THE IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY OF THE 29 the Sefer ha Zohar, and in this way the Teshuvah of these will be accepted by the Holy One Blessed be He Sefer Tikkun Olam

“And I wondered about the earnest Jews why they would sleep all night and waste their days in vain, why should they not awaken at night, to say Tehillim and Tikkun Chatzot according to their strength, and then to pray word by word with intention of the heart, each one according to his ability And if he is able to learn at least Mishnayos, why should he prevent himself from doing so, and to read some pages from the holy Zohar, since all the sayings there are adornments for the soul, life to his soul. Heichal ha Beracha

The Vilna Gaon insists a great deal on the Holy Mitzvah of learning the secret parts of the , for the merit of this Mitzvah brings the redemption closer Rabbi Chaim mi Volozhin, introduction to the Gra’s commentary on Sifra Ditzniuta

And when we do not study this wisdom, the redemption is delayed Magid Doresh Tzion P 65

Among the works of the Gra (Vilna Gaon) and his students in the area of the ingathering of the exiles was the establishment of a Bet Midrash in Yerushalaim where the was to be studied. Magid Doresh Tzion P 65, Letter Yud Beit

Torah from Zion: The study of the Kabbalah and the revelation of the secrets of the Torah at the time of the footsteps of Mashiach is one of the main things to bring redemption closer as The Vilna Gaon explains at length in many places. And this is one of the main tasks of Mashiach ben Yosef that through him the exiles are gathered according to our Rabbi, the Gaon… Sefer Kol Ha Tor, Perek Vav Siman He 29