14Th November, 1980.] GOVERN ENT GAZETTE, 3855

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14Th November, 1980.] GOVERN ENT GAZETTE, 3855 14th November, 1980 .] GOVERN ENT GAZETTE, 3855 HOSPITALS ACT, 1927-1976 . Schedule . Department of Health, Acacia anomala Eucalyptus steedrnanii and Medical Services, Acacia aphylla Franklandia triaristata Perth, 14th November, 1980 . Acacia argutijolia Gastrolobium appressum Acacia depressa Gastrolobium glaucum SG 1 .9 . Acacia guinekti Grevillea baxteri Grevillea cirsiifolia HIS Excellency the Administrator in Executive Acacia simulans Adenanthos Grevillea drummondii Council has been pleased to appoint under the Grevillea dryandroides Act, 1927-1976 cunninghamii provisions of the Hospitals Adenanthos detmoldii Grevillea inconspicua Professor M. N. I. Walters as a member of the Adenanthos do!bagii Grevillea infundibularis Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Board of Manage- Adenanthos ellipticus Grevillea involucrata ment for the period ending 31st December, 1980 Adenanthos eyrei Grevillea prostrata vice Mr. R. Angeloni resigned and for a further Adenanthos ileticos Grevillea ripicola period of two years ending 31st December, 1982. Adenanthos pungens Grevillea saccata W. D . ROBERTS, Adenanthos velutinus Hakea aculeata Director, Hospital and Aponogeton hexatepalus Hakea megalosperma Allied Services . Asplenium obtusatum Hibbertia bracteosa Banksia brownii Hibibertia miniata Banksia goodii Hydrocotyle lemnoides Banksia tricuspis Kennedia beckxiana Caladenia lavandulacea Kennedia glabrata Casuarina fibrosa Kennedia macrophylla Conostylis misera Lamberltia echinata Coopernookia georgei Lambertza orbzfolza Darwinia acerosa Larnbertia rariflora ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974-1979 . Darwinia carnea Lasiopetalum bracteatum Darwinia collina Lechenaultia pulvinaris Notice . Darwinia macrostegia Lechenaultia superba MADE by His Excellency the Administrator in Darwinia masonii Leucopogon obtectus Executive Council . Darwinia meeboldii Melaleuca baxteri Darwinia squarrosa Pentapeltis silvatica The following area is defined for the purposes Dodonaea hackdttiana Pityrodia augustensis of section 86 of the Road Traffic Act 1974 as a Drosera occidentalis Pomaderris bilocularis "prescribed area"-POLICE AND TRAFFIC Drunzmondita hassellii Pomaderris grandis COMPLEX. HENDERSON ST. FREMANTLE being var . longifolia Ptychosema pusillum - " All that portion of land comprising Fremantle Dryandra comosa Rhizanthella gardneri Lot 1974 (Reserve 24043) as surveyed and shown Dryandra pulchella Ricinocarpus on Lands and Surveys Diagram 82866 . ". Eremophila denticulata trichophorus By His Excellency's Command, Eremophila virens Roycea pycnophylloides Eucalyptus aquilina Spirogardnera rubescens R. D . DAVIES, Eucalyptus burdettiana Stachys(temon axillaris Clerk of the Council . Eucalyptus caesia Stawellia dimorthantha Eucalyptus calczcola Stylidium coroniforme Eucalyptus carnabyi Stylidium expeditionis Eucalyptus coronata Stylidium galioides Eucalyptus desmondensis Synaphea pinnata Eucalyptus exilis Tegicornia uniflora Eucalyptus insularis Urocarpus phelbalioides Eucalyptus johnsoniana Verticordia Eucalyptus kruseana helichrysantha BUILDING SOCIETIES ACT, 1976 Eucalyptus pendens Verticordia staminosa (AS AMENDED) . Eucalyptus rhodantha Villarsia calthifolia Cancellation of Registration . NOTICE is hereby given that the Registrar of LAND ACT, 1933-1977 . Building Societies has pursuant to the Building Societies Act, 1976 (as amended) this day cancelled Land Release . the registration of the City Building Society . Department of Lands and Surveys, Dated this 6th day of November, 1980 . Perth, 14th November, 1980 . B . S . BROTHERSON, THE undermentioned allotments of land are now Registrar of Building Societies . open for sale pursuant to the provisions of Part IV of the Land Act, 1933-1977, and are to be sold by Public Auction by Order of the Minister for Lands at the place and on the date stated at the upset prices and subject to the conditions specified here- under Karratha Townsite. File 3157/69, V .5 . WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ACT, 1950-1979 . Lot; Street ; Area (Square Metres) ; Upset Price ; (Section 23F .) Conditions . Notice . Single Residential . F . & W . 616/80 . 1161 : Cnr . Cossack Road and Gunsberg Court ; 705 ; $9 180 ; (a) (b) . I, GORDON EDGAR MASTERS, Minister for Fish- eries and Wildlife, acting under the provisions 1225 ; Petersen Court ; 967 ; $10 290 ; (a) (b) . of subsection (2) of section 23F of the Wildlife 1254 ; Cnr. O'Keefe Road and Carlsen Way ; 953 ; Conservation Act, 1950-1979, hereby declare that $14 630 ; (a) (b) . protected flora of the taxa listed in the schedule 1664 ; Cnr . Peirl Way and Blingo Way ; 732 ; $11 820 ; to this Notice growing in its original state and (a) (b) . not in its domesticated or cultivated state are 1668 ; Peirl Way ; 690 ; $11 820 ; (a) (b) . rare flora throughout the whole of the State . 1714 ; Galbraith Road ; 735 ; $11820 ; (a) (b) . GORDON EDGAR MASTERS, 1722 ; Cnr. Mosher Way and Blingo Road ; 718 ; Minister for Fisheries and Wildlife . $11820 ; (a) (b) . [38531 OF (Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.) No. 77] PERT 14th NOVEJ, [1980 AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the Western Australia . Executive Council Chamber at Perth this 29th day of October, 1980, the following Order in Council FINANCE BROKERS CONTROL ACT, 1975 . was authorised to be issued :- (Sections 24 and 27.) Employment Agents' Act, 1976 . Application for Finance Brokers Licence ORDER IN COUNCIL . by Individual . WHEREAS, pursuant to section 8 of the Employ- ment Agents Act, 1976, the Governor may by Order To : The Registrar, Finance Brokers Supervisory in Council grant to any person an exemption from Board. any provision of that Act on such terms and con- I, KIMBERLEY KENNETH HOUGH, of 23 Forrest ditions as the Governor thinks fit : Now, therefore, Avenue, Padbury 6025, hereby apply for a Finance His Excellency the Administrator, acting with the Brokers Licence under the Finance Brokers Control advice and consent of the Executive Council Act, 1975 . My address for service of notices in hereby grants to Willow Babysitting Service, of respect of this application is 23 Forrest Avenue, 112 Blackwood Avenue, Hamilton Hill, and Mother Padbury 6025 . Hen Babysitters, of 220 St . George's Terrace, Perth, an exemption from those provisions of subsection Dated this 31st day of October, 1980. (2) of section 42 of the Employment Agents' Act, (Signed) K. K . HOUGH. 1976, which require an employment agent who re- fers persons seeking employment to other persons with a view to engagement to give or forward to the prospective employee a form of "Notice of Employment Offered", upon the condition- (a) that the information as to any prospective Appointment of Hearing . employment which might be offered to a person seeking employment and which I hereby appoint the 3rd December, 1980 at 9 .00 would, but for the exemption, have had to o'clock in the forenoon as the time for hearing be given in writing to that person shall be the foregoing application at the Offices of the given verbally ; Finance Brokers Supervisory Board, 184 St . (b) that upon an engagement being made as George's Terrace, Perth . to a prospective employment in relation C. A . FITZGERALD, to the person seeking that employment, Registrar, Finance Brokers the "Notice of Employment Offered", duly Supervisory Board. signed, shall be given or forwarded to the prospective employee as required by that section ; and (c) that an accurate office record be main- tained of all information furnished to a person seeking employment, whether ver- Objection to the granting of this licence shall bally or by a Notice, specifying the details be in the approved form and may be served on the required under the Act. applicant and the Registrar at any time prior R. D . DAVIES, to seven days before the date appointed for the Clerk of the Council . hearing ..
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