BRIT Jose, Cal. fan Am SD, Symphony Subs. Rate. 91 00 Per Qtarter Concert Me! ftttr Tolltgr ants Tuesday Eve

114.1 \II :2 s ittsl `I I I 10 I I hi 11\11 \110.1)11, \111 II i. 1914 N umber so La Torre Sales FROSH Costume Ball Is Set For And Staff To Begin New MEET Next Saturday; Number Campaign This Week FEATURES Of Outsiders Limited Outside Guest List Limited At 12:30 Today To Start HERA GABLER" WELL 200; All Dancers Must Meeting SYMPHONY CONCERT TO After MURRAY Be In Costume Jennings Selects Large Fl Harry ECM AT PERT Wallace Morn'. formerly prominad Elmer Stoll And Bob Leslie Of Assistants To BE OFFERED BY STATE Staff member oi .p.6.11 arts department Plan Many Elaborate In Selling Aid Decorations - - TOLLEGE PERFORMANCE ORCHESTRA TOMORROW new sales campaign, a Program of dial...! numbers at the aur costume ready for service at tart tomorrow at 12:30 imshmen orientatio i Th I tia alii-otierade Ball March 10? There Alt. r t,,,,r 1,11 AtttAint.t, ot th. office, sales manager \ imtersoiction of Fannie Bryce's Presenting its second concert of the is no 'he La 1 orre great Ibsen tragedy. regulation as to the particular "Ffedda Gabler. the , year. the College Jettrtate- and his assistant Louise -alr. Cohan at the !bath" in Jewish Symphony orchestra 1:.tpe of rostUltrie to be worn, but some 1 college ot the play. oVer, with : will nieet with the new staff dialect, was Oa. first of the group. Mr. on the evening of Tuesday. March 6, kind of fancy dress outfit is necessary &cum. I people almost unanimously commending! a that time to issue direct- Murray performed in Italian dialect one will play- a program composed largely f..r admission to the ball. the splendid ailing and fine directing. ,mary materials. of Thomas 1.6iFy - famous numbers, of operatic selections. Miss Vl'inifred Anyhody who wants a bid for a s 46.1 6, Dorothy Vierr, interpretation of "The Whist lin, It.,rber." The Irish Fisher, soprano, is soloist. guest must get his application for one Representative "Iledda" %a- superb, all those seeing came into tht attiation in -A Party at , The first number on the program is to in at once. Just submit the name uf }toff ,/ the play agreed Her intensity, her sin- Crogan's,- .1111if monologue. The' be Beethoven's Third Symphony, the the outsider whom you are bringing to members of the sales cerity. and her eyceptionally pleasing applause for the,. thr, numbers was so famous Eroica. Originally dedicated to thi, committee through Dean Dimmick's voice enabler! ht.r to vividly. portary attempt was made to enthu,iarti, that iimalt,r was offered to Napoleon Bonaparte, the title page was wfire. The checked. the neurotie Herlda names will be and ..,E r -indent by appointing a conclude do' pro, tni. "The Alarm" annihilateri when the great general of - ',test cards will be issued by the com- Jim Clancy. lieilda', husband, won was not in dialta t. la' a take-off on the fended Beethoven's democratic ideals by mittee. No outsider will be admitted for himself more honors in the line strenuous campaign old super-drantati. raitations. declaring himself emperor. It was then without one of these cards. There is !of acting. "I- he soppowd to be a arried through the re- t out the awards changed to read "Sinfonia Eroica. doh limit of two hundred on the number i bore?" people in the audience asked tarter and for several to members of the Frosh football team. Hated to the memn of a great man" outside guests to be allowed; so ' time after time during the intermissions. ,oarter, La Torre's will Then his spoke aliont the freshmen bas- The first movement introduces the hera the committee asks that the applica- excellent a. on, al.ility. caused subscription basis, pro- ketball team. to.preswd appreciation theme in E flat. the second is Bath, lion, be made immediately. !much commendation 11,11,11,1:out the . 6, , be considered. to Bob Elliott, man who coached yen', famous funtral march, and the There is no charge for student body- night, run. 6 , , a .1 incentive to the sales- . the team. 1 Iny play ed a very good I I, ir,! . 1 iird fully developed slicr,,, members, and they do not need The supporting od wa. ,11 roma l- a, dr Jennings is having a rd inn' i.iniaik. wi.ii ii,,,,.1..p,,i. vir..i`.. season, winning all but the first game on Romst, Carnival A _student body cards is all that is na. on re ' their schedule Goal work of the Var- overt , for their admission t.. tin ball. ., II. P:, to be prewnted ia Maddox %DM all hurls for her porn- year is . gon ii,... to the one selling the irii).ii iii mr,... En....i,,I. ii,,. ha& _i,....i sity next hcii., expected of some I aid number is to be th, la For outside guests, a guest , .r.i and . .. ..1 this year's freshmen ,. c i r . twenty-five ...,r1..,..t..,t. Any salesman who sells i iji..1.1,'... II,r f,.1,, a- t,,r tht.' irt.i'in.'.' I. the member- I nu, - / ,.. in arnwa averture .,1 lar cents. . r ra r will be given a free La 1 liOZ. , I' II Dancing will be from 0 to t. giving al t1 r OVUM,.., . lill. I ,, ’-i,,,,i,. ,,' ,ei.), ' team' was originally intt.n.l.d as ' ..: a those selling forty or more In talking ;1..tit fri.shmen I rack, , rhe iir, nun. an extra hour of dancing p a special huinati person. to the second act o; his Coach Mesh said that although there feature of the last student body dance -.s.,,, half pay ment on a La While eat h of the other members of i opera Benvenuto Cdlini. The work, ire about forty men out. more are need- therefore, is rich in the melodies of the 1 of the quarter. Mel alclionald's or- the cast were good. it 6 lialto,Able to 't d. He urged those who have had any opera chestra will play. and several except- Owl Shows say which was the bed. Charlotte Rod- ' and very easy to listen to. The ,. ;arum,. to come out. as there arc op- .Enoigh jinn, mond,. is an aria from the I ionally good intermission numbers are ttcr,, a ltttr sy misithetic interim.- 11,0mi:inks in some of the event,. An in : first art, int! the farnou, saltarello. the being arringed. their efforts on the , tation of Tesmans, Aunt Julie; Kath- atratine ease in k owledge of (corm and im- basis for many spats betwecn composer Decorations are to be on the Oriental ,, erine Iftlitnui,ter wa, partieu"arly vivid r .rots to which they belong, tved methods of triining have caused ' ;int/ directors, is a vigorous dance idea. Elmer Stoll, in charge of the ball, , in her rale of Bertha Ja. k Bowers had from I aill later begin an inten- ,Pri-at progress in track recently. Them rhr is being assisted by Hol. la die. who a diri,ult part to d... but he did it . ' second act. ,..4 to cOntait every mem- i is a great deal of satisfaction to be der- 'Planned the decorations. A large tom- ' well. Rodertik Nlount w :I- ttlIt.rtiVe in Both of Miss Fisher's arc .,..tent hod:, and fatuity iYed from ,kill in trick activity, al . mitt ee wor' ked I.ast iseek-ind' in ,:irn- his part ot Eilert Lio.b.m.: mom tat11,kn own opera- Though the a tarn approached up to that I though long and strenuous training is . , ing the designs, which are y. r el :bar- Probably. one of the re-.-! impre,sing nrri,irr. otter.. "Lakne" of Delibes is not so ttell- ate. Japan,-c brid i,e,. s 1,a k6, id.- . .,. .i tau-s thing. about the median:ad tart oi the' taw n ,,- Verdi's immortal Hig.,lett II" Placque To Be Thv footh611 m..n who received . ''. 'and lanterns will transiorm .14 rnen'i produt (ion was the 6 t Int.- to II 1 till th., liell Song, whit It Nli, Fisher r -Jr.'" 1 awa r .1-, Y,.t a- . 11 on. It'a 11r win.' L e..erst ' gym. An Oriental scene i I. i, _at Asird,61 Gilli- designol it. and t,.,I..r with , i. ... .11,. is nortorious art...4., ion. trl ,Carpenter, Edwin Ibily. Glenn Du Bose, .. i .. up, and the whole feature i .,,aing the progress of the Muln11,-r- of the work -ti ,, .' . ntatle it. ...rin It is ' th t - Jame- Duni, 12,.1,,rt Kinslev Ste hen ' ' - rn t '''r `'' '''''' ''' I garden. '41 he comparative stand-, The lea, kstaee craw i ,: d' d the light- * ' ' ' * P 1.1,6 . daughter of a firafin,In prie-t. , .,H .,,,,..,. e. Lepurin. Rohat Lothr. Arne :11artinsen. Prizes will be awarded t.. a ,men will be posted in ing and sound eif, .1_ in I -n ill Indian bazaar. awl il- the ' 1 ' Joe NI:IN nard. Dar alichaels, Pressley i.,...,.1* ,.:- ,Thiii bekired ii .i ...., Th,. wear the best costumes. Ti - I., I rt- ollice. ficiently , Kenntth '1,i ' .- elert- Mothorn Cliali'- Penh, Norm n Sa I i grand .111. -Caro Nome' from Vi.r.H. 'Nor,. ' march so that the 61 a n h., are requested to at- . ricDn. was .,n hand 16: r ta,.. Dave ,, John' sc.oft 1,1. .Ravmond aSh; flirt' :is st age n: , 6 .t. - F'.r.iiik siiin.,.,. Tiiin ', rw : ha- alw,ty - been a favorite 'n6'1 :16'. '1" hie rhr rnerdr" "f thc r , aing loniorroW at 12:30 Wisdom, Spight, Barney , Harry .,. Gin., , . . . . atom iti. r Jennings is the chairman :.. 1 It, it is sung by Gild.. .1.1 :gin. . . m afire are as follows: ed by Vilhur Swartzell, latiod Walkington, }A ilham 6,11ittec oi Rt,tott.tto, hunchback jister. 1, s ' r ' in charge ot itrur, 1-, II arn and l'arl Palmer Pit. her. Lmile Rouyet. and Robert _ Marion Falter. s. usht'r win,. love .'t the false duke of Mant .giuri. all pertart, .6 . 1 r ’71 Illt larVe Prelude And Judge Ralston Speaks i crowd, attondir, ir m II trallton a, r- our Spartan Debatera'-'' On German Situation - publicity nian did 4 . . oh Con.ltoling the program, the opt, st j11.14l. Jackson Ralston, r ! Elizabeth .111.ini; r..- .... .rt hand In Parliamentary Meet ra will play thc Prelude and Lietedod International amid. -poke before a large ra i evert' minute of 11,- i r nights per- front ’agners- dramatic "Tristan anti group of -as ot the 1 lormance ti. promo li, ,:4., Potts was. Staging on, most unique de- !wide". The opera is the familiar tal. 4 6,I,att- and faculty' member-. last : bates nti the entire schedule tour mem- of to a I loirday in Room I on the subject of ii tome, ' property mistress. a Idi, Jetts MacCrac the kink's trusted courtier sent i ben of the Sat, Jose VarsitY country to monarch.- I later and Germany." ’. inian took charge of all . t :n6 - Kather- squad iar fetch home the take .1,,. ,r21,:inikiie ine Smith mark. iip tia. ...tors each will go to Sart Mateo tonight to detrothed. In this case, Tristan. tlt,a,Ismto.n.thh:sm.)jusitn Greetnnur.nneyd parliamentary form of debate. . night. part in a king's nephew, is sent for the Iri-1, t,224 from San Mateo Junior was able to All honors go to 11,41. Gillis for Member. princess kohl, Their love is hoitelt-.. tho- give the proup a vivid College and State will i 4. ,III, 1,1 Hitler's present regime in 'his effirt ient and tat, :It, d liret tine and, in the end, discovered. W.6111.1,,,i US also be there_ J.O. Straus:, from San and dyine. l'ristan is aCcornpanird of rt. rtnatly "Hitler it; an egotist and is to be chitin.. hi the renter. :4. diri he has The Y.M.C.A., Y Yr'.C.A. dance Jost. is death by Isoltle's ardent aria, the "Li. ' Germany under his DOOC one that ['imposed the will:- '': do!, His love scheduled for nest Friday March 9, groupthe besto.1", in which she, too, sine- ot,' for militarism is pro the bill. will be six stu- hrr lir, i :46;61 every. able-bodied has been postponed due to eonflict lion of man is a train - on this center eroup. t ',ado r. ,very young child with the tudent body schedule. dad- The concert is to begin at S:111, w tili I .' is drilled ' adinued on Pao Four) 6 the Ilttler spirit of militarism." Ral- Watch for . later announcement. Mr. Adolph W. Otterstein on the 1,11 ' -- - 4, aid. Ex-Board To Discuss du, tor's stand NO admission will la Ili, German's say they never were Patricia Healy Is Appointed Assistant harged, though a certain section ot Student Government red tn the last War. but bertayed College Annual ,atS Will .IC rttwrVril until eight o'clock Editor Of La Torre, th, Jew s and tor friends of the orchestra members. Socialists. lie hates the Lily, because they are Socialistic in th. I advs. method brought all this about, the probable y iew ...ntrols the press, the army, \Ian h 6, \. it origin of which comes from a year a, prontatar Schedules For Next 661 hi. juditiary system." of obtaining editor of the San Jose High School An- Li I. ro 6, rt. I'. 4 Jackson Ralston was awarded ulty are cordially in- -0 with rtearil to nual Quarter Are on Sale Ilt, r 1.I.D. from Georgetown Uni- rick: Ilealy That year a n cI thjs have dein], I h h ird a I ilit f this n C W on tNIWIlUltt, tor nekt .1 tart, r pro.rant- w ill probably discuss plans aeveral weeks as ta. tilt, 1,1 hm, r ',toyed tilt State journalism horization. If she haVe jUSI. Conte off the press, and arc the thange of student gov- earned thy eand sd, ap the work has now on sale at thc Coop ior ten cent Don't forget the party tonight nem editor ,,t tta keeps on at the Sallie tate that she discussed at the pointed assistant Students are advised to get from 7 until 10 in the women started on the Times and La Torre apiece. nwetine, held recently. Wort, ,.11 t, r will- Her tly mutat. theirs early in order that tht-y may con- gymnasium for al: women phyicid -1111 (0 get staffs, there iS no telling where this tt, iting of the Execu faculty , enableil flit, education majors and minors. If pos. young, jrj.dt firewater will end up. Pro- '.1-111 with their advisors a-ad figure out pianos taken .11,1 the 1,,t,..trs 116 lloard of Publications all fwulty least the A. their schedule of classes before the be- sib', bring disearded object, other- schethile yer bably as president of at lea a nos' editor of the made up ahead of spring quarter. ' wise called "white elephant." alality W. S. ginning of the . finite knowledge and organizing


CHARLES CLEAVELAND ARSLAN IA N MARY Assistant Editor Camptto btrrature Etlitor - _ _ Little Women At College A Twilight Lecture System Defense Adani ol- B. l' Ito loutiod lit . By Mabel Duncan From the days of lienry :interest in g and unlis 1, , The coolness and stillness of the long ives. students have agitated against the !deplored that there 11' has written well. Then, while she swallows her cof- Montana twilight eressed against my ! lecture system as the most striking de- it must be afirni. about ,t Thiet os the modem ! fee. she reaches for her hooks, and her cheeks and smoothed my hair as I slow- our universitiea. That great skep- !contains severa I -Little Women" at College? Are there !mind has already. leaped ahead to the fect in ly pattered barefoot down the dusty voice crying in the American wild- not a great many girls attending our !examinations she has to take, and the ! tic, a I It is not they , I, road. While I plodded along carelessly. ineffectuality' of even Europ- own San Jose State Collrze w-ho nat- greet car she must catch. She nins erness the they be, who lead , a quiet relief stole over my mind and education, declared in his imper- urally in this category? nearly two blocks, and luckily catches I can position to lecture-. the car. The car is a (Lowy, body. for the day's long recitations, the 1 sonal auts,biography, ''His first lecture lecturer, who The 1014 "J.," or "Amy" can en to rickelY brine- old contraption, but she has made so !smell of over-heated bodies. and the was his last. tie needed no more than sontracts the college. it is trus,, but she works hard , nuiny friends on it, that she does not buzz of whispered studying was now in one hour to satisfy him that he had that arouses the ts, mail herself of the privilege. The re notice the the past. As I descended the hill, I gazed m:cle another failure in education, and " 1s IS dances college drama- discomfort. large number of t: This is the picture of the life of a !far into the distance at the lonely moun- this time a fatal one." Today, several students are in tics. and Asilomar Conferences are not cc!' great many girls who work their way tains to the north. They seemed ill be of the colleges themselves, recognizing but merely. for for her Shs merely has the privilege i extr.:, through college. Perhaps it seems a reclining as though exhausted from the the opposition to this plan. have akin- s.bject of reading about sash coveted good on general ;,, rather drab picture, butlook at the heat of the day, and around them set- thned it and experimented with sither timss in the college paper day by day. who forces them to !girls. They are full of vivacity sind en- tled the deepening tnilighta light more indisidual types of instruction. time for extracurricular activi- An expert lel flair thusiasm. and they are always laugh- coverinz to protect them from the corn- These experiments have been under- from her after- stealing different., , tiesshs must go home ing, around them feel , ins: shill of the night. Above, keeping makinsz those taken in only a few of the more weal-; expressing varied se noon class, to slo duties assigned to a , the vigil over the resting mountains, mol- refreshed. They thoroughly enjoy thy or more radical colleges; niany can new girl w. hs, must work for board and' ly winked a sleepy fields for mu& opportunities, such as College Chapel. North Star, and lie- not afford the expense of the tutorial room. As she busily pushes the vacuum low. filling In gladly and Musical half hour, and discussion , quietly. with a blue -gray- vengeance, her ss stem or of the additional instructors that many lecturer - ckaner. or dusts with a groups, of which they can take asis.m. mist. was the miring valley. I was re- goal she hopes required by small recitation classes. The much more in wish-, thoughts are on the tage during the day. They appretiate irestud inside and out as I descended, There is a , most moskrn innovation, involving but most of the harpie- to attain, "atter college". the interest that some of their instru, t- for the earth beneath my feet and the night, but slight additional cost, is that of super- system and its human "prom" scheduled for that ors show in them. damp gray' air, which filled my nostrils does ! vised reading, which originated in an .sre the very ones who t she knows eh., cannot go, and she Thus the "Little Women" at San .insl lungs, strew increasingly cooler. A She has' embryonic form about 1850, syhen ferret out for themselse- not waste any time in self-pity. Jose State Collect. and elsewhere "carry feeling as though I were being lowered she at- James Russell Lowell, then a professor facts of a subject; the memory ot a happy- party on" in the modern way. Perhaps the silt, a sleep well filled by being. one of the at Harvard, permitted students. to read, who are unable to r, tended recently. given by. under! ins: rtason fur their courage, re ts, impersonal. Perhaps Mr. Joyce would !with him in his study. Adams eagerly 1, effect: who are isi faculty members in her dspartment, sourcefulness. and optimism, is the compensate for any disappointment , preter to be !Teamed as a successor, in seized thia chance; but, as he invari- ground- for differs thought, I hase a chance!" little, about the "prom" an advanced way, of Lawrence Sterne, ably did, decided that he gained who make it necessari. who likewise had a horror althoueh he was pleased and flattered There are many things to be &Ile of condem- to prepare, in addition nation for immorality. Sterne is by the contact with the older man. That tonight. Two examinatiens. a reading said old connotations, analy New Literary Deal to have been asked by a it would seem, is a purely neutral ad- in oral interpretation. a r, ;sot on out Yorkshire maries They force the I. lady if he considered his vantage, and hardly cause for the up- side reading for English Lics...ture. "Tristram" pro- the ssholay, who has. By Earl Pomeroy per reading. In answer rooting of a firmly fixed system. due to morrow. she muses Another run he pointed to slerstansling of the . The New Deal in letters is here In the woman's three months in her last good pair of hose today old infant Indeed. that. the superiority of master themselves oyerroms fact. it has been here legally for some so) the floor. "Madam", he she must mens1 it basin: morning Her said, "my to pupil, is an indirect admission of , than an outline sir r two ms,nths. as most newspaper readers is like your child. It shows old brown skirt needs presinz. too many what seems to me the prime reason for! ted. know, ever since James Joyce's 'Ulysses' thin:- that are usually. and there is a little worn spot in the; left con - the retention of lectures. Originally! they It is these drones who was judicially szranted admission to the sealed. but it is none sleeve of her four-year-old. but still jar- the less innocent nem intended as an opportunity lot ohjestions to the lett :c Unites] States An American citizen can Pa- that." mans students to have access to the rich: con,cientious studer.! . f t1,- od Teen sweater mos boy the book without injury to TO attempt to decide comments and brilliants conclusions of in4rOttor: Later. after dinner is over and the whether "Ulyss- hi, conscience. and if he is a good rill- es" shares similar innocence acme distinguished scholar: now they nmnfl, hot dishes washed. the girl reads from would be zen. he will buy it solely for its literary peach-ally impossilile. The hase degenerated until frequently' some! "Children s,f Dickens" to a little girl question is value. for a federal court has ruled abating, not because new fledged instructor, freshly hatched Yhpa:tatthiorns' las7ar whose bed -time it is. While she reatis. it has been set- , tliat it is not obscene. The schoLarly tied, but because there is no from the collegiate incubator, stands haps that wgregathos other. are gliding over a polished floor apparent reader will have read afr Joyce's work answer. Sterne himself has yet before the class and, stretching forth tion after all, for one r to a dreamy waltz, but she is oblivious to be some ten years ago. naturally. but he is analy zed completely', and he is his wings timidly, essays the upper satisfy two diametris to all but the story. She really enjoys it, little A rare and bloodless creature for whom different from any other only to become en- ! for it gives her a better insight into writer in thf. flights of oratory, pornography and ssi.toms restrictions stele, t The ethical per . Dickens' works. and the little girl li- motivations csf an tanwied in a web of verbosity. Or A though the stamp to have ns, real meansn The New Deal is author. rnorsiver, are not always haps. slipping to the other extreme. he i, reserved tens with undisguised interest. She issis re- for for the ordinary. r, oho- who visits sponsible fee the raison d'etre evert enmired in a bog ni facts and twil occasional'', on. f.doe! more than repaid for the amount ,,f bookstores by front s nuances and keeps mernher of his reading public. Pr,bably antry. a1ed hy. all. 11, time she spends in reading thus aloud his Decameron "ut the children's ns, 11. writes more unemotionally, ItS, TO the real scholar. not only many a pleasing is r She studies tses. then pat, slily rea. h pornographisally than the author to a %.una, but also ninny esperienced lee- ,11I’UtAiNT Al . she mends thc run it. 1. r stockinz. -stud Boccaccio and J. .,,. however, are MI di,' text not the type advertised s orsrs, who rover the same material inal and selo performs the tahsr lir le tasks ,,z pre- on somewhat den r, so levels, as the ad- (Continued on Pare Four) al ter Monot car, are Un- ,COntil. paring her choke- tri ths f h I Wearily shs turn- h r 1,mi, and m. " "' ' """Pla " at "05 to Implied fornparioo, the Italian wrote ints, teal 1- -lie inst. off crawls in iii mind,, to. entertain: hi il,orateil his plots sleep. she tries to s utth no philtt 11,,,1 symbolism, no eye a m,,n. ,st .dr, ring a dress her hichest function elderly anal' -.ea her The material We Give S. & H. Green Stamps 4,nite itstoni, ofi the soul with the lowshrt of the body. His follnwsr Isks hi, stories and the ishingly tws. n, is, her buther FRESHER, FINER FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES way he tells Ilan. and ii he intended tired Loin i,u grimlyit needs Sto compost -a s, ritahle encyclopedia .1,11, I he hemline to !of the hum:sn soul a sone of ecstasy", make th. us, arnish the allegory w.s. too subtle for inters - W5 st Isor p ,t: n r., ittwr nor

THICK CREAMY DELICIOUS Milk AN(03 SHAKES MARKET FIFTH and SANTA CLARA STREETS ioc French Pastries TUNE IN KQW 6:15 TO 6:30 Big lusciou Cream Puffs, P. M. Chocolate Eclairs, crisp FRANCO'S PROGRAM Npoleons, Fruit Tarts, etc. SAN JOSE CHATTERTON Open Sundays, Evenings, and BAKERY CREAMERY Oppowe YWCA) Elolidays Until Midnight 49 So. First Street 22 I - 223 So. Second irflniE. -14taffir _ -,"*!1"7.r. Juniors Winners In Interclass Track Meet SPAR TANI Doug Taylor, College Ximez i)port5 Track Squad 4PURTS Murphy Tie Preparing for By ---ffertrenclias & Conroy hi -t.oisotn being over, seven .0 For Honors Golden Bear McDonald's Far Wtoi Stanford Freshmen Nose eo.colo lio champions prepare too \ Coo,..o ri rai By Dick Higgins week from Saturcla5. :11 irch 10, ear athletic abilities to varital- o It Irwin Blesh takes his Spartan tof sports about WasItingooto In a hotly contested meet in Out Spartan Swimmers Oer path artists to Berkeley to corn- which tt the Golden Bears of the University the final outcome was fly --o-- Al Rhinos and Tum Booths:, a 5arsity iii5er. of California. known until the final measure- 1;111 Itr o tog only one to give the diver, ot. ooorits of baskethallers ;in illegal turn was the State will lie handicapped because of ments of the the the 1..trooko, Friday near a square deal tin points. - o rising of the Spartan- discus throw, afternoon, anywhere the later start of track prattice and iiration Time after time Smith would hold up .!,- toi the heights of the Juniors triumphed over the of San Jose's the ilarntiniss of the weather for the :1,1r11 and a one. apparently forgetting that there o. .eason have been tied Freshmen 51 points to 501/2 in its subsequent .30 "mph. of week. Also seven of last .f..r1 Freshmen mer- must he some dispersion of point, in ot indoor Sport sin," the annual tar', point winners arc absent from the interclass track 'II," " erd backstroke, order to care for the difference in thy oo r ',en a few weeks las - roster for the meet. meet last Saturday. o -r his first execution of the fliVeA. Bob Kind,. of r ntly innovated sprit. time. California has the strongest team she ()II 11, bols-triike part of 'San Jose placed first with 67.1 points. io oh of the squad plan Everett Noses ha, had in eight years_ and iS faVOred the lad tient. ... h.. it if won would Berger of the Stanford freshmen 0.t.onoi ion by playing baseball, Out Harper , beat Stanford for the first time in !have trisen doe sit wan- a tie, Draper's with 86.4 points, and Charlie York of tricking of track ; re it desl of fight lus oeven s.toars in their dual meet. coo. o o turn nullitied third with 46.1 points. By the alodot. ..! rett Hanly of the totiorts of Harold San Jose In contrast State, while strong in a Houser and Norman Fitzgerald who the way, the divers were taking trn Csptain-elect the Frodo to z, o their men to come number of events, lacks the all around Captain, ettntinued asintniing their laps to easily dives not five as might be supposed by different fields 1 out ..6.1 aist their all ',Idle class made drenath of their "big time" opponents. Move to 1 win thy vvent. 1 lie Stanford breast- the points allotted them. Hank Leibrandt prepares to muth ,:ow. r meet wa5 eNpeCled. sin Jo,e'S strongest events are the one Co,:na stroker i'anie in for some criticism Summary: o 11 Bill Hubbanfs Spartan In the Ilt-t esent. the mile, Everett hundred yearti dash, 120 yard high -hur- on his kick, leo Referee 200 yard freestyle relayMoon by of the Froo-h o ro..tteol out upset when he 'fed Smith re-1 dles, half mile, mile, 220 yard dash, He is a , having I S;at;na, mead oit! the fused ..c) disqualit. either he or free- o team of Peterson, Hoover, high jump, and broad jump. Except for 7 , a. to r di Harper by about unity experence. stsler Sharlin. MacKenzie ; second, team oi six Mile-. :Ai,. place. silo, jumped his start 1he sprints, high jump and the half Ambrior sJ before Ilaslarker had finished. Batyman. Draper, Toile, State has practicalls no chance of Ustl Biddle. basketball raptain-elert, Murdock, Taylor Bill Ambrose oocitinued his speed Time 1.42.9. at the to track. Biddle Tie in 440 oinning more than one place hi a:I.-lotion streak 6, win both th, 50 and 100 yard 200 Yard Breast Wun by Hog-, good Another intiii,inz roe WIS the 440 no-t in each event. ntialities of a weight events. although ihe time in both was itSJ ; second I). Lynn SJ ; third yard thwh in h Toe. Itor, who had The thing that will hurt the Spartan uhile a member of the' comparitivel -lois. Norman Fitzgerald' Haslacker S . Time 2:51.6. just finished uirning the feint total the most is the fart that 1.1 Erwin Blesh, Spartan hundred, and 7' placed third in the 100 freestyle be -- 150 Yard BackstrokeWon I* lira tri the 410, mile-relay and javelin, there na at or, has hopes of tantalizing Murdtok tinelottl on a thole! heat in traik hind Ambrose and MacKenzie of the per (Si) second, Hardy (Si; :lard. at al: 52.9 SO .aul. practicalls. no chance :.; o tn the biz boy', phyique for points in Freshmen sinton 1Si. Time 1:59-3. Lynth tie- ronninz all points. -hot act in the F.W C. meet in May. Harold Rawer ',tam hi, usual 50 Yard FreestyleVs’on by An; by himsyli in ir ao. ih; other two good Tfu.k uoll mark the third major sport race to win tlw 2.0 yard breast stroke brie, Sj ; second, MacRencie competitors 1:: the fairly fast ohs:, InbIle has participated in thisll race in the time or 2 minutes 51.6 sec- third, Scatena (S) Time :25_7 time of 10 Sfs. SPORT SHOTS 1.1.1,5col end for Dud Cie onds. He finished ahead of his team 440 Yard FreestyleWon by Pcter Raymond Breaks mate, Dave I.:. nn anti Haslacker of -on ; kscond, Voss (S); third, Hoot Shot Put Record Coach Hon aril Jo!, :! at the --o-- Stanford. SJ a Time 5:33.8. mond pat the -1,- Pet 4 and Universits. of Southaro ...1 'lila had Mr11,, rberger The Stanford Freshmen distance men 100 Yarn FreestyleWon by Amhrof.e been guilty of pro -el, co. o tint., He %neg. Tracksters 1 .' inihes to lie the iirsi man tii break ; sctond MacKenzie ISi; third, took first and -eiond in Loth the 220 quoted e been renter. will ,pend the, iorty fis t this 5car With Hubbard, Fitzgerald o SJ ) Time '5,4.5. was and 140 .5ents. Peterson won thc and some schot ha no track ',roil, at :ill this DivingWon by Kinsley IS) ; sec- cleaner than a lot tot tht ri-t. c; It %%1.4, in the rapacity of Junior 220 in 2 minute, M.7 seconds and the sear, finishing a dose in fait 11( them I Lilo, are not far from here.’ Mini2er : thy track squad. Isenberger 110 in 5 minute, 33.s seconds, which ond s ; third. York (S.1) the outiome wa in doubt until Ilta cter- Jonys said that although thev had e la; n ; opline his managerical rItIties 21 katirob taster than the California- __3 Nan] Freeds leMon Ls third nut even offered athletes jobs in the ...11 1.. ,,a.ket ball practite. undertak thr""' stanford freshman record for the event. -on os Hoover ; the hizhlight ni the metot uois Bud past. the competition was becoming so o..tie. :if Senior Manager dui:- fait and Ed Plat of San Jose placed ait Time 2 ;1.7. .. attennit at tht iron man keen that U.S.C. would have to fall in is; daolent teaching activitie, t third in the 220 and 440 respectively. o00 Yard Medley Relaywon by ',tont lb. ttomiated in the -hot put, line with the rest. Jones al.., Monied j NI Victims tof apparent blindnem un the team of Hard:- Haslet-ker. Sharlin 1St; sault, javelin (twos, enol 220 ;.ard that U.S.C. had enoltio t .1 two I 0W3 part tti all three judges, both the Stan - oii Draper, Housasr, Fitzgerald tSJI 0--- dash athletes tu hitch hike ,k1 ; nroll lord and San Jo, divers were forced 111111! 3:45 7. 1 Ionlicreer with his track Murphy in the Southern Califarin Taylor, to take very 1,1w scores. Of the three S;ori staniord Fetish- -44: San Jose took oil ii; non other than -Barking Teke 140.0Y. . .o. if it diain,, 01,12,-. 'IA Smith, Bob Cook. of Sm.., Mi.. J.:. I ' 1, r. littlr blonde guard so in- , The University ..r.rn;,. .1 on the Spartan's es,ential raja championship bask.t' Barr, Sandholt Star rt, urned to practice alit o - o 1010 State. I o I7itra)nttral I On Rugby Team - -t and Coach Justin -Lined the squad in- Bs l'AUL COX priming Concnnon to Baseball; 111, Barr and Karl -."hiirt >aid ior its Pacitic Coaq champea: Rea to Tennis with Washington at 1...- it aor imural lim It. r ssimrtan grithlers r1 Lot!' 'o trol uill probably find an 11o:ill o, 10 and perhaps the i., ticst ni II gaited in In- 1. r th. ha, 1.1..,1011 111 to" 6 for the infield 01 hi,' ' r las at least ony per the barn-t..rr I team in the perton tot o--- 1 ..1 ilh the choice- .o ,,o o Ito San Franti-co. alarti. 1: probably alrearl I rili; ii. also of state aod ,s ...oh Edmundson's championdoop o-- ; !oington Huskies basketball team are t, hn 1.eo 11 ; r ra in :a note, was o- had two year- s tor the play-off with the Trojan- . 1.,,lh ontind base and short , , .rr util till a three quarter lertli ..dnitontbon expects to rely entirely up c. could make a bet- orke,, a team ffid tat ail -ars and Sandloilt who ha to speed to carry his team through the '..00 tt one t't the smartest itconitionship series against the big, - .10 , 1, ! the all intramural, to a r- io, IC agbi lyague uill hold O. o h loUah iqUad which Sam liarrt a ioro po-ition. put on the floor at Southern Calif lo; T.. roi.. sued. finarne I - :-.1., The Huskies urn leave Seattle track tectu est.etwes for the I .N A o Wednesday, with the play -oft ,,.%rn have not laten .a A a sa- c.f. 01 1, stanford greott so. IO' d.ortona on March 9. They have a .1 We are pretts. SUIT timpest. agoidwt the ',fluent team NI .r o. rt 61 tot 11 games won and 2 10:4 soo Johnston will 1m in evidence. IR 'HI not idas in the intramural ' lath It still be Interesting to see kith nu,. Nlitchel rtf Gomel:a Univer- o theti,l, he was signed up. '.. and Russel Cripes of Los :1`. Jones. 151111;r. Herbert, La liodo!.. 0 t, 1,r t t, 1,1,1,001a Acautst Dunne, Lym to. I to co, le, licse been named and approvial .mtm-tits meet will be held mon. Mier...161 others and see boo th; booth tt aches to reiree the Trojan - os night at seven thirty in the as-uri I .1- 0111. :"1,1r1111 present stantord team compares o al: a .1 ha-1,0,411 series. This: will , tourth I in at least one legmen next season worth. instance 145 feet sy, in. team of former inter-collegiate star- 15 1-hingtun of having 1'r ,,,1 11 toorthem division official working in the ' -toot PutRaymond ISo) first, Hub- 11 Men's l'asnt ulasott,_ \r, r 1\ S o second, Kinnard (F1 third, gymnastics room of the : V, e I tourth. Distance 40 feet 4 X, it RI The Water Pnlo game Wednesdas The British Columbia All-Stars de- fifteen, 3-0 at Murphy IP Marquis afternoon turned out rather hatIls in tected Stanford's rugby r '11 I a well played olm.stead (F) third, asmuch as not enough showed td. tt, ,tcniord last week in A crowd of 1,000 suet tato:, 1 Heighth 5 feet 9 in. have a game, sides had to be rho., score was made Tii)lor (Si first, Stock- and practice game, were ',lased. Con act. lied the game. The permits. kick Its. big Bob (ilm-stead IF) third, testants shouid takt note that it co oon , sard front rank, hitt in the 1 fourth. Distance 22 quite important that they show up for Vamington, the games, ,otond period. The penalty was allow- tournament is tast , ol tod a Stanford offside. Hiok HirooMarquis J first. The foul shooting IS tit both tirst and sec- stointotr l'Iliver-0 tennis the Unisersito. 1,1 CA-

-101 1,1111 !. match, to 4. .nag


STATE COLLEGE TIMES, MONDAY MARCH 5, 1934 PAGE FOUR SAN OSE ORCHIDS I Smt lost About College !the ,,,10..4etronorrte I To the mouse in Mr NI ,, .;-,[., .4.4,...... s, ..... A...1.416.a...6 ALA. (dint Zinwo i lass who visited the N....,... Leh,: ,,; ' !, *tate II . . influenza for ____...... the front row. ------6"ji:111:1!" quite a Mole, ill. %Mee of this noble .2, aiTrnoedfltuolmbee :Chine Iiia..i,,t1 1,[[,:, , r.: ,[1.,,,,,.; BOB LELAND Exerotie Editor column was forced to cheat the public Tisk, tock Inre a fallan orchid c . , ii, or Ballard 7800 Phone &Herd 4794-.1 out of sevenil outbursts during the last A hide sequel in last week's remarks few days. So, until yours truly catches Aeon. the tea,htr knowing Your name, in this institution IrOt, something again, you will get more th,. ;,,Iyantage, of it. and S'I nn' Do tent dance he lase donr, Dan Cavanagh . Managing Editor .About College. ,,,ii know nhy a certain member of! 3. An orchid to Gordo!, FRANK HAMILTON Business Manager ___.____ Phone Ballard 1017 Members of the student bodY who *I'lli1,17:,r,'"i''s l’,1,u"rktimo,’Sr:""IT’hine’111caarillinitit;h11.(s. :,1:,i'in:11 inyt,h-':ue th:arey:es"alalatti:.:::.. \;[ - sill be ( or are) handicapped in their the jokes!" Jim Faagerald Assistant Manager educational pursuits becau. of empty # c. And to the tra. Phone Ballard 4272 pockets are invited to submit their! v.! \ r[o[pdia Tourin, choir j,jj , they keep trainin: Paul Lukes Circulation Manager names to any member of the faculty,' nighta.nd was it danold have or. 111,1 Mr. Thompson in particular, as apish- es,lipise'1"r" l!" ThevFrid'IY wouldn't even let NH. e alder path on ISI, I MAKEUP DESK COPY DESK cants for a position under the proposed inand we couldn't even get r, To Shirley John-, e.ditor l',Ittl, Carl Palmer . Editor Dolores Pewit. Federal Relief plan for colleges. Names her Uhl Ass't pa,sor crash it. The secrecy obvious atterma of candidates for a job will be relegated Harty Ito", Ass t Jean Hanley. Charles Arslan maintained is said ln have been because t'rough. .11,le Greeee..eri ..Ass't IA, Catherine Woods, Harold , to the proper authordues, and if a de- , hellenlecrig. of a. certain poem which was readand NEWS DESK finite need is recounized, steps will be dedicated to the chaperones of the Thelma Vickers Editor taken to relieve the situation. Parliamentary Debate l'aee! lia:tse FEATURE DESK ( Paffice. Healey, Noel VOge, contin.d ,nrrn Alice Parrish . . Editor IIY lune gas, Three member- inan tl, ,hools ;.r. Mareeres Ilanwoi. Lela. lacarcland ...... Literary Altthough regulations sent from Sac- Mary ck, tuck will Iv reprewntatic es l'aey (Luchard Margaret Nisch e..Theater ramento to me quite extreme. Mary Frrrasse. Speaking of parties, the Symphony sative wing. and three mend,- Gladys Lawry ..._.....Fcaturee creating visions of numerous hollow- .:11 SPORT DESK Bob Idslie dra mem rs were suppose o tin the radical wing. m te Charlotte Rslgers._Featuree -eyed, half-starved. bonkless, peaked in- Dick B ndia . Editor ha., one planned for tomorrow night. ary fur the center ern ;[, ; Ass't dividuals dragging themselves about the . . . N go- one or the other side ;-, SOCIETY DESK campus for pure love of education. the a "!!! et fyereit I.Yda. Inc to be. The Powers have decided to fe, Paul 'e t. I iwk Lucille Moore Editor only thing we are being warned about The debate is to take pla a is,,n Ass't wait till: sU"able lime ami then is that no one is eligible for a job just !Mateo in front of the Adult Ll aatina Mecheel Angelo Staff Artist .because he "could use a little extra have a "st. !Center. Mr. Strauss, as 'dough." Igive a five minute specs'', the [question and method of pro,..1, "bra t:ntered a. --o-- Tick. tusk second class mat- lin true parliamentars ay', ter at the San Jose Poseoffi.. ! It is about time to breath a few This is something we've been wanting !words about the college annual for 1034 to say for a long, loon00000g time. OrS from the three ., toed. , " motions for the ad, ; ela . . of l'ress of Globe Printing Co., !a modernistic creation in blue, silver, WII're not at all certain of our ability ,ing of the bill. uth Is, Street. San inae !and black, with striking effects in to say it in the way we want to say it ! photouraphy, novelties in design and However! The students are constantly Those members gotn.; '; trt,,,,ns. andno writeups. For the Mr audiences at long lectures on the State Teachers College ar. - sum of three (3 i dollars, no less art ot co-operation, and yet. put into ghes, Islowitza Johnson. \ ma, have a La Torre and be bless- profits.. it turns out that they who J D. Strauss. 111r I: nith the privilege of gazing upon do the lecturinif are thernsaves the debate coa,h, will a,conii.o. th, intereding physiognomies of least proficient at the art. We speak ,tudents. The Phantom .r friends in future years. 'P.m experience. Last quarter we took it on the chinwere warned that it New Literary Deal At present it i, the ambition of this ,..1,111 flO good to hold a grudge (Continued from Page 1 -That's too much out nf you. ya nana. "You's,. ent fish in r pants,' writer to dr.-rawer what, if any, hap. tnruct it. But now it seems that the 01,1 in pulje; yet he n hissed Watsmore. he ,,,r,k,cl announced calmly at AlasSnoop, pencil to the Freshman -Sophomore ortolue is still healthyand it isn't we the obscene mind he blonde lochs:Ay' over the head with pointing to a brilliant goldfish whic_h Marque which was at one time in the who have been nourishing it, either. It sorbing a little irc a baseball bat which happened tio had just fallen from the recesses of his dim, dark ages desposited in a local started on the subject of codaperation, era'. Or I enmedwd in the strings of a nearby garment, MacSnoop continued to gapel bank for safe keeping, and was kept but wherewe’d like to knowis it and Rabelais has with hi, mouth wide open. SO safely that no nne has been able end? The blonde obligingly released her ening t., umes on the hart -Want snme?" she offered politely, to get it out far. It seems that one mop Idetective AlarSnoop's throat. superintere. thruding the banana into his mouth. of the co-signers has disappeared and and both fell heavily to the floor, thtir Tick, teal: blue pencil to tert.un "Cluu-culp-erthank you!" he return- the bank not relase the placque Writ, to jlain or, al heads bumpinu smartly together half - Mr, Brekelbaum is nou having what lee ed. sliuhtly put out. until the gentleman affixes his signa- ell aee lee the :o.ri v. The nay down. -lie calls "fun". What fun! She has got Voutor lady!" commanded Wats- ture to the nece,,ary document. youncer ;Mutation must lo e . "Charmed tn witnes your demise. - around the time when she listens to more, off,nried at Istr apparent ignor- (Pero,nal: Please return. All i for- ontamination muttered Watsrnore at the unconsciou, the work the student, have been at ance of hi, presenye !Who are And yet perb.ii, the woman. as he dumped the contents of you, all quartershe is having her little con- and--er, what's the ...qv?" real morality would be thr a gold-fish bowl on MaeSnoop's other .rt- ,..11 to herselfjust standing and And until I leam somethina ;don't eration. ey en the en. nur iz, : . ir Then he clamped the empty 1,,,n1 "What the hell!" she uttered in sur- 11-oninuand do the would-be pianists the propoord revision of the local stu- %cry NM(' contaminatinn. ; . .11,1 r the blonde', head. -.tying gleefully'. prise. "You sweet man! I didn't see - inirm! They should kick! After all, dent go.ernm,nt, I shall say The American itizen- r. \ new hat for snu. Ww Myst. For sr.0 !" And she ruslocl to his side. 'vs 's e been having fun all quarter on the -object. zcn is no longer contin,,I ; 3 An iurther inforrndion i Ittter or smoothing his hair &nil, re-tying his , r they wouldn't dread Mrs. Bre, .1 hi- nei:shbor', book -I, :! r::a post card to the nmpany ." impossible tie, and patting his sleeve. self in vacated habitation!" lall,aum's "fun' so mush! Tit fur tat, the forbidden no:\ "I've cauuht a biz one seled -Dandelion's the name," she explain-I "Well, I'll be a two-fisted cow pun 1,,ys clovies! Snoop, cominz t,, The bi:gcst inlifish ,r1 "Dandelion Pansy locks.- iinner's without bar s, . !cher from Broadway and points east!" was gaspinu, ,neezin:, and .11,,kinu in "Any relation to the Vale locks?"I chorused the thrcv fugitives. !inn If he iS in a pie-itinr. r ; nhat 11.k. bick the vice -like oi Ito..ttite Mac- questioned MacSnonp, eyeing her quiz- ! "I are %cry too harmless individual. - he thinks he want,. then. g te Snoop. The rah, r three pi-, hail found zically, anti takin: notes in his meno 1 begged the little Japanese. "Not likinv 'eater to let him Oriel er teed refuge on .arinii. part, of hi, person. pad. !idea of stay here. I are good cook, win- torm possible. The -.Id 1 ibire- DEFENSE r 3,.31 "Hey, h,rt’s its 1, nion squeezer?" "Oh no!" she repli,,I, drawing a pair dow nastier. barber, janitor, driver, and IN duced to Stevenson - , yelled Wat,ne,re, :ramie:My rushing ! of trunks nut of %%at:Inure pocket. "Of !also--" Treasure Island; the tin ; , Continued from Page Two) about the rear, peering under the the Hicksville Pansylockses. What arc "Sign him up. Tucky!" sang out the be that. having at.listni-3.. Such a teacher is ideal, if chest,rtield. thee piano. and on these?" She 1/43V1,1 the trunks gaily be- brunette. delightedly. "We'll all go to the students. good writing. he will learn , only hypocritical; it seem,, what kr, Iri chandelier. How , fore Watsmore's face. the haunted house." he is not subtleties as well it, idiot to joke and digress in these Ono, vo. !here i. immaterial to . "Those am his scanties." contributed "Oh. thankinv stry too much!" bub- however, weak It may very well be that ' aid for no purpose but to MacSnoop serinu,ly. "He's a chorus bled the newromer. "But what are a college class introduced to the classics :di; well the sophisticated element. \ I snoop, !massive bulk reposing in horizontal pos- appease if he is encouraged to VII.' impair two jaissibilitie. for the 'How cute"- she uurgled. clasping lition on floor?" There are Harty openly in the Rev,. 1 3,- ritler res-ision of lectures, both inyolvinu S\ amore about the neck. "Where did "That's the landladyshe’s asleep, than covertly in True Stor rhanges in the individual's method. I he Don't disturb her," warned Watsmore. %Um can tell? The VIA In In first. the and more popular. wnuld \ -tits to the rightladies’ lin- "Oh, very sorrow!" sympathized the easier iitir control made wine a II to attempt to follow the middle path kor re nri second floor! announced a Japanese_ "I think so bowl on cranium be orable profit. and the nail , 1,, and placate both groups, a policy calling II. r. IrOM the Voiiethi same Voice that had startled are very humorous. Thank you ' abandoned itself to drun, rather for a diplomat than a scholar r r’ 1/.11 1,11 them before So sa)ing, the four departed. Wats- haps the New Deal in I, - in the instructor's chair The other. more ow '" screamed the brun- more carrying his lemon -squeezer, Mac - thoriziniz uncompromising and perhaps undemo ,r,1 ...I.114.1,1 -, 1,0"' Snoop puffing at his pipe, Dandelion lead to a new ,, 1 ,, , ',di,. would be to disregard the ,Igroor !riding. and in 1 a ,Inz,nI mean, you bet!" takinsf her two newly discovered heroes. i 'Atkin in America ot the lamer, unworthy group and de- - arc :ea II/f ,,,,1 at-mnre "Come on." and the little Japanese taking his time. vote all effort to amiisting and ' II I -1.11 repair tee a Ali. tnr a haunted house any day." TO he Continued euidine NeNt Tuesday, Mardi thr" 'see, el lee, e and ...on. J. TlIfio'r lamed if, Macsnnop. "I'll take the lit- those who earnestly endeavor tis attain Irak, in ronm t cr. Mr IL, or the Nlae are ronong with mr---that tle lad, He valiantly offered her hi, their objectives. r nal ,. ard, - like some cif what this arm. but Wat-roore objected. "I'll take Miss Crumby's Classes I do not believe that the lecure ,ss. ,i'lffres, the storlents .,1 41eisr the lads he irnwned at MacSnoop. Work At Horace Mann tem itself is at fault ; inherently it is the subject of "Rusin,. Virainistra -Oh. I'll go, by all meat," re I di ic ; ! lair trial!" yelled the the best method for mass education. non". Mr. Irish is Inv,: 1,r. plied Ala,Snoop hastily. scramblic 1. cntrie, to the Canadian Aliss Crumbs - .1,- in Kindergaten Its downfall commenced when a.. under the auspices to l', tau, In. 1., , 'Where's my bottle of mai ra ,t ; Curriculum i, disigning faritul things tempted to take the place of test, eg honorary coalmen,. irate raft,. thr raver zo any place without -Nut- to sou flung back the brun- in creative vinrk nliii h they are trying search, and thought, and relegated th,, taus!" ette. "Come on, pais, we're off to find nut on the kindergarten classes at the to purely nominal positions To again The students " An u, ky. don't go!" implored a a nice, joky, haunted house!" Horace Mann srhool. attain its greatest effertuality, it must reel romplimented t sweet voire from the direction of the She walked between the two gentle- The Horare Nlann school the only return to its original status of guide ed speaker such a window, Both men wheeled about, men. hanuing on to their elbows. one that has a kindergarten class in and aid tn the scholar; it most abandon thenl. He has r. win- stared, and--stared. Seated on the "Oh. please to waiting for uncle!" the afternoon. thu, making it possible it position as cure-all for the "moocher." ,eral lecture tour- down sillsmall and slender, and brun- implored a little oriental, rushing after tor the Kinderzarten Curriculum class It can serve two masters no better than 'and everywhere ,,,, I . ette, and estinvof all thing,-3 ' Are not staying lonely by own to experiment with their own creations any man or institution. ating and '