MOTORWAYS OF THE SEA much more than Short Sea Shipping


Environmental protection

Effective maritime transport integration in the door-to-door logistics chain

3 THIS provides an overview of the history and current state DOCUMENT: of the Motorways of the Sea concept

describes the EU funding offered within the concept ELABORATES of Motorways the future of the Sea environment in which the European maritime sector will operate

4 5 MOS from 2001 to 2014

he Motorways of the Sea (MoS) concept represents Tthe maritime dimension of the EU’s transport policy. The first EU Guidelines for the development of the Trans- European Transport Network (“TEN-T”) were drawn up in 1996 and the MoS concept first appeared in 2001. It was subsequently added to the TEN-T Guidelines as Priority Project (No 21).

From a mechanism to support short sea shipping as an alternative to road transport, funding for the Motorways of the Sea has today grown into a stream supporting the entire door-to-door maritime logistics chain.

A wide range of projects have been awarded funding in the fields of environment, logistics, maritime safety, traffic management and the human element.

Motorways of the Sea seek to reduce congestion on land, support the uptake of more sustainable transport modes, increase efficiency and allow peripheral regions to be better accessible.

6 7 Figure 1: Number of projects per type per year of the TEN-T programme (2007-2013) 9 MOS 8 7 6 5 PROJECTS 4 3 2 TODAY 1 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

he number of projects selected and the related funding have considerably Works Studies Mixed (Studies & Works) Tincreased over the years. Source: INEA, “List of TEN-T MoS projects”, available at: Motorways of the Sea projects per category Table 1: TEN-T MoS funding 2007-2013 18

MoS Multi-Annual Call 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 16 14 Proposals selected 3 1 8 7 13 15 47 12 TEN-T funding (w Million) 20.7 17.1 84.9 47.8 169.3 78.1 417.9 10 8 Source: INEA, “Statistics”, available at: and INEA, “EU supports key TEN-T infrastructure projects with over €320 million”, available at: 6 4 The MoS programme funds different types of projects: works, studies, a mix 2 of both, and studies in the form of pilot actions. 0 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Policy implementation Transport link Port services Sustainability IT-systems Other Source: MOS - One-step Helpdesk, analysis by BCI (2013)

8 9 MOS PROJECTS Logos TITLE PROJECT Description For more informations

The Action aims at enhancing a viable, regular and reliable sea-based transport service Adriatic Motorways of the Sea integrated in the logistic chain along the Adriatic -Ionian transport corridor between the port of Venice and the /West Greece port cluster (Igoumenitsa and Patras). The Action project_fiches/multi_country/ (ADRIAMOS) consists in infrastructure and facilities investments (works and studies) necessary to remove fichenew_2011eu21001m_final_5.pdf bottlenecks and to improve efficiency of the logistic chain on the Adriatic-Ionian corridor.

ANNA wants to support (system) integration in Maritime Single Window development within the participating countries (between the various services/administrations) and to allow for suitable Anna communication between the national systems, including SSN, based on functional requirements to be further identified.

This project covers the link between Nantes St-Nazaire () and Vigo (), mainly dedicated Atlantica Optimos to unaccompanied road transport. It aims at upgrading the existing maritime link between the two projects/ten-t_projects_by_country/ ports intoreliable and frequent Motorways of the Sea open to modal shift traffic. multi_country/2013-eu-21009-p.htm

The B2MoS Action is an innovative study which takes the form of pilot actions principally aimed at preparing and adapting business communities and port authorities’ systems to the B2MoS requirements of Directive 2010/65/EU, providing interoperable electronic documents and messages (ie. electronic sea waybill) intending to boost the efficiency of door-to-door MoS supply chains, facilitating intra-Community trade and increasing European territorial cohesion.

The objective of the Action was to implement the Motorways of the Sea project in the Region through the ports of Karlskrona and Gdynia. The project’ aim was to reduce the amount Baltic Link Gdynia – Karlskrona of freight using the northern European motorways and will diminish the related road congestion. This project has been completed.

The main objectives of this project are to facilitate an efficient, environmentally friendly and attractive intermodal transport solution for the baltic area and to improve access to its markets. Baltic Sea Hub & Spokes Activities included in the Action: marine integration project, port access Aarhus, port access Gothenburg, design of double track to/from the Port of Gothenburg and interlocking in Gothenburg Central Station, port security Tallinn.

The Bridge Project focuses on innovative solutions to adapt and enhance the current Bridge infrastructure and improve the management of MoS traffic across the Dover Strait.

This project covers three main objectives: 1. Installation of small scale equipment for LNG bunkering in the Zeebrugge terminal (Belgium) to break down large quantities of LNG into smaller ones for further distribution in the and the Channel region; 2. Equipment of Channel LNG three ferry berths with automatic quick release mooring hooks, two at the ports of Portsmouth project_fiches/multi_country/ (UK) and one in Caen/Ouistreham (France); 3. Establishment of an optimal logistic chain to LNG fichenew_2013eu21005p_final_1.pdf in order to deliver LNG to ports and ships remote from th e main European gas import terminals and therefore encourage the rapid growth in the number of vessels using LNG.

10 11 MOS PROJECTS Logos TITLE PROJECT Description For more informations

The COSTA Action aimed at developing framework conditions for the use of LNG for ships in the Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean and areas. It resulted in preparing an LNG Masterplan Costa for short sea shipping between the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean as well as the project_fiches/multi_country/ Deep Sea cruising in the North Atlantic Ocean towards the Azores and the Madeira Island. This fichenew_2011eu21007s_final_4.pdf project has been completed.

POSEIDON MED is the first LNG bunkering project in the Mediterranean and led and coordinated by QENERGY Europe. It is the first Cross European Border project which Costa II East – Poseidon Med aims to introduce LNG as the main fuel for the world shipping industry and develop a sufficient project_fiches/multi_country/ infrastructure network of bunkering value chain. fichenew_2013eu21019s_final.pdf

This study is a pilot action aiming to overcome technical and operational barriers related to the introduction of hybrid scrubber technology. It helps to address the environmental challenges Deployment of next generation scrubber technology for clean faced by the short sea shipping in two ways, namely by: 1. Deploying and studying a unique prototyped hybrid scrubber system that will be installed on a ferry (P&O Ferries) operating on project_fiches/multi_country/ and sustainable short sea shipping in the North Sea ECA a strategic transport route between the UK and the EU mainland (Hull-Rotterdam). 2. A port fichenew_2013eu21006s_final.pdf impact study on the new technology’s impact on the environment, including SO2, NOx, CO2, and particle emissions in order to facilitate the uptake.

The main project’s objective is to contribute to the development of the North Adriatic Ports as Development of North Adriatic ports multimodal connections points of interconnection between the sea transport and other modes of transport through the project_fiches/multi_country/ and their efficient integration into the Core Network (NAPA STUDIES) creation or improvement of hinterland access linking the ports to the TEN-T Network via rail and inland waterways connections. fichenew_2013eu21017s_final.pdf

The Action is built around the piloting equipment of two large, multi-engine RoPax ships with exhaust gas cleaning technologies, in form of wet-scrubbers and the preparation of the corridor Green Bridge on Nordic Corridor for operating next Baltic RoRo/RoPax ship generation. The Action further includes installation of project_fiches/multi_country/ shore side electricity in the ports of Travemünde and Trelleborg. fichenew_2011eu21010m_final_5.pdf

The objective of this project was to upgrade the existing rail ferry link between the ports of Trelleborg (Sweden) and Sassnitz (Germany) in order to increase the share of rail and intermodal High Quality Rail and Intermodal Nordic Corridor Königslinie transport on the Swedish-German corridor in particular and the Sweden-Central Europe/ fichenew_2008eu21010p_finalkb2.pdf corridor. The project was completed in December 2011.

The proposed action aims at improving Motorways of the Sea (MoS) capacity along a corridor from the Iberian Peninsula to the UK. The proposed action’s main objectives are to increase modal shift from road onto the Spanish Hinterland rail network and to improve the efficiency IBUK - Intermodal Corridor of the link in the multimodal transport chain of this corridor; in particular ensuring that the ibuk_intermodal/index.jsp MoS route from Bilbao to Tilbury has suitable infrastructure, superstructure and information technology to handle the forecasted increase in cargo volumes.

12 13 MOS PROJECTS Logos TITLE PROJECT Description For more informations

“LNG from a Shipowners perspective”. The pilot project aims to minimize the emissions of transport routes along the Motorway of the Baltic Sea by introducing an innovative and Into the Future – Baltic SO2lution environmentally friendly transport model and a generic low-emission, dual-fuel engine project_fiches/multi_country/ technology package that would be suitable both for new-built and retrofitted vessels. fichenew_2013eu21003s_final.pdf

The promoter and coordinator of the Action is Venice Port Authority, where the consortium partnership includes partners of the Northern Adriatic Ports Association (NAPA) and the Italian ITS Multi-port Adriatic Gateway Ministry of Transport. The most important aim of the action is to improve the existing North Adriatic port community systems optimizing the use of port infrastructures and enhancing the efficiency and productivity of NAPA ports activities.

Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor is an EU-project designed to expand the connections between strong, fast growing, internationally important regions that are in need of Kvarken Multimodal Link Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor a ferry (e.g. Ostrobotnia and Westerbothnia). In other words, the Midway Alignment project will result in a secure, environmentally and economically sustainable transport system for goods and passengers traveling through the Bothnian Corridor.

The aim of the Global Project is implementing three pilot actions for LNG, methanol and the use of scrubbers. These pilots look at meeting the sulphur legislation in 2015 in the Sulphur Emission LNG Bunkering Infrastructure Solution and Pilot actions Control Area and support the development of a competitive and environmentally sustainable shipping sector in the Baltic Sea. The Action is composed of works and studies. The works aim project_fiches/multi_country/ for Ships operating on the Motorway of the Baltic Sea at the implementation of an LNG bunker supply infrastructure for the use of LNG at the Port of fichenew_2012eu21009m_final_3.pdf Brofjorden in Sweden. The technical studies aim at the deployment of new LNG technologies in full scale Pilot Actions in vessels in the Baltic Sea and in the North Sea.

The main aim of ‘LNG in Baltic Sea Ports’ is to foster a harmonised approach towards LNG LNG in Baltic Sea Ports bunker filling infrastructure in the Baltic Sea area. Seven ports are involved in the project – Aarhus, Copenhagen-Malmö, Helsingborg, Helsinki, Stockholm, Tallinn and Turku.

The project builds on and at the same time is an extension of the well-established TEN-T project “LNG in the Baltic Sea Ports”. As such, it will contribute to achieving the results of the global project “Development of the LNG bunkering network in the seaports of the Baltic Sea region” LNG in Baltic Sea Ports II as an element of the Baltic Motorways of the Sea programme. The action considers: design, planning, location & storage and technical studies at the ports. Vessel’s design, permit and environmental impact studies are included as well.

The project consists of feasibility studies on LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) filling station infrastructure and a full scale pilot action. The study part of project will create a strategic decision LNG infrastructure of filling stations and deployment in ships paper relevant for central stakeholders, aiming at developing framework conditions for the use project_fiches/multi_country/ of LNG for ships. It will validate a full scale pilot action aiming at demonstrating the LNG option fichenew_2010-eu-21112-s_final_5.pdf as competitive fuel from the shipping and LNG supply chain points of view.

This Action creates break bulk infrastructure for small-scale LNG supply in the Ports of LNG Rotterdam Gothenburg Rotterdam and Gothenburg. These large ports combined have a critical mass to assist in the project_fiches/multi_country/ market transition to maritime LNG in northern Europe. fichenew_2012-eu-21003-p_final_1.pdf

14 15 MOS PROJECTS Logos TITLE PROJECT Description For more informations

“Methanol: the marine fuel of the future” Methanol This pilot action test the performance of methanol on the existing passenger ferry Stena project_fiches/multi_country/ Germanica operating between the ports of Gothenburg and Kiel. fichenew_2012eu21017s_final_1.pdf

The main objectives of the action is to design and to develop a pre-deployment pilot for an interoperable ICT platform (the “MIELE Middleware”) able to interface ICT systems (i.e. single Miele windows, port community systems) in Italy, , Spain, and Germany (the “National project_fiches/multi_country/ Vertical Pilots”). fichenew_2010eu21105s_final_3.pdf

MONALISA aims at giving a concrete contribution to the efficient, safe and environmentally friendly maritime transport. This is done through development, demonstration and dissemination Monalisa of innovative e-navigational services to the shipping industry, which can lay the groundwork for a future international deployment.

MONALISA 2.0 takes its point of departure in the results and experiences from the MONALISA 1 project. MONALISA 2.0 is a concrete step in the process of further developing the Motorways of the Sea concept by implementing concrete pilot actions and studies that will foster deployment Monalisa 2.0 of new maritime services and processes. The following Activities are included in MONALISA 2.0: Sea Traffic Management Operations and Tools, Sea Traffic Management Definition Phase Study, Safer Ships, Operational Safety.

MoS 24 is a Pilot Action whose main objective is to enhance the strategic role of the Corridor 24 (Railway axis Lyon/Genova-Basel-Duisburg Rotterdam/Antwerpen) of TEN-T network, as main MOS 24 gate to Europe for the traffic of goods transported via the Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea (MedMos). MoS 24 goal is to create a “unique ICT multimodal Corridor between Northern and Southern Europe” by connecting virtually the Corridor 24 with MedMoS.

The project consists of the following activities: floating ro-ro ramp, extension of the Esbjerg port access way, ICT interface for Sea RoTerminal and e-freight one-stop shop, construction of an MoS Esbjerg - Zeebrugge additional ro-ro jetty at the Brittannia dock, traffic monitoring and administrative simplification. fichenew_2008eu21020p_finalkb2.pdf This project has been completed.

The objective of the action wass to increase the share of intermodal transports in the South- MoS in the Baltic Sea Area Klaipéda – Karlshamn link East/South-West Baltic Motorways of the Seas link through Klaipéda and Karlshamn. The project_fiches/multi_country/ project is completed. fichenew_2008eu21015p_final_5.pdf

The Action is part of a global project, covering infrastructure initiatives on the transport axis Copenhagen-Berlin: extension of railway Rostock-Berlin, upgrading of European road E55 into MoS Rostock-Gedser the port of Rostock, introduction of new ferries. The wider project links to TEN-T Priority Project 1. This Action consists of infrastructure investments in the ports of Rostock and Gedser and the hero/projekte/mos-rostock-gedser.html Nykøbing Falster bypass road.

16 17 MOS PROJECTS Logos TITLE PROJECT Description For more informations

MOS4MoS: Monitoring and Operating Services The mission of the MOS4MOS project is to provide the proper combination of measures for for Motorways of the Sea ports to become efficient gateways for SSS freight.

The specific objective of this Motorways of the Sea project is to deliver the pilot development Pilot Implementation of a LNG-Propulsion System on a MoS and testing of the innovative methodology for LNG retrofitting. One of the vessels that are operating the Borkum service will be converted to LNG by retrofitting its propulsion system in project_fiches/multi_country/ Test Trackin the Environmental Model Region ‘Wadden Sea’ an innovative manner. The project constitutes the continuation (Phase 2) of a previous action fichenew_2013eu21018s_final.pdf “MariTIM” implemented under INTEREG IV which is an R&D project with feasibility study.

PILOT SCRUBBER - New Generation Lightweight Pilot This Action is part of a Global Project, which addresses the LNG, the methanol and scrubber options with the aim to find efficient and economically viable solutions to meet the SECA Scrubber Solution installed on a Ro-Ro Ship operating regulations 2015 and to support the development of a competitive, and environmentally fichenew_2012eu21010s_final_1.pdf on the Motorway of the Baltic Sea sustainable, shipping sector in the Baltic Sea.

The Action aims at determining the feasibility of implementing LNG bunkering facilities in the SEAGAS Port of Roscoff (north-west of France) and the Port of Santander (north of Spain). fichenew_2012eu21006s_final_1.pdf

The project covers all necessary technical, supply and market measures related to the environmental upgrade of three modern mid-/ large-size RoRo ships. It install scrubber Sustainable Motorway of the Sea Ghent-Gothenburg through technologies on Freesia, Magnolia and Primula Seaways that ensure regular, reliable and frequent (6 departures per week and direction) maritime transport service between the TEN-T environmental upgrade and compliance while maintaining category A seaports of Ghent (Belgium) and Gothenburg (Sweden). The project also make project_fiches/multi_country/ competitiveness of short sea shipping some quality and viability improvements of the maritime link and port terminals by upgrading the fichenew_2013_eu_21015p_final_1.pdf intermodal handling equipment (Gothenburg) and installing a traffic management system with (live) weight measurements (Ghent).

The project covers all necessary technical, supply and market measures related to the environmental upgrade of two modern mid-/ large-size RoRo ships. It install scrubber Sustainable Motorway of the Sea Ghent-Gothenburg through technologies on Begonia and Petunia Seaways that ensure regular, reliable and frequent (6 departures per week and direction) maritime transport service between the TEN-T category A environmental upgrade and compliance while maintaining seaports of Immingham (UK) and Gothenburg (Sweden). The project also make some quality project_fiches/multi_country/ competitiveness of short sea shipping and viability improvements of the maritime link and port terminals by upgrading the intermodal fichenew_2013_eu_21015p_final_1.pdf handling equipment (Gothenburg) and installing a traffic management system with (live) weight measurements (Immingham).

18 19 MOS PROJECTS Logos TITLE PROJECT Description For more informations This Pilot Action covers the installation of hybrid propulsion and exhaust gas cleaning solutions Sustainable Traffic Machines - On the way to greener shipping on 2 RoPax vessels deployed on the maritime link Rødby - Puttgarden. project_fiches/multi_country/ fichenew_2012eu21023s_final_1.pdf

Sustainable Trelleborg-Swinoujscie MoS services based The project covers works and studies with the objective to develop the Motorways of the Sea on upgrading portinfrastructure, developing intermodal transport infrastructure at the Port of Trelleborg, upgrade ICT in Trelleborg, and prepare grounds for the project_fiches/multi_country/ and integrating hinterland corridors construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering facility at ´Swinoujscie.´ fichenew_2013eu21004p_final_1.pdf

TrainMoS aims to support and train the human element of Motorways of the Sea by defining the basis for a future EU virtual open MoS University and knowledge network and by Trainmos pulling together local competences and knowledge of different EU universities along with stakeholders’ needs.

TrainMoS II will establish an MSc/postgrad diploma/certificate/CPD programme with a number of modules that will further develop the concept of the European Maritime Area. The modules are addressed to university graduates and professionals from the various sectors in the multimodal Trainmos II transport chain. The following range of topics will be included: Alternative fuels & technologies their impact on ports, Logistic issues, Damage control training, Evacuation/crisis management operations for very large passenger ships and their impact on port operations

The Twin-Port project focuses on the development and harmonisation of operations at the West Harbour in Helsinki and the Old City Harbour in Tallinn. The proposed upgrading of the TWIN-PORT transport system of the Ports of Helsinki and Tallinn links the existing European corridors and axes together, thus further reducing the bottlenecks, and facilitating development and growth the-twin-port-project for industry in the region and beyond.

As an operative and policy supporting framework, the WiderMos project improves a long term effective and sustainable connection between the sea and other transport modes (mainly rail) by developing new port/ship/train interfaces and will contribute to kick off the analysis of WiderMos how MoS will be linked to the governance model of the TEN-T priority corridors. WiderMos is supported by a large stakeholder platform working as a think tank for the actual and future MoS in terms of performance, capacity and requirements, programme of measures, market studies, implementation and investment plans.

“A project within winter navigation in The Baltic Sea” The main objectives are to develop the maritime winter navigation system and safeguard WinMOS required icebreaking recourses to the future’s requirement in EU’s northernmost waters during winter time when large parts of the sea surface are covered by sea ice.

More information on MoS are available at, the maritime and logistics knowledge and training center



n 2013, a new set of TEN-T Guidelines was adopted, re-organising the Itransport network into 2 layers: a core and a comprehensive network. The Motorways of the Sea were given a horizontal function to complement the 9 main transport axes (“Core Corridors”). Dual layer approach • The comprehensive network will be a European-wide transport network ensuring the accessibility to all regions, including the remote and peripheral areas, for which overall fulfilment should be complete by 2050. • The core network consists of the most important infrastructure interventions as already defined in the comprehensive network – it could be considered the back-bone of the multimodal mobility network.

“Motorways of the sea consist of short-sea routes, ports, associated maritime

infrastructure and equipment, and facilities as well as simplified administrative formalities BASED ON THE OUTCOME OF THE INFORMAL TRILOGUE OF 27th JUNE 2013 enabling Short Sea Shipping or sea-river services between at least two ports, including hinterland connections. They shall contribute towards the achievement of a European Maritime Transport Space without Barriers and also facilitate maritime freight transport with neighbouring countries” “Motorways of the sea, representing as they do the maritime dimension of the trans-European transport network, shall contribute towards the achievement of a European maritime transport space without barriers.” Source: REGULATION (EU) No 1315/2013 OF THE AND OF THE COUNCIL, Art.21

22 23 The new MoS Coordinator Brian Simpson has set three priorities for MoS: 0 1 The environment

02 Integrating MOS maritime transport AS THE TEN-T in the logisticS chain

MARITIME 03 Maritime safety/ traffic management/ DIMENSION human element & training

The European Coordinator will produce, in 2016, a detailed implementation plan for the future of MoS.

24 25 APPLY FOR FUNDING Types of projects Infrastructure projects connecting maritime ports, including oday, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the main EU instrument establishing financial support for TEN-T, • port facilities, T including Motorways of the Sea projects. The Multi-Annual • information and communication technologies Work Programme for 2014 has accorded an indicative amount • infrastructure for direct land and sea access. of € 250 million to MoS. The different rates of co-funding for Wider benefits not linked to specific ports: Motorways of the Sea projects is as follows: • environmental improvements, • implementation projects (i.e. works projects): up to 30% • optimization of processes or procedures, • studies taking the form of pilot actions: up to 50% • ICT platforms and information systems, including traffic • studies: up to 50%. management and electronic reporting systems. The co-funding rate can however go up to 85% for Motorways of the Sea projects in EU Member States eligible for Cohesion Funds. The innovative financial instruments available under the CEF include also the Loan Guarantee Instrument for Trans-European Transport network projects (LGTT) and Project Bonds, in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB).

26 27 New trade agreements MOS between the EU and third countries 01 will promote trade and thus the demand for maritime transport. (e.g Transatlantic Trade and TOMORROW The expansion Investment Partnership (TTIP) of the Panama Canal between the EU and the US) is planned to end in 2015, doubling the capacity and plans have also 02 emerged to expand the capacity The Northern of the Suez Canal. Sea Route allows cutting travel distance Potential by 20 to 50% for ships trading between Europe and Asia. impact 03 Slightly more commercial operations are expected as of changing a result of melting ice and Growing need the development of new world trade for transhipment technologies. patterns operations capacity due to the increasing size 04 growing demand for maritime of vessels on the main haul services. A transport for both goods and International of people is expected. and EU legislation Developing countries are likely to are imposing emissions limits on increasingly trade with each other. 05 ships, with great consequences for the maritime sector. The attractiveness of EU ports is affected by the situation in neighbouring 06 countries.

28 29 more than 100 MOS key stakeholders consulted BY THE WIDERMOS TEAM STAKEHOLDERS MAIN VIEWS

ontinue to support C projects to ontinue support develop alternative reate a greater C for projects fuels and abatement C awareness related to technologies (for e.g. of funding interconnections, LNG, scrubbers,..) to opportunities. interoperability comply with stricter Maritime stakeholders and hinterland ship emission rules. stressed the need connections. to further support forerunners.

30 31 01 MOS This pocket book has looked into where MoS comes from, where it stands now, and where it is going. Since its creation, the MoS programme has followed an impressive FOLLOW UP upward trajectory. 04 02 This means The MoS allowing MoS to help programme deliver innovative now has more resources solutions to the maritime available than ever sector, providing an before and is using these invaluable contribution to fund an increasingly to the trans-European wide range of projects network. to cater to the different needs of the European maritime transport space. 03 The MoS tool is thus today perfectly placed to serve maritime and logistic industries.

32 33 MOTORWAYS OF THE SEA join ten-t core network corridors


TEN-T CORRIDOR (EU-21021) core MANAGEMENT priority PLATFORMS Corridors Need of a long term effective and sustainable Interoperability connection between TEN-T corridors Governance and MoS The project MoS PROSPECTIVE Motorways STUDY AND of the Sea GOVERNANCE The WiderMos project relates to the recent policy developments within TEN-T. MODEL ANALYSIS It contributes to the European policy developments and in particular to the revised TEN-T guidelines that contains a new approach within the entire transport infrastructure designed with two layers: • the “comprehensive network”, a general network reaching all regions and ensuring that all citizens and businesses have easy access to European transport; • the “core network“, covering the main transport streams between capitals, TEN-T core network corridors; large urban nodes, major ports and border crossing points, identified with • A policy supporting activity defining the medium term prospective options an objective methodology. for MoS in 2020 and beyond; • A deeper analysis of 4 very specific topics concerning the role of MoS As an operative and policy supporting framework, the WiderMos project in the development of the TEN-T core network corridors governance model. improves a long term effective and sustainable connection between the sea and other transport modes (mainly rail) by developing new port/ship/train WiderMos is supported by a large stakeholder platform working as a think interfaces and will contribute to kick off the analysis of how MoS will be linked tank for the actual and future MoS in terms of performance, capacity and to the governance model of the TEN-T priority corridors. requirements, programme of measures, market studies, implementation and investment plans. The platform is composed by institutional entities, regional The expected results are: and local authorities and other relevant public and private stakeholders • Five Pilot Projects, demonstrating the effectiveness of a better structured including chambers of commerce, port authorities, shipping lines, shippers, interoperability between modes, with particular integration of MOS into infrastructure managers, transport and logistics operators.


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