THE GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 10, 1891. 769 the said Company an account, showing the OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately manner in which the winding up has been con- N subsisting between the undersigned, Charles Good and William Robert Hall Hains, carrying on the ducted, and the property of the Company disposed practice of Physicians, Surgeons, and Accoucheurs, at 1, of, and in order that the said Company may hear Ashchurch-terrace and 217, Goldhawk-road, both at any explanation that may be given by the Liqui- Shepherd's Bush, in the county of , under the dator.—Dated this 3rd day of February, 1891. style or firm of Good and Hains, has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as from the 1st day of January, 1891.— R. PAYNE, Liquidator. As witness our hands this of February, 1891. The Liverpool Pure Ice Company Limited. CHARLES G90D, First Company. By Lizzie E.-Good, his attorney. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that an Extra- WM. R. HALL HAINS. , J» i ordinary General Meeting of the Members OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership of the Liverpool Pure Ice Company Limited will N lately subsisting between us the undersigned Marcus Metzendorf and Louis Metzendorf, recently be held at the offices of Messrs., "Wade, j carrying on the .trade or business of Manufacturers, of and Co., No. 5, Fenwick-street, in the city of ' No. 10,"Princes-street, , in the county of Mid- Liverpool, on the llth day of March, 1891, at dlesex, under the style or firm of M. Metzendorff, was, as two o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of from, the 27th day of January, 1&91, dissolved by mutual consent.—-Dated this 5th day of February, 1891. having an account laid before them, showing the M. METZENDORE. manner in which the winding up of the Com- L. METZENDORE. pany has been conducted, and the property of the OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- Company disposed of, and of hearing any explana- N tofore subsisting between the undersigned, tion that may be given by the Liquidator.—Dated Hilton Greaves and James Brickhill, in the business of this 5th day of February, 1891. Manufacturers of Sateens, Quilting Drills, and Fancy Cotton Dress Goods, carried on at Manchester, London, J. MERRETT WADE, Liquidator. and Glasgow, tinder the style or firm of E. Harrison and Co., has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as from the OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- 30th day *of September, 1890, and will be in future N fore existing between us the undersigned, carried on by the said James Brickhill alone, under the William Sidney Smith and William Henshaw Newberry, style or firm of E. Harrison and Co.; and the said in the trade or business of Embroiderers and Manufac- James Brickhill will receive and pay all debts owing to turers, carried on by us at 105, Wood-street, in the city and by the late firm.—As witness our hands the 4th day of London, under the style or firm, of W. S. Smith and of February, 1891. HILTON GREAVES. Co., was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 31st day of JAS. BRICKHILL. December, 1890. All debts due to and owing by the late OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- firm will be received and paid by the undersigned, N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned William Sidney Smith, by whom the business will in George Eckles and William Henry Eckles, carrying on future be carried on as aforesaid, under the style of W. business as Builders, at 65, Thrale-road, Streatham, in S. Smith and Co.—Dated this 2nd day of February, 1891. the county of Surrey, under the style or lirm of G. and WILLIAM SIDNEY SMITH. W. H. Eckles, has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as WILLIAM HENSHAW NEWBERRY. and from the 31st day of .January, 1891. All debts due OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership which to and owing by the said late firm will be received and N has for some time past been carried on by George paid by the said George Eckles.—Dated 4th day of Charles Lennox Lenox, Hugh Mackay Gordon, Lewis February, 1891. GEORGE ECKLES. Gordon Lenox, and Horace Mark Gregory, under the style WILLIAM HENRY ECKLES. or firm of Brown, Lenox, and Co., at 52, Lime-street, in OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- the city of London, and Millwall, in the county of Middle- N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, sex, in the business of Manufacturers of Chains, Anchors, Thomas Penny and William Durrant, carrying on busi- and Iron Work generally, was, on the 1st day of January, ness as Builders, at 18, the Mall, Baling, in the county 1891, dissolved, by mutual consent, so far as the said of Middlesex, under the style or firm of Penny and Co., ' Hugh Mackay Gordon is concerned. The said George has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as and from the Charles Lennox Lenox, Lewis Gordon Lenox, and Horace 7th day of February, 1891. All debts due to and owing Mark Gregory will continue to carry on the said business by the said late firm will be received and paid by the at the places aforesaid, under the said style or firm of said William Durrant, who will henceforth carry on the Brown, Lenox, and Co., and will receive and pay all debts said business under the said style or firm of Penny and due to and owing by the said firm.—Dated this 7th day Co.—Dated this 7th day of February, 1891. of January, 1S91. GEO. C. LENNOX LENOX. THOS. PENNY. L. GORDON LENOX. HUGH. M. GORDON. WILLIAM DURRANT. HORACE M. GREGORY. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership Leonard Foster and William Rowe Geen, carrying N heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, on business as Contractors at Wood Green, Finsbury Charles Alexandre de Selincourt and Charles Colman, Park, and elsewhere, in the county of Middlesex, under carrying on business as Silk and Cloth Warehousemen the style or firm of .Foster and Geen, has been and Merchants, and Mantle and Cloak Manufacturers, dissolved, by .mutual consent, as from the 4th day under the style of Selincourt and Colman, at No. 16, of June, 1890. All debts to due and owing by the said Cannon-street., in the city of London, and Grosvenor- firm will be received and paid by the said Leonard road, Pimlico, in the , has been dis- Foster, who continues the said business in his own solved, by mutual consent, as from the 31st day of name and on his own account.—Dated this 24th day of January, 1891. LEONARD FOSTER. Selincourt, under the style of WILLIAM R. GEEN. Selincourt and Sons, and he will pay and discharge all the debts and liabilities of the late firm.—Date4 the a OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- 22nd day of January, 1891. . N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, CHAS. A. DE SE"LINCOURT. Gilbert BetteleyJLuckhoff and Emil Henri Hungerbiihler, CHARLES COLMAN. carrying on business as Electrical Engineers and Con- TWTOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership formerly tractors, at No. 64, Holmesdale-road, XJroydon, in the Li subsisting between us the undersigned, Ernest county of Surrey, under the name, style, or firm of James Willis, Robert Willi", and Elena Canepa, formerly Luckhoff, Hungerbiihler, and Co., has been dissolved, by Elena llatto, carrying on business as Cycle Merchants, mutual consent, as and from the 31st day of December, at 79, Wells-street, London, in the connty of Middlesex, Ib90.—Dated this 5th day of February, 1891. under the style or firm of the West London Cycle Stores, G. B. LUCKHOFF. has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as and from the EMEL HENRI HUNGERBUflLER. 31st day of December, 1889, as far as the said Elena Canepa is concerned. All debts due to and owing by OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- the said late firm will be received and paid by the said N tofore subsisting between UP, in the practice of Ernest James Willis and Robert Willis, who are con- Surgeons and Accoucheurs, carried on by us at Penge, tinuing the said business.—Dated this 4th day of in the county of Surrey, has been this day dissolved.— February, 1891. ERNEST JAMES WILLIS. Dated the 31st January, 1891. ROBT. WILLIS. H. M. CHAMPNEYS. ELENA CANEPA. EDWARD A. OPIB. No. 26133. ' D