Study Questions 12 Long, Short Years – Mark 5:21-43

Focus As demonstrates that He’s the sovereign and compassionate Lord who has the ability to heal the sick and raise the dead, He also shows, however, that He hasn’t just come to Read fix broken bodies but to give and Mark 5:21-43 strengthen saving faith. Therefore, He’s not just a miracle-worker to whom we can turn to solve our Listen problems, but, rather, He’s the Lord CCNYC teaching on Mark 5 which who we must trust and follow can be found on our website wholeheartedly.

As you study this passage on your own or with a small group of others, here are some questions for study, reflection, and application.

Some Questions for Study and Reflection 1. What makes Jairus’ situation so desperate?

2. What makes the woman’s situation (verses 24-34) so desperate?

3. What does the raising of Jairus’ daughter and the healing of the woman reveal about Jesus?

4. How would you characterize the nature of Jairus’ faith when he first approaches Jesus in verses 21-23? Do you think anything changes by the end? Why or why not? If so, what brought about the change?

5. How would you characterize the nature of the woman’s faith when she first approaches Jesus in verses 27-28? Do you think anything changes by the end? Why or why not? If so, what brought about the change?

6. How does this passage fit within the larger unit of :35-5:43? What are some of the similarities and differences in the events throughout this unit? What do you learn from all that?

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Bible Study Questions 12 Long, Short Years – Mark 5:21-43

7. What’s significant about the fact that Jesus touches and is touched by this unclean woman and this dead girl? How does that point us to the cross and help us understand the meaning of His death?

Closing Reflection and Application 8. Would you agree with Sunday’s sermon that the gift Jesus gives in this passage isn’t the healing of the woman or even the raising of Jairus’ daughter, but is instead the gift of faith in Him? Why or why not? (Be sure to base your response on the teaching of the Bible.)

9. What’s the difference between having faith in faith and having faith in Jesus? Which is true of you?

10. What are some of the ways that professing Christians might have ‘faith’ (at least in terms of how they speak) but not actually have faith in Jesus? What are some of the false religious things that Christians might be putting their faith in instead of Jesus? Does this describe you? Is there anything you need to repent of here?

11. How has God used disease and death in your life to strengthen your faith in Him?

12. Are you walking through a trial right now where God seems to be delaying to come and help you? How can you respond in a biblical and Christ-glorifying kind of way?

13. How does what you’ve learned about Jesus from this passage strengthen your faith in Him, and bring you comfort and encouragement?

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