Queens Quay Revitalization Environmental Assessment

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Queens Quay Revitalization Environmental Assessment Appendix 1 Muncipal Class • Environmental Study Report • Executive Summary QUEENS QUAY REVITALIZATION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto May 2009 Appendix 1 Waterfront Toronto and City of Toronto Queens Quay Revitalization Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report Executive Summary May 12 15, 2009 2009 Black Prepared by: WEST 8 + DTAH ARUP Canada Incorporated DRAFT 4 This report takes into account the particular instructions and requirements of our client. It is not intended for and should not be relied upon by any third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any third party Job number 96116 Waterfront Toronto • City of Toronto Queens Quay Revitalization Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report - Executive Summary Contents E.1 The Queens Quay Revitalization Project - Overview 1 E.2 The Study Context 3 E.3 The Study Process 5 E.4 The Preferred Plan 14 E.5 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation 16 E.6 Conclusion 18 West 8 + duToit Allsopp Hillier • Arup Canada Incorporated Page E-i May 15, 2009 Waterfront Toronto • City of Toronto Queens Quay Revitalization Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report - Executive Summary E.1 The Queens Quay Revitalization Project - Overview The Central Waterfront, from Bathurst Street to Parliament Street, is one of Toronto’s most valuable assets. Yet despite decades of planning and scattered development projects, there is no coherent vision for linking the pieces into a greater whole – visually or physically. Within the Central Waterfront is Queens Quay, Toronto’s main waterfront street. Given its prime location the street should be a showpiece for the city, a grand boulevard that serves as a destination for locals and tourists alike. In its current configuration, Queens Quay is a barrier to the waterfront rather than the gateway that it should be. The transformation to Queens Quay is core the Central Waterfront Master Plan, which aspires to create a comprehensive design concept in conformance with numerous official City of Toronto policies. This plan includes a continuous waters edge promenade stitched together with five new bridges, a transformed Queens Quay that greatly improves the pedestrian and cycling environment, and a complimentary set of eight new WaveDecks at constrained portions along the street. Waterfront Toronto (formerly the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation) was formed in 2001. Its mandate and chief responsibility is to revitalize Toronto’s waterfront, from the Humber River to the Don River, with over 800 acres of brownfield development, encompassing both private and public realm components. The Central Waterfront is one of the corporation’s priority projects. Collectively, the components of the Central Waterfront Master Plan fulfill Waterfront Toronto’s core objective of creating continuous public access to the water’s edge. In September 2007, Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto initiated an Environmental Assessment (EA) Study as co-proponents to remake Queens Quay into a grand lakefront boulevard – one that would give residents a thriving area to live, work and play and visitors a reason to come back. The EA focused on the stretch of Queens Quay between Bathurst Street to the west and Yonge Street to the east. The overall objective of the EA was to plan for facilities that balance the needs of all users, by successfully accommodating recreational, transit, bicycle, pedestrian and vehicular traffic while enhancing landscape features and the public realm within the Queens Quay corridor. The EA was conducted under Schedule C of the Municipal Class EA process. Don Valley Parkway Strachan Avenue Bathurst Street Spadina Avenue Jarvis Street Street Parliament Cherry Street York Street York Street Yonge WEST DON LANDS Context Area Gardiner/Lake Shore Boulevard La Gardiner Expressway ke Shore Boulevard PORTLANDS Queens Quay Revitalization EA Study Area Toronto Harbour Figure E-1: Queens Quay Environmentnal Assessment Project Study Area West 8 + duToit Allsopp Hillier • Arup Canada Incorporated Page E-1 May 15, 2009 Waterfront Toronto • City of Toronto Queens Quay Revitalization Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report - Executive Summary The preferred plan—Southside Transit with Expanded Public Realm and Two-Way Operations—reconfigures the street by locating all traffic lanes north of the transit right-of- way with pedestrian and bicycle facilities to the southern side of Queens Quay. The Martin Goodman Trail will be introduced from the Spadina transition to Yonge Street, and continue through the East Bayfront Precinct. The Preferred Plan for Queens Quay Revitalization: Southside Transit with Expanded Public Realm and Two-Way Operations Page E-2 West 8 + duToit Allsopp Hillier • Arup Canada Incorporated May 15, 2009 Waterfront Toronto • City of Toronto Queens Quay Revitalization Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report - Executive Summary E.2 The Study Context E.2.1 Planning and Policy Direction Toronto’s transportation network is evolving in a sustainable direction, to move people not cars, reduce car dependency, and to encourage cycling, transit and walking. Numerous policy documents support this shift in thinking. Specific direction is found in the City of Toronto Official Plan, Pedestrian Charter, Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation Sustainability Framework, The Toronto Green Development Standard, and the 2003 Central Waterfront Secondary Plan—which specifically recommends that: ‘Queens Quay will become a scenic water view drive and an important component of the Toronto street network from Bathurst Street to Cherry Street providing ready access to the public activities on the waterfront and pedestrian connections to the water’s edge. It will be designed to meet the diverse needs of motorists, transit users, cyclists and pedestrians as well as providing opportunities for vistas to the harbour and lake.‘ A thorough review of City of Toronto Official Plan policies specific to this project is found in Chapters 6 and 7 of the complete Environmental Study Report. Direction for the Revitalization of Queens Quay is found in several Policy documents West 8 + duToit Allsopp Hillier • Arup Canada Incorporated Page E-3 May 15, 2009 Waterfront Toronto • City of Toronto Queens Quay Revitalization Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report - Executive Summary E.2.2 Design Competition In 2006, Waterfront Toronto initiated an international design competition to beautify the Central Waterfront. This effort was borne of numerous City of Toronto policy goals explicit to the waterfront. The competition brief called for the creation of a comprehensive concept design for a continuous waters edge and revitalized Queens Quay from “end to end”, as well as “specific design proposals for each of the eight heads of slip” (now referred to as WaveDecks). Waterfront Toronto unveiled the five finalist designs at a public exhibition and solicited public input. A prestigious jury was tasked with selecting the winning design: the transformation of the south side of Queens Quay into a cycling and pedestrian zone, complemented by a family of eight new WaveDecks at the head of each slip, and a public promenade along the waters edge with six new bridges. Collectively these design elements fulfill Waterfront Toronto’s core objective of creating continuous public access to the water’s edge. While Waterfront Toronto advocated for the Queens Quay’s vision, it fully supported a Traffic Feasibility Study, a pilot project to ‘test-run’ the design competition concept, and the mandatory Class EA process before any implementation could take place. Winning entry for the 2006 Central Waterfront Innovative Design Competition highlighting the transformation of Queens Quay into a world class boulevard Page E-4 West 8 + duToit Allsopp Hillier • Arup Canada Incorporated May 15, 2009 Waterfront Toronto • City of Toronto Queens Quay Revitalization Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Environmental Study Report - Executive Summary E.2.3 Quay to the City The Quay to the City pilot project—carried out for a 10-day period in August 2006— simulated the potential street reconfiguration to observe how pedestrians, cyclists, and one- way traffic operations would adjust. The study team proactively collected data, monitored traffic operations, and gathered feedback through public and local business surveys. For the purposes of the pilot, the two westbound travel lanes on the north side of Queens Quay were maintained. Due to limitations posed by a temporary installation (major modifications to traffic signals and intersections would be required to accommodate both eastbound and westbound traffic on the north side of the transit right-of-way), eastbound traffic was rerouted to Lakeshore Boulevard. Overall, the pilot was a positive experiment. Many respondents felt that changes to Queens Quay are “much needed” and “overdue”. Most agreed that the trail provided a safer area to cycle, and that the landscape improvements—although temporary—were welcome. Seventy percent of the 1000 public survey responses supported a permanent design. A major challenge identified by the pilot was to ensure safe and efficient access to properties on the south side of the street. Area businesses expressed concerns about parking, traffic flow and general impact on businesses. Despite this, forty percent of business survey responses supported a permanent installation. Key observations of the
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