Parts of Sentences

Sentence: (def) a group of words that contains a and its predicate and makes a complete thought. EX. Justin studied.

To say anything clearly, must say two things: what we are talking about (subject) and what we are saying about it (predicate). Each thought must have these two things.

One Two subject predicate what we’re talking about what we’re saying about it

A fragment is an incomplete thought. EX. If Ishmael watched = not a sentence because we are still waiting for the thought to be completed. If Ishmael watched, then what?

Example Jack defeated Jordan. Parts of Speech N V N Parts of Sentence Subj Pred

PRACTICE POSentence 1 Write the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence just like the example for the following sentences. 1 The apparition suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Parts of speech Parts of sent.

2. The wealthy benefactor erected the palatial structure. Parts of speech Parts of sent.

Create three of your own sentences (#3--5), using a different vocabulary word for each sentence. Then analyze and label the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence as in the above examples. Parts of the Sentence - The Subject

The simple subject of the sentence is the or subject that the sentence is about.

The complete subject includes the simple subject and all of its modifiers.

Compound subject: a double subject: more than noun or pronoun used as a double subject of the same clause EX. Physics and astronomy are my favorite subjects. A compound subject joined by the coordinating and is considered plural and must take a plural .

A compound subject joined by the coordinating conjunction or (or nor) matches in number the noun closest to the verb. EX. Jim or John is here. The verb is determined by the number of the noun or pronoun listed last, closest to the verb. Butterflies have a great deal of stamina. Parts of Speech N Verb Adj Adj N Prep N Parts of Sentence Subject Complete Predicate

SUBJECT PRACTICE 2 Write the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence just like the example for the following sentences.

1. Neither Heathcliff nor Catherine objects to their time together. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence 2. Nothing could rekindle the Prom Queen’s love. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence

Now, create three of your own sentences, using a different vocabulary word from previous assignments for each. Use at least one compound subject. Label the PoSpeech and the PoSentence for each. Parts of the Sentence - Predicate

Predicate: the verb and other words that are about the subject

Simple predicate = the verb. EX. Hamlet went over to the crater.

Complete predicate = everything that is said about the subject. EX. Hamlet went over to the crater.

Compound verb: the subject takes more than one verb as its predicate. EX. Hamlet went over to the crater and gathered three bags of comet dust.

Subject/Predicate set: the simple combination of simple subject and simple predicate that is always present as a nucleus in every idea, in every sentence, and in every clause. The sentence or clause may contain more than the subject/predicate set, but it will certainly contain at least that much.

Ideas have number: In a sentence a plural subject must be accompanied by a plural verb, and a singular subject must be accompanied by a singular verb. Distracting prepositional or other phrases that intervene between the subject and the predicate must be ignored. EX. The top of the mountains is covered by rainbows.

Example Six students knew the answers on the test. Parts of Speech Adj N Verb Adj N Prep Adj N Parts of Sentence Subject Pred

PREDICATE PRACTICE 3 Write the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence just like the example for the following sentences. 1. Brandon and Kevin ignored the frivolous holiday of Halloween. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence 2. Her arrogance manifests itself in her smug manner. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence

Create three sentences using a different vocabulary word in each. Use at least one compound subject and one compound predicate. Label the POSp and the POSt in each. Parts of the Setence - Direct Object

Direct Object – a noun or that receives the action of the action verb. DO It answers this question: What is the thing the Subject ?  Thing = Direct Object  Subject = plug in the noun/PN that the sentence is about  Verb = the Linking or Action word that is about the subject

Action verbs are called transitive if there is a direct object. EX. We walked the dog.

Action verbs are called intransitive if there is no direct object. EX. We walked.

Only and OBJECT may be direct objects.

You must have a strange opinion of me. Parts of Speech PN V V Adj Adj N Prep PN Parts of Sentence Subj ….predicate.. DO

DIRECT OBJECT PRACTICE 4 Write the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence just like the example for the following sentences.

1. The docile man held his breath in anticipation. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence 2. Raphael told the lie unscrupulously as if nothing were amiss. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence

Create three sentences using any three vocabulary words not previously used, one for each sentence. Make sure at least two sentences have direct objects. Label the POSp and the POSt as in the above examples.

Parts of the Sentence - Indirect Object

Indirect Object – a noun or object pronoun that is indirectly affected by the action verb, and that is located between the action verb and the direct object.

EX. S AV IO DO gave me nothing.

Notice: If there is an indirect object, there MUST be a direct object.

We use the indirect object as an alternative to using a prepositional phrase. EX. You gave nothing to me.

1. Bailey gave several boys a run for their money. Parts of Speech N V Adj N Adj N Prep Adj N Parts of Sentence Subj Pred IO DO


Write the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence just like the example for the following sentences.

1. His obsession with his genealogy caused me grief. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence 2. The sinister politician agitated everyone in the room. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence

Create three sentences using any three vocabulary words not previously used, one for each sentence. Make sure to create one indirect object, and at least two direct objects. Label the POSpeech and the Parts of a Sent. Parts of the Sentence -

Subject Complement – a noun, subject pronoun, or that is linked to the subject by a linking verb and tells more about the subject. It renames the subject. EX. Brook was Tiffany’s friend.

The subject complement, does what its name implies; it complements (completes) the subject. Our knowledge of the subject is more complete than it would otherwise have been.

NOTE: Only a SUBJECT pronoun can be a subject complement. EX. It is I, Hamlet. I am .

RULE: A subject is a subject, and an object is an object.

Predicate nominative (noun) – a subject complement that is a noun or a subject pronoun. EX. Troy is a boy. The hamster is Troy. The boy is .

Predicate adjective – a subject complement that is an adjective. EX. I am sleepy.

1. It was a hard trip, with the mail behind them. Parts of Speech PN LV Adj Adj N Prep Adj N Prep PN Parts of Sentence Subj Pred SC

SUBJECT COMPLEMENT PRACTICE 6 Write the parts of speech and the parts of the sentence just like the example for the following sentences. Create 3 of your own sentences, using a vocabulary word in each. Use only linking verbs and include a subject complement in each. Label the Parts of Speech and the Parts of a Sentence for each

1. Christina remained aloof despite her suitor’s charm. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence 2. After a year’s absence, his yearning for home was not surprising. Parts of Speech Parts of Sentence