.! , I I' :1" I'll' "'!I I, : :!"""i ' , 4PAGES ,ndi idu liom In ,C~lIe8~ "'I Section One Le~det.l)ip - Unlly of Ef, '" 1 Pages 1 to 8 fCl~k - .fullingl Power o~ WAYNE, I' HERALD th~ Johrn•• ; S, 1940 NUMBER FIF'TY Land Owners to V te ayl De ._~~~~~f[l:D~i~~€~i;~~~~~' .. ..1_ -"'- -, S S °1 n° tOt WGaoYens;tCo"~Lr~v~i:T:n ~;:t~JI~e:re'W,I WIll Welcome~'~" ,r{~1b~oJ~:~!~~~PI~!~;~I~~:~iutul'e'have he wisdom and cou1'- 000__ on ,o~.~. - I -~;.IS rIc. Ab~i~;r:t~!!~n;;::r~:::r. Ent;:ct:o:w'~aUD:atyN.BieEghvMetn"tf,d:r by Thr' ongs. For Event> s Me l Youth Discovers Hlmself." .;> con es t IS e ere. oCill Let the planning b()illd'~ elaoor- a"the \'ote IS favorable, the1 sOll 1 Lmcoln, m .... pcakmg I d I Be h lCVC- v.ill Jom W planned to sponsor Cow follOWing· State NatlOl1al bank, UI mg ommlttee ere 11 mg room v..;lll be used for contest~ r 1 Q tl thlr t f ex I commuDlty >-mgmg a Will be ac- HC'rmCin Lundb·cl'g, chairman of IlJays annually ~1S ar: )ncentlvc to }i'ayC' S-t three-ycar, 94 two-year, 155 one- mcludes 10 bands. Other bands, dod pf more bureaus an more and he s<."Cs that foul' other local ty cxten:;IOn organl atlOn, has a 110Jlor oderator N C . National bank, Betty EllIS; Fritts' year. These students are to com- orche~tl;J", and glee clubs In cilrry- WIll ((Include the day!. To Att~nd Assembly in 0 e. n Hanson. StrCltlon'),;, VlvlCln Felt; 1 WRiter Brrlthack, chaIrmpn, Fred cailsth('nlum. both ~chools have' bility, SllbJect tilese hea s less to mg out their plum 1f d farmer I Eastern Point. Umted States. Wi1yne Herald, Ruth RubCLk. \ Andersen and Dr J T Anderson, boys' qURrtets Fnday afternoon' childibh restramts, Sub,ect the plefers, he may secure help 1Il Lslabhshment of the lode! al fond Twelve college, and 14 Ingh Hnd the ,,'ChIt"'"' super. '>iDr, Wes- ot college h'gh aud,tonum; Wayne schoojs less to whunslcal ~pecula- planmng IllS soil conservatiOn work Pas S e S l'n I! Ea S t T S Hook, one of the few J<.Jy- o.tClmp phm 111 eight noJthl.'(l~t Ne- ~chools Will PHl"tlclpHte In the ley NO<.Jcckcr, met Wednesday at cIty has glrb' sextet FrIday after- tlOns, Convelt savmgs flom un- and l·Hn·y It out himself. men to serve lcY<.Jn, Buenu VI"tcl, Augu:-.tdnd, ha thl~ Thursday to ottend a meet- and !.):lep a string quartet m th~ trallo.lion, to the ImpUlI'ment of county's vote IS favorable, It" Mrs, Mary Kelley, SIster of B'"le III whleh 11 mllll;ters and "" 'C H has 'ecommendcd the ,oea Soulhern Normal, York and Wayne ,ng of the slate ooa"d 01 the Ne- college gymnasiutIJ-, '.,f'riliay eve, sc<\ttel"ed tcuchcrs ~ollegc~, be lll- likely thilt half of the camp E Harns of Lalltel, was and offICial clesigndtlOn IS expected Vdle'nttnC', M{tdlSOI1. W1I1IlebClgr), Teachers Further plans will be wmd trw Friday ev c. the criminatory andwilolly unIalL ton and half to Wayne county Wayne, les. chose'l tn ~u('eeed him. wlthlfl u few days. PIerce, Randolph, Stanton, Bldll, mRde for the natIOnal rneetmg In l:ollegc high gymnasi ttl. * .w * IfalmelS who .;Jsk fOJ' help. l( the MIS ;'vl.lry KelleYI 81, slstCI o[ Re\,. W.oF Dlelkmg delivered. County COmmISti~O~lel""" mcetl~g WCllthlll, Crofton, AlLtOn, Norfulk, Omaha May 7, 8 and 9. Wayne ~chools have mi ed Chamber Functions. mattel I~, \otod down III Wayne Hobel t, Ale'x, Charlb and Koy I the cil(lrge T~l'sdclY evenlllg to two III NodQlk Wednesd<-!y, ~ook fl~hd Scn!;mer, Wakefield, Lyon". Prc- Speaker at M~Ung, Fnday evcnlng 10 the en - 'fhli:! Chamber of Commen:c =.eC-ICOlinty, thc conservdtlUn Jll'oJC'cts Jeffrey, died Sunqay mornmg, newly otdCllned minIsters, Joe s~~po. to,quallfy for the ;tam.p,p~cm ilmmanes w1l1 be In the <..dternoOll Dr and Mrs J, T. MdeI1son went ,1Udltollum, and the city school

retary and committees arc gather- alrcddy planned 111 thiS county will ApI d 14, III BnltlmQre, Md" dlter 1 Kamphliis of Pcnder, who fllllshed I'Idnk Erxleben, M_ 1. SWlihalt dnd lund fmals at Dlght i:lt 8 followll1g to Orchard, Neb" for a diStrict P _ boys' octet appear.s FrIday everung. ing coordmatlon and momentum 111 probably be completed Cl.nd the be 19 1I1 laJilllg he~lth lor ~ome I :-.cmlndIY Il1 Om

.J(- * -r, And One Competes for i Cillldlt!'11 se\clalgtandclllldt(n,lnd,MIS Eph BCtkelllwuel, MIS Md( RIVALRY SURE FOR: Is Well Stat-led 1 Brule, Neb., upper grades, the city The repOltcd eomplwnt thdt the, Girls' State, 1<1 [(W glcdl gtdQ,dchlldlll1 H(l ,lolln..r dnd MIS lIobClt Auku UNICAMERAL SEAT, 11 _ night club LS too active In pursuit of new Ilu:-,bdnd dl{'ct tl\q YC wantl~lg: to wOlk Insteaci 'Of OUf.1tI\c ... to l\uy ... :,tdt(' to bt, Iwld In CXl'Cplllg.U)dj"\A Intel "'Ith her The MI"" 1\\,,1,.., cilnC'('n Chdllln;lll oj thlo. \\()lk jJI(),..,p('ctfn~dlstllct, ParticIpate In an F W P NfllRoro" ex Gzayof Creighton, D. F,nargll1g I tlle t'O\\'Il.!:l pilyru II a nd LWloln III .JUl]C, dlHI f'',tI('l } ,J(dll I'ldllk Sp,d~1 uf ~'dYlll, \\,1:-' d ',1,- 111M01 1(' coming YP:I! I'" HI ,III tllli t('el1 ~ :-,nlt InIlext Nob] UI1l(,dm~ d~ka's Of Improvement. or ayne' rep' E.. Tewell of Atkms on, and W ,'.E thus hUlldmg trade \'olurne and Olson I"" the C.ll1(!ldatt' fl)1 (jJlls' ler ~ I,Illd MI .... Beckellh(lll~l' I ern d 111 l'd II To mawta1l1 proper ll\'('stoek- __ FJuke of Stanton, lI1erC!l.slllg general· prospcrqy state to IX' held 111 MIIJon! thc' ~------r---~--- I()J Wl'dn('~cLt.Y Cl <.11 lPglo.la- forage balance, to re!-tOie drouth- Contestants Give Numbers T D Pl t- ThlwouM dppeHI" the mum obJective. sam{' munth J I K l'N j --- .. ~-- lure, accol'dJl1g dId I t I 0 0 an Lng 'c ca" be dl'ne only by ,lddlng (' '11 " al'l"~(n 'I BASEBALL TEAM t" Rut h 1i. Injure gras<: an s, Ole W'n un-j For Assembly Proaram I " Boy .... ' >-tdte wIll Illclude' ,tbuut v lI, v 1I 'l , productive crop land to grass, to 1 . • A t Nearby School nc.w SOUrces 01 JIlcome. If tlw com- 200 JunlOl boys [l'U1n ,lll pm to. 01 ~' "'~ 'h 1 I" TO BE ORGANIZED I Zimmerman of Increase acreuge of sOlI-bUlldmg At College HIgh. 1 '. , mittec on new entel"prJ£es IS olJ- the Stdtc KIW<111I,m~, L('glOn ,md Jir' oa- u(t 0 al"~ llPI . . Allen, Wayne d h Id fl \\ l,ine Womens club .tnd structed and its work neguted tly Men's club ;.;end thE' tW(l K('nneth .Ii. I Wnynf' Legion post IS sponsollllg college ~tudent crop", to pro uce eavy yre s () J. 1\ True, ::;upenntandent of Lcgl~n P()~t ure cooperatll1g 1 'do confhetlng whims, doubL<; might d ) I --f------l 11l1J\J())" bd~pb:ll1 ,1,E.W1(1 thl<-: season, hIgh qU<.dlty rou,ghage:::., to utilIze "choob at CounCil Bluffs la., will mg phntmg aguin tillS yea~ <.I~ t th d bit ~)1 ~~yl~~nctl~Y \\:~~~~'1. p~~~ I <~Hd~r'll~ Wayne State Graduate Is '1Iln,.J M Stl atwn has been ap- \,,"I,',Oe ',',"[p lU ,)'e de forage crops profItably, to budd up give the commencementj Clddress < ~~~nc:~\~a~~tyOorg~ni:=~~·~n.1 ~~oJc Selected for Honor )J1)lntcct to ()lgdniZG lIll' team. t , fecd reserves and to ell courage fnr the' Wayne trallllPg school school dl.~tnct 15, four and a half ld t ttl I b' c altTe\rVnoatge,III·,;·rwtheereCltYnoSmc~~<~);('d by , On n om/lnatlon.s. lIvestock on rented farm=. These WcdDe~day <.:\erung. May 22, when ~Jlesl JlO!ih I)f hwayne. Wdomen ~).f ~~i~ic::;:-~~ fl~'~~gr~oUr;ef~,uCI~S\~g~ the J'@01 ~Ia," in "ach WelYIH' GIven to e, ,Draillalic 1,'ealures , MIS> Znnmer- C dr" the mam obJectl\'e~ uf Neb"elS-116 semors WIll be gradu~ted. Mr, aJl~ (r:::~. ~~~~l"t t~~e~n as~~r~~:t calling for flag displays and dOl:ng schooL Ethel Jean Olsoll and Pat- .John Kyl of Wayne, t11Clnbll oJ I man, aged 21, ka!:> pustUle-forage-h\e~toQk ~et- Tlue lS a native of Nebrf\ska and th f b 0 ht t th L A other related essentwb ~hould be the 1[}40 o.Cll101) class oj Wdyne Arlf~ A.-ran..f.red H,ere daughter of a up '111 which fanners ll1tere!-ted was wpellntendent at McCook be- F CiSek ,)e I r ug 0 e d . p.CtiuHded to lilt the\\' 'ISlen tu ~;',('~r:~~'~I:.~~e ~~;~~~~, aatn::;K~~ State Tedchel s college, hdS been" b Met hod I, t are, now .nroliung, , , lure gomg tu CounCIl Bluffs, ~n;;,~ ~:~eWlKb p~~t the::,nS t~~t eomprehend larger objective.:; to M t t w til se!ecifld fol' av./ard 0,1, the Unlvel-- minister 1S a Geo. H. Owens, Enos WillIams, 1 Assembly Progrnm. ar.:jnoon. Some work w~ done at justIfy the co,t.' ch~~'c~n~,,::ed Oa';'~ighClS~hO;;:"':~'~P Slty o£ Nebrasila tUIlIon seholru'- Mi,' Lenore P. Ramsey)s humon dynamo, funct:onmg' C H, Morris, Irven, Groves ond Prof. John R, KeIth presented th' ame school last year, and the * * * and activIties. Mrs W F Dierk- ship and recom/mended to the (\("<-In Directing Productions mtelllgently. She says he} op- Lloyd Morns of nedr Canoll, and tl"alning school students 1n instru- pia IS to add trees a hedge and This week the Chamber 1S bUitii- mg, Mrs. J. G. Miller and Mrs. Paul of the gldciuate se~ool. Each yeD.!' For Early May. ponent, LoUls Jepper;;en, fClrIT,lel' Albert Watson of near Wayne, mental contest numbers :Wednes- f;hrubf> thiS spring LegIOn arr;'U1g- ly ('ngaged tn hclphljg Prof K. N. Mmes, who served for the LegIOn the university aw~rds a lUltwn neat· Hubbard, 1S a flOe fellow, haye entered in Wayne ('ounty and day mornmg for the assembly pr?- cd for the work at Its meeting last Parke make a su~cess of the anll~JaI AUXiliary, named Ethel Jean cellege, She is de1ight- Ley and Mrs. D, ,S, Wightman, 'm1e class' aVfrage in: spelling age even- an 0 umn. irillorl1!l~tion. It is impor- year's I Stephen the two evenings, Werner ed With the Way n e col- I .d from Marep \11 J.o 15 was ~3.5. Pa;.~t ~~~cOrd. South- tant to be Il~le in advance to Welchert 'Mill be' Andrew Robin- lege ahd prioes her experience Former Resl ent : : ' Section Two. know wbere' the lown's guests d the i son ,who woos S~san away from as, a situdent, Miss Ziffill'erman Will Be M ar,ried R~MODEI1S !r'PROP~TY Page One-Infant Dies. Picnic can be hou~d after the hotels an . re~ Stephen and Laree.n Lindburg will has been interested ~n politics Miss Evelyn Mellor, daughter of BOUG~~ IN, \AYN E iniWest. Clu~Program. It is ~ gIve ';~!:l~dS!:'Zni~)~ ~m~"';'''I':f ~~~ ~~': i:ir:,':b~~::U~~o r:;!,:~"';; Mr, and Mrs, Wn\.. Mellor of S!. Chas, M~.!rsehmi

PER Clarence Woltet, Mr. dinner guests l;l~l v,('(:. ,,' at ~~~c~~~r~ :~e~~n~s~nday evellln~ Ed.- Malzahn, Mr. and 'Mrs. .' C. 'VonSeggern'~. Mt. and ~rs. EmIl MIller were . Bartels and children, rvpsses .Mr. and Mr~. Brunu SIJ]ILL14I'-' 1'1 Thursday eVf;lnmg guests at tbe V. Walters, Ltna and Vegie and Lynette spent 1"1 JddY l \' H. R. Hansonl home. and Clara KohlII)eier, at Edmund Longe':::. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wolter Holtorf and Lawrence Mr. Clnd Mrs. At t Jil I were Fnday evemng guests oIl Mr. The hostess served de- MelvHl Miller wei t: ~ \, i I and Mrs. Fred Utecht. refreshments at the close dfiY evenmg callel::; dl bl I: Mrs. C. A. Lcvene iHtcnded Mrs. Lnnge's. G. August Johnson's bIrthday par­ Mlss Ella BLllgh(JiL \I.~ld t, ty Saturday afternoon. George Brun::; h(JJl\" 'j III Ii, Miss Nmd Anderson was a Sun­ last wcck to f1t d"t) ('\cnmg In the Fred dItelinoon. With ;vIIS DeUel Kal In HVI"Lhl'l "pent TUL"II,IY duced. It IS doubtful If thcre - not even rich Mr. nd Mrs. Bernar'd FUll< ~Ind .sdnc!dhl hum(' to help MIS. San- Wakefield ~ \\Cl'k 1'1 till' ,] i11J' fied in Wa,Vnelllltl'illg the n would be at)y enforced Idleness, 11'1"t the drain. As a M u:sic conte,st, nt<.: k meet, q and businesses due to madllmcs or other causes, ~~y!l~~~n~~gd ~:I~~~'sP'~:~.\"IClrl';""'!?= r\lcl~111",l~"I',,'b'i,a,."1r'Lhe~'lb'11~~htdAaYh'de1",'on Miss VC'rn,1 l\.Iae KOlth h d'"l"t- homl' !lldl \\"lnSldl'. K.., jl "., G ".J .~ IngattheHenIYKulthhUn1('\~lthl :\11'. ,11)(1 ),11" ~\It J; I' tion. and awa dilng- two cal If normal con.';.llmptlOn were rc­ and move ebe­ ID honor of hiS birthd8y. bnd 'ion" "pent Thul"sd,V,{'I(' Iy ('\:1111..', "':,l" will again gu n0 jn~erwo\'eJl wi h those that I pelled to figllt over anq over a threatened (( '''Hill\\l''1i flom PHgP Ill)( ) Ernc!';t Prue:-;Slng of neal" Emel "un, ,lI1d l~\(J d,lUghlel"s, Ruth f Wdync, v..elC Sunday after- Dolph's at Law'd. o-t v.lek ,It octqpus llrought forthoat the behest of self­ c1os~si analysis 'can s('paraic he real gold seel!inj: politicians wli6 thus trifle With the cral Without OPPosltlOn. The name andtJamCe Mae ~s pYrites "Price," long tonsplcuously ldcntl- 1\.1. and MIS Hdn'ey Hl'llllmg- S\\dggelty hum£' mates Hnd teal:hel Jll hun-I 1,\ dlld blllnd ';lxl11 \j'J),ci,,\ credulrty and mistaken ,j udgment of inno- TlIe~day \ ------~- fu:-d WIth Nebraskn's st3te OffICCS, scn md d"ughter, Mr~ Nels HCIl,-, I'm-I-;. HIll hdd five pupILs takmg of hIS bIrthday Illill).; In till' JLJlpll I'" l" ,,:.!I ( cent elders. . ' COnf-lUallt Candidate Hos::; pf Lexington IS not to be regarded lightly, us tlJngscn and Lee dUended d ml:-s-IRthgl'ad{'exarnm8tJ(jnSla~tThurs_ John MCQulstlCln enjoyed \l'>l_itcr ~()()dkd h(lllH' .I' \\( t]1 $petlklng oj! the late~y launched move­ IK proof pf lh" impraclieabilitlV of lhe pri­ witness the defeat admlOlstel"ed by ceUaneous s]wwel' for Mr, ;Ind Ml~. Elmol' Mac Meyer'i, Bobby tors on the evenmg of API Jl 7 Ill' :\I1"" LJLI Rli Qill)11 I { 'IIJ l ment in contrast with th" one that wah de­ mal'~· JI1 jts present form. one Pnce to one Johnson for th(' Dalold Mathiesen and 1\11 ,Iml fk;ln Dahlgren, Vl\,Hln or of hiS bllthday i tilt' Lm'l l~dlgh(111 11'11,1 S,· fea~ed, ~he Norfdlk Daily News concludes: ------+-- democratic ndmmatlOn for !>tdt(' Mrs Keith Mathieson at the FIPd ID!'I"llr I dt till: H..J';..,lJ,!"" drive it out of the state. ----..!- audltOl clnd dVUlds the dlSCUld of helping Mrs John Bengto,on lcl('- till" SUllday. MIS Berg \vas DeloriS and Mr" Joe Wilson lturs <.It \Valkl PWI (l' .IOel .\]t~0 ElliJ IJ,1l gll'd; , " , be done." the 'val' O,'t'l' l!l Europt', appartntly anxious M<.1rlOn Johnson, Mrs. Fr('ri MulIct', II fUI' hpi 11001(' ThUlsdLlY morning Burlioop~. Sllnd to share 111 thp (,X(,ltement unci possible ;~~l~n~~c ~~at~:~ds:~~~;~, c~;~~~~~ Ml". Fred LundIn ;;lOd lVII''' Albcrt lVIl s Pclul Duhlgren and Mrs Mr' and Mrs John N Johns91l Something EDIT R W. F,. Cramb of glory. Fortunaleh thl' numb~r is small as the democrahc nominee. Anothll Anderson ilOd daughter s. ()scar Blollmqulst and MISS Velda and Mr. and Mr.,>. hUll JolU1"on ::\Tr d[H] ,\11" i\lulil JOlll ~'II ,)l j · N he. the Fa~bury Journal, de­ compared VI iih th(, millions WJIU insist that Swanson nearly engulfed the well - l\llk :-,pcnt Id"t Wednesday aftel- and baby were al A. W. Dolph:;, .hllc\, \]1 dnd ,\11" ,\IfH'd ll, l f Oli' ot Z'1g plores h~ gambling spir- this country keep out of tht' \\~' r at all haz­ lW(Jwll Wdl M. Mauplll for tht' Chicks and Brooder noon \\Ith MIS IVCln Johnson, fO! Sunday. Elnd dnd ,\llll, .\11~ Wlli Llitt '1,<) it - the spirit of tryih to get something ards. \Val' ha:-; al\\'H)i"i heen ~ urope'g main democr'allt nolrrllnatlOn for rdd- House Are Burned 1;:~:;)lI1g bel lc]pbldte her bJrth- lVII'S. Fred Tellnow \11~ WilLlld 13leLi{(', \]1 fot nothing. Angling Or scheming for sub­ occupatioll. It must llcvpr be orne our:). way commISSioner. In mukll1g (J [ Itllge number of VI"IUJlo.., _._ .. ------;--- "UIV~Y of names 1O the state how;C', The brooder hou"e dlld iHound Stdldcy. Lh.'dll dnd Cldlk DLlhl- ot last v"eek lfl remembr" (If Cramb is a type of rUrged individualist Tile ·:!lot'\' " told old tli the Book of number 01 heads to sUck out by '\;11 thddY on the 14th day of the The mother IS the former Mh" J/l the Bu, .\1 -In IlUllll l'J){ l' 'Ill wqose idea of life is to p 'oduce values that Dallll'l, bo,,' Lhe might,v Ku\g Nebuehad­ yelling "Johnson. ' Mr. and Mrs. 1-i;1l i/(>1l111ng-llT'ontlr III the II)urtll month of tile Frrda SIevers. cost effort and justify pr de, The wOlth of nezzar of Babvlon \va;.; "driven from men, .... l'n and daughter tll(' SOl en 'I }Tdl, 1940, Mr. and Mr-s. Hcwy K{li til dl1fi a thing largely vanishe. if it is aequirad and did (iat gn~ss a~ OX(,Il, and his body was , LO~'AL Hanson home at Dixon, Sunda} 1\11' and 11\11" Je::,s Brownell and Verna Mae KOlth wele at Thu) I'or "l~ Ott('. without effort. Here is one of his obser­ wet with the de\\-" of ht~a\'en~ till his hairs '-..I cvcnll1g. IJlmmle (>1 SIOUX City, wel'e Sun- ton Friday e\enmg \' was m Norfolk f>,nd.erson and GE'orge, Ow Elnesl \\'('ll' ,d>'~';;'~~~ne S~~~l~l\:~dl~~;;l~' B8ker's mother, Mrs. W. P. Buker, glll'~t of Manan m the August und Elinor Mar. l..'-1st Monday eve- tm BprnemJon to muke. There arc some t;'1 noon fur a SOC18.1 time and a humllIatll1~ i day dmner and supper guests In MI", and Mr~ C W. :'v1cGUll (' ('ll­ repubhcan~ In my family after ~ll. They are m­ the Frank La,son home. Mr. and Northwest Wakefield IllUS"'~SS meetmg at wh"h t1me tt'rL:.,i;ned at dlOner Wedncooasurcr A coo per a t I V e the b~rthday of AlVIn. editor and js now retired to ~l~flda where she Baker and ~axine of Omaha, 1\I1rs. Paul Lessman "pent ],]:st lunch \\ ,1<.. f'l1iJoyed. The club meets Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher (lnd A Safe Place to Save serves he pClrty as state commItteewoman and m LoUiS Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Thuqnlay JI1 the MI's. MlIlnlC Mil-1 May With Mrs. Vll"gll Eckberg Harnett Anne uccompanied Mr. plays to h~r democratic neighbors. Mau and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ leI' home. ,.IS hostess. These' beighbors love her and overlook her and Mrs. Wm. Hugelman and Mary 5 PHONE 5 bert Perry and sons. The Paul Dahlgren fdlmly \\(,1(' I MI. und Mrs Harry Bartels el1- political $~rratlOn Just as Mrsf Parker and I do. BernIce to Omaha SDturday. MI' i Sunday even 109 VISitors Ht Ernest ItCll.:.lIncct Sunctay evenll1g on the Fisher entered the UOl\'erSlty hos- I But Mrs. arker has nevelr l~arned not to gIve NEW DEAL. Lundahl's. occasion of thelr thIrd weddmg Grandma. n opening pOlltlcallYfShe sent a clippmg pltal ~or treatment The otheI:; Canned Corn of my cOlfmn on democrabc I m and honey and The movement to give Roose­ ~~~:~!l:~~~ .. ~~nl_ll\_el~d~y._~~~:~_~~~ spent the Olght With I'elatlv€:; and velt a third-term nominatIOn IS Special biSCUits an ,~hlcken to Grandm· and Grandma pops returned home Sunday. nght back Today I present Grandma Murphy on not prompted by demands of Fancy Cream Style republican vittle::;. the democratic party. As ex­ 1:' ellaw Bantam Corn Dear Grandson: Ham and and bu;cUlts plamed by Mark Sullivan, col... S~utheast Wayne umnist, out in front In prompt­ Check Your Roof and honey democratic ~ that. ($y Staff Correspondent.) ing the plan is Secretary of the 2 Cans 17c of you and of all the Adeline Peterson spent the Interior Harol]:i' 1.. Ickes of hot long. I nearing 80 week-end WIth Cleva Jorgensen. temper fame. The record shows CalifQJ'Dia when a I Mr1. Emmett Baird called on that Ickes was a repUblican un­ Green Pasqo~1 but that Does It Mrs. Ben Nissen Fnday afternoon. til 1932 when he became a new Mrs. Rudolph Kay spent Fnday Qealer. He was 111100lS manager Celery afternoon with .Mrs. August Kay fOr Chief J~stice Hughes when Act Like a Arl~ne Most of Laurel, spent <-'risp and Tender the laUer ran for preSIdent 111 Thursday night With Harflct Rel­ Per 1916. Ickes ailled himself With leke. Bunch Senator Hiram Johnson's effort .. 10c ~or the presldency in 1-924. Sieve? jckes was a delegate to the na- Aspa,.agus 1ional convention that named Barding in 1920. It is noted that Long _ Green ~slde from swi tching to Thco­ If your home i~ hard Lo hoaL in winter alld 1/._lb. ·flore Roosevelt's new party set­ very warm in summer, you had better Bunch p.p in 1912, Harold pitched with ehe,ck the roof. An old, worn-out roof i, trepublicans until the glamour about as much protection :t,8 a .sieve against (''rysla! While the new deal captured him. the elements of weather. Pnc€::; are low. wants it continued WIth Soap at the head. Secre­ See us today. Wallace who inheri­ For All Building Problems, for Economical party lean­ 3 ~;:t, ...... 11c but who and Efficient Service, See Us. leader- O-Kay' Bran Mlakes 2 Package~ .. :m ~3c, Wheat P,.uffs . Giant S~·~--~ 'r, -

Cello.Bag...... ,~ .... < •• . Henry Frever4 Mrs. Har­ G;jide,'Sleeve Mrs_ Ralph Morse were Thursday after­ with Ml"s. Magnus Mci"-w~.lwYlie-wer~.f~~~~~!! hostesses seri.1ed named being state secretary. cggsh~ll cOlo$. :M:;i5S'-~ I:_-;:C.-";- fre~hn:ents welle ~erved bf Miss tOct\LNEWS nameJy: Glen and Wilbw- Giese received a nf~er* of ~fts. Id? Fisher, M:cs. I Mary B 'inton Ml~. Minn!ie RedmElr of Sioux Max and Rkha,rd Gijfolj,d, Georg~ MISS LOUise, KdIm~el, Mis Stel: City, \ j's spending this week in Ch' ~kman, DwalOe and Gail Dun­ HaVJ No.H'lat Dinn~r. ' la Traster. A tealfor senio, gtrls Wayrie, on business. p O1r rung and Edwin Carstensen. G. A. Wade's bi~ay was of the COl1eg.e and high schools is Remember Rexall Ie 6alc> at 'Qm.: .L obse ved Sunp.ay wit no-host planned May 9 ith Mrs. Crif­ Kirkman's April 24 25 26 d 27 uarterly .,:on~('rence TI1'ursday Our RedCCJneIT's Lnth. Chu..reb. dinner in his, home, B sides the fih chairmah. L • • a~18ti at 7 .p'. m, D~stnct Supt. Albright, (Rev. W. F, Most, pastor.) Wade family! ,the group included .,.;. * * Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wert and pr~l~n,. A' . . English scrvice at II. Mr. and Mrsj W. S. Bress1c;r, Mr. Have Music,.ProKTam. two children were Tuesday dinner the a ~<:5 h ~i SO~elY :\f~:ing at Sunday s("1:1001 at 10. and Mrs. S. B. Spragu¢ and Ed­ guests at A. W. Ross'. . c ure H(urs ay, prl 25. at Choir rehearsal Tuesd hOf!!e for q pl'Og.l·atn of lie Ross 01 ncar Dixon, visited at Immanu1!1 £v. Lu1h. Churcll. Thursday evening at 7:30 with Mar~in and Bonnie Jo, Mr. and A. W. Ross' Sunday afternoon. Mrs.. C, T. Carlson. Miss Alma Vol ... m U:,iC bX' colleg!!! students, This Mrs.l C. E. Conovcr ~nd Mrs. Rev. P. Pearson was in Wausa ,(Rev, F. C. Doctor, pastor.) le:5 IS devotional leader. India laee induded: "Italian Street pong," Heru+y Volker, the last Uu·ec of Sunday for a fellowship afternoon Services .in, German at 10 a. m. will.be on display, * .;{. * VI~t()I' Herbert, and "A 'Tear," BloonHield. when the Wausa congregation hon- Services in' English at 11 u. m. ChIldren of the church mcct for Bible Circle Meets. Tnnkruus, vocal solos by Vir­ ·X· i(.. )to ored Rev, Philemon Smith. Rev. C, Ladies' Aid meets APJil 25 the first time Saturday, Aprll 27 Bible circle met Tue~day with glllltensen, aecompanicd by Bct- Rebekah. Initiate. .* «. * Cavanaugh havre. Ho!otesses were te Dl' "A P 1" . ? L: Rogc,rs h~~e: The! spent the evenmg of Apnl 25. , Dema Jean Meyer joined the Reoeknhs conducted il)itiatioll kard Klub Meeting. M C gh M (\ll·p~~\~r, Ull~e:;:~~~y ~/?~~~~~ aftelnoon at MISS Scott S. Th(' league •. presents the play, ILuther ~agLle Cit the. b"t meeting, Fnday cvcnihg. Covered di!oh Kurd Klub' und Mrs. E. J. N~·;i.;:es~~~~:.U L.' A. ;J'ns~' a~ci lcllku" and "DE.'Cp Purplc,'~ pianu "Smail Town Romeo" thlS Fnday The prC!cildcnt asks th<1t members luncheon wa~ sen'cd t.fterward. Cochran wcrt guc::.ts of Mrs. Mr·s. H., A. Welch. In bridge solus by Lundak' Colle!!e Societies and Sund~'t·pa"tor.) IWlll pls Sl'S5JOn Mrs. A. M. ...,ell, Ml'. and Mn.;. J. l'Il". Emung. Mills; indtntion. Ruth ~ennett, leI" ;.;oon . 1ll th~ Catholic Study club met ;Vlull- P.E.O. Meet~ Tuesday, J"eob)", 1\1r:). C. L. Pickett and 7(• .Ji. Fern Willmott: menu, Lois Sever- He\". W. F. Mo"t spoke un orgall- , St.. Mary's * P,E.O. chapter met Tuc~dilY :\11· ...,. 'fhcubuld were appointed Degree of Honor. son. Lois Dolson, Shirley Hansen; lzmg and runnmg i.l Luther League ThurRday in I ~~~:~. %~~l:H~f. !.it~i~;~ier;h::.~~~~ afternoon witih Ml·S. C. T. Ing- (It! the program committee for Degrl'c .of Hunor rn~'t ThUl ,,­ initiation, Florence Kindl~r. Mar- Wayne ch nt I .. t rJ f Sunday afternoon;)t the conference Fl'l!'!'.)' 1(",,011 on thq eternal destiny 01 ham for ex('ltlplific in two: wc{'ks when Mr,,_ tiona I qUIz in which N-11:,s Ms Dolores j,!1tlC KauHlll'l~I!nt Vllilcy dub met Wl'd- (knt uf the state P.E.O., went tu Whynch of Randolph, ,lOd MHI"­ ple~ges ~el Jr,;slC Hale. .IVIre;. p, I, M;ll"Ch Thursday at Women's club Tuesdhy e\·ening S - plate' lunche~, ...... '" Among the citatIOns which com­ member at the UniverSity of Iowa, -x- ·X· 1 :30 111flcllcUil. In bndge ilfter- on her trip to llOl·tht'rn Afl·ica. * t1w lesson-sermon is tJle fol­ Ule looul ,ponso<',. _ . .WAN'S '.. . . Have No-Host Luncheon. \\ ,ll d prizes ~v('nt to M]"~. R<:ll]Jh In the busll1c$S mceti~g the dub from th(' Bible: "For if, . voted to gIve $2 to Ow c,mcer Sl~atton Coffee Shop U. D. club had no-host IUllcli- Mrs. R,lll:?h Car- wiler! we Wl'l'e eneml(~;" we were . Birth Record. . fund and $2,50 to help send the eon Mond,l,Y at the college ('3[(>- hdrt ,mc! Wm. Hlawkm,e;. to God by the death uf 1\ d<:lUghter, Sandra Mac, was ~ Tlw club m('et:-. in two weeks at 10cill girl to girb' state at Mil­ much more, being recon­ bor'n to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wie­ ford. Guef.t'i wcre Mni. Ted I ~,3() \'.llth Ml!"~. Hobert Au)\el". elle'd, we !-.ha)J be ~aved by his life. ting of ne~lr Way no, Thursdt, by whom we have now rc­ ;::Jlld Mrs. J. W. Beatty of Chicago. Jeem Jonas, Mrs. f:. c. Maas, Only! We have engaged till' "RciJglOll III the ThLlr~­ Icel\'l'd the olton('rncn1" (Romans This is the first child in the family. SALE M!ss Verna AnderSOn], Miss Lil­ services uf i when Mothers' :study club 5: 10, 11). Mrs, Beatty is the former Eloi~c li April 10. Mrs. Graham was form­ \ meet;.; Bgaill in two weeks fur and Hcalth With Key to the T(lijdrie". [(lr , ,md prb:-.p('cti\ (' Jl1C'mb(:r.... Lind erly Mary Alford. I electi01l of orfice]'s. by Mnry Baker Eddy: 'I theJ]· cl:llldl'l'n Wil.l ha\ L' ,I pil'nll:. -x- 7:. * ,"Thl·ough the magnitude of his One Week Only! I eX· 7(•. ;t A.A.U,W. Elect •. 'h.llll1iil1 life', he de.. monstratcd the Apnl :.!!) to Mi,ly 4, mel. With Mr~. Chas. Heikes. dlYlnl' Llfr', Out of the amplitude Ml":-' el1;I ...... HE'II(co. l'ntf'rtalll('d Welyne branch ()f A. A. U. \V., of hie; pllfe ;1 ffect lOn, he defined [CHURCHESI '1fl llllilute'i 0(' PI'l\',ltl' con~ultillHlll, 111- l1leciing ThlJr~d'IY cvenmg in the i .'\111"\1:-',) Jl1C'1l1bcr::., ;Ilo.u MI~. Il1.m·l'. With the af!luenee of Truth, cludlng (l complete :-;kin . Ml..... ~ Maude Curley sc.eret "en eel by MI..... :; Mane~Ho\·e, Mrs. Costel"!­ ample? All must sooner or latcr Church school at 10. IlI(' li()~ ll's ..... ;,an, Mls:-, Lenore R<'lIn,>cy and MAKE yqUR APPOINTMENT ~)I;ll1t themse'lv('s In Christ, the true Morning worship at 11. .)f- .r. * Ml s. D. S. Wightman took part Springtime Is NOW~ I Ideil of God" (p. 54). ' At Crawford Home. III a dL..,cus::.ion of mo\·ies. Mrs St. Mary's . ,1. T. Brcs,,-;ler, Jr., Mr..... ('o .... ten­ KIRKMAN'S C.L i' In(!mut'r'> and [\.Ir~ I (Rev. Wm. Kearns, past01·.) A1ICl' Mclbl)()tt wert' ;,dll, Mrs. Gl'lHlIl dl1d Mr.~. F W i Offiee in lIospltaL YOUI' Rl"xall Stun.' Ma:-s 10 Wnyne at 9 o'clock. Suit Time M V. l'1 a\\'f()rd~ were cllU ..... ('1l to a ttelle! l Dr. S. A. Lutgen has his office CLitechism aftcl· mass. Confession ."tate C0t1\TntHII1 III IJruk('1l 1 in the W<.lyne hospital. Phone 61. Saturday evening at 7:30. Dnw :\ILly 10 ,Ill<;i 11, the flr~t , 82711 Pierson, Mr and Buy a 3-picce ~uit now F"""'"''''''''''''"",,"" "",," " """"""";;'"''"""";;""'''''''''''''''''''"":"::'"'''''''''' Theophilus Church. ;Ind Oscoll' (Rev. A. Hoferer, pastor.) at reduced prices. l\Iix The ho'>tess ~('l·v('d. No sen·ices. .It Gloskurth's Ladles' Aid meets thiS Thursday Dressmaker jacket and with Mrs. Oscar Mann at the I ~kirt for ~polis wear. -x­ cburch parlors. -,yGrocery in M,eeting. ! KAGY'S Wear the longer jacket D.A.H. chp ~I(- * .x­ (Rev. Walter Brackensick, vacancy Pound .. At Arlen Fitch's. have tremendous appeal pastor.) CARROTS Mrs: Ed. We~er, Mrs. Paul Friday, choir rehearsal at 8 p. m. Rogge, _ St. Paul's Lut:1herit.n ChUlrch. b: Sunday in the W1ll Moore home at ~:G~Zr nd g~~~~e~hC tOma~~~n e~~ I~:'('~~:~~e:;o B~tJ~~~r~~~~. p:rl(',r~;,\~ Lyons, ., Social. a brother-in-law, Schoqlmen's m'eetmg ut (Rev. W. A. Gerdes, pastor.) , hls wl'i,tten appro\,al on the CnI'T'lE'd. made his home I Miss Virginia Mitchell spent Wayne Monday afternoon and eve­ German Iservices <-1t 10 a. m. . ;v'/otJOn put by the mtll1g "no" t()~WIt: P('ldtlt'. coach at Wakefield next ye'<'r, !'('_ Members of Central club took appllc<1Uon of the Wayne Ice & )..1otlOn deelal'ffi co.rned. iEmil Muller's. jr., in honor of her birthday. I' , Miss Marguerite Rees of Con- turned the contract as he had been e ere given a contract to teach and concil ~~~c~~~vl~n~I~I~~~ ~o~:et.¥:,:r~~ I~~~~ b~~r~~C:~~)em~:~~~%~:~~:d ne~.otlOn to ddJUU.I 11 ~l(JtlOn C~ll ~ 't~'. i~~:!,:~day supper guest at With A. L. Prnspisils. H ld H at Franldin N~b. nfternoon. OffIcers elected are: tv the State LIquor Control Com- MAnTI~ L H!!\'GEH, -,/ Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Pospisil cn- - Enter1la.ln BoaNI. Gcrmnse. Mo- ATTEST. :\1.1,.<., The 2nd Y€1ar home economic's Mrs. Otto Nelson, secretary-~reas- tlO? put by the ma~()r al~? ()~, 1'1)11 WALTER S. BRESS!.!.]; , alin went to omaha Tuesday and ~~!a~~C~~k c~~~~e; ~!~ ~~~:n~~~~ Voter~' meet1J1g at 2:30 p. m. class will entertain the school urer. The- next meetmg will he cal~ thE' follo\\mg \oted yea to- Cily CI.' board member',s and theil' wiv('s at Walther League meets Thurs- :~ ~::d ~~d·~~.' H~nton, Bridge was dIversJon afterwards. day even mg. held in 'the Roy Holm home. Mrs. WIt: Brugge-r_ MIller, Wnght, Mc- a 6:30 dinner 'Monday (!!vemng in R(?uben Holm aSSISt::" Mrs. Paul (lnd Perdue. ~()nE' votmg NOTICE OF SET'TLE::lfE:.\TT OF · ~yron Busby and Mrs. AI. Borg YOWlg People's Class, for Eben Holm­ the home economics room. Ludles' Aid meets Fnday nfter­ I ;tere in Omaha Friday. passed away Thurs­ Kllllun was a guest. motIOn was declared carned. A{TOr:-':T Grade News. noon at the chlll ch. : i Paul Utemark and Son, Paul, jr., Young people's class of the , after bemg ill over A motion was made by Mliler 1 Tn the county (,0111 t (,f \\'.lynt' Elame Bokemper and Betty Con­ ir~re in S.ioux City Tuesday. They Christian church had a porty Presbyterian Church. and seconded by McClure that the tounty, !':clJl,-,,,k,l, lwld Monday after­ ner received A's in spcE'rl: A men's )quartet, consisting of on and Wayne counties took th(' day afternoon. eveDlng. few dI.~ys in the Wm. KIehl'- hOme. project clubs in this part of Dixon mepbers \oten "yea" tO~Wlt.1 You LIrE' hE'rf'by nrltlflf'd 111,'( 'Jl e Vern Cad..,qn, Lawrence Carlson, in Wakefield last Mr. nnd Mrs, Alvin NelSon and county met Wednesday ,afternoon What-sa-ever society meets this Dr. L. F. Perry. dentist, phonE Br gger. :\11lIer. Wnght. McClure the 16th day of Api'll, ]Y4U. \\ ,1- l,lJWrenCL' ~ T S. Hook :12 73 94 219 were Sunday dinner guests in the had the lust and fnendR. iMrs. A. L. Holmberg erson Sunday from tile Coe hus­ ·--n~'-k-f· ld fuel OIL.. . 237.33 WaIner Benthack 66 96 76 238 George Eickhoff home. Mr. and ~f Wukefield~ is his grandmother. pital. Northeast 'rr a e le The E,tecbne-Angus CQ., Joe Smolsky 49 96 57 202 Ervine E. Mrs. Henry Nolte and Viola were Pallbearer1 were cousins, Erwin, (By Mrs. Jewell Killiom.) recordmg charts 14.28 Ph!l~lp Murch 41 61 84 186 afternoon guests. Marvin and ~ Weldon Mortem;on, Tn Masonic Lodgp. 1\1rs. Harry Johnson spent Maurice Grant, machine C. H. Hendrickson 1 1 PONT ~'.A gllOUP had play rehearsal Mon­ tvIyron El'ickt;on, Austin Ring and A gl"OUp frO'm the Wakefield d~y afternoon at Rev. Allan Mc­ Robert Ande~·son. cbupter of the Masol1Jc lodge went ThursdayLundahl home. afternoon in the Iierbert Waynework News, rate cards ;'4.252.00 ~~.MotIonT~. G~i1tle~,p~,~e~:;;;;~~~I~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wd~ m,loC' by Wn.ght D.n_d______Coll's. The play will be given at', \a JdckJe Lennart spent frpm Fri- Coryell Auto Co., kerosene Out-of-to~ relative;; and to Norfolk Monday evenmg lor mystery tea in the Presbyteri4n special degree work. dclY unttl Sup-day in the Vel mer and gasohne 3 ·. B9 {nends here :['01' the funeral were ichurch April 30. IM·p",pr'"h,~;rlt. Anderson home. C, C. Stirtz, gas and solvent 1 20 and Mrs) Harry Larson, Mrs. Mr. 111". und Mrs. Byron Lisle were R. K. Kirkman, supplies.. 1.60 Start Your Chicks on Mr. and Mrs. Fred -_...... _.c' .. -,-, Chester Larspn and three daugh­ Son Is BoTn. '" and Mrs. Ray Jensen, Mr. A so·n welghmg 10 pounds wns sunday ~ftcrnoon visitors in the Sorensen Rad, & Weld. Ed, Meyer and Mel vin ters of Hecto~, MlOn., Mr. and Mrs. NurmDn Anderson home. Shop, weldmg 6.25 1 Ericson' and family of Mead, born to Rev. and Mrs. Clarence p, Echten!kamp spent Friday Mr. and Mrs":" Emil Rodgers and Kimble ElectriC Co., motor Norc::o Starter Reedj and Elmer Anderson Hall of Wakefield, Friday, April l\largaret were Sunday evening vis- brushes. 1.37 . Odebdlt, MIldred Anderson 12, at the Coe hospital. ALWAYS FRESH! at Her>ry E~;~te~~,~~~~!;,.pr l¥" itors in the Emil Mueller home, The Augnstme Co., office Miss Faith hIS hpme were Mr ant Mr~. g i!md Einar LI1ber of Omaha, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miers and supplies 2.61 [t takes less than 100 pounds of Norco I teaches at Columbus, Henry' Echtenkamp, Mrs arllra

MR. ffARMI:R Nee(Jed for police. ,.J'th Ch' .' k "He 'carries an identilicaUon H e~ y Ie 8 card only in he should be the Mrs. J, T. Andel1son and Mrs. H. the linilJlg o.t t~e intestinal victim Of a traffic acciden\. H. Hanscom were in Omaha last , ' ••<' I H&-S-S ~-".. the bablt ChICk 15 very sen- "He ~hinks of his neighbors Wednesday for t~e semi-annual SEEN BY '-\i'' .... 1. . the first weeks of its across mternati~nal borders ~ of meetmg of the Ba!ptist Missionary tha~ ma~ ups~t its those to the nctth as though thEty board of which both the ladies are passengers will feel wlll qUIckly man- were a¢ross a f;tate line, rather members. . " RL S+T~flAN. " 1-:7' ','I bowel troubles. , than as foreign rs - of those to the out and grabbing hand- Me and Mrs. Paul Larso~ of 1 Milky W'ay or the , D. C. ------:r- due to ~ul.lorum south more as trnngers since they Sioux:. CIty, Mrs. Amelia Blume , Cross. So far as is known I .. ed :;ClI~te and special a~tention, be- \)e la.rg~ly ehmmat.ed speak a langua~e different from Clara, Margaret and MIldred no atrcraft in the world, eithe; ago, 'we sat came' Just other l1uman beings. the earners of the dlS- his, and with tjhe knowledge that Blume, Gene Dodds of Emerson - military or commelfcial, has the Haskon and They usually represent} a sort of with pullorum an- there are now, nwtters of differ­ :~~, Sunday guests at :a. R. La\:~ combined long range, high-speed OslQ, Nor- bewlldered people and! nearly, al- is that the or- ence between I1is government and and ~Qa~ carrying 'ability of the amd sang '!"ays their dirst objective is our be passed on to chicks theirs, but of r1either with an ex­ egg. If the disease has pecwncy of wat. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Strahan and "F'~ing 'Cloud." This ship has a reading Own 6t~te .cfepartment, where they Beverly of Cherokee, Mrs. Merrill top speed of 300 miles an hour th~ wor~s frfllm es~ecially get thel~' first infonnation. It l1ap- in previous lots of "He worshipS; God in the fashion present in the adult of his choice, Without let Mulr.eady and two children and nOl:lllally cruises at 250, has ~ in English. 'I'rhere were p~ne¢l llke that to the Norwegian Strahan of SIOUX CIty, were range of 2,500 mBes, carries' nted, in Fren(~h and Nor- diplomats who are here. It happen- the new chicks arrive, "His childre~ are with him in disinfection and fum i- hIS home, neitf1er removed to ;) aft~rnoon and supper daytime passengers Bind 25 , . were ~he delegates to ed t0' the Albanians, the Austrians guests at F E. Stralwn's. pa,ssengers in capacioUs berth:; for' meetjing br the .inter- the Czechs, the Poles, al)d no on~ help to eliminate the place of greater safety, If young, the latter. at~jn' i untll unlOn. ' It was the seems to know who will be ne~t. of inf~ction from that nor, if older, ordered ready to M~. and Mrs. Detlef Bahde wE'nt At Double Hclght. above the I am openmg day IjIf the conference. The ~orwegians and Danes here serve the state v.rith sacrifice of to Fremont <.lnd Cedar Bluffs , . precaution against limb or life. Thursday to VISIt untIl Sunday. "Flying Cloud" is the first fot I' INJas cloud as I'll never Around us sat, the delegates from g.ot then' fu-st word of Nazi inva- of infection from engmed transport' in actuDI S~:l'= sight as 1 ng 'as I Ilv(". It 22 uther cOlin'tries.IL~ter we shook sIDn from our state department. "He has his 'Pf"oblem.<;, his trou­ They viSIted Irving Bahdes nt Fre­ that may have escap­ vice in this country. Her 1,250- ITIe of my fIrst look into hands With the king and crown Ou)" Own representative in Oslo ap- bles, his uncertainties, but all mont and the Peter Bahdes (.Ind s:mitatlon program, it is ers are not oversh<\dowed by the John Lubkus at Ced<:Jr Bluffs. ho~sepower E'~ines Wlll ~Ift her to css make flying at these altitudes ovek' the !l:tmyon. Then which Il('ver came. 1 to know of both a predj~osing cause of eitl'\er bow­ dmg :mnl\ersary April 14. school. Trips for Mi:o;s Larscn ,Inri Mrs. blue (1" the ocean, WI cloud eager to exhIbit the progress which countnes met on the steps of el or retpiratory trouble:,;. The lack Gn'at ad\'nnlagcR of hi$ll.-alti- Bradley were arranged by Mr. and thp.l'l!' belo\v was Wtllt~ has been made In the beautiful Jit- o,tate department and passed, un- of humidity causes irntatlOn and tude flYing IS lcs~ illr-)'(~"istHnc(>, Fay oj thE' Pan-American offICe'. bbnk oj c1()uos. Theil plane tie country ;md they made it plain InotIced, the repl-esentative of the inflam11llatlOn of the respIratory giving LlddC'd speed ,mel Tiley ,llJi\,Cct (.It the/{Ielcl at 0.30 l;.lIlkt'd !(l\' ;\ tll1'n As Wf'nt how much they 10v('d their king German government, who by passages, removing the mOIst, pro­ mIleage per galloJl. The p III ~(j IS to UP o,urt1to bl un h,md [)v('r an 0f){'nmg I and theH' ('ro\vn pnnc('. We wnds that the lating, lantiseptic solution mi~ed plall1ed. that 13m and sno\!; nl(' (,Il~ names WIth the lickets to see II pel hOlll, the st(\\ lId s('~ved I excitIng cont£';;ts on water .ever D,.lnlo,h flag and ~rms would re­ WIth WBrm water will help main~ your own pnce, if r("asonable. co1.mten'd at .'1,000 feet, !:;qunlls and n1l IJBssengelt-; scheduled for thE' tonk pIctures of til( clou~s cmd held m the 0,,,10 Fjord. 'We accom- mClln over the Danish legation, The tain tl1e desired humidity. espe­ FOR SALE Mo all varieties of shade trees, storms .tovP Tlleobald Lumber Annollncing All. Addition to h.l\·lI1~ ~he o~~(' ducmg the possibility of more Phone 487 for prompt, through whIch ~III· IS blow~ IOlo mountcllO<:. We JJstel1t'd With awe l€g f'r1t!'l s art' nlO(' slI1gllt seats ll1festcd . woters and s(l('rificed Of. cll-ms and the Czechoslovak flag wood. ______a18tl ::-=::::::::~~:~:::< -::~~~::':=-:::-::~===::: a day old. At this tIme the feeder NUTRENA FEEDS WIth d \\ Indow by each, an¢! these thousands of lives and hundreds of :;tJ!l adorn that bUilding whIch )$ space .should be doubled, or sup­ FOR RENT ,11(' In Special Prices on Chick Feed s('ats blue .Ic(.lthel' :uphol- "hips m th~ effOit to keep Nor- too lurge [or the limIted ac- ply two inches per ch1ck; and add .,,('n'{' llS(' Sell yoU!' produce and buy and will be pjt'~~sed to tho~e who wish to stcring To tht' right SIde 'are four wegl,m tr;ldc and {'ommerOf' alive. Mr. Hurban tells friends another water fountain, or supply FOR RENT'-DoWn-s~r:s apart­ your foed nnd ~lt 8t the Nutrpna Chick ~tati('r and Pellets. \\I"e will con­ C'omp(.lTlmehts ot SIX :.eats three The nam('s of these Norwegian he would lIke to sell the building about one-half inch w(.lterll1g space Fairmont Creamery Company ment. P r I \' ate enttMi~ 521 0111 E:'(.Ich .':,Jdc iacmg f'uch othler, and heroes <.ll'e engr<:Jved in bronze m and move to a smaller place. The per chick. tinue to sell PURINA and our COLSON'S CHAM­ \\'ayne, Nl'b. Milin, ~ '1~1!, there a be!1 to call the ste- delegs marketmg, and Ilj2 Loh on Corner, lQtown We are prepared to offer prompl Its dechratioJ1. The ridE' Was n real gates who cduld not he seated be- :vIr. Welle!;, Secretary Hans Thom­ treat blll shp believps not qUIte so C(.lU~{· they no longer had a parl13- sen, m charge of the German Em­ her purchases al'e hmlted by her as Dr. ~ones Home 504, So. 9lh Sl. needs, her tastes, jher budget, but service and reasonable rates for thrilling fib her first pt'ane nde, mental'Y god2'rnment to represent. bassy, was mtroducll1g a new Ger­ I not by decree. plane truvdl1l1g now being so ('om- They looked WIth some misgivlI1gs man commerCial attache to Ameri­ ~qa~;;(> h~:e~~~~nc~ c~~~ 'h~~~: northeast Nebraska farming and "He comes home of an evening Iortable. upon the lI1dppendent mE'etmgs of I can off1C'wls ll1 the sume building. riUtomaUc gas furnace. Ne\v MISCELLANEOUS A.second strato-pl

'ra~m's jI~ ~ream I I STANDARP 'EXqELLItNCE I!'l N~B?SKA IFOR, ~2 :Y~ARS ~"I< for",lt "." w:,11 It StJuthwest which left him in a thistles. A can of tractor iiuel with <.my' ~rs. Lav.]rence Ring.) condition and at last re­ which' he was lighting nres ex. quite uncomfortable. ploded, causing severe bums on Mr'L and Mrs. carl Lundell were in Sioux City Tuesday. were called to his his lower 11mbs. His father lucidly . \ are coloring pictures The Art Borg family were'jn the act,ievement. was close at hand and smothered Hans Lubberstedt home all day the blaze. Mrs. Charlotte Lundahl, rontcst is to be Sunday, . Mr. and MI-s. C. R. Ash called to BUS~n ~~ see him 'l!;ntUl'day evenmg and Mr, A prize will be given to Oliver ~ohnson was it dinner who makes no dis­ guest in the W. C. lUng home Mrs. Herman Jahn and Harold for a whOle week. Monday, were Sunday visitors. Leroy's Faye Sandahl spent Saturday ~Cl'oy Lundn Whllc helping his father burn J. Lundahl with [arm wurk. I'morning. ,Mr. Mr,. Frod U1ceht ~r In West Friday . a~d v.i~;ted Mrs. C. F. S<.lndi.lhl enteI:"ti.lmed , ~ Mr: and Hubert Reynolds Clnd Mi~s Lil- 11\ Ule, E~l Lund home last I ues- I I. 'daul(hters were in Siqux City U1D LaPorte club in her home Han Monion of Los Angeles. were day e~crun~. I Wcdne~day afternoon. Mrs. Ray in Las Vegas, Nev" Fri- Mm:lon Sandahl was a Monda,Y Agler and Mrs. H.ay R~binson HOSIERY'S "LONG WEAR" VALUE '~:!~ji~y E. Johnson tiSHed in 12. They Ilrrived here ovel:nlght gucl:it of Ntln NICholal- . the g. 0, Jobnson -home Friday were guests. Followll1g entertain­ Clnd Ed. Lindburg were and will visit Mr. Rey- sen In Wayne. ment and sewing on quilt ,blocks NOW AT ,!ternoun. the Axel Frederickson ooIds' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs, Fr$..nk ~ongc fipcnt ., Miss Fay Sandahl of Wakefield, luncheon was served. Mr:,;. F C. INJAND4 I Fteynolds, and other relatives a last Tuesday everung In the flu· was a week-end guest in the D, A. Hammer will be t.he May hosteSs, l1lREADS fc:w days before,1 going to Dctrclit doH Kay home. .. Paul home. , Mr::;. Lawrence Ring VIsited Lar­ 79c Mich" for a visit with relatives of Mrs. Paul Ohwn _ rema.ms 1/1 Miss lola Reynolds who teaches the I Mrs. Reynolds. Hubert is cmplo ed about t~e same conditIOn In the r~ Joe's school ~last period neal' Hartington, spent the week~ in a Scars Roebuck store in [os West POl?t hospitaL lhu~sday. Enroute home she had end at home. birthday coffee With Mrs. C. F. Angeles. Gene Sundahl spent Thmt:.day Billy Ervo'in spent Sunday Wlih night with Myron Henry In the B. ~andahl, other:,; there being Mr::. Marlin Dahlquist in the Clal'enec Carl Leonard and Marjorl(', Mrs. r------Garden Club Meets. W, Frederickson home. Dahlquist home, :;;on's. B, W. Frederickson, Mrs. Edgar Mrs. Frank Carlson wus a caller Mr.

Hov BlllL Jul1l1-,otlPUpklll~ i)ll lllCt.:elcbrat;- I .mel lunthcollBirthday. gllCib o[ J\-Irs.Allen, Gus c(Jlled Swanson on her and Sisters, ~Oll, Juie,Mrs. IIIT~s~"'~'"~n~L~Un~d~a~h~1 ~ha~d~'~1 ~h~el~n~OI~T~ha~.g~C~~:;:;;:~:::::===::::;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______,!!ld- Waldo /\rlltd 1 the J,]y Mdtte::; home SumldY III Dlek S,Ill(i<.lhl and Mrs. Art Mun...... ,_ Own Your Home Puck \ lSI led hOllor of Mrs. Matte.s' blrthd,IY of son, Suturd,lY ufternoon. I <'1.'-.t Wednl'~day, April 10, wcre: Mr. alld Mrs. Levi Hclgl'en and M1'. on m. 1 Jue of Vahmllne, we;,t of WuYne. I, several exceptional buy:-; at atttractive prices and wcek-cnd With her par- Saturday, cdtl'chism lll:.t1uction Mr. and Mrs. John B,u'den and p. m. on Saturdays ... hot terms. Let U~ lell you how to heat the renl prohkm. dnd Mrs. John SLenwalL at !J.' Mrs. Peter Encksqn were Sunday 01' cold. No obligations. Stenwall famriy :-pent I " . -, \ l"itors in the Henry Johnson ;iltf..:nloon thore. lVir::;. StCll- Concordia Lutheran Church. home 111 Wayne ¢c1cbl'uting Mr. :.tln \cry ill. (/{{'\'. Wm. T. Chell, }Ja"tOl".) Jobnson's birthd;.' .school;;; of the v~'C fY, were. III I

;·;~I:,:I:':(.":"~I"::'l:';,i;:;' ~ I t~ 1 ~ t,' J? , ,~r ~ "" J ,,\/,,\ " ~. (, r, i ,"J )'1I I. • .' '.1'1".,: co ,;, '. ,II '1: ,I II"

Nearly . 100 Per' c!nt CoveragE! 0 the Section Two County IF! Id vow. D Pag'eslLo6 A~a o,~M~~.P.~.EarIY~~turdayat Fy~~~~~~~~~~~~~::.::~:~::~~~,.~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;:~~~:;~;;~~::~~~::~~~::::~~~::~~~~~~~~~.~~'.~~:;~~~=-TJr:I1:,iE W~YNE HERAL' I '. meNea VVayne. F~'I~F~T~Y~E;i~~~H~-T~-H~-~YE~-~~~R~~_-_-~'f'~"~-~~'-~-~'~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~B:R~A;S~K~'A;' .~' ~T;~~U~"Ft;S~I>~A;-y;·,~'-~A;P~R;IL~1;8;.~1;94~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~~~U~M~B~E~R~:~F~I;F~T~y ~f~:~;'heI!:h~n£~~~!~~ Mi~;i~-';ary Group IGarden~-ire Part ---}'otmer Resi~enls Marble Toltrnel!. Program Is -:-Gi-v-e-~---W-;;~;;-s Third Youth Bound Over "r,illian daughterQfMr. and Mrs. Convenes in Wayne Of Home Program At Secolld hi· Sponsdrred Here ForWomen'sCluh InI(astingsMeet T D' . C Wall. EIW1I11 Nelsen, CIty, vIce president, Gnd a Ponca lngton. Mil. and Mrs. Ellis I Miner tlnd In vite .""1arluers offICIal journal in 1930, now ha\,- laff, LeWIS, iCou,rs a,:,d Simpson Safeway, Sala station and th~ Milo' and Leon Meyer, t~o aunts, woman, "Iecretary-trcasurer. Claude Sellon, formerly of Ri.lll- children, who recently moved to ing 23,000 ~ubscribers. The 1892 bemg on the tea.m. Lindahl ~on Standard Oil station, the last nam- Vcrneldu'and Norma 1\1 yel', A dolph, married Mi::;s VJOlct John- a new home ~t 816 Cordova, AI- rro City Meeting convention was In Chicago andl~he :-,hut put! SmIth tied for flrst cd tWIce. grandmother, Mrs, Emil Meyer, To Recruit for Navy.. SOil "t B' when the car Will Be Speaker a t SchleUbwaW'oMm"a'Sn,v.:~inndtc'.:hCedlatudrd,~),fl Tthh~ i L:OCAL hcow. aTs. kNe~~tg"CnS.:udstoofdYs·I'oux City, Meyer. U. '5. navy. Exaremat,ions \\/111 be I dl'lv(,11 by her husband wils ;;truck Norfolk Monday. ...,' '"" .... 1 0 w given (It the city hall thel"~ from 81 by une frum the rear as the Riley supposition tiMt she abo .had d .J. Knox Jones and famll~ nf and George W. Leamer Of South The Roy Penhollows of NodoU., a. m. to 4 p. m, The .. 11m IS to car ~;I()pped on the pavement cast dress shop. Mrs. R. J Klng~l('y I LI11coln, Saturday unci S~ln- SJr)UX City, are attorneys for John- visited Saturday at ,W, A, Ste- strengthen the n;:l\Y tv 145,000 by of to let u third Cilr tUrn served as model while Mr;.. WIlglltiduy hele Mrs ..J. W .)1))11';-', .~tin. wart's. July.!. nurth Wayn '1.1H.1 M, h. C. L. I'] lo\'cly c,lrds, flowers, etc., sent tC) Of the body where they spe- 1,'.11S;lturday nIght ;.;nd me dUring my three weeks' sby ~ dal signifIcance. Literature WOlS of Dr. and 111 ". N. J. In a SIOUX City hospital.-LaVonne the hat. being close tu the br<:ilo, Nodolk Hi.lnscn. "., youth depariment W<.lS the colla!", IZmmaURmllilllrlli. • •• lIila ...... i, shOWing frequent change, mOVIE'S I. Il:I were on the arm:; C!;, ~lcevC's; mu;.ic I: : and art were the sa~h, reprC' ...,ent!ng I N ~ decoration; the br~a~t pin wa.., th~ : : picture of the preSident, \ ..... ho holms • f1" the whole federation : = and Ml"~, Berl Brown, who at R~~~t~o~~t t~~rc glVl'n. ~~~~.;~Jrl= i: : ha\(' mO\'cd from Wilmington to A. Fanske told of H.C\' .. Ke~~lcl"::>; II I!I Beach, atlended. The former address; Mrs, E. S. 131<.111', uf the:: : get ~ign(\tulT:-' for the regis- golden jubilee; Mrs ..J, T. Ander- i: : r. Mr. u and Mrs. W, S, Bell (nee Elsie Por- counties meet in Norfolk for .lIn ventiOD she attended in San DiegD'l- • tel'), Grace B('ll Chapman, Flor- "E\'er Normal Gr,ll1ary" program, Au s tin CreLlmer presented: J: ence WdllClm,.., Tonner, FlOSSIe Wil- The meetmg opens LIt 9:45 in No/'- W;lyne hIgh school boy::,' octet ::md I: -:., ,. IWllls Cl;.IYSOI1, Mrs. Nettie Wd- fulk's new ,!uditorium. n, D, Hal'- quartet in numbers. Hutll Dammerl B • liams, Mrs. Glenn McCay and rison of Norfolk, Fl"C'd S. Wallace was Elccompanhlt. : ::. Putty and Ming. by the 'Auxiliary were dlscu,scd. • tlves, the Wm. Sonnekens, in Los About 2,000 arc expected fur tl:e Mrs E S Blau- reported on the = Ujlohoson Brothers Produce .. Angele::.. program sponsored by the Madl- books bought for the llbrary With I. INDEPENDENT BUYERS Paul Rethwi:"ch and Marlin .ut- son oounty AAA and Norfolk the $100 from the Wayne Player~ : I , • tended but some ot the family Chamber ?f Commerce. productIon last year These boo&s: II - cl!UALITY ~ ~BJtVICE .... ·-ttATI.~Cll;I9N W(']"c ill wlth mumps. Among ot'h- Mr. KleIn, chmrmLlI1. of the To~a arc the followwg Thr' Gropes If. Phone ~06 ' WaYne, cr:;. were Mrs. Anna M. Roberts of I ~gnc~ltural consC'I'vatJOn commlt- Wrath, John SteInbeck, Wlckfo d .. .- AUwmbr(l, [lnd her parents, Mr. tee, 1" ,I tenant f

...... ".' .... :. '8: I'! ! I

named persons are the sole votE', as said individuals may vote heirs, ',it law ~~ Nels E~'Erickson, eithei' in person or by ~1l. Non-­ -, deceased, to-Wlt: Ann Nygren resident landowners, or' those un-:­ (nee Ericl¢.son), a dau ter, Lin­ able to vote in person at the refer­ nea Nygren (nee Er ckson), a endum, may vote by mail upon daughter, and Raymond' Erickson, making request for a ballot fram your petitioner, a· son, alr being of either lVIr. Dan Leuck of Wisn~r, full age and all residing in Dlxon Nebraska, the Election Officer, or and Wayne counties'j NEbraska, from the Executive Secretal'Y of and that your petitioner, is. inter­ the State Soil Conservd thi.'1 9th day of April, 1940. waynei c1ub,1& making ~;a~~'s o~st~~eb~aaSsk~~~ ~:eh~~r t~~ and;3 mlles ,,:est. of W, B ml1('1> (':IO't; ~ ~ Conoord has a llew tennis ,court E. P. Hodapp is new head of as required by law and that upon and, mdes n~)rth of Altonuid hearing the co~rt may i::,::,ue 4. :Scho(ll DIstl"lct No . .'13, 111 Sec. III(IK, nis club has been, formed; Mrs. Eliz<"Jbeth Rowley, 70, of its certoin decree determining the ~6, 11'wp. 2~. ' Rang,e ~'. 5 m.des. YJ.ut.h I ~ ~ ..• Pieree, mother of Ifred Rowley of H:. A. Prestos) bought a lot and time of the·death of sald deced'mt: od one-hdlf md(C e}lst.of Wm!-'ldc, I' '.'esfinrihouse plnns to build' 6*, ill His-far.ntily will Wakefield, died April 5, 1924. that your petitioner, RClymond . I . rber ,>h(Jj) Budding, 2 cI(lo!.,> ", 5 move back to Wayne- from Laurel. MJ:s. Fenton C. Jbnes of Waytw, Erickson, Anna Nygren. and. Lin- ).;:,:. of b<.JI1I~ III Ho"km", N"br:ls- MAZDA TAMPS, C, A. Chace· unG dolph. Mrs. J. G. Mllles of Wayne, uf children and heirs o( deceased IYlllg wlthm t.he saId klnt()ry

for 115 aerl'S oj" l<.ind in Holt been bired to watch the watchman. .. ,\ At City Library 25~ ~~C~i~~~o~~ ~~ t~~;T~: 2~~: Watch Chain.. JEWELRY ',,< , ~~~t~o~m~, ;~l~\t~~ss ~~~r~krrels0o~ Chief of police at Oak Park, Ill., New books Ddded rec~ntly to the Range 3E; and 11:" a happy graduate, indeed, t W' jd d' M received a 15 pound pike in an ioe "helves at the WGlyne library are: SW%. Sec. 9, S 1,4 Sec. 11, Sec- Desk ~ts who receive;.; a gift of jewelry ~~04 I.n~, .eF:.w~:eJ~~'::tl~\~>, lS~)l1 a~f packed box r;om a friend who wa~ "I Begin Again," by Alice Bretz, tions 13, 14, 15, 16, E% Sec. 17, all Here are gifb which Pens, Pencil8 from l\tines. J~dge 1:tunter, had OrIC of his fin- on a vacation: Wh~n the bo.x was "H'~W to Read ~ BO,Ok:" by M,~rti- Sections 20:-27 inel. and 31-36 inc1. will be valued hil,hly and long' meJ g~rs crYShcd. when he fel.1 from a lopt..nCd the pIke blt the offIcer. l J. A~ler, BUlma !load, by twp.. 25N, Range 4E; and Ear Rings rememlwf(,(l, hbrse Ul1d the anim.slie B.As theHo~ma~, TWig THAT::~N~O~T~I~C~E~IS~~HgE~RE~B~Y~G~IV~E~N~~~~~~~~ on the 29th day of Apnl, ••••• =;n •• =i===.I~ lflJl.ued when d ~wltlh ('ngmc - 1'lt11and Land of Heroes, b~ shuck the teum ll( \\dS drl\lJ1g III I When 24 gllls Jl1 a psychology T

ning daUers la:st week in the Emil Utecht home. Mr. 'and Mrs. Andrew Johnson Barner pre last Wednesday . evening home spent guests' at Fred Ruser's. Mr. and man's. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heithold and children, Mr. and family spent 'rucsday evening last and daughter week at Dan Heithold's. Rollie Longe ,family and Mr. Baker's, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Utecht and and Mrs. Nolan Christensen w'ere Mr, and Everett Hank and Melvin, spent Monday evening 1tedt home. ~;~~lY;n~1r~~71~, M~;: L~~~Cl' ;;:.~,,~ M;1l'Cf'i!e Sampson were SaturdClY h'.)us~ hen:'. Supt. F. B. Decker ed group of ;.,lx yuung::-.ters was parent 1"C'plJed. and, Mrs. Envln Vahlkamp evening guests In her home near expects

afternoon guest at Oscar Petc~"­ OIL-PLATING in your engine, Southwe8t~WaYJ!lle son's, like chrome-plating on bump­ (By- Staff Corres andent.) V!rginia .Ashby oJ Norfolk, spent Gildersleeve LC; ers, stays constantly PLATED Mr. and Mrs. Donal Milliken last week ~~t E. W. LehmkUhl's, -All Kinds of Insurance­ Mr. aIlld Mrs, I<~red Frevert were UP, For an apparently magnet­ Thursday evening guests at Alfred ~gent for the • like attraction comes to Germ Sydow's. 'l'rn.velera of lIartford Multiple The Lines Processed oil from its man­ made extra ingredient, so that Martin L. Ringer engine parts are surfaced with REAL E8!ATE FARM LOANS OIL-PLATING •• , drain-proof, Writes ev ry kind of inSurance ex­ cept lif .. Special attention to Remaining fully PLATED UP FARMland in the highest-speed engines, OIL-PLATING keeps Wear from doing Summer "business as usual:' On.-PLA~ cylinders long keep the roundneSs of youth, and that makes your Germ Processed oil kel!p. Change today tQ Your Mileage Merchant's JeonOeo station. Continental Pil Company \ , t DII,-PI~Al·tli·, YQ~~_E.NGINE ~·'nV" ~ .,. '111. 1940

• • • 1

. ! :ME TO W Y'~E For the Third District! 1 • I

Mu Ie Coittest1 FRIDAY .t!uuH §ATn..mDAY~ APRIL 119.26 1 I and the I Wayne R~lays , FRlDA Y AlFTERNOON ani! E~ENING

fro h' lr't 0 B". J ): e uanllY i'.. ..

'1i'ry One of Our VIRGINIA BAKED HAM SPiND'WICHES AND FtWH THICK MALTED MILKS ...... I Students Hearty Welcome to It's SmaJ't and Cvlorflli! Announcing Welcome .~ Meals TBI·DW STYLE-... T HATS I The \Vayne Photo Co. i~ nQw located in its new Wayne's Popular 1 homp., the completely J'cmodrled Fred L. Blair builrling" nt-- Cafe! Lunches Look Your Best 110 West Third Street Cold or Hot in n Thic: n('w, modern .. nrl \Vc-ll ('qlllppc-d studio will ('n~bl(> us to NEW ,1;1\'1' Lt'btrulls ('\'cn hetlcr <;ervic(' ,lnd highest qu~lity work. Plan to meet your friends at the Palace Sandwiches I'! relt lIat • Cnld or Hot You'!,,, I)wilrd to Attend Our Best of Food Always II 95 95 Drinks $1 to $2 F 0 l' mal 0 pen i n g Pleasant Surroundings Convenient Location :lnd VIC'W Our Spnclnl Display Greens, Grays and Dark Ice-Cream Shades. Most men will Sat u I' day, Apr i 1 20 • like this smart style. 1 Pal~ce Cafe Boyd FRED L. StAIR The Better Pla('e to Eat 1 "Warne's Leading CI1othi-er" Wayne Photo Co.. 3.d and Main Sts.. Wayne, Neb. Cofke Shop I

'Orily Philco i Radio Sincebe Mlelconne Hearty Welcome , GiVf!S You Aill Three To Students and To Students and Othel' Visitors! Other Visitors! . l-"Plug-in ,ind pIny" canv~nience. No aerial or : .. ground wiFes to install. I. Dentist ~ X-Ray Dip.gno.~ 2-New P,:",itiY of tone. Gl'eater freedom ~ram • DR. J. T. hether you want a meal or a lunch, power-line noises and m~n-Inade static. will enjoy our appetizing home­ food. 3-'Super Power. Even fareir .reception wit~04t DR. L. F. GILLESPIE an outside aerial. I Optometrist meet your f~ieHds here when in Wilynl! PERRY Wayne, Nebraska 951 Wayne, Neb. Phone 213 h Main Phone 305~J $9.. ANDIUPI'

Firs tional Bank "Oldest Bank in Wayne County" . !. I Wayne, N,:~.aska ,' " I'I '

and Mrl and sence .' tnrich were Friday on /SUests'in the Erwin Ulrich The for rural 7th (By Stafl CorrespOndent.) home fot Mrs. Uhich's birthday. feI1! given.Thurs- day, 23 fr m the 8th grade Le~ma Gra quist c~lled Friday: and 12 from th 7th writing. evenmg II) th~ Ray Gamble home. COlnmunity'l The 7th and 8th grade girls did for special de- . Mrs. Earl Wade .....,as a Friday charooal drawings Friday and the were i1ere1frnm dinner guest pt Edwm Lmdsay·s. boys worked w~th water color. Randoilph and Carl Granq~list called in the, Ray The 8th grade 'is learning to ex­ was served at Gamble hom£> Monday afternoon square root. last~eek. Intermediate News. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Odegaard Mildred Witte visited .spent last Wednesday ot Nelse afternoon last week. i Granquist's. Heseman visited Thursday .. ~~i:I~;;~:r- Gladys Ol'anquist. spent lnst afternoon. , Wedne$day nIght in tbe Arthur The 6th grade wrote a theme on Odegaard home. "Why I Think My Government Is Lore Mrs. Gilbert Mall and Janet the Best," and Jackelyn Wendt's f'pent Thurscby wel'a Mrs. H. G. of the twin sons of David Koch of m ExammatlOn of By.song home at West POIllt. Winside, were married Monday Kn:lllb, Mrs. G. A. Mittelstadt, ) l'onfirmutlOn at! W ~~~. 0~'~~e~r\~h:~~~ln~tf'r fatllf'r, Mrs, Mnlll'IC(> Hoffm~n, Mrs. Ralph Dfternoom by Judge J. M. Cherry Prince, Mrs. Albert Behmer and at Wayne. Miss Fannie Selders and conl ,,~,natlOn q:r\'ic~. Ileft Sund8Y lor Kentw'ky tu Mrs. G€"orge Lungenberg, the last Fr('d Riese were attendants. The day program [relati\,es. .' two d Ho"kins. Pri~es for the couple plans to live 'here. promotion day, ).1fS. W. L. Fisher cnm(' TucsdDY members went to Mrs. N. L. Dit­ bell:1~\ld ~~h~~~~ I ~~·.~n~~g\,\:~~ \~~l~~ f~'~I!_~~'~'II:l~l~~~~~: man and .. Mrs. 1. F. Gaf>bler and Couple Weds at for the guests to Mrs. Hoffman. " ,Kn

CommunitiY Club Meets. I LERIERS SRO E & Community . club meets t?is Thursday evenmg at the Trinity HAReSS SHOP church.

Enters HnspitaI. Mrs. M. B. Barner was. taken to a Norfolk hospital early Thursday morning for treatments. The Case of the Car Borne from Hospital. Mrs, Otto Kant and infant son 'l'liat Thought it BROIL WITH EASE returned !1~me the first of the week from la Norfolk hospitaL Was Sick .•• Nothing internally wrong, m om ON THE NEW 1940 Home from Hospitall Ed. Janke Jleturned home Thurs­ just acted: sluggish - no day from a Norfoll<: hospItal after pep. Tr1' prescr.ibed, sum· rt"covering from an operation. mer oil,- KanJaIl the 2 •. GAS RANGES Show8' Impl'OVtt~nk OOO·mile Oil and: E ...Ar·Co Rudolph Sonnenber-g, who is a to I Motor Oil, • More and more. I modern home· patient in a Norfolk hospital, is makers are, turnln~ to b~iling as improving. He is able to be up in tile ideal method, 01 preparing a chair. many kinds of at and vege· FisheJ'~s GaFage Improving, in, Hospital. * tables. The new. ranlles hav.e Mrs. Rob~rt Johnson enter

In honor of Mrs: Leonard Nel- : son's bj.rthday Tues<;lay of, last BaAIM 'RACTOR FA)lMERS ~vttntng gj.lE~;sts in her home the old winter .bulge out can fill any were, Mr.' and lVI't-s. C. E: Nelson, ! crankcue . . . put in a new yo~ers w~h Mr. and ¥rs. Hepry Mau, jr,. Mr. I weight oil from )0 to 7". Also and' Mtis, IRobe:rt Johnson, Gus and of Nmu<.e~ Ftri*tion.-proof oiL Nels~n ..L'!JJlcheon 'was sorv",j'I~'.rj,E a Ilt:w pupJl l!l Biology class hus conducted cx- ~~~~~g in the Hdl~'y Samuelson the 3td grade. ,folk . I 'For Dale JorlrCnsen. ~eriments on corn,tt..--sting WIth the M.l"' und Mlc,. Ed.! Kcnney und Tbo~~ton (~f WaynC'", were Sun~(ly Property Destroyed Mrs. 'Gettin~n . Mr. and Mrs. PiereC' Jones and } ug-doll method .. I family of Carro!l, dpcnt Sunday dlOncl j' guCS~'; In the Ray Nelson B F' . I Wlnside\Monday. '1 daughters of Randolph, Mr. and Intennedl~te Room. ;Jfternoc.Jn In the Lcvn3rd Wh~llen homc l,edr Sholes for Robert'::. 8th Y lie n Iowa . Ed. Murrill was Jt Qmaha Sun- Mrs. Carl Paulsen, Mr. and MI:-i. Those who reccl\'cd 100 In speU- home. ! bu thdar' 1\11" : iog alter being ill. I Chas. Jorgensen home Wednesday Vet 1d EI{sman, Betty Lou Wmtt'l- evening gU(;~ts in tfPe Pilul Ob::.t S h l F W k ,11 ,md Ml s. 1\-1 a I ~h weI (' I unnmg Firemen held ~ succC\St;!ul benc- evening last week for DHI€~'s 31d stem <.lnd lone Jones. home. I C 00 or ee I" grocery .~tole III Rll1drd. The tit dance Saturd4ty. , birthday. ICQ cream and cake werQ

, Gilbert Sund~l ~a~ l$~day served. how to take cure t>f teeth. . Pender, called 10 the home of 'I took th· exmnwiltlOns In Sholes h.old furniture wcre dec,troyC'd ,by dinner at Carl Pau~en's !he 7th and 8th health cl~ss IS Lyle's pm'ents, Mr. 4nd Mrs. Ead Thursd 'yo I fIre last wcek. Mr. Clnd M} '>. 1\1<-11 ~Il Louis Brogren sp~mt Tl"'Iursday Mra, John Jones'l were Merry YOUUl Club. go~ng tO,take up the study of PU::.-IMlller, Sunday. 1 MI::':5. ~:ma Nclso.n l~ 111 ch;.Jr~e m~\~ed to RlOdrd lrum \\,I)"l1e LI;:,t night at Clifford P~rker . ' dinner guests in the Frank Merry Youth club met Fridc Il1 the Sholes ~~ _~~~I_ ~~______~v~ Pearson spent ,Thursday The Ed. Rethwli:ich family had were Eva Morris aud Gene Llttlc- the spelling contest were Betty Lou Dnd Mr~. r'ran'k LeVIns of 'Plelce: school, followl.ng mstl"UctlOnc, of - night with Bonnie 1NagJ~er. Sund~y dinner in the Frank. 4cwls ton. Pnzes 111 cards went to WmtcrstclIl, C:1CO Mae DaVIS, Mill- spent Sunday afte1"~oon in the I the sta, examll1.er, L. A. Wlerms. Mrs. Nolan Hole1i:~mp fuadl(lental Blanche tood 111 the oral contest, I ,..; \v I: ~t;.ll""t i.I tJl1lt un MeXICO Tletgell Hatchery

TIle Chas, Jorgell~ens ypent ~ri- er's at Randolph. l\IIl. (lnd Mrs. Glen Roc of OO1a- Womi.ln's duh met Th',Il~ddy . .~tude?ts _~n tl:e honur 1"01.1 I alld Frcddy Burnhant -"pent Mon- thlOs ,\~~, c j t b .j. j.. Phone 332 Waynl', ~eb. d&y evening at Roy Lan~anIfr's. The Robert Campbells of LaUrel, he\, plan to come thIS Th(l1'sday to WIth Mrs. Tom Roberts. Mrs. NO];l!l 10.1 -"IX \\(.'"C1~s al c. Ramona d<.\y €vcnmg 10 W,lyn¢ at the Les-I 1 chi dnc gre('n 1('- ac"os 1<:1\ c ~~~eaf~:~:lJ~~~~!~~: ~~nd~~ce, were g~~~,ri j~J;;,~e,' guest, 'n the :,:Ij\t ,'l~\' ~:.a:~'~h~~;m~~i~ R~;:~;' ~~:~j~~,7:ic,~~sc,~~a'i;';['~~rt:j~~~,~(; I~:'~!;d(~O';;;~~ba O;j~~~~~," ,L~~~K It("'~~O~~~t\~l~~ h~~~. May and I i"'~I!I.:••••••••••••••••• - ••• ir ...... -••••• - ••: Miss Opal Swanson ;spent the cll1d Mrs.. C. E. Fl'{'dncksl'n W~yne. arc: Mrs. W. R. Sehbuer, pl('~I- ~O\HI:-;. Nlnd Shu~elt, \ellettn :\11"::.. Glade McFaddeI1l were sun-I_ ' _ week-end with Mrs. Liz~ie Larsen. Sund~y supper 111 the Henry lVIl's Du\\'e Love, Miss SUSfll1 and dent; Mrs. E. L. Pe-1 ()thel unit ovcr thl' 1'Iench Mr. Ceu. Hau:-maJl!l,!: I /"~ Ctte. aftcl ::;pendmg sevcrul \VccJ..~ 111 the MrCl. U)"CJ". Mothers' d,lY party l'i P)UII- ~}.I(~ '". W,ll::; lJc.:n~Jicl ()c,burn, ILlz("l <.:nrl Marj()l"Ic 1\'/('1 c dmner' Il ~ I :• Mr. und Mrs. Wm. Klnoll wel'e Carl Paulsen home. ned Mny !l In the Methodist P.l1- l\1. Antun Granqulc;t lUi s. Ml·S. D<'\\'e Thcophllus IS [J1U- Bowers I cC"cl\'('d the hlghc~t JlC~lr i{andolph $und(lY· I_ • noon. Peters and MISS Susan LovE' went uf hdd Sunday dinner at gl,UTI chulrman. I ~I ;l~(,S. MI dnu !\III'S Holey Isum HCCf!m- : The Helman Thuns w~re In the to NOllOlk Saturday Bllwilt tlll' aftl'l- \nth l\IIrs. Lewis Johnson. uln! bl)()kld~, til(' I)(>c,t dll,\(" l() ~t :: noon. Smlth spent S Itll\ 0,1) night ltl thc ilOilO tJllll Happy WOI kCls met FlldJY \\ Illl I \\01,1; U(' :-il',nt ·tll Lllt. "' ., Nl'b , VIC :: ut tI~(', l~om Mrs. Chffold Pmker was In the P"M, B,,',\odel'Me',.hounb'eC,j>nMo',,' .,c_IM.'"~,'.".:ll1j,~,,j:\11\ {;('U. Wdc1~('1" ~Ind M h II I 'ren \"£,('1:,> \\ltl1.1 (lieu" lc. '. Robmt Jones home Monday last I '" .~ ''''.' • oJ "L< SunddY dmmel l'fI jill till'> ddught(I' . .llettv,\VCICSunddydll1_. Miss Luelle Rees, teae er at BUlley 5 at R , ~. .• M1SS Verona Pearson WiCnt to the non home dt Osmond SuntidY I[1CI nUOli, Ml and jVli" and Ila. GUlcer::; e1ectC'd are. MI'- TIl(' 1~t ;1LId Lnd gl ddt,:-, ['IHI1- .Ill:!. .Vl'll1s1dc.. .. , I: Hans Rethwiscl"\ home Monday to Supt. Hugh Lll1n and family of ellt f Slmtil, 1\11. and Mrs. Warley Geo. Juhn:;ton, prcsldent, Mr~. pldcd the u()o!dLts tllClt they ~t.ll"t- . I\.ll.. . ~11";. Otto ,~Ctcl '>, Hunl i. assist. Laurel, VIsIted at Geo, Linn's Tucs- Bcn~llOo[ and Kermit Sunday l'\'e- Aug. Franzen, vIce presld~Ml c;. ed to ffiilkt' ld"t \\('"\'k dl1.rl Uldl i{S I~nd V~t~O~ HilU.'>~ II: The Roy Landangers visited at day cvening la::.t wct:;k. I1lng cdl1ns ilt Ben Fiemlllg·s,. L:e.onar~ pJ"ltchard, :cdd.el· B; MI" Uw poem, "T!l{' SWing," ~~~~;;~(I;::I~I.'l'rel~~~dayU~~;~;~~I~'I~_ : On All Firestone Tractor and Maurice Hansen's -at WiIllside, Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. SWlh,,11·t und Mr. ,md Mr:-,. John Jones and Cldlence H~ty;m, lO;JdcI A, Ml'>. thlY mem()ru;cd ------..:...- _- t--'- _ • Implement Tires Sunday. ' Donald were Sunday suppergucsts LUll'C'1l JI'nklns \\,Ie, {"llll.,en 11- .-ippreciaiion : D-X LUBRICATING MOTOR FUEL ~";::i!~d Mrs. \I'm. 6w~nsQn vis- ~~~d~{i~~ ;~i~"~O~~e~,~: at Wm. ~H\~aj~~jr~,~nj~~,~:ftern0{m in the New (;lub Formed. ,,, :;,~:~,~,j:,~,:;~~ j~\u~~li, '" pie,,, ",ng • .:: DIAMOND 760 MOTOR OIL ited at Victor Johnson's 'Sllnday Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bredemeyer Mr. dnd Mrs. Dave Thcophllus Hilicret;t project club \\',1;-; forlll- till' subtractlOll L.lcb 1Il number !: To d\'e ,ou that absolute d{'pcndabilily. afternoon. of Columbus, were Sunday guests <)nd MIS. Elils-Joncs ::ipent Sunday ed TuC};day last 'Neck \'.'hen N-U cla:>s. '!'0"';111 who supported me :. ! Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nettle~on in the W. R. Thomas home. lJ1 tht, Roy ,Jones home In SIOUX club met with Mr~. Geo. OweH'>, till' 11l'lnldlY electloll fOl I: I SUPERIOR GREASE GUNS ... $3.00 had Thursday dinner 'at Forr~st Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pearson, June Lily. MISS Bernice Petronis <'lC- ~nhg" wn~~stgorl0cUja}'!'~oCj.jjt.'dN'.nug .thejOu'b" w1J~'j-j 'I Consider New Pump C(Jll1ll1IS",lO!lcr of Second Vlc,- • With dibappeariIlg plunger handh'. Guaranteed for Nettleton's, and Ina visited in the W. E. Fish compal1led them and spent the duy. '"" '" tIll t. 1 I"h to c.xpress my : one year. T\\ 0 fitting-s with each gun. ~, \~ 1 . The Allen StoltcOb~llQs were home at Belden, Sunday afternoun. w~th her folk::. 10 the city. \vlth members east ot For Power Plant ::.Illccre ,lppreciatlOl1. I" ~l-mday d1llner gue~1.$ In the Wm;. Mrs, IE: L. Pearson visited Mrs. Pdn.ald Morns arrIved Saturday Mrs. Levi Roberts, Mrs. Hcn- , . : MIlls home. Olai Swanson Thursday. The lat1er fromiDiUon, Mont., to spend a few ry AI'P, Mrs. Emrys Morris and CdllOIl town board, at a speclCll HAg is Improving slowly from her iIl- do.ys. Mrs. MOlTl~, who has becn Mrs. Leonard Link asslstcd Mrs.1 mcetlng" TU.~'C;,~d.y " heard ellry r p : ness. hele slf\ce thc holIdays, WIll 3C- 10 sel'ving 1 o'clock lunCh_I pi ()po<;',lls lcgaldlllg 'I, pump I:'~~~~~~~~~~~~I.:;_:.. ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~"!~!!'~.. Mr. and Mrs. Cad LHl"SOn and company fUrl! bad. to Dillon the week. Hillc~'cst dub elected fill tll{' pOWl'I' f1lilT1t. lSd. lVIurnll -:: ' ...... :---.."..-c---c-_~_c....c daughters of.Randolph, were at the last o[ thIS week. Mr. and Mrs. as follows: Mrs. Gf'o. Ow- secured Il1formdtlOI1 about thiS , MI". ,mel MI'::;. Geo. Llnn preSident; Mrp. T. P. Roberto. ()\1ldhd. Nu d('[I~1Ite ilctJ[l1l WeiS ,l\1d MI. cine! MI':'. hor Morris W01'e Mrs. Leonard. Lltlk, leaders; l.lLen. The LeWIS .Johnson ,1Ild LOUIS SundClY c!inncr guesb of Mr. <'lI1d Mrs. lrven Graves., :-;ecletdl'y; MJ c,.1 . ------, I Jenkins familIes were SundeW dll1- Mrs. C H. MOlns. Emrys Morns, rep{)rtcl"; Mrs. Lloyd 1 LIOns to Meet 'lU'l'Sd~,:Y. ner guests 111 the AlbelOt JcnkJl)s The L"llfforcl P;'llkeJ"s, Mrs. l':c\. Morns, ~ong loader; Mrs. GWIlym j,J(!Ils. cluu mect::- ncxt luc::.di..lY home. $chcilenberg, Lel1lHs and Dallas, Junes, readmg leadel". TIll' dub t'\{·llll1g:. • Mrs. MmillC Sche-llenberg and her starts meetings 10, the fall. brothel, Ed. Stcppat and LoUIS Silo,",,""s Improv{'mcnt. ])\1,1111..' GncJ", whu IS In a \\'-'dYfle Tucsday last ~~~~~~Cl;lt F~~~~;~l ~~~~I~n's.damCl" It-Ionor Roll (;rOIlJI) hl)~!lltcll, J~ llnpl{Jvmg. and Mrs. Ross V,llll<'usscn M~~;~nd~~r:~~I'n~~;~u~~~~I:t ;~~~ NaUlcd .in Seh.Hol Taken to Missouri. raking and fixing. Good equip. werc in Omaha Sunday. Rodger Hlnk~c s. Ml". and Mrs. Jess Jenkms 1\1l~. Kenneth Eddlc, whu has job easier and more pleasant. We stayed in the D. J. DaVIS home of Nl!rfulk, were at the DaVIS home Carroll Band Will Compete b('en qUIte III with Il1flammatory store full of the right equipment ••• SU~~:: ;:!~~: Fisher and Mrs, J. that evcning. In District Contest at ~:~~:a~~~~c,a!a~h~ll;C~~;;O~I~::\S~ In".,d,"",di,:e ..• at prices you'll appreciate. H. Owens were in Wayne Sunday ~ Wayne Saturday. ExcC'lslOr Spnngs, Mo, for trcat- find we have the helps you want at the evening to attend a muslcal pro- . , OC~I nlents. Her muther, 1\1rs. James gram at the college. ET't lionor roll at Chrroll high ::.choul Stephens, went and wIll remalll Mr. .(md Mrs. Frank Lorenz and ~~~~i~~~i~~::.el~~t~'i~~e~:~e~e~~ "\\ lth her. Floyd Andrews dnd Kcn- THE SHINE . .. f.;ii.~~iiiiiiiiiiiif.ilt.iiiiiiliitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;_;.;.;."..ioi.iii I Social Forecast. 95 01" over ~emg 0': ~he honor roll :~~tt~rn~~~i,~th~O~d~i~C b;~;~~ :l~~ Paint Brush Cleaner Mr~.I Henry Bush entertains E. and t~e others ~~elV1ng honor~ble Mrs. Emma EddIe and the daugh- All Star Varni.h O. T· this Thursday, mentIOn. bstl follows: ter is at home with Miss Leona Th~ Senlo~s, Cleans up old brushes The Sad Case of peI ta Dek meets Fnday with Mabel Fredncksoh 96, Irma Chns- Obst who assists at Eddie's. ClcCll', quick drYing. paste. A • Mis. lEd. Trautwein. tensen 92, Ila J¢an Roberts 91; __ It wears like new. the Cal" 'Phat Quart 79~ : Re~ekahS meet next Tuesday. juncors, Adeline !ehmus 97, Doro~ Pcr Can lO¢ • Tiley plan a party Friday. thy 95, John 'Sahs 93, Pa- CH URCH ESI Had to Be B~yelcr JI I-lb. SiOile 59~ : fNi bng Workers meet this Fri- tncia ITucker 9~, ,.Junc Pearso~1 92, ' Junked ... !I daty {lth Mrs. Jnmes Grier, J1", Donald Horn 92,1 Mal"]one Llttle- _ '" .. Woodwork Cleaner : Br. H. L. Bredemeyer enter- ton 91, Elame WIUl'deman 90, Ar- • t