the lantern Friday October 18, 2013 A5 arts & entertainment How OSU met Josh Radnor Columbus-native speaks to crowd larger than alma mater

Halie Williams Lantern Reporter POP OPINIONS Danielle Seamon While 1,400 people is a relatively small number of Ohio State students, when that was roughly the turnout to listen to “’s” Actor, rock Josh Radnor speak at OSU, he was tak- en aback. duo, TV show “There are a lot of people here, jeez,” leave this fan Radnor said to the audience Monday evening. “This would be my whole col- disappointed lege… plus a few hundred more.” The Ohio Union Activities I’ve officially bought real Board-sponsored event, “An Evening estate on Lonely Island. With Josh Radnor,” was held in the One year following Andy Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom and Samberg’s “Saturday Night gave students a look into Radnor’s life Live” leave, the comedian as an actor, writer and director. has ripped my heart long- Radnor, who has starred in CBS’ ways by taking advantage of “How I Met Your Mother” since the one of the most joyous priv- show’s premiere in 2005 and appeared ileges this life provides: get- in movies like “Liberal Arts” and “Hap- ting married to his girlfriend pythankyoumoreplease,” which he also of five years. Samberg and directed, took the stage about 7 p.m. to singer-songwriter Joanna a standing ovation from the crowd. Newsom tied the knot Sept. He unbuttoned his flannel to reveal 21 in Big Sur, Calif., in front an OSU T-shirt, while seeming sur- of an A-list audience includ- prised by the crowd’s roaring applause. ing Justin Timberlake, Jessi- “I do a lot of college speaking, but ca Biel, Amy Poehler, Maya this is the best one,” Radnor said as the Rudolph and Adam Sandler. audience returned to their seats. I’m not bitter, I’m just The Columbus-native, who grew up unreasonably infuriated that in nearby Bexley, said in an interview this man I had zero chance with The Lantern before his lecture that with chose her over me. he comes home to Ohio often and it’s a What does she have that I “cool” feeling to be back. don’t? Bangs? “It’s really nice to see how Colum- Although they are col- bus changes every time I come home. laborating in holy matrimo- I think it’s much more dynamic and the ny, Samberg made it clear arts scene is better now; it feels like the two probably won’t be there’s better restaurants,” he said in singing in holy harmony. the interview. “It feels like the whole He believes her music and city has really come into its own in a Photo Courtesy of Facebook work are too “beautiful and “How I Met Your Mother” star and Columbus-native, Josh Radnor, was at the important” to be tainted by See RADNOR on Page 4A Ohio Union Sept. 23 for an event sponsored by the OUAB. his silliness. “We’ve talked about (collaborating). But we’ve decided ultimately that her Josh Radnor Trivia fans would probably kill me in my sleep,” Samberg told Eduction: Glamour in its September • Bexley High School class of 1992 issue. • , BA in Drama, 1996 I think Mumford & Sons • , Tisch School of the is breaking up with us. Arts, New York, MFA in Acting, 1999 “There won’t be any Awards: Mumford & Sons activities • Kenyon College, Trophy for the foreseeable future for his performance in “Sight Unseen” following Friday’s (Sept. • 2010 Audience 20) show,” keyboardist Ben Award for “” Lovett of the folk-meets- Fun Facts: bluegrass band told “Roll- • Writes Short Stories ing Stone.”

• Became Interested in acting in high Photo Courtesy of Following a bittersweet school after providing a friend with moral Josh Radnor (center) at the 2012 People’s Choice Awards year that left the band with support during an audition with fellow cast members: from left, , Cobie the Grammy for Album of Smulders, Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segal. the Year and bassist Ted

See POP on Page 3A ‘Everything goes better with Coca-Cola’ Ohio State art competition promotes sustainability and recycling Shannon Clary team was given 100 recycled Coke bottles campus,” she said. “It is a way for us to Lantern Reporter and four hours to create a sculpture. The raise awareness around our social com- wearable arts teams had to come up with mitment and the importance of recycling There are plenty of ways to create art- an outfit made of at least 50 percent recy- and just get students energized and excited work: paint, clay and cloth to name a few. cled materials and have it finished before about all the great things you can do to re- But participants in the Art of Recycling noon Wednesday. use materials.” Richmond was also on the competition created art using a less con- “Coca-Cola invited us to participate. panel of judges for the artwork. ventional medium. They approached us and saw if we wanted The art competition was all about hav- In an effort to promote sustainability to partner,” said Carlos Lugo, the program ing fun while teaching sustainability hab- and recycling at Ohio State, Coca-Cola manager of Energy Management and Sus- its to students, said Tom Reeves, the direc- and the Office of Student Life held the tainability in the Office of Student Life. tor of Energy and Sustainability at OSU. competition Wednesday from noon to 4 Jennifer Richmond, the regional com- “The Office of Student Life wants to p.m. on the RPAC plaza, where contes- munications director at Coca-Cola, said give students education for citizenship. tants made art from recycled materials. a long-standing relationship with OSU Sustainability is all about figuring out Photo Credit Kalika Litwin Ten teams participated in two catego- prompted their interest in bringing the ways we can keep living and growing The winning sulpture at the Art of Recycling ries at the event — freestanding and wear- event to campus. in our current culture without damaging competition Wednesday went to The Sports able. “This was something our Ohio team and Wellness Scholars. For the freestanding art category, each thought was really important to bring to See RECYCLE on Page 3A