I lx' Austruliatt Rird lJtttuler lune, 1966 Observations on Anting hy an Indian Myna A. S. CARTER Thc authtrrreports his own observationof antingby an Indian Myna (Acridotheres //'i,rtrr). He thcn discussesthis curioushabit, with somerefercnce to the Australianlitera- turc on thc subicctand to someof thc theoriesadvanced to accountfor it. On Sundal. Januarl lT. 1965. I observcdan punishnlcntrathcr thrn cngagingin an cnjoyablc lndi n Myna lnting. lhc timc was approximatcly pastimc. 6.30 1r.nr.ancl tlrc birtl continucdtnting for sQmc Somc thcorics rcfcr to thc usc ol thc ' scvcn or ciglrt nrinutc's.As this particular activity lormic acid as ln insecticidc to combat ccto- of is n()t observcdcvcrl dal perhapsa fcw parasitcs;as thcsc birtls arc rcputcd to carry such thoughls on llrc \Lrbjcctarc in ordcr. The lndian ''boardcrs'. and as I havc rcccntly obscrvcd the Mvna rvas one ol thc lirst birds to be obscryed sanrcspccics ncsting in thc arca, it could possibly in thi\ counlr! to r'ngagr'inthis somcwhatstrange "-fhc be that this particular was trying to rid itsclf bchaviour.A. H. Chisholm in his paper of someanrroying agcnt by this mcthod. Hislorv Qi Anting" (Crlr, 1959) has sct down ((irl- :rn Australianbibliographl which quotcs lcttcrs H. A. Salmorr.obscrving a Grcy Thrush to thL' Mclbournc ;1rgrrIclateri April 27 and May Luricin

30 1966 7'lte A ustraliun IiirJ Banler lune,

usc the ants Thc practicc of anting still remains as a rarcly to confirm the theory that the birds rccordcd occurrcncc,although from the numbers to combat ectoparasltes. of birds known to ant it is obvious that many Acknowledgemcnts my thanks to Mr' K A instanccsmust pass unobserved,or, if obscrved' t would likc to cxprcss his lile on anting' thcn thc watchcr, being unaware that ants arc Hindwood who made aYailablc probably had to spend usctl. does not rcalise the significance of the without which I would have quc:'t lbr pasl rccrrrds' ond actions. ntunt wecks in thc Mr.'A. H. ( hisholm who rtrd thc mJnuscripl mav possiblybe able to shedsome and made hclpful suggcstton. Bird-bandcrs "why light on lhc much-discussedqucstion. do BibliograPhY (1959), lhe History of Anling ['rlr' bir.l. lnt.' il trrppcd bird\ rrc examincd [or Chisholm. A. H. 59:l0l-110. cctoparasitcs,ctc. An indication of what may bc (1960). I-urlhcr Nolcs on Anlin8-' 'antcd" Chisholm. A. H. lclrnt from having birds captured and Erlr,60il.ll-ll'l bc secn from notes publishcd in Chisholm, A. H. (19'1'1) Ihe Pfoblcm of Anting ' cxamincd. can ,l{)5. Bulletin, April, 1963.on rcmarksmadc ,trr.r. ti6:189 thc l///srrr Kel\o. l-.. and Nice. l\1. Nl. (196f1. Wil\ott Bttllttitt bv Dr. V. B. Dubinin, a Russian parasitologist 75:21-16(revicwed in C,rrl. 6'1:751 who dicd in 1958. on the clTectof on Salnron.A. ll. (1961). Anting bv Ci|e1 l-hlrrsh' Errttt Four pipits which had bcen anting 6 l :1.11. fcathcr mitcs. (1961) Anling b\ Mtrdlark E/'rl that of a total Srlnx)n. A. H. wcrc collcctcd and it was found 6l:98. (he of 732 mitcs. 7O werc deatl and 163 dicd within Simmons. K. F. L (19-s7). A Review ol Anting I2 hours. Four ()thcr non-anting piPits wert iierlnt,iour"t Pas\erineBitds . ,t""'"U'1"{.i|ir2'r, and of a total of 758 mitcs only fivc died collectcd Ilul N .S-W' rvithin thc samc pcriod. Thcsc obscrvationstend Ovster ,

An Unusual Superb Blue Wren RetraP attu ()n lcsi thun Thc scdcntarv hxbits of thc Superb Blue Wren :Dccic\ lll\ hcin sccn itt the one hird ha: becn birndcd lMulurus