Telephone: 01928 788230 Crowton Christ Church C of E Head Teacher: Mrs. H. Harris Primary School Kingsley Road Website: Crowton Cheshire CW8 2RW

we Achieve, we Believe, we Care 4th June 2018

Northwich Schools’ Singing Festival

Dear Parents / Carers,

Exciting news! We would very much like to invite the Year 5 children to our second Schools’ Singing Festival, ‘Northwich Sings!’ Children in each of the schools have been working really hard preparing for our singing celebration!

The Festival will run over 4 nights and will be held at ‘The Memorial Court’ Northwich. The schools have been grouped for their performances, and are collectively singing a selection of songs. We will also have a special performance by each of the following secondary schools – Hartford, Leftwich, UCAN & .

18th June Kingsmead, Lostock, Sandiway, Forest Street, , Victoria Road. 19th June Charles Darwin, , Church Walk, St.Bede’s, , Gt. Budworth. 20th June Leftwich, , Hartford Manor, Rosebank, Barnton, Moulton. 21st June St Wilfrid’s, , Hartford, Cuddington, Winnington Park, Whitegate, Crowton.

Your child will travel to Northwich Memorial Court, CW9 5QJ, on 21st June for the practise at 1:30pm. They will remain at the Hall until after the performance at 6pm; which will finish at approximately 7:15pm. To keep costs to a minimum, please indicate below whether you are able to help with transporting children to the practice.

Your child will need to bring a ‘packed meal’ of sandwiches and a drink etc., to eat for tea time. Children will also need to bring a water bottle for the practise. Please send their packed tea in a named plastic bag, so that it can be disposed of easily.

This year, the event has been sponsored by The Hut Group, who are providing logoed T-shirts for every child taking part. Your child will also need to wear blue jeans.

Photographs of the performance (for families own personal use) will be permitted, and may also be used for publicity in the local press. If you do not want your child to be photographed, please indicate below.

2 Tickets will be allocated for each child/family at the cost of £1 per ticket. Any tickets that are not sold by Friday 15th June 2018 will be released.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Heather Harris Head teacher ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Northwich Schools’ Singing Festival, 21st June 2018

 I confirm that ...... is/is not able to participate in the Northwich Sings Festival on 21st June.

 I do/not give permission for my child to be photographed.

 I am/not able to help with transporting children to the practice on 21st June, and can transport …... children.

 I would like ………………… tickets and enclose payment of £……………. (maximum of 2 tickets; £1 per ticket)

Signed: (Parent/Guardian) …………………………………….………………………………………………