FALL BOOKS Cuisine to Its Texas’ Image Search for POOR and Black Creators by MICHAEL Self in Prague AGRESTA LAWYERLESS in ISSUE by BRAD TYER by AMY GENTRY HOUSTON

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FALL BOOKS Cuisine to Its Texas’ Image Search for POOR and Black Creators by MICHAEL Self in Prague AGRESTA LAWYERLESS in ISSUE by BRAD TYER by AMY GENTRY HOUSTON Toni Tipton-Martin The Designer Matthew Returns Southern Who Shapes Salesses’ ALSO FALL BOOKS Cuisine to Its Texas’ Image Search for POOR AND Black Creators BY MICHAEL Self in Prague AGRESTA LAWYERLESS IN ISSUE BY BRAD TYER BY AMY GENTRY HOUSTON OCTOBER | 2015 IN THIS ISSUE 34 TEXAS’ STRANGEST SON Clark Davis’ It Starts With Trouble: William Goyen and the Life of Writing by Amy Gentry 36 BECOMING THE ‘OTHER’ Debra Monroe’s My Unsentimental Education by David Duhr 37 PRIVATE EYES Lisa Sandlin’s The Do-Right by Nico Vreeland 38 WILD SUBURBIA Texas Lizards: A Field Guide by Asher Elbein REGULARS 07 THE GRIMES SCENE FALL 26 THREE PHONE CALLS 40 THROUGH THE 01 DIALOGUE 08 STRANGEST STATE BOOKS The Observer’s EYES OF DJ STOUT 02 POLITICAL 09 EDITORIAL This year’s 5th annual short Variations on a INTELLIGENCE 09 BEN SARGENT’S 18 authors story contest winner Rectangle: 30 Years 06 STATE OF TEXAS LOON STAR STATE revise history. by Simon Han of Graphic Design from Texas Monthly 20 THE GREEN LIBRARIAN 29 ANATOMY OF A to Pentagram POOR JUDGMENT A used-bookstore DYLAN FAN by Michael Agresta In Harris County, the indigent defense manager’s crusade David Gaines’ In Dylan systems works great — for everyone for zero waste Town: A Fan’s Life 42 RENAISSANCE TEJANA 10 but indigent defendants. by Robyn Ross by Michelle Nijhuis Amalia Ortiz’s By Emily DePrang Rant. Chant. Chisme. 23 SEARCHING FOR 30 THE GRIEF AT THE END by Tony Diaz SELF IN PRAGUE OF THE WORLD Matthew Salesses’ Cecile Pineda’s Apology 42 POEM OBSERVER ONLINE The Hundred Year Flood to a Whale: Words Nouns at the Border Keep up with Chris Hooks and his by Amy Gentry to Mend a World Are Not To Be Trusted reporting on Ken Paxton and other by Brad Tyer by Linda Marie Cossa (alleged) crooks at texasobserver.org 24 UP AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA 32 SOUTHERN CUISINE RE- 44 EYE ON TEXAS Queer Brown Voices: TURNS TO ITS CREATORS Picturing Texas ABOVE: Managing librarian ON THE COVER: Mindy Reed at Recycled PHOTO: SARAH FRANKIE LINDER, Personal Narratives of Toni Tipton-Martin’s Politics: A Photographic Reads, the Austin TEXT: WIKIPEDIA Latina/o LGBT Activism The Jemima Code: Two History from Sam Public Library system’s used bookstore. by Ashley Hope Pérez Centuries of African Houston to Rick Perry CREDIT JEN REEL American Cookbooks THE TEXAS OBSERVER (ISSN 0040-4519/USPS 541300), entire contents copyrighted © 2014, is published monthly (12 issues per year) by the Texas Democracy Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation, 307 W. 7th St., Austin TX, 78701. Telephone (512)477-0746, fax (512)474-1175, toll free (800)939-6620. Email observer@ texasobserver. org. Periodicals Postage paid in Austin, TX, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER Send address changes to: The Texas Observer, 307 W. 7th St., Austin TX 78701. Subscriptions: 1 yr $35, 2 yr $60, 3 yr $85. Students $20. Foreign, add $13 to domestic price. Back issues $5. Airmail, foreign, group, and bulk rates on request. Microfilm available from University Microfilms Intl., 300 N Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor MI 48106. INDEXES The Texas Observer is indexed in Access: The Supplementary Index to Periodicals; Texas Index; and, for the years 1954 through 1981, The Texas Observer Index. INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING is supported in part by a grant from the Open Society Institute. BOOKS & THE CULTURE is funded in part by the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division and by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts. A JOURNAL OF FREE VOICES since 1954 OBSERVER VOLUME 107, NO. 10 DIALOGUE FOUNDING EDITOR Ronnie Dugger Swallowing Ken Paxton Whole EDITOR Forrest Wilder MANAGING EDITOR Nancy Nusser There is a simple answer to the question posed in Christopher Hooks’ article about DIGITAL EDITOR Andrea Grimes MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Jen Reel Ken Paxton: “Voters had every opportunity to see him for what he is, and still he suc- STAFF WRITERS Melissa del Bosque, Alexa ceeded. How?” (“The People v. Paxton,” September 2015). Texas voters have never Garcia-Ditta, Christopher Hooks, Patrick Michels been known for being encumbered by rational thought. And they are totally unfazed ART DIRECTOR Chad Tomlinson by ambiguity or obfuscation. They [would] much rather believe a bald-faced lie than POETRY EDITOR Naomi Shihab Nye STAFF CARTOONIST Ben Sargent a factual truth. They choke on gnats yet swallow elephants whole. It is impossible to COPY EDITOR David Duhr CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ever have good governance in such an irrational electoral environment. Michael Agresta, Lou Dubose, James Mears, Longview Saul Elbein, Alex Hannaford, Steven G. Kellman, Robert v i a e m a i l Leleux, James McWilliams, Bill Minutaglio, Priscila Mosqueda, Rachel Pearson, Robyn Ross from State,” September 4, texasobserver.org.) They CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Snack-in-Mouth might get to eventually sell their worthless judg- Sarah Frankie Linder ment award as a financial loss to someone who INTERNS Disease needs a tax shelter to avoid federal taxes — possibly Hannah McBride, Alexander an atrick shoulD eat snacks nonstoP so worDs Peters, Jacob Sanchez, D P to someone in the Legislature. Elizabeth Stauber stop coming out of his mouth and embarrassing Michael Delaney PUBLISHER Emily Williams those of us Texans who think he’s an idiot (“Lieu- P o s t e D o n fa c e b o o k OFFICE MANAGER/BOOKKEEPER tenant Governor Dan Patrick Urges Texans to Mandy Estepp Buy Cops More Snacks, Or Else,” September 3, Patient Rights MEMBERSHIP MANAGER texasobserver.org). Jacqueline Galvan Carrie Ryan Gilbert citizen or immigrant, legal or not, she haD a (rea- AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER P o s t e D o n fa c e b o o k sonable) expectation of privacy. (“Houston Mother Michael Schrantz Arrested at Gynecology Appointment May Face WEB PRODUCER Tess Bonn Deportation,” September 14, texasobserver.org.) BUSINESS ASSOCIATE Beth Bond The High Price This sucks. TEXAS DEMOCRACY Pattie Moon FOUNDATION BOARD of Bigotry P o s t e D o n fa c e b o o k Cade Bernsen, Carlton Carl, Bob Frump, Melissa Jones, while i agree that the lawyers shoulD be reim- Susan Longley, Vince LoVoi, bursed by the state, shouldn’t they offer discounted the woman in question was using an illegally Jim Marston, Mary Nell services? (“Texas Same-Sex Marriage Lawyers Seek obtained Social Security number, which is illegal Mathis, Heather Paffe, Ronald $740,000 in Fees, Costs from State,” September 4, by all standards. (“Houston Mother Arrested at Rapoport, Peter Ravella, Katie Smith, Greg Wooldridge, texasobserver.org.) Doctors often offer discounts to Gynecology Appointment May Face Deportation,” Ronnie Dugger (emeritus) the uninsured. One would think that lawyers could September 14, texasobserver.org.) I don’t want OUR MISSION do the same. After all, it’s my money the state is be- anyone getting away with using my Social Security We will serve no group or party ing so frivolous with. We need to vote these bigots number. Do you? but will hew hard to the truth out of office. Our tax dollars should be spent on Reshay Ramirez as we find it and the right as we see it. We are dedicated something more important than unwinnable court P o s t e D o n fa c e b o o k to the whole truth, to human cases. Perry gave away our land to foreign toll road values above all interests, to builders, now Abbott is giving our money to his law- the rights of humankind as the yer “frenemies.” The tax dollar giveaways are get- foundation of democracy. We will take orders from none but ting ridiculous! our own conscience, and never Arienne Dileas will we overlook or misrepresent P o s t e D at texasobserver . o r g the truth to serve the interests of the powerful or cater to the they may win their juDgment, but then the legis- ignoble in the human spirit. Sound Off lature will have to allocate the funds for the pay- CONTACT US 307 W. 7th St., Austin, Texas ment, which will never happen (“Texas Same-Sex [email protected] 78701, (512) 477-0746 Marriage Lawyers Seek $740,000 in Fees, Costs or comment on facebook.com/texasobserver and texasobserver.org OCTOBER 2015 THE TEXAS OBSERVER | 1 POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE #BLACKLIVESMATTER Thin Line Blues who will Protect the Protectors? lieutenant against the forces of the left. “We’ve gotta lift up law Governor Dan Patrick, that’s who. On September 3, enforcement. I’ve had it with those who don’t under- Patrick was interviewed by the Texas Standard in a stand that it’s the bad guys who are the bad guys, not week dominated by the aftermath of the murder of the good guys,” he said. Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth. The So divided is America these days that even our killing of Goforth, at a gas station by a man with a tragedies have their own partisan affiliations. Each history of mental illness, touched off a new phase in high-profile slaying carries with it a potential for polit- the debate over police tactics. ical advantage, and the possibility of advancement or In the interview, Patrick was emphatic in his belief retreat of some policy. Factions place political import that criticism of law enforcement should come to a halt, on some incidents of bloodletting and advocate con- particularly that of the Black Lives Matter movement. text and restraint in interpreting others. “I’m tired of this ‘certain lives matter,’” Patrick said. “All Predictably, the shooting death of Goforth has Lieutenant Governor lives do matter, and particularly law enforcement.” become a means to lessen the importance of other Dan Patrick addresses a That night, Patrick spoke at the Kingwood Tea tragic deaths.
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