Ellensburg High School’s Student News Magazine The November 2, 2020 Issue 1 Alutant Volume 49

Back to School Sunrise Movement Election Pages 4-5 Pages 12-13 Pages 18-19 2 November 2, 2020 Alutant Alutant Staff: Editor-in-Chief: Letter from the Editor Jada Godwin ~To a New School Year~ Staff Reporters: Lucy Altman-Coe Welcome back to the Alutant, last forever. It’s your actions today Stephen Martin Bulldogs! that save somebody’s life tomorrow. Helen Mills Lucas Wright There’s some new changes here Where’s the harm in looking out for in the Alutant newsroom I’d love to your fellow human beings? Adviser: address: In other news, we have an Insta- Christine Roux We are very excited to welcome gram account (@alutantnews) where Affiliations Christine Roux to the Alutant as we send out updates and announce Washington Journalism our new Advisor! Her experience opportunities for you, the students, Education Association in student journalism and enthusi- to get involved with the paper! National Scholastic Press asm to try out new ideas will help We are also offering a subscrip- Association propel us forward in these uncer- tion service starting this year at $50 Quill and Scroll Honor- tain times, something we all need for 8+ issues of the Alutant. If you ary Society right now. choose to pay for the service, we’ll Special Thanks ESD Printing Services After listening to your feedback send a monthly paper copy of the we have decided to move our pub- issue to your address. We will still Alutant is an Old English word lication dates to the first school day provide PDF copies of the Alutant meaning “bulldog.” of each month. With this new sched- for free, with links to them on our The Alutant is a public forum for student expression. Content ule we can deliver more consistent Instagram and our page on the EHS is written and produced by news, and most importantly, you’ll website, however this is your chance and for students and does not necessarily reflect the opinions know when to expect that news to to get a physical copy. More informa- of Ellensburg High School or the be available for consumption. tion is included on the flyer sent with school district. We also have an incredibly this issue. The publication accepts freelance work from current small team this year (five people!), I’m so proud of my team for put- students at Ellensburg High but, strangely enough, this actually ting together this wonderful issue of School. is a good thing. Small groups equal the Alutant. We’ll continue to work Email: [email protected] easier planning and less in-person hard for the students and to properly Instagram: @alutantnews contact, a depressing but necessary represent the news industry--an in- component to battle Covid-19. dustry our society relies on in more ELLENSBURG HIGH SCHOOL 1203 E. Capitol Avenue Staying safe is essential in a ways than one--for what it is. Not Ellensburg, WA 98926 health crisis like the Covid-19 pan- fake news, but the check to absolute (509)-925-8300 demic, and by working to limit power, the revealer of corruption, opportunities for the spread of the the fighter for equality, and the not- virus we leave more options open so-humble historian. to report on the events and people Until the next issue, at the high school and in the com- munity! I personally would like to Jada Godwin urge everybody capable of follow- ing Covid-19 precautions to do so. Jada Godwin Cover Photo: Stephen Martin Remember, these restrictions won’t Editor-in-Chief Alutant November 2, 2020 3 Keeping Up with Covid-19 Up-to-Date Information, For You

Lucy Altman-Coe Copy Editor A Column The Covid-19 pandemic is still central to the lives of many. As students, we are now re- quired to wear masks at school and prepare for the possibili- ty of switching back and forth between distance and hybrid learning systems. Amid this craziness, it can be difficult to keep an eye on the facts. How- ever, the Alutant will be mak- ing an effort to let all students Assistant Principal Ole Hall welcomes students as they go to complete their daily health know the basics of the corona- checks. These routine checks are one step Ellensburg High School has done to try and limit the spread of the novel coronavirus Covid-19. Photo Courtesy of Stephen Martin. virus pandemic as it plays out. Each column will have the “pneumonia” cases was report- er. Obviously, the virus spread most up-to-date and factual ed by the Chinese government very quickly in a short period of information, so you can stay on December 31st, 2019, report- time. aware of all of the goings-on of ed . How- As of October 28th, Kitti- the coronavirus pandemic. ever, there is speculation that tas County has had 725 posi- Covid-19, is caused by the the virus may have spawned tive cases. Of those, 22 people SARS-CoV-2 virus, accord- as early as November 2019. have passed away due to the ing to the Centers for Disease Over a month later, the World Covid-19 virus. Control. A cluster of dozens of Health Organization officially Central Washington Univer- titled the new virus sity itself has had 167 confirmed “Covid-19”. cases since their September 9th Since then, cases opening, and has 27 active cases have grown expo- as of October 28th, as published nentially. The first by CWU. case in the United In the , there States, a man in his have been 8,485,747 total cases. 30s from Washing- Of those, 223,328 people have ton, was confirmed passed away. This is the great- on January 21st, est number of both cases and 2020, according deaths per country in the world. to the New York We here at the Alutant im- Times. Two months plore you to keep wearing later, on March 21st, masks and physically distanc- 2020, there were ing so everyone can stay safe. 1,793 cases in Wash- Taking these precautions can The Covid-19 virus began in 2019, but became more wide- ington, reported the save lives and help the pandem- spread in 2020. Photo Courtesy of RawPixel. Chinook Observ- ic end more quickly. 4 November 2, 2020 Alutant Back to School Stephen Martin A Rocky Reopening A Associate Editor News

On October 19th, Ellens- burg High School returned to in-person learning after over a month of online school. The return was the result of several school board decisions made over the course of many months. “There have been meetings about reopening since school got out, pretty much” said Senior Jaden Burroughs, Student Rep- Cheerleaders welcome students into the school. resentative to the school board. around significantly during the The doubt cast on the Oc- The meeting that decided to meetings. tober 5th date was not without return was on September 9th, “Originally, the start date merit, as a few weeks before the and was made from inputs by was November 9th, because it planned October 5th opening both medical experts and mem- was when the end of the quar- there was an emergency meeting bers of the community. ter was,” said Burroughs. “And called to delay the opening by “They took in all of the in- then there was talk of getting two weeks, moving the school formation from Dr. Larson’s students back into school earlier opening to October 19th. recommendations, and all the because it is a better situation for “It is my understanding that focus groups they had over the the students, and that’s when the there was a new recommenda- spring and summer with all the October 5th (date) came about… tion from Dr. Larson, because stakeholders,” said Burroughs. They decided to vote on it for they had originally had the Oc- “So staff, parents, students, the opening on October 5th, and tober 5th date as a way to wait members of the community that it was a unanimous vote with to see what would happen when weren’t more directly involved some hesitation because they the college got back in session,” with the school system.” were still unsure whether or not remarked Burroughs. “And then The date of reopening moved that was the right idea.” the numbers went up and they weren’t going down.” School of course did open on October 19th, and the system that the school has opened with is unlike anything that teachers have seen before. Students are divided into two groups who attend school on Mondays and Thursdays (Group A) or Tues- days and Fridays (Group B). There are also three different lunches, depending on a stu- dent’s 4th period. Students line up to receive lunch. With six possible schedules, Alutant November 2, 2020 5 try to simulate things online but it nowhere matches the hands- on class.” Despite the confidence shown by the school board and the hopes of many teachers, there are widespread concerns that cases will again rise and the school will shut down and re- turn to all-virtual learning. Arlt weighed in on the subject. “I have no way of know- ing what’s gonna happen but, y’know Covid-19 is a virus that Mr. Wilson instructs his woodworking class from a distance. acts like any other virus, with a this system is out of the ordinary touching each other and doing few differences but, all indica- to say the least, but it comes as that, but we can adapt to spac- tions may say that it’s going to a relief to many teachers whose ing, and with the masks I guess ramp up here in the schools, but classes depend on in-person that’s what they’re asking so...” time will tell and we’ll see what learning. One such teacher is There are also teachers happens. I expect we may at Taylor Wilson, who teaches whose classes depend on hands- some point shut down again but woodworking at EHS, a subject on experience who have had a that’s just a guess.” that does not translate very well smoother transition to in-person As of the publication of this into a digital environment. school, such as John Arlt, who paper, school has been in session “I think that being in-person teaches several lab science class- for two weeks. It remains uncer- is, well, obviously pivotal for us es at EHS, including Biotechnol- tain whether or not the school cause we’re the woodshops, so ogy, Biology, and Robotics. will remain open until the end of it makes a big difference,” said “So far it’s been really well,” the year. What is certain, howev- Wilson. “And just being able to said Arlt, “It hasn’t been that er, is that this new model of edu- work with your peers and other difficult, my classes aren’t over- cation will require the best effort people and be here and see peo- ly crowded so in the biotech lab of everyone involved. ple and get out of your house, I we have enough room to move mean that’s huge, really huge.” around and get equipment While distance learning cer- spread out. There’s been chang- tainly was an improvement over es with the procedures for each online school, it will still take a of my classes, normally the stu- lot of effort to get the woodshop dents are a little more indepen- up to social distancing stan- dent with finding equipment, so dards. the only change I have now is “It’s doable, it takes a lot to trying to make sure that things adjust to that, cause we haven’t are more set out and more laid ran like that before, so all of our out for students ahead of time.” machines are bolted down closer Arlt also emphasized the im- than six feet, for the most part,” portance of physical experience said Wilson. “And a lot of things for classes. in here we help each other with “In-person, especially in the and we might have a couple of classes like Biotechnology and people on a board cutting wood, Robotics which are hands-on so surface contact stuff I don’t classes, is the only way to really know how we’re gonna avoid learn,” remarked Arlt. “We can Students fill the West Hallway. 6 November 2, 2020 Alutant NCAA & Covid-19 Scholarships in the Pandemic 3% of US colleges have lost $7.6 Covid on athletic scholarships Lucas Wright billion in college sport income in will be evident more next year Staff Reporter A Sports 2020. With ESPN reporting col- since the donations we seek for lege football alone is set to lose $4 scholarship are raised the year Many of us are looking at billion for the season 2020-2021, prior to dispersing/awarding the National Collegiate Athletic the availability of sports scholar- the scholarships. This is also true Association (NCAA) sports pro- ships is sure to be affected with for the larger college communi- grams and scholarships for next the drop of college income. ty, though many of the general year, as well as upcoming years. Dennis Francois, Director of scholarships are endowed.” With Covid-19 running rampant Intercollegiate Athletics at Cen- How has the Covid-19 crisis and unchecked in the United tral Washington University, who affected college income from States, where does that leave athletics i.e. spectators and you as a student athlete when merchandise? it comes to looking for athletic ”The financial impact of scholarships and programs? Covid within our department With 4,600,000 NCAA ath- comes in the form of unrealized letes in 2019-2020 school year revenues (ticketing, licensing, alone, these numbers will obvi- game guarantees, reduction of ously drop with over 300 NCAA student-fees/enrollment, cor- athletic programs being can- porate sponsorships, and state celled this and next year so far. funding), more so than anything Ranging from sports such as bas- has held that position for just else. We are projecting losing ap- ketball to volleyball, countless under seven years with a total of proximately $700,000 in revenue sport programs are postponed 23 years experience in higher ed- this year.” per the NCAA website. ucation, agreed to an interview When do you personally As many student athletes about the financial impact the think college sports will return know, scholarships, whether full pandemic has on CWU sports. to normal? or partial, are a must, especially How has the Covid-19 crisis ”If you define normal as no in these hard-pressed financial affected athletics enrollment at more Covid protocols, I would times. CWU? say soon as we have a vaccine. According to Dr. Jasmine ”Covid has not impacted ath- I don’t have a crystal ball, but i Harris, a Professor at Ursinus letics enrollment perse, since stu- would hope that in a year from College in Pennsylvania, the top dent-athletics can ‘“opt out’” of now we will be back to “normal” participating in athletics due to - but i think it all hinges upon a Covid- but can still be enrolled. vaccine.” So, if it has impacted enrollment Looking at the facts, I’d take within athletics, it has been very a line from Franois himself: ”I minimal since most are still tak- don’t have a crystal ball.” But ing classes, i.e., enrolled.” in my own personal opinion, How has Covid-19 affect- Covid-19 will have an avail- ed the availability of athletic ability and financial impact on scholarships at CWU and the student athletes for next year at wider college community? least, and if not longer. Central Washington University logo. ”The financial impacts of Alutant November 2, 2020 7 Postponed Sports Helen Mills And a Dedicated Athlete Staff Reporter A Sports son was scheduled to be in the sian alter-egos named Yoko and At the moment, Senior Thom- fall. However, due to Covid-19 Dimitri, and speak with accents to as Lonowski is playing tennis for concerns it looks like the spring confuse our opponents. That al- Ellensburg High School. season is back on. ways gave us something to laugh “I do really like tennis. You “Even though our official about! Once, we were able to con- get to make friends, and every- practices got postponed, I’ve vince our opponents that we were one’s there to have fun. Some still been able to get together foreign exchange students from other sports are really competi- with my friends and play tennis Russia.” tive, but in tennis you really get with them.” Even with fluctuating practic- to choose how serious you want It really is the people who es and seasons, tennis remains a to be.” make the team. beloved sport. When asked if he would play Lonowski’s favor- Lonowski said another sport he wrote, “Nope, ite tennis memory he’d continue to play tennis has been my go-to sport “was playing with tennis in upcoming for all of high school. In fact, I my doubles partner years. would have played it for all of from two years ago, Left to right: Ben Johnson, middle school too, if it had been Ethan Price. When Thomas Lonowski, and an option.” we played against RJ Johnston posing on Tennis is usually a spring other schools we the tennis courts. Photo season sport, but this year’s sea- would adopt Rus- Courtesy of Collin Marsh. Class of 2021: The time has come for you to submit your baby ads or graduation ads to the yearbook! Prices: Full page: $400 Half page: $200 Quarter page: $100 1/8th page: $50 Creative Service: $15

Reserve your spot now!! All senior baby or grad ads are due by February 19th. Email Christine Roux for more details and to reserve your spot: [email protected] 8 November 2, 2020 Alutant Picture Day Stephen Martin A Associate Editor News A Tradition Done Differently On September 25th, Picture Musser and I… talked through Day was held for the students what the best plan was to use of Ellensburg High School. the space and keep [students] Covid-19 regulations made it spaced out.” difficult to have 900+ students The dot system is a method enter the same room., howev- of lining students up on a grid er, administrators were able to of spaced-out dots, allowing for achieve it by using a technique a safe and orderly line. they had used previously. “The theory is using a big “We used the dot system for space, so the gym makes the the virtual graduation filming most sense,” she said. “And try- in the spring,”said Activities ing to have the dots, more than Members of the ASB Executive Board Coordinator Haley Naboychik, six feet apart... For the most part distribute headbands. who organized the event. “Mr. everyone’s done PE and kind of to distribute headbands to the understands that concept.” Class of 2021. The headbands “It’s your chance to get into were white and meant to be per- the yearbook, it’s your chance to sonalized by seniors for assem- have your picture on your ASB blies and other school events. or your ID card, and y’know it “It’s kind of a tradition“, helps us know new kids and said Jenna Callan, ASB Vice who you are,” she said. “And President. “It’s just kind of I’m really happy with the turn- symbolic for assemblies when out and the way it’s working for people walk in with their senior the most part.” headbands on.” Naboychik ushers students into the Members of the ASB Exec- Picture retakes are being gym. utive Board were also present held on November 4th.

Students get their pictures taken. Alutant November 2, 2020 9

How Advisory Has Changed And What You Can Expect Jada Godwin sions and grade checks as well Activities Editor-in-Chief as the day to day interactions A News Coordinator with a consistent staff member,” Haley An email was sent to all said Activities Coordinator Ha- Naboychik. Ellensburg High School stu- ley Naboychik. dents on September 2nd, 2020, This material, pulled from managing briefly announcing the new the Office of the Superintendent assigned advisory class structure being of Public Instruction (OSPI) and work and tasks too.” implemented. With additional the College Board, among other According to Naboychik, emails from administrators and institutions, to supplement both the district and state are the teachers themselves describ- EHS’ advisory lessons, had been more focused on providing re- ing the new advisory structure selected by Naboychik. sources for social and emotional in more detail, it soon became Naboychik now acts as the growth this year, which is sub- clear that advisory would look advisory teacher, distributing sequently being reflected in the very different from the year and grading assignments over advisory curriculum. “Covid before. Schoology, however, students is having a significant impact In previous years, advisory are still placed into advisory on students, and it’s important was split into two main sec- classrooms run by the EHS that we try to help students tions, lessons and mentorship, teachers to open discussions manage this aspect of their lives both of which were presented and complete grade checks. and health, in addition to their to students by their advisory These classes meet every education and building their teacher. Wednesday at 8:30am over knowledge.” Freshmen lessons focused Zoom. “A majority of the work on “transition skills” to high The decision was made (assigned in advisory this school such as test taking, in part to centralize access to year) comes from the Charac- understanding credits, and so advisory information so every ter Strong Curriculum which forth. Sophomores and juniors student would be guaranteed has an overall philosophy that learned how to succeed while to receive the same information students will be most successful in high school, and seniors on at the same time. It should also when they have strong charac- skills crucial to life after high be noted that certain responsi- ter and can apply their educa- school, with a particular atten- bilities were consolidated under tional knowledge in a way that tion made to information on Naboychik’s control to ease the is positive for the people around selecting and paying for post stress of the teachers at the high them,” stated Naboychik. This secondary options, as well as school. “Part of the reason for focus on “social and emotional going over graduation require- this (change) was to help give growth and well-being” for stu- ments like the High School and teachers more time to focus on dents and their relationships are Beyond Plan one final time. talking to students, especial- critical in a year of quarantine “The other half of the advi- ly with virtual learning being and lockdowns, but, sory class was the relationship such a challenge for everyone. piece with teachers, including Sometimes it is nice to just be Continued on next page —> the community circle discus- able to talk and interact without 10 November 2, 2020 Alutant

even now, it isn’t the only lates how many credits a stu- for me to put the information goal of advisory. College and dent is allowed to take as part they may want or need.” Run- career readiness lessons are of their education, and remov- ning Start students also have required by the OSPI, and some ing advisory from the mix has the option to opt into advisory of the skills taught in previous been a way to accomplish that,” if they so please. years are still making a showing stated Naboychik. Just as advisory is a two- this year. While Running Start stu- part class, Naboychik has two Advisory is mandatory dents may not have to complete requests for students: Complete for all full-time EHS students. any specific assignments, they your assignments and go to However, Running Start stu- do still have a page on Schoolo- your Zoom calls! Naboychik is dents are automatically ex- gy detailing EHS events, oppor- still giving full credit for com- empted from advisory due tunities, and requirements. “A pleting assignments in advisory, to the amount of credits they lot of times, running start stu- even for late work from the very are allowed to take at the high dents are out of the loop about first week of school. Remember school while enrolled at Central what is happening at EHS, and to check for work on Schoology Washington University. this has given them one easy and submit the Google Forms “There is a rule that regu- place to find it, and one place for the videos. (New) Teacher Features Welcome to EHS! Jada Godwin Editor-in-Chief A Feature

Throughout the year the Alutant produces features on the students and teachers of Ellens- burg High School. Here are two new teachers at the school: Special Education Department Laurel Weber teaches Con- for several months at a time. many things became difficult. tent Area Reading and Writing, “I am excited to be back in They were troopers and met Math Concepts, and an Inde- my own classroom with stu- with me on ZOOM every day of pendent Study class at Ellens- dents that I do not have to let the week for at least one hour. burg High School. go of at the end of the long-term Working with them inspired me Weber moved to Ellensburg to pursue a Masters of Special “I need to send a shout in 2011 from Nebraska and en- Education and a position in the out to the Life Skills joys reading, quilting, camping, high school in the special edu- students at EHS!” hiking, and spending time with cation department.” her family. Weber taught high substitute assignment,” stated “Since accepting the job, the school Biology for seven years Weber. special education team has been in Utah and North Carolina and Weber is especially proud of welcoming and generous with has also worked more locally as her Life Skill students. “I had their time and knowledge to a long-term substitute in 2017- the privilege of working with help me get my feet underneath 2020, staying in one classroom them in the Spring when so me.” Alutant November 2, 2020 11 English Department students have to learn how to prove the educational system in use the new programs online the future.” Brittanie Wyler teaches without any in-person demon- One such tool being used 9th grade, 9th grade Honors, strations. during the pandemic is Zoom, a and 10th grade Language Arts “I also truly miss getting to video conferencing website and through the Virtual Academy see and hear students through- app. Wyler wished to remind program at Ellensburg High out the day and have truly students of the option to con- School. She enjoys playing engaging class lessons and dis- nect with teachers in real time. video games, reading books, cussions. I miss being a part of “As awkward as Zoom feels for working on home projects, students’ creativity, since I often students, it’s especially awk- and baking. Wyler also runs learn new ways of thinking ward for us teachers to sit at the Dungeons & Dragons club, from the amazing young adults our computers for hours each which meets Wednesdays from in our school!” day with an empty, blank Zoom 3-6pm over Zoom. It isn’t all bad, though. Wy- screen open… popping in to a Wyler taught 9th and 10th ler believes the pandemic has teacher’s office hour Zoom and grade Language Arts at EHS for presented some new options for just checking that you under- four years before educators to im- stand the material, or reviewing going to Morgan “Currently, I am playing prove their prac- for just a couple of minutes Middle School Animal Crossing on the tice. before you take a quiz (can be last year to teach Switch and Alien: Isola- “I think that the beneficial).” 7th and 8th tion on the PS4. The book traditional edu- If the students should re- grade Language I am currently reading cation system has member anything though, it’s Arts. for fun is The Shadow been long overdue this: “Ms. Bannis- Rising by Robert Jordan. for improvement. “We are here for you!” ter, Ms. Naboy- I also play a goblin alche- I know that it is chik, Mr. Snow, mist in a Pathfinder cam- difficult to adapt and Mr. Acheson paign with friends online to new and chal- have been amaz- on the weekends.” lenging programs, ing with helping especially when my move back to EHS. All of we are forced into emergency them have been super support- learning and we don’t have the ive with helping me to catch up time or means to explore many with changes at EHS, and all of options, but I think that this them have been fantastic with year will provide schools and helping me to learn how to use governments with valuable data the online programs and tools that can inform educational for Virtual Academy,” stated practice in the future. Wyler. “I hope that our experience She is teaching 130 students with alternative learning during this year, all participants in the time of COVID-19 will help the Virtual Academy program. students and educators find Wyler admitted it’s a challenge new and better programs and Brittanie Wyler in her classroom directing students in remote methods for learning that will during the first week of school getting ready for her Zoom calls. learning, especially since the encourage our society to im- End of Quarter: *November 6th* 12 November 2, 2020 Alutant Hope on the Horizon Ellensburg’s Sunrise Movement Gives Youth a Voice change must take Lucy Altman-Coe an intersection-

Copy Editor al approach and A Feature strive for racial As Gen Z approaches voting justice, indige- age, they are beginning to be- nous sovereignty, come activists for many political gender equality, issues. An issue that has gar- LGBTQ+ rights, nered particular interest among etc. when working young people is . to address the cli- One of these youth-led move- mate crisis,” said ments is the Sunrise Movement, Verhey. “The fu- which is centered in Washington ture we work to D.C., according to their website, build has to work sunrisemovement.org. How- for everyone!” ever, they report having over Already, the 400 “hubs” around the country, group has begun working to pass legislation and to work for these The Sunrise Movement logo. Photo Courtesy of sunrisemove- raise awareness for climate is- goals in Ellensburg ment.org. sues. and the surrounding area. Their congresspeople signing on all Recently, one hub was estab- first project, which surrounds the time,” said Verhey. lished in Ellensburg, working to the election, is targeting young According to the Sunrise address local, state, and nation- voters who will be sending in Movement website, they have al issues surrounding climate ballots for this year’s presiden- endorsements from various pol- change. “The Ellensburg group tial race. iticians, including embraces the ideals and goals “Recently we’ve been writ- (D-MN), (D-MI), of the larger Sunrise Movement ing postcards to young voters and many more politicians from and hopes to do whatever work in swing states like Wisconsin to all over the country. One of the we find in front of us in our encourage them to vote, and spe- most notable endorsements community to help build a bet- cifically to vote Donald Trump the movement has received ter future,” stated Molly Verhey, out,” said Verhey. They are do- has been from Alexandria Oc- leader of the local Sunrise chap- ing this, she explained, because, asio-Cortez who, as previously ter and Ellensburg High School “President Trump denies the re- mentioned by Verhey, co-spon- graduate. ality of climate change, and is no sored the . In addition to climate issues, ally to oppressed groups.” This alliance is only part of the Sunrise Movement also dis- The Sunrise Movement, as a what the Sunrise Movement is cusses other things, such as elec- whole, has also allied with pol- doing to encourage the passing tions, LGBTQ+ rights, and racial iticians in order to accomplish of a Green New Deal. In 2017, justice as part of dealing with their larger goals. they started the first step in a the . “The Green New Deal spe- five part plan to pass a Green “‘Climate justice’ is a big cifically is a visionary proposal New Deal in the United States, term, but mostly what it means co-sponsored by Alexandria Oc- according to their website. This is that the Sunrise Movement asio-Cortez in the House and Ed first step was simply to “launch believes that addressing climate Markey in the Senate, with more the movement”. However, as Alutant November 2, 2020 13

The Sunrise Movement participates in frequent protests across the country to push legislators to pass the Green New Deal, their cur- rent goal. Photo Courtesy of sunrisemovement.org. time continued, the Sunrise ident Donald Trump] because ending all forms of oppression,” Movement continued to broad- he refuses to work with us, but explained Verhey, adding that en their goals and attempt to we can be more confident that a there are many more objectives achieve loftier objectives. Biden administration will hear of the Green New Deal. The second phase, which us out and take steps in the right On a smaller scale, there are began in 2018, according to the direction,” said Verhey of the also many things that the Sun- Sunrise Movement website, was Sunrise Movement’s political rise Ellensburg group is plan- to begin to make climate change support. “National Sunrise lead- ning to accomplish. Already, a key issue in the 2018 midterm ers have even helped the Biden many citizens have expressed elections. campaign craft climate change curiosity for the group. Last year, 2019, the Sunrise policy proposals through the “We’ve averaged about 8 Movement launched Phase Unity Taskforce.” people coming to our meetings Next year, 2021, so far, including community For more information on the Sunrise will be aimed at fi- members, high school students, Movement or the Sunrise Ellensburg nally passing the and college students, and we’ve group, go to sunrisemovement.org or Green New Deal, gotten lots of interest from folks email [email protected]. says the Sunrise online,” said Verhey. And while Movement website. their group may be small for You can also check out their social The Green New Deal now, Verhey believes that the media, either through their Instagram is currently the main power they have is greater than @Sunriseellensburg or by finding goal of the Sunrise some think. Sunrise Ellensburg on . Movement. “We recognize that change “It involves tran- starts at the grassroots, and that Three, which was aimed at mak- sitioning to 100% clean and re- together we have more power ing “The entire country feel the newable energy as soon as pos- than many want us to believe,” urgency of the crisis”. Follow- sible, achieving net zero carbon Verhey emphasized. ing that was Phase Four, which emissions, guaranteeing jobs While the group is just get- started this year, aiming to “Win that pay a livable wage for ev- ting started, the Ellensburg com- governing power” in the 2020 eryone who wants one, ensur- munity will watch as they grow general election. ing clean air, water, and access and begin to take on more forms “We can’t work with [Pres- to good food for everyone, and of activism. 14 November 2, 2020 Alutant Tech Needs You Lucas Wright And You Don’t Need a Degree For Tech A Staff Reporter Feature Management Office at AWS to success in this new world.” With the global economy in a understand what you, a bud- Are their online courses we downturn and companies across ding cloud technology candi- can do while still in high school the United States placing people date, needs to know about how that can jumpstart our future? on furlough and decreasing their to get started. “Absolutely. Many organi- hiring rates, the only part of the What should high school zations offer free courses and U.S. economy that is booming students do to prepare for a fu- free digital... self-paced content. right now is the technology in- ture in technology? Amazon, Google, Microsoft, dustry. “High school students should LinkedIn, Udemy, and many However, it isn’t necessary be introduced early and often to others offer students free access to spend years in college and put cloud tech. This helps demysti- to explore and learn. I think this yourself in debt to get a technol- fy technology and reduces the is great but highly recommend ogy degree to work in the tech intimidation factor people often students take a more structured industry. You only need hard feel when they are introduced to approach to learning cloud tech- work, dedication, and a never it. The young often have active nology.” ending fascination Do I need a col- with technology. lege degree to work Let’s talk about in Amazon or AWS? Amazon and Amazon “Most entry level Web Services (AWS), jobs... especially tech, the largest tech em- do not require a de- ployer in Washington gree. Degrees are still State, with Seattle as desired for mid-lev- its global headquar- el positions or man- ters. agement but a lot of Year after year Am- tech companies like azon has increased Google, Microsoft, their tech openings, and Amazon have re- which include tech- moved the degree re- nical program man- quirement for cloud agement, software technical roles.” engineering and machine learn- imaginations and cloud tech (AI As you can see there are ing scientist positions. In 2015, and ML) can bring those ideas now more non-traditional paths Amazon had 24,000 employees to life,” recommended Watson. available to the budding cloud in Washington State, according “High schools should team with employee than the typical col- to Puget Sound Business Jour- trade schools to enhance the lege path. While a technology nal. And, currently, they employ learning and focus on quanti- degree can help you in the field, 78,500 personnel in those same fiable skills, not just degrees. there are many options that do technology-driven positions, ac- With that said, degrees are im- not require it. Do your research cording to USA Today. The ex- portant. They teach you critical and look at the other options pected growth will increase by thinking, how to research, and available; you may well surprise at least 40% annually. generally important topics like yourself with what’s truly avail- We spoke to Ed Watson, Se- history, math, social studies... able out there. nior Manager of the Program but they are not the only way to Alutant November 2, 2020 15 Bulldog Talk: What is One Positive Thing Hot or Not: HOT “Beetlejuice” Top HalloweenOne Movies of the best movies ever, from About Online Learning? the 1980’s golden age of movies! Do you want crazy? Interesting? Scary? Beetlejuice has it all and Lucy Altman-Coe such, it also relieves a lot of he’ll shove it in your face. A true A Copy Editor stress, because I have more time classic to watch with family, with Feature to study. Unfortunately, some- friends, or by yourself! 100/10 thing I do not like about it, is “The Shining” The best part of online learn- that I don’t have Zoom classes One of the strangest, scariest ing means more time to work as often as everyone else does, movies on the list. From the and earn money as well as go because I take Running Start tangled minds of Stanley Kubrick and Stephen King you get fear on hunting trips without fall- and it makes me sad sometimes and terror at every turn. No jump ing behind. because I don’t get to see my scares, no fakeouts, just pure fear Tristan Holt, grade 12 classmate’s and friend’s faces. from fantastic acting! Not even King, who wrote the original There’s a negative to book, knew what was happening One positive thing every positive. most of the time. 100/10 is that there is more Hanna Callen- “IT” flexibility. der-Bohman, grade 12 A killer clown classic! Who Olivia Berthon-Koch, doesn’t love killer clowns? Both grade 12 Something positive the 1986 and 2017 versions are perfect watches. The actors deliv- about learning online er beautifully, and King’s writing One positive thing is that, for the most is perfect to destroy your sense I’ve found about on- part, we get to set our of reality. Give it a watch if you dare! 10/10 line learning is that I own pace. I think that Nicole Caveness can wear sweatpants will definitely help me “Coraline” everyday if I wanted too. learn and retain more informa- A classic Gen Z movie. The movie Nicole Caveness, grade 10 tion! that freaked us out as kids, which we now adore! This movie has Avery Patterson, grade 10 some of the most beautiful back- One positive thing about on- grounds and stop motion aspects line learning is you are able of any Halloween movie. The story is full of creepily beautiful to work at your own pace and twists and turns that will keep work at times that fit your per- you interested. 9/10 sonal schedule. Ezri Teasley, grade 10 “Nightmare on Elm Street” Ask your parents and they’ll tell you this was a scary movie. Now One positive thing about online it’s just plain stupid funny! Star- learning is that the teachers are ring a young Johnny Depp and available to help when needed. a killer story, there’s tons to see Avery Patterson in this 1984 classic. Good to see Eleanor Bartel, grade 12 with your partner or home alone. Watch at your own risk and don’t I appreciate how much more fall asleep. 9/10 free time I have versus in-per- son learning. It gives me a lot Helen Mills of time to do what I want, my Staff Reporter NOT homework, video games, and A Opinion 16 November 2, 2020 Alutant Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

Stephen Martin A Associate Editor Review Battle royale games have dominated the internet for the past few years, however there has been a serious lack of vari- ety between them. The genre is filled with shooters that do lit- tle to set themselves apart from their peers. These types of games were in dire need of something new, and Mediatonic provided it in the form of “Fall Guys: Ulti- mate Knockout”. Thumbnail for “Fall Guys - Jump in on August 4” by DevolverDigital. Fall Guys is not a run of the Both of these can then be used team with the least amount of mill battle royale. The game to purchase cosmetic items in points at the end of the round is functions like a game show the shop. Kudos can also be pur- eliminated, are the worst of the starting with 60 contestants, chased, however Crowns can bunch, and in most cases success with the field slowly winnow- only be obtained by winning will depend almost entirely on ing over the course of several games. This system works be- teammates. minigames, leaving one winner cause it rewards good players Outside of team games there at the end. This simple premise, with exclusive skins but also still will also be instances where along with the game’s bright col- allows less experienced players players lose due to factors out- or palette, ragdoll physics, and to have fun with customization. side of their control, which will unique bean people, have set it There is a lot of good with require some patience to get apart and allowed it to explode this game, but with that said it though. But this can be forgiv- in popularity since its August does have its flaws. As previous- en, since even if players do lose 4th release. ly mentioned, most of the min- to a bad minigame they’ll be in Almost every part of this igames are fantastic, however another match within seconds. game works. The matchmaking there are some that are less en- Like other battle royale is quick and you’ll never wait joyable, and then there are a se- games, Fall Guys will have more than a couple seconds to lect few that are just plain bad. different seasons that introduce get into a new match. Each of There are three types of min- new content and remove things the 24 minigames are unique igames: races, elimination chal- that don’t work. Hopefully and the majority of them are an lenges, and team games. Rac- some of these issues will be absolute blast to play. The music es are where Fall Guys is at its fixed in coming updates. is also wonderful and can make best, with players rushing to the Overall I give Fall Guys four even the more mundane miniga- end of an obstacle course. Elim- out of five paws. While it does mes enjoyable. ination challenges, where play- have a few issues that stop it The progression system is ers are removed until a certain from being as great as it could also incredibly well done. The number are gone or time runs be, it is still an absolute blast to game rewards Kudos, one the out, can also be fun, but are not play and I would highly recom- in-game currencies, just for particularly difficult and don’t mend it to anyone who has time playing and rewards Crowns, do a great job of thinning the to kill and a hearty amount of the other, for winning episodes. crowd. Team games, where the self-restraint. Alutant November 2, 2020 17 Why Harry Potter

Has No Author The Fans Have Taken Over Helen Mills ing a ton of money, she even had thing. Rowling was already Staff Reporter huge merchandise deals with known as a somewhat shady A Opinion Universal and had a keep on her person regarding gay people, “Harry Potter and the Philos- books. referring to the whole “Dumble- opher’s Stone” was first released However, things began to dore is gay” drama that happed in 1996. It was an immediate change. With the legalization in the 2010’s, but this was new. hit! Loved from all around the of gay marriage in England in Fans continued to hurt as world, “Harry Potter’” was the 2014, the LGBTQ+ community Rowling started to identify as a biggest hit of the early 2000’s, was jumping for joy. TERF in her tweets. TERF means making J.K. Rowling one of the In the following years, as Trans Exclusionary Radical most famous best selling authors more people felt comfortable Feminist. to date. enough and knew acceptance The “Harry Potter” books “Harry Potter” was a type awaited, they started to come and movies are good. No matter of cultural reset. Fantasy books out. More gay, lesbian, bi, and your opinion they were success- were not in high demand at the of course, trans support entered ful. time, but they were after the se- the mainstream. Now, it was less The fans, still loving the ries began to get published. It of a taboo and more accepted in books but hating the author, became one of the the western world. have decided that no one wrote biggest influences “She’s a garbage human Rowling, may- the books. of the time, and so being and I hate her,” be out of annoy- ”I don’t let J.K. Rowling’s did the creator. wrote Junior Milo Fisher ance or pure con- weird attitude ruin the memory At the begin- in an email. fusion, started to of Harry Potter for me,” Junior ning of the 2000’s, tweet. In 2018, Ella LaVoie wrote. Rowling was at her peak. Speak- Rowling tweeted questioning ing at huge events, winning things about trans women say- awards left and right and mak- ing, ”Live your best life in peace and security. But force women Remote Learning Hotspot for out of their jobs for thinking sex Students (and Educators) is real? #Istandwithmiya”. Now, this might just be a Cornerstone Pie: 9am—12pm slight sneer toward the LGBTQ+ daily community, but nothing too D&M Downtown: 7am—6pm big. However, #Istandwithmiya daily is a hashtag that was started to support a woman who had lost Ask at the front for the wifi her job over saying “men cannot password and identify your- become woman” in a tweet. The self as a student or educator. tweet is used very commonly as There are also $5 vouchers for a stab toward the transgender drinks while supplies last. community. Fans of the Harry Potter -se For more information visit “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Price” ries were surprised to see their displayed at Ellensburg High School’s cornerstonepie.com/education. idol tweeting such a strange Library. 18 November 2, 2020 Alutant B I D E N V Trump (Republican) Biden2 (Democratic) 0 Stephen Martin Hawkins (Green) Jorgenson (Libertarian) A Associate Editor Kanye (Independent) News

Illustrations Courtesy of Helen Mills. Age: 77 Home State: Delaware (born in Pennsylvania) Running Mate: Kamala Harris Education: BA, University of Delaware Experience: Senator 36 years, Vice President 8 years On The Issues Abortion: Biden supports codifying Roe v. Wade increasing teacher’s wages, as well as two-year and cracking down on states violating it. He also tuition free community college. supports federal funding for Planned Parent- hood. Environment: Biden plans to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 through executive orders and Coronavirus: Biden plans to double the number legislation, and incentivize the development of of drive-in test sites, as well as offer emergency clean energy. paid leave for those diagnosed with Covid-19. Gun Control: Biden plans to ban the sale of as- Criminal Justice: Biden plans to eliminate man- sault weapons and high capacity magazines, and datory minimum sentencing. create a buy-back program.

Economy: Biden plans to reverse Trump’s tax Healthcare: Biden plans to expand on the Af- cuts on corporations and wants to increase taxes fordable Care Act, and to create a public option on Americans making more than $400,000/year. for health insurance. He also supports increasing the national mini- mum wage to $15/hour. Immigration: Biden plans to reinstate Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and end Education: Biden supports universal Pre-K and family separations at the border. Alutant November 2, 2020 19 S 2 T R U 0 M P

Data from the Alutant’s Election 2020 Survey. There were 61 responses total, although not every participant answered every question. Stu- dents could vote for multiple issues in the bar Age: 74 graph. Only the “Most Important” votes were Home State: Florida (born in New York) counted in the bar graph, not the “Somewhat Running Mate: Mike Pence Important” or “Not Important” votes. Education: BA, Wharton School of the University *All stances and statistics are taken from their of Pennsylvania respective candidates’ websites, at joebiden.com Experience: Businessman, President 4 years and donaldtrump.com.* On The Issues Abortion: Trump signed a Congressional Re- in the Gulf of Mexico for offshore drilling, and view Act bill to allow states to restrict Planned withdrew the United States from the Paris Cli- Parenthood funding. mate Agreement.

Criminal Justice: President Trump signed Exec- Gun Control: Trump directed prosecutors to fo- utive Order 13809 to restore state and local law cus on taking illegal guns off the streets, and the enforcement’s access to surplus equipment from number of criminals charged with unlawful pos- the Defense Department. session of a firearm has increased by 23%.

Economy: Trump cut taxes for small businesses Healthcare: Trump repealed the individual man- by 20%, and lowered the corporate tax rate from date of the Affordable Care Act, which mandat- 35% to 21%. ed that Americans had to have insurance or pay a fine. Education: Trump’s 2018 budget included $1,000,000,000 to promote school choice, and Immigration: Trump reduced Deferred Action implemented the year-round distribution of Pell for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and since his in- Grants. auguration Immigration Customs and Enforce- ment (ICE) has detained 269,419 immigrants at Environment: Trump leased 78 million acres the border. 20 November 2, 2020 Alutant Fall Crossword

Lucy Altman-Coe Copy Editor Crossword A

Across Down 3. The surface Charlie Brown and his friends ate 1. The type of gourd carved for Halloween. their Thanksgiving on. 2. A fruit with Honeycrisp and Red Delicious 5. The ocean the Pilgrims had to cross. varieties. 8. The bird eaten on Thanksgiving. 4. Daylight Savings is happening in this month 10. The ship the Pilgrims sailed over on. in 2020. 11. This vegetable is often used to make mazes in 6. The season after Fall. the fall. 7. Red, Orange, and ______are some colors you 12. The day that Thanksgiving always falls on. will see in abundance in fall. 9. Halloween falls on a ______this year.