Skelsmergh and Parish Meeting

and Parish Council Annual General Meeting eetings and the Annual General Meeting Members of the public are invited, and Councillors are hereby summoned, to attend meetings to be held on Tuesday 10 May 2016, at Skelsmergh Community Hall, commencing at 7pm, as follows:

1. Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 1. Notes of previous Parish meeting, 18 May 2015 2. Updates, issues and questions to Parish Councillors from registered electors in the Parish 3. Community Engagement report from Police Community Support Officer Martin Boak

2. Annual General Meeting of Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Agenda 1. Election of Chairperson for the Council year 2016-17 2. To receive the Chair’s declaration of acceptance of office 3. To appoint a Vice-Chairperson of the Council year 2016-17 4. To receive apologies for absence 5. To authorise the chairperson to sign the minutes of the minutes of the last Annual General meeting held on 18 May 2015. 6. To receive the Council’s Annual Report. 7. To appoint the Council’s representatives for the following year for: • Upper Kent Local Area Partnership (LAP) (two) • Cenacolo Liaison Committee (two) • Skelsmergh Community Hall Management Committee (two) • Wide Broadband Champion (one) • Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC), South Lakes (two votes) 8. To agree lead members and membership of the working groups for the following year: • Environment Group • Communications Group • Woodland/conservation work party 9. To note the dates of the ordinary Parish Council meetings for 2016 and 2017 (all commencing 7.30pm): • Wednesday 6 July 2016 • Tuesday 13 September 2016 • Tuesday 15 November 2016 • Tuesday 10 January 2017 • Tuesday 14 March 2017

Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available from 6.45pm

Page 1 of 22 Notes of the Parish Meetings held on Monday 18 May 2015: Two parishioners, Rob Tarbuck and Geoffrey Halden, and Councillor Stan Collins were present.

Skelsmergh Parish Meeting

Councillor John Chapman, as Chair of the Parish Council, opened the meeting at 7.00pm.

1. The notes of previous Parish meeting held on 7 May 2014 were read.

2. The Chair asked for any issues or questions to Parish Councillors from registered electors in the Parish. Three points were briefly discussed: a. Local highway traffic signs remain outstanding and are difficult to progress. Cllr Collins inform that the economy restrictions are having a notable effect on the rate/output of the Highways department; Kentmere was successful in acquiring new road signs due to the contributions from a local business. b. Concern was raised about the lack of Councillor representation for Scalthwaiterigg Parish. The eligibility criteria was discussed (residency within or up to three miles from the parish boundary), and the Chair urged people present to either consider taking on the role themselves or to encourage others who may be interested in taking on this key neighbourhood improvement role to come forward. c. The maintenance and access to public rights of way; the Chair gave reassurance that this will be ongoing business for the Parish Council and feedback on any areas requiring attention was always welcome.

The last Skelsmergh Parish Council meeting was formally closed at 19.25. As Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parishes formally joined to become one Parish on 01.04.2015, future Parish meetings will be one meeting for residents of both wards.

Scalthwaiterigg Parish Meeting Cllr Chapman then opened the last Scalthwaiterigg Parish meeting; the notes of previous Parish meeting held on 7 May 2014 were read.

As there were no further items raised, the last Scalthwaiterigg Parish meeting was formally closed at 19.32.

Signed: ………………………………………. Date:……..………


Page 2 of 22 Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council held on Monday 18 May 2015 at Skelsmergh Community Hall.

Present: Councillor John Chapman – Chairman

Councillors: Mary Chapman Hermann Moisl Tim Maggs

Also present: Mrs Karen Little – Clerk Parishioners: Rob Tarbuck and Geoffrey Halden, and County Councillor Stan Collins. min Action 1/15 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllr Phil Rigby and PCSO Martin Boak. 2/15 Election of the Chair of the Council. Resolved: Cllr John Chapman was elected as the Parish Council Chairman for the ensuing year. 3/15 Chair’s declaration of acceptance of office Cllr Chapman signed, and the meeting received, the declaration of acceptance of office of Chair. 4/15 Election of the Vice-Chair of the Council Resolved: Cllr was elected as the Vice-Chair of the Council for the ensuing year. 5/15 Minutes of previous AGM meeting Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Council held on 7 May 2014 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 6/15 Annual report 2013-2014 The Chair read out the Annual report to the meeting. Resolved that The Annual report be agreed; copies are available from the Clerk and on the Parish web site. 7/15 Appointments to outside bodies Resolved: To appoint the Parish Council’s representatives for the following year, as follows:  Upper Kent Local Area Partnership (LAP) – MC & JC  Cenacolo Liaison Committee – HM & MC  Skelsmergh Community Hall Management Committee – JC & PR  Cumbria wide Broadband Champion – TM  Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC), South Lakes – JC + vacancy (to discuss with new Councillors when they arrive). 8/15 Working Group Chairs and membership Resolved: To appoint:  MC as the Chair of the Environment Working Group, to recruit members as

Signed: ………………………………………. Date:……..………


Page 3 of 22 required.  Other working groups as required during the year, particularly if a need arises from the responses to the Parish Questionnaire.  HM is the Parish Council webmaster.  JC is the Council’s lead on highways and transport issues 9/15 Dates of meetings for 2015 and 2016 Resolved that the Council meetings for the forthcoming year are on the following dates, all commencing 7.30pm, at Skelsmergh Community Hall:  Wednesday 15 July 2015  Monday 14 September 2015  Wednesday 4 November 2015  Wednesday 13 January 2016  Wednesday 9 March 2016

The Chair formally closed the Annual General Meeting at 19.50.

Signed: ………………………………………. Date:……..………



From 1st April 2015 the two parishes which, until then, had operated for several years as a combined parish, were formally joined as a single parish consisting of two wards. Rather unfortunately there were no nominations for the Scalthwaiterigg ward so the May 2015 election saw the then existing councillors returned en bloc without a ballot. Happily, Phil Yates of Mealbank agreed to be co-opted in January 2016 and it is confidently expected that the second vacancy will be filled after the AGM.

The Community Plan of 2009 having substantially run its course, a new consultation was devised by a steering group and circulated to 200 households, resulting in 72 replies (a 40% response rate). The results of consultation and a proposed Action Plan for the ensuing five years was printed and distributed to all households together with a complimentary copy of the Church and Community News.

Some examples of issues of general concern to our residents related to the control over siting and appearance of new housing, highway maintenance and dangerous traffic, the need to extend the availability of broadband, the absence of a bus service to Mealbank and on the A6, poor mobile coverage and the need for a defibrillator. More localised issues concerning dog fouling, road surfacing and drainage, and amenity issues arising from the Mealbank trading estate were highlighted by Mealbank residents. A full account may be found on the website (see below).

The Council has a role to perform in representing residents’ interests but in most, if not all, has to proceed by persuasion of other bodies, having few direct powers itself.

One power it does possess is to grant-aid from the precept and at every opportunity it encourages groups and organisations to put forward applications for grants to assist in projects which can benefit the community – for example the commitment, in principle, to support the repair of the Mealbank bridleway/road.

In the current year the Council has itself promoted projects to repair a public seat at Gurnal Bridge, the WW1 memorial seat at Oakbank, and a step-over stile near Holme House (undertaken by a volunteer group from the Dry Stone Walling Association). These and similar projects, though small in scale, help to promote the enjoyment of the parish environment which all respondents to the survey valued highly. It is depressing that roadside litter continues to accumulate and disfigure our environment but heartening that volunteers continue to support the Environment Group’s twice yearly clean-up. Elsewhere volunteers also spent time clearing overgrown vegetation from rights of way.

Other issues which have concerned us were the delay in repairs to Laverock Bridge, now largely resolved (with reservations about the appropriateness of the coping stone) and a collision at the Kiln Croft/Skelsmergh Hall entrance which led to a call for traffic safety measures and is being actively pursued via the Casualty Reduction And Safer Highways (CRASH) group. The concentration of three private and two highway junctions within a short

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Page 5 of 22 stretch of the A6 where excessively high speeds are commonly noted creates a high accident potential. The misuse by HGVs seeking to access Mealbank Estate via Scandale is also being pursued.

Since the Community Plan was published broadband cabinets have appeared at Watchgate and Garth Row with consequent benefits to residents in the vicinity. Efforts to replicate these benefits elsewhere in the parish will continue via contacts with BT Openreach and the private operator, B4RN as it extends its range in adjoining parishes to the south.

The business of the council may be followed via the website at which contains not only official minutes but articles and image collections, the footpath guides and a link to the Community Hall website.

The Cenacolo Forum continues to meet annually to discuss any issues of concern. The council is grateful for the support which the Cenacolo Community gives to the litter clearance events.

In light of the above, 2016/17 promises to be a busy and interesting year for the Council.

John Chapman Chairman Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council.

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Page 6 of 22 Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Karen Little, Nether Bower, Longsleddale, Cumbria LA8 9BB

26 April 2016

To Members of Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council You are duly summoned/required to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council to be held after the Parish (starting at 7pm) and Annual General meetings on TUESDAY 10 MAY 2016 at Skelsmergh Community Hall. Refreshments available from 6.45 pm.

Agenda 1. Apologies: To receive apologies and to note the reasons for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest: a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests. b. To declare any personal interests in items on the agenda and their nature. c. To declare any prejudicial interests in items on the agenda and their nature (Councillors with prejudicial interests must leave the room for the relevant items). 3. Minutes: To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meeting of the Council on 9 March 2016, attached. 4. Open Forum: Residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda, or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman. 5. Matters Arising from the Minutes. 6. Formal Announcements by the Chair: 7. Grant application - Mealbank road improvements, attached 8. Cenacolo Annual Forum: Councillors to receive feedback from the meeting on 19 April 2016. 9. Community Action Plan 2016: To receive updates for: a. Environment and Community Woodlands  Report from Cllr Mary Chapman on the activities of the Environment Group  Report from Cllr John Chapman on Parish Woodlands b. Highways and Transport  Report of the CRASH meetings, notes from 08.03.2016 & 14.04.2016 attached  Parish sign at Selside  A request by residents for a ‘No Through Road’ sign to deter drivers from two roads leading to Goodhamscales  Report on the drain audit commissioned by Cllr Collins and the approach to Stagecoach re A6 stops for the 555 service c. Community  Update from Community Hall meeting on 06.4.2016  Defibrillator update:  Update on Mealbank issues d. Communications  Broadband 10. Finance: a. To consider payments to be made as per Clerk’s report, to follow b. To receive and note the bank reconciliation and end of year statement for 2015-16 year-end, attached c. To receive and note the outcomes of the internal audit – Mrs Lynda Barron, to folow

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Page 7 of 22 d. To approve the annual return for the year end March 2016, section 1 and section 2, to follow e. To undertake preliminary discussions on the 2016-2017 budget allocations f. Update on cheque signatory authority 11. Planning Applications: a. SL/2015/1172, The Guest Suite, Treetops Laverock Hill Mealbank Cumbria LA8 9EP, Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for extension to be used as a separate dwelling. PC - no comment. b. SL/2016/0203, Garnett Fields, Skelsmergh Kendal Cumbria LA8 9AS, Application for a single storey extension and detached garage. PC – no objections. c. SL/2016/0218 6 Dodding Holme, Mealbank, Kendal, LA8 9DH, Two storey side extension. PC – no objections. 12. Correspondence: To consider correspondence highlighted by the Clerk 13. Dates for next meetings (venue: Skelsmergh Community Hall, commencing 7.30pm):  Wednesday 6 July 2016  Tuesday 13 September 2016  Tuesday 15 November 2016  Tuesday 10 January 2017  Tuesday 14 March 2017


Karen Little Clerk to Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council 26 April 2016

Please note that the minutes of the previous meeting can be inspected on the Parish Council website:, or by application to the Clerk.

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Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9 March 2016 at 7.30pm in Skelsmergh Community Hall

Present: Hermann Moisl (HM) – Chair Parish Councillors: Tim Maggs (TM) Phil Rigby (PR) from item 69/15b Phil Yates (PY) Local Residents: Three local residents Clerk: Karen Little (KL)

Minute Business Item Lead Number Person 79/15 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors John Chapman and Mary Chapman. The meeting was quorate. 80/15 Declaration of Interests Councillors Phil Yates and Hermann Moisl declared an interest in agenda item 85/15, Grant application - Mealbank road improvements. 81/15 Minutes of the Previous Meeting RESOLVED - the minutes of Parish meeting on 13 January 2016 were confirmed as a true and complete record, to be signed by the Chair. 82/15 Open Forum Discussion points:

a. A6 Road Safety Concerns Residents were updated that since the January Parish Council meeting:  Letters have been sent to the Chief Constable at Cumbria Constabulary; the Network Manager for the Highways Department, Cumbria County Council, and County Councillor Stan Collins to request their help in addressing the safety concerns relating to the Kiln Croft section of the A6. This section of the A6 has a significant number of residents/pedestrians, and a history of road incidents/near misses. The letters proposed options to better manage traffic speed/inform drivers of the junctions: double white lines (no overtaking), a 40 mph speed limit, and new signage.  In response, the Parish Council was invited to attend a pre-Crash (Casualty Reduction And Safer Highways) group meeting on 10 March 2016 to explain the issues/concerns in more detail. More information was requested on:  Councillor Colin’s role in addressing local highway issues and road safety concerns; whether his role is linked to specific funds to address these matters; and whether there is a formal requirement for Councillor Collins to attend Parish Council meetings.  The funding source for the double width footpath under construction for the new rugby club (near Morrisons) on the A6. If this was public money, could an application also be made for the Kiln Croft A6 footpath proposal?  Can a temporary 30mph temporary speed limit be trialled for the Kiln Croft section KL of the A6, monitored by Speed Indicator Devices (SID) to assess the effectiveness of traffic management for this stretch of the A6? Action 1: The above questions will be discussed at the pre-Crash meeting on 10.03.2016, and reported back at the next Council meeting.

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b. Land North of Skelsmergh Hall – rejected planning appeal (demolition of storage barn and erection of two dwellings). Concern was raised that non-development of the site would exacerbate the potential damage from flooding, due to blocked drains and lack of maintenance of the site. Residents asked if the Parish Council could raise the concern with SLDC, to facilitate appropriate action HM to be taken. Action 2: The Chair to inform SLDC and request appropriate action to minimise potential flood damage to nearby residents’ houses due to property neglect. 83/15 Matters Arising from the Minutes. a. Street Lights at Mealbank Councillors noted that this has not been priority maintenance work, but when repairs are scheduled, to request diffusers for the remaining lights that aren’t working, to reduce the intrusive glare into properties that face onto the lights.

b. Mealbank Industrial Estate In addition to the previous issues raised with the landowner (minute 77/15), an additional matter was identified. Councillors considered the derelict vehicles parked by the bridge could cause health issues from water contamination (e.g. from leaking oil). Action 3: The Chair to raise this matter with Mr Procter. HM

c. Unscheduled Bus stops Councillor Collins was contacting Stagecoach to confirm whether Stage Coach would KL accommodate unscheduled stops on the A6, while the A591 remains closed. Action 4: The Clerk to follow up with Councillor Collins. 84/15 Formal announcements by the Chair a. Damage to the Entrance of the Community Woodlands Councillors noted the satisfactory outcome of the complaint to ENWL. Councillor John Chapman had made repeated requests that the damage at the entrance (caused by the excavations to install a broadband cabinet) were made good.

b. Vacant Councillor – Scalthwaiterigg ward A resident of Mealbank has expressed interest in the vacant post. RESOLVED: It was unanimously agreed to have an agenda item to co-opt a new Councillor at the May Parish Council meeting. 85/15 Grant Application Further details on the £1.5k grant application to resurface the bridleway at Mealbank (July 2015, min 29/15c) were received. Councillor Moisl advised that since July - major work has been completed to renew the drains (due to the flood damage), and the initial plan has been revised to use concrete and local volunteers to keep costs down. The total project costs well exceed the grant applied for - the difference will be funded by residents’ voluntary contributions. The resurface work will restore vehicular access to residents’ homes. RESOLVED: The application was deferred to the May meeting as the Council was not quorate (with two declarations of interest) to make a decision. 86/15 LAP Report Councillors noted the minutes of the meeting on 10.02.2016. The cost (£300k to Old Hutton, New Hutton and Preston Patrick residents) of a joint project with B4RN was considered prohibitive locally. RESOLVED: To defer any decisions for Parish activity to improve Broadband facilities until Councillors know the outcomes of the planned LAP presentations, and discussions with SLDC for possible funding support. 87/15 Cenacolo Annual Forum

Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 29 Page 10 of 22

Councillors Mary Chapman and Hermann Moisl will attend the Liaison Forum on Tuesday 19th April 2016. In response to being asked for items to discuss at the event, Councillors valued the opportunity to express their appreciation of the improvements made to the site and area under Cenacolo’s management. The quality of the renovation work was commended. Interest was expressed in the Polly tunnels and the centre’s aspirations for them. 88/15 Update from Community Hall The summary of the meeting on 10.02.2016 was noted; support was given in principle and grant applications will be welcomed for hall maintenance and decoration purposes. Councillors would find wi-fi facilities very useful for Council meetings, if this was progressed in response to the request/need from Selside School. 89/15 CALC District meeting From the minutes of 04.02.2016, the issues of an aging population were noted and discussed. Local needs and initiatives to support active independence for residents have been included in the Parish Council Community Plan 2015. 90/15 Community Action Plan 2016: To receive updates for: a. Environment and Community Woodlands:  The minutes of the Parish Environment Group meeting on 11.02.2016 were noted.  Posters detailing the next litter-pick event have been circulated – 10.04.2016.  Dog fouling continues at Mealbank; paint spraying is used to monitor and as a deterrent.  New item: Joy riding at Mealbank, specific actions taken in response were noted.

b. Highways and Transport  Discussed in item 82/15a above.  The north Kendal relief road project was discussed – part of the proposed route passes through the Parish. Councillors were divided in their support for the project.

c. Community

The Mealbank community cohesion and collaborative project work was commended in successfully resolving their road condition/vehicle access problem. It was noted that projects that involve contributions from all the community is very powerful and the best way to undertake local projects to improve the environment. Similarities were made between the Mealbank and Kiln Croft communities in facing different issues.

d. Communications Councillors had nothing to add to the discussions under item 86/15 above. 91/15 Council Finances RESOLVED: a. Payments To make the following payments: Payee Expenses/Services Amount (£) Karen Little Clerk’s salary 01.02.2016 to 31.03.2016 281.75 CVS Payroll - Clerk’s wages 21.00 Skelsmergh & Scalthwaiterigg Community Plan 2015 Dixon Printing Co Ltd 331.00 Summary & Action Plan, origination & proof TOTAL 633.75

b. Bank reconciliation The bank reconciliation statement and the predicted end of year credit (approx. £7k) position was noted. The carry forward is because of the deferred Mealbank grant application (£1.5k), delays due to the flooding in erecting the north Parish sign (£750), the lack of grant

Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 30 Page 11 of 22

applications (£2k allocated) and the closure/transfer of the NS&I investment account to the Barclay’s current account.

c. Parish Council NS&I Investment This account has now been closed; £842.75 was transferred to the Parish Council current account.

d. External audit arrangements for smaller authorities RESOLVED:  Councillors decided NOT to opt out of the external audit arrangements; from 1 April 2017, the Parish Council will comply with the Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments (SAAA) arrangements.  For the 2015-16 year-end - to continue to apply the same internal control audit criteria as last year (as per CALC recommended practice), and request Mrs Lynda Barron to undertake the internal audit, also as last year.  For the Clerk to attend the CALC Finance training course in April 2016 to support the year-end audit. 92/15 Planning Applications a. SL/2015/1023, Skelsmergh Kendal LA8 9AS, siting of timber stable building for use in association with dog exercise area. PC had no objection; SLDC granted with 3 conditions, 11.01.2016. b. SL/2015/1063, Paddys Lane Overbridge, Paddys Lane, Kendal Cumbria LA8 0DA, removal of existing stone bridge parapets and replacement with new higher concrete parapets providing improved vehicle impact containment (parapet strength and height). PC has no objections; SLDC granted with 2 conditions, 19.01.2016. c. SL/2015/0614, Land northwest of Skelsmergh Hall Skelsmergh Kendal, Cumbria LA9 6NU, Demolition of storage barn and erection of two dwellings – appeal made to the Secretary of State. PC had no objection; appeal dismissed, 26.01.2016. d. SL/2015/1053, High Thorn Farm, Selside, Conversion and extension of store and pigeon loft to a detached dwelling: PC objected; application was withdrawn 03.03.2016 e. SL/2015/1172, The Guest Suite, Treetops Laverock Hill Mealbank Kendal Cumbria LA8 9EP, Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for extension (SL/2003/2209) to be used as a separate dwelling. PC - no comment; no decision from SLDC - March 2016. f. SL/2016/0092, Watchgate Water Treatment Works, Selside Kendal LA8 9LQ, Installation of roof mounted solar PV array. PC have no objections; prior approval is not required. 93/15 Correspondence: To consider correspondence highlighted by the Clerk: a. Celebration of Armed Forces Day, 25.06.2016. RESOLVED: The council would not take a formal role in any local celebrations of this event. 94/15 Dates for future meetings RESOLVED – To note the dates are as follows (venue: Skelsmergh Community Hall, commencing 7.30pm): unless otherwise stated):  Tuesday 10 May 2016 – Parish meeting, Annual General Meeting and Parish Council meeting, starting at 7pm.  Wednesday 6 July 2016  Tuesday 13 September 2016  Tuesday 15 November 2016  Tuesday 10 January 2017  Tuesday 14 March 2017 The Chair closed the meeting at 21.26 and thanked Councillors for their time and contributions to the meeting.

Signed: ………………………………………. Date…………………………..… 31 Page 12 of 22 Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council



Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council has a small budget for the award of grants to provide support to community organisations. The Parish Council will consider grant applications from voluntary groups or charitable organisations, which are not for profit and who can demonstrate that any funding received will directly benefit the Parish, or residents of the Parish.

Grant applications will be considered as an agenda item at a Parish Council meeting and the decision made will be recorded in the meeting minutes, which are available for public inspection.

Applications will be considered for the following purposes: 1. Purchasing equipment either in part or in full. 2. Funding transport that will enable group members to partake in a group trip or outing regardless of their incomes. 3. Training activities, or to purchase the expertise of an outside trainer/ instructor/ facilitator. 4. Activities that raise the profile and/or aid conservation of the area. 5. Running costs of a viable group that is experiencing a period of hardship. 6. Hosting special events or celebrations. 7. Provision of recreational facilities. 8. Assistance towards maintenance of structures/properties that benefit the community. 9. Works which improve the amenities of the community.

Conditions: 1. Grants will not be awarded to individuals. 2. Grants will not be awarded to regional or national organisations, unless they are for a specific project located in, or for the benefits of residents of, Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg wards. 3. Additional applications within a 12 month period will not normally be considered. 4. The award must be used for the purpose for which the application was made. 5. If the group is unable to use the award for the stated purpose, all monies must be returned to the Parish Council. 6. All awards must be properly accounted for and evidence of expenditure should be supplied as requested. If the Parish Council is not satisfied with the arrangements, they reserve the right to request a refund of monies awarded. 7. Any payments made are subject to the normal budgetary constraints of the Parish Council and will be made at the absolute discretion of the Parish Council.

Eligibility: 1. Any Charity, Voluntary Group or Community Organisation. 2. Agencies that operate within the Parish and are of benefit to the local community, with the following provisos:

Page 13 of 22  The Parish Council will not fund activities that it considers to be the responsibility of a Statutory Authority.  The Parish Council will not fund activities outside its powers and functions.

Applications: To apply, please complete the application form below and send to the Skelmsergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Clerk (see Parish council web site for contact details). For information either on making or about the progress of a grant application, please contact the Clerk for an informal discussion.

Policy reviewed September 2014.

Page 14 of 22 Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council GRANT AWARD APPLICATION FORM

1. Name and Address of the Organisation seeking a grant Mealbank Road Scheme 24 Mealbank Kendal LA8 9DW Constitution of Mealbank Road Scheme (MRS) attached as Appendix A.

2. Purpose for which the grant will be used Resurfacing of bridleway through the hamlet of Mealbank.

3. If funding is applied as part payment to purchase equipment, please specify the source of other funding. Not applicable

4. Please specify how this grant will benefit the Parish or any part of it, or all of/some of its inhabitants. This application is made with reference items 8 and 9 of the Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council's Grant Awarding Policy: 8. Assistance towards maintenance of structures/properties that benefit the community, and 9. Works which improve the amenities of the community. It is made by the Mealbank Road Scheme in conformity with eligibility criterion 1 of that policy: 1. Any Charity, Voluntary Group or Community Organisation.

As a consequence of long neglect and unauthorised motor traffic, the bridleway through the hamlet of Mealbank had become eroded to the extent that it threatened to become unusable for vehicular access by residents to their dwellings. The Mealbank Road Scheme was set up by residents to undertake repairs and resurfacing of the bridleway, and has collected £9922 in voluntary contributions towards the cost of this. That sum is insufficient to complete the necessary work, however, and the amount requested from the Parish Council is intended to make up the shortfall. The projected repair and resurfacing of the bridleway will be of benefit to the 32 households which comprise Mealbank in that it will restore a fundamentally important amenity.

An earlier application for the above purpose was made to the Parish Council (copy attached as Appendix B) and considered at its meeting of 15 July 2015, with the following result (excerpted from the relevant Minutes):

The Mealbank Road Scheme has since been asked by the Parish Council to resubmit the application

Page 15 of 22 in the approved format. This is opportune, since conditions have changed since the earlier application, as detailed in what follows.

The earlier application assumed that the necessary work would be carried out by a contractor. This has since become unaffordable for two reasons:

1. Centredrive, the Trust that own the bridleway, objected to the proposed tarmac surfacing because tarmac on uphill sections is too slippery for equestrian use, and required that a non-slip coating be applied. Quotations were requested, the cheapest of which was £5000. This, in addition to the original quotation, drove the total coast substantially beyond affordability, even assuming the Parish Council grant.

2. The severe flooding of the Kendal area in December 2015 not only further eroded the bridleway but also showed that extensive renewal of drainage provisions were required before bridleway repairs could be undertaken. This renewal is now complete and is documented on the Parish Council website: The work was done by volunteers, but material and equipment costs came to £3269, reducing the funds available for bridleway repairs by that amount.

In the wake of these developments, the plan is to resurface with concrete, again using local volunteer labour. This has been approved by Centredrive. Current estimates for cost of equipment and materials to resurface the entire length of the bridleway are: • Concrete: £11600 • Hardcore base: £1600 • Plant hire: £520 These costs substantially exceed current Mealbank Road Scheme resources, even assuming that the Parish Council is willing to extend the original grant under the above revised conditions. The next step will therefore be to consult Mealbank residents about various options for a mix of concrete and hardcore surfacing in different parts of the bridleway so as to render the project affordable.

5. Amount requested £1500

6. Name of person representing the organisation Hermann Moisl (Chairman, Mealbank Road Scheme)

7. Signature

8. Date 2 March 2016

Page 16 of 22 Appendix A

Mealbank Road Scheme (MRS) 24 Mealbank Kendal, Cumbria LA8 9DW


1. Purpose of the Mealbank Road Scheme The aim of the MRS is to oversee maintenance of the private road through the village of Mealbank, on the outskirts of Kendal, Cumbria, UK by financial subscription from participating residents of Mealbank.

2. Purpose of the Lloyds Bank business account The Lloyds Bank business account is required as a repository for subscriptions to the MRS, as described in (1) above. The minimum subscription is £100, and there is no maximum.

3. Country of formation The country of formation is the .

4. Members of the society Membership of the MRS is open to residents of Mealbank, where residency is defined as owenership or rental of properties in the village.

5. Management committee The management committe of MRS comprises a chairman and a treasurer.

• Chairman: Dr. Hermann Moisl, 24 Mealbank, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9DW • Treaurer: Mr. Martyn Mills, 27 Mealbank, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9DW

Page 17 of 22 Appendix B

Application to Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council: financial support for road improvement at Mealbank.

After many years of neglect, the road through the residential part of Mealbank next to the trading estate has become heavily eroded and will soon become effectively unusable by residents' vehicles. This residential section is an extension of the private road which runs from the Grayrigg road to the Mealbank Trading Estate, and is in the ownership of Centerdrive, a trust controlled by the Procter family. Centerdrive maintains the section from the Grayrigg Road to the end of the trading estate, and it is the responsibility of residents to maintain the remainder. The Mealbank Road Scheme (MRS; constitution attached) was recently established to repair and thereafter to maintain the residential section. MRS has obtained several contractors' quotes for the necessary work, the two best of which are shown below, and has collected contributions from residents to fund the work. The purpose of this application is to ask the Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council (PC) for a financial contribution to the repair project.

Quotation 1 (Ian Nicholson): Partial tarmac, partial hardcore resurfacing. All work done £10,500.00 by contractor. Quotation 2 (): Tarmac throughout. Some preparatory work done by residents. £11,129.00

Current MRS balance of contributions collected from residents £9,922.00

As the above figures show, the contributions collected from residents fall slightly short of what is required to fund the project, and there is no scope for any additional contribution from the community. The full tarmac option is, moreover, the one preferred by the community because of the greatly increased durability that it offers, and this requires payment for equipment hire which is not included in Quotation 2. This application therefore asks the PC for a contribution to cover the shortfall between available funds and actual costs. In the case of Quotation 1 this is £578 . For Quotation 2 the precise amount required is unknown at present, but a maximum of £1500 is requested.

The Cumbria Association of Local Councils lists, as one of the roles of Parish Councils, that they 'undertake projects and schemes that benefit local residents' ( The MRS project would greatly benefit the residents of Mealbank, and by providing the financial support hereby requested, Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council would help to realise that benefit.

Yours sincerely,

Hermann Moisl Chairman, Mealbank Road Scheme


Thursday 10th March 2016


PS1431 Suzanne Scott-O’Neill Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson Councillor Stan Collins Stuart Brathwaite (Highways) Michael Roberts Andy Griffith Karen Little - Skelsmergh & Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Diane Bevis- Skelsmergh & Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council

Action 10 – Kendal A6 nr Burneside. Karen Little AND Diane Bevis from Skelsmergh & Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council attended and a number of things was discussed. Relating to recent collisons and possible speeding near the junction of Burneside and Kiln Croft. This was discussed. Summarised - 1. 1 It would be difficult to set up 40 or 50 speed restrictions, as the stretch of road doesn’t meet the criteria. (Stuart Braithwaite) 2. The accident statistics were serious to slight, 3x 2015, none 2014 & a number for 2011 to 2013. 3. Highways will do a site visit – horizontal and vertical visibility sprays, and if appropriate with the accident statistics - will make recommendations for action to be taken. 4. Entrances to private residents are the responsibility of the landowner, if correct – To be confirm if this applies to Kiln Croft road. 5. The Police SID to be used in parallel with the PC’s SID. The Councillor to liaise with for this is Mary Chapman (copied into this email, so you can contact her direct), tel 01539 731863. 6. Replacement signs, Stuart/Highways will also consider on his site visit - old signs to be replaced. Clerk to report dirty/overgrown signs to the Highways hotline.

Date of next meeting 10am 14th April 2016 at Kendal Police Station.

Page 19 of 22 Minutes of the CRASH meeting held on 14th April 2016 at Kendal Police Station.


PS 1431 Suzanne Scott- O’Neil (S S-O’N) Police PS 1511 Rupert Johnston ( RJ) Police PS 1308 Bill Nolan (BN) Police Michael Robert (MR) Community Speed Watch Cllr Shirley Evans (SE) CCC Cllr Robert Fowler (RF) Lower Allithwaite PC Cllr John Chapman (JC) Skelsmergh PC Terry Simpkins (TS) IAM Stuart Braithwaite (SB) Cumbria Highways.

Action 10 A6 Burneside

SB informed the meeting that in relation to the junctions controlled by CCC all complied with DFT guidelines for an unrestricted road. JC pointed out the problem of unexpected overtaking and suggested that double white lines and improved signage may address the issue .The problem of HGV’s approaching Meal Bank from Appleby Rd was also discussed and agreed that better signage was the possible solution. SB said these measures would be considered S S-O’N stated that that a survey was being carried out and the result would be brought to the next meeting

Date of next meeting


Page 20 of 22 Skelsmergh Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council

Financial Report for Year-end 31 March 2016

2014/15 2015/16 £ Actual Predicted Bank Statement at 02/04/2015 6,822.29 4,346.55 4,346.55 National Savings & Investment Account at 31/03/2015 829.83 836.05 836.05 Cheques not presented at 31/03/2015 - 117.08 - 132.17 - 132.17 Brought forward 7,535.04 5,050.43 5,050.43

Receipts: Precept 3,462.24 3,462.24 3,462.24 Grant SLDC 92.18 104.65 104.65 Payment in error - from SLDC 279.68 279.68 Interest on deposit a/c 6.22 6.70 6.70 Reclaimed VAT 110.00 SLDC Grant A6 Footpath, Kilncroft: Grant expired, project aborted Woodland Income 50.00 39.00 39.00 Sealed bids - coppicing, minute 47/15a 40.00 40.00 Cheque no 91, dated 10.09.2013, expired, not cashed, Kearon McNicol 117.08 Honey & Paradise 78.00 Wayleave payment, back dated to 2008 155.72 155.72 Closure of NS&I Investment Cheque no 100122, dated 10.03.2015, expired, not cashed, Hermann Moisl 69.95 69.95 Credit from HMRC, over payment 2011-12 100.28 Sub total 553.76 695.70 695.70 Total income 4,016.00 4,157.94 4,157.94

Payments: Clerk's wages (net) - DC 2013-14 669.89 - - Employers NIC Cont. - DC 2013-14 24.48 - - PAYE, DC 173.40 - - Clerk's wages (gross) - KL 1,903.79 1,690.50 1,690.50 PAYE, KL 100.10 - - Total staff costs 2,871.66 1,690.50 1,690.50

Business Expenses: 1 Admin & clerk's expenses - KL 530.08 132.13 140.00 2 Admin & clerk's expenses - DC 100.00 - - 3 Cumbria CVS - payroll fees DC 2013-14 67.00 - - 4 Cumbria CVS - payroll fees KL 2014-15 69.00 126.00 126.00 5 Training and travel expenses (plus to meetings - Council business) 138.00 200.00 6 CALC membership 61.00 93.00 93.00 7 CiLCA Registration 250.00 - - 8 Parish Walks Leaflets 420.00 - - 9 Community Hall Grant - web site, min 59/14 750.00 - - 10 Community Hall Grant - maintenance costs, min 58/14 250.00 11 Skelsmergh Sports Grant, min 58/14 100.00 12 WW1 Memorials - St John's Church, Skelsmergh, min 54/14 200.00 - - 13 Stile repair (Coppice Howe - Gurnal Bridge), min 109/14a4 100.00 - - 14 Website, siteground 69.95 15 Skelsmergh Hall - hire meetings 2013-14 & 2014-15; 2015-16 294.50 144.00 144.00 16 Insurance 159.00 164.25 164.25 17 Street lighting 70.42 73.45 73.45 18 External Audit 36.00 36.00 19 Contra credit (HMRC - credit note) 100.28 Page 1 of 2

Page 21 of 22 Skelsmergh Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council

Financial Report for Year-end 31 March 2016

20 SLDC overpayment - recovery payment - 279.68 279.68 21 Oakbank memorial plaque & seat repair, min 109/14c1 & 93/14c1 116.00 116.00 22 Grant 1: Environment, min 29/15a - 90.00 90.00 23 Grant 2: Burial ground maintenance, min 29/15b - 100.00 100.00 24 Grant 3: Mealbank road improvements, min 29/15c - 1,500.00 25 Parish Sign, northern boundary, min 93/14b4 750.00 26 Parish Plan, expenses for the consultation, min 28/15c 331.00 500.00 27 Grant 4: DSWA, Stile repair at Holme House, Skelsmergh, min 59/15 a3 100.00 100.00 28 Church & Community News 55.00 55.00 29 Small concessionary grants, e.g.replacement of noticeboards , etc - 2,000.00 Sub total 3,628.95 1,940.79 6,467.38

Total expenditure 6,500.61 3,631.29 8,157.88 income less expenditure - 2,484.61 526.65 - 3,999.94 c/f to following year 5,050.43 5,577.08 1,050.49

Bank reconciliation £ Barclay's account at 01/04/2016 5,598.08 NS&I Account (last update 22 Jan 2016) - Sub Total 5,598.08 Cheques yet to be presented (from below) - 21.00 Total 5,577.08

Cheques not yet presented £ Cheque No CVS (March 2016) - 21.00 100150 Total - 21.00

Fixed and long term assets £ Grit bins: 288.00 2 at both entrances to Mealbank Village (green), purchase cost £600, Oct 2009 Notice Boards: 500.00 6: Garth Row, Dodding Holme, Mealbank, Kiln Croft, Skelsmergh Hall, Oakbank, Purchase/installation cost £106, in 2008 and 1990, plus donations of materials and labour Woodland shed: 480.00 In woodlands, Garth Row, purchase price £650, March 2011. Litter pickers: 111.00 1, Oakbank House, purchase price £111.63, September 2010 Community Woodland - notional figure 1.00 Burial Ground - notional figure 1.00 Total 1,381.00

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