Contest Code 13

2016 TSJCL Area C Greek History Directions: Choose the best response and fill in the corresponding letter on the BLUE SIDE of your scantron answer sheet. No answers marked on the test itself will be scored. All dates are BCE, unless otherwise noted. 1. Who persuaded the Athenians to fortify the harbor at Piraeus? A. Pericles B. Miltiades C. Themistocles D. Cimon 2. Which Spartan king died at Thermopylae? A. Agesilaus B. Leonidas C. Archidamus D. Periander 3. In 435 a civil war in Epidamnus led to a conflict between A. and Corcyra B. Corcyra and Corinth C. Corinth and D. Sparta and Argos 4. Which of the following is in the correct chronological order? A. Sicilian expedition/Peace of / Megarian decree/ Battle of B. Megarian decree/Battle of Amphipolis/Peace of Nicias/Sicilian expedition C. Peace of Nicias/Megarian decree/Battle of Amphipolis/Sicilian expedition D. Battle of Amphipolis/Sicilian expedition/Peace of Nicias/Megarian decree 5. Alexander captured ______by building a causeway one thousand yards long. A. Cyprus B. Tyre C. the Hellespont D. Rhodes 6. Which of the following generals is correctly matched with his famous victory? A. Themistocles: Salamis B. Epaminondas: Mantinea C. Cimon: Lade D. Lysander: Plataea 7. The Krypteia of Sparta was established to deal with the threat of A. Athenian attack B. Persian invasion C. a rebellion of the army D. a helot revolt Contest Code 13

8. What title did Solon have when he instituted his reforms? A. asymnetes B. basileus C. archon D. tyrant 9. The friend of Alexander, whose death caused him great grief, was A. Callisthenos B. Parmenio C. Hephaestion D. Philotas 10. In what year did Alexander succeed his father as king of Macedonia? A. 359 B. 346 C. 338 D. 336 11. Which of the following was not a Spartan ally during the ? A. Sicyon B. Thermopylae C. Corcyra D. Naxos 12. Syracuse was a colony of A. Athens B. Sparta C. Megara D. Corinth 13. Which country invented coinage, influenced Ionia with its luxury, and acted as a barrier between Persia and Greece? A. Bithynia B. Pontus C. Lydia D. Caria 14. Who did Alexander defeat at the Hydaspes River? A. Porus B. Bessus C. Darius D. Omphis 15. Draconian laws were famous for their A. ambiguity B. fairness C. harshness D. laxness 16. Term for a union between neighbors formed for religious or practical purposes: A. amphictyony B. crypteia C. decarchy D. symmory Contest Code 13

17. This general and friend of Epaminondas helped raise Thebes to prominence in the fourth century: A. Pelopidas B. Perdiccas C. Pausanias D. Phocion 18. This Athenian, called “the Just”, was ostracised in 402. A. Hipparchus B. Aristides C. Themistocles D. Callimachus 19. Which of the following was NOT one of Alexander's generals? A. Parmenio B. Antipater C. Attalus D. Perdiccas 20. According to Herodotus, the Ionian Revolt was caused by the fears and frustrations of A. Megabazus of Thebes B. Ariston of Byzantium C. Aristagoras of Miletus D. Otanes of Lesbos 21. How many tyrants were set up in 404 to rule Athens? A. 5 B. 10 C. 20 D. 30 22. Hostilities between Athens and Sparta stopped briefly in 421 during the Peace of A. Callias B. Lysander C. Nicias D. Prodicus 23. The battle of Pallene in 546 ended all resistance to A. Pisistratus B. Lycurgus C. Miltiades D. Megacles 24. The Sacred Band was the elite troop of: A. Athens B. Thebes C. Corinth D. Sparta 25. Who defeated the Persians at the battle of the Eurymedon river? A. Cimon B. Ephialtes C. Pericles D. Contest Code 13

26. What Spartan leader was walled into a temple and starved to death? A. Agesilaus B. Lysander C. Pausanias D. 27. Which tyrant supported the Delphic Oracle in the Sacred War of the sixth century? A. Psammetichus B. Cleisthenes C. Cyselus D. Periander 28. The League of Corinth was established by Philip to A. enable him to control Greece B. keep Sparta from attacking Athens and Corinth C. punish the Greek states D. promote unity among Greeks 29. In what city did Philip II live as a hostage? A. Amphipolis B. Megara C. Mantinea D. Thebes 30. In what year was the Peace of Antalcidas instituted? A. 413 B. 404 C. 387 D. 371 31. Argos enjoyed its greatest power under A. Pheidon B. Myrsilus C. Cypselus D. Lycophron 32. The first coins minted in Europe were the silver 'tortoises' of A. Aegina B. Athens C. Corinth D. Potidaea 33. Why did Cleombrotus not pursue the Persian forces after Salamis? A. A helot revolt B. the ephors rejected the idea C. he had to observe a religious holiday D. a solar eclipse 34. Which state won the battle of Mantinea in 418? A. Thebes B. Athens C. Sparta D. Argos Contest Code 13

35. Who attempted to seize the Piraeus in 378 and thus caused a breach between Sparta and Athens? A. Leontiades B. Sphodrias C. Phoebidas D. Agesilaus 36. Who fought alongside the Athenians at Marathon? A. Plataeans B. Thebans C. Megareans D. Spartans 37. How was Pausanias, the victor of Plataea, related to Leonidas? A. Son B. nephew C. brother D. father 38. Athens was defeated at Aegospotomi in A. 424 B. 418 C. 413 D. 405 39. While Histiaeus was detained for twelve years at Susa, his son-in-law Aristagoras ruled A. Halicarnassus B. Naxos C. Samos D. Miletus 40. All of the following statements about ostracism are true EXCEPT: A. a quorum of 6000 votes was necessary B. exile lasted for 10 years C. the exiled person retained his citizenship D. the exiled person lost his property 41. Who returned the statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton, which Xerxes had taken, to Athens? A. Cimon B. Alcibiades C. Conon D. Alexander 42. Which Athenian fought alongside the Persians against Sparta and rebuilt the Long Walls? A. Alcibiades B. Iphicrates C. Xenophon D. Conon 43. In 416, Athens sent an expedition to Sicily in response to a request for help from A. Syracuse B. Selinus C. Segesta D. Gela Contest Code 13

44. The Greek tragedian who fought at both Marathon and Salamis was A. Aeschylus B. Agathon C. Euripides D. Sophocles 45. Which Greek city founded Byzantium in 660? A. Corinth B. Megara C. Chalcis D. Miletus 46. Elpinice, an aristocratic Athenian woman and critic of Pericles, was the sister of A. Aspasia B. Pausanias C. Cimon D. 47. The final Athenian response to the revolt of Mytilene in 428-7 BC, following much debate, was to A. kill all Mytilenean men and enslave all women and children B. put only the revolt’s ringleaders to death C. declare amnesty for all the citizens of Mytilene D. execute all Mytilenean men, women, and children. 48. Inscriptions and writings in an Arcado-Cypriot dialect of Greek are primary evidence for A. Arcadian or Peloponnesian colonization of Cyprus in the Bronze Age B. Cypriot colonization of Arcadia and the Peloponnesus in the Bronze Age C. Arcadian-speaking Greeks' migration westward from Cyprus D. Eastward migration of Arcadian-speaking Greeks from the Peloponnesus toward Asia Minor 49. In the twentieth century, a stone inscription identified as a copy of the famed 'Themistocles Decree' was found at A. Athens B. Brauron C. Corinth D. Troezen 50. Which of the following did NOT bring charges against Socrates in 399? A. Anytus B. Meletus C. Critias D. Lycon

Tie Breakers: Select the correct answer and mark your answer on the GREEN SIDE of your scantron sheet. Questions 1-5 on the GREEN SIDE will only be graded in the case of a tie. 1. Alexander the Great was saved from death at the Battle of Granicus by his nurse’s brother A. Amyntas B. Barce C. Cleitus D. Darius Contest Code 13

2. Who was the only man to defeat Phillip II in battle? A. Onomarchus B. Pausanias C. Bardyllis D. Pelopidas 3. What Greek city-state was ruled by the Bacchiads? A. Athens B. Corinth C. Sparta D. Thebes 4. Who was the first ostracized Athenian? A. Hipparchus B. Lysander C. Themistocles D. Miltiades 5. Cyrus the Younger led a Greek mercenary army into Persia in 401, but died at the battle of A. Cunaxa B. Amphipolis C. Himera D. Gaugamela