and of Sustainable Development”

Joint Degree Programme (Double Degree) of New Bulgarian University and University of “Carlo Bo”

Level of : The program is high master level and provides 120 ECTS, including experience in the specialty and graduation by master's thesis, covering a total of four semesters of study.

Program scheme: Three semesters training in National University (first, second and fourth semesters) respectively in the NBU and the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" and an exchange (in third semester) in which selected students from both universities are trained in partner University. The mobility of Bulgarian students in University of Urbino and the Italian students in NBU, in the exchange Third semester is funded under Agreement by Erasmus + program between the department of “Business Administration” (NBU) and the Faculty "Economics, social and political sciences" (University of Urbino) by means of Erasmus +. The training is implemented by the Bulgarian and Italian professors on curriculum, subject to the Agreement and Annex to it between the two universities, signed by the Rectors. The program scheme complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Italy for regulated specialties in Economics and Business Administration, and with the on of the Republic of .

1 The program is in full compliance with the requirements of the legislation of Italian Ministry of Education and Universities for the content of courses in the required scientific fields of the Higher Education Act and the regulations for the regulated degree in Economics and Business Administration of the Republic of Italy and number of credits from required courses, and on graduation in regulated degree in Economics and Business administration The completion of the process of accreditation by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Italy of the Double Degree Program “Management and Economics of Sustainable Development” completed in April 2015.

Specialty and qualification: Specialty: Management and Economics of Sustainable Development Qualification: Master of Management and Economics of Sustainable Development (Bulgarian diploma), Master in Economics and Management (Italian diploma)

International mobility: The students from the program, who will not participate in the exchange semester at the University of Urbino, have the opportunity for training contracts of the Department of Business Administration with followed universities 1. University Ludwigshafen Germany 2. University Heilbronn, Germany 3. Alma Mater Studiorum, Italy 4. University of Lisbon, Portugal 5. , Portugal 6. University of Economics and Business, Athens 7. University of Bidgozhch, Poland 8. University of Lille, France 9. University of Amiens, France 10. University of Orleans, France 11. University of Lapland, Finland

2 12. University "Dogush" in Istanbul,Turkey 13. , Campobasso, Italy 14. Fresenius University Business Academy (Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Business Academy Fresenius)

Graduation: Under the Agreement between New Bulgarian University and the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" students graduate under the terms of the program in their National University with a master's theses and practice.


Code 1°year SSD CFU/ECTS NBU First semester MUNM Economic Policy of sustainability (first module) SECS- 3 100 P/01 MUNM Quantitative Methods for Management (first module) SECS- 3 101 S/06 MUNM Specialized English (first module) L- 3 102 LIN/12 MUNM Information System for Firm and Market (first module) INF/01 3 103 MUNM Management of Quality (first module) SECS- 3 103 P/13

MUNM Economic Policy of sustainability (second module) SECS- 3 105 P/01 MUNM Quantitative Methods for Management (second SECS- 3 106 module) S/06 MUNM Specialized English (second module) L- 3 107 LIN/12 MUNM Information System for Firm and Market (second INF/01 3 108 module) MUNM Management of Quality (second module) SECS- 3 109 P/13 Second semester MUNM Risk Management of the Company (first module) SECS- 3

3 110 P/07 MUNM Assessment and Valuation of the companies in SECS- 3 111 emerging markets (first module) P/08 MUNM Crisis management diagnostics and management of SECS- 3 112 crises in business organization (first module) P/07 MUNM Financial Low (first module) IUS/04 3 113 MUNM Labor and social security (first module) IUS/07 3 114 MUNM Risk Management of the Company (second module) SECS- 3 115 P/07 MUNM Assessment and Valuation of the companies in SECS- 3 116 emerging markets ( second module) P/08 MUNM Crisis management diagnostics and management of SECS- 3 117 crises in business organization (second module) P/07 MUNM Financial Low (second module) IUS/04 3 118 MUNM Labor and social security Law (second module) IUS/07 3 120

2°year Semester in Urbino (3th Program Semester) Corporate Strategies (Strategie d’impresa) SECS- 8 P/08 Game theory and dynamical systems SECS- 8 (Teoria dei giochi e sistemi dinamici) S/06 Economics of Globalization SECS- 8 (Economia della globalizzazione) P/06 Economics of financial markets 1 SECS- 6 (Economia e politica dei mercati finanziari 1) P/02 OR: Semester in (3th Program Semester) MUNM Environmental Management Accounting 6 121 MUNM Corporate Strategies for Sustainability of the Firm 6 122 MUNM Management of Innovation 6 123 MUNM Sustainability pricing of water and energy 6 124 MUNM Empirical Finance 6 125

4 Free (*) 9

Other activities (**) 4

Master Thesis 17

TOTAL CREDITS 120 ** 4 CFU: . 10, comma 5, lett. d) del D.M. 270/2004 “attività formative [...], volte ad acquisire ulteriori conoscenze linguistiche, nonché abilità informatiche e telematiche, relazionali, o comunque utili per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro, nonché attività formative volte ad agevolare le scelte professionali, mediante la conoscenza diretta del settore lavorativo cui il titolo di studio può dare accesso, tra cui, in particolare, i tirocini formativi e di orientamento di cui al decreto 25 marzo 1998, n. 142, del Ministero del lavoro”.

Responsible Parsons: For University of Urbino: Full Prof. Laura Gardini; e-mail: [email protected] For New Bulgarian University: State Associated Professor Ninel Kiosseva; e- mail: [email protected], office 620, Second building, Tel: 02/8110620