Senior Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro

Education and Faculty Professional Development

2017- now Member of Ukrainian Translator Trainers’ Union (UTTU)

2001-2005 Post-graduate education at Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University. 1994-1999 Master of Arts degree in Language and Literature (English), Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine 1984-1994 School-Gymnasium № 1, Kerch, Ukraine

Professional Experience

2017-now Senior Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro

2011-2017 Senior Lecturer of Philology and Translation Department, V. Lasaryan Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport 2003-2011 Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities , Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University

Research projects:

2005-now “Mythmaking in Paul Muldoon’ early Poetry (a historical and literary analysis)”


2020 6th International Scientific Conference “Youth of Ukraine” in the Context of Cross-Cultural Communication, Alfred Novel University (09 April, 2020) 2020 The National Geographic Learning and Linguist Online Conference: National Geographic Learning in Ukraine, 01 April 2020 2020 The National Geographic Learning Webinar: Practice Makes Perfect – developing spoken confidence and fluency, 08 April 2020 2020 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Seminar “Turn your school into the school of the Future” , Express Publishing, Folio D, 23-25 March, 2020 . 2020 Oxford English Language Teaching Online Conference. Global Skills. Assessment for Learning. Vocabulary. Digital Skills. 27–29th February 2020

2019 On-line course: PhD marathon “How to write a doctoral thesis”– Kyiv (22 April– 20 May, 2019)

2019 5th International Scientific Conference “Youth of Ukraine” in the Context of Cross-Cultural Communication, Alfred Nobel University (02 April, 2020)

2019 On-line Cambridge English Centre training: Preparing for an exam. Running an exam. Dealing with malpractice, incidents and inspections. (February, 2019) 2019 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Seminar: Visual Literacy & the Power of the Image. No Word is an Island: the Importance of Word Partnerships. National Geographic Learning and Linguist LTD – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University. 23 October 2019 2018 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Seminar: “ Effective use of video in the ELT classroom” , Alfred Nobel University (June 13, 2018)

2017 Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Seminar : National Geographic Learning and Linguist LTD “Keynote. Critical Thinking” / Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro (November 8, 2017);

2017 International Scientific and Practical conference "The phenomenon of volunteering in the discourses and narratives of history and culture in the late XX - early XXI century", V. Lasaryan Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport (May, 2017)

2016 Scientific and Practical Conference: Cross cultural communication in the early XXI century . V. Lasaryan Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport (November, 2016)

Publication List Selected academic articles: 1. Holub D., O., Korobeynikova T. І., Myronova T. Yu. (2019) Programa navchalnoyi disciplini “Anglijska mova dlya perekladachiv” [ The curriculum of the course “English for Translators] Visnik Kiyivskogo nacionalnogo lingvistichnogo universitetu. Seriya Pedagogika ta psihologiya: zb. nauk. prac / gol. red.. Bigich O.B. [ Scientific Bulletin of Kyiv National Linguistic University ]– Kyiv. : KNLU, - Issue .30. C. pp -161-167 2. Mironova T. Yu. (2018) Poisk samosti: Psihoanaliticheskij podhod k izucheniyu poemy P.Malduna «Immram». [ In Search of Self: Psychoanalytical interpretation of P. Muldoon’s poem “Immram”] Visnik Visnik universitetu imeni Alfreda Nobelya, seriya Filologichni nauki, [ Scientific Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University, Philology series] , No 1(15), Dnipro - pp. 149- 156 3. Mironova T, Yu. (2015) Poetika arhetipa materi v poeme Pola Malduna «Immram» (mifokriticheskij analiz).[ The poetics of the archetype ‘mother’ in a long poem ‘Immram’ by P. Muldoon] // Naukovij Visnik mizhnarodnogo gumanitarnogo universitetu Ser. Filologiya : sb. nauk. pr. [Scientific Bulletin of International Humanitarian University ] , Odessa, IHU, No. 15 , Volume 2 - pp.10- 15 4. Mironova, T. Yu. (2013) Poeziya P. Malduna 70-h-nachala 90-h godov XX st. v ocenke zarubezhnoj kritiki [ P. Muldoon’ Poetry of 70- early 90’s of XX c. evaluated by foreign critics ] // Anglistika ta amerikanistika: zb. nauk. pr. - [Anglistics and Americanism: collection of research papers] / Red. kol.: A. I. Anisimova, T. M. Potniceva ( ta in. - Dnipro: Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University., Issue 10 – pp. 203 -207


1. Myronova T.Yu. Holub D.O. (2019) Praktikum z fonetiki anglijskoyi movi. Prigolosni. Ch. 1 Elektronne vidannya, za red. N.V. Zinukovoyi [Practicum on English phonetics, Part 1 : e-version]– Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University. - p.90 2. Myronova T. Yu., Aksyutina.T. V. (2013) Anglijska mova dlya studentiv napryamu «Sociologiya»[English for students of Sociology] - Dnipro.: Oles Honchar National University . – p.60

Ruslan Kliuchnyk Candidate of Sciences (Political Science) E-mail: [email protected] Position: Associate Professor of the Global Economics Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro

Education and Faculty Professional Development 2016 – 2017 Specialist in Philology, Translator/Interpreter from/to English and Russian, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2011 – 2015 Candidate of Science in Political Science, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk, National University, Ukraine 2010 – 2011 Master of Science (MSc) in Political Science, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2006 – 2010 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Political Science, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Professional Experience

2011 – now Participating (teaching) in Study Program in International Management (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK) 2020 – now Associate Professor of the Global Economics Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2016 –2020 Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2014 -2016 Lecturer of the Department of Political Science, Social Science and Humanities, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2011 –2014 Post-graduate student of the Department of Political Science, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Research projects: 2020 – now Ukrainian Economy in the new geo-political realities: individual, state, society; N 0115U000063. 2018 – now The problem of balancing the interests of the EU, its members and neighboring states regarding migration processes: theoretical and methodological dimension; N 0119U102511. 2016 – now Theoretical and methodological basics of development and implementation of political science approaches to the analysis of political conflicts and crises in modern Ukraine and in in the world; N 0118U001185

Conferences 2020 – II International scientific conference «Education and Science in a Changing World», Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2020 - XXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Eurointegration Choice of Ukraine and Problems of Macroeconomics", Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 - All-Ukrainian conference “Modern higher education: problems and perspectives”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 - ІІ International scientific conference “Modernization of the educational system: world trends and national peculiarities”, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania 2018 - International scientific conference “International Journalism-2018”, State University, Minsk, Belarus 2018 - International scientific conference “Modernization of educational system: world trends and national peculiarities”, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania 2017 - All-Ukrainian conference “UChoice: 4P” Ukrainian Choice: Public Policy, Politics, Psychology”, Odessa Academy of Law, Odessa, Ukraine 2016 - International conference “Actual issues of state and law development under modern integration process”, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine 2015 - All-Ukrainian conference “Modern social-humanitarian discourses”, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2015 - International conference “Actual issues and problems of development of modern civilization”, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine.

Other activities 2017 – now Manager of English teaching programs department (Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine). 2017 – now TV anchorperson and guest speaker (NOBEL TV).

Publication List Books (monographs): 1. Zadoia A. and other (2020) Ekonomichna dynamika v novykh heostratehichnykh realiyakh: monohrafiya [Elektronne vydannya] [Economic dynamics in new geostrategic realities: monograph] / ed. Doctor of Economics, Professor A.O. Zadoia, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, 235 p. [Electronic resource]. – Available at: 2. Kliuchnyk R. (2019) Faktory intensyfikatsiyi politychnoho protestu v umovakh kryzovoho stanu [Factors of political protest intensification under crisis] In Political conflicts and crises: mobilization factors of civil activity, Edited by Doctor of Political Science H. Shchedrova, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University. P. 133-174. 3. Kliuchnyk R. (2018) Komunikatyvnyy vymir politychnykh konfliktiv [Communicative dimension of political conflicts]. In Peculiarities of political conflicts in modern Ukraine and in the world: monograph. Ed. by Doctor of Political Science H. Shchedrova, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University. P. 89-118 4. Kliuchnyk R. (2016) Aksiolohichnyy vymir politychnoyi kryzy v Ukrayiny [Axiological dimension of political crisis in Ukraine]. In Civilization challenges for Ukraine: monograph. Ed. by Candidate of Political Science D. Proshyn. Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. P. 23-48 5. Kliuchnyk R. (2015) Ukrayinsʹka kryza: instytutsiynyy ta systemnyy vymiry [Ukrainian crisis: institutional and system dimensions: monograph]. Ed. by Candidate of Economic Science O. Dashevska. Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. P. 5-32

Selected academic articles: 1. Kliuchnyk (2020). Hlobalʹni problemy suchasnosti: ekonomichnyy vymir [Global problems of modernity: an economic dimension]. In Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review]. No. 1 (52). P. 5-12. 2. Kliuchnyk, Mahdich (2019). Osoblyvosti vykladannya sotsialʹno-humanitarnykh ta ekonomichnykh dystsyplin anhliysʹkoyu movoyu [Features of teaching social, humanitarian and economic courses in English]. In Visnyk universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia: Seriia Pedahohika i psykholohiia. Pedahohichni nauky. [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology]. Vol. 2 (18). pp. 182-191. 3. Mostova A., Kliuchnyk R. Development of the Balanced Scorecard for the State’s Strategy of Food Security. In Espacios. 2019. Vol. 40. No. 44. P. 6. URL : Eng. 4. Kljuchnik, R.M. (2019). Kul'turno-simvolicheskoe izmerenie politicheskogo protesta [Cultural and symbolic dimension of political protest] Vescі BDPU [Herald of BDPU]. Series 2. No. 1. pp. 33-38 (in Russian). 5. Vakulich V., Kliuchnyk R. (2018). Concept of investment climate management: models of monitoring and innovative implementation. In Scientific bulletin of Polissia. Vol. 1. Part 1. pp. 159-168]. Eng. 6. Kliuchnyk R., Opaleva O. (2018). Lingvodidakticheskiy potentsial inoyazychnykh reklamnykh tekstov [Linguo-didactic potential of foreign language advertising texts]. In Visnyk universytetu imeni Al'freda Nobelia: Seriia Pedahohika i psykholohiia. Pedahohichni nauky. [Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology]. Vol. 2 (16). pp. 206- 213 7. Kliuchnyk (2017) Sotsialʹnyy kapital yak faktor formuvannya politychnoho protestu [Social capital as a factor of political protest forming]. In Gileya. Vol. 124. PP. 317-320 8. Kliuchnyk (2015) ASEAN ta mizhnarodna spivpratsya v Aziysʹko-Tykhookeansʹkomu rehioni [ASEAN and international cooperation in Asia-Pacific]. In Gileya. Vol. 85. PP. 423-426

Textbooks 1. Kliuchnyk R. (2019). Politychnyy analiz. Politychna kryzolohiya [Political analysis. Political crisis studies], Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, 84 p.

Sergii Kuzminov Full Professor, Doctor of Science (Economics)

E-mail: [email protected]

Position: Professor of the Global Economics Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro Education and Faculty Professional Development 2016-2017 Specialist in Philology, Translator/Interpreter from/to English and Russian, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2010-2013 Doctor of Economics, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine 1999-2001 Candidate of Science in Economics, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine 1989-1994 Master of Science (MSc) in Economy and Management, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine

Professional Experience 2011 – now Participating (teaching) in Study Program in International Management (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK). 2013 - now Professor of the Global Economics Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2014 –2017 Vice-Rector on Scientific and International Activities, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2001 - 2013 Associated Professor of Department of International Economics and Economic Theory, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 1999 - 2001 Senior Lecturer of Department of International Economics and Economic Theory, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 1997 - 1999 Lecturer of Department of International Economics and Economic Theory, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 1994 - 1997 Assistant of Department of International Economics and Economic Theory, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Research projects: 2015 – now Ukrainian Economy in the new geo-political realities: individual, state, society; N 0115U000063. 2010-2014 Adaptation of Ukraine's economic policy to the latest transformation of the system of global economic relations at the micro-, macro- and meso- level; N 0110U000204. 2007-2011 Formation of structure and infrastructure and reformation of state regulation of the economy under transformation of the system of economic relations; N 0104U008830

International projects 2006-2008 TEMPUS Project “Towards increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian Agriculture – developing a new MBA – degree program in Agriculture”

Internships and study trips 2008 Amsterdam University (The Netherlands), TEMPUS Project

Conferences 2019 European integration choice of Ukraine and problems of macroeconomics XXVII International Scientific Conference, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2018 European integration choice of Ukraine and problems of macroeconomics XXIV International Scientific Conference, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2015 Interuniversity regional scientific conference of Dnipropetrovsk region’s scientists “Implementation of the state strategy of regional development up to 2020” Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2015 Х International research and practical conference of graduate students, young scientists and researchers “Problems and prospects of economic development of education in the region” Kremenchuk, Ukraine 2012 Nobel International Economic Congress, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Publication List

Books (monographs): 1. Zadoia A. and other (2020) Ekonomichna dynamika v novykh heostratehichnykh realiyakh: monohrafiya [Elektronne vydannya] [Economic dynamics in new geostrategic realities: monograph] / ed. Doctor of Economics, Professor A.O. Zadoia, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, 235 p. [Electronic resource]. – Available at: 2. Zadoia A. and other (2014) Ekonomichnyy rozvytok: vzayemozvʺyazok mikro-, makro- ta meharivniv: monohrafiya [Economic development: the relationship of micro-, macro- and mega levels] Dnipropetrovsk, Alfred Nobel University, 204 p.

Selected academic articles: 1. Kuzminov S.V., Zhuravlyov V.E. (2019) Dynamika ekonomichnoho zrostannya u FRN: dzherela, faktory ta interesy [Dynamics of economic growth in Germany: sources, factors and interests]. In Academic Review, No.2 (51), P.93-100. 2. Kuzminov S., Makotkina O. (2018) Eksportooriyentovanyy rozvytok: mezhi ekonomichnoho zrostannya [Export-oriented development: edges of growth, Alfred Nobel University], In Academic Review, No.2 (49), P.5-19 3. Kuzminov S., Zadoya Yu. (2018) Innovatsiyi u bankivsʹkiy diyalʹnosti: sutnistʹ ta klasyfikatsiya [Innovations in banking: essence and classification] In European Vector of Economic Development, No.1(24), P 64-70. 4. Lymonova E., Kuzminov S. (2017) Varianty intehratsiyi ekonomiky Ukrayiny u ekonomiku YES [Options for integration of the Ukrainian economy into the EU economy], Nobelivskyi visnyk [Nobel Herald], No 1, PP.48-55 ( 5. Kuzminov S. (2016) Korotke polityko-ekonomichne vyznachennya fashyzmu [A brief political and economic definition of fascism], Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review], No 2, PP.127- 134. ( 6. Kuzminov S. (2015) Investytsiynyy klimat ta investytsiyna pryvablyvistʹ rehioniv Ukrayiny [Investment climate and investment attractiveness of Ukrainian regions], Ekonomichnyi Nobelivskyi visnyk [Nobel Economic Herald], No 2, PP. 55-61. ( 7. Kuzminov S .(2015) Chy povynna politychna ekonomiya buty skladnoyu naukoyu? [Should political economy be a complex science?], Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review], No 1, PP.5-10. (

Textbooks: 1. Limonova E., Kuzminov S., Glukha G., Shkura I. (2019) Transnatsionalizatsiya svitovoyi ekonomiky [Transnationalization of the World Economy], Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 136 p.

Hanna Mytrofanova Associate Professor, Doctor of Science (Economics)

E-mail: [email protected]


Head of the Department of Innovation Management and Finacial Analytics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk

Education and Faculty Professional Project

2018-2020 Master in Managеment, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2015-2017 Specialist in Philology, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2015 Doctor of Science in Economics 08.00.01 - Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought, National Mining University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2006 Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics and Economic Theory, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2005 Defense of the PhD dissertation on the specialty 08.00.01 - Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 1997-1999 Specialist in Finance, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 1989-1994 Specialist in Physics, Dnipropetrovsk State University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Professional Experience

2019- now Expert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA) (Ukraine) 2019- now Head of the Quality Assurance Committee Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro (Ukraine) 2018 – now - Head of the Department of Innovation Management and Finacial Analytics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2015 – 2018 Vice-rector for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2014 – 2015 – Vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Organization and Control over Educational Process, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2008 – 2014 – Head of Educational Center, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2006 – 2014 – Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics and Economic Theory, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2003 – 2006 – Senior lecturer of the Department of International Economics and Economic Theory, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2001 – 2003 – Senior lecturer of the Department of Economic Theory, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2000 – 2001 – Senior lecturer of the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 1994 – 2000 – Assistant Professor of Department of Informatics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine; 1993 –1994 – inspector of the Personnel and Office Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Internship 2016 – now Participating in International Management Program (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK).

Other activities

2010 – now TV anchorperson and guest speaker (NOBEL TV).

Professional development (latest research projects, conferences)

Research projects: 2018 - now - “Management in conditions of global and socio-economic challenges” (state registration number 0118U000840) – Head of the project 2010-2015 Adaptation of Ukraine's economic policy to the latest transformation of the system of global economic relations at the micro, macro and mesolevel (state registration number № 0106U4006313)

Editorial Board memberships (Editorships)

Bulletin of the International Nobel Economic Forum (Ukraine), Academy Review (Ukraine), European Vector of Economic Development (Ukraine)

International projects: Regular participation in international conferences, studies and internships at CEUME, participation in the TEMPUS project: 2020 - “New and innovative teaching methods” international postgraduate practical internship, Malopolska School of Public Administration, Cracow University of Economics: May 04-29, 2020 (online course). 2019 – 2020 “Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency – DOBRE”, USAID. 2015-2016 - Innovation University and Leadership, University of Warsaw, Poland. 2009 - TEMPUS Joint European Project 2007-2009. University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 2003 - "The Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education" - Seminar "Management and Leadership" – CEUME, Dnipro; 2001 - "The Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education" Summer School "Corporate Governance" – CEUME,Yalta; 2000 - "The Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education" - Summer School "Investment Management and Project Evaluation" - CEUME , Dnipro.

Сonferences: 2020 International conference “Improving the efficiency of management activities to create conditions conducive to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Belarus”, Minsk, Belarus 2020 V International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Modern Management: Trends, Problems and Prospects for Development", Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Modern Management: Trends, Problems and Prospects for Development", Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 International conference “Improving the efficiency of management activities to create conditions conducive to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Belarus”, Minsk, Belarus 2018 I - II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Modern Management: Trends, Problems and Prospects for Development", Dnipro, Ukraine 2018 XVIII International Scientific Conference on Contemporary International Economic Relations: Drivers of Success and Challenges for Development, Dnipro, Ukraine 2017 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modernizing the Content of Education in the Context of a Multicultural Environment, Kremenchug, Ukraine 2017 International scientific-practical Internet conference "Economic development and its social stability", Poltava, Ukraine. 2016 Scientific-practical seminar “Modern teacher in the student-centered model of the educational process of the University”, Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine 2016 Conference "Student-centrism in the Quality Assurance System of Education at the Economic University, Kyiv, Ukraine 2016 XI International Scientific Conference of Graduate Students, Kremenchuk, Ukraine 2016 International scientific-practical conference of teachers and graduate students "Socio-economic and humanitarian aspects of global innovative transformations", "University of Education Management", Kyiv, Ukraine 2014 European Interdisciplinary Forum 2014 (EIF 2014), Вільнюс, Lithuania 2014 Nobel International Economics Congress, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2013 International conference «International Relations 2013: Current issues of world economy and politics», Bratislava, 2012 International conference «Actual historical-economic problems of research», Moscow, RF 2011 International conference «Actual historical-economic problems of research», Moscow, RF 2013 International Forum «Innovative technologies in the economic and business education», Gomel, Belarus 2008 Nobel International Economics Forum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

I am a participating faculty member and deeply engage in both scientific and management activities beyond teaching process, as well participating in media activities, thus, my qualified status is Practice Academic.

During 2015-2019 I have prepared 31 publications

Books (monographs): 1. Hluha H., Yevtushenko O., Zadoya O., Lymonova E. (2019) Upravlinnya zovnishn oekonomichnoyu diyal nistyu [Management of foreign economic activity], [Electronic resource], Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 112 p. ( 2. Shkura I., Lymonova E., Hlukha H.., Mahdich A. (2019) Upravlinnia mizhnarodnymy proektamy [International Project management] : study guide [Electronic resource], D., Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 124 p. ( 3. Lymonova E., Hlukha H.., Shkura I., Kuzminov S.. (2019) Transnatsionalizatsiia svitovoi ekonomiky [Transnationalization of the world economy][Electronic resource], D., Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 137 p. (( 4. Hluha H., Kholod S., Shkura I., Yevtushenko O., Zadoya O. (2018) Management of Foreign Economic Activity: Complex of learning materials for organization of independent work, control and self-control of student learning [Electronic resource], Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 89 p. ( 5. Hluha H., Kholod S., Momot V., Yevtushenko O., (2018) Mizhnarodnyj menedzhment: navchal'nyj posibnyk [International management: a textbook], Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 72 p. ( 6. Hluha H., Kholod S., Momot V., Yevtushenko O., Litvinenko O., Pikalov V., (2018) Upravlinnia personalom: zbirnyk zavdan' dlia samostijnoi roboty ta kontroliu znan': navchal'nyj posibnyk [Personnel management: a collection of tasks for independent work and knowledge control: a textbook], [Electronic resource], Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 88 p. 7. Глуха Г.Я. Національна економіка: фактори зростання : монографія / Г.Я. Глуха. – Дніпропетровськ: Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2014. – 312 с. [Glukha G. (2014) National economy: growth factorsDnipropetrovsk, CUL.], Ukr.

Selected academic articles: 1. Glukha G. The state role in globalization / Ganna Glukha // VISNYK of Volyn Institute for Economics and Management. – 2014. – № 9. – P. 50-59. Eng. 2. Aleksey Mints, Viktoriya Marhasova, Hanna Hlukha, Roman Kurok and Tetiana Kolodizieva (2019). Analysis of the stability factors of Ukrainian banks during the 2014–2017 systemic crisis using the Kohonen self-organizing neural networks. Banks and Bank Systems, 14(3), 86-98. doi:10.21511/bbs.14(3).2019.08 (Sсopus) 3. Hlukha H., Yevtushenko O. (2019) Monytorynh v systeme obespechenyia kachestva obrazovatel'noj deiatel'nosty y kachestva vyssheho obrazovanyia v unyversytete [Monitoring in the system of quality assurance of educational activity and quality of higher education at the university], Kooperatyvnoe obrazovanye KhKhI veka: tradytsyy y ynnovatsyy [Elektronnyj resurs] : sbornyk nauchnykh statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-metodycheskoj ynternet-konferentsyy, posviaschennoj 55-letyiu unyversyteta [21st Century Cooperative Education: Traditions and Innovations [Electronic resource]: collection of scientific articles of the international scientific and methodological Internet conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the university], PP.73-77. ( 4. Hlukha H., Yevtushenko O. (2018) Faktory ryzyku v innovatsijnij diial'nosti orhanizatsij v umovakh hlobalizatsii [Risk factors in innovative activities of organizations under globalization conditions], Visnyk Sums'koho natsional'noho ahrarnoho universytetu [Bulletin of Sumy NAU], No 6 (76), PP.12-15. ( 5. Hlukha H., Tsymbalyuk A. (2018) Suchasnyy pidkhid do pobudovy innovatsiynoyi stratehiyi na pidpryyemstvi, [Modern Approach to Building an Innovation Strategy], Academic Review, No 2, PP. 62-74. 6. Hlukha H., Pikalov V. (2017) Shchodo problem pidhotovky suchasnykh top-menedzheriv sub’yektiv hospodars’koyi diyal’nosti [The problems of training modern top managers of business entities] Academy Review, No 1 (46), PP. 71-82. 7. Hlukha H., (2017) Nerivnist’ dokhodiv u konteksti upravlinnya ekonomichnym zrostannyam natsional’noyi ekonomiky [Income inequality in the context of economic growth management of the national economy], Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University, Economics and Management Series, No 4 (71), PP. 9-14. 8. Hlukha H., Pikalov V. (2016) Menedzhment znan’: metodolohichnyy aspekt osvity ta navchannya [Knowledge management: methodological aspect of education and training], Economic Nobel Bulletin, No 1 (9), PP.164-174. 9. Hlukha H. (2015) Kontseptual’ni zasady vplyvu intehratsiynykh ta hlobalizatsiynykh protsesiv na mekhanizm upravlinnya ekonomichnym zrostannyam [Conceptual bases of influence of integration and globalization processes on the mechanism of economic growth management], Bulletin of the Ukrainian Customs Service Academy, Series: Economics, No 7, PP. 5-13. 10. Hlukha H., Horbovyy A., Khaletska A., Prystrom J., Resler M. Stepaniuk O. (2016). Human capital as a determinant of socio-economic condition, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, PP. 61-85. 11. Hlukha H., Shkura I., Gavyada V. (2018). Osoblyvosti funktsionuvannya systemy vnutrishn’oho zabezpechennya yakosti vyshchoyi osvity v Universyteti imeni Al’freda Nobelya [Features of the functioning of the internal quality assurance system of higher education at Alfred Nobel University], Lokal’ni systemy upravlinnya yakistyu: svitovyy dosvid ta ukrayins’ki praktyky pobudovy / Za red.. T.V. Finikova, V.I. Tereshchuka [Local quality management systems: world experience and Ukrainian construction practices], pp. 153 – 162. 12. Hlukha H., Shkura I., Gavyada V. (2016). Reformuvannia systemy vnutrishnoho zabezpechennia yakosti vyshchoi osvity u Dnipropetrovskomu universyteti imeni Alfreda Nobelia [Reforming the Internal Quality Assurance System for Higher Education at Alfred Nobel University] Naukovyi visnyk UMO [Scientific herald UMO], PP. 43-54 ( 0%93%D0%BB%D1%83%D1%85%D0%B0.pdf) Publication List 13. Hlukha H., Yevtushenko O., (2018) Zmishane navchannia iak napriam pidvyschennia iakosti navchal'noho protsesu v zakladakh vyschoi osvity [Blended learning as a way of improving the quality of the educational process in higher education institutions], I International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Management: Trends, Problems and Prospects for Development”, March , 29, 2018, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, PP. 27-28 14. Hlukha H., Havyada V. Formuvannya i rozvytok psykholohichnoyi kompetentnosti u vykladachiv universytetu imeni Al’freda Nobelya [Formation and Development of Psychological Competence at Alfred Nobel University Lecturers] I Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiya «Modernizatsiya zmistu osvity v konteksti polikul’turnoho seredovyshcha» [International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modernizing the Content of Education in the Context of a Multicultural Environment] 23-24 November 2017 р., Kremenchug. PP. 181-183. 15. Shkura I and other (2017) Monitorynh navchalnoho navantazhennia zdobuvachiv vyshchoi osvity v Universyteti imeni Alfreda Nobelia [Monitoring the Educational Upload of students at Alfred Nobel University], XVIII International Scientific Conference on Contemporary International Economic Relations: Drivers of Success and Challenges for Development, (March 22-23, Dnipro), PP. 206-208. 16. Hlukha H. (2016) Problemy upravlinnya pryamymy inozemnymy investytsiyamy natsional’noyi ekonomiky [Problems of Foreign Direct Investment Management of the National Economy], Materialy KHI Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi aspirantiv, molodykh uchenykh ta naukovtsiv [Proceedings of the XI International Scientific Conference of Graduate Students], (April 21, Kremenchuk), PP. 119. 17. Hlukha H., Kholod S. (2018) Upravlinnya vyshchoyu osvitoyu v Ukrayini: analiz reform [Management of Higher : Analysis of Reforms] II Mizhnarodna naukovo- praktychna konferentsiya molodykh vchenykh i studentiv «Suchasnyy menedzhment: tendentsiyi, problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku», [II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Modern Management: Trends, Problems and Prospects for Development"], (December 6, Dnipro), PP. 234-235 18. Hlukha H. Shkura I. Havyada V. (2016)Hromads’ka rada u systemi vnutrishn’oho zabezpechennya yakosti u Dnipropetrovs’komu universyteti imeni Al’freda Nobelya [Public Council in the Internal Quality Assurance System at Alfred Nobel Dnipropetrovsk University], Materialy vseukrayins’koyi naukovo-metodychnyi konferentsiyi “Studentotsentryzm u systemi zabezpechennya yakosti osvity v ekonomichnomu universyteti” [Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Conference "Student-centrism in the Quality Assurance System of Education at the Economic University], (March 2-3, Kyiv), National Higher Education Institute Vadim Hetman University of Economics, PP. 83-84. 19. Hlukha H., Shkura I., Havyada V., (2016) Pidvyshchennya kvalifikatsiyi naukovo- pedahohichnykh ta pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv yak skladova systemy vnutrishn’oho zabezpechennya yakosti u suchasnomu VNZ [Improvement of the qualification of scientific- pedagogical and pedagogical workers as a component of the internal quality assurance system in a modern university ], Materialy naukovo-praktychnyy seminaru “Suchasnyy vykladach u studentotsentrychniy modeli osvitn’oho protsesu universytetu”, [Materials of a scientific-practical seminar “Modern teacher in the student-centered model of the educational process of the University”], (3-4 March, 2016), Ivano-Frankivsk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University: Publishing House of LLC "VGC" Prosvita ", PP. 64-67. 20. Hlukha H., Yevtushenko O. (2019) Osobennosty stratehycheskoho upravlenyia chelovecheskymy resursamy v sfere predprynymatel'skoj deiatel'nosty [Features of strategic human resource management in the field of entrepreneurship], International conference “Improving the efficiency of management activities to create conditions conducive to the development of small and medium- sized businesses in the Republic of Belarus”, Minsk, May 14, 2018, Minsk, Belarus, PP. 36-37. ( konferencii/2019.pdf)

Elvina Lymonova Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Economics)

E-mail: [email protected] Position Associate Professor of the Global Economics Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro Education and Faculty Professional Development 2016-2017 Specialist in Philology, Translator/Interpreter from/to English and Russian, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2015 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Economics (Economics and management of national economy), Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 1993-1995 Specialist in Finance and Credit, Academy of Management, Business and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 1988-1993 Specialist in Chemistry, Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine

Professional Experience 1996 - now Associate Professor of the Global Economics Department at Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Research projects: 2015–now Ukrainian Economy in the new geo-political realities: individual, state, society; N 0115U000063. 2010-2014 Adaptation of Ukraine's economic policy to the latest transformation of the system of global economic relations at the micro-, macro- and meso- level; N 0110U000204. 2007-2011 Formation of structure and infrastructure and reformation of state regulation of the economy under transformation of the system of economic relations; N 0104U008830

International projects 2018 – International project of the Pedagogical University. National Education Commission (Krakow, Poland): WPL_BS_Economics and management of educational systems and processes, 2018 (Scientific project: 02. Analysis of the effectiveness of educational processes on the basis of competencies and opinions of the participants of the educational processes: innovations in the management of educational systems and processes).

Conferences 2020 The 28th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Eurointegration Choice of Ukraine and Problems of Macroeconomics", Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 The 4th international scientific-practical Conference «Problems and tendencies of development of modern economy in the conditions of integration processes: theoretical and practical aspects», Kherson, Ukraine 2019 The 26st International Scientific and Practical Conference "Eurointegration Choice of Ukraine and Problems of Macroeconomics", Dnipro, Ukraine 2018 International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Regulation of transnational business", Kharkiv, Ukraine 2017 All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Economics and Management in the Conditions of Systemic Crisis", Lviv, Ukraine 2016 International Scientific and Practical Web-Congress (Winterthur (Switzerland)) 2015 The Third International Scientific Conference “Development of forms and methods of modern management in the context of globalization”, M. Kozybayev NKSU, Petropavlovsk, RF

Publication List Books (monographs): 1. Lymonova Е. and other (2020) Ekonomichna dynamika v novykh heostratehichnykh realiyakh: monohrafiya [Elektronne vydannya] [Economic dynamics in new geostrategic realities: monograph] / ed. Doctor of Economics, Professor A.O. Zadoia, Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University, 235 p. [Electronic resource]. – Available at: 2. Lymonova Е. and other (2014) Ekonomichnyy rozvytok: vzayemozvʺyazok mikro-, makro- ta meharivniv: monohrafiya [Economic development: the relationship of micro-, macro- and mega levels] Dnipropetrovsk, Alfred Nobel University, 204 p.

Selected academic articles: 1. Lymonova Е., Zaporozhets A. (2019) Mergers and acquisitions in Belarus, In Journal of Modern Economic Research, Issue 1 (2), 5-14, ISSN 2644-4380 print 2644-6332 online, (the original is in English). 2. Lymonova E., Magdich A. (2019) Information asymmetry: areas of origin and effects, In Nobel Messenger, Issue 1 (12), PP. 50-58 (the original is in English). 3. Lymonova E. (2019) Estimation of the effect of taxes and gross fixed capital formation on economic growth of Euro area. In Akademichnyi ogliad [Academy Review], Issue 1. PP. 5-13 (the original is in English). 4. Lymonova E. (2017) Rozrobka systemy upravlinnya rozvytkom staropromyslovykh rehioniv Ukrayiny na osnovi dosvidu krayin YES [Development of management system for development of old industrial regions of Ukraine based on the experience of EU countries], Evropeyskyy vektor ekonomichnoho rozvytku [European vector of economic development], No 1, PP. 33- 45. 5. Lymonova E., Kuzminov S. (2017) Varianty intehratsiyi ekonomiky Ukrayiny u ekonomiku YES [Options for integration of the Ukrainian economy into the EU economy], Nobelivskyi visnyk [Nobel Herald], No 1, PP.48-55. 6. Lymonova E. (2016) Derzhavne rehulyuvannya diyalʹnosti TNK v ekolohichniy sferi [State regulation of TNCs activity in the environmental sphere], In Akademichnyi ogliad [Academy Review], Issue No.1, pp. 143-149. 7. Lymonova E. (2016) Prychyny, rozvytok ta rehulyuvannya transnatsionalʹnoho biznesu [Causes, development and regulation of transnational business, In Naukovyy visnyk Mykolayivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V.O. Sukhomlynskoho [Ekonomichni nauky: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Scientific Bulletin of Mykolayiv National University Sukhomlinsky. Economic sciences: collection of scientific works / ed. Ivan Kischak], Issue 2(7), PP. 83-89. 8. Lymonova E. (2015) Katehoriya «transnatsionalna korporatsiya»: kryteriyi vyznachennya ta osnovni oznaky [Transnational corporation category: definition criteria and key features], Akademichnyi ogliad [Academic review], No 2, PP.24-31 ( 9. Lymonova E. (2015) Transrivneve rehulyuvannya diyalnosti TNK [Options for integration of the Ukrainian economy into the EU economy], Nobelivskyi visnyk [Nobel Herald], No 1, PP.62-67 (

Textbook 1. Limonova E., Kuzminov S., Glukha G., Shkura I. (2019) Transnatsionalizatsiya svitovoyi ekonomiky [Transnationalization of the World Economy], Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 136 p. 2. Shkura I., Lymonova E., Hlukha G, Mahdich A. (2019) Upravlinnya mizhnarodnymy proektamy [Management of international projects], Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 137 p. [Electronic resource]. – Available at: 3. Zadoia O., Yevtushenko O., Khluha H., Lymonova E. (2019) Upravlinnya zovnishʹoekonomichnoyu diyalʹnistyu [Management of foreign economic activity. Slideshow], Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 156 p. [Electronic resource]. – Available at: 4. Zadoia A., Kuzminov S., Khluha H., Lymonova E. (2014) Makroekonomika: zbirnyk zavdanʹ dlya samostiynoyi roboty ta kontrolyu znanʹ [Macroeconomics: a collection of tasks for independent work and control of knowledge], Dnepropetrovs’k: Alfred Nobel University, 82 p.

Tetiana Mishustina Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Economics) E-mail: [email protected] Position 2019– now Vice Rector for Strategic Development and Communication Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Education and Faculty Professional Development

2016-2017 Specialist of Science in Philology, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2009-2012 Candidate of Science in Economics (Economy and management enterprises), Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 1995-2000 Master of Science (MSc) in Management Dnipropetrovsk academy of building and architecture, Dnipro (Ukraine) Professional Experience

2019– now Vice Rector for Strategic Development and Communication Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2016-2019 - Head of Marketing department, Alfred Nobel University Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2014-2016 – Head of Career Center, Alfred Nobel University Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2014 - now Associate Professor, Department of International Marketing, Alfred Nobel University Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2000-2014 Lecturer, Department of Marketing and management, Academy of management, business and law, Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine) Research projects

2015 - now Marketing management of competitiveness on micro-, mezo-, macrolevel in the modern сonditions of globalization. Registered in Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, № 0114U005600 2010-2014 Theoretical and methodological principles of developing and introduction of marketing strategies of development and competitiveness of the sociо-economic systems, Registered in Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, № 0110U000005 Internships and study trips 2019 Study trips. Polish-German school for young journalists of regional and local media of Ukraine. Rzeszowbq University of Rzeszow (Poland)


2019 XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Areas of Scientific Thought” (напрями наукової думки»), 2019 2019 XV International. scientific-practical Conference "Current scientific achievements - 2019" (Сучасні наукові досягнення) 2019 X International research and practical conference “Marketing Management of Competitiveness”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2019 XV International research and practical conference “Najnovite postizhenija na evropejskata nauka – 2019” («Найновите постижения на европейската наука – 2019») [Recent Developments in European Science], Sophia, Bulgaria. 2018 XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Vĕdecké Pokrok Na Přelomu Tysyachaletyích Vĕd -2018» Prague 2018 IX International research and practical conference “Marketing Management of Competitiveness”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. Publication List Books (monographs): 1. Mishustina and others (2017). Marketynhove stratehichne upravlinnia konkurentospromozhnistiu na mikro-, mezo- i makrorivniakh [Marketing strategic management of competitiveness at micro-, meso- and macro-levels: Monograph] / T.S. Mishustina, I. V. Taranenko, O. Yu. Krasovska, S. S. Yaremenko. 2. Mishustina T. and other (2016) Innovative management of complex socio-economic systems, Dnipro, Monolit – 400р.

Selected academic articles:

1. Mishustina T. and other (2020) Features of monetary policy implementation in Ukraine - International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology regular Issue.

2. Mishustina T., Shevchenko V., Bondarenko A. (2019) Investigation of consumer preferences and consumer loyalty to achieve the marketing goals of the company - Academic Review, № 2 (51), PP. 69-77.

3. Mishustina T., Probko I. (2017) Ways to improve the operating management system of a trading enterprise - European economic development vector, №1 (21), PP. 60-69.

4. Mishustina T., Gonchar T. (2015) Marketing analysis of prospects of development of children's centers in Ukraine - Academic Review, № 1 (42) – PP. 133-144 5. Mishustina T. (2015) Features of marketing strategy of promotion of startup service to the market - Global and national problems of economy, №8. 2015

6. Mishustina T. (2015) Marketing concept of supporting the competitiveness of a machine- building enterprise trade mark - Effective Economy №11.

Textbooks: 1. Mishustina T.S. (2013). Rehional'na ekonomika. [The Regional Economy] / T.S. Mishustina, I.V.Taranenko, O.V.Dashevska, S.S. Yaremenko. – Kyiv: Kondor ed. 305 p.

Оlena Krasovska Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Economics) E-mail: [email protected] Position 2011 – now. Associate Professor of the International Marketing Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2012 – now. Director of the International Business School of Alfred Nobel University (IBS-ANU), Dnipro, Ukraine Education and Faculty Professional Development 2016-2017 Master of Science (MSc) in Philology, Alfred Nobel University, Ukraine 2014-2015 Master of Science (MSc) in Education Institution Management, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2007-2010 Candidate of Science in Economics (World Economy and International Economic Relations), Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine 1999-2000 Master of Science (MSc) in Marketing, Dnipropetrovsk Academy of management, business and law (now Alfred Nobel University), Ukraine 1995-1999 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Marketing, Dnipropetrovsk Academy of management, business and law (now Alfred Nobel University), Ukraine

Professional Experience 2012 - now Director of the International Business School of Alfred Nobel University (IBS-ANU), Dnipro, Ukraine 2011 - now Associate Professor of the International Marketing Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2017 – now Guest Professor The Highest Business School of National Louis University, Novy Sonch (Poland) 2009 – now Regular lecturer of MBA Programmes of the International Business School of Alfred Nobel University (IBS-ANU), Dnipro, Ukraine 2014-2019 Participating (teaching) in Study Program in International Management (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK). 2011-2012 Head of the Master Programmes Department, Business School, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2010-2011 Coordinator of MBA Programme, Business School, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2009-2010 Administrator of MBA Programme, Business School, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2005-2011 Senior Lecturer of the Marketing Department, Dnipropetrovsk University of economics and law (now Alfred Nobel University), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2002-2005 Lecturer of the Marketing Department, Dnipropetrovsk University of economics and law (now Alfred Nobel University), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2002 – 2008 Guest lecturer of the Highest Business School of Competitive Strategies Institute 2000-2002 Lecturer of the Management and Marketing Department, Dnipropetrovsk Academy of management, business and law (now Alfred Nobel University), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 1999-2000 - Assistant Professor of the Management and Marketing Department, Dnipropetrovsk Academy of management, business and law (now Alfred Nobel University), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Research projects 2015 - now Marketing management of competitiveness on micro-, mezo-, macrolevel in the modern сonditions of globalization, № 0114U005600 2010-2015 Theoretical and methodological principles of working out and introduction of marketing strategies of development and competitiveness of the sociо-economic systems, № 0110U000005 2005-2010 Resources and models of global economic development, № 0106U004357

International Projects: 2016 – now International Project “Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiencу” (DOBRE), USAID, Global Communities, Malopolska School of Public Administration at the Krakow University of Economics (MSAP/UEK) 2014-2015 International Project “Innovation University and Leadership”, Warsaw University, Poland 2006-2009 TEMPUS/TACIS programme Joint European Project Curriculum Development 27224- 2006 (UA) “Towards increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian Agriculture-developing a new MBA-degree programme in Agriculture”, The University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Internships and study trips 2020 Leadership, Kyiv, Ukraine 2020 Training for trainers, DOBRE, USAID, Global Communities, Malopolska School of Public Administration at the Krakow University of Economics (MSAP/UEK), Kyiv, Ukraine 2019 Public management and administration, DOBRE, USAID, Global Communities, Malopolska School of Public Administration at the Krakow University of Economics (MSAP/UEK), (Odessa, Ukraine) 2016 European Council for Business Education, The Netherland 2014 Warsaw University, Poland 2015 “Speed Marketing: how to increase sells during 15 days”, work-shop, Business Center “Veda”, Odessa, Ukraine 2014 The Highest Business Scholl – National Louis University, Novyi Sonch, Poland 2014 “Customer-oriented innovative technologies in modern Higher Education” International seminar, Ukrainian Association of management and business education development, Kyiv, Ukraine 2013 “Quality Assuarance, QA: some practical aspects”, seminar, European Council for Business Education, Vienne, Austria 2009 Tempus Project, Amsterdam University, The Netherlands

Сonferences: 2020 XVI International research and practical conference “Bdeschite izsledvania-2020” (Бъдещите изследвания – 2020) [(Modern Research - 2020] Sophia, Bulgaria 2020 XVI International research and practical conference “Innovative development of science and education”, Athens, Greece 2020 XVI International scientific and practical Conference Science and сivilization - 2020, Sheffield, Great Britain 2020 X International research and practical conference “Marketing Management of Competitiveness”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2019 International research and practical conference “Integration of Business Structure: Strategies and Technologies”, Tbilisi, Georgia 2019 XV International research and practical conference Aktual'nye nauchnye dostizhenija – 2019 («Актуальные научные достижения – 2019») [Actual Scientific Achievements– 2019], Prague, Czech Republic. 2018 XIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern scientific potential – 2018, Sheffield, Great Britain 2017 International scientific and practical Conference Innovative potential of socio-economic systems: the challenges of the global world. Lisbon, Portugal

Publication List

Books (monographs): 1. Krasovska O.Yu. and others (2017). Marketynhove stratehichne upravlinnia konkurentospromozhnistiu na mikro-, mezo- i makrorivniakh [Marketing strategic management of competitiveness at micro-, meso- and macro-levels: Monograph] / I. V. Taranenko, O. Yu. Krasovska, S. S. Yaremenko. 2. Krasovska O.Yu. and others (2017). Management of modern socio-economic systems. – Collective monograph. – Vol. 2. Lithuania: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2017. – 260 p. 3. Krasovska O.Yu. (2012). Innovatsii ta osvita v hlobalnii economitsi znan: monohrafiia [Innovation and Education in the Global Knowledge Economy] / I. V. Taranenko, O. Yu. Krasovska,, O.V. Dashevska. – Dnipropetrovsk, ANU. – 280 p.

Selected academic articles: 1. Krasovska O.Yu. (2020) Methods for assessing the level of consumer perception of marketing tools of the enterprise. – Sciences of Europe, No. 52, pp. 25 - 28. 2. Krasovska O. Yu. (2020) Methods of research of efficiency of marketing tools. – Economy and State, No. 5, pp. 133–136. 3. Krasovska O. Yu. (2020) Systematization of existing classifications to methodical approaches to brand assessment of enterprises. – Agrosvit, No. 9, pp. 79–83. 4. Krasovska O. Yu. (2019) Information-analytical support of marketing policy management of the enterprise. – Agrosvit, No. 17, pp. 51–55. 5. Krasovska O.Yu. (2018) Consumer perception of marketing assets of the enterprise. - Economy and State, No.12, pp. 21–24. 6. Krasovska O. Yu. (2018) Influence of internal and external environments on marketing tools of the enterprise. - Business-navigator, Vol. 1-1, pp. 148-153. 7. Krasovska O.Yu. (2018) Marketing tools in the enterprise. - Economic Studies, Vol. 29 (1), pp. 104-108. 8. Krasovska O.Yu. (2018) Algorithm of marketing research process. – Agrosvit, No. 21, pp. 34– 39. 9. Krasovskaya O.Yu. (2018) Theoretical principles of the concept of "marketing mix". - Business Navigator, Vol. 3-2, pp. 12-15. 10. Krasovskaya O.Yu. (2017) Basic scientific approaches to determining the types of marketing assets of the enterprise. - Economy and State, No. 12. 11. Krasovska O.Yu. (2016) Quality Assurance as the Driver of Institutional Transformation of Higher Education in Ukraine. - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Vol. 66, pp. 61-66. 12. Krasovska O.Y., Koshovyi O.G. (2016) Institutional Sport Reform in the Context of Enhancing Investment Attractiveness of Ukraine's Sports Sector. - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Vol. 67, pp. 38-45. 13. Krasovskaya E.Yu., Koshevoy A.G. (2015) Institutional basis of the marketing concept of sports management in Ukraine. - European vector of economic development. - Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, No 2 . 14. Koshevoy A.G., Krasovskaya E.Yu. (2017) Institutional approach in the context of sports reform in Ukraine. - Problems of economy, No. 4., pp. 127-135. 15. Potiy O.V., Krasovska O.Yu. Analysis of institutional relations in the system of quality assurance of higher education. - Bulletin of Odessa National University. Series: Economics, Vol. 20, Iss. 2, pp. 33-36.

Textbooks: 1. Krasovska O.Yu. (2014) Marketynhovi doslidzhennia [The Marketing Research] / V. A. Poltorak, I. V. Taranenko, O. Yu. Krasovska. – Kyiv: CUL ed. 320 p.

Hanna Shcholokova Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Political Sciences) E-mail: [email protected]

Position 09.2020 – Associate Professor of Law, Political Science and International now Relations Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 – Director of International Accreditation Center, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, now Ukraine Education and Faculty Professional Development 2018 – Master studies in Philology (Translation Studies), Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, 2020 Ukraine 2009 Candidate of Science in Political Science (Ph.D.), Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2006 – Postgraduate studies in Political Science, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National 2009 University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2005 – Master of Science (MSc) in Political Science, Dnipropetrovsk National 2006 University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2001 – Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Political Science, Dnipropetrovsk National University, 2005 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine Professional Experience 09.2020 – Associate Professor of Law, Political Science and International now Relations Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 03.2020 – Acting Head of Political Science and International Relations Department, Alfred 08.2020 Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 – Director of International Accreditation Center, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, now Ukraine 2018 – 03.2020 Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Political Science and International Relations Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2018 – Member of the All-Ukrainian Association of Political Sciences now 2014 obtaining a scientific title of Associate Professor (of International Relations Department) 2013 – 2018 Associate Professor of International Relations Department, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2007 – 2013 Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of Political Science Department, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine Research projects 2019 – The problem of balancing the interests of the EU, its members and neighboring states now regarding migration processes: theoretical and methodological dimension (scientific supervisor), state registration number 0119U102511 Conferences 2020 International scientific conference “Achievements and accomplishments of applied and fundamental sciences of the XXI century”, International Center for Scientific Research, Cherkasy, Ukraine 2020 International scientific conference “Prospects for economic development and management in a crisis”, Eastern European Research Center, Odessa, Ukraine 2020 V All-Ukrainian scientific conference of students and young scientists “Social and political problems of modernity”, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine


Senior Lecturer E-mail: [email protected] Position Senior lecturer of the Global Economics Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Education and Faculty Professional Development 1996 – 2001 Specialist, a degree in Finance from Dnipropetrovsk Academy of Management, Business and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Professional Experience 2020 - now Senior Lecturer of the Global Economics Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2018-2020 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Business Process Modelling, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2011-2018 Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2009-2011 Lecturer, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law named after Alfred Nobel, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2001-2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Research projects: 2015-2019 Structural transformations of the Ukrainian economy: macro-, meso- and micro- Levels, state registration number 0115U005679 2010-2015 Complex automation of educational process management in higher education, № 0110U000162

Internships and study trips 2017 (July), Ukrainian courses on the study of the Amadeus (DNK) system, Dnipro, Ukraine September 2014 - February 2015, Internships program "Modern educational technologies in higher education" and "Information and Communication Technologies", Faculty of professional skill improvement, Department of Economic Informatics, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2011 (September-December), Professional skill improvement program "Automation of business documentation creation", Centre of Postgraduate Education, retraining and professional skill improvement, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Сonferences: 2020 Economic cybernetics: research, development and use of models of economic behavior of business entities: a collection of scientific papers on the materials of the All-Ukrainian Internet Conference, NMetAU, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2019 III International scientific-practical conference "Structural transformations of the economy of Ukraine: macro-, meso- and macro-levels", Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2019 Economic cybernetics: the path to the digital economy: a collection of scientific papers on the materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference, NMetAU, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2018 II International scientific-practical conference "Structural transformations of the economy of Ukraine: macro-, meso- and macro-levels", Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2018 Economic cybernetics: prospects of information economy: a collection of sciences. works for mater. All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, "Jurfund", Dnipro, Ukraine. 2017 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Structural Transformations of the Ukrainian Economy", Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2017 Economic, financial and accounting and information technology problems of enterprises: a collection of sciences. works for mater. All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of higher education seekers and young scientists, NMetAU, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2017 Economic cybernetics: aspects of formation and development of electronic economy: a collection of sciences. Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference, NMetAU, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2016 Current directions of ensuring the efficiency of the country's economy: II International Scientific and Practical Conference, East Ukrainian Institute of Economics and Management, Zaporozhye, Ukraine. 2016 The potential of the country's economy: current status, development and management: materials of the International scientific-practical conference, "Lviv Economic Foundation", Lviv, Ukraine. 2016 Economic Cybernetics: A step into the future: a collection of scientific papers on the materials of the All-Ukrainian conference, NMetAU, Dnipro, Ukraine. 2015 Economic Cybernetics: from Theory to Practice. National Conference, NMetAU, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

Publication List Books (monographs): 1. Chumak T.V., Parshina O.A., Yarmolenko L.I. (2018). Finansovyi vplyv mizhnarodnoi trudovoi mihratsii na ekonomichnyi rozvytok natsionalnoi ekonomiky [The financial impact of international labor migration on the economic development of the national economy]. – Structural Transformations and Problems of Information Economy Formation: Collective monograph. – Ascona Publishing, of America, PP.154-166. 2. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I., Kozyrieva I.M. (2017). Doslidzhennia i udoskonalennia systemy upravlinnia zapasamy dystrybiutorskoi firmy [Research and improvement of the distribution company’s inventory management system]. – Ekonomichna kibernetyka: modeliuvannia sotsialno- ekonomichnykh system: kolektyvna monohrafiia [Economic cybernetics: modeling of socio-economic systems: a collective monograph]. – Dnipro: Porohy, PP. 379- 391. 3. Chumak T.V., Savchuk L.M., Savchuk R.M. (2017). Analiz IT-faktoriv vzaiemodii uchasnykiv proektiv informatsiinoi diialnosti [Analysis of IT factors of interaction of participants of information activity projects.]. – Ekonomichna kibernetyka: modeliuvannia sotsialno-ekonomichnykh system: kolektyvna monohrafiia [Economic cybernetics: modeling of socio-economic systems: a collective monograph]. – Dnipro: Porohy, PP. 58-73.

Selected academic articles: 1. Parshyna O.A., Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2019). Osvitnia mihratsiia v Ukraini: Analiz suchasnoho stanu ta tendentsii rozvytku [Educational migration in Ukraine: Analysis of the current state and development trends]. – Elektronnyi fakhovyi zhurnal "Skhidna Yevropa: ekonomika, biznes ta upravlinnia" [Electronic professional journal "Eastern Europe: Economics, Business and Management"], Vol. 4 (21). PP. 421-428. 2. Parshyna O.A., Chumak T.V. (2018). Statystychnyi analiz protsesiv trudovoi mihratsii v Ukraini [Statistical analysis of labor migration processes in Ukraine]. – Visnyk Pryazovskoho Derzhavnoho Tekhnichnoho Universytetu, seriia: Ekonomichni nauky [Bulletin of the Azov State Technical University, series: Economic Sciences]. – Mariupol, Vol 35. PP. 160-167. 3. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2017). Udoskonalennia systemy upravlinnia zapasamy dystrybiutorskoi firmy [Improving the inventory management system of the distribution company]. – Akademichnyi ohliad [Academic Review]. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, №1. PP. 83-92. 4. Chumak T.V., Parshyna O.A. (2017). Analiz tendentsii rozvytku turystychnoho sektoru Ukrainy [Analysis of development trends in the tourism sector of Ukraine]. – Visnyk Pryazovskoho Derzhavnoho Tekhnichnoho Universytetu, seriia: Ekonomichni nauky [Bulletin of the Azov State Technical University series: Economic Sciences]. – Mariupol. PP. 333-341. 5. Shvachych G.G., Chumak T.V., Kholod O.G. (2017). Analiz shliakhiv pidvyshchennia yefektyvnosti vyrobnytva [Analysis of ways to increase production efficiency]. – Yevropeiskyi vektor ekonomichnoho rozvytku. Naukovyi zhurnal [European vector of economic development. Scientific journal], № 2 (25). PP. 108-118. Selected publications (conference proceedings etc): 1. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2020). Udoskonalennia systemy upravlinnia vytratamy maloho pidpryiemstva [Improving the cost management system of a small business]. – Ekonomichna kibernetyka: doslidzhennia, rozrobka i vykorystannia modelei ekonomichnoi povedinky subiektiv hospodariuvannia: zbirnyk naukovykh prats’ za materialamy Vseukrainskoi internet-konferentsii [Economic cybernetics: research, development and use of models of economic behavior of business entities: a collection of scientific papers on the materials of the All-Ukrainian Internet Conference]. – Dnipro: NMetAU, PP. 314-318. 2. Chumak T., Seredenko L. (2019). Informatsiini resursy [Information resources]. – III Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsiia "Strukturni transformatsii ekonomiky Ukrainy: makro-, mezo- y makrorivni" [III International scientific-practical conference "Structural transformations of the economy of Ukraine: macro-, meso- and macro-levels"]. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, PP. 123-124. 3. Chumak T., Nosul K. (2019). Vplyv uchbovoi mihratsii na ekonomiku Ukrainy [Influence of educational migration on the economy of Ukraine]. – III Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsiia "Strukturni transformatsii ekonomiky Ukrainy: makro-, mezo- y makrorivni" [III International scientific-practical conference "Structural transformations of the economy of Ukraine: macro- meso- and macro-levels"]. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, PP. 32-34. 4. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2019). Vplyv trudovoi mihratsii na ekonomiku krainy [The impact of labor migration on the country's economy]. – Ekonomichna kibernetyka: shliakh do tsyfrovoi ekonomiky: zbirnyk naukovykh prats’ za materialamy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi internet- konferentsi [Economic cybernetics: the path to the digital economy: a collection of scientific papers on the materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference]. – Dnipro: NMetAU, PP. 70-73. 5. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2018). Mihratsiini protsesy v Ukraini [Migration processes in Ukraine]. – II Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsiia "Strukturni transformatsii ekonomiky Ukrainy: makro-, mezo- y makrorivni" [II International scientific-practical conference "Structural transformations of the economy of Ukraine: macro-, meso- and macro-levels"]. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, P. 52. 6. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2018). Problemy trudovoi mihratsii v Ukraini [Problems of labor migration in Ukraine]. – Ekonomichna kibernetyka: perspektyvy informatsiinoi ekonomiky: zbirnyk nauk. prats za materialamy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [Economic cybernetics: prospects of information economy: a collection of sciences. Proceedings of the All- Ukrainian scientific-practical conference]. – Dnipro: "Zhurfond", PP. 65-73. 7. Chumak T.V. (2017). Analiz turystychnoho biznesu Ukrainy [Analysis of the tourism business of Ukraine]. – Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsiia "Strukturni transformatsii ekonomiky Ukrainy" [International scientific-practical conference "Structural transformations of the economy of Ukraine"]. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, P. 96. 8. Chumak T.V., Koval H.V. (2017). Informatsiine zabezpechennia turystychnoi diialnosti [Information support of tourist activity]. – Ekonomichni, finansovi ta informatsiyno-tekhnolohichni problemy diahnostyky pidpryyemstv. Zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ za materialamy Vseukrayinsʹkoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi molodykh vchenykh [Economic, financial and information technology problems of enterprise diagnostics. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists]. – Dnipro: NMetAU, P. 112. 9. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2017). Avtomatyzatsiia turystychnoho biznesu [Automation of tourist business]. – Ekonomichna kibernetyka: aspekty stanovlennia i rozvytku elektronnoi ekonomiky: zbirnyk nauk. pratsʹ za materialamy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [Economic cybernetics: aspects of formation and development of electronic economy: collection of sciences. Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference]. – Dnepropetrovsk: Thresholds, PP. 141-145. 10. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2016). Industriia turyzmu yak faktor rozvytku natsionalnoi ekonomiky Ukraini [Tourism industry as a factor in the development of the national economy of Ukraine]. – Aktualni napriamy zabezpechennia efektyvnosti ekonomiky krainy: II Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia [Current directions of ensuring the efficiency of the country's economy: II International Scientific and Practical Conference]. – Zaporozhye: East Ukrainian Institute of Economics and Management, PP. 44-47. 11. Chumak T., Zinkovska T. (2016). Rozrobka ta vprovadzhennia novykh posluh u komertsiinomu banku za dopomohoiu internetu [Development and implementation of new services in a commercial bank using the Internet]. – Potentsial ekonomiky krainy: suchasnyi stan, rozvytok ta upravlinnia: materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [The potential of the country's economy: current status, development and management: materials of the International scientific- practical conference]. – Lviv: "Lviv Economic Foundation", PP. 139-140. 12. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. Rozrobka ta vprovadzhennia novoi posluhy za dopomohoiu internet-bankinhu [Development and implementation of a new service through Internet banking]. – Ekonomichna kibernetyka: krok u maibutnie: zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ za materialamy Vseukrainskoi konferentsii. [Economic cybernetics: a step into the future: a collection of scientific papers on the materials of the All-Ukrainian conference]. – Dnipropetrovsk: Herda, PP. 133-137. 13. Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2015). Udoskonalennia avtomatyzovanoi systemy provedennia monitorinhu rynku zarobitnykh plat na bazi 1S [Improvement of the automated system of monitoring the market of wages and salaries based on 1C]. – Ekonomichna kibernetyka: vid teorii do praktyky: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats za materialamy Vseukrainskoi konferentsii [Economic Cybernetics: from theory to practice: collection of scientific papers for national conference proceedings]. – Dnipropetrovsk: Herda, PP. 230-232.

Textbooks: 1. Kholod E.G., Chumak T.V., Yarmolenko L.I. (2018). Ynformatsyonnye systemy y tekhnolohyy v turyzme: laboratornyj praktykum uchebnoe posobye. Razdel "Systemy upravlenyia bazamy dannykh" (I chast') [Information systems and technologies in tourism: laboratory workshop textbook. Section "Database management systems" (Part I)]. – Dnipro: Alfred Nobel University, 80 p. 2. Rizun N.O., Yarmolenko L.I., Chumak T.V., Kozyreva I.N. (2017). Osnovy informatiki: laboratornyi praktikum uchebnoe posobie [Fundamentals of Informatics: laboratory practice tutorial]. – Dnіpro: Alfred Nobel University, 104 p. 3. Rizun N.O., Yarmolenko L.I., Chumak T.V. (2015). Osnovy informatiki i prikladnoi lingvistiki: Laboratornyi praktikum: Uchebnoe posobie [Basics of Computer Science and Applied Linguistics: Workshop]. – Dnipropetrovsk, Alfred Nobel University, 70 p.

Tetiana Todoroshko Senior Lecturer

E-mail: [email protected] Position 2020 – now Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, Political Science and International Relations, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro 2020 – now Deputy Head, Department of Law, Political Science and International Relations, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro

Education 1997 – 2002 specialty “” National academy of internal affairs.

Professional Experience 2020 – now Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, Political Science and International Relations, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro 2020 – now Deputy Head of the Department of Law, Political Science and International Relations, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro 2013 – 2019 Senior Lecturer of Department of Law, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro 2013 – 2019 Deputy Head of Department of Law Alfred Nobel University, Dnepro, Ukraine 2011 – Lecturer of the Department of Law Alfred Nobel University, Dnepro, Ukraine 2006 - Legal counsel Alfred Nobel University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine 2003 - Legal counsel PE «Svitanok» 1996 - Court session secretary Babushkinskiy District Court, Dnipropetrovsk

Research projects 2010 - 2015 Legal guarantees of rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Ukraine № 0110U000292 2015 - now The main directions of development of modern law and state in Ukraine № 0115U000797

Internship and study trips 2018 Higher school of labor protection management in Katowice (Poland), «Securing the life of others with mortgages»

Сonferences 2020 XI All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Reforming the legal system of Ukraine in the context of building a legal state and European integration, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 X All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Reforming the legal system of Ukraine in the context of building a legal state and European integration, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2019 International scientific conference “Actual problems of domestic law” within the framework of the schoolchildren’s scholarship, dedicated to V.M.Koretsky’s memory, Dnepropetrovsk National University іmenі Olesya Gonchara , Dnipro, Ukraine 2018 IX All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Reforming the legal system of Ukraine in the context of building a legal state and European integration, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine 2017 VIII All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Reforming the legal system of Ukraine in the context of building a legal state and European integration", Alfred Nobel University, Dnіpro, Ukraine 2017 All-Ukrainian science-practical conference "Actual problems of civil, labor and state law: theory and practice in ordinary minds." State University of Internal Relations, Dnіpro, Ukraine 2016 VII All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Reforming the legal system of Ukraine in the context of building a legal state and European integration", Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 2016 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Public Prosecution on Legal Regulation". Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine, Kiev. 2016 XII International scientific-practical conference «Scientific information eyelid thought. Industry. Science and studies», Przemysl, Poland 2015 VI All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Reforming law system of Ukraine in the context development of legal state and European integration”. Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Publication List

Selected academic articles: 1. Palieieva Y., Todoroshko T. (2014). Problem prymenenyia prykaznoho proyzvodstva. [Problems of application of order production]. Elektronne naukove fakhove vydannia «Porivnialno- analitychne pravo». [Electronic scientific professional publication "Comparative and analytical law"], No 3. pp. 65-67. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: vidannja/28 2. Іvanova T., Todoroshko T. (2014). SHlyahi reformi organіv mіscevogo samovryaduvannya ta її neobhіdnіst' v Ukraїnі. Derzhava і pravo. Zbіrnik naukovih prac'. YUridichnі і polіtichnі nauki. Specvipusk. – K.: Іn-t derzhavi і prava іm. V.M. Korec'kogo NAN Ukraїni. pp. 110. 3. Palieieva Y., Todoroshko T. (2017). Shchodo pytannia normatyvnoho zakriplennia protsedury zapytu i otrymannia ahremanu yak zahalnovyznanoi tradytsii: istorychnyi dosvid i suchasnist. [On the issue of normative consolidation of the procedure of requesting and obtaining an agrement as a generally accepted tradition: historical experience and modernity] Almanakh mizhnarodnoho prava. [Almanac international law], No 15. pp. 23-29. 4. Palieieva Y., Todoroshko T. (2017). Novely zakonodavstva shchodo vymoh do pryvatnykh vykonavtsiv. [Amendments to the legislation on requirements for private performers] Dnipropetrovskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Olesia Honchara. Aktualni problemy vitchyznianoi yurysprudentsii. [Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University. Actual problems of domestic jurisprudence], No 2. pp. 138-140. 5. Palieieva Y., Todoroshko T. (2017). Shchodo teoretychnoho pytannia mizhnarodno-pravovoho vyznannia derzhav v konteksti suchasnosti. [On the theoretical issue of international legal recognition of states in the context of modernity] Almanakh mizhnarodnoho prava. [Almanac international law], No 18. pp. 57-63. 6. Pushkіna O., Todoroshko T. (2017). Ponyattya ta formi nasil'stva v sіm’ї. Specvipusk. Naukovij fahovij zbіrnik «Aktual'nі problemi vіtchiznyanoї yurisprudencії». Dnipropetrovsk National University. іm.. Olesya Gonchara ta Іn-t derzhavi і prava іm. V.M. Korec'kogo NAN Ukraїni, 7. Pushkіna O., Todoroshko T. (2018). Profіlaktichnі zahodi protidії nasil'stva v sіm’ї. Dnіpropetrovs'kij nacіonal'nij unіversitet іmenі Olesya Gonchara «Aktual'nі problemi vіtchiznyanoї yurisprudencії» №1. 8. Pushkіna O., TodoroshkoT., Mamonova Y. (2019). Zahist prav іntelektual'noї vlasnostі na komp'yuternі programi: progalini u pravі, rekomendacії shchodo їh usunennya ta dosvіd іnshih kraїn svіtu. Dnіpropetrovs'kij nacіonal'nij unіversitet іmenі Olesya Gonchara «Aktual'nі problemi vіtchiznyanoї yurisprudencії». Specіal'nij vipusk, prisvyachenij Mіzhnarodnіj naukovіj konferencіі “Aktual'nі problemi vіtchiznyanogo prava” v ramkah USH-H naukovih chitan', prisvyachenih pam'yatі V.M.Korec'kogo. pp. 56-59. 9. Pushkіna O., TodoroshkoT., Bocharova M. (2019). Problemnі aspekti vіdshkoduvannya moral'noї shkodi v Ukraїnі. Dnіpropetrovs'kij nacіonal'nij unіversitet іmenі Olesya Gonchara «Aktual'nі problemi vіtchiznyanoї yurisprudencії» №1. pp. 62-65.

Textbooks: 1. Pushkіna O., Nesinova S., Lezhnєva T., Todoroshko T., Probko І. (2017). Korporativne pravo: navchal'nij posіbnik. Dnіpro: Unіversitet imenі Al'freda Nobelya. 260 р. 2. Pushkіna O., Nesinova S., Lezhnєva T., Todoroshko T., Probko І. (2018). Zbіrnik zavdan' dlya samostіjnoї roboti studentіv z disciplіni «Sіmejne pravo». Dnіpro: Unіversitet imenі Al'freda Nobelya. 120 р. 3. Pushkіna O., Nesinova S., Lezhnєva T., Todoroshko T., Chernopyatov S., Probko І. (2018).Zbіrnik zavdan' dlya samostіjnoї roboti studentіv z disciplіni «Osnovi rims'kogo civіl'nogo prava». Dnіpro: Unіversitet imenі Al'freda Nobelya.160 р.