HALF HOUR NEEDED FOR RUSSIAN PACT OF RECOVERY PLANS Litymoff Sees Litde Difficulty UNDY TRIES OUT If Ford ShonU Be Fond in Resuming Relations, Graf Z^pelin Starts FRENCH AIRPLANE Breaking the AntomobBe He TeDs Reporters in On Homeward Trip Code He W3I Face Prose- Berfin. Takes Up Acrobatic Machme Akron, (X, O ct 28.— (./!^).— Head-^p€uture of any of the oldsr and more ention Same as Others, and Shows His Skill Bd* Ing due. east into good, dear weath­ usual methods of transportation. Berlin, Oct 28.— ( A P ) — R ubso- er, Cjrermany’s G ra f ZieppeBit w orid’a At 6:45 the ship was walked out Johnson Dedares — Is American relations can be re-estab­ fore the Aviators. most widely traveled airship, was in of the huge dock where the U. S. S. lished within a hall-hour, so far as the air i^ain today after an 8:55 Macon and the U. S. S. Akron were built and turned with its nose north­ Maxim Lltvlnoff, Soviet foreign a. m. (e. s. t ) take-off here for her Backed Up by President return filght to Friedrlchshafen by east With the Graf made light by commissar, is concerned. P aris, O c t 28.— ( A P ) — Colonel way of Seville, Spain. its new gas, metal weights were Deluged with requests of Ameri­ and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh pur­ Aboard in addition to Dr. Hugo added to help hold it down. can correspondents to receive them, W ashington, Ost. 28.— ( A P ) —^ ’ sued their hobbies here today. Eckener and his vetera n crew azO 24 Circling Akron, the Graf then Lltvlnoff broke his self-imposed passengers r'nging in age from pointed eauit for New York. C8ear stern derision to prosecute consplOf pledge not to talk enroute to Wash­ The colonel went up in Michael de young people to a flying grand­ weather with no change in the pre- uous violators appears to have sup. ington for discussions with Presi­ ’Troyat’s acrbatic plane at Vllla- mother. dlcition from the U. S. Weather Bu­ planted id lA ’s long exerdsied cam dent Roosevelt. reau at the airport for the Akron- coublay, showing his skill and stu­ Almost wholly lacking in the spec­ to shelter its bidustrlal program He met them at the Soviet Em­ died aviation technique, while Mrs. tacular, the tue-off moved along New York leg of the non-stop trip from court attack. bassy a few hours after his arrival Lindbergh went window shopping. In answer to the NRA questionnaire sent to employers lialdfijg Informiatlon ^ exam ination o f D etroit, Mleh., O c t 28.— ( A P ) — ! '^Today cute lay dead, another was Board Is Deflqd —« (mrb OD violent fluctuations, ss- j peclally in oozumoditles. to be on ttie same boat, I cannot She played no favorites at hny at tiM ste 1 ccmipanies’ books and cost Raiding parties that chose the hour believed djring and the two who sur- Producer-dealers are advized to Ev( more taaposteat has b M a F'ederml ' to^chaiigs Sup^rvlaioa help bot I don’t want to be the the stores, looking at Jewels, hats, records uidess the* price is reduced lered to save 'toe(r lives were in “disregard” t^board'a ruling on 4 iinpatisaoe the w w t o when shifto wonld be ebangtag .de*.! wa« ipeiitlnn^ to last (Congress p ai^ to lead him into certain dis- andjapestrles, stoppliw« to $35 a ^ • “'1 frioa -luiii ({now'& ing plan whiclt' withi^t3iSifiaad!^iof contndQtnd ly u )aiy the C%ief Bzeoutive. The press but n ever "On' '''Joseph B. E^m an, transporta- became effective €)ctober 25 wid file ladosfslal prognOBt.' It led te turing plaats where strlkies are la To a barrage of questions as to terla g. • tioh co-ordinator, today made pub­ Donald F. (bblhiis, 2-1, was slain. which goes into active operation the eotmtiywide eompBance mae He was serving ten years for as­ (OOntfaroed (m P a ge T w o ) the problems to be discussed with The colonel also inspecies and timbers ’The le tte r dated October 26, bears as sealing the administration’s at­ ed many features of these exhibits Jam es M cCourt, 27, m urderer, the printed signatures of a special REPORT ON POUCE "You newspapermen always want “In view of the circumstances were ^ow n through the windows, titude on discipline. seVring' a life sentence and Carl com^ttee named at a torbulent to anticipate future events. We and of the past history of steel the timbers tearing out sashes ad The Ford Motor Company (Oonttnned on Page Two) Brehan robber sentenced to 10 to meeting this week at the Hotel diplomats are afraid of knowing ' a prices and what if known about well as glass. promptly replied it “observed the 25 years gave themselves up. Mc­ Garde, consisting of the presld^it, future we don’t want to know. them,” Eastman said in a state­ Oiher Plants Vldted law and exceeds it In all its real re­ Court and (jollins had tried escape Harry F. Farnham of Etist Windsor “Why anticipate?” ment, "he (the co-ordlriator) is au­ Other plants vis.ted were those Over Fonr Thonsand Dollars covery features.” After a pause, he summed up the thorized by the President to say before. Hill; Secretary Marcy L Berger of Submlasicm of emplojrment sta­ of the Briggs Manufacturing Com­ Woodbury, and Ralph B. Heming­ effect of recognition, however, by BARCLAY WORRIES that the government is unwilling to pany, makers of automobile bodies, tistics to the National Automobile sa3dng that “every new relation­ loan money to the railroads for the way, a dtoector from New Haven in Stolen Property Re- Qiamber of Cfommwce—the motor and a branbb plant of the Hudson county. William D. Shew, Hartford ship between two nations must to purchase of rails without some Motor- Company nearby. code (nithority—^was likriy to af­ some degree effect the relations of attorney, represents the association, IN FAIRFIELD JAE safeguard to. the c msumer and the ’The disorder broke out only a REPORTER ASSISTS c o v e rd — Other Items. ford a'clear-cut Ford test. an other coimtrles.” and members voted this week to en­ public interest as a substitute for few hours after leaders among both As the Ford controversy reached To a specific question as to gage Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn If the competition which is absent strikers and employers had issued a new peak, farm administration •^rtiether, fo r exam ple, there would possible as associate coimsel in Such a ssifeguard would be provid­ optimistic statements about prog­ officials decided to scrap some of be a new distribution of Russian TORGLER AT TRIAL taking legal steps to prevent the Hartford, OcL 28.— (A P )—Stolen ed by an examination of the books ress made in conferences. the major provisions of NRA’s re­ orders for goods, Litvinoff said Noted Dlnstrator Says He operation of certain regulations. property valued a t $4,742.36 w as re­ tail code In drafting the companion emd cost records of the steel com­ covered and liquor and equipment “that is something* to be decided The letter says: “You are hereby charter for the food and grocery panies by gpvemment accountants. advised to disregard the ruling of w orth $1,805.10 was seized the la ter.” “Under ^sfin g conditions and end cf the industry. Litvinoff denied reports that the Does Not Care if He Ever the board of milk control dated Oct­ state police during September, ac­ to avoid possible dday the govern­ Says German Commonist ober 20! to be e ffec tiv e October 25. cording to the report of Commis­ choice of the first Russian ambas­ ment is willing to loan the neces­ FOREST WORKERS sador to the United States already “You are hereby advised to pro­ sioner Anthony Sunderland, sub­ sary funds wlthou‘ such an exami­ ceed in the proper and lawful con- mitted to Governor Cross today. The had been made, saying, “all specu­ nation if thf price for first quality CooU Eas9y Hare Fled lation concerning that in the press officers travelled 195,162 m iles and SERIOUS RIOTING rails is reduced to $85. has been wrong.” ARE OUT OF TENTS (Conttooed on Page Two) m a^ 646 arrests. ’Hiey inspected “If the steel companies will not McAdoo% Visit • B ridgeport, O c t 28.— ( A F ) — ’The from Berlin. 198 motion picture ttieaten and make this concession the govern­ Of Senator William G. McAdoo’s brush and (umvas have shrunken in 1,470 W rights and msasures. The RENEWED BY ARABS recent visit in Russia, he insisted importance for McClelland Barclay. ment will make the loans only if departm ent expended $81,710.56 and the steel companies refile the new "Mr. McAdoo visited me in a purely He told attaches of the Fairfield AQ in State Now Honsed in Berlin, O c t ! 28.— ( A P ) — W a lter congressman earned $14,404.07. personal capacity.” county Jail where he has been a pris­ prices jnder the code accompanied GOSS Ctomplaints num beriag 1,324 w ere Dehme, a newspaper mao, t^tified Litvinoff expressed the opinion oner since Thxirsday on a (fiiaige of by a stipulatioD that, if the Presi­ received, 120 of which were investi­ that (me week in America ought to fadllng to pay 235,000 in alimony to dent, after government account­ Comf ortaVe Barracks ^ today in the Relehstag fire trial gations for the motor vehicle depart­ lUrieea KiBed and Has; be enough to accomplish his mis­ Nan Barclay, that he did not care ants have had full and free oppor­ that Ernst Totgler, one of the de- IS IN WASHINGTON ment, 19 for the liquor control com- sion. if he ever painted again. tunity to fexamine the books and fmidantq easily could have fled fol­ inission and 1,185 w ere fo r crim inal Wooded Yesterday — Finding it impossible to elicit If he wishes, jail officisds said, the cost records, finds that the prices Othmr Gamp Notes. lowing rumors that he was con­ and other investlgatioas. an;nythlng further from him concern- artist may convert his cell into a should be reduced to ’ make them nected with the blaze. Expenditures studio, but Barclay said he was not fair then the reduced .prices so Dehme, who often saw ’Torgler in State’s Representatives Are Ot the' expen^tu res, $21,758.36 Jewish famiigraots Cause, (Continiied on Page Two) interested. named by him shall be effeotive to • M ew H aven; O c t 28.— (A P ) — eonneftion with’ his duties and who w a s.for personal services; $82.41 fo r A sk 285,000 Bond the same extoit and from the same The shift from tents to berrat^ was interviewed him on the afternoon of equipment; $4,030.70 tor coatrac- He is more concerned with the date as if they 'had been originally ^drtuaUy completed by tfoe Civilian the rire, said: tu fa l services, and $5,898.99 fo r syp- Already Rosy Two Months H a ifa , Paleetine, O c t 28.— ( A P ) - - problem o f how to raise the $35,000 filed. Oemservatien Corps in Connecticut “He telephoned mq during the plles and materials . ^ bond demanded for his freedom. “In the meantime the govern­ this w eek, w ith tine I w t ;Of . th e re- night when the first rumors of him O f the receipts, $9,878*27 w ere Bevious rio tin g lunong A rab s demoas-' PROBERS TO SHOW strafing against Jewish immigra­ r.-4 ’There was little to cheer Barclay ment will advance funds on the cratts leaving the ouLvass for betog charged w lti the fire came to Ahead of Time. collected and dellverM to the state in the reports from bis lawyers. basis o f a price o f $35, adjustm ents heated, virooden quarters. . his ears and (xmsulted with me what treasurer. The amoimt was derived tion to Palesfine resulted in another clash today in which several were John D. Walker of Stamford con­ up or down to be made later in ac­ Foremen reported today the to do. from the following sources; Adver­ corps, swelled almost to capacity by womoded, including a British pollee-., WIGGIN’S PROFITS ferred with Judge Frederick M. cordance with the President's find­ - “I advised that in the interest of Wtushlngton, Oct. 28.— (A P)— tising permit fees, $8485; weapon toe kitoix of new recruits, was all the Communist Party he stay. Torg- tnim- .; Peasley late yesterday and an­ in g.” ______; Although the next session of Con­ permits, $89; expk>rive permits, nounced there weqi "no change ia the tu(fiud.in and ready for.the winter. l«r felt outraged at the mere sug­ $12JiO; miscellaneous, $11941; mo­ Battle lines were drawn between gress is still two months away, police and the surging fiuonga Of situation.” The lawyer added the WALES BETTER gestion of his connection with the tion picture theaters, $348345; de- some Connecticut <»ngTessional Arabs in the district around fiil9 immediate prospects of raising the Sxinningdale, "E ng., Oct. 28. — There have been no cases of fire .” p<}Bited to be returned to appropriar Senators Say He Made More offices, quiescent throughout the railway station. bond were not M gh t (A P )—’The Prince of- Wales, who “h(X)ke:Y’ y®t - reported from the Ezplidns Position tion,. $6148; one-half fines from summer, appear to be the scenes o f Taking drastic s t ^ to avoid gea* Among the messages which have has not been In the best oi heqitb at recruits, at Camp Tourney who are A ^ed why his said nothing about eases disposed of, $60540; (Peers’ quickening activity. oral fighting, authorifioe ptoeJaimed Than Ten Millions With come to the jail for Barclay was a bis country home here, passed a attending evening high school in this in the preliminary heauings court fees from criminal cases, The office of Senator Walcott the curfew law to dear the streete. telegram of consolation from a fel­ good night and-today his cold was Torrington. Dehme explained that he thought $2,083.81; officers’ court fees from which has been locked all summer, The Arabs, however, attempted low illustrator, Montgomery Flagg. said to be pursuing a normal qourse. And toe (»m p Ibreman thhiks it’s he was serving ’Torf^er, the former civil cases, $2640; forfeited bonds, Pools. a good thing — espeda&y if toe Commonist-whip in toe Rrikdiftag, nuh the stafioo for the arrival- $742. boys are stuc^rtog physics and best by. reserving the Important (Ooatliined' ob P a ge T w o ) prisoners arrested at Jaffa properties of heat. ^ tesUmony until he was under <»th nectlon with yesterday’s outbraalor W ashington, O c t 28.— ( A P ) — He sent one^group but to-obtain a b efore tito caxne at mUjor clashra re- this winter. > Interest us.” ' roads-and burned trueks hi STilting in injuries to a dozen or so 'Their foremen reported toat 'toe Several pwaona e f stature similar The Investigators were ready to A Dane county, Wlsecmsin farmer, ward, attended by wlnde of hurH- to htadWT antbosltias persons. Creameries and other «inic reservoir itow. un(hsir coneixactlon is to that of Marinus Van dar Lubbe, present when the hearings resume picketing a highway near Madison p:irofieztloo. the pctMMCft whD plants continued to close, liome v(fi- neatly consisted, and that the next Tbe Atlanfie WON dofNlaed at ~ Tuesday, evidence of la^e profits g a ve bis life to the to M B O B ^ ley watriEk of LBke Afterward the investigators wiU held little hope for the rteoViry ot ment was eeaidied between repre- geetiep aw c^jr efM. ' m t o fUais there «NHM ycaH on W . W . Aktalch, pisssldent o f Theodore Weber, 29. w |k> traakeaten sentatfres of the farm hifiiiby m d ^ He .vlauaIMM leeaad td o n ft oirt]he)B[ /the bank, adio jumped into the pro­ by pidmts when he Kmghta p o g U to drive ment and the Bouthwestem iqm occurmpce, 9uto, ttoiee (or tie Qoeei'to bewafe ef ft ceedings yesterday with a warm a trock load ot fen cee pons through tru^sTa association for a cessattoli of treipleel repudiatlan of fiie bank’s (^Mentions a pideet line. of attempts' by pickets to atop mUei .under Hoggin’s lekdendi^ .Other; I «(~1])e state Btoidt tnidGi. ■BlSKa' ■fr s *r>F-- ’ f

■-'w w i(, ..

special user tax reflectlBg fairly the demands each makes upon the CONGRESSMAN GqSS ON CBAMBER FAVORS highways;- that the gasoUae tax NCKEFS POSTERS ABOUT TOWN DRUGGISTS SEEK should be kept down to a point not OBITUARY* encouraging wholesale evasion; Bernard J. H a rt o t 38 Strickland . is IN wASHmcroH .W m iR 1RUCK TAX that the gasoline tax should be ARE UNDER FIRE street, who has been employed for UQUOR PERMITS nMOasM: levied only by states; that states several years at the Depot Square ^ . ______(Oonttnoed From Page One) DEATHS should enter Into x-eciprocal agree­ store of ’The Murphy D rug Com­ Richard pany, is receiving the congratula­ ments for issuance of special li­ swung open to visitors two wc^ks tions of many friends upon having Mrs. Sadie Howard Layton N e w D oties w censes at equitable rates to commer­ •go on the arrivsl of the senator's m Rjyftls Claim He Has No successfully passed the examination Receive ApplicatioBS for Mrs. Sadie Howard Layton, a na­ Office o f Approves 12 Measures of cial vehicles jout of their home secretary, William H. Sault, from states; that all commercial users of for assistant registered pharmacist tive of BcdtaOii^ died yostorday at .her Connecticut.. ’The senator, how­ highways should be required to es­ at the session held last month at home in N e w Y<»k City, it waa ever, Is not expected here until ""CertMcates of Fitness” Richard Martin. M sadkiitqr*«r». U. S. Body, Rejects 6 by tablish financial responsibility for Right to Use NRA Em­ the State Capitol. learned by fxlandp and relatives in shortly before time for the session public liability and aU common car­ Bolton today. H n x Layton spent respondent of tbo to start. riers also for liability with respeot Edward J. Murphy, president of much time in Bolton and leaves her ant aince M ay 16, 1380. heSi* blem on Them. Representative, Goss was the first to Retail Spirits. Control Board Action. to passengers and cargo; that safety the Connecticut Phanaaceutloal A s­ mother, 1 1 ^ lltnnie B. Howard, and member to come to Washlngtoii called from the Maaebaetor i OffieiM and fair conditions ox oompetltion sociation, returned last night from two siaterz, IHaz .|Cabel P. Howard However, he Iz expected to return to the city staff in HaztfiMQd; require that hours of service of Boston where he had been attending and Mrz. Hattie BidMr, all of Bol­ to (Connecticut for a short time be­ TtM Board of Control of the operators of commercial motor New York, Oct 88— (A P)—Flor- for the past two d a ^ the Fall Trade Edward J. Murplqr. of Manchee- ton. She alao laavei her husband, left yesterday aftetnoon ffi; fore the session opens. ter, w ^ is president of the Con­ Chamber of Commerce met yester­ vehicles on highways should be rea­ ello H. L a Guardla, Fusion candi­ Conference of the N ew Blngland George Layton, of N ew York. that position. Today he la tot day afternoon to take action on sonably limited by public author­ date for mayor of New York city States’ Pharmacists. Hug^ Blmne, In the ofttoe of - Representative necticut Pharmaceutical Aasocla- ’The funeral will be held Monday Chester Introducing bis .sue Referendum No. 65 on competing ity; that the interstate regulatory has lodged protests with General secretary of the State Board of Kopidemann, who has made a series tion, announced today the receipt by afternoon at 3 o’eloQk at her home Frank King, odicr has.lMiA forms of transportation and voted authority ^ould act as an appellate Hugh S. Johnson and the White Pharmacy, accompanied Mr. Murphy of flying trips here during the sum­ druggists in this town and through­ at 10 Weat 107th street ed with The Cmimnt tor.tito in favor of twelve recommendations body, with provision for initial dele­ House, against vdiat he charged was on this trip, both speaking before mer, and of Representatives M a­ out the state of applications, re­ year In the PlainvlUe and JTtnt- against recommendations gation of authority to boards of the unlawful use of the N R A Blue the conference on the matters affect­ loney and Merritt, it was reported leased from the secretary of the Britain offices. Mr. King a ir iv ^ fn' made by the United States Chamber state regulatory bodies from states Eagle and the initials of the re­ ing the pending druggists’ legisla­ they probably would not be here Board of Pharmacy Commlsslonera', COUPLE HARRIED 50 Manchester last evening end of Commerce. affected by each case that arises; covery administration by Joseph V. tion to be coRsidered l y the G w eral until the seission starts. - Represen­ in which permission is sought to re­ once started work. . ' " The Board also voted to donate a that section 500 of the Transporta­ McKee, oQe of his rivals for mayor, Assembly of the state of Massachu­ tative Higgins left in September for tail liquor after repeal of the Eigh­ YEARS CELEBRATE Mr. Martin, sinee coming to silver loving cup to the seventh an­ tion Act of 1620 should be construed and James J. Hoey, MeKee’s nm- setts, which will convene in special a trip through Jhe Panama Canal teenth Amendment Manchester, has given: bis jpvptiri, nual Thanksgivmg Day Cross-Coun­ as a dedaration by Congress of the nlng mate for borough president of to the W est coast with other mem­ session next week . * The applications are to be return­ Mr. and Mra. John Freebnrg faithful service and his,. jiTossaTH^ try race, sponsored by the Chamber importance to the public of the Manhattan. bers of the naval affairs committee ed to the secretary after they have manner of cultivating filendS of Commerce, which this year will major forms of transportation, with­ In his protest, wired to Colonel Mias SSeanor (Carpenter of Put­ and it 4t not expected In Washing­ given the necessary information. If of 27 Ridge Street, Observe gave him a place of estMm in be run in oonjunctimi with the state out preference for rail or water Louis M. Howe, the president’s sec­ nam is the week-end guest of Miss ton for several weeks. they are approved, the druggists^' Golden Chai»tery>f Wedding. 'iown. ' championship. transportation over highway trans­ retary and to General Johnson, La- lillian Grant of Cambridge street will receive “certificates of fitness” --- Guardla protMted “against the use On the referendum, the Board portation. with permission to apply to the Mr. and Mrs. John Freebutg, of voted in favor of the following rec­ of the Naticmal recovery symbols Rejected Proposals Upwards of 60 persons attended MAKE ITALY FIRST State Liquor Control (Commission 27 Ridge street, celebrated their ommendations: That common car­ for outright political purposes and The Board voted against the fol­ the setback party and dance of the for the privilege of retailing spirits 50th anniversary at their home yes- riers should be subject to regula­ the patent attempts to mislead the lowing recommendations: That aU Manchester Green Community club In their stores, according to Mr. terJay. Relativee from Meriden, MASQUERADE tion as to rates, including port-to- people by implying that the Nation­ commcm carriers should be required last night at the Green school Murphy. Branford, Springfield, Hartford port rates; that gfovemment opera­ to obtain certificates of public con­ al recovery administration is linked DUCE TELLS VETS assembly hall. First prizes were These affidavits have been Issued and this town visited them tion of commercial water transpor­ venience and necessity; that regula­ with the ^ c o v e ty Party." don by Mrs. M ary Graziadio and only to such pharmadsts who have during the afternoon and evening DANCES tation should be discontinued; that tion should require, that the rates of OaIl^lalgn Posters Robert Lathrop and second awards motor busses and other vehicles not been cited at any time during and they received many messages both water and rail carriers to The Fusion party's anger grew by Mrs. Ann Morrell and Daniel carrying passengers for hire should the reign of the prohibition law, by mail and' telegraph from rela­ competitive points be adequately out of distribution by McKee sup­ Walker. It was annoimced that TONIGHT pay a special user tax in the form Says Nation Most Be Sn- bffore state and federal authorities, tives and friends Uvlng at a dis­ compensatory to the carriers ipak- porters of campaign posters bearing next week’s sitting would be the of i mileage tax, graduated accord­ for any violation of the prohibition tance. Ing the rates; that each state two N R A Blue Eagles and the let­ first of a series of four, at the end ing to seating capacity. rules. The ^Board of Pharmacy Com­ Mr. and Mrs. Frieburg are enjoy­ should put into effect the stand­ ters “N R A " in bold face type. of which the man and woman hold­ preme on Earth as WeD as T urn‘ Mall Motor Truck Tax missioners, in addition to the rules ing good health. They spent the ards of the American Association of The posters were produced by ing the high scores will receive That motor trucks should pay a John J. Tlchenor, editor “The of the Liquor (Commission, have greater part of their married Hfe In 8 P .M . State Highway Officials as to size, Thanksgiving turkeys for prizes. weight and speed of vehicles, that New Outlook’’ who is LaGuardia’s m the Skies* passed rules which forbid the sale Baltimore, Md., coming to Man­ Prizes awarded to moat orig­ publicity adviser. of liquor m any pharmacy after 11 chester about 15 years ago. ’Their inal and funniest oostumea. Intrastate motor carriers for hire, The Young People’s Polish socie­ o’c lo ^ at night both common and contract, should At McKee’s headquarters It was ty will conduct a masquerade dance children are dead and one grandson. Permission to retail Uquors in the Adm ission 25c. imder regulation be required to file, said the circulars had been sub­ at Turn hall on North street ’Tues­ Rome, O ct 28.— (A P )— Premier Wells Tolson, Uvea in town. mitted as a sample, but the com­ post and adhere to rates that are day evening, Hallowe’fen. ’They Mussolini said today that he wish­ pharmacies of Manchester and the mittee refusectto buy them. Just, reasonable and non-dlscrim- have engaged the Blue Diamond or­ ed "to give the Italian nation a rest of the state carries severe Inatory among shippers; that intra­ Campaign charges were hurled chestra of New Britain to play, and hard but magnificent task, that of penalties in the instances of persons back and forth in increasing num­ state motor carriers for hire, both will award prizes for the handsom­ obtaining primacy on earth and in who allow the drinking of Uquors common and contract, should be re­ ber, the latest exchange taking est and the funniest men’s and the skies.” on the premises. (Convictions would quired to obtain permits to operate, place between Samuel Seabury and women’s costumes. Appropriate The Premier, speaking in connec­ automatically revoke the permit, w s»o eu «M > i that there should be the same de­ McKee to a chorus of “Broken Hallowe’en decorations and un­ tion with the eleventh anniversary forfeit the $1,000 bond and forfeit gree of regulation by Congress of promises,’’ “Hushed charges’’, and SUN. EVE. at 7 P.M. usual lighting effects will be ar­ of the Fascist regime, said that the pharmacist’B Ucense. Intrstate motor cairlers as has "Falsiflcation." ' ranged by the young peojrfe in this primacy should be both “in Week End Sale been recommended to the states for Seabury, the man who under­ 2 Complete Shows At 7 and 9 P. M. charge. material tjiings and in spirit.” intrastate ceuriers as to permits to mined James J. W alker with a legis­ “You must have In your hearts,” operate, rates, financial responsibil­ lative investigation, accused McKee Lowest Average Junior Daughters of Ital^ are n Duce told 20,000 war veterans SERIOUS RIOTING ity and hours of service. of hushing up “serious accusations’’ obliged to postpone the party massed in the Piazza Venezia, "the made against McKee by a city em­ sch^uled for this evening at the intention to make this certainty be­ Prices ploye. RENEWED BV ARABS come the unanimous will of the McKee, hitting back at Seabury, hal’ on Keeney street. It will be Italian people.” MfOMlD'S MOST i l l Jack Frost Granulated Sugar, PLAN REGULATION accused him of falsiflcation. Mayor held Saturday evening of next Amid a din of sirens, church (Continued from Page One) 25-pound O Q John P. O’Brien, Tammany candi­ week. The tumbling team will prac­ GORGEOUS bl bells and ordinary’ street noise- date-, continued to defend his admin­ tice Monday afternoon after school s a c k ...... V 1 e ^ O OF STOCK MARKET makers, Fascist Italy celebrated fire, resulting in further casual­ istration. Pointing to the police de- at the School street Recreation R c v h I the eleventh anniversary of the be­ ties. In Iti M igh ty Calumet Baking O C r * I>aitment, he called it efficient, Center. The official casualties up to 9 Powder, 1-lb. can .. ^ O C fearless and “free from sinister in­ ginning of the Blackshirt regime. ^Sensational Spectacles a. m. were placed at one killed and Marines Herrings, O C ^ (Continued from Page One) fluence.’’ Rev. Edward Eells of Brooklyn, Thousands of meetings and other N. Y., who is visiting his daughter, public acts throughout the land, pa­ 28 wounded, but later affrays in­ quart j a r ...... ^ O C Mrs. Fred Paisley of Woodbrldge rades and general merrymaking creased the wounded to 35, Includ­ Th« Wondrous Yeliow Com Meal, of reeovery legislation, however, street, will speak at the Second marked the event. ing two British policemen. 10c size p k g . ... # C prevented it from reaching ad­ Congregational church tomorrow A message x'rom II Duce’s pen Special constables were being en­ ATER BALLET vanced stages of consideration. STRIKE IS CALLED evening at 8 o’clock on the theme was read to hundreds of thousands rolled, but the situation momentarily arMi tho onliro Krasdale Flour, O II 4^ Plan of Action was quieter. 5-lb. s a c k ...... ,. i l O C of “Brotherhood of Believers In of uniformed Fascists gathered in Authoritative sources now say Christ” the public plazas of every commu­ BEAUTY ENSEMBLE Contadina Cookkig not only will excnange regulation BY CUBAN UNIONS nity in the Kingdom early this • PLUS Oil, gallon can ...... I T C again be recommended, but it will Sunday school teachers of Eman­ morning Other Surpriset be accompanied by a detailed plan Campbell’s Pork & 1 7 uel Lutheran church will hold their Phrased in a combinatipn of Modern and Old-Fashion of action and strong White House Beans, 8 c a n s ...... 1 I monthly meeting tomorrow evening recognition of the steps so far pressure. immeiUately after the service. achieved, and a solemn warning that Masquerade Dance Sheffield Sealect Milk, O C A special administration commit­ To Start at Midnight on Mon­ the Black Shirts throughout the 4 tall cans ...... i u O C tee imder John Dickinson, assistant Mrs. L. H. Doniiester of Sims­ realm would be expected to con­ TONIGHT Sweet Mixed Pickles, Q C ^ secretary of commerce, is prepar­ bury is visiting her daughter, Mrs. tinue to push fo rw 'rd the prestige ing a report on ways and means of day— Strike Period Is Victory Hall quart ja r ...... ^ O C F. C. Allen of North Main street. of the party, it served eis the key­ sijpervislng the exchange. Her husband, the Rev. L. H. Dor­ note of a day of ritual devoted to Oolway street North End 'Dancing 8-12. Mixed Nuts, 7 (I In seeking to d e t e n t e the im­ Fixed at 48 Honrs. chester, underwent an operation at commemoration of the birth of the Admisalim ...... 35c pound • • WKA portance of speculation in price the Hartford hospital Wednesday present regime. P. Miner, Mgr. fluctuations, the President is rec­ and is making satisfactory prog­ EHeven years ago today Musso­ ognizing two schools of thought. Havana, Oct 28.— (AP) — The ress. lini’s Black Shirts drove into Rome One contends a free mEU*ket is nec­ Confederation of Labor today called a conquering wedge that brought MAHIEU^S essary to prevent violent fluctua­ a general strike throughout Cuba about the downfall of the old loose­ tions. The other argues price for midnight Monday as a protest ly-knit Italian form of government ranges would be narrowed by for­ against “clashes between troops and Today, as on that memroable oc­ GROCERY bidding marginal buying and sell­ 183 Spruce Street workers.” Weddings casion when he prepared to assume SHE’S ON THE ing-. The strike period was fixed at 48 his new office of Premier, H Duce hours, but provisions were made for was perhaps the busleSt of all Ital­ LOOSE AGAIN! extending it “should the circum­ Taylor-Miner ' ians. stances demand it ” Decked in full uniform of the su­ Madame Rack­ Busses did not appear on Havana Miss Gladys Marion Miner of preme Fascist chieftain, the premier eteer is Back . . . FOR A GLASS OF THE streets this morning, the drivers West street and John B. ’Taylor of started out early to follow his own With a Hey- striking as a protest against the ar­ Rockvtne were married last evening precedent of marking the Black Nonny - Nonny HIGHER GRADE rest of two officials of their union. by the Rev. Watson Woodruff at the Shirts anniversary with the in­ and a.Hot'Cha- ’This was considered prelimlnsury to parsonage of the Center Congrega­ auguration of public works projects the general strike. Chal Her Fun­ tional church. and with the dedication of finished Newspaper Appears enterprises. niest Showl . . . Meanwhile the newspaper Dlario BEER de la Marina, which has been affect­ ed recently by a strike, appeared on UNDY TRIES OUT DROP IN a t the streets and found heavy sales. REPORTER ASSISTS ’There were no disorders as the edi­ tions soon were exhausted. FRENCH AIRPLANE GEORGE'S TAVERN Empl03rees of the newspaper TORGLER AT TRIAL _ Comer Oak and Cottasre Streets slept in the building last night fear­ (Continued from Page One) ing attack. ' (Continued trona Page One) Sole Distributors For Employees of the gas and electric with the engineers and the test light company set noon today as the pilots. one of the defendants who has ad­ deaulltne for compliance with their Asks Privacy •Anheuser-Busch Budweiser demands, threatening to strike and mitted filing the Reichstag, were Col. Lindbergh asked privacy for made to walk behind him sumI then •Pabst Blue Ribbon leave the city without light and gas himself and his wife— and he’s get­ thereafter. behind Torgler. •C rem o Light A le ting It. This was in cimnection with testi­ ’The French, however, are seising mony that Van der Lubbe bad been •C rem o Dark Ale every opportunity on the flier’s first seen on the. afternoon of the fire HALF HOUR NEEDED wlBlt since his historic 1927 solo A t­ walking behind Torgler In the corri­ Tonight At 10:30, Drawing On $5.00 And lantic crossing to '^ y him tactful dor of the building. tribute. After the exhibition, three Nazi $2.50 Prizes In Groceries. FOR RUSSIAN PACT Informality Is the keynote. It wltneuea claimed that Van der marked the dinner at which Premier Lubbe and'no one else oras the per­ A Lady by Birth Tickets handed out with each beer free until 10:30. Albert Sarraut also was a guest In son who walked ^ t h Torgler. (Oeattaraed from Page One) Free Lunch Tonight— Hot Dogs and Sauerkraut. Aviator Dleudonne Coste’e apart­ . . x Racketeer at HeartI .... ing America, the correspondents ment last night. then poMd questions regarding It characterized another small U.S. PRICE OF GOLD Ruseo-Germaa relations. party given by Air Minister Pierre C ot lADY *1 am to see von Neurath (Ger­ r? man fbrelgn minister) today,” Just as informal, it is expected IS AGAIN ADVANCED Lltvinoff n id . “I alwa]F8 see him will be a visit to President LeBrun. PROFESSION xdien passing through Germany. It was thought the Lindberghs "The ctHiflict regarding news­ would he ready to leave Paris Tues­ Waablngton, Oct 38.— (A P )— The ALISON SNPWDRrH paper correspondents will, I expect, day. auimlnlstratlon today evidenced a ^ROLAND YOUNG Special Entertainment be straightened out shortly.” determination to keep its price for -SAN MARITZA (When Russian newspaper cor­ newly-mined gold above world quo­ at respondents recently were dismissed tations by advancing the domestic ALSO 20 GREAT STARB^^ from Germany, the Soviet. govern­ MILK PRODUCERS figure agidn, this time in the face INCLUOINe ment retaliated in Irind against Ger-' of decline abroad. ■' ^ man newspaper men in Moscow.) IN OPEN REVOLT -A price of I81A3 an ounce was QermanYs withdrawal from the established for the day by the com­ RUBY KEELEl^ League, he paid, did not affect mittee wMch President Etoosevelt Secrets oi SPRUCE ST. TAVERN Russo-German relations. appointed to revise the figure daily, (Oootittnq|l from Page One) DICK POWELL “W e didn’t expect Germany's or in the expectation of inducing a rise even Turkey's—our closest friends— duct of yoTU' business, whether as in commodity pricea. JAMES CAGHEY entiy into the League, nor do we a produoer-dealer, a dealer,' or a This lateM quotation waa six Tonight now object to Germany’s resigna­ producer, as you have been dcdng. ) cents hljglier tiban yeaterday, and The Blue Room tion.” “I f the b o u d of milk control does -while yesterday's was 66 cents, above JOAN BLONDEL^ THE FOUR DU BALDOft To the question'Doee Germany’s not change its ruling, or If It takes world prices, today’s topped the With withdrawal, following upon Japan’s A MiHleRl N ovAty A c* That’s Dlflereot! steps to ttiforce the ruling upon foreign quotations by flJU. G U Y K IB V ^ i and coupled with the non-partldpa- 3TOU, you will be supported and de­ Cn the London market yesterday tloo of tile United S ta t^ ahd fended both legally and otherwise dollar value fpr gold was $31.10 and Paul Lukas Russia In the .League’s seal the by the Attorneys and by the officers today it was $80.57. RUTH Tlie Place To Meet Your Friends. Lease’s doom” Lltvinoff, with a and directors m the MOk Producer- ’The decline in the latter was due M twinkle In his eye, said: Dealers’ Assoclatipn of Connecti­ to two flactors. ’The actual price Gloria Staarb CAOHEY LAST 'T don’t know ifdiRt the League c u t” of gold in British currency fell from \ , **SATU|tDAY^,liIIX|p] thinks of I t ” Rumors that other dalty g m q ^ 181 sniilingz, two pence, to 126 narra(;anseit beer will join ti^ organized revoLit are abllUngs, c ^ b t pence. Meanwhfle, O B A F T E B 11 . 0 * 4 * ' current A nKweaman for the In­ the dollar value of the pound iXlNTORYGll dependent H u k Deielen’ Assodm- changed from $4.74 1-3 to $4.71 ^Thantom of tiie Air” a 8 - - > - r ON . DRAUGHT Personal Notices tlr>»Pa*lar# ovpr the jumped W. a FOM ANO FA]QL%, . m ;^»tf aar^ Si -j ; < X )H N W %: ■ , v . • <;' V- iih

.SUNDAY SCHOOLIBBSON, fte to M m «t he JttUttt linrtin win epitnli. Hie edb* eurt^di, ‘ ' eh the tu$ Simple W ith asd boM tlile ev«it>1ike' Peo- 7sn*)$ft(IR . World*8 Temperance Sunday fo r the eieebar, e a te ^ onumum* i g e liS i n g n g Oompany, Ann Smith, > /tb$ f OoaaaiIttoA •8;tb«lr maeti&f gtt U s WwUaft Iflw^dBMy sedetiss T:80 p. nL—Corps Odete. J. It e t t Homeim 18:11-14; 14: 7-9, will mast with ICss'lhBiu Oolver, BaddtM daqf, O ot fiOlti u ^ t e d Pkst Oem- Tneedey, 7 : 8 0 hl—life Saving iQtmdsr ITufi l U li a of tba llr iu - 15-H. Wednesday aftsnnon at 8 o'doek. S tu d y ^ B e M i d i " C a a i ^ ScMle Jbhnstoo. leader. Ypre Pest flMHrihal of the AnrUstSoe The iBtemettooal Unllonn Sm- The flxumce oonuoittse will asset 7:80 p . 'm . — Band rduareal, V u B o lM i Boo4 Day panda. liOBs-Ypre is of lUipioyeimfBt d f Aiy S^MMd LeMon for Oct. 29. Thursday evsning at 8:80 wHh MiM David Addy, Bandmaster. • f with tha salactioB and a i^pradataa Water Serriee. " ' FULFILLING THE U W Colver. - ’ ' W e d M s ^ . 7:80 p. m . - Young tba great honor bestowed upon ^ WBL^B. OILBOT, D. D. The W est division of the Nerwieh Peoide’s Lftrion Hallowe’en Party. Sz-ScttIm OrmatetteM. f ■dltor of A e Oonfrofationallct Dlstriot, Woman’s Forstgn Mission­ them. Mons-Tpre should show thair 2:00— women’s Homs Tissgus Preltaaiaaiy work In ary society win hold its TOursday, 7:80 p. m.— Open A ir appradatiott turning out 1(» per The problems of the world and the International Sunday School Lea-^change their nature. Man can ineetlng at Haiardvills, Thursday. S6nric4h' V. E. W . cent for tha. Armistice Day pAn :4tj with a nude detailed survey lataa son Tex, Oct. 29th. change hls character; or, more ac­ Lieutenant Jamee J. Lee of W i^ ways of meeting them may change The ihomlng session will open at 10 8:00 p. m.— Service at Citadel. Don't forget the Veterana Me­ was started yeeterday afternoon by "Love worketh no 111 to hls neigh­ curately stated, a,s man fulfills the o’clock. R ^ . Drmcan D o ^ of the limantic, past commander of the morial Fund. Have you given your tn -form aatf in degree, but in their Friday, 7:80 p. m. — Holiness Superintendent Frederick H. Parker, bor; therefore love Is the fulfllllng law, the Lord changes one’s nature donation ?, ru>t, do so as soon as North Methodist church of Hart­ meeting. State Department, V. F. W. has It of the Water Department; &aydeo eMBfitiwI nature they seem always of the law.”— Romans 18:10. by the gift of His love. ford will be the principal speaker pdsslble as ths Mens-Ypre Post will been a p p ^ t e d tnspeetor general at L. Griswold, survejror for Cheney to be with us. Law is not given for the sake of at tbs aftsmoon session. have an active part in the Redica- In the ancient world the early Do not think of God as law, as law, but for the love back of it That EMANUEL LUTHERAN the lutlonsl organlzatioii In reoent Brothers, and Frank Ch^pey, Jr., Ths Ladies Aid society will hold Knot B. Erickson, Pastor. tion ot tba Mamorlal stone. Sub­ when they made on iuozmal Christians represented earnest an all-prevading undefined force. love is life anyone can see by observ­ its annual rummage sals in the gexu^ orders received from Oom- scription lists are now available in groups devoted to right living in ing that he is active and z ^ o u a in inspection of the watershed tmdsr God is not law, but love, a love in Coughlin building. Depot Squsure, maiider-in-cblef Jamee B. Van most of our prominent stores nnd the control of the department o o n t ^ with licentious cities where the quest of that which he loves. If Sunday school and Bible classes Friday, November 8. A ll doimnons, at 9:80. Zandt Manchester comradei of clubs. vices of every sort were rampant which all spiritual and natural one has no love of a thing, be is not After looking over the watershed Including pi^or stock will be celled Past Commander Lee will be The permanent Armistice Day It la amaalng that always through forces and laws are in potency. interested, and is dead as to It but -All services tomorrow will be Eng­ in an effort to determine points tor for by notitylng Mrs. C. L Balcb, gratified to learn of hls promotion committee met last night in the • history there have been so many Though God is love. His love must if he desires something with aJH bis lish. A t the morning service the the removal of underbrush, the cut­ Phone 5874. to the National office and they Army end Navy Club, Mons-Ypre men who have given themselves to have a way of acting. ’The way Hls heart he will be zealous in attaining pastor’s seraoon theme will be “The ting down of trees and other pro­ know from long with was represented by Comrades Bak­ de^;radatlon. love acts in Himself is life Itself, i t In times of depression mult^ Sin of Sins.” ’H e c io lr jects considered advisable to b r t i« Smsday morning a t Vhmon the will sing. "Jimmy".that be capably flU er, Lindsay, Thompson and McCul­ about a general improvement of the For the most part we have re- and from His life all other life is tudes feel that life is not worth the Service of Worship at 9:M will be A t the 7 o’clock service the ser­ the vacancy filled in C^mnumder lough. watershed, the three officials wUl be xrounced today the doctrine of the derived. ’The activity of Hls life living. Rational thought will over­ as announced aboye for Manchester. mon theme will be, "W h y A re You Van Zandt’s staiT, caused by the Be sure and get your tickets for In a better position to offer recom­ Inherent or total depravity of man, proceeds from Him into creation. It come such feelings, and convince us A t 10:80 the chiirch sehool will promotion of Attorney George K. and yet we are apt to forget a part is'the creative force, called in John’s of the fact that life is'worth all of Saved?" The Alumni Choir wUl the British W a r Vets Armistice ban­ mendations, with stm further in­ meet, the children under;tbs direc­ sing. Brobeck of St. Paul to the office of of the evidence upon which that gospel the logos, by which all things its tribulations, for would He who quet at the Oasis dub, Nov. 11 at spections and study, in the future. tion of Miss Marjorie Stsnhsns end . ile Alumni Choir will meet tor chairman of the legislative oommlt- 7 p. m. It was said today. doctrine was based. were created. ’The activity of God’s is love create a man for a life not the discussion group leea ty Mrs. tee. m the sad picture of the drunk love on the higher levels of the spirit worth the cares that must needs rehearsal at 6 o’clock. A ll members In^teottea A ______Morris E. FiekUng. please be sure to be present. , In bis new office Comrade Lee A survey of the watershed is-nee- ard which an ancient realist con­ and the spiritual world, constitutes come for the inward cleansing anci Tie November meeting of the will have Jurisdiction over thous­ Mona-Ypres Auxiliary tributed to the scriptures, there is spiritual law, the law that reigns strengthening! The Sunday School Teachers and cssary to enable the w a ^ depart­ Church Counofl will be held at tlw Officers will meet after the serv­ ands of units of the organization The amtiUary eactends its heartfelt ment officials to arrive a l a reason- the true and pointed confession, over our souls. Its activity on the For the harvest the farmer must church, Thursday evening, a t 7:80. throughout the world, and wlU h^ve sympathy to one of its members, "W hen I ahall awake I shall seek lower levels of nature coiutitutes ice. abletestlmate of the cost of improv­ fulfill the laws of nature. He is in- supervision over a large corps of Miss Jessie Reynolcs who has been It yet again.” natural law. ’Thus it is that all The members and friends livlng in ing the area. H e Federal Govern­ terested in those law , and studies inspectors. By virtue of t ^ ap­ confined at her home this past week things were created by Divine love them with interest. There is a far SOUTH METHODIST EPlSOOPAL our Fifth District are invited to be ment may allot to munlcipallttee, pointment he will carry the rank of with Illness, following on automobile There is, apparently, no good or according to Divine wisdom, and all more valuable harvest for the soul. Rev. Leonard G Harris, BOnlster present at our Neighborhood Party out of its pubUc works’ fund, certain General and will become a member accident lost week. Miss Reynolds evil cause that cannot in some creation, when in order, is an ex­ ’Truths are spiritual laws. ’They are on Wednesday eveiung. The pro­ amotmts of money to meet the esc- 9:30 a. m.— Church School with gram will Indude singing, music, a of the National Council of Admin­ received inany cuts and bruises fnses of "made work" programs way sedc to uphold and defend pression of God’s love. the seed sown by the Sower. If they istration. I t s ^ by the Bible. Early in our classes for all ages. brtef word by the pastor, noil call, which have been very painfuL Now Seslgned to relieve the unemployed Man is created with a mind that fall on good groimd, they will bring lieut. Lee is a veteran of the history the institution of slavery can imceasingly progress in the un­ 10:46 a. m. — MOming worship and the sbowilng of the motion pic­ under the doctor’s care, it will prob­ this winter. Just how much it will forth the promised manifold. The Mexican campaign and the World was defended widely by quoting w ith . sermon. Subject, The Soul’s tures of Emanuel Folks and activi­ ably be about two weeks before she cost to clear and improve the water­ derstanding of both natural and good ground is love for tiie truth, W ar and served overseas with the scripture, and in recent years scrip­ Glow. ties. Tlese gatherings have bera can be up and around again, to ex­ shed of the department wlU riot be spiritual laws, and by obeying them the love that leads to the fulflllment 26th Division. He was the first ture has been quoted again and he can forever receive a greater 6:00 p. m.— ^l^>worth League. The very successful and enjoyable and tending our sympathy we pray tor known imtil an exbaustivo investi­ of the law. ’The fulflllment of the Commander of Gold Star Post of again in soipe quarters in defense measure of the Lord’s love. Animals Yoiing People’s Hohr. Leaders, we trust that the Fifth District folks an early recovery. gation is made. H e inspection to­ law is an increasing harvest of God’s WUllmantlc and also served os dis­ of the idea that alcohol is “a good never change, for they cannot Marlon Brookings, Walter Holman. will come out as nearly 100 per cent Mrs. Richard Grimley reports day, according, to Superintendent love. trict commander, department Junior creature of God” Intended for Subject, In Quest of Life’s Mean­ os possible. that her husband who has been Parker, wUl be puc^ty Informal vice commander, department senior man’s legitimate use. ing. ’lie Dorcas will be entertained at confined at the Veterans bospitsl at of a preliminary nature. vice commander and commander. Plain and unmistakable, how­ 7:16 p. m.— Evening service, the the home of Mrs. Anna Reid on Newington this past fo\ur weelu is Another survey will be conducted A t present he Is a member of the ever, is the teaching of scripture pastor continuing the series of South M ain street on Wednesday at a future date, it was said today, state coimcll of administration and now much bsttsr and getting along against every form of vice and Twilight Talks on Religion and evening at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Mabel of the plan to -Improve t|be sewage state chairman of the Connecticut fine. That’s the kind of news we like everything that can weaken man life. Subject, Religlcm and Life’s Zlmmeirman will entertain together disposal plant and to find suitable cottage committee which recently to hear and we Join In wishing la his mastery over himself and Ideals. Soloist, Miss Irene McMul­ with Mrs. Reid. All inembers and "Dick" the best of luck, means of hooking this system to ths started coxmtruetion of a state unit sewer system of the North Ip his relationships to his fellow len. friends are most cordially welcome. Thoss ladles of tha <.uxUiary who The Women’s Mlssiormry society at the V. F. W . National Home. H l s project, likewise, comes within men. Music at the nm ning hour: attended the card party given by Paul calls upon these early Chrls- CH U RCHES Prslude—Adagio (Sjrmphony n i) will rneet on Friday aftsmoon at the provisions of the Federal publlo the Mons-Ypres Post last Saturday ^^ems 2:80. Missionary Elmer Danielson Andenoa-Sbea Post Auxiliary works program and the town will be tions, livlrg in the midst of tempta­ report having bad a very enjoyable tion and surroimded with the de­ CHURCH OP THE NAZABENE ^ Anthem—"Hear My Prayer" .... will speak on "The Women of After our meeting last Tuesday in a position to apply for money SECOND CONOREOATIONAL time. Mrs. Fred Baker won first grading influences of licentious­ Harris B. Anthony, Pastor ...... Kopylof Africa." All are invited. evening a social time was enjoyed from the Federal Government to Frederick C. Allen, Minister prize for the ladles; Mrs. Duke won ness, to cast off all the works of Anttem— "The Heavexu Are De- The Luther League Hallowe’en with card pla}ing and refreshments carry out the project. being served. second and the consolatldn want to ' darkness and put on the whole 9:00 a. m.— Prayer Service. Moming worship at 10;46. Ser- clating" ...... Beethoven Party will be held on Friday eve­ Mrs. Jim Thompson. armor of light. He says there can 9:80 a. m.— Great Sunday Bible mon b^ s me . pastor, " S p r l ^ in the Postlude—Fantasia In G Minor.... ning. The Music committee .of Mrs. Sldsrtbs Massey won first ba no temporizing or compromising School Rally. There will be a spe­ Heart.'’ ’The music ...... Bach which Miss Eva Johnson is ohalrman prise at setback. Mrs. Margaret Ths Sewing Circls met at the with evil. cial program given by the children Prelude—Kamenol Ostrow ,The W ed ii Is in charge of arrangements. All Brown won the attendance prise. home of Mrs. Jamas Hamilton last It is the supreme duty and priv­ under the leadership of Prof, emd ...... Rubinstein Moxulay, 6:00 p. m.— Girl Scouts captalzu please work bard in bring­ The drawing on doll pln-cushlon Tuesday night. They will meet again ilege of the Christian “to put on Mrs. J. Byron Crouse. Mr. Crouse ing old and new members out Friday took place with Mrs. Mary Edsall next Tuesday ngiht at 7:80 p. m. at Queer Twi$ta Anthem— Song in the Night and Boy Scouts Hallowe’en Pai^y / the Lord Jesus Christ," that is, will be dressed in Korean costume ...... Woodman in Parish Hall. night. ^ of Hartford bolding the lucky the home of Mrs. William Hender­ to surroimd his life with the pro­ and will sing in several, different Offertory—Lullaby ...... Brahms Tuesday, 4:0D p, m. — Starlight The Father and Son Banquet'will number. son. tection of the Savior as with a languages. Postlude— Sortie ...... Batiste Brownie Pack meeting. be given by the men of the church The Post and Auxiliary will bold Mrs, Harry Scott who is In Day's News garment. The man who thus is 10:46 a. m.— Morning Worship. Church School and Everyman’s 7:80 p. m. — Men’s Bowling on Saturday evening, November 11. a Joint installation at the Stats of the conuaittee on the CbHstmas devoting- himself to Christ, Paul Evangelist Stella B. Crooks wUl Class at 9:80. League at the T. M. C. A. The Dorcas Ladles will serve the Armory, Friday ev-mlng, November card sale reports that sbs has still says, will not make provision for speak on the following subject Christian Endeavor at 6:80, Sarah Wednesday, 7:80 p. m- — Mid­ dinner. Rev. H. Mackenson of the 17. A committM from- the Auxil­ a few boxes left. Any member who Cincinnati, Oct. 28.— to Clndsna- the fulflllment of his own lusts. Obeying The Heavenly Vision." Maclachlan’s Group leading. week Fireside Devotional. Pastor’s Trinity Lutheran church, Hartford, iary with Mrs. EkUtb Mahoney as might want a box either tor them­ ti beer means revenue tor ths water Prof, w d Mrs. Crouse will sing. Evening Service at 8:00. RAv. subject fqr • meditation— The One will speak and there will also be chairman, Mrs. Annie Smith, Mrs. selves or friends Is requestsd to wagon. But Paul is not content simply 6:00 p. m.— Great Young People’s Eklward Eells, who has spoken in* Foundation. other interesting numbers on the Anna Richards, Mrs. Ckirrinne Mur­ make contact with Mrs. Scott as Officials of tbs municipally own­ with a rmgative purity from vice Rally. Prof. Crouse will speak on our church several times in recent Thursday, 7:00 p. m. — Young. program. Tickets are on sale phy and Miss Anim Senkbell, will soon as possibls. ed . waterworks said yesterday the following subject; "A Challenge — a life that is the result of years, will speak on, "The Brother­ Men’s Basketball period. among the men of the Brother­ meet with the Post eommlttse to Mrs. Scott reports that her son revenue has Increased 18.000 to Modem Youth.’’ moral prohibitive disciplines. The hood of Believers.” 8:00 p. m.— ^Meeting of the wom­ hood. make arrangements. Robert, who hM been confined at month since beer cams back, an ba- 7:80 p. m.— Evangelistic Service. Christian life goes farther than en of the Parish at the church. This Our Annual Ckmflrmand Reunion Mrs. Marj Black and Mrs. Alice the Memorial hospital the past tour Rev. Stella B. Crooks will speidc on, Notes catise brewerlss are new eonaumsrs. that. It is a life of positive rela­ will be a gathering oi aU, the vari­ will be held Sunday, November 6. Wetberell have beeir appointed "The Last Call." Prof, and Mrs. Monday at 7— Boy Scouts. weeks, is much better and was al­ Washington— Don’t look lor a tionships, of man’s investments of ous groups of woman Including the Holy Commimlon will be celebrated captains on the Red Cross drive. Crouse will have charge of the mu- Monday at 8— Fellowship meet­ lowed to sit i)p this past week. W e love-jlght In ber eyes, because the his influences and character in the dlvtsiour .qponnorlng'the Parish sup­ at 10:46. Dr. J, A. Slckstrom of The Hallowe’en party that was s i ^ This will M L h e closing service ing at the Y. Edvard P. Allen will are all glad to hear the good news ^ e s do not have it, says Dr. Knight of his feHow meo*^' pers. Plans are, to be discussed for the. Fitot , Lutheran churchy at to be leld at the home of Mr. and of%ur S^dalRevlval Campaign. give an appredation of the book. and hope the boy will be fully re­ Tunlap, professor oi' psychology at "N o man liveth to himself and the coordinating of the women’s or­ Worcester will brlzg the flxessage at Mrs. Elwood Brown at Coventry The Week Just printed, "Inspired ChUdrwi.” covered very soon. Johns Hopldas Univerplty. XU) man dieth to himself." W e are ganizations. There will be a musical the Rally Service which will be held Saturday, October 28, has been ’Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.— Young Peo­ Parents and church school teachers Thsre is still room tor many more She may have a "lovs-tYiat’' hi members one of another, and it is at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Sup­ postponed until Friday evening, ple’s bushiess meeting. especially are invited. program and refreshments will be new members. Would the member­ her lips, however. this that gives our actions and in­ per will be served in the church November 8. Membere the Post I Wednesday, 7:80 p. m.— Prayer Wednesday at 2:80 — Business served. All the ladles of South ot ship comorittee. please get busy be­ Dr. Dunlap has been maiHng ^ fluences such responsibility. Church invited. ' ^ vestry after the sexVice. W e are and Auxiliary have been invited to mjeetlng. meeting of the Women’s League, fore the auxiliary closes its charter perlments which include photo- .v;^ Paul points out, also, that we Friday, 7:80 p. m.— W. F. M. S. ting to see the church filled attend. Refreshments will be sup­ ^'ilday, 7:80 p. m.— Class meeting. followed by an Informal talk at the January meeting. , [rapbing persons in diverse amo- are in a world of weak men, where Will meet with Mrs. L. -C. Harris, at to capacity at both the morning plied by the committee which will Edward P. Allen on ’Turkey. Tlile ional states— such as wbsn smtU- the strong, by their willingness to the parsonage. a:.u uitenioon services. ask for a smidl dotation. Tboss talk will be a continuation of Mi*. Ing a dead rat, teUing a furmy a t ^ consider the situation of their ZION LUTHERAN Tlursday, an all-day meeting of calendar for the week fol­ who ars-pIanrUng to attend are Ameiioaa Legion Auxiliary Allen’s personal -recollections as a or bearing an unexpected platol weaker brethren, may do much to High and Cooper Streets the West Division, Norwich Dis­ lows: asked to call Mrs. M ary Black, H e installation of the new of­ missionary’s son. On account of shot * protect them and help t^em. Rev; H. F. R7 Stechholz, Pastor the deep interest shown by those trict, W . F. M. B. at the HazardvlUe lav, 7:80, Beethoven. (phone 6256) or Mrs. Alice Wether- ficers of the Post and Auxiliary will Each picture waa dominated by Paul is strong for the liberty of present at the missionary tea last M. E. church. 7:46, Teachers’ Training School. ell (phone 8697) so they will know take place Monday evening, Octo- the expression of the mouth, he said the Christian. He Is very Insistent Sunday School at 8:80 a. m. Ser­ Wednesday, the president of the ' iay, 4:30, Confirmation Class, bow many to plan tor. ber 30thWth in the South Methodist yesterday, tba eyea showing nothing upon that, but be is equally in­ League urges the women to make it ^NOORDIA LUTHERAN d iid re n ’s Chorus. A new AuxiUar; to Albert J. Church. Supper will served at^6:80 vice in German at 9:80 a. m. Cele­ of tbs individual’s emotioir. sistent that the Christian may use a large attendance. Garden end Winter Streets 7:80, Q Q ef. Breault Post No. 1628 of Putnam In the banquet ball of the church. bration of the annual festival of the Pittsburgh— After FsUz Angelo his liberty to help and strengthen Wednesday at 8:00— Band con­ Rev. Karl Richter, Paator ' v.eunesday, 7:80, Neighborhood will be instituted Saturday evening, Department Commander Sydney saw two boya taking candy from hla others, rather than to weaken or Reformation. Text of sermon: cert at the church by the combined Services: Party. October 28 at 8 o’clock in the State Finer and Department President destroy their faith and their spirit Matth. 16, 13-19. Subject; "Peter’s band-orchestras of Coventry and English, 10 a. m. Thursday, 7:00, Boy Scouts. Armory. Department officers please Mrs. Madeline Weir will be candy and fruit wagon, he said: resistance to evil. at work and Luther’s work.” Luther’s our church. As an intermission fea­ German, 11 a. m. Friday, 2:80, Missionary Society. wear white. the > Irutatting officers. Other ' I ’m not a bad man and to prove All this applies in common sense work as well as Peter’s work clear ture motion picture will be present­ Sunday school, 9 a. m. 8:00, Luther League. lie Auxiliaries of Hartford Dis­ guests will Include County Com­ t, I want all you boys who have ways to the problems of life today ed away wroiig notions of Christ’s ed, "Cotton— from Bead to Cloth." A t 7:80 p. m. ths Yoimg People’s Saturday, 9:80, Confirmation trict (bounty Cotmoll will spoxuor a mander and Mrs, Gorman, Rever­ >een taking things from my wagon quite as much as it applied to the person and work. Luther’s work as The musical numbers will include Society will conduct a special Re­ Class. Hallowe’en party .at the Veterans’ end and Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Sydney to come up to my bouse for a sur-i question of eating meat offered to well as Peter’s work flowed from solos, duets, and a quartet, as formation Day service. All members 6:00, Emanuri Choir. hospital at Newington on Tuesday Finer, Mrs. Agnes Welles, and the prise party." Idols and other questions of con­ pure love to Jesus and blood-bought well as many full orchestra selec­ of- Concordia as well as all friends evening, October ST. Cards and oth­ Commanders and Presidents of the Seventeen accepted and as they duct with which the early Chris­ souls. Luther’s work as well as tions. Profits will be equally divid­ ST. M A R T ’S E P lS O O P A L er gam')s will be played. other ex-servlces organizations in sat In Angelo’s bouse, in walked ths ^ tians were confronted. Peter’s work was aided by special ed between the two organizations,' Rev. Jamee Stuart NeUl, Rector The first quarterly meeting of town. surprise— three policemen. H e boys " ’The great thing is for the Chris­ Divine provisions. . Luther’s work as and used for leadership and to pur­ Department of Connecticut Auxil­ Our new President, Mrs. Chris­ were token to a police station and tian to discover the highest and well as Peter’s work has received a chase music. The leader and director torrasr of the' Church, Dr. Martin Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. iary, V. F. W., will be held on Sun­ tine Glenney, has appointed tire “invited" to stay away from Ange­ beet p ^ c lp le s of conduct and to promise of God. Luther’s work as of both is Jack Crawford: Luther. 9:80 a. m.— Church school. Men’s day, October 29, In the Roger Sher­ to llo w l^ chairmen tor the coming lo’s fruits and candles. put them into practice, trusting to well as Peter’s work has achieved ‘ Thursday evsning at 8 o’clock the Bible Class. man ballroom, 70 College street. year: Welfare and Child Welfare, Pittsburgh— Shoe dealers m eet^ the Lord Jesus for guidance and freedom of faith and conscience for German Choir will meet for re­ Mrs. Letltia Rady; Rehabilitation, MANCHESTER-VERNON PARISH 10:46 a. m.— ^Morning Prayer and New Haven, Conn., at 2:80 p. m. in Pittsburgh disclosed some o r a ­ strength. us. hearsal. 1 Mrs. Edna Keating, Publicity, Mrs. Marvin S. Stocking, Minister Sermon. Sermon topic: "W hy I Be­ W e wish to extend our congratu­ tions to the American slanguage: Ladles’ Society on Wednesday at Friday evening at 7:80 sharp the lieve In The Church.” lations to. Mrs. Christine Glermey Olive Cbartler; Membership, Mrs. Shoe holm— "Shovel." Montana has a state beer tax of 2:30 p. m. Young People’s meeting EhigUsb 'Choir will meet tor re Mae McVeigh; Legislation apd Na­ The North Main street choir will 8:00 p. m.— ^Highland Park Sun­ on her election of president of Dll- Shoe buttoner— “Key.” 6 cents a barrel. on Friday at 8 p. m. bOitfsal. ’ tional Defense, Mrs. Agnes Hess; meet for rehearsal at 6:80 today. day School. worth Cornell Auxiliary, American Boy aged .6 1-2 years— "Half past A t 8 p. m. Friday evening the Junior Girls and Copununity Ser­ Tomorrow morning the Church 7:00 p. m.— Bvenlirg Prayer and Legion. five.” Yoimg People's Society will meet vice, Mrs. Lydia W in e n ; Slduca- School meets at 9:46. T ie 10:46 Sermon. Sermon topic: 'T Have Chicago—At Fort Sheridan a cul­ tion of World War Orphans, Mrs. worship service will, be preceded by Sent Naaman". British War Veterans prit who stole a dosen automatio THE SALVA'nON ARMY Teresa Millkowskl; Poppies, Mrs. a period of quiet music and devo­ The Week: The card party which was held at revolvers left greasy finger prints Adj. Reginald B. Martin Mary Brosnan; Unit Activities, Mrs. tion with Mr. McAlplne at the Monday, 7:80 p. m.— Girls Friend­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. on a packing box and it looked lllto Gertrude Bausola; Americanism, organ. T ie sermon topic is, "The ly Society Hallowe’en Party. Haugb, Proctor Road, and sponsor­ SOUTH CHURCH Saturday, October 28 at 7:80 Mrs. Grace Pitkin; Music and Uni- a warm trail until a guard dsddsd Face of an Angel.” There will be a Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.— Boy Scouts. ed by the Mons-Ypres Post last' Sat­ Methodist Eplscopai. m.—Open Air service comer of fomu, Mrs. M lld r^ Tedfbxti; Gold to sit down. He sat all over the story sermon for the boys and girls. 7:80 p. m.— d o l r Rehearsal. urday rfight, was a big success Birch and Main streets. Star, Mrs. Helen Griffin; Sick CaU fingerprlnti and effoced^ them. He SUNDAY;— The hymns are, "Come, Sound.Hls Wednesday, Nov. 1—All Saints Seven tables were filled and many 8:00 p. m.— Prkyer meeting in and Relief, Mrs. Minnie Crunrington; was sent to the brig tor ten dajrs. Praise Abroad, and Hymns of Day— Speciid Service of Holy Com­ Interesting games played. Refresh­ 9;30 A. M.— Church School, atadel. Memorials, Mrs. Mary Dannaber; Oklahoma City—Woman is fl<^e. Glory Sing", “Jesus, the Very munion at 10:00 a. m., when the ments were served and a fine pro­ 2 p. m.— Band of Love class. Fldac, Mrs. OUve Chartier; Consti­ H at’s the explanation of L. P. 10:45 A. M.— Morning Worship. Thought of Thee With Sweetness women of the Woman’s Auxiliary Sunday, October 29 gram of entertainment given follow­ tution and By-Laws, Mrs.^ M ary (toism, treasurer of the Oklahoma Fills the Breast”, and "Lead, Kindly will present their United Thank Of­ Sermon— ‘•The Soul’s Glow.” 9:80 a. m. — Company meeting ing the card playing. Commander Daimaher; Trophies and Awards, barber ezaminen;, tor 260 fewer Light, Amid the Encircling Gloom." fering. (Sunday School). Every'member is Fred Baker carried off the first Mrs. Ethel Qulsh; Chairman of barber licenses than last year. Said 6:00 P. M,— Young People’s Hour. The Epworth League Devotional Thursday, 2:00 p. m. — Ladles urged to be present. prize; John Sutherland the second Hostesses, Mrs. Gertrude Bausola; Chism: j Service will be held tomorrow eve­ Guild. 7 :15 P. M.— Evening Service. 11:00 a. m.— Holiness meeting. while Jimmy Hamilton had to be Finance Committee, Chalnnan, Mrs. "When^ they are waiting to get < ning at 6:00 o’clock. All are invited. Friday, 8:80 p. m.— Girls Friend­ The Women’s Quartet will sl^. satisfied with the consobitlon. Agnes Hess; Mrs. MUdred Clarke, their hair bobbed, the woixMa drove Twilight Talk— “Religion and life ’s Ideals.” Hallowe’en parties are annoimced ly- Candidates. 2:00 p. m.— T ie Band will visit Mons-Ypres extends Its sympathy Mrs. Edna Keating, Mrs. Leim Cer- men to shaving thenuelves. N ow Monday evening the Epworth Friday, (Nov: 8)—Annual meet­ the homes of some who are confined ing of the Connecticut Branch of to M ^s Jessie Reynolds who is con­ viifi, Mrs.'Minnie Cavagnaro, Mrs. they are deserting the babers tor “Jton need most, the Christian experience of God. It is tire League at the church and the and. unable to attend services. the Wotxum’s Aiudliary at Christ fined at her home following an auto­ Grace Pltldn, Mrs. Christine GHen- beauty ahOM." ! OTO l U i g we can afford to lose. Practical wisdom, philoso- Booster club at the cottage of Mel­ 3:00 p. m.— Praise service in Clta- mobile accident last week. W e pray phy« iiie culture of liberal educationf all are Importants bot the vin G. Cox, Andover Lake and Wed­ Church Cathedral, Hartford. 10:16 n^y- . - Seattle—Recognizing BaOowe’e a ,, deU. a. m. ^-^Mply Communion. 12:00 for an early recovery. Mrs. M ary Brosnon InstaUed the Mayor Jcfiux F. Dore aanounoed h* :/ warm, deep, r ^ experience of God in Christ is the onshalceable nesday night the choir at the 7:00 p. m.-r-OpeD A ir service at church. noon—je w i n g . 1:00 p. m.— Box Mons-Ypres congnitulates Com­ new officers of the Simsbury Unit would preside over the "wntid’a ^ ground on w j^ h to boUd reUglous certainty, faith and power.” Post Office In d march to Citadel. lunches. 2:00 p. m. — Roll CaU. rade Jim Thompson tor the fine on Wediiesday evendrrg. ■ largest. , apple-bobbiim oemtest.'* Tuesday the Ladies Aid Society 7:30 p. m.— Great Salvation meet­ 2180— Missionary Service,. showing he made at the State cham­ W e a ^ kxnclng fM w ard to a good E v i^ boty and girt in ths city is ix^ Leonard C. Harris, Minister. will serve their annual chlckea-pie- ing. The Band and Song^r Bri- pionship horseihoe tournament held attendance iiooMy evening, so we Vited to a swimming pool, into’ supper. To accommodate those who will render special music to­ GOSPEL BALL at Bridgeport last Sunday, compet­ hope ail members wlU make a which 800 boxes of apples win b » prefer to come earlier they wUl»ber gether with the Men’s Quartet Ad- 415 Center Street ing against 40 of the Isest horseshoe s p e ^ effort to attmid. ^ dusq>e<£ H e eontestants keep aS. players throughout the state. Jim they "boh." : WUliam Pinches, of Niagara Falls, had the honor of winning fourth Spaaltil-Waa Veterans who has been preaching every eve- place. Jim ^Is quite pleased at the Comrade s4id Mrs, Charles War­ SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC SERVICES nmg. during the week, will remain fine showing he made and. is also ren are spending the vtoek-end in HEAR tor the services toniorrow at 8 glad that it was his partner who Bxtxddjm, N i Y : as fu e its of Com­ n e CENT$ft CHURCH o’clock imd At 7 in thh evCnlBg. wen the to u n a m «it. .We all Join rade Jere Maher and wife. REV. STELLA B. CROOKS (Ckmgregatioitiil) with Jim in offering our oongxatu- H e Department dinner has beaia CUesgo’s Greatest Woman Preacher Evangelist MOR>rtNG WQRSHIP POLISH NATIONAL OTURGH latloas to the new state ebwpion changed to the Hotfl Garde instead and Gohray Street Quido Giorgettl" of Company G. of the Hotfl Bond, lloketa can bf mw Rev. Peter Lhtas Cozorade "Sandy* P rim at the obtained trbm our Adju^itoxit Cibartfli r a o p . A N D MRS. J. BYRON CROUSE 7:80 a. ni. This wl)l be the cmly Wmrren. O f Greenstwro, N. C. Great Gospel Singers and Musicians Gill Scoat SiuuUty Morm-Ypres Post who is- presl- A Special Sehnon fpr Giri Scouts masd, Sunday, tor adults and chil­ dsnt of ths Hartford Ootmty Junlof Comrade Convene has been Vt—About 850 dren.' Socesr League, had the hatiW at pointed on fire Legislative «6ihnMttog C. a CHURCH SCHOOL OfilO a. m. A bus will Isave tor tkiiBi^ .tTUson, Badt CHURCH OP THE NAZARENE presenting the silver oup to tim 1982 tee by the D ep t Obixunandar. ' 9 :3 0 ChlctnMe where a grotip of the Comrades and Sisters ara notUMl as A< rsiRnt of fseeeM A » *** Main Street ebampiona following the game last ohurcm^^ple will attend the dedi­ Sunday School R a U ^ The Children W U give MEN’S LEAGUE Sundi^ at Charts Oak Mthnti parte. (mee more about tim a u m w lOtisr wage*. cation’ of: the new oathedrfl there. nesdey evening, Nov. 1 at 6:80, • Special Program under the leadership of Prof, twi-a. 9 :8 0 "Sandy"-presented the efm rto the MH-Geor 4180 Tiiesdlty and ThtuMay after­ is a siQqier* provided North E r a ot Barttord, w Um n at over to WOMEN’S CLASS noons,. IrariruotlonB'in the Polish They art'idntious tojnra^ft a\ 9 :8 0 the Junior floooer Leagvt eem. W 4 aik-you-t« o o n # A a (li * ^ y l n g The Beavestiy V|tioa.” -rr# — iangnste- ' All plana have been : '' Bible Stady for HTSiTOiie. get trouUee and hava,a Ctatma win ' CYP CLUB ^ iT lO N A L and the eKtServioe ^A^Halienge To aiodem Youth.” ' S, O re *,' ^ League a ‘ 7:19 P. BL Rev. S te llaR O ro e k s win apeak on: ‘T lie L i s t CWL** York, 6:00 ^ MbmlaK'Wd 10:80. shortly altW at 6,600,00(^4 ADL^ Welotbie AWAfrs rout / : ^ Tor Yomw P o M W 6i i l l i l O . taams rttnwehtlmr -ti :d | 8 t ^ Harris Hi, Anthony^ Ptotwr. A FRlENiaY CHlJHjCH m * -, - F. W .’s, lnd« ^7:10.

& ___... -,=V^;-'?'>i5J'

n B a r o o f IMWqBgBTtt BVWtlTO BB tAtP, W O m bAt, OfSKliim ts, im

M m u l i t t t n t t B tndy Is quite oapahteaf doteg maay a w ^ ttenga to W intaii Mr. Paea- A n jik m , To naetuate Ennting Siralb ra. pactepa qnlta ftteteattonaBy, B. thBt tkBra Is aet tew managed to reduce tea mtiMrta flg- ____ FOBLoaaeD b t t b b fA ii BOnULD PRINTIKO COMPAKT, ZMC tta t tbB BUtntaB tadc te i^Beh flaat aa-baakar ta a paifact eaaaBl- i» Bi«*u atiMt MuebMCn. Cbaa, MBi^ tlMBa WBBid fcotehijr Iw BO aloB of fear. Oa ao atesl taypotha- THOMAB rBBODBOM flo tlM part oi tbi logto- sls la it posaibte to aaommt tor top FAIA BAERUOir 0«B«rai lUiiMttr Wiggia's ooBUBunleatlon to tea Naw Ttflh Oat — Maaadertogs; tetora, at Ito asaci aaBteoa. to iwHaa Themaa W, LUMit'a town ear PoundAd 0«tob«r 1, IMl Otem. Xb the maantlaBi then te Ooauaittaa'a coobbsI, whoaa PabltAbAd BTAry BtadIhc ttXMpi to a taospaaiwQto ItoUs that needsda a aad MifltoMT BudbJr* aad HoUdAyA BaUVBd at BO dMM that It tha avthorttteB Interest In Mr. Wiggia's pension was coat f t aatol; asfl soma new uphol* ^ ,_jt Fnrhr w fii , ‘itotoi- Boat Ottte* at WaaebMtAr, Oora. wholly that of an Investigator of •tartog to kBQp Qw atufftog nrom to SB aaritor fltPt. And Baeoad Oass Mail Mattar. throoghout tha atats wm aat tham> Negro eei 8LB8CRIPTIOH BATBB m ttm dmgwtlj ta tha ta * they dubloua telaga done te tea past sad ooBitog out of tba troat seat ,1P** Oaa Taar, b/ iRtatl • • • «_*.•••••••• Sdedd BOW City Par Maata. by ■all I I ■ ■ ■ a l l ...... JtC a graat daal. who was not aaan raaiotsly later- ToBUBp Manvina’a yacht to ohria- BtaaU aoalaa ■•••••••••••••*•••• Bd asted te what Mr. Wlggte ar the DalTvared. oaa yaar • • • • • • • •db*dd te tha way pn< taned "Nb,” , r * |to c ^ buatoem at qovertd. that 'Yen ting Mcyela rfdan flrom enat* Chase Natteaal might do by way of most of tea Bight jqtots raeentlp. OP TBB ABSOCIATBD eaalea to Manhattaa flOfl /aaMT gMu PRB88 teg naadlesa dangar to resritutloa. And raoord tarifto at tome of them* It aaaBM that bmtAM' fS# Tha iaaoelatad Praaa la aaalaataaljr and (io aatnaaobUtets. . . . PoUea had.to. move tea mob eraftaatoB got t o g e ^ to t u r n aatttlad to tba uaa (or rapablloaUaa tee ttpjMng fld thair aatoMto aad o( all aawi dtapatebaa eradttad to U /RMteg a Mcyela on busy straata on SevaBte Avanua that found it or aot otbaraiaa eradttad la tbta JEWISH LEDGER possible to look up tato tee dreastog appreattoaa, aad bad a law paaM# papar aad alao Um local aawa pab* and the highway la an activity rooms of tea Joe Cook chorines. . . forMddtog tha lato w |l«jjir to llahed barala. aot easy to aaf eguard agateat an The Hartford Jewish Ladgar, Thera’s a shabby old man with tease people. ImwedlatiQr, at All rtrbta of ropablieatloa at haretotore Issued once a month, has course, there apraag m ptoqaa oa- apaclal dlapatehoa borate ara alaa ra* danger, at bast But by tar the unmiatakabla reBtaanta of gantllity aarrad. baeoBM a weakly with tea currant about him wha aaakea a business of taring sKolustrSlp^ ^ ^g S ew ad * gtaator part of tba peril now eodst- standing batora tba wtodowa of pie-. trade...... Pall oarrtea ollaat o( M ■ A Bar> Issue, tehlch appeared yesterday. rloa, laa teg Is tea result of tba rider's own turs gaUariaa and gently waaptng. racUaasaeaa or at laaat Indlffaranca. Steea tha Liadgar Is assentiaUy a "I ua^ to own that painting," be Talk Abaot LangUag, tearfully tails any sympateetle PubUabar'a Rapraaaatatlaa: Tba ProbaUy tha most dangareoa and newqtapar, though naturally daal At a party tba olMrv Bight tha Jultaa llatbawa Bpaclal Asanay—Na teg primarily with tha aawa and questioner, and uaually walka off talk got Around te praetieal jokaa. York. Chlcaro, Oatrolt aad BMtoa. InascoslMa practlea to tels eooaae- wlte 60 cents of a dollar •«. to stand special tatereats of tha Jewlrii peo­ and tet ptopla who hova haqn vle- MBMBBB AOOnp BURBAO OP tion Is the very usual custom of and- sniffle 'uafora a painting in the timized by WilUV and BlgtoM Bow-. CIRCULATIONR several boya or girla—much more ple, It waa impoaalbla that It oould window of soma other gallery, ard. tet comics. WlUto talla on Tha Harald Prlnttuff Corapaay, lao., frequent^ tha former—riding eaoape, whlla remaining a monthly, tlaborato but enttodp Mtottoaa aasumaa ao flaaaola] raaponalbimy tha sarloua handlcapa, teaaparable Froga Lega oa Broadway story, and hto brotear and • few (or tyooprapbloa. errora appaayiac la abreast on busy teoroughfaras. Right fit tee heart of teo Broad­ mors alltoa laugh haorttip*- The adverttaaDiaata la tha Baaehaatar Such groiqto coaatltata a eaotteual from such Infrequent isiuanoe, from way theatrical saotloo to the ofrioe sucker, of course, ghOM .pathar Bypninr Herald. which any puhlloaUon must suffer of tho Louisiana Frog Compaiw. than appesu’ too dumorTmtoi WtUla menace to tbamaelvaa and to thi started out soiling fro gs’ logs to SATURDAY, OCTOBER » . when It depends upon the quality tells another story, less fuOBp teav drivers at automobllea. tels and rastauranta, but now tee rirst, and all the other eooaplr* of timelteeas te its content The branched out wlte profitable aldo- •tors go into hystarloa. BugWM We hear about tha acddants la llnes of alllgatora, homed toads, tur­ THOSE GOLD PRICES. which Mcyclea coma Into actual con­ Ledger is already an institution of sptlto nlm with a few mora dip consideratde Importance te the life tles, snakes and snails. Schools and tales, and pretty soon tee victim m 'niere la oonaiderable esoouragp* tact with automobnas but we do aot laboratories buy most of tees, but laughing heartily, not knowing ment In the fact that the President hear btcyelea mantioned te any cf Connecticut Judaism. The pres­ you’d be surartoed, say , tee genuine lau^ter of te^teara bee raised the federal market price ent long step te advance should add how many New Yorkers ksep snakes to dlreotad at him. . . .You wouldn’t number of colHaioits between anh^ as pets—and baby alllgatora in their suspect Colonel Uadbergh as a of fold on each of the two dsjrs suo- mobiles in which ths foot power greatly to Its prastigs and Influence bathtubs. te tee Jewish community of the jokester, but shortly befosa ha toft eeadlnf the first iWwf of tha dcfi matelnea Ware the original causa. Officials of tee city aquarium and on hto txploratiCB trip ha w«at ley's contsot by this tndirsct stata the two *008, however, will tell you about toaainf hto watch to frianda It Is nothing unoommon for a mo­ that people don’t keep alligators and airport attendants. "Bdid tela msthod. The price oiiflnaUy torist, la passing a group of Uey- very long. They're always calling for me,’^ he’d aay, or, "Look at my tabllshed was disappointingly low up to offer their pets, and are pretty new ticker. It coat a lot of money." cUsts, to feel Impelled to give them 6EHIND THE SCENES IN and there was evsry reason for sus* (nueh more of the road than he annoyed by being turned down. . . Then he’d tosa tea watch in a way I Every now and te n some city em- that tea other ptrsoo tovariabto pectlng tha suocsss of delletloeary would have to give to another au- ployeee go up tu Central Park anduid #ouid fall to oetm It By tea ttma influences In arrlplngr at It Thurs* tomoblls, the result being that very blaze away with ehotgxms at tee It hit the floor tea victim day's advance provided some atwaii often tee motorist gets himself into you plsaae give me the luldresa of a seagulls around tee reservoir. The would be chattering apologleh and good plastic surgeon.’’ birds pollute the water, but since berating hto own. elumatoaoL The ground for hope that daflatlonary a predicament from having driven Answer: I would advise you to there is a.state law against shoot­ watch teen would turn out to be a forces wers not entirely submerged too far to the left If he Uvea By WILLIS THORNTON HEALTH -DIET ADVICE get in touch with the Secretary of ing gulls, they can only be shooed shock-proof BMxlal, aad aatlri^ ua- at Washington and with the an* through tha crash he sxiflalns, ‘T . The Herald's your local medical society, who can away wlte blank cartridges. They harmedted .* .. . . A ‘ new party gag to Washington Correspondent. BY DR. FRANK MieCOY give you the names of tee physi- soon get lUMd to the noise, too, and to walk la ehh your guaats with a nouncement of a second advance in bad to siring wide to avoid a bunch te>««lt open. War, sets a new record for emer- portant and unduly neglected sub­ practically all of the 88 states that t Is a good plan to have tee sure of buying the gen/pine? Whit is to be hisHguide? Advertisliif ^ V—'r * ject In his statement of yesterday gepoy printing, and teat no private doctor examine tea child to find out have so far voted. 8o that the >lant te tee country would have had tea eauB# of te* trouble. If seme concerning the operation of Mcycles long, long fight for repeal esems to he resources to turn out such disease ooadltten has produoad a is the answer 1 Advertising is the "voice crying in the wfldeniesab** colossal jobs te such a short time. on the streets and highways. WhUs be within leas than a fortnight of convulsion, than it must be over­ I t is a message to you from merchants who have merited the Mcycle is not a motor^vehlcla Its ea^d. come. If tee coavulahm la caused Mokee Midas A Piker jy errors in tea feeding which is of­ fldence in the past and to'whom that oonddence means businesfl aad therefore not directly a matter \ An ingenious press agset of tee ten tee case, tea mother ahould find of Immediate responsibility for Com­ Public Works AdnflalsEatlon fig­ tee .mlstakaa aad eoneot tbem. Adrsrtiaing brings the iuinonncements at ntettufacturen who would , -V roief& d l t t i c k s k r Appareptly tliare Is plmity of law dla of the cveuftu ia i flaaBOlsr teat took of '^itod m m r r wittant tor tea prpper regulattoD of bl^Wle a Uinltad jittasrivvanuiadat raaUy A ^ t glrla, who apeak balhg otoq^ to BRaim pan. tour laar mmh. eoeratlon. If pelies authorttlea 1 truly sBiata BBfl naOj aad or tour toaguM^ ara mevor, t, ^suoh ihtoonks ___ oAm ■aeem wim the XABdOBdOB talephflii^(dwhasgaa. ooii|N*tteA of tea w e r Of WttOifl- r.n-: s;v>‘- .4^

♦a?: ■ w -W-M- D M .Y RADIO PROGRAM I HATURDAY, OCTOBIR 8t (Oratrftl n d iM U n Standard Tlmf) B A T tferd , if JOHN SARCLAT. lrti in nrecramj to k«r and baate ehalM er cronpa tbaraof aalaaa anadl* 60.000 w .. v m K. a , sb b b m. Wiy KiNSR A k^K K IC m ; eoaat to m a t (o to e) doalanatlon tnolodM w aviwbla atatlou. •U RrofraaM aubjaet to ehana*. P. M. Cant. EaaL “ ED A? W E “ 1 jSwdfng Expert NBO-WEAF NETWORK 4:46— 6:46—Spanlah Saranada—o to a 6:0(P- 6i00^ t^ M Mat t the Artlat—a tp oat S A to r d s y . Oetober SB, USB ^PWEST . ■AtlC - Raati waat wlw w al wUo 6:11- Stil >. Hall Orohaa.—to IKIS—Ernie Holst’s QrebsstrA. Ih nq7 tost aztitie I gavr s' Ust^ls steal or cast irdn. Tha watas ■wiar wta* weak wflwUt 6 :3 ^ 6i3f'^?*Bddia Daolay — bMiei i-ancmf i^an wca# wtam wwj waal; Midi m Jaek Armatronta-inldwaat rapast 1:S0—Rex Battle Obneert Skisem- R/JiKS-RUSY A§ A o| “DonV*' suggested that usually, can be left in a cast Irm ■wtnaq wefl woo-who wow wdar wkbf 6»46— 6 :« —Tito Oulsar, Tanap—q tog ble. INFUMSB^' they iM obito^ed in the daUjr op- befiler tf Ihs basement is —Mountalnaara—waat only NBC-WJZ NETWORK 11:15—Jules Lande, ylCllnlst slhle; keqp the heating surfaces that the check damper be Installed 6:1S— 7:16—Mayor Davla A Orohaatra 11:80— Orchestra Gems— Moshe and sinoke pipe clean: keep all on the chimney side of the turn 6:30— 7/30—Mra. Jonaa, Skit—alao eat BASIC — Eaat: wlx wba*wbaa wbal 6:46— 7:43—Jaek and Loretta—to oat wham kdka w»ar wjr wlw wayr wmal; ParanoT, director. doors open wimb there is no fire damper. By mring stove or chestnut 7:00— SrflO—Kay— 6:00—RIehard Himbar’a Enaam. Saturday, October 28, 1988 wdae wbls wtar wdbj wwva wmb* waja 1:00— Harold Knight’s Orchestra. SPEWT MORt TIIAfr IW WATtR THAN ON PRY small for your furnace; don’t allow MIDWEST — wcah wal wmt wmbd 6:30— 6:30—O’ Laary’a Iriah Mlnatrala Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 28.— (AP) 6H6— 6:46—CapL Willlama, Talk— 1:80— ^Football Souvenir Program. the feed dooi to remain open when wtaq wlan wlbw kfb kfab wkbn wcco aaat; Orphan Annie—mldwaat rpL SeiS WHILt- fORMIKJS INTRICATE- ROUTINE^? —The total unemployed workers in wabt eKkb- 7:00—John Harrlok, Baritone 1:45—Yale-Army Football Game. the fire Is burning; don’t aUow air MOUNTAIN—kvor kla koh kal 4:00—Miacha Raglnsky's Orches­ to remain in hot water rguUators; Pennsylvania dropped below the COAST—1 ^ koln kfb kfro kol kfpy 6:16— 7:16—Three Muakataara aaat IN THE- <5PECTACULAR. SCENES 6:36- 7:30—Cireua Da)^ Serial Aet tra. don’t try to regulate the fire by TnllUnn mark in September for the kvi kfbk kmj k ^ kam kdb kamb 6:40— 7;4p-Annie, Judy. Zaka, Songa CanL BaaL 7:06— SKI^Ray Parkina Show—w]x 4:80—News FlashM. opening and shuttikig the ashpit first time in 21 months. 1t;3lh- 1:30—The Football Souvenir 7:96- 3:90—Program from Montreal 4:85—Saturday Syncopators. door alone; don’t . j^ e down ^e The Department of Labor and In­ 12»4S— 1 taO—Football, Army va Yala SdXk- 6:00—Jamberaa from Chteage 6:00—Pancho and his Orchestra. fire before banking at night unless 3i00— 4:OI^Raoinaky Enaambla—to o 9:00—10:00—Talea of TItana, Drama dustry today reported mid-Septem­ 3:90— 4:9^Newa Broadeaat—baalo 0:30—10:3(^Tha Cuekooa from Kuku 6:30—Jack Armstrong; All-Ameri­ it is necessary to make room for ber figures which showed 909,363 3:46— 4:46—Sat. Syncopatora—c to o 10:00—11:00—The WLS Barn Danea can Boy. coeJ required for banking. persons out of work, a decrease of 4:00— 6:00—Pancho Orchaatra-to oat 11:00—12KI0—Reggie Chllda’ Orehaatra 6:46— Spanish Serensule. 4:30— 6:30—Jaek Armatrong—aaat 11:90—12:30—Wm. Seottl'a Orehaatra Follow these suggestions and 12.4 per cent from August And 26.4 6:00—^Meet ths Artist prove to yourseh that you can save per cent from September, 1932. 6:15—George Hall’s Orchestra. coal, time, and trouble . , . and Reports from 6,580 firms repre­ 6:80—Footbidl Scores and Resume. GUy KIBBttr mon-sy! sent!^ 14 major industries showed 6:48— ^nto Guizar. POPOIAR <3CR€fW a 5.7 Increase in payrolls from Au­ SOUTH COVENTOY 7:00—Frederick William WUe "TTie ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Political Situation in Washing­ COWEHAN TDURW gust, with the b'ggest gains in an­ The close of the first marking ton to-night” TANK TOWN? RAYIMS eJOAV BlCW DtLL9 ' \ thracite mining, building construc- period at Windham High school 7:16—Mildred Bailey. -FIR ooBtrel at 10 o'dlofllt Tho doamva 10:00—OGto aaA^ GSsa^ Jake smaller stones. was aattanated a t fpoar 818X100 to t Stotot. IL , . . . ____ ‘At-tlto;' . Mrs. Blaekw^ a fOnDcr ootrass, $20,000. was katm n on the stage as Avoime Tha lire was hsUovad to kava Tkyier. pbe is a fomer wife of e ta itte i in .nMHHi IfanvUle, Jiw qf Hiw Tctk. tlM IM llB d dM M IB 1600. r tbs ipeBiW ip 6# FMist* , dl4 U sS ia M B jr i M MM AMOOStlOS flf flM n iB f- DELEGATION, ATIBIM Tercentenary Volume Rlebaid Olmitod•d M k fo!or r pom lM iOB Mbeels. This sO i^ SIsa ' at­ m SCOUTS M r to Mttlc tbtrt. tracted w sm yoscyf y g W j M a r Dutab B(m obioiROicE Has Absorbing Story Opptito Patrlekk I M Ms TheSlw^steffSlSSesri st A M ss AT HALTS tUESDAYl Hobart Feaka put up far iklansr Camp. Sens sf VstoMAA from CohrST t Man* thsmsalvaa bi what uI DOW Grass* COMPLIANCE BOARD’S will bs Installsd with oorMnoalfb M PoUssDififi Of Conn, Settlement udoh and in 1642 aakadI t o b e n lM ths G. A. R. hall OB Frldity susninp, ehififr St In Nfw el W h e M g under tba juiiidletloD of tba DtttS^ Novtmbor, The follow ^ dfftooM I H s t s b . This was aaoaptad, but ki 1660 w o DtUM iinU Work and Wltk Artfctf Nortei, IS MEMBERS ARE NAMED wsM slsotod on Thursday ovonlnf! Wirnsd. '■ ■!'. ., •ir- V. Stam fordFord eomplainad to Naw MavsD OomnMadsr, Aldan tJibori senior A daUftUon of tw«n'ty>|iM oMtr that GroanSreanwlon harborad Indiapi^ rioo-ceaamandtr, Rayinond BUnni Odd Facts and Interesting Details of Founding drunlMD SDd ethar dlaordarly par* boyi and Madm lO'Shsfgs si B la a r Act u Sokofirlf— To roilewlag Uoter V6 Load Group Formod to Aid in junior rioo-oomnuu^, Fslix La- T. ThitiMi, SoorttsiT 'si th f H art­ iillMMP GOttOFi of Various Nutmeg Towns Recorded In Pam­ sons Who committed sundry 'Hneao* Oross; secretary, Frshds LaOross,’ venidnt'* acts. Naw Haven took a Bnforetaiint of NRA Codsf ki*> tow SBfOMSteSkfl troasuror, Georgs B. Hammond: ford County T. II. 0 , A h a t * In at- Got PonM afo. phlet Published For Commission On State’s hand and after many threats and Afrotnoni. Undanoa thla wMk-on^ At tho S4th oritlM la oasM si s brought Gfeenwloh under its juris­ Camp Oouncll, Francla LaOross, bltytls Uwf, th« first 0M4 si sash Annual Oonnaottottt Oldgr Bovs’ 300th Anniversary ^lebration In 1035. diction. iPVederlok G. Martensteln, former Robert Beebe aad Joseph WUleke, hvriolatlofi to bo broujilR bston ttt Sr. OonfoMDos at N«w Havam Tuesday, Oeteber 11 will be "GM New Haven secured a Long Zsland Moachoitof Folio# oourt la aMfif nutypr of HookvUle, and ohalrman Funeral of Mrs. Allan. Oonfarsnos Is bald uodar tha aua- Seoutstlay” at tha J. W. Hala oom- tract In 1640 whan Hsverend John yoaro w m hoardro thlocan laonnagi . Tblf !■ tb« first of t isrlss of ^poaal of the Oeneral Court until the of tbS reoent NRA oelebratlon, hae Ths funsral of Mrs. Mary Ward rioaa ot tba Stata Y. M. 0. A. of pany’s tt<^. Tbli will be the sec­ Arthur Nortea o fXiHo : 7 strssh'sgsi close of the oantury. Young purohasad land at Southold Allan, of North Park strsst, who Connaotiout, in oo-oparAtion with artlolM, dMcrlUnf tbs sorljr In New fU vn 't name. People from appelated the NRA oomplianoe ond year that tha Kale ooacen baa 68, who has booaa rldttg a Mojroto Although it was not fully sstab* dlsd at tbs RookvUls City hospital tba City aad County Aaaooiatloas, dsys la Conaectiout, Uksa Massachusetts were allowed to set­ beard which is to taks oars of all observed thla event. Last year’s for a very loag tt8M, ttaio, was th# da* from pamphlets published for hshed as a setlement until 1689*40, on Tuesday, tfsd 78, was bold this Tboaa attanding from Hartford '’Girl Scouts Day" f roved to m so foadaat, havlag booa arroatod last Saybrook at the mouth of the river tle further east on Long Island at violations of the NRA agreements County ara: Howard E. Aldarman, the 'i>rceateaary CommlssloB. Southanmton subject to an annual in RookvUls. morning at 7:80 o’clock at tbs popular that tna Halo store has ovsalag hy Patrolaaaa Joooph Froo* had been In exlsteDce as a fort and funeral home of Farley A Malloy of Howard Hlnman, WliUatn Johnaon, planned enether event for this oom- tloo for rldlag hla wbori o » tho rent of four bushels of Indian com. The appelntmsnts wers made by Douglas Hlnman of Burlington; You aiay aot kaow It, but the a military slnoe 1686. John Capitol avenue, Hartford and at St ing Tueedey. hlgbway altar dark without a light Winthrop, Jr., and others of the 'This settlement together with Bast- Mr. Hartenstela at the request of Humpbray Swaatou of Canton Can­ eastera part of Loag Islaad was hampton oame under Conneotlcut’s PetoM CathoUo church at 8 o’clock. •eouts As Saleeglrie aa raqulrad by law. tentees (the lords and gentlemen) Dr. Edward O. Dolan, of Maaehes- tor; Edward Hul add Stlrllag Mc­ Za oourt tola .saondag Offlear oace part of Coaaectleut; Stam* jurisdiction later but in 1664 Con­ tsr, chairman of the State NRA Rev. Raymond Kennedy, curate, Intyre of Avon; Taddy A ^ r, Fll- The entire store with the enoep- d seen the necessity for proteo^ officiated at a solemn h l^ tion at the Self-Serve Grocery, Fraatiea aald ha had wamad Mr. King the mouth of the river, partlou* necticut lost all claim to any part oommltteq. more Gustafson, Russall Jonhs, and ford was oace owned by New Ha* Burial was In the fam ily plot In S t HeeJth Market and Drug Depart Norton aavaral tlmaa agalaat tba larly as the Dutch were showing ^ Long Island. « The Members of the Board named Frank MaUan of Rocky HUl; Walter vea, though it was ooloalsed by Meanwhile the three Connecticut Bensdlct’s osmstery, Bloomfield. ment will be turned over to the Girl praotlea of riding an uaUgbtad U- glguM of mtentlon of building a fort are asGUUowst Edward W. Burke, R. Millar and Warran A. Vlata of oyola at night Norton adafittad people fronr. W ethersfield; Coaaec* river settlements had not sprOad Mrs. Allen was the widow of the Eaat Granby; Willard Tirinr aad Booute and their leaders under the there. Winthrop was appomted to manager of Whits, Corbin A Co.; thla but aald tha wamlaga war# aot tlcut aad'New Havea for many out, as had the ooast townai ^ to late. Fred Allen and resided In William Aadaraoa of Glastonbury; charge of Mrs. Harold Agard, flald build the fort and to reserve land A . tiuey Martin, retired manufae- at all raoaat Ha gava aa hla raaaon other settlements. Boundaries . on Rockville for many yean. Fradarlck Lavay, Edgar Clarks, captain. Thay will not only bavo tbs years were separate political bodies for settlers. The expected settlers 'turer; Dr. John E. Flaherty; Patrick for riding hla whaal “dark" tha fact which became embroUSd la numer* did not appear, however, and Say* the north were unsettled. Land on J. Johnston, plumbing contractor; Rockville Briefs Francis Morlarty, Harry Anderson, privilegeAge of weloomlng tbdr friends the east side of the river appeared The auxiliary of Frank Badstueb- Clarence Turkington, Irwin Morton, but will be allowed to wait on ous- that hla nattary bad run down and . ous arguments over territory and brook remained'a military o u ^ ^ Attorney Saul 8. Peizer. ■aid that having had but one day*# rough, heavily wooded and dMger- nef Poet Veterane of Foreign Wan, and Thomaa Cordaar of Manehas- tomer*. A percentage ot all salsa boundaries; Stratford and Fairfield until George Fenwick returned from . Oomplianee Boards have also work a weak during the parted of ous. At Mattabesec or Middletown, held Its annual meeting In G. A. R. tar; Alex Aduaoavlos, Judson Pratt will be donaiMd by the ouu were the parents of Bridgeport; a trip to England In 1689 bringing been named for surroimding com- managsment tha dapraaaion, ha oould not aOa hla the Indians were iinfrlendly. Below HaU last evening. A social hour fol­ and L J. Black of Southington. Hartford fostered the foimdlng of others with h l^ Saybrook was sold munltlss. The Ellington boaru con­ to promots the work of the Girl way to buying a naw ona. Norwalk and Waterbury; Meriden to the Connecticut ooknw In 1644 Middletown, the banks of the river sists of J ^ 8. Jackson, painting lowed the meettog at which time a Edgar Clarka of Maacbaatar was Scouts organisation in Manchester. were steep and iocky. By 1646, Upon hii promlaa to aqulp hla began as a “half way bouse” be* and became a town in 1654. contractor; Alfred H. Hobro, a Bodal hour was held aad refreeb- appointed by the Hi-Y otub of tba “Girl Scouts Day” at Hale’s will be however, certain members of the Manchaatar High school to serve aa Wheal with a battary today and to tween Hartford and New Haven; monuments works; Mrs. Thomas meats were served. one of the sp e^ features of the Glowing reports of the abundance townships had moved to a fovorable candidate for prealdaat of Con­ ride it no mora at nljht without be­ Saybrook colonized Norwich. and fertility of the soil at Qulnnl- Cawley. At the Union Congregational observance of Girl Soout Week, ing properly lighted Deputy Judge Amadng Facte spot on the ’Tunxls River wnlch they church on Sunday morning a spedai ference, with Fredarlok Lavay of the October 39 to November 4. piao (New Haven) had been receiv­ named Farmingtqn. In 1664, others The Rockville Compliance Board iama club to make tha notainating Ferguaon, who waa on tha banoii, These and dozens of other ed at Boston from Captain Israel will receive complaints of any viola­ service will be held at 10:80 o’dock. Hale’s will be decorated with Girl mujpended judgmant located at Simsbury. Men sent from Forrest Cohen will play several vio­ speech. Scout posters aad flags for this big amazing, amusing, little known Stoughton who had pursued the Wethersfield to piursue an Indian tion of the NRA codes but com­ 'The eaae waa rM^rded by oourt facts concerning the early history Pequots through that territory, so plaints mun be signed. lin selections while Mrs. Mae Chap­ merchandising event. An Interesting officials and the pcdice as a ihunlaf murderer of a white man had re­ man Holt will play the organ and window display has been arranged of the State of Connecticut are when Reverend John Davenport, ported the Middletown area bey(md Squlree' Will Accept that bicycle riders, for thair, own Mias Marlette N. Fitch will play the by Ray Benson, display manager of found in “The Sei. dement of the Tbeophllus Elaton, Edward Hopkins the river banks much more favor­ Charles M. Squires, assistant protection aad the protection St the piano. AMUSEMENTS the Hale store, portraying Girl Connecticut ToWns,” published for and others arrived from England able than at first thoiight and in cashier of the Rockville National motoring public, are to be 'held Connecticut’s 1936 Tercentenary fieeing religious persecution they 1646 a plantation was started. In Bank, has announced that he would The public schools of the town of Scout character work. This store hereafter to a much stricter ac­ spunikl all offers from the Massa­ Vernon were closed yesterday so has been the exclusive Girl Scout countability to the law than te the Commission by the Yale University similar manner developed many accept the nomination as treasui'er AT THE STATE Press. This pamphlet, although it chusetts towns to settle permanent­ other river towns, such as Haddam, of the city of Rockville. With the that the members of the faculty beadqziartere ter official oostumee pect. Bleyclee will have to be equip­ covers the history of the founding ly. After a few months, they sent Ekuit Haddam and Glastonbury. announcement that Parley B. Leon­ could attend the State Teachers con­ and accessories since January 1, ped end operated in comgtomoe a small party of men to investigate ventions which were held at Hart­ “Footnght Parade" Ztogfeld Type 1933. with regulations or thdr riders' wfil of practically all towns In the State Church Troubles ard would not accept the unanimous this nev^y reported land of plenty. Musical Show, Opens Sunday In Demonstrations be dealt with aa strictly as persona with the exception of • those in Wethersfield’s church troubles led nomination of the Republican and ford and New Haven. Members of Litcnfield Courty, whose story will The repo^ were favorable and the the Rockville High sebool faculty With the advent of the new musi­ At the store E..BrQsu6P,jM ri. And the third was desire for more there to edtablisb a plantation. McHugh, Guy Klbbee, Ruth Don­ Oeteber V 9 to 11:66 Mr U . 1 te Indltm land to the east and named next Wednesday,- where they will field street Rohm Dewey, Mrs, J. S. Btov% liberal political conditions than pre­ Preston sprung up across the river nelly, Hugh Herbert, Claire Dodd, 5 P. M. vailed In Massachusetts. it Guilford. They were greatly help­ spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Louis Marte, Mrs. Sidney as “East Nor^oh.” Gordon Westeott, Arthur Hohl and October 4, 9 te 11:80 A. BI. 1 to ed by the New Haven settlers in George Avery. Mrs. Avery Is a sis­ 4-H CLUBS EXHIBIT Wheaton, Mrs. Shmest A. Legg, Mrs. First Settienaents Mattatuck or Waterbury drew its Philip Faversbam. ft P M surviving their first winter. settlers from Hartford and Farm­ ter of Mrs. Bodman. Harold Agard, Mrs. R. A. St. Law­ The first three settlements in Milford, ac' ordlng to the story, Storrs, O c t 28— (A P ) —An ex- , who handled “43nd October 5, 9 to 11:80 A. BL 1 to ington, the Indians having given During the absence of Mr. Bod­ rence, Mrs. W. Thornton, Mrs. R. ft P IVf, the colony were on the west side of seems to have sprung up about the blbiticHi of the handicraft of the Street”, directed the picture from a (3osle«, Mrs. C. R. Burr, Mrs. H. the Connecticut river—Windsor, peo{)le the right to erect shacks, but maa, Edward Harding, substitute October 6, 9 to 11*410 A. BL 1 to same time although no description members of 552 4-H clubs in Con­ screen play by Manual Self and Mallory. The captains include, Miss Hsurtford and W ethersfield. ’The not to settle there, in 1657. In 1673, rural carrier, will take up the vwork. 6 P. M. of its original settling is given. At necticut was shown today in the James Seymoiir. The teams of Har­ Jane Grant, Mrs. ’Thomas Danaber, Dutch had learned of the possibili­ the twenty-six Inhabitants petition­ The trip will be made by the October 7, 9 to IS Noon. least Milford was in existrace in Hawley Armory at Connecticut ry W arren, A1 Dubin an of Florida. state college. October 9, 9 to 11:80 A. BL 1 to 1643, for it is recorded that both lish a plantation on the west side of Kahal and Sammy Fain wrote the ^ ss Emily Smith and Miss Eunice their own explorations while the Milford and Guilford in that year , OaJl County Meeting The demonstration preceded the ft P M* the Naugatuck River. . This was music. Brown. October 10. 9 to 11:80 A. BL 1 to people of Plymouth and Massachu­ Joined with New Haven in forming The Tolland County Democratic Judging of the exhibits and the granted, but in 1677 a change was setts Bay were invited to establish the Colony of New Haven and in Association has called a meeting to award of prizes for the best ft P Af made to the east side because of (totober 11, 9 to 11:80 A. BL 1 to trading posts on the river by In­ settling up a general court similar be held In the Tolland Town Hall on evamples of canning and other danger from the Indians and from 5 P. BL dian delegations. The Dutch com­ to that which governed the Colony Monday evening. home crafts. crossing the stream. October 13, COLUMBUS DAY. pleted a fortified building at Dutch of Connecticut. Hallowe’en Parties The exhibition was held under Point (Hartford) in 1633 and had Uttle information is available The officials, superintendents and the direction of State Club Leader HOLIDAY. The botmdaiy line between the about the settlement of Danbury ex­ October 18, 9 to U:80 A. BL 1 to hardly finished it when Captain two colonies was very indefinite and overseers of the Hockanum Mills A. J. Brundage and Assistant L e^- cept that it petitioned for town Cats M eow 5 P. BL . William Holmes of Plymouth sailed the source of serious disputes. AU Company, Rockville’s major manu­ er Elsie Trabue of the State college. October 14, 9 to 13 Noon. past them to establish a post at boundaries were based on Indian piivU^fes in 1687 and asked for the factu rin g concern, held thekr anwnni October 16, 9 to 11:80 A. BL 1 to the mouth of the ’Tunxls (Farming- deeds and neither side knew exactl:ctly name “Swampfleld.” Governor Hallawe'en party last evening at ten) river. In the following year, where Its territory began or endled ’Treat changed it to Danbury. the Orange Hall at Vernon Center. ft P &L (totober 17, 9 to U:80 A. BL 1 to despite refusal of permission, a few New Haven claimed to Guilford’s Ridgefield was settled in 1709 by Supper was served 6:35 o’clock Tavern al NOTICE! ft P Bfe ♦ Inhabitants of Watertown under east line, to the present Meriden on Norwalk men. by the members of the Vernon Now Located At October 18, • to u io A. K. • 1 ta John Oldham, who had made an the north, including Wallingford, Methods Qianged Grange after which the festivities of the Tax Collector of the 713 MAIN STREET JOHNSON BLOCK ft P Bf earlier exploration, made their way Woodbridge and Milford and two After the closo of the seventeenth w .re held. South Manchester Fire cictober 19, 9 to 11:80 A. BL 1 to to Connecticut ano stopped for the isolated tracts, occupied now by century, the method of town settle­ ment changed greatly. The General A very interesting entertainment D istrict. ft Pe M, winter at Pyqusig (Wethersfield). Stamford and Southold, Long Island. was presented by the different mem­ Grand Opening Tonight ’The two trading posts and the Connecticut claimed the coimtry as Court practically lost control of O^ber to. 9 to HUM A BL 1 to bers all of whom appeared In cos­ ft Pe Mt Pyquag settlement were not of a far southwest as Greenwich, Inde­ land grants because certain wealthy The taxpayen of the South Man­ tume. October tl, 9 to 13 Noon. permanent nature and it was not finitely toward the unexplored re­ men were buying up large tracts chester Fire Dliffilct of Manchester, HARRY WHITE The Senior class of the Rockville October 38, 9 to 11:80 A. BL 1 to until 1635 after Oldham bad return­ gions on the west and northwest from the Indiana and promoting Cozm., sue hereby notified that I Wen Known Manchester Ballad Singer new towns as real estate ventures. High school also held their njipmti 7 P Bfe ed for more Watertown people, this and north to a point three miles have a rate book in my possession ACCOMPANIED BY THREE-PIECE ORCHESTRA time with permission; the removal Likewise, many, of the settlers Hallowe’en dance in the gymnasium for the collection of a two min tax detober 34. 9 to 11:80 A BL 1 to south o f the “frcMdies” o f the of the George Byhea M emorial O'* some Dorchester colonists to a Charles River in Massachusetts. through purchase or bequest had on the dollar on the grand list made Win Entertain With New and Old Favorites 7 P. BL school last evening. The receipts October 36, 0 to U:80 A BL 1 to site near the 'Plymouth trading The disputes were unending until acquired lands at neighbors and as of July 12. 1988 due and collec­ from this affair will be used for the post; and the migration of a group Connecticut received a charter and were establishing la ^ private tible Nov. 1, 1938. * WE FEATURE 7 P Bfe * October 3^9 to 11:80 A IT. 1 to of young men from Newtown to grant of all the territory from the estates contrary to the Puritan idea annual trty of the class to Wash­ I will be at No. 4 Fire Ehiglne Hartford that the settlement of king in 1664 and New Haven, in of equality. Theiw “land pirates" ington in the spring. House on School 8t daily from 7 Narracansett and Cremo 7 Pe BL Connecticut began to be something 1665 was forced to permit annexa­ sold to others who in turn divided A Hallowe’en party was also held a. m. to 7 p. m. for collection of said October 37, 9 to 11:80 A BL 1 to more than an experiment. tion. up their lands and sold again. This ta^es. Taxes unpaid Dec. 1, 1938 7 Pe BL October 38, 9 to 13 Nmm. In 1636 came the “grreat migra­ Stntfw d Plaiitatlon resulted In a system of .absentee will be charged interest at the rate BEER Ootober 80, 9 to 11:80 A BL 1 te tion.” Reverend ’Thomas Hooker m 1689, the Connecticut General proprietoraiilp which did not o f 3t4 per cent per mmUb on' the with his wife and the larger part of Court gave Roger Ludlow permis­ to the best interests of the locality. NOTICE dollar from Nov. 1, 1988 until said Ample Paridng Space Rear of Johnson Bk»^ 7 pe BL his congregation, driving their cat­ sion to beghi a plantation of what Whereas the church had been the Uk is paid. Rest R o<^ for Ladits and Gents' October 81, 6 to 11:80 A IL 1 to. tle before them, left Newtown and, Is now Stratford. Ludlow not only focal point of aH previously estab­ O P THE Dated at Manchester, Oct. 37, TASTY SANDWICHES BOOTHS AND TABLES 7 P BL lished towns, it now began to lose NovenoberA 9 to 11:80 A BL 1 following Indian trails, finaUy bought land for this settlement, but NINTH SCHOOL DISTRICT 1938. Mario Marchlsotti and Albert Tambomint Props. reached a resting place at Hartford. also for another somewhat beyond its hold ard in place of peace^ set­ TAX OCHJJBCTOB. WUXIAM TAYLOR, Oolleotor. to 7 P. M. L ^ T D AY. Diiring the year 1636-37, the at Fadrfield. By 1640, both were tlement there develop^ agitation, ■venlng meatinga are far ’ha oen- three settlements were governed by fair sized settlements. Bridgeport, unending disputes and litlgat^ The taxpoyefk of the Ninth Bdiool venlence of thoaa who aaanot enne a commission with John Winthrop, a child which later far outgrew its vdiich lasted down to the Revolu­ D istrict at Maaohester, Conn., are to the day aessloaa. Jr., as its governor. ’This commis­ parents, was gradually settled from tion. betehy aotilM that I have a rate Manaatad ta oonsa i_ __ sion was established by the pat­ Fairfield and Stratford, as Its orig­ The story of “The Settlement of hook to my poaaeealou for the*ool- If poialMe and aot orawfi this ave- entees, who had recelv^ the land inal name Stratfield implies. the Connecticut towns” covers the leotloa of oDo aad one-half mill nlng seaalona. Ownefa af Ai as a king's grant, to exist imtll the Pequot, (New London) was col­ details of the establishment many tax OB the dollar oo the grand list biles and Bfotorcyolea are settlers could establish their own onized as a result of Massachusetts’ otner towns not mentioned ip this made as of JMy It, 1988 due aad Super Shell Gasoline to bring in leglaUation earn B x- et government After the commission desire to fortify the' harbor and the article. A separate pamphlet will ooDeelable Oet l, 1988. Serrioe bsmi havtof dlaaMlty oem- expired, the plantations were given ’Thames River and Connecticut’ de­ deal with the Litchfield County 1 win bo at tiM offleo ot' tho Ree- peaaattoB rating » aama with tbs towns. Notr At The Price Of Regular their present-day names, HaiUord, sire to have a plantatimi there as a reattoa Oeator MMlag, Sebool Aaaeoaora before Navfanber lat.. All Wethersfield and Windsor, botmd- curb to the Indians. John Win­ Street aO week days from 9 a. m. Hate ^ Real Rstato aauat give aries were decided upon and the throp, Jr., was here again the lead-' t o 11 m. aad lp.m.to6p.m. ex­ SHELL PENN MOTOR OH. bouadarlea «f the had, as by low towns were instructed to send com­ er.' In 1645 he came to the west empt Saturday 9 a. m. to It m aad reqgired, or they wfll not be aooept mittees of three to represent them side of the river and laid out a HOCK WEDDING CREATES with tba oxoepttoa of Oet.. 18, 80 As the NRA Code does not Allow ns to give any preminms away we m<«e than in a general court whose duties at plantation. .Peqiiot grew slowly aad 81, •a.m,toltm,lp.ia.to make that up in the SERVICE which we render, either at the station or on the' road. first consisted chiefly of prosecuting until the fourteen new families ar­ 6 p. Bk, aad 6 p. m. to 9 p. m. A sa lady said the other day, “land sakes, I suppose yoh will be powdering oor nosee the Pequot war. HALLOWE’EN PARTY FDN rived from Gloucester in 1660. Ttaoo unpaid Nov. 1st, 1888 win ^ next.** . * '^ews On Govenuneot Groton across the river developed d w rg ed m torest a t t t e rate o f 8*4 PLEASENOIE! In 1688, ’Thomas Hooker, unques­ gradually from the patent New Affair Given in Honor of Mias eent per moath on the dollar tionably the most famous of Con­ London, from whlche it was not Alice Baldwin Som to Be a Oet lai 1988 rnttO said, tax NEW TIRES WILL SAYE LIVES ot k necticut’s early settlers, laid his separated until 1700. Possession of Main ymr mat TlT««e a GOODRICH SAFETY SILVERTOWN wlfh lift Sam N . 1st, b H tail DafI view r^rardlng government before Bride. iteS at Maaohester, S ^ 96, bou was the cause of a lively tilt Golden Ply. Prevents the eanse 6f bhmoqts. Persona naglaotteg te atteM te •i the court and that body, guided and between Massachusetts and Connec­ 1988. thair Usta ah or bafora tha fitnl finr directed by Its two most important ticut, but the latter finally won. Mrs. Gustavs Anderson of 100, Me- 6. LEO FAT, of Novambar wIR hhva ten par bant members, John Hajmes and Roger New Haven entering the real Kee street, n vs a miseellaneotts Ootleeter. P R E P A l IE YOUR GAR F 'O R W I N T E R D1RIVING added to same. AH peroann'Hitela Ludlow, drew up the document estate field had bought Rlppowams shower and Hallowe’en party at het to give in lists of Taxable Pnmerty known as the Fimdamental Orders, (Stamford) from the natives in home last night, hniinrti^y AUee GPA A lc o h o l Rndiators Points are urged te biftiir batera )iia Aa* consisting of a plantation covenant 1640. Th^ bold it almost inune- Baldwin and John Damastro of 188 Wteei jPlWied Distributors seosors. Fan and a series of eleven orden or Glastonbury, whose marriage is to R a d i a t o r dlately to Iteverend Richard Denton . Ho m Rotort^ Uate win te * laws. They provided for a oom- and his church members vdiose take place in the near future, t- a TYPEWRITERS and te n anta monwealth to be administered by a large gathering of yoiug men and G l y c e A i e 75c irallon CcnnoctfoM Oondenshrs ecclesiastical life In Wethersfield women from H artford, Ekuit H art­ Now on display, the new model ab anite-ffeif-'' governor, six magistrates and other had not been smooth and to Richard Undarweod and Rcyal Portables, necessary officers, chosen by ballot ford, Glastonbiiry and this town olam Glldersleeve whose speeches were attended. The decorations, gamsa^ these nteohlnos have all the fsa- Loeklmod Bpfidhl The three settlements were to elect disliked the General Court of B a t t m e s ' U s e d T f a f ^ refreshments and favors were an In turos; aad aza staadaid M svaiy Brake n o i l CtegfilRff Qm ^four deputies each to represent Connecticut. Davenport, who had $ 8 .7 5 Atteos iRteH a t e h 'lt e t them In the general assembly or keeping with Hallowe’en. PoHMi For Fine SOki tried to settle the Wethersfield dis­ .One of the fun-malring features of i t e m General Court Elections were to pute without avail, offered Denton N sw a n d u p 'the evening was a mock marriage In Frida Simonlse No(Hlite ■ / be held yearly. the Stamford plot by purahMe and $ 4 5 .i)Q Thus, under the able iMutarehto of which the role df M de was pi 1,1. 1 In 1641 the minatloB took Blaoe. Ity Arthur Kelty, nm tiridenobm Thomas Hooker, the Oedooy of Con- In 1640 land around'^^walk had Si^ridee ly p e w iite r Out o f G ai neotlcut came Into being. The gov- Mrs, Cari Hlldbvi the maid af 4129 been deeded by the XBdiaas to Cap­ hemor, Andrew Btton); the host • omment was estabUshed in 1689 and Co. tain Daniel Patrlok and aU that re­ man. Miss Esther Anderson and ^ all lands not purehaaed or granted mained was given to Itoger l4idlow a p to that tfBM ware ^ tha dit* la 1661. Kot wtD tbs

Mifig Helm Ftenlty Advlier Diet ftoiMiiials Obtainabto in VoL No. 14. Saturday, October 28, 1933. Colkipiled by $tpd«ita of Hanchester High School Few Other Foods Found In Divalves—-Best in Winter. Coiutitiite M ^ace to SENIOR CLASS WINS lEDITORS AMUSE Attention to tee fact that Cats Meow—Dogs Bow Wow tee seMcm of the year is now at is(a— State Laws bead when oysters are most desir­ WORLD REP0R11R able, siace they have completed is Hiis Regard. Sophs Happy?—And How! NATATORIAL their lyauaer nttealaf, ted State steel, steel all around you, steel' Embturassing moments: While Departmeat of Health ia its week­ construotioo and white hot steel in giving a very clever although exag- ly bulletia today recommeaded tbe Jl new Idea was carried cut in the^began their tabby tricks. A prl^e fumaces, ready to be poured into | gerated imitation of a teacher and oyeter M a very efficient addition ^Commissiooer Michael A. .Conney Walter Forbes Attends A. P. has received many complaints sboat Upper-Sophomore Class Hallowe’en was awarded to the best group. Sophomores Take Second molds and later pounded, smelted o r , wondering why the oUss isn't as re- to tee fually diet. The Patron Ghost was Marjorie rolled into different necessltiaB to {spcnsive as usuid, you disoover the The oyster contains protein of the general use of bicycles in traffic Party on Thursday night. As the May and other ghosts were Dorothy m ake Iffe more luxurious and com- teacher m questioh standing Ian Session at Coontry Club good quali^, is a rich source of iron by the younger generation. While guests entered they were greeted Nels(m E!dna Hilbig. .The enter­ Honors and Jnniors Third guidly inside the door enj*v Fence and Fight like order; in Tame Match. of ore, limestone and coke into blast deluge” ! and Presents His Im­ is a llbe^ source of iodine (essen­ experience with bicycles does not Impromptu skit prepared by the Shy little Robinson (showing tial to tee proper functioning of the reveal any alarmihg records, never­ Cats and Dogs.” furnaces, vdiere Intense heat causes entertainment cMnmlttee — Gieorge changes which transform playmate-Sbedd the family album): thyrcNd gland) and has a fair theless the increashig use of biej^ At the entrance to the hall was a Fischer, Betty Durkee, Anna “In this book Maanma pute an the pressions. am ount at vitamins, including vlt^; cles by old and yoimg demands to­ The inter-class swimming meet the ore into Iron. The char« is fence, behind which two ghosts were Howell, Margaret Renn, Anna liquified into a imiform molten oath. cunning thlnn X say and in this one min C which is most unusual in day that serious consideration ba Lercb, Edna Hilbig, Marjorie May, standing. -The guest could either was held a week ago Tudbday, re­ The better steel is settled on the she pastel all the pictures where I *wiiw*i flesh but is accounted for by given teem as an important factor over the fence* or crawl Vera England, Arlene Nelson, Dor sulting in victory for the senior bottom while the impurities, the look too cute for anjrthlng.” The editor qf "The High School the minute marine plants which In tomorrow’s traffic. through a hole cut in one comer of i otby Nelson, Francesca Oswald and “Why aren’t you going around The meet was close although “slag,” are on top. ... World,” Walter Forbes, attended a form a large part of tee oyster food, Diiring the first nine months of the fence. If he climbed over, he | Rosanna Linde; going to Jerusalem In the furnace on the second floor that school teach'ler any the bulletin says. this year there were 170 aiccldents —pianist, Rosanna Linde; relay no exceptional records were made. luncheon meeting of tee Connecticut was given an orange crepe bow and the ore is smelted. This furnace is'""m ore?” Oysters are plump and most de­ reported in which bicycles colUded races-—in charge of Iftancesca Os­ The sophomores scored next to tlie became a eat; if be crawled through tapped from t^ rear. If this does ‘1 couldn’t stand it. Every nlaht Asaodatod Press, October 34, at the sirable at this season because dur­ with motor cars. Th«« wefe 3 wald, included beans and straws, seniors, and the juniors were thircL the hole, he was given a black crepe not worl^ the men take a long bar I didn’t show up she demanded a Country Club. He reports: ing tee summer they feed and grow chUdren and 4 adults kiUed and 102 ecdlar and became a dog. peanuts and knives, grab ankle, The freshmen did not -.core. This written excuse from my mother.” 1 was greatly impressed by tee newspaper; two ghost stories t^d victory was no surprise as th4 seni­ and, from the front of the furnace, fat while during the winter they chUdren and 73 adults injured be­ Once Inside the hall they saw We want to assure ‘'Barge” that jovialite prevaUlng among tbese “hibernate,” close their shells tight­ by Marjorie May; murder game—in ors are exceptionally strong in all push out the h(rfe in the rear, cause of these accidente. In 136 of Gahne, the patron ghost, who had whence the molten steel rolls down there Is a career for which he is men. During tee lunchemi tee teen charge of Anna Howell; hat game, fc^ms of athleticsi. ly, een examined and found city streets and country highways BENCH-WARMINO a point will be taken from 100. The part of the mill where they ere Pacing the floor in the kitchen at dsnportant speakers were introduced, negatvie to germs of typhoid or a constant stream of motor vehicles agtdn soaked in heat and rolled into ' gheat man will win the meet. A seven, John A. Macdonald, Connecticut paratyphoid fever. Certificates are makes tbe riding of bicycles an art f85 Pupils Sign Up to Pursue “A team is what its reserves set of cards will be printed on whicfii “T” and "L” shapes. These are used Bed seems to me a far away heaven. State Highway Commlsaicmer, and Issued yearly, following inspection requiring care and caution. Bicycles the boys’ scbre in these meets and in making bridges. For tonight is the night that I am Michael At Connor, Motor Vehicles of producing areas and shipping must bejiroperly Ugbted for safety’s Textile, Drafting and Other make it,” stated a great college Steel makes progress possible. For r tonight is in intu-scholastlc meets will be re­ to w n te, Commissioner. Ksn (hooper, Gen­ methods. sake and have the equipment re­ Stupes. football - coach. t Ius year's high land trahsporte^ion, vast networks corded. In this way, by looking at And sad, very sad, indeed, is my eral Manager of the Associated quired hy law. Riders must realize school team is having some diffi- the oiards, one may see at x glance of rails arid thousands of miles of Press was expected to attend but their responsibilities and handle TIm VAttwh—t r State Trade plight. culty about reserve materials. There what a certain swimmer’s perform­ reinforced concrete road that erlap- WM uhabls to be i resent. their 'bikes’ skillfully so h not to Sehool haa now reached ita highest are a few members who feel that ance is. eross the country are used. Olzat Almost tearing my hair at eight. Hii^wey Quef Speaks RESERVES REING collide with either vehicular or sBroUmant-r^pproximately 366 pu- th ^ are not playing’enough to war­ This is an entirely new s^ em to locoaaotlves pulling steel coaches— My, bow quickly it does get late. “Mr. Miwdonald stressed tee value pedestrian traffic. ptis. There are 116 high school co­ rant their coming to practioe. M.H.B., but it has been tned else­ sisotrio trains sad automobUss, all What in the world am I to do? of placing before the public, the con- Police authorities, bote state and operative students registered. Of This year’s team hu been very where. It should get results for a these depend on steel for strength, I certainly am meeting my Water- ditione of State roads being built or in tee varioxiB cities and towns, permanence and safety. the eleven trade schools in Connecti- successful so far this season. Coach good Manchester swimming team, ' loo. repaired. The Commiaeloner feels . IN INSUU CASE should take summary actiim with eut, Manchester was recently given Kelly knows who are the beist eleven according to Coach Johugren.. In aviation and marine transpor­ that if the public were more familiar bicycle riders carrying passengera tation, the fleet airplanes, zeppeUns, a "imM “A” rating, placing it in men he has. They have played —Robert Kn^p, ’86. Midnight now has long since fled with conduct of the dei>artment, on the handle-bars or with a pas­ fifth place with the leaders of high­ “heads up” football all season. That submarines, warships and majestic they would be inclined to show a senger on the seat of the bicycle ocean liners, because of steel used But I am ready as I go to bed. est enrollment. A class "A” rating is one reason why so few substitutes The plea; “Dear teacher, pleafe ex- friendlier spirit toward it. while the operator “rides ^ tee in their construction, provide securi­ Chicago Seeks to Extradite is given by the State Board of Edu­ have had an opportunity to play. eiise. “Mr. Connor gave an Interesting pedals.” The bicycle Is resigned BONY SHOULDERS m ty in the air and on the water, and cation to a trade school having 200 The majority of the "bench-warm­ For last night I suffered from writ­ account of the work in the Motor for one person, the oper&tor. Bicycle man can travel to far distant places or more students. ers” are Juniors and will have a ing-night blues. Vehicle Department. It is his duty Utilities Magnate Who Is riders should be required to observe Many well-trained trades-men chance to show their ability next FEMALE IMPERSONATORS w ith the m ost unbelievable si>eed —^la rga re t Kompanik, ’84. to investigate all accidents occur­ all traffic regulations, stop at the have graduated from this achool and year. They should be willing to wait and comfort. ring on the State Highways. He boulevard' “stop signs” and obey tee In our homes and e o f industry INDIAN 8UMB1EB ing. organization a Samuel InsuU now is the subject right-band side of tbe road and not among the students a Student Ac­ squad, he will certqinly give irou the fitting tbese parts. Dresses, imder- These are the ripest, mellowet bership of about 1,400 "throughout be all over the street or highway, tivities Board was appointed. They chance to play. wear, sise nine and a h8df,*and triple depends on steel in one form or an­ of a second extradition hearing in other. Without it, manufacturing d a jb — the United States.” Athens, Grewe. making reckless turn in the face of will be responsible for the many so­ Coach Kelley has had considerable A pumps are some of the things Early mornings shrouded in haze; And That’s That approaching traffic, riding up onto cial and athletic activities which experience in football coaching §nd that Mr. Howard purchases for the would revert to primitive ways. Martin InsuU has Uved In OrlUia, —Stagey Opalach, ’84. Dew on the latest blooming flowers. Tbe following arrangement .was sidewalks, which is a common prac­ will soon follow. he is .alwasns fair with the'pliers. characters. made for the next meeting: Ont. more than a yeaiv the attempts Birds winging from woodland of Cook county to ntradite him tice or “ganging' up the road when A Hallowe’en Masquerade Dance, He would ^ve the best man the "Imaglns their embarrassment. Mr. X: “Gentlemen, our next bowers. having been in . progress several out in group rides. ^wnsored by this association, will sition and would not show partiality The ‘male females’ are supposed to ra:ST-VIEW PLAYEBS And the most beautiful of all— meeting win be at the home of Mr. toward any fellow. months. Bicycles ^ve operators of motor bie given in the trade school assem- act like real females, but bony Last summer some of us girls got Water coming over the fall. Y.” cars much concern as many riders bly'haU, Friday evening, November —Arlton Judd, ’84. shoulders and well-rounded biceps together and formed a stock com­ Mr. Y: “And between that meet­ Justice Kingstone, who heard Over your Iwad a brilliant blue; arg^uments o f the opposing counsel seem to feel they are not amenable 8. It was learned today that the|^ detract from their charm in an eve­ pany. We called ourselves the Best- Under your feet, leaves of every hue ing and this one there wUl be a yesterday and today said there was to traffic laws and ride nonchalant­ basketball schedule will be pub­ ning gown,” he said. View Players, that being the name Trees and flowers ’Earl RuddeU ’81, n first-year stu­ Had seared then all away. cord school tsaeher hsre today faced stats oerporatten would .UetaM m -T CLUB BIBITS o’elook. ITha ooatumai will ba eents a monte, payable to Treasurer — Novem ber 88. loss of hsr eysflffbt u ths result of dent at Bentley B^ool of Account­ tain plaosa to stU Umior with b m sI ^ i NlBSteea new members were ad- judM fi m : prattlaat, moat orifflnal, Joseph Folsy. •peolal Grammar Class, (6); Glee ing, has been eleoted to the budness As 1 walked down the hnU one dsy, a pre-H allow t’an prank. All otesr salM* would be satttad to the Hi-T dub this year. ana funnlaat by the judfes, who are X heard a aelsy etamp —PrtsoUla Pillsbury, ’36B. d u b , (0 )—Decem ber 4. As sbs wM driving horns last stefl of the yearbook, “Ben-Boo.” stato stores, There are only six old members re- He has just staved ths Informal Mias Halan Batas, Mm UAi teaohtr in Which seemed Uketaat of an eld Frfss dub, (T); Orchestra, (T); night, Miss Twomsy*B car ran into B sali^, namely: Edgar Clark, Arl- Maaahastar K lfh.^alter Babohar. INTkEViBWB “Y” UtADEB Dancing dasA-December 6. Uhder his plaa there wauM Initiation to Beta Tau Alpha fra- a boas atrstohed across tea. road, power to set up a psraitt ten Judd, Raymond Andlsio, Fred draftlaff iastruotor in tha Trada For Dee was on a rpmp. t«st week MBs Ruth Bshrtad Oleedub, (T)—December T. nia impact broke off tee radiator terfilty. he explatoad. detarmtotog Lavey, Edward Hutchinson, and “They bad us ruimlng around car­ Bohool, and Alfred Foy, Fire Chief. was appointed leader of tec wem- Basketball at RockvUls -Decern- cap and hurled it through the wind- ICerxiU Anderson. -Althea^Bhorta, '84. The whlspsrlng leavss move In the OB's o f tee Y . M .' O. A . w ith ber 8. , gtould tove hmior and. hoar rying paddles and weming red bow shield. DootoN laid she wouM Lotoa oommlttoas would Mr. HUng, prindpal of Manches­ tlee. ’rhey did n lot of other things air hours to the aftenooa aito evenisfe. lose tee Bight of ons eye and tee heard on tha problavM of ter Hlg^ Mhool, WM the guest which I went mention at the prss- IBACHBB8 TO IXBBOIBE One whispers htre, ens whispers rehd S i^ her work is Ih- other would be affeotod. MB. qUniBT*B TBAM WINS f e w oemmunltlaa. speaker. Be gave an Interestlaff talk snt tims,” says Earl At tha first maatlBff of tha lEo* thsrs, toto aha llkos it very muob. to sQU jMEteHitoi h er w ork with B li plan, ha aald OB what the R l-7 dub nan mean to ult^tudant Aottvltlas CommRm) For winds ars blowing, softly rolling h o l d t w o b u b f e o t s the sohool and the type of boys who hald last waak, it was deoldad to de« AU loaves gently In thf w . the .RaraidT MlMDehrond's first For tee first time to twenty-three ih a profit dutUR' ware to oMn&toe tee pro­ years, Oushtaf Aoatomy, where our Uhuer advarltotoft are members of this club. Mr. Rob­ IT DOBB RBFBATI Boston, Oct. 3a.—(AP)—Twan- inson and Mr. Bailey, both members Whenever one Is bright snough gram. At ooU ^ Mtol.Behroad was ty-fiva Vletuna at holmipa and reto iHetoi and ptof wtoto of. the high school fam ^. are the Did you know that Mr. Parry/un­ To do hit work alene. oapttoa of gim^ varsity toam ami Aoafiemjr to*foomill.^The eeore wm berlas in Oraatsi aoiten oo-advlsors this year, ’’me oSloers knowingly bdpsd history repeat it­ hava sifnafi up: swlnuaEnf, ^ Thsrs art a million ether, ones took pliMloarsdueattoB. which lavo viewed Jamaa Dashlar and I of the club are: President, Arlton self ? In study kaH. way bade la '88, Wiloox, DayUi, Johanaan, K^av. Who think this work -they own- hor tfBsitot tor thto w ^ . Mtso 6 ^ H r ^ UthwtaAt,, was one Judd; Vioe President, Edgar Clarii: ths teacher la o h «^ was heard to Wasthavar, Eatas. Carr, MacLaan, BohroBtfa dottoo m daactof da s i thh l^roeatar toiS. ^llr. 9ulm* Bowias, arrested to a rab Saoratary and Treasurer, Fred remark. “AO light, turn around In aaAMra. bowtlnt, Hs hanged him hhrd, ho kneoksd gymlBfisiia. taktor w a of to iM Betty QBtoK 11,” rtperto Wreiitham ton. Zstvey. your h in t” Quira. WUaox, him down, asSmkoiai' aM arsfiisfinff lor oarttoa, Tha pair are toe After the meetlag, Ught refresh­ Mr. P m la study hall this y u x Todd. KellhK, Oates, MsahhalB. Hasvsni imashsd Ms hsad, iS m M mS mbutO bar ctoMW aougfi^ » oenneetton ments of dder And doughnuts were in remonatratlM with Wolfram Waathavar, ^ rr, MaeUan, and He himinered, MdMd, and threw art tohdl now but ^ y will tog and rol . s e m f - saMi “All i^htiaere: turn around In pour autt'^ ! war.WU;, ' Wdtowtoi ' ' viLJl .A\ A ■ ^ .A.|n'.A<. * * ■<» •••♦At »•: f U 1 . .. 1*' >' . :> V. „ 5L-■ 1,.., V, •->V--— • - ■ **>..<-:> __ ;__ .'■■.•^ ir. ,y.'. ,^> •.; , ,T .,-^t ^ .tv,x-.W .,' v •^‘i " I-...... - -™. *y.v^.*A-Vv‘'V>*^ .*1. \'r ‘ V : . *. ■ ♦•_ .lilt ., .,■ ■,,.,r^^ M.V;_^

^ M w B m c h d

JOAN W MempUa "I swear FU be By Olte# Rp&Nta Bwlpit SOD o f s IteL ‘TU stop tl^ New Y ork m eet la And ini see to it' M eontois Ojalt love. Late ev en gueegee tbe t li^ torough would proliably live a s l e n c b o f t e n w o r k s the s e k'e' L a g : eg BARBARA life an^fliiir." . 7 WONDERS A t HOME ^uBTNRrr, *«» ^ "O t course we wanlii*' einoouzw Bob fo r aged Pat huskily.. Let us try an e^m^rirnenb for (me PA T Wi yooBgiw “Joan and I tolnk about day. Silence! s is t e , is Id 1 aitomobfle acd- so many things. You’d make nm We are over-worded. We~ are. dent in wUeh BBHY FOBREST- miserable, always hanging arouiki oVer-niNwed; we are over-confused. EB, her eecz^ ts ikBled. Heait- my neck. Now, wouldn’t ^ou?’' We are over-stocked with thinjp sick, Pat ntt» seweff to New York. “Yes, Barn^," sale Pat.^*Tai and responsibilities and worrief. Joan foOoW t end begins a search afraid I 'woulp«i‘ upand BARN EY WT-Aire!, ho proves him­ swallow me. Oh, Pat, darting, I piness weeks, pep weeks, all sorts self a steadfast fritad. Pat loses of weeks set aside by eommimitiea love you so!” her Job as a model la a wholesale After toai’ they Just eat 'and to keep things going. But nobody house. Barney persuades Joan to seems to have thought about a stared at «a(to other miserably un­ move into tbe apartmoit where his silence week. til toe smaU place was -almost stepmother Uves to sot aa her com­ filled with otoer customers. ’Their tl>e one htmdredth anniversary of If we could stop an cars, wheels, panion. sirens, bells and whistles, and plates had been removed a the building of the meeting house. have a complete rest from noise A abort tfane late Jead finds waiter coughed apologetically. An elaborate program will include for a few days we could more eas­ Pat very ill In a shtaby rooming “Anything more, sir?” tiiree services, and present distin­ ily catch, up with ourselves. house. During- Pat’S convalescence “No, nothing.” guished speakers from Hartford and We cannot do that, but we can l a j m Barney and Jens ase drawn doaer Pat glanced at her watch. Bar- nearby towns. together. Joai rends tiiat Bar­ do something within the four walls uriil look 4iut Oa ney ^ot to his feet, paid toe cashlSr The Progrun of our homes. bara Oourtoey it in New York and they went out together Into A Morning worship will begin as Silence is so salutary, so s(X>th- ■ W tv and win be toe-honor guest at dawn grown golder with sunshine; party given by Bob’s fatiier. Bar­ nsual at 10:45. Following the ser­ ing. It often detemates more loudly a When they reached toe office mon by Rev. Dr. A. J. William than Big Ben in Parliament Tower. ney asks Joan, to marry Uni and, Barney, found some telephone calls .Messers, the Lord’s Supper will be Suppose we make this resolu­ believing Bob is lost to her, she waiting for him. He gave a num­ observed. At 2:30 the service of tion on retiring some night. “To­ rmyiaino,, due 1o agrees. Some weeks later Pat be­ ber, waited and then held a brief commemoration will open with fif' comes Barney’s secretary. She morrow I am not going to say a de4>«it. Irtock—„ conversation. “That,” he said as teen minutes of organ music. The w ord to anybody that I can j>os- falls In love wltti him and Bar­ he put down toe telephone, “was -^Etemoon’s sermon will be preached sibly help. I knerw very well that *TilOJck— unik a -izik ney suddenly realizes it is Pat he Olive Wetoerlngton, head of toe the Rev. Dr. Sherrod Soule of Bin win shout aU over the house, cares for Instead -of Joan. Junior ^eague. They want Joan to .Hartford. His topic, “The Stream and un»l /iki/Cf'. “Where’s my cap? I’m late for CHAPTER XXVn sing at some (diarlty affair they're .^nm the Sanctuary,” will be an his­ school and I can’t find It.’ But Barney, looking down at Pat, giving at a private home. You can torical one. The evening service of let him yeU. inspiration will be prophetic of the , - . . . thought she seemed more like see how famous your sister is A Mother’s Resolution an angel than ever, her hafr gleam­ gettin g.” .futwe of the church, and the ser­ , “Betty will leave books and ...... i ■V ing like an aureole of gold, her He added wearily, ‘T told her mon by the Rev. Dr. Rockwell Har­ cushions and caramel papers all mon Potter will be addressed to that blue eyes shining, her Ups curved. Joan would come. Naturally it over the place, and Mack will be VOV can be a tsilored lady, too, fashioned with crepe, faille, or sheer IRibJect. First Oongregatloiial Church of Andover will be good publicity.” late for his supper. woolen. Distinctive and easy to develop, this number is designed “I’m trying to decide,” he an­ An enlarged choir under the direc- swered. “But, angel or devil, : Pat plunged into toe most in­ “Each and every one of the fam­ In six sixes— 34, 36, 38, 40, 4* and 44. Size 38 requires 3»4 yards of tldn of N. B. Gatchell has prepared don’t rke to, see you running tense activity. She revised her to be armed with a long staff, and came to the ministry after many ily is going to do a dozen things 54-lnch material, plus \ yards of 1% inch bias binding to finish the . several anthems, notably “God is a 6 around with Vance Nicholas. Are filing system which included a Spirit,” by Bennett, and “Praise Ye his special task was to control the years in Sunday school work and he or she will have to be reprpved deck, cuffs and yoke seaips. painstaking study of tfle old cards boys whose habit it was to sit in religious education in Ohio, Michi­ for, reminded of, helped with, but you planning to marry that dumb­ Father,” by Goimod. The chorus To secure a pattern and simple sewing chart of this model, tear out and substitution of many new ones. the balcony and expectorate upon gan and other western states ' I’m going to let it go." b e ll?” -will be assisted by two soloists. Miss this sketch and mail it to Julia Boyd,. 103 Park Avenue, New York, "Why, we’re practicaUy mar­ She rearranged pictures and in­ Frances Bingham Cole of Washing- the heads below. well as in Connecticut. Much to his Yes, they will expect all these dulged in a grand housecleaning credit is the increasing roll of mem­ things as a regular part of the pic­ N. Y., together with Ifr cents in coin. Be sime to enclose, on a sepa* ried,” said Pat impishly. “All we ten, D. C., a teacher nt the Hartford FIRST MEETING HOUSE rate sheet of paper, your name, full address, your size, the number of need ia a Uttle time to get the that left no time for toe gay ban­ Sdtool of Music, and Miss Adeline BUILT IN Y E A R 1747 bers in the local church. A mem­ ture. A few threats thrown In, ter and com panionable telW* with bership grai^ by decades through perhaps, too, about our running this pattern (No. 8697X), and mention the name of this newspaper. Ucense, a preakher and a wedding Hoff of Hartford and South Coven- The year 1747 marked the forma­ Barney that bad been such happy the past century indicates that the off, or even wishing we were dead. rin g !” t i f , well known as a singer in tion of the Andover Society “in the Address your envelope to JuUa Boyd, Maochester Herald Fashion interludes heretofore. past 10 years have seen the great­ Also predictions a^ut their never She moved behind the desk as Hartford churches and over a local Colony of Connecticut,” a peurish Bureau, 108 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. she spoke. Barney came nearer. It was not easy to avoid Bar­ broadcasting station. est growth. Dxiring the period amounting to a hill of beans and ney's dark, unhappy gaze, and centering about a small village 1850-60 the membership fell to Its “When you*talk like that It burns " Edifice Century Old their general uselessness to us or to avoid reference to . the question then a part of both Coventry and low of about thirty persona. At to anyone else. me up,” he said hearsay. “When Although the church in Andover Hebron. Land for the first meeting that was a throbbing issue be­ present the total stands at eighty Perhaps not all this, but it is an you talk like that I want to box was founded in 1747, the present house was donated by ^ Aaron ( tween them. There had been only three. unusual house that gets through your ears. Pat,* I want— ' meeting house was erected in 1833. Phelps who set as?de, shortly after one time when vigilance, tot close its day without much vocal dem­ JjISTER Pat began breathlessly, afraid of The congregaticHi invites all visitors 1730, land for a church and a road guard, had been relaxed 'That was onstration on our part. Maybe we Daily Health the sto’Tn she had evoked “I can’t to share with them at these serviced to the Coventry line near his home, on afternoon when It rained and only harangue'about umbrellas or see why you have it In for Vance, the memories of the past hundred now the residence of Lewis W. Pat had come outside to find years. Much historical material has PUBUC IMPROVEMENTS overshcies or clean ears and hands. He isn’t especially brilUant but Phelps. Aaron Phelps has direct Rarney waiting for her. been gathered and will be presented Maybe we express our views about Service MARY'S that might be-a point ii his favor. descendants in Cleveland, Ohio, “I’ll drive you home,” he said by a series of speakers during the MERIT FEDERAL LOANS the girl friend, or the terrible Why shouldn’t I marry him if I gruffly. who own the property now occu­ want to? He 'las everything— afternoon service. George S. Nel­ butter the grocer sent. GUARD YOUR EYES WELL pied by the Stratton family and family, money, a town house, a “But, Barney, you don’t need to. son will discuss the early records of ■Views can be terribly tiring, TO PREVENT CATARACT I was plamfing to take a taxi.” known as the Gurley Phelps place. (»untry place. What more could the church in relation to its Ecclesi­ even to oiu*selves. “Don’t be a fool, Pat,” Barney astical Society: Mrs. Ruth White Aftei mudi labor, the devout State Advigory Board Says Mn- With oxu- fingers crossed we get I w an t?” ■ citizens of the Society erected a Graylab Him Covering Lens In Later said shortly. He reached over and Benton will speak on the general nicipalities Derelict If They up next morning. As we expected. Years Found to Rerat from Body She stopped then, finding it im­ history of the church, and Deacon small frame church with tiny win­ YEAST BREAD IS EASILY' possible* to go on. pulled her light coat closer about Fail to Relieve Unemploy­ Bill has lost his cap. When we Dnstnrbanoes as Well as Detective her throat. “Cjan’t have' you tak­ Herbert A. Thompson will tell of dow frames and a high pulpit MADE THIS WAY “ A ll right, if you feel Uke that don’t rush about and Jaw and fin­ ITslon ing another cold,” be said. the financial history of the Ecclesi­ resudied by winding steps and sur­ ment. ally clap it on his head, Bill gets about It,” Barney said grimly. They turned on Riverside Drive, astical Society. Deacon'Charles L. mounted by a gfigantic shell or By IMSTEB MARY Pat’s cool^ defen lye_ little spiu* imeasy. What! Mom not rushing By DOCrrbB MORRIS FISHBEEN 8 Barney explaining tb«t be needed Wright will welcome the guests and soundlng-boEurd. All persons in the to his aid? What’s wrong? In Breads made light by the use of bioke. Harney, nuaalnkvno change Any city, county or community in Editor, Journal o1^ A m eiican a Uttle air and a short drive would messages will be heard from the community were required to pay a spite of himself he starts to think. in her expression, saId,^"Pat, what Medlcud Association, and of Hygeia, yeast are on the whole more satis­ be good for her too. He said she ' pastors of nearty churches and rep­ special tax. for this construction. Coimecticut that needs a public “Gosh! I guess she’s kin<^ of dis- are you reaUy like—I mean the the Health M^paalne factory than the so-called quick had been spending too much time resentatives of Connecticut religious The land now belongs to the Bing­ building or a public improvement of gustod. Well, I’ll have to try to real y o u ? ” oiganizations. ham family and lies about ohe- breads leavened by baking powder in toe office lately. any description^ should take proper remember better and depend more I f 3TOU happen to be troubled with and soda. And while the average He teached out tor her, drew h^r In addition R ev. Wallsu^e 1. eighth of a mile to the south of the on myself.” Barney was in a black mood. steps to apply for Federal assist­ red eyelids, "defective rtslon, unex­ home-maker seems to feel that close in his arms and pressed bis Pat began filling in toe blank Woodin, present pastor, will relate present grammar school on Hebron Effect of Sflence ance. Approximately half of the plainable headaches which develop yeast breads are. more trouble to lips against- ners in a long, hungry pauses in toe conversatiem with Interesting and humorous incidents avenue. Rev. Dr. Eamuel Lockwood, Betty does her stuff with the 33,300,000,000 made available by the during the day, or drowsiness from make, this is a mistake, because the kiss. Pat kissed him back wUflly." descriptions of Memphis, such of the past century, his purpose be- 1749-91, was its first pastor, and National Recovery Act is still avail­ pillows and caramel papers. She reading or doing close work, consult “Oh, Barney, Barney!” process is neither hard nor tedious. boastful descriptions to at Batney . htg to stimulate wholesome respect the length of his term refiects the able. fuUy expects to be called to ac­ a physician who has specialized in “ D arlin g!” fdr the continuing devotion of When enomy is an object, you was stirred into rejoinders. hardihood and vigor of those who Where there is the combinatiem of count for it. It has never occurred diseases of the eye as soon qs pos­ Andover churchmen to their task. can effe other home nearby of gracious whiskey and cider. It is regrettable doles;' and doles result in on public in g ? ” years, although it occutts occasion­ ing it noisily behind him. Mrs. Smith entered the choir in that the original winejows were re­ tains the gas which develops ia the southern slmpllclt>, and toe Cron- benefit, nor do they create apy She gets things straight and ally in Individuals of 40 or 50 years Next morning Barney put his 1660, entrance being granted by moved In 1865 and replaced by the bread dough better than pastry flour by home, set in its owq woodland. healthy circulation of money. goes out to gaze at this queer Qt age. ’There are a few cases, plco, head in the office and said abrupt­ her father, Mr. Chadwick, then the present stained glass. The doors made from winter wheat. “Well you haven’t General The first step toward niairing; ap­ silent creature who has sent her to of so-cailed(Juvenil6 cataracts, fcomd ly, ‘T want a little conversation director. Her record of nearly three were removed from the pews at the in children. Bread Grant’s tomb In Memphis at any plication for a NRA loan or grant thinking. , with you, Pat. Get yoUr hat.” * quarters of a century of continuous same time. Aside from these alter­ 'Two cups scalded milk, 1 table­ rate ” Baruey said with a gesture is to determine upon the most nec­ Even Mack thinks the sky has Bad teeth, infected tonsils,dlgez- ’They drove to a small eat^ service is not matched by many ations, however, the building stands tlve disturbances, and other consti­ spoon butW, tablespoon lard, toward toe Imposing bulk they essary or most desirable type of lost its props. 1 1 place, a cheap restaurant wbm persons. Her attendance is r gular, today practically els it did in 1833. tutional disorders also may be as­ tahlespoion salt, tablespoons sugar, were nearing, project that could be placed under By evening Dad notices n cer­ 2 hungry people gathered and went although she lives over a mile from It is said to resemble the church in way. The Federal Emergency Rubllc tain quiet peace about the housS. sociated with formation of cata­ 2 cakes coniprossed yeast, 1-4 cup “But we have General Forrest’s the ch’orch, and her punctuality is Enfield with its simple design And racts. If these coDdltlibnz are about toe business of satisi^ng statute,” Pat flashed bsckl "You Works Administration looks, w l^ EveryljoJy seems different. Happy, lukewarm water, 6 cups bread flour. their hunger, with no ourlosl^ a model for other members of the plain ornamentation. Leonard Hen- greatest favor upon such projects byt more responsible. brought early under ccmtrol, how­ Put buttor, lard, sugar and salt should oee it when it’s coysred with choir. Today at the age of eighty- dee gave the Society a lot on whlrs’ snow !” which are not only useful and self- He, man-like, i^ l never guess into large mixing bowl. Add scalded affairs. three she appears buoyant in spirit to build the present church. He was supporting but which, at-the same that we have used our gteeA eat venting tbe oatgract. milk and coal, to lukewarm tempera­ Barney laughed and turnsfl to and in excellent health. In addition an ancestor of Leslie C. Standish, Pat and Barney Mt far back in look at her. Tbe sober eyes, the time, will provide a maximum of weapon—silence, the golden scep­ ture. In the meantima soften yeast toe big room and moved the bMon to her remarkable record as a Edwin H. (^ k and the late Leon­ imemployment relief. ter. , You need not fear, however, that cakes in water which has been, boil­ droop to her Ups, belled the ga y you are doomed to blindness if you and eggs on their platec ia a pre­ chorister, Mrs. Smith holdc. the ard Hendee' Porter. ’The building A preliminary plan, or survey, Of (X>urse, it can not be forever ed and copied to lukewarm temperk- note in her voice and drove him develop a cataract. With proper tense of eating, gazing desperately, fsnulne distinction of being the old­ m%ht never have materialized sufficient to incUcate tbe cost of the effectual, but once tried, we learn ture, ‘adding teaspoon sugar to to sudden recklessness. His arm est member of the church. On medical attention, most of your 1 unhappily into each otoer’a eyes. without the untiring efforts of the formal application, Instructiomi for a lesson that reaches far * beyond water. When milk is lukewarm, add went about her. "I’m only bunutot'' count her score is sixty-three years. Rev. Alpha Miller, pastor from the day. Too many words are lost sight can be saved. “You need a shave,” said Pat. Barney said. "I want toe womta making applications and regulations dissolved yeast cakefs. Add 8 cups "You look terrible!” Many honors are due this person 1826 to 1852. In a sen«e, then, it govenfing all phases of public works power. A few well-chosen ones ’The lens o f ths ays Is a- crystal­ lov e!” flour and beat until smooth. Add “CJouIdn’t sleep. Couldn’t shave. who has devoted so much of her is a monument to his long ministry financing may be obtained from the MEANT are infinitely more potent. line substance whioh permits light ’We’ve got to g o through with to enter. Its purpose Iz to focus two more cups flour, cutting it In I kept thinking about you. Think­ life to the cause of the church in of twenty-three years. Connecticut State Adviso^ ^ard, it,”Pat said “I can’t marry you. light on the tissue called the retina, with a knife until thoroughly mix­ ing about .os, Pat. I can’t go her communitv. DARTMOUTH’S FOUNDER NRA, Bridgeport, Cmmectlcut. Ap­ Barney.” Through the kindness of old An­ back In tbe eye. The rethia Is re­ ed. Add remaining flour slowly, through with it.” Barney was sud­ VISITOR AT CHURCH plicants should also request a using Just enough to make the "You don’t really lovs me then." dover families, a number of letters lated to the nervous ^ritem In such denly a very grim, very determined "You’d bate me some day if w« The first pastot of the church In specimen of implication which s^w s way that it gives vlbkm^' dough of such consistency that it and records not found in the church young man. , ^ hurt Joan Uke th a t” Andover was the Rev. Dr. Samuel the form in which applioations are ©LO RIFYINe ’This lens, which normally Is clear can be kneaded without stlcklrg to books have been uncovered for this most acceptable in Waebthgton. “Barney,” said Pat in a fright­ Late%hat night Joan was awak* Lockwood whose long ministry, like glass, becomes - clouded and the boar(L Kpeath apd-springy. things.” Dsep, tearing sobs. the tryiM period of the Revolu­ connection with the filing of appli­ Y o u r s e l f forms. ’This graylsbness la reflected during the 1860’s, the Ecclesiastical cations. Put into an oiled mixing bowl, “I can’t marry Joan," (To Be Oontfmied) tionary war. A friend of Dr. Lock- in tbe pupil of the eye, and the per­ cover with ,a. clean cloth a ^ litfge said, quietly “It would be a boi Bodety saw fit to designate Major wood, and frequent visitor in bis liewls Porter the leader. In the ab- son with a oataraot sees eVetytolng plate. Put IP a warm place and lehve ble thing to do. I can’t do it, lov­ church, was the Rev, Dr. Eleazer A B ew H irt dimly and with a clouded outline. sisnee of the Major, Henry Daggett it until it is double in bulk. It will ing you toe way I love you. Pm Wheelock of Columbia who founded The exact causes of cataract are to teU her.” was directed to take the lead. If Dartmouth College as an Indian take about ona hour. ’Then cut WAPPIN6 Deaths Last Night — not known, although some of toe through tad. through with a casa y, listen to mel" said Pat. say bass viol were to be used, it school at Columbia Green and later cases have been relatod 'to various should be that belonging to the removed to Hanover in New Hamp­ little odd beauty hints are eome- knife aad-'knead into a smooth ball. "You can’t do. that to Joan,, ta * About twaaty-flva pariona dlsturbancss. People who .live in m;istn’t be hurt ugaln. I couldn’t dety tad should be played by the shire. New Yorkr—Traey i^de Barrlai imes helpful.' If you haven’t time tbe troipcs get cataracts ' a little Let rise aggln to double Its bulk. the Federated oburob la Was shme Henry Daggett Similar Other early pastors, include Royall to map out a routine for yourself, Make into two loavea and let these bear it." motored to Broad Brook ’Tbv 69, lawyer aad aa outstandlxu: at! earlier than 0o those In the tem­ "A g a h T " apedfleations were laid down for Taylor, 1792-1817, Augustus B. Col­ lete at Princeton Univerelty la b lerbaps you will like to try some of perate rcflODs. rise in a warpi place until double evening to attend the m eetltf tSte violin and the drum. Major lins, 1818-1827 and Alpha MlUer, youth. heee tlme-eavers. in bulk. Bake in a hot oven for 15 "You see she oared for someme tbe Hartford Beat Aaaoolation og Porter’s leadership apparently de­ 1826-1852, during whose pastorate Louisville, K y.—Dr. B. Bentley A macbinelees permanent wave Sometimes a oataraot sshms to be minutea. nien reduca beat and bake else once, Barney. And he—well, Congragatlonal ohurobaa. pended upon his ability as a flutist, the present meeting bou^e was con­ Cox, 81, a nephew of Gov. John O. eaves a lot of time. Tbe pads be­ associated with infsdtiop Slsswbere In a modante oven for 45 minutes. nothing came of it.” was sarvad by tha ladlaa for all instruments and the voices structed. In addition mention Pollard of Virginia. gin to get hot the minute they in tbe bofSy. Sbmetimas if sosms to Waiaob Tenaperatiire "He didn’t walk out on JoaB?*’ Ooagragatlonal churob tbararl themselves were “to be tuned to should be made of Gilbert A. Curtis CJhlOago—Lewie B. forlnger, 66, 4>ucb your h ito and aa soon as be aocompanlsd by disturbapoos of Tbe tstoperature of the dough Barney began indignantly. His ex­ lowad by a sarvloe la tha aud ^ Major Porter’s flute." The flute ap- and Oliver Brown. The latter's son former member of the ilUnoie Legis­ they reach toe right 'degree of toe olroulaticm of toe Mood ip the during .liinng should be carefufiy pression w u unbellevlnf.« room. ’17m Young Paopla'a eholc paars to have been displayed in married the daughter of the late lature and state superintendent of lieat, they start to cdol. By ths tissue of toe eye, DiC^lties ip watched. Bataiesn 75 and 80 degrees ’7t was Just that she was so sure Manobastar’a (Jantar oburoh and 1S62 by a melodion purchased by Edward K. Post. Rev. B. W. Mer­ forestry. lime toe last pad Is put on, ths nutrition, suoh as sip i p p ^ i s p t F. should be nialntalned throughout hnd so happy. Aad then ha stof tha Bast Hartford dhurob snag. 19m Sodety and ‘introduced iflto ritt was the father of L. J. Merritt San Pedro, CaL—Robert Sheldon flrst onsf art ready to be removed. amoupt of tot vitapaipp, piay be as- tbe whole process. coming because he fell for another Bmory Strong of Bifltoa oala- the choir of vdoes, Mr, Henry Dag­ of Andover, and grandfather of B. Parker, 78, formerly a Judge of tbe ’TMs is a grand Idea for an hi- soolatsd with formptiop .'of bati^raot. After itlie dough has risen tbe girl." bratsd bis savaaty-flftH; WfBiday gett being invited to play thereon." W. and George A. Merritt. Sixth Circuit Bench of toe Ohio valld or one who can’t gat out to It must bs boms Ip fiPad, kow- first ttBM to double Its bulk It can "Another girl ohlsslsd in," wa king from his boina to Wap- More Recent Pastors. Viol In River Courts of Appsals. beauty shop, ’Tbs operator o«b sver. that po ps of tbass o^ tjooi ba "out aad kept ia toe re- nsy spo'ce slowly, whsra ta spant a tow days at Of more recent date are the fol­ dow n" One of thi mysteries of Andover Olsndals. Cal.-.Mrs. Blalas To­ n;lng the pads and tos rods rliht has besD sstpbUsluld ps a trps apd frlgeratop tor a du or longsr. Rs- '^'Just exactly tbs SMta'* M id boma of Mr. aad ,Un. Waltar hhureb history lies in the discovery lowing. John J. Lockett, pastor maso Frledrioh, wife of Strangler to tos bedside, whems It would spsclflo at pa^a^, but Pat "Bzospt that they im M 't f . Vavari. during the years immediately be­ m ea ^ tog t it wUl take tos ebllled 4mm morning during the Civil War Lewis, tos wrestlsr, whoss rsal nanas )s far too anponslvo to brlnf a rather that ill m m to ^ rtfatsd to dough l^Dlger to rlee % hen mpde in­ ggf60 Uks you aad Joan, Ik vWouM Tba taaobari of tVa Wa fore ue World War, later became tbs oataraot to otosr luftapooi Of ntUlon tim es ef the above-mentioned bass ylol Is Robert Herman Frladrloh, larga maohlno Ip^ a prlvato homa to iphyiflt 6How ebout two hours 6 A a d T n adbool wlU fly a a pastor of a church In Oreei^eld, for ono wavo. op bar sister.” floating on the m ir itc t o t the Hop New York—Charlei r. Abbott 57, toors oaay baVs'bsaa Qoar' for this, ifptof before bakiaf. tba aobMl ban I I 'fl flUver somewhere bdow the present Massachusetts. Harry B. Ooodsell, executive dlreotor of toe AmeHean With Chrlstmaa not ao fan away* stralp over lopg periods SaJiBfyay waa aaalBg tUaM;blata* win ba a Kanow«*a paper mill. The facts of this Ind- now retired la Brldgi^rt at aa ad- Institute of Steel Ooastrflotlon, aa»1 you might kaop that thought « ZP ap sarHsr day, tos IF ; la tha light m lB u. mow aia to eoma la do Oim are shrouded by time and the vaaced w ,'le afflicted with bllad- an unofflolal advisar to Presidents mind. Mayba soma fMrovlto Mind a oataraot wtoob m kagwMga. Things fM into 1 aktats bo p.'iaaa f n tba lattoeo'ie of local persons, descend- ueM. Q. Wyaae WlUlami, who CooUdfs sad Hooi^r on stesi pitob- of yours is in'and can't a ttanr ipaturt add rips toUl iittad. whola piktk# bfodiioaMat eoatdi Spts of the dd-time choristers, to married Elsie, duigbter of Mr, aad it. A p idaal f l i t fo e her thara. Jou’a aadnaaa, tligi Mre. Ward B. Tatoot, ia aoF a pro- a good oitobaa SSMal things which should never Nsw Torkr^Dr, John H. Olrdasr. a waeV««P& M bar dsvslopsd to, •y- ahour quality la bar yelM>i V w lo wtnba pa taken from the family "doset," feeaor of psyobology at tbe tfnl- PrM iSiotjSKs in opam tor t q u q n ^ ' w ith , too opsratton for ity that bad atttta# I ta t versity of Rodbester. He reoahred siaapls spd are loth to regard the hlnaisis wpi^a aocm orlas, SO ft ‘ ^ bis dootor'a degree at tha Vblvarsity to offer tks n genaratian in other than a Y ou atay'fi w kotip ' to bla ‘ ...... aad has aught at Tala ■uMiit tiniA to w SM fy light but th« UBooTorlBf o t ia Kf«r flMfeB., Blaisr ba bad Mfftttt rwolutloBs of the pastor of tbs elmroh la ttbll MMgr, pMMd la 2801. Hotommm§, MiMWMbus^ts. ' Dr. iS S m r tHWiwti that t e j i h «T i tlWBivt Cook did fTiflkhta, miiiai a t OgrtOfd HI ^ tmd M r iu p f mm U , Bad w bs Mwgrthd the m' taiMnfeff fla t t m u l i t y 6 NadtetlM Hartford Tboatofi-

•if “ — , Ly.,: I'-i; ,\ V ^ . I,Ik''; >9 \ ' ‘ * ' ■•'.'■■•:'•*'■A , ■ , - ■ • " .‘ . ■ '*■ '■'■•• '■i.*«;» ‘ * ■ • ■ ■■' ' ■'-’ ■' V-^’^ " r t - v .' . ■ • • • , • ■,J--'^' •' A ‘ '^' ■ W'l’V-

M ^vem egrm twiam wigiutP, m a m o b e w b k . o e M W , s a t p r p a t , o C T O W M « i ______Downs rv.'j ML-BURNSIDES HERE AGAIN; local Rec Boaters Meet BRISTOL MUST BEAT WEST SIDES MEET TRIANGLES Chance-Vought Tomorrow TO SHARE HONORS OF r- 'The Manchester Rec Soccw team^M a wUl' sntartata the caiance Vought Wetorbury Portuguese State cw LEAOtlE BB8X7I/n M«v«i at Caiarter Oak street to­ game It is scheduled to start 1 ;lo morrow at 3:00 p. m. in a Northern p. m. Players will meet at the D ofnt of Qiaoips WooU G N Rme. As this game is played Bristol ...... 8 0 1 10 — Locals Have Added Last Minnte; Muddy Field a Handicap E. Hartford ...... 2 3 0 S Kickoff at 2 p. m. Meriden ...... < . l 2 0 8 Strength to Linenp. W. Hartford ..... 0 8 0 ff Teams March Steadily To­ Middletown ...... 0 8 9 i t M. H. S. HARRIERS LOSE A recovered fumble that staved off a savage onslaught in Johnny Kravunka took to his the last few minutes of play, after West Hartford h ^ Man­ strengthened by tiie addition ol a ward Clknatic Battles of backfleld duties like a duck takes chester’s advantage from 19-)6 to 19-18, brought the Red and materiaiixed, would mosthkeiy number of players, the Eagles of TO HARTFORD BY 27-29 through ^ « at th, the North End are prepared to wage Next Month; Glamorons|«^^i^jjno2h^ 53'““ gridij^n warfare on the All-Bum- the West Side football team Hartford yesterday afternoon by a s c ^ et 26^to 1 ^ By "^ r^ e ^ fiy^ y*rd penalty partly solved for the gsme toiwr o f its triumph, Manchester closed its Central Connecticut Inter- yj# heart out of toe teagL sidee at Hickey’s Grove tomorrow Program Slated Today. row afternoon at Mt. Nebo. Kra- scholastic League season undefeated and took undiaputM ^ Bob smith inten^^ stewstf'a afternoon at 2:80 o’clock, a vimka will face the New Britain Clo^ Finish Marks Race 6e- FINE RECORD MADE r a c in g ^ that turned back the local eleven by Triangles as his first time out and ,e..ioh of flr.t tor . few the 46 before being stopped. a score of 18-0 in the season’s open- ^lew^York, Oct. 38.—(AP) according to reports this team is Hveen Old Rivals; March exi>ected to share the honors by nightfall unless Menden pulls A Perfect Play. er. Marching steadily toward the cli­ fast, Sifty and aggressive. The BY M. H. S. MENTOR an upset this afternoon and humblei the Bell City eleven. Three minutes remained to Records To Date game will sUrt at 2 o’clock sharp. when Bob Smith kicked over three matic battles .of November, the Rowe Save# tile Day. Each team has played The Triangles were sent down to Is thirst to Finish, Packard West Hartford’s fourth touchdown what would have been axkotoer soon. Hartford’s goal. The latter games since the opener and the giants of college f^ tb^ defeat by tht Eagles egrller in toe march was weU \mder way and less Meay spectators thought the ball lost five yards, then Stewart p4 Sl-Bumsides have managed to well to October today in a ^ season but sent word to toe offl- than two minutes remained to play had not touted the ground efter to Campbell for 16 yards and a keep their record free of defeat, al- glamorous secUonal and intersec- dalB of toe West Sides that it was Is Third and Donahne 6th; Tom K d le /t Teams Have when chunky Captain Eddie Rowe being touched the eeoond pli^r down. Paisznore fumbled on though tied twice. They played a 6^ tional contests, a greatly sreatly Improvedimproved team. recovered Passmore’s fitmble and next play, Rowe recovered The program was dominated by but the officlala ruled differently. deadlock with the North Ends of —»• ItedloM Ohaages Bob Smith raced thirty-fiye yards 33 yard line. Bob Smith such spectacles as those piLti^ Never Placed Lower Than Bob Smith punted, West Hartford Bristol, a scoreless tie with the Over confidence last week was Bristol Next for the final tally, in a beautifully made a first down, then punted. center of toe line, veered off to, Middletown Falcons and then edged Southern California against Cali­ toe chief obstacle of toe West Sides executed play that was featured by left and swept down toe ■ fornia, Yale against Army, Ford- Chucky Smith received but slipped the States Pr^on team at Wethers­ and Coach Jack Dwyer took this Third in League. toe perfect blocklDf of Ray Moner, and fdl OB hie five yard line. H. Manchester’s forward wall blc ham against Alabama, Mlnnesote out of tofc squad in no uncertato Manchester High’s cross country perfectly, taking out the Weet field, 7-6. . . Notre Chucky Smith and Leo Johnson, as Smith kicked again. Nlohola brought The Eagles on the other hand, against Iowa, Pitt against terms during the past week. Radi­ t^TP lost its first meet of the eea- well as fine werk by tbe forward toe ball to Manohester’s 80, a 16 ford line with olooklike have gained on^ one victory, t^ t Dame and Penn against N a^ cal changes in the lineup have tak wall. yard penalty setting West Hartford The eecondmy swooped At Berkeley, Cal., California’s son yesterday afternoon, but in so During the sight years that he over toe Newt Britain Triafiglea, •n place and Friday evening’s ses­ Threats Are Nuxneroiis. back to the 40. halt Smith but Mosser. Golden Bears hoped to hang up Ito doing the Red and White harrtero has guided toe foptbaU destiny of fti^. The locals ployed a scoreless sion saw Happeny at quarter, An- were defeated by Hartford High by Another West Hsrtlord touch­ Smith and Johnson were on wlto th«r^-PUinvllles and took first victory since 1929 over South-1 *t"fvUl, ^tkoskl and Kravim- Manchester High school Coach Four Firsts in Row. 1 only two points, the closest flnlM down threat that faileo took place Cary punted to Manchester’s 10 Three wovdd-be W|st ] it on the chin from the New Britain em California. Yale Md Am^ w «e the halfback posts, that has ever marked this event be­ Thomas F. Kelley has compUed an a few minutes earlier, when ’Tracy tacklere went down and the ll on me I____prepared>. .tnhborB for a stubbornduel be- 1 duel be- V— yard strips, Chucky Smith making was hopelessly eutdlstanoed Tigers, 6-0. However, Coach “Ding* Tryon has been shifted to guard, tween the two schools. Hartford envious record that stands as a fine recovered Mozzer’l fumble on Man­ a Bine yard runbaJi ^ the kick. Farr and Manager Eddie Dwyer tweSh undefeated eleven at New Zalonis to tackle and Johnson was state champion last year and tribute to bis ooaohlag skill and chester w 42 yard line. ’Than Bob , Smith sped across the last lu m . Moiner ilppad off five yardi wKS and MoMer’s^rop kick was blockeA„^ have been working to Increase the Hhvefi. ^ ^ at end. 'That places three hard ^ four members of that team ran yes- ability to develop teams that place '^'vith.'uierceptec Stewart's pass Chucky made it first down. A d f m ting aggresMVe linemen rlnt tarday, being defeated by BUly among the leaders year in and year, to pave the way for a dedslve local the whistle sounded. streagto and po^r Bob Smith skirted right end for an The two Smlthi, Mosser, Judd SO confident are th » that to v The Fordham-Alabama totwrs^ where they can do the most gooA M u^. local aoe, who swept to vic­ out. Under his regime a Manches­ v.c.ury. Wes'. Hartford began other first down, Moner added an­ succeeded In so doing that they Uonal test at New York brought to­ Ray Brown looked good enough at tory in the fast time of 16:60. ter HlgL grid team has never fin­ serious marches on twro other occa* and Johnson all featvired f » Mai> ished lower than third place in the other througtt center and Judd and oheetor, whUe Rautenberg, Eoab^iA booked toe AU-Burnridw for a n gether another pair of undefeated oentur' to be able to relieve Iron Muroh traUed Boucher and sions, a fumble ttoppieg toe first Mozzer gained another to place tl^e tom battle on the beUef that the elevens in what looked like the Mao Anderson for at least part of Heints of Hartford through moat of Central Connectomt Interecholastic and a penalty tbe second. Man­ Mlstretta and Rowe were outeti^f- ball on West Hartford’s 80 yafo tng on the line. Stewart and BM* tahiee will be turned when toe final closest sort of a match. The Big the game. ^ the raoe over a two and nine-tenths l-s*g'iS' : ■ J chester’s lone threat, aside from the mark as toe period ended. Ten hopes of Iowa and Minnosota Haraburta will alternate with mile course In Keeney Park, in a Back in 1828, Manoheater High four touchdowns scored, ended with more were toe shininf llghtS'i ^riilstle blows tomorrow. suffered the moet disastrous foot­ Moaeer Goes Over. Weet Hartford, with Crowley, Sign Eagleeon hung In the balance at Minneapolis Happsny at quarter, Howard drissling rain, but pulled into toe an Intercepted peun. When toe second period opened, while the past history of the sensa­ Brown and Lucas will be the alter­ lead with a half mile to go and ball season in its history, losing Manchester tallied eleven first son and Bennett starring on toe William “Pop” Eagleson is toe o t its nizitt gam6B. But thEt wiui b#* Mozzer crashed into center and l&tost addition to tho local SQuad tional rivalries of Wtt and Notre nates for the rest of the backfield. held his place to the finish. Packard downs to nine for Weet Hartford. through for a touchdown, .missing Summary: Dame on the one hand and Penn and It might be possible that Chet of Manchester finished third and fore the popular High School mentor Tbe latter suffered the only major lineups: Manchester, Rwtgfi* and will be in toe lineup tomoijow took over the reins, which hs did the extra point on a line plunge. berg, Robinson; It, MistrettA Broitej “Pop” la well known to grid fans, Navy on the other conspired to Sendrowski wlD be able to play Donahue was sixth. penalty of the game. Manchester Stewart ran back Messer’s kickoff shadow the fact that all four pre­ within the next two weeks. He is In the meet between the seconds, the foUowing year. In 1926, the *tried eight passes, three of which le, Robinson, Comber; c, BCab^- having played with the North Ends, Red and l^ te finished third to 85 yards to Manchester’s 86 yard viously had been beaten. one of the best punters In town ,and Hartford won by a score of 20 to 85 were completed, two Inlercepted and rg, Rowe; rt, O’Leary, Cubs, All-Manchester and the Red Meriden. The next year the locals line to place West Hartford in a Hutchinson; qb, C. Smith, E. JUM; phsriTig toe Intersectional stage heaves forward passes wrlth . dis­ but again a local runner finished two in' omplete. West Hartford scoring position. On the first play Men A. C. He is without doubt one first, Diana breasting the tape in climbed another notch and closed Ihb, R. Smith, Haraburda; r h b ,^ of the best punters in town. He will were the msetingB between Michi­ tance and accuracy. tried six peusses In all, two of which Nichols worked his way through toe Several new men will report for 18:iW. The score of toe main event the season in second place with were completed, one intercepted and Judd, Johneon, B. Judd; fb, hold down a halfback position, gan State and Syracuse at East Meriden on top. line and into the clear but was XjBnslng, o f' Princeton’s undefeated practice tomorrow morning but the was 27 to 29. Manchester won its three incomplete halted on the eight yard mark by ' The Eagles are making an at ftrst two starts, toe opener against In 1928, Kelle piloted his charges ■West Hartford: le, (Jrowley^^ tempt to get in toiicb with Dixie Tigers and Washington A Lee at oftioials of toe chib were not in­ through an imdefeated and un.tied Four Are Injured. Mistretu, after evading toe safety clined to break up the team play Glastonbury, 15 to 40, and the seo- Nelson; Ig, carroU, Holt; c ,J ^ - Matthews, former star end of the Princeton, and of Georgia and New League sesison that netted Manches­ It was a heottOr bruising encoun­ man. Stewart mademade I It t inchee to CJiark, K u lick f ft, for any individual and Win hold oqd against Middloto'wp, 26 tq>30. ter, in which Majors, and it is said he may play York university at Athens, Qa. 'T&lstol H l^ comes here next. Fri ter the Lieague championship. E «t touchdown was g© and scored soon after, falling to S y d ;’ qb)^ch eS ; / in JDaetert Senffor theee men over until toe next game Hartford captured the title the fol­ scored on an average tomorrow. Tha Begiea^rill when important announcements day. ‘SUh.’.'SJ'.S “ •• SSbS'; ii^; m . tomorrow moiming at 9:30 o clomt In the eastern sector, Harvard lowing year but Manchester was minutes of plAy. Manchester suf' Mosiar Scores Again. Passmore; fb, WapMh, will be made. The summary; fered heavy casualties, four regu­ Johnson, and all members must be present. and Dartmouth, Holy Cross and Murch, Manchester, 15:50; Bouch tied for second place. In 1930 to* Manohsster began another march Munro. The Eagles havs also added such Browi, Carnegie Tech and Washing­ lars being sent to the sidelines, on the kiokofl that was baited when Score by periods: outstanding talent as Brunlg Moske, ton A Jeff, Columbia and Penn three requiring medical attention. Nichols intercepted a pass on West Manchester ...... 7 12 0 “Luddy” Hansen, "‘Stewie” Wells, State, Colgate and Lafayette, Buck- YALE-ARMY BATTLE Arlton Judd was severely battered Hartford’s 20 yard lint and Pass- West Hartford...... 0 6 6 Tommy Hayes, 'Thompson and "Ab” nell and Temple, Manhattan and about tbe head, Chucky Smith took more punted to midfield, CJhucky Touchdowns: Mozzer, two; 8 Ekigleson. The visiters will be led VUlanova, and Maryland and Wsst- a bad pounding and was on the point coming up to the 40 yard line be­ art, two; Arlton Judd, Bob Sn^; by Ssri Scott, triple threat man ex- Urn Maryland completed toe array TOPS THE LIST OF of exhaustion, Ray Moezer was fore he ■was do'wned. Bob Smith Nichols. Points after traordinary, who was a regular on | of big time gamM, kicked in the face and badly cut on shook loose on an end run but slip­ Mozzer, line plunge. Offiolals, Stanford and Oregon, bidding for tbe Side of the noM «md Biric Rau- ped and went out of bounds on the Parker, referw; Ginsberg, Vermont Academy team and later STATE GRID GAMES tenberg injured his knee. Othlr was chosen on toe All-City team of the Pacific coast title, encountered 29 yard mark. Mosser ploughed Huband, bead linesman. Tima, ig sturdy foes in Washington and U. members of the team suffered an into center for a first down, after four 11 minute periods. . Hartford. Scott has a back injury m assortment of cuts, bruises tmd that may keep him from playing a L. A. respectively. which Johnson got loose on a neat First downs: . . . i, Tulsme and Auburn, Tennessee sprains and all in ell it bore a re', double reverse to less than a yard Manchester ...... *6 6 1 o u the entire game, however. Expect Crowd of 50,000 semblance to a Roman holiday on and Florida, Louisiana State and from the goal line. Johnson bucked West Hartford ....8 1 .1 8 ,.n l%e Lineups a small scale battle. Ih e All-Burnsides Will start the VandellJDt all wire paired in toe the line twice without avail, Mozzer I \ southeastern conference while the at 33rd M e ^ of EEs Rain Soaks Field. was smeared cm the next play, then fiillowiag tineupt consisting o i form' A continuous drizzle soctosd the ■cored on the final attempt John' er high school stars: HuU, le; Sona- rival southern group countered With Virginia Poly and South Carolina, clay gridiron before the game began son missed the pass, from center dieSi It; Bsngston, Ig; Piccolo, o{ and Cadets Wesleyaa Is and the advisability of calling off due to a slippery bail, on toe try iBEAfY TO li TAKEK Matura, rg; Hellstrom, rt; Crockett, and Vlrglnii and Virginia Military. Arkansas and Scuthere Methodist toe______contest was___ discussed._____ At ; for toe extra point A short time re; Oeci, qb: Favle, Ihb; Scott, rhb; midfield was a large pool of water later the period ended With the ball D’Addwio, fb. were rivals In a crucled engagement Pitted Agaiost AohorsL ■ N B R n C G A i ! of the Southwest conference pro­ that had its coimterpart at one end | in play at midfield. The E a^es wUl start: P. Vince, of the field. A tiw minutes of Bally After Half. le; Oeafciy, It; Wells, Ig; Cleavage, gram. play and the water-logged grouild It was Manchester all the #ay in Utah expected to conUftue its, By Associated Proes c; KraiMtitis, rg; Mitchell, rt; Rowe, The full glare of the Assert^ was churned into a quagmire. The that first'half. Despite toe hsavl- re; Hayas, Ihb: Moske, rhb; Blaga, Rocky Mountain oonferMoa march players were covered with mud ness of Its line, West Hartford was at the expense of Utah Sftate. football spotiight turned cm 0 6 n - Four E H. S. M iyeri fir* fb; Hafisen, qb. neoticut today as .Army m arked from head to foot and it was ex- unable to halt the Red and White Into toe bowl for its game with tremely difficult to handle the ball I ruaniixg attack. The local fonrard Yale. without mishap. Many spills and wall played heads up fMtbau ^ d jared i BALDWINS TO OPPOSE . • The gray-cappeif cadet corps— many fumbles resulted. With good I tore ^enw of holes m the oppouM bow ling the rivaliy of the Bull Dog aM tto Billy Mumh Tom Kallay weatoer Manchester would prob- eleven. Ofl the defeBsl'Ve the lo v ­ ably have had an overwhelming Ham Hall, line had little to offer but DANIEI60N GRIDDERS Mule—the clash of two undefsa^ locals finished eeoond to Bristol Battle. CHARTER OAH GIRLS WIN and untied teams—a crowd esti­ er, Hartford, 16.63; Packard, Man- edge but the situation worked out | it was a different etory on toe At* (diester, 15:53; Heintz, Hartford, and performed a similar feat in offensive, as was proven in toe sec­ mated at; upward of fif^ theu- .931, Lost year Manchester fin- well for West Hartford’s slow at­ Manchester High*a grueillag ■nie Charter Oak Giria defeated The SiKwta A. C. Wia )m m i« to 15:59; P*rry, Hartford. 18r00; Don­ tack, While It wrought havoc with saxid*^ shed third. ond half. ^ _ tory over W est Hartford yeatai the Sebaefef Girls of Hartford last Danielson tomorrow afternoon with . All this mads the 8ltd anii^ ohue, Manchester, 16:05; Furey, the local eleven. Fifty Yard Bad Ran. night by 176 pins wlthja grand total Hartford, 16:08; Leary, Manchester, Molde a Winner Moaser’a kickoff hit a West Hart­ afternoon, a victory that assMW intentions to defeat the team that Tneeti»^g of Yale and toe .United Score on Four Plays, toe Red and White of a Sharotl« of i ,6M. AU toe local hit for leld the West Sides to a ecoteiesa 16J35)6!80) Msyers, Meyers, Hartford. ^ 16:26 Then It was necessary for Kelley Manchester started like a whirl­ ford man In the front line defense States Mflitaiy Academy, a top to mold a team from green, un­ toe c. O. L L. championship^’ at 300 or better. Clara Jackmore again tie. game Of ths day and one of the Ipeddlng, Hartford, 16:27; Carpen­ wind, scoring its first touchdown and Nelson was dropped on his 80 was the star of the match with 869 Thb Baldwin’s have held two » w ter, Manchester,^ 16:28; Peckenhaifi, tried material. Nevertheless, Man­ Then Munro, a well least, was not gained without ca most colorful of toe season. when toe game was exactly four yard line. ____ heavy ton of injuries. It was ^ for an average o f 123, and Miss Jen­ practicss and are in top form fM Manchester, 16:29; Charter, Hartford, chester spUt even, winning four and plays old. The secoipd tally came built colored lad, lubWag for Wa- Army, light but resourceful with bsing foiur. But Kelley did not moet bruising gama rf sen of the visitors had high single the game. Although greatly out* a deceptive attack, and Yale, pow­ 18:88; Cuburn, Manchester, 16:41. during the first minute of play in ples, stepped out for the loageet longest Bacond Team Meet build in vain, as he , has de­ tb* looalA four regulars being 41M of 162. ' weighed they have high hopes of erful on the defense Uut with • an toe second quarter, the thira late gain of o f toe tile day, a fifty y yarrf ^ sw ^ i Next week the State League gets bringinlr home ths bacon. Diana. M^chester, 15:59; Oliver, cisively provaa this in the same pmod, after West Hart­ o t right end. He was forced 0 out of action temporarily. offense that has failed to scora, Hartford: AM tino, Hartford; la d - trounced 13-0 by’ a powerful Hart­ Two Are iBxhaaeted underway with two teams from AU players wttl* report at the more ton twlcAin any game, ea^ ford had pushed over Its only score of boundi by Judd on Maacheater’s Brtd«port, one team from New Ha- eUo, Rartfort; Burak, Hartford; ford High maobine In toe opener, Alton Judd received a eevtiM club at 11:45 Sunday moming. toe dubleui distinction of Manchester established iteelf as an of toe hi^. It seemed like a 20 yard line. •ven, Wallingford, Meriden, Middle- B at^ Hartford; Rolfe, Hartford; smashing triumph for the Red and blow on the head late in the town, New Britain, and Manches­ being toe underdog Haefa,-'Manchester; MeCooe, Man- outstandiXAg ■ eleven by taking TWO STAKE RACES ^ d each utidtf a new coaching White but West Hartford came back Then muS**Munro I ter. m oid. stiU ttuslisd ^ to eome soidUctt daitog the\Mf«ia^ race at s&’Sg.sT siw ss's ^ loM tim woriA,^ _ . o t its first victory tht* y s^ tbadM gntifid and bouncedtihto the h a i^ iwtth h toot IS 4hy^ €9 Sfjoqadfied ja^tey chib e ^ fo* the e^- Laurd ^ irk yeetndas^rwai plaa^ 'ts only home gUfis of ths dose to inveitiMtad tod^ ^Plderal ^and o f n w est anew Stakes. ^ ^ ^ tha Hew Jerssy , .'1hut ;p*rk. wWoh FranlM^ - Mata 'MduotMMT' S' ten- S sanliflaiiWfi |R*4 'TSi--?'" !Al}TOMOBlL£S FOR SALE 4 GARAGES—SERVICE^ i981 CHEVROLET SPORT coupe, STORAGE 10 FOR SALI^-^ZAkb, gnltar, tew- FOR SALE—amOLB CAR gang*, ing macfai&e. 85.00 each; oil stove four new tires and battery, very REN T F R ^ .,1 M ONTO.— B^ore low mileage. 1980 Ford sport road­ finished off inside. Apply during 13,00. 43 WoodbrMge street mCHDBGH New Tdkk, Oct * working hours. 18 Woodbrldge 15x45, first dass condlGim, 0 ^ ster, with 6 wheels, top and paint " ) Stocks worked street, Manchester. street, h ^ llfaln, to responsible Bev. very quite early very good, also a trunk rack; 1930 party. C. R Rum. Td. 4161. Chief Gerdon Makes ‘ Interest­ Morning, wosidi^ 10:60. Sermon Chevrolet coach with wire wheels cohols w i n f a i t f y ateedy b l it ; by the minlsttf.'. *1^ .local Girl eased. and good tires; 1929 Chrysler four WANTED TO BUY 58 TO RENT—OFFICES AT 865 Main ing Statement in T bDc BefiH-e BfOTORCYCLES— Scout troops bilqMdid guests. Declines of abmit a point, door sedan, paint, tires and motor WANTED— OLD GLASS goWete, street XOrford Bldg.) Rd^ P y | | [e $ from Eir&rrice Improvement Association. The M u ^ : registered Iqr U. S. Sted, New.^ O. K. 1929 Chevrolet coach. This BICYCLES sauce dishes, tumblers, old salts, ward J. HolL TeL 4 ^ and 8035. Prelude— irrom ChWKdand’s Icy Ceninth DuPentWBd KOlBtyMr] car is in grood shape, at a very low Chief of Police Samuel O, Gordon Moimtalns, Stulk. , HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle. milk glass etc. Write Herald, Box Meo W3I Be Soof^t te cupine. American Tdqdiood IL 8. price; 1929 Nash four door sedan, O. was the q^eaker at the first of the Anthem—durlstiaii, "the Morn Smelting ahd D ^re showedf 'time- No reasonable offer refused. Riley fo very good condition, has had the HOUSES FOR RENT 65 re(|Rimed monthly meetings of the Breaks Sweet^ 0*ar Thee,” Shelley. tional losses. Goodyear, Nattonal ChevKdet Co., Armory Garage, 60 Manchester Inqirovement Associa- best of care; 1929 Chrysler sedan. Raise{1400. Hymn-Anthem — I te ' Thousand Distillers and Consolidated Gas This is the very popular Model 70, Wells street Telephone 6874. FOR RENT—SEVEN room house, tion last nlgUt" . Times Ten Thousand, Dykes. were fairly steady.. , can be bought very reasonable. ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 all improvements, central location, The. ^ e f gave a history of the Poetlude—AUa Marla in D, The dollar dlqdayed reaeoHMxy Riley Chevrolet Co., Armory, 60 rent reasonable. Write Herald Box formatibn of the Pt^ce Department, Hackett ' ' tendencies In early foreign .eai- Wells street. Tel. 6874. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 PLEASANT SOUTH ROOM, heat- S. An intensive campaign^ am<^. .wbieh dates back to 1896. On June The Church School, 9:80. Depart­ change dealings after its rather . ed, tile bath room, >rtth shower. the town’s ex-servloe groups to fe-‘ 16,1898, a petition calfing for a spe­ ments and elttsijtt for all ages. sharp advance c£ yesterday. The 1983 WILLYS SEDAN, 1931 Chev- FOR SALE—CUT FLOWERS such Dial 4545. 14 Spruce street FOR RENT—9 IVX)M HOUSE ^ 8962. mistice Day commlttM hi a meet­ gage the service of three police­ CYP Club, 6:00.-PresidiBnt, Mary vanced toe price of gold 6 cents to Wk BUI, SF.I.L and exchange used N JuW HOTEL SHERIDAN. A home men. away from home. Modem comfort­ TO RENT —SEVERAL desirable ing held last night in the Army and Alice Andrews. Topic: “Tesso and $31.82. London’s price, in terms of cars all makes and modela Armory Manchester having no experienced able rooms, running water or pri­ five, six and seven room bouses, J7avy club. his Lute.” The most musical pic­ dollars, was $30.44. Garage, 60 Weds street. Telephone policemen, arrangements were made MOVING—TRUCKING— vate bath. Special low weekly single and double; also heated The campaign Is to take the form ture ever painted. Speaker, Mrs. Further reports from Washiiigttl6 6874. with the Hartford department to ______STORAGE______M rates. Popular priced restaurant apartments. Apply Edward J. Holl, of a sale of buttons which will be Jennie B. Aborn. that government officials bavs'hii^ Phone 4642 and 8025. distributed by the Memorial com­ furnish three men who were ready N otloee: dertaken a study of toe stodc Lu^>ection InviteA TeL 8673. for regular assignment and Albert SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the mittee among the vatioiis ex-serv­ Tuesday, 7:00—Choir rehearsal. grain exchanges in an effort to ds- Want Ad Information Thomas, Edward Babcock and John Tuesday, 7:00—Troop 3, Boy accommodatioo ot their large Oe- ice organizations In town. An effort termine toe effect of speculation on Watson were sent to Manchester. Scouts. Luxe bus tor lodge, party or team will be made to confine the cam­ free markets was not surprising to Manchester APARTMENTS—FLATS— HAVE EXCELLENT CAST paign to those who served, or theli’ Watson remained one yeeu" and in Tuesday, 7:30—Monthly meetipg Wall street. Some brokers expe^ tripe at special ratea Pbonc 3068. his pliu:e "Al" Hayes was named, Intermediate teachers. Young Peo­ 8860, 8864. TENEMENTS 63 immediate families, but in' the that, notwithstanding toe Evening Herald event that the total receipts,do not being the first Manchester man to ple's room. adoption of more stringent tra NOl'iCE—H ERE IS TOUR chance FOR “ P E fi O’ MY H E A R F become a member of the Police De­ Wednesday, 3:80-^Women’s Fed­ CLASSIFIED LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE equal the desired amqunt, the gen­ regulations by toe New York St moving, general uiicklng, livery for a reasonable priced rent with eral public will be Invited to con­ partment In 1900 Babcock also re­ eration. Parish work group In Ebtchange, thiere may be a further turned to Hartford and John F. ikDVERTlSEMENTS service. Our affiliatioo witb United gas, bath, electric lights, only $18. tribute. charge. Bring canned fruits or advance in margin requirements in Call today. 91 So. Main. Tel. 7505. Irish “Cinderella” Comedy- The stand taken by the commit­ Sheridan, another Manchester man, jellies for shut-ins. order to curb wild fluctuations In Count atx average words to a Uha Vans Service means lower rates on Drama to Be Given by Com­ tee in this matter is not for selfish became a member of the depart­ Wednesday, 6:30—Cub Pack. prices. Xaltlala, numbers a^d abbreviations furniture moving to distant polnta ment leaving only .Thomas of the Wednesday, 8:00 — In-As-Much aaob oount as s worn and compound Large modem trucks, experienced FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, munity Players Nov 7. reasons; rather, they feel that the Financial circles were also inter-r . , words as two worda Minimum eost is centrally located, newly redecorat­ public has been asked for many original three. In 1903 Mr. Thomas Circle King’s Daughters. ested in reports that toe PresldsntJ'^ prlos of three lines. men, prompt servloe, aD goods in­ ed, all improvements. For informs.- contributyans in the past, that the was not reengaged and John F. Wednesd^; 8:00—Shining Light would ask Congress to increase t ^ ' Line rates psr day for trassleat! sured while in transit are features The Manchester Mothers Club is Sheridan was made chief, William Circle, King's Daughters. ads. tion apply 701 Main street initial effort to secure the funds for public works fond to • somswhar* offereo at no extra expense to yon. sponsoring the productiori of "Peg G. Glenney being added to the de­ Saturday, 6:00—Junior Choir Re­ Kffeetfve Hareh IT, 1S*7 the Memorial should - orig;lnate around $5,000,000,000. Of the $8,- ry «>, Chargs Dally trips to New 7ork, baggage SEE! READY NOV. 1ST. with all o’ My Heart", and assistingin sell­ partm ent. hearsal. among the ex-service units. Any 300,000,000 authorized by Congress Conaeeutlve i>aya c l 7 otsi t ots o««llvered direct to steamship piers. improvements, including furnace, ing tickets. The play is scheduled Chief Gordon became a member Saturday, 6:30—Choir rehearsal. Consecutive Days » t ot« 11 ats person may make a contribution to last spring, only about two-tUrds For further information caL 8063 no objection to children. All for for Tuesday evening, November 7, on November 1, 1908, the appoint­ Day ...... I 11 otal It oU the fund at any time. All contribu­ has thus far been allocated with I All orders for Irregular Insertions 8860, 8864. Perrett A Glenney. Ina $17. Dial 6139. at the Whiton Memorial hall, and is ment at that time being made by the the first of a series which the Man­ tions may be sent to Frank Cervlni, GROTTO TO 9B OPENED about one-quarter of toe total hav­ Will be charged at the one time rata Selectmen.’ 'Three years later he ing been wltodravm from toe Treas­ Special rates tor long term every FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ chester Community Players will pre­ treasurer of the Armistice Day day advertising given upon reguesL was made chief upon the retirement ury. ment, with modem improvements, sent during the season under the Committee, 216 Oak street of Chief Sheridan and lias held the Waterbury, Oct. 28.— (AP) — Ads ordered tor three or six daysi REPAIRING 23 Joseph J. Sieber of Akron, ^ O., and stopped before the third or fifth garage if desired. 148 Blssell street. auspices of various welfare organi­ The buttons which are now on office since. Until the time of bis grand monarch of toe Grotto, prop­ day will be charged only tor the ao- Inquire on premises. zations. sale are. distinctive In design and appointment Manchester had bad TO BEPBESENT l^AG'UE tual number of umee the ad appear­ MOWER SHAKPENLNU, vacuum cclor. On a background of crossed erly known as toe Mystic Order of ed, oharglng at the rate earned, but olsanar, washing machine, gun. "Peg o’ My Heart" is a Cinderella but two murders In the town’s his­ Geneva, Oct. 28.—(AP)— The FOR RENT—38 COOPER itTMt, 4 type story-the cruel aunt the American flags, the words "Man- Veiled Probpets of toe Slnobanted BO allowance or refund! ean be made look repairing, key nutking. Braith- tory, but It was only a month later close coUaboraVon of ths Lssgus of room tenement, all improvements, haughty cousin and the enticing vll' ebester Veterans’ Memorial” in a ReUm, will offidaBy open the on six time ads stopped after the waits, 52 Pearl street that a- murdar was committed in Nations with ths forthcom ^ Pan- fifth day. steam heat Inquire 25 Cooper St lain are all there, with OndereUa white circle rests on a border of newly organlssd Waterbury grotto, American oonfersnos at Mmttvldeo No *^11 forbids” ; Osplay lines set Love Lana 2Slndab, at cerem onies to be held dancing through the story^thls gray. Contributors to the fund are "Manchester,” the chief said, "has December 8 was assured t o ^ when •old. « FOR RENT—FIVE RpOM fiat here this afternoon and evening. The Ths Bsrald will not be responsible time with an Irish brogue and a wit asked to wear the button until the a fine class of people, but do you toe League accepted an invitation COURSES AND CLASSES 27 with garage. 20 Summer street New Haven grotto win confer toe Cor more than one Inoorreot Insertion to match. Miss Ruth Smith is re­ dost of the drive. The price of the realize that in the time that I have to send a high official designat­ of any advertisement ordered Cor James J. Rohan, telephone 7433. Memorial buttons £s 25 cents or degree. The scheduled program in­ more than one time. • BEAUTY CULTURE—Earn while garded eis exceptionally well cast In been chief of this department there ed Julian Nogueira, counsellor at­ the role of Peg; Kari Keller has more. cludes a piu'ade at 8:80 -o'dock in The Inadvertent omission of moor- learning. Details tree. Hartford FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene­ have been four murders? In each which toe bands, drum corps and tached to toe Information section, pact publication of advertising will ba a prominent part and the support­ Captain Fred C. Malln, former case the murderers were captured. raotlflad only by oanoallatlon of tha Academy of Hairdreealng, 693 Main ment with all improvements and patrols from grottos ih.;N4w Haven, as representative. street Hartford. ing oast includes several seasoned ■member of the Royal Flying Corps There has also been four attempts Nogueira will bring to toe parley obarge mada tor the service endarad. garage, hot air furnace. Inquire during the World War, and a mem­ Bridgeport, .New Britan^ Norwich, All advarttsemants must oonform players and a few who are* new in at murder.” a lengthy memorandum outlining 82 Blssell street ber of Mohs-'T^res Command, Brit­ Norwalk, Pawtocket, R. L, and la style, copy aad typography with Community Player productions. In June, 1916, there was created toe work of toe League. The misaioa regulations enforced by the publish­ ish War Veterans, has been chosen others will partla^te. Supper will FOR RENT—SUMMER ST., flw They include Miss Evelyn Jones, a police commission "that now han­ was described as a desire to avoid ers and they reserve the right to BUSINESS Karl Borst Mark Holmes, Miss by the Armistice Day Committee be served in toe aniiory a f^ which edit, revise or reject any oopy eon- room fiat with garage, first fioor, dles the work of the police depart­ toe work of toe League and toe con­ Phyllis Fallow, James Britton and as the parade marshal. The parade toe installation ceremonies will be aldered objeotlonabla OPPORTUNITIES 32 in good condition. Inquire W. S. ment He explained 'the method CLOSING HOURS—Oaaslfled ads to Sherwood Smith. J. L Hand­ orders will be Issued by Marshal held. Many outstanding officers in ference following parallel lines in Hyde. TeL 4412. now being followed in the selection be published same day mutt be re- WANTED—WOMAN to do general ley, \^o is directing the play, will Malln and rides for the day will be toe. grotto throus^out toe state will mutual ignorance when Iwto are eelved by IS o'clock noon: Saturdays of probationers in the department attend. pursuing toe same alms. ItitO a. m. housework. Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. KENTS NOW AVAILABLE ln~Iu also have a part. Her dog, “Sandy selected next week. ’The parade will They are given ten.weeks’ training m. Write Housework, in care of sections of the town, modem five McGr^or”, and a Pomeranian will form at the Army and Navy club and if at the end of that time show TELEPHONE YOUR Herald. also niake their appearance during and wilT march up Main stj^t to W ANT ADS. and six room tenements from $18 that they have absorbed the neces­ per month up. Arthur A. Knofla. the show. the Center where the official re- sary detoils they are named to the Ads ars scesptsd otsi Uxs tsUphons Telephone 5440 Of 4359. IHe committee from the Mathers’ l^wixig stank will be located; The supecnimierary list and th^ce pro­ ^ tbs CHAAGS RATE rlTss sbovs HELP WANTED—MALE 36 club, Mrs. Ch^es Whltcher, chair­ M a ooDTsnisncs to sdverUssrs, but Armistice seiVice will take place at m oted to the reguleur lis t Sns CASH RATBb Will b« soceptsd as DELMONT STREET, 6 rooms, all man,' remind all who plan to see the the Manchester Memorial hospital. The automobile has become ,an im­ play to secure tickets from the Play­ FULL Pa ym e n t it paid at tbs busl> WANTED—EXPERIENCED tobac­ improvements, newly renovated, Rev. Leonard C. Harris, pastor of portant factor in police work. The ness office oo or before the seventh er* or the club members, also that the South Methodist church, wW day following the first insertion of co strippers. Telephone 5924. near stores and bus line. Dial 4618. average mileage a day for .a;e e e • «.e «a« Match Co., 443 South Dearborn, est clerks in the Waterbury post- pital grounds November 8, and toe have beep taken and 525 finger Marrl.'' ’*es ••.anuWMBK.w.m:. •ply 172 Charter Oak stre e t office, today received notice from Chicago. addresT of dedication will be given print records filed. The filing cabi­ Deaths Washington of his appointment of by a speaker to be announced on Card of Tbanha w RENT. HUNTING ? Tell us what net was presented to the depart­ b Msmorlam postoffice inspector, with assignment Armistice morning. ment toe camera and toe lenses, for Lost and Pound SITUATIONS WANTED— you want we’U take care of It for to the San Francisco division. The next meeth^ of toe Armis­ Announcements you, without charge. R. T. Mc­ it also were g ifts emd toe on ly cost Kenny took the examination for in­ tice Day Com m it^ will be held In to toe-town for toe four yedrs that Psrsonals .« FEM ALE 38 Cann, 69 Center street Dial 7700. spector three wedu ago. He at­ toe Army and Navy dub, Friday it • has bSdi in operation has been AatoseabDee tended Notre Dame University two Automobiles for Sale NURSE WISHES TO care for aged, FOR RENT—THREE, FTVB and evening, November 8. $12. Automobtlea for Exobarge semi invalid, or convalescent in years and worked in the poatoffice All ex-aervlce and auxiliary or­ Solos w e n sung by Chief Gordon Auto Aooeaaorlea—Tires six rooifi tenements, with aU mod­ her home. Reasonable Call 8269. here, as a substitute clerk, during ganisations are invited to attend a and Oocwln Grant, and a male i^ar- Auto Repalrlng—Palatlag em improvements. Inquire at 14? the summer imd Christmas vseaUon Auto Sohoole ...... East OMiter street or Phone 7864. Memorial eervice In St Mary’s tet cbmpoaed of WUUam Shaw, Wfi- Autos>^hlp by Truck periods. He has been a regular Elpisoopal churdi, Sunday, Novem­ liam Wilson, William Taylw and Autos—For Hire eeeeeaaaai DOGS—BIRDS—PETS 41 clerk, assigned to the retail stamp ber 6 at 10:45 a. m. Vderans and Oarages—Ssnrloe—Storage 10 WE HAVE A SUNNI 8 room President Nichols sang two'num- division, since 1928. auxiliaries will report in front of MotorcMleo—Bicycles ...... 11 FOR ^SALSl—PEKINESB puppies. apartment that will make a com­ bera Wanted Autos—Motoroyolas .... It fortable home this winter, in the toe Army and Navy club at 10:15 Upward of 50 gathered around toe Eastaeae aud Pvofassl'eaal lerrieaa Inquire 99 Porter street and will march to toe church in a Business Sarvloss Offered ...... It Johnson Block. Telei^one 6917 or tables at a supper oit eteamed clams, Bousehold Services Offered ...... lt>A 8736. body. Commanders are requested to scalloped oystm< and Salmon, rolls, Buildlng-^ntraoUng U ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 Automobile bring toe colore of their units p u m p i^ pie .Shd coffee. Florists—Nurseries ...... 16 BEAUTIFUL 4 ROOMS, modem. which will be massed in toe church. Funeral Olreotors • • a e * e*e e**^a s» It eatln Plumbing—Roofing IT I HAVE SOME SECOND hand $16.(K), W aln u t near Pine atreet, Insurance Rev. J. Stuart Neill, rector of St. g steam radiators for sale; also sec­ also one new second fioor, scraped Mary’s will deliver toe Memorial snranoe ...... It LOW Rates lUlllnery^^ressmaklng it ond inside brick. Phone 7691. fioors, $18.00. Inquire Tailor Store, addrees. (READ THE STOBY. THEN CX)LOB THE PIOTDBB) Moving—Trucking—Storage 10 8 Walnut street To Preferred Risks, ^ nU ng—Papering ...... II The Tinles grew impatlmt' One best. I’m glad told G ol^ had t^fesslonal Services ...... St FUEL AND FEED 49-A FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat on said, "Gee, when will our fish be hunch to b^ e toe fish tms way. ^pairing ...... || WAPPMG P-T GROUP "Bat -slowly, Tlnymltea. .-The Jallorln^g—Dyslng-^sanlng tt .first floor, with all modem im­ Everett T. done? It’s been in that big*oven for rpllet Goods and Service tt FOR SALE—HART WOOD for provements, at 170 Oak street In­ 3TOU will feel all right whni stove, furnace and fire place. $8.00 a half an hour, or more. . ' ' through. I s’poee you aB will Wanted—Bnsineas Servloe w . .. . tt quire Maples Hospital, 164 Oak McKinney TO GIVE MASQUERADE Bdaeatleaal cord, $4.50 per losu. Cbas. Hecklfir, stre e t Boatpn^Ed Don George, Java, N. ^Don’t let it burn. It would be a n^p, to finish ouLtoe day.” telephone Rosedale 18-13. Beal ElEstate Insoranoe Y., won from Lso Numa, Seattle by sad to spoil toe biggest Tah We’ve Ivate Instruction ...... tt Manchester. TeL 5280. default, one fall each, Numa injur­ had. I’m hungry and Pm anxious soing #Hi.. . .Bff.tt*A FOR RENT—FIVE LARGE rooxns, ” Yon’re right,” |ald H a o a > FOR SALE—SLABS, Hickory and in first clasif condition. Inquire The Wapping Parent-Teacher ed. , for toe treat that is In storo.” ing makes me sleepy, but it brlflg$ 1 . . . *'• *« C .Hi.«. • tt association announces a masquerade ranted—InstruoUon |0 oak. Selected fireplace woo^ out 435 Center atreet "Don’t worry,” said the fisherman. no aches. Pm through ~ rii^t.now. Ptaaaelal to order. C A. Staye. Dial 3149. dance for-Monday evening at toe MoLABNIN A CTAZEN 'T’ll serve as quickly as I can. I and so a Bttle shoose appeals W> Ponds—Stooka—Mortgagea « . . . tl FOR RENT—SUMMIT ST., half school' ball in Wapping' Center, toe Los Angeles, Octo 29 — (AP) — want toe fish cooked nice and m e.” .. • J. Poalness OpportunlUes IS duplex house, five rooms, garage, proceeds to be used in its welfare The welterweight fistic wdrld cham- brown, -t tastes the beat that way. Just toeh wee Dotty jan^ed end Honey to Loan ...... tt GARDEN—FARM - FOR RENT work for toe children. 'The com­ _ Help aad Sltvatleaa south slda Apply Manchester pionsh^ has retorned to toe United The two girls ean stay here with orted. "Oh, look! A DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 mittee has engaged an orohestra States without a blow having been me. m keep them busy a* can be, Wanted—Female ...... || Realty Co. Tele^one 4412. Residential aection, 4ve min­ squirrel. Fve spied. It’s ^ifoied in Kell) Wanted—Male ...... tt from Hartford to provlda music, struck. t . ■ just filling up your plat^. The rest fimny cl6th<» aad pee|d& ff efit ftpm FOR SALE— APPLES: Baldwin, Salesmen Wanted ...... It-A FOR RENT—AT 26 Elro street utes* walk from Main Street Sam Rogm ’ Connecticut Ambassa­ The Americanisation court turn­ of you can run and play.” yonder ttooo.” ..'“"'Jf' i veip Wanted-Male or Female « tt Golden Pippins, GiUiflowers, 60c, first floor, modem five room flat and School, dors. Modern and pid-time ^danc­ ed toe trick hbre yesterday with a The fishexanan . said. Agents Wanted ...... n>tT>A 75c and $1.00 per busheL Keifer good location. Near Ms It) stre e t ing will be ■ enjoyed, beghmlng at resounding smack of United States Bltnatlona Wanted—Female • a • «:«i tt He waited for a while, *and then sqvdrrel’s tame.” .'Be hailed to it, Pears 40c basket Potatoes, beets, garage. Inquire 21 Elro street SEMI - BUNGALOW 8:30. .... distriot Judge official seal -called all toe Tinles back again. aad out it chme. TO bet ft’s hnai ■Ituatlons Wanted—Male • sXff • • • tl carrots, cabbage, pumpkins. Tele­ It Is espedally desired that every­ XmPloyment Agencies...... 40 7 Rooms which ,made Jimmy McLarnin a "We’re ready for you,” Dotty cried.- gty,^^ .cried; ” alth(Hi|h it Uve ateok—Pete Pealtsy Yehlelea phone 6121. The Gilnack Farm, Bo. FOR RENT—TWO THREE and one attending come . in costume. citizen (ff-the United States.' 'Slt right down on toe ground, looks quitB - X>og»—Birds—Pats • e a a a.a:4 • • a • • • 41Main street tour room tomlahed or unfumiabed Stmie fireplace; garage. In­ Prizes ‘ w 6 l' m awarded to both And to make it unanimous, 'T il hand you each jraur plhte of She held AblBe >hnkd jultry and Suppllss Stock-Vehicles...... » 41 apartments. Manchester Construc­ children and'‘adults for "toe most Wanted — Pets—Pooltry Stock 44 quire Charles (Pop)- Foster, Jimmy’s fish.” Oh, gee, lads, what bapro, ate. The BqUhrfdr’'dtdB*t-heitlfatek MeINTOSH AND Baldwin apples; tion Oo. Tel. 4181 or 4859. original rig and toe funniest. The manager, also became' an American could we wish?” said Duncy. Then show appreciation. It For Sale—Mlseellaaeawe also other varieties, 1,000 bushel. Artlolee tor Sale...... 41 frolic is advertised elsewhere in to­ citizen.Although born in Belfast, he^got hla plate and efied. "It’s gdown and tipped Its hat Boata and Aooessoiies ...... 41 Quantities o f cider applea C! . Tautad^^To Buy ...... St FOR SAUl—HAND PICQD Bald- YOU CAN SCRAM. NOW, WE SGRAMf R X > rtlF YA WANTA,BUT so! llenaia Board—Ha»els Btaeiie win apifles, 60c buahel, at farm, #1 HOP OINNY-TAKE, m m i L 'i R«ata«raatr bring container. 613 Keeney street fM TIR® OF THIS MONKEY Hooma Without Board rrONTHE 1...... tt Telephone 6424. ' BUSINESS? NO KING IS Mat>arden Wanted 1.. .. . «. ■ tS*A LAM/ GONNA RIDE ME. f fibui>untry Board-Raaorts • r* sa • S3» .R.) •V WITHOUT A fight/ »iptala—Restauran t « tg a a •‘aWs FOR SALE—NUMBER-ONE Green r wanT U te^— Room ^*Bo& rd r^a a a • Mountain potatoea. Ordars aolldted ••'iT C H E E R S !'^ . i t M Real Batata Far Beat for winter. Inqiifre Chaa. B. lEN flLSiTAV/ AlMirtments. Flata, Tanamanta w', V BoalneasSutlneas LooatLohatlone ter Rent ... Thresher, Buckland. TeL 6046. •t^/VWAT'5^ louaea tor Rent ...... «E<50TTOSAY.^ Jnbnrban for Rent ...... immer Homea for Rent ...... HOUSEHOLD GOODS 61 S ! 11? anted to Rent ...... FOR SXLE^BIG BAROAD^ In / Baal Batata Far Sale apartment Building ter gala «.. used cook stoves and haatsn. Oopk, O'Vi ;9uiaasa Property for Sale . . . . . stoves $6.00 up; ahK> new oil bun- and lAnd tor Sale . . . . . era for sale. MhPcMiiter Qroen ) C^r^Sal^ . A...... Sta for, Sale ...... Garagw-^cnes. ■hart Property Cor Bala Ibnrban for S ale...... r o R ,SciUdD—V id e id ' 1 Batata for BxeHange ...... 15. iff-very good scad—Raal Batata A y t l aB l iagal t M U m f ^ ' as« j y- 7*‘ m - -


w V'<~ NONSENSE Why fsa ou> wuew^ boot vAt apww m na pijwes

Tlt*'«»4old that Alabama has tha | Old Gentleman—So you think yon hig^Mat (aaoUse tax in tha world. would bn a suitable valet for me? I HBY.OAUMP, U € ^ 4 V fM F -N O U must remind you that 1 am pretty Soma wtaa caaoUne dislnpraer on the CU T OFF \OUR M0i>gTACHR,1O MEAHNOU J O V E ^ ^ T F Bee Ufhway. near Decatur. mwh of a wnek. I have a glass O U SK TIO 'm Alabaaaai, waa enterprlatDf enough eye, a coric 1^, an artificial arm UOOK U K 6 H E T U i S B E ' to put tbla sign out in front of bia that needs looking after, not to men­ AINTT n o P ED ET^L la w AO N TAKENDUR A MOUttHNO place of businaas, aad^jFon can read tion a wig and ialse teeth. ^SROWIKT K UPBRUSH.*1D FACET© A Applicant— That would be all T O L O O K between the lilies without any fur­ TAdODEFM«Tf ther wOTd from usi right, sir. Tve had plenty of prac- C LOOK UKE YOU -~ ^C E P T UKE ME. IT itice. Tou see, I once worked in the V< TWACT TWEY MVfiHT VCEEP hAS, WEB W lU L W E Gasoline wMOceeaceacw** 7 assembly room of a big automobile MEH T'i factory. OFFTH'Sm 6ETS,ON AOCOUNT .B K D I t Alabama 6 O F FRWSWTENIN' K ID S J - — KEH< M E ,IN . ».«y<»ac«aB»!wr*~« «> 2 Two California hitch-hikers, NADINE given a ride by a kindly driver, f V'KMOW, 1 6CfT USED TO U nde Bam >i,a.s,eua'>Ia^*:#>> • 1 rammed a chloroform-soaked rag AW FACE IN TH ' NNIRROR^UNTHL over his face, and left him to re­ 'o' Me cover at leisure. That is, recover CLYDE CALLS MY ATTENTION TO consciousnetuB. His mcmey haul gone aHOW MUCH ME AN YOU LOOK too tar for that. The hitch-hiker la Total K* ^«>Ch'Iaua rsTa'>ra !®rs' • > 22 a damgerous and ungrateful animal. AJUKE^-^THEN ,SEE»M' YOU, • HIGHEST GAS TAX IN THE 'V CONVINCED M E I OUGWt TO “AN OPTIMIST IS ^ MAN WHO WORLD. THINKS WHEN HE TELLS THE G' ^ <50 TO A FACE UFTEIR AN' BACK SEAT DRIVER TO SHUT __ SET TH' SLACK TAKEN Tliasa.cars that wobble from one UP THAT SHE'LL SHUT UP.” IN M U S ' of the highway to the .other S i ought to be turned over to the We have often wondered how fast steering committee. an automobile is going when it turns over three or four times. Parked Without lights A lady had purchased a postage r ? / ' Officer—Sorry, gotta give you stamp at the post office. ticket for improper parking. L*dy_Must I stick it on myself? YouUi—^What do you mean? Why Stamp Clerk — Positively not, I didn’t even have my airm around madam. It 'will accomplish more if the girl. you stick it on the aivelope. A drunken driver in Toronto, The blue eagle seems to be flying Ontario, Canaula, was committed to high, wide and handsome. jail for 10 days and fined |10 for Tmnriring down a Child and striking Many Democrats ' are afraid three automobiles in his erratic James A. Farley is going to let a course. That’s a ve^ light sentence H //////////' for such an offense. lot of the plums spoil on his hands. We are here to tell you that the lapper a n n y a y s glare of the headlights is a menace F BiaaaPAT.orr. F S to motorists. But the “Glare” we te rmtaim Fw. t*tt> humble pedestrians give the doggone drivers don’t seem to worry ’em a bit. S( ORt HY SMITH Threads of Steel WELL— IN Nonr aeiNB Foot OAO I Ui t r r r v ! Just remember the ABCs of auto­ ROMS ON ANV train. a tr a ih . mobile driving are Always Be Care­ waWT B6 WORAlfO SCORCUVf TUfRES I’M aOINE ALONE w m l SICK! WNiSTLi ful. \ A RAILROAD UNC (SOLLVl WMAT 00 WR WANT TO FLA4 vVOO and JAKE ! '^ 'L L SEE- w mata , THfrBB'S NO TO PUT VOO AbOARO, t K - l Two things a girl doesn’t have TELUW6 \WUBN A A train f o r ? much trouble getting rid of are— PERHAPS. BUT N)OSTUV .TRAIN VJiUL COVie TO SEND WORO TO boys and traffic tickets. AUON&I MAV9S WEU VOUR OAO TWAT VOO Sawn of a Gun! IHOUfiHTD I oranka da car, HAVE BEEN RESCUED. Bawt she won’t run ThMse automobile lf She’s a sawn of a gun! Shesa stop in da middle Of da street upa town, I looka in da carburetor, V But riiea no drown. I push do clutch, Shaka da wheel, / / Elnocka da brake. Da horn I feel. I look in da tank. Wot I see — yas! Sawn of a gun! WASHINGTON TUBS H By Crane OUT OUR WAT By WiHiams Sheesa outa da gas! (irvtev Aftnvi o a iu 9 b t i i i e h o h d r c d s . t k b > LOOKI<,V«OULDJ*A\X H0< -tV« ERUSH t o s k e le to n CRBEK \WAS NCrtHlNIa. NEAH, Easy—Has opportunity ever ALRBftOV THE POPULATION IS OVER 1,000. TWe BULL'S IAJALK'N' bull's com in ' KNOW HOW iTli. knocked at your door? CABIMS,-r6NT5, AND STORES SPRING OP HOME VNITH ALF ! inta s o m e th in g -^ vaio r k o u t —- Mark—No, but I certainly am on Many an artist’s »model is betp Its mailing list. ter than she’s painted. UKE JUMPING JACKS. r n K P H T n FIRST -Time le v e r A NICE HOMO THE BULL WILL KNDWEO MIM TO (Looked meal! alf e a t - too much VNALK OUTA THE -Told h im t h e wife a n ' g e t s i c k ! p la n t svnH ANW OF VAiAS GONNA HAVE TH e U h e I l 66 NOW IS THE TIME US'. ALF MUStA ?^o a s T DUCK V roiLRRv Ba c k COME IMTA moncv, •rtiuiGHrTHEBua'r) JO ^ T O B U Y / ER s o m e t h in '. WALKIN'HOME WITH HIM, ALL RiGHT-v OUT OM L THE WAV A LF.^ HOME * \ IV RUSH OF PROSPECTORS TO DRV GULCH ■ is assu m ing th e proportions o f a s t a m p e d e !f '(6O lO !6 0 l^ C i0 l 0 l THERE >1 EVERYWHERE SEEMS MO END OF IT. A DOZEN OR SO I NEW STRIKES ARE MADE EVERY DAV. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blnsser 'sMELL.V/E'CE YEA,8O...y0U B e f e n s iv e ly HAWStWS UP 7WE MEASi C R A SH IMPRESSIVE, OLP VICTORIES... 16 MAMGIKJ' . ■mEIR. EU,FRECKLES THEM UP...VWHAT RUNMIK16 A (EAME h e ATTACK PLAYS FUMcnoMlKl® K Aim FULLY, 5UADYSIPE PODE.DOgJN M OLV hoses DONOVAN WA$HES?6.OO0. *4 TWE* PRlC6CSKyR0CI^K> hevJ speak­ IWORTH IN 10 OAVS. WASH, EASy, AND SAIL MONROVIA ■ easies ARE OPENED IM A SINGLE PAY. 6AMBLIN6 ARE AVERAGING OV6R470O. A DAY. A FReC FEED Uftss. >f.g.VHlUANS Bovs HALLS ARB ON ALL SIDES. J29\ ipiawvwBifMwvteaiwdweau.aMT.ofr. /flBAAvnraiu TD ATUWe SALESMAN SAM A Chance For Positive Proof! Bv Small OP A WANT A HAL A FRI60 bO’D SEE ME AFTER N0W«. 1 WANT TIAH p l a y .' c u t o u t THE EAME, PIOWT THE GRAND$TAWD STUFF, AWD t&liS ,kF? EET IN AND PfcSHT R5R 6HADVEIMI, MOT CRASH OAVIS a


GAS BUGGIES Neck and Neck By Prank Beck


M n. R ob«t Dougan aadhar aaao- TwMxt^flva marobera of tba Man­ MASQUERADE DANCE on atandlnk toeHH y *” *- chester Hlgli aehool football aquadl mlttae of tha Blghland Paik Com* will attend the Yale-Am y game at a t j view Danob Ball munity dhib la pi*«Hing an avening New Haven tpday, actt^ In tiie Items of interest of Jollity for everybody in that oapadty of ushers. READY FMKEm tion of tha town. The program will A schedule oC gynuuilvm j>etl0 motlve8 that'Win puU the of a bridge, whist and setback party {High school students are alloted freight cars on the 'BuUet.’ Last The volunteer choir of the Second which the ladies of St Bridget’s Monday afternoon from ^ to' 6 Junior Sons of Italy. This group W eldeil Drug Co. The Emergency Relief Commis­ of local boys have been exhibiting In n ^ h t N o. 8$88 the second locomo­ Congregational church win follow church will conduct Monday eve­ o’clock and the same hours on Wed­ 998 Blain Street sion has appealed to^the local char­ various Connecticut cities and only tive was fiUed with coal and water the 7:30 rehearsal this evening with ning in the parish halt Playing nesday afternoon. - Cheney Cravat ity department to furnish five cooks recently returned from Middletown and the fire started for a test to­ a Hallowe’en socltd planned by the will begin at 8:15. Prises will be Junior young men, 16 years to 17 fOT the state .C. C. C. camps. So fa r with the first jdace cup for being day. It win not be used on fast Now. for Fall Wear. music committee. awarded the 'winners and refresh­ none have applied at the charity years, are to have Thursday eve­ the best , exhibit of the evening. At ments served. office fbr these Jobs. Those In town ning from 8 to 9 o’clock and also You have a wide variety of the same time the Junior daughters BRIDGE, WHIST, SETBACK Mrs. Rachti Munsle will attmd who may be qualified are requested Saturday afternoon from 6 to 6:30 won second place. colors and patterns to iraect the banquet of the Royal Neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Waaley of to report at the Emergency .Relief o’clock. SOCONY The regxilar bowling league will Monday, Oct. 80, 8:15 p. m. from prices rangt from of Hartford at Odd Fellows Temple 14 Summit* street Mr. hnd Mrs. BH- Commission office. State Office Women’is caassee be in action \mtll 9:30, after which St. Bridget’s Parish Hall. this evening, as past state oracle. more Hohoithal of 44 Ridgewood buHding, Hartford as soon as pos­ Grade school girls 'wIU have Fri­ RANGE AND bowling maybe enjoyed Iqr guests Prizes in each section. Refreshments The Hartford lodge will be host to street and Mr. and M ra J. D. Brown sible day afternoon fro m 4 imtil 5 o’clock. 'Without charge, one string to a per­ Adm ission 26 cents. FUELOIL the other camps in the district. ' of Bristol are attending the Yale- Older girls, Friday evening from 7 Any faiplly that is now recei'vlng son. Public Wel<»nie. Army game at New Haven today. to 8 o’clock. Women, Friday eve­ aid ^ m the charity departnMit Prompt Delivery! C u p Mr. and Mrs. Wasley are guests of nings from 8 until 10 o’clock. The swimming pool will he open may apply for a share of the re­ for men at 7 and at 8 for women. their nephew, P. Stanley Brown, a Men's Honrs maining 734 pounds of government cadet at West Point Mr. and Mrs. Business men’s volley ball, Mon­ Pool will be available (hiring the Hohenthal are guests of Eric Kunni- salt i»rk. To date 2,266 pounds of evening, as -well as checkers, cards, Dial 6282 CHENEY HALL day, Wednesday and Friday from MASQUERADE DANCE the 2,900 allow ed M anchester has and ping pong. holm. '' 5:15 to 6:30. Chocolates been distributed. All game facilities will be hi use SCHALLER’S SALESROOM Business men’s hand ball and Manchester Grange, P. of H., at Remnants & Imperfects FOB THE WEEK-END gymnasium, Tuesday and Thursday until 11. Dancing imtil midnight. Monday, October 30 its special meetings in Odd Fellows Eveiythlng is free and all are hftii on Tuesday evening will be host from 6:15 to 6:30. Freshly made, with a variety ODD FELLOWS END welcome. CTiildren must be accom­ to the Granges of Ellington, Farm­ Senior young m «i, ages 18 years of hard, cream and chewey panied by their parents or they will ington, Mlddlefleld, Norwich East and over, Tuesday evening 8:15 to WappiiQ School HaO centers. The chocolates are 10 o’clock, Thursday from 8 to 9 not be permitted to enter. Hampton and Columbia. The guest CARNIVAL TONIGHT Auspices Wapping P. T. A. o’clock. Music will be by Art McKay and already the favorites of speaker will be W. B. Rogers, of Music by Rogers’ Doctors and professional men, his orchestra. Atlantic Rayolite many. 59c fo r one pound East Center street whose subject Connecticat Ambassadors. will be: “The N. R. A. and its Re­ About 300 Attended Last Wednesday afternoon from 8 to 4 and another pound for B riefs Prises for most original and fun­ lationship to Fraternities.’’ Night— Ehtertainmeht and o’clock. FILUJS niest oostomee by children d o b s RANGE Dancing Features Tonight. The community dance last night and ^ n lt e . DEVELOPED AND A rehearsal of the degree team One hour each week is to be al­ at the East Side Rec was attended Admission, Adults S6c, Uhlldren 20c. PRINTED of Sunset Rebekah lodge wiU take lowed to clubs to use the * gym­ About three hundred attended the by about 400 hundred dance en­ place in Odd FeUows ball, Monday on. bazaar at Odd Fellows hall last eve- nasium. Their schedules start on thusiasts. Sam Rogers and bis 24 H O U R S E R V IC E Regular users of this oil 1 evening at 7:30. It is important, Monday. •eiing and witnessed a good enter­ Connecticut Ambassadors made a they have found none better.. that every one be present as the Film Deposit Box At tainment, the Hawaii Trio in singing Cubs and Phantoms have Monday hit on their return here after nuCny rehearsal is in preparatlcm for the VALOCO Our selection of special candies and dancing numbers. night from 7 to 8 o’clock. appearances throughout New Eng­ Store Entrance. Under 15 gallons. .lOV^c gal. 'Visit of the grand officers • at the and salted nuts for Hallowe’en is This w ill be the l£ist night and an­ Merz, the same night from 8 to 9 land. THE HI-TEST OIL meeting Monday evening, November 15 gallons qpr more, SVjc guL 'the large st in town. B e sure and other exceUent entertainment'is of­ o’clock; Highland Park, Monday Another dance will be held next V A SERVICE 6 . buy yours here; freshness and fered in two acts, Benson and from 9 to 10 o’clock. Buckland and Friday evening featuring Art Mc­ v A ll O STA’nON quality guaranteed. KEMP'S L. T. WOOD CO. Brown, clog dancers Sbevlln and Oxfords, Tuesday from 7 to 9; Ox­ Kay and his orchestra. 426 H artford Rd. TeL 3866 61 BlsseB Street TeL 4496 Murray, tap dancers. The admis­ ford Jrs., and North End Jrs., sion tUs evening will be smaU and Thursday from 6:30 to 7 and Mer­ dancing offered free. curies and North Ends, Thursday PRINCESS The nildway is very attractive and from 7 to 8 o’clock. on. EQUIPMENT COMPANY offers excellent opportunities. The Each Saturday evening is reserv-, NEW, Steel, Range Oil Dnnns,. door prize this evening will be 100 ed for outside organizations. CANDY SHOP $2A0. Faooets, 76c. Pm nps, fl.7 6 .' gallons of either range or fuel oiL Main Street at'Pearl Used D ram s, $1.76. H io n e: 8980. The drill team of Korom Patrol put on a fine drill last evening and If D ollars Count although it has hardly started Its winter program did exceptionailly John Cockerham weQ. (Organist and Choimaaster count on this economicalfuel At St. Mary’s Church) .

B e tbrthy* Use a coal that has a r^ota- DR. a M. PARKER Does your starter spin without turning the engine? DENTIST PIANO, ORGAN cion for burning long, evenly amf com- HALLOWE’EN DANCE relepbone 64 Pratt Street Both these difficuities can be overcome if you have ns i:. / pletely— ‘bine coal’. Start Invuig. Order 6-8492 Hartford, Ot replace the worn teeth on your flywheel with a hardened Dentistry fiiat win please you, A N D THEO R Y ‘blue cool* today. TONIGHT at a price you eaa afford to pay. Terms Moderate. steel ring gear. ^ Phone 4219. S tu d io :, 28 Bigelow Street. BOOSTER CLUB BAZAAR CHRYSANTHEMUMS NORTON ELECTRIC CO. and Hilliard S t Phone 4060 Manchester / . O . O . POMPOMS F. HALL A n Colors Anderson Greenhouses Dancing Free Aifanission 10c 168 E ld rid ge St. TeL 8686 RANGE & FUEL OILS We Handily Only The BestI TWO ACTS VAUDEVILLE When In Need Of Range Or Fuel Oil Better heat for less money PHONE 5293 The Rackliffe Oil Company Biggest Midway Ever In Manchester n io n e 8980 The Bantly OR Ca. Coai, Lumber, Masons*. Supplies, Paint 155 Center Street 336 N o. Main S t Te). 4149 Mandtestm: Door Prizes Grand Prizes Fun WINDOW Manchester '’OCR SHADES SERVICE AT THE CENTER Fine Holland Shades, to order, and hong on yonr js ^ WHOSE AFRAID windows complete...... 4 0 C OF » ODD FELLOWS HALL New Rolkurs, lOd Extra. Also Duplex (2 faced) ...... 65o Send post card, we will call THE BIG BAD WOLF Admission 10 cents with smnplee, or *phone after 6 DANGEROUS AFTER A OOUPUMZLASSES OF P. M . MORIARTY Doors Open At 7 O’clock Tonite CAPITOL ivA BROTHERS A WINDOW SHADE CO. 819 Center, Cor. K c a d St. 46 Oapen Street Hartford TeL 8878 IQ DAYS SCHUTZ The Beer That Made ~ Milwaukee Famona! ' THE BEST BEER The Best Investment AHEAD IN TOWN W e n . dining th# dsy Can SOLD EXCLUSIVKLY ( Your investment in a life annuity gives —'cdd at night/ that is ^ INCOME than you can obtain you from any other investment equally safe. tha land of waathar ta O A K r r . A STABLE INCOME of a definite amount, A LIFELONG INCJOME drawing u p o n axpact thif tima ol yaar. Yau want a coal that independent of business conditions and new sources of revenue shoidd today*s intm-est rates. outstanding industries give ida^e to new from a flagstone win horn slowly all day whhoiit atlantion and T A V E I U I ^ _pnes during your lifetime. ■r to a complete ba raady to pick up quickly at night whan you 30OAKSTRBl^ A CONVENIENT AND PROMPTLY A GUARANTEED INCOME backed by all fireproof, low-cost. Andisio . PAID INCOME, checks reaching you on the resources of one of the strmigest in­ naad axtra warmth. Old Company’s Lahigh LouisM iitil^ the due date monthly wherever you may surance companies and giving you relief Concrete Home* be. from investment cares and eoinplete Hard Coal has haan utad lar avar a hundrad freedtHn from financial anxiety. PETER PO^CELU BOOTB% ISO* Oiarter Oak Street yaart hf discriminating housahaldars who want tha hast luab in thair homgs. Today/iyou, feoi ARVn) SEABURG 64 W a O n r S tree t TeL 6905 call onlay tha conlantmiiBl al. avan haaf in GUSTAVE SCHREIBBR yaur homo hy ushlg tahiidi— FAYETTE B. CLARKE * SONS' • ANEW \ 886 Went Oente street K MM lust ’phana'Vnur ardor. TEAR OFF THIS COUPON BdSNR Y AHERN 14 Bead Street TatfSiS -m| GIVEN ANOiUBW A N S A ^ EVERY 164 w est OwMerStreet ^*><7678 OAK Tell me more about u m a it^ MAKCHRSTEE