Sören Roos – C.V.

Linjeflyg 1987-1992 Call center / Telephone sales Group department / sales Space control / revenue management

SAS 1992-1994 Route manager / economic responsibility for 5 domestic routes / pricing / product.

Skyways 1994-2010 Aug 94 – May 95 Market analyst Responsible for reporting budget and result on all Skyways routes.

Jun 95 – Dec 95 Manager Sales Responsible for building Skyways sales force and leading the daily work. Still responsible for budget and analysis.

Jan 96 – Dec 99 Director marketing Responsible for marketing and sales. Still responsible for budget and analys.

Jan 00 – Sep 05 V.P. Commercial Head of commercial department, marketing, sales, revenue management, network, inflight product, CRM, call center, group department. . Still responsible for budget and analysis.

Department size: 20 employees

Okt 05 – Dec 10. Vice President Revenue Management Responsible for Revenue management (space control) Inflight product (catering/magazine/profile) Revenue & Network (Budget/analysis/result) Internet sales (booking engine/www.skyways.se)

Department size: 4 employees

Nextjet 2011-01 - 2013-07 Director Revenue Management & Distribution

Responsible for Nextjets pricing structure and all revenue allocation. Handles strategic work with network and schedule. Handle all contact with our accounting partner in Tallinn. Member in Nextjets commercial board. Report to CEO.

Widforss AB 2013-08 – 2014-02 CEO at retail store in Stockholm City. Sells guns and hunting equipment. Store size 7 persons and turnover of 10MSEK/yearly.

Skills: MS Excel, better that excellent, MS PP, Very good. 5 years’ experience in SH&E revenue management system. Trained in Qlikwiev (design course) and practical work with system Deep knowledge in pricing strategies.