Vitamin E Electrolytes Front Runner Caldogcium Super-Cell Supplement Supplement Omega Oil

Cal dog cium – concentrated supplement containing Beta-Carotene (Provitamin A), D, and Bovine Colostrum.

Calcium is well known for the vital role it plays in maintaining strong, healthy .

In addition to this Calcium is also responsible for –

• Activation of enzymes involved in Fat and Protein digestion • The production of Energy • Transmission of • Regulating the contraction and relaxation of the muscles, including the heart • Aids in absorption of many nutrients, especially Vitamin B12

Cal dog cium is developed with optimising two raw “Calcium” ingredients, derived from and a Natural Milk Calcium supplement. These two ingredients combined, offer a “Calcium” supplement to compliment a typical meat ( rich) diet. Cal dog cium offers the greyhound trainer the supplement to assist in ensuring correct ratio’s of Calcium and Phosphorus is achieved.

Cal dog cium, also contains a “Natural” ingredient that offers excellent levels of “Beta- Carotene,” which is a powerful antioxidant and also provides Provitamin A that is converted to retinol () in the body as required. A broad spectrum of other health and vitality boosting phytonutrients are also available in their natural form. Vitamin D3, the naturally occurring form, is included in the formulation for its well-known association with Calcium to form and maintain mass. All of these nutrients being available and working synergistically, assists in the utilisation of Calcium by the body.

1 gram of “Cal dog cium ” contains:

Calcium Carbonate 280.0 mg Milk Calcium (Natural) 59.0 mg

Total Calcium 339.0mg Phosphorus 28.0mg

Betacarotene (Provitamin A) 0.28 ug (125 iu) Vitamin D3 0.25 ug (10 iu) Vitamin C 15.0 mg Bovine Colostrum 10.0 mg


Omega-3s and Omega-6s belong to a family of fats called “Essential Fatty Acids.” It is important that these two types of fats are provided in the correct balance to ensure the healthy functioning of many parts of the body, and provide an excellent source of “Energy.”

Omega-6 fatty acids are commonly found in vegetables oils. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in vegetable oils, but the preferred source for maximum health benefits is “” which is a direct source of EPA and DHA, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for diet and health. Essential fatty acids cannot be synthesised in the body and serve as carriers for important fat-soluble . Fatty acids play a role in cell structure and function.

Frontrunner offers a blend of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids derived from Vegetable Oils, Fish Oil and Flaxseed Oil. These have also been blended with ‘” and a natural form of “.”

Omega-6 and Omega-3 Oils may assist with –

• Energy • Inflammation • Body composition • Muscle maintenance • Healthy skin and coat • Cell structure and function • Increased immune system

Lecithin may assist with –

function • Blood circulation • Vitamin A, E, D and K absorption

Vitamin E – for Strength and Stamina

A potent antioxidant. is also an antioxidant that assists with maintenance of general health and well being.

It is well known that antioxidants, work better synergistically, this is why we have included a good level of other antioxidants in their natural state into our Vitamin E blend also.

By the use of innovative drying technology, operating under low oxidising conditions, we have captured and retained antioxidants, in their natural state . These have been derived from ingredients such as Carrots, Celery, Broccoli, Spinach, Cabbage and Capsicum. This cocktail of antioxidants has been specially blended with our “Natural” form of vitamin E and Selenium to ensure a superior antioxidant supplement.

Antioxidants, are required to combat free-radicals, that are generated in every day living – especially during intense exercising and racing. Antioxidants are substances which de-activate free radicals, rendering them harmless.

Vitamin E may assist with –

• Muscle maintenance • Strength / Stamina • Reproduction • Well being

1.5 grams of Vitamin E contains:

100 I.U. Vitamin E 5 mg Vegetable Powder


The sport of greyhound racing is well known for explosive power, speed and endurance. In order for the greyhound to perform at their best when it really counts, it is important that optimum nutrients and fluids are available.

Greyhounds are expected to perform in intense bursts and often dehydration can be overlooked, which ultimately can be a deciding factor between top finishers in an event. Dehydration can take a serious toll on the energy and mental focus of the greyhound when in competition.

Big Dog “Electrolyte” supplement may be included in the greyhound’s daily diet to assist in supplying essential salts, required before and after exercise.

Electrolytes may assist with –

• Muscle fatigue • Dehydration • Heat-Stress • Cramping

Glutamine may assist with –

• Muscle recovery and repair • Muscle fatigue • Muscle growth • Converting carbohydrate and fat to energy

5 grams of “Electrolyte” contains:

Potassium 285mg Glucose 2100mg Citrate 850mg Chloride 265mg Calcium 43mg 115mg 85mg 500mg Methionine 500mg

Super-Cell 4 Greyhounds - for general Health and Well-Being

A daily supplement containing multi-vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, anti-oxidants and bovine colostrum.

To expect the best performance from your greyhound on a consistent basis, you need to ensure the diet contains the necessary nutrients for proper functioning and well-being. Current diets lack many of these necessary nutrients. This is why a good multi-vitamin, mineral, amino-acid and anti-oxidant supplement can assist.

Super-Cell supplies a solid nutritional foundation for the greyhound with excellent levels of vitamins, minerals (including ), all essential amino acids, anti-oxidants (in their natural state) and Bovine Colostrum, all in one simple scoop.

Each 1kg contains: B1 (Thiamine) 2500mg B2 (Riboflavin) 2250mg B3 (Niacin) 2000mg B6 (Pyridoxine) 250mg B5 (Calcium Pantothenate) 750mg B12 () 2500ug Vitamin A (Retinol) 187.5mg (625 000 I.U.) Vitamin D3 1.5mg (60 000 I.U.) Vitamin E 11500mg (11 500 I.U.)

Iron 2500mg 180mg 1300mg 225mg 90mg 5mg Phosphorous 150mg 4100mg Magnesium 1400mg Calcium 1800mg 27.5mg

Isoleucine 5680mg Leucine 10 940mg Lysine 2640mg Methionine 3240mg Phenylamine 9600mg Threonine 4280mg Tryptophan 1750mg Valine 6260mg

Bovine Colostrum 50 grams Vegetable Powder 3.5 grams

Vitamin 3 – for Energy and Recovery

A high potency Vitamin A, B Group Vitamins and Vitamin C supplement with added L- , recommended before and after racing.

Vitamin 3 is an easy way of ensuring the greyhound has the vitamins supplied that are important for -

• Energy conversion • Pre-race stress • Post-race stress and recovery • Maintenance of their Immune system

L-Carnitine may assist with –

• Energy metabolism ( utilisation). • Muscle recovery • Brain function • Health • Well-being

4 grams of “Vitamin 3” contains:

Vitamin A 6400 I.U Vitamin B1 14mg Vitamin B2 14mg Vitamin B3 16.4mg Vitamin B5 10mg Vitamin B6 10mg Vitamin B12 13.2ug Folic Acid 6.4mg Vitamin C 66.4mg Choline Chloride 40mg Yeast 320mg L-Carnitine 20mg Vegetable Powder 14mg


Is an essential, glucogenic, sulphur containing Amino Acid. Methionine aids the liver in detoxification mechanisms.