Efje JBufee Chronicle Volume 64, Number 114 Duke University, Durham, N.C. Saturday, April 5, 1969 Student photographers strike; ASDU changes settlement of demands near gain approval

By Carolyn Arnold By Carol Harvey amendement to the by-laws calls Labor reporter ASDU Reporter for the president of ASDU "to hold A two day strike of The Duke In a campus referendum held a meeting at the beginning of the Chronicle photography staff is yesterday, students voted by a targe year of all unaffiliated students. nearing settlement after a Friday majority to approve the That is, all students living on or off constitutional amendments passed campus who are not affiliated with night meeting of Chronicle editors by the ASDU legislature last and photographers. a living group." They will nominate Chronicle photographers are on Wednesday night. and vote on one representative for The strike was called Thursday strike. Rather than use strike-breakers night and went into effect Friday. The tum-out on West Campus each one hundred unaffiliated to take pictures, The Chronicle, while was very light, with only 72 students. Explaining the reason that the negotiating a settlement, has chosen students voting, while the tum out photographers did not work for not to run pictures on the news pages. on East was moderate. The final two days, Scott Sorensen, staff tally was 570 for and 31 against photographer, said that the whole approval of the amendments. Tower to problem revolved around the use of Rick Emerick, a Vice President one of the darkrooms in the of ASDU, was pleased with the Chronicle offices. results although disappointed with Sorensen said that earlier in the the "terrible tum-out." year one of the darkrooms was Emerick, explaining the merits be built converted into a place for printing of the amendments, said that color pictures. By Diane Barth "unaffiliated students would be Durham reporter However, this color room is only represented in ASDU next year. An The Durham redevelopment available for use by certain room when it is necessary. commission and a private members of the staff. The He suggested that certain staff developing firm have announced photographers are asking that this members be given keys to the dark plans to build a 40 story skyscraper color darkroom be opened to all room and that these members be 3 students indicted in downtown Durham in the near Chronicle photographers or that the available to let "neat and future. The building, which is a color photography equipment be competent" photographers in the project of the Building Leasing sold and the room converted in a color room. Corp. of Kansas City, Missouri, will black and white darkroom. This proposal was tentatively for alleged theft cover an entire of the Sorensen expressed confidence accepted by both the editors and downtown area of Durham. that the situation could be worked the photographers at their Friday Preliminary plans for the out to everyone's satisfaction. night meeting. Three Duke students have been Corcoran and Beck are free structure outline the inclusion of Jesse Venable, photography As of Friday night, the indicted for safe burglary in under $5000 bond but Jackson is in four small movie theaters as well as editor, explained that he had not Chronicle photographers were connection with the theft of money jail in Portland, Maine. He is a department store or several small been notified about the strike planning to return to work during and articles from the Duke Athletic charged with carrying a concealed retail stores, a variety of before it was called. the weekend. They will probably be Office. weapon, assault and battery with a restaurants, and possibly a bank or He explained that he felt that available to take pictures of campus The theft took place December deadly weapon with the intent to other financial institution. the strike was simply the emergence happenings Sunday afternoon. 15 and involved money and articles kill a Portland policeman. There may also be a law library of old problems that had not been Because there were no reportedly valued at $3000. The policeman had arrested The three students are also with a computerized reference resolved earlier. photographers available Friday to Jackson in a car stolen from the system on laws and court cases Friday night Venable posted a take pictures for today's issue, a under investigation for a burglary at Raleigh-Durham Airport. Jackson is Yates Baptist Church in Durham which will be uitilized by lawyers, notice to all photographers question arose concerning the use also indicted in Auburn, Maine for working in the courthouse across explaining proposal for settlement. and for cases of theft and car of pictures in the paper. larceny. storebreaking and larceny. the street from the building. The Venable apparently felt that The Chronicle editors decided to A large number of articles that first two floors will contain there was confusion about the Detective Captain E.G. Atkins of 1 print white space where pictures the Durham Police Department the students had stolen from Duke commercial operations with office Chronicle staff policy. would normally have run. dormitories and offices have been (Continued on page 8) In the notice Venable explained announced the arrests and named They explained that this the students: Michael F. Corcoran, recovered, according to Durham that existing policy has always been inconvenience in planning the police. These included radios, that "competent and neat Clifford Keith Beck, and Francis M. Weather lay-out of the paper was preferred Jackson. record players, tapes, heaters, photographers" can use the color (Continued on page 6) motorcycles, and office equipment. Occasional showers or thunder showers today and tonight. The three students are also being Continued warm today and investigated in connection with the tomorrow. High today, near 80. Scattered violence hits passing of forged money orders. Low tonight in 60's. King memorial services Chronicle photographers are on By Murray Schumach in our time." at last.' strike. Rather than use strike-breakers •C) 1969 N-Y- Times News Service President Nixon sent a personal The two houses of the Colorado to take pictures. The Chronicle, while NEW YORK—Throughout the note of sympathy to King's widow, legislature adopted unanimously a negotiating a settlement, has chosen nation yesterday, officials and the which was delivered by Robert W. resolution endorsing King's not to run pictures on the news pages. humblest citizens joined in hope Finch, Secretary of Health, principles. Gov. John A. Love and with prayers that the Rev. Dr. Education and Welfare during a called upon the people of Colorado Martin Luther King Jr., who was visit with her at her home in to "reexamine our consciences as to killed exactly a year ago, had not Atlanta. the contribution we can and should lived in vain. The contents of the note were make." Wreaths accumulated on this not made public, but later a White The major observance in Los Good Friday on the Atlanta crypt House spokesman said the cabinet Angeles was at U.C.L.A., where the of the Negro clergyman who had officer and Mrs. King discussed Rev. Andrew Young, who was in won the Nobel Prize for his struggle various projects to memorialize Memphis with King at the time of for human justice. King, including an educational the assassination, addressed some Knight to discuss Warnings that the nation heed for the study of the 1,500 persons. And on the steps of his message for equal rights for problems of violence. This opened the Federal Building a vigil was Negroes emerged from the the prospect of government support started that was supposed to statements of notables, impassioned for such memorials. continue through noon on Easter campus disorders speeches of his followers, and songs Mrs. King, who avoided public Sunday. and peaceful picket lines. ceremonies commemorating the In Richmond, Va., rain held assassination of her husband in President Douglas M. Knight will by a filmed report of activities on In memorial services at Sisters down the number of marchers to the University of Pennsylvania, Chapel at Spelman College, Atlanta, Memphis, Tenn., visited his grave about 150 as they strode about a appear Monday night on with her four children. WUNC-TV's NET Journal. The followed by a discussion between the Rev. T. Y. Rogers, a director of mile to the state capital, where a Dr. Knight and two other university the Southern Christian Leadership They placed a red and white brief service was held in Dr. King's program, to be broadcast from Conference, which King led, floral cross on the marble 9-10:30 on Channel 4, will be presidents, Dr. Fred H. Harrington memory. of the University of Wisconsin and declared: gravestone, which bears the Tributes in New York included entitled "To Calm a Troubled inscription: "Free at last, free at Campus." Dr. Andrew W. Cordier of "The voices of dissent must be statements by Gov. Nelson A. Columbia University. heard or America will be destroyed last, thank God Aimighty I'm free (Continued on page 8) The program will be introduced Page Two The Duke Chronicle Saturday, April 5, 1969

Afros miss Nationalism creats

committee C hronicle photographers are on Canadian problems strike. Rather than use strike-breakers to take pictures, The Chronicle, while discussion negotiating a settlement, has chosen By Buck Jones Cook continued, "is that politics not to run pictures on the news pages. Staff writer becomes a struggle between By Steve Letzler In what he termed ,a "mildly competing versions of nationalism. The Budd Committee met last polemical" address, Professor Diefenbaker, for example won Thursday to discuss plans which Ramsey Cook directed himself election in 1957 by playing on they had to ineoporate the black yesterday to the remarkably d i slike of Ottawa's paternalism. studies program into the fall complex issue of Canadian Once in office, however, he was curriculum, despite the fact that no nationalism. able to do little about the issue. blacks attended. Cook, visiting Professor of "Trudeau's success last year lay Each member of the committee Canadian Studies at Harvard, in his pre-emption of the issue of was asked by Chairman Louis J. addressed the Duke seminar in the need for real unity at the Budd to bring two documents to Canadian studies, which met with national level. Like all Canadian the meeting, one which contained in conjunction with the Prime Ministes, Trudeau will only suggestion which that English department Commonwealth Studies Program of defend vigorously the power of the committee member might have for the university. Following his stay at national government," said Cook. a black studies program, and one Harvard, Cook will return to his "One main Canadian economic which expressed that members Canadian home, the University of problem, the high percentage of overall proposal for the ideal black changes curriculm Toronto. American-owned firms, is a result studies program. Cook began by considering the of intense nationalist feeling in Budd said that the meeting Canadian inability to develop an Canada's past," Cook explained.. A By Jean Cary courtesy present to students" the system of high tariffs was originally produced "one major proposal for A fro-American Literature Course identifiable, unique, and secure Academics Reporter identity. "A search for such an established to stimulate home the overall program and one The E nglish Department h as will be taught both next fall and shorter, more specific idea." When next spring. identity is constantly occuring, industry and to prevent cheap entry made more changes in its however, and the fact that the of foreign products. questioned why the blacks did not curriculum for next year than in Afro-American Literature will be appear at the meeting, Budd numbered English 26, Special quest is being undertaken suggests "Even more far-reaching was the any other year since 1926. In that the treasure actually exists." responded, "I don't know. I wrote addition to the curriculum revision, Topics. The other five courses that tariff's effect on American both Chuck Hopkins and Mike will replace English 2 are already "The progress," Cook declared, businessmen. Since their goods there will be several changes in the "has been slow, but those who McBride in March, around the 23rd departmental staff for next year. being taught under the English 2 could not get through the tariff, or 24th, and told them of the time curriculum. They will be called; search seem to know what that Americans simply built industry 4 professors will be leaving the identity should and will be." and place of the meeting. We (the English Department. Dr. William English 21, The Novel; 22, Drama; behind the tariff on Canadian soil. committee) fully expected them U 23, Drama and Poetry; 24, Poetry; One main problem of this quest, Thus, the current issue of U.S. Blackburn and Dr. Benjamin Boyce in Cook's view, is that Canada lacks be at the meeting." will be retiring. Blackburn teaches and English 25, the Epic. influence on Canada's economy is The American Literature courses a "unifying national-myth such as largely the result of earlier creative writing and Elizabethan the American Revolution." and 17th century. Boyce teaches a will be completely changed next nationalistic solutions to the same fall. Instead of English 137-138, Nationalism by its very nature problem!" course in satire and another in 18th requires consciousness of a past \ Budd group century literature. there will be four courses, The fact that Canada is a nation numbered 173-176. These courses that has shaped the present and will of dual culture," Cook asserted, Dr. Robert Van Kluyve is leaving mold the future. The absence of a Duke to teach at Federal City will be open to any student without produces her most glaring prerequisite. Any 2 contiguous real sense of a uniquely Canadian problem-French Canadian College In Washington, D.C. Van past has produced a very bitter | offers aid Kluyve teaches "Medieval Literary courses will constitute a period seccessionist feeling. Many courses for a major. debate on what the national nationlists call for one Tradition," "Chaucer," "English identity really is," Cook explained. The Supervisory Literature of the Middle Ages," English 173 will be American state-supported English language •: Committee on African and "the History of the English literature in the period to 1800; Cook also explored the three systems of schools and for one > Afro-American Studies is Language," and "Old and Middle 174 will cover the period from main questions of Canadian official language. In the face of : actively working on a English Literary Tradition." 1800-1860; 175 will be from nationalism. The first is, "What is these demands, many French proposal for an 1860-1915, and 176 will be the nature of the nation's Canadians clamor for a state of $ inter-disciplinary Miss Judith Levinson is leaving structure? "--here the reference was their own. French politicans for personal reasons. American Literature since 1915. I undergraduate major. Dr. Buford Jones will teach to the problem of French and become nationalist, but they call : However, pre-registration for One new professor will join the British culture in Canada. The for autonomy from Ottawa, English Department next year. Dr. 173-174. Dr. Gerald Gerber will l the fall semester is at hand, teach 174-175. Dr. John Clum and second is, "What should the whereas former nationalists sought : before the Committee is A.L. DeNeff is coming ,to Duke relations with the two mother independence from London. from Pennsylvania State University Dr. Carl Anderson will both teach ; ready to present a program 175-176. Dr. Bernard Duffey will countries be?" The final question According to Cook, the central & for the approval of the to teach a course in Renaissance is, "What shall be the relations Literature. teach 176 in the fall. problem is really that Canada is by : undergraduate faculty. Students who have had 137-138 between Canada and the United nature "federal, sectional and 'Beginning next spring English 2 States?" Cook characterized the For rising juniors and will disappear from the curriculum, cannot take these courses. People pluralist," whereas nationalism is : seniors who think that they who have had 57-58 can take these traditional nationalist's answers as: by definition centralized. The and will be replaced by six courses. "l)preference for the authority of may be interested in a major A student can choose to take any courses. country refuses to give up its '. in the area concerned, The English Department has the central government over "anarchaic pluralism." All efforts of the 6 courses to fulfill his provincial rule, 2)political equality ; members of the Committee English requirement. These courses doubled its number of semesters of to remold Canada, he concluded, *; will be happy to supply, for Independent Study. In the past a with England, and 3)independent must run up against this, the central will be open to any student, not student was allowed to take 2 relations with the United States." guidance during just to freshmen. problem of all Canadian '< pre-registration, lists of semesters of independent study. "One result of these problems," nationalism. Afro-American Literature will be The additional 2 courses will be :• relevant courses at Duke, one of the new courses in this :! North Carolina College, and numbered 193-194. group. Dr. Louis Budd will teach The number of 180 courses will | the University of North this study of "writing by the I Carolina at Chapel Hill. We also be increased. Williams said, American Negro, especially as it "We have never taught this many :| also want to call attention to explores his unique experiences." ; Music 173 (World Music with conference courses before." These The course will begin with seminar courses will be primarily ]; emphasis on Africa) and Frederick Douglass, but will stress Vbur last check ' English 26 (Afro-American for majors with priority given to twentieth-century figures, such as seniors. The 2 conferences courses •-. Literature) during the first Richard Wright, Lanston Hughes, to be taught in the fall will be jj semester, and Sociology 159 James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Practical Criticism, English 180, from home '•;. (The Negro in America) for Gwendolyn Brooks, and LeRoi taught by Dr. Robert Kreuger, and i the second semester. Jones. English 184, "James Joyce," taught •: Furthermore, we wish to Dr. George Williams, Director of by Professor Elgin. '•: remind prospective majors of Undergraduate Studies in the There will be 4 conference just bounced? i the possibility of pursuing English Department, said that "as a > their interest through courses taught in the spring. • independent study in one of j the regular academic Pubiltnad avary Tuasday, wadnasday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of tha Unlwarstty yaar axcapt durin-) Un .varsity Holiday and exam pat-tods by tn« : departments. studants of Duka unlvanlty, Durham, N.C. Sacond class postaoa paid al Finally, any students who '• Durham, N.C Oalfvarad by mall at »10.00 par yaar. Subscriptions, lattars, ind othar lnqulriaa should b« mallad to Box 4696, Duka Station, Durham, N.C. I think that they may be j 27706. I interested in majoring in the [ program which we are j planning are invited to give \ their names to a member of j We are open all the crazy hours the Committee. It is quite j FIXING FOOD FOR possible that, later this spring, j Think it over, over coffee. we may wish to inform j Picnics, Parties or Traveling prospective majors about IS OUR SPECIALTY TheThink Drink. «*§_ other courses. All Items from Our Delicatessen or Dining Room can be . Louis, Budd, English prepared and packaged quickly for Carry Out. „ John Cell, History : The Gourmet Center Operating Samuel Cook, Political Science : John TePaske, History : IVY ROOM RESTAURANT Joel Smith, Sociology Cosmopolitan Room & Delicatessen 1W*. W. Mai 0P«n 7 Diyt—»:K| A.M. till Tl:*!*. P.M. Ph. HHWI Saturday, April 5, 1969 The Duke Chronicle Page Three Freshmen rap on From extracurriculars to academics Editor's Note: The following like to see changed is the weil...I know from my own was beginning to die out because lawyer recently told me that his article concludes a two-part series availability of girls." One other boy experience that I was treated very "the radicals are forcing people to firm was not in the least bit dealing wilh the Class of '72 and seemed to be a little more bitter., well for not being on a think about their political views." interested in hiring anybody freshman response to the "For freshmen it's a big fake calling scholarship." Another took a more Academic complaints without grades on his record.) And "University Experience." Today's this school co-ed; most of my critical stand: "In view of looming There is one area in which all the so it is that the grading system still article probes freshman opinion of classes had no girls and the few that monetary problems, 1 think the Frosh were discontent--for various exists, with this years complaints Duke's social and extraccuricular did only had one or two..The only finances of DUAA should be reasons of different degrees-but again being nothing more than life, it's political atmosphere, and way you can be with a girl is on the reconsidered...how important is a nevertheless discontent. And (you complaints. its academic structure. formal basis of a date." He hoped good basketball team to the guessed it) this area is none other Housemasters respond something would be done to academic need of students? Probably the persons in the best Campus politics than the academic life here. By John Duchelle provide a more natural basis and Freshmen courses, often boring and position to know and work with Assistant Feature Editor suggested that coeducational dorms In the last several years, the incoming freshmen are the One girl who was perfectly might be the answer. university has more and more irrelevant, poor grades, long hours of study (or long hours of not freshmen housemasters and their satisfied with the housing on East Social life: artificial? become a center of political assistants. While still on this side of commented, "Cross-sectional dorms thought and activity. This is studying)--these are the major In the opinion of most freshman gripes. As with the general the generation gap, they've are the only realistic way to come something very new to many hopefully had a few more years of to college, but upperclass girls boys, the girls on East would have freshmen who search their memory experience here, the Freshmen who no reason to complain of their are not frustrated are again the ones personal experience to help the should have the option of living on social life, but talking with a few of for a comparative rally on the Main freshmen adjust to their new living or off campus.' Another coed Quad in high school days and can who did not expect too much. system. these girls reveals that this might "Freshmen courses are notorious reinforced this viewpoint: "On East only come up with a pep rally for ! it couldn't be better; on West it's not be so. One girl seemed as that night's football game. By the everywhere; I expected that and One housemaster, a law student intolerable." Concerning freshman cynical as many of the boys: "The end of Freshman Week, most of us that's what I got." at Duke, talked about the problem houses on West, she said, social life is boring and had already formed opinions on the Most students felt that there of freshmen adjustment to the "Freshmen have enough difficulty artificial-there is no diversity and nature of political activity at Duke, should be fewer or no required universitv. For one thine, although the social regulations are abusrd." fairly impressed with the maturity maturing without being locked into She too called for the establishment but the events of the year have courses, and almost all were freshman zoos." hopefully provoked some optimistic about the new of freshmen here, he feels the of coed living groups. Another freshmen houses do not promote a "Frustrating!" conceded that questioning of these preconceived curriculunv-except the Engineers, A girl in the nursing school ideas. who won't be affected to any great fast maturity. He feels a random commented that life in Hanes is Conceded that although most coeds degree. The Engineering students, cross-sectional housing would be often frustrating because they live have a good time, they would like One frosh chose to term it a free were, however, happy with then- better in every respect. He went on in a nursing atmosphere but have to know and go out with more political activity in which everyone to say that a number of freshmen has and expresses his own opinions. experience at Duke as opposed to a are let down at first because they no other connection with nurses. freshman boys. She also strictly technical sehool. One Although Hanes has autonomy complained of the situation in "Some people," he remarked, expect college to be big in a which you can hardly meet another student put it this way: "Duke different way that it really is. "One within itself the regulations are "are so blind and narrow-minded, offers me the best chance to geared to a nursing life. "Why without artificiality or strain. some so understanding and thing you'll notice about freshman Lack of time open-minded, some so radical and become an Engineer and a person at is the number that talk about should this be when we aren't even the same time." , nurses yet?" The subject on which there were violent, that I find it hard to transferring, but the actual number the least complaints is believe." He admitted that he was There is, of course, a great deal will be minute." Closely related to the residential extra-curricular activities-their surprised at many things bu his of controversy over the acutal Academic adjustment, he feels, system here are social and availability and quality. A great opinions have remained largely academic structure-especially the is one of the most difficult extracurricular activities. As one many freshman, however, found it unchanged. grading system-in this year's problems a freshman must face. might expect, most freshman boys to be a difficult problem to devote Freshman class. A general "When a freshmen gets his first complained that the social life the necessary time to those Another student replied that his consensus of opinion is that the paper back with a 60% on it, this seemed to be lacking a little activities which interest them. One political perspective had definitely grading system makes a mockery of causes a great deal of mental something in one way or the other. frosh put it this way: "You must changed by seeing, for once, the education and hinders the distress, and he consequently One frosh saw the problem as a student of view in a make the choice between grades confrontation situation. He believes individual growth of the students. spends too much time worrying result of the general makeup of the and involvement; you can't do Inconsistent system about grades." In regard to the system. "A freshman house that outside the university it is both. " A nother was more One girl complained that the orientation of freshmen,he believes provides absolutely no way of optimistic: "You make time to do impossible to see the situation as it that the university did a very good social life...and a freshman needs whatever you want to." really is, and commented that, grading system is not at all job of it this year. somebody's breast to cry on." "Duke has a way of taking consistent from one college to the The major student activities on everything that is relevant and next. She commented that Duke's Another housemaster, also a law Another viewed the problem in campus-stu dent government, the making it seem unimportant...I over-emphasized C-curve makes it student, saw many of these simpler terms, "The only aspect I'd newspaper and sports-naturally must compliment the university in very difficult to compete with the problems in a different light. He provoke a wide range of opinions. covering up gross calamities." Ivy League schools for entrance responded that "a great many On ASDU: from "I wish I knew talented, sensitive kids are Duke's position on the political into graduates schools. "It is hard what they were doing," to "too bad to reconcile all the time you spend dissilusioned when they don't find it has no power." Concerning the spectrum ranged from a little the university experience to be in Why Do conservative to barely liberal among making these grades with the "Chronicle," one boy suggested importance of all the other aspects conjunction with their conception competition from another the freshmen interviewed, but most of what it should be." felt that there was a good of an education." Another boy newspaper because "a lot of Intense group relations You Read conservative writers will not write cross-section of ideas. One pointed out that the grading system freshman admitted he was rather is not even consistent from course Concerning the residential for the_ Chronicle." He added, system he commented that though, that it would never work. worried after Freshman Week, to course and professor to professor thinking Duke was a very liberal within the university itself. This everyone is aware of its many So Slowly? One boy who has participated in school, but then "realized that the leads to a student selection of the deficiencies but went on to point conservatives just were not making out some setbacks of dormitory A noted publisher in Chicago athletics here stated, "As far as easiest course or teacher instead of having only two sports that offer any noise." Several persons the best one. Another student living itself. "The intensity of group reports there is a ample scholarships, DUAA does very commented that political aoathv relations in a dorm hinders the technique of rapid reading remarked, "It's pathetic to have to development of the individual." which should enable you to use grades as an incentive for learning...but the only way to He thus feels that dorm increase your reading speed conditions should be more and yet retain much more. survive here academically is to care about grades. comparable to off campus living in Most people do not realize how comfort and privacy. He believes much they could increase then- P ass-Fail The problem, of course, about that the general atmosphere has pleasure, success and income improved over the last three years, by reading faster and more the grading system is finding another alternative. And this is and feels that Duke must attract accurately. and keep the bright and wnsitive According to this publisher, another story. The obvious students who might be prone to many people, regardless of alternative would be a pass-fail transfer, and that it must provide their present reading skill, can system, and even some students an atmosphere of motiviation to use this simple technique to who were most frustrated with the stay a couple of years ahead of the improve their reading ability to grading system had reservations students. "But there still is a basic a remarkable degree. Whether about this. One girl quickly question-can a major private and reading stories, books, defended it, "A person who needs a progressive university exist in the technical matter, it becomes grade as a motivation for finding south with the political, social, and possible to read sentences at a out things doesn't belong in economic pressures of the area?" glance and entire pages in college." A boy pointed out that personal teacher evaluation in a And so it is that we as freshmen seconds with this method. are beginning to become an active To acquaint the readers of student's major would be an equally valid criterion as grades. part of the university. We have had this newspaper with the our chance to make heard our easy-to-follow rules for Other students had what they considered more pragmatic complaints and suggestions about developing rapid reading skill, our freshmen year-complaints and the company has printed full viewpoints. They felt that the Danziger's grading system was "the best one suggestions which are probably details of its interesting much the same as those of last self-training method in a new we've got." One student suggested years freshman. Hoping that some booklet, "How to Read Faster Old World Gift Shop that since the outside world action will be taken to alleviate the and Retain More," mailed free. recognizes grades as the standard of adjustment problems for freshmen No obligation. Send your In Chapel Hill judgement they must first change at Duke, and realizing that little name, address, and zip code to: their views before the university will probably be done, we are Reading, 835 Diversey, Dept. * Imported Gifts can do this. eagerly looking forward to next 173-813, Chicago, 60614. A Another boy added that a year around this time when another postcard will do. *Barton'& Candy business would not be eager to hire freshmen class will be taking to us a graduate knowing only that he about the same old problems. passed his courses. (And a reputable 'EXCUSE ME, PLEASE Wi)t Stake Chronicle The Student Press of Duke University Founded in 1905

Today is Saturday, April 5, 1969. One year ago tonight, 200 members of the Duke community marched ,in the pouring rain on University House to express concern over Duke's complicity in American racism. They began a struggle which led to significant improvement in the conditions of the non-academic employees, and to a new sense of purpose in the University. As a journal of the present reflecting with a bit of pride on the past, this is the Duke Chronicle, Volume 64, Number 114. published at Duke in Durham, North Carolina. News: Ext. 2663. Business: Ext. 6588. Dislributed by SBas%i$e\es'3tlM$ SYNDICATE Fight the war The continuing and insane realities of Vietnam cry out for a resurgence Withdrawing power of the anti-war movement in the United States. Last year at this time, the movement seemed to be making some headway, although the most constant and compassionate voice for peace both at home and abroad, that of Dr. Martin Luther King, had just been -By James Reston— stilled by an assassin's bullet. The valiant campaigns of Eugene McCarthy By James Reston switch if they get the wrong Algeria were greater than the prize and Robert Kennedy had forced President Johnson to somewhat alter the (C) 1969 N.Y. Times News Service response, but there is reason for of holding it, so he decided to get course of the war in a search for negotiations. In those bright days when NEW YORK-When the Nixon saying that the Nixon out, and then fuzzed up his our sense of tragedy and loss was somewhat moderated by a growing spirit Administration announces in the Administration was saying to decision. of optimism in the land, it appeared that it just might be possible to turn middle of the enemy offensive in Hanoi: "We are serious about It is hard to be sure about America around. Vietnam that it is cutting back on cutting down the violence, and fundamental decisions of this kind, But the death of Robert Kennedy, the lackluster efforts of the peace its B-52 bombings, which have been negotiating a cease fire, despite but there is reason for believing forces in the Democratic party during the summer, the confusion which fundamental to Gen. Abrams your offensive." And it was saying that Nixon has made the same the peace talks stirred up in anti-war ranks, and the election of Richard strategy, it is clear that something to Saigon: "The new administration decision, and is now trying as best Nixon have changed all that. As Tom Wicker wrote not long ago in the important is going on—though it is in Washington has put a limit on he can to negotiate it without not clear precisely what. how much we will sacrifice and getting into too much trouble with New York Times, the people have the United States, having thought they Hanoi, Saigon or Capitol Hill. were voting for peace twice in four years, are going to have to go back into The official explanation is that how long we will stay in Vietnam, and you must get ready to reach an the streets to get it. the administration wants to cut In fact, to make his point to the accommodation with the enemy officials in Hanoi and Saigon, he In the year since Johnson's March 31 announcement, 10,000 more defense costs, and since every B-52 raid costs about $50,000, there is and stand on your own thereafter may very well withdraw not only young Americans have been killed, countless thousands of Vietnamese something to the argument—but without counting on the United 50,000 American troops from that have died, ton after ton of bombs have dropped on the already ravaged not much. If the Pentagon really States." country this year, but 100,000. countryside of the country we claim to be saving. had economy in mind, which would Obviously, Nixon cannot say This is not reported casually. The anti-war movement has been in a state of confusion ever since the be an original idea in the Defense this publicly. He is caught in the Neither Hanoi nor Saigon should advent of negotiations and the bitter taste of defeat in Chicago. But more Department, it could obviously save old dilemmas of international misread the signals coming out of an;more people are coming to realize that the negotiations are in fact a great deal more by cutting down diplomacy and national politics. He Washington and Paris. They are an meaningless, and serve only the interests of the militarist policy makers. on foreign bases or new weapons can only imply his intentions and offer to settle the war on systems or even on PX's. reserve his right to change if the compromise terms which will allow The administration, it has now become clear, has traded a bombing policy Hanoi and Saigon and the National (which was apparently militarily worthless anyway) in exchange for a Also, the small reduction in the enemy misreads or rejects his signals. But unless all the normal Liberation Front to reach an front of negotiations and a blunting of domestic criticism; it has thus been B-52 bombing raids on the enemy is accommodation, under able to prosecute the war in a business-as-usual search for victory, while not a very important military sources of dependable information international control, without the are unreliable, which has happened the anit-war movement reels in confusion. decision, for it meretv means presence of either American or cutting down the raids from 1,800 before, the President has made a But we must snap out of our confusion and fight again. The Vietnam North Vietnamese troops. to 1,600 a month, which is still fundamental decision and is trying The offer is not precise. Nixon war is now just as wrong as it has always has been, and its costs to the fantastically more than the number by vague announcements to make cannot make it so without offering young, the Vietnamese, and the prospects of domestic reconstruction are of B-52 raids a year ago. that decision clear to the Allied and to surrender, but unless our growing greater every day. The situation is intolerable, and the time for The significance of the cut-back enemy officials. information is wildly inaccurate, he patience and forbearance is past. is not military but political. The major question about has decided to withdraw American Sen. George McGovern, one of the few decent politicians left in this Governments don't usually President Nixon after he got to the power from that peninsula, which is country, rose on the floor of the Senate two weeks ago and denounced announce military decisions for White House was whether he would what Hanoi has wanted all along. President Nixon for not yet having "marshalled" the strength and courage military reasons. What the Nixon cut through all the ambiguities that The question now is whether Hanoi to genuinely reverse our course." Other critics of the war, including the Administration is doing by this troubles President Johnson for so and the National Liberation Front will really understand what has much-touted Sen. Edward Kennedy and Sen. Eugene McCarthy, sat silent, B-52 announcement is to send a long and decide about Vietnam, as political message both to the enemy President De Gaulle did about happened since the new American apparently feeling that the President must be given more time to work out administration took over the White a new policy. But it is Sen. McGovern's lead, not theirs, that we must officials in Hanoi and the allied Algeria, to get out, one way or the officials in Saigon. other. De Gaulle made the decision House, or whether it will misread follow, for it is now clear that Mr. Nixon's policy is not new at all--it is Governments have to act in that the sacrifices involved in the opportunity, which it has done simply a more sophisticated way of pursuing the same disastrous and mysterious ways, so that they can staying and fighting to the end in many times in the past. immoral war. Patience has the look of apathy in times as perilous as these. We must gather our forces together again, and work to end this war by all available means-including agitation within the political system as well Letter to the editor the more dramatic tactics of protest. The issues in the universities which have moved us all this year look fairly petty as long as the killing continues. GSA begs to differ Editor, the Chronicle: resources available to the graduate other times. (The actual salary for student, and to the question of Graduate English tutors may be Editor, Alan Ray As Chairman of the Graduate increased next year, nol decreased.) Buiiiw Manager, Bruce Vance Student Association I would like to what changes are presently occurring in the nature and size of I did announce that "Dean t Editor, Bob Ashley; Editorial Chairman, David Shaffer; differ with the account of the Predmore expressed a great deal of Executive Editor, Tom Campbell; Associate Editors, Jim monthly meeting of the GSA held these resources. I doubt seriously McCullough, Mark Pinsky; Editorial Page Editors, Pat Black, Alan that I said that "several Divinity reluctance to release a departmental Wednesday evening as described by break-down on the amount of Shusterman, Araminta Johnston; Associate Managing Editor, Clay the Chronicle A combination of students have had their financial Steinman, A___t Editor, Richard Smurthwaite; Staff Director, University aid to graduate factual errors and changes in assistance cut out from under students," and I suggested that we e m p hasis made that description them" and that "the size of discuss our reaction to this Carolyn Amok); Feature Editor, Dave Badger; Entertainment teaching fellowships, in the case of Editor, Rusty McCrady; Sports Editor, Bob Switzer; Photography misleading. After spending over an statement. You failed to mention, Editor, Jesse Venable; Assistant Managing Editors, Bob hour discussing such matters as the English Instructors, has also been however, that the Association Haughton, Peter Applebome, Gary Wein, Bob Entman, David selection of graduate students to cut." I hope instead that I indicated decided to take no substantial Pace; News Editors, Ed Harrison, Connie Renz, Mary Schuette, in the search for a new that one student in the Divinity action on the problem, which the Carolyn Bacal, Wire Editors, Cort Pederson, Jim Vaughn, Dan president and chancellor, the GSA School had informed me that members recognized as important Bahimniac, Boo Bronson; Assistant Entertainment Editor, Dave elections to be held during the first several graduate students {not and worthy of further study, but as Smatten; Associate Feature Editor, John Duchelle. week in May, and the mechanics of Divinity students) have had their involving questions of fiscal Aattstan* Business Manager for Special Projects, Mark Lees; a joint publication of Graduate assistance reduced and that a priorities beyond the immediate Advertising Manager, Steve Gross; Accountant, Sue Illston; Ad School administration, faculty, and number of students in the English layout, Margie Ashworth, Jan Kennerly, Rosemary Jann. knowledge of the GSA or even of students, the members of the Department feel that fewer the Graduate School. If "it was Steering Committee turned to a opportunities for financial decided by those present that the brief consideration of the financial assistance exist now than have at (Continued on page 5) Saturday, April 5, 1969 The Duke Chronicle Page Five By Andrew Feenberg Tickling the limits of tolerance Mr. Dewey Clinton has tickled the limits the contrary, force is an established and "destroy Duke University", as we keep reason, anti-semitism, the strugle against of my tolerance with another in what seems respectable part of the American Way. A hearing it has? So far it has not even violated liberalism, anti-communist, dictatorship and to be a series of Chronicle articles featuring worker's strike is force; it is the prime a single regulation of the pickets and protest imperialism, the re-organization of lhe the senseless vituperation of the Duke Left. example in our society of rationally policy, much less assaulted the citadel of political structure of the nation along organized, constructive force. I doubt if Mr. liberal vlaues. So far it has not once used corporate lines. "Left-Wing Facism: limits of tolerance" is Clinton would agree, but many other readers "hooligan tactics" (come off it Dewey). I am Is this what is going on at Duke a shameful excuse for the "rationality" Mr. may. In any case, I am most interested in the curious to learn how these rumors about the University? The interest of blacks in their Clinton so rightly praises in his article. It opinions of those who concede the virtues of nefarious intentions of the SLF got started, race and their search for pride has not taken would not be worth responding to, were it institutions such as unions, which protect but 1 think I can guess. the form of a rejection of reason here; on not time for the campus to learn why some otherwise helpless individuals, but who are the contrary, they have asked that it be of us "left-wing facists" find polemics with nevertheless frightened by the tortured Guilt by association is the oldest trick in promoted by rational means through the the idiot-right pointless. the book. If the SLF wanted to be rhetoric of those who would confound every associated with Tom Hayden or Mark Rudd university, and the university has approved Mr. Clinton's exercise in poison-pen strugle for justice with irrational violence. (prophets of violence and evil according to this goal. Furthermore Duke blacks have not journalism begins with an interesting twist: It may seem strange to some that any sort Mr. Clinton), then it would be called SDS. denounced the white race but its Lord Russell is cited to the effect that of force is qualified as rational and Why do you suppose it is not so-called Mr. well-documented racism, have not refused "rationality...is of supreme importance" constructive, but this is in fact Clinton? Another plot of the left perhaps? white support and in some cases friends, nor even where it is rejected for violent means commonplace. Even violence and rebellion have they rejected whites from the black by contending parties. It is curious that Lord under certain circumstances are universally It may have occurred to the SLF that the studies program or even the Malcom X Russell himself has not found this maxim approved- destruction of the university is not a worthy Liberation School. incompatible with the violent struggle to Force is rational and may have beneficial goal for its movement. It may also have In spile of vicious remarks by certain right injustices in Vietnam. It is also curious effects where it is necessary to create a occurred to the SLF that if its opinions are faculty members, there is no good reason to that Mr. Clinton fails to see that his own mutually satisfactory compromise between correct, they may be propagated by means believe that anti-semitism is more justification of police repression of dissent parties who would otherwise inevitably fail other than the process of endlessly escalating widespread among Duke blacks than among falls under the condemnation of this very to reach agreement In a strike, for example, disruption described by Mr. Clinton as its Duke whiles. Such "tribal" conflicts would maxim force is not an end in itself, but a means of tactic. It may even be that this realization, be silly here, where the white left and the provoking meaningful discussions. This was and not fear of the police, is what restored blacks both seem to understand that there Had he read the Chronicle recently, Mr. peace to the campus. Ever thought of that Clinton would have discovered that the the role of force at Duke. are more important things for lhem to do in Dewey? the South than debate the New York City blacks in the Allen Building requested One of the best features of American law negotiations before the police arrived, One would have to be naive indeed to teachers' strike. believe that everything which the blacks is innocence until guilt is proven. Even the There is no struggle against liberalism at private negotiations such as those which left likes that idea. It does not seem that Mr. eventually terminated the crisis, negotiations obtained in their negotiations with the Duke by the left, bul on the contrary, a administration and the faculty could have Clinton balances the scales of justice evenly, desperate search for a few true liberals. A which were refused by the administration to much less examines the evidence before satisfy the blood thirst of those like Mr. been obtained by gentlemanly behavior. liberal is nol one who makes pompous White students have yet to prove that they pronouncing sentence. But Mr. Clinton has Clintonian pronouncements on the Clinton in the community who are this failing in common with a large part of passionately opposed to the left. can get as much without a struggle. Of "civilities" of the established society, bul course the administration and the faculty the Duke Community, more interested in one who attempts to right real injustices Consistency is not old Dewey's strong point. and better informed about events taking Unless of course, he honestly construes alike deny this, but then v/e can hardly within the basic confines of lhe existing expect them to encourage students to follov place on other campuses in other parts of institutions. Such peacemakers have been the occupation of the Allen Building as an the country than events at Duke. application of another maxim which he the example of the blacks. few and far between during the recent events cites: "work, study—kill!" Now we have Even violence (heaven forbid) is rationrl Finally, Mr. Clinton treats us to a at Duke, and no one would have been more heard a lot about "violence" lately, and where it is necessary to prevent a greater ill. marvelous joy-feast of outrageous happy to receive Iheir help than the left. perhaps it is time to consider the problem The abolition of slavery, which I hope Mr. facist-baiting, such as we had not heard since The Duke left can hardly be accused of with a cool head. What do we mean by Clinton agrees was a good thing, (perhaps we Abe Ribicoff denounced Mayor Daley at the anti-communism, the advocacy of violence? Clearly, physical assaults on have found a common grounc" at last!) was convention last fall. So new the left at Duke dictatorship, imperialist ambitions or the individuals qualify. There is good reason to the result of violence. The liberation of is also facist! This marks a delightful desire to institute a corporalisl form of believe (again it helps to read the newspaper America from imperial domination was the departure from the general impression that it government (Do you even know what thai you write for, Dewey) that all sueh violence result of violence. The liberation of France is communist. last phrase means Mr. Clinton?) The hopeless on this campus was begun by the police. from absolute monarchy was the result of I do hope Mr. Clinton is not a history stupidity of this accusation of "left-wing Destruction of property may also be violence. And so on. Must we even debate major. His understanding of facism seems to facism" would be pityful, if it were not called violence, but none of any such simple-minded issues in an academic be even dimmer than that of his left-wing intended as as alibi for repressive acts against consequence occurred on "Black Thursday". community, except perhaps in the case of facist-baiting foes. It is hard to say what he the left. Finally a disputed category, "disrpution", is conscientious objection lo military service? means by the term, but it seems to embrace So where does lhe great debate leave us? sometimes called violence and sometimes Or shall we conclude that Mr. Clinton is every group in liberal society whk*h uses Pretty much where we started, most of us not The occupation of the Allen Building himself a conscientious objector? force to obtain its goals. Organized labor, with the same opinions as before. The real was indeed "disruption." Another little misunderstanding which the Ku Klux Klan, SDS and prison rioters all problem al Duke is not refuting the It seems to me that we can call disruption marks this entire debate as irrelevant, arises tossed into the same bag! Ask any one who misinformation of the local Clintons, bul "force" of a modest sort, if not violence, if in the first paragraph and throughout Mr. lived under nazi rule if he would be satisfied interesting a largely apathetic faculty and we are careful in the use of terms. I hesitate Clinton's piece. He places "fair Duke" in the with Dewey's definition! Without pretending sludent body in what is happening around to concede this point as I know Mr. Clinton same category as Berkeley, ostensibly as two lo be an expert on the subject, I would them. It is hard to do, bul it is important 1 and his ilk are careless; just how careless we victims of "any means necessary." Now let's propose the following traits as typically wish all those who try patience and shall soon see. In spite of rising protests to be serious. Has the SLF really attempted to facist: the struggle of blood and race against endurance beyond the call of duly. By Richard Smurthwaite Change for change's sake? The modern age has been world around him, about his own change-change for lhe sake ol purposes, the members struck the however we will praise the Joe deemed one of extraordinary mind, his beliefs, and his future. change-must be avoided whenever original, traditional title, for a College (D.S.W.) committee as discovery and change, a change not Change must come. The possible. At Duke, however, a small bland, artless new once: Duke often as we criticize it We will only affecting the stores of oppressors must release their efoup ot people, tampering with Spring Weekend. These students, il note, for example, that naming this technology and knowledge but also powers. The dwindling resources of onc ot lhe few remaining traditions must be noted, are not of the weekend—filled as it always is with upsetting traditional values to the world must be conserved, and and xis o! va,ues sti|| held Dy |arg

By Dave Smallen power of other attacks on the war. The best cuts instrumentally are Asst. Entertainment Editor such as Pete Seeger's "Big Muddy" "Mad Lydia's Waltz" and "All The Great American Eagle and Country Joe's "Fixin' to Die Winter Long." The former has an Tragedy by The Earth Opera Rag," in spite of the emotion that background that creates a EKS-74038 by Elektra is put into a song that ends with the mysterious, almost exotic effect "The Great American Eagle screaming of "I can't stand it any The latter is a long ballad with a Tragedy" is a bitter album about more, oh God, stop the war!" fantastic sax interlude. The words America. This is obvious from the A song such as "Alfie Finney" are interesting but extremely moment that the album cover is seems more impressive because it is cryptic. seen, with an "America! Love it or more personal than "a foreign The other two sorgs are Leave it!" sign occupying a jungle war." It is a very pretty song dissapointing. "Roast Beef Love" is prominent place. written by Paul Dillon (all the a spoof of rock lyrics about love. It The Earth Opera have released others are by Peter Rowan) that has is cute but not up to the quality of an album that is musically very simple lyrics: the rest of the album. Originality outstanding, in both the quality of Alfie Finney is a friend of mine sounds much better than imitation. instrumentation and the variety of Looks my way, I know things "It's Love" is a failure musically selection. The songs vary from hard are fine and lyrically as it describes love as rock to blues, ballads and spoofs. People wonder, Alfie, what you the only redeeming voice. But the group obviously desires do Earth Opera is a group of four something more than musical But it doesn't matter but for this album they were success. They have attempted to but they have a certain attraction. augmented by seven musicians. produce music with meaning, with An attempt to discern any hidder comments on America politically meaning by listening to the song and socially. many times is worth it because the The "Tragedy" includes three song is that good. Dance theater of Nikolais songs that make an blunt attack on The opening song is a blues piece America. Some of the others are remeniscent of early Stones, both meaningless. But it is paradoxical lyrically and musically. It is the that some songs, such as Alfie story of a boy who can't find will appear in Page Finney, through their style and the happiness in sex without love: . quality of their lyrics, say much On Tuesday, April 29, at 8:15 theatre is the belief that the shape company will be involved in a It's tired and I'm getting laid p.m. in Page Auditorium, the Duke more than the direct attacks. I try to speak but I can't relate of energies and time space have a Master Class for dancers, a lecture Stu dent Union Performing Arts meaning in themselves. Nikolais demonstration about the nature of The core of the album is meant The D.J. says I need my rest Committee will present the to be a long eleven minute cut Like a storm lost bird I can't believes that, "art is motion, not their work, and a technical session avant-garde dance theatre of Alwin emotion." covering the mechanical aspects of called "the American Eagle find my nest Nikolais. Tragedy." This is a bitterly intense I've got to get home to you. The Nikolais Company will the lighting and sound, as well as attack on the Vietnam war and its This song was released as a single This "total theatre experience" perform "Imago," an eleven part the performance of "Imago." effect on America. but was cut in half to delete any is the product of the imagination of piece subtitled "The City Curious." Except for "Imago," for which Alwin Nikolais, who created the And call out the border guard reference to picking up a whore on The names of the sections give tickets are available in Page Box Beacon Street. Although it had to choreography, electronic music, some idea of the content of the Office, the program is free and The Kingdom is crumbling costuming, and lighting effects. The King is in the counting be censored for mass consumption piece. The sections are: Dignitaries, open to the public. house "Home to You" stands as the best A review in Time comments, Clique, Mantis, Arcade, Kites, Laughing and stumbling. example of the alienation that the "Alwin Nikolais is fhpped-out and Nocturn, Chrysalis, Artisan, His armies are extended Earth Opera is expressing through plugged into a high voltage fantasy Boulevard, Rooftop, and Fence. QUADRANGLE PICTURES Way beyond the shore the entire album. world where stage and sound Newsweek says of "Imago," "Its As he sends our lovely boys to In contrast to "Alfie Finney" effects share equal billing with eleven sections make up a moving Page Aud. 7 & 9 p.m. die the song immediately following is a dancers. He manipulates dancers, and delightful ode to the city—any hard rock called "Sanctuary from intricate lighting and electronic place where people come together In a foreign jungle war. the Law" which has a strong Musically, it is a masterpiece. The sound to create a 'total theatre' in a community of behavior, emphasis on sax and organ. This is that is like none other." frustration and possibility. Nikolais opening flute creates a fantastically an attack on secular authority as mournful effect. The varied tempo Alwin Nikolais has a concept of uses the bodies of his dancers to the unjustly acused runs to a the theatre as dynamics, which is in invent an eloquent language which is ingenious. Paul Dillon, on the higher law: BEDAZZLED drums, is excellent throughout the step with the new concepts of is at once design and discourse, like Father, Son and Holy Ghost music as sound, painting as color, the tones in music, the colored album, but he is even better on this Give me sanctuary inside song. This is really a great piece to sculpture as shape, and dance as strokes in painting, the verbal This song has a good popular sound motion. The basis for this abstract stand as the Earth Opera's major and would be a likely single release crystals in a poem—or the abstract work. if it were not for the subject but meaningful elements in a The lyrics, however, lack the matter. -Strike- equation." with Peter Cook, Dudley The Nikolais Company is being Moore, Eleanor Bron, and (Continued from page 1) brought to Duke with the assistance Racquel Welch. "Faust story to the possibility of using of the National Endowment for the with a fresh, mod look in strike-breakers to take pictures for witty, crusty, comedy about 'Old Mother Goose' Arts and the North Carolina Arts f u mb 1 y London restaurant the issue. Council. This aid will enable the worker who sells soul to devil company to stay in residence at in exchange for becoming man The editors felt that printing Duke for three days. In the period of the world. But the bargain is white space was the best alternative of April 28-30 the Nikolais comically loaded. Inventive is called racist open to them because it was acting, irreverent humor, consistent with their view that stylish directon."—Cue. By Henry Raymont troubled comments. strikes are legitimate means to express grievances with working (C) 1969 N.Y. Times News Service Officials of other Jewish civil IA MAR*mi£S LIVES NEW YORK-The Xerox rights agencies privately expressed conditions. Corporation has withdrawn 3,000 dismay over the A.J.C. action. reprints of an 1895 English edition An official of the of "Mother Goose's Nursery Anti-Defamation League of B'nai ••••••••••••••-a-**-**-* Rhymes and Fairy Tales," B'rith, who asked not be named, following a complaint that it declared: "We've stopped worrying contained anti-Jewish and about the clasics years ago. There } ONE HOUR 5 anti-Negro material. are more pressing issues these The decision was announced by days." the American Jewish Congress, Some representatives of the which had made the complaint that publishing community questioned J KORETIZING two of the 217 classic nursery the decision to withdraw the book J.101 6 W. Main St. (across from Dobbs) RIALTO rhymes and their illustrations used for its implications on freedom of "racist" sterotypes. expression. The Killing The organization received letters j Box Storage * of Sister George of apology from Thomas D. Edward E. Booher, President of Anglim, Xerox's Manager of Public the American Book Publisher Relations, and from Arnold Zohn, Council, Inc., and Chairman of 1 Fully Insured $4.00 * President of Amo Press, Inc., McGraw-Hill, Inc., said "the whole » for yoor convenience - J CENTER THEATER copublisher of the series called thing seems ally and not a very "Legacy Library Facsimle," of wise precedent." we will be open J Uncle tbtn's Cabin which the book is part. If the objection to "Old Mother Within hours after the A merican Goose," the opening rhyme in the J 7:30 fo 9 Monday fhro Friday ^ Jewish Congress had publicized its book, was over its original version, complaint on the two which included such verses as: * and 'til 6:30 * QUADRANGLE rhymes—"Old Mother Goose" and "Jack sold his gold egg PICTURES "The 10 Little Niggers"—and j every Saturday to a rogue of a Jew, Bedazzled Xerox's decision to recall the book, who cheated him out of the action drew a variety of the half of his due." • ;**•••••*#•••••••••••• Saturday, April 5, 1969 The Duke Chronicle Page Seven Three Duke teams in action I According to Hoyle

By Joe Ben Hoyle at home this afternoon It has been a long but exciting season full of surprises in the NBA pro basketball league this year. With the aid of television, this sport is now one- Baseball, tennis Lacrosse team of the fatest growing sports around today; and the events of the past season did little to hinder this growth. The season-which began months ago seek wins today hosts Towson in the middle of football season and seems destined to last till the middle of the baseball year-has seen one of the strongest races in recent years, a Two of Duke's winning teams By Roy Towlen team of super stars usually playing something less than superball, ar return to action this afternoon at 2 amazing crop of rookies, the death and resurrection of the , p.m. The baseball team—after a The Duke Lacrosse Team will and the rise and fall of the Baltimore Bullets. shaky start—have rolled for four try to bounce back from Tuesday's At the beginning of the season, all eyes were on the Los Angeles Lakers, straight wins and seek to extend 13-9 loss to Oberlin when they take With two of the games true super stars-Elgin Baylor and Jerry West-being that streak against Towson at the on perennially strong Towson State joined by the man-mountain Wilt Camberlain, a few fans w^re even Duke field. here today at 2:00. The Blue predicting a near perfect season for the L.A. club. The Lakers did manage Devils, now 2-1 on the season, to win the regular season title in Western Division (the weaker of the two The tennis team which has showed a reasonably potent offense leagues), but it was hardly a perfect season and the Lakers will have a compiled an 8-3 mark this season against Oberlin, as Fred Ramsey will face Hope College this scored three times, and Chuck struggle winning the playoffs. An aging Baylor, an injured West, and the afternoon. The Duke netters will be Clark and Newt Hasson each twice. dissension that seems to follow Chamberlain everywhere have given the looking for their third win of the Unfortunately, the defense, which Lakers as much trouble as the opposition. week having downed East had allowed only six goals in the According to recent reports from L.A., Baylor and West were back up Stroudsburg 5-4 and Colgate 7-2 team's first two games, started to par and the personal problems had ben ironed out and the team was earlier in the week. Led by Chuck slowly and then proceeded to taper ready to sweep through the playoffs. Someone forgot to tell the San Saacke and captain Charlie Meek, off. A furious Duke rally which Francisco Warriors as they promptly won the first two games in their the team is off to one of its finest No. 1 player Chuck Saacke will netted four goals in the last period starts. lead Duke netters against Hope was of little value as Oberlin also best-of-seven series. A knee injury to the Warriors' high-scoring Jeff College today. managed to tally four times. Mullins has aided the Lakers in taking the last two contests. The injury to Mullins may be enough to salvage the Laker cause for the moment bu Chamberlain and Co. are going to have to come up with much stronger Hopefully having rid themselves performances if they hope to bring an NBA championship to Los Angeles. of a month's bad play, the Devils In the east, NBA fans have seen an amazing threeway race between the should return to the form they Bullets, , and New York Knicks with the aging Boston showed against Swarthmore and Ohio Wesleyan when they take on Celtics conserving their strength in the wings. Towson State today. And, by the At Baltimore, coach Gene Shue and rookie center Wesley Unseld (this way, it should be mentioned that it year's MVP) pulled of the miracle of the year by moving last year's last doesn't help the team much to play place club to this year's Eastern Division champs. Unseld simply provided in front of empty bleachers. Duke the rebounding to get the fast-breaking Bullet offense into high gear. Earl students are apparently unaware of Monroe, Kevin Loughery, and Jack Marin gave the team a tremendous the amount of excitement in the scoring punch. game of lacrosse. Perhaps if they can find time to put down their The Bullets held first place for nearly the entire season but when the frisbies and cheer on the team this playoffs started their bubble popped. The Baltimore club was eliminated afternoon, they'll discover for when the Knicks won four straight savagely fought ball games. At themselves a new (and winning, I midseason, the Knicks cause looked bad due to several injuries to key Led by Jimmy Neffgenn (No. 15), the Duke lacrosse team will bounce might add) sport here at Duke. personal including Cazzie Russell. But the New York club traded itself back in the win column today against Towson. right back into the race. The Knicks sent center Walt Bellamy to Detroit for Dave DeBusschere and they have been red-hot ever since. DeBusschere, Walt Frazer, , , and Dick Barnett give the Knicks a Strong pitching leads baseball frightening starting five, but the New York squad had no bench-a fact that could prove important in the long playoff stretch. Now that the Knickerbockers have won their series they can rest and watch the Boston-Philadelphia contest. Boston surprised many people by squad to forth straight win taking the first three from and the 76er squad. A strong pitcher then settled down, leaving By Bob Rolnick evening his record at 1-1 and performance by has brought the series to 3-1 out the 76ers have improving on his already good 2.89 Teer stranded on third as he retired lost too much rebounding strength due to the early season injury to The Duke University baseball the side. team completed a three game sweep ERA. Lucious Jackson and the recent lose of to pull past Bill of Marietta College Thursday with a The Devils got off to a quick Duke increased its lead to 2-0 in Russell's .squad. 3-1 victory over the visitors here at start when in their half of the first the third as pitcher Schwartz inning with one man down, Don started ,the inning himself with a Can the aging Bill Russell, Sam Jones, Tom Sanders, and Bailey Howell Durham. The win raised the Devils join with John Havlicek to perform a repeat of last year's surprising record to six wins and five losses Robertson singled. Tim Teer, one walk. A sacrifice by Robertson and and once again it was strong of the mainstays of last year's team a two out single by Mike Davies championship? The Celtics are driven by a tremendous amount of desire pitching which lead the way, and a second team all-ACC brought home the run. and pride (not to mention their admitted liking for the monetary rewards compensating for the weak four-hit selection tripled to send Robertson Marietta got one run back in the of a championship) but the Knicks appear to luve just too much fire Duke attack. Alan Schwartz started flying home with the first Duke top of the fifth. After a strikeout power and youth. Russell and desire should be enough to give the Celtics and went the distance for Duke, run. Dan Stock, the Marietta and two bases on balls, pitcher at least two wins in the series but it hardly seems likely that they can take Stock helped his own cause by as many as four. singling to right to move the score closer at 2-1. It was as close as That leaves a Laker-Knickerbocker finale. In what should be one of the BOOKLET Marietta would get as Schwartz hardest fought series in years, I'll have to go with the Knicks. Tlie Knicks promptly slammed the door shut have youth and momentum; the Lakers have superstars and a better bench. on the visitors, pitching out of the It could go either way but in this ultra-long season, it would seem that HOW YOUR MONEY mild jam in the fifth and looking youth would come out on top. strong in shutting out Marietta the CAN WORK FOR YOU rest of the way. With base-hits in short supply in thus far this year for the Duke Final intramural team, the Devils went to work manufactoring an insurance run with out the benefit of one. Mike bowling results Davies lead off the inning with a MUTUAL walk followed by a strikeout by Blue League White League Randy Blanchard. It looked as if third baseman Don Baglien would get a single when he grounded deep Kappa Sigma A 43 17 Buchanan 47'/; 20!'; to short. A fine pick-up and th#ow, I'lii Kappa Psi 30 21 Delia Sigma Phi B 4b'; 21 Vi FUNDS however, reached first ahead of Windsor A 38 22 Taylor 43 25 Baglien, but the Marietta first Pi Kappa Plii 35 25 Canlerbury 38 30 basemen dropped it and it went for Delia Sigma Plii A 2')'i 30'; Kappa Sigma B 37 31 Clip and mail to: an error with Davies advancing to Sigma Chi 20 31 Windsor B 33 35 third. A perfectly executed squeeze WHIT COBB Tau lipsiloii Phi A 22'; ff'- Mirecourt 32'/; 35'/; by John Kiefer brought across the Tau Epsilon Plii B 27'/: 40'/: REYNOLDS & CO. third Duke tally to increase the DURHAM. N. C. count to a more comfortable 3-1. The individual statistics for the Duke intramural bowling league show that Woodman of Sigma Chi BLACKWOOD'S AMERICAN SERVICE had the high game of 235, Jeffery COR. CHAPEL HILL & GREGSON STS. PHONE

Chapel. Preacher: The Reverend (Editor's Note: items for p.m. Anyone interested should look Calendar Professor James T. Cleland, Spectrum must be brought to the at the door of the IFC office on the Duke Chronicle first floor of the Union for the Dean of the Chapel. Chronicle office by 3 p.m. lhe day 10:30-10:45 a.m. Carillon Classified Advertidnf before they are to be published.) times and places that the individual Samrday committees will use. For further Recital. Mr. J. Samuel Rates Jackson to speak information, contact any of the 2:00 p.m. Lacrosse: Duke vs. Hammond, University Minimum of 20 words $1.00 IFC officetd or committee Towson State. Lacrosse Field Carillonneur. (per day) Dr. Irene Jackson, Chairman of chairme near Indoor Stadium. 3:00-5:00 p.m. East Campus Each additional word .03 3:00-5:00 p.m. East Campus Gymnasium: Open to students, 10% discount for 3 the French Department at NCC will AFU auction consecutive insertions speak at International House on Alpha Phi Omega, national Gymnasium: Open to students, faculty, and staff for recreation "Negritude in Africa." service fraternity, will hold an faculty, and staff for recreation (swimming, badminton, (swimming, badminton, volleyball, basketball, table Summer sa les positions CO program auction April 9 at 8 p.m. in 208 available in the Triangle area Flowers of items from the lost and volleyball, basketball, table tennis). 4:00—6:00 p.m. International for college students with part The Celestial Omnibus will found. All proceeds will be donated tennis). time opportunities during the present "Kentucky Jim Collier and to the Vital Surgery Project that is 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Quadrangle Open House. 2022 Campus school year. Car required. Brother Bob" on Saturday at 8:30 undertaking the care of wounded Pictures. Page Auditorium. Drive. Applications being accepted p.m. The two singers perform on Vietnamese children. It is your "BEDAZZLED" with Peter 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Quadrangle for June training program. Call the guitar and Jew's harp and have chance to pick up a good bargain Cook, Dudley Moore, Eleanor Pictures. Page Auditorium. 688-7128 Mrs. Wood* i30 a.m. a distinct country and western and help a worthy cause. Bron, and Racquel Welch. "BEDAZZLED." to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. style. 8:15 p.m. Ciompi Quartet Recital. Music Room, East Duke Zoology seminar College Life Building. Nixon's Modified Sentinel Monday Prog ram--ineffective, The Department of Zoology will unnecessary as deterrent, likely present a seminar on the "College Life," Sunday night at Sunday 4:00 p.m. Duke—UNC Cooperative to spiral the arms race and "Aeromechanics of Bird Flight," 9:00, Green Room of East Duke. increase the military's grip on Monday, April 7, in Room 111 of 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Service. Sarah P. Program in the Humanities government resources—can and All are welcome. Sponsored by Lecture: Sir Herbert Butterfield. the Biological Sciences Building at Campus Crusade for Christ. Duke Memorial Gardens. must be defeated in the Senate. 4:15 p.m Dr. Clarence D. Cone, Preacher: The Reverend Room 208 Flowers Building. Please write/write your senator head of the Molecular Biophysics Stanford R. Hall, Chaplain to 4:00 p.m. The final examination of today. Floods of Mr. Graddon Richard Rowlands correspondence can prevent Laboratory, Langeley Research New officers Lutheran Students. this atrocity. Center, NASA, will be the guest 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. University for the Ph.D. degree in Political lecturer. Last night the Pan-Hellenic Service of Worship. University Science. 2114 Campus Drive. Council elected two new officers, 4:15 p.m. Zoology Seminar. Room IFC interviews 111 Biological Sciences Building. CAR FOR SALE: '61 Porsche, Mark Harkness, President and -Skyscraper- 1600 Super; Excellent The interfraternity Council will Kathy Braun, Vice President. They Speaker: Dr. Clarence D. Cone. condition-$1400, $800 cash. be holding committee interviews will be officially installed next (Continued from page 1) 4:15—5:30 p.m. East Campus Call 833-7842 or 833-6096. Tuesday, April 8, through Tuesday, and will assume their starting on the third. Pool open for women: faculty, Raleigh. Call Collect. Thursday, April 10, from 7 to 9 official duties at thit lime. Plans also call for a parking staff members, and students. garage within the structure. The 5:15 p.m. Faculty Volleyball. Card garage will have room for Gymnasium. Piano teacher desires Duke approximately 600 cars with 7:30 p.m. Graduate English Club students on either beginning or 2 Cuban diplomats provisions for more to be added. Meeting. Room 208 Flowers advanced levels. High level of Building. instruction by experienced The multimillion dollar project, musician. Call 286-0651 (only which will be the tallest building in 8:00 p.m. Student Union 6 blocks from East campus.) North Carolina, will be called Cinematic Arts Committee Film "Triangle Towers." It will be Re-Scheduled. Auditorium, denied US visas located on the block bounded by Biological Sciences Building. "A LOST—-green overnight bag at Roxboro, East Main, Parrish, and FILM OF LENNY BRUCE." RDU airport ot. Sunday, March Church streets, with its front on Admission by series ticket or 30. Please contact John Hope By Bernard L. Collier The five Cubans against whom Main. $.75 at the door. at 3608. Reward. (C) 1969 N.V. Times News Service action has been sought by the This area now contains the 8:15 p.m. Erasmus Club Meeting NEW YORK-Two Cuban Federal Bureau of Investigation, Rialto theater, the Western Union Green Room, East Duke diplomats have been denied which is in charge of internal offices, and the Record Bar, all of Building. Speaker: Professor I need a copy of "Precious which wiil be torn down to make Lewis Leary. Lord, Take my Hand." If you re-entry visas to the United States have access to this in a on charges of conducting security investigations, were room for the building. The last 8:15—9:30 p.m. West Campus reported to be: hymnbook, etc., please contact intelligence activities and allegedly piece of property will hopefully be Swimming Pool open for faculty me. giving "financial and directional purchased by the end of June, and members and their families. Herbert Jameson aid to militant Negro groups such as Alberto Boza Hidalgo-Gato, a according to the Durham Planning Faculty children will be 811 Onslow Street the Black Panther party, Third Secretary who arrived at the Department, construction may admitted only when government sources said today. U.N. recently: Pedro Luis Pinero begin in approximately a year. accompanied by their parents. Five more Cuban diplomats, the Eirin, a Third Secretary; Jorge E. sources said, also face possible Reyes Vega, a Second Secretary; Found in Duke Gardens, action by the Department of State Miguel M. Santana Fraiz, an -King memorials- Sunday before vacation, one on the same ground as their attache; and Lazaro Espinosa, a girl's bracelet. Claim type. colleagues. Third Secretary. (Continued from page 1) the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Mark E Price. 5078 D.S. Rockefeller and by Whitney M. 489-0201. They added that they did not Brooklyn, held special services in The government sources were Young Jr., executive director of the memory of Dr. King. expect the Department of State to not at all specific about the nature National Urban League. declare any of the five suspected A union that King had often Found: Lad y's wristwatch; of the alleged "financial and The governor said: helped—Local 1199, drug and diplomats personna non grata but directional" aid that the seven Sunday, March IS behind that their re-entry visas might not "It is fitting that all hospital workers —held Faculty Apartment. Owner Cubans were supposed to have persons—black and white commemorative services in many identify and pay for ad. Steve be issued the next time they leave provided to militant groups. Gore 5040; box 5488. the countrv. alike—should pause today, recall hospitals in this city and in the American dream for which this suburban areas where the union has Moreover, the sources stressed great American gave his life, and eon tracts. For Sale: Mcintosh, All the'Cuban diplomats are or that they had no evidence of any MARANTZ, MIRACORD renew our determination that the Component Stereo. Phone were attached to the Cuban mission link between Cuban diplomats here dream shall become a reality." to the United Nations. The Cuban and the indictments for alleged 596-4791 evenings. conspiracy of 21 members of the Young said: delegates have made no secret of "Though today is not an official the fact that they maintained Black Panther party. The Panthers roP:/j$rD£fl allegedly conspired to explode day of national mourning it is one contacts with student and black in the hearts of all decent people. .£**i- * j> Male counselors needed: radical movements in the United bombs in five Manhattan outstanding private camp in department stores, a police station, The assassin's bullet that took the Sttes-but the suggestions that life of Martin Luther King Jr. a year Adirondecks, N.Y. Top Cubans have provided financial aid and along a commuter railroad Safety, is Comfort? salaries —interviews at track. ago did not destroy his spirit. The to these groups is a new one. spirit of this great champion of Placement Office—Wednesday, "The Cubans aren't interested in human rights still lives and his work April 10, 1 p.m. Ask for The government sources, who goes on." Robert Gersten. asked that they not be identified, bombing storss," said one of the said that the two Cubans denied sources. "They are interested in In this city many churches, re-entry were Chafik Saker Zenni, a promoting revolution among Harlem, the Upper West Side and in former administrative officer in the Negroes ana white radicals, and Anyone wanting to sell a used mission with the rank of First right now that does not mean motorcycle helmet cheap. Secretary, and Jesus Jimenez bombing to ther." 216-7761 Ptease call ext. 4269. Escobar, one of two counselors \ lEATMER MOCCASIN listed for the 17-man mission. It is significant, government and ; WMMIM ilklmid cm* 4, till . dii*. .mi Mocciiin com fori Too J.a-, diplomatic sources said, that the , »«•.»' M,„', ,M Wemtnt Saker Zenni was refused re-entry Cubans who have been denied Isttmatl in January of last year, according to re-entry were not declared personna • HILTON 1 this information, and Jimenez non grata. Action such as that Escobar, who told fellow diplomats usually requires what one I Maaar run 1 Read cad Use three months ago that he was going government source described as a home to Havana on vacation, was complicated process of developing told he would be denied re-entry evidence of espionage followed by 2414 ERWIN RD. | CSia&eHied Ads! before he left. careful diplomatic naneuvering. B» Duka Univaratty *