774 WIL . LKELLY'S- Williams Albion Graham, The Limes, Winter Lieut.-Col. Henry Burton, The Woodward Edward Robert, 8 Grove Kenninghall, Lodge, Drayton, avenue, St. Stephen's road, Norwich Williams Arthur, u6 Hall road, New Winter Rev. George Robert llr.A. Rec- Woodwark George Smith, Croyland, Lakenham, Norwich tory, Welborne, East Dcreham The Chase, Lynn · · Williams Charles, 48 Prince of Wales WinterAlfredJohn,Sydney ho. WooffindinJn. Sculthorpe rd. road, Norwich Winter A.87 West Pottergate st.Norwich Woolbright Alfred Robert James, 82 & Williams Henry Griffith, 8o Norwich rd. Winter George,r 17 rd.Norwich 84 West Pottergate street, Norwich New Walsoken, Wisbech Winter Fredk. Wereham, Stoke Ferry Woolley Rev. J. William M.A. The Vicat- Williams J. A. 44 Nelson rd.sth. Yarmth Winter Henry, I9 SouthEverard st.Lynn age, Hove ton St. John, Norwich Williams MisS,2CX)Northgates st. Yarmth Winter H. Gordon M. A. Cambs. Suttield Woolmer H. G. 46 rd.Norwich ·williams Mrs. 36 London road, Lynn Park school, WoolnoughW.26Caernarvon rd.Norwich ·williams Mrs. The Grange, Aylsham Winter James, r2 Uxford st. Norwich Woolsey ::\'lrs. 77 Thorpe road, Thorpe Williams W. H .. Foulsham, Ea. Derehm Winter James John, Heigbam house, hamlet, Norwich ·wmiams Wm. Thos. Exton's rd. Lynn Heigham road, Norwich Woolston Mrs. Ormesby St. Margaret, 'Williamson Geo. B. Croft's yard, Wells Winter John, rs Trinity street, Norwich Yarmouth Williamson Mrs.sAlexandrard.Norwich Winter Oliver, 2 Clarendon rd. Norwich Woolston Mrs. 14 York road, Yarmouth Williamson Mrs. 9 Havelock rd. Norwch WintcrOliverE.62Chapelfield rd.Norwch Wooh·erton C. Alexandra rd. Yarmouth Williamson Thomas, Gaywood, Lynn WinterT.gCorton rd.Hra..:ondale,Norwch Woolverton Frnk.S.Market pl.Swaffham Williment Jas. 61 Apsley rd. Yarmouth WinteringhamR. 18Havelock rd.Norwich Woolverton Ja.s. 25 Regent st. Yarmouth Willimont Alfred, Wells rd. Fakenham WintertonAlfred,8A,lllackfriars st.Lynn Woolverton Mrs. J. 68King st. Yarmouth Willimont H.R. White Horsest.Faknhm Wise Mrs. 90 London road, Lynn Wootton Joseph, Denver, Downbam Willins Miss, 7 Essex street, Norwich W1se Mrs. 34 South Everard st. Lynn Wootton Mrs. 114 London road, Lynn Willins Mrs. II The Crescent, Chapel- Wiseman Arthur, Martham house, Worby Robert, 30 Queen's rd. Norwich field, Norwich Martham, Yarmouth Wordingham Mrs.143Derehm.rd.Nrwch Willis Mrs. II Mount Pleasant, Gorles- Wiseman Miss, Hurnham Overy Staith, Wordingham Thomas, Cley, Dereham ton, Yarmouth Lynn Worlledge Edward William M.P. 10 Willis Mrs. Sonthwelllodge, Ipswich rd. WiskenHy. Thos. Britannia rd. Yarmouth Albert square, Yarmouth Norwich Witard Ephraim, Trafalgar house, Ayls- Worm Robert, Hully cottage, Stone Willis Reuben, road, ham road, Upper , Norwich road, Upper Hellesdon, Norwich , Norwich Withers Miss, Church street, llolt R.S. 0 i WorshipMrs. OrmesbySt.Michael, Y rmth Willmott Rev. John James, Vicarage, Withers Mrs. Heathside road, 'fhorpe Worsley Rev.AlgernonE.Loddon,Nrwch , Norwich hamlet, Norwich Wortley Rev. Robert Woods B.A. Vicar- Wills Miss, Thorpe, Norwich Withers Mrs. The Cot. ,Dereham age, , Swaffham Willmott George, 75 York st. Norwich Withers William Emms, 13 Bedford Wortley Henry, Methwold, Stoke Ferry Wilson Rev. Daniel Frederick M.A. I street, South Heigham, Norwich Wortley John, , Norwich Brunswick terrace, Cromer Withers William R. Nelson house, II WortleyMisses,,N.Walsham V\'ilson Rev. Herbert M.A. Rectory, Mu!- Paget road, Yarmouth Wortley Mrs. 47 llracondale, Norwich barton, Norwich Witt Harry, 6 Valinger's road, Lynn Wortley Roger James, Old hall, Wilson Rev. James M.A. St. Stephen's Witt Mrs. 36 Queen street, Lynn , Cromer vicarage, Brunswick road, Norwich Witton Mrs. , Lynn \"''orts Thomas, Sutton, Wilson Rev. Nathaniel, Vicarage, Ing- Wixstone Mrs.36 Kelson rd.sth. Yarmth Wragg Ellis, London road, Harleston ham, Stalham S. 0 Wodehouse Lord J.P. Witton park, North Wrake G. 143 Southtown rd. Yarmouth Wilson Rev. Wm. G. M.A., J.P. Rectory, Walsham Wrench Mrs. Bacton, North Walsham Forncett St. Peter, Long Stratton Wolfenden Rev. John Hadfield, 57 St. Wrigglesworth Rev. George, North Wilson Arthur Robert, King's Arms st. Pete/s road, Yarmouth Everard street, Lynn North Walsham Womack Mrs. North Lopham, Thetford Wright Rev. Henry M.A. Rectory, Thu.x- 'VilsonEdwin,srNewmarket rd.Norwich Womersley John, Clarence villa, Lower ton, Wilson John, 8 Portland street, Lynn Clarence rd. Thorpe hamlet, Norwich Wright Rev. Waiter Samuel M.A. Vicar- \Vilson J. R. r8 Aylsham rd. Norwich Womersley Joshua, 66 Thorpe road, age, New Catton, Norwich Wilson Joseph Henry, The Cedars, Ken- Thorpe hamlet, Norwich Wright .RernardD.Z.Coltishall, Norwich ninghall, Thetford Wood Col. Henry c. B. 95 Thorpe road, Wright Frank H. ro John st. Norwich \Vilson J. J. 39 Crown road, Yarmouth Thorpe hamlet, Norwich '\V right George, 26 Lowestoft road, 'Vilson Miss, 55 Newmarket rd.Norwich Wood Capt. Robert John, The Limes, Gorleston, Yarmouth Wilson Misses, Beech cottage, Swaffham llingham, Attleborough Wright Geo. Edward, Victoria rd. Diss 'Vilson Misses, Hillside, Ditchingham, WoodHev . .A.S. H.B.A.Frettnhm.Norwich Wright Henry G. Hlickling, Norwich Hungay Wood George Flower, Trafalgar house, \'\'right lsaac, Coltishall, Norwich '"~'ilson Mrs. IS Chapelfield rd. Norwich Parson's lane, Downharn Wright James Blomfield, Mile End bo. Wilson Mrs. 6 Denmark terrace, North WoodG.J.TheOakland,OldCattonNrwch Newmarket road, Norwich Walsbam Wood George '\Vm. 97 London rd. Lynn Wrigbt J. D.B.A.22Magdaleust.Norwich Wilson Mrs. Elvin ter. East Dereham Wood Jn. Watlington, Down ham Market Wright J.L.55 Southtown rd. Yarmouth \Vilson Mrs. 17 Havelock road, Norwich Wood .Mrs. l\lartham, Yarmouth Wright Jn. 42 Southtown rd. Yarmouth Wilson Mrs. 2 Providence street, Lynn Wood Robert, 2 union street, Lynn Wright John Franklin, Norwich street, Wilson Mrs. Quebec rd. East Dereham Woodcock Miss, 14 Trinity street, South East Dereham \\'ilson Mrs. 52 St.Henedict's st.Norwich Heigharn, Norwich WrightJ. H.Norwich rd.Nrth.Wahlham Wilson Mrs. 2r Tombland, Norwich WoodcockMrs.ThcOaks,Bressnghm.Diss WrightJ. W. I7 Nelson road,Yarmouth Vi'ilson 0. B. 47 Albion road, Yarmouth Wooden Richd. 74 South quay, Yarmth WrightMiss,33Mount Pleasant,Norwich Wilson StevensonM. W. Nelson st. Lynn Wooden T. Station vil. Hemsby,Yarmth Wright Miss, So Queen's road, Norwich Wilson Thomas, 4 St. Mark's terrace, WoodgerGeo.E.sBSonth qnay,Yarmouth Wright Miss, I St. Philip's rd. Norwich City road, :Kew Lakenham, Norwich Woodger NathanL.Euston rd. Yarmouth Wright Misses, Buxton, Norwich Wilson Wilfred E. H. 5 St. ·Mark's vils. Woodhouse Hond Jonathan,Heech lodge, Wright Mrs. Brookland house, Norwich City road, New Lakenham, Norwich· Unthanks ro,ld, Norwich road, Fakenham Wilson Wm. Beech gro. North Walshm Woodhouse B. G. 14 Grove rd. Norwich Wright Mrs. 88 Havelock rd. Yarmouth Wilson William, 3 Coslany st. Norwich WoodhouseG.Swiss cot. We. Winch,Lynn Wright Mrs. 25 High road, Southtown, Wilson William Frederick, Airedale hu. WoodhouseW.14Chapelfieldgdns.Nrwch Yarmouth Rosary road, Norwich Woodman Robert M. D. Ormesby St. Wright Mrs. Horstead, Norwich Wilton John, 28 Cambridge st, Norwich l\largaret, Yarmouth Wright Mrs. W. 5 Trafalgar rd. Yarmth Wilton Mrs. Church cottage, Winterton, Woodrow Jsph.24Unthanks rd.Norwich Wright R. D. C. 49 Earlham rd.Norwich Yarmouth Woodrow .Miss, 33 Park lane, Norwich WrightR.M.Nelson ho.,Nrwch Wimble Rev. Henry M.A. Grammar Wood row :Miss, 74 York rd. Yarmouth Wright T.xo Nelson rd.south, Yarmouth school, North Walsham Woods Rev. Edward Hurchell B. A. Chet- Wright T. ll. 10 llrunswick rd. Norwich Winder J. C. B. Old Market st. Thetford wynd house, Stalham Wright William, Ovington, Thetford Windham Fredk. Howe Lindsay Bacon, WoodsA.wEssex st.tith.Heighm.Nrwch Wright William:, Sly's farm, Ngrth The Hall, Hanworth, Norwich Wf'ods Alma, T lney St. Lawrence, Lynn Creake, Fakenham Windred A. 4 Trafalgar rd. Yarmouth WoodsChristphr. 15Camperdown, Yrmth Wright William Edward, West hall, Winearls W. G. Castleacre st. Swaffham Woods John, 16 Old Palace rd. Norwich Middleton, Lynn Winfield Fred. Chas.l\lain st.StokeFcrry Woods M:ss, Hethersett, Norwich Wright Wm. F. 2 Blackfriars st. Lynn Wintield James, , Norwich Woods Miss, 2 St.George's rd.Yarmouth Wright William Musket, 85 Thorpe rd. Wingfield Mrs. Mulbarton hall, Norwich Woods Mrs. 81 King street, Yarmouth Thorpe hamlet, Norwich Winkel John; 5 Dereham road, Norwich Woods Mrs. Rokeles hall, Watton Wrigley Rt. B. A. x8 Regent rd. Yarmouth Winkley Miss, Fairstead row,HoltR.S.O WoodsWm.Alf.r86Dereham rd.Norwich Wrinch Walter G. 3 Roydon road, Diss Winslow Geo.Edwd.99 London rd.Lynn WoodsWm.H.83Newmarket rd.Norwich Wroughton l''rederick W. Anson rood, Winter Rev. E. G. A.M.A.Nelsonst.Lynn Woodward B. 4 Trafalgal' sq. Yarmouth Southtown, Yarmouth •