Pick of the Week

 In an ever-changing business environment, some of our investment ideas seem more convincing than others due to better earning visibility and/or attractive valuation. Every Monday, we bring you such fundamental stock ideas through our “Pick of the Week” report.

 Investment Horizon: Though the ideal investment horizon for such ideas remain 6-9 months, our picks may provide some

profit-making opportunities even to short-term investors.

 Risk-Return Profile: Pick of the week ideas are the best high return research ideas at this point in time.

Mcap CMP Target Potential Scrip Reco (Rs Cr) (Rs) Price * Upside (%)

Polycab 12,243 822 898 9% BUY

* Note: Investment horizon Approx. 6-9 months., CMP as on 17th July, 2020 Buy Pick of the Week Polycab India Target Price 20th Jul 2020 | Consumer Durables 898

Polycab India is a leading manufacturer of cables & wires with a diverse product range catering to industrial and household segments. In 2009 it diversified into EPC business to strategically cater to the C & W requirement of large infrastructure EPC projects. In 2014 it entered into the high growth FMEG CMP Target segment manufacturing fans, switches & switchgears, LED lighting, solar products and accessories. The (Rs) (Rs) company has 25 manufacturing units across Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, and Daman & Diu. Investment Rationale 822 898  C&W demand to normalize post moderation in FY21: During FY14-FY20 Polycab’s C&W revenues grew at ~12% CAGR led by ability to cater to client specific needs and focus on high growth areas like infrastructure, power, construction, power, telecom and automotive sectors. The C&W industry was expected to grow at CAGR of 14.5% from Rs 525 bn in FY18 to Rs 1033 bn by FY2023. However slowdown in infrastructure growth and uncertainty in real estate will lead to moderation in growth for C&W segment. Gradual resumption of normal economic activity and infrastructure projects will push recovery to H2FY21.  FMEG growth to continue led by strong distribution network: Polycab manufactures and sells electric fans, lighting, switches, switchgears, solar products and conduits and accessories. It forayed into the FMEG segment in FY14 and in No. of Shares : 14.89 cr a short span of time its revenues have grown from Rs 6.4 cr in FY14 to Rs 836 cr in FY20(up 29% y-o-y), led by successful launches across its product categories and strong dealer network. The segment margins are likely to remain Market Cap : Rs 12,243 Cr low due to high competitive intensity, however the management remains confident of 100-150bps improvement in the medium term. 52-week High / Low : Rs 1,180/525  Manufacturing facilities with high degree of backward integration: The Company has set up large scale vertically integrated plants for manufacturing raw material for its products. Decades of experience and In-house R&D has led to BSE Code : 542652 differentiated offerings while In house manufacturing a) reduces dependence on third party vendors, b) lowers operational cost thus improving competitiveness and c) maintaining quality of its products. NSE Code : POLYCAB  Export Opportunities : Polycab plans to further expand its presence overseas and has recently set up units in US and Australia to procure orders on its behalf. The company expects exports to contribute ~10% to the revenues in the medium term.  We recommend Buy with target price of Rs 898.

Financial Summary

Y/E Sales PAT EPS P/E RoE EV/EBITDA D/E March (Rs Cr) (Rs Cr) (Rs.) (x) (%) (x) (Rs) 2019 7,956 503 35.6 21.5 19.2 11.4 0.07 2020 8,830 773 51.9 15.1 22 9.7 0.03 2021E 7,616 445 29.9 25.5 11 14.4 0.03

2022E 9,463 743 49.9 15.2 16.4 9.3 0.03

Source: Axis Securities Performance

No of Stocks Matrix

No of Stocks 9m 15m

Met Target 18 41

Not Met Target 21 25

Performance Matrix

% Return 9m 15m

Met Target 12.29 12.45

Not Met Target (18.22) (22.42)

Benchmark Performance Matrix

% Return 9m 15m

Met Target 3.31 1.64

Not Met Target (7.44) (8.14)

Note : Performance of the pick of the week is calculated for stocks recommended from Oct-19 to Jun-20 for 9 Months and from Apr-19- to Jun-20 for 15 Months. Disclosures:

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