368 Ross River Road, Cranbrook Ignatius Park College 4814 Newsletter E: [email protected] W: www.ipc.qld.edu.au Number 28 | 31 August 2017 T: 07 4796 0222 F: 07 4796 0200

From the Principal To Our Parents, Carers and Students NAPLAN Parents of Year 7 and Year 9 students would be aware that individual NAPLAN reports were distributed last week. It was pleasing to see that overall, Ignatius Park College students were at or above state average for boys in for all dimensions of the test. We should congratulate students and staff for a fine achievement. However, there is more work to be done, and I would like to take a moment to explain the effort that is being undertaken at the College to improve the learning for your sons in the dimension of data analysis. A data analysis team on staff led by our AP Administration, Allison Elcoate, has identified areas for academic improvement for 2018 and beyond. I would like to affirm Allison in the key work that she is doing for our students in developing learning goals for individual students. Much of this work happens “in the background” at the College, but the effectiveness of the work is now coming to the foreground at the College. Some of the work that Allison has undertaken in 2017 includes:

• The introduction of a Study Skills program in Year 11 which uses the students’ progressive data from PAT tests, NAPLAN and internal school results to build on the student’s strengths and provide targeted programs for identified areas of improvement; • The use of cohort data in Years 7 and 9 to focus on areas for improvement prior to the NAPLAN testing; • The use of cohort data from NAPLAN and Practice Tests to develop QCS sessions focused on our young men recognising their talents and being able to work to their strengths to overcome difficulties; • The use of student data mapping in Year 12, where all data available for a student is collated and analysed to determine areas and strategies for improvement. This is a process which has been conducted with the OP Year 12 students during “Learner Improvement Plan Interviews” prior to QCS and will continue until the end of the year; and • An increased ability for our staff to engage with the data available, with information being more accessible and presented to our staff in formats that are useful to them in their planning of teaching and learning.

Ignatius Park College is indeed fortunate to have leaders with Allison’s capabilities, and we look forward to seeing the fruits of this work in the coming months and years.

A Catholic Secondary College in the Edmund Rice Tradition The Edmund Rice Community acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which the College stands, the Bindal and Wulgurukaba People, and pay our respects to the Elders past, present and future. From the Principal Staffing News

We say goodbye soon to some much-loved staff members who have done an incredible amount for students and families at the College. Losing these three at end of term leaves some big shoes to fill in the coming weeks and months:

• Gary Cook (Pastoral Leader Nolan) has taken a management position at Cowboys House, beginning Term 4 2017. • Dallas Brown (Middle School Maths and English) has received a teaching position near Brisbane in South-East Queensland. • David McKenzie (currently IT Manager) is moving to the Sunshine Coast.

John Deer (PL Treacy House) is also taking Term 4 off for Long-Service Leave.

You may also be aware that IPC is in the midst of a recruitment drive at the moment and after a competitive interview process, I am pleased to announce the following successful applicants for permanent positions at the College, beginning January 2018.

1. DP Administration and Data – Allison Elcoate (Currently AP Administration) 2. DP Identity – Johanna Smith (Currently Acting DP Identity) 3. Faculty Leader Religious Education - Amy Proud (Currently Acting Years 7 – 9 FL RE) 4. Faculty Leader Mathematics - Jacinta Foley (Currently Acting FL Mathematics) 5. Faculty Leader Humanities - Tim Lindeberg (Currently Acting FL Humanities) 6. Pastoral Leader Rice House – Matthew Groves (Currently Acting Rice House PL) 7. Pastoral Leader Nolan House – Matthew Mitchell (Currently teaching in the Burdekin) 8. Library and Resource Co-ordinator – Kelly Jackson (Currently Acting Resource Co-ordinator)

There will be more announcements in the coming weeks to complete our staffing for Term 4 and 2018.

Have a great weekend!

Brendan Stewart |Acting Principal Identity and Mission Praying for Justice & Solidarity Lord, you reveal that those who work for peace will be called your people. Help us to work without ceasing for that justice which brings true and lasting peace. AMEN Retreat News Year 10 Retreat will be held on Friday, 1 September, this involves all year 10 students. Information letters have been emailed home. Parents of Year 10 students, please talk to your son/s about the day. Students are to meet in the Edmund Rice Hall at 8.30am. They may wear comfortable, appropriate clothes of their choice (shirts with sleeves, no inappropriate slogans/pictures). Please remind students to wear covered in shoes and a hat. The tuckshop will be available to students. Photos from the Year 7 Retreat:

P 2 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Identity and Mission

Faith in Action News

Congratulations to the following young men who have been active in the community volunteering. They have contributed in a variety of ways including fundraising, raising awareness and giving a helping hand at their local sporting club and Retirement Village. Well done boys and thank you!

Bayden Hardy - Silver Award Don Raju - Certificate Lachlan Hardy - Bronze Award Reuben Roberts - Certificate Ben Tolcher - Bronze Award Kai Simmons - Certificate Alex Roubicek - Bronze Award Isaac Truett - Certificate Howard Keyes - Bronze Award Juilan Fusco-Wright - Certificate Tyler Anderson - Bronze Award


This year’s Sony Camp, facilitated by Ignatius Park College and St Patrick’s College, need Registered Nurse Volunteers. This is a three day live in camp for special needs children from the community. Students from Ignatius Park College and St Patrick’s College act as companions/carers for these little people but they need the support of a team of qualified nurses too.

For the Camp to go ahead, we need to fill a roster of nurse volunteers for the three days Saturday 16 – Monday 18 September. If you are able to volunteer some of your time for this great program, please contact Jodie Roberts on [email protected]

Johanna Smith | Acting Deputy Principal – Identity and Mission

P 3 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Curriculum VET and Industry Placement News Upcoming Industry Placement – Week 10

Next week the Year 11 and 12 VET students are required to call their Industry Placement employers. The boys will undertake their third placement for the year in Week 10 (11 to 15 September). If your son has prior knowledge of any absences during this time, please see Mrs Owen in the VET office ASAP so employers can be informed. Please note that the Friday of this placement week is a Student Free Day, but VET students are expected to attend Industry Placement on this day.

First Aid

This week, twenty of our Year 12 VET students completed their Provide First Aid (HLT003) Certificate through TAFE North. This is a valuable qualification to have on their resume, especially with these boys beginning the hunt for employment. Well done to all these boys. Certificates should be received from TAFE by the start of Term 4.

School Based Apprenticeship

We are excited to announce another Year 12 student has secured a School Based Apprenticeship! Congratulations to Fabien Menegazzo, who was signed up earlier this week with Jason Miekus Plumbing and Drainage. Jason and his wife Ellen are parents of the College and we truly appreciate the support they have showen Fabien and the College through the Industry Placement program.

We now have over 25% of our Year 12 VET boys signed up to School Based Apprenticeships or Traineeships – a great achievement considering the current employment climate in North Queensland.

Shane Dove | Program Leader - VET

P 4 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Curriculum Year 11 Resources Infrastructure and Work Preparation Over the course of this year, the Year 11 Resources Infrastructure and Work Preparation students have been working on an outdoor garden, which has been built in our sand pit area of the Trades Skills Centre. Each term of the year has been dedicated to a different aspect of the project, Term 1 - the fence, Term 2 - the concrete pavers and path and Term 3 - the garden features themselves. Some of these features included retaining walls with raised garden beds, inground ponds with rock features pumping water and underwater lighting.

The students learnt many features of garden design right through to mixing their own concrete to make concrete pavers. The students who actively participated and took on the ownership of the day to day tasks that were involved getting a project of this size to fruition, should be commended. These students will walk away from this project able to their own gardens in their future homes.

Paul Marano | Teacher

P 5 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Curriculum Hospitality News Last Friday, the Year 12 Hospitality Studies boys hosted a movie themed restaurant called ‘Dinehard!’ The night was a roaring success with over 100 customers coming through the doors. The boys were under the pump for most of the night, with back of house and front of house having to communicate with each other to get the orders in and the food out as fast as possible. The bar worked at a steady pace serving beers and wines. The surprise popular drink of the evening was the very cool Pina Colada which was enjoyed by many customers. The customers were entertained by the music of Jean Sajeeve and Benjamin Wilmen and a great night was had by all. I would like to thank Mrs Debbie Price and Mrs Karin Hunter whose help in organising this function was, as always, invaluable. I would also like to thank all the parents, friends and teachers who have supported the boys by coming to their events. Future dates to keep in mind:

• Friday 13 October - Year 12 Hospitality VET Italian Restaurant • Saturday 28 October - Year 11 Hospitality VET Coffee Shop morning • Tuesday 7 November - Year 11 Hospitality Studies Melbourne Cup function For more information or bookings please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school. Jude Squire | Teacher in Charge - Hospitality

P 6 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Curriculum Hospitality News

P 7 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Curriculum English News English Tutoring

English Tutoring is available every Tuesday afternoon in Room 102 from 3.15pm – 4.00pm. Come along with any assessment, questions or concerns and we’ll be able to help.

National Literacy and Numeracy Week

This year’s National Literacy and Numeracy Week will be held from 4-10 September and will focus on the theme of ‘Discover.’ Please visit www.literacyandnumeracy.gov.au for more information.

UN Youth Voice Competition

‘Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family’ – Kofi Annan

This is a public speaking event for students in Year 7-10 which allows them to present innovative solutions to some of the world’s most significant issues. One of our Year 9 students, Zachary Judge, was successful in progressing to last year’s national final, held in Hobart. Speeches in Years 7-8 are 3 minutes, while students in Years 9-10 are required to speak for 5 minutes. Students will be provided with a list of topics to choose from and the Townsville competition will take place on Saturday, October 14.

Please contact Mrs Tarttelin or [email protected] for more information.

Andrea Tarttelin | Faculty Leader - English Pastoral From the Deputy Principal - Pastoral College Bike Racks

The College bike racks are located within a locked compound for the safety of student bikes during the day. The gates are open until the start of the school day when they are locked. The gates are unlocked just before the end of classes and then remain open until the start of lessons the next day.

The expectation is that boys remove their bikes from the compound at the end of the day as there is no security of the compound once the gates are unlocked. If they are remaining at school, for training or other activities, they should take their bikes to their activity. If they are on detention or attending tutoring or homework club, they can chain their bikes in the Quad where there will be staff around to keep an eye on the bikes.

Unfortunately, our compound is behind the school and with the large amount of passing traffic in the afternoon, it is impossible to monitor who is entering this area. Under no circumstance, should bikes be left in the compound overnight.

Checks on College Hats Next Week

As we approach the warmer months when the average UV readings increase, the Pastoral Team is concerned that some boys are not wearing hats at school. Over many years, the staff have worked hard to increase the wearing of hats and the general response of the students has been very good.

To ensure that record continues, the Pastoral Team will be conducting checks of hats next week. Students need to ensure that they have a hat with an internal hat band attached and with their name clearly written on the hat band. Consequences will be issued to students without their hats/in good order.

The Uniform Shop is open on Friday and Monday morning as usual. As always, thank you for your assistance in keeping our students safe.

John Doolan | Deputy Principal - Pastoral

P 8 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Pastoral

P 9 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Pastoral

P 10 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Pastoral Counselling News


On assembly this week, our IPC Peer Mentors launched their video conveying key safety messages to students and the College community. They reminded us that we all have a part to play in caring for and protecting children and that Child Protection is everybody’s business. Starting this week at Ignatius Park College, leading up to Child Protection Week, Mrs Parsons has facilitated Personal Safety Talks being presented to Year 7 students by Mrs Timbs and talks to Year 8 students will be presented by Mr Conn next term.

Next week, Monday at IPC will be RED shirt day, in support of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation to continue their work in educating all children about their personal safety through their activities, website and resources. Peer Mentors will be selling red spiders at lunchtime as well. In every Homeroom throughout the College, our students will be listening to safety messages through a PowerPoint presented by their Homeroom teachers. They will also be informing students about the Daniel Morcombe Foundation ‘Help Me’ APP. The ‘Help Me’ button sounds a warning and allows you to send an SMS text to two (2) nominated ‘safety’ numbers, as part of your Trusted Safety Network. Included in the text, are GPS co-ordinates from where the text was sent, so the sender can be contacted. It is a great way to keep kids safe, especially in emergency situations.

Student Protection Contacts at IPC:

Marilyn Parsons - Student Counsellor Pudy Timbs - Pastoral Leader Michael Conn- Principal

P 11 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Pastoral Blue Wall

Congratulations to Callum Parsons who is quite talented on the Court and has recently represented Queensland at the U18 National Championships in Basketball.

Well done Callum!

Pudy Timbs | Pastoral Leader - Baillie House


Ignatius Park College Upcoming Events and Dates

WEEK 8 Friday 1 September Year 10 Retreat Dads and Lads Barefoot Bowls

WEEK 9 National Child Protection Week Wednesday 6 September P&F Meeting Friday 8 September Year 11-12 Block Exams Commence Year 7-10 Exams Commence

P & F Meeting

The next P & F meeting will be held on Wednesday, 6 September, at 6pm – 7pm in the College Board Room (College Office). This invitation is extended to all parents and carers within the College community. We are not a fund-raising group so please consider joining the P&F. See you there!

Marg Hodgson | Deputy Principal – Operations and Community Engagement

P 12 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Co-curricular Rowing News - QLD School State Championships Going for Gold! With the local season done, we are taking a select squad of rowers to compete at the State Championships in Rockhampton in three weeks. Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to represent the school: Year 12 - Aaron McRae, Liam Buxton, Jesse Statham Year 11 - Harry Cordery, Fintan Halpin Year 10 - Anthony Grech, Christian Lauder, Elliot Basso, Cooper Stocks Year 9 - Ethan Moody-Humphrey, Lachlan Moore, Bailey Schneekloth, Alistair Corkeron Year 8 - Reilly Williams, Zach Skipp, Callum Leech, Lachlan Larsen, Atticus D’Mello Year 7 - Jake Gilmore

These boys have all been a real force in local Rowing all year and are training very hard to be competitive at these Championships which feature over 1000 rowers from all across Queensland and, in particular, battle the powerful rowing schools from Brisbane.

Also I would like to especially mention our sponsors who have helped us out for the trip:

Brad Keir - Keir Constructions Shane and Wendy Gilmore - Havac Solutions Susan Milner – Read2Write Craig and Colleen Stocks - Craig Stocks Electrical

Again I would like to thank all members of our squad for an outstanding year.

Opportunity to Row Thinking of joining our rowing team? Give it a go in Term 4.

I am organising rowing in Term 4, including a Learning to Row component through the Townsville and JCU Rowing Club. Many of our rowers want to continue on rowing in Term 4 so I’m excited to offer the chance to introduce new rowers into the sport. If your son would like to have some fun, learn new skills and be race ready to join our very successful squad next year, please, either see Ms Klaassen or email me on [email protected]

Tony Smith - Head of Rowing Program

P 13 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Co-curricular Townsville Athletics A Grade Carnival Ignatius Park College dominated the recent Townsville Athletics A Grade Carnival. The College athletes were successful in winning the 13,14,15,16, and Open Years’ Championships and came second in the 12-year-old Championship. This effort allowed the College to win the Overall A Grade Trophy.

Thirty nine boys were selected in the Townsville Secondary School representative side (13-18 ) and two boys were selected in the Primary team ( 12 years ).

Matthew Conroy's effort in the High Jump attracted a lot of spectator interest. He was able to break Josh Hall’s record. Matthew jumped 2.07m.

Congratulations to all the boys who competed for the College.

Thanks also to Mrs Kath Newman who assisted with training of the throwing events.

John Alloway | Program Leader – Head of Sport News Queensland U12 Schoolboys

Congratulations to Year 7 student, Reece Foley, who travelled to Melbourne recently as part of the U12 Queensland Schoolboys Rugby League Team. In an extremely successful campaign, the Queensland Team progressed through the preliminary rounds undefeated. The Queensland side then defeated arch rivals New South Wales in the Grand Final to be crowned National Schoolboys Rugby League Champions for 2017.

Over the course of the week, Reece was a standout player for Queensland. Congratulations Reece, the Ignatius Park College Community are extremely proud of your achievements!

Christian Quabba | Teacher

P 14 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Co-curricular Open Basketball News The undermanned Senior Team had a convincing win against Kirwan State High School. After trading baskets in the first quarter, the Ignatius Park College team increased the tempo to win 74 to 43. Jye Pearce and Mav Parker were superb in defence, Tom Owens and Taylor Millar proved difficult to stop, Jordy Kleesh provided the team with another offensive threat and Logan Kyle was a class above with his perimeter shooting. A big thanks to Jordy for filling in and to Mark Reasons for assisting with the scoring.

The Junior Development Team had a one-point win over William Ross State High School. Also being down on numbers due to a clash with Townsville Basketball representative training, the fatigued outfit came from behind in the last quarter to post an impressive win. It was a special effort by Jordy Kleesh and Tom Owens to play in consecutive games. The efforts of Jean-Luc Denyer filling in at short notice to make five players was greatly appreciated. Thanks to Jane Finlay and Ms Loechel for scoring.

A reminder to all players and parents that it is expected that at least a day’s notice is provided if players have prior commitments.

5 September (Final Round) 4pm Open 1st Team v Annandale at Murray Junior Development Team v William Ross at Murray IPC Social Team v Calvary at IPC

Gary Hughes | Teacher Opti-Mind Challange 2017 The Creative Sustainability Challenge this year consisted of the Science Engineering and Spontaneous Challenges. These challenges involved a 10-minute presentation from our team representatives. This year, our Science Club students came up with two teams for Division II and Division III. The challenges resulted in an inclusive team challenge which empowered participants to think, create and communicate.

Catherine Ventic | Teacher Reef Guardians The GBRMPA this week has kindly lent us some templates of marine animals and signs which were used to spray next to our storm water drains around the IPC grounds.

This is a timely reminder why we have had plastic free July last month. This is to consolidate environmental awareness for all our students that synthetic rubbish (any plastics) eventually ends up in our Great Barrier Reef and greatly impacts the health and diversity of all marine life.

Catherine Ventic | Teacher

P 15 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Community Defence News This week some of our students visited the Mates4Mates Family Recovery Centre in Aitkenvale to learn about the support and services that are offered to current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members (and their families) who are wounded, injured or ill as a result of their service. Townsville has one of only three Mates4Mates Family Recovery Centres in Australia (Brisbane, Townsville and Hobart). The boys heard about the outdoor adventure challenges, physical and psychological rehabilitation services, and the social connection activities offered. It was a fantastic afternoon enjoyed by all who attended. We finished the day with a friendly game of wheelchair basketball. A very big thank you to Mr Paul Bruce for stepping in on short notice. Leanne Mahoney | Defence Transition Mentor Paul Bruce | Teacher

All Schools Every Child Welcomed gets a Ribbon! Every School Come & have gets a sash! some Fun!

th 16 September

$15 per Rider

Nominations From 1pm Starts at 2pm

Events: Running Tee Primary Novice Secondary Novice Bending

Prep 1 &2 Bounce Pony 7 & 8 9&10 Egg Timer 3 & 4 5&6 Olympic Rings 11 & 12 Straight Barrel Sporting Figure of 8

Check our Facebook Page or Email for all the Rules for this event

OPEN TO ALL Feature – Barrel Race 80% Addback

$10 entry per rider Trophies for 1st, Ribbons for 2nd & 3rd per age 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th U13, 13-18, Open group overall & 5th per Horse Bus Available Trophy for event per age winning school group Ph:0400372809 All Enquires Email: [email protected]

Note: No Stallions Permitted, Riders must wear Australia Standards approved Helmet and Riding Boots, Safe Saddle, No Hendra required

Lanskey’s Saddleworld

P 16 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Community Careers News Applying for Bachelor of Education If your son is applying for initial teacher education courses, he can start thinking about how to address the non-academic entry requirements with the help of the new QTAC video. The video aims to ease your sons’ anxiety around writing their 1000-word personal statement by putting the task into perspective and encouraging them to reflect on why they think they’d make a good teacher. You can watch the video HERE. Your son can upload his completed personal statements to his application by logging in to Applications Services. QTAC normal application dates apply and the dates can be found in their QTAC booklet. Applying for a Degree in Medicine Is your son considering a degree at James Cook University in either Dentistry, Medicine/Surgery, Physiotherapy or Veterinary Science? He will need to complete a hand-written Application Form for entry into his chosen degree? The application must be submitted by the 30 September 2017. Important Dates

• 1 August 2017: Application open for JCU Application form • 1 August 2017: Application opening date QTAC • 30 September 2017: Closing date for QTAC Application • 30 September 2017: Closing date for JCU Application • 13 October 2017 4pm: Prediction of Academic Achievement (PAA) Form to be received by the Division of Tropical Health and Medicine • 10 November 2017: Email notification of invitation to attend interview • 28 November to 7 December 2017: Interviews held at JCU Townsville Campus • 29 December 2017: Email notification of invitation to attend January interview • 4 & 5 January 2018: Interviews held at JCU Townsville Campus • 16 January2018: QTAC offers released to applicants • 22 January 2018: Last date to respond to QTAC January offer round, applicants must respond to QTAC • 1 February 2018: QTAC offers released to applicants • 5 February 2018: Last date to respond to QTAC February offer round, applicants must respond to QTAC • 12 February 2018: Orientation Week begins • 19 February 2018 JCU Academic Year begins

University of Queensland’s Rural Access Scheme The Rural Access Scheme awards all Year 12 students from rural and regional backgrounds two bonus ranks to assist with entry to many undergraduate Health programs at UQ. There are guidelines that need to be met prior to application and this information can be found at www.doctorconnect.gov.au A full list of the programs involved in the Rural Access Scheme is available at www.future-students.uq.edu.au/rural-access-scheme Phillip Dembowski | Careers Advisor

Volunteer Host Family Bring French, Italian or Spanish Culture to Life! Why not volunteer to host an international student from France, Italy or Spain next year? We have a small group of delightful students coming to Australia for 11 weeks to immerse in local Australian culture, experience our schools, sports, environment and lifestyle. All the international students are around 15 or 16 years old, speak excellent English, have their own spending money, cover all school expenses, and we arrange all aspects of their program. They are looking forward to joining an Australian family for a short term cultural immersion stay. It’s fun and interesting to help these young people achieve their Australian dream.

If you’d like know more, please email your interest to ICM on [email protected] or call Georgie and Anja on 1800 500501, or visit our website www.icm-education.com

P 17 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Community

Youth Camp 2017! Be seen for who you are and let your voice be heard...

Workshops involve: A fun 2 days of basketball skills, drills and games FREE Visual and performing arts, coached by players from your JCU Townsville Fire team slam poetry, and games

September Townsville Stadium Clay modelling and painting 18th and 19th Boys & Girls ages 9am – 1pm 10 - 15 years Personal Development

• Pre registrations open now • Please arrive 15-20 minutes prior to Age group: 15- 25 Making new friends, great food • All players need to bring their water the start of camp to fill out registration Fee: $10.00 bottle and a healthy snack forms if registering on the day Social inclusion and environmental awareness

Registration Contact: Wednesday 20th September (07) 4772 4800 3.30 pm [email protected] to Sunday 24 the September 9.00 am At Proudly Sponsored by Port of Townsville Riverside Convention Centre 55 Leopold Street AITKENVALE Townsville Qld 4814

Organiser: The Townsville Intercultural Centre Contact the Townsville Fire Office today to register for our School Holiday Clinic by Event Partner: Qld Gov. calling 4729 0091 or emailing [email protected] Department of Community Service

P 18 | Redefining the Education of Young Men QCS Breakfast

P 19 | Redefining the Education of Young Men Iggy Old Boys Queensland Basketball League State Championships 2017

Congratulations to a number of our Old Boys who are involved in the Townsville Heat Basketball Team and have just been named in the Queensland Basketball League State Championships 2017. Townsville Heat Team Members: Jordan Baleikatuba Ethan Betts Nathan Jorgensen Jeremy Myles Keegan Tudehope Brendon McCully

Head Coach: Rodney Anderson

Training night assistant: Braden Riegel

Manager IPC parent: Sandra Bird

P 20 | Redefining the Education of Young Men