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Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-11-1916 Western Liberal, 08-11-1916 Lordsburg Print Company

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Recommended Citation Lordsburg Print Company. "Western Liberal, 08-11-1916." (1916).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lordsburg Western Liberal, 1889-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LORDSBURG WATER IS 99.95 PER CENT PURE ir THE WESTERN LIBERAL Volume XXIX No. 38 Lordsburg, New Mexico, Friday, Aug. 11, 1916 subscription, 11 fkr teas

LORDSBURG WILL RECEIVE CON- MILL FOR 85 "POLITICAL NEW HOMESTEAD LAW A BOON SIDERATION IN TROOP MOVEMENT CERTAINTY SPEEKINGS AS TO MANY WHO NOW HOLD LAND IT IS SPOKE" COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS GENERAL BELL IN EL PASO SAT- LAW PASSED WHEREBY ADDITIONAL HOMESTEADS MAY BE URDAY. TELL OF LORDSBURG AS TRAINING CAMP Company Making Tests. Plan for FILED ON LAND NOT ADJOINING ORIGINAL ENTRY Treatment Plant HARDIN MAKES A SPEECH ON BORDER A now law of great interest to The new law provides that ap- Lordsburg has been personally ments in tho way of establishing That the 85 Mining Comnanv represented before General George training camps. Follwing is a piece of fertility the homesteader in the arid coun- plication may be made on additions , will soon begin the erection of try, con- entry twenty miles Bell, Jr-- at his headquarters in the The aides of General Bell's of- from the brain of Walter Chesser, has just been passed by al within of an ore treatment plant at their well known Lordsburg gress and instructions issued to the original tract, and the claim- Mills Building in El Paso. Sat- fice were very courteous in dis- camp humorist. three miles south of Lords- Own-b- y dis- not on addi- urday afternoon Joseph A. Leahy patching the committee to the of- Walter says that when B. B. land officers in the various ant need reside the burg is the belief of those close- and E. B. Venable went on tricts regarding its provisions. tional should he still live on tho and Faris V. Bush were received fice of the commanding officer. ly associated with the company. by the general and arguments The attaches as well as gen- their campaign tour in the south- the law is a provision for fil original tract . the ing ori- heard in favor of this city as a eral himself were as democratic A test mill has been established ern part of the county, they took on additional homesteads. Should he not reside on the military training camp. gentlemen as one would care to by the 85 Company at the Texas along Postmaster Mart Hardin to where the claimant still resides ginal it will be necessary for him meet. School of Mines Building at Fort address an assemblage of Mex- upon and cultivates the ORIGIN- to cultivate nnd reside upon the General Bell recalled the cor- Bliss, Texas. W. Crowdus icans gathered at tho XT ranch. AL homestead in compliance with additional tract as required by A general outline of camping J. is in ' respondence in regard to sending conditions at Lordsburg has been charge of the plant and is making By mistake Mr. Hardin got across the law, altho tho additional need law. troops fa- not adjoin original militia here and seemed prepared and is on file for the complete tests of flotation and wet the line and made this speech to a tho tract. Persons who havd already made vorably impressed with the advan- government any they method of treating tho 85 mine gang of Carranza soldiers: One stipulation of the new final proof on their land may take tages Lordsburg to at time care act had oiler. to make investigations of this city ores. Representatives of several (Walter says this is a verbatim is that both the original and ad- advantage of the now lav. However, it was his opinion that of manu- as a training camp. the largst flotation unit copy of the speech as read olT by ditional homesteads must be des The usual fees are charged by in the future the troops would be and patentees have visit- Camping grounds have been facturers the orator in mention.) ignated under the 320 acre lhw. the government on additional fil- consolidated at a certain point ed the mine and have gone into the located on tho Crocker addition L Where the land is not designated ings and the commissioner before and not be distributed at places problem of concentrating the pre. ccaros and Caballeros: I a special petition must be made to along the border. He stated south of town within easy access you all sabe tio Sam El whom filings are made charges the that to A number of shipments of ore the commissioner at Washington. usual filing fee. he never since the Civil War had both the Southern Pacific and been Presidente of the status in neetlos Where makes & M. an- have made to various test This petition is then acted upon out designation there been general troop move- A. N. Railroads. Water of Americano and muy bravo hom- the petition for or a plants, and it is belioved that the and if the land is found arid and at- ment alysis has been furnished by the bre I trabaho other work where he acts as and that it would now bo the correct method of treatment will that for Presidente unfit for cultivation or not sus- torney cntryman object of the war department to Lordsburg Power Company, whose Woodrow, in el Village dc Lords- for the a special soon be solved. ceptible of irrigation tho entry fee of from $10 to $15 is usually give the militiamen assembled on mains run to the proposed camp burg Americano. Yo tengo mu- Com- company present cbn- - will then be allowed. charged. the border, this training. site. The Southern Pacific The is at chos swinetas y piggos, dc color pany has offered tho use of their necting the main shaft of the mine colorado Although deeply submerged in and maduro. Yo quiero hospital and have also solicited with the newly cut 500 foot level. presente dos hombres who quiero the affairs his department, Gen- Johnny Eades is home again. Ho of the furnishing of water to tho An upraise is being made from mucho votos, Señor Venablo and eral Bell was considerate in re- troops in the winze sunk some time ago. A MILITIA MEN AT lias entirely recovered from the case there should be a Señor Ownby por county commie-cion- cr ceiving the Lordsburg representa- - ev- gun shot wound some days shortage in the city supply- sump has been excavated and y county elerko. They both received tives and hearing their requests. erything is ago. Every indication points to Lords- ready for work on the offi-cian- ANIMAS buscar muchos votos por el o. TO STAY He stated that this city would cer- burg as a future militia training new level. Bruce and Roy Wood are In Doug- be Also there is un hombre, visiting tainly remembered in case camp should the government estab- KVith this development of ore Senor Hughes. He Camp Edinond C. Abbott, locat las tho sister, Mrs. A. there were any further troop move any is no bueno lish more in the southwest. reserve and the erection of a treat- por nada. He quiero combate to- ed at Animas station, is there to ment plant the 85 mine is destin- dos stay until all uneasiness along the R. H. Wamel and Leo Tillcary señores in Mexico y Latin made flying ed to become one of the largest Americo. So you border lias subsided. Seventy a trip to Lordsburg COMING! COLE BROS. ous show that stands without a ri- when vamos por last week...... producers of copper in the state. las polls, remember Venable, members of Company "C", N. M. WORLD TOURED SHOWS Everybody know señor Miss Christina Dunagan return- val. will them, Ownby and Woodrow, también, N. G., are stationed at Camp Ab- The big show is coming, boys. for they do not advertise what too. bott, uncr tho command of ed home from Douglas a few days Adiós amigos. Yo got to va- Cantain ago. they do not give, big HUGHES RANCH SOLD mos. Atwood. The men are from Arte-si- a, The smell of the sawdust is in the hence the Alvio Morris has sold his ranch air. Hear the call of the bugle top is always jammed with a hap- Chas. DeBaud of Wilcox, Ariz.. Roswcll, Tucumcari, Carlsbad, and other cities in eastern and cattle to H. E. Dupuy. Mr. this week purchased the Hughes A NEED the and the crack of the ringmaster's py, eager throng. Originality and OF part of the state. Their camp Morris has gone to Oklahoma to re- whip. Two special of all ranch northeast of town, and will SOUTHERN side. trains progressiveness have been the stock the place with cattle he has GRANT COUNTY is located on the E. P. & S. W. steel cars, the only all steel show kings A railroad and Judge O. G. King was in Lords- watchwords of these of tho at Wilcox. Mr. DeBaud recently Wanted: man of ability of at the Animas . train in the word, will bring Cole Republi- burg the first of the week-Mr- Word-Toure- arena. They have invested hun- disposed of his interests in Ari either the Democratic or Bros.' d Shows and can party in and Mrs. G. W. Maloncy Trained Wild Animal dreds of thousands of dollars and zona and came here with his son southern Grant have returned from Goree, Exhibition to county to become a Dr. Swope Deming, who is Texas. to Lordsburg, N. M., on Thursday, have given years of careful sys- receive medical treatment. He candidate for of John Henderson has come back August 17th, for one perform- tematic preparation to pejrfect was so impressed with the future uiu iiumiiiuuun oi cjiaie re- stationed at Animas with Company to Animas, satisfied to stay here. ance, afternoon, rain or shine. their wonderful organization, and of the town and surrounding presentative. The Liberal would "C" was in Lordsburg Monday en country lo- route to Deming on professional This is the show you have been a glorious reward is the culmina- that he has decided to be Riad to hear from such a man. HACHITA waiting for, the Cole Bros.' tion of efforts. cate here. business. He returned to Lords- fam their burg Tuesday and motored back to Memorial services were held at The Republicans camp with Judge Oliver King. Walnut Wells Sunday on the death hold their of William Parker and wife. SALE OF STATE LANDS rst convention at Silver City Lieut. Richard Dougherty of There will be another gigantic Saturday afternoon. Six dele- Company "C" has been assigned to Companies A and B, New Mex- ico G., Mon- sale of state land in southern gates will be chosen to represent the 20th infantry of the regular N. arrived at Hachita Grant county, which have been ap- the county at the State conven- army. day, hiking from Columbus , 44 plied for by several large cattle tion in Santa Fe. miles, in 8 days. The fine looking outfits. The sale is set for Octo- Tho boys are looking forward boys arrived looking quite jaunty. GoodJ) ber 24 at the county seat. The of The local with anxiety to pay day, which Austin and Stohl, inner Democratic primaries cattlemen of ficial advertisement of this sale will be held Saturday, August has not yet arrived, since they Utah and Wyoming, are in this sec- appears in the Western Liberal. lth. Much interest is manifest. huvo been stationed at Animas. tion after cattle. They have pur- chased the Benton Cattle, 2269, Buy your groceries Here and your wife ANIMAS ITEMS from across the border. The Ben- can prepare a dinner fit for a King yes, Miss Hughalccn Freeman has ton cattle were brought out by even better than that, one fit for an returned home from Hachita, ac John Parks and ho is alive. 350 American Citizen. companied by her sister, Mrs. Tom Carranza soldiers were after them. Upshaw. Mrs. Upshaw will remain .Work has commenced on tho here for a few days with her par-ct- s, addition to the school house. Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman. G. B. Lassitcr is rebuilding the We Sell Groceries Mrs. J. C. Wright has gone to building Douglas to see her niece, Mrs. Ash- brick of Frank Powell's that burnt down this spring. At prices very low. Special prices for ley La Rrinle, who has been seri- large quantities or case purchases ously ill for several days-Pau- l Mrs. W. D. Krelmum and Mrs. Williams was in Lordsburg Massie were visiting In town last week taking in the sights. King's Kandies Keep K ool IN OUR DOUBLE GLASS REFRIGERATOR IN TRANSIT In The Drug Department NEWEST STYLES NEWEST SHAPES Shoes STETSON HATS Walkover MAT, to Qmlnl lut In The Dry Goods Department Th FU and üu Mint ARRIVING DAILY ALWAYS THE BEST Purest Water In The World LADIES SILKS AND' LORDSBURG HAS 99.958 PER CENT PURE DRESS GOODS iMEHARDWARE WATER. R 1VAL OF DEMING'S 99.99 PURE Analysis of Lordsburg Water Tho above comparative analy Silicic 0,98 ses will show that tho Lordsburg NEW FALL STOCKS ALWAYS SUPPPLIED Calc. Carb 0.25 water contains less sólida than the Sodium Carb. 14.90 per cent pure wat Mag. Carb 0.16 famous 99.99 Sodium Sulp 6.26 er of Deming. The water con GINGHAMS, OUTINGS, If you see it in OUR ad, it is SO Sodium Chlor 1.98 sumcd by tho people of Lordsburg We close at 6 o'clock p. m. Sodium Nitrate 0.20 is even purer than that consumed PERCALES. PRINTS Organic and Volatile Matter 2.73 by the people of Doming who "play up" the water of their city at tho v Total Solids 26.46 Analysis of Demlng Water least provocation. TliB Eaile Drni Mercantile Co. Limestone 12.51 The analysis of the water taken Epsom Salt 5.94 from the mains in this city was The Roberts & Leahy Mercantile Co. Common Salt 8.58 made by tho International Filter Lordsburg's Largest Department Store Crystal Water and Organic Company Chicago, Matter 2.97 of one of the Incorporated most accurate Arms of chemists in Total Solids 30.00 the United States. WESTERN LIBERAL.

LIBERAL FOREIGN WESTERN NEWS TO DATE The Serbian government hag decid LOHDSBUnO NEW MEXICO ed to convoke the Serbian WESTERN Paris V. Buth, Editor and Ownar Doughnuts casuultles reported In July Potato Published Ehrery Friday. IN PARAGRAPHS British OIL (Write far Rcclpt) In all tho wnr are as totaled 7,084 MINING AND and 52,591 men. NEWS retain the moisture several days. An It la better to preparo than to destroyed Winnipeg Paint NETWORK OF Flro the food when made CAUQHT FROM THE y and Glass Company's six-stor- build excellent wholesome I WIRES ROUND ABOUT ing with a loss of $300,000. pure Tho tireless cooker has done much Wtatarn Nawapaptr Union Nawa Btnrlca. with the WORLD. Soils, leader cap auction bridge. THE Z Pedro a Vllllsta Quoted for Metals. líor tured recently by Carranza troops, Prices York, $0.35. was put to death In tho Chihuahua Lead, New Baking Most of us have no car for noise, penitentiary. Bar silver, C4c. KC Powder except when wo make It ourselves. DURING THE PAST WEEK Spelter, Denver, $9.33. A euro for cruptlco typhus, the dis Copper, casting, $24.12. ease which made such torrlblo rav- TlrnMnr rrt1n Tttncrtttpn concen Always sure to please. Is anything In heredity every If there ages In Serbia, discovered trates, $20 to $30 per CO per cent unit. our risk. mule ought to little, sense. has been Try a can today at have a horse RECORD OF IMPORTANT EVENTS by Drs. Nlcollo nnd Blalsot of Paris. Cruae ore: sixty per com, zu iu $13.20; 10 A Handy Book containing 10 Cook- in $22.50; 25 per cent, $12 to Mosquitoes this' year may be of poor CONDENSED FOR BUSY Estimates of tho number of dead per cent, $8.80 to $10. ing Ltuona and 54 Tested Recipes wiU quality, but In numbers they lack PEOPLE. the bush fires In northern Ontario ba nulled you FREE if you will send tao put, at 400 by refugees arriving Cripple Creek, July Output, $1,185,406. jour name and address to from the various localities In the fire-ewe- Cripple Creek The output of the JAQUES MFC. CO, CHICAGO The eagle may have lost some ol hit W,trn Ntwipaptr Union Tf iwi Barrica. zone. Cripple Creek district for July totals tall feathers lately, but lie still has his ABOUT THE WAR According to a Berlin official tele 84,900 tons, with a gross bullion value scream. Violent battlo raging along Stok-- gram received In Amsterdam, tho of $1,185,405. That is a slight In- hod between Russians and Austrlans. German food regulation board has crease both in tonnage and valuation Man paints his house to suit him- Ilonewed activity at Verdun marked abolished the prohibition on the use over the June output. The average Sold by self. Vet the peoplo outsldo have to by Important French successes, de- of potatoes as fodder. valuation per ton of all ores treated all look at It. clares Paris. Judges of tho District Courts was $13.96. Turks roport serious chock for Rus throughout tho Mexican republic have Dividends were cold In the month Grocer It Is always proper, however, to find sians In Armenia, claiming the enemy been named. Courts In the federal by tho following companies: Vindi out who Is blamo to for unavoidable lost 3,000 killed in tlveday battle. districts wore opened nnd others will cator, $90,000; Portland, $90,000; accidents. Fresh troops have been ordered in be opened as soon as possible. Golden Cycle, $30,000, a total of $210,-00- 0 - MEN tho pursuit of Villa, Gen. Jacinto Tre- In a new note, Gen. Carranza still dividends of record. The figures WANTED 30.000 A woman looks upon arbitration a vino City. are follows: a last resort of obtaining her own announced at Chihuahua Insists that the first thing to be de as German troops are reported operat cided by the United States and Mexi Plant Ton. Av.Vl. Or. VI. weet way. Golden Cycle Colo. 34,000 $18.00 (612,000 ing In support of the Austro-Hu- n co commission In conferences Is tho rn..tnn,i rs xr i? AAA on nn 94H Ann For Harvest Work Western Ganada ninPu.' Z61Í2S0 A bawling calf In a butcher's wagon garlanu In the Carpathian mountains. withdrawal of the American troops Smelters, Dn.& S5.00 was I'qruana, victor . ia,uui z.iy Is enough to take a d man's The Dutch steamer Zeeland from Mexico. Portland, Imlep. . H.S60 1.92 17.938 appetite sunk by a German submarine. The At London, Mrs. Joseph n.l.l.rlnlfl Mnv-r'- 1.SSO 2.K0 S.27& Immense croDs: wages $3.00 per day and board. Cheap for veal. Chamber Worcester-Ilubl- c . 250 2.90 725 crew was landed safely at South lain, widow of the late British states railway rates from boundary Doints. Employment bureaus Man's best friend Is neither the Shields. Lloyds reports tlve other man and tho Rev. William Hartley Totals 84,900 (13.96 1,185.406 horso nor the dog. Man's best friend vessels sunk. Carnegie, rector of St. Margaret's and at Winnipeg, Regina, North Portal, Saskatoon, Fort Frances, Arizona. is an optimistic liver. An Important success Is reported cafion of Westminster, were married Kingsgate, B. Courts and Calgary, Alberta. for the German Eastern army neur at Westmlnator Abbey. An average dump assay from the C, Big went $196.77. All philosophical minds, when they Kovel, whoro the Russians have been A quarantine of thirty on chil Jim at Oatman get days can't what they want, make the ilrlvon back several hundred yards dren arriving In Cuba from American Sulphides assaying from $48 up are No Conscription most of what they have. from the vlllago of Rudka-Mlry- n ports has been ordered by the secre coming In at the Rescue at Kingman. skala. tary of sanitation at Havana. The The property of tho Chicago Syndi Ansolutoiy No Military interiorano young al- With n married man It Is successes for the Italian step was taken owing to the preval- cate is one of the really active spots ways a question old Continued to whether to let his arms are reported from Home In an ence of infantile páralysls In New off tho Oatman dUtrlct. For all particulars apply habits or his new wife boss him. official statement which declares that York. Water In tho No. 2 shaft of tho W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Be Dldg., Omaha, Nbr. AuBtrlans have been forced to re- An eastern woman was fined $10 for the Tho debate In the House of Com Towne mine at Chloride has been Canadian Gorernmcat Agent In running her automobile Into a railroad withdraw from fortified positions mons on John Dillon's motion urging duced In the shaft to a distance of Adlge valley In train. At that she got off, cheaply. the and latría. the government to disclose Its plan 150 feet. HEAD HUNTERS GETTING BUSY Russia's Natural Roads. The Italian mall steamer Letlmbro for the government of Ireland during The Arizona-Centra- l shaft at Oat Ilussln Is almost a roadless land. It Tho English government proposes to Tas sunk by a submarine and twen the war, seems to have left the pros man has exposed a lodge at about 200 Natives of Solomon Island Take Ad- - Is Inconceivable to the foreign visitor fluppress poker as a gambling game, survlvoM have arrived at pect of an amicable settlement of the ftet depth that has some calclte but vantage of War to Gather who has never left the beaten track of Another American Institution assailed. Malta, says a Reuter dispatch from Irish problem as distant as before. 13 mostly quartz. Troples. the railways In Itussla haw u great em- pire can have subsisted so long und so that place. Two boatloads of sur Roger Casement was hanged In tho J. A. Salsbury, of New York City, A copper cent brought $000 at a re- vivors also have arrived at Syracuse, yard of PentonvlIIe prison In London representing large eastern Interests, At llrst sight there does not seem successfully without even a pretense at cent saló down East. How we'd like Total losses of tho allied armies for bis part as has purchased the Kay copper prop- to be it very close connection between roads. The secret lies in the fact that year na- to be on the selling end of a deal like since the present otfenslvo began on against Great Britain In the recent erty at Mineral Park. the war In Europe nnd head hunting for five or sis months In the I that tho river Somme estimated by Berlin Irluh rebellion that culminated in the In the Solomon . Nevertheless, ture herself provides roads over the In the early days, maybe thirty greater part at 3C0.000 men. Paris estimates the ptieet battles In Dublin and the exe the one arises from the other. of Russia admirable, years ago, the Chlorlders worked only hard-wor- Should one undertake only the work average German losses at ono division cution of several lesser leaders of tho Previous to the outbreak of the smooth, glossy roadways over n $200 ore at the Schenectady, and snow, he had n taste for, he might find that daily since the drive waB Inaugurated Irish band which he had fostered. war, according to a Vancouver World's many thousands of dollars worth of The truffle Is further cheapened over every kind of work Is an acquired Official statements from both tho SPORTING NEWS high grade was shipped. Great things Sydney (N. S. W.) correspondent, Brit- war- those ronds by the substitution of a taste. allied and the capitals refer Stnnillna; Clu predicted property ish, nnd occasionally German German of Western I.raiiue 1., were of the If It sledge-runne- r for the wheel and nxfe. to furious aerial fighting being done Cluus Won. Lost. Pet. properly explored; ships patrolled the Islnnds and en- Omahn 61 35 .635 should ever be This brings the cost of land carriage Another lure of "back to the soil" is 120-foo- deavored to keep down cannibalism by both sides. The French reports Lincoln 7 41 .582 now from the t level ore is water-born- e one may satiate an ungovernable and among ns near the cheapness of that says that a German aeroplane ap Den Moines 49 49 .500 being taken out worth $111.40 per ton the natives, who nre largely of appetite for green onions any day be Sioux City 48 f.l .485 Papuan or Malaysian stock." How freight ns possible and It Is the princi- parently of a now type was brought Tnpeka 46 52 .469 value. so desires. ever, requirements trans- pal renson why Itusslu In the twentieth, down in the Somme sector. Denver ,.,.ir 4B 63 .459 the for the Wichita 4.r. 54 .455 port of troops led to recall of the century Is still n roadless land. - Colorado. the God-fearin- again become con 40 .417 A g mother can put a Verdun has the St. Joseph 56 British warships and the hnppy head tor of principal fighting now In A good grade ore whole lot of prayer behind her slipper the of has been mined hunter has been follow his own Imitation Pearls. progress on war fronts, Manager Oakes of the Denver Bears and shipped from the Rose Nlcol free to when she fans the seat of little Wll the various devious courses. Clever Imitation perls have been two days Btrug announced that ho had signed Ray shaft at Cripple Creek. He's trousers. After of most violent In one rnld made by n mountain made by filling thin glass bulbs with a gle Im Andrews, Denver pitching star, on a Mayflower group the French have retaken the The lease of the trlblc upon a small village near the solution of fish scale nacre. Another portant Thlaumont work, while the conditional agreement. Is looked upon as an Is to Inside Jitney cars swept the country and litar Sllverton const no less than 20 heads were se- method coat the of the entry At Kalamazoo, Mich., Bill Dale, 10 per gelatin disappeared as swiftly as an outbreak Germans have achieved an Into Important factor in the development cured. No punishment fellowed glass bulbs with a cent the village of Fleury. handled by Walter Cox, won the Bur of which Is allowed to become of Influenza. A Jitney and a long haul the district. the whites were unable to or- solution dick purse of $2,000 for 2:09 only a are Incompatible. WESTERN hotel In spite of the present dullness In ganize In time'. As n consequence partially dry before small pacers, in straight of sodium phosphate is added, Four days of tho recent extreme heats. the tungsten market, a spirit of opti- the raids nre growing more dangerouR, amount then the drying process Is continued It Is hoped that In these days of heat caused nearly 1,000 deaths In The Great Western meeting closed mism as to the future prevails at most nnd nlthough ns yet, no Europeans d 111., slowly. The Imitations look much like pure-foo- laws tho huge shortage In Chicago. at Peoria, with Peter Pointer cap of the Boulder mining offices. have been attacked, planters have con- genuine pearls, but they can be detect- tho pea crop will not cause an advance turing first place In the 2:18 pace Capitalists from Philadelphia have stantly to keep on their gunrd. Chas. E. Hughes will speak In Den' ed by noting tho place where tho price making a poor showing In Klrke-Whit- e, the bulbs in of coffee. ver Aug. 2C, and then spend a week after the recently been visiting the two by landing have been sealed. In Estes park. first heats fifth and Germanla, Belcher and other A human being cannot breathe nt n Good paragraphing haV' sixth places respectively. consists of Mrs. John Sadllnger, youngest rcdlum ore mines on Quartz HUI, height of seven miles from the earth. Ing the nerve to take Is not the height some men nt-ta- ln the material for daughter of John Brown of Harpers By far the largest entry list ever Crlpplo Creek. It a n editorial and adminis that makes them giddy It is look- Ferry, died at Campbell, San Jose, obtained for a hill climbing competi Gold brick No. 7, representing a It lu n two-lin- o dose. a case of love's labor lost un ing down with contempt on the crowd ter tion In this country or abroad has large part of the recent cleanup of It's Cal. less It gets Into the union. beneath them. been received for the contests to be the United States Gold Corporation Soap Is selling $1 All grades of Pennsylvania crude for a cake In Bel ruh over the wonderful mountain road mino glum, giving oil, with the exception of Ragland and mill nt Sugar Loaf was thus tho stricken Bel on Pikes peak for the Penrose trophy sent to the was glans a good excuse for going were reduced 10 cents a barrel at Denver mint nnd with and $7,000 In cash prizes, Aug. 10, 11 over $5,000. out their mututlnal bath. Pittsburgh, and Ragland was reduced worth 5 cents. and 12. Leases In likely ground nro much Creek" district-Man- An ounce of prevention Is worth a Charles 11. Mover for president and GENERAL desired In the Cripple y pound of cure, and some think a pound Ernest Mills for segretary-treasurer- , Union men are reported trying to such leases, let early In the year, now of euro Is not too much to pay for a have been for two years force 1,700 railroads Into receiver's aro on the shipping list and ton of what caused tho trouble. by a referendum vote of the Western hands, by rejecting arbitration. swell materially tho output of tho Federation of Miners. Fully sixty lives wero lost In a flood ctmp. It does not require the expert Three auto bandits entered the that swept down tho narrow valley knowledge of the weather bureau to plant of an adding machine company through which flows Big Barren creóle New Mexico, convince the general public that this at Detroit, Mich., and after shooting in Claiborne county, Tenn. It is stated that the oil and gas is going to be a hot summer. And one of tho clerks escaped with bags More than 1,000 children now have strike southeast of Raton has been the hottest thing about It Is not go said to contain $35,000. been killed by tho epidemic of Infan ccnflrmed. ing to be the temperature. WASHINGTON tile paralysis and nearly 5,000 have Tho sum. of $52,409, or 35 cents a Tho report, been stricken by the disease. share for all outstanding capital theology Is conference nlreadyap "Our that the man who proved by on agrlcul With her crow lined up on dock stock of the Savanna Copper Com when he wnnts to gets the Senate, tho miles swear appropriation bill carrying ap cheering for America and Us people pany, was pa'ld to stockholders of its ,a credit murk In tho books tural at the proximately $33,000,000 the German submarine Deutschland holdings In tho Burro mountains last gates." Maybe, but most was adopted of us have by passed out to sea at Norfolk, Va. year to the Burro Mountain Copper Three Words learned to watch him closely while tho House. he employés of New Company. is down here. Tho administration warned federal The tho York officeholders to keep out of politics Railways Company voted Friday night Statistics issued recently disclose To Your Grocer m&i mo uopper company, op- While thev mnv pet nlnntr tinrmnnl. during tho present campaign, in view to strike, and a strike on all the com uuino pany's was therefore crating large properties at Hurley ously on other subjects, wo doubt of the statute which makes It a crime lines ordered any for presidential appointees to engage A whale was killed In an and Santa Rita, Is earning about $1,' whether husband and wlfo can 000,000 a month. The company's lover aereo which was scared tho mnxt actively in political work. Inlet at Itockaway Beach, N. J. It had profits for this year, including May "New Post Toasties" when they stood, shoulder to An Inquiry probably will bo modo gono Into tho inlet at high tide and shoulder, but not lator months, were $4,000,000 ai) ü got inarncu. In the Sonate as to why the Senate's when the tide went down was unablo By the terms I ?.l resolution designed to aid Sir Roger to get out. of a contract signed i ni a nl Jl; up win onng pacttuge or.ilDreatcrasrlf.. naices wiin a aeucious Doctor Mayo believes that the Slav Casement was not presented to tho Mrs. Frances Lano, stepmother of with tho State Land Commission er tho New Mexico new corn flavour flakes that don't mush down when will give fresh Impetus to occidental British foreign office until nftor Sir Franklin Lane, secretary of tho In Petroleum and Gas Development Company milk or cream is added, nor are they "chaffy" in the civilization; that he coutalns the hopa Roger had been hanged. terior, died at Santa Barbara, Cal., at leases 000,000 acres of state lands In Chaves. of tho new age. This Is a scientific Acting Secretary the advanced age of 80. She con package like the ordinary kind. Polk announced Torrance, San Miguel, Lincoln and optimistic way of disposing of the treaty by ducted a small dairy. and that the which the United Santa Fé counties for oil explora Russian bugbear. Is to purchase, New Toasties States tho Danish Wost Plans for the reorganization and tlon purposes, tho state to receive a These Pott are manufactured by a new Indies from Denmark for $25,000,000 perpetuation of tho Progressive party A court has decided that an elevator 10 por cent royalty, while twenty process using quick, intense heat which raises tiny was signed at Now York by Secretary as a national political organization wells must be drilled within two years Is not a vehicle. Presumably becauso Lansing and Minister Constantln bubbles over each flake, the distinguishing character- it merely runs by and not over people. were adopted at n conference of Bull and the company furnishes 'a bond Brtin. Moose representatives at Indianapolis, of $50,000. istic And the new process also brings out a new com President Wilson came out firmly flavour, never tasted in flakes Since real war news began to pcrco-Int- o President Wilson will go to north corn of the past. against the federal through the censorship abroad, tho amendment for ern Wisconsin Incognito and spend at Wyoming. "dime novel" Its woman suffrage. After considering has lost least two weeks In tho heart of Wis Oklahoma oil men prospecting Try a handful dry they're good this way and the tnnpy surreptitious tho announcement of Mr. Hughes In are punch for readers. consln forests seeking rsst and recre near Sheridan. test will reveal their superior flavour. But they're favor of tho nmondmont, tho Presl ation previous to starting his cam Everything Is done (or you, In this dent directed Socretary Tumulty to paign for Oil was struck by the company usually served with milk or cream. age of the specialization of laboi inform the nowspapormon that he had di tiling on the Corfleld tract north excopt finding tin workman which you not changed his position on suffrage Mnrgarot Ryan, a Canadian work of Basin In a most encouraging quan wuut to do your particular special Job. and bolloved womon should be on ing girl, was declared by Judgo K. M tity and quality. New 1 by tho not by tho Post Toasties t i i franchlsod states and Landls of United States District Tho third gas well brought in by They are beginning to fall Into two an amendment to the federal const! Court at Chicago, to be tho mother the Lamb Drilling Company for the for tomorrow's breakfast . well-define- d tutlon. year-ol- d cIumhm: The magnzlncs of a war baby, claimed also Big Horn Oil & Gas Company, of that you like to rend and those which Tho Senate passed District of Co by Mrs. Anna Dollle Ledgerwood Mat llnsln, is estimated to have on out' Sold by Grocers everywhere. print pictures you disapprove on the luinbla appropriation bill carrying ters, and given the custody of the put of about 7,000,000 cubic feet per cover. H3.000.000. : Infant. day. WESTERN LIBERAL.

Ona-fourt- h of tho spaoch was de- voted to Mexico. Stop after step tak- WESTERN CANADA ADMITS JUMPING BOND HUGHES en by tho administration with refer- HUSBAND SAVED ence to Mexico was assailed, from tho NEW MEXICO days of Huerta to tho noto sent tho SCOUT WANTED ON CHARGE OF do government De- HIS WIFE ACCEPTS facto by the Stato Creameries Show WHISKY FRAUD. partment Juno 20 last, part of which Tremendous Increase in was quoted in the speech. STATE NEWS Butter' Production. Stopped Moot Terrible Suf- ASSAIL8 ADMINISTRATION'S FOR. Tho seizure of Vera Cruz, the nomi- Guy Johnson, at Columbus, Confesses fering by Getting Her Lydia EIGN POLICIES AND U. nee said, "was war, of course." His Real Name Is Hartman, and S. The Dairy Commissioner, nt an E. Vegeta-bl- e first Western Newspaper Union News Service. a Fugitive From Arkansas. Pinkham's UNPREPAREDNESS. "Later wo retired from Vera Cruz," nual convention ot Saskatchewan Compound. he continued, "giving up this noble Dalrymen'8 association, reviewed pro- warfare Recently the naked truth Aug. 23 Republican Stato Convention gress of 1015 which shows n great In- nt Banta K. Western Newspaper Union News Sertlce. Denlson, Texas. "After my llttlo was admitted by a cabinet officer. Wo Aug. 24-Í- 6 Lovlngton. crease In tho butter production of the Fair at Columbus, girl was born two years ago I began suf FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE aro now informed that wo did not go Aug. so Dcinlcrntlc Stato Convention N. M. Tho expedition- creameries amounting to nt tta, ary scout, known Guy fering with iemalo to Vera Gruz to forco Huerta to sa- Autr. Convention ns Johnson, l.GOO.OOO lbs. lit also said tho im si Progressive State hold troublo and could lute tho flag. Wo aro told that we lit Santa Vé. hero by military authorities, con- provement in qunllty Is shown by the Solit. 7 State Tennis Tournament at fessed that hó Is Guy Hartman, hardly do my work. Declares for Just Interests of Labor, wont thero to 'show Moxlco that wo preference nccorded Saskatchewan Jtoawell. HP W i was very nervous Sept. H-1- C wanted by United States authorities Conservation of Natural Re woro in earnest In our demand that In outside, Fnlr at Arteslo. but just kept drag- butter markets. Shipments Sept. 1B-- Fair at Dexter. In Fort Smith, Ark., in connection Huorta must go."' Sept. 8 ging on sources and for a National out of the province for the year to Stato Fair at Albuquerque. with alleged "moonshlno" whUky until last Amorlca, Mr. Hughes continued, has 52 oüiil. is-2- 3 Live siock ami rrwuuiii, summer when I got Udget. taled carloads. Exposition at ltoawell. frauds, according to Capt. Louis J. no policy of aggression toward Mex- 6 where I could do According to bulletin Just Issued by Oct. New Mexico Hankers" Associ- Vanschalck, army not ico, no desire for any part of net terri- the department ation Convontlon nt Grand Canon, chief of tho local my work. would Manitoba of agricul Ariz. Intelligence bureau. Capt. Vanschalck I Newpaper Union Nen Service. tory, but wishes to have peace, 10-1- havo a chill every Wtrn her ture, the dairy Industry hnd n very Oct. 3 Dona Ana County Fair at said that the prisoner ndmltted stability and prosperity. Las Cruces, that day and hot flashes New. York, Aug. 1. Charles B. successful year In 1015,, There was nn ho had fled to Mexico whllo under a - and dizzy spells and Huglfos- outlined In hta speech of ac- "Brave Words In Notes." Increase of over 1,000,000 lbs. of cronm- - poultry $20,000 bond to appear trial in ery Clovls is arranging for a for my head would al ceptance the issues upon which ho "Tho conduct of tho administra- butter produced, as against the show. May, 1915, nnd assorted ho was will- previous yenr, 200,000 In- most burst I got where! was almost will conduct his campaign for' tho tion has created difficulties wo shall about lbs. building ing to return to Arkansas for trial. presidency. crease In dairy butter and over 25,000 Kspanola Is having a a walking skeleton and life was a burden havo to surmount," ho said. "Wo de- Johnson, whom army officers as- to mo lbs. Increase In the cheese output. The boom. until ono day my husband's step- Governors of threo states, many mand from Mexico the protection ot sert has been ono of tho most valu- sister told my did Increase of tly total value of milk and Tucumcarl Is bocomlng a wool husbindif he not do United' States senators, ulíout 100 tho lives and property of our citi- able scouts attached to tho American something for mo 1 would milk products wns over $427,000. trado center. not last long representatives In Congress, many zens and the security ot our border The oxpodltlon In Moxlco, told n story ot and told him to get your medicine. So ho production of dairy butter for Mani- Chautauqua delegates to tho Republican and Pro- from depredations." Mojintalnnlr's ninth a year of mental torturo In which the got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- toba during tho year wns 4,150,4-1- gressive national conventions and Safeguarding American rights abroad lbs. was a success. fear ot detectives was constantly with pound for me, and after taking the first and It brought nn average price 23c chairmen of tho state, of had not been accomplished i by the of July was genorally a dry month In him. In telling It revealed, how- three doses began improve. con- committees per creamery he I to I both parties witnessed the notifica- administration, he said. Thero had lb.; of butter 5,839,00" Now Moxlco this year. ever, that although a fugitivo from tinued Its use, and I have never had any been "brave words in a ol lbs. were produced which commanded in pat- femalo since. tion ceremonies In Carnegie hall. series per The union men of Albunuorquo will Justice the United Stntcs his trouble I feel that I owe notes," but "what does it avail to use 20c lb. on the average; cheese pro- riotism was greater and my life to you and your remedies. They Senator Warren Harding of Ohio, wns parado thero Labor day. than his fear some of tho strongest words known duction 720,725 lbs. which sold nt ns a result ho his services to did for mo what doctors could not do who presided at the Chicago conven- nn average The Las Vegas paving question was offered to diplomacy if ambassadors receive price of 15c the total Gen. Pershing. and I will always pralso it wherever I tion, presided at this meeting and de- value of these three products Is given taken into District Court. tho impression that the words aro At military headquarters it was an- go." Mrs. G. O. Lowery, 419 W.Mon-tere- y livered tho notification speech. Mr. ns $2,700,098, In addition to which the Contracts havo been let for paving Hughes was only speaker. not to be taken seriously!" nounced that he hud made tho follow- Street, Denlson, Texas. tho other milk produced Is valued nt $925,059 tho plaza In East Las Vegas. you His family occupied two The nominee reiterated his declara- ing statement: If aro suffering from any form of and friends and tho cream nt $158,827, the nvcrnge Fú ills, boxes. tion that had this government left no Funds are being raised at Santa "I am Guy Hartnran and am anx- femalo get a bottle of Lydia E. price of the milk being reckoned nt Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, nnd Mr., Hughes was doubt that it meant to hold Germany for tho La Bajada road project. ious to wnlvo extradition nnd go to frequently inter- per lb. and of sweet cream nt 32c commence delay. by to "strict accountability," there would Tucumcarl citizens have subscribed for ot tho treatment without rupted laughter and applause. per lb. butter-fat- . In connection with Arkansas trial. At tho time have been no loss of life on the Lusl-tanla- . $10,000 for a Y. M. C. A. building. my flight In May, 1915, I was undor a After delivering hl3 speech ho was the dairy industry It is Interesting to Its county $20,000 bond to nppoar for trial May Sort. host at a reception to the notification note that almost tho most Important Tho dates for the Dona Anna "Did you where In the storm tho Discussing preparednoss, Mr. Hughes 10-1- committee and the invited guests fodder crop now Is corn, of which fair havo been fixed as Oct. 21, 1913." to said was apparent United the other night the Jnll wns struck?" the notification ceremony. it that the 1015 production to 100,132 aro plan- States was "shockingly unprepared." amounted Farmers near Carlsbad "Well, what better place for n light- Col.'' Theodore Itoosevelt and Mrs. tons. The biggest cultivated fodder ning to feed stock the coming season, Salary Fund Is Full. ning bolt?" Falls In Responsibilities. Roosevelt were present. crop Is timothy which for last season Over 7,000 auto Hcenso3 have been Santa Fé. Receipts of July taxes "The administration has failed to produced 103,357 tons next have been so large so promptly Former President Taft telegraphed and the Issued by the Secretary of Stato thU and Red Cross Bag Blue, much better, rom from Canada that ho would bo unable discharge its responsibilities," Mr. most popular crop was brome grass year. obtained by the state treasurer that farther than liquid blue. Get from- - any to Hughes continued. "Apparently it is with 45,815 tons; of nlfnlfn and clover Is enough In tho salary fund to grocer. Adv. arrive, stating in his telegram to A of 1,314 wore confirmed In thero now seeking to meet political exigen- there were produced some 38,000 tons. total meet all July payments to cover James B. Reynolds, secretary of tho Grant county in ten days by Bishop and cies by its naval program. Dut It ha3 Tho number of cattlo In the province the quarterly payments be mado In Why She Worried. national committee, that ha regretted Schulor. to Is given (131,005, In- "Oh, sighed sml-oiie- . that he could not bo present at a imposed on the country an Incompe- ns which Is an ' August. A distribution gives tho Uni- my!" the "great occasion, to great tent naval administration. crease of 130,000 over the previous It Is stated that tha Clayton flour- versity of New Mexico $8,033.37, en- "Now what's the mutter?" Mild the hear a mill, by fire, speech, an augury of victory." "We demand adequate protection on year. ing recently destroyed abling it to open its term with a hand- other, may be rebuilt. paper says as- Mr. Hughes, In his speech, assailed both our western and eastern coasts. The fact that the Red Deer, Alberta, some amount in its treasury. To tho "This the engineers sert only enough coal to Inst the administration for the course it Wo demand thoroughness and effi- cheese fnctory Is handling four times Delays in shipping machinery for current school fund was allotted that the as much win- post- chart-tnbl- o world S00 yours Is available In New- has pursued with reference to Mexico, ciency in both arms of the service. milk this season as last the saw mills at Alamogordo has interest fund, $S,910.73; Improvement castle." maintenance of rights dur- It seems to be plain that our regular ter shows the growing In poned opening of work. Institutions, '$5,3G5.29; stnte American "Well, why you go down to ing tho European war, preparedness army Is too small. Wo aro too great the dnlry Industry. On Feb. 14, It wns West Vaughn, Guadalupo county, roads, $11,801.37; salary fund, don't fortune-tellin- g woman nnd Mini and great questions of day. a country to require of our citizens announced the factory had Just has been Incorporated and will hold agricultural college, that ofher the out If you're going to live over S00 who are engaged in peaceful voca- shipped two tons of cheese for Calgary an election on Aug. 12. school ot mines, $3,402.43; For Firm Policy. market. yours?" tions the sort of military service to Gallup now Is said to be enacting military institute, $3,174.25; normal He declared for a new policy of Cardston, Alberta, creamery In 1015 which they are now called." rather heavily tho rolo ot oasis to university, $5,192.94; normal school, "firmness and consistency"' toward paid Its patrons a rate of 27V&C per Of tho present prosperity Mr. tho prohibition $4,9G2.CS; Spanish American normal, .RED, ROUGH, SORE HANDS Mexico, for unflinching mainte- re- Arizona desert. "tho Hughes said: "We are living in a lb. for butter fnt and hnd a profit $1,09C22; deaf and dumb asylum, nance of all American rights on land maining over nil expenses $5,584. Tho Las Vegas Normal University ' fool's paradise" is, ho said, pros- of blind asylunf, $2,590.47; min- by Usa It a has sent 320 pounds ot canned fruits May Be Soothed and Healed nd sea" and "for adequate national perity brought by Tho crenmery during season distrib- ers' hospital, $1,154.14; Insane asy- about tho abnormal to the New Mexico guardsmen. of Cutlcura. Trial Free. defense adequate protection on both conditions of war. For the protection uted among farmers $01,117 nnd manu- lum, $S,G55.37. our western and eastern coasts." of the industries and workingmen of factured 250,000 lbs. butter nnd 13,000 The county commissioners of Albu- Nothing so soothing and healing for lbs. cheese. Average "We denounce all plots and con- the United States against compe- price realized for querque ordered tho redemption ol red, rough and Irritated bandB as Cutl- the was Buys Jones Buffalo Herd. spiracies In the Interest of any for- tition of "an energized Europe," Mr. butter 28U cents. f 17,500 funding bonds ot Aug. 2, 1897. cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment. development Indus- Fort Sumner. Robert McKoiizIe eign nation," Mr. Hughes said. "Ut- Hughes said It was plain that wo must The of the dairy Masonic bodies ot Raton have pur- Soak hands on retiring in hot Cutlcura try Indi- has returned from a trip to Clovls terly intolerable 13 the use of our soil have protective, upbuilding policies. of Northern Alberta Is well chased a plot ot ground 75 by 142 on soapsuds. Dry, and gently anoint hands cated by the growth of n prominent where ho bought tho Buffalo Sones tor alien Intrigues. Every American Other measures, too, should be ap- which a Masonic templo Is to be with Cutlcura Ointment. A one-nig- dnlry In 1915 pro- herd of buffalo, which ho will placo must unreservedly condemn them and plied, he said, notably the upbuilding business here, which erected. troatment works wonders. duced 2,525,000 lbs. butter, an Incrensc In a pasture near here and allow to lupport every effort for their suppres-ilon.- " of a merchant marine. regents, Freo samplo each by mall with Book. of 400,000 lbs. over the previous year. Tho board of of tho Silver Increase If they will. Tho herd com- City on erecti- AddrcBS postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, International Tribunal. This product has found n market In nil Normal has decided tho prises eight bulls, four cátalo and The nominee assailed the adminis- on-of In- Boston. Sold ovorywhore. Adv. To mako peace lasting a. I parts a now science hall at that tration for its "direction diplomatic effective of Canada and this year will en- some calves. of when tho present war sh end, Mr. ter the export trade. stitution to cost $20,000. Intercourse" beginning, de- Advertisement. Righteous Indignation. from the Hughes advocated the formation ot A local option election for tho claring where should Fairs and Expositions. that there have an international tribunal to dispose Homogenized Ice Cream. Guadalupo county district, including He had been showing his rich old been conspicuous strength expert-aes- s and of controversies ot a justifiable sort, We are Indebted to the board of Cuervo, Los Tanos and Hale, has Santa Fé The State Livestock aunt from the country some of tho there had been weakness evening and backed by the cooperation of the na- henlth of the City of New York for been called for Aug. 13. and Products Exposition at Roswell sights, nml this they were to He cited Santo Domingo tions to prevent war before peaceful the Information Unit homogenized ice this year will bo held from Sept. 18 witness u revue. an appointments Now Mexico gets $78,737 tho first 24, Im- is instanco where methods ot adjustment end. creiim muy lawfully be sold In that to 22; the Lovlngton fair, August He was keen on making a good had gone to "Deserving year for good roads under tho appor- Democrats" Mr. Hughes also declared for the city, anil for the further Information 25 and 26; Dexter fair, Sept. 15 to pression, as he bud great expectations and to to Ambas-ado- r tionment ot tho $5,000,000 recently 1G; the failure continue "conservation ot tho just Interests of that homogenized Ice cream may be Artesia fair, Sept. 14, 15 and 16. from tbe old lady. So he was quite Herrlck at his post in Paris as appropriated by Congress. tho Albuquerque, back when, as soon ns cur- labor," for conservation of natural re- made of powdered skim milk and and State fair at taken the after the war had started as "a la- In The Santa Fó Railway Company Is week of Sept. 25. tain rose, the good dame grasped him sources and for a national budget. water. Among things the ' mentable sacrifico of international re- "Our opponents promised economy, mimes of which crimes are committed erecting at Carlsbad n new five-stal- l by the arm mid hurried him from tho pute." roundhouse, but thoy have shown a reckless ex- Ice from ii ranks light along with lib- a coal chuto and cinder Palma Is Pardoned. theater. pit, $43,000. "Disgraceful ! Such bud manage- Favors Woman's Suffrage. travagance. It Is time wo had fiscal erty muí futurist art. St. Louis at a cost ot about Fó Blas Palmn, who Santa had said, ludlgiiiintly, when "I Indorse the declaration In the reform." The second section of tho addition been to penitentiary ment!" she sentenced the they hnd reached the lobby. platform In favor of woman's suf- Mr. Hughes closed with an indorse- to tho Stato Insano Asylum at Las from Mora county April 29, 1914, for "Just fancy allowing the curtain to go up be- frage," Mr. Hughes declared. And he ment of tho Republican platform Vegas Is to bo built at a cost ot $15,-00- a term of ono and one-hal- f to two fore those poor girls were dressed 1" added, "Opposition may delay but in adopted by tho national convention, DON'T LOSE HOPE Total valuo of tho Improve- years for an attempt to kill, was com- my Judgment cannot defeat this move- andi a formal acceptance of tho ments provided for by (ho la3t Legis- pletely pardoned and restored to citi- ment. I favor the vote for women." IN KIDNEY TROUBLE lature Is $G5,000. zenship by Governor McDonald. Charles Carson, son of tho famous VILLISTAS KILL AMERICANS. BLAST WRECKS HASTINGS HOME. Going It Too Hard I wan troubled with what the doctor old scout, Kit Carson, his family, said was Kidney and Bladder trouble and and Capt. Morey to Join Border Forces. We are Inclined nowadays to "go of High, Colo., arrived in Tao3 look- Carranzlstas Help U. S. Troops In Bat- Dynamite Exploded on Roof of Coal after trying several doctors, gave up all Columbus Capt. Lowls S. Moroy, It too hard;" to overwork, worry, hopes of ever being well again, until a ing for a cow range on which to lo- too much, tle Near Fort Hancock, Texas. Miner's Dwelling. of Tenth cavalry, solo surviving officer cat and drink nnd to friend mine told me about Dr. Kilmer's cate. neglect our rest nnd sleep. This Chihuahua City, Mex. Two clashes Trinidad, Colo. Dynamlto placed on Swamp-Roo- t. Before I had finished tbe of the engagement between United illls tho blood with ncld. y first bottle I got relief; and after taking Tho Chino Copper Company, tho uric Tho between Villlstas and government tho roof of a one-stor- dwelling ot Stntes and Cnrranzlstn troops at Car-riza- l, six bottles was completely restored to big Grant county producer, Is now kidneys weaken nnd then It's a siego troops, in, both ot which the bandits Steve Antanoche, a .coal miner at I say one all Swamp-Roo- t Chihuahua, arrived here on his health. to and that earning profits nearly $1,000,000 of backache, dizzy, nervous spells, uttered heavy losses, were reported Hastings, wrecked the house and did is a wonderful medicine. of a wny to rejojn his command in the month, according to rheumatic pains nnd distressing lo Gen. Trevlno. Col. Lopez reported small damage to other houses In the Very truly yours. statistics recent- Mexican field. Captain Moroy has urinary disorders. Don't wnlt for MRS. MARTILE VANDERBECK. ly printed. (rom Santa Rosalia that a detachment close vicinity. Antanoche and his wife 409 Johnson St. Moberly, Mo. been sick on leave pending his worse troubles. Strengthen tho under Capt. Bautista engaged the band asleep in one room, and their Personally appeared before me this Govornor McDonald appointed the from a wound sustained In tho kidneys. Use Donn's Kidney Pills. of Benito Castro. Castro was killed, daughter in another,' escaped 4th day of February, 1014, Mrs. Martile following notarlos: J. L. Emerson of engagement. Vanderbeck, who subscribed the above Knowles; L. E. Gallegos ot Clayton; A New Mexico Case as wero twelve of his men, while Capt. without injury. All wero violently statement made and oath that the same Jeff. II. Hookoy ot Lovlngton, J. T. Saniloval, 116 Bautista lost two men and was him- shaken up. No motive for tho dyna- is true in substance and in fart. and Killed by Lightning. Orlti St., Bantu. Fe. self wounded in a hand-to-han- d strug- miting has been assigned. This is O. RULICK O'BRIEN. E. H. Miranda ot Lincoln. N. Méx., imyn: "I Notary Public. Santa Fó. Word comes from Tnos Buffered terribly from gle. Gen. Trovlno Immediately the second dynamiting outrage of re- Emil Barbout, tho young man who a dull, heavy pain in Prove What Swamp-Roo- t Will Do You that Manuel Mora; whllo In tho post-offic- e Capt. Bautista here to be re- cent occurrence. The houso of Super- For was shot at Yankee, Colfax county, ttin small of my back Send ten cents to Dr Kilmer & Co., at Pina asking for a letter, was and It was worm warded. intendent Charles O'Neill Stark-vlll- e by Albert Turner, tho at ninghamton. N. Y., for n sample size hot struck and instantly klllod by light- wlien I tooK cold. Tlio was by dynamlto placed tie. It will convince nnvnne. Ynu will boy who suddenly went trouble ratnc on after EI Paso, Tex. American soldiers, wrecked Insane and ning. damago an attack of on window receive n booklet of valuable who Is now in Considerable was dono malaria. reinforced by a small detachment of tho sill on tho night of klso 1 . I 1 tho stnto insano asy- My Madder was umiiuii, iiuuut me j.mufyK mm man- by tho storm which swopt over Taos band-1K- b July 20th. lum, died at the Minors' Hospital at and the kidney Carranzlstas, engaged Mexican lier. When writing, be sure and mention county. secretions wero dis- who had crossed tho Rio Grande this paper. Regular fifty-cen- t and r Raton. colored and scaldod In Germans Drive Russians sire bnttleH for sale at all drug pa sua ce. Nothing Into the United States below Fort Back. . Antonio Careovollo, tho Italian helped I stores. Ad'-- In inn until used Hancock, Tex., and fifty-fiv- e miles Berlin. Strong Russian assaults In miner from Koohlor who was hold Held as Accessory Parker Murder. Doun's Kidney Pills, at 1 Valen-suola- , recommend them highly," east of hero. Two Americans were mass formation against tho troops ot An Unproductive Visitor. the Raton Jail on tho rhargo,ot kill- SUvor City. Miss Andrea killed and one was wounded, whllo Gen. von Linsingen wero ropulsed "Say, young feller," said Broncho ing a fellow countryman, was given accused of complicity In the Cat Domn't it Anr Slor., 50c a Dn three of the outlaws were killed and with the heaviest losses to tho attack Bob, "have you got a gun on youV" his preliminary hearing before murdor ot Mr. and Mrs. Parker nt Kp,DJLsr two Into ers, tholr ranch near Iiachlta DOAN'S escaped across tho river said the section of tho German "No, sir," replied the innii with the Justice Guana and bound over with- several FOSTER-MIL- URN ngo, CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. Mexico and woro pursued by Mexican official statement Monday dealing brand-ne- cowboy uniform. "I was out ball to nwalt a hearing before the months has beon bound over to troops and a detachment of tho Car with the eastern front. The Germans told that It wns better to he unarmed, grand Jury In December. tho grand Jury without bond. SURELY ranza customs guard. captured 1.S80 Russians. so ns to avoid uuy Impression that I Tho Massachusetts PREVENTED Indian Associa- CUTTER'S was seeking u (WUTt'l." given to Bishop Mining Properties to Merge. BLACK! BUCKIE0 PIUS Arrested on Manslaughter Charge. Federal Officers to Drop Charge. tion has Frederick B. Cld. "Well, that's a big disappointment. Howden, of tho Episcopal church, a Silver City, A morgor ot trnh. ftlUbl I Now York. President E. B. Thorn Denver. In tho opinion of postof-- extensivo pialffiftdbr I needed n brand-ne- gun un' thought stono building, together with out- mining properties In ttock as of the Lehigh Valley railroad and fleo inspectors, It is likely that J. W. tho Pinos Altos LEG1 esvo. becauM you'll be liiiuglu' ailing nt least a pair buildings nnd eight acres-- of ground, district, nlno miles of city, nrttMt nrhr ttbir President W. G. Besler of the Central F. Connell, Denver business man and north this VS9CINH It! I. you like WriUfofbooVlctwuttottlmoalals. New Jersoy probably will postmaster of 'em. Don't let anything In San Juan county overlooking tho which Is now In procoss ot consum- S railroad of at Insmont, Colo., under occur iigaln." PKC BIMU9I PIUS, Sl.UU m this river. Bishop bo arrested on charges ot man- arrest In Sydney, Neb., on San Juan Howden is mation, will result in tho largest min- Fills. 14.00 murder Um toy Injector, but ( mpfeft tad ttwftau going to use this property es- ing doal ot year. au- Cutti 1 slaughter in connection with tho ex- and bank robbery charges, will nover for tho the According to The iuptftoiity el Cutter product! U du to ortt 1 Smile on wash day. That's when you use tablishment of a hospital and school. thoritative reports, a corporation will yem ciipccUllxUc la vaccine and tiauut plosion on Black Tom island, it was be brought to trial on the charges ot Red Cross Bag Blue. Clothes whiter than ONLY. IrtftlST OM CUTTra'ft. II uaobUluUo, Monday by Frank Hague, misapplying funds ot tho onow. All grocers. Adr. Governor McDonald Issued a par- take over tho Savanna Copper Com- Ordtf direct announced Insmont pany Tki Cetur UWuttrr. Bartitr. Clllrli commissioner ot public safety ot Jer- postoffice. They are convinced the don to Theodore E. Dompwolf, who holdings, tho C. and C. Mining sey City. Three officials ot com- Nobraska authorities have such a Compression of the wulst Is said to was sentenced to the penitentiary for and Milling Company properties, tho panies situated on Black Tom already clear case against Connell and his be harmful, but If tho right young mun five years from Bernalillo county in Silver Hill mine and other claims. The P3 makes the' attempt tho average girl Is May, 1915, upon properties embrace gold, silver, cop- are under arrest and a warrant Is out alleged accomplice, R. G. Lukena of conviction of bavins A Told operations. Poiltlva Llrar A Htotnacb rmd willing to tuke chunces. kidnaped his child from per, lead and zlno. (No IHlffUnlx mm bona rimMi. Writ todan for a fourth. The same charco has Denver, that it will be useless to con his mother, Ca0altar(.,DW-Mtl$JMHUnSt.Caka- n fcMn preferred against all. Unus their investigation. OBSERVATIONS WESTERN LIBERAL I OBSERVATIONS CORRESPONDENCE rUni.ISIIHD FRIDAYS. PUMPKIN HILL ITEMS F0UM8 CLOSE THURSDAY EVENING Our mayor, who has been get HACIIITA ting all his gout medicino in Cu- ' cumber Valley for tho last few There was a fine dance here ZEEIE5 COOL Entered at the Feat Offlee At New weeks, is again getting it in Pump- last Friday night, enjoyed by all Msxleo, at Seeond Class Mall Matter kin Hill. The mayor claims that participants. the Cucumber Valley dope has Wo were under the impression 11 FARI3 V. BUSH. so Editor and Ovntr put many blisters on his tongue that tho Punitive Expedition had that every time he goes to pick been ordered out of Mexico, but on his teeth he has to put a puncture inquiry found it was Captain Ber- ANYPLACE ANY SUUSCHIITION miCHB ICE proof tire over his tonguo to pre- ry of tho Wireless corps, who had Til Three Months 11.00 vent having a blowout. come to town on a flying to Six Month. visit 00 his family. DELIVERED UM Yr Subscription AIwum FsjaWe In Adrante Bob's Hen Resides Dell Krcbaum, G. H. Pague and Bob Slopers Road Island Pink others too numerous to hen, to mention 11," which has been trying are town. Pngue Friday, August 1916. out visitors in Sir. hatch a nest full of base balls mentions that he has a fine store for the last eight months, has re- at his place eight miles up from Lordsburg Power Company signed her position, and is now past weok LordsburR Animas station, courteous and live R---- E During the a member of the Barnyard Cack- men in charge, business good. I O E W ATE LECTRIC ITY has been smiled upon by ideal ling Society. It is said she told Cool mornings, They keep a good supply of ranch- ummer weather. ono of tho roosters next door men's needs. afternoons and ueJlBht-- f the reason she coudn't make moderate that Tho Bobs up. ul evenings. It would be difficult a at the setting business is be still bob A fine hit baby girl was born to Bob Corbott . find any place in the southwest cause Sloper has been handing her Lordsburg. Sho Aro you sure that you love July 30, and ditto to Bob Kinney i excel the climate of me? 25- - parents t our good friends of the east, He July All the are doing The woodpeckers that have been Just as sure as I am that your well. , le wilting down their collars nesting in Brainy Gord's bed tick, father has money. BIES . of 101 degrees, James Krebaum and wife have ARIZONAL. ALLEN, Froorictor r a torpid sun died three weeks ago, but Brainy J. , chronicle moved to and profit by this says he didn't find it out until yes- Day After. Hachita. . : ;;r delightful climate. terday because he has a bad cold- - He thinks of the upper hut evening Altho time of year when trade That he bought her after the play--He is a little slack, from the satisfied Liquors Cigars iluhs with regret he cannot forget look of the merchants in town, ev- Fine Wines, and ADVERTISE Dr. Killem, our popular pulse That It means free lunch for today. IT PAYS TO inspector, is getting a bigger repu erything must bo satisfactory. ' - column of t weok in this tation all the time. Last week ho Victor E. Duncan of tho "Office The Newest Place in Town .v.-ter- n an artistic, Liboral cured Si Rubbins and this week he Bar" has just returned from a trip plon was made for I ..n'.itic, cured four hams and a side of ba- EXCUSABLE NEGLECT. to Arizona. Nothing to report KEG BEER ON TAP v.pel slingers, sky pilots, Attorney for Plaintiff You havo And con. of Arizona mind too full of pedi- (iie laymen, ministers. testified that your conduct toward greed bull pups at home. ' tni.- - week we are informed your wife was always affectionate and Scott Squealer lost his appetite Eu- '! churches in town are punctilious. Now, Isn't It a fact Our enterprising merchant, the Tuesday while passing the slaugh- that Romney, ..applied with preachers. And we you left tho house ono morning with- gene claims good busi- OCOUOOQOOOCCOSCGOCOOCCO: 9QOOCOCOCOSOSaeGGOOSOCtSGGCK ter house. Finder please leave No if it pays to advertise. out kissing her good-by- ? ness. wonder, when he has two wonder same at Pumpkin Hill News office very attractive young ladies to Now will Doming and those oth- and get reward. Perkins (who is dofending a sep- er towns who so artistically (?) aration suit on tho ground of cruel wait on the customers. commented upon Lordsburg's void and inhuman treatment) Yes, sir. George Richens, our energetic PREPAREDNESS of ministerial tutelage, take back PICK4JPS Attorney (triumphantly) Ah, I ice man, being a ladies' man, has what they said. thought so. Now will you toll us why a fit of the blues. The reason is We are supplied. Every church you left your wife without kissing known to certain parties. good-by- 7 Is Your House Prepared to Stand in town is to be opened again. Does WORTHWHILE her Walter Mitchell, our tonsorial pay to advertise? Perkins Because- sho had Just hit claims business is good, al- it mo flattron, artist, the Weather of Summer and Fall in the mouth with a and tho he says that at this time of the my apparatus tempo--aril- y CONDENSATIONS osculatory was year some parties will let their One consolation in living in disabled. Judge. D "RED" DOES PAINTING AND DOES 8 Lordsburg we haven't had a beards grow a day or two longer. CM HMD According to English figures, the N. O. McElvcy, (Blackie), oür iltlVIUVlDtn. IT RIGHT ASK HIS CUSTOMERS 8 street car strike yet. consumption tea is Btcadl Her Enjoyable Meals. world's of old restaurant keeper, left us ra- ly Increasing and the demand for Brit "And do you enjoy your meals?" ther suddenly yesterday. Suppos- THE DftEAM OF ish tea far exceeds the supply. asked tho doctor ot the patient. Sign Painting and Decorating Done B LOCAL EDITOR ed to have gone to see his wife in THE "Some of them, doctor," replied the California. 8 8 Once upon a time a local editor A hollow wooden ball, six feet In woman. 1b There are troops of the was dead, and in dlamotor, which moved by the flow "Only somo of them?" four 8 T dreamed that he 12th I, I no, another world. He ot tho sewage. Is usod to remove ob "Yes, doctor. I enjoyed my lunch' Cavalry stationed here K, D" McELG-Il- Heaven, in L. M. Troops L M approached the gate of a city be- structions from sewers In Paris. cons." and are now nsosscocosooouosooscoosco: vsocosooecccsooocoocosoo:!! him, and knocked for admit- "And why your luncheons, pray?" stationed at Ciénagas, Culberson's fore points- - al- tance, but no one would answer his Concrete arches resting on bedrock "Because I cat them In peaco and ranch and other They In New Hampshire every summons. The gate remained clos- havo beon built a quiet. My husband always takes his ternate on the 21st of month cemetery to support gravestones In '.unch with Troops I and K. troops ed against him. Then he cried at tho club." The land too soft to support them Itself. are kept busy on patrol duty, but () aloud for entrance, but the only (0 of heads set BETWEEN STUNT8. no complaint from them for lack response was a score Tho United States navy will estab of ice cream, moving picture up a dismal howl, and one of them lish a wireless station on Cape Cod said, "Why didn't you notice the shows, etc. Always The Best especially equipped to guldo vessels big egg I sent you?" At this hor- Roland Parker, our good look' along the Atlantic coast In timo of ing newsboy, is on a to vela- rid and most unexpected interro- fog. visit gation, the poor local quickly tives in Missouri. He says there turned in the direction of the voice practico planting cowpeas are 7 or 8 kinds of vegetables on The of the table at one time Missouri to learn its owner, when another on sugar lands between crops to In in Of What? voice cried, "Where's the piece you creaso tho soil fertility is being suc And we'unsl Oh! Shucks!! were going to write about my so- cessfully Introduced In tho Philip Charlie Murphy, our genial pro- da fountain?" and close upon pines. prietor of the Hachita Hotel, is Fine wines, all this was the awful demand, "Why down in the mouth. Whether it bottled and classes did you write a piece about old King Oeorgo of England Is the ln is on account of his wife's absence, of Liquors. A special holiday line of Pebble's fence and never mention ventor of a stove that will serve as an who is visiting folks in Las Vegas, my new gate?'' What ever answer open grate in one room of n house or on account of tho accumula- WHISKEY - & OIG-AR- S In way WINES he was going to form to this ap-p- el and cook meals tho usual In tion of dirty dishes, it is hard to was cut abruptly short by the another. say. For the Keg town astounding query, "What did you Best Beer in call spell my name wrong in the pro- A bill has boen Introduced In the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION pay Department of the Interior, U. S. Office at the Clifton Ba Always Excellent gram for?"' The miserable man California legislature providing land of 2 for each day lost by peoplo ar at Las Crucea. N. M., July 8, 910. to flee, was rooted Notice la hereby given Viola E. Wright, turned when he rested and tried for crime who escape that to the spot by this terrible de- of Animas, N. M., who, on March 23, 1912, conviction. made homestead entry mand : "Why did you put my mar- No. 06857, for SWH The Skoleton Bughouso la In a NWM: WJiSWA Sec 10, SEViSE'4 Section' riage among the deaths?" He was 9, Township 19 It has been ostlmatod that the earth towering rage. He says ho Is going 29 S., Range W., N. M. P. Ollfton on the point of saying the foreman can maintain a population ot 6,000,' to all over the new freak. Meridian, h,S filed notice at intention to Ear sit make final three year proof, to J. S. BROWN, Proprietor did it, when a shrill voice madly 000,000 a total which will bo reached The Glass Eoater Is the freak cslalilfch. you put in the claim to the land above described, before A. cried, "What made about A. 1). 2100 at the present rito IS, Ward, U. S. Commissioner, at Animas, N. account of my runaway and spoil of increase. Tho Skeloton Hardly. Ho is the M., on the 21st day ot August, 1916. the sale of my horse?" Another "human pincushion." Claimant names as witnesses: voice interrupted with: "He hint-i- d In tho Russian army a "chief James C. Wright. Ho) mes Maddox, Myrt M. Moloney, tí. I I pay, William Conner, all of Ani- that was engaged and had singer," who receives extra Chronic Bore. mas, N. M. company ot to explain to all my lady friends." marches In front of each He who gets off Joke, julUaugll John L. Durnsidc, Register. I .t I . I II . a stale And this was followed by the voice nnt.l Devoid of wit or mirth. THE NEW ZEIGER ggKSjSff of a female hysterically explain- ot the verses. Would make a hit If he'd choke, NOTICE FOR rUDHCATION EL PASO. TEXAS get Department the U.' is th,e botch- And thus oft the earth. of Interior, S. Land Office ing: "This brute that at Las Cruces, M., July 8, 1016. Fire losses and tho expense of Are N. Caters particularly to Mining and Cattlemen and their families. ed my poetry and made it perfectly Notice is hereby given that Felix Gauthicr, Ladies' will prevention cost tho United Btatee She Knew, dinning room will seat one hundred persons Buffet for men seat ridiculous 1" Whereupon hundreds of Animas, N. M.. who. on June 16, 1916, sixty persona. Eleven privato dining rooms for banquets and private dinners, of voices screamed, "Where is my more each year than the total value Father You said you want to made homestead entry 011787 for NWU Sec. will seat ninety cop marry young 20, T. W.. and on Nov. 12, 1916, persojis. article?" Give me back my ar- of Its production of gold, silver, this man? R.9 per and petroleum. Daughter Yes, father. made wihititoiial homestead entry No. 'HE ticle." And in the midst of this 011788, THIS IS BIGC1ÍST UTILE MOTE' ON THE OVERlflND TRAIL "But you've only met him you for.SWli. Section 20, Township 27 horrid din, the poor wretch awoke twice, S., HangoUO W.. N. M. P. Meridian, lias A remarkable fog ton tho Peruvian say." perspiring at every pore, and filed notlcsrot Intention to- niaku final flvo help. day coast Is known as the "garua." It "Yob, fathor." year proof, to establish claim to the land for The next occurs In a region where Is un "But you know above described, before A. B. Ward. U. S. to rain can't anything ie resigned and we had hunt known, and supplies sufficient mols about a young man by only meeting Commissioner, at Animas, N. M.. on the 21st up another local editor. Print- ture to support vegetation. him twice." day of August, 1916. ers' Wit and Humor. Claimant names as witnesses: "Oh, yes, I can, father. I know ho William E. Stivers, Homan Arnold, Isaaa Alligator eggs aro oaten by tho na dances beautifully." II. Arnold. John E. Wade, all of Animas, N. M. tlves on tho wost coast of Africa. In julMaugll John L. Iiurnside, Register. THE UNIVERSITY It has taken moro than twonty taste thoy egg resemble tho of tho Continuous Round cf Pleasure. years of steady work by the National domestic hen, but are larger and NOTICE FOR PUULICATION Cincinnati Man Hello, Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office Audubon society to demónstralo tho slightly stronger In their flavor. First old OF MEXICO chap! Haven't seen you for several at Las Cruces, N, M July 8, 1916. HEW economic value ot tho birds to agri- is hereby given Young days; beon out of town? Notice that Bounds, culture, and the result Is seen In of Separ, N. M., who, on December 13, 1912, our COMMENT Second C. Man Yes beon In In- etate laws protecting song made homestead entry No. 07843, for BEVi AT ALBUQUERQUE birds and dianapolis for a week. NW14 ; SWlíNEU; NW1ÍSEU; NEViSWW. the federal laws protecting migratory If monarchs woro druggists they'd First C. Man Havo a good tlmo7 Sectlun 17, Township 22 S, Rango 16 W, game birds. Incldontally, bird sanctu- glvo us something Just as good In' Socond C. Man Well I should guess N. M. P. Mendian, has filed notice of Inten- tion to make final three year proof, to estab- aries have been In stoad of war. yos. Why, I never got to bed a Blngle established soveral lish claim to the land' above described, be- places. Henry Ford's, near Detroit, night I was there beforo ten o'clock. fore Farl V, Hush, U. S. Commissioner, OPEN S AUGUST 22nd Some men would dol at and Avery Island, on Qulf rather win one Indianapolis Star. Lordsburg, N. M on the 22d day of August, tho coaBt, on wager flvo given by Mrs. lar a than earn dollars 1916. Russell Sago, aro note- Claimant names as at honest labor. Value a witnesses: worthy. Several state presorvos have of Name. Frank McYannon, J. D. Wcems, of .Sepa; arrange boen set aside for tho same protec- Hints that Gonoral Dotba will be "What's in a name?" asked tho N. M.s Harry Hill, D. RaUibolt, of lard. Ample time remains to for man who Indulges In quotations. burg, N. M. tion. The bird olub movoment strives knighted may yet drive Hall Calne JulHaugU en "That question," roplled Cum-ro- John L. Burtlslue, Register. .trance. to save tho birds, with objocts both Into the vulgar gamo of war. Mr. "shows your unfamlllarlty with economic and esthotlc. IHrd club or- NOTICE rnn ntim irsTinxi art. It Is ovldont that you nover paid Department ganizations have taken firm hold In In ono rospect this war bears a closo of the Interior, U. S. Land Offico wishing accomodations or resomblance to Col. Mulberry Sellers' tho extra charge for the slgnaturo on at Las unices, N. M., July 8, 1916. Students at- several of our largest cities, and havo an Notice Is hereby siven any relating to celebrated eye water "There's mil- oil painting." that Thnlnr.. information of kind brought berry, of RedrorU. N. M ulin . A ...... or about Increased attractive- lions in It!" .t may write, telegraph or tele- ness to parks and 19X2, mada homestead entry No. 07392. tendance residential sections Afterthought, SEV4NWV1: 8WUNKU: NRWawu .'..'?' by reclaiming wild ,' 14 phone. Address the native birds. It is understood that a female Im- "This is positively tho last word In SEVi, Section 10, Township 19 P ,, The methods Include postor was up Long planting trees properly shown In apartments," sold tho breezy agent. ' nollce ot and shrubs Island society recently, she nover hav- "And Intention to make final Office suitable for nesting places this llttlo room tacked on tho .ycar ! The l'residents gamo. establish daCm to the land !" . and bearing acceptable fruit for food, ing boen raided at a faro roar?" . before FarU V. Bush, U. S. ommlJlonlr at and tho provision drinking foun- "Why, that's the kitchen." Lordsbure. N. M.. n . of New Mexico of tno aay 01 Au- - University Soallng-wa- x language Is ... Kim zm The tains for bird use. Tho tho latest "I see. And you might call that a methods havo il- Claimant New Mexico proved fad of New York debutantes, thus postscript." name M viintmtl Albuquerque, successful and does anything lustrating progress slnco tho days add mora charm to outdoors In a city their mothers It Hutchison. U F,ibtTry. all oí loarnod during' tho NO Redmk. N. than bird songs? CAnnlnc season. MATTER OF DOUBT. JuUtaugll, John U Buinslde, Bister. jiiltliI.MI ll yí POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION WRONG GUY BIDS WANTED tractor. Department of the Interior, U. S. Lend Office Brief Sentences Featuring at Laa Crurm. V M Jul. a lots tie A Mexican, who was brought Bids will bo received nt the of- bijinod: B. B. OWNBY, Notice Is hereby given here from Steeplerock on TOR OOtJUTT TREASURER that Jack Turner, Speech of Acceptance Sunday, fice of R. B. Ownby, clerk of the Clerk Board of Trustcos. oi urastrarff, N. M., who. on December SO, being thought to be implicated in I hereby announcé myself as a 1913, made homestead entry No. 09090, for of Charles E. Hughes. tho murder of Mr. and Mrs. Par- local school board nt Lordsliurj?, Lota 1 and 2, Section 7, T. 19 B., It. 17 W., EÍ4 ker, N. M.,, 3 o'clock p. m., Sntur-dn- y, NEW MEXICO MILITIA candidato lor the nomination as NEVi Section 12, Township 1 S.. Ranito 18 r below Hachita some timo ago, until V SENT TO treasurer of Grant county.subject N. M. P. Meridian, ha filed notice of America First and America Efficient was released on tho following day. August 12th, 15)16, for the HACHITA to the action of the regular Demo-- intention to make final commutation proof, Sheriff Herb. McGrath 0f Silver erection of n school house nt the 85 Columbus, N. M., August 4. to establish claim to the land above des. We are too great a to re- City to urai.ii; cunvunuon. CrfbetL before Furia V. ttn.k IT a - country came hero examine tho man mine. Plnns nnd specifications Two companies of the first Now miaaloncr, quire ef our citizens who are engaoed and found ho was not par- DEAN ALEXANDER at LoTdsburK. N. M.. on the 21st that the may be had on application at the Moxico infantry loft tonight for uay or August, 1016. In peaceful vocation, the tort ol ty desired. Duncan News. oflkc of 11. B. Ownby. All bids Uachita, fifty miles to tho west, Claimant names as witnesses: military tervlce to which they are certi- E. Taylor must be accoinnnnicd by a dü- - POR. OODNTY OLERE Cloudt. Cloudt, James Edgar, G. now called. whore tho men will do patrol E. Head, all of Hcdrock, N. M. SELLS 85 MINE MEAT MARKET fied check of ?2fP.OO as an act of JulHauBll John L. Burnslde, good on tho part of con Liberal ads bring results. I hereby announce myself as KcBsitcr. We cherlth no Illusions. We know Henry Swink has sold the! 85 faith Tho a candidate for the nomination that the recurrence of war Is not Mino Meat Market, which he has as county clerk of Grant county, NOTICE FOK PUBLICATIO- N- to be prevented by pious wishes. been conducting for the past year, subject to the action of the regu- ISOLATED TRACT to J. G. Lines, of tho Allen and Tubllc Land Sale. Department of tho Inter. We denounce all con- dairy. lar Democratic conveniion. lor. U. S. Land Office plots and Lines Mr. Lines will take at Las Cruces, N. M., spiracies In E. B. Venable Juiy , 11)16. the interest of any for immediate charge. Notice la hereby given that, aa dlrectnl bv elgn nation. the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Sec 2455, ft. S., pursuant Adequate Stir TOR COUNTY OLERK preparedness Is not TRUE INWARDNESS Net ftmtenta 15TlnJdDradaa to tho application of Julius C. Brock, Serial OF THE CASTORIA I hereby announce myself as No. 012663, we will offer at public sale, to the VERA CRUZ INCIDENT. HI highest bidder, but at not loss than 81.25 per a candidate for the nomination acre, 10 During thla critical period, the only at o'clock a. m., on the 15th day of In the Spring of 1914, occur- For September, 1916. next, this fol- danger of war has lain in the weak Infants and Children. as county clerk of Grant County, at office, the red the capture of Vera Cruz. lowing trac, of land: SEVi Sec. 13; course of the subject to the action of the regu- Sb Administration, Men from one of NWMNEV, ! NEWNWM Sec 24 T. 20 S.. R. our ships had Democratic convention. 17 W., N. M. P. M This trtffcl been arrested at Tamplco and lar is ordered Into Th'i Nation has no policy of ag- Mothers Know That the market on a showing greater had been discharged If nominated and elected I will that the gression toward Mexico. We have with an give office my full time, I will portion thereof as mountainous or too rough apology. But our Admiral de- the for cultivation. no desire for any part of her terri- treat its patrons with courtesy tory. manded a salute, which was re- CASTORIt Genuine Castoria The sale will not be kept open, but will be fused. Thereupon and will do work well. declared closed when those present at the hour the President the wont to Congress, asking au named have ceased bidding. The person mak- We propose that In the competitivo T. W. ing the highest thorlty to use r .1 PF.R CENT. Holland bid will be required to Imme struggle that Is about to come the tho armed forces Always diately pay to tho receiver the amount thereof, of the United States. Without AVcácInblctoparationSffAs Any American worklngman shall not persona claiming adversely the above-- d waiting for the passage of the siinnniinAuicrowlimdnctfg TOR DISTRIOT ATTORNEY escribed land arc advised to file their claims, resolution, Vera Cruz was seiz- t!n,t ti. Bears the I or objections, on or before, the time designated Jr" hereby announce myself as a ed. It appeared shipload candidate for the nomination as for sale. This representative gathering Is a that a July28Aug85 John L. Burnslde. Register. happy augury, tt means the strength of ammunition for Huerta was Signature District Attorney of the Sixth about to pjiter that port. There TiMcllnil fllCClflll of reunion. It means th-- t the party r. )ff Judicial District, composed of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION was a natural opposition to this of Lincoln Is restored, alert, effective , i grant and Luna Counties, subject ISOLATED TRACT Invasion and a battle occurred Oniunaiorphlncunrllliitiail to action of regular Dis- Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, In which nineteen Americans the the The dealings ef the Administration i" U. S. Land Office at Las Cruces, N. M., and over a hundred Mexicans .NOT - trict Democratic Convention. July 8. 11H6. with Mexico constitute a confused killed. Notice la herebv trfvpti llinl .l!r...l I... chapter of blunders. It Is a record were This, of course, H. D. Terrell was war. the Commissioner of the General Land Office which cannot be examined without a Our dead soldiers fwere TOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY unucr provisions o Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant profound sense of humiliation. praised for dylrg like Jbriflk Stilt to the appllaation of Thomas D. Ralntnlt, heroes In a war of tervlce. I hereby announce myself a Serial No. 012835. we will offer at public sale, Later, we retired from Vera In to the highest We must take Vera Cruz to get candidate for District Attorney bidder, but al not low than Cruz, giving up this noble war- S1.25 tier nerp. nt in nrrwe A M n fl. fen. Huerta out of office ts other of the Sixth Judicial District of and trust fare. We had not obtained the day of September 1916, next, at this office, nations to get our own cltlzrns out New Mexico, includ- salut-- s which was dnmanded. the State of uie lonowmg tract ol laud: EtyNEU Sec. 3. ef peril. What a travesty of Interna- Use T. 23 S.. R. 16 W.. and the SEVÍSEV Sec. 34, We had not obtained repara- SotirStomacli.üimi'M ing the counties of Grant and tional policy I Luna.subjectto the action of the T. 22 S.. R 16 W, N. M. P. Meridian. This tion for affronts. The ship with Fcvcrishncss tract is ordered into the market on a show- ammunition which could not E, Democratic party. ing that the greater portion thereof la moun- Destroying the govornment of land at Vero Cruz bad soon tainous or too rough for cultivation. Huerta, we left Mexico totho ravages WP For Over S. landed at anothi-- r port, and Its James Fielder The sale will not be kept open, but will be f revolution. declared closed when those present at the hour cargo wao delivered to Huerta named have ceased bidding. The person mak- TOR SHERIFF I without Interference. Recently ing l.'ttlireit i--. stand for adequate Federal Work- thf lii.l will ru,iPt n t. naked truth was admitted I hereby announce myself as a diately pay to compens.ttlon laws. the Thirty Years the receiver the amount thereof. men's by offlcer We are candidate for the nomination of ny persons claiming adversely a Cabinet the Informed "we did not sheriff of Grant county, subject to land are advised to file their claims The was toiselze and now that Administration go to the action of the regular Demo- or objections, on or before the time designated punish Villa his outrages on out to Vera Cruz force Huerta for sale. for flag." We cratic convention. sell. It has not punished apy one; to salute the are tug4sepl John L. Burnslde, Register. told wo went "to we went In only to retire. that there W. V. WH1TEHILL. show Mexico that we were In MINKKAL APPLICATION SERIAL NO. 013640 earnest In our demand that I favor the vote for women go." Is. we Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI OtNTAUK COMfáNT, NCW VOH CITY. FOK COUNTY ASSESSOR United States Land Office, Las Cruces, New Huerta must That seized Vera Cruz to depose I hereby announce myself as a Mexico, July 7. 1916. ouostlon of Notice is hereby given that J. L. AinriHdne. Read tho LIBERAL ads this Huerta. The the candidate for the nomination of of Lordsburg, was a mere pretext. County sub- Grant County, New Mexico, lias week. 4 salute of assesor for Grant made application for a mineral patent in the From Mr. Hughes' speech of ject to the action of the Demo- TRIANGLE Lode Mining Claim, Sur. No. 1679, The best job printing at the cratic convention. situate In Virginia Mining District, County of Grant and State of New Mexico, covering Liberal. Robert Boulware along the lode and vein of same from the dis- covery point S. 81 deg. 69 mln. W 503.7 ft. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY and N. 81 deg. 59 mln. E. 470.85 ft. This claim lies in Sec. 12, T. 23 S., R 19 W., N. M. ONE PERFORMANCE con- P. M and moro particularly bounded and Subject to the Democratic described vention, I hereby announce myself as follows: Beginning at Cor. No. 1 a quartz rock, 6x12x24 Ins.. set 18 ins. in the r You Need a Tonic as a candidate for Disrtict Attor- ground with mound of stone chiseled Thursday August 17th 1916 whence tho sec. cor. on the East boundary There are times in every woman's life when she ney of the Sixth Judicial District - - of the of New Mexico, com- of Sec. 12. T. 23 S., R. I W.. N. M. P. M., fi&J needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. State ocara s. s deg. 13 min. E. 1256.1 ft., tlicncc - When that time comes to you, you know what tonic posed of the counties of Grant and S. 88 deg. 21 min. W. 1009.57 ft. to comer LORDSBURG- NEW MEXICO H to take Cardiii, Luna. No. 2; thence N. 17 deg. 66 mln. W. 203.06 the woman's tonic. Cardui is com- to No. posed of J. S. VAUGIIT. ft. Cor. 3; thence N. 74 deg. 22 mln. purely vegetable ingredients, which act E. 969.6 ft. to Cor. No. 4 ; thenco S. 17 deg. 66 gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, min. E. 448.07 ft to Cor. No 1, the place of beginning, containing and helps build them back to strength and health. 4.662 acres after It FOR SHERIFF 0.995 acres In conflict with 86 Lode has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, Subject to the action of the Dem- Sur. No. 1430 exclusive of its conflict with ailing women in its past half century of wonderful Tract "A" TRIANGLE Lode and excludinc success, it will ocratic convention, I hereby an- 1.667 and do the same for you. acres Oakley Ide Sur. No. 1620 exclus- You nounce myself as a candidate for ivo of its conflict with 86 Lodo Sur. No. 1430 can't make a mistake in taking the nomination for Sheriff of nd excluding 0.027 acres in conflict with Southern Lode Sur. No. 633 exclusive of its Grant County. conflict with the Belle Tower Lodo unsurvcyed. HERB. J. McGRATH. Variations at all corners 13 deg, 68. mln. E. Adjoining and conflicting claims as shown by the Plat of Survey aro: Oakley Lodo Sur. Pyramid Lodge No. 23. No. 1620 on the North; Belle Tower Lode un- survcyed on the East i Southern Lode Sur. No. The Woman's Tonic K. of P. 633 on the Southeast ; Dewey Lode Sur, No. 1617 on the South ; and 86 Lode Sur. No. 1430 Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. A, Alma, Ark., Meeting every Tuei. érenlo. crossing this lode. No other adjoining or says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, conflicting claims known. Visiting brotben InTlted. for women. Before I began to take Cardui, 1 wrs The notice of original location of Triangle so weak and nervous, and had such awful dbzy n O. Surtir, O O. Lode Mining Claim is of record In the office J.J. Malom, At. of the County Clerk of Grant County, New spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well ami Mexico, in Book 30 of Mining Locations at as strong as I ever did, and can eat nust anything." Page 309 and the amendatory location notice 1QOO-KE- N, AND H0RSES-1O- OO Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Lordsburg Lodge No. thereto is of record in the office of the Coun WOMEN 30. ty Clerk of Grant County, New Mexico, In HORSES I . Book 31 Mining 38-- IIEAtT Or A. A. M. of locations at Pages 500 CLOWNS 41 Has Helped Thousands. John L. Burnslde, Register. 20 CONTORTIONISTS in Uretsihetfilrf Thursday night of 20 TUMBLERS 100 RARE WJLD ANIMALS EQUESTRIANS 20 each nionlb Vinillos brothers I'lrst Publication, July 14, 1916. 40 ATHLETES TENTS EQUESTRIENNES 20 Publication, September 8. 1916 ACRES OF Invited. Lat 40 GYMNASTS AERIAUST3 50 WWm 20 EXCLUSIVE . SEATING CAPACITY J. L. Wells, W. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION fbAUyRES 10,000 LEAPER3 20 G. P. .Iekkus, Secretary Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office ' 1 J HUOE SPECTACULAR THEATORIUM at La Cruces, N. M July 8, 1016. Notice Is hereby given that John A. Crooin, (Complete Zoological Collection, of Playas, N. M., who, on March 16,1918, flare omf FREE AUTO BUS entry No. 012044, MEETS when Angeles OF WORLD made homestead for SEW ALL TRAINS in los WOODMEN Section 19, township 27 S.. Range 17 W N. CAMP No. 88 M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of Intention tAc. to final year proof, STOP at NEW-- . make three to establish Hseti CTerr nd (tb Saturday night at tfcs-K- claim to the land above described, before of P. HALL George Edmonds, U. S. Commissioner, at FIREPROOF K. M. Fisher, O. O. N. M., on the 19th day of Auguxt, .Y' It. II. Keynulila Clerk 1916. LUROPEAN Claimant names as witnesses: COO OUTSIDE ROOMS I Guernsey Adams, Frank Cooper, Bell Orr, ISO WITH OATH X. CL ZF. Patrick Egan, all of Hayas, N. M. O. julltaugll John L. Burnslde, RcgUter. 120 W. 2 ST..NEAR HILL LOIlDSnUltO LODGE No. M NORTHERN HOTEL CO.. PROP. every Monday night at 8 o'olook Meets NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION MOTIL ENDORSED DY CAFE fRANK L CRAMPTON, MQR.I TlaltliMT Drothers lnvltud to attend V. ISOLATED TRACT W. C. A. HATCS oo Ptn oav.up K. Oaks, Noble Grand WOMEN'S If EST TOUBS TN CONNECTION 8. Public Land Sale. Department of the Inter- J. II. Clank, Secretary -- w ior, U. S. Land Office Cruces, N. M., Tfc,...i,s UrA - Pre fcrinirctlonttll ttmn. i; at Las tri.ttw lf.i.Vlit VS aav w," ilnriti July 8, 1916. sa. st - m mm-- ar--- sT..f JF Notice Is hereby given by aupara tuautno" mhwhiuh. that, aa directed . m m MMMsttaB, ...s.Hs4.Htt. MMffls.lsM the Commissioner of the General Land Of- u ficii, under provisions of Sec. 2465, R. S., ME-.RI- T AND MODERNISM, DINNER pursuant to the application of Gabriel Edward MAGNITUDE. REGULAR tot nd Enter Ulnl nr. Head, Serial No. 012202, we will offer at pub-V- e United Eucittac sale to Uie highest bidder, but at not less nt.1TTBRIHQ C OflDWnC WILL LEAVE THE TtlPPNnn.Ifl. rr- - TnCCT r.RniiNns Nesch's 10 i runyuL at Bakery than 11.26 per aere, at o'clock a. nrr Sanitary in., on nuuen i ivAuuiuctJvvi iw w We give a first class regular the 16th day of September, 1016, next, at this O'clock; and pass ti vjuu n every day for 35c. office, the following tract of land: SEl'i the. Dinner SEVi Sec. 28, EVjNE'4 NEViSEVi Sec. 33, Our regular service is said T. 18 S., R. 18 W N. M. P. M. This tract Nesch's Butter Crust Bread is ordered Into the market on a showing that OUTSIDE EXHIBITION by all who try it to be the the greater portion thereof is mountainous $$Sl THEJ llfllLLINQ FH&t WHOLESOME :- -: :- -: best in town. or too rough for cultivation. SANITARY NUTRITIOUS The sale will not be kept open, but will be FrtKSii Daily Loaf Wiiaitu) Give be declared closed when those present at the us a trial and hour named have ceased bidding. The person HUM convinced. making the highest bid will bo required to immediately pay to the Revolver the amount hat D'Zui thereof. Lordsburg' s Class Bakery mm íhr.lUng KHINT10H First Any ersons rKlu,lnr adversely tho above is the tit OU15I0t Up-To-Date-C- th Oinw nn.undi afe described IftnJ., are advised to file their 4. sw - m wn claims, or objections, on err before the time Headquarters For Everything In The Bakery Lin M, designated for sale. Lordsburg, N. John L. Burnside. Register, First Publication July 21. 1916. Last Publication August 18, 1916, Paul Nescii, Pmprietor Teleplone 39 WESTERN LIBERAL.

inSrítTA 8. ItATNOM). Prcilden . BDOAIt w. KAYBKIt. Chler. BRITISH AEROPLANES READY FOR THE BIG BATTLE iV. II. TUUliKV, u. X, uum aui. vnuni NOTICIAS DEL ESTADO First National Bank De Interés para toda la gente 33 Xj PASO, TESCA-- S de Nuevo Mexico. OAPITAtí AÑl) HUJU'I.US 00,000 . . DisfosiTs, .' Wtrn Nevrpiirr Union Nawi Sflee. .'TTnitsca. States Depository Nuevo Mexico. 4 percent, interest paid on Savings Accounts. una oxblbb - Clovls esta preparando Corrospondenoo la Invited front thnno who oontemplate opening- InttfAl or additional' clón de gallinas. iooountt In Kl I'ano. - 151 nono Chautauqua do Mountain- Assets - - - - $6,000,000 nir fue de buen óxlto. Doposlts made by mail are promptly acknowledged. Tucumcarl so está volviendo un cen tro de comercio do lana. Julio futí un mos seco on todas par tee de Nuevo Mexico este alto. So han concedido los contratos para enlosar la plaza on East Las Vegas. Los hombros unidos do Albuquer- - SCOTT'S GARAGE quo "paradarán" allt ol día do labor. Kspafiola ostA en un periodo do gran actividad de construcción do casas. The Ford Agency Mils do 7,000 Ucencias do automóvil lian sido otorgadas por el secretarlo de ertado esto afio. Roadsters, Touring Cars La cuestión do cnlosamlonto de cal-- loa en Las Vegas fué llevada a la corte de distrito. A Full And Complete Line of Accessories Las fechas para una feria do con At All Times dado do Dofia Ana han sido designa- das octubre 10-1- Los ciudadanos de Tucumcarl han 5 .MU.niriui ii r.m.sli rn'i'niPiuiR-- liai'U up tor u lust review before Unir Might overseas to take pnrt in the great suscrito $10,000 para la construcción Official Agents For "Pep offi'liMlvr of the ulUe. do un edificio de Y. M. C. A. West Vaughn, condado do Cauda-- Daily Stage Line Between Lordsburg, Tyrone lupe, ha sido incorporada y tendrá Silver City. Save Time And Money GETTING A HOT DINNER FOR TEN CENTS una elección el 12 de agosto. And Los agricultores de cerca do Cala- - b&d están proyectando la manuten- ción ganado la estación quo viene. do itVWWWVWVVWWVWWWW WW(Dia WW WW-W- Un total de 1,314 personas fueron wvi confirmadas en el condado de Grant Make Your Headquarters at the dentro de diez días por el obispo Schuler. Se están reuniendo los fondos necesarios en Santa Fe para ol proy ecto de construcción del camino do La Bajada. Los administradores del condado de Albuquerque ordenaron la reden-cli- n de $17,500 de bonos de fondo de i.gosto, 1897. LORDSBURG, NEW MEXICO So dice que el molino do hacer en Clayton, recientemente harinas Steam Heat. Hot and Cold Water. Electric 1 Igbts. i'.cstruldo por un Incendio, probable- PRIVATE BATHS. REASONABLE RATES mente seríi reconstruido. Los retardos en la expedición de Central Location, Restaurant Adjoining maquinarla para loa aserranderos de Aiamogordo han causado un retardo XWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! correspondiente en la abertura del tra bajo. Los cuerpos de francmasones de Ratón han comprado una superítelo Homes on the Eas Payment dt terreno do 73 por 142 sobre la Plan cual so erigirá un templo de Nuevo Mexico recibe $78,737 el pri mer ano para buenos caminos bajo la $5,000,000 ro Jack ley do divlslqn de los Contractor, Builder, Estimator ckntomente apropiados por el Plans and Estimating Free La Junta do directores de la escuela Women ami children crowded nbnut one of the Cernían city kitchen wagons uwitltlng their turn to purchase for normal de Silver City se ha decidido Mining Timbers Framed. Mining Wedges made and Sold 40 pfennigs (10 cent) n hot dinner consisting of incut tuvl vegetulile stew mid grouts. Ily the establishment In Berlin sobre la cuestión de construcción de of a central Institution and seven distributing stations It Is believed that fully .'IU.000 will be fed dally. un nuevo edificio de ciencias en esa Milling Machine "Work inetltución. El costo será de $20,000. que VIEW BY Tomás Homero, un ovejero dló OF SOISSONS, WRECKED THE WAR un tiro mortal & su esposa á resultas de su desaire de reconciliarse con él, fué libertado de la cárcel de condado ARTHUR W. H0UCK en Albuquerque, bajo fianza de $10,- - Assayer and Chemist 000. . Assayer and Chemist El Gobernador McDonald nombró GEORGE W. CAMERON Agent for Ore Shippers á los siguientes notarlos públicos: J. at the Douglas Smelters. GOLD AND L. de L. Galle RtpreicntnttTO For Shipper! to tb Slf.VKK HUI. LI ON Emerson Knowles; E. EL, PASO SMELTKU. FUMOUASUD l,os do Clayton; Jeff II. Hookey do Box 392 355 1 0th St. E, SOS San Franolieo Bt. Kt Paio, Tza, Luvington, y II. Miranda de Lin' o. so DOUGLAS. ARIZONA. coin. r, mix La compañía del ferrocarril de sonta Fe esta construyendo una Terrell & Black nueva casa de máquinas de cinco A. W. Moniingstar, LAWYEES secciones en Carlsbad, un conductor ,?iS'í ,...., :mm. aj SILVER 0ITY HEW MEXICO de carbón y una hoya para cenizas, ATTORNEY AT LAW Panoramic view of the city of Solssons as looks todnj. The city Is situated on a hill and overlooks the sur que costarán hacia $43,000, Will be at Lordsburg at the otllco of LORDSBURG, O. rounding country. It Is now a mass ruins wrecked cathedrals, empty houses and debrls-llttere- streets. The famous W. Marsalls, on the first and'uhlrd of Gallup ai presente Jugando el French city, once noted for Its beauty, bus been the target for heavy artillery lire. está N KW MEXICO. SATURDAY of each mouth for the papel, de manera más bien excesiva, convenience of clients do oasis en el desierto de prohibí M. M. CROCKER, clón de Arizona. M.D. HERO OF THE WEST FRONT RUSSIANS IN THE FRENCH TRENCHES Ihrelcln und Hureeon. MORNINGSTAR & AUGUSTINE La segunda sección de la construí Dtitrtct Suriretin Southern Paclflo and Ari-lo- & New Mexloo llallruadi. Surgeon to Insurance da adición al aslllo de estado para de American Consolidated Copper Co, Leading Companies Scottish mentes en Las Vegas sorá erigida al LoKDSBüno Naw Mixioo. Union, Firemon'j, Connecticut costo de $15,000. El valor total do los mejoramientos proyectados por la HOME, PALETINE ultima legislatura es do $65,000. Coperas Your Business Solicited Silver City La Señorita Andrea Valensuela, acusada de complicidad Custom Office en el asesinato del Señor y la Señora Acid Assay on su Siliiric Parker rancho cerca de Hachlta Critchett & Ferguson bnce algunos meses, ha sido resorya- - para el gran fianza, Made from tlte celebrated Clifton da Jurado sin Ores. Freo from Antimony and Ar El Gobernador McDonald otorgó senic. REPRESENTATIVE FOR ORE SHIPPERS perdón á Theodore E. Dompwolf, que II Kill UT.KCTItlOAL ENERGY P. O. Box 712 El Paso. Texas. era sentenciado á la penitenciaría Gives more satisfactory results In para años Reduction Works than any Chemicals cinco en el condado do tn the market. Bernalillo on mayo, 1915, acusado do A long freight haul saved to the B)"t"SlQil6)"g)Ol0"giHa haber separado á sn niño do la madre, consumers In both states, Arizona and New Mer. Feed & Livery Stable I Antonio Careovello, ol minoro Itall 1'rlces In competition with the ano do Koebler quo fuó retenido en la Eastern Markets. do á !(" cárcel liatón acusado de matar JONES & BURNS ifWl "ll Copper Co. ! su paisano, tuvo' su primera sesión Arizona CLIFTON, ARIZONA. A Hoarding-stoc- Kiren food attention, ante el Juez Guana y encarcelado sin Transferrin? and drnyage. An olllclal photograph showingtjnio f'.unza para la sesión anta ol gran of the hero of the llritisli trenches Jurado en diciembre. FAYW00D HOT SPRINGS. i PHONE H--- 2 bringing In the wounded from one of Una elección do opción local para for Rheumatism, Stomach Trouble, the trenchwi. This man, who brought el distrito del condado de Guadalupe Kidney Ailments, Inflamatlons, Ar- SO In which lie terial Hardening, Locomotor Ataxia, In nittii the manner in Incluyendo á Cuervo, Los Taños Nervous Breaking etc. Perfect Treat- Ik Men carrying the one from the líale, ha sido arreglada para el 19 de ment, Perfect Climate. Health, Plea- vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvviit; tranche, whs under fire during the agosto. sure, Large Modern Hotel. Booklet. entire time of bin merciful work. Charles Carson, hijo del famoso T. O. MoDEKMorr. Dr. R. E. BUVENS anciano explorador, Kit Carson, con Serious, sj familia, d High, Colo., llegaron 4 DENTAL SURGEON. again, I Taos Investigando los montes para WHITE and ANDREWS Office: Drown Block Tltoy may make up but Pyramid doubt it." rancho en quo establecerse. Attorney! at Law 6t. "Why bo?" La Chino Copper Company, gran WASHINGTON LOAN & TRUST BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. Permanently Located. They've Just exchanged the femi- productora dol condado de Grant, Special public and MIntnr cat- nine 'short und ugly' words." Home of the ltusslans now lighting on the western front are here seen in está ni presento ganando beneficies attention to Land LOBDSDÜÍUJ. NBW MEXICO, wearing French helmets. General Lobvltsky, their commandej de hacia $1,000,000 poi mes, según es before the Central Land Office and Interior "And what are they?' Crunch trench, Department. PATENTS VOR INVENTIONS vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvai - Frump and 'cat,' " Is leading an Inspection party through the trench. estadísticas reden Imprimidas. WESTERN LIBERAL.

On April 25, Sir llogcr Casement Revenge. Uncle Pennywlse Says: TWO LEADERS ON THE a grand WEST FRONT was captured attempting to land from FIERCE BATTLE "I've been railing this number for The auto blzness must be a German submarino on tho Irish five minutes," sold the Irate subscrib- one, with cverybuddy saving up to coast. Tho next day tho Sinn Fein er. ,. buy tt machine. Loulsvlllo society revolted, seized Dublin and "Whnt number?" set up n provisional republic. The re- RAGING ON MEUSE "I'm so Irritated I'm almost tempted bellion was quelled In less than n not to satisfy your feminine curiosity." Fliers. week. "Do you ever tiiko n flyer In the On June 3 tho German and Itrltlsh VERDUN FIGHT RENEWED WITH When the ofllce renlly seeks the mnn market?" fleets engaged In n great battle off It Ih safe to bet that the man's signa- "No," replied the munitions specu- Sknggcrrak. Although tho Germans BOTH GERMANS AND FRENCH ture on a bank check means lator. "Nothing doing with airships, victory, havo yet CLAIMING SUCCESSES. I'm for submarines." ' claimed a they not followed It up by coming out to denl another blow at tho blockndlng ves-sei- s. The reports of losses by the two sides nro Impossible to harmonizo. RUSSIANS FORGED BACK Don't Poison Baby. War Costs Fifty-Fiv- e Billion. ORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo On August 1, the second nnnlvcrsary PAREGOIUU or laudanum to mnito it sloop, xneso drugs win proauco of tho start of tho great war, tho di- oleen, DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP PETROGRAD CLAIMS CAPTURE OF F nnd a FEW rect money cost to all tho belligerents FROM WHICH THERE I NO WAKING. Many aro tho children who reached ?55,000,000,000. SIX VILLAGES ALONG THE havo been killed or whoso health has been ruined for life by paregoric, lauda- This Is the consensus of financial num and morphine, each of which Is a narcotio product of opium. Druggists SERETH NEAR BRODY. aro prohibited from Belling olthcr of tho narcótica named to children at U, or opinion here. Estimates six months Tho definition of "narcotio'' ago dally to anybody without labelling them " poison." were slightly lower, but tho is : "A medicine tcntcn relieves pain ana proauces sieep, crat kukh cost has mounted steadily and tho Western Newspaper Union News Service. ous doses produces stupor, coma, convulsions ami death." Tho tasto and figures given are conserva modiclncs containing opium aro disguised, and sold under tho names considered In to smell of tive. London. a successful effort " Drops," " Cordials," " Soothing Syrups," etc Vou should not permit any s of Tho does tho stialgbten out their line between medicino to do given to your cnuureu vrunout ymi ur juui pu;imu direct cost not Include NOT losses by destruction of property, by and Thlepvnl north of the of what it Is composed. C ASTORIA DOES Saturday cap CONTAIN NARCOTICS, If it bears tho signature mmm tho disorganization of civilian Indus- Sommc, British forces tured the main German second lino of Chas. H. Fletcher. f'sJ&J-f-?1-.- . try, by tho death and crippling of Genuino Costorla always bears tho signature workers nnd by enervating human system of defonsos on a front of 3,000 sickness nnd misery. yards north und wost of Pozleres. The money spent Is apportioned ap Tho attack, which was made by Aus- X...... BIG ABSOLETE MAN GOT A BATH OF EGGS proximately as follows: tralians and troops of the new Kitch MAKE GUNS Gen. Sir Douglas Iialg, conirnnnUIng tlio British forces ou the west from, ener army, resulted also In the tak and Sir Pertab Singh, high commander of tho Indian forces. Brest Britain (including ing of several hundred prisoners. Ger Western Inventor Devises an Aerial Ten Crates of Hen Fruit Bury Phlla colonies) $13,000,000,000 man counter attacks against the new Torpedo That Gives Promise delphlan, When Car Hits Belgium (mostly ad Wagon. n positions were repulsed with of Effectiveness. vanced by allies) 500,000,000 heavy losses. France 8,500,000,000 may eventually prove to be a Covered from head to foot with bro Desperate engagements continue In What Russia 11,500,000,000 highly offeetlve wnr Implement, nnd, If ken eggs, und In a dazed condition, An the Verdun region, notably In tho vi Serbia 350,000,000 so, possibly render present heavy ar thony Capolo, thlrty-sl- x years old of cinity of the Thlaumont work, 'says IN SECOND YEAR OF GREAT Italy 2,500,000,000 tillery obsolete long range opera- KM Penrce street, was curried Into the WAR Sunday's Berlin army headquarters for Portugal .., 100,000,000 tions. In a uerlul tor- .Methodist hospital last night. After statement. Tho Germans have mode Montenegro " 10,000,000 pedo that bus lately been developed 111 the eggs hud been scraped from his progress In Chapltro wood. Japan (slight) Colorado. It Is described In tho Au- lothlng mid body It was discovered nenr Po- Among the Entente Allies Brings Sweeping Change On the Sommo the battle gust number of Popular Mechanics Capillo wns sutTciing from lacerations zleres Is still In progress. British Over the Aspect of Military Affairs Two Largest Em- Total, entente allies.. $36,960,000,000 Mugiizlue. In a general way, the In- und contusions of the body. Germany $12,000,000,000 local attacks near the river and at strument attempts to accomplish over Capolo was riding In u wugon along Austria-Hungar- wood repulsed. pires of Earth, Russia and Great Britain, at y 6,000,000,000 Foureaux were laud what the United States navy Moyuiiieiislng avenue, nnd was burled On tho eastern front the Russians Last Fully Organized Second Year's Bulgaria 150,000,000 new wireless torpedo does at sen. Its beneath u wreck of ten erntes of egg Turkey 600,000,000 havo been driven from the positions ,,,.,.,,,,,, ,,,,,, of 0,eriltn. of when the vehicle wns struck by n trol Campaigns Reviewed. to which they were still clinging, near course, are entirely uinerent. as is ley cur, John Downey, an egg und Total, central powers.. $18,750,000,000 Zareoze on tho Stockhod In southern to be inferred, It consists of a small poultry dealer of Chester, driver of Volhynla. In Carpathians tho Ger Is on the de- were meeting In a new war council nt Grand total $55,710,000,000 the aircraft much like an ordinary bi the wagon, fulled to see the approach New York. Germany su& passed to Paris, resolved to redouble their her man troops are continuing their plane currying a lnrge, e if the cur nnd drove ncross the trucks fensive. The Initiative has $110,000,000 a Day. operations. This Is the one culean efforts nnd never compromise, ceesful torpedo which It Is designed to drop directly In Its path. Philadelphia the entente allies. The wnr Is now costing all belliger Tho west of great outstanding of tho second Conscription In England. bank the river Soreth ut any predetermined spot within u Record. fact ent more than $110,000,000 n day. This near Zalooze and northwest of that year the great war. On December 21, David Lloyd certain radius. The projectile, which of Is divided among tlio principal uatlons placo has been captured by the Rus Before, Bhe nlmed a blow where she George, the strongest man In England, is about twelve feet In length, forms Never Judge women and cigars by as follows: Great Brltnln, $30,000.000 slanB, statement pleased and tho nllles parried It as dcclnred Great Brltnln fnced defeat the adds. the body of the machine anil Is divided tllelr wrappers. Berlin mentions bitter fighting at propel best they might. She seized most of wf" ?.t?LC'rí:rt8,WCre,m?de:an1 Uussla. $18,00o!(jbo; Italy. $8:50o:ooo! Into two compartments. The n of France. general the Thlaumont work and roports the u.r ls t w front end of It, Perhaps the best way to kill false Belgium and seventh Germany, $23,000.000, nnd Austro-Hu- n motlM Russians conscription, threatening to resign If capture of 4C8 prisoners during the while through the hood Is to let it. lie. Twice she overwhelmed the gury, $12,000,000, tho lesser powers the shaft extends who penetrated East Prussia. this measure were not put Into effect. Germnn counter attacks In the Flcury entire torpedo to the rear compart had making up tho balance. II II limill III II HI lllll IfTTlfTifTTTTnflff She smashed herjway.far Into tho The conscription bill passed Its first sector, liient where an motor Great Britain Is the only power . dominions nnd crushed Serbia rending In the house of commons Jan On the Russian front the most In ls housed. The speed and course of Tho Athletic Girl czar's which Is paying part of tho capital cost ythn would look cool, fresh nnil attrartlra Montenegro. She directed a fear- unry 0, and spring snw It In full force, tense fighting Is reported ns taking the niuiiilne regulated by menus of game ihoultl use tho genuine nnd of the war out of current Income. Ger lire after a hard ful battering-ra- of shells nnd hu- Premier Asqulth was able to announce place south of Brody in Galicia. The a gyroscopic mechanism, while n tim- ,nnny 18 ner uy not MURRAY LANMAN'S man bodies on Verdun. that England's total effort was five ueoi Russians crossed tho Sereth river, ing device of some sort releases the a tuning in taxes enougn to cover an ner (The Original, Century-old- ) But with tho present summer a million min captured positions In the region of Pe, engine containing missile nt the prop as- Meanwhile In East, n prontnr Interest charges, FLORIDA WATER sweeping change enme over the tho and ropuised an er Instant for It to strike Its target, Added to the, Tlle "nnnclal of n pect of military affairs. clnnt was nursinc his wounds nnd re-- situation both sides Avstro-Germa- counter attack agnlnst batli.orarpUed good. It ls pninlni? lils ii- Is fairly The same cannot bo Ton-Wela- afterward, through the allies' wnr stmnirtiio- - in fnnr.fniii i- I them. Berlin says Russian detach A Turtle. " " for economic Ger-- cooling to tho council with Gen. Joseph JofTre nt Its gree. said the situation. monts which crossed the Sereth near Thut turtle "weighing nenrly n ton" he&tod akin nml ,ler alll;s nre Plainly In ells- - and gratefully head, the Italians beat back the Aus- A forewarning enmo to the world ou mani' Patyseyo were forced to retreat bo- (fisherman's weight?) lately landed nt - tress in many ways. Few or none have ref roshlnc. columns In the Trcntlno. the February 17, when Erzerum was tn- fore Austro-Germa- n counter attacks, cannot be the green Then a few trian Penznnce either on tbo Teutons before ken. On April 10 tho grent Black ulcu 01 actual nunger, uut tno vitality Russian along civic or drops Russians drove the oy attacks the Sereth turtle, associated with feasts, liandkeronlor them In the East with horrible de- sen port of Treblzond fell, and two 01 lnnu noncomontants is lowered and Grnberka rivers south of Brody hawk's bill, from which we get tor orclothlng.aud great the wearer la nnd the British and French dnys later the first Russian contingent lnck oi Proper food. There Is a in northern Gnllcla the two belong to trop tho p2pW struction ruouer, copper, grnue broke Teuton' toise shell. These KuiiikVjtMini;i suiTounueii began a slow und methodlcnl bending landed In France. Still the Germnn scarcity oi nign Í3 resistance nnd resulted In the cap ical seas, and nre of smaller dlmen Ian atiwwiihero In would believe, took Iron, material for warm clothing and of Mili (I nod of tho long established lines the writers not and It ture by the Russians of six villages The ponderous "hlnseck" caught irL allrT I! ) frugrance-th- at un ex-- slon. r i win West. the magnificent Russlnn drive of June, msi ausoiute ibck oi strictly and tho entire ridge along which tliay off Sicily must be u "loggerhead" tur swoot, clean otlc Products, such ns tea, coffee and smeu no pleas- At Last Fully Organized. wliicli won all of Bukowinn und u to In Mediterranean, ing to cocoa. uie located, according a war office tie, which occurs the urerrono These are tho movements which are lnrge slice of Volhynin nnd Gallcln to announcement at Petrograd. More nnd sometimes visits our southern K(II.I) Iin.KiniMl DltUll-UlST- S In Grcnt Britain the common people AXU l'Elli'UMKKS still going on ns the war enters Its convince them that Russia was again 3,000 prisoners "loggerhead ' Is only so prosperous. thnn were taken. coasts. The the üaniplc tile mailed for U rrnt n to be lmvo Bever heen The ' third, and nccordlng to Lord Kitch force reckoned with. Rome reports slight progress on the carnivorous turtle, nnd distinguished Intuí! IluukM, Ben fjrftod Delphic prediction, final year. Russia Well Eoulnned. cost of living has advanced by more lirftltb ' rnt on ener's Trentlno front against tho Austrlans. from the green variety of size, shape I.ANMAN Jfc KKJII' him- To Dhenomenon than nnlf- - uut wages hnvo Increased Whether the kaiser will retrieve understand this of An Italian attack east of Monfnlcone, of head, und number of plates on the 135 Water KU, Ksir York en- Is necessnry stul more and the demand for Inbor, self, again seize the Initiative and Russian resurrection It to on the Carso plateau, resulted In the armor. But he Is occasionally cooked conquest only Umt now uot'1 by the government and by prlvnto ter on new campaigns of realizo not the Russians cupture of some prisoners. In mistake for his edible cousin, with be foretold. One thing Is cer- have tho heavy nrtlllery nnd shells enterprises is Insatiable. cannot s disastrous results to the diners. Lon eiiu-ai- wax tain, the two lnrgest empires of the they lacked In tho grent retreat, but ri. don Chronicle. earth, Russln and Great Brltnln. nre that their losses In numbers bother r runcc, loo, iius uirguiy recovereu Outlaws Driven Into Mountains. nt last fully organized for wnr them not at all, from the financial shock, though ac- Chihuahua City, Mex. Govern Is on such a great The Situation. agnlnst htm. Seven million young men hnvo come tivity not scale as In ment troops nnd Villa forces both England. In Russia private business Is "Flubdub married u society butter On the first anniversary of tho wnr, of military ago In Russia since the lost heavily In a sharp skirmish in fly." Austro-Germn- not good, but owing to the suppression August 1, 1015, the wnr began, and of these nt least flvo n few of Ma- - tho hills miles north "I suppose he Is wining nnd dining HIGH SEWINO MACHINE sweep of Poland was In full swlnp. million are fit for duty. Despite her 01 vouko, me hiujik, is unppier touny plml, Durango, Sunday, according to THE QUALITY ,a eevunu us all the time now." Lublin fell that dny; Cholm. August gigantic losses. It Is quito possible "uu "uviug uun uiuch reports to Gen. Money as ever before. Jacinto Trevlno. "Whining und dining. Ho doesn't 2; Wnrsaw, August C; Ivongorod. Au- thorn nro mnrn Knlillers nnil nntpntlnl Lieut. Col. Compean and a dozen 18 suuenng n ueunn or like going out." gust 7 ; Serock, August 0 ; Lomzn. Au- soldiers In Russia todav than when tho a'T irora privates wero killed, while tho ban gust Sledlce nnd Sokolow, August Certainly now coin, which im iuusi oi ner iuc NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME 11; war started. there aro dlt casualties were estimated at Porto Rico bus Just had the most Write for booklet "Points to be considered befor Novrweor-glevs- k, torles. fre 11; Kovno, August 19; nnd will be for many yenrs to come season It bus ever purctusingaSeulngMachine." Learn the facts. Some of the neutral countries of Eu eighteen. The outlaws wore driven profitable tourist August 21; Ossowlec. August nil the "cunnon fodder" that cuu be fur Into the hills, where they scat experienced. THE NEW HOME 6EWING MACHINEC0..0RANGE.MA83 24; Kovel, August 25; Brest-Lltovs- utilized nt tho front. roP-'- . especially DenninrK, tsweuen and Norway nre becoming opulent war tered In the enfions. August 27; Olltn, August 28; Lutsk, Krroneouslv considering the western irom 1916 CATALOG of BEST Brody, September business. In Holland tho upper classes MCIII September 2; 3; front tho most dnnirerous. tho Germnn MAN'S LEG BLOWN OFF. ilLVf CAMERAS and SUPPLIES Grodno, September 4; Dubno, Sep- general stnff on Februnry 21 began n ''ave mnde money, while there .hnvo 17, recently been food riots by the lower Bomb Plot Blamed for Explosion at Auh Fac Frmn Oapy tember 10; Plnsk, September und henvv nttnek on tho fortress of Ver- - COIWECT nEVKMJPtNU lOo FKTt ROLL. Vllnn, September 20. dun. with the oblect of uslnc un classes. Colorado Springs. CAHKFl'L PltlNTINO So TO 6c. It seemed to neutral observers noth- French ammunition nnd men until no Switzerland Is hnrassed continually Colorado Springs. An explosion y to Germany ing could stop tho Teutons In tho allied offensive would be possible this both slues the quarrel. Sunday night prematurely disclosed, DENVEB' demanding to be allowed to purchase police believe, a plot to follow In East, and It wns generally believed yeaP the " DhotoTOo COLORADO tho Invaders had themselves chosen Being on the outside of n curved line uuu kw oia tho wake of tho San Francisco dyna the line extending from just west of hov woro nhln tn nlnrn mnrn mm nnrt towns and the nllles threatening to miters by scattering death In tho Tht?r..r; ltlgn, nenrly straight south, to Itou- - maneuver moro freely thnn their op- - withhold food and other supplies It crowds that will be here to see tho Kill All Flies! Oermuny Is provisioned by her moun- - Door, 25 flMcd oj wbara.DaUy Fly KllUr ftttrteU ant fctlli all mnnln on which they spent tho wla ponente, and month after month they Pike's Peak races. John AUt. HmI. daa, onuuMoUl, coa?nliit, tadehMH. 720 LMIIIUMiMt, HIM ter. drew closer to the now famous little l,,,u "eiB..uur. years old, residing at South Cas feW MUÍ, ' t aUr Japan, States, Cuba nnd fum mnwUlMtNtlN Russia Seemed Beaten. clty tho United cade avenue, was tho victim of what lijar fUlag ÚMm Even when, on September 8, the Whether their gains were victories ROnl oi 11,0 South American countries Is bellovcd to be his own Instrument U4otUf Atff never so prosperous Daisy Fly Killer czar took command of nil his armies or defeats will onlv bo known after were before In of destruction. At 11 o'clock an ex As the acorn grows to my 0 IflBkunBBKUsWsSUJSSa CM itilin, person, won a victory nenr we tllelr history, duo to the stimulus of plosion In tho southern part of the chil- In Turno the war, when learn tho number of be the mighty oak, so 60M 1 N. Y. wur oruers, uo-- H.ROLO ER8, W 0Kalb Av. Brooklyn, pol, September 30, und .recaptured killed and wounded they paid for which mis guivumzeu city rockod evory building within dren when rightly nour- Lutsk September 20, and Cznrtorysk nnrh nnlnt Thor nilvnnr-ni- l hut worn I lueaui: uusiuesa us ntui, blocks. The building had been n Wstson K. Coleman, sturdy Taunt liwrer.Waihloifuia October 20, few believed tho Russians never able to stnmnede the defenders. small residence, but its doors wero ished, grow to be PATENTS 1. ( Adtlea and books fr reasonable, lllgheit references. 11 Ml serrloMi could revive. Lutsk was soon lost Pcrhnps Verdun will bo tho In- -t fcM-.UU- rUH PANAMA HA I blown out, Its celling shattered and men and women. lutes again, and on October 25 tho Germans great Germnn offensive. Certainly to Its root torn off. 11 HIÍA1.H A BTKNOfÜ KUDufir Litamos Nvny u. stormed Illuxt. Then things settled day tho Teutons havo their hands full Prices Paid In the City of Mexico In Door was found In the kitchen with Good flavor nnd the es- nin down for tho winter and almost every stemming the Russian advance, which Carranza Currency for Sum- his right leg blown off, both oyes sential nourishing thought spring would de- neutral critic the Is penetratng Transylvania, and the mer Covering. blown out and his ear drums for mental and physical de- Anglo-Frenc-h Every WomanjWanta 6C0 a resumption of the Teuton drive. pounding attack along stroyed so that he could not hear a velopment of children are f On Octoher 8, tho Teutons crossed the Sommc. St. Louis. Honestly now, how sound. In an adjoining room, where food the Serbian border nt many points Austria on Defensive. would you llko to fork over 50,500 for his wife and baby had been, found in the famous nnd five days later tho Bulgarians, Tho Austrlnns, who In the latter half a suit of clothes? the two wero found apparently unin newcomers In tho war, Invaded from of May debouched from tho Trcntlno Shell out 504,000 for a Panama jured, but tho wife was screaming and tho east. Fighting desperately but and almost gnlned tho foothills and hot? terrified from tho shock. Mrs. Door has Grape-Nut- s wero Dig to havo your hopelessly, tho Serbians pressed smiling plains of Italy, are also con $2,000 Just trunk been unable to give any Information, FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE - back by torrents of heavy shells to tent to stand and ward off the blows moved? as sha has been almost In hysterica. Dissolved tn water for douchet stops which 'they could not reply, and on of tho Italians, after giving up most of Tbeso nre prices and charges they Made of whole wheat and pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Inflam- November 20 the German general staff their gains. hurl nt you down in the Chy of Mex Candidate Hughes Starts for Denver. malted barley, this pure food mation. Recommended by Ljrdia E. was able proudly to announce that the Tho year saw tho Germans lose ico when you try to uso Carranza cur- New York. "I am entering upon supplies all the nutriment of Pinkham Med. Co. for ten yeara. operations against Serbln hud ended Cameroon cotony In rency ns a medium of exchange. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, their Jnnuary, the trip with tho greatest zest," was the grains in a most easily di- Economical. complete success, while Belgians, Randolph, of tho lore throat and aore area. in Austria at whtlo columns of French und Thomas chairman the assertion mado by Charles E. gested form. Hss exbsenaai7 dcaatíoa. and scnnlcSdel power. tho amo timo w'us finishing off Mon close In on board, National Bunk of Commerce, Is ISampU 5Uc all draitbb. or postpaid vt British the stout defenders Hughes, Republican candidate for Tt4PlkiTc3rtCcgpmr.rr. tenegro. colony, nuthorlty for the .statement that Iheso Vail. Dotuo.M. of the East African tho last of President, Just boforo ho started upon It does the heart good to see But unsuccessful as tho year 1015 tho kaiser's oversea possessions. prices renlly exist, tho Information the campaign Journey which will take - little folks enjoy Grape-Nut-a PA.tkER'3 had been to tho allies In tho field In Mesopotamia the British, pene- - having been sent him In n letter he re- - him across- the continent, Including and cream. HAIR DALSAM their will to conquer did not waver. tratlng to within seven miles of Bag-- ceiveu irora a inenn in iirownsviue, Denver and an outing In Estes Park. A toilet preparatloa or merit. moment In re-- II.! to tradtotU dandruff. At the early December, dnd. were defeated and forced to Tex. For Restoring Colar and when the German Imperial chancellor treat, being finally besieged In Kut-el- - It Is presumed stores do not want Wlmborne Viceroy for Ireland. "There's a Reason" OcwntrtoCrarorFadadlUIr. currency nnu Mo. ejd SI M el pnmTUL was making a clear offer of peace In Amara on December 10. A relieving 'Cnrrnnzn nave named London. Baron Wlmborne has a speech to tho relchstag, the rep expedition was unsuccessful nnd on the high prices to stimulate the flow of of Sold by Grocers. been reappointed lord lieutenant NO. 16. I currency. W. N. U.. DENVER, resentatlves of Germany's enemies April 30 the garrison cadtulated. United Stntcs gold nnd Inland. CITY MAY NOT Local and Personal COLLECT LICENSES CAL & PERSONAL PARLOR BARBER SHOP On Monday afternoon in tho of Mr. and Mrs. Young Bounds judge A. W. Graham and wifo return Undertaking and Embalming Felix Jones, prop. fice of the district at Silver ed Saturday from the Pacific coast and Miss Lois Locklcar left City, the case of restraining the OATHS, LAUNDIIV AOKNCY Thursday for Duncan Arizona Lordsburg collecting where they have been spending a city of from month's vacation. Noitiloor to Pottofflce 1 where they will visit Mr. and saloon license and. regulating the Our Stock of Oaskots, Burial Hobos and I Mr- - Cisco, our Licensed Embalmor I.OItOSllUHO. - NKWMKXICOl Mrs.Sanders for a couple of days. saloon business was heard and a A. A. Williams, tho well driller, Undortakors Equipmont is Completo Will Acswor Calls Day or Nitxht ..n..,,..a decision rendered in favor of the was here from Duncan the first of It is rumored that the Charlie plaintiff. Tho judge ruled that .the week. Mr. Williams has start Lee Mercantile Company has under the existing laws of the ed a new well for Alex Martin at changed hands. The names of state of New Mexico, under which tho Martin home in Duncan. Ho THE ROBERTS & LEAHY MERCANTILE COMPANY, INC. Owwwwwwwwwvwwvs the new owners could not be Lordsburg is incorporated, the has finished a 207 foot well for secured. town cannot collect license from Floyd Hightower and has much t. nuns UltG, NEW MEXICO the saloons or regulate them by work lined up along the river. R. L. WRIGHT Milo Gilbert, wife and family were in town Wednesday irom M. S. Miller and J. F. Bolander An appeal has been made by the of Knox County, Texas, arrived the San Simon Valley. Mr. Gil city attorney to the state supreme bert has sold his 160 acre ranch court. here the last of the week in Mr. Wheel-wrig- looking Blacksmith, ht to Hale Chenoweth and is now Bolander's car. They arc over Southern Grant County with Spring and Axel Welding on his way to Colorado. They are making the trip via HAWAIIANS GIVE a view to locating permanently. Wood Working CONCERT AND DANCE Mr. Bolander is a well known cat tleman in many years Horseshoeing. The famous Hawaiian trouba Texas, and Miss Aurora Brooks of Marfa. dours gave a delightful concert and ago "skinned mules through Texas is the guest of Miss Sylvia dance at the K. of P. hall Satur New Mexico and Arizona. He says NORTH OF R. R. TRACK Chase for a few days en route to day night. A largo crowd attended that quite a number of people Lordsburg Bakery her home after spending a vaca- each of the events. from Knox county are planning to ..wwvwwvvvvvvvvwwwtf tion on the Pacific coast. Miss The troubadours have an excel come to New Mexico. ALEX S0HNEIDEE, Proprietor Brooks and Miss Chase were lent repertoire of Hawaiian and uscar wunter received a new room mates at the Wasson American music which they render Ford touring car from the Scott former Fresh--Rolls--Bread--Pies--Ca- School for Girls at San Antonio, on their native instruments. Old agency the last of tho week. ltes Texas. favorites were called for by the Robert W. Bliss is attending the I LYMAN H. HAYS I audience and each request was convention of the Arizona State Delivered Every Morning To Mr. and Mrs. Earle Kerr are honored. The dance following Federation of Labor in Tucson, $ Attorney at Law, Wilcox, Arizona $ spending a ten days vacation the concert was the main event Arizona, this week. Mr. Bhsf is a evening enjoyed well-know- n OF If $ with friends and relatives" in of the and was vice president of this ANY PART TOWN Practice in Public Lands and by a very large number of people. 8 Mining Law a Specialty. 8 Texas. organization. Mrs. Campbell Williams is El Paso Ice Cream and Cold All Kinds of Fancy Baking Done to Your Order visiting friends at Globe, Ariz, NEW AUTOS Drinks at Mrs. Stevens' Ice Frank R. Coon, cashier of the Cream PHONE 1 PHONE 1 Glen Robinson, who sustained Parlor. First National Bank, has pur Wright built a iracture oi the skuii in an chased a handsome new Mitchell Morris and have 1 an to warenouse Walk One BIock and Save A Dollar" automobile accident near the Six from the El Paso agency, hav addition tneir north of the S. P. tracks. Box M ranch Sunday morning, is ing turned his Buick in on the SURPRISE GROCERY recovering nicely and will soon deal. Mr. Coon will inspect the William Heather, well known be able to be out. He is at Dr, new cars in the Pass City before angora goat raiser irom silver STORE COMPANY DeMoss' hospital. making his choice. City, was here the first of this week buying up mohair. Mr. Hea FRANCISCO HAREL-- W. F. Ritter bought a Ford road Rev. D. F. Sellards was in El ther also made a trip to the Gila PROPRIETOR Paso the last of the week. ster from the Scott agency this week and will send to the river, purchasing much mohair Fresh Meats. - Vegetables and the car from that section. Groceries. PROMPT Deliveries Mrs. A. R. Aguilar, wife of Duncan Lumber Company, in W. W. was town from Insurance Real Estate Phone No. 6 - 2 Rings employee of the S. P. here, died which he is interested. Carlon in Tuesday after a brief illness of the Animas valley on Sunday, A B Store North of S. P. Tracks pneumonia, bhe was buried NOTICE Frank McCarthy, formerly of Thursday morning. this city, but now employed by the Mrs. Alston having left my bed Rock Island at Liberal, Kansas Hill! & HACHITA and board, I will no longer be res was visitor here several days IIIIPIH Ansie a J. Krebaum went out to his ponsible for any debts contracted this week. by her on and after August 1. ranch Monday, to be back soon. Miss Matilda Beam returned He didn't show up at the time set, Signed: W. D. ALSTON, Shakespeare, N. M home Tuesday noon from Berke- 14 Leading Fire Insurance Companies 1st Elmo Barber Sbool His wife got very uneasy, went to ley, where she has been attending hunt him, found him busy fixing the University of California. Miss his well, returned with a smile. TAKES AGENCY FOR TRUCK 8 H. S. G1LLUM, Pitoi'iUKTOK 8 Beam is a valuable member of the Tom Nichols, express agent local school faculty. 8 - v here, Richard Cureton and John Paul i has joined the noble army of mar us have taken the local agency for Ray Case of Deming was a bus Agency For American Laundry tyrs, for his wife has gone visit the Smith Form-A-Truc- k, an at iness visitor here Tuesday. ing relatives at Colorado Springs, tachment which is used with any a v.i. vaho, tkxa q Texas. making Oiiver G. King, justice of the Ford chassis it into Peacti at Animas, was in town guaranteed one ton truck. They Monday H. A. McGaughcy, railroad agent will promote a vigorous sales and Tuesday. , om-- STO&VERYJs here, has returned from his vaca campaign in their territory and x mmm tion, accompanied by his son, Har BORN Tuesday evening to i i .x va will doubtless sell quite a number Mr. gag. and Mrs. Walter C.Rubesch, ry. He has been to Chicago and of these trucks. other points. Glad to get back to an eight pound daughter. Both i jimmie's New Mexico, out of the sunstroke child and mother are doing nicely, a districts. Walter was on deck bright and BIG BILL AT STAR early Wednesday morning with few Jauto service W. JIMMIE HUGHES J. Vines will be principal this two-b- it cigars and wearing a hat things c term, and we are glad to hear our At the Star theatre tonight several sizes larger than usual we little Miss Cobb will be an assist Any Place (Thursday) a special feature Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods ry ant. "The Ballet Girl" with Alice in the most were here from Redrock Wed . i i Day or Night' Frank Green of the A. & N. M Brady will be shown. TheThurs nesday. compieie lumoer, railroad has gone jjo (jlliton on day night world features are John Haydon was in town business? Is it ralüts, Frank? drawing big crowds. On Tues from Steins Wednesday. He coal and masons ma Overland Touring Rales day evenings oooo- - ooo- "The Mysteries of says that two wholesale liquor terials yard in Myra serial is being shown houses are opening up at the th'? coun The pictures are getting more Pass. STAR THEATRE interesting and gripping as ti:ey ty : All kinds oí rough and progress. Attorney A. W. Moningstar The last of the set of dishes lett Thursday on No. 2 for an finished lumber, cement given away on Monday nights extended trip in the east. He blocks, lime,--, bricks, plaster, NEW LOCATION World Features was won by Fat Thomas on will visit New York City and Jamestown, N. Y. returning via, now showing Monday evening of this week. blinds, I i ll Washington Ü. C. where he wil doors'sash, trim, etc. We Hit The Lordsburg Dairy Thursday Nights! place his daughter, Miss Hazel lr not AT THE CHURCHES in school for the coming term give estimates, vou have "SANITATION FIRST" Big Universal Program Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar wil become' acquainted with our way 11 Services at the C h r i s t i a n return to Lordsburg íFriday and Saturday Nights! Church Sunday August about the Now at Sheakspeare Camp 13th. ib ot the month. doing busrness our live service Prompt Deliveries to Lordsburg Sunday school 10:00 A. M. wire xa Plenty of Fun, Thrills Preaching M Charles Warner, secretary and V service 11:00 A and court eonsxattention to details-ix- v us. XJ and 85 Mine. and Entertainment Subject: What do ye more than treasurer of the 85 Mining Com others. Matt. 5:47. pany, arrived in the city Tuesday W. F. BUTTER, Lordsburg, New Mexico ALLEN & LINES, Prop. from San Gabriel, Calif., to look iPRICES: Thursday, 15 and 25c Preaching services 8:00 P. M What is the Bible? How to study after his business interests. Mr, Warner has to home it. All are cordially invited to returned his in California in July, after mak For Our attend. ing an extended visit in the east M. S. Boyer, Pastor He many sRemember the Price, 5 and 10c has friends in Lordsburg and vicinity who are always glad A LOS ANGELES to welcome him back to "the best It. Elmo Cal little, town THE MYSTERIES OF MYRA HOTEL DE LUXE in the southwest." Miss Carrie James, daughter o W. M. MEANEY, Prop. AND TWO OTHER REELS Vacationists or businss visitors EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. James of tho 85 from the southwest to Los Angeles mine, was taken to the Hotel Dicu nave discovered ideal oooo- - ooo --oooo the "hotel in El Paso Monday morning for de luxe" in the Hotel Northern treatment of what is supposed which has suddenly come into be typhoid fever. Miss Jamen NOTICE FOR rUHLIC VT10N prominence in this section by a Department of the Interior, II. ii. ijM'l Of. attended school in Lordabunr last flee t Im Cruce, N. M., Auk. 4, 1916 persistent advertising campaign year and ha3 many friends herr. Notice hereby given that Lola Capitol ana tne success or the manage who trust her illness will not sir Ijontiburir, N M., De oe ItoberUon, of who, on mcnt in making good its promises serious, eember 14, 1916, mode homestead entry No, ji Township 24 S, Northern, situated 012774, for SWW, Section 28, The Hotel liarme 20 W, N. M. P. Meridian, haa filed on Second street, above Hill, i lit I notice of tntenti'on to make final three year in the center of tho business I (ÜlptalnttB proof, to catahlUh claim to the land above dt-- WANT ADS cribul. before FarU V Iliuh, U. S. Comml shopping and theatre district of W "THE APPRECIATED tuner, at Lonkburir, N, M on the 18th day o! Los Angeles. It is one of the most September, 1916. in city SALE-.-Sa'asáf- modern the and features FOR fe CANDIES" Claimant namea as witnesses r mc'at. nun ptnnr tií ni Gri service not to be excelled any hiit uun oiunc iu-u- Jeaale C. Campbell. Itobert Cuew, Viola J, Choicest bits of fi:,&st dof?. En- Lordaburit, where in the United States. We sell 60 many of these Kobertaon, Llllie E. Smith, all of quire Jones & Burns N. M. Corral. f&moutly good chocolates that RegUter, In the spacious foyer of the AuitllSepg John L Durmlde, may found any eve Roberta & Leahy we can always supply any of the Northern be Mercantile NOTICE FOIl I'UIILICATION ning a gathering of well-know- n i,o. nayo secured a license for Oohnstort popular assortment. Department of the Interior, U, S. Land Of people from all parts of New MeX' their three legged goat. We are fice at Loa Crucea, N. M.. Auk. 4, 1916 some people is they will not And always Fresh ico and Arizona, making one feel noi ímormeü whether or not is ,NE of then qui "erest things about that These are the kind you see Notice U hereby trvlen that Waiter Grlf it they KNOW they OUGHT TO. fin, of Cloverdale, N, M., who, on May 7, 19Í6, nearer to home, with a "tribe" a dog license. follow GO0.D ADVICE when advertised in made additional Iwmuitead entry No. 011607 from home near at hand. It is Perhaps we a re all more or less that way. All the wise men of Saturday SWWNWWi NWViSWM the Evenino Post for NV4NWW: this patronage the Hotel Northern all ages ha.rc urgecC their fellow beings to PUT AWAY SOMETHING and re What She Section 4, Townihlp 34 S., Itange 20 W N, soliciting, binding Want! M. I. Meridian, htfi filed notice of Intention is and is it fast FOR RENT Furnished Room íor a RAIN3C DAY. Good old Benjamin Franklin's sayings on economy proof, to eatablUh to by to make final three year its list of "regulars" ideal Bath and all conveniences. See and saving alDne oug, bt to make a bank book holder of EVEEY ONE. claim to the land above deacmbed, before A service. THE MINT CLUB G. P. Jeffuá. YOUtt-;SEL- F J II. Ward, U. S. Commissioner, at Animas, If you hawe DELAY 3D, suppose you act HONESTLY with N. M., on the 18th day of September, 1916, Tho Western Liberal takes RIGHT NOW. HARRY FARRIOR Claimant namea aa wltneaaeat pleasure in recommending this William It HuKhea, Jame N. Clark, Martin to TABLE FOR SALE Fine Oak PROPRIETOR Fulbrixht, Joseph F, Good, all of Cloverdale, hotel the summer tourists who may go to Los Angeles dining room table. Eight FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. M. from this leaves.;!0pen a AugUSepS John L Buraslde, RcgUUr. section. ?15.. Enquire at Liberal Office. Lordsburg, New Mexico