Proposed 7% sales tax raises flurry of questions... 2 Man gets 5 years probation for drug possession... 3 The Area Health Education Center (ASAHEC) concluded its two-week summer program on Friday, August 4th. “The academy was designed to expose students to various careers in the health field, while also educating them about how to lead healthy lifestyles, in hopes that they would be interested in pursuing a career in the health field,” said AHEC coordinator Monica Afalava. Pictured are the participants when they visited the LBJ Medical Center where they shadowed health profes- sionals. [photo: courtesy]



Y K DAILY CIRCULATION 7,000 , AMERICAN SAMOA TUESDAY , AUGUST 8, 2017 $1.00 Military man Medicaid director says focus should be on Medicaid drowns in Alega DENIES RUMORS THAT SHE IS EYEING AMATA’S CONGRESSIONAL SEAT by Samoa News Staff by Samoa News Staff panel last month, Tofoitaufa accused Amata An unidentified military serviceman who was snorkeling in Director of the American Samoa Medicaid of throwing the territory “under the bus.” The Alega around the vicinity of Tisa’s Barefoot Bar died Sunday Office, Tofoitaufa Sandra King Young denies hearing in Washington DC revolved around the following what is believed to be a snorkeling accident. allegations that she is after Congresswoman conditions at the LBJ Medical Center. Efforts by Samoa News to obtain an official statement from Aumua Amata’s seat and says the ‘rumor’ has The issue between Amata’s office and the Department of Public Safety were unsuccessful as of press become a distraction, veering the focus away Tofoitaufa has to do with ASG’s failure to spend time yesterday. from more critical issues like Medicaid. down an estimated $150 million in remaining However, it has been confirmed that the victim is part of a In response to Samoa News inquiries over the ACA or ObamaCare Medicaid. five-member team that traveled to the territory to provide tempo- weekend, Tofoitaufa said, “I have no plans to run Amata supporters claim that Tofoitaufa didn’t rary assistance for the local US Army Recruiting Station. against Amata at the next election. I’m very dis- notify the Congresswoman about the Medicaid Samoa News has also confirmed that the victim is an unmar- appointed that this rumor seems to be distracting underspending problem until earlier this year and ried, high ranking military man (Sergeant First Class). us from the real issue, which is the need for our making an issue of it now leads some to speculate Those who spoke to Samoa News praised the heroic efforts territory to get help to extend the timeline for the that Tofoitaufa’s motives are political. of Candyman of Tisa’s Barefoot Bar, whom they said tried his territory to expend its share of the ACA Medicaid “I am committed to helping our Representa- best to save the man, swimming out to sea several times to help funds. We need to keep focus on Medicaid.” tive to Congress better understand the issues locate the victim despite rough conditions. In her statement before a congressional with our Medicaid program because they are (Continued on page 6) Homeless man denies allegations that he is a spy, drug dealer SAYS HE CAME TO AMERICAN SAMOA FOR SAFETY REASONS by Ausage Fausia “I don’t want anybody to Samoa News Reporter think that I am doing anything Community members and illegal here in the territory. I am C M even lawmakers are assuming just a normal person like you. Y K that William Reader, a home- I’m poor and don’t have a house less man who lives out of a tent to stay in; and the reason why on the side of the main road in I’m here in American Samoa is Nuuuli, is a spy or a drug dealer. for my safety, and also to fulfill Samoa News was able to our Lord Jesus Christ’s mes- interview Reader yesterday sage to the world, that we need morning, to obtain his side of to read the Bible and spread His the story. Word to others.” “I just want to let the people Reader, 74, is from Lou- of American Samoa know that I isville, Kentucky and entered am not a spy, nor a drug dealer American Samoa back in March of any kind,” Reader said. “I 15, 2006 consider myself a homeless A U.S citizen, Reader told man, living under this tent Samoa News that his safety was trying to follow Jesus’ footsteps the main reason why he came when He was living in the wil- to the territory, and he felt he derness and fasting for 40 days had to relocate after reading a and 40 nights without food or book about what the Al-Qaeda drink.” organization plans to do to the Reader said he wants to clear , if they attack Iran the air and tell the community in the future. William Reader, who considers himself a homeless man, has been living in American Samoa his side of the story. “I read a book called Al- since March 2006. He is pictured in front of his tent, next to the main road in Nuuuli. See story for full details. [photo: AF] (Continued on page 7) Page 2 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Proposed 7% sales tax raises flurry of questions from Chamber members TALAUEGA: WE HOPE THE FONO WILL ACCEPT THE NUMBERS THAT WE PROPOSE by Fili Sagapolutele tax, given that other states offer Samoa News Correspondent lower sales tax rates. Of the Administration’s pro- According to Talauega the posed revenue measures sent to Task Force has “various rates the Fono, the 7% sales tax gar- based on our annual gross nered the most questions during receipts in the last five years. the ASG Revenue Task Force And at 2%, we would col- presentation to the Chamber lect about $6.9 million in sales of Commerce last Wednesday taxes. At 3% it goes up to $10 night. million; 5% at $17 million; and Some Chamber members at 7% it’s $24 million.” noted with concern that the pre- He continued, “There was vious sales tax during the Lutali another proposal to go as high Administration had failed and as 9%. So there was a lot of ended up being repealed. back-and-forth by the Task The first question centered Force about this issue, as a lot around local residents who of people would like it to be a make purchases online, where lower number. the price of many products on “This was the consensus sites like eBay and Amazon are agreed to by the Task Force, less expensive than what’s sold that we go with 7%, based on locally. the number of things that we’re David Yakim of Samoa giving up - in terms of [for Ford Motors wanted to know if example] excise tax, 2% wage the proposed sales tax applies tax. We wanted to make sure to the purchase of vehicles, that what we’re putting in place to which ASG Revenue Task will replace these things, that is Force chairman Attorney Gen- sufficient to handle it,” he said. eral Talauega Eleasalo Ale The female business repre- responded “yes”. sentative said the previous sales Yakim said this will “boost” tax during the Lutali Adminis- the price for vehicles. He then tration, “was a complete mess” asked, “Can somebody by-pass as far as businesses submitting the sales tax” by buying off money to the government. island or online? The response “What’s changed in this pro- from the Task Force was “yes”. cess for the government, that If the sales tax is enacted it will be fair and collect from into law, Yakim said the cus- everyone equally?” she asked, tomer will be penalized for to which Talauega responded buying from a local car dealer, that the 7% figure came about while the person who purchases as a result of this exact issue. online or off island doesn’t have “We’re going to put some to pay the sales tax. real money to make this thing Talauega said this is some- work. First, in terms of per- thing the Task Force will look sonnel and then technology,” into, adding that there are a lot said Talauega who added, “We of states that have the ability failed the last time...but if we to tax goods that are bought always rely on the fact that we from other cities (or out of state failed the last time, [and] there- sales). fore not do something new, we A business representative will never move forward as a noted that if a person purchases society and as an economy. goods off island and has them “It’s the governor’s opinion Australian Federal Police and NSW Police officers work in the Surry Hills suburb of Sydney, shipped here in a container, that we should move for- Australia on Saturday, July 29, 2017. Law enforcement officials raided properties in several Sydney there is no duty or sales tax ward and try things better. We suburbs and arrested four men on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack related to a bomb plot to be paid, adding that “this believe that we have in place involving aircraft, officials said. (Sam Mooy/AAP Image via AP) is a big thing now, especially good people that could execute for people with credit or debit and enforce the sales tax,” he cards, making purchases online said, adding that the govern- - through retailers such as ment plans to hire additional 17 people arrested in 3 coun- Amazon but such purchases are staff to enforce the sales tax. not taxed and the money doesn’t “Ultimately we’d like to have stay here for such purchases.” technology, so we can record Talauega interjected, “Let this information about real time tries in Australian drug bust me stop you there...that’s cer- sales and make it work.” tainly not the goal here. I under- Deputy Treasurer for Rev- SYDNEY (AP) — Police Netherlands seized 1.8 tons of internationally,” Australian stand the point. I got it. We’ll enue Keith Gebauer, who also in three countries arrested 17 MDMA, also known as ecstasy, Federal Police Assistant Com- figure out a way to address works with the Task Force said, people on Tuesday and seized 136 kilograms (300 pounds) of missioner Neil Gaughan told those points. This is not done by “We have a plan in place, and nearly 2 tons of drugs in con- cocaine and 15 kilograms (30 reporters. any stretch of imagination and we have submitted some grant nection with what Australian pounds) of crystal methamphet- The five Australians arrested it’s a proposal being made and applications and some budget authorities said was an effort by amine, all bound for Australia, in Dubai were expected to be open to discussion.” proposals, to have the appro- organized crime groups to trans- the Australian Federal Police extradited to Australia within “I appreciate the point priate technology, equipment, port large amounts of drugs into said. The drugs were worth the next 60 days, Gaughan and I got the point. That’s not and personnel”. Australia. around 810 million Australian said. Dubai police and govern- what we want to do, that’s not He said this will be a learning Ten people in Sydney, five dollars ($640 million). ment officials did not immedi- what the governor wants to do. period, and there will be an Australians in Dubai, United “We will allege that the ately respond to a request for We want you guys to be suc- adjustment period, but the Task Arab Emirates, and two people two syndicates have long been comment. cessful, because if you’re suc- Force has looked at all states in the Netherlands were arrested involved in organizing high- Those arrested in Sydney cessful, that means more taxes,” and countries with the type of as part of an investigation into volume imports of illegal sub- face a variety of charges, Talauega said. technology they use to enforce what Australian police say stances into Australia, and including conspiracy to import A female business repre- the law. were two interlinked crime laundering millions of dollars a commercial quantity of drugs, sentative asked how the Task While the sales tax applies syndicates operating across the and dealing in the proceeds of which carries a maximum sen- Force arrived at the 7% sales to goods, it exempts purchases three countries. Officials in the crime, both domestically and tence of life in prison. (Continued on page 4) samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Page 3

Chief Justice Michael Kruse [photo: AF] Man gets 5 years probation for drug possession Hearing reveals lack of drug rehab program on island by Ausage Fausia lesser felony charge of unlawful probated sentence, and the Samoa News Reporter drug possession. court will manage his proba- Chief Justice Michael Kruse With his guilty plea, the tion which will give him time to had a strong message last defendant admits that sometime change his life and address his Friday during the sentencing of last September, he was in pos- drug problem. a 24-year-old man, convicted of session of a pipe that is used When Morris said the defen- violating local drug laws. to smoke methamphetamine, dant needed to attend drug According to Kruse, a lot of and a straw that had meth sub- counseling, Kruse immediately young people in the territory stance inside. Gasolo has been asked him if there is such a now-a-days are taking lightly in custody since his arrest last service available on island for the many opportunities they September, unable to post bond Gasolo and Morris replied, “Not have, wasting most of their time of$10,000 Based on court docu- that I know, Your Honor.” “Is doing useless things rather than ments, Gasolo and another man there a door he can walk in to utilizing it to better themselves. were arrested at a vacant house and ask for help?” Kruse asked Before delivering his deci- which was unlawfully occu- Morris, who replied “no.” “I sion on the case of Wayne pied by the owner’s male rela- used to say that immigrants was “Ueni” Gasolo, the Chief Jus- tive, who allegedly told young the major industry on island tice said it has become common teenage girls they had to have but it seems that it’s now drugs practice for many young people sex with other men in exchange that enter the territory”, said who come before the court for for drugs and money. During Kruse before heading back to sentencing, to ask for another his sentencing, Gasolo apolo- the deliberating room with his chance to return home, with gized to the court for his actions Associate Judges Fa’amausili promises to change their lives and begged for a second chance Pomele and Muasau T. Tofili to and do things like care for their to return home to care for his decide Gasolo’s fate. parents and further their educa- parents and serve his family. “I Kruse informed the court tion. “I can see that there are too feel I made a mistake and I am that the defendant is a young many opportunities for young truly remorseful for what I did. man who is convicted of vio- people of this territory, and I ask the court to please forgive lating drug laws and he was talking about this man (Gasolo) me,” said Gasolo. When Kruse arrested by police, along with being an intelligent person, I asked Gasolo what his mistake another individual, at an aban- don’t know what to say but ask was, the defendant replied, doned house behind Cost-U- why he didn’t graduate from “my crime.” “What was your Less in Tafuna, where police school - he has a US passport crime?” Kruse asked, to which say the defendant drug-fed and he can go to the military to Gasolo replied, “unlawful pos- young girls and engaged them support his family or do some- session of drugs”. in sexual activity. thing good for himself instead Gasolo continued, “Please This young man has a his- of wasting his life behind give me a chance to change my tory of drug and alcohol abuse, bars”, said Kruse. He referred life and be a better person. I as per cases filed in the - Dis to Loimata Mika, who entered will never deal with drugs any- trict Court, and this is his first the territory on a 7-day permit more nor will I violate any laws appearance in the High Court, in search of a job but ended up of this territory, but I will use said Kruse. Gasolo was sen- pleading guilty to second degree the remaining days of my life tenced to five years in jail and burglary and thereafter sen- wisely, to do good things for my ordered to pay a $5,000 fine; tenced to 28 months incarcera- family and for the community.” however, the execution of the tion. Mika believed there was Gasolo’s attorney, Public sentence was suspended and a job for him when he entered Defender Douglas Fiaui asked the defendant is placed on five the territory on a 7-day permit; the court to uphold the Proba- years probation on the condi- and when he did not find a job, tion Office’s recommendation tion that he serves 20 months at he broke in to a home with the for a probated sentence for the TCF, not possess any illegal purpose of committing a crime, his client, to give him another drugs or consume any alcohol, which resulted in a young lady chance to get his life together and he is subject to random screaming for her life and and get a job to support his par- drug and alcohol testing which, resulted in Mika being detained ents and family. according to Kruse, will be con- at the TCF, Kruse pointed out. Fiaui stated that after ducted when Gasolo is released Gasolo was initially charged spending more than eleven from jail, and during his deten- with one count of unlawful months behind bars, Gasolo has tion period, “because I’m not possession of a controlled sub- learned a lesson, he has real- sure about the facility, whether stance - methamphetamine, a ized that prison is not a good it’s drug free or not.” Addition- felony punishable by not less place for him, and he needs to ally, Gasolo shall not be eligible than 5 years imprisonment, or move on with his life. He will for ‘trustee’ status at the TCF. a fine of not less than $5,000 also attend and complete drug He is also banned from - or both. However, under a counseling. Assistant Attorney entering any bars, taverns or plea agreement with the gov- General Robert Morris sup- businesses that sell alcohol, ernment, which was accepted ported Fiaui’s argument, saying and he is not to congregate with by the Court in June, the defen- the government believes Gasolo people who are dealing illegal dant pled guilty to the amended is a suitable candidate for a drugs or consuming alcohol. Page 4 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 ➧ Proposed 7% sales… Continued from page 2 such as medication. Local B” if these proposals don’t go attorney Barry Rose pointed out through to which Talauega that “in most jurisdictions, food replied, “We hope the Fono is either exempted” - referring will accept the numbers that we to groceries - or there is a lower propose, because we think it all rate of sales tax. balances out, with the give-and- He said a cannery worker take we’re putting into place.” making minimum wage is He said the proposals are LOCAL SURVEY TARGETS licensing to continue efforts allows ASTCA to proceed with “about to suffer 7% and they now before the Fono and they MENTAL AND BEHAV- to complete projects that will the next steps in providing these are not going to be able to buy may decide that instead of 7% IORAL HEALTH ISSUES make more services available to much-needed services.” food. It’s going to be a loss for for the sales tax, it will be two Tuumafua Maiava of the American . NOAA FISHERIES these folks. What’s the rationale percent, or they may decide Special Project Community “It’s important for ASTCA AFFIRMS PACIFIC behind not reducing it or not there’s no sales tax at all. Assistance (SPCA) program to continue making progress on BLUEFIN TUNA NOT exempting food?” “But we hope they put in and her crew are conducting this project on behalf of Amer- THREATENED OR Gebauer responded that a place a sales tax,” said Talauega surveys that center around ques- ican Samoans, and this waiver ENDANGERED sales tax is being proposed, who reminded the private sector tions relating to behavioral and is necessary,” said Congress- (Based on press release) - and the government is also pro- that “this is what the Chamber mental health. woman Aumua Amata. NOAA Fisheries has concluded posing to repeal the 2% wage has told us for years on end, Among the questions are “The FCC understood the that Pacific bluefin tuna is not tax. So when we’re talking is that you prefer a sales tax those that deal with violence unique challenges of extending currently in danger of extinction about that StarKist worker, because you don’t want to col- and suicide, and the survey telecommunications in Amer- throughout its range or likely to their pay check is already 2% lect the value tax, which was includes the physical assess- ican Samoa, and recognized become so within the foresee- less and they’re still buying another proposal made by the ment of the participants. that this step is the best way to able future, and therefore does food. We’re also [proposing] to late Treasurer Falema’o Pili.” This is the first time DHSS is enable the work to proceed.” not warrant listing as threatened update the tax table.” “So we’re doing what you conducting a household survey ASTCA had petitioned the or endangered under the Endan- He said when the Task Force asked us to do. We’re putting in to establish baseline data to cap- Federal Communications Com- gered Species Act. began its work, it was important place a sales tax. Now we may ture substance use, abuse, and mission (FCC) for a waiver The finding responds to a to know how much revenue the differ on the rate - high or low risk factors. preserving their license or addi- June 2016 petition from several government could collect for its - but this is exactly what you The surveyors use a specific tional time on their construc- groups asking NOAA Fisheries coffer. “What we found was, guys asked us to do, and we’re method to select one participant tion buildout requirements, and to list Pacific bluefin tuna as what would be a better solution, doing it,” he continued. “But per household for the survey, Congresswoman Amata con- endangered or threatened. Deci- was more revenue in every- whether or not you agree with which is for adults 18 years old tacted the FCC at ASTCA’s sion documents are posted on body’s hand. That’s where they us, we’re not here to persuade and older. request to support the needed NOAA Fisheries’ West Coast look at repealing the 5% mis- you. We’re here to tell you and The survey will focus on waiver. Region website at more money in the individual bers that the Task Force has AMATA WELCOMES FCC outs of the LTE high speed wire- NOAA Fisheries concluded [hand],” he said. looked at the legal side of this WAIVER FOR ASTCA less infrastructure. The ASTCA in October that the petition pre- Rose said he wasn’t trying to and there are states that have Washington, D.C. – petition was able to successfully sented substantial information argue but “did you consider….” been able to make arrangements MONDAY, 07 AUGUST show that the waiver was in the that a listing may be warranted, and before he could finish his for sites like Amazon, to pay the 2017 - Congresswoman Aumua public interest and within FCC and convened a Status Review sentence, Talauega responded state sales tax. Amata today welcomed an precedents. Team of fisheries, conservation “yes” and he also asked Rose “So there’s good case law FCC waiver, which she directly “This keeps the focus on the biologists, and other experts to to “stop”. Talauega said, the in that, and we’re exploring it,” requested from both former goal of making these commu- assess the current status of the “answer to your question is yes. he said and added, “The whole FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler nications services more widely species. It was considered. If you have goal of this is to make busi- and then Chairman Ajit Pai on available in American Samoa,” While Pacific bluefin num- ideas, let’s discuss that later.” nesses here more profitable so behalf of the American Samoa Amata said. bers are low relative to historic Local businessman John you can generate more money Telecommunications Authority “Today’s decision by the levels, the Status Review Team Wasko asked if there is a “Plan and we can all be happy.” (ASTCA), giving ASTCA the FCC removes this concern and found that the species is likely (Continued on page 8)

The wall inside the WIC main office at the DHSS compound in Utulei, promoting breastfeeding as the territory joined the rest of the country in celebrating National Breastfeeding Week. From August 1-7, staffers from the WIC program were busy conducting outreach and educational programs throughout the territory, aimed at get- ting mothers to breastfeed their babies. Studies have shown that babies who are breastfed tend to be healthier than those who are not. Best of all, breast milk is free. [photo: Blue Chen-Fruean] samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Page 5 Pacific Island News in Brief Compiled by Samoa News staff the end of the year. This online ST JOSEPH’S BUILDS ON platform will allow agents and AMERICAN FOOTBALL visitors to obtain entry permits LINKS through a more convenient Samoa Observer reports that and timely process. To ensure St Joseph’s College is taking the success of this new initia- American football to a whole tive, the Attorney General has new level in Samoa. committed to periodic meet- Following their first game ings with the Visitors Bureau against American Samoa’s and travel & airline agents to Tafuna High School last month, continue the dialogue to proac- football coach, Agatupu Lefao tively improve and streamline and his team are heading to this entry process to support our American Samoa next month to local industry and drive visitor play against other high schools. traffic to our destination. Utilizing the talents of (Source: ASVB media young Samoans is the mis- release) sion behind Coach Agatupu’s UNCERTAINTY OVER passion for his students to get GUAM’S MARIJUANA into American football. Last PROGRAM month, St Joseph’s hosted an Medical marijuana advo- inaugural Gridiron Camp and cates in Guam are still unsure game at St Joseph’s College. when a full-scale program will Although they lost to Tafuna be up and running, despite High School, Lefao is nonethe- recent legislative moves. less proud of his team. Guam’s governor Eddie “The game was exciting not Calvo signed a bill into law last only for the players, but also the month, which effectively allows coaches. “We nailed the first the issuing of business licenses touchdown and the first inter- for medical marijuana. ception and the end result was A managing partner for 26-40. But it did not take away Grassroots Guam, Andrea Pel- from the fact that our students lacani, welcomed the move played their hearts out and are although she said it still didn’t ready for the next two games mean people could start next month,” Lefao told the growing or selling cannabis. Samoa Observer. “Our next Ms. Pellacani said the law St Joseph’s College students up against Tafuna High School at the inaugural game last month. step is to play with the league simply allowed people to apply [photo: Samoa Observer] in other schools in American for a license from the Depart- Samoa, until we can establish ment of Public Health and games with other local schools. Social Services. “Unfortunately we don’t have Andrea Pellacani said the enough coaches to go around to government still indicated build another team in Samoa. there could be delays in imple- “But as of now, we’re only menting a full program. looking to play over in Pago Guam legalized medical Pago.” He said that negotia- marijuana via a referendum in tions are continuing with the November 2014 with 56 per- Football Division of the Depart- cent voting in favor of it. ment of Education in Amer- However there have been a ican Samoa. (Source: Samoa number of legislative stumbling Observer) blocks including a veto from A.S. IMMIGRATION POLI- Governor Calvo earlier this CIES AND TOURISM year. (Source: RNZI) On Wednesday, August COOKS MAY LEGALIZE 02, 2017, Attorney General, HOMOSEXUALITY Talauega Eleasalo Ale met with The decriminalization of local travel and airline agents at homosexuality in the Cook the American Samoa Visitors Islands could be one step closer. Bureau conference room to dis- A proposed overhaul of the cuss immigration policies that 1969 Crimes Act excludes sec- support visitor growth to our tions that ban homosexuality. territory. To help local agents Currently, the law bans better understand the role and “indecent acts” between two responsibility of the government men, and “consensual sodomy” to regulate the entry process, with prison terms of between the Attorney General explained five and seven years, although current immigration policies, convictions are rare. procedures, and their intention. LGBT activists in the This led to an open discussion country have long been pushing of the issue and its impact on for an amendment, and the draft the visitor experience. Crimes Bill 2017 brings that Based on the feedback from one step closer. local industry members, the The Solicitor General, David Attorney General made note to James, says the new bill makes look into ways to create a more laws suitable for the modern adaptable permitting process era, and means people will no that will support local travel longer be locked up for their and airline agents to meet the private conduct. demands of their clients and However, it will not legalize our territory’s growing visitor same-sex marriage. industry. The bill will soon be open The Attorney General and for public submissions, and will his team are working on an go back to parliament later this online immigration permit year. system that will be launched by (Source: RNZI) Page 6 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017

A woman casts her vote just after dawn at a polling station in Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017. Kenyans are going to the polls to vote in a general election after a tightly fought presidential race between incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta and main opposition leader Raila Odinga. (AP Photo/Khalil Senosi)

➧ Medicaid… Continued from page 1 very unique to our territory,” Tofoitaufa told Samoa News yesterday. “But since February 2015 during a courtesy visit to her office with the Governor, when I briefed her legislative staff on our request for action on the Medicaid ACA deadline, so far, I have only been able to meet with her legislative staff to brief them and I have no control over that. I just want us to work together to get this done for our territory.” According to Tofoitaufa, the American Samoa Government is limited by facilities, demand, and matching requirements in what it can spend, with regards to Medicaid. When asked if she has her eyes set on Amata’s seat in Congress, Tofoitaufa said no but added, “If I should change my mind and run for Congress, that is my right as it is anyone else’s. My focus is to opera- tionalize the Medicaid program per the Governor’s vision and although I am very proud that our territory is realizing some of those achievements like the FQHC and OIMR eligibility, much work still needs to be done.”

If you want to comment about our fairness, call Samoa News at 633-5599 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Page 7 ➧ Homeless man… Continued from page 1 Qaeda’s Connections by Paul “I’m not doing anything illegal Williams, a professor from here. Again, I am not a spy, Pennsylvania University; and and it’s a silly joke if people inside that book, it’s stated that think that I am, because only a the Al-Qaeda, a terrorist orga- person who is in government nization, has already hidden and observing what is hap- bombs and nuclear weapons pening in the military can be a inside major cities of the United spy, to send information to the States, and they’re threatening Russians or Germans, or who- the United States that if they ever. I’m not connected to any or Israel attack Iran, they will kind of organizations outside of blow up their 20 major cities on American Samoa.” the same day.” When asked if he was Reader’s choice to set up sending any information about a tent next to the Nuuuli main American Samoa to other coun- road has raised suspicions from tries, people, or organizations, several community members, Reader said “no” and added and even some faipule, accusing that he only sends emails to his the palagi man of being either a friends and families in the US, spy or a drug dealer. including his brother and two During a hearing in the sisters who are living with their House chamber to discuss ways families in Florida. to control and stop illegal drugs When Reader first arrived in from entering the territory, Vice the territory over a decade ago, Speaker Rep. Fetui Fetu Jr. he lived in . referred to Reader, saying the After a few months, he Department of Public Safety moved in with a family in needs to check his background, Nu’uuli for 3 years, before he to determine who he is and what bought a pick-up truck that he he’s doing here. used to transport his belongings “We are leaders of our around the island. country and we need to do “I traveled from village to everything in our power to pro- village to try and educate myself tect our land, our people, espe- about the island’s culture and cially our children,” said Fetui. how people live their lives; The Manu’a lawmaker said and that’s where I met some he believes the homeless man friends,” he said. “I’ve been has solid connections to out- living in my tent in Nu’uuli for siders who are entering the terri- the last 4 years, after the land- tory via fishing boats or yachts. owner gave me permission.” “Who knows if these people Last year, according to are bringing in illegal drugs Reader, some government offi- The tent next to the roadside in Nuuuli where William Reader - a homeless man who has been in to our shores? I have a feeling cials instructed him to leave the territory since March 2006 - lives. [photo: AF] that they deliver it to this home- the area where his tents are, less man to distribute to our because he does not have access people, to sell, and it affects to a bathroom. our children,” said Fetui, who “I told these government added that homelessness does officials that I don’t really need not exist in American Samoa, a restroom because I don’t eat because everyone has families heavy food too much. I only eat and homes, and for someone herbs and drink water.” to be homeless in our society is Reader said when he needs something that our people find to use the restroom, he either hard to accept. goes to the Feleti Barstow “It’s not a good thing for our Public Library in Utulei or the people, especially tourists, to ASCC during working hours. see tents on the side of the road Reader, who describes him- when they pass by everyday, so self as a “joyful immortal” our government needs to take lives pretty much a normal rou- action on this matter because tine like everyone else. Every prevention is better than cure,” weekday he goes to the ASCC Fetui concluded. Library and uses the computers When Samoa News asked there to send emails to his family Reader if he is engaging in any and to study the stock market. illegal activities on island that He loves reading the Holy Bible would make people suspicious which he says teaches him how about him, he smiled and said, to live like Jesus.

FILE - This Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013, file photo shows Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Google‚ a new head of diversity has rejected an internal commentary from an employee who suggested women don’t get ahead in tech jobs because of biological differences. Facebook and Uber say they are trying to change. Google is also in the midst of a Department of Labor investigation into whether it pays women less than men. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File) Page 8 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017


Asad Zaman stands at the site of the bombing in the Dar Al Farooq Islamic Center on Monday, Aug. 7, 2017, in Bloomington, Minn. The head of the Minneapolis FBI office says the investigation into the weekend bombing of the mosque is their top priority and they going to focus every available resource on the case until it’s solved. Nobody was hurt in the explosion, which happened just before morning prayers on Saturday at the mosque. (Courtney Pedroza/Star Tribune via AP)

➧ Community… Continued from page 4 at low risk of extinction. Pacific bluefin tuna are among the largest and fastest fish in the ocean. While all Pacific bluefin spawn in the western Pacific Ocean off Japan, some also migrate across the Pacific and may spend up to several years off the West Coast of the United States. Japanese fisheries land the most Pacific bluefin, followed by Mexico, the United States, Korea and Taiwan. The latest stock assess- ment by the International Sci- entific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean in 2016 estimated a total popula- tion of more than 1.6 million Pacific bluefin, including more than 140,000 fish capable of spawning. The Scientific Review Team found that the popula- tion is large enough to avoid the risks associated with a small population, such as a C M year with low survival, and Y K that Pacific bluefin has recov- ered from similarly low levels in the past. Nations around the Pacific have also adopted harvest limits designed to reduce land- ings, especially of young fish, and rebuild the species. The Scientific Review Team evaluated 25 different threats to Pacific bluefin including commercial fish- eries, prey depletion, marine pollution and climate change. All the available trend data, when taking those threats into consideration, pointed toward stable or increasing viability. The call in number is 888- 972-7807/ Password: Tuna samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Page 9 Trump appeals to loyalists as support slips, agenda stalls WASHINGTON (AP) — described Vice President Mike President Donald Trump is Pence as laying groundwork in trying to combat new weakness case Trump does not run. Pence in his Republican base and re- called the report “disgraceful.” energize his staunchest sup- The chatter has been fueled porters after months of White by Trump’s unsuccessful House backbiting and legisla- attempt to shepherd health care tive failures. legislation through Congress, White House officials have the drip-drip of revelations been urging the president to about his associates’ ties to fire up his efforts on immigra- Russia and the churn of turn- tion and other agenda items over and turmoil at the White C M favored by conservatives, House. The president’s advisers Y K evangelicals and working-class have tried to drown out the bad whites who propelled him to the news by promoting policies that Oval Office. The president has conservatives like. increased his media-bashing “They are telling him, ‘just via Twitter and staged rallies enact your program,’” Conway hoping to marshal his base to his said of the president’s base. defense. On Monday, he lashed “Don’t worry about a Congress out at Democratic Sen. Richard that isn’t supporting legislation Blumenthal in multiple tweets to get big-ticket items done. after the lawmaker expressed And don’t worry about all the support for a special counsel’s distractions and diversions and probe of Trump’s associates’ discouragement that others, links to Russia. who are trying to throw logs in The surge underscores your path, are throwing your Trump’s shaky political posi- way.” In a televised event at In this Aug. 3, 2017, photo, President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign-style rally tion not yet seven months into the White House last week, the at Big Sandy Superstore Arena in Huntington, W.Va. After six months of infighting, investigations his presidency. Trump has president endorsed legislation and legislative failures, President Donald Trump is trying to combat new signs of weakness in his remained deeply unpopular that would dramatically reduce Republican base and re-energize his staunchest supporters. White House officials have been urging among Democrats, and there legal immigration to the United the president to refocus on immigration and other issues that resonate with the conservatives, evan- are signs that his support among States. The bill is unlikely to gelicals and working-class whites who propelled him to the Oval Office. The president has ramped Republicans may be softening. ever become law, but that mat- up his media-bashing via Tweet, long a successful tactic for Trump, and asked his base to rally to his His advisers are aware that a tered little to Trump’s advisers. defense. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) serious slip in support among Their barometer for success was his core voters could jeopar- the reaction from conservatives dize hopes for a major, early like commentator Ann Coulter, legislative accomplishment who called the White House’s and would certainly increase backing of the controversial Republicans’ worries about his legislation “the best moment of re-election prospects. Trump the Trump presidency since the on Monday dismissed his own inauguration.” adviser’s statement on his polit- Immigration is expected ical standing after White House to continue being a focus for counselor Kellyanne Conway Trump in the coming weeks, acknowledged that the presi- including a push for the border dent’s approval rating among wall with Mexico. Officials also Republicans “needs to go up.” are weighing a more public role The president fired back for White House policy adviser on Twitter: “The Trump base Stephen Miller, a favorite of is far bigger & stronger than Trump backers whose hard- ever before” and “will never line immigration policies change!” irritate some congressional But polling doesn’t sup- Republicans. port Trump’s claim. A recent The appointment of White Quinnipiac University survey House chief of staff John Kelly showed the president’s approval also fits into that effort. While dipping into negative territory Kelly was brought in primarily among whites without college to bring much-needed disci- C M degrees — a key group of sup- pline to the West Wing, offi- Y K porters for the president. The cials note that he, too, is viewed percentage of Republicans who favorably by some Trump loy- strongly approve of his perfor- alists for his early execution mance also fell, with just over of the administration’s immi- half of Republicans saying gration policy as secretary of they strongly approved of the Department of Homeland Trump. That’s down from the Security. Kelly’s appointment two-thirds of Republicans who was particularly welcomed by strongly approved of the presi- senior strategist Steve Bannon, dent’s performance in June. who has taken on the task of Just one-third of all Ameri- ensuring Trump doesn’t drift cans approved of his job perfor- from the promises he made to mance, a new low in the poll. his base during the campaign. The president’s struggles Several White House officials already have prompted public and Trump advisers insisted on speculation about his political anonymity in order to discuss future. The White House pushed the ways the administration is back angrily Sunday against a moving to shore up support for New York Times report about the president. Republicans preparing for 2020 Some of what the president presidential race that may not has to offer his core supporters include Trump. The report is more show than substance. Page 10 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Report reveals under- ground US haven for heroin, drug users NEW YORK (AP) — A safe fessionals monitor drug users. haven where drug users inject They also provide clean needles themselves with heroin and to prevent the spread of infec- other drugs has been quietly tious diseases like HIV or hepa- operating in the United States titis C. Ideally, they also steer for the past three years, a report users into treatment and other reveals. services. None were known to exist Some experts say new in the U.S. until the disclosure approaches are needed to fight in a medical journal, although the opioid epidemic, including several states and cities are safe havens. But they’ve faced pushing to establish these so- legal and political hurdles. called supervised injection sites Critics have argued these places where users can shoot up under may undermine prevention and the care of trained staff who can treatment, and seem to fly in the treat an overdose if necessary. face of laws aimed at stopping In the report released use of deadly illicit drugs. Tuesday, two researchers said Safe injection sites are dif- they’ve been evaluating an ferent from syringe exchange underground safe place that programs, which were once opened in 2014. As a condi- controversial but now exist in tion of their research, they 33 states. didn’t disclose the location of The underground safe haven the facility — which is unsanc- is open between four and six tioned and potentially illegal hours a day, five days a week, — or the social service agency according to Alex Kral, a San running it. Francisco-based researcher The researchers offered little with RTI International, and data, and their main finding was Peter Davidson of the Univer- that no one died while injecting sity of California, San Diego. at the safe place. There were Their report was published two overdoses on site, which online in the American Journal were reversed by staff members of Preventive Medicine. using the overdose medication The space consists of two naloxone. rooms — an “injection room” Advocates and some politi- with five stainless steel stations cians in recent years have called with mirrors and stools and a for government-sanctioned room next door where users are injection sites as the U.S. grap- monitored afterward. There are ples with the opioid epidemic. trained staff on hand, but no More than 52,000 Americans one who is medically licensed, died from drug overdoses in according to the researchers. 2015 — the most ever — fueled Smoking is not allowed there, by soaring abuse of heroin and but drugs like heroin, pain pills, prescription painkillers. Gov- cocaine and methamphetamine ernment statistics for the first are. nine months of last year, also Use of the space was by released Tuesday, show over- invitation only. Most visi- dose death rates continuing to tors are white, homeless men. spiral. It was used 2,500 times over Some say the new report two years by over 100 people, could have an impact on efforts although researchers say the to establish safe injection sites exact number of participants around the U.S. Such sites have isn’t known because the facility been backed by lawmakers in relies on anonymous surveys. New York, California and other There’s no data on deaths or states, along with officials in drug use by clients who injected cities like Seattle, San Fran- when the site was closed and cisco and Ithaca, New York. it’s not known whether any “It shows people that it’s went into treatment, Kral said. possible” to operate one of The study also didn’t look these in the U.S., said Lindsay at issues opponents worry LaSalle, an attorney with Drug about, like whether creation of Policy Alliance who has helped a safe place is associated with draft safe haven legislative pro- an increase in people begin- posals in six states. ning to try drugs, said Jonathan Injection sites are legal in Caulkins, a drug policy expert countries including Australia, at Carnegie Mellon University Canada, Denmark, France, Ger- who nonetheless applauded the many, Luxembourg, the Neth- organization’s effort to try to erlands, Norway, Spain and stop overdose deaths. Switzerland where medical pro-

FAIRNESS FILE - This Tuesday, May 6, 2008, file photo shows injection booths at Insite in Vancouver, British We make an issue of it every day. Columbia, Canada. The facility is promoted by its founders as a safe, humane facility for drug If you want to comment about our fairness, abusers. A report released Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017, in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine call Samoa News at 633-5599 revealed that a safe haven for drug users to inject themselves with heroin and other drugs has been quietly operating in the United States for the past three years. Researchers didn‚Äôt disclose the loca- tion of the site. (Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press via AP, File) samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Page 11 US nixes sleep apnea test plan for truckers, train engineers U.S. officials are abandoning been in the probable cause of plans to require sleep apnea 10 highway and rail accidents screening for truck drivers and investigated by the NTSB in the train engineers, a decision that past 17 years and obstructive safety experts say puts millions sleep apnea is an issue being of lives at risk. examined in several, ongoing, The Federal Railroad NTSB rail and highway inves- Administration and Federal tigations,” NTSB spokesman Motor Carrier Safety Adminis- Christopher O’Neil said. tration said late last week that The NTSB has long recom- they are no longer pursuing the mended sleep apnea testing for regulation that would require engineers, and Metro-North testing for the fatigue-inducing and the Long Island Rail Road disorder that’s been blamed for started requiring it after finding deadly rail crashes in New York the engineer in a 2013 Metro- City and New Jersey and sev- North crash had fallen asleep eral highway crashes. at the controls because he had The agencies argue that it a severe, undiagnosed case of should be up to railroads and sleep apnea. The engineer, Wil- trucking companies to decide liam Rockefeller, told investi- FILE - In this Aug. 2, 2016, file photo, authorities investigate the scene of a charter bus crash on whether to test employees. One gators he felt strangely “dazed” northbound Highway 99 between Atwater and Livingston, Calif. U.S. officials are abandoning plans railroad that does test, Metro- right before the crash, which to require sleep apnea screening for truck drivers and train engineers, a decision that safety experts North in the New York City occurred as he sped through a say puts millions of lives at risk. (AP Photo/Scott Smith, File) suburbs, found that 11.6 per- 30 mph curve at 82 mph. cent of its engineers have sleep apnea. The decision to kill the sleep apnea regulation is the latest step in President Donald Trump’s campaign to drasti- cally slash federal regulations. The Trump administration has withdrawn or delayed hundreds of proposed regulations since he took office in January — moves the president has said will help bolster economic growth. Late last year, the FRA issued a safety advisory that was meant as a stopgap mea- sure urging railroads to begin sleep apnea testing while the rules made their way through the legislative process. Without a regulation mandating testing, which would have needed approval from Congress, regu- lators couldn’t cite trucking companies or railroads if a truck or train crashed because the operator fell asleep at the helm. Sleep apnea is especially troubling for the transporta- tion industry because sufferers are repeatedly awakened and robbed of rest as their airway closes and their breathing stops, leading to dangerous daytime drowsiness. Treatments include wearing a pressurized breathing mask, oral appliances or nasal strips to force the airway open while sleeping. Some severe cases require surgery. “It’s very hard to argue that people aren’t being put at risk,” said Sarah Feinberg, the former administrator of the FRA, who had issued the safety advisory in December. “We cannot have someone who is in that condi- tion operating either a train going 70 mph or operating a multi-ton truck traveling down the interstate. It’s just not an appropriate level of risk to be exposing passengers and the traveling public to.” The National Transportation Safety Board said it was disap- pointed the agencies decided to scrap the “much-needed rulemaking.” “Obstructive sleep apnea has Page 12 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017

FILE - In this July 30, 2017 file photo released by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping stands on a military jeep as he inspects troops of the People’s Liberation Army during a military parade to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the PLA at Zhurihe training base in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The threat to Japan from North Korea has reached a ‚Äúnew stage‚Äù now that the country is capable of launching an intercontinental ballistic missile and its nuclear weapons program has advanced, a defense ministry report said Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017. The 532-page defense report also raised concerns over China‚Äôs ongoing assertiveness in air and maritime activity in the regional seas, and raised concerns about the lack of transparency in the country‚Äôs military buildup with its budget making triple increase over the past decade. (Li Gang/Xinhua via AP, File) NKorea nukes, mis- siles top concerns in Japan defense review TOKYO (AP) — The threat miles) off Japan’s Hokkaido to Japan from North Korea has island. reached a “new stage” now North Korea has been that the country is capable increasing the range, accuracy of launching an interconti- and versatility of its missiles and nental ballistic missile and its diversifying its launch sites and nuclear weapons program has methods. It has conducted two advanced, a defense ministry nuclear tests and more than 20 report said Tuesday. missile launches over the past North Korea was the main year alone, exceeding the total concern cited as Japan’s Cab- of 16 missiles launched over 18 inet approved the report, less years under former leader Kim than two weeks after the North Jong Il, the report said. test-fired a second ICBM that “North Korea’s develop- analysts say has a range that ment of ballistic missiles and its could include more of the nuclear program are becoming U.S. mainland, including Los increasingly real and imminent Angeles and Chicago. problems for the Asia-Pacific The security review came region including Japan, as well just a week after Itsunori as the rest of the world,” it said. Onodera, who was defense The 532-page defense report minister in 2012-2014, resumed also raised concerns over Chi- that job when Japanese Prime na’s ongoing assertiveness in Minister Shinzo Abe revamped air and maritime activity in the his Cabinet after a slew of polit- regional seas, and raised con- ically costly scandals. cerns about the lack of transpar- Onodera told reporters ency in the country’s military Friday he planned to update buildup with its budget tripling Japan’s defense guidelines over the past decade. to reflect the threat from the While North Korea’s inten- North, suggesting he may seek tions are mainly to put the main- an offensive missile capability. land U.S. in range, its weapons “North Korea’s missile advancements have furthered launches have escalated ten- Abe’s effort to beef up the role sions both in terms of quality of Japan’s military and its mis- and quantity. I would like sile defenses. Joint exercises to study if our current mis- with its ally the U.S., also, have sile defense is sufficient just dramatically increased. The with the Aegis destroyers and Defense Ministry already plans (surface-to-air) PAC 3,” said to acquire upgraded ship-to-air Onodera, who headed a ruling interceptors SM-3 Block IIAs party study in March that called and mobile PAC-3 MSEs, which for beefing up Japan’s missile would double the coverage area response capability. of Japan’s current defenses. The ICBM North Korea The defense report was origi- tested July 30 flew on a highly nally meant to be issued Aug. lofted trajectory and landed 1, but that was delayed by the about 200 kilometers (120 Cabinet reshuffle. samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Page 13 Trump has escaped Washington, but don’t call it a vacation

BRIDGEWATER, N.J. frequented Martha’s Vineyard getaways. (AP) — President Donald in Massachusetts. President In 1998, Clinton briefly Trump would like to interrupt Ronald Reagan went out to came back to Washington from his vacation to deliver the fol- Santa Barbara, California. Martha’s Vineyard to deal with lowing message: Don’t call this Of course, the president missile attacks in Sudan and a vacation. never really leaves the job, trav- Afghanistan. Reagan came The president has decamped eling with a mini-White House home early from a California from Washington to his private of advisers and aides and con- vacation in 1983 after Korean golf club in central New Jersey. tinuing briefings and conversa- Airlines Flight 007 was shot But he has repeatedly pushed tions wherever he goes. down in by a Soviet fighter jet. back on the idea that this is While there is precedent In 2005, George W. Bush was a relaxing August getaway, for Trump to get a change of criticized for not cutting off his posting on Twitter over the scenery, the president may be vacation after Hurricane Katrina weekend: “this is not a vacation chafing at calling it vacation hit New Orleans. - meetings and calls!” because he frequently slammed Brinkley recalled a series Trump’s staff has labeled his predecessor for leaving of serious events that intruded the trip a “working vacation.” town and for playing golf. In on Obama’s summer breaks, Aides say Trump is meeting August 2011, Trump tweeted: including the beheading of jour- with aides and cabinet mem- “@BarackObama played golf nalist James Foley by Islamic bers to discuss policy and he yesterday. Now he heads to a 10 State militants in 2014 and is expected to go to New York day vacation in Martha’s Vine- Syria’s chemical weapons use City next week. They have yard. Nice work ethic.” in 2013. “Things happen when declined to answer repeated “President Trump is hyper- presidents are away,” said Brin- questions about whether he is sensitive about the word ‘vaca- kley. “Every August you have playing golf. tion’ because he hammered something horrific that’s going Still, the only sighting of President Obama for so long to happen.” Trump since he landed in New for taking it,” said Douglas Jersey was a video that surfaced Brinkley, a presidential histo- online Saturday of the presi- rian with the James A. Baker III dent greeting wedding guests at Institute for Public Policy. Brin- his club. Dressed in a golf shirt kley added that presidents are and a red “Make America Great “always having to work. Hence Again” hat, Trump exited a golf the phrase ‘working vacation.’” cart to chat with the guests. So far, Trump has spent 13 So far, the main proof Trump of 28 weekends in office away is not off the clock is his steady from the White House, mostly flow of Twitter comments, at his properties in Palm Beach, particularly Monday, when Florida, or in Bedminster, New rain likely kept him indoors. Jersey, according to an Asso- Throughout the day he pushed ciated Press count. The fig- out messages touting his sup- ures include a weekend during porters, attacking Democratic official travel overseas, and Sen. Richard Blumenthal Father’s Day weekend at Camp and highlighting a vote by David, the government-owned the United Nations Security presidential retreat in Maryland. Council to slap more sanctions Anita McBride, who served on North Korea. as Laura Bush’s chief of staff, “Working hard from New agreed that the White House Jersey while White House goes travels with the president. She through long planned renova- said getting out of Washington tion,” he said, referring to White has benefits, recalling Presi- House updates underway, dent George W. Bush’s love of including the replacement of a cycling and other activities at West Wing heating and cooling his ranch in Crawford, Texas. system. “That’s where he recharged Getting out of Washington his batteries,” she said. “Any in the dog days of summer is of us who have worked in the a well-established presidential White House really understands tradition. President George W. the need for getting away.” Bush enjoyed his Texas ranch, The real world often intrudes while President Barack Obama on these summer presidential 4 killed in car crash didn’t use seatbelts; 2 survivors did BRIDPORT, Vt. (AP) — of Chatsworth, Georgia, and Police say four people killed passengers Amber Brewer, of in a Vermont car crash weren’t Dalton, Georgia, and Justin wearing seatbelts but two Hendrix, of Bryceville, Florida. people in a pickup truck they hit They haven’t released the iden- head on were wearing seatbelts tity of the fourth person. and survived. The two people in the pickup Investigators say they don’t truck have been hospital- know why the car crossed the ized with non-life-threatening center line of a highway in injuries. FILE - In this July 3, 2017, file photo, President Donald Trump boards Air Force One at Mor- Bridport on Monday afternoon The crash occurred on state ristown Municipal Airport, in Morristown, N.J., en route to Washington from Trump National Golf and slammed into the truck. Route 22A, which had to be Club in Bedminster, N.J. Trump once questioned the wisdom of taking vacations. ‚ÄúWhat‚Äôs the The four occupants of the car closed for a few hours and point?‚Äù he asked. But now the president is readying to join the annual August exodus from this town he calls ‚Äúthe swamp.‚Äù Trump is due to set out Aug. 4 on his first extended vacation from died. Authorities say among the reopened in the evening. Washington since the inauguration _ a 17-day getaway to his private golf club in central New Jersey. dead are driver Steven Holmes, (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) Page 14 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Australian leader says gay marriage could be law this year CANBERRA, Australia Supporters say it would give (AP) — Australia’s prime min- ordinary people a voice in a ister said Tuesday that Parlia- debate dominated by activists. ment could legalize gay mar- If the Senate again blocks riage this year if the nation’s the plebiscite, the govern- voters endorse it in a rare non- ment intends to hold a vol- in the Pago Plaza - across from ASPA office. binding poll in November. untary postal plebiscite by Prime Minister Malcolm Nov. 15. Voters would mail in Turnbull said he expected the their opinions instead of using COME AND HAVE YOUR HAIR public would support marriage ballot boxes at a cost of up to equality in the so-called plebi- AU$122 million ($97 million). DONE BY PROFESSIONAL scite, and that he would person- Responses would be voluntary ally campaign for a ‘yes’ vote. and therefore less indicative of HAIR STYLISTS: It would be only the fourth public opinion. time in Australian history, Opponents argue that the and first time in 43 years, that postal plebiscite would also Veronica & Mali the government puts a legally need Senate approval, and have Call for an appointment or stop by and see us!! nonbinding question to the threatened a court challenge if it electorate. proceeds. “Veronica is also a trained barber” “I have other calls on my Turnbull said he is confident time as prime minister, but I that the postal option did not Tuesday - Saturday 9am to 4pm will certainly support a ‘yes’ need Senate endorsement. Mondays (Appointments Only) vote,” Turnbull told reporters. Finance Minister Mathias 633-0774 The conservative Liberal Cormann, the government’s Party-led coalition was nar- deputy Senate leader and an rowly re-elected in July 2016 opponent of same-sex mar- with a promise to let voters riage, said some type of plebi- decide whether Australia should scite is essential if Parliament is recognize same-sex marriage to decide the marriage equality through a popular vote. question. But the Senate in November Opposition leader Bill blocked the plebiscite, which Shorten dismissed a plebiscite would cost 170 million Aus- as “a colossal waste of money tralian dollars ($135 million) and time.” and promote a divisive public “Yet again the hopes of debate. people who want to be able to The Liberal Party held a marry the person they love have crisis meeting late Monday to been dashed by a weak prime resolve infighting and rejected minister and the right wing of a push to allow lawmakers to the Liberal Party,” Shorten said. decide the issue now. “We should just get on The government on Tuesday and have a vote on marriage endorsed the party decision equality straight away in the to ask the Senate this week to Parliament,” he added. reconsider allowing the plebi- Lyle Shelton, managing scite, which would be held Nov. director of the Australian Chris- 25. Voting would be compul- tian Lobby, said his advocacy sory and failure to vote would group had collected 55,000 sig- be punishable by a fine, though natures on a petition demanding a voluntary vote would be held a plebiscite. if the Senate again rejects the Sheldon handed the petition measure. to Sen. Cory Bernardi, leader If most Australians want gay of the minor Australian Con- marriage, the Parliament would servatives party, to present to vote on legislation before the the Senate. Bernardi has said last two-week session of Parlia- he would vote against gay mar- ment of the year ends on Dec. 7. riage regardless of what the “Strong leaders carry out plebiscite found. their promises, weak leaders Mark Moody-Basedow and break them,” Turnbull told his wife, Vicki, celebrated the reporters. new plebiscite plan and their Gay-rights advocates say second wedding anniversary enough lawmakers already by posing for photos outside back marriage equality to make Parliament House in what they same-sex marriage legal in described as the medieval-style Australia now. outfits that they wore on their For the first time in - Aus wedding day. tralian history, both the prime Vicki Moody-Basedow minister and opposition leader designed the couple’s white back the reform. costumes, embroidered with Rights advocates see the “righteousness,” ‘’holiness” and plebiscite as both a delaying “Jesus.” She said they believed tactic forced by a hard right- in “traditional marriage,” but wing minority and a strategy to added that the majority view undermine political support. should prevail in Australia. Opponents of the plebiscite “It’s the right of every Aus- argue that the government- tralian citizen to be able to say Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, left, and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann hold funded advertising campaigns what they think about this topic, a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017. Turnbull for the cases for and against so I think the plebiscite is a says Parliament could legalize gay marriage this year if the nation‚Äôs voters endorse it in a rare would give authority to bigoted great idea,” she said. but nonbinding poll in November. (AP Photo/Rod McGuirk) and homophobic arguments. samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017 Page 15

This image released by HBO shows Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister in an episode of “Game of Thrones,” which aired Sunday, Aug. 6. A group of hackers posted a fresh cache of stolen HBO files, including some apparently related to the show “Game of Thrones,” online Monday, part of what the purported hacker has claimed is a much larger trove of stolen HBO material. The dump includes scripts from five “Game of Thrones” episodes, including one upcoming episode, and a month’s worth of email from the account of an HBO programming executive. (Macall B. Polay/HBO via AP) Hackers demand millions in ransom for stolen HBO data NEW YORK (AP) — A have penetrated. group of hackers posted a They said they would only fresh cache of stolen HBO files deal directly with “Richard” and online Monday, and demanded only send one “letter” detailing a multimillion-dollar ransom how to pay. from the network to prevent the The dump itself was just 3.4 release of entire television series gigabytes — mostly technical and other sensitive proprietary data that appears to provide a files. HBO, which had previ- topography of HBO’s network ously acknowledged the theft of and to list network-adminis- “proprietary information,” said trator passwords. it’s continuing to investigate It includes what appear to be and is working with police and draft scripts from five “Game of cybersecurity experts. Thrones” episodes, including In a swaggering five-minute one upcoming episode, and a video from “Mr. Smith” to HBO month’s worth of email appar- CEO Richard Plepler included ently from the account of Leslie in the dump, the hackers used Cohen, HBO’s vice president white text scrolling on a black for film programming. background to deliver an ulti- The network reiterated matum. In short: Monday that it doesn’t believe Pay up within three days or that its email system as a whole see the group, which claims has been compromised. to have stolen 1.5 terabytes of The video text was written in HBO shows and confidential often flawed but fluent English corporate data, upload entire peppered with misspellings and series and sensitive proprietary pop-culture references. files. The hackers claimed it took Specifically, the hackers them about 6 months to breach demanded “our 6-month salary HBO’s network. Their biggest in bitcoin,” and claimed they threat appears to be dumping earn $12 million to $15 million videos of future shows online a year from blackmailing orga- with their logo “HBO Is nizations whose networks they Falling” superimposed. Page 16 samoa news, Tuesday , August 8, 2017