Fair, continued cold toidght. Sat< 4,957 :V nrday fair, sllghGy warmer. V. V O L. X l l . , NO. 83* ClMSifled Advertlsliig on Page 6 M417CHESTER, COJiN., FlHOAY, JANUARY 7, 1927. t'ENTY PAC-^^ sta te , f RICE THREE CENTS Told Truth But Didn’t Will Wear Nothing Else to /:■ American Corporation as Call it Off After Two Know It All; Defies Ac­ CataGna; Protests Fail In ALL HANDS FORGIVE Bloody Scarf Belong!^ io President of Nicaragna; Hours, 'Temporarily ” cused “Bullies.’’ CouncO. DISBARRED LAWYER Missing Woman _Fisked Denonnees U. S. Action New York, Jan. 7.— The voice of Chicago, Jan. 7.— An affidavit Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 7— While the old world sounded across the bearing the signature of Arnold Out of Potomac. i Mrs. Charlotte Moore Schoemmell After Seeing CoolMge; Atlantic today and the voice of the (Chick) Gandil, which fully sub­ who arrived here from New York new world echoed back. Then it Attorneys, Judges, Boost For stantiates the charges made by today was announcing that she Washin,gton, Jan. 7.— What the Naval Gesture Aimed at died out. (Swede) Risberg that the White would not wear a bathing suit in police regard as the most tangible At 8:44 o’clock this morning One Time Blackmailer; Sox “ bought” a four-game’ series commercial radio-telephone ser­ the Catalina channel swim, the City clue yet in the disappearance of Menco Is Belief in Wash­ from Detroit in 1917,* was made Council issued a statement in which vice was inaugurated for the first Mrs. Gladys Walter Houck, wife of He Is Reinstated. public today. it declared that it was without the mentally deranged Dr. Knute time in histoty between. New York Gandil arrived in Chicago last jurisdiction to keep the contestants Houcki was turned up here today ington; Kellogg Defeys apd London. night in answer to the summons from entering the swim clad only In in the form of a brown silk scarf, The telephone conversation last­ Hartford, Jan. 7— Albert A. of Commissioner Landis. He an­ an axle grea^ bathing c-Jstuaie. bearing blood spots and identified' Appearance Before Sen­ ed five minutes and parties at both nounced that he would attend the . The coun-iil s aciioii was taken as belonging to the missing wom­ ends heard each other distinctly, Greenberg, of New Britain, was re-^ hearing in the commissioner’s of­ following the receipt of a communi­ an. although there was some static. instated as a member of the Con­ fice today and repeat the substance cation last Monday from Kibert M. Near Frequented Spot ate hquirers. The buzz of a telephone bell necticut bar by Judge Newell S. of his affidavit, which corrobo­ Dr. T. S. Vaca Salvador Castrillo Srrithers, L-13 Angeles resident, in It was fished out of the Potomac marked a new stage in communi­ Jennings in Superior Court here to­ rates in almost every detail the which he demanded thxt the coun­ river by George Bashford, a navy Who is the rightfnl jtrei^ldent of Nicaragua? This qnestiou is the cation between the two worlds, a day after a hearing at which many story told by Risberg. cil take sou o action to ban *he axle yard employe, near Giesboro Point "W’ashlngton, Jan. cmx of the present trouble Ih- the litHe Central American country__ giease suit “ on moral grounds and 7.— The front step that is a. far cry from the days “ I met "Bill James under the where the doctor and his wife fre­ steps of the White when letters sent by clipper ships, of the most prominent lawyers of grandstand at Comlskey park be­ trouble; which threatens to draw tho-U. S. and Mexico into armed con­ also to protect the swimmers from quently went for walks. House were spanking across the seas in three the state were present, to testify in fore the first game,” Gandll’s flict. The U. S. State Department has recognized Adolfo Diaz, veteran tec giant barracuda.” Mrs. Houck has been missing turned today into an Impromptu or four weeks, were the only means Greenberg’s fai’or. statement reads. ’’Bill said to me, Nicaragnm physician, graduate o f Golurobia University of New York. Mrs. oclirsimell, mother of two since December 15. Several days debating ground for the airing of of communication, a step that is Among these were Lucius S. Rob­ ‘These are going to he pretty soft In signed articles herewith, accredited U. S. representatives of Diaz and children, w.,?. tmphat’c in her de­ after her disappearance. Dr. Houck •coniilcting opinions concerning the inson, president ot the county bar, games,’ and I said, ‘well, Bill, if' Sacasa debate

various nations, featured yester­ BIGHT FISHERMEN LOST JURY GETS MOONSHgnB . _ , day’s action, regarded here as. a ON VANCOUVER COAST €ASB OF COOLIDGE BEATEN forerunner of the fight on the three BRITAIN SWINGS PRISON SYSTEM cruisers, '/hich by agreement, will Victoria, B. C., Jan. 7— Two Boston, Jan. 7.— The cases ol Uhief,Walter A. Hill and eight de- take place today. The annual meeting of the Man­ .white men and six Indians are be­ ON DIRIGIBLE PLAN AXE OF ECONOMY IN ROUND UP OF chester Realty conipOnY will be ISFARGE:JAIL lieved to have derished through the fendanls'in the so-called Wilming­ Anoth^er proposal offered by Rep­ foundering of. the Seine fishing ves­ t held at. the' School , street Recrea­ ton rum ring trial went to the Jur>! resentative Vinson, of Georgia, to < \ tion Center Monday ^ evening at 8 sel Jessie Island No. 4 off the west to'day. Judge Lowell charged the: increase the amount for naval air­ TOSAVEMONEY o|clock when reports ofjthe, officers- A JOY, SAYS 60V. coast of Vancouver Island. The ves- jury at length when court opened.’ plane construction— cut In half by TIFUS FANATICS wlll be heard and a board of direc­ selleft Chemainufi December 26. for Chief Hill and the others involved Administration Men Vote For the budget bureau— failed by the tors named. Barkeley Sound. It was -found to­ are charged wtth w t^ tlo n of the' narrow*margin of 65 to 80. On day a tdtal wreck by Bamfield life­ prohlbitlbh and revenue laws. It both proposals the vote was taken boats. is alleged by the government that Big Blimp Which Presi­ standing and no record vote was Odd Religious Movement ^All the neiV and past jofficers of Seven Month Coal Strike Gibbous Assembly, Cathblld Ladies Florida’s Chief Exeotfnre the police head was involved in made. Representatives John Q. Til- moonshine making with bdotleg- son, of Connecticut, majority lead­ of Columbus, are invilted to attend ANY OLD PROTEST! dent Opposed, Paralyzed Activities n In the installation o f officers of Tier­ leggers at the Stevens farm, Wil- er, and B. H. Snell, of New York, Forces Government In to Raps Present System of mlngtoh:. chairman of the Rules Committee, ney Assembly,’ Hartford, Sunday Jones: Wiir*Vou join our Indig­ voted against both amendments. Hundreds of Communi- .afternoon at 2:30 in Legion nation meeting tomorrow night, Washington, Jan. 7.— Disregard­ Puts ResiKinsibility on Congress DMicult Position. hall, 427 Main street. Admiflistering Justice. colonel. We want to make a strong Henry Fanning, former umpire ing the protests of the champions protest. The Constitution ofjthe tfnited of.-the Texas League, who has been of the budget system and govern­ The annual meeting of the board Col. Pepper: With pleasure, sir. engaged to officiate in the Pacific mental economy, the “ big navy’’ States was quoted by Representa­ of selectmen Will take place Mon­ Er— what’s the protest about?— tive James T. Begg, of Ohio, a London.— The ^British Govern­ Tallahassee, Fla. — Declaring Coast League next season, has only men claimed their first victory yes­ day evening in’ the new municipal Passing Show, London. one arm. member of the Republican Steering ment is about to swing the “ Eco­ building at 8 p. m. As is their cus­ that instead of punishment, crimi­ terday when the Houss by a raising Comrdittee, who introduced the di­ Moscow.— Arresting twenty-five tom, the board will meet at; an, ear­ vote of 132 to 69 passed an amend­ nomy Axe”'- in a way of which the nals in American prisons ^were rigible amendment and started ^he persons including many priests, the lier hour to approve the bills. given a luxurious place in which .to ment to the naval bill granting an debate, as placing the full responsi­ ancient Viking never dreamed. initial appropriation of $200,003 police of four districts of Georgia live in idleness while their fam­ bility to f the national defense on A seven months, disastrous coal The Italian • American Ladies’ one of the two dirigibles which in the vicinity of Tiflis have brok­ ilies dependent on ^them 'remained, Congress. . ‘ ^^trike is ended and now the bill has Aid Society is working, very hard f South Manchester President Coolidge had specifically en up a fanatical religious move­ at home in despondent conditions, Addressing, a crowded hous^, Mr. to. be met. “ How to meet .It,” is the to make the project o f presenting disapproved in his budget message. ment which for nearly a year had and that the present system o f ad­ Begg declared: “ I challenge any qu^tion hot only awaiting Winston a five-act drama at the ^ate thed- ministering justice with its myr­ S T A ie This appropriation will be apr disrupted the economia life of hun­ plied to drawing plans and opening man'to show; .me . a provision that Churchill as keeper of the nation’s ler here Sunday afternoon a finan­ iads of legal technicalities was a releases me from that responsibili­ dreds of farming communities and cial success,. The play in question, farce. Governor John W. Mdrtln- bids for a 6,000,000 cubic foot purse; but every spending Depart­ caused the loss of thousands 'of helium-filed dirigible, whose final ty. I have no quarrel with any man ' ‘Perla Di Sa.voja’' ■Will be present­ of Florida condemned, the present . ’..... Today ment of >the Government. cost is limited by the amendment who votes for the smallest possible tons of grain. The police action cut ed by the Colombo conipany of New judicial and prison system of the army or navy, but I do have a quar­ If It were merely a question of short an epidemic of pseudo epil­ York and all parts will be in the United States and will seek its and ^ to $4,500,900. It probably will be rel with one who believes in one constructed at Lakehurst, N. J. paying fon the actual cost of the epsy which had disabled hundreds. Italian language. The length of,the complete reform. Tomorrow thing and then votes for another. strike itself, the outlook would not : Party Lines Vanish Described by psychiatrists„as an play win necessitate beginhing at '‘We are not punishing our crim­ Congress, Mr. Begg contended, be sb serious. But its indirect ef­ inals and many of those whom With even more zest than was extraordinary example of , mass 1:30 p. m. The comi|ittee of ar­ by an overwhelming vote had au­ fects have absolutely cripnled Brit­ hysteria, the movement ' otarted rangements includes Mrs.' Carmela should be punished are saved shown during the tax reduction de­ thorized these two dirigibles at a ish trade and industry and drieb up through one fool writ after an­ bates a year ago, the Administra­ with the report of a poor peasant, ■ Aloisloj.Mrs.'James W . ,Farr and cost of $4,000,000 each. “ Show all the usual founts of revenue. Thomas Sobadze, concerning a mir­ other issued by some judge,” Gov­ > i \ C tion was opposed by hitherto Ad­ me,” he said, “ a nation, big or lit­ Four Plans 0|ien Mrs. Joseph A. Farr'. acle which had happened to him. ernor Martin told International ministration men. It was a fight tle, that has abandoned its lighter Four courses have already been News Service. with clearly drawn lines— economy than air defense. I, for one, deplore decided upon by the Government. He swore, to the assembled village The annual meeting of the Mem­ that a'plot of black gruel, jumped orial Hospital Linen auxiliary will “ A man convicted of a crime is on one side and national defense the administration’s suggestion Every spending Department has not punished, but just given a on the other— in which party desig­ that this government should halt been poromptorily ordered to cut off the table and hit him in the take place at the School Street Rec­ fax:e. . coipfortable bed, good wholesome nations did not figure. work on its dirigible construction down its next year’s estimates to reation Center T-Jesday afternoon Proved the Miracle food, a healthy form of light exer­ Strenuous attacks on the budget pending the conclusion of tests by the very bone, even at the risk of a at 2:30. ‘ The officers are urging cise that keeps him In the best of Great Britain with craft of this loss of efficiency in some directions. He proved the miracle by point­ system, on economy and on the ing to his face. Sure enough, it that every one of the ladies who ip condition and he has little to do to type.” In the second place the ' Govern­ comparative dirigible strength of was covered by black gruel . He accustomed to sew for the ho^ital support himself while his wife and 5— ACTS — 5 ment has decided to avoid all fresh make a point to be present at this taxes on food, if possible. Thirdly, was sure the pot had hit him be­ children, already disgraced by his SELECT cause twelve years ago the Holy meeting. ' actions and the fact that he is a ^ new taxation, direct and indirect on uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ....»»-...... = all luxuries— including beer'and to­ Virgin had appeared to him in a convict, remain at home striving DIM ITRI bacco— is regarded as inevitable. cloud and ordeded him to dig for to earn their own llvlgg. It is not VAUDEVILLE Lastly, an increase -in income tax, holy relics In a field back of Jhe the criminal that is punished, it BUCHOWETZKil already strained almost to breaking church. He had failed to obey the RUBBER POOL IN is his family that needs bis help SUMMERS nUQ Honesty In I point, is regarded as Inevitable. order, and hence came the pot to and the taxpayer who supports f ^ o d u c t i o n I Aerial Novelty him,” Governor Martin emphasiz­ The Government knows it is fac­ puhish him. 4— Chocolate Dandies — 4 ing the gravest unpopularity. But Far from anyone venturing to ed. it Is influenced by the fact that su,ggfist that he had gone' to sleep U. S WORRYING Innocent Suffer LLOTDHUGHES TRAVERS DOUGLAS CO. Merchandising | to take one tangible Instance, the and-fallen into the gruel PQt, “ The inoncent and not the crim­ in "Nothing But Fun” collection of income tax for the everybody in the village immedi­ inal suffer for a crimo uhder our year Is already $150,000,000 down. ately declared that Thomas had rBRITISH GROUPS present system of justice. PISANDO & LANDAU What the deficiency will be by the the elements of sainthood in him, The, Florida governor showed The Laugh Makers end of the financial year it is pos­ Where there were two neflroes, and the entire population stopped The Dancer from Clownlan at WiUiams I sible to state. But the indirect ef­ all work to .repair to t;he church­ one convicted on a charge of milr- S fects on other sources of revenue yard where they dug for relics. der and another charged with as­ have not yet begun to come in. A number of bones were exhum­ Interest^ Issue t e i^ t Indi­ sault who have been avoiding ^he. You will find our price | Many Bankruptcies ed and installed in the local church dfcath penalty for over four years SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY A sidelight on the situation is s A Story as Lovel.v as a Lyric, A Star'as Dainty as a amid great enthusiasm. News of because of writs, new trials and shown in South Wales where bank­ cating Views On New Chinese Screen. tickets show the same '| the discovery spread to surround­ appeals granted by higher , courts ruptcies are occurring daily and and although he has signed a score prices now on . Suits and 5 hundreds of traders and profession- ing parishes, and the church of 'Zalki became a shrine for pilgrims of death warrants for the execu- s i taen are being summonod in the London. — Considered British tipn of the two, the warrants Were Overcoats as they did | ..tpufts dally for non-payment of and the center of the greatest "religious” movement , known In opinion on the new Rubber “ POdl” cancelled each time.. Another in­ ..municipal assessments and .trading stance was shown'-, where one during the. months of vf debts. Georgia during the last century. In the United States caW^l^est be Peasant Forgot Harvests Ejorida county had refused, to pay • Premier Baldwin Is determined gauged by the circular letter Is­ for the keep of a person found to handle the situation much as he Peasants from hundreds of miles sued by Symington and Sinclair the year that are termed guilty of murder because of the handled the funding of the British away forgot their harvests to jour­ the well-known British firni. ney to Zalki. The Soviet author­ delay in his execution from one “the clothing season.’ debt to America. He believes the It italicises two sentehces from situation must be retrieved at .;he ities could do nothing to stop the year to another at a tremendous a “ Times” report; rOSganlsa- cost to the county in which he was E Why should you pay less now than a week or a = earliest ; oment. Wha'ever the in­ migration. Its effects grew worse tried. •’ ! Ji.. S month or more ago. The same suit or overcoat if sold 5 dividual sacrifices through heavy when an epileptic fell down in a tion by a pool by a'^roup Of .rubber taxation may be, and the Govern­ fit before the bones . and utteredif Governor Martin condemned de­ E for $35 in season should be worth just as much today. = manufacturers, and motor car man­ lay in justice where heineous ment will act on thoce lines. cries which the crowd of specta­ ufacturers for the purpose of buy­ R-w IvK i e t o = Buy your clothes at Williams and be assured of value £ tors interpreted as messages from ing .a substantial quantity .of crude crimes have been committed and S for every dollar spent. Our method of honest prices 12 S their perpetrators go without prop- „ il^ 3iBstn

THAT’S THE BOY. ABIE. ’ARK, 'ABK! C«a Pac .... .166% 165% 166 THAT’S THE ECHO. . 40% 40% 40% EHV ...... Mr. Finkelstein, the goldsmith, TEACHER: Now, we all kno Erie 1st ....' . 53 53 53 “ There's a -wonderful echo about (Imartet to Present gave Abie a bowl of goldfish for about Noah’s ark. Dp you know of " Gen Asphalt . 86% 85% 85% this place/' , said the guide to the 84% 84% Miss Grace Robertson of Oak- man who w i^ walking in the lake Christmas. Next\ day they were any other ark? ? ; (Fntmlsbed by Pntnnm & Co.) « Gen Elec . . 84% laud street, J accompanied by Miss .154% 151% 151% district, “ but ■ you have to About found dead. Big Program Mondays Gen Mot . . . Edna Skinner, left yesterday for St. ‘'V’y, vot’s the matter?” asked TOMMY: Yes, miss, the one Gt iNorth pfd . 82 82% 82% very loud. Now you just yell /Two Bank Stocks. 122 122% Petersburg, Florida,* -where . they pints 0* beer!” Mr. Finkelstein; "rot have yon ’erald angels sing.— Tit-Bits, Lon- '' Qity B’k & Trust .. . 62S 700. 111 Central .. .122% . 61% 61% 61% plan to remain until spring. ^ The man'shouted and then lis­ donef Able?” don. Conn. River Banking . 300 — Kenn Cop .. "Nothin’, fadder,” said Abte. “I Inspira Cop . . 25 24% 24% tened. ’ First Nat (Htfd) ----- 235 — 100 100% Mrs. Celia Ferguson of High “ I hear no echo,” he said final­ gust JKave 'em the aeld test to see Htfd-Aetna Natl ....405 — Le alley .. .. .101% street was pleasantly surprised yes­ . 37% 37% 37% ly. if dey vas real.”— ^Ulk, Berlin. Htfd-Conn Tr Co .. .580 — Marine pr .. terday afternoon when a number of “ Oh, well,” said the guide,^ ’‘here BUT YOU GET USED TO IT Norfolk West 158% 158% 158% Land Mtg & Title ... 66j — 167 167 her friends called to eelebratp her comes the Intt-keeper -''-with > our Htfd Morris,Plan B’k lib* ^ — Natl Lead . . .167 GUTTA PERCHA? 78% 78% birthday. A pleasant afternoon was beer, anyway.” — Tit-Bits, London. "You are going Ho America? I Phoenix St B’k Tr .. .,405 415 North Pac .. . 81 spent. and Mrs. Ferguson received N,T Central . .141% 1 3 ^ 139% “ Alabaster?” asked a young wo­ suppose yon know that it is night Park St T r u s t...... ’425. — 41% 41% many remembrances of the occa­ here when it is daytime there?” Riverside Trust .. ..460 — NYNH &H. 42% sion. Edwin Laking who has been man as the museum guide ap­ Pennsyl , . •..57% 57 57% working at the Pinehurst for the proached a statue. U S Security...... 420 440 22 “ Yes, I suppose that will seem Bonds. Pierce Arr .. . 22% 21% past year-will. .cetArri to Boston “No,” be replied with a slight 57 57 Orford Parish Chapter, Daugh­ very funny at firist.”— Jugent, East Conn Pow 5 . . . 99 — Rep Ir & St . . 57 ters of the American Revolution January 22 to resume his studies lifting of the eyebrow, “ Venus.” — Reading ... . 95% 94% 94% at the Boston University. Tit-Bits," London. Mnnicb. Htfd & Conn West 6s 95 — 72% 72% will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 Hart E L 7% ...... 290 296 Chi R Isl & Pa 72% o’clock at the parlors of the South South Pac .. 110% 110%, 110% Conn L P 5 % s ...... 109 110% 124'% 1124% Methodist church. The speaker Conn L P 7s ...... 116 — < So Railway . .125% . 10 9% 10 will be Mrs. Susan G. E. Latimer, Conn L P 4 % s ...... 95 96 St Paul .. .. state chairman for Ellis Island. Studehaker . . 56% 55% 55% Brid Hyd 5 s ...... 103% 105 Contributions will be received at Insurance Stocks. Un Pac .... . 161 160% 160% 61 this meeting of working materials Aetna Insurance ....495 510 U S Rubber . . '1 % 59% .157% 154% 157% of all sorts to be sent to the immi­ Aetna L i f e ...... 500 510 U S Steel . . . grant -women detained r.t Ellis Is­ U S St pr . . . .130% 130 130 Aetna Life full pd ..500^ 510 68%, 69 land. Aetna Life part pd . .445 465 Westing ... . 69 West Unipn . 145 145 145 A utom obile...... 190 210 - -L The Ways and Means committee Conn General ...... 1600 — of the Buckland Parent-Teacher as­ National Ffre ...... 720 740 sociation will give another public Htfd Steam B oiler.. .640 660 NEIGHBORS TO HOU) whist in the assembly hall of the Hartford Fire ...... 495 505 school Monday evening at 8 o’clock. Phoenix ...... 485 495 —x’hotqfe by Elite Four prizes will be awarded the T ravelers...... 1180 T200 JOINT INSTAIUTION winners and refreshments and a THE 3L4NCHESTER MALE QUARTET Public Utility Stocks. social hour will follow card-play­ Stock Clearance of Left to right, Edward F. Taylor, Harry Boland, Harold Dou^n r and Conn ower C o ...... 318 325 ing. Jarle Johnson .j Conn L P 7 % ...... H 2 115 Conn L P 8% ...... 120 123 To Combine With Modem George Gould has returned to The Manchester Male Quartet^over WTIC radio station regularly Hart Gas c o m ...... 73 76 Woodmen on Monday Even­ ■will appear at the Swedish Lutheran ' since programs have been broadcast Hart E L ...... 336 342 the Plnehurst alter being confined Linoleum ^nd Neponset ing at Tinker Hall. to his home lor over a week with church Monday evening "in a comr' from the -Travelers.------Several Hart­ xHart Gas p fd ...... 49 52 plete program of quartet numbers ford stores and other business con­ So N E Tel C o ...... 152 155 a severe attack of the grip. and solos. It will be thi first ap­ cerns have engaged the local men Conn Elec Serv pfd.. 66% 68% Manchester Camp No. 2640 Roy­ pearance of the club here in such i to sing for them over the ridlo. The Manufacturing Stocks. al Neighbors, and the Modern To Clean Up Our Stock and Reduce Our Line We Offer You complete program in several years. program to be presented" Monday .Am Hard-ware...... 83 85 Woodmen pf America will have a Armstrong’s Linoleums at These Remarkably Low Prices. Miss Beatrice Johnson will appear night will be made up ciijmpletely American Silver .... 30 joint installation in Tinker hall UNDERWEAR on the program as a leader. of popular numbers. Thesamumbers Acme Wire ...... 10 Monday evening. The . Neighbors The concert program will be are not necessarily popular songs, Billings Spencer pfd — will have a short business meeting Men’s Unions in dll weights, cot­ given under the auspices of one of but those with which the quartet Billings Spencer com — at 7:30. After the installation of ton, part wool, all wool the groups of the Luther League. has made its greatest fits. Only Bigelow-Htfd com ... 80 the officers a roast beef supper will Luther League members have the songs which, have brought great Bristol B rass...... 7 be served under the direction of Armstrong’s Inlaid (9 patterns) Reg. $3.50, Now ...... $2.49 tickets for sale and they report a applause and special commendation Collins Co ...... 13 r ■ Mrs. Mary Frederlckson for the $l.^toH50 Armstrong’s Inlaid (5 Patterns) Reg. $2.95, Now ready response. It is expected that will be sung. This assuies a most Colt Fire A r m s ...... 28 Royal: Neighbors and Captain Har­ .$2.19 the church auditorium will be filled. delightful evening for those who Eagle Lock ...... 110 ry Reeney for the Woodmen. Armstrong’s Inlaid (3 Patterns) Reg. $2.50, Now .$1.79 The quartet has been singing enjoy good quartet music.. Fafnir Bearing ..... 88 The • installing officer for the Hart & C ooley...... 190 women’s lodge will be Mrs. Sarah PAJAMAS A rm stron gs Inlaid (3 Patterns) Reg. $2.25, Now .$1.59 Int Silver pfd ; ...... 103 Ayres, district deputy, with her Ontlng Flannel and light cotton C. OF C. COMMITTEE Int Silver c o m ...... 104 team composed of yonng lady mem­ fabrics, soisettes. Broadcloths Armstrong’s Inlaid (1 Pattern) Reg. $1.98, Now $1.39 TO SELECT DEBATING Jewel Belting pfd ... 80 bers of Capitol City Camp of Hart- Hartford, Jan. 7. —^ ^President Ln’drs Frary & Clark 8 8 % ,90, ■fbrdi The ceremonial marshal will ATmstrong’s Print (7 Patterns) Reg. $1.50 and $1.65, Now . .98r TEAM AT HIGH SCHOOL Ernest E. Rogers of the Connecti­ Mann B’man Class A. 19% .be:;Mrs. Winifred Furnlss. The $1.95to|3iQ \ cut Chamber of Commerce an­ Mann Bo'man Class B 9 guest of honor will be Mrs. Rubi- nounces the appointment, of the New Brit Mach pfd. .103 anna Koenig, state supervisor. Trials Have Been H eld; WiUi- Banking Committee of th.e S.tate New Brit Mach com.. 16 Joseph Hughes, state districi Chamber. Niles Bt Pond new... 17% 4eputy .will be the Installing officer MALLORY m s A Full Line of Beautiful Neponset Rugs at New Low Prices. mantic Challenge Is Accept­ North & J u d d ...... 21 The personnel of the new com­ fo r the Modern Woodmen, with Spring models are neroi ed For March 17—^The Sub­ mittee follows: LeRoy W. ^m pbell. Niles Bt Pond pfd . . 80 Harry Keeney as ceremonial mar­ ject. President, City- Bank & Trust Com­ Pratt Whitney pfd ;. 85 shal and the degree team of the lo­ pany, Hartford, Chairman;^ John B. J R Montgomery pfd. — cal lodge. It was announced this morning j Byrne; Bank Commissioner of Con- ^J R — $5 to $8 that the South Manchester Peck, Stow & Wilcox 22 High necticut, Hartford, Vice Chairman; TO FLAVOR SOUPS school debating club had accepted Frederick H. Biliard,’ Director, First Russell Mfg G o ...... — a challenge from the Willimantic ;National Bank, Meriden; • Samuel Smyth Mfg Co ...... 330 ' Stanley Works com .. 73 75 Dry celery tops In glass jars and State Normal school for March 17.’ ^emingway. President, Sdcond Na­ SYMINGTON SHOP The subject chosen'for-the'de­ Stanley Works pfd .. 27 % keep them to flavor stews and tional Bank, New Haven; Lewis S. Scoville Mfg C o ...... 63 soups. At the Center bate is the cancellation of the war ReeS, Vice-President, Citizens & debts by the United States. Affir­ Standard Screw. ....105 Manufacturers National Bhnk, Wa- Torrington...... 67 mative teams will defend the hotae terbury; George H. Woods, Presi­ floor and negative teams will ar­ Underwood...... 45 dent, Bridgeport SavingU Bank; U S Envelope pfd... .108 gue on the opponent’s rostrum. George L. Woodward, Secretary Union Mfg C o ...... 26. The personnel of the local team and Treasurer, South N o r ^ k Sav­ Whitlock Coil Pipe.. 21 has not been announced yet. Th^ ings Bank; Samuel A. Yorjfc, Presi­ X Ex Div. 6x9 Neponset Rugs for ...... $5.95 trials have been held with t'wenty dent, Merchants National Bank, candidates. Only eight can je se­ CITY RESTAURANT 7-6x9 Neponsef Rugs fo r ...... $6.95 New Haven. , ' lected. An announcement Vill be \ ^ ■ LOUIS BREEN, Prop. made shortly giving the names of 9xl0i‘6 Neponset Rugs for ...... -i,....., $8.95 -■j 887 Main Street, South Manchester those who have been picked. JAPAiyr’S CHRIATLlSfS N.Y. Stocks 9x12 Neponset Rugs for ...... ______$9.95

Toklo.-i—Iburing fh'e- Tast eight High Low 2 p. m. Bird’s Neponsetj 2 yards wide, Reg. 89c, N ow ...... 63c ONLY HALF OF J. P.’s years Christianity has increased its At Gulf W I . 41% 41% 41% W e Are Open for Business from foothold on Japanese soil with Am Beet Sug . 25 25 25 15 YARDS’ OR MORE LAD) FREE. QUALIFY IN TOWN .some 16,000 converted Christians. Am Sug Ref . 83 82 83 There are more than 25,00^ Japan­ AmT&TCo.l50% 150% 150% 6 a. m. to 1 a. m. ALL FIRST QUALITY GOODS. ese Methodist Christians In Japan Anaconda ... 48 47% 48 Only Renubl’cans Thus Far at the present time, not,counting Am Smelt ...140% 138% 138% Trouble to the Japanese Christians of other Amer Loc ...107% 107 107% Try Our Special Breakfast Have Taken the creeds. Am Car Fndy.102 101% 102 Take the Oath. Atchison ___ 164% 164% 164% TAIfE TO BOAT.$ Balt & .Ohio ..107% 107 , 107% G.E. Up to this noon, according to Paris.— The poor condition of Beth St “ B” . 47 40% 47 Our Dinners Are Meeting With Popular Approval. ., Inc; Town Clerk Samuel J. Turkingtoti. French roads is causing tb'V French Chandler . . . 34% 34% 34% Have You Tried One Yet?. of the 13 justices of the peace elect auto-movin, CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STS., SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONM. -1 public to tak^ to the Con Gas N Y .108% 108% 108% I ■ ed at the November election, only v/ater. French motorists have ais- Col Fuel Iron. 44% 44 44% six have qualified. Of these six all povered that clean riding In water, Ches & Ohio .161% 161% 161% are Republicans.. One Republican row and sail boats on navigable who has failed to qualify is M. rivers and streams make much Eli^beth Bennett. Not one of the more comfortable travePng than TOWN ADVERTISEMENT six Democrats has taken the trou­ over the rutted roads pf their ble to qualify. However, they have country. r , until next Monday, January' 10, to —■ S do so. To do this they must take SIT FOB SUIT ' SELECTMEN’S MEETING. the oath before a notary and file New York.— You must sit down January it with the town clerk before next now girls, when being measured Monday evening. for a skirt, according to Mrs. Ed­ The regular public meeting Thrift Month Those who have qualified in­ na W. Chase, editor of Vogue. One of the Board of Selectmen will clude W. Harry England, Ronald should sit in front of a mirror with be held at the Municipal ' Specials Ferguson, Hugh McCaull, William the legs crossed, with the principal Clearance Taylor, Harold W. Walsh, Stuart measure being taken from the knee Building, Mon. Jan. 10, 8 p. J. Wasley. Those who have up. to down, according to Mrs., Chase. m. this date failed to qualify are M. This is to avoid a vulgar display of Elizabeth Bennett, Edward R. Cole­ garters and bare legs, she says. JOHN H. HYDE,'Secretary. • man, Thomas J. Danaher, John Hughes, John F. Limerick, Ed­ Sale of Dresses ward J. Murphy and Thomas Beck­ niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiinuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu enham. i. ONE LOT OF DRESSES that sold NEW SWI.MmXG RECORD. at $15.98, Now ...... $ 1 0 . 9 8 Chicago, Jan. 7.— Johnny Wei.^- ONE LOT OF DRESSES'that sold i muller was today owner of a brand at $10.98, Now ...... $ 6 . 9 8 new world’s swimming record. These two lots of dresses consist of satin crepes, flat Johnny negotiated the 100 yarcis free style in 49 4-5 seconds, clip­ = 10 DAYS ONLY = crepes and Poiret Twills. ping 1 2-5 seconds from the old 12 JERSEY DRESSES mark, during an exhibition swim I This is a legitimate ipark down sale. The prices = here. to Go a t ...... $ 2 . 9 8 S marked cannot be duplicated wholesale. Why do we | 3 LADIES’ COATS AT I do it, because we moved to the Center and f^ l we must = \EACH ...... $ 10.00 1st W eek ^ LADIES’ COATS AT Gas Fireplace Do You Prefer s establish ourselves by sending forth this message S Heater The Open Car? EACH ...... $ 5 . 0 0 B through our local paper. Look at the merhandise prac- = a n y people who really prefer the open = tically given away. Can you r^jst this offer at E Here's a Real Mcar are driving closed onea for only one reason—weath­ E O’Brien’s, 517 Main Street, at the Center. E AH The, er protection. Inirestment In THRIFT If you are In that data, let H a t s ...... $1.00 to $1.95 | ^ % us show you a glass enclos­ I A gas radiant iieater saves coal, and furnishes a welcome glow of warmth ure that really does what NEWEST MILLINERY other enclosures have only I Underwear ...... i:;...... 25c to 85c | when you w ^ t'it—takes the chill right but of a draughty room. tried to do—combines sedan comfort with open car . i Phmie for your advantages. I Silk Gloves — ______...... 25c to.fe75c | Your Choice 1.00 Oa dcmoBitxatloa $ I Silk Blouses . . .C-.-.___ ...... 25c to 75c | Irisf Radiant Heater O ysii •vsBlagt a a J SnadaTS. BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ LUMBERJACKS. Sizes 8 to 16 today ^ Special ttmu lUMVt $1SM> I Silk and Wool Hose ___ .....85c | years. Only a few left. QQ Get full comfort from it through the dreary winter and the changeable I Children’s Stockings ...... 19c to 49c | Regular price $4.98...,...... spring ahead., , Pay only Ladies’ Silk Stoddngs . !."...... %5c | ■ All Other Merchandise Throughout the Store at SiWALL AMOUNT DOWN I Specially Reduced Prices for This January balance monthly with your gas bills. Clearance Event. \ . Just Phime 640—Prompt Installatiim. I O’Brien’s Specialty Shop | . ! M anchester THE LADIES’ SHOP Auto Top Go. s 517 Main Street, At-thA;^ntiir| ^'/South Manchester = 535 Main Street, South Manchester IPs* Done With Heat You Can Do It’ Better With Gas.” W . J. MESSIER 5 ■ \ = ; . .______.. \ 115 Oak St. , Phone 1810-a ,r . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JAN. 7,1927. 1* PAGE FOUR*

tion t6 rice and corn flour and Is brown spikes, and that the fine .t^alian federal capital at Canberra/^ er Grange was read, asking if it fluffy down that comprises a large BAT^H IP CARRIES Nbw south WaleSi. would be possible for the Andover highly nutritious. In well-infested The Duchess left h tr ^ a n t Grange officers to be installed swampy land from two to four tons part of the heads is aleo of value' daughter, ‘ the Princess EllWfbetb, of flour per acre may be secured, in stuffing pillows and cushions. YORKS TO AUSTRALIA with the Columbia officers .Jah. All of these virtues masking un­ with Queen Mary at Backliil^am News of our Neighbors 19 th. It was voted to extend to and the commercial utilization of t' Palace. Andover an invitation to do so, cat-tails for this.purpose has fre­ der the belittled cat-tail! making it a Joint installation, at quently been discussed. Duke and Duehess Go to Open GAS TAX IS VALID IN which time Worthy High Priest of, The Indians discovered still an­ CROOK CONFE8SBS TO NeWrjFederal Capital at Can- OPINION BY H^IALY NATURE other ,use for the fleshy roots. When HERALD Correspondents Give You All the Latest Demeter Gardner of Westfield, BY ARTHUR N. PACK 8. ,W. Mass, will be the installing officer. mashed ant’, boiled, a sirup of an ex­ Hartford, Jan. 7.—-The Stand­ Information About All the Towns Hereabouts. cellent flavor was produced, which Supper will be served by the two Do you remember when you used Poi^tipioutlii ]Bng., Jan. 7.—Es­ ard Oil Company of New York Granges and a. big time is expected. was commonly used by the Iro­ headquarters today that he had must pay the gatollne tsk Msessed to scramble through swamps, with quois on cornmeal pudding and as stolen jewelry and wearing apparel corted tiy deetroyers and other na­ Town Clerk Hubert Collins is water up to your ankles, to get valued at $30,0(10 .'rom the auto-. val craft and with aeroplanes cir­ against it by this state end,.' its confined to his home suffering a sweetening for other favorite In­ contention that the sUte act is some leaves from the cat-tails? dian dishes. moMe of Mrs. Laura Treadwell at cling overhead, the battleship Re­ from a severe cold. These colds are The Indians found many uses tor Albany, a friend of Queen Marie of nown swept oat of Portsmouth har­ not constitutional as It is n re­ WAPPING BOLTON very general, many families hav­ v,hat is to us a common plant; the Cat-tail roots are said to contain Roumania. The robbery occurred bor today bearing the Dnke and straint on Interstate commerce is ing several members ^suffering as high as 30 per cent of sugar and unfounded. In the opinion of.'for­ Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rose of Iroquois found that the heavy mat­ on November 30, last, just after Duchess o f York on a six months Mrs. Thorissa Grisel of Pleasant from them. starch. At this rate. Imagine the Mrs. Treadwell had returned from voyage to Australia and New Zea­ mer Attorney General Frank E. Valley, was .taken to the Hartford Hartford spent the week-end at ted roots, were fairly rich in starch quantities of flour or other sub- Healy. The opinion was written their home here. Und sugar. They dried and pulveriz­ a motor trip through West Vlrgln- land. hospital on Monday end an opera­ HOODOO CAR ed these' roots, which yielded a 'Btances that could be obtained from it with the queen. The Renown has been refltted for yesterday and formed the last of­ tion was performed for appendi­ Schools in town opened Monday the common cat-tall ani the nar­ the voyage. A speclAl library baa ficial act of the attorney general. after the Christmas recess. sweet-tasting flour from which ex­ citis on Tuesday afternoon. She is Vienna.—The motor cr.r in which cellent bread and pudding were row-leaved cat-tall, both of which PRELATE FILM FAN been installed and squash racquet reported as doing nicely., Miss Margaret Danehy, school Archdukd Ferdinand of Austria are fbund in such abundance in the courts have been erected,,that the nurse, visited schools in town this made. Paris,—Cardinal DuBpis, arch­ C. J. Dewey, Devi T. Dewey and was slain at Sarajevo, Bosnia, June Hard pressed for food during the swampy regions of the United bishop of Paris, has confessed him­ Duke may keep fit. The Ruches* ROMAN TICKET Mrs. Henry Nevers attended the fu­ week. 28, 1914—the incident that precip­ rftates and southern Cauada. self converted to the movies, after will be served by marines while on' neral of their cousin, George Nel­ Of the Boltdn pupils that attend war, the German people followed itated the World War—seems to be the example of the Indians and the Cotton Substitute i a visit to a studio where he saw a the voyage and not by maids, ev^n ; ^ London.—The ruins of the Hom­ son of Broad Brook on Wednesday Manchester High school. Miss pursued by tra.'jedy. A dealer ac­ film made. Wearing smoked-glasses her hair-dressing beiiig done by a an amphitheater ac Caerleon, in Louise Phelps is on the A Honor lowly cat-tail was made a boon to The root is not the only part of afternoon. Mr. Nelson was a Civil quired the automobile recently, the plant that is useful, for it has to iw'otect his eyes .from the light, marine.' Moumouthshire, recently yielded a Roll and Vera Hotchkiss on the B and while trying to pass another many a hungry family. The maln purpose of the tour It leaden disk, thought to be a theater War veteran. Flour Nutritious been dis covered that a cotton sub­ the cardinal watched the making of . The Pleasant Valley club met honor roll at the last marking car, the machine- skidded, four of stitute can be secured from the the film for a whole morning. for the Duke to open the new Aut^ ticket°used by the enoient Romans; with Mrs. Robert Skinner last period. the party being killed. The flour is similar in composi­ Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Mrs. Albert Hughton of Chicago Rose was assistant hostess. has returned to her home alter vis­ The Federated Sunday school iting her parents, the Rev. and f board met at 'the parsonage pn Mrs. Frederick Taylor, the past Wednesday evening with a good week. attendance. The members voted Several have been grip victims to oinit the regular Sunday school the past week but .are Improving. social for the month of January, Miss Dora Pinney of Manchester SENSATIONAL VALUES IN or rather to combine it with the spent the week-end with her par­ SEASON’S BEST STYLES community supper which comes ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pinney. COATS, DRESSES I n D FURS this month. MANY LATE ARRIVALS CD A niN^Q J ^ • t The officers of Wapplng Grange ' / i'- motored down to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin G. Welles Jr. in COLUMBIA r KAUllN D Manchester on Wednesday evening and prepared a program for the Miss Anne DIx has returned next Grange meeting. home after spending the holidays Harrison Middleton is expected with her sister’s family in Mont­ •f., home from the Hartford hospital clair, N. J. the last of this week where he un­ Miss Harriet Fuller has return­ derwent quite a serious operation. ed home from Liberty Hill, where she cared for her niece in her Illness. Miss Danahy, the school nurse, visited some of the town schools ANDOVER Tuesday. The rain and dangerous travel­ There were 21 present at the ing Tuesday evening prevented Co­ i dressmaking class conducted und- lumbia grange from going to Gilead .1 er the auspices of the Connecticut Grange as planned, and turning ov­ i Agricultural College Extension er the lecturer’s gavel to the lec­ , 5 Service of the state college. Each turer of Hebron Grange. The ^ pupil took her own lunch. Coffee j gavel will be turned over in the ^ was served. cear future, b u t. the visit to He­ fj Mrs. Herron is quite ill with bron Grange will be postponed un­ ti| grip. til traveling conditions are better. n ' William Palmer and .daughter, The first of a series of dress­ ^ Mrs. Kittle Mittens were callers in making was held at the Town hall ff' Manchester, Tuesday. Tuesday under the direction of . {']t There are several cases of grip Miss Van Cleef, clothing expert of ; In town. ' Storrs College Extension Courses. ir Mr. Lindholm’s family is much 15 ladles were present. Miss Van Cleef spoke on different fabrics ■p-better and able to be out except m • 4.- A WnniAn nri rhilduen will bc Morkcd Dowii for immediate Clearance. It is the most drastic Sellings Event we have staged this fi Miss Mary who had a relapse after and the tests used lo show wheth­ k returning to her work in Hartford. er dress goods were as represented. T.»orr.™^ ?;5l!in“ vE% W AND DRESS IN STOCK-RE^ PRICES-h» R She is still quite ill. She also spoke on colors and ^ The Store Opens at 9 o’clock. We advise you to get here early for best selections. , : ^ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phelps, Mrs. lines. Lunch was served at noon. L. B. Whitcomb, Thomas Lewis The next lehson in the course will and Mrs. Frank Hamilton attend­ l;e early in February, when each ed the Inauguration of Gov. Trum­ lady is to bring a perfectly plain bull at the capitol in Hartford dress pattern and Miss Van Cleef Wednesday. Will show how to use it as a foun­ Mrs. William Palmer, Mrs. Kittle dation for different variations. - < t . .At the . meeting , of. . Columbia Fur Trimmed Mitten and son Elsworth attended i the Capitol theatre in. Willimantic Grange held Wednesday evening a Wednesday evening. letter from the lecturer of Andov- Every Fashionable Style, Fabric, Color, Perfectly Tailored.

IHlIlIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIHHIllllHllllllllllinillllllllllllllUlllllIJIlllIIlIIIIIUllllllllllllllll Reduced for Immediate Clearance. r ■■ Final Clearance Formerly to Formerly to Formerly to Formerly to Formerly to I i Attention! 19.75, Now '35.00, Now 49.75, Now 69.75, Now 89.00, Now - o f - — Holders of Coupons Given at Bray’s ' | Winter Hats During Xmas Month | $ «» $29^5 *49^5 If you have the following Lucky Numbers, bring | 10 $3975 $1.(10 $2.00 I them in by 9 p. m. Saturday, Jan. 8, and get your prize: | * ' ^ %’drimerly to 5.95. = Second P riz e ...... No. 2198 ^ I Third Prize ...... No. 400 | i Fith Pi^ize...... • No. 3859 E Gloves = Sixth P riz e ...... No. 1217 E Tremendous Savings On Dresses Kid Gloves with embroidered turn back cuff, regular 2.49, S These numbers are forfeited after the above Hate and i of Cloth or Silk. Sale Q O = a new drawing will be held. S Price'...... Jl 9 ^ 0 Formerly to Formerly to Fabric Gloves, tan, grey and Formerly to Formerly to black. Regular 69c 10.00, Now 15.00, Now 20.00, Now 25.00, Now Sale Price ...... DUC I F.E.BRAY I Chamoisette Gloves, fancy.cuff. = JEWELER i Regular 1.25, Q Q I MAIN St. FARR BUILDING. SO. MANCHESTER. S Sale Price C


iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimsmuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnmiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii ♦- Quality Fur Coats January Mark-Down •s. ChOdren’s Apparel in a Great Clearance It is only logical that you’ll select Silk and Wool daughter’s coat here tomorrow as all our garments guarantee satisfaction and RACCOON, CARACUL, MUSCRAT, SEAL, MARMINK ■ f The prices insure economy. -l.p, J^egular 69c O Q ^ Sale r a c e ...... 0 9 C Silk and Sijk and Wool Hose, DEFENS SEAL COATS FUR TRIMMED COATS / popular shades. Regular 1.00, r.S with natural squirrel collar and cuffs. / Sale ------Regular 169.50, Sale Price ...... 119.50 Sizes 1-3, formerly $5.98, Q O Q Price ...... #9 C YOUR Medicine Chest should never be Sale Price . . Children’s Socks, English Wool Sizes 4-6, formerly 10.00 > /I ‘ O Q 7 to lOyj, Regular neglected. This is your protection against Sale P r ic e ...... 1.00, Sale Price ...... 0 9 C disease. Medicines must be fresh to in­ NORTHERN SEAL COATS of mink of squirrel shawl collar and cuffs, Sizes 4-6, formerly 15.00, *7 Q Q sure its effectiveness. Rplenish your Regular 198.00, Sale Price ...... 149.50 Sale Price ...... , f •«/0 shelves. Just a few suggestions: Sizes 6-14, formerly 15.00, Q Q Q Underwear Iodine, small size Tape, *4x3 yards Sale Price.....! O a U O linioni^ Suits w i^ mr -without MARMINK COATS sleetes, Cartir’s " Gauze Glycerine, 3 oz. Stewart Bblivia Coats, ' 1 A O C Unguentine Zinp Salve Quality Pelts, faultlessly tailored. Sale Price .... X UoJ/O MecHlun Weigi|(t 0 9 :C Regular 175.00, Sale Price Cotton Epsom Salts 115.00 up Woni^’s Vwts and J^ts, ^'S Medium Boric Acid Castor Oil W eight ...... D u e RACCOON V Children’s ' Children’s Dresses at Greatly Flatmal Night CUiwns, striped Rich dark skins. Tomboy model. Hats $1.00 or white, Regular Regular 298.00^ Sale Price ...... ' 239.00 Formerly $2.98 Reduced Prices. ^ 1.25, Sale Price ...... 0 9 C


"J* Jv 'jtj MANCHESTER EVENING^HERALD, Z’. l v< _ _ '■ f'

« X. ■ X; X

■•••'Fi? i ■ .-j

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Including Large Divan : •i' iCpmfort Club Chair 183 North Main St., “Depot Square” J^eside Wing Chair Davenport Table WILL START ^ Table Scarf , And you may pay at the small rate V/ of $2.00 weekly Bridge Lamp a. m. Silk Shade Don’t Wait—Buy Now End Table Open Your Account Ever3i:hing in the store from head .to foot will be reduced to much lower prices than our usual everyday genuine values. ' To-day At If you are interested in SAVING MONE Y buy NOW and HERE. HERRUPS As the usual'story goes we are ipentipning only a few of pur SPECIALS and we , CortIVIain, i'Vr' Morgan 500 Pairs of Shoes, Men’s Ladies, Children’s Men’s Cotton Flannel Top Shirts and / $1.00*^"^ 89c ______Ullage Men’s First Quality Rubber Boots * Men’s Shirts, Fleece or Ribbed Streets Apsley, Goodyear and U. S. ______59c Arid here $ 4 ,5 0 ™ ^ is Men’s Heavy Weight Windbreakers V Boys^ Rubber Boots, First Quality to buy ri cbm^lete Apsley, Goodyear and U. S. $150______Bedroj^ $3,50 i-y "V Ladies’ Shirts and Drawers, Heavy Ribbed b ej^ e e m ^ 59c of the f Youths’ Ball Band and Others, First Your cI|oiw i Quality Rubber Boots Men’s All Wool Crew Neck Sweaters large siie x ; ' Black or Blue tee-mirror; ;^nitjv • l^eadfifttl'" $ 2 . 9 5 * ^ ' Chififorohe ^d^f:?o^E nd , also Spring. Cotton • J^attress: and A : r: pair of Pulows a t only ____. . . ’ Children’s Rubber Boots. $1.69 Pair i 50 Pair Ladies’ Arctics $ 1 . 5 0 ^ “" Mens Converse White Rock Heavy Rubbers Children’s Raincapes, All Sizes $ 1 ,5 9 " ^ “ $1.50 Children’s Stockings An Assortment of Men’s and Ladies’ Umbrellas 3 Pair for 25c White or Black 75 c Cpm|>Iete All Children’s Sweaters Bed Sheets, 54x92 Inches bedroom at$i 4 8 6 9 c ® “'‘ O n ly Men’s Heavy Weight Union Suits Pequot Sheeting 79c 55c Boys’ 2 Buckle Arctics Bed Spreads, Very Heavy ■■a f V. Pay Only $2^00/VTeekly, $1.50 98c • . ■ -vt: - Men’s All Wool Scarfs Men’s Moleskin Pants $1.98 75c EndiTables ...... $1.95 Kitchen Tables ...... $5.95 Gateleg Tables ...... $19.75 Men’s Wool Mixed Top Shirts All Our Men’s Overcoats and Suits and All Priscilla Cabinets ..... 4.95 ' Hampers ...... ’.. .■ .69 Smoking; Stands .99 Our Boys’Overcoats and Suits at Very Telephone :$t^ds,.... 4.95 Ladders ...... 1. 1.29 Day Beds . 22.5 0 ' | Reasonable Prices. Vacuum Sweepers .. 16.95 Consoles . . 4.95. ^ $1.69 Radio Tables ; ...... « 4.49 Windsor Chairs .... . r . 3.95 Console Mirrors .’V.. 4-75\, i Tea Wago]^r.;...... 19.75 - Buffet Mirrors 7.95 Aluminum Sets ....I.. 9:95i Metal Beds 5.95 Cedar Chests'___...... 12.75 .Tabourettes ...... 99 Kitchen Chairs . .'.-n .99 Davenport Tables ....« 14.75 ' /OUR MOTTO Chi£f6nwrs.^..‘'. ,.'5.95. Table Lamps ...... 5.95 Spinet Desks T...... 27.50 ‘A Square D e^^A Satisfied Customer.”— Money cheerfully refunded on all unsatisfactory sales. Dresser6^ R u g ^ ^ l2 " . . . ^. 19.50 Bridge Lamps...... 5.95 Dinner S^ts—42-pieces 5.95 Floor Lamps ...... 9.95 Vanitiep.______32.50 Sewing' Ckbinets .. . 13i75 \ Wardrobes ,...... 19.75 Waste Baskets .29 -'i. Difeii^Ghairs ./.I.;.... 2.95 I^dios—5-tube ...... 26.50 China Cabinets .. . ' .r. . .. 39*50 F'iber Chabrs ...... 5.95 BedLites*...... 99

. . X x ' -• i "-j- :Z ' ■ ■/ - X ' ' , 9'ci' r«i>T? A Tii?c?rn

183 North MaiitStreei^ Manchester, Conn. Hui H a r t f ^ l Two Doors East lirPiMt Offici^^Tlepot Square” «ip^* ; Sti^ Opeii Saturday Nights ■■-/.'r''...... , .. .. ! ■•'x, -vt , • 'V ? ' ■ ■ . i '- -'r/i ■ ■ ' ■ ■ '''h - M'-M Jjtf'l A 4 • S' J... a

-■A ' r.-'.VVy "MANCHESTER EVENING HERAliP, FRIDAY,-JAN. 7, 1927, -■ -ri-F. PAGE S IS ■* I'Miri' THE ROMANCE OP AMERICA: Tecumseh (5) Sketches by Taytot> The Herald Classified Column Advertising Rates All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar . advertising on Classified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running ev^y day), 5 cents (I alin e. ^ THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. - - An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for advertisements charged and billed. ---- ^ At Fort Melge, when a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS band of Aihericahs who rte. struck down two of In sdorn ho turned to the British general and 1' Whan the war of 1812 broke out Tecumseh !•«> hie had surrendered were his comrades who were manded 4 know why he fdiowod tuoh a maitwrO, ■POR SAIiE__Fresh carnations, |1 English Woolen Company, tailors fo r c e v to X support of the British. He was rewai^ed **Yotk ( i & m oarindt bo hattod,*’ tho gonoral lo said to ner dozen cSendulus, 50c per dozen; Since 1898, direct to wearer. Harry being shot down in cold preparing' to murder a also potted plants at'half price. Star , Anderton, with a commission as hrlgadier-general and had u ^ blood, Tecumseh had a prisoner and shouted he have ropllod. Tocumseh, In tho fIro of hie wrath, ro- tion 22 Burnside Avenue Green- | Manchc ter. Phone 1221-2. hl3 command about 2 0 0 0 braves of the Dlied: **You are unfit to command. Co put on pottl- Laurel 1610, East Hartford. ' ------'----- chance to exercise his would kill the first red houses. Rags, magazines, bundled ‘ paper He doffed his Indian deerskin and put on a general s boyhood oath. man who injured a cap­ coatsl’J ” (Oodtlnuod.) FOK SALE—Chestnut wood, hard j and junk bought at hlg' est cash wood and hard wood------slabs, sawf^ ! prices. Fhone 8<9-S and I Will palL J. uniform. tive. stove length, and under cover. H i. Elsenberg. V. Wood, 55 Blssell street. Telephone 496. „ ______LegalNotice f o r s a l e —15 yearling S. C. W. 2 a 5 S S P SlTATE GETS JOBS F O | t Leghorns, 11 yearling White Wyan- further discuss the delicate situa­ ' ’ 482 OP 8T0 a p p l ic a n t s dottes hens will make good breeding GANDIL BELLIGERENTLY CANAL TREAH VM tion. * s * 8 2.1: MAH, SHIP PUZZLE pens. Tel. 1398-5. Charles J. Johnson, REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF Marines Settle at Nicaragua 86 Woodland street. ______- The Home Bank and Trust Co., Hartfdrd, Jan. 7.-^The atato ^ South Manchester, Conn.,., at the close Managua,!* Nicaragua, Jan. 7.— Mice T& Move.iM- imHmeht of labor repci’ved 87D ap­ f o r SALE—Fancy Green Mt. p^a- of business on the 31st. day of De­ BACKS RISBERG STORY ASSERTS SEN. BORAH The American marines, compris­ i b ^ SeiYLGAAeMT— plications from ■workers for jobs toes. Frank Williams, Buokland. Tel. cember, 1926. ing a legation guard, have arrived 989-23. ASSETS OF BILLS .during ther week ended yesterday. Loans and Discounts ...... $195,397.31 here to find conditions very quiet. FOR SALE—10 black Jersey Glajits Overdrafts ...... '.. 45.64 (Continaed rroni pa'ge 1.) U. S. marines marching through $30. 10 Buff Plymouth Rocks, $30. Funds set aside for Sav­ (Contlnned from Page 1.) Jiated up for breeding. Prize stock. - ings Depositors ...... 497,589.29 the streets of Managua were no COAL So Federal OflScials Says, to ^ , y ggrry B. Mackensle, state Gandil’s affidavit flatly charges new sight to Nicaraguans, but Belgian doe- and 9 young, $8; 4 fine Other Securities ...... 29,692.50 that the double-headers with De­ OFFICE Arraign Skipper. coinihisBioher' of labor. Applicant* police puppies, $25. John H. Cheney, Furniture and Equipment 18,177.48 than at any time since General they appear more welcome on the tdtalisd 528 men and 342 women. Andover Road. ■ ______Due from Reserve Agents 20,263.87 troit ou September 2 and 3 were occasion of their present visit Due from Banks and Bank­ thrown. John J. -Pershing led his famous New York, Jan. 7.— The mystery Jobs were secured for 482. •*’ FOR SALE—Hard wood) all lengths. ers ...... : ...... 770.80 punitive expedition across the In­ than when last here. of the Nicaraguan steamship Raymond F. DeWald, 655 North Main Insists on “Slough” The marines are establishing Cash on hand ...... 7,979.71 ternational boundary ten years ago. Claire 'Mattleu, picked up off Cut- street. Telephone 2358. Checks, cash items and Ex­ “ The four games were thrown,” semi-permanent quarters here and “ - Badly soiled garments shoulA^ This was generally recognized in tyhunkv her liquor cargo, missing changes ...... 2,634.77 read Gandil’s affidavit, "by De­ apparently are making prepara­ have the dirtiest parts, dipped !h FOR SALE—Hardwood slabs saw­ Foreign Currency Acet. ... 12,548.18 troit to Chicago and subsequently Washington today as the largest but with ,-Iova Scotia and Miquelon ■ ed stove length $12.00 per cord. Order tions for an indefinite stay. malls aboard, remained unexplain­ ; water, well soaped and tightly roll by mall or telephone wmimantic Total A ssets...... $785,099.55 a fund of »money wat raised to show of naval strength ever as­ ed up before they are put to soak. - division 204-15 evenings. P. R. Whip­ LIABILITIES which all save one or two of the sembled In Caribbean waters pro­ ed today. ple, Andover, Conn. " Capital Stock ...... 50,000.00 White Sox contributed $45 apiece. ceeded to stations off NicaraguAn' That' t^e skipper had been en­ Surplus ...... ' 20,000.00 LADIES’ G U e ' j gaged itr’gun-runnlng to Nicaragua FOR SALE—Extracted hotiey, 5 lb.' Undivided profits, (less ex­ Subsequently the money was deliv­ ports. cans $1.25; 1 lb Jars 35c; fresh-sweet penses and taxes paid) .. 11,400.08 ered by me to Bill James in the , Ordinarily, a couple of American was .uBdrteid by federal officials apple juice, made onoe a week, 50c Savings Deposits ...... 497,589.29 presence of Risberg.’ gunboats and a handful of marines ELECT OFHCERS here;.' The arrest of Capta,n per gallon. Phono 970-2. General Deposits ...... 183,057.03 “ At the time, the series began are sufllclent to control any Central Brownef Willis Is based on failure 'Treasurer’s Checks ...... 5,664.35 to h^'ye proper navigation papers. FOR SALE—Apples. Tour choice of Certified Checks ...... 50.12 Chicago was two and a half games American revolution and afford the 6 different varieties to choose from. Dividends Unpaid ...... 500.00 in the lead, with Boston pressing necessary protection to American Mrs. Ellis Callis Heads Organ-j ; Thoj’ Glalre' Mattleu, towed .here Sanitary Market Delivered anywhere, In Manchester or Christmas Savings and them; the winning of the four legations and property in the Carib­ ization of St. Mary’s Episco­ by- the revenue cutter Aqushhjst vicinity, from 60 to 75c per basket or Thrift Funds ...... 4,290.50 from; New Bedford^ waff thoroughly $1.00 to $1.50 per bushel. Phone 970-2. Foreign Currency Acet. ...' 12,548.18 games would make Chicago White bean. It Is work with which the pal Church. WADDELL CHOSEN Sox’s pennant chances almost sure, navy is entirely familiar and, aearched^^but no arms were fdun,d FOR SALE—One cord 4 ft white Total Liabilities ...... $785,099.55 whereas the loss of even half of aboard; " Phone$ 441442 State of Connecticut, County of through long practice, very efficient. The Ladies Guild of St. Mary’s birch, cut any length. $14. Mixed those games would cut the margin Gathers 15 Ships BY STATE BODY Arrangements were made to have hard wood $16. Call Wllllmantic Hartford), ss So. Manchester. Episcopal church at ' heir annual I Captain Willis arraigned In feder­ 157-12.______I Lewis H. Sipe, Tre^urer of the that the White Sox had over Bos­ The ostensible purpose of this meeting held yesterday afternoon,! t e l e p h o n e y o u r o r d e r s aforesaid The Home Bank & Trust ton to almost nothing. al court' this afternoon. ? Co., do solemnely swear that the fore­ concentration is to quell the revolu­ elected the following - officers to. FOR SALE—Hardwood, Reo truck Much Talk of “Looks” tion In Nicaragua and maintain Local Town Treasurer Placed WE WILL DO THE REST. $9.00; hard slab 8.00; hard pine and going statement is true to the best of serve for the year 1927: Chestnut mixed $6.00 a load. Flrpo, *#7 my knowledge and belief. “ The first Intimation I had that Adolfo Diaz in the presidential President— Mrs. . Ellis Callis. On Important Committee by LEWIS H. oIPE it was generally known among the palace, but the real reason is un­ SPECIALS ON m e a t s . Wells street. Phone 154-3. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Vice President— Mrs. William Commerce Chamber. HELLO-LONDON PHONE Large Boasting Chickens front this 7th. day of January, 1927. Chicago players that these games derstood to be to impress upon the Crawford. Hebron,. 55c lb. . _ , . JOHN F. SHEA, were being thrown -was the night Mexican government that it had Treasurer— Mrs. Charlotte Got- from REAL ESTATE .Notary Public, Manchester Is recognized and Small Boasting Chickens, after the first ball games in the better keep “ hands off” In Central berg. ■ - honored by an appointment made STARTS THEN STUTTERS clubhouse, when Rowland, Schalk, America, and tread lightly in the ! Gilead; 40c lb. Secretary— Mrs. James Harrison. today by President Ernest E. Pork to Boast, 82c lb. FOR SALE—Building lot 20x20 and Gleason were dis­ application of its new land and First Directress— Mrs. Clarence Rogers, of the State Chamber pf suitable for 2 car garage. Price rea­ cussing how easily we had won L e ^ of Lamb, 35c lb, sonable If.taken at once. 136 Summer. petroleum laws to American hold­ Johnson. Commerce when he named George (Contlnned 'rom page 1) them. 'Fresh Shonlders, 25c ib* Tel. 1877.______. _ ings. Second Directress— Mrs. Dayid H. Waddell, of this town ..on t^e Smoked Shonldew, sI»ort cat, %NUT They mentioned different things Yet for the Nicaraguan revolu­ Robinson. y. important committee on m'^nlclpal f o r -giAT.E—Building lot 60 by 150 that happened during the day and Hacti’ ninde a sort of little speech 2 8 o lb . _ feet, on one of Manchester's nice resi­ tion, in which' the combatants on The reports submitted by' the finances. This deals with finaricCA,, about what the service was going to Eddie Collins made the remark how B o n e le s s Hams, 45c I b . dential streets, three minutes walk both sides number scarcely more secretary and treasurer indicated a tax rates, loans, bonds and the Trarl- mean to business and society. ' Bib Roast Beef, 86c lb. from Main street, gas and sewer in terrible the games looked. than 5,000, the American govern­ front of lot. Owner needs cash. For successful year, financially and ous other details of operating state, After responding to the greet­ Pot Boast, 28c lb. quick sale will sell for t750. Call “ The next day the same talk took ment has concentrated in Nicara­ every ’ other way, with plenty of towns and cities. ings of Gifford, Sir Evelyn said: place about how bad the Detroit Sausage Meat, S5c lb. Arthur A. Knofla, telephone 782-2, Joe'^Si^ilieKros guan waters, and adjacent to Mexi­ ork mapped out for the future. ( The rest of the committee'ls "I now declare the service ojien- Small Link Sausage, 42c lb . 875 Main street. ______players had looked. After these co, a total .of fifteen first-class fight­ After the business tea and sand­ ed to the public.” j So they are saying Cobb and made up of some of the most promi­ Fresh Filet of Codflab, 85c Ih games I remember that the Chicago ing ships,(End nearly 5,000 blua- wiches wer: served and a social Some Static FOR SALE—5 room 'bungalow, oak Speaker fl.\ed a ball game! Well if nent men in the state as follows: "' ^ Oysters, 80c pint. floors and part oak trim, all modern players repeated the remarks of the jackets and marines, all under con­ hour enjoyed. W. H. Putnam, Putnam Co., Shortly after the opening of the improvements, 2 car garage. Price that’s so we are prepared to be­ previous day about how easily we trol of an admiral who has been Hartford; Francis P. GullfoU, circuit between Gifford and Sir very reasonable and easy terms. Tel. lieve anything. . . . had won. given carte blanche in their disposl- WOULD HAVE BUREAU mayor' of Waterbury; Edward F. Evelyn, static could he heard. It 1483-12. “ I can’t remember exactly what troh. It comprises the largest naval MAKE VETERAN LOANS was a sound like a pair of dlce'rfft- Even that Christmas ain’t Christ­ Hall, Lander, Frary & Clark, New Groceries the players said, but I have a recol­ show the American government has Washington, Jan. 7.— The Sen­ Britain; Anson T. McCook, attor­ tling ill a wooden box and for sec­ I ^ TO RENT mas. It’s just a piece of business lection that Schalk, Collins, Felsch, ever staged in Caribbean waters. ate today moved' to help veterans- onds at a time made the>/trans- hooey framed to stimulate the sale ney, Hartford; Nathan D. Prince, Special on Mrs. Simonson’s Risberg, John Collins and others That a very serious situation may obtain loans on adjusted service President of the Hartford Trust- cceanic conversation Inaudible.-But on, Cocoanut and Chocolate Pie of tinsled cards. . . . during the majority of the experi­ TO RENT—Pour room flat on Birch took part In the conversation. result is universally recognized in compensation certificates. After Co.; Norman C. Stevens, mayor ot Filling, a Packages for 26c. street. Inquire 10 Cottage street, No Talk Of Pay At Itoie Washington. adoption of a resolution calling up­ ment the voice from London ■was Shredded Codfish in glass Jars, The Fourth of July ain’t a pa­ Hartford and Dudley Vaill, presi­ distinct. At that time I do not remember The American State Department on Secretary of . the Treasury ■ Melr dent of the Winsted Savings Bank,’ 10c« TO RENT—Four room tenement: triotic celebration. It's something that any mention was made of re­ Today’s achievement Is the re­ all modern Improvements. Apply at the Krupps and the Duponts get put Diaz In the presidential palace Ion to repftt what steps the feder-. , Asparagus-Tips, 26c can. paying the Detroit club for throw­ and plans to keep him there. The sult of 22 years of. research' •Work 115 Walnut street. behind every year to pep up the al reserve board has taken to' ex- by engineers of the American Tele­ 8 ftann Evaporated Milk, 25c. ing the four games. Our club left State Department has accorded him 3 Cans Campbell Tomato Soup, TO RENT—4 room tenement, up­ ammunition trade. . . . pediate the loans, Senator Walsh, General phone and Telegraph Co., dating stairs,’ bath, hot water, lights, etc. Chicago and did not return for ofllclal recognition, and the Ameri­ Democrat of Massachusetts intro­ • 25c.' another game for several days. from the application of the; first Apply at 29\Grlswold street. Ready Washington wasn’t the father of can navy has bottled up the Sacasa duced a bill which would author­ Auto Repairing and: telephone amplifier ^in an experi­ 2 Cans Spaghetti, 25c. Jan. 15. Rent $18. It was upon the return of the our country. It was two other fel­ revolutionists who were fast gain­ ize the veterans bureau to make Overhauling ment over lin^s between New "Tork Shredded Wheat, 11c. TO RENT—Two-car garage 20x20. lows. . . . club to Chicago that I first heard ing the upper hand over him. the loans. and^Chicago, Gifford said In . his 8 Packages Kellogg Com Flakes, Price reasonable If taken at once. mention of what we ought to do for La’ . On Mexico’s Side SHELDON’S GARAGE / 25c. Apply 136 Summer street. Phone 1877. Rear of 2.*» Hollister Street. ! prefatdry address to his guestff. ; The Declaration of Independence the Detroit players. I remember The Mexican government consid­ Tracing the evolution of these Heinz Bice Flakes, 15c. Phone 2328-2 Residence 2328-3 FOR RENT—Six room tenement, was a hoax, inspired by a group of someone suggested giving them— ers that Juan Sacasa is the constitu­ Only One Eye experiments; Gifford stressed, the Best Coffee, 40c lb. all Improvements, at 82 Spruce street. zealous hand-writing experts. . . the pitchers, ^ mean— suits of tional president of Nicaragua. It ac­ opening for public use In 1912 of Cream Com Starch, Oc. Inquire 14 Spruce or telephone 1320-12 clothes. corded Sacasa official recognitio.:, Quinces In ^ ss jars, 38c. NOTICE the first trans-continental tele­ FOR RENT—Five room flat up­ David didn’t crack Goliath on the ‘I said we ought to make it and conveniently has looked the phone line, the wireless telephoile 8 Rolls Waldorf Toilet Paper.’ stairs, steam heat furnished: also two whiskers with a right uppercut, money and we finally decided that other way while his forces secured WILL BUY OLD GUN experiment in 1925, which trans­ 25c. . • car garage.’ Apply 92 Russell street. some one merely sprinkled add In before the-season ended we would arms and ammunition from Mexi­ C A T A L O G S Send for circular, mitted the human voice across the Friends Baked Beans, 23c can. L. D. Satterlee, 4^8 W. Forest Detroit, M I^ TO RENT—3 room heated apart­ the old champion’s caffe hag. . , give the Detroit pitchers about $200 can sources. f i l l Atlantic to Paris and across the Sage Cheese, 45c lb. ments with bath. Apply shoemaker, apiece. That meant every one of us If Mexico now chooses to stand ^American continent Into the Pacific Cauliflower in glass Jars, .S8fe,’. - Trotter Block. Paul Revere wasn’t riding to would kick in with $45.” stiffly on her prerogatives as a as far as Hawaii, and the first suc­ . .5 Cans ^unbrlte Cleanser, 25oi FOR RENT—Three room flat with warn the farmers oi Tllddlesex. He Fails to Show Up ^ sovereign nation and chooses to l i p cessful one-way transmlslon • teat Steam heat next to Pagan! Bros’ store. was cutting the corners in an In» Chicago, Jan. 1— Hearing of ad­ supply arms to this Sacasa govern­ between London and New York In Fruit Apply at the store. ternational steeple-chase and mak­ ditional testimony in the charges ment, which she. oflielally recogniz­ AUTO 1923. The new water-cooled vac­ ing the sure thing gamblers* money III FOR RENT—Five room flat, all Im­ that Detroit and Chidago conspired es, an open clash with the United ELECTRICAL SERVICE uum tube and the “ single 'side provements, window shades on; on stand up. . . . In September, 1917, to "slough” a States may be one of the, first re­ REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED band” were pointed out as techni­ Apples, Baldwin, 65c bflsket.- trolley line, station 52. Apply 598 Cen­ series .to the White Sox was post­ sists, for Admiral "LMlmer has in- cal features In developing the pow­ Callfomln Oranges, 50c to 70c ter street, Harrison Store. Phone 569. The Last Supper was a promo­ NORTON er of the radiophone apparatus. poned this morning until four p. m. stnictioqs to stop Mexican gun run­ a m m C U e n a C A L INSTRUMENT CO. dozen.-- tion stunt backed by the “ Eat-a- Good Service Not Certain . FOR RENT—Five room tenement because of Ahe failure of Chick ning. HttUARDST. PHONE 8 Large Grapefralts, 25c. ^ bowl-of-Bran-a-Day” bcy«. . . . “ We cannot as yet guarantee a •with modern Improvements* on Braln- Gandil, one of the complainants, to * W A R MANCHESTER FRE3 0 H 1 STAnOM Bananas, lOc lb. ^ ard street, near Main, price $20 per Most International authorities good talking connection with Lon­ month. Apply to Aaron Johnson, 62 appear at the appointed hour of here concede that in such a sltua- Ctnnberries, 2 lbs. for 25c. Linden street. ' Lincoln was working for the the­ eleven. don all of the time,” said Gifford. atrical agents when he freed the ,tIon Mexico would have interna­ "When, atmospheric conditions’, are Judge Landis, In making known tional law clearly on her side. They FOR RENT—Ono 7 room tenement. colored slaves. The real idea was to the postponement, took occasion to McGovern Granite Co. VCTy bad It is utterly impossible to Maple street. Apply to H. 1, Tryon, develop some Black Bottom dan- say Mexico Is as much a sovereign carry op a conversation. We cannot \ in care of o. W. Hale Company. score a local morping paper for Its power as Is the United States, and CEMETERY MEMORIALS Vegetables ceTs. . . . activities on behalf of Gandil and claim,' therefore, that the problem as such Is entitled to sell and de­ Repi'cseiitcil by nf ti*tos-oceahic telephony Is en-r FOR RENT — Three, and four Swede Risberg, his brother-witness . . Spinach, ^ c . room apartments, heat. Janitor ser­ The kaiser didn’t ,lose the war. liver arms to whomsoever she C. \V. H.^HTE.N.STKI.y tirely; solved;, but our efforts haVe vice, gas range, refrigerator. In-a- of the debarred Black Sox. pleases. rS^hed such a stage that we be­ Celer}', 20c. door bed lu.-nlBhed. Cdll Manchesteiv This was a sellout, -Pershing and Risberg failed to appear on time The State Department, however, 14V Summit St. TelepliOiie JL021 lieve pjpgress can now most rapid­ Lettuce, 10c and 15c. Construction Company. 3100 or tele­ Foch got to him under the grand at the first hearing on Wednesday, takes the position that in this in­ FRED SCHNEIDER ly be.made by having commercial Soup Bunch, 10c. phone 782-2. stand and the final battle Tfas stag­ also forcing a postponement. ed for the money gents. stance American rights to the pro­ llse and further research studies go ij Parsley, 10c. FOR RENT'—In Qfeenaores, first Refusal to let phy ical ability : 4 lbs. Pabsnlp, 25c. and second floor flats at 73 and 75 jected Nicaraguan canal and the handicap his game, Fred Schneidei', on together.” Benton street. Call 820. Queen Isabella may have thought Big Ten Title naval base concession at Fonseca ii Green Peppers, 20c lb. ■ ' captain of the University .of Omaha (6 writers ; Turnips, 30c peck. a lot of Columbus, but his game bay are of more Importance than basketball team,, has surmoqnte 1 Of the 27 Rhodes scholars who ; 4 Tbs. Snfeet Ifetatoes, 28c. was in the dirt book, too. He even technicalities over international an Obstacle that would keep most won thefr Blues for repYesentlng All makes. Said, rented, ex- M .8 lbs, Spianlsh Oniony 3 ^ . WANTED crossed the ocean. athletes from indulging in any Oxford in contests with Cambridge law. Hence the fifteen warships and char.ffed and overhauled. ' Cabbage, 6c lb. the 5,000 men to put a stop to the form of sport. In England the past season,. ; 12 WANTED—Position by a licensed You can go on and on In thla Schneider has but cac good eye, Special Uisenaats to Students. were Americans, sOme of whom •, 5 lbs; Yellow Onions, 25c. revolution and the gun-running. ' 4 lbs. Bed Onions, 25c. barber In town. Phone 658-5. strain, but in the end you’ll only Needs Only Spark the left eye being glass, yet he has competed in more than one sport. / "WANTED—I will pay highest prices develop bunlonc. . . . Thus the situation stands today, made a name for himself in middle Telephone 821 for all kinds of Junk; also buy all with only a spark perhaps needed west basketball. Last season in 11 kinds of chickens. Morris H. Lessner, There are two reasons why It’s games, he scored 154 points, an ;igiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiifflu«iiiiiiq/^ii[i(iuiiim telephone 982-4. to pauss a general conflagration in hard to believe Cobb and Speaker the Caribbean. Mexico can set it off average of 14 per game. His best •Kemp's Mtssie WANTED:—To repair and clean threw a ball game. One is Cobb. If she chooses.- record In any one game was 22 ■The other is Speaker.. ■ewlng machines of all makes. All Meanwhile, the Senate revolt points. ■work ^aranteed. Teh Manchester Sport fans are wondering what No. 716. Go anywhere. R, W. Garraid. against the administration’s policy H e s a s e ; 37 Ed'ward street. Manchester. .gathered force, but marked time, he would do if be had two good RUDDERLESS FREIGHTER eyes. Phone 128-4 ;. i . ' Harry JuU, Prop. WANTED—To buy cars for Junk. pending the appearance of Secr;e- Used parts for sale.. Abel's. Service -tary of Stat^ Kellogg before the " W M a in Street, N ext tG Das Dffleo. Tel. 2339 Station. Oak street, Teh 789. MAKES OWN REPAIRS foreign relations committee to “ ex­ w a n t e d —Some pleasure these plain” his Nicaraguan and Mexican Mi 50c lb. long evenings? Why not have that policies. , 5 .NATIVE CHICKENS phonograph fixed and inJoy the old •Unable to gain the support of i ; FOWL se.s/e«enn.e*e«e.< 4^c lb. favorite records once again. Bralth- Boston, Mass., Jan. 7.— The I Spring Only 3 Months Away | tralte. ISO Center etreet. -Senator Borah, chairman of thq Italian freight steam.'hlii NUmldfa committee, President Coolidge tem­ S Do you realize it? Now Is the-tipie tp pick up real.'estate..., £ MiBATS sent out an S O S call.early, today, porarily , checkmated Democratic; £ bargains. '■ , ' • . , ; . - s £ ;,iR^ting Pork ...... 29e Ul but four hours later reported that a LOST critics o f' administration policy by S We offer:. A nice, neat and new single In the Green sectidn s • 22c lb. broken rudder had been repaired =; BYesh Shoulders summoning Senaipra .Robinson of S tor $7,000. It is up to date and k pTace you would like? s and that the steamship was under 5 Another fine home close to Main street on Middle Turnpike = §-'^'Dbt.. Roasts .i;...... 25c, 35c*tb. LOST—^Brown and black police Arkajisas and Swanson of Virginia, 15c lb* puppy. Answers to the name of King. control. The S O S •was picked up the Democratic .leaders, , to the E East, well arranged rooms, garage in basement, all fully equip- — 5 Deef Liver • • • • • by the Japanese Talbu Maru, Italy Call 1386-4. Reward. Wlilte House and after acquainting S Ped. S g , , Sausage Meat • • • •• • • * • • • * • « • • • e 29e Ib. fpr Baltimore, and the Talbu Maru them .with .the situalion pledged S Another* new single on Walker, street, hard wood trim and S Eckhardt’s Frankforts ...... 29c LOST—Sum of money on West Side was making full speed ahead to the yesterday afternoon. Reward. Finder them to secrecy. floors, good large airy rooms. Be sure TO look at this one. g Solid Pieces Corned Beef 25c lb. call 2220. Peter Jackmore, 164 rescue of the Numidia, which was Kellogg Delays Explanation , A large flat all up-to-date In every^ detail, with an extra s Eldridge street. drifting helpless, when the freight­ S r Secretary Kellogg is exhibiting building lot on Benton street, all for $10.&60. H er reported that repairs, had been no desire to hurry his appearance FOUND made. The position of the Numidia, R. H. HOGAN Before deciding on the building of your new home be sure | 4 Oans Armour’s Bean^ before the committee. Invited to ap­ in wireless messages picked up After a disastrous year In foot­ to inspect the Green Hill Terrace traef on Pitkin street. You S t • • • FOUND—^Male bljck and tan alre- pear last Wednesday, Kellogg 2: CANS BURT OLNEY CORN dale puppy. Call at 596 Woodbridge here, was given as approximately ball, University of Iowa’s basket­ may decide to locate there. Careful restrictions prevail. g pleaded prior engagements which 3 LBS. BEANS ...... street. 1,000 miles east of New York. ball team, led by Captain R. H. Hogan, one of the-best guards In would delay. his appearance until CRANBERRIES ____ ...... next Wednesday— a fact which AUTOMOBILES The football team of Ohio Wes­ 5Ig Ten circles, hopes- to restore Powell’s L^ttpee . . . U cauud. .considerable muttering to­ leyan next season will have a. ujew much of the lost prestige. Iowa I Robert J. Sinith FOR SALE—Ford light delivery day* among the opponents of the .leebecg Lettuce In jMrfect condition, first $125 takes captain for every game. A leader tieii for Big Ten honors last season 1 Real Estate — "Insurance — Steamship Tfeket8 ’'7 S It. Ford sedan In A No. 1 condition, and has an experienced squad 'work­ ^administration’s policy. $150 cash. Bill McKee, 32 Laurel will be selected by the coaches-as the team takes the field, ing under Coach Sam Berry, 7he cabinet met this mornins to Street: Telephone 374. / : .i O V-^' TvrAKrTinf»vr .>;. - ■>)■; •

HAftTFORD'S Tear's G reats' “ What do yoa'.TjBggjfA--^ :^the^ LBftb'INeTaRMERIliE ' ipreatest athletic feirt -jIiMS?”. - frrites a spoirt enthurias^ who. It . seems, would have iayv,o)finloii the subject. ^ When one sees, talks, and wipiMl- sports tor 365 days of each 7 ^ ^ - he becomes rather'blase , to ithnl^ Yet, 1926 was so unusual Ih many respects that it several times cuust, ed me to get unduly excited. .1 must admit that Gertrude Bd- erle compelled me to db consider­ able cheering for the lair sex - H, when she swam the English Chan­ nel. No doubt many of the e:^erts FOR EVEMNG APPOENUVffiNTS PHONE 2-7279 will rats it as the master sport achievement of ;lbe year. It was unfortunate'that so many HE price of every article you buy at SHOOK BROS, is based on a definite others should have accomplished _ standard of Quality, below which it is unsafe to go—a Quality established by the feat alter Miss Ederle’s suc­ cessful attempt. It took some of, the experience of thousands of families throughout Connecticut who have used the kick out of the performance. our Furniture, in many cases, for as long as 18 years.’ - Channel was Docile ( I am told that swimming the A 20 per cent, discount at SHOOK BROS, is absolutely GENUINE. This r^pret channel is a gamble as much on sents a maximum reduction that goods reasonably priced will bear. Td create a Every den or bedroom the weather as on the athletic So handy, when gue.sta prowess of the man or woman could use such a good- superficially greater reduction, based ;on an infiation of original prices, we be-r come, is fJiis pretty tea' looking boudoir chair la making the attempt. Deep-cushioned comfort lieve is unsound business practice! wagon. ?29.50, less'20%. gay and subdued cover­ I also am told that 1926 was an In this fine Cogswell— ings. $27.50, less 20%, ideal summer lor channel swim­ 639.50,'less 20%. At SHOOK BROS, you pay 20 per cent, less than the original low tag prices on |.6 6 ming? that never in the history of .6 0 *23^ < 2 2 4 2 that body of water has it been This charming spinet, desk any article in the store. , - , ^ ‘ for that empty corner! *31 Liberal Tbirms. Quite BO docile. 125, less 20%. 'Liberal Terms. However, it would seem that Liberal Terms, ; Special January Reductions in Radios some one must have worn a smooth I JO path through the water, so easily *2a was the channel conquered alter liberal Terms. Miss Ederle’s triumph. \ How the swimmers got Over is of no great moment. Those who Jsmuary Fieature turned the trick,and concormed to the rules of sportsmanship nre de­ serving of great credit. Beautiful Burl Walnut 4-Piece Group You will recall that some of Miss Ederle's critics insisted she V ^ A n Advance Spring Design — was helped by the tugs that accoin- ' panled her across the body of wat­ X jT T 't er. , ' Conmge of Sweetser Place a mirror where a The antique highlighted For sheer courage, the palm wall or corner needs finish and graceful pat­ brightening. "Viait our tern of this table will must be passed to Jesse Sweetser mirror gallery. 69.75 less, in wiaping the British . amateur, tone np your room great­ Lifetime service and com­ Complete the spare room 20%. the first time by any American- with this roomy walnut ly. $17.50 less'20%. fort in this leather rocker finish dresser— $29.50 less '.8 0 born golfer. — 616.00 less 20%. Sweetser played through the en­ 20%. *7 ^ tire tournament a very sick man. Liberal Terms. liberal Terms. As a matter of fact, he almost ruin­ 1 2 ^ * 2 3 ^ ed his health by his insistence on Liberal Terms. Liberal Terms. playing. He is still recuperating at Asheville, N. C., as a result. Gene Tunney’s defeat of Jack 'Dempsey was a terrific shock rath­ er than a great thrill. I didn’t think Tunney had a chance. The remarkable golfing feats of Bobby Jones must not be overlook­ ed when considering the big sport' '(Sketched from stock by our thrills of 1926. Jones was the own artist). outstanding golfer of the year. While Bill Tilden’s defeat at tennis was a surprise, his play had forecasted the possibility of such a Regular Low Price $238<75 j I happening. Those Three Homers Walnut Metal Bed When Grover Cleveland Alexan­ Furnish your spare room with this sturdy Less January 20% Discount der, after working a game on Sat­ walnut finish metal bed. In all sizes. urday, was brought back in the fi­ 69.75, less 20%. , A limited number of these beautiful 4-plece It is a group that will catch your eye and nal gaiue of the 1926 series, with groups, Intended for Spring delivery, arrived win your fancy in a moment. The beautifully bases filled, two out, and his team $ y . 8 o Bake a cake, broH a steak, or roast a fowl Just now This offers the unique Sale Oppor­ $ 1 9 1 0 0 figured genuine burl walnut panellngs, here­ In the • Stamford and you will be compli- ■ one run behind, I suffered several tunity of Hartford to secure an advance tofore shown only in suites selling around mented on your cooking. $49.75 less 20%. attacks of goose flesh. Liberal Terms. Spring model in bedroom furniture at January $400, are masterfully developed Into this When Alexander proceeded to Clearance prices. charming suite. ^.8 0 strike out Tony LazzA:! and save * 3 9 ^ the game and the pennant for St. Liberal Terms. Louis, I was forced to loudly ap- The number Is limited. The price Is remarkably low. Come earlt, please— a small deposit will reserve one. Liberal Terms. r plau4 and let out a couple of yells, although I hated to see Tony set down. It was a great feat for a fading veteran. Exclusive Pattern—January Special However, those three home runs that Babe Ruth hit in the 1926 series with the Cardinals constitut­ AU’-Felt Mattress ed, to my way of thinking, the greatest thrill producer of the year. Layer upon layer of pure-downy felt to as-, i I still can get a kick out of the sure restful sleep. Here Is'a January fea­ ture for those who have always wanted a This da-bed in walnut finish, In .attractive final drive that went Into the cen­ cretonne covering, opens to a full-size bed. f: ter field bleachers. No one ever better mattreSs! SPECIAL $20, less'20%. A space-saving bed at a money-saving had hit a ball there before. I doubt price. $26.50 less 20%. If any-one ever will again. 1 6 ^ t . Liberal Terms. * 2 1 ^ DOMINIONS MUST ACT Liberal Terms. t: ‘ ON KING’S TITLE CHANGE r London (United Press).— Al­ though the Imperial Conference 9x12 concluded that the King must have a new title, it will probably be Tapestry many months before the change becomes legal. The king’s title cannot be chang- ied except by act of Parliament but Parliament will not be sufficient. The Regular Low Price $229.00, $ An identical act must be passed by 1 8 3 ^ the parliament of every dominion Less January 20% Discount ...... Liberal Terms. and of the Irish Free State before the new title can become effective. Here Is a Living Room Suit© of the famous Nachman construction,, charmingly desl^^. with deep, spring-filled backs and arms that Invite you to a new sense of resUulness ana co^^^ fort. . . . The covering Is a long-wearing Jacquard material. In a delightful sort taupe shade—the cushions reversible in a pleasantly, contrasting cbvering—^with h e a ^ suken ^ s e w to add the finishing touch of luxury. . . . The pattern is exclusive with SHUOB b k u b . Be here early so as not to miss this nnusual feature of onr sale. For the sun porch or living room, this airy reed-fiber suite In a E g g s fo r How much better your living room or dining room will' look with frosted brown' finish, with gay covered auto seat cushions. This one of these 9x12 long-wearing tapestry rugs! $29.50 less 20%. la an advance Spring design. $69.60 less 20%. ; .6 0 Hatching *23 * 5 5 ^ Liberal Terms. January Home-Outfit Liberal Terms. ‘‘The Sunnydde” 4-Room Outfit Kitchen Included but Not Shown Regularly $495 January Special Price • • • • i;" now about eggs for the new k ch ! Your breeders’ vitality will be re- toduced in new chicks, and hatchability fceggs from your best birds will be jilted if you tone them up now! Pratts Poultry Regulator builds up the ^ and vigor. . . brinn out the best in rery bird. . . puts breeders in full bloom. 3%e BEDROOM consists of the 'bed, dresseFl ; aiud chest of K you want the egg strain reproduced The LIVINO ROOM • is a lovely arrangement In a velour suite, drawers. In American walbut y^ eer, •with'a . sturdy' National jgulate hreedeTa now! Costs only a deep-cushioned and. comfortable, in a new taupe and blue blend­ M pennies per 100 lbs. o f any mash. ing. A pretty floor’lamp, and davenport table g o with the group. spring and a well-tufted-cotton mattress.', .

Goods Stored Free for Future Delivery The Kitehen Consists Of P oultry A 4-Bunier Gas l^ g e , a Drop-Laaf T^le^ 2 Wind­ R egu lator Old Custoihers Pay No Money Down The DINING ROOM consists of an 8-pleco group in American sor typo Chairs, md-ybor choice of paftem in a Ne< and gaarantted by Walnut veneer, a we^I-d^gned suite that will win yoiir guest a pmiaetrhg. approval. MANCHESTER GRAIN & COAL CO>> Apd Plac^ Manchester,

.. A MAl^CHESTBR EVENING PAG£T EIGHT •.iN ll■■l■llll I II I ...... 1"' - ■ P - — ,1' John Barstotii will'believe this than of exploiting a girl not at all beait* that Little Orphan Annie •will ever tiful but very real and immensely lose her faith in the bogey m a n - attractive, as one of the two till she gro'ws up. ures in his Illustration. The poso PUBUSHED BY is beautiful, the composition of the THE HERALD PRINTING CO. picture highly artistic— and the ef­ JUSTICE WINS. ' Founded by Elwood B. Ela fect immensely human. But the Once again a frantic effort on Oct. 1, 1881 girl is no beauty, according to the Range Sale In the part of thousands of hysterical * Every Evening Except Sundays r.nd accepted standards of advertising Holidays. . sentimentalists to save murderers Enterefd kt the Post OfBoe at Man* illustrations. ;chester as 'Second Class Ma^ Matter. from the penalty of their crimes The result Is that in every pub­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall has failed. The so-called Waltham lication in which that national adr Clearing Oat All Lines We J^e Discontinuing six dollars a year, elXty cents a imonth (or shorter periods. car^barn killers— three good-for- vertisemeht appears it stands out ■ By carrier, eighteen- certs ft week. nothings who did to death an old like a'lighthouse in the night. Such Single copies, three cents. man for being brave and resolute s p e c ia l advertising REPRE- is the reward of 'vision— and cour­ : SENTATIVE. Hamllton-De Lisser, in the performance of his duty and age. Inc., 25 West 43d Street, New York because he stood In the way of and 612 North Michigan Avenue, their appetite for vrorkless money Chicago. NAVY’8 JOKE. — have been exheuted-inNthe Massa­ Any # these Stoves -we are discontinuing, or The Manchester Evening Herald is The Navy is probably very proud ERE'S good news for every home in town on sale in New York City at Schults’s chusetts state prison in Charles­ News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. of the ibb handed to It by the State that needs a new range. are clearinjg new Crawford Ranges can be purchased on the ■ Street and 42nd. Street entrance of town; but it took ail the powers Department. Nicaragua may have, Grand Central Station. resistance in the state's system of our stock of many stoves in order to better Watkins Plan of Easy Pa3mients—a small suni altogether,. seven hundred thou-- “International News Service has the. law to bring their execution about; "S-excluslve rights to use (or republlca- sand n^n, women and children. To display the complete 1927 line of Crawford down and the rest in easy payments extending As in the case of Chapman, as in tlon in any form all news dispatches subjugate these seven hundred credited to or not otherwise credit­ the case of the grinning Baltimore Ranges. Practically all our surplus warehouse over a number of months. : ’ ed in this paper. It is also exclusively thousand men, women and children 'entitled to use for republlcatlon all killer Whittemore, there was no to the ■will of Mr. Kellogg is a noble stock is gone and only floor samples remain. Yet ■ the local or undated news published palliatiob, no glimmer of excuse for . As stated beforo, there is a limited number of herein."______l iir taphi-Prom the' way In which the the thing which they did. They there are over 25 different types and models from Navy is rushing warships to the FRIDAY, JAjJJUARY 7, 1927^ '•iiould not have done it if they had ranges loft at these sale prices, so act at once for seat p fw a r, It obviously doesn’t which to choose—coal, gas, combination coal and had a spark df manhood or decency intend that the Unitid States shall bestchc^cel In them. gas, and oil stoves are included. NOT TO BE DELEGATED. be: licked. Six more vessels were Yet an enorinous number of peo­ ; In the rough, Hartford’s pro­ stariad on their way yesterday. ple in and around Boston made the posed action in the adoption of an If It were i^ t that the Navy is cause of these killer-thleyes their j^ordlnance requiring proper installa^ keeping a straight face it might be o-wn. GAS RANGES 'ifition of gas water heaters, and pro- suspected that It is piiUIng a subtlo COAL. RANGES This thing is growing in Ameri­ '.'-vidlng for thorough official inspec-*. joke on' Mr. Kellogg— perhaps id Three burner! Glenwpod Gas R'ahge i ca. Not that there have not always Glenwood N Coal Range, a popular 'tion, is not only justiOabie but retaliation for being made a fool of with simmer, lO Inch oven and mantel been some feeble emotionalists who size for the average size family, coines '.'necessary beyond debatd. And this by the State Department. Even so, in black and, white. could forget the crime and the need complete with gas end attached. Thi^ Regular $46.00 ...... SALE $35.85 'sort of protection la vitally needed- the Navy is well schooled in keep/ gas endAas three open burners and an of society to protect Itself, in their :in every community in’'the state ing a straight face, even under the oven with broiler. Dull black finleh. Four burner •Glenwbod Gas Range :’;Whlch has gas service. No amount matidlin sympathy for the plight of Regular 2112.50 complete with simmer, pilot light, 18. inch dven laughter-impulse of fool orders. " f ...... SALE $89.75 ;|^f publicity given to the danger of the criminal. But these great popu­ and mantel in black and white. /burning unvented Water heaters lar outbursts where masses of peo­ Regular $67.60^ ...... SALE $45.85 -seems capable of. preventing some ple align themselves with the mur­ Glen wood ^C Coal Range In dull black finish comes with a roomy oven that Four burner (Jlenwood Gas Range, i people from killing themselves and derer and agalpist the'law are com- with simmer, pilot light, mantel and 18 pa.ratiyely new and not a little sin­ bakes the food exactly right, top and ^ I.their families. It is one of ^hose not bottom. Its regular price Is $94.50 Inch oven with broiler. Blacky and ilnfrequeht' cases where authority ister. \ . , j... i SALE $76.65 white finish. Regular $67.00 ------.SALE $53.50 -must step in to save citizens from Causes combine, no doubt, i;;i their creation. In the first place we' their own folly. LETTE Another Glenwood Model C Range Four burner . Glenwood Cabinet have suffered from the infiltration If and when the selectmen of In dull black finish is only 49 inches Range with ■simmer, pilot light, 18 of huge bodies of foreigners whose ^Manchester adopt a by-law cover- long over all, yet has a large, roomy right hand oven, separate boiler and. Robertshaw Thermolator pyen Heat' 'ing this matter, however, it is net ideas on many ■ points differ from oven. Oven door fitted with heat indi­ BY RODNEY BUTCHER cator. Regular $ll0.00 . .SALE $87.75 Control, Regular $76.50", .SALE $61.25 at all clear that they ought tovfol- the'old American ideas, whose familiarity with vlhlence has/blunt­ low the Hartford ordinance, which Washington, Jan. 7.— Senator J. Four burner .Glenwood Cabinet .provides that all gas heating ap­ ed their consciences with relation Boomboam McWhorter was seen The Glenwood C CoaJ Range in glis­ Range in black and white with bimmer, to it, and who for generations have chinning himself on a chandelier in tening black' porcelain 'enamel finish is pilot light, 18 inch left h'and oYen and pliances shall be approved by the like a china dish, easolly cleaned with a been disposed to regard the law as the Congressional Library the other separate broileri iiAmerican Gas Association Testing day,; surrounded by photographers. damp cloth. No polishing necessary. Regular $78.00 .SALE $64.75 ':Labo^.^tories, or that there should their enemy rather than their pro­ Ergo,,Behator; J. Boomboom Mc­ Regular $140.00 ...... S^^E $112. tector. On- top. of that we have cre­ j!be any Requirement of; approval by Whorter is a Candidate for presIr Four burner. Glenwood Cabinet ated our own cynical contempt for Range with right or left hand oven in jJany other agency of the; sort. • We dent and is seeking to corral the Glenwood C Coal Range in beautiful ^ all law by passing laws that are avf-ohate'vote. As every vaudeville semi-porcelain finish. Simflier, pilot wave not the rhmotest : 'ldea who pearl gray porcelain enamel finish, like light, 16 inch enameled oven and sepa­ hateful to the majority of the pop­ fan knows, the country .'s teeming the black porcelain 1s easily cleaned ieons^qte the authorities of the with acrobats. rate broiler; ulation, of whatever extraction. with a damp cloth. Regular $83.00, - ...... SALE $66£5 I^Amerlcan Gas Association Testing Ex-Governor Peter Patterson Regular $179.00 ...... SALE $143. jlLaboratories, nor do we, in this At all events it is a discouraging Potts has sold his Hispano-Shiza Four burnet Glenwood- Cabinet ,yhonnejftloi^j.-care. Approval o f this sign when the more abominable the automobile and bought himself a flivver/". Glenwood K Coal Range, a larger Range with warming cabinet over oven ;fhat other device, fi^parently, the readier a (^'the -reqtjlred to Ergo, ExiGovernor Peter PattPr- range than the Glenwood C, comes in and warniing'jshelf over 6p6n burners. really lafgd^ptopgrtion of the popu­ Simmer, jjllot light, 18 inch right hand lie utilized by citizens, 1]^ this, that vsen Potls Is a candidate for presi­ dull black finish -with large, square or th^ other organization or Inter- lation is to take th^ side of the oven which has sliding oven racks, oven and^roller; In black finish. dent and is after tlie farmef vote. Regular $92.50 : ...... ;.. .SALE $74 'est quite apart from public author­ criminal and to hope that he will As everyone knows, farmers favor easily adjusted. ity, should never become part of escape the provided penalty. flivvers. Regular $129.50 .> ...... SALE $103. Four burner Glenwood Cabinet -the law. Under these circumstances the Range with warming cabinet over ele­ This is the style of reasoning r Manchester, it is to be hoped, more sternly the. laws are executed Glenwood K Coal Range in the won­ vated oven, and an extra oven beneath now prevalent among everyone in open burners, making 2 ovens in addi­ will be capable of drawing her own and the less yielding there is to derful pearl gray porcelain enamel fin­ Washington except 150,000 goverifc ish— so neat and attractive. This gray- tion to a large broiler, Finished all specifications for the proper Instal­ such riots of misplaced sympathy inent workers, wlio don’t much over in gray ai^ white porcelain ena­ as in the case, of the Waltham kill­ finish banishes the old time task of lations of water heaters or any care. blackening. mel and equipp^ with a Robertshaw 'Ithing else along the line of a ers, the better for the future of the The political hotbed which warms R egular'^202.72 ...... SALE $163. Thermolator Oven Heat> Controli : Regular $272.00 ...... SALE $217»- jbuildlng or health code, without country. up after each congressional elec­ tion, began to become -nolten with delegating the job to some special the opening of Congress. Its strange business interest, wbt6h sooner or FASCISM. flora is blooming all over the place. INSULATED Jater, may develop possession of an Professor Gaetano Salveminl. The atmosphere is more torrid than OIL RANGES '■bxe to grind. formerly of the University of Flor­ ever because the Democrats have been out of power for four more GAS RANGES ence, is in Atnerica. Outlawed and Two burner Glenwood Oil Range years, and the longer out of power with big Kerogas burners. Stove finish* Four burner Glenwood Insulated ; NOT GROWN UP. deprived of his property for oppo­ the more frenzied a politician be­ Range with 18 inch right o r left hand We havq no doubt that Rev. sition to Fascism, he has been lec­ ed in black and gray enamel. comes. Regular $17.90 ...... SALE $14.50 Insulated enameled oven with separate John Barstow, pastor of the Wind­ turing at English universities. In­ Now, when any man who gets broiler. Gray, black and white finish. sor Avenue Congregational church cluding Oxford. They do not permit his picture in the newspapers more Equipped with Robertshaw Thermola­ Three burner Glenwood Oil Range in Hartford, is perfectly sincere fly-by-nIghts, adventurers or Incon­ than twice a ypar opens his mouth tor Oven Heat Control. upon any subject or affects a new mantel in gray, black and white ena­ COMBINATION .RANGES Regular $154.00’ ...... SALE $123. ' iv'hen he declares, as he did yester­ sequential persons to lecture at Ox­ article of apparel, political specula*^ mel finish. "With Kerogas burners. day In an address to the women of ford, Prof. Salveminl, therefore, tion begins. A hundred men will Regular $30.30 SALE $24.50 The Gold Medal Glenwood Combination Coal nnd Gas Range Four burner Glenwood Insulated ^he W. C. T, U., that the Hartford comes to America with a certain begin to explain the political signifi­ sketched above is particularly suited to the homU that uses both Range with 14 Inch right hand, ena­ meled INSULATED oven and separate cance attached thereto. Glenwood Cabinet OH Range, looks coal and gas for baking. It has a coal heated ovenj a separate gas Courant and the Hartford Times guarantee of a certain degree of heated oven and a gas broiler. In dull black finish.’ broiler. Complete range in gray and iare mere units In a vast plot of authority as a commentator on Let no one envy the president of like a cabinet gas range wiih its left white porcelain enamel finish wit'a these United States in such days aa hand elevated oven, heated by two Regular $207.00 ...... L .. .SALE $165. propaganda to defeat the prohibi­ Italian affairs, in which he was a Robertshaw Thermolator Oven Heat these. The situation affects him Kerogas burners. Two open burners in Control. Regular $176.00 . .SALE $139 tory laws by making a laughing conspiedous figure until the advent more than any other, a hundred­ addition, glass oven door with heat in­ The same Gold Medal Glenwood as sketched, iit beautiful pearl stock of them. of Mussolini. fold. Whatever Mr. Coolidge has dicator. Reg. $75.50 ___ SALE $59.59 gray porcelain enamel,, regular $311.50 ...... 1/.. .SALE $249. Four burner Glenwood Insulated He is, we presume, as honest and In view of the tremendous done since November, it has been £ Range in all white and gray porcelain ds naive In this belief, as is tho amount of adulation which has seized as unmistakable proof that Glenwood Cabinet Oil Range, same The City Glenwood looks just like a regular cqal range, but is enamel finish with 18 inch right band he seeks four more years In the INSULATED oven, enameled, and eight-year-old little girl who ad-, been heaped on the Duce by Amer­ as described above except In pearl gray, • equipped with four open gas burners, a simmer, a iiilol light and a White House. It is a curious fact gas heatd oven with broiler. It is also equipped with a fire-box for separate broiler, also enameled. monishes her flve-year-old little white and black enamel finish. ican visitors to Italy as a person that no act or word of any presi­ Regular $105.80 r.. .SALE $84.50 coal! In dull bleck. regular $148.00 ...... SALE $118 Regular $199.00 ...... SALE $159. charge that “ the bogey man’ll get who has at least achieved wonder­ dential possibility has ever been in­ you if you don’t watch out.’’ Her ful things for his country, these terpreted as indicating that he did faith in the bogey is genuine— her words of Salveminl may be worth not actively aspire to the office. warning given in good faith. thinking about: ^ Coolidge ditched the World Court at Eansas City, He decided to keep What people like Mr. Barstow “ Mussolini is not the creator of Mr. Butler as Republican national would do well to do would be to Fascism. He Is nothing but the pro­ committee chairman. He called for "WATKINS BROTHERS, I n c . ■sit down quietly for an , hour in pagandist of the reactionary com­ a tax rebate. He changed his posi­ ■ some plaice where their ^ thought.'i bine which conducts Its affairs be­ tion regarding construction of bat­ FLORIDA BRANCH — THE WATKINS-UMBACHER 6 0 ,— ST. PETERSBURG. would not be disturbed, and figure hind the scenes while Mussolini tle cruisers. He permitted Secretary Kellogg to speak sharply In Mexi­ dut, if they can, what, procesi of geitloulatei la the limelight. Tho co. self-interest or class i&tersst or founder! of Fuolsm were the gen­ ] And the key to It all, say the' devil’s Interest it is which operates eral staff of the army, the big In­ smart people, is that magic symbols FUNER AL DIRECTORS to make nine-tenths of the worth­ dustrialists and the war profiteers, 1928. while newspapers of the country and these forces maintain the “ wet.’’ The whole Washington panorama ■Fascist militia at the expense of the reeks with politics and the charges What dark, mysterious game are ItaUan tax payers. that go with it ' < ancient Greek oil lamp never ceases they playing? Are they looking for “ The reconstruction which they The poor farmer whose mortgage to bum. It is. watched constantly ‘A return of the saloon so that they will be foreclosed next week may be boast of having achieved In Italy and spouts its tongue of light night TOM SIMS S A Y S - may get advertising from gin- Is a sheer legend. In the economic Interested to hear allegations that- the Republicans are holding up; after night. 'Youthvtiims toiluw.lessness for shops? Hardly any of them ever field they have profited by condi­ There is, in one of the expensive farm relief- so. they will have a nice m p n ^ j.^ B a. newspupen, ke^dllne. hotels, a department in which elder­ T^uld accept a saloon ad'vertise- tions beyond their control and they Juicy present for him in 1928 oy Thus does the day of profesuospl- rient eyeiA'before profalbitly^/t-waa have .light-heartedly nqnandered ly, women do the darning and'sew. apace. • . i •that the southern Democrats refuse ' New York, Jan. 7.— ^There is a on the' buttons for traveling men • Feast day of St. Luoien, a learn­ thought of as’ a possibility. Do to take care of him now lest they So here hath been da-wnlng ■ ■ ■ >.:■ —— ■ T Iho^ fruits of these favorable condi­ hotel. In the very center, of the and are kept quite busy. Another blue day: ed Syrian, v.ho revised Scriptures. also be deprived of the opportunity ;if'^ 'n ta comes can the shlsHff 'be they favor Vnlstead amendfnent be­ tions. til . the political and moral ^-antic Forties, where gather at There is an uptown restaurant Think, wilt thou let it »iiotijiud? . < :• - George Washington elected presi­ cause ,yolstea4( amendment' would field they have i ■destroyed In Italy to come to his aid in a presidential noontimes a well-known round dent (first national election!, 1789. year. Goodness . knows whether in which women are forbidden to Slip useless away? . ^ ^ V give IJfem 'more crime stories? ■all faith in justice, all I'espect for tt^ble of sophisticates and 'intellec­ smoke nod there Ai'e several eating . OtrlS .in a Boston ,.4:plleget ■write Birthday anniversary Pf Millard either of these theories Is true, but tuals, referred to as the ' Algon- Fillmore. EVejf^ news-desk wast§ basket in right, all mutual toleran'cbi t^oy they are everywhere, advanced. places in which men may not Out of eternity Chrlsim’iaB. cards .i-wlth, their toes’ as quinites. smoke. And so it goes. the country is full of uhprinted are destroying the Italian national­ Democrats are said to be push­ This new day is born; p4rt of ,a treatment to jcorrect fallen '.Here, too, come all thd spawn of Into eternity atchesVcihlcken tracks? criiSe ^ r le s every da(jr« Are'they ity, spllttlhg it up into a minority ing a tax cut program for the pur­ Kf^oVledom; the press agents, the pose of luring totat; RepubllBans At night will return. .. being Mibsidized by the i. “ Ij^ttor of masters to whom everything, directors, the movie columnists, the- And there are still a few ideal­ ■Thert were no pardons from the TEST ANSWERS ' Interosts?’’ The “ llqii'pr InterMts’’ are said to be withholdlnt* tax nuts fto magazine writers, the actresses. ■■ ■*." ...... >, even assassination, is permitted, so they can make bigger ones 'ftt a ists in Manhattan. . ^ Behold it aforetime W ^ e House this year, , says a dla- These are the correct answers to ,':^ey cli’iue together in the lobbies p a ^ . Maybe it beeaupe no- are jchaldhg million^ uhiler prohibi­ ■and a majority of slaves, deprived time more propitious politically. A few months ago, a New^Yoi'k No eye ever,did: the Bible test questions which ap­ tion.,where they , ...tlipiisdnds of all rights and protected by no {ffid over the tables. Actors seek it .millionaire who wished to preach a bodY haa been pot lit jail lately/ pear on the comic page: Senator Shlpstead eats White out. knowing :they will meet some So soon it forever before there' -tras prdhlbiudn. >Are moral law.’’ House sausages and Mr. Coolidge, religious ideal to Broad .vay'tossed From all eyes is hid. t f 1— Jesus sees Zacchaeua in a pi their fei^pws and... those news- $20.0,090 into a certain theatrical i The^big jpke was oh father.; He editors fes a class nihister, evil This Is pretty complete confirma­ is said to seek to wean him from tree. ■ . • • • !pnper and .;.magazine people 'Who chance of surviving without artiflr igot a h&r fold, for Gh^pi&hB, 2— Ecclesiastes. > . crehtUres,: who love sin .and dark­ tion of the conclusion of a great the enemy banner. The (atort is record new l‘i1)oiii^ them.: Here hath been dawning that Mr. and Mrs. Shlpstead have cial stimulant. He has pp possible 3— ^New. • *. ness and immorality and every­ many observers of Italian events— It is, , in a sense, one of the most cLance of recouping and has. an­ '. 'Another 'blue day: ! This Is tlie'a ge‘Of’electricity but always been personal friends of the Think, will thou let It hot air still flQtiiis&tisi' 4— Slaying of Egypt’s firstborn. thing that the Barstows, abhor? that Fascism has returned Italy to cosmopolitan and . metropolitan nounced, that he will keep the show 5— Belshazzar.' Coolidges and that the Invitation p&ces in New York. : Slip useless away? Possibly, of course, but not con- the middle ages, that its system is was purely social. ^$bing until March if it epr^th him 6— Elisha. ■ ' Yet, like the Inns alone the old another $200,000, and he has to sclotisly. merely the system of feudalism. "Vice President Dawes is praised — ^Thomas Carlyle. 7— ^ne month. A •: epunti^ rpads, it locks its doors at give the seats away. 8— Saul.. As-a matter of fact the Hartford by his political friends for aiming hisffit. And those who come late to end political corruption by ■ — GILBERT SWAN. ^ 9.— Rebekah. ' Goufant and the Hartford ..Timas THE GIRL IN THi^ AD mnst ring’a'bell and be let in after! . '10— Peter. abolishing direct primaries and the fashion of another century. FEMININE. and 'the Manchester Herald and An advertising genius has just razzed by his political enemiea for , iBlessed Is the- man that endnr- eth. :temptatioii for when be la NOT TOO MUCH hundreds of other newspapers are hit upon an amazing truth. Mllllpns a patent attempt to eliminate— by IT COST $82 Burt: Some girls close their eyCit opfiosed Ito Volsteadism baeause of beaufifnl— aickenlBSly beautiful aholishing direct primaries— the Such customs of another day are tried' he shall receive the crown when they kiss yon.’’ bf 'Iife,r--Jaiues 1« 12. . HE: Do you think you cauld cate; they Sire conyinced that It is bad. — girls have been pictured in ad insurgent group which has been a not uncommon incongruities in this “ It was bad luck ypur wife fell thorn to the administration. ! ultra-modem metropolis. on a banana skin.’’ Dhxlsty; Tea, and some glflk for a chap like "me? ->•- ^ Y- ' for no other reason on earth. illustrations in the last ten years. Further examples taay be coun^ ' , In Greenwich ’Village there is a “ Yes, they took her eyes when theyii:-«hoee ; Better shun the bait thanoiyng.-. SHE: Yes, If he wasnT^ob ^ JE*ne mofe bpjjKs that Rey. This genius h ^ hit upon the . idea ed,. like sheep, until slumber comes. ' Church hpott the steDs of .Whloh an shbi).*’ EArikaturea. Oslo. you.—Ufa. —...... —------gle in the anAre.—Dryden. • > like Srou.— Answefa. LondOsk r: ’


end of road la closed. Detour post­ ed. “ . ' Harwlnton-Ply mouth, Poland Brook road is under construction, CONDITION OF traffic passing through. Harwinton-Burlington road Is. under construction. Short detour around bridges. STATE ROADS Newington,- Newlngton-NCW Brit­ ain road is under construction; put is open to traffic. > HARTFORD Newington and West Hartford, ■ • •. y, Willard 'street and Newington toad l^ i Road conditions and detours In are under construction, but is open the State of Connecticut made nec­ to traffic. . essary by highway construction and Old Saybrook, Essex Cut-pll. i n repairs announced by the State Road is under construction; does Highway Department as of Jan. not interfere with traffic ^ 5th, are as follows: Plymouth, Bull Head Road, Route No. 1 bridges are under construction. J a n u a r y Old Saybrook— One and one-half Short detour around bridges. Work miles under construction; does not suspended for winter. Interfere with traffic. "Vernon and Tolland, Tolland Norwalk-Bostou Post Road, grad­ Turnpike is under construction. ing at Peat Swamp. No delay to Road closed in Tolland. traffic. West Woodstock-South • Wood- Westport and Fairfield-Boston stock is under construction, grad­

Post Road, grading under contract ing” is being done, open to traffic. ' j r ' f , from Blacksmith shop to Roun|I House. No delay to traffic. Falrfleld-Mill River Bridge is INJURIES DD) NOT Desirable Items Drastically Reduced under construction. No delay to traffic. West Haven, Milford & Orange- SLOW UP CLEVELAND In Every Department Milford Turnpike. Guard rail Is un­ der construction. No delay to traf­ fic. Aside, from good pitching, no one Branford-East Haven, Boston thing helped the Post Road. Grading is closed down more to finish second in the Ameri­ for winter. No delay to traffic. can League last year, than the. abil­ 7 Westbrook - Patchoguo River ity of former Manager Tris Speak­ Furred Goats Reduced er to present an unbroken lineup Bridge. Work on approach span. 1 % No delay to traffic. during the greater part oLthe spa- East Lyme on the Post Road the Bon. - ' " One Croup—Formerly $79.75 to $95 Golden Spur Bridge is being recon­ When the team joifrneyedi»,ptth structed. Temporary bridge Is In from the training camp a t ’.L a ^ use. land, Fla., Speaker annpuncJB,d< ,Wa Route No. 2 lineup and stuck to it to the^yTO^ Berlln-Beckley Crossing is under finish. eonstructlon. No delay to traffic. Catcher Luke Sewell was la^.^P y Route No. 3 for practically a month becaim^;-pf; Injuries, otherwise the .lidWSa Manchester-Center Street is un­ \ der construction. No delay to traf­ might have set quite a'recoj^^RW; y p i c a l of the fine values ^ offered in the Clearance Sale fic. few changes in lineup. B yeh vi« Route No. 8 that, Sewell caught in 125'g^to6», of Coats is this group reduced to $69.75. Included are Thomaston, approaches to Rey­ more than any other catcher Ih .the T nolds bridge aro^under construc­ league. ^ ' i. smart, practical Sports and Travel Coats of novelty sports tion. Freddie Spurgeon at second bas^. Route NoOlO enjoyed a like honor, playing in fabrics, all richly furred,, and distinctive dress models of MIddletown-Haddam, grading is more games than anyone else at fashionable deep-piled and'suede-finished materials, lavish­ Under way; slight delay where that position. He also led. the' shovel is working. league in chances handled; y ly trimmed with exclusive furs. ‘ Route No. 12 Joe Sewell didn’t miss a game.-, Norwich-New London road in He dropped out of two or three in towns of Waterford and Montville which he started, for a rest. George Other Importarit Clearance Groups: under construction. Open to traffic. Burns missed only three contests. , Through traffic will avoid this In the outfield, Summa played Work by using the Norwich-Groton every game. Speaker failed to start road on the east side of the Thames in only five,, while Jamieson’s Coats Formerly Coats Formerly River. * name failed to appear in the link­ Route No. 17 up in eleven. , . Norfolk, Norfolk-W’. Norfolk In addition George Uhle, p itclw $55.00 to $59.75 $89.75 to $110 road is under constructlolf. Short more, innings than any othe^ twirl- detour at bridge in Norfolk. e r , ' ' V"* ■■ Itoute No. 101 Proving that next to tight-'pitch­ Chaplin the bridge at South ing, it was a good defense, made $79.75 .j- »'• • possible by regularity. 'of play, that $39.75 Chaplin is being . coUstructed. No made the Indians runnerup to the 4*^ detour. Route No. 103 Yankees. Sterling, bridge is being recon­ Coats Formerly Coats Fortherly structed. Open to traffic. Route No. 110 $69.7$to $89^75 $98.00 to $125 Hartford-Springfield road in the BINGHAM HELPS towns of Windsor and Windsor SUITS Locks is under construction. Thru traffic from Hartford to Suffield nCHT MATERNITY BlLl and Springfield detour at Windsor $59.75 $89.75 going thru Poquonock and Suffield The QUALITY is what we must impress upon you. ^ over the recently finished state Joins Bloc For Filibuster Steiger’s— Fourth Floor. road. The prices are so low that they would actually begot doubt uidess We told you Route No. I l l Against Scheme to Make that our guarantee of satisfaction stands, no matter if we give things away; Marlboro-Hebron six miles under Nurse of Government. construction. Does not Interfere There’s no secret about it—^Turnover is the way a merchsuit makes money. Keep­ jp'lth traffic: thru traffic advised to ‘ Washington, Jan. 7.— A well- ing merchandise doesn’t do it. ' . .. V” : ' avoid this road. ’ organized filibuster was held aS a' Smart Dresses Reduced Ronto No. i l 2 club over the Sheppard-Townsend So you.see, it’s better to dispose of everything, even-at a loss, than take the c^ h Durham-Nortliford road is under maternity bill today as its pro­ to buy niw stocks that will pay a normal profit. construction. Grading is under con­ ponents sought to secure its enact­ One Group—All Occasion Styles—Now struction. No delay to traffic. ment by the Senate. ■ Frankly, you will pay more money for equal qualities in a few weeks from now, Route No. 121 Poes of the bill organized into a Salisbury - Lakeville - Mlllerton bloc for the purpose of bringing the when spring stocks come to the stores. Most of these clothes are year-around.; road is under construction. Road Senate's legislative machine to a weight and good, practical styles, that you will have lisie for right along. And -sav- closed for travel. standstill until the measure is ings! Man, we never offered finer savings— they’re exceptional savings measured by. Route No. 122 shelved. Similar filibuster blocked .any standard. ' Bridgeport-Newton road, steSm the bill’s enactment five years ago shovel grading has commenced. No and it has languished in a pigeon­ detours necessary. hole ever since. Senator Reed of This group includes Dresses from our regular stocks for­ Route No. 125 Missouri was aided in plotting the $25.00 Suits and Overcoats...... ;...... $20.00 ' Roxbury-Depot Bridge. Work on filibuster by Senators Phipps, Re­ merly up to $p5.00, together with new Dresses of equal the new bridge foundation is under publican of Colorado, and Bingham, worth recently purchased, marked at the sale price, $22.50. $30.00 Suits and Overcoats ...... $24.00 way. No detour necessary. Republican of-Connecticut. Route No. 126 The measure would create a You will find sports, street and afternoon Frocks, of fash­ Norwalk-Danbury road, steam children’s welfare bureau “ for the $35.00 Suits and Overcotas ...... V ... $28.00 shovel grading on new location. protection of maternity and in­ ionable silks, twills and cloth in every new style and color. Shoulders uncompleted. No detours fancy.” It would give the bureau necessary. $40^00 Suits and O verco a ts...... , $32.00 Route No. 1.33 authority to spend $1,480,000 a Hartland, East Hartland Moun­ year in the various states for the Other Important Clearance Groups: $45:00 Suits and Overcoats .....,...... -.... • v r; • • • • •. $36.00 tain road is under construction. care of expectant mothers, infants Present road is open for travel. and delivered mothers. It has re­ $50.00 Suits and Overcoats ...... ;... — ...., $40.00i Work suspended for winter. ceived the endorsement of numer­ Frocks Formerly Frocks Formerly Route No. 134 ous women’s organizations. Canaan, South Canaan-Llme Opposition to the measure was $55.00 Suits and Overcoats ..... :.... v...... : . . v... ^ ^ .0 0 ? road is under construction. Road based chiefly on the contention that Up To $25.00 Up To $45.00 open for travel. Work suspended it would violate the doctrine of $65.00 Suits and Overcoats______...... ■.,...... $52.00 for winter. state’s rights and give the govern­ Route No. 1.36 ment control over the private and ' ■ ■ - ■ --.y ' ■ ■ ■ Ridgefield-Main street and Dan­ personal lives of its citizens. i Alterations Free at These Prices bury road. Coaciete completed. Shoulders uncompleted. No detours DUKE OP CONNAUGHT, “ ' iecessary. KING’S UNCLE, ILL. Frocks Formerly. ■ ■ ■ .-'v- Route No. 141 Dresses Formerly BLUE SUITS^ND OXFORD OVERCOATS EXCEPTED Scotland-Canterbury road Is un­ London, Jan. 7.— The Duke of der construction. Open to traffic. Connaught, uncle of King George, Route No. 142 is reported seriously ilj at his villa Up To $29.75 Up To $59.75 Woodstock-Mass. line. Road is on the French Riviera. He is 76 Under construction. Open to traffic. years old. Route No. 144 Bridge over Qulnebaug River at Wauregan under construction, but Beauty Pays $18.75 is open to traffic. Route No. 158 Steiger’s— Fourth Floor, Newtown-Bethol road. Macadam construction completed. Shoulders Head to Foot Clothiers. uncompleted. No detours necessary. A • Route No. 170 Wetport-Wllton road, work clos­ m ed down for winter. No delay to traffic. Fur Coats Route No. 179 Avenue, Presbyterian, church was Preston, the Haliville Road is |ACES EXILE FROM decorated ■withflowers for the: open to traffic, but shoulders are A Wide Choice of Furs and Styles scheduled ceremony those who Incomplete. , went , to the church found the CHURCH TO MARRY couple'had -been married in the Ho-^ Route No. 184 FOUR JAPANESE MINK GOATS , New Canaan-Poundridge road, HUDSON SEAL COAT (dyed tel PlSza lii; tbe -uito o i the bride's work closed down for winter. No muskrat) self trimmed, reduced trimmed with fox collars, now . parents. Rev. Henry Howard, pas­ delay to traffic. to $195 |415, ^525, $550 and $575 mator’a Gi^ddatighter Weds tor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyte­ Route No. 322 rian church, performed the. cere­ ‘p b Torrington, .^Torrlngton-Norfolk HUDSON SEAL COATS (dyed THREE RUSSIAN CARACUL Ri^Difbrced Man Without mony. i l m the The bride Is heiress to the wealth Road, bridge is under construction. muskrat) trimmed with beig:e GOATS in gray, with platinum Digpensation. Open for travel. fox collar, now $4$0 and $550 of her grandfathers, -’.be late Unit­ Route No. 323 squirrel cocoa collars and cuffs, Ne^ York, Jan. 7.— Following ed State Senator Edward J^durphy.. classified Waterbury & Cheshire, Cheshlre- reduced to $250 THkEE RUSSIAN CARifCUL ;%er marriage to a divorced man Jr., and the late HenVy Townsend Waterbury road, guard rail is un­ GOATS in brown, with bauih ^without seeking dispensation, Mrs. Martih, Albany banker. columns der construction. No delay to traf­ HUDSON SEAL COATS (dyed martin; shawl or cocoa -fox col­ tlliam Ziegler. Jr., the former ‘ 'k-,. fic. muskrat), in large sizes, 44V^ to lV8^H«leh Martin Murphy, of No Route Numbers lars, now ^ $395 and $550 oy, Y „ today f-.ees automatic SEVEN SOVIET BANK. AIDS • 52, trimmbd with kolinsky, baum JAILED FO^ EMBBZZLEAfflNT BOAR WINS GAME Bolton, Bolton Center road 16 un­ GRAY SQUIRREL COATS in nat­ i^-oommunlcation from the Roman mink or skunk collar or cuffs, athollo church, e cording to an der construction, but Is open tor ural color with platinuip fox col­ traffic. now «$395 to $525 nnouncement by a spokesman for Moscow.— Seven employees of Toqloee—-A wild boar, whieb;, Burlington Center Road Is under It was decidedly worth while to lars, reduced to $500 be chancery officec of the archdlo- the bank of Kusnets ill the district right into the middle o f the >iai}<| construction. Open lor travel. Work Miss Clarice Barry to be adjudged GRAY CARACUL COATS with BLACK CARACUL COATS, kol­ '^89 of New York. of Saratov have been sentenced to and' sqattered the: players ia, aU reotic^B, was dhhlafed' the cuspended for winter. the most beautiful October bride of handsome fox collars, reduced insky shawl collar and cuffs, % Ziegler is nephew and foster eon desith for embesslement. - Eastford-Kenyonvllle road is un­ faraway Sydney, Australia. The |pt the late “baking powder king,” The cashier, two of his assistants of a football gamh hara tba>otiiif‘V£ der construction. Open tq traffic. honor carried with a prise of to $195 $450 iirhose name he boars, and is said to a t t i four tellers were ctven "the day ..The boar was be^ag eba %ave inherited 120,000,000. The highest measure of punishment.” Fairfield-Old Kings Highway. 15,000, not to speak of a free trous- atelger'e— Fourth Floor. buBtere wbeu it raa into tha^ Work closed down for winter. No !^au, bedroom suite, piano, honey­ IZteflir* sailed today tor a hdney- in h*|^. as the: court expressed it. delay to traffic. moon tour and some odds and ends. tooon. abroad. "that this severity may cheek (he "Scores bomelaw^ta fiM,!*' ' Farmington, Scott Swamp Road Miss Barry had been a government Aa;..alr o f mystery enveloped the widespread dishonesty among Sov­ hei^dliae. How“ abottt tbtNlas ill. under construction. Farmington stenographer. iSfreddibx. 'Wedhetiday. After Fifth iet banhi^ officials.” : homeleis:ta'a%feaT . • . PAGE T E lf rrm ,-^r. ______• I- ^ ' ‘ -^ ■ ’ j y , j ., ^ . i^,.. ,. mombership list has bisjen divided S i m TROUBLE PILING L"B AMARANTHS INSTALL among the women officers. -Each of­ TAKE POVERTY M e YOU CAN’T PUT ANYTHING HIGH SCHOOL PLAYS ficer is chairman of a group and is ON LOC.IL TROLLEYS expected to report for her members OVER ON'^UCltlA^rBOYS ; New Haveiit. Jan.; 7.*:—Abrat OFnCERS FOR YEAR and if possible see thvt every one It seems that there will be F’arhaa, a elotblhg merchant 6t 'I . BOSTON TO NEW YORK .. He came from Bucklahd al^ I ^ T HARTFORD THIS is present and ready to respond by no end of trouble for the Ipcail FrtJlit street, Hartford, and Thoi^a a conundrum or amusing rhyme or right hilt why was he shaking trolley service since the aband­ his hdad, peering at a store in Mecdariello. a Southington . sentence. The officer with the most onment of the carlarns. >1WERING OVER THERE iood s-d eilb r; filed Tolnntanb-i>fet> Chapman Court Have Visitors perfect attendance list will be re­ Cambridge Boys, However,. the State building, lobkihg This noon something went across ithe street and measuring tlons In'baakruptej; today. "^Parnai At Ceremony— ^Past Patron warded. wrong with the bell system on •T to C O U T S Reach End of Their Rope at has liabilities of $8,323 and aseeta Arthur E. Loomis in Charge. the distapee between the store the Manchester Green car and Stamford. and an electric light pole? The local High school basketball of $12,005. Meccarillo owes $5,443, it kept ringing despite efforts Again and again he whs team will play East Hartford High assets $2,687. '' 'i of Motorman Harry. Sladen. It heard. to mutter.^ "Can’t be. It tohlght in a lAagUe game In East Chapmai) Court, 0>'der of Biblicist was a long time before the bell Hartford. Amaranth, installed its officers for Stamford, Jan. 7.—«^When the iWas right here the last time I was stopped and its constant The January' Court will be held Coach Clarke intends to use his f 1927 at the regular meeting in Odd on Wednesday the 26th at 7:30 p. wife of a" policeman vrent to her came to town from Buckland." ringing became annoying. husband’s garage early today she The cause of his worriment flpit string lipeup. A large numr j f(i,oop,odo Fellows hall last evening. Several Then to make matters worse, m. at the School street Recreation guests from Hartford and else­ was surprised to find two boys in’ was a sign in the vacant stiore her of Manchester rooters are ‘ the window pane fell out of the building. All applications must To■ *end . * where were in attendance. The un­ their eariy teens In the automobile which read. planniPg to accompany the team. door when it was closed. IJe in Commissioner Irvine’s hands crowning ceremony was performed on or before January 13th. eating ^ o a f of bread. She notified This Place Has Moved.’’ The 24^htm!r way by Mrs. Abbie Berglund of Hart­ police ^adqnarters’ and the young-' ford, past grand royal matron, and It is reported that Scout Erik sters •vrere taken there; They ghve NE\V LEPER OIL. There’s a way to end colds so evi­ the coronation by retiring Royal ^ E SOPHOM* ^ K K SOCIAL Modean will appear before the their names as Daniel Colley and. A report shows 61,302i women dent, so complete that we paid Matron, Mrp. Jessie Wlnterbottom, Court of Honor for examination in Peter H. Manuel, of Cambridge, have railroad jobs in this country. Rid De JaneIro.---Dr; Antenor Machado>bas found tbat a certai:i (XX) for it That way. is m L L ’& It assisted by past Royal Matron, Arrangement have been com- Bird Study, Electricity and Pion­ Mass. Pretty soon we’ll be able to go stops colds in 24 hours, chedcs fever, Mrs. Esther Pickles. eering. When passed by the Court The boys told the police that they down to the depot and flirt with Brazilian tree gives an oil whieli; lletcdforthc nr.uual Sophomore has b^'en found effective in treat-i| opens the bowels, tones the entire syr* Past Patrpn Arthur E. Loomis -S'-

Nice chicken pie that was left a f the Egst Cambridge, Mass., .Jail for Jeremiah Gedzium, a prisoner! 'Mid giblethinvings and drumsticks the alert turnkeys found a loaded .38 caliber automitfci They concluded SAGE-ALLEN'S that "Jerry” had,^had designs on freedom,- ' 4 ' STORE ' ' ir > . Prepar^ at .HARTFORD

Fancy Plaid All Wool Fancy Hand Tailored , l^ c k s Coats in the lat­ All Wool, All est style.s and finest all wool Colors. newest shades. garments PANTS SPEOAl PANTS $5 and $6 Quality Fancy, Stripe' $7 and $8 Quality Worsteds, Blue SALE Serges, all sizes. BOYS’ 2 PANT Fancy, Silk SUITS AND OVERCOATS Striped Worsteds Blue Serges, BOYS’ SHEEP­ SKIN LINED All Sizes c o a t s C O R t S Special value N, In Smaller Sizes Fur Trimmed - 1 ;.oo:; I . 0 0 Fur trimmed and tailored models in Dressip coats in the smart pile this group of epats, which mostly in the smallsr sizes. And you’ll gat fabrics and suede finished materials. f-V a p e a t value if your pa^culnr size AH Hiith^r Priced Coats at 82 ASYLUM STREET, HARTFORD is here! ! r SubstadHsI Reductioi^ ; * ■: p mmfrn

■ i . S j of Jersey, Tweeds and Silk, Sizes 7 to 14. of Bolivia and Suede Cloth arid Chinchilla. $3.95 and $4.95 values, Sale Price ... : $1.95 2 to 14 years ...... 15 to 25% Off The Herald hia received further details regarding the death of a foruier Mancheaier boy, Arthur Schuets, which occurred at hla\ homb in Oeyaerviile, Lai. ou Dec­ ember 7. Services were held m the funeral chapel of Fred young & Company of Healosburg, Oul., the Rev. H. S. Saxby of the Chris­ tian church officiating. A. qua.’tet sang several hymns and the casket was draped with a silk flag by rep­ resentatives of the American Leg­ ion of Healdsburg. Interment was in Olivo Hill cemetery at Qeyser- vllle. Arthur Schuetz was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuetz and was born in Manchester on April 29, 1890. He attended the local schools and later took a course in the Manual Arts High school in Los Angeles, Mr. Schuetz with his mother and younger brother hav­ ing left here for California 14 years ago. He was a veteran of the World War, going to France with the Coast Artillery Corps. He was hon­ orably discharged at Presidio February 1, 1919. He was a lov­ er of nature and outdoor sports The Most Notable Event of Charming Dresses and had traveled much on the Pa­ Smart Silk cific Coast. Mr. Schuetz’ health has been failing for the past few years. He Featured at this had been under treatment in var­ The Season is this Clearance ious hospitals in California, in­ /// and Woolen cluding the Veterans hospital at Palo Alto, Cal. He leaves his mother and two Of the New Year of Season­ January Sale brothers, Max and Kuno in Cali­ fornia: his father, who resides on Frocks / West Center street: another broth­ er, Emil H. of Hartford: William able Ready-to- Wear of Bridgewater, Mass., and a sis­ Newest style-touches make ter, Mrs. Anna -Hartz of Geyser- vllle. Cal. in remarkably fine fabrics, .Inkeeping withr one o f the strict tenets of th e store that them different and out of W H i m IS INVITED colors and models, $24.95 twice a year our clearance must be complete and drastic, the the ordinary.' Dresses made TO COME HERE AGAIN! New Year abiding by this rule and bringing variety, to sell at $24.95. On sale in values. Sale Price beauty and practicability to you at mid-season at the sea­ 2 price groups Noted Character Impersonator! son's lowest prices.All over the store you will see new price May Grant Return Appear­ ance at High School—Made] lowerings—you will find every department rich in fashion Hit Last Time. opportunities presenting economies that will bring the am It is expected that Edwin Whit­ ney, famous BQston character im- ! clearance sale to a grand finale in a very short time. personator, wiio scored such a big j \ hit here last year at the local High \school, will come here for a return i^agem ent on Felirv^ary 4. \This annouhcemehl was made ' today by Principal C. P. Quimby who stated an invitation had beei^. senVto Mr. Whitney for his ap-, pearabce^herb on that date. It is quite probable that the invitation will be accepted. Mr. Whitneyls appearance here last year wbeh he- enacted a three-act drama tak­ ing all of the thirteen parts him- 'self, was a big success and many requests have been made for a re­ turn engagement. Included Ih his repoftbire this year are two plays entitled: “The Tailor Made Man” and “Hit the | Trail Halliday.” It is understood; that twenty-two characters^ ar^; ■included in one of these play^'* Mr. Quimby said it was the plan- to have Mr. Whitney appear before the student body in the .afternoon and give a public recital in the eve­ ning. Whitney is one of the famous Whitney brothers from Boston and has given recitals for Victor j records. j THE SEASONS SMARTEST The Numerous “POOR” DOCTOR MAY January Clearaway Offering^ HAVE LEFT ESTATE FUR COATS ■ . 1 • . • $1,900 In Clothing of Marlboro Are These: Physician Leads to Be7ief In j Wealth. At Greatly Reduced Prices

East Hampton, Jan. 7.— Dr, Finest Pile Fabric Coats Elmer Stuart Parmelee, supposed Dress and Sport Coats to have died a poor man, is now Extra Fine Quality Squirrel and Lynx trimmed. Former believed to have left a considerable A ' Sizes 16 to 48. Former values to fortune and a hunt has been start­ $95 to $ii0 values, Sale Price ed by his relatives to discover It. $49.50. Sale Price Dr. Parmelee was admitted to Mid­ dlesex hospital, Middletown,, on De­ cember 31, and a nurse found Jl.r- 900 fastened in the lining of his Mir^ Marmot Coat coat. $69.50 $29.50 Dr. Parmelee for many years had in office in New York and there is said to have become well-to-do. He came to Connecticut and practiced medicine in Marlboro for 16 years. Richly furred Pile fabrics and Suede^ He bad the reputation of carrying $195 Mus||rat Coat $ 159.50 a o t h ‘ i One Hack of largo sums of money on bis person. Dr. Parmelee’s family, consisting of his wife and a daughter, are now hunting for signs of the missing _20 Odd Coats estate. The doctor also left a sister and three nephews. $139.50 Nmiliern Seal Coat $ 119.50 Former values to $49.50. Sale Price Marmot Trimmed Former values to $79.50. BREAKFAST IN BED Boston.—A new Invention, one that appeals to the busy college student has been found practical at the Boston Technical College. $125 Northern Seal Coat While the student Is slumbering, a clockwork, set the night before, Squirrel Trimmed automatically sets two stoves ^;oing which in turn start a pot of coffee going and boil a pan of cereal. When the alarm clock wakes the of the Inland Revenue Depart­ Northwest Mounted Police, “Peach” water having fallm into the crater student, there’s his breakfast all Rogers, Clarence Wilson, John comprise the Masonic Lodge, the Davis, the man who thrilled two recently. Wright, Georgp Smith, Wilbur Chapter, the Eastern Star and the ment. ready. , (INTER BUILDING Reports of the secretary and ' It is the result of the recent nations 45 years ago by appearing L^eland, B. C. Packard, W. S. Amaranth. It is expected, however, alone at the intern? tional border to The quantity of water which en­ treasurer were read and accepted . HyUe. B. J. Bendeson, Thomas that other organizations will take Betting Tax. The Department tered the crater in recent rains is 40TH AND LAST WIFE. takes the view that every bet made receive 1100 Indians from their DOUBLES IN VALUE and both reports showed that the AWfight. the place of the above. United States cavalry escort, has re­ calculated at 32,000 tons. Experi­ association was In excellent condl* An example of the Increase lu is liable to the tax. ence shows that exeeptionally Johannesburg, — Forty wives Consequently, if one man bets tired from active service. fire enough for King Solomon, the tlon; in fact It never was in better ^he board elected Thomas real estate values at the Center: At 74 be leaves the Calgary city abundant rainfalls are invhrlal^ Ahaife tbh'ti it is today. A 6 per cent 'Wright, president: Clarence Wll* the Odd'Fellows’ building which with another privately—without service, which he joined after re­ followed by a reawakening of Yjsr chief of the Zulus. The king re­ Encouraging Reports Made^|iy’ dlvldeitdii'^aB paid January 1 for son, vice president: E. C. Packard, dither bolding a bookmakers’ li­ cently declared after marrying his H,;; ; Officers of the Odd Fellow cost $60,00 to build.Is in the grand ceiving his pension from the mount­ BUVlUS. the stc^ond jear in succession. secretary and Thomas Rogers, list today for $120,000. cense—he transgresses the law ed police force. 40th mate that this would be the Association as Stockholders trejssurer. and puts himself in r'.anger of ar­ last time. Solomon Is a Christian The .meeting last night elected BETTING TAX MAY CAUSE rest and summary imprisonment. A sound-proof crying room, p'n- : and Ills wife also comes of a Chris­ Meeti . i« t' three ^directors for the term of 'For some time'the ball has been tian family. three years.* They are, William S. rented IJiractlcally every night in * NEW ARRESTS IN ENGLAND ... ------NEW VESUVIUS ERUPTION eled with glass. Is part of a new' , “PEACH” DAVIS 1 'NALLY EXPECTED IN NEAR FUTURE movie theater. Mothers with rnsK About BO of the stockholders of .Hyde, B. J. Beudeson and Thomas the; weeC. The present year will sec QUITS ACTIVE SERVICE A New Jersey girl routed a bur­ Wright, Following the meeting of the-four Masonic bodies leaving Lqndon,.—Three-quarters of the less babies can view the plctAX.*! glar by kicking his shins. It must the Odd Fellows’ Building associa­ the stockholders the nine directors odd Fellows’ hall for their new total population of Britain are in Naples.—Experts forsee another from that room and the infanti|:^i4| take nerve to dance the Charleston tion attended the annual meeting met for organisation. The hoard of home in the Masonic Temple now danger of arrest. Calgary, Alberta—One of the eruption of Vesuvius in the near crying does not disturb the eth«K: tvith a burglaff in ih« Odd Fellows’ hall lost even- directors now includes Thomss under construction. These orders This Is the official declaration original membera of the Royal future owing to larca Quantities of natrons. MANCHES^jft . ,S- PAGE T W E L V E ^ /, REaFIVE FLAYS FINAL GAME Mechanical Free Thrpw Most Accurate RKKARDSKNS Five Distinct Movements Necessary Ho ^SnccessfuDy Execute This Hir'tty Popnlar Method GUARANIS ON HOME COORT IM S EVENING ■t'-: > rs t r j Poor Attendance Causes Lo- IFAEKNER LEADING laf-W e Think ibyoae R clld ' 8^^ cals lo Play Onl of Tovm ^ g . A. A. SCORERS In Sports moter—‘Marine Not Inter­ After Tonight’s Tussle (By SPORT EDITOR) ested in Dempsey Bout< With Middletown. Has Tallied 132 Points In 13 While it has been a habit in the past of opening the S. M. H. S. grid Games; Pentland Next; slate -with a strong opponent, this St. Louis, Jan. 7.— ^Tex Rickard The final home game of the sea­ does hot seem altogether advisable. and his entourage, including about son for the Rec Five ■will be played A few years hack,'football was re- two score of newspapermen and against the Middletown Y term this Five More Games Ar­ vived at the local school after a Dudley Field Malone, legal advis­ evening In the School street gym. long .absence. Since that time, the er for Gene Tunney, were on their The team has been playing good school has annually lost more way back to New York today, the basketball but the crowds have not ranged. games than it has won. Yet it has promoter packing in his pocket the been coming out so Director Chaney acquitted itself in fine style. Why contract for the next heavyweight has decided to play away from wouldn’t it be a practical 'scheme title bout. home in the future. Tommy Faulkner and Joe Pent- to open the season a week efarly Agreement Signed The Middletown team Is a fast land are leading the C. B, A. A. against a school that would prove The agreement, to last for the affair, composed of members of the basketball team in Individual scor­ a “ setup?” An easy victory at the year 1927, will not take effect un­ All-Middletown and independent ing In the thirteen games that have start of the season would give the til July 1 It. was consummated combinations._ The’r lineup shows been played. Eaqh has played players more confidence and w.ould here yesterday after a series of the names o'f several stars who twelve games. Faulkner has amass­ also give the coach an opportunity conferences between lEUckard, the have been prominent in Middletown ed 132 points and Pentland has to discover the respective merits of title-holder, Malone and Billy. Gib­ basketball for a number of years. scored 116 tallies. his players. son, the champion’s manager. The Rec lineup will remain un­ The silk workers have been the RicIiUird had made the thousand- changed except for Gotberg who most active of any team ip. Man- Last season ' Manchester. High mile itdp to. St. Louis jrfter he will replace Mistretta at guard. 'chester this season. They have T h r p v r opened against Buckley High of learned that • another HeVr York Quish will take the jump position played thirteen games and have New Loudon. The Whaling City promoter, Humbart Fngazy, had' and Captain Weiman with Larson won six. Five more games are on eleven was considered a strong pp' met with the champion ofid his bid will form the offensive combina­ the docket for the next fortnight. ponent and the locals were defeat­ for. the. conqueror of Jack Demp­ tion. Gotberg and Boyce will re­ Tomorrow night, the locals trav­ Wide firm stance, same Ball brought down, As the legs are : The pendulum swing There should be a com ed 7 to 2. Had S, M. H, S. been sey. apparently had not. interestled main ir. the back court. el to Colchester to renew relations position of feet each arms straight, as player straightened, *the arms' continues upward, feet plete “ follow-through." pitted against a team like Sims­ Tunney. with Sam Friedman’s aggregation. are brought upward, in. a But note that the heels The Terms time. Ball held lightly, makes a slight bend at V' arevkept fiat on the floor bury' High or Glastonbury High at Next Monday night will find the free and easy pendulum- , . , , , are still on the floor. The terms are understood to be the knees. The truck and position. the start, it might have given the silk workers in Windsor Locks try­ but firmly in fingers, like' swing ifrom ^ e Jn the original There is no raising up on team the necessary courage, cohfl- a guarantee of practically $600,000 ing to teach the AdverMzers anoth­ arms extended straight head are held even. Don’t shoulders. Perfect co-py? • ^ slight fiip cf the toes, which tends to dence and fighting spirit required for Tunney for entering the ring MstliMBaldes er lesson and a morec onvincing out. Body loosely erect in bend forward from the dination is most esseh^ -T’., thh* ’ wrists as the ball throw player off his bal­ to go through the season to a bet­ against his next opponent, to be one. Tuesday night, the locals -will “ position of address.” hips. tial. ' . . leaves the hands. ance. ter season: As it was, Manchester named by Rickard, and a, hlg slice appear on the Army and Navy club ^ ------;------won three games and lost four. of the proceeds after the gate ex­ floor in Taftville for a return game. Other schools select practice games ceeds $1,000,000. This may net 9% K & & y S Manchester lost 28 to 26 before. I MY LIFE By G. H. OLSEN and it proves a great help. Tunney in the neighborhood of a The following week. Manager million dollars it the turnstiles 4^ Jack McAulifto Hunt has arranged for a game in Ohio State C oa^ Keeney New Pilot; Director Chaney has started a click freely. CHAPTER NINE Elmwood on Thursday night (Jan- checker tournament at the School Rickard must Dost a $200,000 iuacy 20) and Cromptcn-Knowles The “mechanical style” of free Iron pipes wielded from back of throwing (I. e., the free throw, street Rec. How about similar af­ guarantee money before May 1 to Company of Worcester will come fairs at the 'West Side Rec and at bind the agreement. Although the a wing, a black jack smacked here Ob Saturday cf that week. which employs as few of the finer muscular co-ordinations as possi­ Coach K elly Predicts Saccess the Community club over north. site for the next" bout probably against a man’s skull when he was The record^of the C. B. A. A. Then we could have a merry elimi­ be the Yankee Stadlumv the agree­ team tQ date follows: ble) is probably the most accurate, backed up against a curtain— as well as the most “teachable” , nation battle for the - town cham­ ment stipulates that Rickard C. B.' A. a . 20, Insilcos 41. pionship. Otherwise it will prove a must announce it 45 days in ad­ those are some of the tricks Mad­ C. B. A. A. 40, Poqnonock 32. style of free throwing. It is easily Fourteen Players Lost drab affair. Tournaments should be vance of the fight. den and myself had to use to get C. B. A. A. 44, Elmwood 40. learned by the beginner and is used New LeadeF Was Most WAPPING HAS TALLIED C. B. A. A. 26, Taftville 28. very successfully by some of the organized at these other two places out of tight places Consistent Ground Through Graduation if only a few signify their Inten­ C. B. A. A. 27, Danielson 46. biggest stars in basketball. The when we were IN FODR CONTESTS tions of participating. This would C. B. A. A. 50, Rockville 12. illustrations are of John Miner, the Gainer on Team Last But Coach Expects MICHIGAN SKATERS WORK touring the coun­ C. B. A. A. 19, Windsor Locks Ohio State forward, who used the give everybody a chance to enter the fight for the title. Now that the OUT FOR. >yiNTBR BVBNTa try agTPeing to 14. “ mechanical method” of free Season. Successful Season. C. B. A. A. 21, Springfield 34. The little village of Wapping is bandwagon has started, let’s keep score a knock­ throwing exclusively. it rolling. Detrill« from the start because of small at­ stand behind the curtain with a big being unanimous. Keeney should ^In regard to the line. Coach Kel­ tendance. club or length of pipe and if my make et successful leader fop the riital is coming, to town with a rje- inforced team .’determined to put ley asserts there is an qpOhihg at man was too big or too tough a grid tfihm next fall. He was thej center and also at one of the guard You Must Be little outside whacking always BOMJNG There is one satisfaction in the most consistent ground gainer on; a crimp in the record of the villag­ About the only sports in Man­ tie-score result of the Alabama- ers. The old church hall will no and tackle positions. Vendriilo, star chester today which draws a gate came in handy. I had to watch out the High school team last season center on the team last year, will Satisfied myself, too, and keep away from MARRIED PEOPLE’S Stanford .game. Neither team, nor doubt he, pack^ to the doors. sufficient to, warrant continuance BOWLING LEAGUE holding down the importanf as­ raduate. So will Captain LaCoss, is High School basketball and ama­ the ■wings and backdrops when j. the followers, had to feel the signment. Keeney was consider-, Wapping always>-hafcks its boys in Team No. 1 sting of defeat. It would have been who filled one of the tackle roles teur ^boxing. Both of these seem was in enemy territory. 72 ed by '.taany to be'the. most versa­ Madden taught me a lot of the Mrs. Weir ...... 70 a bitter pill for either team to swal­ '^^He^re ^is Wapping’s record io “ ost creditably, destined to thrive. ‘ -Used Cars With an Mrs. Noren . . . . .80 77 low. As it was, however, Stanford tile player on the team with the tricks of the ring and he was pretty possible exception of Hansen.y He date:, T. Weir ...... 83 98 has the meager satisfaction of out­ Wapping 84-, Highland Park 20. Mr. O’Goofty thinks the huddle clever with his dukes himself. He 69 Is a strong defensive player ’ and always insisted on courage in his A. Krause ...... 70 playing the Crimson Tide in the Wapping 91, Southington 16. system originated in one of those O. K. That Counts’ ^ E. Noren ...... 81 ^ 88 majority of the game although the has a knack of Intercepting for­ collegiate flivvers you see on the boxers and used to deiight in tell­ ward passes that makes him a hlg Wapping 43. Broad Brook 19* YALE; FOOTBALL MAN ing how he got John L. Sullivan ball was in Stanford’s territory a Wapping 61, Service A. C. 15. T^ay back’ from sorority; ■ dances..,^' J' . • 1^26 Chevrolet Coupe— Has had Totals :t84 404 399 great deal of the time. asset to the Crimson. ,,------— ------' 4 . ' . . good care. Sma’li mileage, many his first fight under his directior. Team No. 8 with a rough and tumble artist TO SPEAK IN TO W l extras. Brs. BShtly . ; . . .78 78 72 (3) Strangler Hooey won a rass- j kees. Thus putting an.end to a ter- named John Flood, who was a kill­ ...... 74 68 ling match on the level. rifle suspense. 1925 Chevrolet Sedan— Ihls car er in the ring. Sullivan said he Mrs. Montie looks and runs like new. I'l^c- F. Bantly ...... 73 96 (4) Judge Landis had three wanted to meet Flood and told tically new rubber. J. Winkler ...... 70 69 yards clipped from his Benny Leonard says he has Robert Beming to Give Ad­ Madden to go get him the fight. ___ 100 83 changed his mind about coming 1925 Chevrolet Coach— Good mo­ Madden tried to sign them up for E. Mon tie . name. dress at High School Janu­ (5) An .old grad admitted tlie back to the ring. It must be getting tor. A fine car for little money. Queensbury or London rules but 395 394 387 close to mother’s day again or ary 26— Is Well Known Ath­ 1925 Chevrolet Coupe— 'this car la Flood was very gruff and liard’roil- Totals coachfaig system was okayi Team No. 2 (6) A Harvard man huirahed'ia something. ' lete. A-1 In every way. 1925 Chevrolet Touring— With all Mrs. Titus ...... 67 72 JO E W n U A M S Princeton fullback, and—• 85 the extras that go with a good Mrs. Lutz . ______82 (7) King Ben was found with a - Chicago is holding a horseshoe Robert C. Beming, former Yale 78 car* Mrs. Nelson .....75 Reading the life story of. Annie safety razor In his room, ■ pitching championship and the re­ football star, will speak at the ...79 97 The millennium can’t be more local High 8cho(rf assembly hall on 1924 Chevrolet 4 Pass. Coupe —• D. Titus . . than a mashie shot away...... We Oakley we learn she fired two mil­ markable thing about it is that^Mr...... 73 76 lion shots ...... The remarkable Cash and Capacity Pyle hs nothing Wednesday afternoon, January 26, Motor has been overhauled. Good 90 97 note the A. A. U. gods have finally tires. Duco finish. C. Nelson ...... 82 part of this is that she didn’t live in to do with it. it was stated today by Principal C. accepted one of Charlie Paddock’s An effort is being made to bring P. Quimby. 1924 Chevrolet 2 Pass. Coupe —r 480 100-yard dash marks. Chicago. Totals 458 498 Princeton and Harvard back to­ ■ Possibly the. baseball fellows call Mr. Beming, who is director of Thoroughly overhauled. Duco Team No. 4 gether, ...... It is said Princeton is Americanization work in Connect­ finish. Good tires. Washington announces an im­ it the off-seacson because- most of Mrs. E llio tt...... 67 in favor of the Idea providing they icut, will take for his topic, “ Uses 1923 Chevrolet Coupes (2 )— At a. Another way to achieve distinc­ pending famine in medicinal whisky them seem always on the verge of Mrs, Reinartz ...75 can have their choicei of weapons. and Abuses of Modern Football.” small price. tion was not to be named on any ...... Mr. O’Goofty says it’s things being off their noodl^jf Mrs. Anderson ..72 of the 4,567,234 All-America i Mr. Beming is well known,about 1923 Chevrolet Sedan — Here is a. like this that make him sick. real bargain, 5 new cord oversiie.- J. Reinartz ...... ?3 elevens that were picked last year, j the state and gained his first We can Imagine /lothing more tires. Motor is perfect. S. E llio tt...... 83 The Lawn Tennis Association al­ brutal than compelling a pedantic prominence while playing center at ed and trying to frighten Madden, Wm. Anderson ..79 ways has regarded Bill Tilden as Yale. 1925 Studebaker Standard Duplex Deploring the hard-boiled effi-1 Chinaman to eat one of his own - A - 1 mechanically. Good paint .said, “ It’s going to be catch-as- ciency of the country. Queen Marie } There must be a Santa Claus, he- a bad actor and his experiences on 449 505 371 words. and tires. catch-can and everything goes!” _ Total wonders if America isn’t missing I cause— Broadway seem to it. COAST CHAMPIONSHIP Madden liesltated, finally agreed, 1924 Studebaker Special 6 C ou p e- John D. Rockefeller, 'vye read, some o f the finer things of life. . . . } (1) Mike McTigue knocked out a Fable: Once upon a time; there One of the famous models. O. and went over on the lower east- It is obvious the lady has never guy the other night. ■rhe directors was a baseball magnut who came Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 7— side to rouse Sullivan out of a deep has yet to make his first hole in met the others day and formally K. throughout. one. But that’s nothing: we have seen Ann Pennington do the black (2) Gloria Swanson refused to to one of the winter meetings •jreally Som 131 golfers . ill tee off at El 1923 Durant Sport Model Touring slumber and tell him of the danger­ be photographed. awarded the pennant to the Yan- yet to make oiir first million. bottom. intending to trade for some players. Caballero today to participate in — Many extras. Duco finish. ous foe he had matched him with the $10,000 Los Angeles open.; and under what conditions they 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan— Good The championship fight ia.for 72 rubber. Duco finish. would fight. holes. The first IC will be played 1924’ Ford Fordor Sedan— Good Sullivan sat up in bed, blinked a today, the second 18 tomorrow and hit and stared at Madden until his 9J motor. Good tires, Duco finlsn, th'e final 36 on Sunday. priced right. story was finished. Ui Harry Cooper, winner of the “ I don't give a damn— I’ll be 1926 Ford Roadster— Express Landis’ Decision event last year, is one of the strong • body, perfect In every way. ready tomorrow,” Sullivan roareo favorites to win this year’s event. and promptly went back to sleep. 1926 Ford Roadster—^ Balloon Sullivan knocked Flood out In tires, looks and runs like new. eight rounds in a one-sided fight on 1925 Ford Coupe— Balloon tire?. Nickel radiator. A-1 meeban- a barge. EDITOR’S NOTE— In the A n leally. Priced low. I f 'l V i'S ) 1924 Chevrolet Touring. next chapter McAuliffe tells of < F"? ' \ what real danger he faced in I ^ 1 1923 Chevrolet Touring. his fights when ringsiders 1923 Chevrolet Coupe (2). crashed a chair over his head Honest Deal 1923 Chevrolet Sedan. after a knockout he scored in ,1924 Ford Coupe— Ballopn tires. Phllly and he scoffs at Demp­ Hudson Model 0 ...... $175 1924 Ford Roadster— Express body sey’s alibi that cowboys’ guns 1925 Ford Touring. had anything to do with the., ■'■'X Star 1923 ...... $65 1923 Ford Tour lag. 1923 Ford Tudor Sedans— ^Two to modern Dempsey - Gibbons Dodge Sedan 1923 ...... $275 fight. choose from, Duco finish. Dodge Coupe 1923 ...... $250 1922 Oldsmohlle— 3-4 ton ‘ truck, HOPPE "WINS SECOND flat body. New York, Jan. 7.— Having won H U 6M EDDIE COLLIMS Dodge Coupe 1922 ...... $175 1923 Ford 1 Ton Truck— Express CHICK .body, all new tires. the second block of his titular GANDIL match with Eric Hagenlacher, the Dodge Touring ...... $100 1924 % Ton Ford Panel— (2). 1924 % Ton Ford Canopy'Top. champion, Willie Hoppe today was 1^' 'StudebidGer Coupe 1922 ,. $350 leading by a score of 1,000 to 840 Satisfactory .Termaf* Arranged. and was favored to regain the ' A used car is only as deiiendable . ’ y;- . . • Always 0|>en.' world’s 18.2 halkline billiard as the dealer who sells It. championship when the third and Evenings UntU final block is played tonight. The score of the second block 4{{ was 564 to 340. Hoppe averaged S t e p h o i s , 29 13— 19 and Hagenlacher 17 T h e ^ u l ^ b ’d 0^^ 17— 19. Sales and Service . . Dodge Bros; Cars ^ , The Chicago University has hire! CLAREMCV “SV/EOE*’ , 'jr 1 Graham Bros. Trucks. ...s 375 j a publicity agent. We suppose it ROWLAND .. . .CoiAier Center and Knox SttK^ a ‘ would be asking too much of the a . East RartfoM, Comm, GEO. I^ONtE H O W ^ Spatb Manchester, boys to step out and hire another EHMKE been Evehlnsa' ^ Phone Laurel 765 « . , five yards McCarthy. __ D A /^ E S OAUSS GUSH

. 'w • . ' \ J i ■ ‘ Manchester evening h^bali), litoAY, jan. 7,19^.

goes to trial for sla"ing herJovor. “Maximilian and Juarez,” fte boot­ She, is led. to her cell a figlitlag. legging Callahan In "Ned Mo- biting wench, but ere the cQ ^ln Cobb’s Daughter,” and the Ruaslfm '3 has downed she is crooning “Baby Dmitri—apd has run- the gamut ^oeSi"'While the cameras click as perfectly. Sensational Furniture Values ! she knits bonnets f''r a baby that Since John ^arrym ore seems coun- iiever wlir be born. wedded to the movies, let us com­ At Plaut’s, this great sale, affords everyone in the city and the surrounding ment In passing that Dmitri la such trv tm unusual oDDortunity to save! is unexcelled in its magnitude and our price. Miss Watkins has overlooked a role "Bs Height have been *cut to none of the “hooey” associated with order for Barrymore but which he Suctions embnveryone to the horn, jith such a case. All the avenues of pub­ could not possibly do better tham kind—at lower prices than ever before. 'Our reputation as the leadmghome furmture licity are thrown wide open. And Lunt. Hence, Lupt is helewlth vot­ S re S is been maintained through the years, oniy by our ability to extend unusual ser- from district attorney to defense ed our outstanding male favorite vice md our ability to buy only the better furnishings at special mice concessions. lawyer , to judge to cameya-man to of the theater. New York, Jan. 7—WhUe wait­ sob-sister, thwe Is sonad axe to F W ^ t this store have always been low and a risit to tW store to-i*rrow wiU' w v ^ ing for a modern-day Gilbert and ^rind. t o you the most startling values imaginable! Suites single pi«ea and ru ^ are aU in- Sullivan to appear wp’ll have to get duded at savings ranging from 207o to 3(^0. Listed here are but a few of the typical along with the Maurlne Watkinses, We see this hard-boiled Hannah George Kaufmanns and such. kissing the jury atter acquittal and I values that await you to-morrow 1 being offered movie and stage con­ WTIC For those sturdy American vir­ tracts, getting offers for books and tues, concerning which latter day other Incidentals that would tnake Travelers' lusurailobiCdn writers made so much, have long her a fortune. The final Irony is Hartford, Conn. , since been turned to an exposition achieved when, just as she sees *57. of equally hardy voices and foibles, herself as a vast personage, thanks and there are many things at which to a murder, another gal of similar it is best to laugh that we may not Ilk murders both a husband and 6:00 p. m.—“Skinny and His Gang” weep. y lover just outside the courtroom 6:20—News. , No period ever left itsehr wider window, and all eyes turn in this 6:30—Dinner concert—Emil Heiin- open to lampooning than this in new direction while the wheels are berger’s Hotel Bond T rio - which the absurd antics of bootleg- oiled for another travesty. Gypsy Love Selection .. Lehar This sort of thing is not particu­ Serenade Mignonne .. Gunfeid larly native to Chicago, but has had Selection from “lleredlade” .. its counterpart In most large cities...... Massenet It does happen that murder and 7:00—^Radlo Farm Course—Con­ crime In the “windy city” have necticut Agricultural College made better news stories than else­ —“How to Prune”—^W. H. where. Darrow, Extension Fruit Spec­ Francine Larrlniore is playing ialist. “Roxie Hart,” a role originally 7:15—Piano Selections— picked for Jeanne Eagles. Sunday Morning ut Glion .... Another less worthy copimentary ...... •.... i...... Bendel is that contained in Peter Glenny’s Juba ...... Hett “New York Exchange,” which has The T ro p t...... Schubert a fine satiric idea that may yet be­ Laura C. Gaudet, S*’aff Pianist, come a good play theme is a vari­ W T I-C ant of “Cradle Snatchers” and an­ 7:30—Austin Organ Recital— other piece In which the “ Reverie ...;...... Rogers mamas” and the gigolo are chief Andante Cantabile ...... figures...... Tschaikowsky A young man from the country fln^s himself taking a j^b in .a cab­ Valse Triste ...... Sibelius aret, loosely disguised under the Persian Suite .... Stoughton name of “Dallas Dinoh’s” and here Courts of Janshyd; drift a couple of gigolo-hunters of Garden of Iran ■ ' mature years, one of whom already Sakl , has enjoyed the experience of be­ Esther A. Nelson, Organist 111'/ ing robbed by a night-club crook. .8:00—The Colonial Male Quartette The country boy, needing money, of Hartford, Conuectlcut. comes into the grasp of the older 9:00—The Gibbs Rhythmic Para- woman and does not escape until i L phrasers. the last *act, which falls apart 10:00—Weather. thanks t» bad anti-climax. 10:05—Emil Heimberger’s Hotel The most noteworthy production Bond Dance Orchestra. of the week is the Theater Guild’s 11:00—News. English version of “The Brothers’ Full Vanity Harantazoff,” once given In French INDIA IRRIGATES. Occasional and again in Russian when the Moscow Arts Theat'^r came to town. Hyderabad. — An irrigation Chairs Dressers The Guild version is marked par­ scheme , which involves darning of 18 ONLY 3 ONLY ticularly by the direction of the Majara River to supply water There are t^ee dis- These dressers are very Jacques Capeau, that moderh-mlrid- to about 100,000 agriculturists, linctive types that are ed man of the theater who journey­ has just been launched by the desirable in design and fin­ ed from Paris recently to give this Nizam of Hyderabad. A huge reser­ listed for final clearance re­ ish, being in the modem Four-Piece Huguencrt Walnut Finished Suite dramatization, of which he was co­ voir with' dlstributory canals 600 gardless of profit. woods and finishes. - . .... THuguenot T . . walnut finished author, his personal t^uch. miles long, reaching 400 villages, $69.50 $94.50 ' There are eight of these Capeau has a wizardry of stage is included in the project. groups in our warehouse. All bow-end bed, large dresser, FiT-ncinc ljr.rr^mci'o Firesides manipulation and arrangement $37.50 French .. $78.50 are in perfect condition. Not chest of drawers and a semi­ w;hich merits consideration of SNOWSHOE AIRMEN. $34.75 $67.50 vanity case—all thoroughly ging, publicitlzing, exploitation, ehronicles more deeply dedicated tb exactly as pictured. A semi­ $ crime and all the rest are common­ Spanish $27.50 Huguenot $59.50 vanity takes the place of the well made and beautifully the arts than Is this weekly letter. Pasco, Wash.—^Aviators on the $29.75 $59.50 places. I The Doatolevsky story of the sons Pasco-Elko airmail line on the west full vanity illustrated. It is finished. Come early— Not the least of these manifesta­ of the lecherous old Ffeodor and coast are provided with showshoea Jacquard $22.50 Huguenot $49.50___ just as desirable. 98 they’ll go fast. tions might be termed the “tabloid their terrible Inheritances is now in case of a forced landing In the CONVENIENT TERMS. CONVENIENT TERMS CONVENIENT TERMS. influence’’ and Miss Maurlne Wat­ classic and should be, if it Is not, Rocky Mountains where the snow kins, petite and charming newspa­ generally known. Is deep and walking Is out of the per writer who has undergone at One thing is certain; the stature question. least a couple of trials, has made a qf Alfred Lunt—an actor practical- penetrating and timely burlesque ‘ iy unknown oft Broadway—is com­ NOT BY AIR ROUTE analysis of this in her widely trum­ pletely measured by his perform­ Leno.x, Mass.—A letter that w.'.s peted play, “Chicago.” ance of Dmitri. Here is a young mailed in New York in 1910 reach­ Briefly, here is presented the man who, within a single season, ed its destination here the other amusing and amazing metamor­ has given such diverse characteri­ day, just 16 years late. It was a phoses a h^rd-^i^d "Jane” rWho zations as Emperor Maximilian in New Year greeting.

J a n u a r y CLEARANCE SALE Starts tomorrow with tremendous opportunity for saving money. Every item in every department of the store has been reduced. And what is of great import­ ance is the fact that it is our regular dependable merchandise radically reduced— Eight-Piece Hi-lJghled Walnut Finished Suite not merchandise bought especially for sales purposes. Now is the time to fill your ——---- PLAUT-O-GRAM — ------® . . rm._ , ______V v o o 1/ U ■ A little different in actual The large buffet has lots want basket with quality merchandise at bargain prices. Below we have listed a few When guests come you are anxious to have them form a of drawer and storage space, of the specials. Hundreds more are displayed on our counters for easy selection. good opinion of your home. design from the group pic­ From th* moment you welcome them at the floor they are tured but just as attractive; the oblong table is full size receiving impression after impression. . _ . and extends to seat ‘ eight. The arrangement of your rooms and the character of your^ more so really. Come see it, Stock Up Now on Save Money on Bargains from the furnishings are a key to your taste and personality. at least. There are six of ” There are one host and five No words fall sweeter on a hostess’ ear than to hear her 139 side chairs. Sheets and Pillow these. Former price $174. Hosiery for All the Basement guests admire her home and .compliment'her selection of lur- I CONVENIENT TERMS, Cases Family °ltu Here at Plaut’s wo offer yon Intelligent ssslstanM, ^lohg Good No. 7 Brooms . . . 33c with the largest assortments of fine fittings for the home at Full Size Seamed $1.00 quality Ladies’ Silk Nickle Plated Copper prices far below normal. S h e e ts...... 79c Hose, new popular shades Tea Kettles...... $1.00 Blue Lake Seamless ...... 59c S h e e ts ...... $1.00 Decorated Cups and 1 Lot Children’s 7-8 Socks, < S aucers___ 15c for both Pillow Cases, 42x36 . . . 17c 2 Pair ...... 25c Bathroom Rugs ...... 50c S5|iss=^3lsilgSi==i==^^ 20 Per Cent Off our reg­ gggS5gH S^|f5Sl5g5£=;|g|l'g|g

ular low prices «n Table Men’s Silk and Silk and Duroleum Mats • ••••• Covers, Sets and Bed Wool Socks, new fancy spreads. p a tte rn s ...... 39c Mixing Bowls, (Nest of 6) ...... 89c Towels at Bargain Men’s P art Wool S ocks...... 19c 12 Qt. Grey Enamel / Prices P o ts ...... 89c Large Size hemstitched Infants’ Pure Wool and G r^s Oval Rugs ..... 98c Silk and Wool Hose 39c Fine M^tal Huck Towels with color­ Cocoa Door Mats, ed borders______19c Reduced Prices on Every 75c,. 98c, $1.25 Odd Beds Our 29c. Turkish Towels Pair of Blankets in Stock. Fruit Bowls Dressers .12 OF THESE with Colored \xrecian (Nest of 6) ...... $1.00 b o rd ers...... 21c Sale Prices on Girls* and ' .8 ONLY . Gome earfy end secure Wash Boards___ 39c, 50c These are exceptionally, these while mey, last. One lue Suites for the Sun or Living Room ' Turkish Towels in jacquard Boys’ Underw^. -of a kind in white,and*f^ry patterns ...... 29c P a d d ^ Droning fine in line, size and finish. , - ■ The fabric is hand-wtven, E Z Union Suits 79c Note the “Cleawmce” prices. enamel. Former pncea Boards ...... $2.19- $9.75 to $14.75. Buy Curtains Now Children’s Vests and $84.50 C A patterns—one A i O U All seats are spring filled and Walnut at These Reduced P a n ts ...... 39c Men’s Wear at cretonne eov.^. Three are $69.50 the greatest values ever of­ Prices Alt sizes A>ys’ Union Suits Bargain Prices. Colonial $57.50 were $74,51'', Q7C.50, r? V 15. •• I fered. Flat and Ruffled Curtains ribbed and fleece lined, ' Blue lydrk Shirts. .,., 59c, $59.50 CONVEI^NT TERMS. and Rayon Panels in a ...... ^..... 7j9c V4 Oak $47.50 'x CONVENIENT TERMS large variety of designs Flann^ Shirts ...... ; 79c and materials as low 20 Per Cent Off Our Regu* Men’s Union Suits.. $L00 a s ...... 59c lar Low Prices on , Ribbed Shiils. qnd... Odd Pairs at bargain pricesf Infants’ Wear. DraVers .'. 69c N ’ i / Every Item a Special Value—S ee, Our Window Display.


FOR VALUES ■ 173-183 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conm

/ / ' p a g e f o u e SST'-

LATEST FASHION f e a t u r e ARTICLES HINTS BY FOREMOST ABOUT INTERESTING AUTHORITIES WOMEN • . • THE HERALDS HOME PAGE They Come to This? n i ETH Win . ♦ h lAKPCEL ----^ TllQllinG- — MO DOHT FOPGET — ' i UIO. ’EM TBPflED WAV' r-'Sswsx'K^ "Y WAPCE-1. JaS'T wt? G £^rdLW ]))«Q dEnie8t l^om; 1>0WM you CAH — TfiE-W k e a ^ ^ u i n c . CIKPL Tflfc ENOS' - AND FOP WHAT HAS GONB BEFORE The nnrae would find eat. 8be busied herselt at the telephone. 0000H fe9S' OAK’e-,l>OH'T Gwr <'To tbs home of PROF and HOlr There’s a man named Elwell, yea. ME. A T IG H T WAVEj - U S ^ELWELXi In CamdenTllIe, Skun fracture?” Ind., one ndcbt in October, 1898, Is "Yes. that’s i t ." : tt'MAKt. iTOflAPPy-" I'D.PAm P COME^ hronght n woman who bad faint­ “Do an these people want to see F O l? A ed on a train. That nisht twin - him?” The nurse firowned.slightly. 1?ETPACE^-^ girls are bom to her and she dies Mike Hennegan > stepped back. witboot revealing her name.- “You can count ms out.” said be. Tbe storj then moves forward 18 “1 don’t want to be in the way.” gears. The twins, now growing to Nellie Downing saldj 'These ore beantifnl womanhood, have been bis parents and this is Ifo. Neyln,'a adopted and named MARGARET newspai>ennan from the Planet. and ELIZABETH. They are called May we see him?” RUSTY anH^ETTTX. '' The nurse beUevOd so. Stuneone JIM ELW BLL, the son, enlists was coming down who would con­ In the World War. He then dis­ duct them to Jim. covers that one of the twiqs loves They found ^m on a bed. his head* him. swathed in bandages. /cr.'-y'' He is shell-shocked at the Battle YHe is still nneonsdous,” said the of Sedan and at first Is reported nurse* on duty when they approached dead. Later he is identified in a the bedside. "It is now”—she loolted New York hospital and bis mother at her wrist watch—*Vlghty f l f ^ and father hasten to him to find five. He was brought in shortly his memory gone, that be is like a after seven o’clock." living dead man. Jim’s father and tpothsr looked Specialists despair of his re­ down at the still figure stretched out covery, believing an operation before them. Nellie Downing turned might be nnsuccessfnl and fatal her head away, as did Jack Nevin. as welL The day before his par­ Finally, "Is there any likelihood of ents are to take him home Jim his regaining consdousness before—* wanders away from his nurse, before very long?” asked Prof Elwell. NELLIE DOWNING. He bad almost said “before be dles,*^ ^ A search is begun, in which V fc but he had caught a glimpse of Mol- TO RU I JACK NBVIN, newspaperman, lle’s white lips. , 1 and MIKE HENNEOAN Join. The nurse shrugged her shoulders. OB OUP ■’WAYG' M Nevin learns that Jim has had his “There’s really no way of knowing. AtO "MtAliO" . I skull fractured In a traffic acci- Sometimes a patient with a fractured G F O iT n t O A HAll^t'IlT'- — IF- IHEX WlOtt g dent and has no chance to live. He skull will remain nnconsciotis for TO VtlWN TmP / g tells this to Nellie Downing, who several dairs and then recover. Others g starts to faint. have regained conscloiisness very IBDlVOOftUtV / 1 NOW BEGIN THE STORY soon and then died. Others have 1 CHAPTER XXXIV done so and lived.” -cjeze ST y s BPjVIC^ 1 6 6 ^ 0 M E , now, Nellie,” said Jack Nellie Downing nodded her con­ g Nevin. "Brace up, old glrL' firmation. "All wa can do is wait—« = He caught her in hla free and hope.” = arm and supported her. “Tell me," Mollle said, addressing the strange nurse, “is be—is be vary which men like, because they look Braided Belt g But Nellie Downing straightened seriously hurt?” Prize Poise younger. g almost Instantly. *T’m not going to Again the nurse shrugged. Shf told Can’t you just hear all the bru­ g faint,” she said calmly. “ I’m not Mollle niwell, in sympathetic tones, nets give that ringing clarion call g the fainting kind.’.’ 'Hello, Planet. Give me the city room ’ that skull fractures—severe ones, of “Is Zat So?” proceeding to en­ g “ Maybe you’re not," said Nevin a he was a good newspaper man, be Nellie Dowmlng didn’t break in to that was—were gambles. large upon the theme, and say that g little grimly, “but those Ups of yours was not a very good actor. remind him that skull fracture pa­ “Right now wo couldn’t say one ■blondes g et washed out much soon­ g have a mighty funny look.” WOMANS And neither was the little nurse. tients very often were unconscious way or another. In a few hours, er, that they are not nearly so g One of her hands flew to her for a time anyway. perhaps—” striking, and what man would look = throat. “What shall we do? What They were unable toJiide from Mol- Jack Nevin, being a good reporter, at ingenue ruffles when he could g shall we tell MoIIle and Prof ElweU lle’s intuitive gaze the story their “How was he hurt?” Jim’s mother felt the urge to get to a telephone. It see the slinky straight lines that g —how can we tell them?” faces and evasive manners revealed. asked. “ You can tell me, Mr. Nevin. was nine o’clock and the deadline for vampish brunets affect? g He considered this, noting that she Nor was Prof slow In divining that I’m able to listen to the whole story.' the next edition of the Planet was Merely to remark that “the devil g was collecting herself and evidently matters were far worse than they “ Hit by a truck,” ho told her, “at nine-thirty. He found a telephone at g had passed the point of fainting, seemed. Fourteenth and Broadway. You know can quote scripture to suit his the nurses’ desk in the main corri­ g “ Well,” he hedged, “ your man Isn't “ You might as well tell us the how bad traffic is down there at Mirror, Mirror on the Wall purpose,” and that any ^f us can dor. obtained permission to use it dead—yet, so we—I’ll Just say he’s truth," Jim’s father said, after an times.” In the little cabin of old Boston use arguments for our own side, and called bis office. been found and then on the way exchange of looks had passed be­ Mike Hennegan. who had sat in where lives Hester Prynne, played I believe this art is I.nown as so­ "Hello, Planet. Give me the city down to Twenty-Sixth street I’ll tween him and his wife. “ If Jim Is silence during their conversation, by Lillian Gish in the movie of phistry. room. Hello, hello—let me have the break it to his father and Mike Hen- dead we’ve got to know It very soon now spoke up. “ You know.” ho “No Husband For Me!” rewrite desk. Hello—Pete? Jack “The Scarlet Letter,’’ there is a negan. Then when we get her to anyhow. Is he, Nellie?” said, addressing no one In particular. ■Who says that women are senti­ Nevin talking. . . . At Bellevue. . . . mirror on the wall, just as there Bellevue we’ll have help In case she Mollle waited breathlessly for Nel­ “I’m beginning to think that I’in a mental, swayed by emotion and Good war story with dressing. Get have been mirrors on the walls of collapses. That’s the best plan 1 lie Downing to answer. —say, Mr. Nevin, what do you call not reason? A Chicago judge of­ the name, now. rooms wherever women have lived can think of.” The nurse took her hand in both those birds who think things have fered 54 wives whose husbands are “Soldier; name of ElwelL „ . ^ ever since the days of the bad “ Even so. Jack, it’s a cruel plan her own. “No. dear, but the report just got to -happen anyway and klnda in jail for non-payment of alimony, E-l-w-e-l-L . James T.—T for queen and her heaiitiful step­ Oh, why can’t we spare her this ter­ stated be was badly hurt. Skull come to be resigned to it. Know . these same erring husbands for Thomas. . . . Twenty-five. . . From daughter of the old fairy tales, rible news? It’s going to break her. fracture, the police told Mr. Nevin. what 1 mean?” when the bad queen babbled, “ mir­ Christmas presents. Only 19 ac­ “ Fatalists?” Nevin sapplled. Camdenvllle—C-a-m-d-e-n-v-l-l-l-e, In­ Jack, as sure as we’re aUve.” He didn’t talk with the hospital di­ ror, mirror on the wall, tell me cepted. The other 44, as one wise- " I ’m sorry,” he said simply. “I’m rect. Ho was still alive, so let us “That’s the word. Pm beginning diana—Hoosler State, you know. . . . who’s fairest of all!’’ cracker has It, decided “it is more not much good at such things.” hope for the best. It might not be to think I'm one of these here fa­ Shell-shock at Sedan. . . . Brain busted. . , . Couldn’t talk. ,. , , But this mirror Of sweet Hester blessed to gi-ve than to receive,” A smart, belt for the sportsman They returned to their taxicab. as bad, even, as the police think.” talists. You know. I think that If and gave ’em right back to the There Jack Nevin saw the eager Prof Elwell sighed. Hoping for the It had been In the cards for Jim El­ Couldn’t recognize anybody. , . hides behind a sampler which an­ made of plaited pigskin in tan, with ., Rambled away from hospital on nounces “To be Vain is Great Sin,” judge. question In MoIlle Elwell’s eyes and best bad been about the best thing well to get killed ho would have got It sounds rather hopeful for the stert buckle. lied. That Is, he half lied.. Mollle and he bad been doing for It when that shell struck at Sedan." Staten Island today about four and a furtive, guilty Hester must o’clock. . . . Alone. . . . race. The new woman who will “ Mistake,” he said laconlcaUy. several months. There was getting It stood to reason, he went on, that lift the screen to gaze at her jas­ “ Huh? Yeah. . . . Ferry to New accept a husband only with reser­ “The man they got here Is not Jim to be a sameness to these wallops a guy who could pull through all mine flower face in the mirror. As Tork. . .Hit by truck at Fourteenth I watched this most beautiful ^of vations is far superior, methiuks, Elwell. But we’ve got the correct from fate. It seemed to him, that was that Jim Elwell had pulled through to the old-fashioned, long-suffer­ Information now and we’ll see your and Broadway. . . . Bellevue. . . „ many moiries, I giggled to see the mighty trying. wasn’t slated to die in a traffic acci­ ing wife who would take ’em on What Girls son very shortly.” They got It flrst from one side and dent. Skull fracture. . . . Fatal, most adornments on the sampler which most any condition just because “ Where 1s he?” then from another. Was this the “ It ain’t In the cards,” he an­ likely, , . . Parents hero. ,. . . screened “.the vain mirror.” Hester she couldn’t get along without lit Paris Do :, “ At Bellevue hospital. At least,” finish? Would they take Jim Elwell nounced with finality. Father Edwin C, . . Mother pretty must have spent many an hour at Bjr Edaa Wallae* —name’s Mollle—M-o-M-l-e. . . ’ em. he said quickly to forestall another tock in a box, after alh Instead of on Prof Elwell told him he’d like to the embroidery hoops working . I make yearly trips to FraijcSb Same nurse with him I tod ovSr in question before It should come too hiis feet? take the same cheerful view of with colored yam the slogan “To A Wise Crack and have done so for inan::^ Ytors. France. . . . Her name? Forget it quickly, "we’re pretty positive the Well, they had stood It before, he things. "But we've had so much to be Vain is Great Sin.” _ One of these men who boast Just to find the best aida to. beauty; man at Bellevue Is your son. They reflected. They had stood It when contend with, Mike.” . . . What’s that—pretty? Certainly Vanity of Vanities that they know all about women, and to youth. she’s pretty. . . . Who? Mo? Talk T h em m a n y found a letter in his coat addressed they had thought Jim dead. Proba­ “ I’m about ready to give up hope It is hard to understand why the and then proceed to make much sense; I got only one leg. . . , Huh? A b le ’sdentista to Mrs. Edwin Elwell.” bly they could stand it again, al­ altogether.” Mollle said and sighed. zeplous . minister of the gospel who filthy lucre talking and writing Certainly she’s got two. give their Uvea The letter was accounted for by though this one was cruder than No one answered her. Nevin rebuked a maid for running in the about the decorative set once epi- to beauty study. “ C’mon, damn It, lay off the funny Mollle. She had placed it In bis any. thought Jor a minute of answering woods on Sabbath and permitting grammed, “Women will never find And theirj^esulta pocket the day before,'she said. “ It Anyhow, what else was there to do with some bright bit of optimism but stuff an’ get—” her salvation until she has learned are kno-wn' ev­ “ Mr. Nevin, Just a moment, please. her golden bird to sing, did not erywhere. 'Tam was a letter from a neighbor at home except to stand it? But it certainly told himself be was a fool. There , chide the good women of his that love Is but an incident in life Please!” and not a fulltime Job.” trying to hting and 1 had it with me when I took was tough on Mollle. was no further word spoken In the [; flock for^ gM ng time to colored to A m e r i c a n Jim for a walk.” Jack Nevin was trying to be of little group until their cab had pulled Jack Nevin clapped a hand over They seem to be learning! women the best the phone’s mouthpiece and Jerked yarn also. “ How,” asked Prof, "does he hap- some comfort to the woman be bad up In front of Bellevue hospital. Just by way of remarking that ideas they de­ his- head around. Nellie Downing velop. I I>en to be at Bellevue hospital? Has bad to hurt. Again at Bellevue, as at the Metro­ “ there are vanities and vanities.” NOT TOO BROWN yrmnt he been hurt?” He looked at Jack stood at bis side. V them for myself “Skull fracture,” he said to Mollle politan hospital, Nellie Downing’s Tp me, my neighbor who is vAin on Nevin keenly. and for you. earnestly, “ Isn’t necessarily fatal. In uniform was the badge that elimi­ (To Be Continued) her spotless house, and spends all If the meat you are roasting ap­ ^ One of the best Nevin found that breaking the this case I imagine they think the nated red tape and delay. pears to be too brown before It is Do yon stavd correctly?. Just cam- her time with a broom and dust T ideas 1 found news to Prof without letting Mollle case is more serious than usual be­ “You.have an accident victim here * For the flrst time in his ckreer. parp yourself with this picture and cloth and .makes, hom e a torm ent thoroughly cooked, place a pan of ' there Is a w ay to know the truth was not so easy. cause of the patient’s Inability to named James Elwell?” she asked the Jack Nevin throws down his paper 'clean the skin. judge for yourself. For you see for her brood, has a much worse water in the oven and the steam While, as Nellie Downing had said. talk.” nurse on duty at the door. on a story. Read the next chapter. will prevent scorching. It la a liquid Miss Faretta Sims', 4ulece of Adnijy- case o f van ity'than another wom-r Which contains al William S. Si^is, who wpn the an I know whose vanity is her gol­ no animal, no posture prize at Barnard College in den hair and myrtle blue eyes. vegetablegrease. competition with;Bom.e l.OdO Pther Blondes Preferred iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir, Itoannotrassim-. llata In any "way' dren’s things quite as daintily as women stadehts. You'-will notice A certain; motion picture actress w ith th e skin.. R she. that the debutante slouch and the of the variety known as blondes, sinTply pene­ Home Page Editorials She never had time, even with the flapper stride are q.uite put of har­ explains that It’s nice to he a I Flapper Shop | trates the pores children away, to think of herseft. mony with correct postiirev Here blonde because one can be seen to the depths, Good Nlatme Appreciation you have the spine, ^ d the fpet farther in the distance, because 5 75 Pratt Street S then d ep ’aTts. And there v,rere always holldajis ■When you ■wipe it off, aU the grime, both co-operating'for- health and one looks best in the fluffy clothes ahead to prepare for. Men had sto^ E 5th Floor Elevator E all that clo ^ the skin comes with It. of Sacrifice ped coming to see her. She had f ^ beauty. - This is'what 1 use to-clean* my friends.- Her whole life was her sl^ face skin as ^Is- do ih-Pazls. I never use soap and -water. Results By Olive Roberts Barton ter’s house and her sistei's childreii. M(3(X9(XX9(X8(9(XX)tX9(9(90(X9C9(X9t^^ are astounding. 'When you Ram She mad'j home for them, but, 1 DRESSES I them you -will always do as I do. BY DR. 310RRIS FISHBEIN the physician will make an exact like the relatives of Lulu M e| | , I call this product my Facial diagnosis by the use of the examina­ E fo r E Once there was an aunt. She they were not so keen ahoiit m akl^ Youth. It will bring you a new con­ Meningitis is an infectious dis­ tion of the blood and of the spinal ception of what a clean skin means. started out by being a pretty, young home for her. y E Afternoon • Evening E ease, sctentificaUy known at least fluid, and will then apply the speci­ [ urge you to try it Take from your vivacious creature who sewed pink The children’s letters came hpnie Midwinter s Street and Sport = face skin all the hardened oU, dead >Ince 1805. fic medical treatment which has hows on the babies’ bonnets, said weekly to their mother. They nsn^- skin and waste, and see the results. Early epidemics occurred In the been shown to have great value In “Little Pigs’’ on their toes when ly ended, “Love to you and DadI” All toilet counters heU Edna Wal­ United States previous to 1811. It controlling this disease. lace Hopper’s Facial Youth at 76c. she put them to bed, hauled them Mother would come in and sit pp occurs both as an epidemic and in Serum As Remedy Or the coupon will bring you a on their sleds and pushed them in the bed in the sewing room aqd the form of occasional cases break­ The serum, the discovery of Sale Of sample bottle with my Beauty Book. riead the letters alond. A nntle would No Higher E Tty tbiB facial cleanser. You.will ing out In various communities. which is accredited to Dr. Simon their carts, and knew how .to make rabbits and pussy-cats that jumpedi speed up the sewing machine ahd No Low er E never know what a dean skin It Is transmitted from one per­ Flexner, must he given as early as there would be a crooked littlis meansunUl^oji^ottat^^^^^ son to another, but Is not nearly possible, in severe cases being in­ She grew older and the children place in the seam. so infectious as some of the com­ jected directly Into the veins. grew older. They didn’t need her For T rid Bottle mon Infectious diseases. When 'it is Injected into the so much to wind up their trains and of XtcUI Tontli. mtn tU i tod0 to'.Wnft dancing bears; they did their own WiUaca Hopper. 5M lake Slion n rti*. Clit- It Is generally believed that the spine, as is usually done when the Silk hats in all bright S Sizes 14-42 S CW0.1U. EooloislOafocpoiUcoudpMklBf. playing and sledding and skating HINT FOR MONDAY bacteria enter the body through organism causing the disease is shades in the season’s I NEWEST CREATIONS | the nose and throat and that the found in the blood, some of the now. Instead of pink bows on their nipwest inodes , at a disease may be transmitted by con­ spinal fluid is first withdrawn. bonnets she mended the stockings A soap soliitlon that is very eon- 5 Every New Shade * =, tact with j, person who Is Infected Since the discovery of this the “Little Pig’’ toes poked through. venient on wash days is made Ify and who may cough and sneeze. serum, the death rate from this And she made pretty dresses and shaving-a large bar of soap and siip- s We Never Have a Sale. disease has fallen greatly, so that warm coats and nice pink curtains merlng it in three quarts of boiling great saving for those who select their hats here. Models There also are probable carriers of iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii the disease who carry It about with vast numbers of children are now and bed spreads for their rooms and water until the soap Is completely formerlbr selling lip to $5.98. Sale price $?.98. them hut who do not get sick with saved who formerly would have painted jolly, things on their play­ dissolved. u ~ house furniture, and made grand meningitis. died. The many serious complicat­ VtXX3t369gX30t9tXXX3t306906XXXXX3C5tX36XX9(XXXXXXa6M63^^ Sets In Suddenly ing results of the disease also are desserts that mother had no time AU z^aiidBg winter hats are now divided into two SCISSORS FOR CHICKEN In meningitis the disease usual­ thus avoided. to bother ■with. ly sets in suddenly with headache, lots and are repriced $1.00 and $2.98. This includes hats She grew yet older and the chil­ 'When cutting up chicken for f a pains In the hack, loss of appetite, dren grew older. "Bhe was not so salad, use a knife Instead of pt(t- Have You a Cold or Sore Throat? chills and vomiting and fever. of velvet^d silk' cpmhiiiati^ felts and velours. TO DRY LETTUCE much fixing up the house to make it ting it in a chopping howl. .A p^r The most Important early symp­ look like the southeast corner of of shears will do the work effecti-y^ Chiropractic anti electric treatments will stop - it. tom Is painful stiffness of the mus­ Dry lettuce in paper toweling if heaven, as she was busy packing ly, too. 'W e now shrink tonsils that are enlarged and diseased cles of the neck which may contract you must use it Immediately after boxes of goodies to send away to by electrical treatment.^ »o greatly that the head will be washing it. college. And there was more sew­ METAL MESH GLEANER drawn back. Sometimes there are ing to do than ever. Fancy pajamas tremors of the muscles and spasms for the boys and- girls that “ cost- so A eleailer ~ of metal mesh is.^.a t)f the arms and legs. TO REVIVE COLOR much when you buy,’’ party dresses good Investment, as it cleans aii'd ALICE F. HEALEY Dr, M. H. SQUIRES F .Obviously a disease 'with such • .i . » ^ (and dear me, a party dress nowa­ polishes pan’s and pots much moTe kerlous symptoms should receive A spoonful of vinegar to each days .lasts about two dances). efficiently than scraping With ■'a Fuk Buildihg MiUii^xy Shop Selwitz Block, * Phone 487 e most prompt medical attention. quart of rinsing water often will re*i Laundry boxes' were her special knife. Is absolutely toportant since 'vlvc faded colors in wash goods. care. No one could “ do up” the chUr •:u •

•''■■• . • ’ ■^ Jv *.V.' ■ ■


quartet of real darkies. Harmony is dancing and uke music comb in HABTABD COACH. SMOKlS^O GAINS CANDY AND BBANB MORGAN VS. McGBAW. ROSE IN SNOW SiAPPY VAUDEVILLE their middle name, evidently, for great abundance and made a big their quartet numbers are all in, hit with the audience. '.-r...... CMcago, Jan. 7.—R. J. “Duke” New York, Jan. 7.— ^Todd Mor­ Fitchburg, Mass.— Despite two, AT STATE THEATRE perfect harmony. Oe of the group is . The feature picture features Mae Dunne, former Michigan captain, Shanghai.— China is rapidly Boston.— ^While Bostonians live gan of Seattle, world’s junior light­ snow flurries and the inclement ah excellent bass soloist. • - Murray of “ Merry WidoW” 'fame In -who- has- served as assistant coach emerging out of its shell of ancient weight champion, clashes with weather of the past few months,; a at Northwestern University for the royally on beans, their dogs and rose bush, owned by Mrs. Henrj^ a beautiful and exciting picture of civilization and is fast adopting Phil McGraw of Detroit in a ten- Travers Douglas Co. present a past four years, has signed horses live the same way on candy round bout here tonight at catch- Mclnerney has bloomed consistent­ 'Spain. Miss Murray Is as good as modern ideas and fads. The smpk- clever playlet which deals with the weighte • but If McGraw can make ly since May. On Oct, 25, the Bill Far Above Ordinary Last evbr, but the big surprise of th« as head X line coach at Harvard luig of cigarettes and cigars is one and bon bons. Miss Mabel Garfield, wOes of a henpecked husband. He the 130 pound liihit this afternoon bush contained two flowers and a it became kndwn here today. News of the fads they have adopted, and a clerk in one^pf Boston|s candy ■ Part of Week at the Popular has to do the housecleaning while picture Is the astonishing, acting of the title will be at stake. number of buds^ Playhouse. Lloyd Hughes. Hughes, who has that Dunne had signed a Crimson tbe quantity consumed is so large stores says that Boston matrons his. wife polishes her fingernails. contract came from Arnold Hor- But, before the act is over, he has formerly been seen as a quite genial that three new match factories, buy soft soft chocolate for “FifI” V • complete with the latest machin- (By Member of Her^d Staff) kissed a strange girl, made a dat.i, sort of actor with no exceptional ween, head coach at Harvard, who and “Dobbin,” while the Maltese Britishers are, carrying snuff eryi have been required to take ' One person Jn every five In thq There 1b a bright, snappy bill of and dominated his wife. It is all merit, suddenly comes forth and lives in Chicago. at home has to be satisfied with boxes on tbeir hips, according to a care of the Canton industrial cen­ IJnited States owns a car now, ac­ Taadevllle at the State theater for very humorous and the actors re­ goes Lon Chaney and Emil Jan- “Dunne will be a great help to milk and what few rats it can pick dispatch. Not much room for a us at Cambridge,” said Horween. ter. cording to . registration figures. the last half of the week. Perhaps ceived five curtain calls last night. nings one better. up. snuff box in this country. That is, they did before Jan. 1. it is not the very best that has ever been at the State, but then, that’s a The fourth act is just about the matter of personal opinion. The funniest seen in Manchester in least that can be said ;for it is that many moons. Pisano and Landau it’s better than the ordinary. were the hit of the evening. Italian It opens fast with the Summers ^and Swedish comedy evidentlyvis a Duo in a novelty aerial act. Several wow of a combination. new stunts in midair are pulled off The last act is entitled “ Singing by these two. and Dancing Bits,” and is as bright Next comes the Four Chocolate aqd snappy a presentation as the Dandies. This act i: made up of a State has had this year. Singing,

diiiimiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin I BUFFALO MARKET CO. I IKANR = Pbone 456. 1071 Main Street. Phone 456. = giOPIt-SMARIW SAbS I Roast Pork lb | Lean and Tender. E AN INSTANT SUCCiSS! Ti Cudahy’s Gem Sugar Cured Bacon Squares ____ 26c lb. i Only One Week Old and Oiir Profit4han I Steaks Veal | Sale Is I 25c, 30c, ^c, 38c, 45c ...... 25c = Qrowdtog Our store W ith Thbussinds o f Em ^u'^stic § Lainb Yeai Chops...... 30c-35c = Btt^ejra! Values Extraordinary! just Come and See! I lA)in Chops ...... 38c jj^ 5 Vi S Legs Lamb ...... 33c 00^ 0 0 . = S Forequarter 23c .^»c-dz« ^ I Lamb Stew ...... 15c Fresh Fruits and i I

I Pork C h o p s ...... 30c-35c Vegetables | K / m i E Fresh Shoulders...... 23c A full supply. | GIFT toYOU E Store open until 8 o’clock tonight. Leave orders for E PIECE SET 6F s early Saturday morning delivery. = i i 3 9 SILVERPLATE 1 E niiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili


Like the U. S. Steel Co. and CAMPBELL’S other big corporations, we have declared an Extra Divi­

QUALITY GROCERY Still another extra dividend, S9-pc. dend on our entire stock of fine Phones: 2400-2401. Depot Square Set of SILVER PLATE included furniture! Wo feel grateful for tlie large business given us in with every purchase of $100 or 1920. This Profit-Sharing Sale Is over! Fine quality plate, in a smart our way of sharing our success pattern. Or chopse any other mer­ with our customers! Hero are the chandise of equal value instcadt most pronounced values in years! And yon can take advantage of M eats them with just a little cash—xvc'\e made special easy terms! Come Fancy Roasting Pork, 10-12 size ...... 28c lb. and get your share of these excep­ Lam b S t e w ...... 15c lb. tional offerings! Beef L iv e r ...... 15c lb. Legs of Genuine Spring L a m b ...... 35c lb. Boston Roll Roast B e e f...... 25c lb. Rib Roast B eef ...... 28c, 35c lb. ss Native Veal R oasts...... 35c lb. Midget Bacon Squares...... 29c lb. No Mall Orders In With All These Extras NATIVE CHICKENS AND FOWLS Full Size— Full Weight Did you ever see such sen­ BrWsre lamp— Shade—Mantel Clock — Smoker __ sational Toine! Full size, full » M O H A IR Coiifiole Mirror *£nd Table — Pictnre — Daveiiport weight mattress, of closely Table ■Fernery—Scarf — * Book Ends—Table packed WOOL NAPPER-^ Porcelain Top Tables G roceries an ordlnmyChase TT5LMO blend MOHAIR at less than you’d pay for 2 Book Ends-^Table made to our exacting specifi­ Lamp. Profit Sharing cations, in a sanitary factory! Staunch, well constructed through­ Hecker’s Pancake Flour, 2 p k g s...... \ 25c “ notlM^ uneo'|morsmiK^^ Smashes Price to out! All white enamel over all, with Muller’s Macaroni, 2 j^kgs...... 25c bard-baked a Porcelain tops— Pea Beans, 3 lbs...... 25c P IE C I^ ^ FREE until you want d e l l v e r ^ A ^ IB Drawer for cook- “ Blue Star Peas, Special, 3 cans .... t ...... 50c $135 ing materials, etc. WgV Terms AND 59 PIECES OF SILVER PLATE INCI^UDED’ Easy Berrydale Strawberries ...... 45c $10 J)own—$2 Weekly Berry dale Blackberries ...... ! ...... 35c Large Flat Cans Palm Brand Salm on...... 45c Pal Brand Salmon ...... 20c F ruits and V egetables A p p les...... 50c, 75c, 85c Basket 200 Size Florida Oranges ...... 33c dozen California Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Bananas, Dates and Figs in bulk or package. Celery, Iceberg Let­ tuce, Powell’s Lettuce, Spinach, Soup Bunches, Carrots, Complete Bed Outfit Parsnips, Turnips, Sweet Potatoes. Complete with Stanley Paints, Hardware, Grain, Hay, Straw. MATTRESS and SPRIN G * 1 5 i = 14-Pc. Dining Room Easy Terms PROFIT-SHARING Sale time is a good timo to Tour opportunity to save big in iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :-hoose a dining room! See this wonderful tills sensational offer of a WATj- 18 Pc. Decorated Bedroom ELIZABETHAN outflti It’s offered at tremen­ NDT finish Bed Outfit at only A fashionable new Bedroom dous savings. Ton re $1S.75. Has a-inch continuous featuring a smart Ciiib'Jb'O- « elve a stately Bufftt, Wofit-Sharlng posts with heavy fiUors. Very ex­ ROBE, Fnli-length VANITT, tall China Cabinet, Ex­ Reduces to traordinary value. massive DRESSER and Bow- tension Table, 5 ' Side End BED! Made with real I Canale’ s M arket I Chairs and Host Chair WALNUT veneer and gum- \ — 42-Plece Set , of wood sorfaces, with a stun­ ri5*3 i 36-40 Oak St., South Manchester. Tel. 1570 S Chinaware, 3-plece ning decorative effect! Has Carving Set and Buffet $119 the HUGUENOT HIGH- Mirror. $10 DOWN—$2 WEEK LIGHT finish. Comes with 14 carefnlly chosen extras that make the outfit “ complete to the last detaU.” ' An outfit that yon’ll be prond to see yourself and have others^ Saturday Sp^ials | see—at a price that is simply mtracolous! Come to-morrow—see It yourself! FOWL, Fancy Fresh Dressed Q Q s With 59 Pieces of Silver Plate 4 to 6 lbs. average, lb...... O O C S And All These Extras NATIVE PORK 5 4-Pc. ToUetLSet— Cane Bench—Bed Light—2 Fresh H a m s...... 30c lb. S Biidolr liwmiw—Spring—Slattrcss—Full Size Blnnfict—2 Pictures—^Rng. Fresh Shoulders...... 25c lb. = Fresh Pork Roast ...... 30c lb. S Legs of Lam b ...... 35c lb. = ( ' ■ H a m b u r g ...... 18c lb. S Link Sausage...... 28c lb. = Walnut Dresser Fresh Native Veal, all cuts from S. R. Woodward of i Bolton. , E An exquisite dresser for the Kitchen Chair Bedroom I Real WALNUT Sturdy, weB- £| surfaces,and large plate glass FISH I buUt Chairs, mirror— Inbuilt jewel boxes! Double Day Bed r, $ "I * finished In quartered 5-P c. Decorated Breakiast Set C A N N E D — E 7.50 OAK stolQ! Only Six A drop-leaf table—with 6 Windsor-styte chairs—clever Anchovies Salted, Filetti Alici in Olive Oil. E with Mattresses * * .■?!" to a enstomer and floral decorations. A pretty suite—ideal for the mmleni Sardines in Olive Oil. 3 i’.-. ■’ NONE fo dealers. $ 1 9 .7 5 while they last, only Tuna in Olive Oil. = Lowest Price we have ever seen quoted for a day bed No Mall Orders E asy Term s ...... $24.50 o f this splendid qiia.Uty^Sbotfm- io provide rest Easy Terms MACARONI— Imported from Italy (2 lb. pkgs. and 22 = for two and shown closed—os a oonral There are Just lbs. loose). Domestic-—20 lb. boxes only. E a limited number— Bo earlyl ^ . GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES CASH OR CREDIT I OLIVES— California, ripe (in tins). Greek— bulk, = gal., 1 gal. tins. i New! AsktP^^ee:*KANE*S Free R. R, Fores R a n g es OLIVES— California, ripe (in tins. Greek—bulk, = FARMINGTON 3-Room Outfit Free DeUvery Why not have a new range with loose. S No Interest all the improvements for the - $295 , coming winter months. This Is FRESH VEGETABLES DAILY. \ E Inclnding 16-Plece Jacquard XdiriMg Room—18- Terms to suit you a very late model—it cooks GROCERY SPECIALS | Plece Bedroom^Kximplete with Rugs, Floor, Free Storage quickly and economically and It Tbhle and Boudoir IiOihp9, Daveiiette Table, Pic­ Is exceedli^^^toit^’|wlced at Spn Rise Succotash, 2 can s ...... 35c s tures, Bcddng, Scarf—Kitchen wtb Refrigerator, No extra charges Hatchet Brand Beets, 2 can s ...... 25c S Table, Chairs, Congolenm Rug, etc. iUl for $4 a Campbell’s Pork and Beans, 3 C ans...... 25c 3 week. oi?d 1 0 9 2 M a i n S t . Hutford We Deliver and Set up FREE of Charge! Cloverienf Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, 2 ca n s...... 55c • § T 7.I' iiiuiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? O /V E A.ME:mCjXG CFtnATTE-ST CHAlf\3G! ClP rU f ^ N I T U R C -S d 'S;5 i(^K. ' Ao;” *r4-^ ; V.;- , '>Ji' ' - -/.y v ^ \r:.. -^;- ^ >^;■^ ^;^■ ' - - ' *>7/ 'Tf ■» r t ., PXGE SIXTEElf y • :r .. •'■.. ■:-'*. .fmNCpBSTER EVEOTG'-HERALD, FproAY/J^Alt'T/i’' ... .- '■ i. I'l’v-'r,■■•'i-‘ * • a ’ • I O ' 'v». X ;sv- ll 1 • . • , V.v , .1V'j-,i ',-■ .• : i .. . : . » ...... ■, , ... -.- . , - . . ^ / ; , - - », 'I . ' . . 1, . ■, . , . .. , • V FLAPPER FANNY SAYS; fN,- By SENSE AND n o n s e n s: T NVWATI DO YOU MEAN PRAY BE 5L Y^,SIR » HE- OUEERED THE IT'S DEPLORABLE, TO SAf : m PpSW^iStESS'v L a n d - I s e a t e d # SIR WHjiiLE DEAL. HES JUST SIR, DEPLORABLE. THE Gladys snys that the reason she. TO PREVENT' HIM FROM^ ! WANT , PSt! THIS INJUSTICE P t P ^ oNEIW. ' WHY# A T MAIN PLANW IN MY . / threw over the last man wHo was TERR0 RI2 IHS MY TEHAI^S! SOMETHING riMPORTANr SHALL b e : '< THE .LAST ELECTION HE PLATFORM WAS,"JUSTICE rushing her -was that he was so M|E ! A AJ ^ E A S P Wl# WBNT YOU HIM To His ' TORCH IN THE ELECTION ELECTION OBLIGATIONS. to cut down his laundry hill. WAflHOyT, : POLLS TO PUT^YOtJ SSI.0N6ED TO ^ AL O N G ./ h o n o r # t h e ? .PARADE V w h il e 1 DROVE ‘ I’ LL PUT THE CHIEF ' 'OEplgE «r OUR PARTY/ M a y o r . ‘“r BUS TO t h e polls OF POLICE ON Solicitor— ^Por the last time, I 10 OFTEN THEY HIS TRAIL ask you for that $1JI.60. w - MOMENT, MISTOOK INSTANTLY. Dead Beat— Thank heavens, 4 V TAXICAB. y . : L ^ that’s over with. P ^ N t f: n f . y opf ..«> # ' u Friends just naturally gravitate to the person who has no n.eed of o u T i i ^ ^ O | - them. UH Judging by -the way some people cm, w * hang on to their money alt their DVRRCOM^ 0 Y life, it must be quite an honor to be HI5 ' r ^ s T non the richest man in the cemetery. PEVII^: tH/a- HE iSOES OW Mr. Peters: At last we’re:out of ■ A.'SW #E.V.^ 01826 ar NEA scmicc. me. debt. Mrs. Peters: Oh, goody! Now I All men who propose to get can get credit again! married propose. ' Ignorance of the law is no excuse t>y Percy Crosb mmJiacii .'^i — unless you can afford to hire a INTELUGENCE TESTS good lawyer. i m T l W r BIBLE TEST The Itinerant Back t l^ U ifA c K It looked right round and shiny. This silver back so gay, ^ We coaxed it to our houiestead, Just hoping it would stay. « T We tried to make it welcoine 0 0 Ajid feel itself at home. But I guess’t was kinda lonesome t i r And wanted for to roam. irsfcfW tfir.

W e’re Just as kind as we can be To the bucks that come pnr why, Yet somehow, we can’t keep them, They sorta drift away. 4 . Some day we hqpe to find one, A buck that wants to stay, And live with us forever. Forever and a day.

Tut-Ankh-Amen’s coffin was made of mahogany three thousands years ago. So, that old boy was aged in Johngon Features, Inc. the wood. FRECKLES AND HIS F R 1 ] ^ S Sounds Like a Side- By Blosser The price to see a leg show has been reduced from a dollar and r. m half to nothing. AV POP'S A ymAT-iSVeOR UJAAT BROKER-VIWATS- Walter: ‘‘Hi, there, sir! -What POP O S C A R DDES i r COST TO are you doing with those teaspoons . VOUR' POP,. ' See how many of these Bible s e 6 M / M ? ? In your pocket?” JAY.? questions you are able to answer. Diner: "Following doctor’s Then turn to another page and orders!” ? 7 check your answers with the cor­ Waiter: “Doctor’s orders? How rect list: do you mean, sir?” 1— ^What incident in Bibical his­ Diner: “He told me to take two tory is illustrated in the accom­ teaspoons after each meal.” ' panying picture? 2— From what book of the Bible Florida protects her own fish, but is this quotation taken: non-resident suckers better look ‘‘One generation passeth away, out. and another generation cometh: n but the earth abideth forever” ? Fable: Once upon a time a man, 3— Is "Jude” a book in thewhen he got a raise in salary, kept New or Old Testament? his expenses at the same old level 4— What final act of God caus­and saved the difference. ed Pharaoh to let the Israelites de­ part from Egypt? "When does the five-fifteen 5— What king saw the hand­leave?” BY HtA SenVICE. II /-7 writing on the wall? “ Quarter past five.” 6— Who was Elijah’s successor? "Thank you. You see, I get all 7— How long did Shallum reignmixed up on the change of time.” $ALE^ANfSM ' Groat Rivalry -i/' By Swan in Samaria? /§HC^ 05;To WneK. ' 8— Who was the father of Jona­ Girls, when you spill powder on HEH-rtErtrrteH- WE LL TOT-THIS 4 WE'^^e ftLL OOTTA No pe.— than? your friend’s tux and he smjles, hu9T 5TicK oewEff;: A w s -l l f6t L .e .. KO W K 5 (2>0ZZLE(^ 3T-niS i-SdSiHesS IN PS D oes HE. VOORK IN P> cooflA uieeKS — HOW RDoOT Pi mice. \ -should weep 10— Who restored Tabitha, orundoubtedly rented the monkey h e r e ? HIHT n o HEH-HEH-HEH . 5 U C K e «. — theie Dorcas, to life? suit. ■Trtes'Re ftuv. weoRtMfr: . 2 0 0 'e r s i n T h ' c \T'-;

owo 5 L K K E « 5 => = PMP ■ ^ O w T iU . S . em(nT(>>^» RC^1^»COAT$ r V ie '::' / :sv^<^wTLy BT HAL COCHRANT s QfiiK CtW^/«ig,T

wASHm earoN TUBBS n Mickey (Himself) MeGiiire May Be in Love! By Fountaine Fox By Crane TkM fc. A -CSRTAIH i-AD/ I5 LOOK/NB


KH o c K i H g o q x ^n p M e . O R r w <

c F


I I a e w n — *

(Read the Story, Then Color the Picture) i ' The Tlnies took their skates In let's play tag," ta.d Seouty, as he d^{ hand and shouted, "Gee, but this Is slapped someone ard shouted, "You grand. We surely do appredate your loaning them to us.” The old are It!" The chase was on and off man smiled, and then replied, they went, a-plajdng tag, and "Just wait until those skates are pleasure bent. Across the Idei like tried.” And then the Tlnies left him wafts of wind the little band would for the pond, ’mid quite a fuss. flit. They climbed up several hills of When of their tag gam^e they snow. They’d reach the top, then grew tired, another hunch was soon down they’d go. Whenever they inspired, as Carpy skated back­ could find a chance, they’d slide In­ wards, doing tricks and other H\S QLP " - stead of run. Then Scouty shouted, things. "Oh, say," they alk heard C t R t , 'iS ' “There’s the pond. See that big someone call, "Let’s see who. is. the tree? It’s just beyond. Come on. best of all at skating In'a ifigure

v’^vl PAGE SI

>7. ■ t r noted,” said Cameron in reply to Bloom’s letter, which was direct­ FORD SARCASTIC IN ed personally to the auto magnate. “Allen Domination” I ’“We thoroughly agree with you STAGE and SCREEN ANSWER TO BtOOM that, our government’s finances should be entirely free from any vestige of alien domination, re­ What’s What and When and How at the gardless of individualities of race, country, creed, group or any other Local Playhouses. J Ignores Congressmen's Ite^ affiliation.” ,■ Bloom’s retort was another let­ South Manchester V ’ ter to Ford in which he declared 29 Oak Street,, quest For Light But he would not “ let your charge drop AND HATTON ?£# until It Is substantiated or dis­ PRESENTED WITH RING “Agrees” on One Point proved.” , ARE BACK km About twenty members of Mem­ orial Lodge No. 38 Knights ■ pt YOU CAN Pythias* gave a surprise party to Washington, Jan. 7.— Ighotlhi; a TWINS, 82, WORK xeauest that h e ’explain to’ A, „ con­ Will Be at Circle Tomorrow In Joseph Rollason at his home on Washington street last night. Dur­ gressional committee nis charges New Year’s Greatest Com­ that ’'‘international Jews’ contitoV Boston.— Mrs. Sara Libby and ing the evening Gus Magnuson pre­ her sister. Miss Hattie McKeen, 82 edy, “We’re In the N ^y sented Mr. Rollason witfc h gold the federal reserve system, Henry' SEE FOR Now.” Double Feature Tot Ford -has replied to Rep. Blboni, and possibly the oldest-.twins In emblematic ring in recognition of New England, still manage to gad night. his work on the rank team during Democrat, of New York,, through W. J. Cameron of the Dearborn In­ about and do all their own work. the past fourteen years. The twins-recently motored from Solos were rendered by Gustave At the Circle tomorrow there dependent. . j LlncolU, Mass., to Bostrfn, 250 will be a special return engage­ Ulrich and George Grazladio, muBlo “ Your letter of December 23rd YOUESELF ment of the greatest laugh, fest of and good fellowship rounding out lias been received and Us contents miles. the year, “ We’re in the Navy Now ’ a' most enjoyable even in g.^ . featuring the screen’s greatest comedy team, Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton. All those who FOLKS ^ were unlucky enough to miss this picture when it was shown in Manchester before, will have an­ other chance to see it. Don’t miss it this time! THAT OUR Two little boys in blue. That s how Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton appear in their first Para­ mount co-starring comedy, “ We’re in the Navy Now.’’ You see, the erstwhile doughboy pair of “ Be­ Ovefeoat Business hind the Front” are in the Navy now! . j X And their naval career is just has been ven5 l^^y? Our offerings are above the average m one long laugh. Neither of them had any intention of enlisting un­ and the prices j M higi>‘ "en<»«sl‘ to insure good quaUty. ^ til they wandered into a training camp. Then, on trying to get out, a burly guard stopped them with a dirty laugh and a command to “ fall in.” Before they had time to turn round, the boys found Broken Lines | themselves aboard an army trans­ port—bound for France! M W ill be d isp o sed of at big savings* Mostly aH suits with two s The trials and tribulations of Offers Exceptional Bargains. We Must Raise Cash!! Come Early. Buy Plenty. Every­ this comic team on their trip;— with Incidental comedy being sup­ = ' ■ trousers. plied by the featured players,— thing Must Go. Nothing Reserved! Pric es Shattered. 7^ Chester Conklin and Tom Kennedy and a love theme enacted by Don- and Keith and Lorraine Boson;— combine to make “ We’re in the Men’s and Young Navy Now” one of the season’s funniest farces. Needless to say, Boys’ Blouses Boys’ Blonses Director Edward Sutherland’s di­ Boys’ Blouses “Victor Brand” “Victor Brand” rection is at all times intelligent “Bell Brand” “Bell Brand”. and ingenious. Men’s Suits Flannel Broadcloth , n As a companion feature. Ranger the wonder dog will be featured in 69c “Flaming Fury.” . » 39c Each A new screen star to be reckon­ $30 and $31.50 Reduced to ...... $21.65 75c. Regular $1.50 . ed with is Ranger, F. B. O.’s ca­ Regular $1.50 nine marvel. Ranger was a smash­ Size 12 1 / 2 to 14. ing success in his first vehicle, 3 for $1 $33 and $33.50 Reduced tb . ^.. — . — $23.75 Regular $1.50 “ Flashing Fangs,” and in that ini­ Limit 3 to a Customer. tial appearance won a tremendous following who are anxious to see Regular $1.00 Each. him in his future pictures. Ewart $35 Reduced t o ...... '...... $24.65 Adamson who wrote the story and Boys’ Overcoats continuity of his first success, al­ so contributed this original story $38 Reduced to ...... ? • • • ...... $27.75 which he adapted for the screen. Boys’ Pants Besides the flashing action in the $3.95 and up picture, there is a romance be­ Wool Mixtures and tween Ranger and Starlight which Corduroys, All Sizes is naturally and humanly portray­ ed. Regular $1.25 The cast includes Charles De­ Boys’ Suits laney, Betty May, Boris Karloff $1.00 Boys’ Wash Suits and Eddy Chandler. are included in this sale, sizes 11 to 18. Regular $2.00 Tonight will be the last ^ime you will have a chance to see $15 S u its ...... ?9.50 America’s Sweetheart, Alberta fs’lum her 45c Each Vau.ghn, in her first feature length $16 S u its...... $10.00 picture, “ The Adorable Deceiver.” Regular $1,25 * Children’s Everyone will just adore her in Boys’ All Wool thin picture. The other feature is $17 and $17.50 S u its...... $11.00 Jackets? ______> . Lionel Barrymore in a fine picture “ The Bells.” It is a feature filled $18 S u its ...... ' $11.75 Sweaters with excellent drama and spark­ $1.95 and up ling moments of humor. Both pic­ $21.50 Suits ...... $13.95 CLOSE OUT tures make an exceptionally fine double bill. $24.50 Suits . — . — ...... $16.75 Men’s Moleskins $ l .i and Heavy Corduroy Pants Owing to the exceptionally low prices a slight charge will be Regular $2.00 Regular $3.50 Men’s Dress “SHINING ADVENTURE” ' made for alterations. $125 Pants \ AGAIN AT RULTO Men’s W od Men’s Dress Last Time Tonight to See It $2.50 and Daniel Boone Film; Boys’ Sheep Lined Coats Good Bill Tomorrow. Regular $3.95 Men’s Work . Percy Marmont heads au excel­ lent cast in “ The Shining Adven­ $ 1 0 V a l u e $7.50 Men’s All Wool ture” which closes a two days’ en­ Socks gagement at the Rialto theatre to­ Regular $2,25 Imported Broadcloth' night. Marmont is cast as a phil­ anthropic physician who Is the West Union Suits 5c and 10c Pair Regular $2,50 means of reuniting estranged sis­ ters and bringing happiness into lim it 2 to a Customer. many lives. Playing opposite Mar­ Big Reductions in mont is Mabel Balling, the beauti- $1.25; inl young screen actress who has Size 36-46. appeared in no small number of .vL-ent siK'.jc.:;;e •• Tlit co-feature / , , Regular $1.95 :• Men’s Silk ties ’ : a . ■.'apli i; s'.'j-.y of life ;u the j ... >, hundreds o f! 534853234853534853485348532348534823484853232348482353232348532348535323Regular $2.50. Men’s Fancy ■ ..o'l v.'.ie.i tlie .‘;avage red skin '■ Men’s Overcoats Men’s Imported 50c . the eii''i'o.rehiiig white. It ' called "Witli Daniel Boon Regular $1.00 Hose Through the Wildcruess” and is o replete with thrills and adventure nIMi experienced by the hardy pioneers Men’s An Wo ol \ of the last century who led by 39c,3for$1.00 Daniel Boone wrested the f^bid- ding wilds from hosts of murder- - $1.39-!; Men’s Caps Silk and Wool dus red men. Roy Stewart /heads MEN! Mufflers Regular $1.95 !; the cast. Selected shorter subjects will also be shown. - » v‘ . The double feature program t 25c which will be offered for tomor­ -75c Regular^l.OO row only consists of “ The Million­ Regular $1.50' aire Policeman” and “ Pep of the ’ t Lilies’ Silk Bose Boys’ Scout Lazy J” , two pictures which axe crammed with action. The first is . 9 ^ 'the story of a young millionaire who finds himself branded as a 39c Each ’ Pants coward in his home town. He Girls’ Dresses Boys’ Ske(*sldns joins the police force In a distant city to learn how to be courageous = You’ll he the loser if you do not get yours today. and the story is made up from his $195 $1.50 experiences from that time on. i ‘ 75c : : Regular 75c Regular $3.95 Herbert Rawlinson has the role Regular $1^25 3 Pairs to a Customer. Regular $7.95 Df the millionaire cop. Others in the cast are Eugenie Besserer and $2.98 $3.98 Lilian Langdon. “Pep of the Lazy J” Is a virile V. western drama replete with action —the kind that the average fan ■i eagerly demands. Sate Starts Saturday, Jan. 8 at OO^clock Among the shorter subjects 'o be shown are a comedy, another jhapter of the engrossing serial, GEENNEY’S Remember the Place. Look for the Sign. Next Door to Ostrinsky’s Furniture Store. “The Mystery Pilot” and current lews events. Tinker Building Exchanges Made. All Sales FinaL Enropean firms have boosted the price of rags. Such a demand over there from chewers, perhaps.

t S '- k v i '■ ■■ ^ V V '?< ■I''-' i-w} V.VJ MANCEffiSTER EVEmjNG FRIDAY, JAN. 7,1927. Mlj <>lipiHW>ilM iihl^Wlhp ' YAXSE E G H T E B N xnV ^ V ^ N nxxxxx.x^ SSS^SSST' TM Best Stares }M ^ 0ise The Best Places to Shop :-r.i.: ' .. yrS: r-'-

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiii*iiiii*ii*******'s iGAMBUNGRAIDCASH made through -a window in the removed to'the hospitrf in serious = S '- b,“ tr N fw VANDALS DO D A M A i. ^reaCijof the plant. condition. ■> who said they had lost to the — Officials of the company said the HICCOUGHS NEAR TO gamblers was withdrawn in favor IN MASS. OPEN » factory was opened here to get NEW HAVEN CUSTOMS . ______RETURNED BY COURT of Mr. McDonough. away from Union aggressions in STAMFORD EPIDEMIC INTAKE UNPRECEDENTED I PNON Worcester. JBUSSIAN STORM DEATH ,t :• New Haven, Jan. 7.— ^All records Had Been Held by New Britain LIST CLIMBS TO 200 Slash Cloth Ready For' Ma­ 16 YEAR OLD GIRL DIES were broken by the United States Many Cases Under Treatment customs house in New Haven in the PoKcie Uhief on Claim of Moscow, Jan. 7.— The death list chines in Plant of Clinton OF SLEEPING SICKNESS By Doctors, One Patient In fiscal half-year from July to De­ caused by the hurricane which Pants Co. • GOOD TMINOS TO EAT Losers. \ ■. cember 31, 1926, When the total swept the Caucasus Wednesday to­ Serions State. • day was estimated to be 200. An amount of imports reached the sum of $443,702, according to the col­ Hertford/ Jan. k.— By agreement unidentified Turkish passenger New Britain, Jan. 7— Florence Stamford, Jan. 7— Striving to READ AND YOU WILL BUY THESE Clinton, Mass., Jan. T—Vdndals allay the fears of Stamford people. lectors report issued today’. Local approved in common pleas court steamer sank off the Crimea, Walsh, 16-year-old High school ju­ here'today, ?9.67 held by William drowning 25. Another Turkish ves­ during the niglit did between $1,- Dr.^Raymond D. Fear, city health merchants and manufacturers plan nior, died in Hartford Isolation to use the New Haven customs 6 GOOD SPECIALS C. Hart, New Britain chief of police sel further to the south, all hands 500 and $2,000 worth of damage ^o officer, today issued a statement going down. Four fishing smacks the plant and property of the Clin­ hospital today of sleeping sickness denying that an epidemic of hic­ house to a greater extent than be­ since a gambling raid there several fore. SPECIAL NO. 1— . I months ago, was turned over to were blown out to sea from Baku ton Pants Company. With knives or after being under treatment for the coughs prevails in the city, BURT OLNEY’S YELLOW CORN or 5 Thomas S. McDonough, of New and lost with all of their crews. razors, $1,000 worth of cloth cut disease since December 27. Miss though scores of cases are under The ports of the Black Sea today for stitching was ruined.^’ Sewing Walsh is survived by her parents treatment by physicians. The most FOR BETTER WEAR BURT OLNEY’S CUT GREEN BEANS 5 Britain, counsel fer two men ar­ When you clean house, shift the rested in the raid. These men are were full of crippled ships being re­ machines in the factory".were put and a sister who is a normal school serious case is that of Douglas 19c CAN, 3 CANS 50c = out of commission. Entrance was student here. Brown, of Summer street, who was stair carpet often enough to distri­ Leo Seluskowski and John Swler- fitted. bute the wear i SHOULDERS OF L A 3IB ...... 23c-27c,lb. We will bone and roll them for you, any size from«S 1-2 to 7 lbs. The lamb this week is especially lean.

IS SPECIAL NO. 2— S PURE LARD 15c Ib. i : Cl ’ «; MANAGER'S PINEHURST HAMBURG 25c lb. With or without pork as you specify, Try it for ; *< meat,cakes with baconor for a meat loaf. 1 ^ SPECIAL NO. 3— SELECTED STRICTLY FRESH EGGS...... 69c dozen SELECTED MEDIUM STRICTLY FRESH EGGS 57c dozen

Cc fot Pinehurst Pot Roasts are always tender and if you buy a cut fTOm the chuck (shoulder) you are sure to get I M ? * ‘ '«v. a pot roast that i.s juicy as well as tender. Boneless Chuck Pot Roasts-— SALE ...... Top cut 25c-30c lb. Bottom Cut 33c*40c lb. -■m Cross Rib from -C huck...... 23c-85c lb. I > • SPECIAL NO. You really cannot afford to miss this sale. The manager of your Kl NATIViE POTATOES 49c Peck S A & P store has helped to select these items so that you will ;gV» K Since we started to advertise that we would be glad benefit in the savings. Be sure to take advantage of this great § IB to bone and roll or fix fresh shoulders of pork to stuff : R our sales, on this item have kept climbing. Tomorrow sale . . . quality foods at lowest prices we will have some more lean fresh shoulders that will Aveigh from 4 to 6 lbs. Tell uS how you want the ' HS shoulder fixed. K1 T,* S SPECIAL NO. 5— = 1 EDWARD’S BULK SAUER KRAUT^.. 8c lb., 4 lbs. 25e | A ’’thank you.” with NEW LOW PRICES SI 2 Pinehurst Sausage Meat made from Fresh Brlghtwood Pork E R s and seasoned with pure spices and Iodized salt. It’s not too E s p ir it behind it! = fat or too spicy. Try a pound, 38c. 5 Ever notice how real . . . E SPECIAL NO. 6— | Mi 1 CARROTS OR ONIONS...... 7 lbs. 25c | how genuine . . . the Finist Coffeek * 3 S In the Meat Department you will also find: S A & P store manager’s 2 Legs of Lamb Daisy Hams E The tremendous increase in the use of these marvelously fresh coffees s Very lean Pork for Chops or Roasting. E '“ thank you” sounds? He Lean Ends of Pork or Frankforts to cook with Kraut. s E E , enables us to pass on further savings to our customers iU E Fresh Oysters , 5 says i't with eu'thusiasm «ktlr* s Tender Rib Roasts of Beef, everyone likes a Juicy roast of prime S K M — Beef. We wTll bone and roll or cut them E . . . and spirit *. . . and 3- E short as you designate. ~ eight K true sincerity^ WlhA 5 A Limited Number of Roasting Capons from Coventry and E ff'-* S and Tender Fowl for Fricassee, E .2SL ”==45 o-ctocK“5 5 II Hr. S m »W E In our Vegetable Section yon can select Spinach, Cauliflower, S And he means it I He’ s E Mushrooms, Peppers, Cabbage, Carrots, Parsnips, Celery, Pow- S in S ell's or Iceberg Lettuce. •• part-owner of the com­ 3 f B x I UNTIL NINE TONIGHT I pany . . . he shares, in E We will be here to take telei)hono orders. Last week our eus- its profits . . . he knows l’v- E tomers res]M)nded very generously to our request for Friday that positions “higher- Creamery Butter E night orders. We would have been on easy street with the ^ “ i -■ E delivery problem Saturday were it not for the fact that both E George and Fred took sick. \ We did almost as much business up” /.await, him just Every pound of A& P butter is churned from pure, E last Saturday as on the day before Christmas so you can Imag- around the corner. And E ino we were kind of “ up against It" with two deliverymen out. sweet cream. A&P butter is butter of the highest LB E Tomorrow we expect the whole force on duty, so you'will so he’s keenly, vitally s get the same prompt ser\ ice you have had all week. interested in your satis­ quality . . . it is well worthy of a place on your table. E It will help us make our service “better and better” if you E phone your early order tonight. faction . . . and he’s Large, plump Santa Clardprunes! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi going to see to it that LBS you leave the store pleased! Prunes ^ Double tipped matches, full count packages! Holly wood Market ^ The A & P manager is a PKGS trained grocery man . . . 381 EAST CENTER ST. CORNER PARKER ST. Matches Tel. 330. he has an unblemished The nationally knpwn condensed niilk! business record . . . he BETTER MEATS AT LOWER PRICES CAN is trained to give you M eats Delicatessen faithful trustworthy ser­ EagleMUh Lean Fresh Shoulder 21c lb Home Made Native Fresh Pork . 30c lb. Potato Salad...... 30c Ib^ vice . . . a service as de­ Ensure to serve cocoa often during the cold weather! Cold S la w ...... 30c lb. Rib Roasts Beef . . . 32c lb. pendable as is the quality Sauer Kraut 3 lbs. for 25c UN Leg Spring Lamb 35c lb. Codfish Cakes, 6 for... 25c of the foods he sells! Baker*s Cocoa Shoulder C lod ...... 22c lb. Baked Beans Roasting Chickens 48c lb. Fresh Oysters It is that fine spirit of 'Choice cod steaks, minus the bories! Shoulder Roasts Beef 24c lb Raised Doughnuts Three Ring Malt Syrup 89c ILB Loin Pork Chops .. .35c lb. our managers that has Let us equip your kitchen PKQ Top Round Steak ,. 35c lb. with a complete outfit of alu> given us our reputation Gorton’s Codfish Hamburg...... 25c lb; “ “ Ask •c L T» j! T • , ' „ ^ Perfection coupons, for efficient, f courteous The popular slow cooked beans , , , at a saving! rresh Beef Liver .. .18c lb. Large assortment of Oieese, and whole-hearted ser- Rib Corned Beef 10c, 15c lb. “ a^ed Ham, Cold .Meats, Whip. CANS ’ ping Cream and Pastry. vice! Full Line of Fresh Vegetables and Fancy Fruits Campbell’s Beans This week’s specif offer­ XXXXXXXX9tXX9GKXXXXXXXXX363CX9CX9gXX3^^ ing of fine foods is a A & P Beans . . 4 cans 29c Welcome Soap . . cake 5c tribute to our managers that such labor will not be permit­ Duz . • large pkg 19c Duz • • • 3 small pkgs: 25c RAPS NEW BRITAIN ted. . . . and mpre, it is an “ Foreigners should be made to CHILD EMPLOYMENT know the high standards of living opportunity for yhu to Lux . large pkg 22c Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes 25c that obtain in America,” he said. purchase high quality foods at the lowest possi­ Noo 2% c€m 29c Minister Scores City For Num­ 3IEXICAN OUTBREAKS Del Monte Sliced Pineapple ARE WIDELY SEPARATED ble prices! \ ber of 14-Year-Old Juveniles- ■■ 1 ■ V In Factories. Mexico City, Jan. 7.— ^Despite the IT PATS TO TRADE Del Monte Crushed Pineapple No. 2% can 25c activities of the federal troops there AT AN A & P STORE New Britain, Jan. 7— Child labor are reports of continued assaults by. condition in New Britain “ should rebel factions in various parts of bring a blush of shame to the civic Mexico. A rebel band has attacked iThe A & P News, published weekly, contains many recipes an^ helpful household hints. Adc the store manager fo^your copyj cheek,” according to Rev. . H. Al- San Miguel el Alto In Jalisco, and derson, pastor of Trinity M. E, 14 rebels and one federal are re­ church here, who is today exercised ported killed in a clash at Chihua­ by the federal reports which show hua between federal troops and ¥ New Britain leads all other cities In rebel forces headed by Nicholas imiiE the proportionate number of 14- Fernandez, a former VilUsta. All f year-old boys and girls at work in attacks thiic far have been sporadic Its factories. Mr| Alderson would and in widely separated places and have the legislators from New Brit­ do not indicate any general move­ ain work to change the laws so ment to. rebellion. mm


4: The Best Places to Shop MARKET The Best Stores Adveriise

80VIBT OHi TRUST SENDS BOTHERS BIRDS pose of getting together on a few DELEGATES TO TULSA, OKLA. lusty cheers for the home team. London.— If you don’t know There are 150 girls In the club, what to blame it on, try the "dis­ Keeping Tabs Pittsburgh, Kas.— Co-eds of the turbance of ether by wireless^’ on Pittsburgh State Teacher's College which Is appropriately named Moscow.— Representatives of the which a great number of things Is have banded together for the pur­ "Kampus Kats.’’ HALES SELF-SERVE Soviet Oil Trust will attend the blamed here. One recent complaint On Fistiana meeting of the American Oil Insti­ Is that the birds are singularly af­ Latest Wire Results tute In Tulsa, Oklahoma, It is an­ fected by the disturbance In the re­ nounced here. The American Oil gion of wireless stations, and that Institute’s invitation to Its meeting, doves especially find it hard to find Last Night's Fights has Just been received by the “ Az- their way home. At Philadelphia— Babe Ruth of G R a C E R Y neft." Philadelphia won on foul from The conference between Soviet Two of Europe’s liquor kings are George Balduc of Canada In eighth ■T TO WAIT OM VDURaftftFn and American oilmen is considered SMITH’S GROCERY In this country. Studying Amerl- round. significant In view of the Interest can methods of merchandising? which has been displayed by Telephone 1200 American oil concerns In the Soviet 2 NORTH SCHOOL STREET MANCHESTER petroleum fields. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim The recent heavy purchases of Soviet oil by the Vacuum Oil Over 250,000 Customers Company is taken as an of possible further development of I Specials For Saturday | business connections between the The Difference Purchased Their Groceries in the “Self-Serve” Last Year. ■ oil Interests of both countries.* between low prices and real values is not always appar­ ent at first sight. An article may be low priced and I Famous fallacies: "When you I At The Bakery | JUST THINK! I carry an umbrella, you know, it stiU not be a good value. But an article of good value never rains." I SPECIAL CRULLERS AND DOUGHNUTS, 20c DOZ. | is always reasonbly priced. • At a very conservative estimate we saved each customer at least 10c—which means we saved our customers over $25,000. Are you getting your share of the sav­ I SPECIAL JELLY DOUGHNUTS, ...... * 25c DOZ | ings? If not, there is still one resolution you ought to make for the year 1927. S Baked Beans and Brown Bread— Coffee Cakes— 5 Some Real Valu^i Pinehurst = Raisin Bread— Complete line of whipped cream goods, r Gee! They’re Good! 5 Charlotte Russe.-^ 5 Try Them for Your Breakfast Tomorrow. CaU 2000 For Saturday I At Our. Restaurant | LEGS L A M B ...... ' ...... 35c lb. PAN CAKES AND VERMONT SYRUP ROAST PORK ...... 29c lb. E Try our Business Mien’s Luncheon Served 11.30 a. m. g RIB ROAST B E E F ...... 28c, 35c lb. rfew n.® thU »«« !.> *• *• « ••» Aunt Jemima, Meeker's o r POT RO ASTS...... J • • • 25c,^ 30c lb. wanted to tell yon about. I to 2 p.'m. daily, 50c. 5 ROAST VEAL ' 30c, 35 c»). 1 4 ^ S One complete course of our Blue Plate Dinner shown g We have some nice fresh French FRESH SHOULDERS T ...... 23c lb. Pillsbury Pancake Flour CORNED BEEP ...... 12c lb. for «to«. »•» » ' “S ? S in our window. = VERMONT SYRUP PACKED IN VERMONT *BY VERMONTERS. white Mushrooms, 57c and .68 i = ------ROASTING CHICKENS ...... 45c lb- SSh Cucumbers, 16c each, and LAMB S T E W ...... 15clb. MAYFLOWER PURE SAP the Alice Foote SlacDougall Coffee, b.« >«» «"L-'.S’' “ I SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS | I/ 2 pt. 19c. . pt. 29c pt. 59c qt. 89c couple of days, came in by express E Blue Plate 60c. ' Chicken Dinner $1.00. E Grocery Specials qt. 58c gal. $1.69 Vt gal. $1.59 gal. $2.99 this morning. • • - ■■ ------■ ------V ’ _ _ , ___ * PURE LARD ' Onr pastry line tomorrow 5 Rooms To Rent By the' Day or Week. E \ be very^^iSlete and will include 2 lb s ...... 29 c Meadow Gold Strictly Fresh F^rkertouse rolls, sugar b ^ s, rje, Native Potatoes 53c Peck Pure Lard r S X and entire wheat bread, Washing . .Powder, 3 pkgs...... 10c Butter Eggs, dozen 64c Phone-a-ple cup 5 Bars P & G Naptha S oa p ...... 19c lb. pkg .. 14 l-2c Large white eggs. lers and doughnuts. It wiU pay I WARANOKE HOTE - BAKERY I 2 lb. roll .. $1.00 Elite Coffee ...... j. 49c lb. yoS T r e a d our adv. on the mar- Monarch Beans ...... 10c can ket page. I AND RESTAURANT | Large Size Prince Brand Bartlett Pears ...... 37c can VERY LEAN SHOULDER HAMS, lb...... 19c = J. J. Williams, Prop. S OUR USUAL LINE OF GOOD FRUITS Fresh from the smoke house. 5 to 7 lbs. average. Pinehurst S Main Street So. Manchester 5 AND VEGETA.BLES. niiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiT Extra Special For Saturday! Call 2000 •HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiiYiiiniiiimniiiiiiiiniiHinmiiiHjiiiiinfinn Campbell’s Beaks or Tomato Soup, Naturemade California Peaches, can 12!4c 4 c a n s ...... 29c Brightwood Sausage, lb. pkg...... ----- 39c Service — Quality — Low Prices Finest American Granulated Sugar, Swift’s Premium Sliced Bacon, ft 10 lbs. •••«••••••••••••••••••••• 67c 1/2 lb. pkg. 25c, lb. pkg. 49c A . H. Phillips I I -- In sanitary eli^ii bag. Grote & Weigel’s Link Sausage, lb. .. .29c = “ The store that holds faith with the people.” = Sunbeam Seedless Raisins, package IIV2 C Educator Cream Filled Cookies, lb. .. .29c So. Manchester Store Sale" On Lanib = Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006. 5 Sunbeam Tomato Catsup, 14 oz. bottle 21c Chocolates, lb. b o x ...... 39c Hotel Sheridan Bldg. = F. KELLEY, Prop. = California Prui^s, 2 Ibs...... 25c Fancy assorted— hand dipped. .. A Sensational drop in the Market brings you this Medium size; f Sunshine Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs...... 25c start the New Year Right! buying opportunity. Trade at Phillips’ Stores. SMALL LEGS SPRING LAM B ...... 33c lb, SMALL FOREQUARTERS SPRING LAMB ... .23c Ib. Our Customers Can See Savings are just a matter of BONELESS ROAST OF LAM B ...... 30c lb. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables percentage— figure them jtist LAMB TO STEW ...... 15c lb. like they do at the bank. Every LOIN LAMB CHOPS...... 50c Ib. woman knows the result of SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS...... 3?c lb. What They Buy FANCY SMALL WHITE MUSHROOMS, lb...... 43c THRIFT. Every customer at > PHILLIPS’ STORE is cashing This is especially true of our large lirie of meats and FRESH KILLED FOWLS...... 45c lb. Fancy Beurre Itosc Pears, dozen .... 70c Large Fancy Grape Fruit, each . . . .^ . 10c in; * CHICKENS TO ROAST about 4 ibs. e a c h ...... 45c Ib. home made food products. They are all displayed in Golden Ripe Banmias, ih. \...... 9c Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt...... 10c SPECIAL SALE BONELESS VEAL ROAST ...... 35cIb. Fresh Cleaned Spinach, p e c k ...... 29c sanitary cases in an attractive manner so that you can Florida Orange^ d o ze n ...... 25e Pineapple G rants, d ozen ...... 39c Iceberg Lettuce, large h ea d ...... 9c easily indicate what you want. Our method of display­ Sweet and juigy. Jumbo Celery,-bunch...... 14c P&GSoap Large Sunkist Cj^fornia Navel Large Sweet Green Peppers, lb...... 19c Extra Special ing food also affords you an opportunity to see our en­ French Endive, l b ...... 39c- Oranges, dozek ...... 59c SHOULDER CLOD BEEF (whole) 5 to 8 lbs. each, tire line quickly and makes shopping here a pleasure. Thin; skin. .> Italian Endive, Ib...... 12c 5 for 19 c makes a nice ro a s t...... 28c lb. Large Sealdsweet Florida Oranges, Fresh Beets, B u n ch ...... 12c PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF ...... 30c, 35c lb. HOME MADE SPECIALS d ozen ...... Fresh 62c Curley Kale, peck ...... 23c VALLEY FARM BONELESS ROLLED ROAST BEEF ...... 35c lb. DAILY SMALL LEAN FRESH SHOULDERS...... 25c lb. Chicken Salad Home Made Pies \ Rolled Oats NATIVE KILLED PORK TO ROAST ...... 32c, 35c lb. Baked Beans FRESH SPARE RIBS ...... 25c Ib. Egg Salad Vegetable Salad Macaroni and Cheese NATIVE PIGS’ L IV E R ...... 18c lb. Italian Style Spaghetti Potato Salad 3 pkgs. for 25c GROCERY SPECIALS Home Made Crullers Shrimp Salad Best Pure Lard ...... 14|/^c lb. Home Made Cup Cakes Sugar, 14 lbs...... $1.00 Country Club Salad Home Made Biscuits and Cut Cranberry Our Boy Tender Sweet Peas, regular 25c. special, one Cold Slaw Rolls. free with 3. Order 3 cans for 75c and you’ll receive WED. and FRIDAY one can free. TUESDAY and THURS. Beans, 2 Cans 29c Raised Doughnuts. Codfish Cakes. Absolutely free from Strings Fruit Special .FRIDAY ONLY Vegetable Clam Chowder. It Will Be Worth Your While Peas, 20c can Fancy Indian River Grape F ru it...... 3 for 25c HUSSA BRAND Fancy Sealdsweet O ranges...... 39c dozen SATURDAY To Visit The Finest Baldwin Apples, 3 q t s ...... 25c Roast Chicken I' Chop Suey Com 3 cans 29c Delicatessen Department Chicken Pies I Boston Brown Bread Health Market Tomorrow S Large assortment of imported and domestic canned = You’ll find a variety of Home Made Pies, Baked Low P r ills on Quality Meats Sor Saturday s fish. . .. ~ Palm Olive Soap Chickens, Baked Beans and Brown Bread, Chicken Pies, ON SALE FOR ONE WEEK at Small Lamb Pies, Chicken Salad, Potato Saiad,/Vege- E Large assortment of imported and domestic jams | BEEF ^table Salad and Shrimp Salad, Home Made Crullers. I and jelfies. “ PORK S Large assortment of imported and domestic cheese. Lean Tender Fresh Shoulder, lb...... 24c Boston Roast of Beef, lb...... 30C 3 for 22c — f ' Cross Rib Roast, lb...... *28c Lean Small Fresh Ham, lb...... 33c Soap Special Sat. Only i Imported and domestic Health Bread. Prime Rib Roast, lb...... • • • • • 40c Snider s Catsup i Yellow Peas, Brown Beans, Sagyrn Knorr’s Soups Tender Pork Roast, lb...... 28c Tender Rump Corned Beef, 1b. .'...... 22c E and BoulBons. Fresh Spare Ribs, jib. '...... 24c Fresh Ground Hamburg Steak, lb. .. 18c Puts the Snap to Every Meal Fresh Pigs’ Feet, ft...... 10c KIRKMAN PRODUCTS = Cross & Blackwell’s Branston Pickle, Gehrkin’s E Mixed Pickle with walnuts and Chow-Chow. Sugar Cured Bacoh, lb...... 44c VEAL Bottle 19c Sliced. ^ Save tlm coupons for premiums. E Pure Maple Syrup and Pure Honey. Fresh Link Sausages, lb...... 30c ^ Laundry Soap, 1 Toilet Soap, 1 Soap Powder, Q Q ^ Boneless Veal Roast, lb...... 85c Hale’s Sausage Mcmt, lb...... 25c 1 Cleanser, 1 Soap Chips, 1 Sauce Pan, value C = ■ Sardellen Butter— Anchovy Paste. Rump Veal Roast, l b ...... 25c Old Fashioned Sausages, lb. pkg. .... 35c Prunes SPECIAL FOR ...... e n S Pickled Pigs Feet—^Pickled Tripe. Sunsweet, lb. Pkgs. SHOPPING BAG FREE. OU C Phone your order this evening if possible. S Smoked Whitefish— Salmon and Halibut. POULTRY * f 2pl$s.25c i Scotch, Holland and Swedish Salt Herring. LAMB Milk Fed Fowls, large, Ib...... 39e Large 40-50 Size 5 Hea'vy Cream, Strictly Fresh Eggs, .Brown’s Butter, Smidl Fowls, lb...... ;... 36o Manchester Public Market Bonless Lamb Roast, lb...... 34c Milk Fed Roasting Chicken, large, lb. 43c ‘Where There’s Life— E Fresh Oysters Tender Legs o f Lamb, 1b...... 35c Small Roasting Chicken, lb...... 38e There’s a Phillips A, Podrove, Propr Phone 40 S Otto Stahl’s and Arlington Delicious Pork Sausage.^ ^ Lean Lamb Stew, f t ...... 15c Jack Rabbit, l b ...... 20c Store” SiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiimitiuimitfit FRIDAY, JAN. Y, 192T. PAGE TWENTY IKimr4«gtnr Sitntittg ll^ralS li iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiH OLI> FASmONBD DANCE AT crrr v i e w d a n c e h add Keeney Street Saturday Evening, January 8 M i^c fnmlsbed by Old Time iS q M ^ ^ O K ? I Fiddlers. Admission 50c. ^'7K ^55"38^ z^ ( S m f ^ I Tel. 285-2 Tel. 285-2

Dance at Turn Hall Tune in Tuesdays and Thursday from 12 to 1 to hear the B. T. Quintette Broadcast from our Dining Room on Saturday Evening top floor. Given by Polish Grocery Shearer’s Orchestra. WESLBYANi UNIVERSITY Real Sale of the Winter Our Great G LEE CLUB Tomorrow

CONCERT EXTRA SPECIAL! We want you to apreciate this January Benefit Senior Class W'ashlngton Sale as the one real big sale of the winter $45.00 Yearly Cost Sale Trip Fund 2,000 Yards H. S. Auditorium season. W’e take inventory February 1st, 29c and it is our desire to clean out every item of Winter Coats Saturday Ey’g, Jan. 8 mechandise possible. Also THE JIBERS and Punjab Percales the Wesleyan String Quartet. The sale lasts only tin days.. The mer­ $25.00 Offers Exceptional Values WESLEYAN SERENADEBS Win Play for Dancing. 19c yard chandise in every lot is limited. Admission 75c. Dancing 50c Extra. Punjab percales are recognized as the fore­ After completing the biggest December’s One seldom finds such good looking coats most percales both in quality and style. We for only $25.00. In the lot you will find pile have been secure a case of remnants— business in our history, we are out to make fabrics, suede materials and sport mixtures and 2 to 10 yards in length—‘in the newest patterns this the biggest January. We want your checks with fur collars and cuffs of wolf, fox. that have been put out by the ..Punjab mills. mendoza beaver and mandel. ABOUTTOWN Must be sold in lengths as listed. 36 inches wide. For Saturday help and we are ready to pay you for it. i.

The billboard at Main and Park I COST PRICE IS YOUR PRI.VILEGE NOW. = streets in the south end is but a temporary arrangement, the owners EXTRA SPECIAL! $1.85 ' . S Such opportunities for real values as this “ once a = of the property announced today. , $ioo Applications for a permanent bill­ $2.75 5 year” sale offers are worthy of everybody’s attention S board on the site 1 as been repeat­ Silk Hosiery E and judging from the throngs that have responded, = edly refused in the past. Pouehe Bags § since sale started, plainly proves that honest worth and S Luncheon Sets Mrs. Gustave Ulrich of Doane $1.00 pair S dependable merchandise has its drawing power. = street is slowly recovering after a severe attack of the grip t.nd tonsil- $1.98 $1.69 itis. (Irregulars) You will be surprised as our buyer was to Mostly calf skin in plain or novelty grains. I FINE COATS I The next sitting of the Army and find sdeh an attractive, set for $1.98. This is a A pure silk, full fashioned hose In all the good quality, 50 inch, all linen, cloth with two Some are plain tan, brown, bi’own and tan, gray Navy club pinochle tournament new, good looking spring shades. These are a inch, solid colored borders and with a combi­ and black, green, rose, etc. in a large variety well known make of hosiery, we are not allow­ will start this evening at 7:30 at nation colored drawn thread border. Six 13-inch the clubhouse. of styles. Regular value $3.00, ed to print the name. The imperfection is so I AT I napkins to match. slight it can hardly be noticed. The Manchester Garden club will have its January meeting at the School street Recreation Cen­ I COST SALE PRICES | ter, Monday evening at 8‘-o ’clock. The speaker will be Hi A. Deal of Rockville. Mr. Deal, who is a Special Saturday! landscape gardener, has been for 600 ONLY! several years one of the judges at I A Chance You Should Not Miss | the international flower show in New York and will have an inter­ esting message to bring to the 100 $ : 98 I $21.25 $25.10 $29.75 I local garden enthusiasts. I $33.60 $42.10 $50.60 I RAINCOATS HATS 5 TheP^ Beautiful Winter Garments, luxuriously fur s = trimmed, are finding new owners rapidly. The models = SUNDAY DINNER = are so new, the materials of the most popular and the S at the 5 variety so broad that every Miss or Woman can make = (Irregulars). 5 satisfactory selection and a choice at the prices quoted = $1.00 5 here gives each purchaser a value far above the ordin- = .Are you prepared for stormy 1 ary. = H01EL SHERIDAN Never before have we winter days? You will be if you Satins been able to offer such 2 . s Turkey, Duck or Chicken purchase one of fhese electrical- good looking, high qual­ iliiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim w i^ all the fixings, $1 finished, guaranteed raincoats * 1.98 Velvets ity hats as these for only $1.00. Only 60 to sell— 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. which we are offering tomorrow come early for best as­ at only $1.98. Colors: blue, red Silks Also a la Carte Service. each sortments. Matron’s hats Herald Advertising Pays-—Use It and green. Sizes 14 to 46. y included. Small and Felts large head sizes.

Linen Dept. Baby Shop Downstair $1.98 ALL LINEN TABLE HULTMAN’S $1.25 COTTON AND WOOL ’ d* -| r ir k CLOTHS ...... Apparel Shop 1 o U U Size 50x60 inches. Your choice$1.25 of the fol­ UNION SUITS ...... lowing coiprbd borders: blue, rose, gold and lav­ Long: sleeves And short legs. Sizes 2 and 3, 4 and $1.98 and $2.98 RAYON 5, and 6 and 7 years. ender. BLOOMERS ...... $1.00 SHOES SHmTS $2.98 PORTO RICAN $1.98 SILK, WOOL AND A fjfk Women’s silk rayon bloomers in dark , colors. \ Wonderful Value for only $1.00. \. BRIDGE SETS $1 98 . .COTTON UNION SUITS .... ^ 1 c i U Beautiful hand embroidered Porto Rican ' Girls’ ■ and, Boys', union- suits with short sleeves HOUSE DRESSES bridge sets. A 36 inch cloth with 4 napkins to and short legs.. .Slze3 .2. and 3, 4 and 5, and 6 and 7 Broken Lots High Grade Men's Oxfords match. Only thirty sets to sell. years. $1.00 Good looking house dresses of prints and ging­ $1.50 BRIDGE SETS ^ j q q $1.25 JERSEY LEGGINS ^ -j Q Q ham in new spring shades. A large assortment to choose from. Plenty* of large sizes. Plain hemmed in blue, rose, gold or lavende»” Sizes 3 to 6 years. Colors: tan, navy and brown. colored borders. A 36 inch cloth and four $4.98 BATH ROBES Oxfords suit­ napkins to match. $3.49 WOOL SWEATERS Qft $2.98 Men’s Oxfords $4.98 LINEN SETS Q g Good, heavy bath robes in good looking color able for busi­ This is the well known and nationally advertis­ combinations. Light and dark patterns. Blacks, Tans ness and street A hemstitched table cloth, size 56x56 inches, ed Ascher knit wear. Slip-on and button fronts iu with colored borders in blue, rose or green with all the pretty colors for-spring. $1.98 CREPE KIMONAS Special Values wear. Black six napkins to match. 50c FLANNEL BLOOMERS o H $1.49 Plain colors or figured kimonas in rose, orchid, and Tan. PURE LINEN SETS QQ P a ir ...... UUC blue and pink. Children’s flannel bloomers in white or fancy Good heavy quality, ’ ■ plain hemmed, * colored stripes. Sizes 2 to 6 years. $7.98 FROCKS bordered cloth size 54x54 inches. Six napkins to match. $1.25 and $1.49 CINDERELLA (t» ^ A A $6.98 PANTY DRESSES...... UU Better quality dresses of flannel, wool Arepe and $7^98^PURE LINEN $ 5 9 8 Sizes 3 to 6 years. Plain colors with contrasting jersey suitable for both the classroom and dress-up Latest style colors for collars and cuffs. Also a few printed frocks occasions. Sizes 7 to 14 years. Your choice of the plain white damask, hem­ with plain colored collar and cuffs. Oxfords, only stitched, pr with colored borders. Sizes 55x55 $1.49 FLEECED LINED d* *■ / \ A a very few Extra Quality or 62x62 inches. Six napkins to match. JACKETS ...... PURE LINEN NAPKINS i Fashioned of jersey in tan only. Sizes 6 tq 10 pairs left. Dress Oxfords j years. Just the thing for skating and skiing this win­ E a c h ...... l y c Leather Goods ter. Broad and me­ Light Tans || Hemstitched. Size 14x14 inches. and Black. 64 INCH TABLE DAMASK dium toe.' Yard ...... $1.25 $2.98 HAND BAGS q g All linen table damask in threehree attractive Black and Tan designs. Wonderful value. Medium and large size pouehe bags in a variety Hosiery Dept. $2.98 LINEN TABLE of stylos and colors. CLOTHS ...... NEW POUCHE BAGS Qg $1.00 BURSON SILK HOSIERY /J A ^ These are solid colored, table $1.9$ cloths, hem­ P a ir ...... O ilC SPECIAL SPECIAL stitched in blue and gold. Size of cloth 50x50' The new Imitation leopard hand bags in black, This is a good quality rayon hosiery with a fash­ Izichos* gray and tan, also pouehe bags in genuine calf skin ioned foot, and the popular three seam back. Colors: beige, champagne, almond, grain, sunset and white. SHIRTS c m e r c e r i z e d in solid colors or combination colors of tan, black, 89 TABLE Neckband Style Only. DAMASK, Yard ...... / O C gray and rustic brown. CHILDREN’S 35c and 39c LISLE 64 inches wide.’ Those who have used Basco 15c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS o C HOSE, P a ir...... 21c Fancy, Madras, Percales finished table damask like It much better than Each 10c, 3 f o r ...... i u O C A ribbed lisle hose that is just the stocking to $ 1 " ' $ ! • ” linen. After Basco table damask has been with 1-16 Inch hem. All linen. This is a good quality wear to school or for sport wear. Colors: brown, tau Values to $L00 laundered it has the same qualities of linen__ handkerchief at this price. and gray. 39c LINEN GLASS - o/\ 50c FIBRE HOSE Extra Quality TOWELS ...... Z y . C Best Quality size 17x30 Inches. Red or blue. P a ir ...... 39c Madras and 29c ALL LINEN TOWELING O O Good grade of rayon hose. Three scam back. Ail B r o a d c 1 o th 5c Willimantic the new spring shades. You will also find a few pairs Broadcloth. Yard ...... Z Z C of $1.00 ^ siery in this lot* and Madras 25« ALL LINEN TOWELING *1 50c SOCKS Fancy, plain Yard ...... J 9 C TKread 5 tor 10c white. Neck­ All woven pat­ P a ir ...... 25c.... 29c STARTEX DISH TOWELS o T All sizes. Black and white. Saturday only!' Boys’ part wool socks In plain colors with fancy band only. terns. Neck­ Each...... Z l C colored tops. All sizes. Values $2.50, band. Reg. $3, M • $3.00, $4.00. $3.50, $5 value « 4 . DON’TFORGET— SATURDAY—Last Day of Hultman’s SUIT Free Delivery Free Parking Space SALE. Plenty o f Pattern.^ L eft But Broken Sizes. Daily Anywhere hi Rear o f Store ^ ARTHUR L. HtULTMAN ^ SOUTH^MRhCHEISTER-CONN-. M