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a. ,.:.,4 oxtu 4 kvhol.. . w 4# un TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 0F TH E COLONY A N9 PR OTECTORA TE 0F KENYX Pubhshed under the A utllonty of H Is Excellency tlze G overnor of the Colony aud Protectorate of K enya

V o1 X L- N O 43 N A IR O BI, A ugust 23, 1938 Pnce 50 Cents Remstered as a N ewspaper at tbe G P O Publlshkd every Tuesday


PAGE G ovt N otlce N o G o- A rrlvals, D epartures Appointm ents, etc 1108 Plodam atlons N os 71-2- The D lseases of A nlm als O rdlnance 1109 G ovt N otlce N o 641- The N atw e A uthorlty O rdlnance, lg37- A ppollAtm ent 1110 G ovt N otlces N os 642-4- The Trout Protectlon O rdlnanee 1928- 1n relatlon to Trout Flshlng on G ura, Thego and N orth C hania R tvers 1110 '> 645- The K enya D efence Force Ordlnance, 1937--Com m lsszons 1110 G ovt N otlces N os 646-8- 11:e Farm ers A sszstance O rdlnance, 1936- N otlficatlon of A dvances, and Stay O rde. 1111 G ovt N otlce N o 649- 771e Justlces of the Peace O rdlnance- A lngovntm ent 1111 'F 650- The K lng's A frlcan Rlfles Reserve of Oflk ers O rdlnance, 1927- A ppolnt- m ents 1111 >' 5: :5 651- The Local G overnm ent (D lstrlct Counclls) Ordlnance, 1928- Appo1ntment 1111 G eneral N otlces N os 1150-1190 1112


G OVERNMENT N oTlce N o 640 A R RIV A LS I X' R anu From Leave ('r on D ate of Leavm g D ate of D ate of A zzlval arflo l st A ppozntm ent E ngland E m barkatzon at M om basa

G G 5m 1th Clerk E ducabzon D opartm ent Leave 1st July, 1938 9th A ug 1938 IT G 'W atklns Glezk R egzstrar G eneral s D epartm ent 29th J'uly 1938 * f: D Grah m Asmstant (li ngmeel , P W D 13th M ay , 193% 2,8th June, 193% j' 13th Aug , 1939 1-1 W zlllams Clerk, Class 111, K U R & H ; 23rd July, 1938 :1 231d Jul) , 1938 9th Aug , 1938 J Dal Fore&m Han , Class 1, K U IR j 1 I29th July 1938 * 29th July, 1938

* Duzban 1 Bmsbane t Cape Town


N am e R ank On Leave or Term m atlon D ate of D eparture of A ppom tm ent L C Edv qrds Asmstant Agncultuzal Omcer l Leave 11th August, 1938 14 F Palethowpe Resldent Maglstrate l ,, M lss M 1 R hlnd M atzon M edTcal D epaztm ent I H E arnshav E dueatzon Off'ce,r t L eave przor t,o traz sfer to Stezra Leone J I-I Cram pton Clerk V etezm ary D epaztm ent Tueave 14th A ugust, 1938 P S A N ewhook D zstrict Loeo Supezm tendent Closs 11 (I K U R & 1-I ( ,, 10th August, 193/ -I T Lee Clerk Class I1I K U R d TI : ,, ,, A E TM, ohez P W T Class 1II K U 11 & 1-1 1 ,, 55r Inson Drzver If U R & H 1 ,,

R R() oAbtertson Dnver K U lt & I-I I1 , A avrm er Fow m rm , ç'lftss 1, K U Pv & H . IP w M arsh Fzrem an, Class 1, K U lt & I-I ,, ,, 1 ,,

A PPO IN TM EN T M SRVYN JAMES EVERSFIELD M ORGAN to be Resldent M aglsxvate, , w lth elect from the 6th A ugust, 1938

A DE V W A D E, Chtef Secretary

CO R RiG EN D U M G ovelnm ent N oace N o 605 appeallng on page 1005 of O ë clal G azette dated A ugust 2 1938- For The Reverend Father J Searle read The Reverettd Fathat J Serate A ugust 23, 1938 TH E O FFIC IA L G A ZET T'E 1109

C olony and Protectorate of 'renya

PROCLAMATION N o 71 TH E D ISEA SES OF AN IM A LS O RD IN A N CE qchapter 157 of the Revlsed A'tffflon, sectlon 4) M D TH E IN TERPRETA TION A N D G EN ERA L CLA U SES O R D IN A N CE (Chapter 1 oj the Revtsed Fï fltpzl, sectlon 13) G ovsluqwm x'r N o-rlcE N o 23 1 oir 1919

PROCLAMATION IN EXER CISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, l hel eby declare the area: defm ed ln the Schedule hereto to be lnfected w lth East Coast feNer, and 1 hereby declare the said areas shall be known as t%lnfected A reas'' for the purposes of Rules under the D lseases of Anm lals Ordm ance Proulam atlon N o 65, dated tlle 10*h day of July, 1935, ls hereby am ended accordlngly G w en under m y hand at K abete thls 17t11 day of A ugust, 1938 E J M ULLIG A N , A cttng D lrector of Fcfcplnlry Sermces SCH ED U LE

L R ol Other D escrlptlon Owner D zstrlct Date of Com m eneo- m ent of Quarantlne

L R Nos 5182/2, 5180 and Mrs Gascolgne, NortllNyezl 22nd J'uly, 1938 5106 P O N anytzkl L O Nos 656/5, 5241 and AV B Aubrey, Esq , Nakttrtl 3rd August, 1938 56l 5 P O Subukla L R N o 6942/R ,T B Phehps, Esq , P O Thom son's L alklpza lth A ugast, 1938 yu lls L O N os 6793, 6794, 6795, The M anager, N aktu'u 12th A ugust, 1938 6796 and 6797 Soysam bu Estate, P O Elmentelta !

PROCLAVATION N o 72 L R 1454/ 1, The M anager, Soba Rlver Estate, P O M uhoronl, K lsum u-l-ondlanl D lstrlct TH E D ISEA SES OF A N IM A LS OR D IN AN CE A nd f urthwl 1 hereby declale the followlng portlons (Chaptet 157 oj the Revlsed E dltlon, sectlon 4) of Proclam atlons to be revoked - V D That pol fton of Proclam atlon N o 48, dated the 15th TH E IN TERPRETA TIO N A N D G EN ERA L day of Juae, 1938, declarlng- CLA U SES O RD IN AN CE L R 2810, Captaln L B M urray, M aranla, P O (Chapter 1 ol S2r Revlsed Edltlon, sect'on 13) Tlm au, N 01th N yen D lstrlct, G ovsRxMim 'r N orlcE N 0 231 ol 1919 to be an lnfected area (Rlnderpest) Paocl- U U TION That poz tlon of Proelam atlon N o 59, dated the 13th IN EX ERCISE of the pow ers thexeunto enabllng m e, day of July, 1938, declarlng- 1 hereby declare the folloeung areas to be m fected areas L R N os 3387 and 3388, C N L Fernandes, Esq , for the purposes of the sald D lseases of A nlm als Ordln- P O M welga, N 01th N yen D lstrlct, an ce - - to be an lnfected area (Rlnderpest) RINDERPEST L R 6386, and an area of unallenated Crown Lands G lven undel m y hand at K abete, thls 17th day of known as Banyaban, G de P Colvlle, Esq , Larlak A ugtlst, 1938 Estate, R um uru+l, Lalklpla D lstnct L R 4608/R, G S Baker, Esq , Thom son's Falls E J M U LLIG AN , La'klpla D lstnct Actlng Dlrector oj Veterlnary A rwc:l 1110 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE TTE A ugust 23, 1938

G OVBRNMBNT N oRqcB N o 641 G OVERNMENT N oxlcB N o 644

TH E N A TIVE A U TH O RITY O R D IN A N CE, 1937 TH E TRO U T PR OTECTIO N O R D IN A N CE, 1928 U D (Sectlon 11) TH E IN TERPRETATIO N AN D GEN ERA L U D CLA U SES OR D IN AN CE TH E IN TER PR ETA TION A N D G EN ERA L (Choptel 1 oj the Revtsed AWI/It??;) CLA U SES O RD IN A N CE G OVERNMENT N ovricE N o 314 or 1937 (Chapto 1 oj the Revlscd Edltton, sectlon 13) A PPOINTMENT G OVERNMFNT N OTICB N o 602 oF 1928 IN EX ER CISE of the pow ers thereunto enabllng m e, N otlce l hereby axnpolnt the persons nam ed ln the Schedule ln R elatlon to Trout Flshm g m the N orth Chanla Rlver annexed hereto fo be O ë clal H eadm en for the areas narnzd theleln IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enablm g m e, N gong, R PED RA ZA , I hereby declare - 30th July, 1938 Officer tn Chalge, (1) That sectlon 2 of G overnment Notlce No 846 M tzçtzl D tstrtct of 1937 ls cancelled (2) That on the part of the N orth Chanla Rlver frorr SCH ED U LE M w anem a's Btldge upstream to the nottce-board m tht, Name j uxa W1th effeet lcumarks Folest R eselve there shall be no llm lt to the slze and 1 from num ber of trout that m ay be caught Further that on such part of the rlver any arwlliclal lure fitted w lth a M unema o1e t vIII N gong ; 26th M av, On slx m onths proba shabara '1 1938 - atzon w ce K ara g-a ole slngle hook m ay be used . saltaga deeeased ao I pom tedtvdo Govt Notl-ce (3) That on the part of the N orth Chanla Rlver from 1 -N,9oa g490 of zbth June, M wanenla's Brldge down-stream as far as trout have ! Itachacha o1e r V111 E sav etlj 26th M ay, 0n szx m onths proba penetlated no balt nor lure other than an artlficlal fly Teeka I 1938 tzon '&èce M tm ezza ole dressed on a slngle hook m ay be used Hhabaza m de Govern m ent N otwe N o 490 of 26th Jtm e, 1935 N alrobl This 18th day of A ugust, 1938 G OVBRNMENT N o'ncE N o 642 A T A R ITCH IE TH E TROU T PRO TECTIO N O RD IN A N CE, 1928 G am e W arden Lsechon 11) M D TH B IN TERPRETA TION A N D G EN ER AL CLA U SES O RD IN A N CE (Cllartet 1 oj the Remsed Edltlon, sectlon 13) G ovEax- x'r N o'ncE N o 645 G ovElkNMEx'r N OTICE N O 602 OF 1928 TH E K EN YA D EFEN CE FO RCE O R D IN AN CE, N otïce 1937 In R elatlon to Trout Flshing on the G ura Rlver SccTlox ColnivvosRs IN EX ER CISE of the pow ers thereunto enabllng m e, IN EX ERCISE of the pow ers conferred upon hlm by I hereby declare - sectlon 5 of the K enya D efence Force O rdlnance, 1937, 1 That sectlon 2 of G overnm ent N otlce N o 559 of H 1s Excellency the G overnor has been pleased to com - 1936 ls cancelled m lsslon the followlng gentlem en to be Sectlon Com - 2 That no balt nor lure other than an artlsclal fly m andels m the followlng D efence Force D lstrlcts - dressed on a slngle hook shall be used on the G ura M alol H P H l11, U asln G lshu D lstrlct, Rlvel througnout 1ts length Captaln 11 J Catto, M c , U asln G lshu D lstnct, N alrobl, C aptam H F M urrell, M B B , U asln G lshu D lstrlct, Thls 18th day of A ugust, 1938 J W N ewtom Esq , U asln G lshu D lstrlct, A T A R ITCH IE, P S H unt, Esq , M om basa D lstrlct, G am e JFJ? den V D Pollock, Esq , M om basa D lstrlct G OVERNMENT N o-lqcE N o 643 D V alcoe-cocks, Esq , M om basa D lstrlct, TH E TRO U T PR O FECTIO N O RD IN A N CE, 1928 Captaln J S W llllam s, M c , M om basa D lstrlct, (Sectlon 11) Captaln J L G lGard, M c , Llm uru D lstrlct, M S Ray, Esq , N alvasha D lstrlct, TH E IN TERPRETA iION A N D G EN ERAL R A M ccraa, Esq , N alvasna D jstllct, CLA U SES O RD IN A N CE (Chapter 1 oj f/std R ev'sed Edltlon, sectlon 13) Captaln 1- F Evans, z y' , Thlka D lstrlct, G OVCRNMENT N o-ncE N o 602 or 1928 Captaln J P H earle, Thlka D lstrlet, J C Everard, Esq , Thlka D lstrlct, N otlce ln Relatlon to Tlout Flshlng on the Thego Rlver Captaln W H R ltchle, Thlka D lstrlct IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby declare that G overnm ent N otlce N o 188 of By Com m and of H ls Excellency the G overnor 1935 ls eancelled N alrobl, N alrobl, Thls 13th day of A ugust, 1938 Thls 18th day of A ugust, 1938 A RITCH IE A rm V W A D E, A T , G am e W arden Chlef Seo etaty A ugust 23, 1938 THE O FFICIAL G A ZETTE 1111

G OVSRNMENT N orlcE N o 646 G ovepaqm x'r N oqqcE N o 649

TH E FA R M ERS A SSISTAN CE O RD IN AN CE, 1936 TH E JU STICES O F TH E PEA CE O RD IN A N CE APPOINTMBNT N OTIFICATION IN PU RSU A N CE of the powers conferred upon m e N O TICE zs hcrebl glven that the Farm ers Concllla- b; szctton 3 of thw Justlces of the Peace Ordlnance tlon Boald have approved an advance as under ln (Claapter 21 ot the Revlsed Edltton), 1, H enry Robert term s of the above-m entioned O rcanance - M oole Brooke-popham , K nlght G rand Cross of tha N anle - K ockum , S P L R oyal Vlctorlan O rder, K nlght Com rAander of the

ad 4dl ess .- Thlka lviost H onoulable Order of the Bath Com panlon of the A tnount - f 877 Afost D xstlngulshed Order of Salnt M lchael and Salnt G eorge, Com pam on of the D lstlngulshed Servlce Order, D ated at N alrobl thts 17th day of A ugust, 1938 upon whom H ls M alesty has been pleased to conter the A lr Force Cross, A lr Chlef M arshal ln H ls M ajesty's The Land and A grlcaltural Bank of K enla, Royal A 1r Force, G overnol and Com m ander-ln-chlef of the Colony and Protectolate of K enya, do hereby appolnt W llham A rthur M cclelland, Esqulre, M I c B , S TH O RN TO N , M I STRUCT E , M INST T , to be a Justlce Of the Peate for Secretary, the N akulu D lstllct, Rlft V alley Provlnce Sectetarles, The Falm ers Conclltatlon Boatd G lven under m y hand and the Oflklal Seal at N alrobl, thls 13th day of A ugust, 1938

R BROO K E-PO PH A M , G OVERNMBNT N tm cE N 0 647 Wlr Chlef M arshal, G overnor TH E FA R M ER S A SSISTA N CE ORD INA N CE, 1936

N OTIFICATION G ovsltxwtsx'r N olqcE N o 650 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Farm ers Concllla- tlon Board have approved an advance as undel m TH E K IN G 'S A FRICA N RIFLES RESER VE OF term s of the above-m entloned Ordm ance - OFFICERS O RD IN A N CE, 1927 N am e - Robert Evans N 0TIcE A ddress .--Eldolet TH E Szm etary of State for the Colonles, on the A llw unt - f 1,361 recom m endaaon of H ls Excellency the G ovelnol, has beun pleased to appolnt the followlng parsons to be D ated at N alrobl thls 18th day of August, 1938 cfticels of tne K lng's A frlcan 12 flzs R eserve of O G cers to serve to1 a further pellod of thlee years ln the rank The Land and A grlctiltural Bank of K enya, of 2nd Lletltenant w lth effect from the 1 1th June, 1938 - S TH O RN TO N , M r J R N lm m o Secretaly, M r C E C orbett Scctetattes, T/lc Fatnlets Conclltatton Boald M r A B Tannahlll

N alrobl, Thls 19th day of A ugust, 1938 G ovlawwfEx'r N on cE N o 648 A oE V W A D E, Chlej 5Tc tetary TH E FA R M ER S ASSISTAN CE OR D IN A N CE, 1936

STAY ORDER G OVERNMENT N ozucE N () 651 IN THE M ATTER OF 'r--L A PPLkCATION OF R OBERT EVANS, OF ELDOaET, UNDER THE AEOVE-NAMED ORDINANCE THE LOC XL GOVERN M EN T (D ISTRICT PU RSUAN T to the m oviszoqs ot sectlon 22. (1) of COUN CILS) ORD INANCE, 1928 the Farm ers A sslstance Ordm ance, 1936, nollce ls here- A ppo'NT?'EN1 by glven that the Stay O rder lssued ln respect of the IN EXERCISE ef tl7e povvel s conferred upon hlm pbove-nam ed appllcant's estate on the 13th day of by sectlon 119 of the Local Goxzernm ent (D lstnct Septem ber, 1937, and publlshed ln the Oë clal G azekte Counclls) Ordlnqnaz, 1928, H 1s Excellency the G overpol on the 21st day of Septem ber, 1937, G ovelnm ent N otlce has been pleased mo appal-zt the Rlght H onourable the No 716, ls hereby rerlewed, ln term s of sactlon 19 (t$ OJ Earl of Elroll to be a m elnber of the Sfandlng L epalt- the above Ordlnancz, lor a further penod of twelve m enta.l Com m ittee for Local G overnm ent ln R ural m onths from the 13th day of Septem ber, 1938 A reas D ated at N alrobl thls 17th day of A ugust, 1938 By Conlm and of H ls Excellency the C c vzrnor The Land and A grleultural Bank of K enya, N ailobl, 17th A ugust, 1938 S TH O RN TO N , A or V W A D E, Sectetaty, Secretal 1:.%, The Fatlners C'tpncl/dt7/ftl/l Botlrd Chlef kîdc/f/twy 1111 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTC August 23, 1938

G BNBRAL N oncE N o 1150 GBNERAL N o'rlcc N o 1153 UKAM BA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT TH F CO M PA N IES O RD IN A N CE, 1933 (Ordinance N o 62 of 1934) PU R SU AN T to sectlon 284, sub-sectton 5 of the N OTICE ls hereby glven that the next m eetlng of above 01 dlnancc,, lt ls heieb; notllied that tlae under- tlle U kam ba Ltquor Lleenslnç Com t w lll be held at m entloned C om pany has thls day been struck off the oflke of the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, M acnakos, on the Reg stel ol Com pam es pnd the Cem pany ls M onday, 14th N ovem ber, 1938, at 10 a na d,ssolved A l1 applzcatlons fol new llcences and confilm atlon of G ood H ope, Llm lted transfels of llcenczs m ust teach the oflk e of the lx'alrooI, D lstnct Com m lssloner , M achakos, on ol before the 17th A ugust, 1938 25th of Septem bel , 1938, together wlth Sh 10 stam p fee on each appllcatlon L R FISH ER, fot Reglstral // Compantes M achakos, 18th August, 1938 G ENERAL N oTlcs N o 1154 A N BA ILW A RD , Chtul r?'lla, TH E CO M PA N IES O RD IN A N CE, 1933 U ka nba fa/tytftp? Llcenslng Court PU R SU A N T to sectlon 284, sub-sectlon 3 of the above O rdlnanee, lt ls hereby notlhed that at the ex- plratlon of three m onths from date hezeof , the nam es of the underm enf loned C om panles wlil , unless cause be sho An to the contraly, be struck off the R eglster of G ENSR/L N o'rlcE N o 1151 Com panles, and tne Com panles w lll be dlssolved - 1 K enya Bazaars, Llm lted NA KU RU LIQUOR LICEN SJN G CGU RT (Ordlhance N o 62 oj 1934) 2 Lake Edward, Llm lted N O TTCE Is hereby glven that the next m eetlng of the N airobl, N akuru Llquoz Llcenslng Coult w l11 be held at the 231d A ugust, 1938 olxce of the D lstllct Com m lssloncr N akuru, on , L R FISH ER , M onday the 14th N oNelrber, 1938, at 10 a m A ll agplbcatlons fol new llquol llcences and conlirm a- for Regtstlar of C'tpnyptzn/u: t'on of transfers of licences m ust l each thls oflice on or befole the 25th Septem bel, 1938, together w lth G /NSPAI- N olncc N o 1155 Sh 10 stam p fee on each applicatlon TH E CO M PA N IES O RD IN AN CE , 1933

N akuru, PU R SU AN T to sectlon 284, sub-seetlon 4 of the above O ldlnance, tt ls hereby nottlied that at the ex 17th A ugust, 1938 - pllatlon of th-ez m onths from date hereof, the nam e of the undezm entloned Com pany w l11 J G H RO SS, , unless cause be shown to the eontraïy, be struck ofl the R eglster of

Chattm al', Com panles, and the Com pany w11l be dlssolved - N'tz/vurof Ltquor Llcenslng CWN? t Lolgorlen G old Flelds, Llm lted N alrobl, 231-d A ugust, 1938 G Exclu t, N orncc N o 1152 L R FISH ER , jor Rc cyfrt'r oî Ct//zlpt/?ilcl K IKU YU LIQUOR LICEN SING COURT (Oidlnance No 62 oj 1934) N OTICE s hereby glven that the next m eetlng of the G ISNITJtAC N tm cs N o 1156 K lkuyu Llquor Licenslng Cozlrt w,11 be held at the oflice of the D lstrlct Com m laslonei TH E TRA D E M A RK S O RD IN A N CE , N orth N yerl, on , 1930 M onday the 14th N ovem ber, 1938, at 10 o'clock ln the TPADE M ARK RENEw ED forenoon A 11 new and conûrm atlon of transfez appllca TzadelAdvertlsed 1nl Llo ns M alk the Ofllclal X anle of A ppllcant Cl m ust reach thls om ce on or befarc 25th Septem bel N um b asq 1938 , w r Gazette , together w ltlt Sh 10 stam p fee on each apphca- tlon 1 26 l l 1924 Lzfe savezs co N orth N yerl, 1040 j tlon rpora- 42 15th A ugust, 1938 N all obl,

D L M OR G A N , 18th A ugust, 1938 Chalrm all, L R FISH ER r lkuyff Liqtkot Llcenslng Ct)? , .4?f fot Regtstl ar of Tlade M arks A ugust 23, 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE 1113

G ENERAT. N olqcs N o 1157 G ENERAL N ou cE N o 1160

N OTICE TH E D ISTR ICT CO U N CIL O F N A K U RU IT ls notlsed for general lnform atlon that under the PREPARATION oF VOTBRS ROLL provlslons of sectlon 7 (1) of the Employment of Ser- IT ls notlfied for general lnform atlon that a new vanls Ordlnance, 1937, the followlng om cer has been Noters roll fo1 the area com prlsed m thln the bound- duly authorlzed by m e ln w rltm g to approve and attest arles of the N akuru D lstrlct Councll ls ln course of Forelgn Contracts of Servlce, m addttlon to the oG cers preparatlon detalled ln G eneral N otlce N o 829 of the 6#h June, 1938 - A copy of the exlstlng roll has been deposlted m the C ouncll O K ces and ls avallable for lnspectlon by the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, N alrobl D lstrlct publlc N alrobl, A ll pelsons whose nam es are not on the roll, but who Thls 1 1th day of A ugust, 1938 w lsh to be placed thereon, m ust subm lt an appllcatlon A oB V W A D E, for enrolm ent on the prescrlbed form , and a11 such Chlej Secretary appllcatlons m ust be com pleted and returned to m e not later than 12 p m on Saturday, 17th Septem ber, 1938, after whach date the roll wlll be closed G t:xElu ta N oTlcs N o 1158 Oë ces of the D lstrlct Councll, P O Box 138, N akuru, N O TICE 19th A ugust, 1938 TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the supply of the under- m entloned artlcles requlred by the Ethloplan Refugees J PA TRICK SO N , Cam p, lslolo - Reglstenng Olcer (1) 30,000 yards M arduf, (2) 6,000 blankets (approxlmate slze 48'/ x 76'3 Tenders should be ln respect of dehvery at N alrobl G ENERAL N on cE N o 1161 and should state the earllest date of deltvery Jf posslble, sam ples should be subm ltted N YA N ZA D ISTRICT CO U N CIL Tenders ln sealed envelopes m arked ftM lscellaneous TENDERS lvoR M oz'oR CAR Requlrem ents'' should reach thls oë ce not later than TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the supply of a second- 2 p m on Frlday the 26th A ugust, 1938 hand box-body m otor car- preferably of the llght The lowest or any tender w11l not necessarlly be dellvery or plck-up type- ln guaranteed condltlon and accepted com plete wlth a11 ordlnary equlpm ent The Treasuly, Full partlculars should be subm ltted to the under- N alrobl, slgned as soon as posslble, but not later than the 6th 16th A ugust, 1938 Septem ber, 1938 E J PETRIE, N o tender wl11 necessarlly be accepted Secretary, Central Tender Board K oru, 19th A ugust, 1938 EISD ELL COO PER, G ENERM Z N tm cs N 0 1159 Clerk-supermsor, N yanza D Iy/?/cl Councll N O TICE CypitEss TIMBER, K BRITA D ISTRICT TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the rlght to rem ove cypress G ENERAL N o'ncE N o 1162 trees felled as thlnnlngs and lylng ln plantations m the K erlta D lstrlct H IS M A JESTY 'S COU RT OF A PPEA L FOR The basls of tender w1ll be per cubtc foot of tlm ber EA STERN A FRICA quarter glrth m easurem ent under bark TH E next Sesslons of H ls M alesty's Court of A ppeal The trees, the m ld-dzam eters of whlch vat'y between for Eastern A fnca have been lixed to be holden at 4 lnches and 6 lnches, m ay be m spected by arrangem ent D ar es Salaam to com m ence on Tuesday the 18th day wlth the Forester K erlta Forest Statlon, P O Escarp- of O ctober, 1938, at 10 a m or as soon thereafter as m ent cases can be heard The successful tenderer wlll be requlred to begln To ensure appeals belng set down for hearlng at these rem oval at once and to have ûnlshed by 30th N ovem - Sesslons, m em oranda of appeal should be filed w lth ber, 1938 the R eglstrar, H M Suprem e Court of K enya, N alrobl, Sealed tenders m arked tr ypress, K enta'' wlll be o! wlth the D lstrlct R eglstrar, H M Suprem e Court of recelved by the underslgned up t1ll 12 noon on 3rd K enya, M om basa, not later than 17th day of Septem ber, Suptem ber, 1938 1938 The hlghest or any tender w ll1 not necessarlly be accepted N alrobl, N alrobl, 18th A ugust, 1938 19th A ugust, 1938 E O 'FA RRELL, J C R A M M ELL, R egtstrar, jor Conservator of Forests H M Court // Appeal for E .4 1114 THE O FFICIAL GA ZETTE A ugust 23a 1938

G ENERAL N oerlcE N o 1163 G ENERAT. N OTICB N o 1165

K EN Y A A N D U G A N D A RA ILW A Y S A N D TH E W A TER OR D IN A N CE, 1929 H A RBO U R S N o-rlcs oF A lalal-lcA-fqox FoR W ATER RIGHT TENOrRS roR H ARow ooos IN telm s of sec lon 27 of the W ater O ldlnance, 1929, IT ls notlfied for general lnfo m atlon that tenders notlce ls hereby glven that B S Chadha, of Lum bwa lnvlted through G eneral N otlce N o 842 of 14-6-38 for and K erlcho, hao filed two appllcaoons, w hlch were the supply of H ardwoods have baen accepted as fol- regisueled by the W ater Board on 9-8-38, for sanctlons to dlvert - lows - t1) Camphor logs, 90 tons The B E A Sawmllls, (t7) From tlae Klpchollet Rlver, at a pom t ln Lum bwa Townshlp, 18 cusecs (of which approxlmately Ltd , N alrobl 99 per cent wlll be retuined to the rlver) for (2) Cam phor fhtches, 100 pleces The B E A Saw- the purpose of operatlng m llls on plot N o 2 m ltls, Ltd s N alrobl Lum bwa Townshlp (3) Cam phor cut tlm ber, 72 tons The E A Tlm ber The works m 1l conslst of a dam , and canal 750 feet Co-operatw e Soclety, Ltd , N alrobl long (4) M werl logs, 60 tons The E A Tlmber Co- A copy of the plan m ay be seen at the oë ce of the opzratlve Soclety, Ltd , N alrobl D lrector of Publtc W orks, N alrobl, and at the om ce of (5) M usharagl logs, 150 tons The E A Tlmber Co- the N yanza D lstrlct Councll, K oru operatlve Soclety, Ltd , N alrobl (:) From the Alnapslgorwet Rlver, at a polnt m (6) U ganda M ahogany logs- M unyam a, 250 tons, K erlcho Townshlp, 9 cusecs (of whlch approxl- M ufum bl, 100 tons The U ganda Tlm ber Sales, Ltd , mately 99 pe1 cent w1l1 be returned to the rlver) Jlnla for the purpose of operatm g m llls on Plot N o 4 (7) M vull cut tlmber, 310 tons The Uganda Tlm ber K erlcho Townshlp Sales, Ltd , Jlm a The w orks w1l1 conslst of a dam and canal N alrobl, A E H A M P, A copy of the plan m ay be seen at the oë ce of the 19th A ugust, 1938 A ctlng G eneral M anager, D lrectol of Publlc W orks, N alrobl, and at the oë ce of Aknytz and tJgt7?;#tz R atlw ays and H arbours the D lstllct Com m lssloner, K erlcho The applleatlons m ll subsequently be consldered for G ENERAL N olqcs N o 1164 W ater R lghts TH E W A TER O RD IN A N CE, 1929 A ny oblectlons to the grant of the W ater R lghts N OTICE OF A PPLICATION FOR W ATER R IGHT and/or Sanctlons applled for should be hled, m dupll- cate, wlth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, IN telm s of sectlon 27 of the W ater Ordlnance, 1929, w lthln slxty days trom the date of the lirst publlcatlon notlce ls hereby glven that M essrs M acaca, Ltd , of ot thls notlce, and a copy of the oblectlon m ust be N alrobl have filed three appllcatlons, whlch have been sen ed by the oblector on the underslgned at the reglstered by the W ater Board for Sanctlons, to dtvert address glven below from the Thererlka Rlver - B S CH A D H A, (J) At a polnt on L R N o 257/2 0 012 and 0 835 Appllcant or Lawjully A uthorlzed Agent cusecs (of whleh approxlm ately 0 668 cusecs wl11 P O Box 30, K ellcho be leturned to the rlver) for the purposes of dom estlc use and treatm ent of slsal fibre respect- G ENERAL N o-rlcE N o 1166 lvely on farm L R N o 257/2, The w orks wl1l conslst of a pum p and plpe TH E W A TER OR D IN A N CE, 1929 llne N o-rlcE or A PPLICATION l7oR W ATER RIGHT (b4 A t a polnt on L R N o 260, 0 0059 and 0 02 IN term s of sectlon 27 of the W ater O rdm ance, 1929, cusecs, for the purposes of dom estlc ttse and notlce ls hm eby given that H M orton, Esq , of Llm uru, m m or lrrlgation on L R N os 260 and 5000, has lled an apphcatlon, whlch w as reglstered by the The w orks wl11 conslst of a pum p and plpe W ater Board on 11-8-38 for a W ater Sanctlon, to llne dlvert from the R uaraka Rlvel at a polnt on L R N o (c) At a polnt on L R N o 260, 30 cusecs (of whlch 6868, 400 and 18,000 gallons per day (of whlch approxl- approxlm ately 100 per cent wll1 be returned to m ately 18,000 gallons per çlalr will be returned to the Ruaraka Rlver) for the purposes of dom estlc use anc' the rlver) for the purpose of power to operate powm to opelate a hydraullc ram respectlvely on L R a turblne, N o 6868 The w orks m ll conslst of a dam wlth dlrect lead to the power house Tha proposed wolks w1ll conslst of a welr, hydraullc ram and plpe llne Plans of the w orks m ay be seen at the ofllce of the D lrector of Publlc W orks, N alrobl A plan of the works m ay be seen at the oflice of the The appllcatlons w111 subsequently be consldered for D uector of Publlc W orks, N atrobl W ater Rlghts The apphcatlon wl11 subsequently be consldered for A ny oblectlons to the grant of the W ater R lghts a W ater R lght and /or Sanctlons applled for should be Eled, ln dupll- A ny oblectlons to the grant of the W ater R lght cate, wlth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, and/ol Sanctlon applled for should be filed, In dupll- wlthln slxty days from the date of the hrst publlcatlon cate, wlth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, of thls notlce, and a copy of the oblectlon m ust be wlth n slxty days flom the date of the first publlcatlon served by the objector on the understgned at the address of thls notlce, and a copy of the oblectlon m ust be glven below scxked by the oblector on the underslgned at the address STIRLIN G & SCORV , LTD , gçven below Lawfully A uthorlzed A gent, H ERBERT M O RTON , O vll Fnp ndcrl, Apphcant ol Lawfully Authorlzed Agent, P O Box 245, N alrobl P O Ltm uru A ugust 23, 1938 THE O FFICIAL G AZETTE 1115

GSNERAI- N ozucE N o 1167 98 per cent wl1l be returned to the rlver) for the purpose of operatlng m llls on Plot N o 1, TH E W A TER O R D IN A N CE, 1929 K erlcho Townshlp N olncs olz A pet-lcAvrlox lrolt W ATER RIGHT The works w 1ll conslst of a dam and canal IN term s of sectlon 27 of the W ater Ordlnance, 1929, A plan of the proposed works m ay be seen at the notlce ls hereby glven that M essrs V alabhadas A nandll Oflice of the D lreetor of Publlc W olks, N alrobl, and at and M rs M K H m e of K erlzho, have filed two apph- the Oflice of the D lsurlct C om m lsstoqer, K erlcho catlons whlch w ere reglstered by the W ater Board on The appllcatlon wl11 subsequently be consldered for 26-7-38 for Sanctlons, to dlvert - a W ater R lght (a) Flom the Alnapslgorwet Rlver and an un-named A ny oblect,ons to the glant of the W ater Rlght trlbutary at a polnt ln K erlcho Townshlp, 9 and/or Sanctlons applled for, should be filed, ln dupll- cusecs of norm al flow water and 18 cusecs of cate, wlth the W atel Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, qood water (of whlch approxlm ately 98 per cent wlthln slxty days from the date of the first publlcatlon w1ll be returned to the rlver) for the purpose of of thls notlce, and a copy of the oblectlon m ust be operatlng m llls on Plot N o 3, K erlcho Townshlp served by the oblector on the undelslgned at the The w orks w ll1 conslst of two dam s and a canal address glven below (b) n om the Klm ugu Rlver at a polnt m K erlcho D V AN AND JI, Townsnlp, 9 cusecs of norm al flow water and 18 Appllcant ot Lawfully Authorlzed Agent, cusecs of flood water (of whlch approxlm ately # O Box lh K erlcho

G ENERAL N oerlcs N o 1168

N ATIVE TR U ST FU N D R ECEIPTS AX D PAYM EN TS A CCOU N T FOR TTTR YEA R EN D ED 31sT DECEM BER , 1937 ( P'ttblz8h6d l'?z aocordance 'ttnfh tlte prowzgson.s o.f &SccJl@?z 9, Chaptsr 131, .ratz'dtw of ffk/lgcr )


Js'h cts JSW cts B alance on deposlt w lth G overnrnent of Am olm t placed on Flxed D eposlts w zth K en) a 59,840 35 B anks 109,781 00 General Cap tal Account 5,070 62 Collectlve Fm es (N F D ) Account 12,232 33 Trans N zola N atzve Tnbunal D eposzt A c- A bysslnzan Com pensatlon A ccount l24 85 colznt 1,500 00 N orth Pokom o Saka A ceotm t 542 09 U asln G lshu N atzveTrzbunal D eposlt A ccotm t 500 00 U aszn Gtshu M asal A ccount 1,909 80 F zxed D eposltq R ealzzed 109,781 00 B alance on D eposlt w lth G ovelnm ent of Collectlve Fm es (N F D ) Accotmt 16,769 58 K enya 72,580 28 N orth Pokom o Saka A ccotm t 240 00 U asm G lshu M asaz A ccotm t 3,468 80 TOTAL Sh 197,170 35 TOTA L Slt 197,170 35



Sh cfe i9lb clt9 CASH - Pokom o A ccount 113 23 O n D eposlt w lth Governm ent of K enya 72,580 28 G enelal Capltal A ccount 36,651 75 T rans N zola N atlve T rzbunal D epomt 1,558 93 ish cl8 (ii aznlne R ellef 6,353 ()0 On D eposzt w lth B anks 109,781 00 N olth Pokom o A ccount 758 50 On D eposlt m Post O ffice U asm G lslm M asa; A ecount 15,407 98 Savm gs B ank 15,000 00 Abà sslnlan Com pensatton A ccount 100,619 16 i 124,781 00 Collectzve Fm e (N F D ) Account 35,836 74 U asm G lslku N atlve Trtbunal D eposlt 500 00 A dvances A ccount B adges 438 01

T OTA L Slt 197,799 29 T O TA L Sh 197,799 29

C R L OCK H A R T , E xam lned C R L O CK H A R T, l ;7?6Jdlr60, A BR A GG, E B H O SK IN G , N azrobz, A 'ud%tot , l rrn,nues

231d. M ay, 1938 N alrobz W C AIITCH ELL, 1 1 16 Tl'lE OFFICIA L GA ZBTTE August 23> 1938

G ENERAL N olqcB N o 1169 Provlded that the balance of the pulchase m oney shall not be payable w lthm the tlm e stated or there- TH E N ATIVE LA N D S TRU ST O RD IN A N CE, 1930 after, unless and untll the Chlef N atlve Conm ussloner can present to the purcnaser the glant duly executed Y ALA Tow xsHlp Ptm s N otlce 7 lf the am ounts m entloned m C ondltlon N o 6 are not pald as thereln lald down w lthln seven days of a N OTICE ls hereby glven that grants ln respect of dem and belng m ade therefor, the Chlef N atlve Com - the plots at Y ala speclhed m the Schedule hereto, w 1l1 m lssloner m ay order the deposlt m ade by the purchaser be sold by auctlon at the oflice of the D lstilct Com - to be forfelted, and the purchaser shall have no further m lssioner, Central K avlrondo, K lsum u, on 24th Septem - clalm to the grant of the plot ber, 1938, com m enclng at 10 a m

Plans of the plots m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap (d9 General Oë ce attached to the Survey and R eglstratlon D w lslon, The G ovm nm ent or such person or authollty as N alrobl, and at the oflice of the D lstrlct Com m issloner, m ay be appolnted for the purpose shall have the rlght Centl al K avllondo, at K lsum u, or m ay be had on appll- to enter upon any plot and 1ay and have access to catlon to the D lrector of Surveys, P O Box 89 N alrobl, water m alns, sel&lce plpes, telegraph or telephone m res, on paym ent of Sh 3, post free and electrlc m alns of al1 descnptlons, whether overhead The rlght to w lthdraw any plot from the auctlon ls ol underground, and the grantees shall not erect any reserved to the Chlef N atlve Com m lssloner bulldlng ln such a way as to cover or lnterfere wlth any exlstdng Ioutes, m aln ol servlce plpes or the telegraph ln the following G enelal and Speclal Condltlons of or telephone wlres and electrlc m alns aforem entloned Sale tl-e term çW uthorlty'' m eans the D lstrlct Com m ls- sloner Centlal K avlrondo, or such other M unlclpal 2 N o bulldlng shall be erected on any plot unless A uthorlty as m ay be hereafter established by 1aw plans (lncludlng block plans showlng the posltton of the bulldmgs), dlawlngs, elevatlons and speciscatlons thereof shall have been prevlously approved by the CoxolTloxs orp SALB Authorll, and by the Provlnclal Com m lssloner, N yanza Provlnce, K lsum u, or such other person as he m ay (J) A uctton appolnt Such plans, etc , shall be subm ltted m trlpll- 1 Each plot wlll be auctloned separately cate, to the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, Central K avlrondo, K lsum u, for necessary actlon O ne copy of the plans 2 The am ount of the advance of each b1d w11l be m ust be dlawn or pllnted on llnen or llnen paper regulated by the auctloneer, and no blddlng shall be retracted 3 G rants w ll1 be sublect to the provlslons of the N atlve Lands Trust Ordm ance , 1930, and w11l be lssued 3 The hlghest bldder wl11 be the purchaser, but lf tmder the Reglstration of Tltles Ordlnance (Chapter any dlspute arlse as to any bld, the plot wl11 be reosered 142 of the Revlsed Edltlon) The term of the grants a' the last undlsputed b1d m ll be 33 years from the 1st day of O ctober , 1938 4 Each purchaser shall pay to the auctloneer lm m edl- ately on the fall of the ham m er, a deposlt of 25 per 4 The grantee shall not at any tlm e subdlvlde the cent of the purchase m oney In default of such pay- plot, or asslgn, sublet or otherwlse dlspose of the whole m ent, the plot m ay be lm m edlately reoFered for sale, or any portlon of the plot wlthout the prevlous w ntten and any subsequent bld by the person who has m ade consent of the N attve Lands Trttst Board default m ay be lgnored or refused 5 A ny bulldm g erected shall eonform to a bulldm g 5 Each purchaser shall on paym g the deposlt lnform llne declded upon by the A uthorlty the auctloneer of the nam e or nam es of the person or persons on whose behalf the plot ls purchased, the 6 V erandas m ay be erected wlthln a road reserve grant w all oe lssued ln accordance wlth thls m form atlon v 1th the plevlous conscnt of the A uthorlty and m ust conform to a bulldlng llne declded upon, by such 6 The balaqce of tlze purchase m oney, together wlth A uttzorlty the rent due to the 31st D ecem ber, 1938, shall be pald to the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, Central K avlrondo, at K lsum u (c) Speclal 1 The plo's m ay be uscd for buslness purposes only The survey fees, the fees payable for the preparatlon or for the com bm ed purposes of busm ess and resîdence, and reglstratlon of the grant (Sh 120) and the stamp duty payable m respect ol the grant, and al1 other Provlded that m the event of any plot belng used expenses, lf any, shall be pald to the D lrector of fo1 the sald com bm ed purposes, then not m ore than Surveys, N alrobl one-half of the area thereof shall be bullt upon , other- wlse not m ore than 90 per cent of the area thereof A l1 these am ounts shall be pald w lthln seven days of shall be bullt upon a dem and belng m ade therefor 2 ln no case shall the area of any plot used solely U pon the paym ent of the purchase prlce and the for busm ess purposes requlred to rem aln unbullt on bo other paym ents specdiied above belng duly m ade the less than 300 square feet or 10 per cent , , w hlchever ls pttrchaser shall, sublcct to the provlslons of the N atlve 1he greater, and the sald area shall be free from any Lands Trust O rdlnance, 1930, and to the Condltlons of erectloq theleon above the level of the ground except Sale havlng been com plled wlth, be entltled to a grant latllne accom m odatlon constructed ln aûcordance wlth of the plot, whlch grant snall be presented to h1m duly a1l laws and bv-laws ln force telatlng thereto a and ln executed as soon as convenlently m ay be accordancc w1th a deslgn approved bl the A uthorltl August 23, 1938 I'Hé OFFICIAL GA ZETTE 1117

Such open space shall be at the rear of the bulldlng, approved deslgn constrtlcted of stone, burnt bnck or and shall extend along the entlre w ldth of the bulldm g, conciete on proper foundatlons or for a dlstance of not less than 30 feet, whlchever shall be the less, and the dlstance across such open space 4 Af no tlme durlng the term of the grant shall any fl om every part of the bulldm g to the rear boundary plot or any portlon thereof, or any bulldlng erected on of the plot shall be not less than 10 feet the plot be used for the purpose of carrylng on any trade or buslness whlch has been or m ay be declared 3 Each purchaser of a plot shall ereet w ltlun two to be dangerous or ofenslve by notlce ln the Om clal years of the com m encem ent of h1s grant a bulldlng of G azette SCH ED U LE B vslwxgs PLoTs Plot N o Sectlon N o Area R ent per U pset Pnee Survey Proportlonate rerb A cres annum Fees fzom 1 28 to 31 12 .$8 Sh Slb Sà Sh 4 V I 0 l 286 l92 25 70 b V I 0 1331 192 25 70 3 III 0 l 286 192 25 70 -- 1 III 0 1286 l92 25 70 4 IV 0 128 6 l92 25 70 N alrobl, E B H CSK IN G , 13th A ugust, 1938 Clltef A atlve C om lm ssloner

G ENERAL N o'ncE N o 1170 9 The term of the grant wlll be 99 years from the 1st day of O ctober, 1938, and the grant w 1ll be lssued TH E CR OW N LA N D S O RD IN AN CE under the Reglstratlon of Tltles Ordlnance (Cap 142 W ap 140, Revlsed Edttlonj of the Revlsed Edltlon) TENDERS FoR G RANT OF PLOT, M OMBASA 10 The grantee shall not at any tlm e subdlvlde the TEN D ERS ale lnvlted for a grant of the Plot ln plot or asslgn, sublet or otherwise dlspose of any portlon M om basa speclûed ln the Schedule hereto of the plot wltnout the prevlous consent of the G over- 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at the Survey n or G flices, N alrobx or M om basa, or m ay be had on appll- 11 The grantee of the plot shall pay to the D lstrlct catlon to the D uector of Surveys, N alrobl, or the D ls- Surveyoi, M om basa, wlthln 7 days of the acceptance trlct Surveyor, M om basa, on paym ent of Sh 3, post of hls tender, 25 per cent of the purchase m oney, to- free gether wlth the rent due to the 31st D ecem ber, 1938 3 The grantee of the plot w111 be requlred to erect In default ot such paym ent the sale of the plot m ay on the plot wltm n 5 years from the com m encem ent of be cancelled the grant a bulldlng of approved deslgn constructed of stone, brlck or concrete on proper foundatlons 12 The balance of the purchase m oney shall be pald to the D lstnct Surveyor, M om basa The suzvey fees, 4 The plot m ay be used only for the purpose of an the tees payable for the preparatlon and reglstratlon of accom m odation garage or for other purposes ln con- the grant (Sh 120), and the stamp duty payable ln res- nexlon wlth a hotel, but shall under no clrcum stances pect of the grant (approxlm ately 2 per cent on the stand be used for a com m erclal garage plem lum and on the rent), and al1 other expenses, lf 5 N o bulldlng shall be elected on the plot unless any, shall be pald to the D lrector of Surveys, N alrobl plans (lncludlng block plan showlng the posltlon of A ll these am ounts shall be pald wlthln seven days of the bulldlngs), drawtngs, elevatlons and speclscatlons a request for palm ent belng m ade, w hen the grant ls thereof shall have been prevlously approved by the ready for executlon lf these am ounts be not pald Local A uthorlty and by the Com m lssloner of Lands, wlthln the tlm e stated the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay or such other person as he m ay appolnt Such plans, o-der the deposlt m ade by the grantee to be forfelted etc , shall be subm ltted ln trlpllcate to the Town Clerk, and the grantee shall have no f urther clalm to the grant M om basa, for necessary actlon of the plot 6 A ny bulldlng erected shall conform to a bulldm g 13 N o tender of less than the am ount stated ln the llne declded upon by the Local A uthorlty Schedule hereto w lll be consldered 7 A veranda naay be erected wlthln a road reserve wl'h the prevlous consent of the Local A uthorlty 14 Tenders, ln wrltlng, m ust be subm ltted to the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, M om basa, ln sealed envelopes 8 A t no tlm e dulm g the telm of 1he grant shall the m arked çiTender for Portlon of Plot 173'', on or before plot or any portlon thereof or any bulldlng erected the 21st day of Septem ber, 1938 thereon or be used for the purpose of carlp ng on any tlade or buslness whlch has been or m ay be declared 15 The hlghest or any tender wl11 not necessarlly to be offenslve by notlce ln the Oë clal G azette be accepted SCH ED U LE Plot N o Sectlon N o A rea R ent per M m nnum Tender Survev Ploportlonate rczlt A cres A nnum Stand Prem m m Fees 1 10 38 to 31 12 38 (aPPIOX ) Blï éW hk J$/z P ortzon of 173 X X I 1 0 80 4,000 220 200

N alrobl, C E M O RTIM ER, 14th A ugllst, 1938 A ctlng Ctpzz7/zlla-çltpr?c? jol Local Gtpvc?np?erl/, Lands and Sc/sdp?t /7/

* 1118 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE August 23, 1938

G lxl!lt.uv N orn cs N o 1171 Provlded that the balance of the purchase m oney shall not be payable wlthln the tlm e stated or theleafter, un- TH E CRO W N LAN D S O RD IN A N CE less and untll the Com m lssloner for Local G overnm ent, Lands and Settlem ent can pl esent to the p-xrchaser the (Chapter 140 oj the R evlsed F#lflt?nl grant duly executed K lBw lszl Tow xslup Ptao'rs N oRqcB 7 Sublect to the provlso contalned ln Condltloq N o N OTICE ls hereby glven that grants ln respect of 6, lf the am ounts thereln m entloned are not pald as the plots at K lbwezl speclfied m the Schedules hereto, thereln lald down wlthln seven days of a dem and belng wlll be sold by auctlon at the D lstrlct Com m lssloner's m ade therefor, the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay order O ë ce, N alrobl, on the 28th Septem ber, 1938, com - the deposlt m ade by the purchaser to be forfelted, m enclng at 11 a m and the purchaser shall have no further clalm to the grant of the plot Plans of the plots m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap O / ce attached to the Sulvey and Reglstratlon D m slon, (b4 General N alrobl, and at the oë ces of the D lstrlct Com m lssloners 1 The G overnm ent or such person or authorltv as at M achakos and N alrobl, or m ay be had on appllca- m ay be appolnted for the pulpose shali have the rlght tlon to the D lrector of Surveys on paym ent of Sh 2 to enter upon any plot and 1ay and have access to w ater post free m alns, servlce plpes, telegraph or telephone wlres, and electrlc m alns of a1l descnptlons whether overhead The rlght to wlthdraw any plot from the auctlon ls or underground, and the glantees shall not erect any reserved to the Com m lssloner of Lands bulldlng ln such a w ay as to cover ol lnterfere w lth any exlstlng routes, m aln or servlce plpes or the tele- Jn the followlng G eneral and Speclal C ondltlons of graph or telephone wlres and electrlc m alns atol e- Sale, the term lçA uthorlty'' m eans the D lstrlct Com - m entloned m lssloner, M achakos, or such other M unlclpal A uthorlty 2 N o bulldlng shall be erected on any plot unlebs as m ay be hereafter establlshed by 1aw plans (lncludm g block plans showlng the posltlon of the bulldlngs), drawlngs, elevatlons and speclficatlons C oxm lqoxs olv SM -E thereof shall have been prevzously approved by the A uthorlty, and by the Com m lssloner of Lands or such @ Auctton other pelson as he m ay appom t Such plans, etc , shall be subm ltted ln trlpllcate to the D lstrlct Com m ls- 1 Each plot w l1l be auctloned sepalately sloner, M achakos, for necessary actlon 2 The am ount of the advance of each b1d wl11 be regulated by the auctloneer, and no blddlng shall be 3 G rants w111 be m ade under the Clown Lands O ldlnance and tltles w111 be lssued under the Reglstra- retracted tlon of Tltles O ldlnance The term of the grants wlll 3 The hlghest bldder w lll be the purchaser, but lf be 25 years from the 1st day of October, 1938, sublect any dlspute arlse as to any bld, the plot m 1l be re- to extension to 99 years as provlded ln Spem al Con- offel ed at the last undlsputed bld dltlon N o 4 4 Each purchaser shall pay to the auctloneer 1m - 4 The grantee m ay at any tlm e durlng the cuzrency m edlately on the fall of the ham m er, a deposlt of 25. of the grant redeem up to three-quarters of the rent of per cent of tbe pulchase m oney In default of such the plot on the basls of tw enty years purchase paym ent, the plot m ay be lm m edlately re-olered for 5 The grartee shall not at any tlm e subdlvlde the sale, and any subsequent bld by the pelson who has plot, or asslgn, sublet or o herwlse dlspose of any m ade default m ay be lgnored or refused portloqs of the plot m thout the prm zous wntten con- sent of the G overnor Each purchaser shall on paylng the deposlt lnform the auctloneer of the nam e or nam es of the person 6 A ny bulldlng erected shall conform to a bulldlng or persons on whose behalf the plot ls purchased, the llne declded upon by the A uthorlty grant wl11 be lssued m accordance wltll thls lnform atlon 6 The balance of the purchase m oney, together wlth (c) Speclûl the rent due to the 31st D ecem ber, 1938, shall be pald Speclal Condltlons I?z respect ()/ Buslness Plots to the Land A sslstant, N alrobl 1 The plots enum erated ln the Schedule m ay be used for buslness purposes only, or for the com blned pul- The survey fees, the fees payable for the preparatlon poses of buslness and resldenze and reglstratjon of the grant (Sh 120) and the stam p duty payable ln respect of the grant, apploxlm ately 2 Provlded that ln the event of the plots belng used for pe1 cent on the stand m em lum and on the rent, and all the satd com blned purposes, then not m ore than one- other expenses, lf any, shall be pald to the D lrcctor half ol the alea thereof shall be bullt upon otherm se of Surveys, N alrobl not m o1 e tnan nlnety per cenL of tbe area thereof shall be bullt upon A l1 these am ounts shall be pald wlthln seven days of a dem and belng m ade therefor 2 In no case shall the area of any plot speclfied ln the Schedule used solely for busjness pulposes re- U pon such paym ents belng duly m ade, the purchaser qulred to rem aln unbullt on be less than 300 square shall, sublect to the provlslons of the Crown Lands feei, or 10 par cent of the area w hlchever shall be Ordlnance (Chapter 140, Revlsed Edltlon), and to the the gleater, and the sald area shall be free from any Condltlons of Sale havlng been eom plled wlth, be el ectlon theleon above the level of the ground except entltled to a grant of the plot, whlch grant shall be latl Ine accom m oaatlon constl ucted ln accofdance wlth presented to blm duly executed as soon as convenlently all law s and by-laws ln foJ ce I elatlqg the, 'zto and m m ay be accoldaace w tth a deslgn apploved by the Authol kty A ugust 23, 1938 :HE OFFICIAL GAZETTC 1119

Such open space shall be at the rear of the bulldlng, any plot, the grantee shall be entltled to an extenslon and shall extend along the entlre width of the bulldlng, of the term of the glant to 99 yeals from the 1st day or fol a dlstance of not less than 30 feet whlchever of O ctober, 1938 shall be the less, and the dlstance across such open space from every part of the bulldlng to the rear 5 A t no tlm e durlng the term of the grant shall any boundary of the pïot shall be not less than 10 feet plot or any portlon thereof, or any bulldlng erected on the plot be usad for the purpose of carrylng on any 3 Each purchaser of a plot shall erect w lthln tw o trade or buslness whlch has been or m ay be declared to years of the com m encem ent of hls grant a bulldlng of be dangerous ol olenslve by notlce ln the O iliclal approved design constructed of stone, burnt brlck, con- G azette crete, or w ood and lron on proper foundatlons 6 V erandas m ay be erected w lthln a road reserve 4 If at any tlm e during the term of the grant a m m n m th the pravlous consent of tlae A uthorlty, and m ust bulldlng of approved deslgn constructed of stone, burnt conform to a bulldlng llne declded upon by such brlck or concrete on proper foundatlons be erected on A uthorlty N alrobl, C E M O RTIM ER , 19th A ugust, 1938 Acting Com mlsstoner jor Local Governm ent, Lands and Settlem ent SCH ED U LE

Proportzonate r' Pset Annual R ent from lst survey Sectzon Plot A rea Pn ee R ent October to 31st soes N o N o A vreb o ecem ber, 1938 Sh Sh Sh Bh I 2 0 l l48 750 l20 30 70 I 3 0 1148 750 120 30 70 I 9 0 1 l 6 1 750 l20 30 70 11 2 0 1067 700 l08 27 70 11 4 0 1237 825 132 33 70 1.: 5 0 1226 825 132 33 70 11 6 0 1144 750 120 30 70 11 7 0 1135 750 l20 30 70

G ENERAL N oTlcE N o 1172 the north-east, but that lt appeared reluctant to enter or cross the M eru Forest O n the 13th A ugust, a LOC UST REPO RT, 18th A U G U ST, 1938 swarm was leported 17 m lles north-east of lslolo, THE A FRICAN M IGRATORY Locus'r m ovlng south R eports w ere recelved on the 12th A ugust of sw arm s ln the Sam buru country m ovlng east The last locust report dated 5th A ugust, 1938, referred to Islolo These sw arm s are probably those wh.ch are to swarm s ln the , K apengurla, Solal and now ln the Islolo m za SWarm s or par s of swarm s m ay K am asla areas and at a polnt 100 m lles north-aest of stiil rem am ln the Solai-t-aikim a reglon and elsewhere A rcher's Post and north of Barsalol Speclm ens from along the route from the north-w est to Islolo The m ost of these sw arm s have been exam lned and ln all paths followed by swarm s have m ostly been zn desert cases they are lm m ature speclm ens of the A frlcan country, wlth the exceptlon of Solal and Lalklpla, un 11 M lglatory Locust (Locvsta mlgratorla m lgratorlodes) the N orth N yarl farm s w ere reached The U asin Reports recelved slnce lndlcate that these swaj m s G lsht' and Fort H all dlstrlcts are reported to be free Inoved ln a south-easterly duectlon from the Loclwar- from locusts So far, llttle dam age to crops or pasture K apengurla llne of entry and ln a southzrly dlrectlon has been reported from Barsalol towards N orth N yerl, ti'le swarm s from K apengurla and Lodwar passlng through Solal, L al- lt ls not consldered that there ls an lm m edlate danger klpla and Sam buru The latest reports m dlcate that of egg-laylng ln any locallty A s no further reports m ost of these swalm s are now ln the lslolo-M eru- have been recelved of fresh lnvaslons fl om the north- Tlm au reglon N o reports of locusts ln Solal, Laiklpla w est lt ls hopad that, for the tlm e belng at least, the or Subukla have been lecelved slnce the 5th A ugust, lnvaslon has ceased lnform atlon whlch w1l1 state the except one, recelved on the 12th A ugust, of a sm all llkellhood ot contlnued anvaslon from the Sudan ls sw alm probably of stragglers, on the Subukla-taalklpla expected at any m om ent U nless a fresh ln&aslon com - escarpm ent N o flesh swarm s are reported to have pllcates the posltlon, lt should be posslble to cnsure the entered K enva R appears theleforea that a1I these destluctton of all eggs and hoppers from the swarm s locusts cam e ln flom the Sudan thlough the K aram aaa, no- ln K enya In order to tamlltate thls work, the that they proglessed ln a roughly south-easterly dllec- publlc ls agaln rem lnded of the urgency of reportlng tlon as far as the N orth N yerl and M eru dlstrlcts, and early the presence and m ovem ents of sw alm s to the that as tllele has been Ialn ln that area they a1e llkely A gllcultural D epartm ent Reports should alw ays be to lem aln there and to develop rapldly accom panled by speclm ens, sent In dry, room y con- talners to wlzpch alr has flee access, ln order to prevent The sltuatlon ln that alea ls glven m m ole detall the decom posltlon of the speclm ens below On the 11th A ugust, a swarm passed Islolo m ovlng south flom the north-west, clrcled and returned THE RED Locus'r to lslolo on the 12th August O n the 12th A ugust a N o sw arm s of thls specles have been lepol ted slncz swarm w as reported betw een M eru and lslolo, the the 14th July, when a swalm was known to have m oved dlrectlon of fllght was unceltaln, but was probably to- lnto the N andl D lstllft tl Om K lblgorl Vhat Swalm W as wards Tlm au A lepol t was J ecelved on the 17th lnfested w lxh w orm s and lt ls reasonable to antlclpate A ugust that thls sw arm was approachlng the N ol th that tlus lnfestatlon wl1l destroy lt bt-tole egg-laylng K enya tarm s on the M eru bordel, havm g com e trom com m en ces 1120 I'11E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE A ugust 23, 1938

G ENERAL N oTlcE N o 1 173

TH E TRAN SPOR T LICEN SIN G OR D INH CE, 1937 AX D TH E VEH ICLE S LICEN SIN G R EGU LATION S, 1938 A PPLICATIO N S A N D D EC ISION S N o 11 231* A ucvs'r, 1938 APPLICATION S- TIJe Llcenszng Authorlty ls not responslble for the contents of applzcatlons , lts responslbllzty ls confned to seezng that the nottces m thzs publlcatlon agree w lth the appltcatzons recezved These publlshed notlces w lll be the only notzee w hlch w 11l be p ven of these applzcatlons Thzs notlce as prm ted w 111 be zn aceordanco w lbh the paztlculars supplzed by the appllcants The orlgm al appllcatlons, w hlch zn som e cases gzve fullez detazls, can be lnspeeted at the ofllee of the Lleensmg Authorlty, c/o the Attorney General's Office, Natrobz, betw een the hours of 8 30 a m and 4 p m from M onday to F rlday and betw een the hom s of 8 30 a m and 12 noon on Saturday Any person w ho wlshes to obleet to the glant of any of the lteences apphed for m ust subm lt hls obzectlon, on the presembed fozqn, so as to reach the Tuleensm g A uthorzty not later than fourteen days from the date hereof A copy of every sueh oblectzon m ust be sent b, the oblector to the appllcant at the sam e tlm e as zt zs sont to the Lzeenslng A uthozzty The L lcensm g A uthorlty m ay at zts dlscretlon conslder obleettons, notw zthstandlng that they m ay not llave been recelved w lthm the prescrzbed perlod, but zt ls partzeularly requested that, so far as posslble, a11 oblectlons shall be m ade w lthm the prescrlbed pemod Coptes of the prescœtbed form of oblectton m ay be obtam ed from the Lteenqm g Authorlty, P O Box 112, N alrobl, the Centzal R evenue Ofhce, P O B ox 520, or from the D lstzzet Com m lsslonez, E ldoret, Istolo, K erzcho, K zslz, K lsum u. K ztale, Lam u, M achakos, M om basa, N akuru, N yerz, R um m utl

N o-ricBs Of? A PPLICATIONS RBcElvso FoR EW '' LlcENcEs TLB 762- G aitl Bros , P 0 K lam bu V ehlcle N o TLB 1126- N Juguna s/o M watl, c/o Baron Akerhlelm , T 1615 (1è tons) Carrlage of local pro- P O Box 330, N alrobl Vehlcle N o B duce betw een N genda M lsslon, Rulru, and 921 1 (11 tons) Carnage of m alze, char- K lam bu, Llm uru, Thlka, Fort H all and coal and other produce from the R eserve M achakos R ates 50 cents per ton m lle between R ulru and Thlka, R ulru-K lm ltl- TLB 542- W alganJo Klm anga, c/o D R Ghal and N alrobl R ates Sh 1 per bag from Sons, K lambu Vehlcle N o T 5972 (3 R ulru R eserve to N alrobl tons ) Carpage of local produce, sugar, TLB 1 l48- safarlland, Ltd , Sadler Street, N alrobl charcoal, fuel, etc , between N ganda V ehlcles N os T 4538, T 4748, T 4749, T M lsslon (Klam bu), and N alrobl, Thlka, 4750, T 4751, T 3688 (11 tons), and T 5410 Rulru, Fort H all, M achakos and Llm uru (1,680 lb ) For sajan purposes Rates 50 cents per ton m lle TLB 412- 17 P J Engelbrecht, P O K akam ega TLB ll4g- M oham edah Esall Bhallee, P O Box 642, Vehlcles Nos F 1903 (21 tons), T 5373 (1.) M om basa V ehlcles N os A 3416 and tons) and F 1753 (21 tons) Carrlage of A 2994 (2 tons) Calrlage of al1 classes of fuel, ore. ttm ber and m lm ng m atertals m goods fol the K urwltu Slsal Estate, Ltd , the K akam ega D lstrlct Rates 70 cents K lllfi, and for the publlc between M om - per ton m lle basa-lklsaunl-K lll: D lstrlct Rates Sh TLB 583- Zakar1a Chege and N duatl, Thlka V ehlcle 1 / 30 per ton mlle N o T 6253 (3 tons) Carrlage of wattle TLB ll8l- M kongo Benguzo, P O Box 508, M om - bark, fuel, m alze, charcoal and produce basa Vehlcle N o A 3742 (2 tons) Car- from Thlka to N alrobl, Thlka to Fort rlage of general m erchandlse from M om - H all, Thtka to Llm uru aad K iam bu basa to K ololtm and R ebe R ates 50 Rates 50 cents per ton m lle cents per 100 lb

N o-rlcEs oF A PPLICATIONS R ECEIVED FOR ffB33 LICENCES TLB 192- Shukla Bros , P O Box 616, N alrobl TLB 526- Sayed O m ar & Bros , K allado Vehlcles Vehlcle No A 2912 (2J tons) Carnage T 6912 (1 ton), T 4526 (2 tons), and T 6175 of thelr own goods as general m erchants (1 ton) Cartlage ot thelr own goods as and posho m lllers, and for h'le or rew ard general m erchants, and, for hlre or rew ard, genelal goods betw een N alrobl and a11 classes of goods as G overnm ent trans- K lam bu, and N alrobl-D agorettl-N gong- port agen4s and auctloneers from K allado K lkuyu-K abete R ates 75 cents per ton to Blssel, N am anga, A rusha and M agadl, >1le ln the Masal Dlstrlct and from Kallado TLB 26f- M eghJ1 Kanll, P O Box 11, Thlka to Laltokltok and Kallado to Nalrobl Vehlcle N o T 6352 (3 tons) Carrlage of Rates 50 cents per ton m lle faoads ln connexlon wlth hls own buslness, TLB Yfk-lanmohamed Umerdln, Nakol, P O Klsll and, for hjre or reward, agrlcultural pro- Vehlcle N o E 1148 (2 tons) Carrlage of duce such as cofee, slsal, m alze and h1s own goods ln connexlon with h1s posho countly produce from Thlka and farm s m lll, and, for hlre or reward, general goods wlthln a radlus of 60 m lles of Thlka to ln South K avllondo, Central K avlrondo N alrobi or nealest rallway statlon Rates and K erlcho D lstrlcts R ates 75 cents 50 cents par ton m lle per ton m lle August A3. 1938 'I'HE OFFICIAL GAZETTC 1121

APPLICATION S AND DECISION S- ICtM /J ) N OTICLS OF A PPLICATIONS RECBIW D rOR EGB'' LICENCES-VC/FI/J ) TLB 78- Ram Jl N atnu & Son, M achakos V ehlde TLB 1146- S P Downey, c/o Safarlland, P O Box N o T 2447 (2 tons) Carrlage of thelr 654, N alrobl Vehlcle N o T 4690 (1 ton) own goods as wholesale and retall traders, Used for sajatl pulposes ln K enya, Tan- and, for hlre or reward, natlve produce, gan) lka, U ganda and R hodesla and the foodstuss and trade goods from M achakos Yudan to N alrobu and ln the M achakos D lstrlct Rates 50 cents per ton m lle TLB llsb- M oham edall C N athoo, P O Box 130, M ombasa Vehlcle N o A 2071 (3,150 lb) TLB l8zt- lohn Boulton, Boulton's G arage N akuru Carrlage of goods ln connexlon wlth h1s Vehlcle N o C 929 (11. tons) Carrlage of own buslness, and, for hlre or reward, hjs own goods In connexlon w lth h1s copra, bananas, rlce and other country garage, and, for hlre or reward, general produce from K alolenl to M om basa and m erchandlse w lthln N akuru townshlp and wlthln 50 m lles radlus of K alolenl R ates N akuru D xstrlct R ates Sh 1 per package Sh 1 per m lle par lorry load (m lnlm um charge of Sh 5) m the townshlp TLB 259- Santl1al G V asanl, P O Thlka V ehlde TLB 1180- K D Patel & Co , P O Box 47, A rusha No A 3494 (3 tons) Carrlage ot stone Vehlcle N o B 9578 (3 tons) Carrlage of and sand ln connexlon wlth hls own goods ln connexlon wlth hls own buslness @ bus'ness, and, for hlre or reward, settlers' ln Tanganylka Terrltory pnd, for hlre or produce, natlve produce and m erchandlse rew ard, local produce and lm ported goods from Thlka to K ltul and K lbw ezl, and between N aliobl and N am anga and Tan- from Thlka to N alrobl R ates 40 to 50 ganylka border R ates 3 cents per lb l ccnts Per ton m lle TLB 1188- D ayalj1 Purshotam , P O Box 647, M om - TLB 4dj- lkhushl M ohamed, Vehlcles Nos basa Two 21 ton vehlcles (unreglstered) T 3588, T 3441 (2 tons), and T 5795 (2i Carrlage of goods ln connexlon w lth hls tons) Carnage of h1s own goods m con- own buslness as a storekeeper, and, fo1 nexlon wlth hls buslness, and, for hlre or hlre or reward, general m erchandlse and reward, natlve produce and lm ported goods country produce from M om basa to Tanga bctween N arok and N alrobl vla N gong, vla K wale Rates Sh 3 per 100 lb N alok and Lum bw a vla K erlcho, N arok and K lsum u v1a K lsll Rates 30 cents TLB 212- M D Purl & Sons M achakos (P O Box per ton m lle 872, Nalrobl) Vehacles Nos Q 63 and TLB 452- N ahaslaon K lnuthla Thlka Vehlcle N o Q 68 (3 tons) Carrlage of thelr own goods as grocers, cotton glnners and general T 6260 (3 tons) Carrlage of goods ln con- naxlon w lth hls own buslness, and, for m erchants ln M achakos D lstrlet, up to hlre or reward, wattle bark, fuel, cofee, K lbwezl for collectlon of seed cotton and m alze and produce between Thlka and wattle bark for glnnery and w attle bark N alrobl, Thlka and Llm uru, Thlka and factory at N zlu, and: for hlre or reward, Fort H all and K ltul Rates 50 cents per G overnm ent oë c a1s goods an( j parcels for olber m erchants between M achakos ton m lle and N alzobl R ates Sh 1 per m lle fgr TLB 1 138- E E H anm er, Eldolet Vehlcle N o F full lorry or 50 cents per ton m lle, and 50 1*02 (1J tons) Carrlage of goods ln con- cents per 100 lb betw een M achakos and nexlon w ifh h1s oœn buslness, and, for N alrobl for hlre or reward, farm produce, fuel, pnt'rram , ln Eldoret and yn Eldoret D lstrlct vuk Nzl-lamnadas Meghll Datanl, P O Sotlk w lthln a radlus of 50 m lles of Eldoret Vehlcle T 5793 (21 tons) Carrlage of R ates 50 cents per ton m lle goods ln connexlon wlth hls buslness as TLZ' 1 142- 8 R K apar, Lolgorlen Vehlcles N os a dealer ln natlve goods and country pro- > T 6786, T 6787, T 6788, T 6789 (3 tons) duce, and, for m re or reward, natlve goods Carrlage of goods ln connexlon m th hIs and country produce wlthln a radlus of own business as a shopkeeper, and, for 150 m lles of Sotlk, as follow s Sotlk to hlre or reward provislons, hquor, natlve K lsum u vla M arbol, K avlrondo D lstrlct, goods and country produce betw een Sotlk to Lum bwa Statlon vla K erlcho, Lolgorlen and N al-obl, Lolgorlen, K lsll Sotlk to Lolgorlen vla Chem elll, Sotlk to and K lsum u, Lolgorlen, M ohoru Bay and N alrobl v1a N gong, Sotlk to M asal M ara Rates 65 cents per ton m lle Reserve Rates 50 cents per ton m lle vu N oTlcBs oF A PPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR .a... Iucsxcss In all these cases the appllcant has been asked to sa bm lt Jlfr//lcr detalls TLB 355- Sald bln H em ed, P O Takaungu V ehlcle m erchandlse and produce M om basa to A 3561 (2i tons) Bags, dram s and general K lllndlnl Townsplp A rea Coastal D ls- cargo Takaungu to K lll1i and to M om - tllcts Rates Sh 4 per ton local transport basa Rates 50 cents per ton m lle (lneludlng loadlng and o/ oadlng charges), TLB x 4lg- H asham Saudln, K lsum u Vehlcle T 5434 Sh 2 per ton local transport (loadlng and J N (2J tons) General produce and a11 shop of oadlng charges by owners of goods), goods from K lsum u to N orth and Central Sh 1 per ton m lle for long dlstances K avlrondo Rates 80 cents per ton m lle (loaded) TLB 4S8- -farachand & Bros , P O Box 7, K lllndlnl N ote - v ehlcles A 2865 and A 2593 fall Vehlcles A 3081 (3 tons), A 3106 (21. tons), wlthln the provlslons of sectlon 12 of the A 2865 (1J tons), A 2593 (2 tons) General Transport Llcenslng Ordlnance, 1937 1 122 YHF. OF/ICIAL GAZETTE August 2), 19)8

A PPLICATION S AN D DECISION S- ICWn/J ) N o-rlcrs OF A PPLICATIONS RECBI vEo F()R 'W '' LlcExcEs- tctpnfl ) TLB 893'- M ot1 H aJ1, M alaklsl V ehlcles E 1220 TLB 768- J1wan1 & Co , P O Box N o 1, K lsum u and E 1103 (each 3 tons), E 1232 (21. tons) Vehiwle J 838 (3 tons) Retall tradm g and E 1038 (2 tons) Cotton, cotton bales, goocks and natlve produce between K lsum u cotton seeds, posho, sugar and general antl K ltale vla K akam ega and Broderjck m elchanelse From M alaklsl to K lsum u, l-alls and K lsum u to Busla v1a K akam ega Ettloret, M yanga, Busla, K akam ega and M um tas Alternattvely vta Y ala and y ltates 50 cen s per ton m lle M um las Rates 40 cents per ton m lle Tt.B 237- Lakham shl Lallla Tlllka V ehlcle T 2645 (2 tons) or new vehlcle ln replacem ent Tt,B 1 l8l- lagatsingh and V idyasagar, P O Box 653, thcreof Countzy produce and other N alrobl Vehlcle T 4928 (2 tons) Trans- dasses of goods Between Thlka and Fort port of bm ldlng m aterlals and fuel between H all and N alrobl, and wlthln a radlus of N alrobl, Llm uru, M aguga and D lstrlct 60 m lles of Tiuka R ates U sual The appllcant ls a transport contractor TLB 1667- 0 A Storm , P O Box 29, K akam ega carrylng prlnclpally fuel for fuel contrac- Vehlele E 1314 (3 tons) Ore, fuel, olls, tors from forests to the rallw ay statlon tlm ber, m achlnery, etc , for m lnlng Rates M lnlm um of Sh 7 / 50 per lorry pt'l roses W lthln the N yanza Provlnce load for 10 m lles, ot 40 cents per ton Rates not quoted m lle N oxlcv,s ov Aplwu cxllous RBcmvBo lxoa ECB'' LlcBxtms ln ull r/lcâ': cases the applkcant Jlc,s bcen asked to subm tt jurthet detatls TLB 1151- The Townshlp Store, N anyukl V ehlcles Ccntral Provlnce R ates Sh 1 per ton N os G 221 (1i tons) and T 6690 (2.j tons) m lle and 50 cents pe1 ton m lle for leturn Carrlage of goods ln connexlon wlth thell Journey own stoi e ln the N anyukl D lstrlct and from TLB 449- Bruno G rlgat, Turbo Three veh'cles, F N allobl Carrlage of goods for htre or 1830 (2 tonq), F 1757 (Q tons), and B 8437 rewald, wlthln a radlus of 20 m lles flom Carrlage of h1s own produee from h1s N anyukl, and to M eru and occaslonally farm to the rallw ay or K F A , and, for trom N alrobl R ates 75 cents per ton hlre or rew ard, farm produce, general m er- m lle chandlse, etc , m the U asln G lshu, Trans TLB 1 183- H asekla N ganga, Thlka V ehlcle T 3621 N zola and K lsum u D lstrlcts and ln the (3 tons) Carrlage for hlre or reward of m lnlng. area R ates 50 cents per ton natlve goods, countly produce, wattle bark, m lle etc , betw een Thlka-N alz obl, Thlka-Fozt TLB slzl- shah M ohanlal G lrdhar, K utu Vehlcle H all and M eru Rates 65 cents per ton A 3609 (3 tons) Carrlage of goods ln h. m lle eonnexlon wlth h1s buslness as a produce m erchant, and, ior m re or rew ard, local TLP 1185- G ulam H usseln M anll, Slo, P O Busla Vehlcles Nos A 3242 and E 2342 (each proïucz and other m elchandlse between K utu and Sagana, K utu and N airobl 3 tons) Carrlage of goods m connexton , and wlth hls own buslness, and, for hlre or K utu and M m u Rates 50 cents per ton rew ard, cotton and other txadlng com - m lle m odltles w ithln a radluq of 150 m lles of RLB 912- Said bln A hm ed, 14 O Broderlck Falls Slo Rates 50 cents per ton m lle Vehlcle J 245 (11. tons) Carrlage of goods m connexlon with hls own buslness, and, TLB 324- K esavJ1 Laxm ldas, Rum ulutl V ehlcle T for hlre or reward, hldes, m alze and 4359 (21 tons) For the carnage of goods general m erchandlse belw een Broderlck 'N . ln connexlon m th h,s buslness as a shop- Falls, K akam ega, K ltale, K am lllll, and keeper and, for htre or rew ald, from N orth K avlrondo Rates N ot quoted Rum urutl to M aralal, Elbarta, W am bu, TLB 951- Jushaf A bdulganl, G arlssa Thom son's Falls, Islolo, M oyale and Lam u , N F D Rates 50 cents per ton m lle Vehxte T 6G55 (21z. tons) Canlage of goods m connexlon wlth h1s own buslness TLB 342- / G Patel, Narok Stores, Narok Vehlcles and for lalre ot lcward wlthm the N orthera T 5520 (3 tons) and T 6697 (21 tons) Fzontter D lstr'ct R ates 75 cents per ton Carrlage of goods ln connexlon wlth h1s m lle own buslness as a storekeeper at N arok, TLB 1143- S G ethenll and R M aara G w aslro N ylj o, Lolgorlen and M oru, and, , K abete Vchicle T 2251 (11. tons) Carrlage of f or the carrkage of goods for hlre or goods ln connexlon wlth thell own buslness rew ard, l e pl ovlslons, natlve plece goods, as shopkeepels, and, for hlre ol l eward, country pvoduce, etc , betw een N arok, natw e goods and country prodt'ce between N alrobl, and N alek to Sotlk, Lolgorlert, K abete and N alrobl, K lam bu, and Fort K 1Si1, M ohoru Bay Pler, Tanganylka H alt D tstltc.t Rates 65 ctnts pe'r ton border Rates 65 cents per ton m lle m lle TLB 444V'- Devchand K Shah, Malsonl, P O Thlka TLB 1 144- K angor K athogo antl M ugunw e K abete Vehlcles A 3244 and T 5188 (each 3 tons) Vehlcle T 3457 (1-J tons) Calrlage of For the carriage of goods ln connexloq goods ln cofm exlon w lth theu own wlth hls own buslness aq a m erchant, and, buslncss, and, for hlre or revvard, of natlve for iure or 1 ew ard, of m erchandlse and plece goods and country rrodt'ce between loeal produce between M alsonl, N allobl, K abete and N all obl, K lam btl D lstnct and Thlka, Fort H all, M achakos, and ln the Thlka Rates 60 cents per ton m lle ytugust 23, 1938 I'HE OF/ICIAL GA ZVTTE 112)

APPLICATION S AN D DECISION S- ICWnrJ ) NolacEs olx APPLICATIONS RscluvBo FoR CCB'' LlcENcBs- tctpnf# ) TLB 970- K ala Slngh, P O Box 34, Eldoret V ehlcle TLB 7l6- G ulam husseln & A lllbhal, P O K lsll N o K 4799 (1J tons) For the carrlage Vehlcle E 1221 (3 tons) For the carrlage of goods ln connexlon wlth h1s buslness Of goods for or m connexton wlth thelr as a bulldlng contractor own buslness as shopkeepers, and for the , and for the carrlage, for hlre or reward, of bulldlng carrlage of posho, produce, shop goods an(j m lnjng m aterlals ln the South m aterlals, charcoal, sugar, etc , from u avlrondo D lstrlct 1 e K endu-K lslm Eldoret to K lsum u and K ltale Rates K jtere-H om a Bay-su, na-K adem -t -olgorlen Sh 1 /20 per m lle per lorry load Rates 60 cents per ton mlle

N OTtCES OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR ROAD SERNK B LICENCES TLB 212/B- M D Ptm & Sons, M achakos (P O seavlce twlce a w eek from M um las to Box 872, N alrobl) Vehlcles N os Q 53 Eidoret vla K akam ega, they are also used, and Q 58, each carrym g 30 passengers, when passengers are avallable, between and Q 63 carrylng 26 passengers These M um las-Bungom a, M um las-N am bare and Velllcles Carry passengers, general m er- M um las-Butei e R ates Passengers, chandlse and luggage of oflk lals M um las-Eldolets Sh 3, M um las-K aka- between M achakos and N alrobl Rates m ega, Sh 1 , K akam ega-Eldoret, Sh 2, Passengers, Sh 2, front seats, and Sh 1, M um las-Bungom a, Sh 1, M um las-N am - back seats G oods, Sh 1 per 100 lb bare, Sh 1, M um las-Btltere, 50 cents G oods, 80 cents per m lle loaded TLB 495/A- Go1dlie1ds Transport, Ltd , P O Box 21, K akam ega Vehlcle N o F 1172 Thls TLB 765/B- LalJl N anabhai & Co , P O Box 31, vehlcle carnes 25 passengers, and garage K erlcho Vehlcle N o T 4463 Thls requlrem ents, m alls, m erchandlsey vehlcle calrles 15 passengers and m lnlng m achlnery and fuel oll, and country produce, m elchandlse and m alls Operates On a regular servlce between on a regular servlce between K erlcho- K akam ega-K ltale-K akam ega, and a Lum bwa-K erlcho, and K erlcho-sotlk- regular dally servlce between K aka- K erlcho Rates Passengerq, Lum bwa- m ega-K lsum u-K akam ega, and w lthln a K erlcho, Sh 1, and K erlcho-sotlk, Sh radlus of 100 m lles of K akam ega 2, G oods, 50 cents per ton m lle R ates Passengers, K akam ega-K ltale, adults, Sh 2/ 50, m lnors, Sh 1 Kaka- TLB gl8- M oham edall Kassam , e/o K lsum u M otor m ega-Klsumu, adults, Sh 1 /50, m lnors, W orks, K lsum u V ehlcle N o E 1268 50 cents G oods, loads of 1 ton and Thls vehlcle cqn les 25 passengers and thelr over, 75 cents per ton m lle, under 1 ton, luggage ar'cl operates a regular servlce Sh 1 / 50 per 100 lb M lnlm um rate, between K lsum u and Busla, and K lsum u- 50 cents per package K akam ega-Broderlck Falls- R ates per head from K lsum u- TLB 288- TaJd1n K urll & M eghll, M um las, P O To Y ala, Sh 1 , Luanda, Sh 1 , Lela, K akam ega V ehlcles N os E 1236 and E Sh 1 , Rangala, Sh 2/ 50, N zoya, Sh 3, 1157 These vehlcles each carry 22 passen- Bam ala, Sh 3 / 50, M atayao, Sh 4, Busta, gers and general goods for retall and Sh 5, M aragoll, Sh 1, K akam ega, Sh 1, wholesale shops, and opelate a regular Broderlck Falls, Sh 4, K ltale, Sh 5

N o-rlcBs op A pa lcA-noxs REcBlvso FOR Excf-uslvs RoAo SERVICF LlcExcss TLB 5/A /4- Bus Selvlces, Ltd , P O Box 238, TLB 5/A ps- K enya Bus Servlces, Ltd , P O Box 388, N alrobl, apply for an Excluslve Llcence M om basa, apply for an Exdusive ln lespuct of vehlcles N os K B S 1, Llcence ln respect of vehlcles N os K B S 2, K B S 3, K B S 4, K B S 5, K B S 6, K B S 7, K B S 8, K B S 9, K B S 1, K B S 2, K B S 3, K B S 4, K B S 10 K B S 11 K B S 12, K B S K B S 5, K B S 6, K B S 7, K S B 8 13, K P S 14, K B S 15, K B S 16, These vehlcles are operatlng a passen- K B S 17 These vehlcles are operatlng ger-carrylng servlce ln the M unlclpallty a passenger-carl ylng servlce ln the of M om basa, under an Excluslve M um m pallty of N alrobl, under an Llcence glanted to the apphcant by the E xcluslve Llcence granted to the appll- M unlclpal Councyl of M om basa ln pur- cant by the M unlclpal Councll of suance of the powers conferred upon N all obI In pursuance ot the powers con- the Councll bv sectlon 34A of the Local ferred upon the Councll by sectlon 34A of the Local G ovelnfnent (M unlclpall Government (M unlclpalltles) Ordlnance tles) Ordlnance, 1928 The appllcatlon 1928 The appllcatlon ls for an Ex- ls for an Excluslve Llcence untll Jan- c uslve Llcence untll February, 1946, tlary, 1944, and, at the appllcant s and, at the appllcant's optlon, for a optlon, fol a turther pellod of 5 yeals furthel pe1 lod of 5 years 1124 A'IIE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1930

APPLICATIONS A ND DECISION S- ICWn/# ) NonncEs op APPLICATIONS RECEI= D FoR Ex CLUSIVE ROAD SERVICE LICENCBS- IC/NW ) TLB 5/A / l- lkenlza Bus Servlces, Ltd , P O Box 238, TLB 212/A- M D Purl & Sons, M achakos (or P O N alrobi, apply for an Exclusive Llcence Box 872, N alrobl), ln comunctlon with ln respect of vehlcles N os T 6477, r the K enya Bus Selvlces, Ltd , N alrobl, 6508 and T 6507 and four addltlonal apply for an Excluslve Llcence to vehlcles The first three vehlcles carry operate a regular servlce of 6 vehlcles 18 passengers and palcels, and are at between M achakos-N alrobl-M achakos present operatlng a regular servlce (3 vehlcles would be operated by each N alrobl--rhlka-N alrobl The addltlonal of the appllcants) The vehlcles would vehlcles would be Brltlsh bullt, equlpped be Brltlsh butlt, eqm pped wlth D lesel with D lesel englnes, and w ould be englnes, and w ould be capable of carry- capable ot calrylng 26-30 passengers lng from 24 to 26 passengers The fares and parcels The fares for passengers for passengers w ould be based on the would be 5 cents per m lle The appllca- rate of 5 cents per m lle bon ls for an Excluslve Llcence for TLB 366/A- Ramslngh Karajl, P O Box 647, M om -

10 years basa, applles for an Excluskve Llcence for 5 years for the carrlage of passen- The K enya Bus Servlces gers and thelr luggage betw een Llkonl , P O Box 238 N alrobt, apgly for the followlng aRnd Tlwl and between M om basa and Exc,l uslve Llcences for a perlod of 10 am lsl The m lnlm um servlce pro- years N um ber of vehlcles to operate vlded would be O ne vehlcle to run servlce N alrobl tw ,ce dally between M om basa and - D agorettl, 1 N alrobl- R Llm ulu am lsl, O ne vehlcle to run twlce dally , 2, N alrobl-lolam bu, 2, b N alrobl- K lkuyu, l , N alrobl-W estwood etween Llkonl and Tlwl The vehlcles Park 1, Spare vehicles, 4 would be Chevrolets or Fords construc- , ted to carry 30 passengers Ttle num ber of vehlcles would be augm ented and the The vehlcles would be Brltlsh bullt, servlce lncreased lf the traë c w arranted equlpped w lth D lesel englnes, and would such a course The rates to be charged be capable of carrylng from 24-26 w ould be Passengers, 25 cents for

passengers The fares for passengers every 5 m lles or part thereof , G oods, w ould be based on the rate of 5 cents 10 cents for every 5 m lles or pa3 t per m ile thereof G IINERAL N o'rlcE N o 1131 G EXERAL N orncs N o 1132 TH E W A TER O RD IN AN CE, 1929 TH E W A TER O RD IN AN CE, 1929 l4oTlcE or Apx lczklqox FoR W ATER RIGHTS N OTICE OF A PPLICM ION FOR W ATER RIGHT IN term s of section 27 of the V/aier O rdlnance, 1929, IN term s of sectlon 27 of the W ater O rdlnance, 1929, notlce ls hercby glven that the Exccutors of the estate notlce ls hereby glven that the K enya ancl U ganda R al1- of thc late R Edm ondson of N akuru have hled two ways and H arboars A dm lnlstratlon of N alroba, has apgl'catlons? whlch were reglstered by the W ater Boald filed an appllcatlon, whlch was reglstered by the W ater on 26'h July 1938, for Sanctlons to dlvelt from the Board on 3rd August, 1938, for a W atel Sanctlon to Olabanalta River - dlvert from the Sos'anl R lver at a polnt on L R N o (a) At a point on L R No 476/5/R, 4,250 and 799, 8,000 and 260 000 gallons per day (of whlch 16,000 gallons par day for the purposes of approxlm ately 258,000 gallons pe1 day w l11 be returned dom estlc use and rnlnor lrrlgatlon on L R N o to the Soslanl Rlver) for the purpose of steam ralsmg 476/5/R on rallw ays and power to operate a hydraullc ram res- The works wl1l conslst of a dam , and canal .l. m lle pzctlvely, at Tulbo R alleay Statlon long, The w olks w !11 conslst of a w elr, flum e, hydlaullc (b) A t a polnt on L R N o 3947, 4,200, 250, 2,500 ram and plpe llne and 5,000 gallons per day (of whlch approxl- Thls quantlty ls ln addltlon to the dlverslon of 20,000 m ately 4,000 gallons per day wl11 be returned to gallons per day authoazed by a pre-extstlng water the Olabanalta Rlver) for the purposes of perm lt dom estlc use, steam ralslng, slsal treatm ent and A plan of the wolks m ay be seen at the oë ce of the pulplng and w ashlng of cofïee respectlvely D lrector of Pubhc V orks, N glrobi, and at the oflke of The w orks wl11 conslst of a pum p and plpe lm e the U asln G lshu D lstrlct Councll, Eldoret A plan of the proposed works m ay be seen at the oflice of the D lrector of Publlc W orks, N alrobl, and at The appllcatlon w ll1 subsequently be consldered for #he oë ces of the N akuru D lstrlct Councll a W ater Rlght The appllcatlon wll1 subsequently be consldered for A ny oblectlons +o the grant of the W ater Rlght W ater Rlghts and/or Sanctlon applled for should be filed, ln dupll- A ny oblectlons to the gzant of the W ater R ights cate, w lth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, and / or Sanctlons applled f or should be filed, ln duph- wlthln slxty days flom the date of the first purllcatzon cate wlth the W atel Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, of lhls notlce, and a cogy of the oblectlon m ust be wlthln slxty days from the date of the first publlcatlon served by the oblector on the underslgned at the address of thls nollce, and a copy of the oblectlon m ust be glven below selved by the oblector on the underslgned at the address V B A TK IN SO N , glven below Achhg tDkIc/ Ehglncel, R N ED M ON D SON , Appllcant t7r Lawfull) Authorlzed Agent, Appl'l J?.f ol Lawjnlly A uthottzed Agent, K enya antl Uganda R allways crll H arbouts, K eltley, 0 1 Punyata, P O Box 19, N alrobl P O N akuru A ugust 23. 1938 TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 1125

G BNERM - N oaqcL N o 1047 7 Sublect to the provlso contalned ln Condltlon N o 6, lf the am ounts thereln m entloned are not pald as 'IH E CRO W N LAN D S O RD IN A N CE tllereln lald down w lthln seven days of a dem and bem g (Chapter 140 of the Revtsed Edttkon) m acle therefor, the C om m lssloner of Lands m av order the deposlt m ade by the purchaser to be forfelted, and Ttx o TRAOIXc) CBNTRE the pulchaszr shall have no further clalm to the grant A uctlon oj Bustness Plots of the plot N otlce N O TICE ls htreby glven that grants ln respect of the (b) Genetat plots at Turbo Tradlng Centre specl:ed ln the Schedule hereto, w11l be sold by auctyon at the D lstrlct Com m ls- 1 The G m ernm ent or such person or authonty as sloner s O flice, Eldoret, on Thutsday the 25th A ugust, m ay be appolnted for the purpose shall have the rlght 1938, at 10 a m to enter upon any plot and 1ay and have access to water m am s, servtce plpeg, telcgraph or telephone w tres Plans of the plots m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap , and electrlc m alns of a1l descrlptlons whether overhead O flsce attached to the Survey and R eglstratlon D lvlslon , , ol underground, and the grantees shall not erect any N aliobl, and at the Oflice of the D lstrtct Com m lsstoner bulldlpg m such a way as to cover or lnterfere wlth any at Eldoret, or m ay be had on appllcatlon to the D lrector exlstlng routes, m aln or servlcc plpes or the telegraph or of Surveys on paym ent of Sh 3, post free telephone wlres and electrlc m alns atorem entloned The nght to w ithdraw any plot trom the auchon ls reserved to the Com m lssloner of Lands 2 N o bullcung shall be erected on any plot unless plaas (mckudlng block plans showlng the posltlon of the In the followlng G eneral and Speclal Condltlons of bttlldlngs), drawlngs, elevatlons and speclficatlons there- Sale the term EçA uthorlty'' m eans the D lstrlct Com m ls- of shall have been prevlously approved by the A uthor- sloner, Eldoret, or such other A uthorlty as m ay be lty, and by the Com m lssloner of Lands ot such other hereaf ker establ'shed by 1aw person as he m av appolnt Such plans, etc , shall be subm ltted ln trlpllcate to the D lstrlct Com m lssloner Coxol'noxs or SALE Eldoret for necessary actlon , , (X A uct'on 3 G rants m ll be m ade under the C rown Lands Each plot w ill be auctloned separately Grdlnance (Cap 140), and tltles wl1l be Issued under 2 The am ount of the advance of each bld w111 be the Reglstratlon of Tltles O rdlnance The term of the regulated bq the auctloneer, and no blddlng shall be grants w 1l1 be for 25 yeals f! om the 1st day of Septem - retracted ber, 1938, sublcct to extenslon to 99 years as provlded ln Speclal Condltlon N o 4 of the Speclal Condltlons 3 The hlghest bldder w11l be the purchaser, but lf any dlspute arlse as to any bld, the plot w11l be reoFered at 4 The p antee m ay at any tlm e durlng the currency the last undlsputed bld of the grant redeem up to three-quarters of the rent of the plot on the basls of twenty years purchase 4 Each purchaser shall pay to the auctloneer lm m edl- ately oq the fall of Lhe ham m er, a deposlt of 25 per cent 5 The grantee shall not at any tlm e subdlvlde the

ot the parchase m oney In default of such paym ent the plot, or asslgn, sublet or otherw lse dlspose of any por- plot m ay be lm m edlately reoffered for sale, and any tlon of the plot wlthout the prevlous w rttten consent of subsequent b1d by the person w ho has m ade default the G overnor m ay be lgnored ol refused 6 A ny bulldlng erected shall conform to a bulldlng 5 Each pu1 chaser shall on paylng the deposlt lnform llne declded upon by the A uthorlty the auctloneel of the nam e or nam es of the person or pelsons on w hose behalf the plot ls purchased, the grant w tll be lssued m accordance w tth thls m form atlon (X Spcclal l Tlte plots m ay be used for buslness purposes only 6 Tbe balance of the purchase m oney, together wlth the rent due to the 31st D ecem ber , , 1938, shall be pald or for the com blned purposes of buslness and resldence to the Provlnclal Com m issloner, N akuru Provlded tllat in tPe event of the plots betng used for The survey fees, the fees pavable for the preparatlon the sald com blned purposes then not m ore than one- and legistratlon O#t tDe gl ant (sh 12(8, and the stamp half of the area thereof shall be bullt upon, otherwlse duty pa# able ln rcspect of the grant, approxlm ately 20 not m ore than nlnety per cent of the area thereof shall per cent on the ptlrchase prlce and on the rent, and a11 be bullt upon otner expcnses, lf any, shall be pald to the D lrector of Surveys, N alrobl 2 In no case shall the area of any plot used soldy for buslness purposes requlred to rem aln unbullt on be A ll the am ounts snall be pald wlthln seven days of a less than 300 squale feet, or 10 per cent of the area, delrand bem g m ade therefor whlchever shall be the greater, and the sald area shall U pon such paym ents belng duly m ade, the purchaser be free from any erectlon thereon above the level of shall, sublect to the provlslons of the Crown Lands the ground except latrine aceom m odatlon constructed Ordlnapce (Chapter 140, Revised Edttlon), and to the ln accordance wlth a1l laws and by-laws ln force relatlng Condltlons of Sale havlng been com plled w lth, be en- thereto, and m accoruaace wlth a deslgn approved by tltled to a grant of the plot, whlch grant shall be pre- the A uthorlty sentud to h1m duly executed, as soon as convenlently Such open space shall be at the rcar of the bulldlng m ay be , and shall extend along the entlre wldth of the bulldlng, Provided that the balance of the purchase m oney or for a dlstance of not less than 30 feet, whlchever s aall no- ba payabla w lthln the tlm e stated or thereafter, shall be the less, and the d'stance across such open unless and unttl the Com m lssloner of Lands can present srace from every part of the bulldlng to the rear bound- tr.l tba purcl-aszr tlae grant duly executed al y of the plo' shall be not less than 10 feet 1126 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZETTE A ugust 23, 1938

3 Each purchasel of a plot shall erect wlthln two 5 A t no tlm e durlng the term of the grant shall any years of the com m encem ent of hts glant a butldlng of plot or any portlon thereof , or any bulldm g erected on approved deslgn constructed of stone, burnt brlck, the plot be used for the purpose of calrylng on any concretç, or w ood and lron on p) opel foundatlons tlade or buslness w hlch has been or m ay be declared to be dangerous or osenslve by notlce ln the O ë clal 4 lf at any tjm e durlng the teI m of the grant a m aln G azatte bulldlng of approved deslgn constructed of stone, burnt brlck or concrete on proper foundatlons be erected on 6 V erandas m ay be erected w lthln a road reserve any plot, the grantee shall be entltled to an extenslon w l th the pravlot s coqsent of the A uthorlty, and m ust of the term ot the gi ant to 99 ycars from the 1st day of conform to a bulldlng llne declded upon by such Septem ber, 1938 A uthorlty

SCH ED U LE P lot N o Sectlon N o A rea U pset R ent per Proportlonate rent Survey Przce an nu m from 1 9 38 Fees to 31 12 38 Squqro y'f Bh zsà ct8 ff# cts Bh 1 11 4,800 177 23 50 1 83 70 2 11 5,û00 164 22 00 7 33 70 3 11 5,000 164 22 00 7 33 70 4 11 5,000 164 22 00 7 33 70 5 11 5,000 l64 22 00 7 33 70 6 11 5,000 l64 22 00 7 33 70 7 11 5,û00 164 25 0û 7 33 79 16 11 8,494 278 37 00 12 33 70 17 11 8,708 321 43 00 14 33 70 18 11 9,470 349 46 50 15 50 70 19 11 10,075 330 44 00 14 67 70 N alrobl, C E M O RTIM ER, 21st Jul/, 1938 Actlng Conïm tssloner Jor Local Governm ent, Lands Jn# Settlem ent

G FNERAL N on cE N o 841 SESSION S of H ls M alesty's Suprem e Court of K enya wl11 be held on the dates and r t the places hereunder set out durlng the year 1938 - SUPREME COURT SESSIONS AT N AKURU, 5-9-38 Cr C N o 113/35 Rex v.ç K aruga wa M uthal Cr C N o 79/38 Rex v.ç M athenge s/o M urlem ol SIJPREME COURT SEssloNs AT N AIROBI, 5-9-38 Cr C N o 82/38 Rex v.ç M ungola wa M ungele SUPREME COURT SBSSIONS AT ELDORET, 8-9-38 Cr C No 81 /38 Rex v.ç M aht arap Cheblegor Cr C N o 83/38 Rex v.ç K om en arap Chelal and 50 others SUPREME COURT SESSIONS AT K ISUMU, 12-9-38 In Cham berv - C C N o 20/37 Ghulam Fatma v.ç Gharlb Shah C C N o 30/ 35 Euvopean Stores, Ltd , v.ç J Slm pson SIJPREME COURT SEssloxs AT K AKAMEGA, 15-9-38 Cr C N o 76/38 Rex v,ç N aktare s/o W awlre Cr C No 84/38 Rex vl Atlta s/o Odundo SUPREME COURT SEssloxs AT N AKURU, 28-11-38 The last Sesslons at N akuru to be follow ed ln each case by Sesslons at Eldoret, K lsum u, and such other placcs as m ay be notlEed N alrobl. ED W A RD J O 'FA R RELL, 18th A ugust, 1938 R egtstrar, Suprem e Court oj Kenva A ugust 23, 1938 TH E OFFIG A L GA ZETTE 1127

G ENERAT, N o-rlcB N o 1112

TH E CR OMW LAN D S OR D IN AN CE Lchapter 140 o.f the .26111,$e8 EdIt%on,j A ppltcatlons foz tlle dlrect altenatton of the land noted m tlhe Schedulp hereunder have been recelved for conslderatlon T hls m tm latzon Is publtshed foz publzc lnfozm atton before a declslon zs gzven A tly renlalks on the appllcatzon or any counter clalm s for conszderatzon m ust be subm ztted to the tm derszgned before noon on W ednesday the 7th Septem ber, 1938 Plans of the areas m ay be seen m the Office of the D lrector of Surveys, N alrobl, or m ay be obtam ed from hzm on paym ent of Sh 3 eaeh post free N .xlnosl, C E M O R TIM E R , 5th A ugust, 1938 Actm g Commzsstoner for Local Gorernm ent, Lands and Settlem en,t

Area R ate R ent Survey L R N o Locallty Acres A ppllcant per per Fees (Approx ) Acre Armllm (Approx ) Sh cf8 Slt cfs Sh 2197/2/2/- Kztale (cz) 550 B Steyn (&) l 10 00 (d) 2174 Trans Nzola 408 (1) G C A M ore (z1) H M Bowker 25 00 81 60 ((f) M otm t E lgon adjom m g L R 5712 37 E M H yde Clarke (bj 10 00 (d) 2082 Trans Nzola (c) 2,363 G W Ulyate 18 00 472 60 (tf) H A D M artm 4098/3/- Tagabl Kerzeho 3 K enya Farm ers' Assoelatlon, Ltd (.J)400 00 80 00 (d) 1549/1), Longonot 2 ,660 R Hkggm s 5 00 532 00 (dj 1l 8889 ) Kedowa 9,943, ) R W Cobb 15 00 1l9e89 6e0: (tf) 5107 Ngoblt 2,007 (l) E C B Elhotb (1z) A L Randall 9 00 200 70 916 23945 Uaso Nylro 54,060360 ((11) RS RG FCallrlbffaorzrdn e Mephee and B Allen l 50 25301 350t 2396 Uaso N). zro 4,470 (z) R G Cllfïord l 50 223 50 r 2,574 2398 4,811 (11) R T R lntoul l 00 240 55 j 2879 N 0:th Nyerl (tz) 90 M rs M C M cDonogh 10 00 10 00 (#) 3190 North N y erz 2,000 W K B astard 2 50 100 00 916 2384 Uaso Nylro (W est) 2,449 (l) I N K Tomlznson (11) S R Fanbazrne M ephee and B Allen l 50 l22 45 996 2735) 2,143 (l) M B Randall and Kzng 2 00 l07 15 3213 / Nol th Nyerz 2, l 62 (11) R N Thompson l 25 l 08 10 1, 556 3214/ 2,291 j ,, jjy tyg 2737 2,474 2 00 l23 70 3215 N orth N yerl 2,474 L Slm pson l 25 123 70 1,636 3216 2,293 l 25 ll4 65 3220 North Nyerl 2,450 (1) L H ook (z) S R Fazrbaune M ( Phee and B Allen 1 50 l22 50 996 M ukogodo, E ast of L R 5162 6,000 R G Cltffozcl (e) 1 00 300 00 (d) M ukogodo W est of L R 2795 10,000 Af E Southey (c) l 00 500 00 (#) M ukogodo, N orth of L R 6374 10,000 A F Ayze (c) 1 ()0 500 00 (8) 2389 Matala Rzver, Lazklpza 4,623 G R P Phlhpp (5) 231 15 1,316 2392 Alatara Rlver, Lalkzpza 4,689 (1) (7 R P Phlllpp (11) R T Rmtoul (5) 234 45 1,344 2529 204 2527 160 3304 Matara Rzvel, Lalklpla 160 D A 5m 1th (6) 48 70 (tf) :305 145 3306 l45 2511 l60 2660 R tzm urutz 4,355 R F J'ennm gs 75 2l7 75 1,290 2382 R 'Am urutz 4,702 R F Jbnm ngs 75 23.5 10 1,316 2628/12/ South N dalagua 3l9 T P O 'Brlen 10 00 63 80 800 2628/5/1 Ndalagua 800 L E 5m 1th 8 00 40 00 (tf) 2628/5+ Ndaragua 801 G C Aggett 8 00 40 05 (#) 2628/6 Ndalagua 1,151 G C Aggett 8 00 57 55 930 l 547/2 Mau 1,269 (1) N W Ballmger (11) E T1 Crake 20 ()0 253 80 730 A cllolnlng L R 2662 S 'W Lake N alvasha ((z) 1 ,680 H A M urray l 50 336 00 (d) 2383 Uaso Narok (South) 2,490 S R Falrbalrne Mcphee and. B Allen (6) l24 50 996 2385 Uaso Nazok (South) 4,645 S R Fazrbazlne M cphee and B Allen fb) 232 25 1,316 3221 Uaso Nalok (South) 2,490 S R Falrbanne M cphee and B Allen (!)) l24 50 996 ) l . - . 1128 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE TTE A ugust 23, 1938


A rea R ate R ent Stzrvey L R N o Localtty Acres Appltcant per per Fees (Approx ) Acre Atm um (Approx )

g%h cts zs'h cta l/l 282/1 ). Thzka 1,065). (z) H Black 4 50 2l3 00 (d)

.J' 222 j (11) Anglo French Slsa 28728/23 Thlka 1,677 (z) Anglo Freneh Szsa jl joo ,, yutjtyjd 4 50 44 40 (zz) J D J Bothm a 4 50 335 40 (dj 279/1 Thxka 550 Anglo French Slsal Co , Ltd 5 00 1l0 0f) ((f) l2l8/R Em bakasz 1,813 G H Pedler 5 00 362 60 864 2357 ). Athl Rlver 2,175 ). A B Cooley 4 00 435 00 (#) 2712j 1,9607 4 00 392 00 2353 Athz Rzver 1,975 Pzet 5m 1th 5 00 395 00 (d) A dlom m g L R 1116, M akmdu l62 K huda Bux 8 00 32 40 (4)

(q) Subgect to sttrvey Lbj Pends assessment by Czown Land Valuatzon Board (c) Outspan to be exclsed from thls area (tf) Fees to bo assessed after stzrvey (c) Rate subleet to confirm atzon by Crown Land Valuatlon Board (./) Sh 400/00 ls the stand prem lum foz the whole plot

G ENBRAL N o'rtcE N o 1124 G ENERAL N oaqcs N o 1175

K EN YA A N D U G AN D A RA ILW A Y S A N D PRO BA TE AN D A D M IN ISTR ATIO N H A RBO U RS SIJPRBME COIJRT CAUSE N o 32 olë 1937 TENDERS FoR BRCAKING ANo STACKING BALLAST IN THIJ M ATTER olv W ILLIAM JAa4ES PEAKB, DLCEASSD TEN D ERS are lnvlted for breaklng and stacklng one To al1 whom lt m ay concern m llllon cublc feet of stone ballast, as follows - TA K E N O TICE that the account of the estate of 1,000,000 (one m llllon) from quarry at M lle 161 / 3 the above-nam ed W llllam Jam es Peake, deceased, has been lodged wlth the Reglstrar of the Suprem e Court at (Lugarl) N alrobl, and that he has appolnted the 14th day of The slte m ust be Nlewed by contlactors before tender- Septem ber, 1938, at 2 15 o'clolck ln the afternoon for lng passlng of such account M lnlm um rate of dellvery after 30th Septem ber, 1938, 120,000 per m ensem N alrobl, Full detalls, tender form s and speclm en contract 18th A ugust, 1938 form s m ay be obtalned on appllcatlon to the oë ce of L R FISH ER, the Chlef Englneer, K enya and U ganda R allways and jor Publlc Trustee H arbours, P O Box 79, N alrobl Tenders m scaled envelopes m arked tv ender for Stone Ballast'' m ust reach the Chalrm an of the Tender Board, K enya and U ganda Rallways and H arbours, G ENERAL N o'rlcE N o 1176 P O Box 570 N alroblp on or before noon, 24th A ugust, 1938 after w hlch tlm e and date no tenders wlll be con- IN H IS M AJESTY 'S SU PREM E COU RT O F K EN Y A sldered A T N A K U RU The low est oz' any tender need not necessarlly be PRO BATE AN D A D M IN ISTR ATION accepted CAUSE N o 2 or 1938 IN THE M ATTER oF N lcuol-As H EPPBS, oEcEAsEo A E H A M P, PU R SU A N T to an older of H ls M alesty's Suprem e A ctlng G eneral M anager Com t at N akuru dated the 2nd day of A prll, 1938, whereby probate of the w1l1 of the above-nam ed G BNBRAL N cyncB N o 1174 deceased was granted to A tbert H eppes of Rongat and Ivor Lean an advocate of H 1s M alesty s Suprem e Court PRO BA TE AN D A D M IN ISTRA TION of K enya SUPRLME COURT CAusE N o 80 OI7 1936 Take notlce that a1l persons havlng any clajm s IN THE M ATTER oF SHEIKH Bultlu x BlN A BDUL A zlz, agalnst the estate of the above-nam ed decepsed who DECEASBD dled at N akuru on the 22nd day of January, 1938, are To al1 whom lt m ay concern N requzred to lodge and prove thelr clalm s wlth the under- X J TA K E N OTICE that the accounts of the estate of slgned on or before the 7th day of Septem ber, 1938, the above-nam ed Shelkh Burhan bln A bdul A zlz, after whlch date the clalm s whlch have been so proved deceased, has been lodged wlth the R eglstrar of the will be pald and the esta'e dlstrlbuted accordlng to law Suplem e Court at N alrobl, and that he has appom ted the 14th day ot Septem bel , 1938, at 2 15 o'd ock m the D ated at N akuru thls 16th day of A ugust, 1938 aftel noon for passlng of such account CR ESSW ELL & LEA N , N alrobl, L R FISH ER, Advocates jot l/lc above-nanzed Executors 13th A ugt1st, 1938 jor Publlc 1 rustee Bulllngton H ouse, N akuru A ugust 23m 1938 YH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 1129

' G Exllltac N o'ncs N o 1177 G ENERAL N o'rlcE N O 1180


IN THE ACATTER OF SAFIXA BINTI AYOH&?WED, DECEASED IN THE A4ATTER OF - U rX AID e SJSQHa DECECSED To al1 whom lt may concern To al1 whom lt may concern / TAKE NOTICE that the account of the estate of TAKE NOTICE Lhat all persons havlng any clalms r' j the above-nam ed Saflya tnlnti M oham ed, deceaseda has agajnat the estate of the apove-nam ed U agar Slngh / X been lodged w lth the R egtstlak of the Suplem e Court w uo dled at N alrobl on the - - l th day ot Augtlst, 19-$8, ) ' at N alrobl, apd that )3e has appolnted the 14th day of are requued ïo pl ove suzh claim s betd, e-ror 'th'e 'tm der- yPr.-'' Septem bel, 1938, at 2 15 o'cioek ln the aftelnoon fol slgned on or befoze the 23rd day of O ctobel , 1938, z' passlng of such account after whlch date the clalm s so ploved w111 be pald, and ïhe esïate dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1aw . N alrobl, z 18th August, 1938 K N l t, R slsusu, ajlnlob la ugust, 1938 Ior Publlc Trustee - ) L R FISH E , / Ior Publlc Ttustee G ENERAI- N orlcs N o 1178

IN H IS M A JESTY 'S SU PREM E CO U R T OF K EN Y A AT M O M BA SA D ISTRICT R EG ISTR Y PR OBA TE A N D A D M IN ISTRA TIO N G BNERAT. N OTICE N O 1181 CAuss N o 40 or? 1938 tw'' N OTICE OF A PPLICATION FOR PROBATE OF THE W ILL OF CRO SATE AN D A D M IN ISTRATION P- FATUMA m x1'l M olow so BIN A t,l BlN SAAD, LATE OF pustlc TRgsTsE's CAUSE N O 58 OF 1938 M OMB&SA K ENYA PROTECTORATE, DECEASED 4 IN THE M ATTER Ol7 FATUMA BINTI BANSLIAN, DBCEASED . TA K E N O TICE that appl'catlon having been m ade -' 1, ..'e' ln thls Cou! t bylald kkn d l phamls Elmandrl y 'Tb a11 whom lt may concern - Vll.llt .- k p- -. of M om basa, K enya Plotectorat.e, trle - fb-le--cxecuvtor va u s x o-rlcE t tlat al1 persons havlng any clalm s bnam ed ln the w lll ot Fatum a blnd M oham ed bln A ll agalnst tjw estate of tne above-nam ed Fatum a blntl 1n Saad, deceaszd, 1or probate of the said w l1l ot the Baashan who dled at Slyu on the 15th day o f a p rjj, sald deceased late of M om basa aforesazd, wno dled at u V 1938, are requlred to prove such clalm s before m e t e anga on the 6th day of Jull , 1938, tnls Coul t w l11 p oceed to lssue the sam e t-nlcss cause be shown to the underslgned on ol oetore the) 23rd (j ay oj o ctober, 1938, after whlch czaLe the c ajm s so proved w1l1 be contraly and appearance ln thls respect entiled on or b pald, and the esvate dlstrlbuted accordm g to law efole the 7th day of Szptem ber, 1938

M om basa, N ajrobl , 16th A ugust, 1938 l9tk A ugust , 1938 J O 'B K ELLY , D 'strlct Regtst. q'z, L R FISH ER , H M uszfrrcnlc Coult oj ffdzl)?tz I0r #&DDC F?lflfdd N ote .--The w lll above m entloned ls now deposlted m Court and open to lpspectton durlng ol ce houls

G ENERAL N oTlcE N o 1182 G ENEIIM . N OTICE N O 1179 PRO BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTRA TIO N PRO BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR ATIO N pusclc 'rttusu s's C kusE N o 58 os 1938 ''e* '' SUPREME COURT CAUSE N O 56 OF 1938 l x THE ATATTBR oF FATUMA BINTI BAASHNN ; DECEASED IN THE M ATTER OF H ARIW TILLETL DECEASED '-v % To al1 whom lt m ay concern To all whom lt m ay concern TA K E N O IICE that tne aucount of the estate of TA K E N OTICE that on or after the 7th day of the above-nam ed H arry Tlllett deceased, has been Septem bel ) 1938, l lntend to apply to H M Suprem e lodged wlth the Reglstl ar of the Suprem e Court at C ourt of k enya at N alrobl fo1 ledels of adm lnls t rattoj,j N alrobl, and that he has appo'ntea the 14t11 day of to the estate of the above-nam ed Fatum a blntl Baashan Septem bm , 1938, at 2 15 o ' cwoek ln the afternoon for WhO dled at Slyu on the 15th day of A prll, 1938 passlng of such account N alrobl, N alrobl, 19th A ugust, 1938 18th A ugust, 1938 L R FISH ER , L R FISH ER , for Publlc Trustee Jtpr Publtc I'rustee 1130 'VHE OFFICIAL GAZETTE August 23, 1938

G ENBRM- N ovilcE N o 1183 G sxy,rokt, N ozqcs N o 1186

PR OBA TE AN D A D M IN ISTRA TION PRO BATE A N D A D M IN ISTRA TIO N M OMBASA Cârss N o 64 or 1938 SUPRLA'B COURT CxusB N o 73 or 1938 IN THE M ATTISR olz ALI RUSHEN, DECEASBD IN TH2, M ATTER OI? W ILLIAM W ILKINSON PLENDERLEITH, To a11 whom lt m ay concern oilcEAslm TA KE N O TICE that all persons havlng any clalm s To a1l whom lt m ay concern agalnst the estate of the above-nam ed A 11 Rushen who dled at M om basa on the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1937, TA K E N O TICE that the account of tne estate of are leqwlred to m ove such d alm s before m e the tm der- the above-nam ed W llllam W liklnson .P1enderle1th, slgned on or before the 17th day of O ctober, 1938, deceased, has been lodged wlth the R eglstrar of the a/ter wmch date the clalms so prgved w1ll b ey pa1 d.w and Suprem e Court at N alrobl, and that he has appolnted the estate dlstributed accordlng to 1aw '- -= the 14th day of Septem ber, 1938, at 2 15 o'clock m the afternoon for passlng of such account M om basa, ?' 17th A ugust, 1938 N alrobt, J B K ELLY , 18th A ugust, 1938 Ex-officlo Agent for Publlc D ustee L R FISH ER, G SNERAT. N tm cs N o 1184 for Publlc Trustee IN H IS M A JESTY 'S SU PRE M E CO U R T OF K EN Y A A T N A IROBI PRO BATE A N D A D M IN ISTRA TION CAIJSE N o 68 or 1938 G BNERAT, N o-ncE N o 1187 IN THc M ATTER oF THs ESTATB oF LIEUT -CoI, XVELLESLEY CATHCART H UTCHESON, DECEASED IN H 1S M A JESTY 'S SU PRE M E CO U RT OF K EN Y A PU R SU A N T to an order of H 1s M alesty's Suprem e A T N A IRO BI Court at N alrobl dated the 5th day of A ugust, 1938, whereby probate of the w 111 of the above-nam ed PR OBA TE A i%D A D M IN ISTRATION deceased was granted to Frank Cecll G eorge Stratton CAUSE N o 90 or 1938 Take notlce that all persons haw ng any clalm s agam st lx THE ESTATE OF RAYI:OND M EXANDER RElo LAw RY, the estate of the above-narned deceased, w ho dled at N yerl on the 18th day of M ay, 1938, are requlred to DECEASED lodge such clalm s w lth the undm slgned on or before the AND 30th day of Septem ber next, aftel whtch date the clalm s IN THE IWATTER OF AN A PPLICATION F0R RESBALING IN whlch have been adm ltted wl11 be pald and the estate 7HF COLONY AND PROTECTORATB 0F K BNYA, OF dlstrlbuted accordlng to law EXEMPLIFICATION OF PROBATE GRANTED ON 22ND FtB- RLARY, 1938, IN THE ESTATE OF THE ABOVB-NAG D D ated thls 15th day of A ugust, 1938 DECEASED BY THE SUPREX COURT OF N EW ZEALAND AT CHRISTCHURCH, CANTERBURY D ISY CT D ELA N Y & STR A TTO N , TA K E N OTICE that apphcatlon has been m ade to A dvocates for the obove-named Executor, thls Court by M essrs Cleeswell & Lean, A dvocates for P O Box 111, N atrobl Elnest W llllam W lllan, Farm M anager of Sabukla, m the Colony of K enya duly constltuted A ttorney of H elbelt Perclval Lawry of the Clty of W elllngton, N ew G ENERAL N o'rlcs N o 1185 Zealand, Stlpendlary M aglstrate, the survivlng Executor, fol reseal of exem phfkatlon of the probate granted to PRO BA TE AN D A D M IN ISTR ATION the sald Executor by the Suprem e Court of N ew SUPREME COURT C AUSE N O 70 OF 1938 Zealand, Canterbury D lstrlct, on 22nd day of February, 1938, of tlle w111 of Raym ond A le iander Reld Lawry of IN THE M ATTER OF H BLEN A NNA RUTHERFOORD, N akuru m the Colony of K enya the above-nam ed D ECBASBD deceased who dled at Chrlstchurch ln the dlstnct of To al1 whom lt m ay concern Cantelbuly, N ew Zealand, on the 20th day of January, TA K E N OTICE that the account of the estate of 1938, and tnat thls Court w lll proceed to order accord- the above-nam ed H elen A nna Rutherfoo-d, ceceased, lngly unless cause be shown to the contlary or appear- has been iodged wlth the Reglstlar of the Supiem e ance ln tlals respzct entered on or before the 8th day Court at N alrobl, and that he has appolnted the 14th of Septem ber, 1938 day of Septem ber, 1938, at 2 15 o'clock ln thf afternoon for passlng of such account D ated at N alrobl thls 17th day of A ugust, 1938 N atrobt, 18th August, 1938 ED W A RD J O FA RREL , L R FISH ER , R eglstrar, //? Publlc D ustee Suprem e Court (:/ Kenya A ugust 23, 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZET TE 1131

G BXERAL N o'ncB N o 1188 to H usem Sulem an of N yert, as set out tn the partlculars heleunder - TH E TR AD E M A RK S O RD IN A N CE, 1930 N ame (z?;J address 5/ transjetor - Bhlm J1 Sulem an A PPLICATION N o 2508 care of G abley Stores, N alrobl, form erly carry- lng on busaness m the ûrm nam e or style of M E G G E R ççBhlm li Sulem an'' #at N yerl N ante r'nJ adaless t7/ /?tz?7J/d? ee - H useln Sulem an TA K E N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstra- of N yerl ln the Colony of K enya tlon of the trade m ark shown above ln Class 8 m res- pac.t of electrlc testm g apparatus and sclentl'lk lnstru- The transferee ls taklng over the sald busm ess and m ents has been lodged by Evershed & Vlgnoles, Ltd , lntends to carry on the sam e under the sam e sald style of A c on Lane W orks, Chlswlck, London, W 4, England, or lirm of Bqlm ll Sulem an'' at the plem lses where electrlcal and m echanlcal englneers, whose address for the sam e has form erly been carrled on by the trans- service ln the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atklnson, Bown, felor The transferee ls assum lng all the llabllltles M orrlson & A lnslle, A dvocates, P O Box 29, M om basa lncurred ln the sald buslness by the transferor, and ls The sald trade m ark w 1l1 be reglstered after the ex- also taklng over a11 the assets and outstandlngs of the plratlon of nlnety days from the date of thls G azette, sald buslness up to and lncludlng the 15th day of provlded no notlce of opposltlon ls recelved A ugust 1938 N alrobl, Dateb this 15th day of August. 1938 18th A ugust, 1938 L R FISH ER, BH IM JI SU LEM AN , jol Reglstrar // Trade M alks Transferor Slgned by the sald transferor ln the presence of- G ENEaAT, N o-rlcE N o 1189 Q N Khanna, A dvocate, N alrobl TH E FR AU D U LEN T TR AN SFER O F BU SIN ESSES ORD IN AN CE, 1930 H U SSEIN SU LEM A N , PU RSUA N T to the provlslons of the above- , gyansjoree m entloned Ordlnance potlce ls hereby glven that the underm entloned buslness lately carmed on by Bhlm ll ned by the sald transferee ln the presence of- Sulem an, at N yerl, m the Colony of K enya under the N K hanna, nam e or style of tçBh1m J1 Sulem an'' has been transferred *. A dvocate, N alrobl

Now ox > K E N Y A C O L O N Y B L U E B O O K F O R T H E Y E A R 1937 PRICE Sh 10 Postage Sh. 2 extra

To be obtam ed from the Governm ent Pnnter, P O B ox 128, N azrobl 1 132 TH E O FFICIAL G AZETTE August 23 1938


N oTlcs N O TICE ys hereby gzven that the undelm entloned goods w zll be sold by publlc auctlon at K lllndlm on the 3rtl O ctober, 1938, lf not cleared before that date, end the proceeds w zll be applled as follow s - F brstly, m the paym enb of the expenses of sale , gbkeondly, m the paym ent of duty , Th%rdly, m the pa) m ent of w arehouse rent and charges , Foarthly, m the paym ent of the frelght, kf any, due upon the goods lf w zztten notzce of such frelglàt shall have been gtven to the Collector, and the balance, lf any, sllall be pazd znto General R evenue, but m ay be refunded to the person entztled tllereto li clalm ed w zthm s1x m onths of the date of sale CvsToM H ovss, A W N OR TH R O P,

M oMs-tsak, A ct'tng LYo3n'??èl.salon6z. o.j Csrgfo?n':, 17TH A ugust, 1938 K enya and Uganda

U NCLAIMED C-utco LYING IN THTE K lNc's W zkltlxovsl, K R INDINI, y'0R OvEn THRES M oxi'ns z'ol% SALE oN 'TnE 31t0 OcTonla, 1938

D ate Steam er From M arks and N os D escrzptton of Goods l 1-6-38 R obzn Gray South C M & Co N au obz vza M ombasa N os 1/10 10 cartons second hand clotl-klng 21-6 -38 H aw au M aru J'apan H E B M om basa N o l06 1 case art sllk sam ples N zl 1 box telescope M S K 1 case condensed m zlk B angkolc N T E Co Ltd E lepllant bland l bag w attle extract 22-6-38 H arm odm s N orth N 11 31 loose fizeblzcks Clebazd or nzl 7 loose fizebrlcks N 1l 1 bundle lzon fittlngs D & Co N JN l bundle glasswaze The R ev M othez Supervlsor L oreto Convent 1 case Chn stm as deeoratlons 23-6-18 M antola N orth Glass W M om basa 1 case enam el w aze 24-6-38 Ad W oerm ann N orth S A F F or S 1-11 F E N os 400/401 2 cases cem ent 1 W hzte or N 11 10 loose steel ralls 27-6-38 Tazrea 5011th D N S H J caso haberdashery N N o 2 B Pn bhaz J'zvanll 1 bundle em pty paper bagg 2-7-38 L landaff Castle N 01th C E S oz G E S M om basa 1 case cam p beds N Il l bundle lron nuts

U NCLAIMy'D BAGG:lt, 1938

D ate Steam er Frozn M azks and N oo D eqczzptlon of G oods

25-6-38 U nknown R A l leatlaez hand bag, em pty 25-6-38 B y R all K asenyl K 1-1' E LalJl 1 bundle leopard sltln3 1-7-38 Takllw a B om bay N 1l 1 deck cllatr F D Patel l hat box, em pty N 11 1 tm ttunk, em pty N z1 1 load cooklng utenslls 1-7-38 Unknow n - H 821 D all 1 pazcel czgazettes


D ate Steam er From M arks and N os D escrzptlon of Goods

4-8-38 Llandovery Castle N 01th M r Pllee & 4 boves czgar: M r D oly A ugust 23, 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A Z EW E 1133


P Ivlee 1 vmee vvje. rzce vosted rl voste.l

Bh clz? Bh cta IS'A ct8 ,%4. cfy.

A nnual R eports- Agmeultural Gensus, 1936 2 00 2 10 G eolop cal Suzvey- Loldazlxa N gara N dare area igrlcultural Department No 1/33 50 6: . 1936, Vol I 2 50 2 80 I Geolopcal Suzvey of Lol 1936, Vo1 11 2 50 2 90 G gomen Area No 2/33 l 00 1 1 (9 , , eologlcal Survey of N otes on the Geolop cal Suc colonlal A udlt D epartm ent 1936 l 00 1 10 cesmon Tectom cs and E conom ze Geology Custonds Trade Report, 1937 5 00 5 55 No 3/33 2 00 2 10 Forest Departrnent, 1936 l 00 1 10 1 Geoltàglcal Report No 4 (1936)- Game Departmenb1937 1 0û 1 l 0 G Survey of No 2 Mznlng Area, Kavlrondo l 00 1 , eologlcal lleport No 5 (1936)- J'udlclal D epartm ent, 1937 l 00 l 10 lh ellm znary R eport of N o 1 Area , N orth and 1 Land and Agrleultural B ank ). 10 Central K avlrondo 1 00 , 1937 l 00 Local G o& erzlnlent Geolom eal R eport N o 6 (1937)- , Lands and Settlem ent, 1936 3 00 3 15 Slzrvey of N o 2 M m m g Area, K avzrondo 1 50 1 70 M edleal and B aetorlologleal D epartm ents, 1936 5 00 5 35 K enx a Law R eports- Mm lng and Geologleal Departm ent, 1937 1 00 l 15 Vo1 X VI, Part I (1 934) fpaper covem) 7 5t1 Natlve Afrau's, 1936 3 00 3 25 IT ( 1935) 10 00 T'ollce Departm ent ) 937 1 00 l 10 ,, X VII ,, T (1936) 10 00 P ,, XVII 11 ( 1 937) 10 00 ost and Telegraphs Department, 1937 l 00 1 10 vol xvl (f9a4 g) Bound Full (710th (to order) 27 50 Prlsons Deparbment, 1937 1 00 1 10 Vo1 XVII (1936 7) Bound Full C10th (to Pubhe W orks Departm ent, 1936 1 00 l 10 order) ' 27 50 R egzstrar General s D epartm ent, 1936 l 00 l 10 X&W R eports- court of Appeal for Eastern A fmca- Treasu rer 's IPm an czal Report 1937 5 00 5 50 VO1 1, 1934- (Pal*tB I & 11), Bound Full C10th 27 50 Blue Book 1936 10 00 12 00 Vol IT, 1935-+ 8,% I1 1 (paper covers) l 0 00 99 ## '# ,, 10 00 R evzsed E dltzon of the Law: of K enya, Vole I 11 v o1 111 , Part I Ig3cy- tpaper covers) 10 00 and III (set of three volnmes) 147 00 l51 50 Vol 111, Part II, 1936- (paper covers) 10 00 Lsws of Keny a, contammg Orders, Proelamatzons vol 11I Iga6- trarts I and 11) ete (Submdzary Leglslatlon) Vols I and 11 (set c10th to order , Bound Full 27 50 of two volum es) 195 00 109 50 V 10 (/() O ol 1V, Paz't 1, 1937- (paper coversy rders m Councll 20 00 20 75 v ol Iv , Part 11 l937- (Paper covers) 10 00 Proolamatzons, Rules, ete , 1936 17 00 17 75 Vol IV 1937- (Paz+s I & II) Bollnd F'ull C10th (to order) 27 50 '' 1937 17 50 18 50 K enya Land Com lnl- on R eport l 1. 00 12 15 Ordlnanees 1936 10 00 10 40 K enya Land Com m lsmon E vldence- ,, 1937 12 50 13 10 vol I E w deneo R elatlng to the K zkuyu M .r Lewzs's R eport on Irrlgatzon D eeem ber 1925 5 00 5 65 Provlnoe 40 00 41 75 ' . V ol 11 E q ldence R elatlng to the M asal N on N atw e Census R eport, 1926 5 00 5 60 U kn.m ba N orthern Prontler, Turkana, R lj.t,y ,, ,, ,, 1931 5 ()0 5 50 Valley and N zola Provlnees 40 00 41 45 h atzve R eserve Boundames, 1926 5 00 5 J0 Vol ITI Evldence R elatlng to the N yanza, R and Coast Provm ces the E tzropean Hlgh evenue H andbook, 1928 5 00 5 75 lands , the w orkm g of the Lands Trust Agrlcultural Com m lsszon Report 1929 3 50 3 75 Ordm ance , E conom lcs and Evldence taken K enya Tare Com m zttee R-oort 1929 3 50 3 70 m London except tl at part of lt whvchrelatea ' to the K lkuyu Provlnce 40 00 42 05 K enya W ater Problem s bv lleeby Thom pson 14 00 14 60 Brands D lrectory, 1933 4 00 4 35 C01 J'n.m es' R eport on Antz m alarzal M easures 1 00 1 10 yu Port of the Buslle Com m zsslon of Inqm ry m to Plans of D lpplng Tank 10 ()0 10 25 Justlce, l 933 3 00 3 30 P W D Standlng General SpeeG catzons 10 00 10 75 U nderground W ater R esources of K enya, l 934 5 00 5 40 M om orandlAm o,1 N atw e Polzey, 1930 40 45 Gulde t0 Court Procedure and Fees 3 50 4 00 l 931 Paper relatmg to the Questlon of Closer Union 6 00 6 40 ICustom s Tamf L1st R ew sed 2 00 2 10 R nterzm R eport of .&g: zcultural Indebtedness Com eporb of the J'om t Seleet Com m ztbeeon Closeru m on m jttee l ()0 l 10 m East Afrlca- R eport of D all'y Industry Com m lttee 2 00 2 10 Vol I (Report and Proceedmgs of Commzttee) 1 50 1 65 Trees and Bhrubs of Keztya Colony 5 00 5 50 'Vol 11 tM mutes of Evldence) 30 00 31 25 Report of Com m zttee on R eorganzzatlon of D efenee $ ol III (Appendlees) 4 50 5 00 y'orees of tbe Colony (July, 1936) 2 00 2 10 R epv,rt of Sbandlng Tlm ber Com m lttee, 1930 50 60 R eport of Com m lttee on Co ordm atlon of Trans Tne Law Relatlng to Aw latlon 1931 8 50 8 75 Port 1n tlle Colony (August, 1936) 2 00 2 15 The Law Relatzng to Custom s (Rew sed up to R epocrot momf ztthee (MMaeracth and Lw e Stock Inquzry 30th June l 936 2 50 2 75 , 1937) 3 00 3 20 3 h R eport of Com m zttee appoTnted to m qulre jnto the Reep oLrat wof Rtheel aCtolnmgm tois sWzoant earp p(Soemptedm tboe rzn q1u9z3r6e ) m to 2 50 2 80 1j eretela tzonshzp between the Coryndon Memomal 1 00 1 10 and report upon allegatlons of abuse and hard I Afrtean Educatzon Syllabus- sPhlp m the eollectzon of Aon Natlve Graduated 1 Pzzmary Schools 1 00 l 10 oll Tax and of N atlve H ut and Poll Tax l 00 l 10 xjem entary Schools 1 00 : 10 R epol t on N at ve Taxatzon, by G W alsh c B >J , coffee m K enya 5 00 5 50 and H R M ontgom ery. c M o 2 00 2' :0 L Kzln Drymg of East Alzucan Tunbers 2 50 2 65 l uaewpo Rrt elaoti- lntgla ot o cDozmsemasletst eoe f oAnn zmaaelsz dent Natzve l 00 l 25 Tow n Plannm g Oidlnanoe and ltegulatm ns, 1:31 3 ()0 3 10 Labom ers O rdxnanee 1 00 1 l 1134 THE OFFICIA L GA ZETTB A ugust 23, 1938

R ATES OF SUBSCRIPTION TO OFFICIAL G AZETTE Sh cts Fol one yeal (lncludlng postage) 25 00

,, slx m onths ,, ,, 13 00

,, three m onths 7 50 Slngle Copy ,, ,, 0 60 (Subscrlptzons m ust be prepald)

OFFICIA L G A ZETTE- N O TICES All N ohces Jor publlcatlon should reach the GO VERNM EN T PRIN TER not later than 9 a m on Saturday for publlcatlon on fàc jollowlng Tuesday N otlces by Pnvate A dverhsers m ay be tendered or sent dlrect by post to the G OVERNM EN T PRIN TER , Nalrobt, jor msertlon at the authorlzed sctlle oj charges The tpf/fcc hours are jlom 8 30 a m to 4 p ln M ondays to Frldays, 8 30 a m to 1 p m on Saturdays N ohces by Prtvate A db el ffycl.v m ust be prepald ond to save delay when sent dlrect by post should be Jcctprnptrllctf bv ?czzllf/tzncc

A U TH OR IZED SCA LE OF CH A R G ES Sh cts FoR EACH INSBRTION - W hole pago 64 00 H alf page 32 00 H alf colum n 16 00 Quarter colum n or less 8 00