Dave Galanter | 304 pages | 01 Jul 2009 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9781439101551 | English | New York, United States StarTrek: The Original Series FanFiction Archive | FanFiction

Title: Dagger of the Mind 03 Nov After a psychologically disturbed patient from the Tantalus penal colony, Dr. Simon Van Gelder, manages to escape to the Enterprise, Dr. McCoy begins to suspect that something is amiss on the colony. Captain Kirk and Dr. Helen Noel beam down to the planet to investigate. Written by garykmcd. Dagger of the Mind has everything one would expect from a good episode: suspense, great dialogue and a subtle reflection on a contemporary issue, in this case the medical treatment of insane people. The Enterprise is orbiting around a planet that serves as a prison colony, specifically designed for the criminally insane. When an inmate manages to get on the ship, and McCoy do everything in their power to capture him, while Kirk and the crew's psychiatrist, a woman with whom - what a surprise - he appears to have a history, beam down to the planet to talk to Dr. Adams, whose revolutionary discoveries are well known throughout the galaxy. The truth, it turns out, is rather different from what they thought: the escaped convict is actually someone who used to work at the facility, and driven mad by Adams' latest creation, a device that allows him to control the human mind. And now, in order to protect his secret, the doctor intends to use it on Kirk. The episode originally aired at a time when psychiatric hospitals and various forms of treatment for mentally ill patients were still a controversial subject Frederick Wiseman's harrowing documentary Titicut Follies, which was banned for its explicit look at what goes on in a "mad house", was released in , and so the writers used the excuse of Trek being nothing but an average sci-fi show - which always stressed it wasn't, and still isn't - to get away with their own look at the issue, hidden under the usual mix of thrills and wit. Fans also remember Dagger of the Mind fondly because it introduces the famous "mind meld", which is essentially a form of telepathy used by Spock to get information when all other methods have failed. It adds a lot to the alien nature of the character, and went on to become a recurring element throughout the series. An iconic moment, and undoubtedly one of 's best on the show. Looking for some great streaming picks? Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. Nice review Robert! Not too many details given out, and just enough to entice a reader into picking up a copy. Pocket Books is actually putting out a novel that is NOT formulaic??? Crisis A is solved by gallant Kirk. Everyone else is unimportant. The opening fanfare, for example, when the Enterprise approaches the screen as the episode begins is often high in my mind when I crack the cover to a TOS book. In this instance, however, I found myself picking out orchestrations from various scores from throughout the original series — even some of that moody third-season music near the end. I find it fun to imagine camera angles too — how would I set this up if I was the director? I wonder if the erasing of the Trek Prime timeline indeed will hurt book or comic sales. Glad that they are still using a Nimoy image though. Used bookstores have shelves upon shelves of Trek in my area, and several local new-sale shops carry at least two one carries four shelves of Trek Books. Pocket has been publishing 15 to 20 titles a year for several years now. They did cut back on the eBook line, true, but the hardcopy sales have remained, evidently, strong enough to justify staying in existence. The staff layoffs have far more to do with the environment of business than they do low sales, though almost certainly sales today are lower than they were a few years ago on account of the economy. Book reviews get little response, however, because the number of people reading tie-in fiction is dramatically lower than the number of people who go to the cineplex or flip on the TV. Always has been, always will be. This is probably off-topic, but does anyone have an opinion of the Vanguard series they will share? I enjoyed the first book in the series by David Mack. Are the other Vanguard books as good? You can read my previous reviews of Vanguard books here on the site! Just click on the Books listing in the archive and scroll back. When will Roberto Orci and Alex Krutzman release a published copy of their script? Does anyone know? I took a chance on this book by buying it from the synopsis provided. Now, I buy few books. This sounds exactly like the type of Trek book I would enjoy reading. The main reason I stopped reading as many Trek books as I used to is because they stopped focusing on the main TV characters and became too much about the original Pocket Books characters. I heartily agree with 9, in that Photoshop-a trademarked product, not a verb- or more likely Adobe Illustrator is not a casual tool that anyone can use for great results. Giving Word to a monkey will not yield Shakespeare anymore than giving Photoshop to a hack will yield original artwork. Would I have preferred that it was entirely rendered by human hands? I like seeing artists employed. However, I find it an acceptable image for a paperback book that will fall to dust in 50 years due to being printed on the cheapest possible paper pulp available. I really quit reading the Trek books when the first L. Graf novel was released. From the description, it just might. I read everything of Trek I can get my hands on. Since I have cards to 3 different libraries, I have some selection. And I might buy a book or two. I find the books since much more interesting than the earlier works. Most of the books are good and entertaining. Alot of the same themes but I tend to look at the books as really big television episodes. And most current books will touch on adult themes in a serious and non-pandering way. Star Trek books are alive and well. I feel they should now begin to be considered for canon material, certainly the books that flesh out the universe and show us different crews and events throughout the grand world started by photographed media. I am reading it now and it is definitely a page turner and seems to in no way violate any on-screen canon. The last few TOS-based books have been very inventive. Too much to keep up with. He relied on the skills of his crew and stepped in when the situation required it or strategic concerns demanded it. Same here Father. Camera angles, commercial cues, background music, Shatner acting and sometimes even guest stars. At the Park Bench near the south entrance of Park Cod? I do indeed wish you to see. At hours there I'll be. Drink Your Heart Away by Carpe History reviews Sometimes, since the last mission, when their emotions get to be too much, Scotty, Jim, and Bones go drinking on shore leave. That changes on the first shore leave of the next five-year mission. Taken from the past this patient was a key to the end of the future cold war but now far outside his time, how will he fair in space? Voices from the Past by twobluebearies reviews T'Pau wishes for Vulcan to secede from the Federation, but one of the Houses opposes her. Spock and Kirk are sent to talk to the adverse party, when they crash-land their shuttle in the middle of the desert called The Forge. Will they still be able to prevent the secession, or even manage to survive? And who is behind this ploy? Inspired by several of my favorite Star Trek novels. Kirk, Sarek, M. Scott, Spock - Complete. Sole Survivor by Diana Huntress reviews The Enterprise answers a distress signal from a commercial scoutship, and discovers a scene of carnage with only a single survivor. Diverted from the investigation too soon, Kirk and crew finds themselves under attack by something they cannot identify. Uhura are married, and the Enterprise is on a slow run to Vulcan. What could go wrong? Kirk has always believed in giving people second chances regardless of what those past mistakes may have been. And Lieutenant Susanna L. Warren is exactly the type of person who could use one after creating a rocky reputation aboard the U. S Luna. This is a story of adventure, second chances, and finding hope and love in a sometimes very cold galaxy. McCoy, Spock, OC. Pick Who Dies by BrokenKestral reviews A battle, a triumph, a choice - one of the triumvirate has been chosen to die, but which? Inspired by Whumptober Kirk, Spock] L. McCoy - Complete. Troublesome Minds by Dave Galanter

Review this product Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Top reviews Most recent Top reviews. Top reviews from Australia. There are 0 reviews and 0 ratings from Australia. Top reviews from other countries. Verified Purchase. The characterisations and dialog are faithful to the original Star Trek series and the gets to fight an exciting battle, but what really makes this book stand out is the cleverly written and thought provoking story. This was a thoroughly engrossing book, and a great piece of classic writing. An interesting storyline which could have been explored more extensively. More information about the cultures involved instead of the repetitive wrangling between Kirk and McCoy. But so far it's not too riveting. The moral dilemma is great. The concept of a telepathic, hive-like race is very promising. But I just am not drawn into the story. The guest character with the troublesome mind is very forgettable. If the author made that character a child instead of a middle-aged ambassador, it would have been more. I don't know - striking? Report abuse. The original, however, is still my favorite. As much as anybody, I would like to see new episodes of the original characters in the original setting. I knew, of course, that was not possible. So I am pleased that I was wrong. Kirk, Mr. Spock, and the rest of the Enterprise crew down to facial gestures in a fast-moving plot of exploring new worlds. It captures the rhythm of the original in a thoughtful science fiction extrapolation. Even better, the plot involves an idea that might be difficult to capture on-screen: a battle of minds, literally, with worlds at stake. We all know, of course, that Spock has some telepathic abilities, along with powerful control over his thoughts and emotions. His interaction with the aliens is most fascinating. Galanter does a nice job adding one complication after another, with ever-higher stakes, while also exploring how such telepathic communication could impact not just their society but also other races they come into contact with. The headline says it all. What we have here is a tautly written episode of the original Star Trek. No inherent threat. The alien sat up in bed, and relief flushed his pale countenance as Spock returned it to him. The alien placed the device on his wrist and began gesturing again. This time, however, a flood of tones emanated from the device. The other two aliens began to stir. They looked panicked and unsure at first, but then, suddenly and perfectly synchronized, they grew calm and centered. Kirk found it curious, and filed away the thought for later consideration. The peach man took in a breath, not quite a gasp. Kirk wondered if the reaction was the equivalent of a nod, but then the alien gestured at him. You make sound. Hear I and communicate. We responded to your distress call. His slight features, which seemed even smaller in relation to his bulbous eyes, were excited and relieved. Excuse language barrier. We communicate thoughts. When travel space, device necessary for deliver information give you. No need past. Not all people think together. Some alone, single—disabled. They signs created—ideas communicate difficult but possible. With time it would improve. He was concerned about gesturing in a manner Berlis and his people might find insulting, or that would accidentally convey the wrong thing, so he kept his arms at his sides and spoke as evenly as possible. Kirk and Spock exchanged a glance, but the Vulcan offered only a curious expression. Pushing out a breath, Kirk steeled his gaze. Finally McCoy broke the silence. Then the captain smiled slightly, unexpectedly, and shared another brief glance with Spock. Spock merely looked at the captain with interest. Spock followed behind. Kirk allowed himself a slight smirk that pulled up one corner of his mouth. We choose the wrong answer, and our actions might cause a civil war. Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. While exploring the unmapped frontier, the U. Enterprise responds to a distress call from an unknown ship. Captain James T. Kirk turns first contact into a threat of interstellar war—by saving the life of a man his own people abandoned. Berlis, colony leader of a telepathic race calling themselves the Isitri, claims not to know why those from his homeworld want him dead. Now Kirk must either find a way to wrench billions from the grip of one man, or be responsible for the destruction of two planets. Show More. Related Searches. Encounter at Farpoint. There, we will rendezvous with the ship's new first officer and the other command personnel and proceed View Product. Ex Machina. Enterprise was first reunited and confronting issues of both nature of God and artificial intelligence. Following the events of Star Trek Halo: New Blood. While Spartans get Indistinguishable from Magic. The most talented engineers of two generations unite to solve a two- hundred-year-old technological mystery The most talented Starfleet engineers of two generations unite to solve a two-hundred-year-old technological mystery that turns out to be only the beginning of a wider quest. Troublesome Minds by Dave Galanter, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

Also, it was good to see a humble and uncertain Kirk, just like he was in the early part of the first season. Oh, but what a mess he made of things by applying old-fashioned human values to a truly alien culture! I found this story to be well-crafted, thought provoking, exciting and interesting. Can I just say what a relief to locate somebody who genuinely knows what theyre talking about on a online. You genuinely know ways to bring an difficulty to light and make it essential. A lot more individuals have to read this and realize this side in the story. I cant feel youre not a lot more well-liked since you truly have the gift. Inline Feedbacks. May 28, pm. Millennium Vulcan. Joseph Coatar. Wow, just three responses, Trek prime LIT is truly dead, give it up pocket. Well said 7. Prime Trek books will always rule in my world. MC1 Doug. May 29, am. Yes comments on a single Trek blog is a perfect barometer on the status of the franchise! Looks like another tome I wanna pick up on my next sojourn to the book store! Father Robert Lyons. End it please Pocket. Here is an idea for 16 et al.. If you hated the new film… guess what.. If you hate the books.. NC Trekker. I would love to see the movie script released, hopefully soon. Jorg Sacul. Tox Uthat. Just finishing up Destiny Book 3 and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the DS9 reboot. Chris Dawson. Jefferies Tuber. Simon Jessey. IMHO, it adds much to the experience of reading any novel. Personally, I find them more visually appealing. Dave Galanter. I wrote the book. I am glad people are mostly enjoying the book, and I am sorry if anyone does not. May 29, pm. Dave, do you have any plans for publishing a book based on the new movie? May 30, am. Dave Galanter I bought it yesterday. May 30, pm. Hope you like it! May 31, am. June 1, pm. Looks like a great book, congrats to Dave Galanter But people who think that prime Trek fiction is dead, I have to disagree. June 21, pm. July 10, pm. I give the book 10 out of 10! Oh, and Dave? 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Security Guard uncredited 1 episode, Mittie Lawrence Crew Woman uncredited 1 episode, Iona Morris Flowered Dress Girl uncredited 1 episode, Dawn Roddenberry Little Blonde Girl uncredited 1 episode, Irene Sale Louise uncredited 1 episode, Leslie Carol Shatner Brunette Girl uncredited 1 episode, Lisabeth Shatner Crewman uncredited 1 episode, Woody Talbert Crewman 2 uncredited 1 episode, Garrison True Security Guard uncredited 1 episode, Scott Whitney Small Boy uncredited 1 episode, Richard Antoni Klingon Brawler uncredited 1 episode, Walter Bacon Onlooker on Street uncredited 1 episode, Bill Borzage Drunk uncredited 1 episode, Ron Burke Native uncredited 1 episode, John Burnside Eminiar Guard uncredited 1 episode, Vince Calenti Security Guard uncredited 1 episode, Bill Catching Server uncredited 1 episode, Jane Crowley Onlooker on Street uncredited 1 episode, Billy Curtis Jackson Roykirk uncredited 1 episode, Joe Garcio Man in Mission uncredited 1 episode, Joseph Glick Man in Mission uncredited 1 episode, Lars Hensen Betan Townsman uncredited 1 episode, Robert Hitchcock Miner uncredited 1 episode, Bob Hoy Horta uncredited 1 episode, Joan Johnson Female Guard uncredited 1 episode, Ted LeGarde Stranded by judybrowneyes reviews During an initial First Contact mission on Sarena, Bones suddenly has to treat a very sick villager. When the Enterprise is called away for a rescue mission, Bones and Uhura are left behind with the critically ill patient. While the ship is gone, Bones and Uhura must contend with his sudden illness and the possibility of slave raids. On the macroscopic scale, one must accept the reality is sometimes stranger than it seems, and sometimes, the most important choice is what are we having for lunch? First in the Decoherence series. McCoy, Spock - Complete. Jennifer Hope, recently promoted to lieutenant, is back on the Enterprise. Much to the delight of a certain CMO. But can Hope and McCoy just pick up where they left off? And if so, are they headed for a happy ever after? Or are there yet more surprises and obstacles to overcome? Between the two of them, they'll certainly keep the rest of the crew on their toes. Chekov, J. Of all the people on the Enterprise, he is the one with shoulders always slightly hunched. It might be about the height difference. Spock may not want to look down on the others. Oh, but he does so often. Breathtaking by WizzyPieHigh9 reviews "The reflection casting upon the ocean is breathtaking my dear, but not without you standing near. At the Park Bench near the south entrance of Park Cod? I do indeed wish you to see. At hours there I'll be. Drink Your Heart Away by Carpe History reviews Sometimes, since the last mission, when their emotions get to be too much, Scotty, Jim, and Bones go drinking on shore leave. That changes on the first shore leave of the next five-year mission. Taken from the past this patient was a key to the end of the future cold war but now far outside his time, how will he fair in space? Voices from the Past by twobluebearies reviews T'Pau wishes for Vulcan to secede from the Federation, but one of the Houses opposes her. Spock and Kirk are sent to talk to the adverse party, when they crash-land their shuttle in the middle of the desert called The Forge. Will they still be able to prevent the secession, or even manage to survive?

Star Trek: The Original Series: Troublesome Minds |

They looked panicked and unsure at first, but then, suddenly and perfectly synchronized, they grew calm and centered. Kirk found it curious, and filed away the thought for later consideration. The peach man took in a breath, not quite a gasp. Kirk wondered if the reaction was the equivalent of a nod, but then the alien gestured at him. You make sound. Hear I and communicate. We responded to your distress call. His slight features, which seemed even smaller in relation to his bulbous eyes, were excited and relieved. Excuse language barrier. We communicate thoughts. When travel space, device necessary for deliver information give you. No need past. Not all people think together. Some alone, single—disabled. They signs created—ideas communicate difficult but possible. With time it would improve. He was concerned about gesturing in a manner Berlis and his people might find insulting, or that would accidentally convey the wrong thing, so he kept his arms at his sides and spoke as evenly as possible. Kirk and Spock exchanged a glance, but the Vulcan offered only a curious expression. Pushing out a breath, Kirk steeled his gaze. Finally McCoy broke the silence. Then the captain smiled slightly, unexpectedly, and shared another brief glance with Spock. Spock merely looked at the captain with interest. Spock followed behind. Kirk allowed himself a slight smirk that pulled up one corner of his mouth. We choose the wrong answer, and our actions might cause a civil war. Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. While exploring the unmapped frontier, the U. Enterprise responds to a distress call from an unknown ship. Captain James T. Kirk turns first contact into a threat of interstellar war—by saving the life of a man his own people abandoned. Berlis, colony leader of a telepathic race calling themselves the Isitri, claims not to know why those from his homeworld want him dead. Now Kirk must either find a way to wrench billions from the grip of one man, or be responsible for the destruction of two planets. His development of the people of Isitra is an interesting, unique, and thoughtful way of handling world-building. Spock, to shine through on nearly every page of the book. It becomes very clear, however, that Spock is now a different man, one whose path is drastically changed… and the closing chapters of the book portray this very successfully. Second, Galanter — either intentionally or coincidentally — gives the reader an outstanding moral dilemma that plays out chapter after chapter. Galanter, while illustrating the Enterprise crew taking one particular path to resolving the matter leaves you with enough to chew on as you consider their path to resolve a situation that, arguably, is at least for them their own making. Well paced, surprisingly engaging, and ultimately fulfilling, "Troublesome Minds" is an excellent journey into the final frontier. Each book is signed by Alan Dean Foster and comes in a leather box with a numbered certificate of authenticity. I think these covers are a way for Pocket Books to save a few dollars here and there. That said, I do miss seeing original artwork. Usually they were just slightly altered versions of previous promo pictures of the characters. Personally, I like the newer covers better. So far so good. Whenever reading a Trek novel, I recommend recreating it as a TV episode in your head. I bought this the other day. What rubbish!! The Star Trek Prime timeline is alive and well. My thanks to pocket book for this!! I happen to like the cover quite a bit. Just bought my copy a few hours ago and look forward to reading it. Just because the cover is a photo-edited classis pose, it does little to dissuade me from liking the cover art. Edting in Photoshop is not something for the casual artist. It does takes some time, skill and dexterity to manipulate and render images in an artistic fashion. I will be interested to see what direction Pocket Books now goes with the franchise. Will we continue to see ST Prime novels… or new stories that follow the new time alternity my word for the new universe-maybe I should patent it? Nice review Robert! Not too many details given out, and just enough to entice a reader into picking up a copy. Pocket Books is actually putting out a novel that is NOT formulaic??? Crisis A is solved by gallant Kirk. Everyone else is unimportant. The opening fanfare, for example, when the Enterprise approaches the screen as the episode begins is often high in my mind when I crack the cover to a TOS book. In this instance, however, I found myself picking out orchestrations from various scores from throughout the original series — even some of that moody third-season music near the end. I find it fun to imagine camera angles too — how would I set this up if I was the director? I wonder if the erasing of the Trek Prime timeline indeed will hurt book or comic sales. Glad that they are still using a Nimoy image though. Used bookstores have shelves upon shelves of Trek in my area, and several local new-sale shops carry at least two one carries four shelves of Trek Books. Pocket has been publishing 15 to 20 titles a year for several years now. They did cut back on the eBook line, true, but the hardcopy sales have remained, evidently, strong enough to justify staying in existence. The staff layoffs have far more to do with the environment of business than they do low sales, though almost certainly sales today are lower than they were a few years ago on account of the economy. Book reviews get little response, however, because the number of people reading tie-in fiction is dramatically lower than the number of people who go to the cineplex or flip on the TV. Always has been, always will be. This is probably off-topic, but does anyone have an opinion of the Vanguard series they will share? I enjoyed the first book in the series by David Mack. Are the other Vanguard books as good? You can read my previous reviews of Vanguard books here on the site! Just click on the Books listing in the archive and scroll back. When will Roberto Orci and Alex Krutzman release a published copy of their script? Does anyone know? I took a chance on this book by buying it from the synopsis provided. Now, I buy few books. This sounds exactly like the type of Trek book I would enjoy reading. Oh, but he does so often. Breathtaking by WizzyPieHigh9 reviews "The reflection casting upon the ocean is breathtaking my dear, but not without you standing near. At the Park Bench near the south entrance of Park Cod? I do indeed wish you to see. At hours there I'll be. Drink Your Heart Away by Carpe History reviews Sometimes, since the last mission, when their emotions get to be too much, Scotty, Jim, and Bones go drinking on shore leave. That changes on the first shore leave of the next five-year mission. Taken from the past this patient was a key to the end of the future cold war but now far outside his time, how will he fair in space? Voices from the Past by twobluebearies reviews T'Pau wishes for Vulcan to secede from the Federation, but one of the Houses opposes her. Spock and Kirk are sent to talk to the adverse party, when they crash-land their shuttle in the middle of the desert called The Forge. Will they still be able to prevent the secession, or even manage to survive? And who is behind this ploy? Inspired by several of my favorite Star Trek novels. Kirk, Sarek, M. Scott, Spock - Complete. Sole Survivor by Diana Huntress reviews The Enterprise answers a distress signal from a commercial scoutship, and discovers a scene of carnage with only a single survivor. Diverted from the investigation too soon, Kirk and crew finds themselves under attack by something they cannot identify. Uhura are married, and the Enterprise is on a slow run to Vulcan. What could go wrong? Kirk has always believed in giving people second chances regardless of what those past mistakes may have been. And Lieutenant Susanna L. Warren is exactly the type of person who could use one after creating a rocky reputation aboard the U. S Luna. This is a story of adventure, second chances, and finding hope and love in a sometimes very cold galaxy. McCoy, Spock, OC. Pick Who Dies by BrokenKestral reviews A battle, a triumph, a choice - one of the triumvirate has been chosen to die, but which? Inspired by Whumptober