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Miniature Catalogue Of Miniature Catalogue of STRATEGIA NOVA Designers: Francesco Marchesini & Maksimovic Damir Distributor : Strategia Nova s.r.l. Via Niso 54 - 00181 Roma [email protected] Tel. +39 06 78 94 54 Fax +39 06 78 94 54 Open time: Monday 15:30 - 19:30 Tuesday-Saturday 11:30 - 19:30 1 ITALIAN COLONIAL WARS 25mm ( IN WHITE METAL, DESIGNER F. MARCHESINI ) Chasseurs a pied A 01 Italian Chasseurs command pack (4 fgs.) € 4,65 A 02 Italian Chasseurs Standard bearers and Sergeants (4 fgs.) € 4,65 A 03 Italian Chasseurs standing and firing (4 fgs.) € 4,65 A 04 Italian Chasseurs kneeling and firing (4 fgs.) € 4,65 Bersaglieri A 06 Bersaglieri command pack (4 fgs.) € 4,65 A 07 Bersaglieri charging (4 fgs.) € 4,65 A 08 Bersaglieri standing and kneeling (4 fgs.) € 4,65 Askari A 05 Askari Line of fire (4 fgs.) € 4,65 A 12 Askari Command (NCO & “Scium Basci”)(4 fgs.) € 4,65 A 13 Askari Advancing (4 fgs.) € 4,65 D 02 Askari Artillery (3 fgs. + gun) € 4,65 D 03 Askari Artillery II (3 fgs. + gun) € 4,65 D 04 Askari MG section (3 fgs. + MG) € 8,80 D 09 Askari Artillerymen marching (2 fgs.1 mounted on mule) used alone or with D6 € 4,65 D 10 Askari Artillerymen with rifles (4 fgs.- 2 different poses) € 4,65 Alpini D 07 Alpini mule-handlers with mules (6 fgs. + gun for D6) € 10,35 Zaptié A 14 "Zaptié" Carabiniers Command (NCO Muntàz not present in image see A15) € 4,65 A 15 "Zaptié" Carabiniers with NCO “Muntàz” (4 fgs.) € 4,65 Italian Artillery D 01 National artillery (4 figs. + gun) € 8,80 D 08 National artillerymen marching (4 figs. for D6) € 4,65 D 11 Artillery accessories (ammo boxes, rifles, mule etc.) € 4,65 2 Abyssinian A 09 Abyssinian command pack (4 fgs.) € 4,65 A 10 Abyssinians charging I (4 fgs.- 2 different poses) € 4,65 A 11 Abyssinians charging II (4 fgs.- 2 different poses) € 4,65 B 06 Mounted Abyssinian with rifles (2 fgs. with horses) € 5,70 B 07 Mounted Abyssinian with spears (2 fgs. with horses) € 5,70 C 03 Wounded Abyssinians (2 fgs.) € 3,10 C 04 Abyssinian Headquarter (14 fgs. mounted and dismounted) € 20,65 D 05 Abyssinian artillery (4 fgs. + 1 gun) € 8,80 Italian Cavalry B 01 Italian lancers mounted command pack (officer & standard bearer) € 5,70 B 02 Italian trumpeteer and lancer mounted (2 fgs. with horses) € 5,70 B 03 Italian lancers mounted (2 fgs. with horses) € 5,70 B 04 Keren "Penne di falco" native command pack (here with troopers blister B5) € 5,70 B 05 Keren "Penne di falco" native lancers (here with command blister B4)(2 mnt fgs.) € 5,70 B 08 Officer and NCO's "Cacciatori" (4 fgs. dismounted) € 4,65 B 09 Lancers dismounted – Trooper (4 fgs.) € 4,65 B 10 Lancers holding horses (1 fig. + 3 horses) € 5,70 B 11 Keren “Penne di falco” dismounted with NCO (4 fgs.) € 4,65 B 12 Line of fire of rgt. Keren "Penne di falco" dismounted (4 fgs.) € 4,65 B 13 Askaro "penne di falco" holding horses (1 fig. + 3 horses) € 5,70 B 14 Dead horses (3 dead horses & accessories) € 5,70 C 07 Lancers aiding wounded Askaro (2 fgs.) € 3,10 Italian Headquarter C 01 Italian generals and staff officers I (3 fgs. with a horse & accessories) € 7,75 C 06 Italian generals and staff officers II (3 fgs. on foot and mounted) € 7,75 Dervishes A 16 Dervishes Infantrymen (4 fgs. with swords) € 4,65 A 17 Dervishes Infantrymen (4 fgs. with spears and rifle) € 4,65 B 15 Dervish Baggara Armoured Cavalry Charging (2 fgs. mounted) € 5,70 B 16 Dervish Baggara Armoured Cavalry (2 fgs. mounted) € 5,70 B 17 Dervish Baggara Cavalry command (2 fgs. mounted) € 5,70 Meharists C 05 First Nucleus of Meharists (3 fgs.. + 3 meharas) € 12,90 3 Services C 02 Italian ammunition supply (3 fgs.) € 4,75 C 08 Heliograph System of the pioneers and communication (4 fgs.) € 5,70 C 09 Personalities (Luigi Bocconi, volunteer fallen in Adua - Mauro Ledro, Photoreporter in Adua) € 3,50 C 10 Ambulance with mules, wounded, doctors, officer, chaplain (8 fgs.+ mules) € 29,00 D 06 Pack gun (3 mules + gun), € 8,80 MEDIEVALS “DEUS VULT” 28mm ( IN WHITE METAL DESIGNER MAKSIMOVIC DAMIR ) Teutonic Order M 01 Brother of the Teutonic order, charging with sword or axe on horse w/trapping € 3,50 M 02 Brother of the Teutonic order I, with lance on horse with trapping € 3,50 M 03 Brother of the Teutonic order II, with lance on horse with trapping € 3,50 M 04 Brother of the Teutonic order trusting with lance on horse with trapping € 3,50 M 05 Mounted Sergeant blowing horn € 3,50 M 06 Mounted Sergeant trusting with lance € 3,50 M 07 Marshal of the Teutonic order and knights dismounted (4 figs - 2 different poses) € 5,00 M 08 Infantrymen of the order kneeling with lance (4 figs) € 5,00 M 09 Infantrymen of the order standing with lance (4 figs) € 5,00 Hospitalier Order M 10 Hospitalier Knight mounted ensign € 3,50 M 11 Hospitalier Knight mounted in “Cappa Clausa” with sword € 3,50 M 12 Hospitalier Knight mounted in “Cappa Clausa” with couched lance € 3,50 M 13 Hospitalier Knight mounted with lance € 3,50 M 14 Hospitalier Knight mounted charging with mace or axe € 3,50 Templar Order M 15 Templar Knight mounted in charge € 3,50 M 16 Templar Knight mounted fighting with sword or axe € 3,50 M 17 Templar Knight mounted fighting, with shoulder armor, sword or mace € 3,50 M 18 Templar Knight mounted fighting, with lance or sword € 3,50 M 19 Templar Knight mounted with lance € 3,50 M 43 Templars Sergeants dismounted hooded & kneeling (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 44 Templars Sergeants dismounted hooded (4 fgs.) € 5,00 4 Medieval Infantry M 20 Foot Command (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 21 Archers and crossbowmen (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 22 Infantry attacking (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 23 Medium and Heavy infantry attacking (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 24 Heavy infantry standing (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 25 Pilgrims and monks armed (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 26 Pilgrims & light infantry with polearms (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 27 Medium-light infantry attacking (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 28 Infantry attacking with 2 handweapons (4 fgs.) € 5,00 Medieval Cavalry M 33 Mounted command (2 Knights, 1 standard bearer & 1 hornblower) € 12,00 M 34 Templars Hospitaliers mounted (4 fgs. with horses and weapons) € 12,00 M 35 Brether Teutonics Knights, Marshals (4 fgs. with horses and weapons) € 12,00 M 36 Sergeants Knight Order’s (4 fgs. with horses and weapons) € 12,00 M 45 Knights hooded charging (4 fgs. with horses and weapons) € 12,00 M 46 Knights and horses wounded (4 fgs. with horses and weapons) € 12,00 M 60 Heavy Knights Crusaders (4 fgs. with horses and weapons) € 12,00 M 62 Mounted Command Heavy Knights Crusaders (4 fgs with horses) € 12,00 Heavy Infantry M 37 Command knights attacking (4fgs) € 5,00 M 38 Teutonic knights on foot with two handweapons (4fgs) € 5,00 M 39 Dismounted knights fighting (4fgs) € 5,00 M 40 Dismounted sergeants kneeling and standing (4fgs) € 5,00 M 59 Shieldwall – Heavy infantry (9 fgs. with accessories) € 15,00 Muslims M 47 Muslim Command on Camels (3 fgs. + Camels) € 12,00 M 48 Muslim Camel riders (2 archers & 1 javelinmen on camels) € 12,00 M 49 Baggage (3 camels with drivers and accessories) € 12,00 M 50 Muslim Light cavalry (4 fgs. mounted archers & javelinmen) € 12,00 M 51 Muslim Heavy cavalry (4 fgs. mounted on armoured horses) € 12,00 M 55 Muslim Infantry Command (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 56 Muslim Archers (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 57 Muslim Light Infantry (4fgs.) € 5,00 M 58 Muslim Sudanese Heavy Infantry (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 61 Muslim Heavy Infantry (4 fgs.) € 5,00 5 Baggage M 41 2 mules and drivers with accessories € 5,00 Dioramas M 31 Knight’s appointment on battlefield (4 fgs.) € 5,00 M 32 Ballista + Artillerymen (4 fgs. + ballista) € 10,00 M 42 Knight at tournament € 3,50 MTM Medioeval Tournament (4 Mounted knights, 2 knights dismounted, 2 ladies, 3 heralds, 2 fences) € 28,00 Turcopole M 29 Turcopole on horse with lance € 3,50 M 30 Turcopole on horse with bow € 3,50 Mongols M 52 Mongol Command (2 fgs. mounted ) € 6,00 M 53 Heavy Archers on horses (2 fgs. mounted) € 6,00 M 54 Heavy Cavalry on horses with trapping (2 fgs. mounted) € 6,00 ITALIAN FIRST WORLD WAR 28mm (IN WHITE METAL, DESIGNER F. MARCHESINI) Arditi GG 01 Arditi officers (4 fgs.- 2 different poses) € 5,00 GG 02 Arditi Engineers sappers Squad (4 fgs. - 4 different poses) € 5,00 GG 03 Arditi Flamethrower Squad (4 fgs.- 2 different poses) € 5,00 GG 04 Arditi Assaulting (4 fgs.- 3 different poses) € 5,00 GG 05 Arditi Fighting (4 fgs.- 3 different poses) € 5,00 Alpini GG 06 Alpini officers attacking (4 fgs.- 2 poses different) € 5,00 GG 07 Alpini attacking (4 fgs. – 2 different poses) € 5,00 GG 08 Alpini line of fire (4 fgs.- 3 different poses) € 5,00 GG 09 Machinegun with crew (4 fgs.- different poses) € 5,00 6 ITALIAN SECOND WORLD WAR 28mm (IN WHITE METAL, DESIGNER F. MARCHESINI) Savoia Cavalry IT 01 Officer and NCO's a on horse, charging € 5,00 IT 02 Standard-bearer and trumpeter on horse, charging € 5,00 IT 03 Cavalrymen charging (2 fgs.
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  • The Case the Hungarian Legion (1861-1862)
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    Provided by the author(s) and University College Dublin Library in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite the published version when available. Title "The Futurist Mountains": F.T. Marinetti's experiences of mountain combat in the First World War Authors(s) Daly, Selena Publication date 2013-06-24 Publication information Modern Italy, 18 (4): 323-338 Publisher Routledge (Taylor & Francis) Item record/more information Publisher's statement This is an electronic version of an article published in Modern Italy. Modern Italy is available online at: Publisher's version (DOI) 10.1080/13532944.2013.806289 Downloaded 2021-09-26T23:35:06Z The UCD community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters! (@ucd_oa) © Some rights reserved. For more information, please see the item record link above. ‘TheFuturistmountains’:FilippoTommasoMarinetti’sexperiencesof mountaincombatintheFirstWorldWar SelenaDaly 1VCMJTIFEJO.PEFSO*UBMZ +VOF Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s first experience of active combat was as a member of the Lombard Battalion of Volunteer Cyclists and Motorists in the autumn of 1915, when he fought in the mountains of Trentino at the border of Italy and Austria Hungary. This article examines his experience of mountain combat and how he communicated aspects of it both to specialist, Futurist audiences and to the general public and soldiers, through newspaper articles, manifestos, ‘words in freedom’ drawings, speeches and essays written between 1915 and 1917. Marinetti’s aim in all of these wartime writings was to gain maximum support for the Futurist movement.
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