National Park Authority Date: 10/03/2021 Parish List Trees Works Applications Decided Between 03/03/21 and 09/03/21


Application No: TPO/21/0064 Address: BELMAR, 62B WHARTONS LANE, ASHURST, SOUTHAMPTON, SO40 7EF Case Officer: Nik Gruber Tree Ref Proposed Works Reason for Work ALL

T 2 Prune 1 x Oak tree CHPD - Clearing highways/paths/driveways/cables

Decision Date: 09/03/2021 Decision: Grant BEAULIEU

Application No: CONS/21/0073 Address: CURTLEMEAD HOUSE, FIRE STATION LANE, BEAULIEU, , SO42 7YF Case Officer: Nik Gruber Decision Date: 09/03/2021 Decision: Grant

Application No: CONS/21/0048 Address: GREENACRE, WOODENHOUSE LANE, PILLEY, , SO41 5QU Case Officer: Nik Gruber Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: CONS/21/0059 Address: 2 COTTAGES, MAIN ROAD, WALHAMPTON, LYMINGTON, SO41 5RE Case Officer: Nik Gruber Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: CONS/21/0067 Address: LISLE COURT HOUSE, LISLE COURT ROAD, LYMINGTON, SO41 5SH Case Officer: Nik Gruber Decision Date: 09/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: TPO/21/0062 Address: YEWTREES, CHURCH LANE, PILLEY, LYMINGTON, SO41 5QL Case Officer: Nik Gruber Tree Ref Proposed Works Reason for Work ALL

T1 Prune 1 x Yew Tree To increase light to house and maintain size of tree as close to property

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T2 Prune 1 x Yew Tree To increase light to house and maintain size of tree as close to property

Fell 1 x Sycamore tree Poor Specimen

Fell 1 x Ash tree Poor Specimen

Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Split Decision

Application No: CONS/21/0052 Address: FOREST COTTAGE, DAZEL CORNER, BRAMSHAW, LYNDHURST, SO43 7JN Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections BROCKENHURST

Application No: CONS/21/0058 Address: 2 POLICE HOUSE, LYNDHURST ROAD, BROCKENHURST, SO42 7RL Case Officer: Nik Gruber Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: TPO/21/0063 Address: RHINEFIELD HOUSE HOTEL, RHINEFIELD ROAD, BROCKENHURST, SO42 7QB Case Officer: Nik Gruber Tree Ref Proposed Works Reason for Work ALL

G20 Fell 1 x Oak tree Tree has a very acute lean towards the tennis court. Due to very wet conditions applicant is increasing concerned it may fail. W2 Fell 1 x Beech tree Tree is increasing leaning toward the road. Very concerned this is a health and safety issue.. Decision Date: 09/03/2021 Decision: Grant BURLEY

Application No: CONS/21/0070 Address: WITHIES, BURLEY LAWN, BURLEY, , BH24 4DL Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 09/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: R14/15/21/0118 Address: BLACKMOOR HOUSE, COACH HILL LANE, BURLEY, RINGWOOD, BH24 4HN Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 08/03/2021 Decision: Exempt Works

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Application No: CONS/21/0039 Address: MARIEHOLME, CHINHAM ROAD, BARTLEY, SOUTHAMPTON, SO40 2LF Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 05/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: CONS/21/0049 Address: KIM HOUSE, CHINHAM ROAD, BARTLEY, SOUTHAMPTON, SO40 2LF Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: CONS/21/0056 Address: HOMELEIGH, BARROW HILL ROAD, , SOUTHAMPTON, SO40 2PH Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections HYDE

Application No: CONS/21/0055 Address: HOLLANDS FARM, , , SP6 2PZ Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections LYNDHURST

Application No: CONS/21/0041 Address: LINDEN, 39 NORTHERWOOD AVENUE, LYNDHURST, SO43 7DU Case Officer: Nik Gruber Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: CONS/21/0057 Address: WOODPECKERS, SANDY LANE, LYNDHURST, SO43 7DN Case Officer: Nik Gruber Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections MILFORD-ON-SEA

Application No: CONS/21/0061 Address: LONG RANGE, SALTGRASS LANE, , LYMINGTON, SO41 0TQ Case Officer: Nik Gruber Decision Date: 05/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: CONS/21/0044 Address: WAVERLEY, 177 WOODLANDS ROAD, WOODLANDS, SOUTHAMPTON, SO40 7GL Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 05/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

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Application No: CONS/21/0066 Address: BARTLEY FARM HOUSE COTTAGE, RINGWOOD ROAD, BARTLEY, SOUTHAMPTON, SO40 7LD Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 09/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections RINGWOOD

Application No: CONS/21/0060 Address: KEEPERS COTTAGE, HILL, HANGERSLEY, RINGWOOD, BH24 3JN Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections SWAY

Application No: TPO/21/0068 Address: TARNA, BRIGHTON ROAD, SWAY, LYMINGTON, SO41 6EB Case Officer: James Palmer Tree Ref Proposed Works Reason for Work ALL

T12 Prune 1 x Oak tree Overall reduction and removal of deadwood to maintain size of tree and increase light in garden and neighbours land. Decision Date: 09/03/2021 Decision: Grant

Application No: CONS/21/0050 Address: WARREN HOUSE, WOODGREEN COMMON ROAD, WOODGREEN, FORDINGBRIDGE, SP6 2QX Case Officer: James Palmer Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision: Raise No Objections

Application No: TPO/21/0069 Address: TY GWYN, LOWER DENSOME WOOD, WOODGREEN, FORDINGBRIDGE, SP6 2BE Case Officer: James Palmer Tree Ref Proposed Works Reason for Work ALL

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W 1 Prune 4 x Silver Birch trees Silver Birch Marked as T1 remove leaning Prune 1 x Magnolia tree stem back to main trunk due to excessive weight over house. All other Silver Birches reduce southerly branches as they overhang house roof - PDDS - Potential direct damage to structures

Magnolia - Crown reduction to balance up Canopy which is also causing excessive shade and interfering with neighbouring property - TISB - To improve shape/balance, ODS - Over-dominant/shade. . Decision Date: 09/03/2021 Decision: Grant

Total No of Applications: 24 Decided within 8 weeks: 24 Percentage within 8 weeks: 100.00%


Inside National Park 24

Total 24

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