common good work innovation

Pieve di (BO) Via Mascarino, 14/A - 40066 Tel. e fax +39 051-975450 [email protected]

Via Riga Bassa 1134 40014 Crevalcore (Bo) Tel. +39 051-6827102 Fax +39 051-6827102

Via Conca, 75 44123 Malborghetto di Boara (Fe) Tel. e Fax +39 0532-757544 History 2

Job Mission placement 4 6

Contents Services 9

Networks Places 23 22

Certifications 24 Our history

1991 Mondoverde was established as a farming cooperative providing gardening and manual street-sweeping services with the specific goal of offering job opportunities for disadvantaged persons in a situation of real-world employment with protection 1994 Registration in the regional list of job placement social cooperatives (section B) 1997 Name change from Mondoverde to La Città Verde 2003 Opening of a location in and establishment of the street furnishings division 2004 Social and educational services (section A) are provided alongside job placement to permit job opportunities to be offered to users with a reduced ability to work 2008 Acquisition of a non-hazardous waste processing plant in Bevilacqua, in the municipality of Crevalcore 2010 Merger with the social cooperative Terra Ferma in Ferrara 2014 Renovation of greenhouses in the Ferrara plant and start of the social farming project, diversifying the range of social and employment opportunities on offer 2016 Opening of a composting and chip original social/ production plant 2018 Establishment of a Steering Committee educational to act as a link between the Board of Directors and workers planning and job placement methods

2 3 Our mission

The cooperative's mission is construction and development of COMMON GOOD, supplying quality services and products at a fair price in the areas of gardening, waste management and treatment, installation and maintenance of street furnishings and social farming, while at the same time creating opportunities for WORK, Common employment, socialisation and integration, primarily targeting the disadvantaged. good



4 As a social cooperative, we believe it is fundamental to:

1 2 3 4

Maintain a bond with Consolidate a Constantly focus Supply products and the place of origin of relationship of trust on INNOVATION by services compatible the people who work and collaboration promoting targeted, with the environment with the cooperative with customers and recurrent training and the health in order to help them citizens. programmes, coming of workers and build a career path up with alternative associates. tied to their own solutions to problems overall personal well- and adapting being. activities in response to technological and social evolution so as to supply products and services that contribute to improvement of citizens' well-being.

quality products and services at a fair price

5 Job placement for disadvantaged persons

In addition to the organisational system used to manage and supply services, the cooperative has a specific organisational system for management of the job placement process in all business sectors, with a specific organisation chart set up as follows:

JOB PLACEMENT CONTACT PERSON/ MANAGER OPERATOR FOR The job placement manager TERRITORIAL SOCIAL monitors and assesses the overall AND MEDICAL SERVICES process and solves any problems Local services propose the start that may arise. This person meets of a process for the disadvantaged periodically with the local services persons served, monitoring them operator and the guiding tutor/ through an outreach worker operator. and/or social worker. The local services involved are normally: Addictions Services; Mental Health Department; Parenting and Childhood Services; Adults' Social Services, Personal Services.

TUTOR/GUIDANCE PROJECT TEAM WORKER The project team includes the The guidance worker accompanies person in charge of the job and tutors individuals undergoing placement process in the social job placement and concretely cooperative, technicians from helps disadvantaged persons the local services who referred in their work. The guidance the individual and the tutor/ worker is an employee with good guidance worker. The team's organisational and relational skills. principal tasks are assessing the person's relational, cognitive and work skills; preparation of the job placement project; and monitoring and accompaniment in the individual job placement process.


Job placement Tutor  Disadvantaged manager guidance worker worker

Contact person in local social services

The job placement project consists of consequential, organic implementation of the following activities:

Rehabilitation of social and Job placement for these persons employment skills with through contracts of employment instructional apprenticeships for stipulated under collective 1 the disadvantaged in accordance 2 agreements in a variety of sectors. with art.4 of law 381/91 and for particularly fragile and vulnerable persons under regional law no. 14 of 30 July 2015: • persons with physical, psychological and sensorial disabilities • former inmates of psychiatric institutes • psychiatric patients • persons with drug addictions • persons with alcohol addictions • underaged workers from disadvantaged families • convicts admitted to alternative sentencing • persons affected by difficulties locating employment and social or medical problems.

7 8 Services

9 Gardening

Well cared-for, safe, accessible

ardening is hard and often fatiguing work, green areas are but the precious human relationships Gthat are established among members of a true luxury the team make this form of service an excellent starting point for recovery and rehabilitation. Well cared-for, safe, accessible gardens are truly luxury goods, and our way of working offers a double “pay-off”, not only improving citizens' quality of life but offering workers opportunities for growth and emancipation. We work with both public authorities and private- sector clients, and all waste materials are recycled as compost and bio-fuels.


Vigarano Mainarda Ferrara Terre del Reno

Poggio Renatico Cento Crevalcore S.Pietro in Casale

S.Giorgio di Piano

Argelato Bentivoglio Sala Bolognese


10 • Mowing

Bondeno • Pruning and cutting trees and

Vigarano shrubs Mainarda Ferrara Terre del Reno • Weed-killing and plant protection treatments Cento Crevalcore Galliera • Design and planting of Pieve gardens, flowerbeds and green di Cento S.Pietro in Casale areas

S.Giorgio di Piano • Analysis of tree stability and

Argelato Bentivoglio botanical census of trees Sala Bolognese


11 Waste management

hile gardening might be considered to belong to the “luxury” sector, waste Wcollection is an essential public service. This service is provided in collaboration with local multiutilities and requires a strong commitment to waste management in compliance with strict regulations. The relationship established with citizens is a highly stimulating one, encouraging workers to continue to improve in their work and permitting progressive adaptation of their work (from teamwork to independent work).


Vigarano Finale Emilia Mainarda

Terre del Reno

Poggio Renatico Cento commitment to Crevalcore Galliera Pieve di Cento compliance with S.Pietro in Malalbergo Casale Castello strict standards d’Argile S.Giorgio S.Agata di Piano Baricella S.Giovanni in Persiceto Argelato Bentivoglio Sala Bolognese Minerbio

Calderara Castel Anzola di Reno Maggiore

12 • Manual and mechanised street cleaning in public and private areas

• Door-to-door waste collection

• Collection of bulky wastes in the local community and door-to-door

• Collection of special wastes of commercial, industrial and/or workshops origin for multiutilities and privately owned companies

• Operation of collection centres

Bondeno • Distribution of door-to-door waste collection kits Vigarano Finale Emilia Mainarda

Terre del Reno

Poggio Renatico Cento Crevalcore Galliera Pieve di Cento S.Pietro in Malalbergo Casale Castello d’Argile S.Giorgio S.Agata di Piano Baricella S.Giovanni in Persiceto Argelato Bentivoglio Sala Bolognese Minerbio

Calderara Castel Anzola di Reno Maggiore

13 Street furnishings

treet furnishings are managed with the goal of creating and maintaining spaces Sthat encourage social aggregation. Security is a pressing concern, and this kind of work often requires prompt, urgent intervention, but it is a job that helps develop manual skills, facilitating workers' personal growth by forming small teams. In recent years we have specialised in installation of inclusive playground equipment which can be used by children with different abilities, consistently with our goal of promoting social integration.


Vigarano in installation Mainarda Ferrara of inclusive Terre del Reno playground equipment Pieve di Cento S.Pietro in Casale

Sala Bolognese

14 Monte San Pietro • Installation and maintenance of street furnishings (benches, tables, flowerpots) and children's playgrounds

• Washing of plastic playground equipment for primary schools

• Maintenance and installation of indoor furnishings in private apartments

• Repair and reclamation of unused street furnishings and playground equipment

• Taking electronic censuses of street furnishings and playground equipment Ferrara Terre del Reno

Pieve di Cento S.Pietro in Casale

Sala Bolognese

15 Monte San Pietro Waste treatment

he Bevilacqua composting and wood chip production plant allows La Città Verde to Tcomplete the circle of production, as the cooperative is authorised to receive wastes of all kinds produced or collected in the course of its activities: grass, tree branches, organic wastes, paper, wood, glass and street furnishings. The waste collection platform therefore permits optimisation of logistics (reduction of the distance travelled by wastes) and production of compost and wood chips for sale in the area where it is produced, restoring both material and economic value to the local community. This work is based on partially repetitive processes, offering an important opportunity for job placement even for people with reduced working capacity. The intention is to achieve

progressive worker qualification.



g o





m o R

d n Ferrara 45 % a Provinces of à Bologna 34 % it origin h G ia Latina 7 % n of wastes C le ir I Modena 6 % c by ula t r e jec Pesaro and Urbino 5 % con pro omy contest - a Pisa 2 % BO Ascoli Piceno 0.3 %





g o u • Composting of biodegradable



e wastes (organic wastes and

m o garden trimmings) R

d n a à • Recovery of forestry wastes, it h G wooden packaging and ia n C le ir I trimmings from pruning for fuel c by ula t r e jec production (wood chips) con pro omy contest - a • Storage of a number of types of non-hazardous waste (cardboard, glass, metals, compost and wood wood, plastic) of urban chip are sold in the and industrial origin areas where they are • Reclamation of metal street furnishings produced

17 Social and educational services

he goal of the social rehabilitation processes that take place in the various Tsectors the cooperative works in (waste management, gardening, street furnishings and social farming) is progressively increasing the autonomy of the persons involved. La Città Verde can count on solid in-house expertise permitting development of customised projects encouraging individuals to change the way they perceive their role in society, from aid recipient to productive worker. Interaction with society is also very important: the weekly market held in Piazza dell'Acquedotto in Ferrara, for instance, offers an opportunity for workers to establish a direct relationship with citizens, a time when they succeed in overcoming the challenges of integration with their productive and social surroundings.

18 • Individual rehabilitation programmes for psychologically and socially disadvantaged persons through waste management work

• Development of social skills and work skills among persons with intellectual disabilities in the areas of gardening and social farming

• Orientation and school/work alternation for young people with intellectual disabilities transformation of the perception of one's role in society from “recipient of assistance” to “worker” 19 Garage

he cooperative has its own garage which is registered with the Chamber of TCommerce to provide vehicle repair and vehicle electrical system repair services and is also an authorised ISUZU and Piaggio garage. The qualified workers employed in the garage perform scheduled and special maintenance on La Città Verde's own vehicles. The garage offers plenty of opportunities for skill development in areas that would otherwise be outsourced, while at the same time increasing workers' sense of responsibility for vehicle maintenance. The result is savings on use of materials, longer vehicle life-span, and consolidation of the direct relationship with suppliers.

• Equipmentequipment extension of vehicles' diagnostics, maintenance, useful lifespan, and repair consolidation of direct • Regular and scheduled maintenance relationship with • Emergency on-site repair suppliers. • Management of vehicles' electrical systems

• Tyre changes

• Parts warehouse management

• Authorised Piaggio and Isuzu garage

20 Social participation

rowth of the cooperative and the Concretely number of workers and members led to Gidentification of new “tools” for offering • proposes activities aimed at opportunities for active participation in society in improving economic performance, the 2017 and 2018. competitiveness and quality of the services offered, working conditions and workers' PREPARATORY MEETINGS FOR DISCUSSION safety OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Meetings open to all workers, held in the • monitors technical and productive Cooperative's three locations, to explain and requirements and presents proposed discuss economic results and trends in various expenditures and investments to the sectors of production, with the specific goal Board of Directors of ensuring informed participation in the subsequent meeting for approval of the annual • coordinates the operations of company financial statements. sectors consistently with the plan of development adopted by the Board of TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR ASPIRING MEMBERS Directors Obligatory training programme qualifying The committee's term of office is two workers who wish to become members of the cooperative to make an informed, responsible years, and it is composed of decision. • one Manager and one Member Worker The issues addressed include the general elected from each of the Cooperative's principles of the cooperative, the particular areas of activity. features of social cooperation, and the specific • one Member Worker from ‘Administration mission of La Città Verde. and General Services' STEERING COMMITTEE one member of the companies' trade A consulting body set up to encourage • participation in the cooperative's organisational unions and administrative decisions and act as a link • the workers' safety representative between the Board of Directors and workers. • one member of the Board of Directors

“Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions.” from the Charter of values and principles approved by the General Assembly of the Centennial of the International Cooperative Alliance, Manchester 1995

21 Networks ECOBI PARMA FERRARA BOLOGNA MODENA RIMINI 28 participating cooperatives

environmental services

ur social work cannot be separated CONSORZIO from our participation in networks and FERRARA IMPRONTE SOCIALI Oprojects set up by organisations directly or indirectly concerned with employment, the disadvantaged, the local community and the environment. 11 This is why the cooperative promotes the participating cooperatives birth and consolidates its membership in a number of networks based on the principles Educational activities of economic development inspired by the concepts of solidarity and care of people and Garden maintenance nature. The size of this network offers access to more Environmental resources, with a greater impact services on society, permitting social cooperation and Transportation active participation in calls services for tenders and development of projects linked with environmental issues above the provincial and regional levels. SIC: CONSORZIO INIZIATIVE SOCIALI BOLOGNA (SOCIAL INITIATIVES CONSORTIUM) 16 participating cooperatives Environmental services Cleaning Cemetery services Garden maintenance Inter-library transport Doorman services Management of health budget Promotion of 22 apprenticeships Places

Città Verde works in a well-defined, contiguous area, with which it La has developed a fertile two-way relationship over the years: the local community offers projects to promote employment of local citizens, both disadvantaged and non, while promoting reinforcement of social cohesion. In turn, the workers are inspired to perform their day-to-day tasks with a high level of professionalism, aware that they are contributing to improvement of the environment they themselves live in.

23 Certification, registration and attestation

ll the Cooperative's services are certified under standards ISO 9001:2015 (quality Amanagement system), ISO 14001:2015 (environmental management system), BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (occupational health and safety management system). An organisational and management model has also ISO 9001 ISO 14001 been adopted under Legislative Decree 231/2001 OHSAS 18001 regarding the cooperative's social responsibility. THE COOPERATIVE HAS BEEN AWARDED A

Attestazione SOA LEGALITY RATING BY THE COMPETITION AND rilasciata da: MARKETS AUTHORITY WITH A SCORE OF **+ The Cooperative is registered in 's national registry of environmental management companies and qualified to transport wastes in the following Cat. OS 24 - Classifica III categories: Cat. 1 Class C (transportation of urban wastes), Cat. 4 Class F (transportation of non-hazardous special wastes), Cat. 5 Class F (transportation of hazardous special wastes) and Cat. 8 Class F (waste intermediation)”.


bene lavoro innovazione

Pieve di Cento (BO) Via Mascarino, 14/A - 40066 Tel. e fax +39 051-975450 [email protected]

Via Riga Bassa 1134 40014 Crevalcore (Bo) Tel. +39 051-6827102 Fax +39 051-6827102

Via Conca, 75 44123 Malborghetto di Boara (Fe) Tel. e Fax +39 0532-757544 Income statement Distribution of total added value

Year    Year    GROSS TURNOVER• Revenues from sales and services    A Personnel wages and salaries       RETURNS AND DISCOUNTS NON-MEMBER employees    NET TURNOVER       Other employee benefi ts for NON-MEMBER employees (travel       expenses, meal tickets, expense refunds) /-IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION• Changes in inventories of work    in progress, semi-products and fi nished products • Changes REBATES AND DIVIDENDS    in work in progress • Increases in fi xed assets due to in-house MEMBER employees       work Other employee benefi ts for MEMBER employees (travel expenses,    VALUE OF PRODUCTION       meal tickets, expense refunds)

PRODUCTION COSTS • Cost of raw materials, subsidiary    … Non-employees (associates - apprentices - work under agreements)    materials, consumables and goods • Changes in inventories of raw materials, subsidiary materials, consumables and goods • Cost of services • Cost of leasehold property … CHARACTERISTIC ADDED VALUE       … Directors and auditors   


EBITDA    B Pay for Public Administration       DEPRECIATION, AMORTISATION AND PROVISIONS    … Direct taxation (national and local)    EBIT   

ACCESSORY OPERATIONS • Other income and proceeds    … Indirect taxation (national and local) - subsidies from the state and    public institutions) OVERALL NET RESULT    /-FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT • (Financial income) • Financial    charges C Remuneration of loan capital      

PROFIT ON ORDINARY OPERATIONS    … Short-term fi nancial charges • Long-term fi nancial charges    /-PROFIT ON EXTRAORDINARY OPERATIONS • - - (Extraordinary income) • Extraordinary charges • (Revaluation) D Community       • Write-downs … Gifts and donations    PRE-TAX RESULT       … Support for local events and associations    TAXES   

NET PROFIT       E Remuneration of the organisation       /-variations in reserves   

Energy sustainability of waste treatment plant social balance TOTAL YIELD CO PREVENTED MWH KG Year Year         2018        

Pieve di Cento (BO) Via Mascarino, /A -  Tel. e fax  - [email protected]

Business premises: Via Riga Bassa  -   Crevalcore fraz. Bevilacqua (Bo) Tel.  - - Fax  -  Via Conca,  -   - Ferrara fraz. Malborghetto di Boara (Fe) Job placement Human resources for the disadvantaged Members Workers

DISADVANTAGED PERSONS HIRED WITH A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT   embers make an eff ective contribution Human capital is the hinge on which La Città Year    to management of the cooperative, Verde's everyday activities and prospects for attending meetings, electing a board development revolve. Physical disabilities    M of directors and contributing to strategic Following an initial temporary contract with an Psychological and sensorial disabilities    development strategies. average duration of one year, the employment Psychiatric patients    This makes our members the essential foundation relationship is made permanent to provide Drug and alcohol addicts (pathological dependencies)    on which La Città Verde is built and grows. workers with motivation and a sense of belonging Disadvantaged persons (under regional law no.  of  July )    to the cooperative. In view of the importance of the fi gure of TOTAL    member, and keeping in mind the contribution Seasonal contracts are used exclusively in the every individual can make, the principle inspiring gardening sector, at peak times in spring and the cooperative is that of free, voluntary autumn. participation: cooperatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the TYPE B JOB PLACEMENTS   responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination (from the Charter of Values and Principles approved at the Congress of the Centennial of the International Cooperative Alliance, Year type B hired Manchester, ). La Città Verde implements job place- this principle, making the choice to join an entirely 90 ments free one and allowing anyone who wishes to do hirings /- so to become a member of the cooperative by   purchasing a share for only  euros. 148 /- type B   placements /-   MEMBERSHIP BASE /-   Year    /- 148 total placements,   MEMBER CATEGORY MALE MALE MALE TOTAL TOTAL /- TOTAL ENTITY ENTITY ENTITY FEMALE FEMALE 90 of which resulted   FEMALE CORPORATE CORPORATE CORPORATE CORPORATE /-   CORPORATE in permanent hiring Workers          Total   Volunteers          Investing members             Other members          Total             TYPE B TYPE A PROCESSES UNDERWAY Including disadvantaged       JOB PLACEMENTS members

Three-year summary /  Three-year summary    Including foreigners       from within the EU    Including foreigners      type B job placements   from outside the EU leading to hiring   Age range  /-   /-   /-  of which still underway   Individuals             of which terminated  




Members          Non-members          Total         

permanent contracts          including part-time contracts       temporary contracts          including part-time contracts        seasonal contracts          ITALY including part-time contracts       UKRAINE Total          including part-time contracts        MOLDAVIA Year    WORKERS  ROMANIA Total type B workers     Non-disadvantaged workers    BOSNIA   PAKISTAN Disadvantaged workers under Law /    POLAND  of disadvantaged/non-disabled workers    Total type A workers      TUNISIA SRI LANKA

Year     PERU  DISADVANTAGED WORKERS' PAY UNDER CONGO LAW    Salaries and wages    GUINEA Social security and pension    contributions  SENEGAL Disadvantaged workers     GAMBIA Total        INJURIES MOROCCO


                        Job placement Human resources for the disadvantaged Members Workers

DISADVANTAGED PERSONS HIRED WITH A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT   embers make an eff ective contribution Human capital is the hinge on which La Città Year    to management of the cooperative, Verde's everyday activities and prospects for attending meetings, electing a board development revolve. Physical disabilities    M of directors and contributing to strategic Following an initial temporary contract with an Psychological and sensorial disabilities    development strategies. average duration of one year, the employment Psychiatric patients    This makes our members the essential foundation relationship is made permanent to provide Drug and alcohol addicts (pathological dependencies)    on which La Città Verde is built and grows. workers with motivation and a sense of belonging Disadvantaged persons (under regional law no.  of  July )    to the cooperative. In view of the importance of the fi gure of TOTAL    member, and keeping in mind the contribution Seasonal contracts are used exclusively in the every individual can make, the principle inspiring gardening sector, at peak times in spring and the cooperative is that of free, voluntary autumn. participation: cooperatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the TYPE B JOB PLACEMENTS   responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination (from the Charter of Values and Principles approved at the Congress of the Centennial of the International Cooperative Alliance, Year type B hired Manchester, ). La Città Verde implements job place- this principle, making the choice to join an entirely 90 ments free one and allowing anyone who wishes to do hirings /- so to become a member of the cooperative by   purchasing a share for only  euros. 148 /- type B   placements /-   MEMBERSHIP BASE /-   Year    /- 148 total placements,   MEMBER CATEGORY MALE MALE MALE TOTAL TOTAL /- TOTAL ENTITY ENTITY ENTITY FEMALE FEMALE 90 of which resulted   FEMALE CORPORATE CORPORATE CORPORATE CORPORATE /-   CORPORATE in permanent hiring Workers          Total   Volunteers          Investing members             Other members          Total             TYPE B TYPE A PROCESSES UNDERWAY Including disadvantaged       JOB PLACEMENTS members

Three-year summary /  Three-year summary    Including foreigners       from within the EU    Including foreigners      type B job placements   from outside the EU leading to hiring   Age range  /-   /-   /-  of which still underway   Individuals             of which terminated  




Members          Non-members          Total          permanent contracts          including part-time contracts       temporary contracts          including part-time contracts        seasonal contracts          ITALY including part-time contracts       UKRAINE Total          including part-time contracts        MOLDAVIA Year    WORKERS  ROMANIA Total type B workers     Non-disadvantaged workers    BOSNIA   PAKISTAN Disadvantaged workers under Law /    POLAND  of disadvantaged/non-disabled workers    Total type A workers      TUNISIA SRI LANKA

Year     PERU  DISADVANTAGED WORKERS' PAY UNDER CONGO LAW    Salaries and wages    GUINEA Social security and pension    contributions  SENEGAL Disadvantaged workers     GAMBIA Total        INJURIES MOROCCO


                        Job placement Human resources for the disadvantaged Members Workers

DISADVANTAGED PERSONS HIRED WITH A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT   embers make an eff ective contribution Human capital is the hinge on which La Città Year    to management of the cooperative, Verde's everyday activities and prospects for attending meetings, electing a board development revolve. Physical disabilities    M of directors and contributing to strategic Following an initial temporary contract with an Psychological and sensorial disabilities    development strategies. average duration of one year, the employment Psychiatric patients    This makes our members the essential foundation relationship is made permanent to provide Drug and alcohol addicts (pathological dependencies)    on which La Città Verde is built and grows. workers with motivation and a sense of belonging Disadvantaged persons (under regional law no.  of  July )    to the cooperative. In view of the importance of the fi gure of TOTAL    member, and keeping in mind the contribution Seasonal contracts are used exclusively in the every individual can make, the principle inspiring gardening sector, at peak times in spring and the cooperative is that of free, voluntary autumn. participation: cooperatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the TYPE B JOB PLACEMENTS   responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination (from the Charter of Values and Principles approved at the Congress of the Centennial of the International Cooperative Alliance, Year type B hired Manchester, ). La Città Verde implements job place- this principle, making the choice to join an entirely 90 ments free one and allowing anyone who wishes to do hirings /- so to become a member of the cooperative by   purchasing a share for only  euros. 148 /- type B   placements /-   MEMBERSHIP BASE /-   Year    /- 148 total placements,   MEMBER CATEGORY MALE MALE MALE

/- TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL ENTITY ENTITY ENTITY 90 of which resulted   FEMALE FEMALE FEMALE /-   CORPORATE CORPORATE CORPORATE in permanent hiring Workers          Total   Volunteers          Investing members             Other members          Total             TYPE B TYPE A PROCESSES UNDERWAY Including disadvantaged       JOB PLACEMENTS members

Three-year summary /  Three-year summary    Including foreigners       from within the EU    Including foreigners      type B job placements   from outside the EU leading to hiring   Age range  /-   /-   /-  of which still underway   Individuals             of which terminated  




Members          Non-members          Total         

permanent contracts          including part-time contracts       temporary contracts          including part-time contracts        seasonal contracts          ITALY including part-time contracts       UKRAINE Total          including part-time contracts        MOLDAVIA Year    WORKERS  ROMANIA Total type B workers     Non-disadvantaged workers    BOSNIA   PAKISTAN Disadvantaged workers under Law /    POLAND  of disadvantaged/non-disabled workers    Total type A workers      TUNISIA SRI LANKA

Year     PERU  DISADVANTAGED WORKERS' PAY UNDER CONGO LAW    Salaries and wages    GUINEA Social security and pension    contributions  SENEGAL Disadvantaged workers     GAMBIA Total        INJURIES MOROCCO


                        Job placement Human resources for the disadvantaged Members Workers

DISADVANTAGED PERSONS HIRED WITH A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT   embers make an eff ective contribution Human capital is the hinge on which La Città Year    to management of the cooperative, Verde's everyday activities and prospects for attending meetings, electing a board development revolve. Physical disabilities    M of directors and contributing to strategic Following an initial temporary contract with an Psychological and sensorial disabilities    development strategies. average duration of one year, the employment Psychiatric patients    This makes our members the essential foundation relationship is made permanent to provide Drug and alcohol addicts (pathological dependencies)    on which La Città Verde is built and grows. workers with motivation and a sense of belonging Disadvantaged persons (under regional law no.  of  July )    to the cooperative. In view of the importance of the fi gure of TOTAL    member, and keeping in mind the contribution Seasonal contracts are used exclusively in the every individual can make, the principle inspiring gardening sector, at peak times in spring and the cooperative is that of free, voluntary autumn. participation: cooperatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the TYPE B JOB PLACEMENTS   responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination (from the Charter of Values and Principles approved at the Congress of the Centennial of the International Cooperative Alliance, Year type B hired Manchester, ). La Città Verde implements job place- this principle, making the choice to join an entirely 90 ments free one and allowing anyone who wishes to do hirings /- so to become a member of the cooperative by   purchasing a share for only  euros. 148 /- type B   placements /-   MEMBERSHIP BASE /-   Year    /- 148 total placements,   MEMBER CATEGORY MALE MALE MALE

/- TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL ENTITY ENTITY ENTITY 90 of which resulted   FEMALE FEMALE FEMALE /-   CORPORATE CORPORATE CORPORATE in permanent hiring Workers          Total   Volunteers          Investing members             Other members          Total             TYPE B TYPE A PROCESSES UNDERWAY Including disadvantaged       JOB PLACEMENTS members

Three-year summary /  Three-year summary    Including foreigners       from within the EU    Including foreigners      type B job placements   from outside the EU leading to hiring   Age range  /-   /-   /-  of which still underway   Individuals             of which terminated  




Members          Non-members          Total          permanent contracts          including part-time contracts       temporary contracts          including part-time contracts        seasonal contracts          ITALY including part-time contracts       UKRAINE Total          including part-time contracts        MOLDAVIA Year    WORKERS  ROMANIA Total type B workers     Non-disadvantaged workers    BOSNIA   PAKISTAN Disadvantaged workers under Law /    POLAND  of disadvantaged/non-disabled workers    Total type A workers      TUNISIA SRI LANKA

Year     PERU  DISADVANTAGED WORKERS' PAY UNDER CONGO LAW    Salaries and wages    GUINEA Social security and pension    contributions  SENEGAL Disadvantaged workers     GAMBIA Total        INJURIES MOROCCO


                        Income statement Distribution of total added value

Year    Year    GROSS TURNOVER• Revenues from sales and services    A Personnel wages and salaries       RETURNS AND DISCOUNTS NON-MEMBER employees    NET TURNOVER       Other employee benefi ts for NON-MEMBER employees (travel       expenses, meal tickets, expense refunds) /-IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION• Changes in inventories of work    in progress, semi-products and fi nished products • Changes REBATES AND DIVIDENDS    in work in progress • Increases in fi xed assets due to in-house MEMBER employees       work Other employee benefi ts for MEMBER employees (travel expenses,    VALUE OF PRODUCTION       meal tickets, expense refunds)

PRODUCTION COSTS • Cost of raw materials, subsidiary    … Non-employees (associates - apprentices - work under agreements)    materials, consumables and goods • Changes in inventories of raw materials, subsidiary materials, consumables and goods • Cost of services • Cost of leasehold property … CHARACTERISTIC ADDED VALUE       … Directors and auditors   


EBITDA    B Pay for Public Administration       DEPRECIATION, AMORTISATION AND PROVISIONS    … Direct taxation (national and local)    EBIT   

ACCESSORY OPERATIONS • Other income and proceeds    … Indirect taxation (national and local) - subsidies from the state and    public institutions) OVERALL NET RESULT    /-FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT • (Financial income) • Financial    charges C Remuneration of loan capital      

PROFIT ON ORDINARY OPERATIONS    … Short-term fi nancial charges • Long-term fi nancial charges    /-PROFIT ON EXTRAORDINARY OPERATIONS • - - (Extraordinary income) • Extraordinary charges • (Revaluation) D Community       • Write-downs … Gifts and donations    PRE-TAX RESULT       … Support for local events and associations    TAXES   

NET PROFIT       E Remuneration of the organisation       /-variations in reserves   

Energy sustainability of waste treatment plant social balance TOTAL YIELD CO PREVENTED MWH KG Year Year         2018        

Pieve di Cento (BO) Via Mascarino, /A -  Tel. e fax  - [email protected]

Business premises: Via Riga Bassa  -   Crevalcore fraz. Bevilacqua (Bo) Tel.  - - Fax  -  Via Conca,  -   - Ferrara fraz. Malborghetto di Boara (Fe) Income statement Distribution of total added value

Year    Year    GROSS TURNOVER• Revenues from sales and services    A Personnel wages and salaries       RETURNS AND DISCOUNTS NON-MEMBER employees    NET TURNOVER       Other employee benefi ts for NON-MEMBER employees (travel       expenses, meal tickets, expense refunds) /-IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION• Changes in inventories of work    in progress, semi-products and fi nished products • Changes REBATES AND DIVIDENDS    in work in progress • Increases in fi xed assets due to in-house MEMBER employees       work Other employee benefi ts for MEMBER employees (travel expenses,    VALUE OF PRODUCTION       meal tickets, expense refunds)

PRODUCTION COSTS • Cost of raw materials, subsidiary    … Non-employees (associates - apprentices - work under agreements)    materials, consumables and goods • Changes in inventories of raw materials, subsidiary materials, consumables and goods • Cost of services • Cost of leasehold property … CHARACTERISTIC ADDED VALUE       … Directors and auditors   


EBITDA    B Pay for Public Administration       DEPRECIATION, AMORTISATION AND PROVISIONS    … Direct taxation (national and local)    EBIT   

ACCESSORY OPERATIONS • Other income and proceeds    … Indirect taxation (national and local) - subsidies from the state and    public institutions) OVERALL NET RESULT    /-FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT • (Financial income) • Financial    charges C Remuneration of loan capital      

PROFIT ON ORDINARY OPERATIONS    … Short-term fi nancial charges • Long-term fi nancial charges    /-PROFIT ON EXTRAORDINARY OPERATIONS • - - (Extraordinary income) • Extraordinary charges • (Revaluation) D Community       • Write-downs … Gifts and donations    PRE-TAX RESULT       … Support for local events and associations    TAXES   

NET PROFIT       E Remuneration of the organisation       /-variations in reserves   

Energy sustainability of waste treatment plant social balance TOTAL YIELD CO PREVENTED MWH KG Year Year         2018        

Pieve di Cento (BO) Via Mascarino, /A -  Tel. e fax  - [email protected]

Business premises: Via Riga Bassa  -   Crevalcore fraz. Bevilacqua (Bo) Tel.  - - Fax  -  Via Conca,  -   - Ferrara fraz. Malborghetto di Boara (Fe) Income statement Distribution of total added value

Year    Year    GROSS TURNOVER• Revenues from sales and services    A Personnel wages and salaries       RETURNS AND DISCOUNTS NON-MEMBER employees    NET TURNOVER       Other employee benefi ts for NON-MEMBER employees (travel       expenses, meal tickets, expense refunds) /-IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION• Changes in inventories of work    in progress, semi-products and fi nished products • Changes REBATES AND DIVIDENDS    in work in progress • Increases in fi xed assets due to in-house MEMBER employees       work Other employee benefi ts for MEMBER employees (travel expenses,    VALUE OF PRODUCTION       meal tickets, expense refunds)

PRODUCTION COSTS • Cost of raw materials, subsidiary    … Non-employees (associates - apprentices - work under agreements)    materials, consumables and goods • Changes in inventories of raw materials, subsidiary materials, consumables and goods • Cost of services • Cost of leasehold property … CHARACTERISTIC ADDED VALUE       … Directors and auditors   


EBITDA    B Pay for Public Administration       DEPRECIATION, AMORTISATION AND PROVISIONS    … Direct taxation (national and local)    EBIT   

ACCESSORY OPERATIONS • Other income and proceeds    … Indirect taxation (national and local) - subsidies from the state and    public institutions) OVERALL NET RESULT    /-FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT • (Financial income) • Financial    charges C Remuneration of loan capital      

PROFIT ON ORDINARY OPERATIONS    … Short-term fi nancial charges • Long-term fi nancial charges    /-PROFIT ON EXTRAORDINARY OPERATIONS • - - (Extraordinary income) • Extraordinary charges • (Revaluation) D Community       • Write-downs … Gifts and donations    PRE-TAX RESULT       … Support for local events and associations    TAXES   

NET PROFIT       E Remuneration of the organisation       /-variations in reserves   

Energy sustainability of waste treatment plant social balance TOTAL YIELD CO PREVENTED MWH KG Year Year         2018        

Pieve di Cento (BO) Via Mascarino, /A -  Tel. e fax  - [email protected]

Business premises: Via Riga Bassa  -   Crevalcore fraz. Bevilacqua (Bo) Tel.  - - Fax  -  Via Conca,  -   - Ferrara fraz. Malborghetto di Boara (Fe)