R. D. Shelley, former forest ranirer. We Are Building Them Better who has charge of constructing a trail TODAY from Lost Lake to the up the handy river, writes W. K. Winans, who recently launched a petition to the Than Ever Before forestry service for an automobile road over Lolo Pass, connecting the Lost Lake Highway with the Your Last Chance Loop, that the proposed road is feasi- Today, more than ever, Goodyear ble. Mr. Shelley, who is now located in Eugene, says: wonderful motion Tires for passenger cars offer the "I have-n-ot been connected with the to see the most economy and satisfaction. National Forest for nearly two utmost in years, but when 1 left the service, this being presented road was passable from the bandy val picture now Improvement after improvement has ley out to a point about three miles west of Lolo Pass. From this point on been effected in them in the past few a trail only was constructed. This trail forked at Jones creek, one branch months. Our clincher type Cords, for going to Lost Lake and the other to Cedar Springs. The project, as sur- example, are now made larger, with veyed, at no point exceeded five per cent in grade. The elevation at Lolo thicker tread and stronger carcass and Pass is 3,600 feet. The elevation of the mountain between the pass and Behold, Man size the bead. Our larger Cords, our fabric Bull Run lake is about 4,700 feet. The pass :s open from two to three weeks tires, and our inner tubes, too, are earlier than Barlow Pass." Mr. Winans says that the Portland bigger, stronger, more durable than Water Board has opposed the Lolo Pass before. You can get Goodyears, now, road on the ground that its construc- tion might contaminate? the Bull Run Great Motion Picture Drama Goodyear Service watershed. He points to Mr. Shelley's from your nearest letter as displaying a topography that will prevent any contamination from Station Dealer. the Lolo Pass road. of Christ's Life, at Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company HIGHWAY of California TRAFFIC SAID TO BE HEAVY Gfye LIBERTY J. R. Nickelen, in chage of mainte nance of the Highway between here and Cascade Locks, is working this way from the Multnomah county line and has repaired the ravages of winter This and Tonight freshets as far as Wyeth. Just west Afternoon of Wyeth a heavy waif of wet masonry was constructed where the roadway had almost been washed away. New Under Auspices of culverts are being placed under Cas cade Locks streets, to carry away water collecting after storms. Mr. Nickelsen says that guard fences are COMMUNITY RECREATION FUND being constructed at a number of dan gerous points. "The highway traffic is already very heavy," says Mr. Nickelsen. 'Every night practically all available woodland Get Tickets from Canvassers, nooks are occupied by campers. It is surprising the number of horsedrawn or at Clarke's or Keir's Drug Store vehicles are using the road. In our work of repairing the road we fre- or Consolidated Mercantile Co. quently clear away camping places The following Hood River firms carry adjoining the route. Only by purchasing A TICKET can you see the CONGRESSMEN TO a full stock of great picture and make a contribution to STUDY ALIEN LAWS Community Betterment Announcement of an executive com- mittee of members of congress from western states to cooperate in action Children under 15, 30c. (Afternoon Only) on measures dealing with Japanese im Goodyear migration and land ownership was made last week by Representative GENERAL ADMISSION, 50c Johnson, California, who recently was chosen chairman of the joint confer ence or the congressional represents Tires tives of those states. Senator McNary and Representative Sinnott of Oregon are members of the executive committee which consists of one senator and one representative and heartily endorse their quality: from each of the western states. GOOD 100 PURE BOWLING NEWS

The Pigmies, a handicap women's team, won hrst prize in the women a American-Mai- team competition, which opened the d First Annual Blossom Week Bowling tournament Monday evening, May 2, at the Blue Diamond alleys. Four E. A. Franz Company women's teams competed, which is a very fine showing for a hrst tourna ment. Bread With their handicap of 315 the Pig- The Hood River Garage mies rolled a total score of 1768. The Rhinestones with 1697 were second ; the White Diamonds, third, 1649: and DAILY AT YOUR the Scooters fourth, 1609. FRESH GROCERS The Rhinestones, however, won the Mt. Hood Motor Company live woman Hood River championship title as their net score of 1637 was net high for the night. Dickson-Mars- Mrs. Hollenbeck, of the Scooters, h Motor Company had the high gross score of the even ing. 417, with handicap, while Mrs General Motor Trucking Campbell of the Rhinestones had high Funeral Director net three game individual mark, ATZ. Wood For Sale Scores of the Pigmies, with handi I will furnish funerals complete cap, were: Miss Wittenberg, 331 JESSE PUDDY for adults for f 100. This in- Mrs. Franz, 386; Mrs. Stalnaker, 362; Telephone 3143 1103 May St. cludes neat and attractive caskets Mrs. Meyer, 367; Mrs. Walker. 322. and all the courtesies and services Net scores of the Rhinestones cham 1 of a first class funeral director. pion team were: Mrs. DeWitt, 309 Mrs. Peters, 296; Mrs Campbell, 372; Our Customers will find us Where desirable the fineat and Mrs. House, 300 Mrs. Kingdon, 361. endeavoring to make our reg- highest priced obtainable is always Alva Sherrell won the $50 Meyer & ular prices in line with on hand. DOUBLE BILL Smith suit with his 268. He also won the new the mineralite ball for April. 264. market levels. WILLIAM De MILLE Presents Annala won the weekly prize, 243. S. E. BARTMESS Spoon winners for the week were PINE GROVE STORE Mrs. Peters, 141; Mrs. Blount, 169 ; WE'RE all interested in A. F. BICKFORD, Prop. Mrs. Mellon, 156; Mrs Hollenbeck, the health of our children 166; Mrs. Mellon, 165; Mis. Hollen- - DRS. ABRAHAM AND SIFTON beck, 192. and it is at all times "Midsummer Madness" our PHYSICIANS an.l SURGEONS PEAR Yaughan Harvests First Roses earnest desire to protect Rooms 17, 19, 20 Brosius Building TREES A SUPER SPECIAL has just finished a record run at the Res. Phones: Dr. Abraham 4152. that C. H. Vaughan harvested the first it. Pure foods will pro a Dr. Sifton 3613. Office 4151. HOME GROWN Columbia Theatre, Portland at advanced prices. !xuquet of rosea in Hood River. The bush bearing blooms, a rich pink, lonj? way toward accom- H. D. W. PINEO, D.D.S. and PRICED RIGHT grows in a protected nook in Mr. plishing Vaughan's back yard. He does not that object. DENTIST A Big Massive Production know the variety. Why not patronize home in- Moral Buy your grocer-ie- s ELIOT BUILDING N. B. This is we will advise you each time While local roses are late because of dustry, and write not a picture for children and hereafter the long continued cold weather, bush- here. Telephone 3812 HOOD RIVER we think we have a picture or not suitable for children's entertainment. es are loaded down with healthy ap- HOOD RIVER NURSERY suitable pearing buds. Dr. Carolyn Onderhill Phone Parkdale 66 PARKDALE. OR. Also that Joy Boy BUSTER KEATON in New Mason Signs Are Placed Double S. & H. Green DENTIST A handsome leaded glaas, ilium in Trading Stamps every Smith Building. Telephone 2021 ated sign, carrying the emblem of all Wednesday. L. C. BALDWIN J. W. SWOPE local organizations of Masonry, has E. L. SCOBEE, been placed this week. The big sign D.D.S. "The Haunted House" BRosn s MJILDUMl BALDWIN & SWOPE was presented to the Masonic organiz- i M. IBM Hours : 8 a. m. to ri ations by the Chapter, R. A. p. m. CONSTRUCTION CO. And- - TOPICS OF THE DAY PHONE FOR Office Tel. 3M1 Residence Tel. 3412 Laatnago IT! C. Plans and Sketches for all Classes of This is a rheumatism of the muscles H. JENKINS, D. M.D. Buildings Furnished. of the back. It cornea on suddenly and DENTIST Construction Work and Alterations. 16-1- is painful. Every movement ag- Telephone: Office 1081; quit reeideno? 3331 No Job Too Big or Too Small. gravates the disease. Go to bed, keep Office oyer 7 Butler Bank Our Work is Our Recommendation. Mon May quiet and have Chamberlain's Liniment JSS - applied and a quick recovery may be NO RAISE IN PRICE- expected. Mrs. F. J. Dann, Brock E. D. KANAQA BROSIl S Bl'ILDING port, N. Y., writes : "I can honestly Physician HOOD RIVER. OREGON say that Chamberlain's Liniment cured DR. W. F. JONES and Surgeon Phone 3851 me of lumbago a year ago last sum riionea: Office 4211 Ofth-- in Eliot mer. When 1 began using it. I was Chiropractic and Electrotherapy Re. 1M1 Building flat on my back in bed and could not Jmith Building. Thin! and Oak Street turn to the left or right. 1 had a bot- Hood River, Oregon H. L. DTJMBLE, LEXINGTON and OVERI.ANI tle of Chamberlain's Liniment in the OflW Hnnr. a r.i In S p m I none 23S! OUmy physician a am TIRE SALE house and it was applied to mv bark. Hir by A ppntntment Cl! promptly itraaim FAGEOL TRACTORS Keep Your Money at Home It promptly drove away the pains and in.or'd in town or couDtrr Present business conditions r Ut r Nifcfit TOP DEPARTMENT arbaa." 8 A. hope Rllrnce. KB!: OITW, REPAIR Buy home products when possible. We think we can force us to sell Tires at follow- DOCKSTADER Oral to tbt itmcius tatMiap H. AUTO ing prices : For Sale PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING HIGHWAY CO. save you money if you are figuring on building, repairing L. L. and can 30x3 $15.25 Sealed bids are called for the pur- MURPBY, D. D. M or otherwise using lumber. We are now operating 18.75 pianos a specialty 32x3 chase of the old Grade School Building Iave ordei at Slorum'e Book Store furnish yoj moat anything in dimenttona on shor tnotice. x re- 32 4 2 3.75 at Parfcdale. All materials to be General Dentistry We have received a shipment of Prompt deliveries. Mill located near Oak Grove store. 33 x 4 24.75 moved. The board reserve the right Ro.tii IMS iNafaa Bidg. to reject any or all bids. DR E O. DUTRO They are all No. 1 Crescent Light Six Studebakers The bids should he in the bands of PHYSICIAN AND Si RGEoN R. C. GLANVILLE HORN BROS. Tiraa. This sale will last the Clerk on or before noon. May 21. Office: Hall BUlg., Pnoa 1&71 through March. 1921. ml9 H. H. Hann. Clerk. Hour. 2 to 5 n m ATTORNEY AT LAW $1700 f.o.b. Hood River Phone &581 : Oam Phone. Odell M Room I Sti.mai;p.ank Building WM. WEBER. lilac tar office rubber tampt a. m. CAMERON MOTOR CO. toll Hood Rirer, Oregon