Glasgow, 3rd October 2019.

Education, Skills and Early Years City Policy Committee.

Present: Richard Bell (Chair), Susan Aitken, Euan Blockley, Bill Butler, Graham Campbell, Christina Cannon, Malcolm Cunning, Stephen Curran, Elspeth Kerr, Aileen McKenzie (substitute for Anne McTaggart), Jon Molyneux, Margaret Morgan, Eva Murray, Anna Richardson and Soryia Siddique and Ms Alison McIntyre.

Also present: Chris Cunningham and Tony Curtis.

Apologies: Anne McTaggart and Ms Michel Woods.

Attending: D Brand (Clerk); M McKenna, Executive Director of Education Services; and F Ross (for the Chief Executive).

Consultation on the proposed entry criteria and catchment area(s) for Notre Dame High School (Ward 23) – Update noted etc.

1 With reference to the minutes of 14th March 2019 (Print 7, page 538) when the committee noted the undertaking of a consultation exercise on the entry criteria and catchment area for Notre Dame High School (Ward 23), there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Education Services providing an interim update on the consultation,

(1) advising

(a) that the statutory consultation process had commenced on 18th March 2019 and had closed on 26th May 2019, and that all responses to the consultation had been shared with Education ;

(b) of the 3 options in relation to the entrance criteria and catchment area, that had been considered during the consultation period, as detailed in the report;

(c) of the consultees who had been included in relation to the proposed changes, as detailed in the report;

(d) that 4,747 completed responses and 2,363 partial responses had been received, with a significant number of the partial responses not having indicated a choice of option and had therefore been discounted;

(e) of the overall validated responses for all 3 options, including comments made by respondents for each option, as detailed in the report; and

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU (f) that it was anticipated that the City Administration Committee would consider the response document in late November 2019, with the response paper being placed in the public domain at least 3 weeks prior to its consideration by the committee; and

(2) detailing in the appendix to the report, an analysis of the results for each of the 3 options.

After consideration, the committee noted the report and the timescales for a final response to the consultation to be published and submitted to the City Administration Committee for a decision.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU