A Versatile Selenium Transfer Reagent in Organic Synthesis
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Chemistry in india Part i CHIMIA 2012, 66, No. 12 921 doi:10.2533/chimia.2012.921 Chimia 66 (2012) 921–929 © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft Tetraethylammonium Tetraseleno- tungstate: A Versatile Selenium Transfer Reagent in Organic Synthesis Devarajulu Sureshkumar§, Purushothaman Gopinath§, and Srinivasan Chandrasekaran*ab§ Abstract: Organoselenium compounds have attracted intense research owing to their unique biological properties as well as pharmaceutical significance. Progress has been made in developing reagents for incorporation of selenium in an efficient and controlled manner. Herein, we present a review on the recently developed selenium reagent, tetraethylammonium tetraselenotungstate, [Et N] WSe as a versatile selenium transfer reagent in organic 4 2 4 synthesis. Tetraselenotungstate has been successfully used for the synthesis of a number of functionalized diselenides, sugar- and nucleoside-derived diselenides, seleno-cystines, selenohomocystines, selenoamides, selenoureas and sugar- and nucleoside-based cyclic-selenide derivatives. Additionally, this reagent has been employed for the ring opening of aziridines to synthesize a variety of β-aminodiselenides. A new selena-aza- Payne type rearrangement of aziridinemethanoltosylates mediated by tetraselenotungstate for the synthesis of allyl amines is also discussed. Keywords: Aziridines · Diselenides · Selena-aza-Payne and cyclic-diselenides · Selenium · Selenium-transfer reagent · Seleno-cystines · Selenohomocystine · Sugar diselenides · Tetraselenotungstate Srinivasan of Chemistry – An Asian Journal and zyme inhibitors, antitumor, anti-infective Chandrasekaran Regional Editor of Tetrahedron Letters. He agents and also for their potential phar- was born in Tamil was an elected member of the Bureau and maceutical significance (Fig. 1).[2] Much Nadu, India in Executive committee of the International of the biological activity of selenium is 1945. He received Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. His associated with its incorporation into the his early education research interests include exploitation of seleno-cysteine residue of enzymes such as at the University of new methods and reagents in organic syn- glycine reductase, formatedehydrogenase, Madrasandobtained thesis and their utilization in the synthesis hydrogenase, glutathione peroxidase, tet- his PhD degree in of biologically active natural products. raiodothreonine 5-deiodinase and plasma 1972 working with proteins.[3] Recently, it has been reported Prof. S. Swaminathan at the University that by incorporation of selenium into pep- of Madras. He worked as a Research 1. Introduction tides, it is possible to study the conforma- Associate (1973–75, 1976–77) with Prof. tional folding preferences of peptides and E. J. Corey at Harvard University, USA Selenium was discovered by Berzelius proteins. Despite the importance of the se- and at Syntex Research, USA (1976). in 1817 and is considered as an essential lenium analogues of amino acids, there are He started independent research at the micro-mineral necessary for cellular func- very few synthetic methodologies avail- Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute tion in mammals but toxic at higher levels. able for the synthesis of selenium com- of Technology, Kanpur where he was The first organo-selenium compound, di- pounds due to difficulties in purification, promoted to Professor in 1985. In May ethyl selenide, was prepared by Lowig in and relative instability. For example, the 1989, he moved to the Indian Institute of 1836. In the past decades, organoselenium synthesis of amino acid, selenocysteine, is Science to take up his current position. He chemistry has made significant progress difficult because it readily oxidizes to form has received the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar starting from the synthesis of simple sele- the diselenide, selenocystine, in the pres- Prize (Council of Scientific and Industrial nols, selenides and diselenides to the de- ence of air. Research, 1989). He is an elected fel- velopment of organoselenium compounds Diselenides are important motifs in se- low of the Indian Academy of Sciences, having therapeutic potential. lenocystine containing proteins, enzymes Indian National Science Academy and the Following the discovery of seleno-en- and are very good chiral ligands. The most Academy of Sciences of the Developing zymes, selenium-containing compounds frequently used method for the prepara- World (TWAS). He is currently a mem- have been studied extensively in recent tion of organic diselenides is the reaction ber of the International Advisory Board years because of their interesting reactiv- of alkali metal diselenides with various ity profile,[1] anti-oxidant properties, as en- electrophiles.[4] Generally the metal dis- *Correspondence: Prof. S. Chandrasekaranab aDepartment of Organic Chemistry Fig. 1. Biologically Indian Institute of Science NH2 O active selenium-con- Bangalore-560012, India COOH HSe Se COOH b taining molecules. Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific HOOC Se N Research NH2 NH2 Se Jakkur, Bangalore, India Selenocystiene Selenocystine E-mail: [email protected] Ebselen (anti-oxidant) §All three authors contributed equally to this article 922 CHIMIA 2012, 66, No. 12 Chemistry in india Part i i. W(CO)6 ,DMF,90°C, 1h Se Se SeR RX Se SeR 2K +3Se K2Se3 [Et4N]2WSe4 Se RX W W ii. Et4NBr 1 W Se Se Se Se SeR 60 % Se X1 X2 1 Scheme 1. Synthesis of tetraethylammonium tetraselenotungstate (1). WeSe + Se R + Se R 2 R Se WeSe3 R Se [Et N] WSe 1 3 4 2 4 Se R 3 RX R Se CH3CN, rt, 5-90 min 2 3 Scheme 3. Tentative mechanism of 1 with alkyl halides. 82 -95% R=Alkyl X=Halides Simple benzyl bromides and its deriva- Se ) Y 2 tives were easily (5–15 min) converted to Se ) HO 2 the corresponding diselenides using 1 in ()5 Se ) 2 CH CN at ambient temperature (Scheme 3a;Y=H; 92% 3 [9] 3b;Y=p-CN; 95% 2). Generally, the reaction is clean and 4;89% 5;92%; dr =1:1 a simple filter column yields diselenides 3c;Y=p-CO2Et; 84% 3d;Y=p-OMe; 91% of high purity and chemical yields (81– 3f;Y=p-COPh; 81% 95%). Tetraselenotungstate 1, reacts with the alkyl halides to form the correspond- ing diselenides chemoselectively without Se ) EtO interfering with the easily reducible func- 2 Se ) 2 O tional groups such as cyano, ester and keto O N 6 84% 2 82% 8 functionalities. Thus, this reagent has a + (1:1) (1:1) + definite advantage over other procedures ) 2 EtO ) involving the use of metal diselenides and Se 2 Se reducing agents, which cannot be utilized O N O 2 9 in some of these cases. Simple long-chain 7 hydroxy alkyl bromides show low reactiv- Scheme 2. Reaction of tetraselenotungstate 1 with alkyl halides. ity with 1 as compared to benzyl bromides towards the formation of alkyl diselenides. Secondary benzylic bromides are easily elenides are prepared under strongly basic 2. Synthesis of Tetraethylammonium transformed into the corresponding disel- conditions or using reducing agents such Tetraselenotungstate, [Et N] WSe enides as a diastereomeric mixture. In the 4 2 4 as NaBH and LiEt BH, which are often in- case of highly reactive bromides like 4-ni- 4 3 compatible with many functional groups. Tetraselenotungstate 1 is prepared by trobenzyl bromide and ethyl bromoacetate, Another drawback is the formation of a slight modification of the original pro- reaction of 1 furnished a mixture of mono- monoselenides and triselenides as byprod- cedure reported by Kollis and O’Neal[8] and diselenides in 1 : 1 ratio in reasonable ucts, which are often very difficult to pu- by treatment of K Se with W(CO) in dry yields without affecting the nitro and ester 2 3 6 rify. Furthermore, such procedures require DMF at 90 ºC for 1 hr followed by the ad- functionalities (Scheme 2). refluxing conditions for the formation of dition of Et NBr (exchange of potassium Although reaction of 1 with alkyl ha- 4 diselenides. counter cation with tetraethylammonium lides seems to follow the bimolecular S 2 N Although several methods are avail- cation makes the reagent more soluble in substitution pathway, the mechanism of able for the synthesis of organo-selenium organic solvents). After filtration, THF is alkylation of selenometallates of this kind compounds,[5] there still exist challenges to slowly added and the reaction mixture is has not been completely studied and fully develop new versatile selenating reagents, stored at 4 ºC overnight. This furnishes understood. Since reactivity of tetraseleno- which can perform regio-, and stereo con- tetraethylammonium tetraselenotungstate, tungstate 1 is similar to tetrathiotungstate, trolled selenium transfer reactions effi- [Et N] WSe (1) as a red crystalline solid (WS )2–, a plausible mechanism based on 4 2 4 4 ciently in a single step. These challenges in 60% yield (Scheme 1).The reagent can the analogous reaction of tetrathiotungstate arise partly because of the relative insta- be stored under argon atmosphere for a few with alkyl halides is presented in Scheme bility of existing selenating reagents at months; however it decomposes to the cor- 3. In the first step, tetraselenotungstate 1 ambient conditions. Development of prac- responding oxometallic species upon pro- reacts with alkyl halides by alkylation of tically useful and efficient new selenating longed exposure to air. selenium to form monoalkylated interme- reagents is still necessary. Therefore, we diate X and subsequently the second sele- 1 have been involved in the development of nium alkylation forms dialkylated interme- new selenating reagents in organic synthe- 3. Synthesis of Simple Diselenides diate X . The intermediates X and X can 2 1 2 sis for the last few years. Müller and co- undergo induced internal redox reaction workers first reported tetraselenotungstate Tetraselenotungstate 1 is a highly with the oxidation of the selenium ligand in 1981,[6] and since then there have been reactive and soft nucleophile that can and concomitant reduction of the metal no comprehensive studies on the use of this transfer selenium to a variety of organic center to form diselenide 3 along with a selenating reagent. In this review we focus compounds.