The Inventory

of the

Ludovic Kennedy



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Kennedy, Ludovic #1472 5/28/04 Preliminary Listing

I. Correspondence. Box 1 A. Files. 1. "10 ." [F. 1] 2. "10 R. P. C011'espondence." 3. "1320 Club." 4. "1960's." [F. 2] 5. "1970's." [F. 3] 6. "1970's (interesting letters)." 7. "A. D. Peters." 8. "A. D. Peters & Co." [F. 4] 9. "Archive Material - Miscellaneous." [F. 5] 10. "Arnold Weissberger Correspondence (re: Moira Lecturing in USA)." [F. 6] 11. "BBC Expenses (To Sort Out)." 12. "BBC TV." 13. "BBC TV (To Sort Out)." [F. 7] 14. "BBC TV (To Sort Out)." [F. 8] 15. "Bielenberg." 16. "Collins, Publishers." [F. 9] 17. "Correspondence with Collins Publishers on Various Matters." [F. 10] 18. "Correspondence re: 'Pursuit' Later to Go to Churchill College Cambridge." [F. 11] 19. "Cunards (QE 2)." 20. "David Rees." [F.12] 21. "Evans, Timonthy Inquiry - General Correspondence and Finance." Box2 22. "Evans Case." [F. I] 23. "Evans Case II." [F. 2] 24. "Evans Case III." 25. "Evans Case IV." [F. 3] 26. "Evans Case V." 27. "Evans Case VI." [F. 4] 28. "Evans Case VII." [F. 5] 29. "Evans Case VIII." [F. 6] 30. "Evans Case IX." [F. 7] 31. "Fontana Paperbacks of Various of My Books." 32. "General Correspondence Prior to Publication Date, i.e. 16th January 1961 - Christie Evans." [F. 8]

Kennedy, Ludovic (5/28/04) Page 1 of 6 33. "Gollancz." [F. 9] 34. "Goodman Derrick." 35. "Hauptmann Correspondence." 36. "Just Television." [F. 10] 37. "Lee Pemberton." 38. "Letters." 39. "Fan Mail for ALL IN THE MIND." [F. 11] Box3 40. "Letters on TV Progs." [F. l] 41. "Letters re: 'ALL IN THE MIND'." 42. "Letters re: Knighthood." [F.1-2] 43. "Lindbergh Correspondence 1984-5." [F. 3] 44. "Lindbergh/Hauptmann Correspondence." [F. 4] 45. "Lord Lucan Programme." 46. "." [F. 5] 47. "Luton Case (2) Wicked Beyond Belief." 48. "Luton Murder Case." [F. 6] 49. "Luvaglio Case." 50. "Meehan." [F. 7] 51. "Miscarriages of Justice (Alleggo)." [F. 8] 52. "Miscellaneous Letters." 53. "(Menace) Tirpite TV/ Book." 54. "Miscellaneous." [F. 9] 55. "Miscellaneous." [F. 10] Box4 56. "Miscellaneous 1." [F.1-2] 57. "Miscellaneous 2." [F. 3-4] 58. "Miscellaneous (To Sort Out)." [F. 5] 59. "Michael Luaglio." 60. "More Misc (To Sort Out)." [F. 6] 61. "More Misc (To Sort Out)." [F. 7] 62. "Murder Story." 63. "Nelson Captains." 64. "Personal Letters." 65. "Pre-1940." 66. "Pursuit (Bismarck)." [F. 8] 67. "Pursuit (Chase and Sinking of Hood and Bismarck)." [F. 9] 68. "Killington Place FILM?" 69. "Killington Place, More Miscellaneous Correspondence and Photographs." 70. "Royal Lyceum (To sort out)." [F. 10] 71. "Sunday Times Correspondence." Box 5 72. "Telegram Magazine Correspondence (To Sort Out)." [F. l] 73. "Trial of ." 74. "Viking."

Kennedy, Ludovic (5/28/04) Page 2 of 6 75. "Wicked Beyond Belief (Luton P.O. Murder Case)." [F. 2] 76. "Zeffertt Heard and Morley Lawson re: 10 R.P." 77. Untitled file.

II. Professional Material. A. Subject files. 1. "A. L. C. S." [F. 3] 2. "Archives." 3. "Articles/Cuttings/Reviews." [F. 4] 4. "The Six." [F. 5] 5. "Bismark Ludovic Kennedy." [F. 6-7] 6. "Books on Adversary v. Inquisitorial Systems Ludovic Kennedy." [F. 8] 7. "The Case of George Long," I. [F. 9] Box 6 8. "The Case of George long," II. [F. 1] 9. "Crime of the Century." [F.2] 10. "Culloden Fort George Cawdor Nairn." 11. "." [F. 3] 12. "Evans Case Afer Brabin." 13. "Evans Enquiry." 14. "Fey - A Mother's War." [F. 4] 15. "Fingerprint Evidence Developed By Police Lindbergh Kidnaping Case." 16. "French Law." [F. 5] 17. "George Long." 18. "God and Notes for ALL IN THE MIND," I. [F. 6] 19. Subfolder, "God" and "Religion". [F. 7] 20. "Guildford Four Ludovic Kennedy." [F. 8] 21. "Happy Hypocrite," includes original artwork. 22. "Hoffmann Jatsie Tells All Alan Hynd Georgetown Law Journal Trial By Fmy Dr. Shoenfeld Hand of Hauptmann." [F. 9-10] 23. "Home Office Panel." [F. 11] 24. "Hunter Inquiry." 25. "Iain Hay Gordon and Curran Case." [F. 12] 26. "ISLAY." Box 7 27. "Just/Miscan-iages of Justice." [F. 1] 28. "Law (Cuttings)." 29. "Law Cine. LK's speeches Pro Inquisitorial system at English Bar Conference and New Zealand Bar Conference." [F. 2-3] 30. "Law Ludovic Kennedy." [F. 4] 31. "Lindbergh Epilogue." 32. "Lindbergh NY Trip June-July 1984." [F. 5] 33. "Lindbergh Photographs."

Kennedy, Ludovic (5/28/04) Page 3 of 6 34. "Lindbergh Today Notes for Ludo." [F. 6] 35. "LK's Own Notes." 36. "Luton Case Wicked Beyond Belief." [F. 7] 37. "McMahon and Cooper." 38. "Meehan Libel Action." [F. 8] 39. "Mountbatten." 40. "Mountbatten Progs." [F. 9] 50. "Mull and Iona." [F. 10] 51. "Newspaper Cuttings." 52. "Orkney." [F.11] 53. "Pain Ludovic Kennedy." Box 8 54. "Police and Medical Records on Christie." [F. 1] 55. "Press Cuttings 1966." [F. 2] a. " Case July 65/Jan 66." b. "Stephen Ward." 56. "Press Cuttings 1969." [F. 3] 57. "QORB (conf. cup.)." [F. 4] 58. "Red Navy Doc." [F. 5] 59. "Reviews A and C." 60. "Reviews of Pursuit." [F. 6] 61. "Scapa Flow." 62. "Scotland." [F. 7] 63. "Scotland." [F. 8] 64. "Scotland 1994." 65. "Scottish Education." [F. 9] 66. "Skye Lewis Chessmen Barra." [F. 10] 67. "Sources." Box9 68. "Timothy Evans Miscellaneous Papers." [F. 1-2] 69. "Tirpitz." [F. 3] 70. "TV Interviews and Progs." [F. 4] 71. "Voluntary Euthanasia." [F. 5-9] 72. Untitled file. [F. 9] 73. Untitled re: IN BED WITH AN ELEPHANT. Box 10 74. Untitled re: "Trial of the Two Guardmen." [F. l] 75. Untitled re: voluntary euthanasia [F. 2] 76. "[illegible]." [F. 3] 77. "1940's." 78. "1950's." 79. "1960's." [F. 4] 80. "1970's." [F. 5] 81. "1980's." [F. 6] 82. "3 Lectures." 83. "33 Murders and 2 Immoral Earnings." [F. 7]

Kennedy, Ludovic (5/28/04) Page 4 of 6 84. "36 Murders and 2 Immoral Earnings." [F. 8] 85. "1 The Airman and His Wife." [F. 9] 86. "2." [F. 10] 87. "3 The Kidnapping and After." Box 11 88. "3 (2) The Kidnapping and After." [F. 1] 89. "4, 1932-1934." [F. 2-3] 90. "5." [F. 4] 91. "5(2)." [F. 5-6] 92. "5(3)." [F. 7-8] 93. "6, The Trial." [F. 9-10] 94. "6(2)." [F. 11] Box 12 95. "6(2)." II [F. l] 96. "7. The Governor." [F. 2] 97. Untitled file. [F. 3-4] 98. "Ludovic Kennedy File No. 1," includes index. [F. 5] 99. "Ludovic Kennedy File No. 2-9." [F. 6] 100. "Ludovic Kennedy File No. 10-36." [F. 7] 101. "Ludovic Kennedy File 37-51, 53-60, 62-65." [F. 8] 102. "Ludovic Kennedy Bismarck." [F. 8-10] Box 13 103. Untitled re: "Lindberghs Hauptmann Case" [F. 1-2] 104. Untilted re: "Two Scots Guardsmen." [F. 3-5] 105. Correspondence, "LK early letters." [F. 7-8] 106. "Correspondence_19 5 6-2004." [F. 9-11] B. Daily planners (1965, 1968, 1970-2003). [No folder] C. Permission slips and conference proceedings. [F. 6]

III. Printed Material. A. Miscellaneous items including newspaper clippings. [F. 12-13] Box14 B. Miscellaneous items, continued. [F. 1-8]

IV. Research Material. A. Photocopies. [F. 9-11] Box 15 B. Photocopies, continued. [F. 1-2] Box 16 C. Photocopies, continued. [F. 1-4]

V. Photographs. A. Prints, professional, black and white unless otherwise noted. 1. Nineteen. [Env. 1] 2. Twenty-three. [Env. 2] 3. Twenty-three. [Env. 3] 4. Fifteen, color. [Env. 4] 5. Twenty; includes correspondence. [Env. 5] 6. Fourteen, includes printed information. [Env. 6]

Kennedy, Ludovic (5/28/04) Page 5 of 6 VI. Manuscripts. A. Manuscripts by others, includes holograph notes. [F. 5] B. Fragments by LK. [F. 5-9] C. Transcripts re: Brabourne papers. [F. 10] D. Speeches. [F. 11-12] Box 17 E. Speeches, continued. [F. 1-6] F. Scripts. 1. "God," play/musical. [F. 7] 2. "The Deceivers." G. Novels. 1. ALL IN THE MIND, first draft. [F. 8-9] 2. THE AIRMAN AND THE CARPENTER, first draft. [F. 10-12] 3. LORD DEVLIN, introduction. [F. 13] 4. ON MY WAY TO THE CLUB. [F. 13-15]

VII. Scrapbooks. Box 18 A. "News Cutting Vol 3-5." [No folder] Box 19 B. Four re: Timothy Evans. C. "Timothy John Evans Case." D. "Sunday Standard Articles." E. Personal photos, 1 scrapbook. Box20 F. "Press Cuttings Vo 1. 1." G. "Ludovic Kennedy."

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I. Research Material. Box 21 A. Files re: Mehan Case; includes printed material, correspondence, manuscript, etc.; twenty files total.. [F. 1-13] Box22 B. Files re: Mehan Case, continued. [F. 1-5]

II. Correspondence. A. Untitled file of LK' s letters. [F. 6-7]

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Added to Box 22 I. Correspondence. A. Professional, 1971-2003, may include response by LK. 1. Re: research for ON MY WAY TO THE CLUB, autobiography of LK, re: the submarine Torbay and Admiral Miers' alleged killing of unarmed Gennan soldiers, approximately 35 TLS, 1974-1982; includes copy of original TL by KL. [F. 9] 2. Re: response to the release of ON MY WAY TO THE CLUB, approximately thirty 35 TLS, ALS, Nov. 1988 - Oct. 1990; includes series of c01respondence with Nicolas Roskill, 5/04/89 - 10/08/90, re: use of information given to LK by Steven Roskill. 3. 1 TLS, 6/25/91, re: outstanding invoices owed to LK. 4. Approximately 20 TLS, ALS, re: "War Crimes of the Ocean," by LK, published in the Daily Telegraph, May 1991-July 1991. 5. Approximately 20 TLS, re: KVG "Bismarck", May 1972-Feb. 2003.

II. Research Material. A. Re: the submarine The Torbay, and Admiral Miers' alleged killing of unanned German soldiers in 1944; includes printed material; official naval logs; copy of an interview with LK and Stephan Roskill, 7/29/82; holograph notes. [F. 10] B. Re: "Nicosian and Baralong 1915", includes photocopied correspondence, 1915-1916. [F. 11] C. Re: "Heinz Eck and Peleus, 1944," includes excerpts from Nuremburg Trials; petitions for ; 2 TLS from Mrs. Eck, 1990, English and German. [F. 12]

III. Manuscripts. A. "Four Naval Atrocities," by LK, TS, 21 p.; includes TLS from George Bremner, 10/17/90, copies, re: "thank you for letting me read your draft." [F. 13] B. "Operation Primrose: The Story of the Capture of the Enigma Cypher Machine from Uiio," by David Balme, 23 p., includes ANS from DB, 8/10/91. C. "The Life and Death of the Scharnhorst," BBC, transcript, 16 p., 12/26/71, 2 copies; includes TLS from Helmuth GieBler, re: praise for LK's fairness

Kennedy, Ludovic (11/09/05) Page 1 of 2 and authenticity in the show, 4/10/72. D. "The Last of the Rawalpindi," re: the story of the sinking of the armed merchant "Rawalpindi," author unknown, 5 pages.

IV. Printed Material. A. Re: ON MY WAY TO THE CLUB, autobiography by LK, approximately 10 articles 2/05/89-2/26/89. [F. 14] B. Re: LK, , 4/11/89, 2/18/89. C. Re: KVG Bismark, two articles, 7/12/89, 7/18/89.

V. Photographs, may include handwritten description on back. A. Re: Battle of Denmark Strait between KVG Bismark and HMS Hood; includes TLS from LK re: photographs of Bismark, 2/18/03. [F. 15] 1. Three black and white prints re: pursuit of the Bismark, one includes an overlay with distance measurements. 2. One black and white photo re: sinking of the Mashona. B. One color print, printed 2002, re: Bismark at the bottom of the ocean, includes five slides of similar photographs.

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Added to Box 22

I. Printed Material. A. Transcript ofLK interview with Lord Walton,with ANS from "Keith," 2004. [F. 8]

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I. Research Material. Box 21 A. Files re: Mehan Case; includes printed material, coTI'espondence, manuscript, etc.; twenty files total.. [F. 1-13] Box22 B. Files re: Mehan Case, continued. [F. 1-5]

II. CoTI'espondence. A. Untitled file of LK's letters. [F. 6-7]

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Added to Box 22

I. Printed Material. A. Transcript ofLK interview with Lord Walton,with ANS from "Keith," 2004. [F. 8]

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