• '. .e!U}l.e Be.:tn-.EI, .. Broad & ·Glenham 1st.::. • t .

TH. -E. . JEWISH, ) - D VOL. XXH, NO. 10 FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1947 .· PROVIDENCE, R. I. 5 CENTS THE COPY R. I. ·Zionist -:Em~rgency -Council ._Dedic~tes This -Sunday, May 11, as a Day of Prayer, R:epo-rt Ooqd ·~--,-, Special ·service

Progress in Drive A!!!.~ _P!'! ~~ t"!!~!!! Substantial progress was re­ C~uncil ' will dedicate this Sun- 'ported at the first report meeting day to a day. of prayer and in-" • of the Jewish Home for the Aged tercession-an appeal to the\ - J mem·bership drive, it was an­ United Nations In behalf of a nounced thts week by Alvin Sop- . J ewish homeland in Palestine. hkin, chairman of the campaign. The s~rv:ices : will take place at ·."If the present pace of pledges Temple Ennanuel- at 8 o'clock. ·. continues," Mr. Sopkin· said, "we Rabbi Maurice Perlzwelg, chalr­ ·will be able io ~each our goal. ma11 of ihe.Britisb Section, World Additional report meetings are Jewta·h Congress, · and a _member 'scheduled each week, and when of the Executive Board of Depu. 'the checkers complete their cards, ties of Bi'ltish jews, will be th~ the resulf will be published· In guest speaker. He will speak on , subsequent issues of the Herald." - "UN aricf Palestine." Others par- Jacob I. Felder, president of tl'cipatlng In the program will ·be. -the Home, asked 'the community FRANK LICHT AROHIDALD SILVERMAN 'RABBI MAURICE PERLZWEIG Governor John 0. Pastore, Jl,):ayor "to support this vital campaign- Chairman of Arrangements Council President G S ak Dennis J . Roberts, Archibald Sil- one drive to insure the comfort ------:-----n_es_t_:pec__e_r____ verman,'president of the ,Council; of our aged." "Make their last - . - Frank Licht, cliairmall of arran- ~;ag:~. haipy and secure," he -Seminar Or<1anizes Jewelr11, Pi·ns- to Add'rm ·., gements; Rabbi Abra.ham Chill, ~' J Rabbi Israel M. Goldman, Rabbi

Men's Cl_ub to Hear }~1~?. G1!:!!a~e~err~'!!!~. £!.~!~!~'!rler, I ~~~i!ln~~!~!~~~ew i:r!il·::::i~:::t!:s~;!?r::! .• ft.. be ·E. O'Conne\J and Dr. Lucius A. ;l,ngelo De!Sesto, Robert T. D1eges, , will be the principal speak- Reverend Earle H. Tomlin. .Sel lg .~reen . rg _Whipp\e, . C~-cbairmein of the Edward M. Dorcherty, Matthew ler at 'the second annual Confer- Mr. Licht has Issued this state- ~ Selig G;eenberg. ·J~urnal Bui- Rhode Island Seminar on Human A. E>unn, Samuel A. Hamin, Har- ence of the New England Centers ment, .. At this crucial hour in the 1;,tln reporter; who has,, just re- Rela_tioris a.lfllla.ted with the Nat- old W. Hughes, George W. Jen- Young Adults Council to be held struggle for the establishment of turned from a seven-week stay Iona! Conference of Christians and ekes, Elon A. Kelly, M!x Kesten- !~ P~ovljlence, Saturday and Sun- a Jewish homeland .in Palestine, i!' the Sqvl_et Union covering ·the Jews, announce toa;,,y the forma= , _ ng <111: Krlu,..i,,,onard (la,y, -M;&~0-1'.l, under 'the &Of- 1t 1s essential thl\.! Zion.1st leader­ ,~e~sio_ns of !!'e Council or For- tlon of the Jewelry and. Allied Levin, William G. Lind, Arthur plces of the New England Section shlp,' as representt;r by the Jew­ elgn ·' Ministers in Mosco:w will Trades Dl:,lslon under the chair- Loercher, Adolf Mel}er, John S. Jewish Welfare Boa.rd. A native /sh Agency, Is fully supported h," 1 b~, th'8 guest- speaker a·t ;,_ m~eting ,menship o_f F_redrick A. Bullock Moran, Edw3:rd 0. Otis Jr., Thom- of Germany, and for a short per- the rank and fl.le. Our attendance ~f ·the' Men'jl Club or Temple Beth• of Dolan and Bullock, Arthur as S. Poole, Benjamin ~ossman, icid at reside;,! of Palestine, Mr: at tlie service to be held at Tem- _Israel which will be ·held next Kap1an, of L_ouls Stern Company _Charles, Ro~hman, A lbert !· Rus-· Pins Hved for three yea.rs underlple . Ema.nuel Is tangll!le evidence Thursday night at 8 o'clock In and Edward B. McAlpine of the sell, Edson W. Sawyer, Paige A. Na.,zl tyranny, previous to coming· of our support. · Attend and bP. the Temple. E. B. McAlpine Company and Sea.ton, Norman L. Silverman, to this country;- shortly- b1>fore, counted- as a supporter of our , Manchester Silver Company. 'Edwin Speidel, William ·G. Thur- the outbreak of the Second. World sacred cause." . The program will be i~itfaied bE!"r ," Gustavo Trifai-i Jr., and, E . War. Group$ sponsoring this serv:ic~ . at a luncheon meeting on May 15 Max Weiss. Max Kotler is fr~m ____ and - ~heir representatives on the ;'Iat the Narragansett Hotel with Pawtucket. ' · , · committee planning the program , Gove_rnor 'John 0, Pastore; w. 3 Youths , Assault . are: ,Providence Chapter of Had- II Waters . Schwab, President of REVEALS CASUALTIES . ' - ' assah, Mesdames Maurice Robin- WN and Palestine John R. Wood and Son's, Inc. of LONDON. - 'First ' Lord of tha Za!1"·d.-. ~-·1,llm_an·_ son, J'acob Temkin, Jacob Hoben- ' The U. N. Assembly ls setting New York i nd director ~f the Admirilty George Hall told the. _ e1nser and Isaac perber. Zionist a precedent in investagatlng the Jewelry Inc,lustry Coupcil and Dr. ~eei:s:. that since August, 194:t;, 68 Zaida Millman, an elderly:~reSi. District of Providence, M·. , Louis Palestine situation, since the aut­ Everett R. · Clinchy, -President or, mlli'tary, 30 · policeman a•1d , 15 dent of 1 99½ Dudley street, bas Abedon, Dr, Ilie Berger and Archl­ hority of the United Nations as the ?:1ational Conference of Christ- ~civilians were killed ip Palestine, been reported ·10 serious, condi. ba.Id Silverman; Henry Burt Labor weJI as the fate of Palestine is ianS ind J~ws, as spe3.kers. and• a ·total o\ 1681 Jews convicted tion following being found semi- Grpup, Jos·eph Teverow and Stau­ involved. Providence members of the .rbr · "terrorism," of whom four lcenscious and bleeding freely on ley Snyder; Labor Zionist Council, The moral effect of a U. N. committee are Gottlob Armbrust, ~were executed and two suicides. !Gay St. last Friday evening. Mrs. Alter Boyman and Mrs.· Arthur 1·eport on l'aJe~tfne cannot be · Ida Kaufman, his daughter, has Einstein; Jewish National Work- overestimated: It. ,,rill weigh so .First Member Enroiled In Home Drive. reported that evidently her fitther ers Alliance, Max Berman and hea,rtly in mob.i]iztng world sen­ was •Victim oft3 'YOUng men, who Arthur Korman; Providence Chap- timent to ·accept and support a we1·e s·een running away at the t er of Masada, Mls,s Evelyn Block ":_Orklng solution of. the problem time ~r. Millman w'as found. and Miss Mu~iel Block; Mlzrachi. that it ts well worth calling th\, She said that he was not robbed. J acob Alprin and Issac Moses; Assembly together to get it un. b Wmnen's Mizrachi, Mrs: Morris Mt Millman had een attend- Le~ht nnd Mrs. Morris Keller; ' derway. ing services at the South Provi- . The Arab proposal for immedi­ dence Hebrew Con·gregation and Pioneer Women's Organization, ate PalesU.ne independence would defeat the object or the extra ses­ ::~s :nh:!• ~:Y ::i::n~~t:!:u!!: :~,s;el:~/;::~:'.-1~~/~r~r~.ha!~ sion. But the rea'son for sticking saulted. Dr. Jacob Reich report-. and Nathan Ostrow, and Young to the 'original agenda goes deep­ ed that Mr. Millman received a Adult Division, Miss Edith Lipsey. er than that. True, tfle~e have concussion and has since never Members of the community been other invesUgatlons and re­ fully regained consciousness. 1'. have been urged to listen to the wrts. Now, however, the As­ fnmllta.r figure in the neighbor­ [oiiowing radio broadcasts, which ~mb1y must make a fresh si.i,rt, hood, Mr. Millman . has been in will be spon&ored by the Zionist sJnce Jt will become the supreme this country for 3 5 years and has Emergency Council: WPRO, Sat- agency for settling di•PD\es by qeen retired for 15 years. (Continued on palfe 2) peacefn 1 means. Max Millman, of 8 0 Doyle ave- Actnally, there is 80me ques­ nue, grandson or the victim, has tion whether the other lnvesU, offered a reward of $ 60 for the gaUons were made by dJsinter­ Information leading to the arrest News Deadline ested agencies. ThJs tJme, though, of persons "who attacked him It must be assured the lnvestJgat, nnd k•nocked him down." For Next Week Ing committee be dmwn from st"tes without direct interest in The news deadline tor n; xt the d.lspute. Then, e-ventually, FOR-MS wonLD COUN€IL week l1ns been advanced to 5 an nnbtased report will be made. Mrs. E. Rosen, charter member• of tho ortgtnnl Home for the Aged, NEW YORK - A new world o'clock, Monday afternoon, l\[ay And the Big Powers shooJd be WM the first person lo be enrolled In the 1047 membership drive Council of Christians and Jew• 12. We cannot promise the excluded, became no-7 wantl of the Home. , ln the above picture, Alvin A. Sopk!n, chairman of the I! being organized under the sl>on­ insertion of items received nf­ Pal.,,,IJne to become a football of campalgn, ts presenting the membership card to Mrs, Rose~ at the sorshlp or the National Conference 1 te1• tllat lime. power pollttcs.-N. Y. TlmN capWn and workers rall7 which W08 h eld recently. of Christians and Jews. 2 THE JEWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1947 -.. CORRECII'ION Mo k B' . Guest Speaker THE JEWISH HERALD Nathan Ludman and not Har- ns y' '. na, 'L&t Additional The Jewish Home Newspaper of old-Ludman has been elected vice-- Rh~ Island. Published I Every president of .the Comets for the B'rith 1ffead·, Dies· Beth-David 1hnors Week in the Year by the :Jewtah coming season. ~ Pr- _Publlshinf Company. H8nry Brill, - cblLirm&n of the -----.,.-_·-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-;::··::::::::::::::::::::::~ H~nry: Monsky, president .,· oi Subs~rJpUon Rates: Five Cents the - B'nO:i B'rith, and an out-sbfrtdloi; building fu.nd of , the Betli-David Copy ; By Mail, $2.50 per Annum. Congi'egation, this week announc­ Sulk subscription rates on request. Two Lots for Sale ·American Jewish leader, died last \Valter :Rutman, Managfng Editor. Friday in New York whUe arl­ ed, additional contributors to the In Lakewood. All improve­ 76 Dorrance ~t.. Tel. G.Aspee' i3U. ments b.ut sewerage. Apply C . dreSsing national Jewish ·leaders campaign to complhe the new Case-Mead BuJ.J.ding. J. Dyer. 50 Ann l\lary Brown on the Palestine problem. \ H;?­ Synagogue and Hebrew School. Entered as Second-Class Matter at t:he Post Office, Providence, R. I., Drive, Gaspee Plateau. was buried in Omaha, Nebraska. The donors are: Mr. Monsky, who was 57 years $783.32 - Friends of Beth­ . Under the Act of March 3, 1879. David. It is assumett subscribers wish their ======old, had been president of B'na! subscription renewed annually un­ ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII' B'rith since his election at the $500 - Ladies' Allxiliary. less we receive notice lo the = · E May 19 38 convention in Washing- $800 · ~ Aaron W,eintraub. contrary. ~ Insulate S ton. In 1941 the late President $100 - Jacob F elder, Samuel ::; For Comfort and Economy 5 Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Azroff, Joseph Chorney, Abraham Council to H.olct :E All year .Round : him a 1I11ember of the National Berick, Harry Blazer, Estate of : FHA Terms if Desh-ed : Voluntary Participation Committee Harris Goldberg, Morris Beran- Prnc.-.r"den,ts' ,Day· § Fl'ee Estimates 5 of the Office of Civilian Defense. baum and Samuel Labush. ~ : Call HOpkins 0600 , : Attorney General Tom ·c. Clark $ 60 - William Bard_ Plans for the "presidents' day" last year named Mr. Monsky to DR. CHARLES F. WILINSKY s B s l . Co = $~ - Bernard Pefelman. meeting of fhe Providence Sec- : erger upp Y • S the National Conference for the $52.50 - Julius Gilden. S INSULATION DEPT. · : Pr'evention and · Control of Juv- -~·,·nsky to Speak $50 - Morris Resnick and lion, National Council of Jewish : 054 Warwick Ave~ue, 5 enile Delinquency. · WII Ma.x Resnick. Women, were formulated recently ;j Lakewood, R. L 5 ---- $45 - •s'!m Schaffer. at the home of Mrs. Charles At Hosp·_ ital ·Din·ner $43 - Abraham Kaplan. Roitman. The meeting will be 111m111R1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUii Dev.ote Services $35 - Gerald Roth. held at Froebe! Hall on Tuesday, .11111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111 To Pales.tine Problem, Dr. Charles F. Wili_nsky, dlr- $25 - Linclon Lace and Braid May 27' at 2 o'clock. The a"ffa!r Rabbi Morris Schussheim, ll'em­ ector of the Beth Israel Hospital Natt!e Chorney, Council Thrift will also be a testimonial to Mts. Quality Comes 'First ple Beth-Israel, announced this of Boston, will be the principal Shop, _Samuel Deutch. Franklin Samuel Wachenheimer, who will at Hy's , week that 'lln view of the criti­ speaker at the annual dinner Finance, Joseph Chorney, Sam be honored for "her constant ser­ You've Always Sure of the Best cal developments concerning Pal­ meeting of the Miriam Hospital, Gladstein~ R'everend M. Smith, vice to peace. which she has de­ \Vhen You Shop at estine, the Sabbath services at the which will be held on Sunday Mrs. Mae Sopenar, Aaron Gil- voted her life to." Mrs. Wache~­ Temple to-night will be devoted evening, May 18, at the Narra- st~in, Samuel Premack and Dr heimer organized the pea:ce a~d HY DIWINSKY to a discussion of the problem, DELIOATESSEN and ga111sett Hotel. Dr. Wilihsky's Israel Mandell. hiternational relations group \ of "Pal~st!ne before the United Na­ CREA.ilIERY subject will be, "What Kind Of $20 -- Phillip L!eberman: wm- the Section. The meeting will be 795½ Hope St. MA. 4387 tions" by Irving Brodsky, sec­ A HoSpital Does T,he Providence lam Hanzel an(j Israel Halpern. a tribute to her "years of service (Sturgeon King of R. I.) retary and program chairman of Community Expect?" Dr. Wilin- $18 - ' Joseph Kleinman, Jacob to the Council." Satw·day ·and Sunday the Congregation. Cantor Irving sky is a ~nati'onally recogntzep Levine, Shirley Resnick .and MU- Mrs. Charles Potter and MrB". Fresh Bagel, Onion Rolls and Ashery and Dr. Robert Weiss will fu,al Clsel Bread authority on hospftal admini~ ton Sherman. Rottman are in charge of the pro. be in charge of the music. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 tratlon and planning. Also on the $15 - Max Goldnian ahd Col- gram for the afternoon. agenda will' be the report of the onial Motors. ,::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::::-.., We are qualified through wide experience to rellder independent nominating committee and th~ $10 - Mrs. Morris Barker. l {JI£ •_J.. I appraisals of the, following types of properties anywhere 1n election of" officers. Annual re- David Odessa, Issac Pearlman, ut,Ut''l'J-11 Rltode Island ports will also be presented. The Seymore Roth, George Litchm;n I K 4 7 STORE PROPERTIES GARAGES dinner will take place In the Harry Lecht, Louis Roth, Abra- ______...... , OFFICE BUILDINGS • ~=~ Indian .Room ·or the hotel with ham Tobin, Charles Salmanson llffiS. ADELLA SKOTKIN , ~~~:t::ES _ ' FARllfS ,.. reservations accepted up to Its Harry Goldstein, Henry Brill, Beu Funeral services for Mrs. Ad- BUILDING LOTS ACREAGE capacity. However, the general ·Resnick, Harry Roy, Mrs A. Cher- ella Skotkin, 74, "of 260 Veronont INDUSTRIAL WATER FRONT puJ:>ilc invited to attend the meet- niak, Henry Le!berman, Harris avenue. were held last Wednes- In business over 58 years ing, which will follow. 1Wal- Blumenthal and Esther Saltzmau. day noon at ·the Max Sugarman G. L, & H. J. .GROSS, INC: ter I. Sundlun Is chairman of the $9 - Bernie Nemrow. Funeral Home. Burial was In 170 Westminster SU-eet GA 6040 Providence, R. I . dinner committee, with MrB'. Ar- . ·$5 -:_ R:Rllan Shusansky, I ra Lincoln Par'k Cemetery. Realtors Property l\lanagers Ins~ce chie Albert as co-chalrmap. Res- Kulman. Benjamin Russian, Leo- Mrs. Skotkin was born in Kiev. 192 i...:;__E:s:t. :::1:888:::::::/ ======·=Y±:::::::::::::::::lnt:c:·: : : :'l\= ervations may· be made by con- nard Baron, Louie's Kosher Res- Russia, and had been a: resident 1 tacting Morton Smith, ticket com- taurant, Mrs. David Berman, Jo- of Providence for 23 years. She ' J __....;.. ______....a ------:/mittee chairman. . seph Weintraub, Lt. L eonard !:eaves her huSb'and ,Benjanii~ Bloom Auxll!ary, J. W, V., Robert Skotkin; two daughters, Mrs M. Law, Bathelder Bottling Works 'Sylvia Grebstein, with whoD?- she L 1 APARTMEN-TS and ROOMS · / To Hold Mother, Frankins Fruit Store. Lonis Nasa lived and Mrs. Rebecca . Cor.icb, Daughter Program I. • Freidman and Max Talan. 362 Douglas avenue; a son, Salll­ FOR R,ENT The Providence ..Unit of Junior $2 - S~m Phenes and Mrs uel Scott of Westerly; 11 grand­ Hadassah will hold a mother and Silbert. children and seven great-granO.­ daughter p rogram in the foyer ··of children. at N-ARRAGA,NSE.TT Pl~R the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel th!• BEAUTIFUL WCA'l'ION. . ONE STREET FROM Monday evening. Miss Beverly WATERFRON'D, OVERLOOKING THE BAY Zionists to Hold Rotenberg, chairman, - has ann­ Card of Thanks - . The family of the late SA­ .. ounced th~t Rapbi Carol Klein Private Playground,for Children, Fireplaces, l\lUEL MILLMAN wishes ~ w!ll be the guest speaker and w!ll ·Day of Prayer thank. their many relatives anC 2, 3, 4, and 5 Room Apartments. All Fur­ inst_all the slate of officers in a (Continued from' page 1) friends for the kind expressiOns candlelight ceremony. Minna Ud­ urday evening at 7: 15 o'clock nished. All-Electric Kitchens. Continuous. of sym1mt.hy shown them dun· isky will give a: · comedy of errors and Sunday morning at 1O:45 ing their recent bereavement Hot Water. Also Single Rooms with Kit­ in Yiddish, and Dorothy C. Buck­ o'clock n~oon, and WEAN, Sundiy afternoon at 2 o'clock. · chen Privileges.· ler will pr~S'ent a progra~ of CALL llffiS. SALK at WI. 0779 or GA. 1268 several vocal selections, assisted at the piano by Celia Buckler. Buy United Slates Savings Bernice Chase, donor dinner chair- Bonds and Stamps.! Uuveiling Notice The unveiling of a monument man, will give a brief report. In memory of tlie late ~ms. ~ 24-YEAR HEBREW•ENG.LISH . t Evelyn Field, chairman of hostess' BELLE GOLDSllIITH nil! tako 1 Consult U\; About Your Investments f'or the evening, will be assisted CALENDAR IN JiEW . place this Sunday, l\Ca.y 11, at EDITION! • by Mattlda S!v!n, Eileen Dubin, 12 o'clock at Lincoln Park Phyllis • Kati, Selma La bush and The :famous calendar ha~ .fuat come from its 10th repnn1:ing. Cemetery. Relatives and triends MICHA,EL INVESTMENT .CO., INC. Shirley Priest. The demand from the Jewish pu!>­ are invited to attend. r lic continues. The calendar 1s still STOCKS and BONDS free to our readers. Women's Groups 17 EXCH'.ANGE STREET PROVIDENCE Visit Naval Hospital Unveiling Notiee DExter 0688 Visitations to the l'{ewport Naval Th'e mn;eillllg of a monument Hospital were made during the .u memory of tl1e late l\IRS. M. M. SOFOREN~O month of April by the Sisterhood CELIA BOR.NSTEIN will take c;>f Temple Emanuel and th8 Lad­ 1>lace this Stmdn.y afternoon, Member of the National Association of Security Dellera ies' AuxillQ.ry of B'nai B'rl$,h, 1'fay 11, at 2 o'clock at Llncobl Established 1932 The Sisterhood visited the hos~ Park Cemetery. Relath·es Alli! pita! on April 1. Mrs. Jack Fain, Mends are Invited to attend. chairman, was assisted by · the ,------. Mesdames Joseph Stanzler, Char- EDWIN SOFORENKO and MORTON SMITH of les D)lrad and Sid Greenbjtrg. Max Sugarman Entertainment was furnlBhed by Carolyn Watts at the piano. Funeral' Home INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS INC. The B'na! B'r!th Chapter visited FUNERAL DIREC'TOll t.l>e holp!tal on April 29 . Nrs. and EMBALMER JIM ,..,._ ffd,-.B..,iltl Cel• COMMERCIAL and - William Meyers wa« chairman o! ...... ,,ff..,_ ...,.., 1915 ,. MEMORIALS I ' PERSON L N the group. She was assisted by, 1949. All J,.1,J, Attll,I_,.. to 1964. Excellent Equipment · A A ~~ YSIS the Mesdames J . J .See!er, Morris I Ratush and Benjamin Golden- For your ,,... copJ, Ju•t addrt91 "Tbe Jewlah Funeral Director" Reined Sen-lee ' •• Bdc!1 Street UNlon 1923 berg. Mrs. Albert . Ctiken enter- a pnol<'anl or a l•tt•r t,i: I Nllr Turk Olflc&--26 Platt Street, N. y. WhltellaU 1-5770 ta!ned · with vocal selections a\ 451 BOPB STREET H. J. Hl;INZ CO. - Dept. 11 DE:ner 8094 Dli:xtar 88M ::------.' the piano. Plttaburs'h, Pa THE.JEWISH HERALD, -PROVIDl!lNeB, R, I.; J'RIDAY, MAY~ 19'7 a


Letter to Mr. Jacob I. Felder, President

A-pril 28, 1947

I>ear Mr. Felder:

It is .with great interest that I have learned that the Jewish Home for the Aged 'which you head so capably is launching an ef­ fort to increase its membership. May I add my good wishes for th_e suc<;essful realization of this effort.

The Home has always been close to my heart. To me it re­ presents one of th~ noblest aspects of philanthropy, contributing dignity and nobility' to the closing years of life and thus in true Jewish Spirit ennobling all or life.

May God grant that _in reward of your efforts all of us may RABBI MORRIS SCHUSSIIEIM enjoy the blessing implicit in the saying of the Rabbis: ''Happy' is he whose youth has not disgraced old age, and whose aging years are a crowning glory to h!s youth." "Happ7 Is he whose 1outh has not dlsgracecl old age and whose Sincerely, aging fears are a crowning glory ,· to, his youth".

MS/srt qu_estions a_nd A·nswers· A._.out· the Hume ...-. ... -,, ~ ,. "ri .. . "d.____ ••. - - ..., I"' 1. 'WHAT IS THE JEWISH HOME FOR THE AGED? 8. HOW DOES 1tiE HOME RAISE ':i;l's-Fi)"NDl!J?' ____ ._ 1 The Je~lsh Home for the )Aged Is a corporation, not for The Income or the .Bome Is derived from membership dues, profit, which was originally founded In 1912 by th·e Ladles Hebrew · payments ror residents, Old Age Assistance, Donations, contributions Union Aid Association. Its purpose Is to p,ovlde and maintain a: from t:t,e Ladles' Association and up to now,, from tbe Souvenir bome tor the aged and Infirm. In 1932 the new and larger bome Journal. · was established at 9 9 Hillside Ave., In a fine residential section of 9. BOW llf'tJCH DO RESIDENTS PAY FOR the East Side or Providence, R. I. THEIR MAINTENANCE?

2; WIJO IS ELIGIBLE FOR. ADMISSION? There are four residents wbo pay tor their maintenance. Nlne- j. Any Jewish man who Is 65 years old or more, and any woman. 1 teen are receiving ~Id Age Assistance, and one Blind Pension. The who is 6 0 years old or more, and has lived In the state of R. I. for others pay only a fraction or _their maintenance cost. Last year pay­ · two years, Is eligible. Children living In this state may make ap­ ments fr~ and_ to1 _resjdents, ln~ludlng Old Age A~slstance amounted plication for their parent who lives In a neighboring state, pro­ to J16,000 or one.third ot the total budget. ) vided that they pay run ~alntenance cost to the home. 10. WHY DOES THE HOME NEED PERMANENT MEMBERS? Tlie enla.rged and modernized Home requires a steady loco.me S. HOW MANY PEOPi.E ARE AT THE HOME? to guarantee Its effjclent operation. Permanent membership means At present these are 48 residents, 23 men and 25 women. security for the Home a.nd that no other fund-raising efforts are ·s;,i,ce the new home was open,,d In 1932 we have admitted and necessary. cared for 210 aged people froon all over the state. 11, WHEN ARE MEMBERSHIP DUES PAYABLE? 4. WHY IS THE HOME INCREASING ITS FACILITIES? Membership Dues are payable on May let of each 1ear, and should be malled to the Jewish Home tor th.e Aged ot Rhode Island Wltl> the Increasing n~mber or aged and Infirm the Home at 99 Hillside Avenue, Providence, , 6, Rhode Islan·d. Is now overcrowded, and there are 20 applicants waiting to be admitted. 12. ARE MEMBERSHIP DUES TA.'l:-EXEMl'T? Yes. Membership dues and contributions to the Jewish Home 11. WHY DOES THE HOME NEED AN INFIRMARY? for . the Aged are deductible from Federal and St~te Income taxes, according to law. 1 ' • • 0 1 are ./.:~::b1:'\:r:: ;:i,:i°~~:: ::e::;:~: :~r~~:;t c!;~ :: I - \ supervision. We are adding the Infirmary wing so that the hand­ 13. WHAT ARE THE MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES? icapped and chronically Ill can be accepted and cared 'for more Membership entitles 1oti to ·participate In the annual meeting adeq,uately. The segregation of the well from the sick will help both. and the right to vote. It alsQ entitles you to receive a cop1 of the HOME NEWS and the Annual Report or the Home. And !lnall7, It gives, you the satisfaction of knowing that you are sharing In the Cl. DOES THE HOME KEEP KOSHER? foy ot providing a happy, comfortable home for the aged of our cltT Yes, the Jewish Dietary Laws .Je etrlctly kept. There are and state. separate kitchens for meat and dairy cooking. 14. HOW CAN I BEOOME A MEMBER OF THE HOME? '1. HOW MUCH DOES IT OOST TO RlJN THE HOME? Please fill out a membership pledge card or write to the Jew­ Last 1ear's budget was U7,000. · When the new lnfirmt.r1 ish Home for the Agd , of R. I., ,99 HIIIBlde Avenue, Provldenee 6, wing and living quartera will be completed with an a•dltlon.al R. I., Indicating the amount you wish to pledge. Become a member ca,actt1 of 35 beds, thl) annual budget will approximate $75:ooo. and make old age sec_ure and happf tor all. · Every Jewish hoTJle - Support the Home JEWISH HOME FOR AGED MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Al~in A; Sopkin, Chairman ., THE JEWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R, I., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1947

Chernack and "Lea Selinker. Miss Barbara Marilyn Loeber, to Betrothed Lest.er's Have Son Sumner Levin, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lester, of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wheeler Bronx, N. Y., announce the birth (Continued on page 11) of a son, Alan Ward, on April 26. Berkelhammer's Have Son Ch,.:nge of· Address Mrs., Lester · is the former Miss_ Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Berkel­ Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg Dora Melzer, daughter of Mr. and hammer., of !Taber Avenue, an­ and family, former!)' of 44 7 Pot­ nounce the birth of a son, Lewis ters avenue,· are now residing a~ Mrs. Abraham Melzer, of Chester, &\Cenue, this city. Michael, on May 2. Mr8. Berkel­ 113 Julia street, Cranston. hammer is the former Miss Anne Levin-Loeber Engagement Bridal Tea Mr. and Mrs. David Loeber, Louise RosSman, daughter of Mr. A bridal tea, in honor of Miss and Mrs. Benjamin Rossman, of of 9 Sumter street, announce the Helene Phyllis Abrams was held engagement of their daughter, Wayland Ave. T)le paternal grand. at the homa of Mrg. Benjamin · i;ake SoofforJ Xlel paren.ts are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elman, 237 Warrfngton street, on A ffiGH SPOT OF Berkelhammer, of Everett avenue. Sunday afternoon, April 27. Host­ NEW HAMPSHIRE WEINSTEIN~s OPENS JUNE 24th esses were Mrs. David Horovitz. Golf, Tennis, Sand Beach, Boat­ and Mlsg Lorraine Fowler. Twenty. Lake P~l Manor in!l", Fishing, Su,n Deck, Solar• . two guests ,..ttended. tum, Barbecue Luncheons, --~-~--- ~==~~J Miss Abrams wlll wed Arthur Lake Pearl Wrentham, Mass. Cocktail Lounge, Delicioug f 1?dl In.-. = = Food (Dietary Laws). Edward E!!Illan lri June. FODTTROl!BLES =- -:: Special Attention ,to New Terrace Room fyr Movies, New Address WEDDINGS, PARTIES and Dancing, Smart Entertainment QIGIN :: ..: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alberts lllSS REGINA SCHLOSSBERG ALL SOCIAL OCCASIONS Rates from $87.50 Weekly·· and family ara now residing at Mr. · and lllrs. Joseph Schloss. \Vrite for Booklet ''PH" W)trJtli

72 Bellevue avenue, announce the. engagem1ent of their daughter, Flowers for All Occasions engagement of their daughter Miss Miss Ethel M. Levin, to Stanley Frances Berman, .to Norman Poni- I. Bogdan, son of Mr. and MrS'. 228 BROAD STREET GASPEE 5840 arantz, son of Mr. and Mrg. WiII!asm Bogdan, of New York Julius Pomarantz, of 158 Pidge City. S'treet, Pawtucket. Miss Levin ls a graduate of Lipet's Have Son !lope High School and a member Mr. and Mrs. James Llpet, of of the R. I. Honor Society. Her M~y 3~t:h Week En'd 13 Forest street, anounce the, !lance, who served in the u: S. birth of , a: son,, Jeffrey Stephen, Army for three years, attended lfREE . PEDO.GRAPH .TAKEN on Mar ·~"••u-' ~ "''\ Llpet Is the pity College of New York and lg

ed the engagement of their daugh­ 1 ter, Miss Helen Brosofsky, to Dr'. NEW MANAGE'M,ENT ·an ·d· POLICY:i- Isadore Gershman, son of Mr. and: Mrs. Benjamin Gershman, of Operating Under the Amencan Plan this city. The bride.elect :waS' graduated from Bryant College. Dr. Ger­ Shman ls an alumnus of Brown _. Season Begins June 22nd .CV1ow OPEN University and Jetreriron Medical College or Philadelphia. The Complete interior and exterior reno".ations THANKS fOR WAITING. couple wlll be married on June 18 · Excellent cuisine and social program at the Sheraton.Biltmore Hotel. WE HAVE. A COMPLETE • Formerly operated Rendnle Hotel at M.lam.l Beach, Birthday Party WARDROBI:: FOR THE and now operating Kernwood OonntrJ Club, Salem, and Miss Margaret Potemkin, dau­ MOTHER-TO-BE. Hotel Edison, Lynn. • ghter or Mr. · and Mrs. Joseph 8.95 to 49.95 Potemkin, celebrated her firth FOR RATES AND PARTICULARS WRrrE: . ) ,,,, birthday with a party held at her home, 1 Jillson street, on May 3. BENJAMIN WHITE Among her guests were the Misses BEACHWOOD HOTEL Judith and Karen Chernack, Toby NARRAGANSETr, R. I. Fla~beln, Lea Sellnker and Fran­ ces Potemkin. Mr. and Mre. A. 172 Mathewsori St. ·, , , N,ar Westminster Savltzky, an aunt and uncle frooi Beginning Sunday, May 11, and every r Bronx N. -Y. aliro attended a11 did her paternal grandmother Mrs. day the hotel will be open for the booking Anna · Potemkin, or Brooklyn, of reservations N. Y. Prl1ea were won by Karen •


dollars to be raised in order to necessary m ental equipment, shall "0'ne Man's Opinion" ensure the proper tunctlonlng ot be ' admitted as • a student. To I \ . a University 1rorthy of the naane strive for knowledge and• truth 1 Yo~- of its sponsor and a credit to t he shall be the only guiding princl- · Brandeis University J ews of the country. pie of teaching.". . 6rinss yoa lM Non-Sectarian The University is to be non­ 1 Boston Symphony_1 -----By BERNARD SEGAL----- sectarian a nd quota·-free. A per; Aparbnent Wanted son's race; creed, or color will Veteran and bride-to-be de. · Orchestra · A marker at the town limits School will be students of Brand­ have f:\O bearing upon admision, sire apartment by September Every f uesday N",glil of Waltham, Mass. informs the eis University very soon. to the student body or on the fac­ 1. . Furnished or nnfnrnlshe,d. Station WFCI at 8:80 p.m. visitor that' he is entering the Idell Not Ne~ ulty. That this not just _ line W r.ite Box 2083, the Jewish m VINGFITELSON, Home of America's First , vatch. The idea of a J ewish sponsored phraseology but being carried out Herald. I District Manager This New England town , a dozen University is not new. I can re- in practice even now, -,vas brought miles out of Boston, will, id. the member the question being dis- hame to me during my recent future, be kno\Vn as America's cussed at length In the Anglo- visit at the office of the R eg. First Jewish University. Many of J ewish periodicals way back in istra.r. Dr. c. Ruggles Smith, for­ our ·boys and girls n ow in High the 1920's. It must have occupied merly President of.Middlesex, now the minds of J ewish educators director of Admision for Brand­ even earlier tl'lan th.at. Nor is the eis, extended a m.osl cordial wel- idea of a religious group sponsor­ 'Blanding & Blandi·ng come to my daugther and myself, Churchill House · ing institutions of h'tgher educa­ and made our visit •ery pleasant. 155 Angell Street, Providence tion, contrary to American tradi­ Io talking of this matter of quota, Announce the Opening of a Newly Redecorated tion. In our own city we have Mr. Sm.Ith pulled out the 11st of . with Brown University founded bY the Complete F acilities students accepted to the Veter­ F or Baptists, and Providence College inary School for the coming ac. -ALL SOOIAL FUN(Jl'IONS­ sponsored by the Catholics. Har- ademlc year, and he read off the New Sand,vieh .Bar W eddings, Banquets, De.nces, vard .aB.d Yale, Columbia an d n~mes of the a pplications. In no Me'etings, Lectures and Musicals Princeton, Dartmouth and Notre case was there any reference t o AT 155 WESTYTh'STER STREET GA 2345 J\IA 2649 Dame, all owe their orgin to one the religion or nationality of the denomination or a nother. students. T hey came from all ,,rtlnlllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII T he J ews of America h ave until parts of th8 country, and were now established schools of The- 1n' the great majority n on-Jewlsh Choice of 55 Sandwiches DR. A. R. NtMTZOW ology and of J ewish learning only. as Judged by the names. Brandeis University Is the first That this priclnple will be ob­ Specialties include •Hot Pastrami •Corned contribution by the American served when all the other de-­ Beef -Spiced Meats •Selected Optometrist J ews to the liberal and professio- partments and school are open a t ·cheeses nal education of the country, of Brandeis, w'e have the promise of •Soups •Salads •Ice Cream Delicacies Contact Lenses, Spectacles a non-religious nature. Albert Einstein in this passage J<'ltted, Prescrlptiotl.s Filled Einstein Foundation taken f~om a· recent address of Open Continuously 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. 29 ABORN STREET The organization responsiblat" his: Quick Service During Noon Rush PROVJI)ENCE for making this contribution pos~ u\\'e hal"e named the projected GA 7172 sible is the Albert Einstein Faun- institution 'Brandeis University', dation. The .eminent scientist has and ha•e thus stated-our firm in... To A..-oid Delays, lVhr,iS'ot Have That Snack at not only given his name and' his tenti~n that it shall be a gen.. BLANDING'S SA..' iDWICH BAR Dey Cleanlng • 1 Day Service prestige to the foundation, but ulnely Uberal institution. Every. is actively In the lead in all the body whq has been given adeqnate Before Yon Go to That El'"e:ning Show "

Shirts phases · of work connected with prelious educatiod and has the 1 .the organization of the Univer- ".'.::_''.:~:'..'.::'.:._:::__:::::__:~~======:i-::"''=:=::'t ( P ickup a nd sity. He is heading a committee Dellvery of prominent edu"cators enga·gcd in selecting the faculty and a Service) Chancellor. He advises in formu- . lating the scope and the courses MACE of study of the various depart­ H ome ef Fine t;'leanlng ments, and he does not sco' n ac­ 1079 South Broadway, E . P rov. tive participation in all efforts j Tel.: EA. 3311.M leading towa~ds the financial sec­ urity of the University. He il) quoted as saying: " I would do anything In my power to help. . Auto Repairing It would' always be near to my heart." Quick Service The plans of the Foundation 1 for the University were announced PAR:rs FO.R MOST MAKE late in 1946. Sin ce then a name CARS , has been selected and a site has been secured. T he name is that SANDY'S AUTO .of the late Associate Justice of PARTS CO. the' Supreme Court, Louis D. 235 ALLENS1 A VENUE Brandeis, and the site Is the 100 acre campus and the·bulldlngg of Irving Kovitch, Prop. Middles...: University in ·Waltham , Tel Wllliana 9'78 Mass. The F ounddtlon ·has an­ :...------11nounce d a goal of 15 ·million SEND -YOUR FURS TO


STORAGE ) .. The furriers, cleansers and sfores fhaf The newly, buih Merchants Fyr ~, send fhelr cusfomers' furs fo Merchanfs Vaults offer every safeguard needed Certified Sforage Vaulfs are providing 19 protect furs from harm - sub-freez­ fhe ufmosf in scienfifi~ profecfion. ing temperature, confrolled humidity You are getting fhe besf when you elecfronic burglar a larm, all-risks , get Merchanfs Certified Storage. insura11ce.

If your dealer store, In M ERCHA N TS CO L D Merchant, Certified ST O RAG E .a n d Cald Starage Vaults he la authorized ta display WA R EHOUSE the ofllclal seal. COMPA N Y

£S TAl l l S H £D 1 1 9 3 PI O VI DEH CE • lHODI I S L A N D •

' ' 6 ,. THE J EWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R. !.,-F RIDAY, MAY 9, 1947 Mrs. 5aul Feinberg Heads Apartment to Share Room and Board Willing to share nicely-fur­ J,EWETT'S Wanted nished ap,artment with a couple KOSHER DELICATESSEN Temple Emanuel Sfsterhood who will do koSh er cooking. and.CREAMERY Refined, elderly gentleman Rent free. som eone else is· Mrs. Saul F ein berg w ill b e i n- · Distributors of with mild heart condition r e­ stalled president of /he Sister­ emqJOyed for the housework. PREMIER F OOD PRODUCTS - qnires r oom and board plus hooel of Temple Emanuel at the Write Box 2 084, the J ewish 204 Willard Ave. · Providence bathroom facilities on ground twenty second annual May lun­ Herald, floor of -private home. Dwelling cheop ~wh ich will be held this must not be sltnated on a hill Tuesday. The affair will Include ilind would preferably be near a buffet lunch eon, which will be a park. Substantial I payment served In the vestey at 12: 15 for suitable accommodations. o'clock, and ·an organ prelude by T eleph one DE 1244, D to 3 Arthur E instein at 1:45 o'clock. o'clock. The meeting will be held In the fdJ!II- sanctuary a t 2: 00 o'clock, with Mrs. Abraham Percelay presiding. Mrs. Israel M. Goldman will give -POLLACK'S an original "prayer. Mrs. Charles ROGER Wll.llAMS ~ eitman is in char~e of the pro- 1 Delicatessen gram, which will include greet­ SAVINGS SHARES ings by Rabbi Israel M . Goldman -Grocery and a musical interlude by Miss Avis Elliot, accompanied by Mrs. Distributors of Einstein. The guest speaker . will IIIBS SAUL FEINBERG be Mrs. George Rossyn, of Bos­ LIBBY'S Producta- President t on, who will Install the officer s. correspOnding secretary; Leonard 230 Willard Ave.• MA 28U Mrs. Charles Bolotow, chairman, Goldman, financial secretary; Has... and M;s. F red Pinkney, co-chair... kell F rank and Nathan Samors, man, are in ~barge of the lun- auditor s; Rose Rubi'n, hOnorary cbeon. board member; Ira Blum, Carl Accom·niodator Officers to be Installed are: Hyman, Harry Fine, Israel Ed. and Caterer M;esdames Philip C: J oslin, hon. elstein, Louis Kaufman, Charles Our savings· shares are currently paying 2.1% Assorted Fanc7 Pastr)' and orary president; Saul Feinberg, Reitman, Samuel Rosen, Samuel per .annum, and your money is available should Hora D'Oeuvre Parties president; Charles Blackman, first Robinson, Abraham Wexler , J os­ .sickness, unemployment, or any other emerg_ency a Speclalcy , vict;t--prt!sident; George Reizen, eph Katz, Harry Charron, Lester Birthda7 and Wedding Oakes require ifs use. second vice... president; Daniel J:ac- j Emers, Al Rose~ , Leo Rosen , Made to Order Your GOAL should be the equivalent of one Experienced Table Decorator obs, t hird vice- president; E ph. I Nat¥.n ~e-vitt, Edmond Goildr year's income. Save a small amou nt ·every for raim Feingold, recording secre- stein, Daniel Miller, Harry' Alberts, WEDDINGS and tary; Louis Temkin, treasurer; Samuel Schneider and Jacob Tem- · pay day. BA.R,,l\D'J'ZVAH PARTIES Burton Finberg, corresponding sec- 1kin, hoard members. Telephone BOplrina 5197 retary; David Horwitz, assistant ROGER IUILLlllfflS Ust Jr. 1Ha:dassah NOW IS THE TIME TO CHECK 5ae1llo/:1. ~ & LrKVl dn~ Donor :Committee TEN WEYDOSSET STREET• R ROVIOEN.CE Mi.ss Bernice Chase is chairman YOUR DIAMOND of the donor luncheon of the Providence - Unit of Junior Had­ assah, which will be held In the Stones Tightened a,nd Reset; Also r Empire Room of the Crown Hotel ,· on Saturday eveni~g, J une 14. New Mountings ~ easonably Priced Miss Chase is being assisted by the following committee: Misses Ruth Katzman and Sally Ann Hornstein, ad book; Evelyn Fisher ! Jewelers Optician• and Ester Fisher, tickets: Eileen Dubin and Charlotte Goldman, ln­ KAPLAN'S 199 WEYBOSSET STREET vitationS"; Minetta Stein, fliers; Shirfey Priest, patrons; Muriel JEWELERS and DIAMOND MERCBAN'll SINCE 1903 IKap lan, jewels; Celia Buckler, gifts; Sylvia Bezviner,' fund-!ais­ ing chairman; Celia: Tolman, pub- licity;· Ethel Kleinman, ex-officio, • • • ~ ,. and Ida Bar/es, Edith Bu ckler , ~ t • ~ - = Dorothy Click, ,Ronnie , ., • -~ c_OMP_LETE SELECTI,ON Jeapette Finkelstein, Florence ,r D ~',J\- - ' '· Golden, Phyllis ;K_atz, Rochell . JJ"' · U Baby Carriages • (•,J Kroll, Janice Kramer, Ethel Lev- Discover now- the luxury • .• conven­ l(} ~~ N p 't S:~~-· ' ine, Selma Labush, Sonya New. ience and economy of aut.omatic oil ~~ J · _.- ursery urn, ure -;-\.- man, Phyllis Winn, Beverly Rot- heat . This new Gemaco Oil Burner in­ ()>' "Toys-;- Dolls / enberg, Matilda Sivin, ·Edith Shal- stalled in your present heating plant; brings you a warmer, hCalthier, more· A rugged, dependable comfortable home without work or f>urner, backed by 24 worry. And, best of all, the Gemaco is 0 years experience in ou­ ds\c.ys ::.... : ~;:·:~. fomotic ho'!'• heating. surprisingly economical, thanks to its LUllcheon Committee modem, scientific precision. WESTMINSTER ST. The annual Uniongram Luncheon Phone or write your Gemaco dealer GA. 009Z and bridge of the sisterhood of today. H_e'll be glad t o make a free Mail and Phone orders p~omptly Ii.lied Temple Beth- El will be held this survey of your present heating system. r":_-;;_-::::_-_-::_-::::_-::::::_-::::_-::_-:::::::::::_-:_-::::_...., ' Tuesday at 12:30 o'clock in the No obligation- of course. vestry of the Temple. Mrs. George ' AJiuloreveryho~e. Po1- Dann is general chairman of the itin oil ond olr control affair. She is being assisted by burns all grades of do­ GEMACO CAMP PEMBROKE tn.lfic fuel oH eflicientl1. the Mesdwmes Cha rles Sperber AUTOMATIC OIL IURNH 12th SEASON and Matthew Se·gool, reservations; Herbert Kanter, waitresses; Ben­ On Lake Olclham, Pembroke, Mass. jamin Agronick, table• ; William Matzner and Marian Jensky, dec­ orations, and Charles . Bojar,J aprons. lift Info 1.ouf p,e,ent fnr Jew.ish Girls 7- 16 • · hoffng qftftl. Iring• obundaat w pply of ,.., " w,ofer, all yea r •round. ···~ July 2 To August 26 ...... ,: .. . $350 Pioneer Donor Committee to Meet JEWISH CULTURAL ·:rR~RAJ\I A tea for the committee in charge or the donors' luncheon or DAVID KORN & SONS KO_SHER FOOD - EXOELLE~ EQUIP!\~NT the Pioneer Women's Organiza- 197 W:J.J,LARD AVENUE · DE 7730 RESIDENT PHYSIOIAN and NURSE· tion will be held at the home or Hea_dqu arl-ers for Mrs, Lewie Wnttmnn, 142 Cole Ne~ M~em Infirmary avenue, this afternoon. Final nr­ rangomente for the affair, which FLQRENCE HECHT M,RS. BENJ AMIN BLOCKER will be h eld on Tuesday, May 20,, Toridheet Oil Burners Registrar Director at the Narragans·ett Hotel, will . · • • PLUS 426 Main St. 94 Brunswick St. be completed at this time, Mrs Stoneham, Maas. Dorch eat er, Mau. Harry Drees is chairman or the Ml.-neapolls-.Dooey w e ll AII-Eleetrle Telephone Stoneham 0003 Phone Highlands 3684 luncheon, and Mrs. Wattman is Controls co-chairman.


' f! t M k on how that romance "broke": .. Room uroup O ar When Mountbatten (not thinking) Social Hostess for Rent 1 Nicely fnrnlshed ro'om in ·men tioned it d.t a koktail potty of private h ome. Wanted Business girl or 70t-h Ann,ive.rsary Fleet StTeet bigheads . . .. British Experienced in hotel work . woman preferred. All h om e . Montefiore to Hold scientists are doing the!r aarndest ,.. , vrite or apply at the -Beach ­ privileges. Call STewart ll103. to keep close tab on a R ussky wood Hotel, Narragansett Pier, Lunche'on, Musicale scientist named Petter Kapltza. R. I. ' Plans · for the luncheon and ______...:..., ...... ,...,.,,,,...,..,,,,...... ,=...,==ee...'. Woman Wanted New York Is Like This: Dr. musicale, which will be held in 1\fiddle.aged woman to· act as Walte_r Reed admittedly was one celebration of the seventieth an_ companion. Light ·house-work. of the greatest medical pioneers niver-sary of the Montefiore Ladies• Hoprs 9 t.o 5 o'clock dally, 'ex- . ... If he h·adn't figured out how Hebrew Benevolent Association cept S11Ddays. Call ST 3607, , to fight "Yellow Jack,"- we would were completed at a meeting held ' have lost hundreds of thousands last week at the home of Mrs.

more men than we dfd in the Charles Robinson. The affai~ will any w he r 8 j n Pac!fic .. , . Dr.• Reed was elected be held at the Narragansett H0tel N 8 w E n g 1 and Woman Wanted to the Hall of Fame (at New next Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock. Wom an wanted to cook for York U. ) some time ago .... But Guest artist will be Miss Ruth two adults: Dietary laws ob- the nich~ is empty because the Robinson. harp soloist, and Miss sei-ved. Living in optional.• directors have not been able to Avis Elliot, who will present a Light honsekeeping. Call PL find anyone to pay for the cos( group of vocal selections. The ll939. of a statue ef Dr. Reed ... . Only following chairmen of arrange­ ~ATiONAL C.LASS CO., INC. $6,000 ... . Any of yez got six Gs mentS have been appointed: Mes­ . • Distributor s of I ayin' aroµnd loose? dames Edward Finberg, general LIBBEY-OWENS-FORD GLASS PRODUCTS Housekeeper qhairman; Jacob Ernstof. co­ . ! chairman: Jos·eph Field and Saul Vitrolite ·Wanted The Late "\"Vatch : A divorce {Permanent Glass Walls) ]fiddle.aged woman ,Vanted action filed in Dade county (Fla.) Rothschild, :ttrogram chairm'en; to keep house for elderly lAdy. was listed this way: "Argue vs. Adolph Gorm3.n, historian; Bar­ GLASS and MIRRORS Good saiarY. P leasant home. Argue." Tlte grounds-constant ney Hochberg, Joseph Strauss and F OR EVERY BUILDING AND HOM E P URP OSE Call ST 1424. bickering .... Gregg Sherwood (a Aaron Cohen,- decorations; Her s howgirl) got a court • order to man Rosen and Louis Sacket"t, NATCOR METAL STORE F RONTS s top one of the nation's leading tickets; Louis J. Bachman, pub- ~· AUTOI\IOBILE GLASS playboys from being such a bore licity; Charles Robinson, and Jos- 1645 ,Yestm.lnster Street UN!on 3400 ARROW LINES ... baraine Day and Leo Duro­ eph Field, reservations; L eo DAILY SERVI CE Cher are one mat'ried couple who Cohen and Jack Knasin, hostess­ UIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.11111111111111111111111111 PROVIDENCE · HA RTFOR~ Alao already 11a ve lived apart ·1onger es; Alfred Steiner, telephone t ban most HollYwood couples live squad, and Barney Taber. ex­ The Friendly Store Charter Work t ogether .... Acfd items you can officio. The committee consists FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL Otfice-77 Washipgton St.- s kip: Those French au.tos (in. of the entire board of the organ I LEON MALIN'S MARKET GA. 0872 t hat new Park ·Ave. and '.59th izatioll. , ~ 59 GAY STREET, COltNER ROBINSON STREET s howroom): which were $15,000 t wo weeks ago, now are down to nazi .ball. .... Billy Kenny's Ink Quality Products - Quick Service 1 2Gs .. .. That Negro panhandler Spots have a $1S0,00il offer for • GROCERIES The War Is Over n ear Howie's and Hanson's asks a 10 week~.. tour of England .... ' f or handouts in 17 different Jin- Did you know the Patrolmen's • CREAMERIES • DELICATESSEN PRICES ON. PAINTING ARE g os .. .· . IrYing Berlin is :fighting Benevolent association has a neat WE DELIVER CALL DE 0172 MUCH LOWER h ard to stay well. His ticker. . . . investment in the swan Ky Hamp­ FORi\lERLY H . BILLER'S MARKET Call PL 9338 For Estimation Patti ClaytoD groans: "It's a shire HouS'e ? So cops hear ..... 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 w~nd.er Herman Talmadge hasn't jvtc Mature now is going to beddie !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllliW t r,1ed to change the name of that by midnight. Says rest is more s ong to 'Sweet · White.'" Iimportant th1n women. ·Sill11y Guaranteed Isadore Wuraftit: --- bwoy! .... Lip-Tric is the n ame of Interior Painter Quotation Markmanship: Vir- 1that amazing lip rouge stain re­ \ g inia Fa.ulkper: She has a tre- :mover. Men will buy it more than• Income Joi!' Life . mendous capacity for bleeding the other sex• An . annuity ~ hich not only gives w hen others are wounded . •.. K. • , veather reports by phone you Life Insurance Protection but L also' guarantees a retirement in­ Bennett Service . Krichbaum: An opportunist i5i (discontinued because of the come to you for as lonz as you Station 0 ne who does what you always in­ strike) forced folks to the live. t ended -to do .. .. Austin O'Malley: inconvenience of looking out F OR F U LL INFORMATION CUSTOM-BUILT RECAPPING A fter 3? a man begins to have th~ \\indow to see whether CALL TEL. M.Anning 2, :zz t houghts about women; before or not it would rain. TIRE REPAIRING - f k La t hat age he has feelings .. .. D. Mc- The Late Watch: Britain is ran zarus VULCANIZING C owan: His conscience was· more waiting for the announcement of INSURANCE ADVISOR BATTERIBS h" th IS acc.ompli~e an his guide· · · · l Princess Elizabeth's betrothal to 1 635 Industrial Tn1st Bldg. GAspee Providence, R. J. ROAD SERVICE W. Holbrook. She held up her end Prince Phil of Greece. The inside IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllf 0 f the conversation until it was 472 Nort,h Main Street p erpendicular:­ Opposite Benefi t Street Your Broadway ru1d ~line: Msgr. ______•Fulton J. Sheen dis·cussing the ------, finer points of philosophy with "For QUALITY and SERVICE" Ray, the parking lot attendant, opposite the Roxy .... Mary Pick­ E. S. CRANDALL ford celebrating her birthday an­ DAIRY niversary in New York for the first time since she "Became a I Properly Pasteurized Somebody . -:- .. Peggy Ann Garner, the film star, gets phone calls Milk and Cream from Lord Anthony Furness from A Friend to the Lond0n. He's nearly 17 .... J. J ewish People Walter Thompson's messenger is 12 Lowe)) An . West 4358 John Walton of the Socia.I Reg. ister.... . They are calling it Car- Delp Build a Greater Ahava.th Sholo1n We Build' Today for a Freddie Spigel Says Greater' Tomorrow CHICKENS Net Weight lb. 48c No Half Pound Added FOR INFORMATION ABOUr DEDIGATIONS AND )1EMOlllAL5 CONTAC'll: UMB CHOPS lb 65c AHAVA TH SHOLOM BUILDING FUND COMMITIEE Lamb Shoulders, Briskets, Necks 2 lbs. 25' ' GA IM67 on DE tlM41 190 WIµARD A'l'ENUB HOWELL AND SOOTl' sofs., CITY I

1. THE JEWISH HER_ALD, P ROVIDENCE, R . J., F\RIDAY, MAY: 9, 1947 ]:ix ___Clellll.,..._. _ ____;__,____ Up -_ Up~ Paint tJp - for Bett(?r Hoflles ,

"Every Day Is Cleaning Day COMPLETE With. Us" The .MAN· and the ROOF 'When you- buy a new roof, it never sees the sale&Dlati again. Up the quality of the roof, or to DECORATING So Le;t Us HelP, . is proba·bly more important to ,be A day or two is time enough for service it if necessary. The local FACILITIES You·· .Clean House a good judge of .'.human character the homeowner to make price lumber or building materi~l deal-l ,--· er 'is usually a reliable source of than it is to pe a good j~dge of comparisons and in(Iuiry concern­ •e PAINTING good roofing, and if he does· not RHODE ISLAND roofing material. To · be sure of the reliability of the firm or in­ e PAPERHANGING ' a good roof, know or ·investigate dividual trying to make the sale, have his- own application crew ' e DRAPERIES . RUG WbRKS · the man whq sells it to you o; and the "smoOth" operator is un­ he caµ. usually recommend some­ e SLIP COVERS applies It for you. derstandably Impatient with com­ one who ·is skilled at roofing ap­ 716 No, Main Street e UPHOLTERING . The unscrupulous roofer seldom parisons. plication. Roofing ·applica.Jors • DExter' 8520 • CABINETS pharges less than' a: reputable op­ The purchase of a roof iS some­ have the knowledge of those who • WALLPAPER . eljator. In fact, some take advan- thing that is done no more than specialize almost exclusively in · Furniture ' Polished tage . of the consumer's lack of one and one-half tlmes in the this type of work. The large All Marks and Stains R eiµoved familiarity with charges for roof­ lifetime of the average Individual. percentage in this profession are ·Cory-Wright Inc, ' in your Home. · ing' fobs, and obtain~signatJres on An extra day is 'not so important reliable buMnessmtn, . a nd will 200 Nor,rood Ave. NEW FACTORY METHODS contracts that carry excessive that care In buying should be welcome and respect' a buyer who 80 Years Experience Edgewood, R. I. Reflnlshe1·s or Fine Furnitlll'e price agreements. This, added~to sacrlficed for speed. investigates before buying. WI 2166 Antiques Restored skimpy application Is a hand•ome Reliable operators welc~me stich International profit booster. inquiry. They are proud· of the ------'------. ,Speed Is the essence of the sales roofs they have applied In the F:urnitu,e, technique of most questionable past and know that their satis­ Refinishing Co. siding and roofing S'a'lesmen. TheY fied customers are one of their · Patronize New Colors ... ~ew Beauty 1889 Westminster St., Prov,, enter a home with a. fast and in­ best sales iools. .All manufac­ • in the llrst new R. I. UNlon 2492 teresting line of, talk:, and before tures of good roofing materials The Advertisers they leave they will expect to appreciate a cireful buyer,. Only have t'he house measured, theit with proper application can their Generai Elecµ-ic Oil price qtioted and the homeowner's roofing give satisfaction. On This Paige_ signature on a contract. Many Pne of the best policies Is to Burning •Epuipmentl times the homeowner who asks buy from focal supplies-those ' ' for a day or two to think It over who will be near at hand to. back EASTERN COAL& Fl I . OPEN MONDAYS OIL CO. exa. um Free Parking Across the Street Wallpape.r ALUMINUM VENETIAN BLINDS. Room Lot Sale See the new papers herel DEXTER 2500 VENETIAN $5,90 BLINDS SPECIAL' SPECIALS New metal blinds with baked enamel finish Start at $ U_)G A combination storµi window io Rolls @ 29c Morrison's MAGIKOTE $_1_-96 and screen insulates summer 18 'yds, @ 6c for ceiling. No washing 838 W estmlnster Street pnd winter only If It ls,RUSCO, No scraping. Just al)ply. VALUE $3,98 I · Ilhone DExter 9081 the only trnly SELF-STORING It's •wonderful 95 324 WEYBOSSET STREET Mill End,Paint g~l. 89c F1·ee Par~g 1 llLU•AUl'~'AL UOAUUNA"i'ION Stops peellng.-Qt. C _u. \VINDO"r· Insulation, comfort =------~------!Ul

HOME OWNElU! 377, E~IW,00D AVENUE 'PROVIDENCE, R. I. Sagging f 1 o o r s sticking doors and . WILLIAMS 8186 cracks In walls and ' I celllngs lndlcaUea t h a t your celliar ..-: ' ~ - posts are weakening ~...... +AsA · LE ' ' ' ,...... ,iy or incorrectly locat­ • • • • • ed. The AdJusta­ Post System offers economical way to Breakf.as.t Sets safe1y correct these ½ Price Living .Room Suites etruetual w e a )t;.. Free E,timatea Pay As Little Divanolas-Odd Chairs As $2 W eeklr Chil4ren's Fumiture PARAMOUNT UPHOLSTERY

\ & f"l!RNITURE CO. . . ------~ M Oharleo St.-~lon 0323~ ·• THE JEWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1947 9 Temple Emanuel to Have Jewish Center 20th Graduation Exercises Bridg~ Results "Child Photography" The twentieth annual gradua- Lewis Pollock, son of Mr. a_nd Mrs. N~TH---SOUTH tion exercises of Temple Emanuel Ira Pollock, Marlon Percetay, Mr. and Mrs George will be held this evening. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Katz . .'...... 97¾ Taken In Your Home toIJowing seven pupil$ will receive Percelay, Eleanor Silverman, dau- Mr. and MrS". N. J. diplomas uPon graduation of the _ghter of Mr. and Mrs. .&bra·ham Brownstein ...... 94. CALL six-year elementary department of Silverman, Marilyn Stone, daught- Mrs. Sanford Zarum-N. P. the Hebrew School: Judith Kap- er of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Leonard ...... 87 stein, daughter of Professor and Stone, Lawrence P . Waldman, son Mr. and Mrs. Samuel FRED KELMAN WI 2734 Mrs. Israel Kapsteln; Leahbelle of Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Wald- Flnegold . , ...... 83 K-0rii,'" daugJ:iter of Mr. and Mrs. man, and Elsie Zelman, daughter EAST-WEST LewiS' Korn; Leon Missry, son of of Mr. and Mrs. Heranan Zelman. Mr. and Mrs. George Gray 115_½ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Missry; Adele Participating in the program Mr. and Mrs Jacob . Pearlman, _daughter of Mr. and will be Rabbi Isreal M. Goldman, Goodman ...... , .... . 100 WORtDS' greatest value ID Mrs. Isreal P. Pearlman; Phyllis Aaron Klein, director of religious Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shoolman, daughter of Mr. and education, and Julius G. Robinson, Berge! ...... -r . . . 91 Mrs. Charles Shoolman; Helen chairman of. the School BoaTd. Mrs. N. L. Feinberg-Mrs. insurance protection , Sharp, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Archie Finkle . . . . . • . • 81 Ezra A. Sharp, and Joan Temkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Irving Espo J W V Aiuxili . ' Comprehensive Liability Policy Temkin. Re-Elected by League · · · anes' protects you and your family against Tbe following eight young peo­ Irving Espo was re-elected Staff Visits ,Units flruu>clal loss due to hazaro,i at home and ple will receive diplomas upon. president of t he Young Peoples' Mrs. Ethel J. Cohen, state de­ away from home. their graduation from the High League of the Ohawe Sholom partment president of the L!'dles' Includes School Department of the Sunday Synagogue, Pawtucket, at a meet­ Auxiliaries, J . W . V., and her staff BROKEN WINDOWS FALLS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE School, which Is a two-year post Ing held last Monday evening: of officers will make an official DOG BITES OF HOME confirmation course: Delores For­ Other officers are: Miss Ethel visit to the Reback-Wlnston Unit SPORTS ACCIDE:ll'TS INJURIES TO DOMESTICS this Tuesday evening. The officers AND TRADESPEOPLE bes, d'aughter of Dr. and Mrs. Gorobzov, vice-president; Miss l\lEDICAL and HOSPITAJ:. EXPENSES Louis Forbes, Richard Kapla,n, son Charlotte .Shlevin, secretary; Mil­ visited the Lt. Leopard B190m of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ka1>lan, ton Rigelhaupt, trea·surer; How­ Unit last Tuesday evening. All This For Only $10.00 Yearly ard Rosenberg, Gertrude Fruit, The Sack.ln-Shocket Unit will (1 family) Marvin Rumpler, Robert Blotch- sponsor a Mothers' Da.y program Oall or Write J. C. R. S. to Hold er, Fred Dunder,. Frances Cokin this Tuesday. Mrs. Rose Chernov Mothers' Day Affair and Fred Kelman, executive Is chairman, with Mrs. Sadie Kam­ Mrs. Hye Holland and Mrs. boa_rd. Refreshments we~e serv­ aras and Mrs. Rebecca Woled PAUL J. ROBIN Marty Altman, co-chairmen of tthe ed, and entertainment was fur­ assisting. Entertainment will be 1430 Industrial Trust DExter 4578 annual Mothers' riay program nished by Morris and Dorothy furnished by a kiddies' revue. Providence, R. I. PLantatlons 6611 and bazaar of the Jewish Con­ Click and James Jenkins. Refershments will be served. sumptives' Relief Society, have announced that tbe affair will take place In the vestry of T,em­ ple Beth-El this Monday evening THE BROTHERHOOD OF TEMPLE BETH-EL at 8 o'clock. Merchandise for th e bazaar ha.B either been m-ade Will Present a or donated by members of the organization. "Entertainment will be furnished by Gerald Gordon. The following women will as­ sist the chairmen: MeS'dames MaT­ tln J. Bernstein and- George Rice, MUSICAL REVUE ~good table; Archie Dickman, Maurice H. Greenstein and Ben; t: _ · Poulten, merchandise table; Frank Mack, social chairman; S. Lollis , Kessler, Abraham Bllvlss and Arnold .Rodman, refreshments·. on 3NIGHTS CAST OF -100 on 3NIGHTS Olympics Plan • Annual Banquet The William Gates Cutler OJym_ pie Club's annual banquet will be held In the _Empire Rooin of 'MON TUES Dancing the Crown Hotel on May 29, ·it was announced at the regular WED "ON STAGE E\/ERYBODY" Singing meeting last Sunday. Bernard Cohen will act· as master· of cer­ May 26, 27, 28 Produced by Jack Ap~lbaum Comedy emonies at the panquet, which closes out the club's 20th season. Hope High Music Director- Benjamin Premack Music The club has nominated officers Auditorium f9r the coming season. The Dance Director-Maxwell R. Carter a$5 show election will take place at the Tic14,ts last regular meeting on May 2). Jack Appelbaum for Jack Jacobson won uncontested Co,medy Directors Norman Salhanick nol11ination for president, and $1.00 { plus tax $1_.00 Sydney Rakatansky and Sumner Seymou~ (Sy) Levy P earl were unopposed as corres­ , ponding secretary and sergeant­ a.t-arms, respectively. Other nom­ inations Included: Sy Cohen, Is­ rael MoS'es and Dr. Morris Sweet, 'WITH AN •s PIECE ORCHESTRA vice-president; Charles Schecht­ man.. and Hy Levin, recording secretary, and Irving H. Levine The greatest arrar. of local musical. dance &11d You will he treated to a colorful panonu:na ot stage and Alfred· Roffer , treasurer. .. comedy talent ever assembled In Providence. settings, C-06tumes and lighting effects, the equal of which You will he thrilled br. the 60-volce chorus expertly can he seen only on Broadway. · Center Parenb' directed b7 Ben Premaek. There will he "Laughing Room Onlr." with the well• Association to Meet The dancing of Carter and Marvin and the ensemble known sld&-Sl)llttlug tteam· of Appelbaum, Salhanick and The Parents' Association. of the will "transport" 7ou to romuitic South America. . Levy. ' J ewish Community Center will have as their guests at their next :meeting, to be held thla Tuesday at 8 o'clock, Clarence R. Choquet, DON'T MISS IT--PLAN YOUR THEATRE PARTY NOW% or Pawtucket, who la a tet.oher or vqlce and piano, and Manuel Cabral, well-known pianist. Mr, Choquet will play .-elections by Chopin\ Brahma and Llzat, and Tickets on sale at the' Jewish Community Center, 65 Benefit St., Avery Piano Co., 256 Mr. Cabral wm alng ballads of foreign nations. ll'he Parente' Weybosset St., Axelrod's Music Store, 45 Snow St., or Phone Tick.et ·Chair.man, Leo­ A11110clatlon urges all Jewish par­ nard Mandell- Williams 4891 or any Brotherhood Member. ents who are Interested In "'1· equate recreational prosrama tor PROCEEDS OF THIS SHOW WILL BB USBD TO FURNISH A ROOM IN TUB NEW ~LE. their children to attend thu m~et- lng. Refreshmenta will he n"ed. l""------~------.....;.---J

< • I f THE JEWISH HERALD. PROVIDENCE. R. L, FRIDAY. IIAY 9. 1947 10 Friedman B'aai Beth-El 8rup Joseph Finkle Riverview -I Elected to ]. D. A. Summer house for rem. LILLIAN T Present OldeNype cottag,e. -­ B'rith to Install O evae., Nat'l Committee for two families. '1,- far FiDal plans !or th annual 111- Brotherhood S_how -Donald Oberdofer. of AUanta. the season. Or will ..n - stallatlon banquet of the BenI7 SOIUll>q. Loc.oted at S9 Wlllp­ Geo.rgia. chairman of the Joint To Run Three Nights ple &Tetm<,. Call UN S'fflO. Friedma)! Lodge_ B'nal B'rith, . De!ense Appeal of the American Joseph Harles have been completed. It was an- Jack Appelbaum, diredor of the Jewish Com.mitt noonced today by Abe Barnett. musical ren,e. "OD Stage Every- Def ati ~and the AD!i- :======-======~ 'l'IIEr 1rlLL 00!\""DUCl' A cbairman. 'l'he iD!ormal diDDer body," which ..-ill be presented am .::inth • this weell: Nursery School claJlc:e. marlttng the event. ..-ill by the Brotherbood ol Temple :;:"0 ~ " election of Joseph Jack and ;rm Nursery. F-Cho&w-) presented the slate of officers. Assisting Mr. Applebaum ID the ~ IDllard ATenue Gaspee 2784 eCJoctiaib ll'hlch had been drawn up. Ber production are Mr. Salhanick. Mr. e DELIC.ll'ESSES e GROCERIES committee included thte Mes. Levy and lllrs. Carter. The 18 eSll«bela dames Jacob Minkin. Barry Penn. piece orchestra. which has been OOLUOCI GIASS OOllP.&."TI: -~ Annie Harriet and Minnie PriesL engaged for the sbo...- con.sl.sts of WEEK-END SPECIAI.S 18 Academy Are.. WE -chairmen. • supervised by specialists • insured against all hazards Dr. lr:mt A. G,tnlbort, Dr. Harold. E. RO&ldu TOBOLI> TEA llra.. Joeeph Seerer. president R,risk,ea Opllnadri.sts alld Staff of the Women's Association o( 2<;"~ OF YOUR l"ALU4TI.OS MD"IMUM, U the Jewiah Community Center. OPTICAL SERVICE. 4th Floor bu aDDOUDced that there Till be a tea at the bome or Jl.n.. Wlll!am Telephone GAspee 0198 Herman, 65 Emeline atreet. OQ TbundQ afternoon, JIQ U. /kOVTLEf. Mn. Irwin Cort ls program chau­ William H. HARRIS maa. an• Jin. Harold Jlouol i. MN- Gogland'o Lupwt Bnmdve Fir JildaNlell-" a L"a i.rs-t Deputmat Ston, ~ In charp of hospitality. - W- llt., .,_ ol. -.,ire

Aclnrtl.ae Ill the H...-ald! • THE JEWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 19{7 11 l.EDGEMONT Attends Convention

regi ot 1 e .. 11---c e on y onor- Country Glub News ary me1?ber of~e organization. B'ni) B'rlth Roger WUllams '------,l>:T lllURRAY TRTh'KLE------"I Lodge and the Women's Chapter < . Ledgemont golfers aTe finding they do; perhaps Belle would have will hold a memorial service for - it most dJfficult to even get warm- a little practicing of her own to the late Henry Monsky, pres;ident ed up to, golf this year-Frank do. Come· on gals, lets move. of the national organization .... i rad C:.!:!'.!!~~1ap Ba and Saim Beerman excluded. Lennie Lerln, the workhorse Rabbi William Braude will preach Sam played 27 holes in the pour- of New Ledgemont, is just finding ., at the serTice which will be held FINE PRINTS ing rain last Wednesday and was time to belt that golf b~ fur- next Friday night at Temple Bet;_ FRAMED PICTURES onty 3 over ( 7's) for the day. ther than he has ever before. El. .. .. Custom-made Framing Onr Specialty The Grandfathers' Appeal was He must haYe drank from the Mrs. A. D. Freedman, of our Expert Workmanship answered., h J..'etd.man h:ts so Fountain of Youth in Florida. town for the past few years, ha,; Moderate Prices graciously oft~ to donate a \Yhere was Harold at _the time? been re-elected, for the 10th con- ' We Call For and Dellvei- handsome trophy to the lli.nner That Saul Gordon-I!erman secuth·e year, as-secretary of the 169 WEYBOSSET ST. of this freak show to be run some,. Lazarus feud is growing. So is Fall Rh·er Anti-Tubercu.lois .A~ {Over Bond.'s) time this snmmer. \\"e are stilJ the Mart:r Chase, Ed Deutch and sociation . . . . The Mark GoldisJ DE 5164 looking for a runner-op trophy Leo Kopit feud. The Cotton- and the Edward Boslers were at --- - and el.'l)eCt to announce the tour.. Kaplan argl)ment has just about ------' Castlebrook Inn last weekend ... . ! nament particulars shortly. petered out with Kaplan belng ~USS ·DOH

0 th 0 ~';:ar'::L~:a~ :!';;;:e: /~;:: Alicee~~~ man :~·resent " ed T:r::r~~Pe!e~g:h;c:.:-:1~u~!= o_r::a::r_y__ - _- m::em::::_b_ _e_r::::o:: ::::f ::::e::::Am::::_e_r::i_ca___ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-, A's Arnie Nadleberg, capt3.in, number of her pupils, including tendeli Bryant College. Her .tlance Bert Zitkin, Mel Rosenthal, Aye"n the preparatory class of M.lss Rosenbaum, Bob Hodash, and Helen Holdred.ge, assistant teach- attended Bates College prior to NARRAGANSETT PIER er, at Axelrod'S' Music Hall, 357 entering the U. S. Navy where Harold Greenfeld have gathered a Westminster street, next Thurs- he served as a Lt. Commander. 11 PERKINS AVENUE total of. 7899 points to lead the day at 5 o'clock. Participants will Ray's" Hne Daughter league. They are closely followed Dr. and Mrs. Maurice N. Kay, Rooms with Kitchen Privileges for the by Harold Llldman's team B. include Reva Borenstein: Michael of Angell street, announce the If Leo Greenfeld keeps up the 'Bromberg, Elaine Cort, Helen birth of a daughter, Marjorie Ann, Season. Newly-Renovated and Furnished. good work the boys may let him Feinberg, Susan Franks, Judith on April 24. Mrs. Kay is the for- APPLY bowl with Annette. . Kahn, Annette and Sandra Kap- lan, Robert Lavan, Caryl-Ann mer Miss Dorothy Schoen. Miller, Esther Sharp, Barbara. Surprise Party CDARLESS.BOCDNER Sperber and Murry Zaretsky. The Everett Ira Kalver was the qate pf recttaj_s..,9f students of the guest ·of honor at a surprise wel- 85 Sackett Street Providence, B. L advanced class will be ·announce<\, come-hodie party- -that was given Telephone HOpkins 0561 in subsequent issues of the Herald. in his honor by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Kalver, of Daboll street, on Sunday evening, Family Circle April 21. Guests attended from FOR MOTHER'S DAY To Sponsor Picnic New York and Rhode Island. · Final arrangements for the' an­ Entertain Guest Surprise her with a delicious nual picnic of the Whitman Family Mr. and Mrs. HaITY A. Kalver Circl'e were made at a meeting and family entertained Mr. Kal­ held at the home of Mr and Mrs. Yer's cousin, Miss Dora Kalver, ,MOTHEll'S DAY CAKE Milton · J . Whitman, 5 9 0 Hope of New york, last weekend. FROM street. The affair will be held Welcome-Home Party on May 3 0. Refresh men ts were Miss Hilda Kalver gave a- wel­ served by the hostess at the close come-home· party for her brother, of the business meeting, which Everett Ira Kalver, an Saturday Modern Bakery, Inc. followed by a social hour. evening, April · 26. Miss Irene Policoff of Woonsocket, $ten- A. Rubin & Son PLA.,."° PICNIC tained. with vocal selections. Shel­ 221 WILLlRD AVE~-uE Plans are now being made for d.on Grebstein was the master of a picnic to be held by the Provi- ceremonies for the evening. dence Chapter of Masada on Sun- day, May 18, at the summer home Miz chi A d of Miss Marioti Denmark, at Nar~ ra _ War S BEACON ,SHOPS YOUR BROADCASTING HOST ragansett Pier. Plaque to Alliance NARRAOAHSITT IRlW I NG CO. and Dr. Ining Kaplan, co-chair- The ProTidence Chapter, Wo­ CRANSTON, a. I. men are in charge of arrange- men's Mizrachi, met at the Shera­ Jewish Records for Mother ments. ton-Biltmore Hotel on Monda} ------afternoon, April 28.' A plaque cer­ NOW IN STOCK tificate was awarded• to the Mothers' Alliance, for their "large Josef Rosenblatt Album--Gems of the con;tribution to the Mizrachi Women's child r"estoration fund Synagogue 3-1 2 lnch Records $4.05 and childrens' village." The cer­ Cantor Josef Rosenblatt $1.05 each tificate was presented to Mrs. Hinlnl HEO~'I )IJN'AS EILI EILI Rebons Shel Samuel Tobin, second presidenl Yaa!e Kol Nidre Two Parts of the Alliance, by Mrs. Barry Zion Zion Orenstein, chairman of the chUd­ Shir Hamalols ren's village and farm school in Cantor Moishe Oysher Palestine. Mrs. Morris Lecht, Yanke! Der Schmidt Ha:ram-Haras-Olom IDdas Horachamim president of the Chapter, presided. Dem Pnstucks ChOlem Or Horacbamlm Al Horishonlm My Yiddish Mama Roumanla, Ronmania 10 RACES Select Anniversary ~Iah.zel Yiddish Radio Broadca.st NIGHTLY Getzel at a Football Game & Kala Bamaen Affair Committees Busy, Ilusy Sam Who Made the Pant,, A J9lnt meeting of the board fuept SIUllialp- Shouldn't Happen to a Dog Too Long and omcers of the Ahavath Shol­ Double Trouble Disgust"'1 Ml.lllonalre HO MINORS ADMITTED om Sisterhood wa·s held last Sb Kalle Gavoren &nnlnm,ary Song In ;Jewish Thursda:i. A program for the O;y Hut Ar G 'D&rtnd Clbusln Kale lllaaeltov twentieth anniversary celebration Dar Galltzl&nar Badchen & CbMene In Brownsville of the organization, which la lch Vlll Zich Shplelen Klddush scheduled for M&y 18, .,,..., an­ lch VW a Veil> Ich \TW a Ob- nouncett at the meeting. The .committee and chairmen, who 900 NO. MAIN ST. PROVIDENCE were appointed, will be announc­ UNlon 03llO Open ETI!l'J Night ed ln nes:t week'e Herald. u THE .1EWISH_HElULD. PROVIDa..C~. R. L, FRlpAY. MAY 9, 1947 ,. . ·- .• R. I. ·Zionist EmergencY .Collncil · Will Dedicate Sunday, May· 11 · . . , ' As aDay ·of Prayer &Intercession - , An _Appeal to theUnited.N~tions in behalf of a JeMsh Homeland in Palestine SERVICES WILL TAKE PLACE AT TEMPLE EMANUEL . I


Chairman or British Section, World Jewish Con­ gress.

Member of the E:i:ecuti,e Board of Deputies or British Jews.

Has Tis:ited Palestine many times and is a special­ ist on Jewish Rights in the International Scene.

His Topic .Will Be "UN and Palestine"


. AROBIB.lld> SILVEl!HAX • GO\-, .JOHX 0. PASTORE llAYOR DEl\~"IS .J. ROBERTS The Groups Sponsoring this Service are: Stand Up And Be Counted! Also Taking Part Will Be: PROTIDE:SCE ClllP1'.ER OF BAPASSAH ZIO:'.\"IST DISTRICT OF PROVIDE.'iCE '(our Presence Is Imperative to RABBI ABRA.ILUI CHILI, HE.' HlY BURT LABOR GROUP L.liK>R ZIO:'.\'IST COt;SCIL Demonstrate the Unity of Ameri­ RABBI lSRAHL :u. GOLDllA..'i .JEWISH :SATIO:SAL WORKERS A.LLJA..'iCE RABBI MORRIS SCHUSSHEIM ' PROHDE:SCE CHA.Pl'ER OF MASADA can Jewry on the Palestine Crisis, ;)IIZilACBI . BISHOP GAil,QRD B= · Particularly at this Time when the PIO:'.\-i:EB WOlIE.YS ORGAXIZATIO:S REl--mlIDl"I> E&Rl.E H. T011LI:oi . Question is before the United Na- POALE..ZIO:-i FRA..~ LICB:r, chaJ:rman of -ta YOnG AD17LT Dl\"ISIO:S • tions. Our Voice Must be Heard.

Luten to These Radio Broadcuts Which Will Be Sponsored by the R. I. Zionist Emergency Council '7:15 P. II. WHIM (1110 oa roar Dial) ' Sundar 10 :411 A. M. WEA..'i . Slmdar. A1terDooD