M EDICAl J ournal

Brown to lead center for creating bioluminescent tools R SPECIAL SECTION SENIOR PHYSICIANS: Addressing Age, Ability and Acumen

Guest editor: Herbert Rakatansky, MD

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ProSelect Insurance Company RHODE ISLAND M EDICAl J ournal

18 Senior Physicians: Addressing Age, Ability and Acumen Herbert Rakatansky, MD Guest Editor

H. Rakatansky, MD

19 The Aging Physician James V. McDonald, MD, MPH

21 Cognitive Decline in Physicians and their Patients B. Minter, MD R. Besdine, MD Bradley Minter, MD Richard W. Besdine, MD

23 Legal Issues and the Aging Physician Jeffrey F. Chase-Lubitz, Esq.

J. Chase-Lubitz, Esq

26 Moving Forward: Retirement Opportunities for Senior Physicians Donna Singer, MS

D. Singer, MS RHODE ISLAND M EDICAl J ournal

8 COMMENTARY the woman who could spell backwards Joseph H. Friedman, MD Woonsocket teens TEACH community health Eric J. Chow, MD, MS, MPH Jackie Hsieh, MD Laura Allison Woods June Jiao Margret Chang, MD

Antipsychotic Medication Use and Reduction: Unanswered Questions and Policy Implications Daniel Harris, BA Nelia Silva-Odom, RN, BSN, MBA, MHA Lynn McNicoll, MD

16 RIMJ Around the World Porto, Portugal

42 RIMS NeWS onvivi um are you reading C RIMS Notes? Working for You convivium, September 15 your Voice for 200+ Years SEPTEMBER 15 RHODE ISLAND M EDICAl J ournal

In the news

MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH 49 51 STATE REDUCES may help vets with pulmonary health care premium increases hypertension, coexisting conditions requested for 2018

RI FIRST STATE 49 51 BROWN TO LEAD CENTER to require coverage of fertility for creating bioluminescent neuroscience preservation for at-risk patients tools with NSF $9.2M grant


ELINORE MCCANCE-KATZ, MD, PhD 54 58 SOUTH COUNTY HOSPITAL confirmed as Assistant among ‘Best Hospitals’ by Secretary for Mental US News and World Report Health and Substance Use 58 JAMES F. GRIFFIN, DO DIANE LIPSCOMBE, PhD 55 receives FASA designation elected president of Society for Neuroscience 58 MECHANICS BANK donates $125,000 to cardiovascular care at Charlton Autumn Hines, DO 55 Anupriya Gogne, MD 60 HASBRO’S join Women& Infants’ pediatric ICU receives Silver Beacon Award Department of Medicine 63 Obituaries FRANCOIS LUKS, MD 56 Stephen A. Fanning, III, DO named Hasbro’s pediatric surgeon- John Beaton Montgomery, MD in-chief, chief of pediatric surgery Dr. Jorge Hugo Sturam SEPTEMBER 2017 VOLUME 100 • NUMBER 9 RHODE ISLAND Rhode Island Medical Society R I Med J (2013) M EDICAl J ournal publisher 2327-2228 Rhode Island Medical Society 100 President Sarah J. fessler, MD 9 President-elect Bradley J. Collins, MD

2017 Vice president September Peter A. Hollmann, MD CONTRIBUTION Secretary 29 Christine Brousseau, MD Respiratory viral testing in laboratories serving 1 acute care hospitals in Rhode Island Treasurer Jose r. Polanco, MD Daniel Harris, BA

Immediate past president Emily Cooper, MPH Russell A. Settipane, MD Cindy Vanner, BS

Executive Director Leonard Mermel, DO, ScM Newell E. Warde, PhD

Editor-in-Chief CASE REPORTS Joseph H. Friedman, MD 31 A rare case of amelanotic anorectal melanoma Associate editor Kenneth S. Korr, MD Nicole A. Negbenebor, BS Edward Feller, MD, FACG, FACP Publication Staff Managing editor 33 Multimodality imaging in the diagnosis Mary Korr of a large accessory papillary muscle [email protected] Amr El Meligy, MD Graphic designer Somwail Rasla, MD Marianne Migliori Aaron Wheeler, MD Advertising Administrator Roy Souaid, MD Sarah Brooke Stevens [email protected] Thomas Noonan, MD, FACC

Editorial board PUBLIC HEALTH John J. Cronan, MD 37 suicide deaths among Rhode Island adults aged 25 years James P. Crowley, MD Edward R. Feller, MD and older: An epidemiologic and spatial analysis John P. Fulton, PhD Yongwen Jiang, PhD Peter A. Hollmann, MD Deborah N. Pearlman, PhD Marguerite A. Neill, MD Jeffrey Hill, MS Frank J. Schaberg, Jr., MD Samara Viner-Brown, MS Lawrence W. Vernaglia, JD, MPH Newell E. Warde, PhD 40 Vital Statistics Roseann Giorgianni Deputy State Registrar

RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL JOURNAL (USPS 464-820), a monthly publication, is owned and published by the Rhode Island Medical Society, 405 Promenade Street, Suite A, Providence RI 02908, 401-331-3207. All rights reserved. ISSN 2327-2228. Published articles represent opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Rhode Island Medical Society, unless clearly specified. Advertisements do not im- ply sponsorship or endorsement by the Rhode Island Medical Society.

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The woman who could spell backwards

Joseph H. Friedman, MD [email protected] 8 8 EN

My r o u t i n e i n i t i a l creative, not brilliant. question. Why did I ask her to spell evaluation for every Luria kept detailed notes the word backwards? This is a standard patient includes a reduced on their interactions test of “working memory,” which is a mental status exam. One during his laboratory vis- concept to describe the tasks involved item is a request to spell its and later would ask in remembering the word and manip- the word, “earth” for- questions. “What color ulating it while not forgetting it, thus wards and backwards, tie was I wearing at our “working” with it, without losing it. a slight modification of meeting 17 years ago on It is analogous to rotating a geometric the question on the stan- March 23, 1928, and what shape in one’s mind to see what it dard Mini-Mental State were the headlines in the looks like from different perspectives. Examination (MMSE). newspaper?” The man But, interestingly, my patient seems I do this because it is never erred. In the theater to be no better at this than the average likely that many patients where he performed, an person who couldn’t spell xylophone have been through the assistant would ask the backwards after several hours of trials. MMSE many times and recall the item audience to mention a number, and they I have not subjected my patient to for- asking for spelling “world” backwards. would be written on a board in the order mal neuropsychological testing to deter- One of my patients spelled the word in which the audience spoke. After one mine if there are hidden talents, perhaps “earth” backwards so quickly that I or two hundred numbers they would even unknown to herself. The patient was surprised. I asked her if she had be spoken to him once, after which he is herself unaware of any other special a special talent for spelling words would repeat the list. abilities, and I’ve seen none. So, what backwards and she admitted that she Obviously a good memory is better does this tell us about special talents? I did. I tested her and found that she than a bad one. There is no field of think it tells us that we can’t recognize did, indeed, have this rather arcane endeavor where there is a downside to an them unless the patient tells us. It tells talent. “Spell xylophone backwards,” enhanced memory. It is easy to see that us that the capabilities may exist in I requested, skipping the forwards certain types of memory better serve isolation, without any hint of brilliance part, and she did, without hesitation. certain activities than others. Mozart’s or special talent. It tells us that testing I gave her names to spell backwards, ability to recall music obviously served may overlook particularly isolated but and some random lengthy words. No his extraordinary talents. Chessmas- extraordinary talents, and that memory, problem. “Do you have any other spe- ters’ memories for whole games serve like most human thought endeavors, cial or unusual talents?” I asked. “No.” the obvious need of helping to choose can be extraordinarily focused, without And, as best I’ve discovered over the a strategy or the next move. One can generalizability. Memory, intelligence, next few years, she did not. never know what sorts of special talents and talent work best when united, but This has led me to wonder about we or our family members may have if may exist in isolation. v highly focused, unusual talents that they never get the chance to exploit it. people may have that may go unrecog- How would a poor, uneducated person Author nized, or, if present, either unexploited in the third world know that they can Joseph H. Friedman, MD, is Editor-in-chief or unable to be exploited. Aleksandr R. repeat music that is a thousand notes of the Rhode Island Medical Journal, Luria, the famous Soviet neuropsychol- long after hearing it only once, if the Professor and the Chief of the Division ogist of the 1930s, wrote a wonderful person never is exposed to the situation? of Movement Disorders, Department of monograph, The Mind of a Mnemonist, How many people are asked to spell a Neurology at the Alpert of about a Russian man with a perfect word forwards and backwards? I assume , chief of ’s memory. He made his living impressing it is a pretty rare request. How many Movement Disorders Program and first audiences with his unfailing ability to readers have tested themselves spelling recipient of the Stanley Aronson Chair remember virtually everything. He was a word backwards? in Neurodegenerative Disorders. not apparently gifted in other areas, not This leads back to an important Disclosures on website

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Woonsocket teens TEACH community health

Eric J. Chow, MD, MS, MPH; Jackie Hsieh, MD; Laura Allison Woods; June Jiao; Margret Chang, MD

I n a n i n t e r v i e w , m e l i n d a g a t e s organizations like Riverzedge Arts was can they design to bring about change? once remarked about innovations in the the first key to the launch of our pro- We recognized quickly that the high developing world that “when you let gram. Riverzedge Arts is an organization school students were constantly picking people participate in the design process that had connections with Woonsocket up on the public health issues that the you find that they often have ingenious High School in offering after-school city had been facing for years. As an ideas about what would really help courses for credit through a program example, according to Rhode Island Kids them.”1 These words are at the heart of called Expanded Learning Opportunities Count in 2016, greater than 350 births successful community health programs (ELO). Karen Barbosa, the ELO director in Woonsocket were to girls between around the world aimed at bringing of Riverzedge, and Liz Holohan, the the ages of 15 to 19.2 To assume that change to those who need it the most. ELO Woonsocket Coordinator, were students did not understand these facts But we do not need to look too far to rec- vital to helping us to understand how is a mistake. A student once asked why ognize that these same principles apply to integrate our goals into a classroom a daycare at school was not supported to communities here at home. Early curriculum. Furthermore, we brought in so that teen mothers could avoid absen- in 2014, we created Teens Empowered enthusiastic medical and public health teeism. Another student identified to Advocate for Community Health students from Brown University to help obstacles in accessing contraception (TEACH), a partnership organization to deliver these topics into an interactive education despite teens knowing they inspire the next generation of youth to community-driven way. could benefit from it. Questions like enact change in their own communities Courses then took effect through an these became topics of their research by empowering them with the basic integrative approach. is now projects and proposals for interventions. principles of public health. taught in the grocery store as a scav- The topics are often the most prevalent With a seed grant from the American enger hunt to build a nutritious meal. health issues in their communities, Academy of Pediatrics Community LGBT health and advocacy issues are such as absenteeism, truancy, student Access to Child Health (CATCH), we introduced during a field trip to the dropout, teenage pregnancy and mental sought to teach public health as an after- local YouthPride, Inc. center. First line health issues. In turn, through TEACH, school curriculum with a goal of inspir- cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the students learn about the public ing teens to be agents of change. At first, emergency medicine skills are taught health process and have become moti- we met with many potential partners at the Lifespan Medical Simulation vated to engage with their communities before serendipitously initiating the Center. Sexual health is taught as a from a grassroots approach. We believe program at Woonsocket High School. jeopardy game, where students team up that these teens will take the next step Woonsocket proved to be a perfect place and answer questions. Students learn from presenting these ideas to making to start as a city of 40,000 people, rich reproductive anatomy by engaging in real change come to life. with diversity and character, but still hands-on modeling activity. During the Now well into our third year, our orga- faced with many risk factors for poor second semester, students are taught nization has matured, our curriculum health outcomes. And the high school basic research skills and prompted to ask has been enriched and our students are students turned out to be motivated and one fundamental question: what do the still persistent with their desire to bring engaged to initiate change from within. students perceive as public health issues solutions to the problems they identify Our partnership with community in their community? And what projects around them. We have also expanded

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across state lines, where medical and believe that our model of public health Authors nursing students at the University of education and intervention with teens Eric J. Chow, MD, MS, MPH, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, Warren Alpert Massachusetts at Worcester are bring- can serve as a model elsewhere to engage Medical School of Brown University, Rhode ing TEACH to Rockdale Recovery the community to enact change. Part- Island Hospital and Hasbro Children’s High School. Here, instead of viewing nerships and an interdisciplinary team Hospital, Providence, RI. their substance use history as a prob- were vital to our success. With help Jackie Hsieh, MD, Department of Pediatrics, Warren Alpert Medical School lem – teens are encouraged to use their from our partnerships and passionate of Brown University, Hasbro Children’s experiences as a way to educate medical team members, we hope to bring these Hospital, Providence, RI. providers and the public about how to teens’ “ingenious ideas” to fruition. v Laura Allison Woods, Brown University School of Public Health, Providence, RI. approach adolescent substance use in June Jiao, Brown University School of the local community. References Public Health, Providence, RI. 1. Roper C. The Human Element: Melinda What began as a small group effort Margret Chang, MD, Departments Gates and Paul Farmer on Designing Glob- of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, to bring public health knowledge to al Health. Wired. Vol 21. Online 2013. University of Massachusetts Medical students has, in turn, taught physicians, 2. 2016 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook. School, Worcester, MA. graduate students and teachers alike that 2016; http://www.rikidscount.org/Por- tals/0/Uploads/Documents/Factbook Correspondence empowering teens can have a lasting and 2016/2016 Rhode Island KIDS COUNT Eric J Chow, MD meaningful impact in a community. We Factbook.pdf. Accessed March 14 2017. 245 Chapman Street, Suite 100 Providence, RI 02905 401-444-6118 Fax 401-444-8804

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Antipsychotic Medication Use and Reduction: Unanswered Questions and Policy Implications

Daniel Harris, BA; Nelia Silva-Odom, RN, BSN, MBA, MHA; Lynn McNicoll, MD 13 13 EN

Historically, antipsychotic medications a nursing home’s prevalence of APM use national prevalence of APM use steadily (APMs) have been used to treat mood and incorporating the prevalence into decreased, Rhode Island’s progress and behavior dysregulation associated their quality rating, with fewer APMs slowed in quarter-3 2014 and increased with dementia.1 However, their associ- indicating better quality.3 Notably, only to 17.6% in quarter-4 2016.3 In response, ations with early mortality and risk of residents with schizophrenia, Hunting- the local CMS Medicare Quality Inno- adverse events for adults above the age ton’s or Tourette’s are excluded from the vation Network-Quality Improvement of 65 (e.g., Parkinsonism and cerebro- APM prevalence calculation.3 Organization (QIN-QIO) implemented vascular events, respectively) prompted During the early years of The Part- several educational and skill-building the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid nership, Rhode Island showed promise interventions; which, in part, are likely (CMS) to introduce The National Part- in reducing APM use among long-stay related to the latest reductions in APM nership to Improve Dementia Care in nursing home residents (24.0% in use the state.3 However, a recent anal- 2012.2,3 The Partnership incentivizes quarter-4 2011 to 16.5% in quarter-2 ysis of resident-, facility- and commu- APM reduction by publically reporting 2014) (Figure 1).3 However, while the nity-level factors and APM use among Rhode Island nursing homes suggests Figure 1. National and Quarterly Rhode Island Prevalence of Antipsychotic Medication Use for that dementia may no longer be as Long-Stay Nursing Home Residents strongly associated with APM use.4 Results showed that the prevalence of residents with dementia was negatively associated with APM use after con- trolling for other resident-level factors. Psychiatric diagnoses and other medica- tions (e.g., antianxiety and antidepres- sants) were among the strongest factors associated with increased APM use. While additional research is necessary to elucidate these findings, the results lend insight into the success of The Partnership as well as underscore the need to reevaluate its initial aims in the context of a potentially changing nurs- ing home population. More specifically, RI’s increased APM prevalence may, in part, be attributed to demographic shifts towards younger nursing home Source: Data were adapted from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care.3,5 residents, presenting with symptoms Notes: The Partnership began on March 29, 2012. Residents with Huntington’s, Tourette’s, or Schizophrenia were and psychiatric diagnoses warranting excluded.3,5

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APM use that are unassociated with Acknowledgments Authors dementia (e.g., bipolar disorder). The authors would like to acknowledge the Daniel Harris, BA; School of Public Health, Brown University; Healthcentric The Partnership was designed to support of Gail Patry and Kimberly Pelland in development of this article. Advisors, Providence, RI. reduce inappropriate APM use among Nelia Silva-Odom, RN, BSN, MBA, MHA; residents with dementia.3 However, Conflicts of Interest Healthcentric Advisors, Providence, RI. new empirical evidence suggests that The content upon which this report is based Lynn McNicoll, MD; Healthcentric were performed under IDIQ contract num- Advisors, Alpert Medical School of APM use may no longer be as asso- ber HHSM-500-2014-QIN0141, Task Order Brown University, Providence, RI. ciated with dementia at the facility Number HHSM-500-TMA01, funded by the Correspondence 4 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, level. Given these results, and CMS’ Nelia Silva-Odom, RN, BSN, MBA, MHA an agency of the U.S. Department of Health narrow exclusionary criteria, several Healthcentric Advisors and Humans Services. questions emerge: Will the risk of a low 235 Promenade Street The content of this publication does not Suite 500, Box 18 quality rating motivate nursing homes necessarily reflect the views or policies of Providence, Rhode Island to discontinue appropriate APMs? Has the Department of Health and Human Ser- 401-528- 3212 CMS considered the consequences of vices, nor does mention of trade names, [email protected] eliminating APMs in residents who commercial products, or organizations im- ply endorsements by the U.S. government. have clinically justified reasons to use The authors assume full responsibility for them? For example, under the current the accuracy and completeness of the ideas initiative, residents with bipolar disor- presented. der or using APMs approved for certain References diagnoses (e.g., aripiprazole, an atypical 1. Jeste D.V, Blazer D, Casey D, Meeks T, Salzman C, Schneider L, et al. ACNP antipsychotic, for depression) are at risk white paper: update on use of antipsy- of medication discontinuation. Ulti- chotic drugs in elderly persons with dementia. Neuropsychopharmacology: mately, how far can APM reduction go official publication of the American and remain safe and stable?5 College of Neuropsychopharmacolo- gy 2008; 33(5): p. 957-70. doi: 10.1038/ Opportunities for future research sj.npp.1301492. include the longitudinal study of 2. Schneide, L.S, Dagerman K.S, Insel P. Risk of death with atypical antipsy- changes in the demographic compo- chotic drug treatment for dementia: me- sition of nursing home residents and ta-analysis of randomized placebo-con- trolled trials. JAMA. 2005; 294(14): p. how those changes are associated with 1934-43. a nursing home’s APM use and finances. 3. National-Partnership-to-Improve-De- mentia-Care-in-Nursing-Homes. CMS. Policy-level changes may aim to refine gov Centers for Medicare & Medicaid the APM quality measure to ensure it Services. https://www.cms.gov/Medi- care/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certi- is focused on inappropriate APM use fication/SurveyCertificationGenInfo/ (e.g., exclude residents less than 65 and/ National-Partnership-to-Improve-De- mentia-Care-in-Nursing-Homes.html. or with psychiatric diagnoses justifying Published July 27, 2017. the use of APMs). 4. Harris D, Youssef R, Pelland K, Sil- va-Odom N, DaCunha A, McNicoll L. Associations between facility- and res- ident-level factors and use of antipsy- chotic medication in Rhode Island nurs- ing homes. Journal of Nursing Home Research. (Under review) 5. Gurwitz, J.H, Bonner A, Berwick D.M. Reducing excessive use of antipsychotic agentsin nursing homes. JAMA. 2017; 318(2): p. 118-19

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Senior Physicians: Addressing Age, Ability and Acumen

Herbert Rakatansky, MD Guest Editor

Editor’s Note: This special theme section evolved from the Rhode high cognitive function previously and that the current test Island Medical Society’s regional conference on Senior Physicians: was part of a “downhill” process, the cognitive testing was Addressing Age, Ability, and Acumen held in September 2016. The repeated two years later and it was marginally improved! symposium was arranged by the RIMS Physician Health Program The lesson: if the question is whether a doctor of any age, and made possible by an educational grant to RIMS from the in the absence of a suspected impairing illness, is competent Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation. to practice, the best way to find out is to evaluate the quality of his patient care directly. If an impairing illness of any type is suspected, that issue Just a year ago the Rhode Island Medical Society (RIMS) and should be resolved as a part of the medical and cognitive the Physician Health Program (PHP) convened a full-day evaluation before doing a formal practice audit. It is import- symposium about senior physicians and their ability to con- ant to note that normal age-related changes may not impair tinue to practice. Well over 100 people attended. Four papers a doctor’s ability to practice if they are recognized. Drs. in this issue reflect the variety of subjects presented. Minter and Besdine review these issues in their paper. Doctors (at any age) who are observed to be forgetful or If a practice audit reveals that patient care is not accept- have other manifestations of cognitive impairment should able, a thorough physical and cognitive evaluation should be be referred for medical evaluation and cognitive testing. undertaken to ascertain whether there is a treatable illness Mild cognitive impairment or early dementia that would as a cause. mandate retirement from patient care may be documented. Thus, screening of apparently healthy older doctors is best Current opinion is that routine cognitive screening of all done by directly evaluating the quality of their patient care. doctors over a certain age is not likely to be useful. Because of Doctors who practice in large groups are more easily evalu- the variability of test results in a population of “high achiev- ated than those who are in solo practice. Whether screening ers” such testing is not likely to be an accurate independent can be limited legally to older doctors is discussed in the predictor of whether a doctor should continue to practice. article by attorney Chase-Lubitz. Several screening programs have ceased age-based routine There is, however, no age restriction on planning for cognitive testing. A detailed exploration of this subject will retirement – in fact the earlier one thinks about this, the be presented in a paper to be published in a future issue. better. See the discussion by Donna Singer. Whether doctors are competent to practice is a decision The symposium generated discussion about what the made by the Board of Licensure and these regulatory issues next step might be. The result is a task force convened by are reviewed in the paper by Dr. McDonald. RIMS with representation including hospitals, government, The PHP recently evaluated two senior doctors. cognitive scientists, FAA examiners, PHP members, law- Doctor A was referred because of poor prescribing prac- yers, medical staffs, chief medical officers and others. It was tices. There was no other evidence of cognitive impairment quickly realized that the discussion must address all age such as forgetfulness, etc. though he made a “poor impres- groups and the effort really is a “Patient Safety Initiative.” sion” during an initial interview with a committee. This Currently this is a work in progress. resulted in his referral to the PHP. He was leading an active The articles published in this special section of the Rhode and productive life. The question of whether he was provid- Island Medical Journal offer the reader a good background ing acceptable, quality care would not be answered by cogni- in these issues and perhaps some insight into one’s own tive testing. The appropriate method of evaluation would be attitude and plans for retirement. And we wish you well on an audit of his practice to determine directly the quality of that journey. his care and this was arranged. Doctor B was referred because many observers agreed Author that his clinical care was substandard. He also was noted Herbert Rakatansky, MD, FACP, FACG, is Clinical Professor to be forgetful. Cognitive testing did not reveal significant of Medicine Emeritus, The Warren Alpert Medical School of abnormalities. Thinking that this doctor may have had very Brown University.

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The Aging Physician

James V. McDonald, MD, MPH

The practice of medicine, perhaps the noblest of professions, this issue to be more thoroughly addressed. The American can be one of extremes. Daily in the clinical spaces where Medical Association (AMA) is exploring the possibility of we engage in our art, matters of life, death, joy and sadness competency testing for older physicians.5 “Physicians are are common. As we reflect on our career, perhaps another professionally obligated to continually assess their own extreme is the anxiety, excitement and expectation of the physical and mental health, even though there is no national first day of medical school contrasted with the anxiety, standard for screening physicians who have reached a cer- excitement and expectation of the last day we engage in this tain age. But a number of other professions that can impact noblest of arts. public safety do have age-related cutoffs in place. Commer- We are all getting older and leaving our profession is a diffi- cial airline pilots, for instance, must be regularly screened cult and emotional topic to address. Some of us look forward beginning at age 40 and must retire at 65.” to retirement, some of us can not envision retirement at all, The American College of Surgeons (ACS) has also explored yet all of us want to leave this profession on our own terms. the issue of the aging physician and issued a statement in Jan- No one wants to be removed from this profession due to uary of 2016.6 The ACS statement encourages surgeons to quality of care concerns, competency issues or health issues. maintain a healthy lifestyle, recognize they are not immune Rhode Island like other states has a physician population to the changes of aging and also that the surgeon might not that is getting older. Data from the Rhode Island Depart- recognize their own deterioration of skills.7 The ACS took ment of Health reveal 16% of physicians are older than 60. their recommendations further and recommended between Data from the 2012 AMA Masterfile report certain spe- the age of 65 and 70 surgeons voluntarily have physical and cialties in Rhode Island have >40% of its physicians over 60 visual health evaluated as a baseline as well as ongoing. including; Anatomic and Clinical , , Additionally, ACS states: “Colleagues and staff must be Diabetes and Metabolism, Otolaryngology and Radiology able to bring forward and freely express legitimate concerns and Diagnostic Radiology.1 The Federation of State Medical about a surgeon’s performance and apparent age-related Boards reports in a 2014 census of physicians that nation- decline to group practice, departmental and medical staff, ally, 31% of physicians are older than 60.2 or hospital leadership without fear of retribution.”8 Aging is normal and quite frankly preferred. Aging has It is evident that these two professional organizations attributes that are expected and physicians are not exempt recognize the gravity, complexity and emotional aspects from normal aging. There are cognitive implications and of this issue. It is also evident no simple solution is appar- declines in certain abilities such as processing speed, visu- ent to such a complex issue. The issue of the aging physi- ospatial orientation, language, some types of memory and cian is complex and does require engagement from several executive functions.3 Normal aging is distinct from demen- stakeholders regarding a way forward. Issues surrounding tia and Alzheimer’s disease which is associated with a pro- employment, regulatory responsibility, patient safety, phy- gressive functional cognitive decline and also increase in sician autonomy, right to work are just a few that need to be prevalence with age.4 explored. We have before us an opportunity to work together There is another side to aging, particularly in physicians, on this important public health, physician wellbeing and which reflects the profound wisdom, experience and clini- patient safety issue. cal judgement that come from years of practice. There is no All of us are reminded we are able to practice this profes- substitute for the presence of a sage wise physician in every sion for a season of our life and our time in this season is an practice and the patient benefit and safety that flows from opportunity and a gift. This is a gift that should be treasured their accessible consultation. The practice of medicine has a and yet we do need to plan for a lifetime after our season well-established tradition of physicians training physicians of service has concluded. It would be ideal to arrive in our and sharing our wisdom and knowledge benefits everyone. golden years with both the gold and the years to enjoy them, Professional societies have not been silent on the issue and do so our own terms. of the aging physician and agree the time has come for

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References Author 1. AAMC Center for Workforce Studies; https://www.aamc.org/ James V. McDonald, MD, MPH, is Chief Administrative Officer, download/152172/data/rhode_island.pdf accessed 2.15.2017 Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline, Rhode Island Depart- 2. Young et al. A Census of Actively Licensed Physicians in the ment of Health. , 2014; Journal of Medical Regulation, Vol 101, No 2. Correspondence 3. Harada et al. Clin Geriatr Med. 2013 November ; 29(4): 737–752. James V. McDonald, MD doi:10.1016/j.cger.2013.07.002 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ RI Dept. of Health pmc/articles/PMC4015335/pdf/nihms569964.pdf 3 Capitol Hill 4. Corrada et al. Ann Neurol. 2010 January ; 67(1): 114–121. doi:10.1002/ana.21915. Providence, Rhode Island 02908 5. Competency and Retirement; Evaluating the senior physician, 401-222-1016 June 2015, https://wire.ama-assn.org/ama-news/competen- [email protected] cy-and-retirement-evaluating-senior-physician 6. American College of Surgeons; Statement on Aging, https:// www.facs.org/about-acs/statements/80-aging-surgeon accessed 2.16.2017 7. American College of Surgeons; Statement on Aging, https:// www.facs.org/about-acs/statements/80-aging-surgeon accessed 2.16.2017 8. American College of Surgeons; Statement on Aging, https:// www.facs.org/about-acs/statements/80-aging-surgeon accessed 2.16.2017

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Cognitive Decline in Physicians and their Patients

Bradley Minter, MD; Richard W. Besdine, MD

The average age of licensed practicing physicians in the good news. In observational studies, high levels of education United States has risen from 50 in 2010 to 52 in 2014; and continuing work that demands thinking and reasoning

26% are over 65 years of age.1 Given the increased demand with learned information are protective against Alzheimer’s healthcare faces in both number and complexity of patients, disease (AD) (the most common dementia worldwide). it is important to consider factors that contribute to a phy- It is very important to distinguish the cognitive changes sician’s career longevity. Often focus is on strategies to pre- of normal aging from the pathologic basket of demen- vent burnout during a practitioner’s career. However, here tia, which is defined as an acquired disorder producing a we will discuss evidence-based steps that can be taken to decline in memory and other cognitive domains sufficient prevent cognitive decline in aging practitioners, thus pre- to affect daily life in a previously normal adult. Diagnosis serving the workforce. is made when progressive cognitive and functional decline Over time, examination of the aging nervous system under- are noticed, usually by family first, in a patient without any goes predictable changes, such as in muscle tone, increased sensory deficits – such as need for a hearing aid or cataract postural sway and postural hypotension, and decreased arm surgery. Memory impairment plus one of four other cogni- swing. This is an abbreviated list, but these peripheral and tive deficits are required for diagnosis:apraxia , trouble with motor phenomena are irrelevant to clinical performance of motor planning; aphasia, trouble with language; agnosia, those physicians that do primarily brain work. However, a sensory processing deficit; or disturbances in executive there are cognitive changes that can be seen in healthy aging. functioning. Delirium, a distinct transient entity, must not Physicians may wonder about these changes, and whether be present and be ruled out by thorough medical evaluation. they are going to affect their ability to practice medicine. In The largest proportion of those diagnosed with dementia healthy aging, varying degrees of reduced processing speed, have AD, which is notable for its gradual onset and steady free recall, multitasking ability and attention span can be progression. Although recent work has indicated that the expected. Fortunately, these changes, in the absence of incidence of AD has been in decline, demographic shifts in actual disease states, are not expected to affect a physician’s the age of our population will result in continuing increases job performance or shorten a physician’s career. Further- in the number of afflicted persons. The U.S. senior popula- more, learning strategies can be implemented that are effec- tion is expected to grow from 43 million in 2012 to 92 mil- tive in enhancing the encoding and the accessing of new and lion in 2060; with that growth, the prevalence of dementia old information. Because new cognitive obstacles occur in a is expected to rise from 4.7 million in 2010 to 13.8 million non-uniform manner throughout the older population, indi- in 2050.3 The costs associated with this change are projected vidualization of assessment and intervention is key.2 Inter- to exceed $1 trillion by 2050. vention strategies, such as mnemonics, mental hierarchies Being the 5th or 6th leading cause of death in the United and clusters, which are used less by elders than when they States, AD shortens life expectancy at time of diagnosis by were younger, give long-lasting improvements when imple- 6.7 years in a 60-year-old, and 1.9 years in a 90-year-old.4 mented. Distractions also interfere more in elders than the These mortality data should be a factor in clinical deci- young. In practice, instructions to older patients should be sion-making. Goals of care discussions should begin early given directly, and in a manner than can be easily encoded to and often in patients with dementia, once the patient and increase adherence and outcomes. family understand the course of the disease. The good news is that domains which are arguably the Early diagnosis is important for social, medical and finan- most important to career longevity are resilient in pure cial decision-making, but is often hindered by the insidi- aging. Short-term memory, also known as immediate recall, ous presentation and course of the disease. When identified persists. Long-term memory is relatively spared, with very early, disease burden can be mitigated by planning for the good procedural memory – e.g., biking, knots, music – and future decline while the patient still retains decision-mak- semantic memory, meaning facts. Episodic long-term mem- ing capacity and can participate in the process. Complaints ory declines with age, making remembering location, time, of elders related to normal psychomotor slowing of aging and memory of events difficult. Applying learned strategies can confound the challenges of screening for cognitive status discussed above can help if these changes become problem- in elders, but also make it more important. A patient with atic. Pathologic cognitive decline, feared more than death by memory complaints of misplacing car keys, difficulty with many older adults, is a different story. But here, too, is mostly word and name recall, and worrying about memory should

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be given reassurance and education regarding learning strat- work force. Adding preserved cognition in aging to that egies. Family complaining a patient never remembers the list may help motivate additional healthcare providers. correct word, loses the car keys, makes major financial mis- In summary, there are cognitive changes associated with takes, has poor insight regarding memory loss, and repeti- normal aging that are not expected to affect one’s ability to tion of conversations should trigger evaluation for dementia. practice medicine. There are learning strategies one can adopt Occasionally, the first sign leading to a diagnosis of a patho- to improve brain function during aging, and most physicians logic cognitive impairment is failure to perform at one’s job. are likely to want to adopt them. Importantly, data con- As a physician, development of a neurodegenerative condi- firm that lifestyle modification is associated with decreased tion such as AD would indeed be career ending. Our field incidence of developing mild cognitive impairment and has a unique system judging for competence to practice, in subsequent AD, a diagnosis that would require retirement which we are all responsible to ensure no harm is being done and end-of-life planning similar to a late stage malignancy. to our patients and are required to report when we think harm could be done. It is important to remember that this is References 1. Young A, et al. Census of Actively Licensed Physicians in US. J not driven by age but by performance. Med Reg. 2015;101:8-23. When considering protecting the physician workforce 2. Schaie KW, Willis SL. The Seattle Longitudinal Study of Adult from cognitive decline, one should consider the fixed and Cognitive Development. ISSBD bulletin. 2010;57(1):24-29. modifiable risk factors for AD. Fixed risk factors for AD clas- 3. Sosa-Ortiz AL, Acosta-Castillo I, Prince MJ. of dementias and Alzheimer’s disease. Arch Med Res. 2012 sically include age, family history, female gender, and Down Nov;43(8):600-8. Epub 2012 Nov 15. Syndrome; more recently identified risk factors are apolipo- 4. Rait Greta, Walters Kate, Bottomley Christian, Petersen Irene, protein E4, history of herpes simplex encephalitis, and his- Iliffe Steve, Nazareth Irwin, et al. Survival of people with clin- tory of depression. Modifiable risk factors include risks for ical diagnosis of dementia in primary care: cohort study. BMJ. 2010;341 :c3584. stroke (e.g., hypertension, smoking, atherosclerosis, dyslip- 5. Krell-Roesch J, Vemuri P, Pink A, Roberts RO, Stokin GB, Miel- idemia, obesity, and diabetes) physical inactivity, depression ke MM, Christianson TJH, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Kremers and low level of education. Perhaps the best first step that WK, Geda YE. Association Between Mentally Stimulating Ac- protects cognition that most clinicians have already com- tivities in Late Life and the Outcome of Incident Mild Cognitive Impairment, With an Analysis of the APOE ε4 Genotype. JAMA pleted is decades of education and the cognitive demands of Neurol. Published online January 30, 2017. doi:10.1001/jaman- clinical practice. A recent study that followed subjects for 10 eurol.2016.3822 years revealed those who engage in craft activities, computer 6. Geda YE, Roberts RO, Knopman DS, Christianson TJH, Pank- ratz VS, Ivnik RJ, Boeve BF, Tangalos EG, Petersen RC, Rocca use, playing games, and social activities had significantly WA. Physical Exercise, Aging, and Mild Cognitive Impairment decreased incidence of mild cognitive impairment.5 One could A Population-Based Study. Arch Neurol. 2010;67(1):80-86. suppose that those benefits are already reaped by practicing doi:10.1001/archneurol.2009.297. 7. Estruch R, Ros E, Salas-Salvadó J, Corvas M-I, Corella D, Arós physicians, given the complexity of daily clinical activities. F, et al. PREDIMED Study Investigators. Primary prevention of But demanding brain work should not excuse ignoring cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean diet. other modifiable risk factors for the development of AD, Journal of Medicine. 2013;368(14):1279-1290. given the recently identified associations of certain behav- 8. Valls-Pedret C, Sala-Vila A, Serra-Mir M, Corella D, de la Torre R, Martínez-González MÁ, Martínez-Lapiscina EH, Fitó iors with prevention of cognitive decline. Healthy diet, reg- M, Pérez-Heras A, Salas-Salvadó J, Estruch R, Ros E. Mediter- ular frequent exercise and minimizing stroke risk factors ranean Diet and Age-Related Cognitive Decline: A Random- are a great start. A study monitoring subjects based on their ized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2015;175(7):1094-1103. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.1668. level of physical activity through mid- and late life showed 9. DeSalvo KB, Olson R, Casavale KO. Dietary Guidelines for that moderate exercise at any frequency was associated with Americans. JAMA. 2016;315(5):457-458. doi:10.1001/jama. decreased incidence of mild cognitive impairment.6 Unfortu- 2015.18396. nately, careers in medicine do not make prioritization of daily Authors exercise easy, but we hope this association will motivate us. Bradley Minter, MD, Fellow in Geriatric Medicine, Division of A Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil or nuts Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Department of Medicine, has been shown to prevent acute myocardial infarction, Alpert Medical School of Brown University. stroke or death from cardiovascular events.7 Recent analyses Richard W. Besdine, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director, from the same study has shown improved cognition.8 Guide- Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine (Medicine), lines of 2016 suggest a mix of vegetables, whole fruits, whole Alpert Medical School of Brown University; Professor of grains, fat-free dairy, a variety of protein, including nuts and Health Services Policy and Practice, Director, Center for unspecified oils.9 These evidence-based recommendations Gerontology and Health Care Research, Brown University targeting modifiable risk factors to protect the aging brain School of Public Health. from cognitive impairment and the development of AD are Correspondence not going to protect us all, as the non-modifiable risk factors Richard W. Besdine, MD can overcome even the healthiest among us. Given the high 121 South Main Street – #616, Providence, RI 02912 stakes, taking these protective steps seems worthwhile. 401-863-3211 Employers often recommend their employees consider diet Fax 401-863-3489 and exercise as a part of maintaining a healthy, stress-reduced [email protected]

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Legal Issues and the Aging Physician

Jeffrey F. Chase-Lubitz, Esq.

Introduction industry have a rational basis for holding that an age cut-off Competency, knowledge, and experience are fundamental to was an appropriate substitute for case-by-case testing? The quality care in the practice of medicine. Although aging phy- answer typically was “yes”. sicians may show increased signs of poor competency, the More recently, however, courts began scrutinizing actual medical community recognizes the high variability of the job functions to determine if across-the-board age restric- effect of age on physicians. Despite the complex correlation tions were superior to individualized testing. This has led between aging and cognitive changes, the potential for dan- to a trend in which courts have based their holdings against ger to patient safety pushes the demand for improved meth- age-triggered hiring and retirement policies on the fact that ods of identifying declining competency in physicians. There individual testing and monitoring were available and reli- is currently no law regulating competency assessment of the able – and that such individualized testing better protects aging physician community. A host of legal considerations the employee from discriminatory practice. relevant to tangential issues exist, but there is no doctrine, We have yet to see a case in which a court analyzed a man- no protocol, and no treatise specific to aging physicians and datory retirement age policy of a health care employer on their ability to provide quality medical care. This article will the basis of employment discrimination. If we did, the court explore the issues of age-based competency assessment (i.e. would likely reject arguments that the general protection of screening) in three contexts – physician as employee, physi- public health demands implementation of a pre-determined cian as a member of a facility medical staff, and physician retirement age for physicians. Rather, courts are more likely as licensee of a state medical authority – where issues of to support the use of screening mechanisms, for which age physician competency are most likely to arise. may be one of several factors, that rely on testing and moni- toring and take into account the particular conditions of the physician whose competency is in question. Employment Context The second prism through which to analyze age-based When a physician serves as an employee in a health facility, competency in the employment context is disability dis- questions concerning his competency due to advanced age crimination. The federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and will be examined through two prisms of established employ- Americans with Disability Act (ADA), and state disability ment law: age discrimination and disability discrimination. discrimination laws, prohibit adverse employment activi- The federal Age Discrimination and Employment Act ties based on an individual’s disability. Under the ADA, an (ADEA) and corresponding law in all fifty states prohibit employer may inquire about health conditions and require the arbitrary use of age in decisions that impact the employ- a medical examination only when they are “job related and ment status of individuals. The ADEA, when passed by consistent with business necessity.” The employer must Congress and later amended, carves out a bona-fide quali- have a reasonable belief based on objective evidence that the fications exemption so certain occupations deemed to be of employee’s ability to perform essential job functions will such importance to public safety may mandate a reasonably be impaired by a medical condition, or that the employee necessary retirement age. For example, pilots are required to will pose a direct threat to others as a result of that medical retire at age 65; air traffic controllers at age 56; federal law condition. Determining whether an employee poses a direct enforcement and firefighters at age 57; and nuclear material threat must be based on an individualized assessment of the carriers at age 57. Congress has never felt compelled to apply employee’s present ability to safely perform the essential a mandatory retirement age to physicians. functions of his/her job. Initially, as various industries outside of those covered by Age itself is not a disability under the ADA. Rather, an the federal mandate were sued under the ADEA (and similar individual is deemed to have a disability if he/she (i) has a state statutes) for implementing age-based hiring and retire- physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one ment policies thought to be discriminatory, courts deferred or more major life activities, (ii) has a record of such impair- to arguments that individualized testing and monitoring ment, or (iii) is perceived by others of having such impair- were inadequate to protect against catastrophe. The courts’ ment. Given the breadth of the definition it is difficult to test for examining the imposed retirement age was: Does the conceive of a situation in which a health care employer’s

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initiation of an age-based competency assessment will of possible ADA Title III application, the use of age-based not implicate the physical or mental impairment of the screening in the review of a physician’s clinical privileges physician employee or, at a minimum, evidence that the by a health care facility medical staff is generally permitted. employer perceives its physician employee suffers from such impairment. In turn, if the employer is subject to the ADA, then any request for a screening of the physician will have to State Licensure Context meet the standards stated above (i.e., reasonable belief that As the primary bodies charged with licensing and disci- essential job functions are impaired or poses direct threat plining physicians, state medical licensing boards maintain to others). The employer will then be required to obtain an the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that their physi- individual medical examination of the physician. In sum, cian licensees provide competent services to the public. one should not look to the disability laws for support of The courts, all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, have generally applied age-triggered screening. To the contrary, repeatedly recognized the authority of state licensing bodies disability jurisprudence stands for the idea of case specific, to regulate the practice of medicine as a means to protect the individualized assessment. public health. In the 1889 case, Dent v. West Virginia, the Supreme Court stated: “Few professions require more careful preparation by one Medical Staff Context who seeks to enter it than that of medicine. Reliance must Many physicians associate with health care enterprises not by placed upon the assurance given by his license, issued by through an employment relationship, but as an independent an authority competent to judge in that respect, that he pos- member of a facility’s medical staff – most commonly exem- sesses the requisite qualifications.D ue consideration, there- plified by a community physician’s credentialed position at fore, for the protection of society may well induce the state his/her local hospital. As such, these medical staff physicians to exclude from practice those who have no such a license, or generally do not enjoy the protection of the age and disability who are found upon examination not to be fully qualified.” discrimination laws discussed in the prior section because In the case of age-based competency screening, if a state those laws apply in almost all cases only to the employment licensing board determined that such screening was a nec- relationship. Hence, a health care institution has significant essary tool to protect the public health (and ensured due latitude to develop policies and rules that govern its rela- process protections to those individuals’ subject to screen- tionship with its independent (i.e. non-employed) medical ing), courts would likely reject any challenge thereto. State staff members – including the implementation of age-based licensing bodies, already established with the infrastruc- competency screening. There have been cases in which phy- ture to review questions of professional competency and sicians have argued that the controls and oversight inherent to respond to the particular conditions of their licensees by in the medical staff relationship are significant enough to way of practice restrictions, mandated supplementary edu- create an employment relationship between hospital and cation and oversight requirements, are undoubtedly in the physician. If successful, those arguments could cause the best position to undertake age-based screening. wholesale application of the age and disability discrimination statutes to facility medical staffs. As courts are extremely reticent to qualify medical staff members as anything other Protection of Screening Result than independent contractors, the application of the discrim- Age-based screening tests will by necessity involve medical ination laws to medical staff members is highly unlikely. information in assessing the competency of a physician’s As noted, disability discrimination laws generally apply skills. Understandably, professionals may respond with con- only in the employment context. However, there is one cerns regarding the confidentiality of the testing results. federal circuit that has held medical staff privileges to be If the screening is conducted in the employment context, protected from disability discrimination under Title III of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act the ADA. In that case, a doctor’s suspension from the med- (HIPAA) will not afford protection to medical information ical staff was deemed to be a denial of privileges of a phys- obtained during the test because HIPAA does not protect ical “place of public accommodation,” bringing the matter employment records. The confidentiality of these records under Title III. In this particular case, the physician’s alleged will be subject to employer policy and state employee-pro- disability was Attention DeficitD isorder. If this federal cir- tection law. In the medical staff context, test results from cuit court had been asked (or is asked in the future) to review screening pursuant to a competency protocol may be deemed a physician’s medical staff suspension due to a neurological a product of peer review activity and protected accordingly. impairment (perhaps resulting from advanced age), the court Most state peer review statutes protect the confidentiality may very well find that the physician’s privileges are subject and admissibility of peer review documentation. The chal- to the ADA and that the physician’s employer is subject to the lenge here is that the scope of peer review activities, and full set of ADA standards for requesting of the physician any thus the scope of the protection, varies significantly state type of medical assessment. Barring the limited exception to state. Finally, if the screening were to take to place under

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the authority of a state licensing board, the results would be Acknowledgment subject to the treatment provided them by the laws and reg- With contributions from Wingman Cheung, ulations governing the activities of the board. Many states [email protected]. mandate the confidentiality of their investigations into pro- fessional competency, and while the final results or find- Author ings of a licensing board review are made public, the work Jeffrey F. Chase-Lubitz, Esq., is a Partner in the firm of Donoghue, product (including screening results) typically is not. Barrett & Singal, Providence, RI.

Conclusion Correspondence Jeffrey F. Chase-Lubitz, Esq. As the medical and legal communities develop their [email protected] responses to the practical aspects of age-based competency screening, the legal framework around the issues of the aging physician will come into focus. We saw under the first section above that the general practice of age-based screen- ing is anathema to the protections afforded employees under established employment discrimination laws. Facility med- ical staffs provide much greater latitude for implementing screening protocol. The result, however, of having individ- ual health facilities develop age-based competency reviews is likely to be diverse and inconsistent screening programs applied only to limited subgroups of physicians (i.e., those who are members of a medical staff). Resting the screening process on public health concerns and requiring all physi- cians licensed to practice within a state removes extrinsic biases that may occur at the level of an employer or medical staff age-based screening test. Implementing an age-based screening test as a part of the licensing process at the state licensing board level also would best adhere to the courts’ emphasis on the state’s expansive authority in protecting the general welfare of its citizens.

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Moving Forward: Retirement Opportunities for Senior Physicians

Donna Singer, MS

As national and local medical organizations explore how to The following activities may be helpful for physicians, assess senior physicians and their competence and skill, it is as they plan for the future: important for physicians to understand that retirement can be an exciting, interesting, and significant life stage in and of Activity 1 – My Current Reality itself. Many opportunities may exist – both within and out- (While still in clinical practice) side of health care – to allow these physicians who no longer Using percentages (%), how much of my time do I currently practice, to continue to live meaningful and satisfying lives. spend in each of the following areas? Toward that end, it may be helpful for hospitals and other (Total should add up to 100%). health care organizations to provide lectures, seminars, and • Paid work small group discussions related to retirement in order to • Leisure activities reduce the fear that professional life may definitely be over once one leaves clinical practice. • Family Also while still practicing clinical medicine, some phy- • Friends sicians may want to develop a plan as to what they will do • Health/Self-care next. Others may want to retire first and perhaps have a • Personal growth period of rest and relaxation for a few months before thinking about or planning how to spend the rest of their time/lives. • Spirituality Each physician needs to retire in the way that works best • Financial matters for him or her. Yet, if observations and/or assessments indi- • Living environment cate that one must leave clinical practice before realizing • Voluntary activities this on his or her own, the situation may be daunting. When most people think about retirement, specific words • Other: ...... or concepts immediately come to mind such as: ...... • Extended down time Activity 2 – Envisioning the future • Boredom (When I am retired) • Lonely time Using percentages (%) when I retire, how much of my time • Financial considerations would I like to spend in each of these areas? (Total should add up to 100%.) • Relaxation and fun • Paid work • Writing • Leisure activities • Traveling • Family • More family time • Friends It is clear from the above, that there is no one attitude about retirement. Moreover, there is no one model of retire- • Health/Self-care ment. Jawaharlal Nehru said, “We live in a wonderful world • Personal growth that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end • Spirituality to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our • Financial matters eyes open.” These adventures for a retiring physician may involve travel or may be right at home. • Living environment In today’s world, retirement may turn out to be twenty • Voluntary activities or more years. Therefore, living with meaning, passion, and • Other: ...... purpose will be important for well-being and longevity......

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Activity 3 – Learning from what has worked volunteering in a clinic in another country, committee work Another activity that has proven to be helpful in envision- in a medical society, committee work in your hospital or ing the future is called Appreciative Inquiry. This technique organization, writing about issues or concerns in health care, helps you to understand what has worked for you in the lecturing, consulting, expert witness, working in a pharma- past and therefore what might be a direction for you in the ceutical company, tutoring individual medical students. future. Four questions that may prove helpful are: Outside of health care: (Following an interest or passion – • What first attracted you to medicine as a career? previous or new) Performing in a musical group (voice or • What energized you in the early days of medical practice? instrument), learning to play an instrument, joining a cho- rus or choir, studying music history, taking art lessons, • As you think back on your career to date, what could visiting museums, studying art history, writing articles, you say was a special moment when you felt most alive, writing a blog, writing a novel, writing a memoir or fam- involved, and excited about your work? ily history, studying genealogy, travel in the United States, • What, if anything, might your answer to question #3 tell travel abroad, visiting specific local historical sites, travel you about ways you might be engaged in your retirement, for pure adventure, travel for learning, beginning an exer- in medicine or other areas? cise program, learning and engaging in a new or different sport, combining travel with exercise (walking trips or bicy- Activity 4 – Reflection cle trips), participating in a marathon, visiting family, family Schedule a time and select a place to have a “meeting” travels and vacations, caring for grandchildren, organizing with yourself. Think back to the time before you decided family reunions, learning to cook, going to a cooking school, on a career in medicine. What subjects in school did you taking cooking classes, learning about healthy eating. excel in? What subjects or extra curricula activities did you enjoy most? If you hadn’t become a physician what other Any one of the above activities either in health care, career(s) might you have been interested in pursuing? If you related to health care, or completely separate from health have family members or friends who knew you pre-medical care, could be developed into what is known as an encore school, ask them what, if any, career they think you would career. This next career might be strictly as a volunteer, or have enjoyed and been successful in. could be a paid engagement. Physicians may be surprised to realize how many differ- Activity 5 – Interviewing colleagues and friends ent opportunities there are for meaningful engagement after Contact colleagues and/or friends who have been retired for clinical practice. Not all of the above activities are sufficient at least a couple of years, and ask them these questions and to totally satisfy one’s emotional, social, or learning desires; questions of your own: more than one can be engaged in at the same time. However, it’s important not to become so busy that work-life balance • What is your typical day like? once again becomes a challenge. • What were the first six months of retirement like for you? A Role for Hospitals and Health Care Organizations • What have been your three greatest joys in retirement? Hospitals and other health care organizations can play a • What have been your three greatest challenges major role in helping all senior physicians look forward to in retirement? retirement regardless of their age, ability and acumen. Physi- cians who are suddenly advised not to practice clinically any • How have you integrated your personal and longer or are actually told they may not practice any lon- “professional “ life in your retirement? ger can find themselves despondent and worried. Realistic • What advice or suggestions would you give to yet positive presentations by hospitals or health care orga- a physician who is thinking about retiring? nizations about this next life stage – with guest speakers, You may want to keep a notebook with what you’ve seminars, and discussion groups – can be quite helpful. Even learned from these interviews. Perhaps you’ll discover that former clinical “stars” returning to tell about their experi- the individuals you interview will really enjoy the oppor- ences since retiring can be reassuring to those who fear the tunity to share their experience with an interested person loss of identity after so many years as a clinician. such as you. The message is clear: there is meaning in life after full- time clinical practice. Those individuals who enter this life Moving Forward: Retirement Opportunities phase with a positive attitude, in spite of a variety of chal- Many physicians have found one or more of the following lenges – perhaps physical and/or cognitive challenges – will options satisfying, rewarding, and/or stimulating after leav- find meaning and feel energized and productive. Knowing ing a long career in clinical practice: the many possibilities available to senior physicians after clinical practice will hopefully help with this transition. Within health care: Teaching medical students as a vol- unteer, teaching abroad, volunteering in a clinic locally,

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Interesting Books Related to Retirement Author The Encore Career Handbook, How to Make a Living Donna Singer, MS, PCC, Coach and Consultant to Physicians, and a Difference in the Second Half of Life Donna Singer Consulting, LLC. Marci Alboher Correspondence 80 Things to Do When You Turn 80 [email protected] 415-789-5042 Mark Evan Chimsky, Editor

Live Smart after 50! The Experts’ Guide to Life Planning for Uncertain Times Life Planning Network Editorial Board

Legacies of the Heart, Living a Life That Matters Meg Newhouse, PhD

Time-shifting, Creating More Time to Enjoy Your Life Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD

70 Things to Do When You Turn 70 Ronnie Sellers, Editor

The Couple’s Retirement Puzzle, 10 Must-Have Conversations for Creating an Amazing New Life Together Roberta K. Taylor, RNCS, MEd; Dorian Mintzer, MSW, PhD

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Respiratory viral testing in laboratories serving acute care hospitals in Rhode Island

Daniel Harris, BA; Emily Cooper, MPH; Cindy Vanner, BS; Leonard Mermel, DO, ScM

19 22 EN Abstract mortality and improved antibiotic stewardship.6 Despite Background: The rapid detection of respiratory viral these findings, to our knowledge, only one study assessed infections is associated with several positive health out- availability of rapid respiratory viral testing in acute care comes. However, little is known about the availability of hospitals.8 As such, the present study’s objective was to rapid respiratory viral testing in acute care hospital lab- survey hospital laboratories in Rhode Island to describe the oratories. availability of respiratory viral testing, timeliness of results, and the proportion of tests that had positive results. Methods: A survey was sent to 13 hospital laborato- ries assessing results’ turnaround time, the number of ordered tests and positive results. Methods Results: Rapid viral panel (RVP), respiratory syncytial The Rhode Island Department of Health, the Rhode Island virus (RSV), and rapid influenza testing was available in State Laboratory, Healthcentric Advisors (the Centers for 9 of 13, 13 of 13, and 13 of 13 hospitals, respectively. Re- Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Medicare Quality Innova- sults were available within 24 hours of specimen collec- tion Network-Quality Improvement Organization for New tion in 1 of 9 hospitals for RVP; RSV and rapid influenza England), and one of the authors (LM) developed a brief sur- results were available within 12 hours in 8 of 13 and 13 vey sent to laboratory directors of 13 hospital-affiliated lab- of 13 hospitals, respectively. oratories (all 11 non-federal acute care hospitals in Rhode Conclusions: Rapid diagnosis of respiratory viral in- Island, the Providence VA Medical Center and Eleanor Slater fections in RI acute care hospitals can be made for influ- Hospital [state-run facility]) to assess respiratory viral test- enza and RSV. However, rapid results for other respirato- ing during the calendar year 2016. The electronic survey was ry viruses are unavailable in most of RI hospitals. emailed to lab directors by one of the authors (CV), Director Keywords: viral testing, Rhode Island, respiratory viral of the Rhode Island State Laboratory. infection

Results RVP, RSV, and rapid influenza testing was offered in 9 of 13, Background 13 of 13, and 13 of 13 hospitals, respectively (Table 1). Results Respiratory viral infections are the most common infections were available within 24 hours of specimen collection in 1 in humans.1 Though they affect all ages, those at highest risk of 9 hospitals for RVP testing; RSV and rapid influenza test for morbidity and mortality are children, older adults and results were available within 12 hours in 8 of 13 and 13 of individuals with chronic medical conditions.2 Globally, the burden of respiratory infections exceeds that of any other Table 1. Rapid respiratory virus testing in Rhode Island acute care hospitals disease etiology and is responsible for 18% of deaths in chil- 3 Respiratory Virus Test; Off-site Processing On-site Processing dren under five years of age. In the United States, influen- Turnaround Time* N N za-associated deaths are estimated to have been 12,000 in 4 RVP (N = 7) (N = 2) 2011-2012 and 56,000 in 2012-2013. Based on a recent study <24 hours 0 1 of nosocomial respiratory viral infections in a Rhode Island >24 hours 7 1 teaching hospital, the authors estimated that there are RSV (N = 5) (N = 7) approximately 15,834 adult and 3,121 pediatric nosocomial <12 hours 1 7 respiratory viral infections nationally each year.5 >12 hours 2 0 Studies have demonstrated improved outcomes and cost Greater than 24 2 0 benefits of rapid viral testing.6-8 For example, reduced dura- Rapid Influenza (N = 0) (N = 13) tion of antibiotic therapy and length of stay have been doc- <12 hours – 13 umented after implementing rapid detection of respiratory >12 hours – 0 viruses.7 Such testing has been associated with decreased * Time from specimen collection to availability of results

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13 hospitals, respectively. Test processing was off-site in 8 References of the 9 hospitals with RVP test result availability beyond 1. Monto AS. Epidemiology of viral respiratory infections. Am J 24 hours. Test processing was off-site in all 5 hospitals with Med 2002;112 Suppl 6A:4S-12S. 2. Tregoning JS, Schwarze J. Respiratory viral infections in infants: RSV test result availability beyond 12 hours. causes, clinical symptoms, virology, and . Clin Mi- Among the 13 hospitals, 6803, 521, and 15224 RVP, RSV crobiol Rev 2010;23:74-98. and rapid influenza tests were ordered in 2016. In the one 3. Mizgerd JP. Lung infection--a public health priority. PLoS Med hospital able to provide the number of positive RVP test 2006;3:e76. results, 52 of 206 (25%) were positive. In the one hospital 4. Rolfes MA FI, Garg S, Flannery B, Brammer L, Singleton JA, et al. Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical Visits, Hospitaliza- able to provide the number of positive RSV test results, 12 tions, and Deaths Averted by Vaccination in the United States. of 35 (34%) were positive. Of the 8 hospitals able to provide In: (CDC) CfDCaP, ed.2016. rapid influenza test results, 1095 of 6110 (18%) were positive. 5. Chow EJ, Mermel LA. Hospital-Acquired Respiratory Viral In- fections: Incidence, Morbidity, and Mortality in Pediatric and Adult Patients. Open Forum Infect Dis 2017;4:ofx006. 6. Barenfanger J, Drake C, Leon N, Mueller T, Troutt T. Clinical Discussion and financial benefits of rapid detection of respiratory viruses: Clinicians in 9 of 13 Rhode Island acute care hospitals have an outcomes study. J Clin Microbiol 2000;38:2824-8. access to RVP testing, but the availability of test results were 7. Rogers BB, Shankar, P., Jerris, R. C., Kotzbauer, D., Anderson, E., Watson, J., R. et al. Impact of a rapid respiratory panel test on delayed beyond 24 hours in all but 1 hospital. Clinicians at patient outcomes. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2015;139:636-41. all 13 hospitals have access to RSV and rapid influenza test- 8. Xu M, Qin X, Astion ML, et al. Implementation of filmarray re- ing. The time from specimen procurement to availability of spiratory viral panel in a core laboratory improves testing turn- around time and patient care. Am J Clin Pathol 2013;139:118-23. results depends on a large part as to whether or not specimen processing is done by an individual hospital’s laboratory (i.e., Acknowledgments on-site) or carried out at an affiliate hospital laboratory (i.e., We thank the laboratory directors and managers who kindly took off-site). This was particularly problematic regarding RVP the time to respond to our survey. testing. Not unexpectedly, 68% of the all respiratory viral Disclaimer testing done in our acute care hospitals involved a rapid influenza test. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Brown University School of The fact that most clinicians in our state treating patients Public Health, Warren Alpert Medical School, Rhode Island that present with symptoms of a respiratory viral tract infec- Hospital, or Healthcentric Advisors. tion do not have access to rapid turnaround testing for respi- ratory viruses other than influenza and RSV, raises concerns Authors regarding antibiotic stewardship and placing hospitalized Daniel Harris, BA; School of Public Health, Brown University, patients with suspected respiratory viral infections in the Healthcentric Advisors, Providence, RI. same hospital room. It is possible that availability of test Emily Cooper, MPH; Healthcentric Advisors, Providence, RI. results for multiple respiratory viruses with a short turn- Cindy Vanner, BS; Rhode Island Department of Health, Providence, RI. around time would assist in decision-making by the patient’s Leonard Mermel, DO, ScM; Department of Medicine, Alpert medical team regarding whether or not antimicrobial ther- Medical School of Brown University; Division of Infectious apy should be initiated, or discontinued if such medications Diseases, , Providence, RI. have already been implemented unless there is a suggestion of a bacterial superinfection. Though still clinically useful, if such test results are not available in a timely manner, there may be a greater risk of transmission to other patients or staff if isolation precautions are not implemented pending such results. Expeditious diagnosis of a patient’s respiratory viral infection may alleviate some angst among patients concerned about a bacterial infection. Moreover, such test- ing enables clinicians to confirm a viral infection, and in doing so, justify withholding antimicrobial therapy. Due to the nature of survey instrument, responses were self-reported with potential for reporting bias. Although our survey involved all acute care hospitals in Rhode Island, the small number of hospitals may limit generalizability to other states.

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A rare case of amelanotic anorectal melanoma

Nicole A. Negbenebor, BS; Edward Feller, MD, FACG, FACP

29 31 EN Abstract current skin complaints. Physical examination including We report an exceedingly rare case of amelanotic anorectal vital signs, skin and abdominal exams, was normal. How- melanoma misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids. A 74-year-old ever, on rectal exam, a firm nodule was detected just inside man presented with a week’s history of “blood on toilet the anal verge and interpreted as an internal hemorrhoid. tissue” without bowel complaints or history of cutane- (Figure 1) Rectal exam at presentation was negative for occult ous melanoma. Skin evaluation was normal. Rectal exam blood. Hemoglobin was normal, but bleeding persisted. was negative for blood, but revealed an anal nodule, inter- After one month, colonoscopy was performed. A 2 cm, non- preted as a hemorrhoid. Hemoglobin was normal; bleed- pigmented, anal lesion was biopsied, revealing melanoma ing persisted. After one month, colonoscopy detected a on immunohistology. non-pigmented anal lesion. Biopsy showed melanoma. Figure 1. A firm, amelanotic anorectal melanoma. Noncutaneous mucosal melanoma represents 0.03% of new cancer diagnoses Anorectal melanoma accounts for 1% of melanomas and 0.4% of anal malignancies. Uncom- monly, this malignancy lacks melanin pigment, compli- cating detection. Presenting complaints are non-specific rectal bleeding, pain, itching or incontinence, mimicking more common disorders. Dangerous misdiagnosis occurs when benign disease, not malignancy, is suspected. Risk factors for cutaneous mel- anoma are less frequent. Mucosal melanoma has different . Clinicians must be aware of diagnostic difficul- ties of anorectal melanoma, especially when amelanotic. Keywords: anorectal melanoma, GI bleeding, mucosal melanoma

Introduction Noncutaneous mucosal melanoma, including ocular, ano- Discussion rectal, vaginal and nasal sites, is rare, representing 0.03% This rare malignancy arises from melanocytes, most com- of all new cancer diagnoses based on data from the National monly found in the skin, but also in ocular or mucosal sites.5 Cancer Data Base Report on Cutaneous and Noncutaneous Mucosal and cutaneous melanomas are distinct diseases Melanoma.1 Anorectal melanoma accounts for as few as 1% with discrete genetic features. Mucosal melanoma is char- of melanomas and 0.4% of anal malignancies.2,3 Uncom- acterized by a distinct pattern of chromosomal aberrations.6 monly, this malignancy lacks melanin pigment ( amelanotic Any mucosal site may be affected, but most arise from the melanoma), complicating detection.4 This tumor manifests vulvovaginal and head and neck mucosa; the anorectum is as non-specific symptoms, including small amounts of rec- the 3rd most common site for mucosal melanoma, occur- tal bleeding, pain, itching or incontinence, mimicking more ring nearly equally in the anal canal, rectum, or anorectum.7 common disorders with potential catastrophic delayed diag- Mucosal melanoma has been documented rarely in the nosis. We describe an exceedingly rare case of amelanotic mucosa of other tissues including the male urethra, gallblad- anorectal melanoma initially misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids. der, esophagus and large and small bowel.7 Often discovered at an advanced stage, it is usually found in older patients Case report with chronic disease; half present at age 70 or older. The A 74-year-old man presented with a one-week history of 5-year survival rate is as low as 6%.4,8 “flecks of blood on the toilet tissue” after defecation with- Risk factors for cutaneous melanoma, including light skin, out bowel complaints, history of cutaneous melanoma or exposure to ultraviolet radiation, family history of melanoma,

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are not as well documented for mucosal anorectal mela- defining tumor localization in the few large sample size noma. Cutaneous melanoma is 5 to 20 times more frequent database publications. in Caucasians whereas anorectal melanoma is only twice as common in Caucasians.9 In the United States, fewer than Conclusion 3% of skin melanomas occur in African Americans and dark- Although rare, clinicians must be aware of the diverse clini- skinned Latinos; however, these groups represent as many cal spectrum and diagnostic difficulties associated with ano- as 9% of individuals diagnosed with mucosal melanoma.1 rectal melanoma, especially when amelanotic. This tumor Additionally, recent data support an association of anorec- can mimic refractory hemorrhoids or other benign perianal tal melanoma with HIV in men who have sex with men.10 disorders. Primary mucosal anorectal melanoma should be A recent study reported a family history of cutaneous mel- considered in selected patients when an anal or anorectal anoma which was associated with the development of a mass is discovered. Bowel or rectal complaints of any type mucosal melanoma.11 in adults with a current or past history of melanoma should Anorectal melanoma is commonly asymptomatic until prompt evaluation of possible metastatic disease. Despite a late stage or manifests as non-specific, sometimes vague its rarity, anorectal melanoma should be considered when symptoms. The most common clinical presentation, as unusual or unclear anorectal lesions are detected. in our patient, is rectal bleeding. Other initial complaints may be rectal pain, sensation of rectal fullness or a mass, References constipation or diarrhea, tenesmus, anal pruritis, or vague, 1. Chang AE, Karnell LH, Menck HR. The National Cancer Data non-specific complaints ignored by both patient and physi- Base report on cutaneous and noncutaneous melanoma: a sum- mary of 84,836 cases from the past decade. The American Col- cian. Incontinence and iron deficiency are rare, but reported. lege of Surgeons Commission on Cancer and the American Can- Fatigue and weight loss may be reported by individuals with cer Society. Cancer 1998; 83:1664-1678. widespread metastatic disease.3 2. Zhang S, Gao F, Wan D. Effect of misdiagnosis on the progno- sis of anorectal malignant melanoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol Dangerous misdiagnosis and delayed treatment occur 2010;136:1401–1405. when benign diseases, including hemorrhoids, skin tags or 3. Dominiak NR, Wick M, Smith T. Mucosal melanomas:Site-spe- small, benign polyps, are suspected rather than malignant cific information, comparisons with cutaneous tumors, and dif- ferential diagnosis. Sem Diag Path 2016; 33: 191-7. melanoma or another malignancy. Other factors delaying 4. Patrick RJ, Fenske NA, Messina JL. Primary Mucosal Melano- diagnosis include: (1) Rarity of anorectal melanoma which ma. J Amer Acad Derm 2007; 56.5: 828-34. is not associated with prior or contemporaneous skin malig- 5. Postow MA, Hamid O, Carvajal RD. Mucosal Melanoma: Patho- genesis, Clinical Behavior, and Management. Curr Oncol Rep nancy so that diagnostic suspicion is low; (2) Amelanotic (2012) 14:441–448. lesions, as in our patient, occur infrequently, although exact 6. Furney SJ, Turajlic S, Stamp G, Nohadani M. Genome se- data does not exist4; (3) Although indicated at clinical pre- quencing of mucosal melanomas reveals that they are driven by distinct mechanisms from cutaneous melanoma. J Pathol sentaton, careful anorectal digital exam and anoscopy are 2013;230:261–9. commonly not performed; (4) Frequent atypical macroscopic 7. Stefanou AJ. Anorectal melanoma. Sem Colon Rectal Surg 2015; appearance ranging from a firm polypoid lesion to hemor- 26:91–95. rhoid-like, pigmented or amelanotic ulceration.2 Misdiagno- 8. Callahan A, Anderson WF, Patel S, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Bordeaux JS , Tucker MA, Gerstenblith MR. Epidemiology of Anorectal sis of anal melanoma as more common malignancies, such Melanoma in the United States: 1992 to 2011 Dermatol Surg as carcinoma, lymphoma, or angiosarcoma, would be eval- 2016;42:94–99. 9. Curtin JA, Fridlyand J, Kageshita T, Patel HN, et al. Distinct uated urgently, revealing the unsuspected anorectal mela- sets of genetic alterations in melanoma. N Engl J Med 2005; 353: noma in a timely manner. 2135–47. Zhang et al. reported misdiagnosis at presentation in more 10. Cagir B, Whiteford MH, Topham A, Rakinic J, Fry RD. Chang- 2 ing epidemiology of anorectal melanoma. Dis Colon Rectum than half of their patients, 46 of 79 (58 %). In this study, 1999;42(9):1203–1208. the maximal diameter of tumor in the misdiagnosed group 11. Cazenave H, Maubec E, Mohamdi H, Grange F, et al. Geni- was longer than in the not-misdiagnosed group (4.06 vs. 3.45 tal and anorectal mucosal melanoma is associated with cu- taneous melanoma in patients and in families. Br J Dermatol cm). Distant metastasis at diagnosis in the delayed diagno- 2013;169:594–9. sis group was more common than in the not-delayed group 12. Pessaux P, Pocard M, Elias D, P. Duvillard P, Avril MF, Zim- (30.4% vs. 24.2%). Of incorrect diagnoses, half were mis- merman P, Lasser P. Surgical management of primary anorectal melanoma. Brit J Surg 2004; 91: 1183–1187. diagnosed as carcinoma, half as benign lesions. The danger is that benign anorectal diseases do not generally require Authors urgent evaluation and are prone to being neglected by both Nicole A. Negbenebor is a fourth-year medical student at the patient and doctor. Pessau and colleagues reported a mean Alpert Medical School of Brown University. delay in diagnosis of 6 months in this context.12 Edward Feller, MD, FACG, FACP, is a clinical professor of medical Our discussion has a specific limitation. Anorectal mel- science at Brown University. anoma is an extremely rare sub-type of melanoma. The Correspondence majority of reports in the medical literature describe a sin- Nicole A. Negbenebor gle case report or a very small case series. Thus, some rates Box G-M Brown University and percentages may be imprecise due to small sample size 222 Richmond St. Providence, RI 02912 studies or different methodology and varied nomenclature [email protected]

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Multimodality imaging in the diagnosis of a large accessory papillary muscle

Amr El Meligy, MD; Somwail Rasla, MD; Aaron Wheeler, MD; Roy Souaid, MD; Thomas Noonan, MD, FACC

32 35 EN Abstract Case report An accessory papillary muscle is an uncommon con- A 66-year-old woman with a history of diabetes mellitus, genital anomaly usually found incidentally on routine hypertension and obesity was referred to the cardiac imaging. While frequently asymptomatic, it is outpatient clinic by her primary care physician following occasionally associated with mitral regurgitation, left an abnormal stress test. She was incidentally found to have ventricular dynamic outflow obstruction and hypertro- an abnormal electrocardiogram, prompting an exercise tol- phic cardiomyopathy1 and it is important to differentiate erance test (ETT) where she exercised for six minutes and it from other pathological processes including papillary reached 88% of the maximum predicted heart rate with bor- fibroelastoma, left ventricle thrombus, hemangioma, a derline ST depressions in the inferolateral leads. She denied single papillary muscle with a parachute mitral valve and any history of coronary artery disease or stroke. She exer- a left ventricle false tendon. cises twice weekly. Medication regimen included: simvasta- The clinical implication of these findings varies accord- tin, lisinopril, and metformin. At the time of her outpatient ing to the degree of left ventricular out flow obstruction, visit blood pressure was 120/60mmHg, pulse of 80, body location and pathology. We report a case that underscores mass index of 30.20 kg/m2, and oxygen saturation of 98% on the importance of multimodality imaging in the diagno- room air. She had unremarkable physical exam, including sis and differentiation of an accessory papillary muscle cardiac exam. An electrocardiogram revealed sinus rhythm from other intracardiac masses. with a non-specific intraventricular conduction delay, and Keywords: Accessory papillary muscle, cardiac mass, laboratory tests showed normal complete blood count, basic imaging metabolic panel, thyroid stimulating hormone and liver function. Due to the abnormal ETT, she had a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) ordered which showed normal left ventricular size and systolic function with no regional wall motion abnormalities. An echodense mass was found with Introduction independent mobility in the mid to upper septum measur- Papillary muscles (PMs) vary in number, shape, thickness ing 1.5 x 1.1 cm without significant left ventricular outflow and location, with three PMs located in the right ventricle tract (LVOT) gradient, concerning for fibroelastoma. The and two located in the left. Variations in PM distribution are decision was made to proceed with a cardiovascular mag- related to incomplete delamination of trabecular ridge in the netic resonance (CMR) and transesophageal echocardiogram ventricles 2 and are classified on the numbers of heads (I-III) (TEE) for further evaluation of the underlying mass. and type of insertion (A-C).3 Usually an incidental discovery A CMR with Gadavist gadolinium-based contrast showed on echocardiogram imaging, it may occasionally be asso- an indeterminate 1.5 x 1.2cm left ventricular mass with ciated with mitral regurgitation or obstruction of the left elongated morphology which demonstrated similar signal ventricular outflow tract.4 An increase in number or mass characteristics to the adjacent papillary muscles; however, of papillary muscles may be seen in patients with hypertro- the motion was different on cine images requiring a TEE for phic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and is considered a variant of better differentiation and to exclude fibroelastoma. (Figure HCM.4 Recognition of this congenital anomaly is fundamen- 1). The TEE demonstrated a contractile echodense mass tal in distinguishing it from other intracardiac attached to the interventricular septum on the left ventricu- like papillary fibroelastoma, left ventricular thrombus, a lar side with no LVOT gradient crossing the left ventricular single papillary muscle with a parachute mitral valve and a chamber, unlikely to be a fibroelastoma and likely repre- left ventricle false tendon that may warrant a different treat- senting a large accessory papillary muscle (Figure 2). ment approach. Here, we present a clinical scenario whereby The patient then underwent a nuclear stress test, showing we diagnose a large accessory papillary muscle using its normal myocardial wall thickening with a left ventricular characteristic radiographic findings in accordance with vari- ejection fraction of 60% and no signs of underlying ischemia. ous imaging modalities.

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Figure 1. A cardiovascular magnetic resonance with Gadavist Gadolinium-based contrast images A. Cine steady-state free precession (SSFP) sequence, 3 chamber views showing an accessory papillary muscle (APM) in systole B. Cine SSFP sequence, short axis view showing an APM during systole. RV: Right Ventricle, LV: Left Ventricle, LVOT: Left Ventricular OutflowT ract, AO: Aorta, AV: Aortic Valve, APM: Accessory Papillary Muscle. PM: Papillary Muscle


Discussion An accessory papillary muscle is an uncommon congeni- precession (SSFP) sequences and is not usually enhanced tal anomaly, usually found incidentally in asymptomatic after the administration of contrast.8 While an accessory patients. However, it can cause mitral valve regurgitation papillary muscle will obviously have signal characteristics and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. It is often identical to a normal papillary muscle on CMR, a left ven- misinterpreted for a papillary fibroelastoma, left ventricu- tricle thrombus may include an accompanying regional wall lar thrombus, hemangioma, left ventricular false tendon or a motion abnormality, especially with an apically located single papillary muscle with parachute mitral valve (PMV). thrombus, along with a distinct thrombus margin with jag- A single papillary muscle with PMV is a rare congenital ged edges and movement separate from the underlying endo- anomaly of the mitral valve apparatus where the chordae cardium with a higher echodensity reading compared to the tendinea converge to the centrally placed single papillary myocardium itself.9 muscle instead. It is usually associated with aortic stenosis In this case, an accessory papillary muscle resembled a (32%), atrial septal defect (54%) and hypoplastic heart (19%) large fibroelastoma on transthoracic imaging given its inde- and when isolated accounts for less than 1% of PMV.5 pendent motion from the other papillary muscles. However, However, left ventricular false tendons are cords that do it demonstrated similar characteristic signals to the papil- not attach to the leaflets of the atrioventricular valves and lary muscles on cine images of CMR and on TEE. The mass instead connects papillary muscles to each other or to the appeared as an echodense mass attached to the interventric- ventricular wall, interventricular septum, or merely pass ular septum with similar morphology to the papillary mus- between two points on the wall itself. It has been suggested cle and without signs of left ventricular obstruction.1 that they might be implicated as a source of idiopathic left While echocardiogram is usually the initial imaging ventricular tachycardia.6 In contrast, a papillary fibroelas- modality, cross sectional imaging with CT or CMR can pro- toma is usually a small (usually <9 mm), well delineated, vide a detailed anatomical picture and is also helpful in the pedunculated, non-contractile mass with a characteristic assessment of associated anomalies.1 A CMR is useful in shimmer or vibration at the tumor-blood interface on TEE, the evaluation of any physiological consequences of these ascribed to the finger-like projections of the tumor.7 On abnormalities, especially in the context of emerging studies CMR, it appears as a hypointense or intermediate signal in suggesting a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy variant for those T1-weighted sequences, intermediate signal in T2-weighted who have isolated papillary muscle hypertrophy.10 sequences and hypointense in the cine-MR steady-state free

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Figure 2. Transesophageal Echocardiogram images. A. Mid-esophageal long axis view (ME-LAX) showing an accessory papillary muscle (APM) in systole. B. ME-LAX view showing an APM during diastole. C. ME- two chamber view showing an APM during systole. D. ME -two chamber view showing an APM during diastole. LA: Left Atrium, MV: Mitral Valve, LV: Left Ventricle, AO: Aorta, AV: Aortic Valve, RV: Right Ventricle, IVS: Interventricular Septum, APM: Accessory Papillary Muscle.



Conclusion References This case illustrates the role of multimodality imaging in 1. Harrigan, C.J., et al. Significance of papillary muscle abnormal- the diagnosis of different intracardiac masses and providing ities identified by cardiovascular magnetic resonance in hyper- trophic cardiomyopathy. The American journal of cardiology, insight into future management. There is very scarce data 2008. 101(5): p. 668-673. in the literature about long term outcomes in patients with 2. Gunnal, S.A., R.N. Wabale, and M.S. Farooqui. Morphological asymptomatic variants of these abnormalities, and future variations of papillary muscl in the mitral valve complex in hu- man cadaveric hearts. Singapore Med J, 2013. 54(1): p. 44-8. studies are needed to better prognosticate and determine 3. Berdajs, D., P. Lajos, and M.I. Turina. A new classification of the the best course of treatment for these underlying medical mitral papillary muscle. Medical science monitor, 2005. 11(1): conditions.11 p. BR18-BR21. 4. De Gregorio, C. Left ventricular dynamic obstruction by atyp- ical papillary muscle morphology: is this finding so unusual in clinical practice? Journal of the American Society of Echocardi- ography, 2007. 20(1): p. 100-101.

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5. Hakim, F. A., Kendall, C. B., Alharthi, M., Mancina, J. C., Tajik, J. Authors A., & Mookadam, F. (2010). Parachute Mitral Valve in Adults-A Amr El Meligy, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Memorial Systematic Overview. Echocardiography,27(5), 581-586. Hospital of Rhode Island, Warren Alpert Medical School of 6. Gualano, Sarah K., Steven F. Bolling, David Gordon, Allecia Wil- Brown University. son, and David S. Bach. “High Prevalence of False Chordae Ten- dinae in Patients Without Left Ventricular Tachycardia.” Pacing Somwail Rasla, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Memorial and Clinical Electrophysiology30.S1 (2007) Hospital of Rhode Island, Warren Alpert Medical School of 7. Mann, D.L., et al. Braunwald’s heart disease: a textbook of car- Brown University. diovascular medicine. 2014: Elsevier Health Sciences. Aaron Wheeler, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Memorial 8. O’Laughlin, J.P., G. Verma, and I. Gulkarov, Cardiac Fibroelasto- Hospital of Rhode Island, Warren Alpert Medical School of ma versus Thrombus: Echocardiographic Evidence Can Be Mis- Brown University. leading. Case Reports in Cardiology, 2016. Roy Souaid, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Memorial 9. Misra, S., T. Koshy, and S. Pal. False tendons and accessory Hospital of Rhode Island, Warren Alpert Medical School of papillary muscle in the left ventricle. Anesthesia & Analgesia, Brown University. 2011. 113(5): p. 1016-1018. Thomas Noonan, MD, FACC, Department of Internal Medicine, 10. Sung, K.-T., et al. Solitary accessory and papillary muscle hyper- trophy manifested as dynamic mid-wall obstruction and symp- Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island, Warren Alpert Medical tomatic heart failure: diagnostic feasibility by multi-modality School of Brown University; Department of Cardiology, imaging. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 2014. 14(1): p. 34. Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. 11. Ker, J. and L. Du Toit. The accessory papillary muscle with infe- rior J-waves-peculiarity or hidden danger? Cardiovascular Ultra- Correspondence sound, 2009. 7(1): p. 50. Amr El Meligy, MD Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island 111 Brewster Street Pawtucket, RI 02860 401-729-2000 Fax 401 7293343 [email protected]

Www.rimed.org | archives | SEPTEMBER Webpage SEPTEMBER 2017 Rhode island medical journal 36 health by numbers Public health Nicole E. Alexander-Scott, md, MPH director, rhode island department of health edited by samara viner-brown, ms

Suicide deaths among Rhode Island adults aged 25 years and older: An epidemiologic and spatial analysis

Yongwen Jiang, PhD; Deborah N. Pearlman, PhD; Jeffrey Hill, MS; Samara Viner-Brown, MS

In 2014, suicide deaths in the United States reached their white. Suburban regions had higher proportions of suicide highest levels in nearly 30 years, capturing much media deaths compared to other areas of the state. Most adult sui- attention. The age-adjusted adult suicide rate increased cide deaths occurred at a house/apartment. Firearm, poison- 24%, from 10.5 per 100,000 people in 1999 to 13.0 per ing, hanging, strangulation, or suffocation were the most 100,000 people in 2014.1 The increase was greatest between common methods of suicide (85.9%) (Table 1). 2006 and 2014 (about 2% per year),1 and particularly pro- Toxicology data showed 33% of cases tested positive for nounced middle-aged non-Hispanic whites without a college alcohol, 28% for antidepressants, and 18% for opiates. In degree.2-4 Between 1999 and 2014, the suicide rate for men 566 (53%) cases, the decedent had a current mental health aged 45 to 64 increased by 43% from 20.8 to 29.7.1 Suicide problem. About 77% of adults with a current mental health rates for females were highest for those aged 45–64 increas- problem had a diagnosis of depression/ dysthymia, with anx- ing by 63% from 1999 to 2014 (1999: 6.0 per 100,000; 2014: iety disorder (16%), and bipolar disorder (14%). Nearly 46% 9.8 per 100,000 people).1 of adults who died by suicide were in mental health treat- The severe economic recession in the U.S. from 2007 to ment. The most common precipitating events were intimate 2009, that continued well into 2014 in states like Rhode partner problems, a recent crisis, and physical health prob- Island,5 may have contributed to the growth in suicide lems. Over one-third of adult suicide decedents left a suicide deaths due to high unemployment rates.2-4 Other contrib- note (Table 2). uting factors included untreated depression, and the rise Four Rhode Island towns with the lowest average annual in opioid and alcohol abuse. Researchers Anne Case and rates of suicide were Cumberland (6.9), Barrington (7.5), Angus Deaton have called the rise in suicide rates “deaths Johnston (9.0), and North Kingstown (9.9). Five towns with of despair” among less educated non-Hispanic white Ameri- the highest suicide rates were Warren (20.9), Glocester (23.7), cans.2-3 Suicide remains one of the 10 leading causes of death Richmond (23.8), Hopkinton (26.6), and New Shoreham for US adults. By contrast, advances in early detection and (31.8) (Figure 1). The national rate is 13 deaths per 100,000 treatment for heart disease, cancer, and stroke have substan- population. tially reduced deaths from these diseases.6 In this article, we describe the characteristics and spatial patterning of suicide deaths among Rhode Island adults aged 25 and older. DISCUSSION We investigated the epidemiology of suicides at the city/ town level as reported in the 2004–2014 Rhode Island Vio- METHODS lent Death Reporting System (RIVDRS). On average, 97 Information on suicide deaths were obtained from the 2004 Rhode Island adults commit suicide annually. Adults who to 2014 Rhode Island Violent Death Reporting System committed suicide were more likely to be middle aged, (RIVDRS) using data abstractor-assigned manners of death. male, white, living in suburban areas, and having mental RIVDRS collects data from death certificates, medical exam- health problems. They also were more likely to have inti- iner records, and law enforcement reports. Descriptive sta- mate partner problems, have experienced a recent crisis, and tistical analyses were conducted using SAS version 9.4 (SAS left a suicide note. Our findings confirm previous research Institute, Inc. Cary, NY). Geographic Information System documenting midlife increases in suicides among white (GIS) mapping was performed using ArcGIS Desktop version non-Hispanic men aged 45−54.2 Additional analyses found 10.2 (Redlands, Environmental Systems Research Institute, that veterans accounted for 18% of all suicide deaths among CA) to identify spatial clusters of suicide deaths. Rhode Island adults. The spatial analysis of suicide deaths identified five high- risk suicide clusters. The clusters were located in semirural RESULTS towns where 93.1 to 97.5% of the residents are non-His- From 2004 through 2014, 1,065 Rhode Island adults aged 25 panic White.7 Whether these suicides were in response to the and older died of suicide. Adults who died by suicide were marked increase in unemployment and housing foreclosures more likely to be 35–64 years old, male, and non-Hispanic spurred by the Great Recession of 2007–2009 is unknown.

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Table 1. Characteristics of adult (25 years and older) suicide deaths, Table 2. Toxicology tests and circumstances of adult (25 years and older) Rhode Island 2004–2014 (N=1,065) suicide deaths, Rhode Island 2004–2014 (N=1065) Characteristic n % Toxicology Test and Circumstance n % Age group (mean: 49.6 years) Tested 1042 97.8 25-34 years 159 14.9 Toxicology test positivea 35-44 years 232 21.8 Any toxicology 685 65.7 45-54 years 322 30.2 Any illicit substance 547 52.5 55-64 years 212 19.9 Alcohol 345 33.1 65 years and older 140 13.2 BAC≥0.08 g/dl 271 Sex Antidepressants 294 28.4 Male 818 76.8 Opiates 185 17.8 Female 247 23.2 Marijuana 95 9.1 Race/Ethnicity Cocaine 95 9.1 Non-Hispanic White 970 91.8 Mental health/substance abuse circumstanceb Non-Hispanic Black 33 3.1 Current depressed mood 520 49.0 Hispanic 37 3.5 Current diagnosed mental health problemc 566 53.4 Other 17 1.6 Depression/dysthymia 436 Marital Status Anxiety disorder 93 Never Married/Single, not otherwise specified 373 35.2 Bipolar disorder 78 Married/Civil Union/Domestic Partnership 370 34.9 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 29 Divorced/Married, but separated 253 23.9 Schizophrenia 29 Widowed 65 6.1 Attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder 13 City/Town of Residence Other 88 Urban core citiesa 242 22.8 Current mental health treatment 482 45.4 Suburban regions 545 51.4 Alcohol problem 237 22.3 Non-metro/rural areas 215 20.3 Other substance abuse problem 186 17.5 Out of state 58 5.5 Interpersonal circumstance Injury Location Intimate partner problem 307 28.9 House, apartment 762 72.9 Family relationship 82 7.7 Natural area (e.g., field, river, beaches, woods) 87 8.3 Other death of family member/friend past 5 years 81 7.6 Motor vehicle (excluding school & public buses) 32 3.1 Other relationship problem (non-intimate) 67 6.3 Hotel/Motel 27 2.6 An argument or conflict led to the victim’s death 44 4.2 Parking lot/Public parking garage 22 2.1 Life stressor circumstance Street, sidewalk, alley 19 1.8 Crisis in past or impending two weeks 228 21.5 Jail, prison, detention facility 17 1.6 Physical health problems 217 20.5 Park, playground, public use area 11 1.1 Job problems 168 15.8 Other 68 6.5 Financial problems 154 14.5 Injured at Victim Home Recent criminal legal problem 80 7.5 Yes 725 69.3 Civil legal (non-criminal) problems 57 5.4 No 321 30.7 Eviction or loss of home 44 4.2 Weapon Type Suicide event circumstance Firearm 264 24.8 Left a suicide note 372 35.1 Hanging, strangulation, suffocation 399 37.5 Disclosed intent to commit suicide 272 25.6 Poisoning 251 23.6 History of suicide attempt(s) 269 25.4 Fall 67 6.3 Data source: 2004- 2014 Rhode Island Violent Death Reporting System. Drowning 23 2.2 a Subcategories do not sum to 100% because test results of victims can be positive for alcohol or multi-drugs. Other 59 5.6 b Percentages might exceed 100% because multiple circumstances might have Data source: 2004–2014 Rhode Island Violent Death Reporting System. been coded. a Urban core-cities: Central Falls, Pawtucket, Providence and Woonsocket. c One victim can have two or three current mental health diagnoses.

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Figure 1. Average annual suicide rate (1/100,000) among adults aged serious mental illnesses or who have attempted suicide.9 The 25 and older by Rhode Island cities and towns of residence, 2004–2014. protocols include working with primary care and emergency department healthcare professionals to (1) assess suicide risk Woonsocket and protective factors, (2) ensure patient safety and reduce Burrillville North Smithfield Cumberland access to lethal means, and (3) develop and implement treatment plans that include continuity of care.9 Lincoln Smithfield Glocester Central Falls ² Pawtucket Acknowledgments North Providence This brief was funded by a Centers for Disease Control and Pre- Providence Johnston vention (CDC) grant (5U17CE002615) awarded to the Rhode Island East Providence Foster Scituate Department of Health. We would like to thank our data parties: the

Cranston Center for Vital Records, and the Center for the Office of State Med-

Barrington ical Examiners at RIDOH, the Rhode Island State Police and local Warren West Warwick Warwick law enforcement agencies, and the State Crime Laboratory, which Coventry Bristol provided data in a timely manner and are the backbone of RIVDRS. We thank data abstractors Karen Foss and Shannon Young who

East Greenwich spent hours compiling the RIVDRS data and constructing sound West Greenwich Tiverton narratives to make RIVDRS one of the best.

Exeter Portsmouth North Kingstown References 1. Curtin S, Warner M, Hedegaard H. Increase in suicide in the Jamestown Middletown Little Compton United States, 1999–2014. National Center for Health Statistics Newport Richmond (NCHS) Data Brief. No. 241. April 2016. Hopkinton 2. Case A, Deaton A. Mortality and morbidity in the 21st century. South Kingstown Prepared for the Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, March 23−24, 2017. May 1, 2017. Narragansett Charlestown 3. Case A, Deaton A. Rising morbidity and mortality in midlife among white non-Hispanic Americans in the 21st century. Proc Westerly Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015; 8;112(49):15078-83. RI City and Town of Residence 4. Hempstead KA, Phillips JA. Rising suicide among adults aged Average annual adult suicide rate (1/100,000) 40–64 years: The role of job and financial circumstances. Am J 6.88 - 12.67 Prev Med. 2015;48(5):491-500. HEALTH gis 12.68 - 15.84 5. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Department of Labor. Region- Rhode Island Department of Health Center for Health Data and Analysis 15.85 - 31.98 al and state employment and unemployment - December 2014. 3 Capitol Hill, Room 407 Report # USDL-15-0111. Providence, RI. 02908-5034

Data Sources: 6. García MC, Bastian B, Rossen L, Anderson R et al. Potentially New Shoreham Rhode Island Geographic Information Systems – RIGIS Preventable Deaths Among the Five Leading Causes of Death 2004-2014 RI Violent Death Reporting System – United States, 2010 and 2014. MMWR. November 18, 2016 / 2010 Rhode Island Census Data 65(45);1245–1255. 7. United States Census Bureau. QuickFacts for Rhode Island and Some, but not all studies have suggested strong associations selected towns. Population estimates July 1, 2016. between economic downturns and suicide mortality.8 To our 8. Harper S, Charters TJ, Strumpf EC, Galea S, Nandi A. Economic downturns and suicide mortality in the USA, 1980–2010: obser- knowledge this is the first study to investigate the character- vational study. Int J. Epidemiol. 2015;44(3):956-66. istics and spatial patterning of suicide deaths among Rhode 9. National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Clinical Care Island adults aged 25 and older. This study allows for a better and Intervention Task Force. Suicide Care in Systems Frame- understanding of where to target resources and prevention work. 2011. efforts in Rhode Island to reduce the burden of suicide in Authors areas of greatest risk. Yongwen Jiang, PhD, is Senior Public Health Epidemiologist in There are at least two limitations of our study. This study the Center for Health Data and Analysis at the Rhode Island used data from death certificates, medical examiner records, Department of Health, the RIVDRS epidemiologist, and and law enforcement reports; which can have data errors. Assistant Professor of the Practice of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Brown University. Although we combined 11 years of RIVDRS data, findings Deborah N. Pearlman, PhD, is Associate Professor of Epidemiology on suicide deaths should be interpreted with caution. Rhode Practice in the Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Island is a small state (population ~ 1 million) with substan- Health, Brown University, and Consulting Epidemiologist & tial year-to-year fluctuations in suicide rates. Evaluator, Rhode Island Department of Health. Despite these limitations, RIVDRS data are extremely Jeffrey Hill, MS, is Program Manager for the Violence and Injury useful for ongoing surveillance of suicide deaths in subpopu- Prevention Program, Rhode Island Department of Health. lations. GIS mapping can be exceptionally useful to identify Samara Viner-Brown, MS, is Chief, Center for Health Data and significant spatial clusters of high suicide risk. Analysis, Rhode Island Department of Health. No single intervention will prevent all suicides. Clinical Correspondence care protocols to establish follow-up to ensure patient safety Yongwen Jiang, PhD have shown promise, especially among high risk adults with [email protected]

Www.rimed.org | archives | SEPTEMBER Webpage SEPTEMBER 2017 Rhode island medical journal 39 VITAL STATISTICS Public health Nicole E. Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH director, Rhode island department of health compiled by Roseann Giorgianni, Deputy State Registrar

Rhode Island Monthly Vital Statistics Report Provisional Occurrence Data from the Division of Vital Records

REPORTING PERIOD MARCH 2017 12 MONTHS ENDING WITH MARCH 2017 VITAL EVENTS Number Number Rates Live Births 929 11,554 10.9* Deaths 958 10,175 9.6* Infant Deaths 10 70 6.1# Neonatal Deaths 8 54 4.7# Marriages 310 7,193 6.8* Divorces 265 2,974 2.8* Induced Terminations 184 2,104 182.1# Spontaneous Fetal Deaths 83 595 51.5# Under 20 weeks gestation 76 520 45.0# 20+ weeks gestation 7 75 6.5#

* Rates per 1,000 estimated population # Rates per 1,000 live births

REPORTING PERIOD SEPTEMBER 2016 12 MONTHS ENDING WITH SEPTEMBER 2016 Underlying Cause of Death Category Number (a) Number (a) Rates (b) YPLL (c) Diseases of the Heart 166 2,335 221.1 3,561.5 Malignant Neoplasms 177 2,193 207.6 5,417.0 Cerebrovascular Disease 26 434 41.1 532.5 Injuries (Accident/Suicide/Homicide) 72 883 83.6 13,276.5 COPD 27 448 42.4 457.5.

(a) Cause of death statistics were derived from the underlying cause of death reported by physicians on death certificates. (b) Rates per 100,000 estimated population of 1,056,298 (www.census.gov) (c) Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL).

NOTE: Totals represent vital events, which occurred in Rhode Island for the reporting periods listed above. Monthly provisional totals should be analyzed with caution because the numbers may be small and subject to seasonal variation.

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Working for You: RIMS advocacy activities

August 1, Tuesday RIMS Physician Health Committee: Herbert Rakatansky, MD, Chair 4th Annual RIMS Members August 1–4, Tuesday–Friday AMA Advocacy Resource Center State Advocacy Roundtable: RIMS’ Steven R. DeToy, Presenter Convivi um August 7, Monday Alpert Medical School New Student September 15 Orientation: RIMS Staff National Council of State Legislators Members and guests are invited to mingle and Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: RIMS’ Steve DeToy referent on provider mangia with colleagues. Special recognition of directory issue. Dr. Kathleen C. Hittner, Dr. Jerry Fingerut, and August 9, Wednesday Board of Medical Licensure Dr. Michael Migliori. Music by the Bebop Docs. and Discipline Meeting of the Governor’s Opioid Overdose Prevention Task Force: Sarah J. Fessler, MD, President; Gary Bubly, MD, Past President; RIMS Staff August 16, Wednesday RSVP BY SEPTEMBER 8: [email protected] RI Health Center Association meeting regarding Student Loan Repayment Program RIMS Foundation Strategic Planning August 18, Friday August 25, Friday August 28, Monday RI Health Center Association Event OHIC Quality Measure Alignment Meeting with Blue Cross Blue Shield Meeting with Anchor Medical Associates, Work Group: Peter Hollmann, MD, of RI: Sarah J. Fessler, MD, President; Department of Health, and RI Parents Vice President; RIMS Staff Bradley Collins, MD, President-elect; Information Network regarding RIMS’ Conference call with Anchor Medical and RIMS staff Diabetes Prevention Program grant Associates, Department of Health, and RI Parents Information Network regarding RIMS’ Diabetes Prevention Program grant

OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE RIMS has 442 square feet of newly renovated office space (3 contiguous offices of 200 sf, 121 sf and 121 sf), complete with convenient sheltered parking and the opportunity for tenants to share three well-equipped meeting spaces, break room, office machinery, etc. on the western edge of downtown Providence. Suitable for a small non-profit organization, boutique law firm, CPA firm or other office-based small business. Inquiries to Newell Warde, [email protected]

Www.rimed.org | archives | SEPTEMBER Webpage SEPTEMBER 2017 Rhode island medical journal 43 It’s a new day.

The Rhode Island Medical Society now endorses Coverys. Coverys, the leading medical liability insurer in Rhode Island, has joined forces with RIMS to target new levels of patient safety and physician security while maintaining competitive rates. Call to learn how our alliance means a bright new day for your practice. 401-331-3207 rims corporate affiliates

The Rhode Island Medical Society continues to drive forward into the future with the implementa- tion of various new programs. www.nhpri.org As such, RIMS is expanded its Affinity Program to allow for Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island is a non-profit HMO founded in more of our colleagues in health- 1993 in partnership with Rhode Island’s Community Health Centers. Serving care and related business to over 185,000 members, Neighborhood has doubled in membership, revenue work with our membership. RIMS and staff since November 2013. In January 2014, Neighborhood extended its service, benefits and value through the HealthSource RI health insurance ex- thanks these participants for their change, serving 49% the RI exchange market. Neighborhood has been rated by support of our membership. National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) as one of the Top 10 Med- Contact Marc Bialek for more icaid health plans in America, every year since ratings began twelve years ago. information: 401-331-3207 or [email protected]


RIPCPC is an independent practice association (IPA) of primary care phy- sicians located throughout the state of Rhode Island. The IPA, originally formed in 1994, represent 150 physicians from Family Practice, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. RIPCPC also has an affiliation with over 200 specialty-care member physicians. Our PCP’s act as primary care providers for over 340,000 patients throughout the state of Rhode Island. The IPA was formed to provide a venue for the smaller independent practices to work together with the ultimate goal of improving quality of care for our patients. RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL SOCIETY

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Membership in The Rhode Island Medical Society (RIMS) makes you a part of a dynamic network of physicians, resi- dents, students, physician assistants, and healthcare profes- sionals who represent, like you, the best of the profession.

RIMS Leadership: Treasurer José Polanco, MD; Secretary Christine Brousseau, MD; President-Elect Bradley J. Collins, MD; President Sarah J. Fessler, MD; Vice President Peter A. Hollman, MD; and (seated) Immediate Past President Russell A. Settipane, MD.

The ABCs of membership Advocacy: RIMS membership offers a cohesive platform for its members to speak with a unified voice on local, state and national issues through committee participation, policy development, legislative representa- tion, educational conferences, and stakeholder seminars. The Rhode Island Medical Society’s annual CME event was held on April 22 at the Warwick Country Club. This year’s focus was on Building Benefits: CME sessions, physician health services, Practitioner Resilience in Challenging Times. preferred career, financial and personal services from our sponsors, membership portal. Collegiality: Social events, networking opportunities, professional development. Strength: In numbers. If you are already a member, thank you for your support. If you’re not, join us today. Group, military and new practitioner discounts; medical students join for free.

Click here to learn more. Contact Marc Bialek, Director of Membership

A Rhode Island Academy of Physician Assistants (RIAPA) town hall meeting was held April 11 at on PA practice in the state. Representatives from the state and national PA organizations and the Rhode Island Department of Health and the Rhode Island Medical Society participated in a series of meetings and updates on recertification and A RIMS Mix and Mingle event was held at the Chapel Grille restaurant looking at the future of PA practice in the state. in Cranston on April 11.

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Multidisciplinary approach may help vets with pulmonary hypertension and coexisting conditions

PROVIDENCE – A paper published August 22 in the print ver- sion of Pulmonary Circulation by a Providence VA Medical Center researcher suggests that a multidisciplinary approach may improve outcomes for Veterans with pulmonary hyper- tension and coexisting cardiopulmonary conditions. “A multispecialty approach to a suspected case of pulmo- nary hypertension is recommended, but there are few data available on the adherence to guidelines or outcomes in such patients,” said Dr. Matthew Jankowich, a researcher at Providence VAMC and the Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and lead author of the paper. The study evaluated the clinical characteristics, out- comes and prognoses of Veteran patients with suspected pulmonary hypertension who are receiving care from the Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic at the Providence VAMC. It revealed a high prevalence of coexisting cardiopulmo- nary conditions in these patients. The patients underwent evaluation according to established guidelines for pulmo- A Me d ical C enter ph oto by Winfiel Danielson nary hypertension and, although the patients showed a high rate of hospitalizations and mortality, supportive care for these patients improved following a comprehensive, mul- Pro v i d ence V tidisciplinary evaluation. The paper is available online at: Dr. Matthew Jankowich, a researcher at Providence VA Medical Center http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2045893217726063. and the Alpert Medical School of Brown University, uses a project post- “The results are encouraging, but further research is er at the Providence VAMC Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2017, to explain his needed to determine if the approach can improve outcomes study regarding a multidisciplinary approach to evaluating Veterans with in the larger Veteran population with pulmonary hyperten- pulmonary hypertension and coexisting cardiopulmonary conditions. Jan- sion,” said Dr. Gaurav Choudhary, the senior author for the kowich published a paper in “Pulmonary Circulation” Aug. 22, 2017, that paper and chief of the Research and Development Service at suggested a multidisciplinary approach may improve outcomes. the Providence VAMC. v

RI first state to require coverage of fertility preservation for at-risk patients PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island has become More than 100,000 new cancer diagno- Ruben Alvero, MD, director of the the first state to pass a law explicitly ses in the United States are in patients Division of Reproductive Endocrinol- requiring coverage for fertility preser- under the age of 45. Advances in cancer ogy and Infertility at Women & Infants vation prior to gonadotoxic medical therapies, particularly chemotherapies, and the Warren Alpert Medical School, therapy, treatment that could directly have led to dramatic improvements in credits Dr. Cardozo with developing the or indirectly cause infertility. patient survival, and thus a growing pop- idea for the legislation. This physician Clinicians from the Fertility Center ulation of cancer survivors who wish to team, along with government affairs and Program in Women’s Oncology/ start a family. and legal teams, shepherded the legis- Breast Health Center at Women & According to Eden Cardozo, MD, lative process for fertility preservation Infants Hospital initiated the legis- a reproductive endocrinologist with coverage in Rhode Island. lative process, co-wrote the bill, and Women & Infants’ Fertility Center, Legislation aimed at providing fertil- along with patients testified on behalf “Unfortunately, in nearly 90 percent of ity preservation coverage was passed of its passage at hearings at both the cases, these treatments result in infer- in Connecticut in June, which revises Rhode Island House of Representatives tility, which has been shown to have the definition of infertility to include and Senate. negative physical and psychological con- “medically necessary” treatments. The This law explicitly mandates fertility sequences. There are options currently Rhode Island law provides a separate preservation coverage prior to medical available to preserve the fertility of these definition, which explicitly mandates treatment that could render a patient patients, but the unfortunate reality is fertility preservation coverage prior to infertile, setting a new precedent that without insurance coverage, most gonadotoxic therapies. v nationwide. patients can’t afford to see a reproductive specialist for these services.”

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WE QUIT is funded by the National Institutes of Health IN THE NEWS

State reduces health care premium increases requested for 2018

CRANSTON – Health insurance premium rates for 2018 have been approved by Rhode Island’s Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner (OHIC). Overall, these 2018 premiums will be $16.7 million dollars lower than what the insurers asked OHIC to approve. OHIC’s decisions include some reductions in insurers’ cost estimates and contributions to reserves and profit. Across the US, health insurers are seeking double-digit rate increases for 2018 plans. The main drivers of Rhode Island premiums for 2018 are: • Double digit annual increases for prescription drug costs, which range from 9.7% to 13.7% across insurers. • Higher hospital outpatient use than in recent years. • The reinstatement of a federal health insurance tax, which adds up to 2% to most premiums. “Fortunately, the outlook is better in Rhode Island relative to health insurance premium increases in other states, and we have been able to reduce the 2018 rate increases by $16.7mil- at the Office of the Health Insurance and the benefits he or she chooses. In the lion. However, health insurance costs Commissioner to continue to work to large group market, the expected pre- are already very high for many Rhode transform the health care system to get mium increases are averages – employ- Islanders, and we understand that costs under control.” ers will see higher and lower rates annual increases are a burden for indi- The tables above reflect the average depending on demographic changes in viduals and companies in our state,” premium increase to consumers, before their workforce and their own compa- said state health insurance commis- reflecting changes in age. Final rates ny’s rates of medical care utilization. v sioner Marie Ganim. “It is our job will differ based on a subscriber’s age

Brown to lead center for creating bioluminescent neuroscience tools with NSF $9.2M grant

PROVIDENCE – With up to $9.2 million in funding over five make their advances rapidly, easily and freely available to years from the National Science Foundation, Brown Univer- the global scientific community. sity will lead a national center dedicated to developing and “Through NeuroNex, we want to enable all scientists to disseminating new tools based on giving nervous system take advantage of the best tools,” said principal investigator cells the ability to make and respond to light. Neuroscien- Christopher Moore, a professor of neuroscience at Brown and tists could use the tools to uniquely manipulate and observe associate director of the Brown Institute for Brain Science the circuitry of the brain in a variety of model organisms. (BIBS). “There is a real problem in science of certain inequi- The new “NeuroNex Technology Hub” is a collabora- ties in access. The idea is to systemically address that.” tion of labs at Brown, Central Michigan University and the The center’s other leaders are Diane Lipscombe, a Scintillon Institute. The team’s charge is to invent, improve Brown professor of neuroscience and BIBS director, Ute upon and combine several unique bioengineering technol- Hochgeschwender, a professor at CMU, and Scintillon ogies to create new research capabilities. They will then researcher Nathan Shaner. Justine Allen, a graduate of

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Four tubes contain the ingredients that produce bioluminescence: Coelenterazine appears buoyant, swirling as it interacts with luciferase. The three tubes on the right also contain differ- ent colored fluorescent proteins attached to the luciferase which, as a result, emit cyan, green or yellow light. h an Sh aner/ B ro w n U ni v ersity N at

Brown’s doctoral program in neuroscience, will serve as the to share what they are finding is that there is much more center’s administrative director. room for innovation with the technology than they can fill In addition to creating the new tools for the scientific com- on their own. munity, the team intends to turn its research, which combines “In our own experience as a cloud of labs working on this elements of biology, chemistry, physics and engineering, into stuff, the list of things we want to create to make the world a curriculum to engage and educate high school students. better is getting bigger and bigger,” Moore said. “We want to enable the whole field to let them all go after it.” Enlightened brains The research has its roots in bioluminescence, the natural Enlightening minds ability of cells to make light, as fireflies and many aquatic As they develop new tools and techniques, the team will animals do. Moore, Lipscombe, Hochgeschwender and Sha- employ several means to disseminate them, Moore said. ner have already been working together to engineer biolu- They will produce a website with downloadable experimen- minescence into a variety of cells, including neurons, in a tal protocols, genetic sequences and other documentation project supported in its early stages by the W. M. Keck Foun- and will send “emissaries” to teach other research groups. dation. Their work includes making light production contin- They will annual hold workshops for visiting scientists to gent on an influx of calcium, a typical means that neurons come together, generate and discuss ideas, form new collab- employ to trigger each other into action. They’ve also cre- orations and learn how to use the new technologies. ated a brighter form of bioluminescence with proteins they “Bring all your students and all your postdocs, and inspire call LumiCaMPsins. In the new project, they will continue them to take a few of these research questions,” Allen said. to work to create even brighter calcium-modulated biolumi- “Take those home and let this grow.” nescence in neurons. Moore noted that the collaborators have a strong ethic of Beyond programming cells to regulate their own activity, such openness. He serves on the board of OpenEphys, an the team also hopes to develop ways to make cells stimu- open-source initiative to promote sharing of electrophysiol- late each other with light. Such “inter-luminescence” would ogy tools started by two former graduate students in his lab. allow scientists to program and observe calcium-modulated Lipscombe, Hochgeschwender and Shaner have also openly dynamics in whole circuits, Moore said. shared tools and technologies with the research community Moreover, the group also plans to create new imaging before, he said. tools. Using a variety of fluorescent molecules, including In addition to teaching other scientists, Moore said, the some that Shaner helped to pioneer, scientists today can collaboration will also teach students at several different make cells glow in response to experimental events, Moore levels. They plan to hold a weeklong “intensive practicum” said, but that requires shining a stimulating light on them course for undergraduate students every spring at the Marine that can damage tissue and adds a source of noise as that Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., to which they incoming light scatters. Bioluminescence allows cells to encourage applications from students underrepresented in glow on cue without that external stimulation, reducing science, technology, engineering and mathematics. They the possibility of damage and reducing a source of scatter. will also create and teach courses in local Providence high Implanted imaging devices could also be lighter and use less schools that already work with the Brown Brain Bee. And power if they don’t have to produce stimulating light. finally,M oore said they hope to create an online version of Moore said one of the reasons the collaborators are excited the curriculum for other schools nationwide. v

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Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz confirmed as Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Currently CMO for Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities, and Hospitals

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On August 3 the Senate confirmed the forward to working with her and sup- nomination of Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz for Assistant porting her success as our nation’s first Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use. Assistant Secretary for Mental Health Dr. McCance-Katz, a member of the Rhode Island Medical So- and Substance Use,” said ASAM ciety, is currently the Chief Medical Officer for the Rhode Island President Dr. Kelly Clark. Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabili- “Dr. McCance-Katz boasts signifi- ties, and Hospitals. She is also a professor of psychiatry and hu- cant expertise in psychiatry and ad- man behavior and professor of behavioral and social sciences at diction medicine, gained over decades the Alpert Medical School of Brown University. She previously of practice as a clinician, teacher, and held the position of Chief Medical Officer at the Substance Abuse researcher. She has demonstrated her and Mental Health and Services Administration (SAMHSA). capability as an effective executive She will be the first to hold the position of assistant secretary and civil servant as the head of a ma- for mental health and substance use, a position created by the jor state substance use disorder agency and the first ChiefM ed- 2016 Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act. ical Officer of the Substance Abuse andM ental Health Services The American Psychiatric Association and the National Alli- Administration (SAMHSA). Additionally, Dr. Katz’s background ance on Mental Illness endorsed Dr. McCance-Katz, a psychia- in providing medication-assisted treatment will be especially trist, for the new position. valuable to this Administration as it seeks to combat the cur- In addition, The American Society of Addiction Medicine rent epidemic of opioid addiction and overdose deaths. She is (ASAM) applauds the Senate for approving Dr. McCance-Katz’s uniquely qualified to help inform the Administration’s efforts nomination and congratulates Dr. McCance-Katz on her new role. to expand access to effective treatment for opioid addiction “Dr. McCance-Katz brings exceptional clinical expertise and and ASAM looks forward to working with the Administration leadership experience to this important role, and ASAM looks toward this mutual goal.” v

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Appointments Drs. Hines, Gogne join Women & Infants’ Department Of Medicine

PROVIDENCE – Two new providers have joined Diane Lipscombe, director of the Brown Institute the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at for Brain Science, elected next president of Women & Infants Hospital. Autumn Hines, DO, of Warwick, has Society for Neuroscience joined the Center for Women’s Gastrointestinal PROVIDENCE – The Society for Neuroscience, Health. A graduate of the University of Virginia, Autumn Hines, DO the world’s largest organization for the study Dr. Hines attended medical school at the Lincoln of the brain and nervous system with nearly Memorial University–DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine 38,000 members from 90 countries, has cho- in Tennessee. After completing her medical degree, she com- sen Brown University neuroscience professor pleted both her internal medicine residency and Diane Lipscombe, PhD, as its president, a fellowship at Kent Hospital. Dr. title she will assume in November 2018 at the Hines has a special interest in women’s gastro- close of the annual meeting in Washington, DC. intestinal health and wellness, management of Lipscombe will first serve for a year as president-elect start- inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer ing this November and after one year as president, she will serve screening and prevention, and disorders of the liver. as past president, completing a three-year course of society lead- Anupriya Gogne, MD, of Cranston, has ership on the society’s executive committee. joined the Center for Women’s Behavioral Health. “I am incredibly honored to serve the Society for Neurosci- A graduate of Vardham Mahavir Medical College Anupriya Gogne, MD ence, a dynamic organization that advances ​research, commu- in New Delhi, India, where she also completed an nicates the value and importance of neuroscience, trains​ and internship, Dr. Gogne completed a residency at State University educates future scientists and ​advocates for sustained funding of New York Downstate Medical Center and a fellowship in addic- and support for science,” Lipscombe said. “I look forward to tion psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine engaging in global advocacy for neuroscience research and to en- and in reproductive psychiatry at Women & Infants Hospital/ suring that we support our next generation of neuroscientists.” Brown University. Dr. Gogne is an adult psychiatrist with train- As Lipscombe leads the society, she will continue to direct ing in addiction psychiatry and women’s mental health. She the Brown Institute for Brain Science, where she took the helm has a special interest in working with women presenting with in 2015, and maintain her teaching and research at Brown. v both addiction and psychiatric issues, and also has experience with treatment of trauma and dialectical behavior therapy. v

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Francois Luks, MD, named Hasbro’s pediatric surgeon-in-chief, chief of pediatric surgery

PROVIDENCE – Francois Luks, (TTTS), a disease affecting unborn identical twins causing one MD, has been appointed pediat- to have decreased blood volume. Under his leadership, the first ric surgeon-in-chief and division center of fetal surgery in New England was established in 2000. chief of pediatric surgery at Has- He was the site principal investigator for the first randomized bro Children’s Hospital. He has study on endoscopic fetal surgery for TTTS; the Brown Fetal served as interim pediatric sur- Treatment Program was the only North American center par- geon-in-chief and division chief of ticipating in the study. The Program is a founding member of pediatric surgery since June, 2016. the North American Fetal Treatment Network (NAFTNet), of “Dr. Luks has been an es- which Luks has been an executive committee member since teemed member of the surgical 2007. He was elected president of the International Fetal Medi- staff at Hasbro Children’s Hospi- cine and Surgery Society in 2014. tal for more than 20 years and we Luks has more than 120 peer-reviewed publications and book are very pleased and fortunate to chapters and nearly 200 abstracts. He is associate editor of the have him permanently fill these two vital roles,” saidM ar- journal Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy. He has served the Alp- garet M. Van Bree, MHA, DrPH, president, Rhode Island ert Medical School of Brown University for his entire 20-plus Hospital and Hasbro Children’s Hospital. years in Providence, currently as director of the program in fe- Luks served as director for trauma in Hasbro Children’s pe- tal medicine, and professor of surgery, pediatrics and obstetrics diatric intensive care unit from 1995 to 2010 and subsequently and gynecology. v as director of trauma for the hospital. He has served on and led more than a dozen standing and ad-hoc committees at Hasbro Children’s, ranging from chairing the pediatric trauma patient care committee, to participation in those addressing broad- er hospital community issues, such as the medical executive committee at Rhode Island Hospital and the Hasbro Children’s Hospital advisory committee. Luks has also served as attend- ing surgeon at Morton Hospital in Taunton and Boston’s New England Medical Center, now called Tufts Medical Center, and most recently at St. Anne’s Hospital in Fall River. Luks succeeds Thomas F. Tracy, Jr., MD, who served as Has- bro Children’s Hospital pediatric surgeon-in-chief in addition to his role as senior vice president of medical affairs at The Miriam Hospital. “Dr. Luks’ skill and experience is only surpassed by his tre- mendous passion both for surgery and working with and helping children. We are indeed fortunate to have him continue to lead Hasbro Children’s in this role,” said William G. Cioffi, MD, FACS, surgeon-in-chief, Rhode Island Hospital and The Miriam Hospital. Dr. Luks earned his bachelor’s degree from Rijksuniversitair There’s no stopping you Centrum Antwerpen, his medical degree from Universitaire In- stelling Antwerpen, and his PhD in medical sciences from Cath- Aetna is proud to support the members of the olic University Leuven, all in his native Belgium. He completed Rhode Island Medical Society. his residency in general surgery at Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and Queens, then a residency in pediatric surgery at Hospital Ste-Justine in Montreal. He spent two years on a re- search fellowship through Catholic University of Leuven before Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its joining Hasbro Children’s as an attending surgeon in 1994. affiliates (Aetna). ©2016 Aetna Inc. Among Luks’ research interests are fetal development and 2016023 fetal surgery, including twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome

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South County Hospital among ‘Best Hospitals’ by US News and World Report

WAKEFIELD – South County Hospital has been recognized as a High Performing Hospital in the U.S. News & World Re- port’s 2017–2018 edition of “Best Hospi- tals.” It was the only hospital in Rhode Island to receive the “High Performing” rating for knee replacement surgery. To be nationally ranked in a special- ty, a hospital must excel in caring for the sickest, most medically complex patients. The ratings in procedures and conditions, by contrast, focus on typical Medicare patients. South County Hospital’s score on its knee replacement specialty is based on Jason Rua (left), Chairman, Southcoast Health Board of Trustees; Joseph T. Baptista, Jr, President and multiple data categories, including pa- CEO of Mechanics Cooperative Bank; and Keith A. Hovan, President & CEO of Southcoast Health. tient survival, readmissions, volume and other data points. Hospitals re- ceived one of three ratings - high per- Mechanics Cooperative Bank donates $125,000 to cardiovascular forming, average or below average. care at Southcoast Health’s Charlton Memorial Hospital in Fall River Hospitals that earned a high perform- FALL RIVER – Southcoast Health recently Mechanics Cooperative Bank has been a ing rating were significantly better than announced that Mechanics Cooperative great partner to Southcoast Health and the national average. Bank has donated $125,000 to the Cam- we look forward to working together to Significant high scores were given paign for Southcoast Health – a $25 mil- improve the health of the South Coast for to South County Hospital for survival, lion capital fundraising campaign which years to come.” based on U.S. News analysis of Medi- is the largest in the not-for-profit health- The Campaign for Southcoast Health care claims; preventing readmissions; care system’s history. In recognition of is currently raising funds to support ma- preventing prolonged hospitalizations; the gift, Southcoast Health will name jor capital initiatives across Southcoast preventing complications after hip or the patient waiting area for outpatient Health’s three acute-care hospitals – St. knee replacement; and the number of cardiac services at Charlton Memorial Luke’s, Charlton Memorial in Fall River patients receiving surgery. v Hospital in Fall River after Mechanics and Tobey in Wareham. Currently, over Cooperative Bank. $16 million has been raised out of a $25 Mechanics Cooperative Bank has con- million goal. tributed $425,000 to Southcoast Health Southcoast Health’s Cardiovascular since 2011. Services are nationally recognized for ex- James F. Griffin, “As a member of the Southcoast Pres- cellence. Healthgrades recently named DO, of South ident’s Council, Joe Baptista has sig- Southcoast Health one of America’s 100 County Anesthe- nificantly supported Southcoast Health Best Hospitals for Cardiac Care – one of sia Associates, through his advocacy efforts and philan- just four hospitals in Massachusetts to LLC, has been thropic giving,” said Keith A. Hovan, receive this distinction for six years in a named a Fellow President & CEO of Southcoast Health. row. Southcoast Health also received 13 of the American “As a not-for-profit healthcare system, we additional recognitions for superior car- Society of Anesthesiology (FASA). He is rely on the generosity of so many with- diovascular services, including Health- affiliated with South County Hospital in our community to support vital pro- grades’ Cardiac Care Excellence Award Department of Anesthesiology. grams and services. With Joe’s leadership, for the 11th straight year. v

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Hasbro Children’s Hospital pediatric ICU receives second Silver Beacon Award Pediatric intensive care unit among just 27 pediatric ICUs nationwide to earn Beacon Award from American Association of Critical Care Nurses

PROVIDENCE – The Hasbro Children’s Hos- Children’s Hospital. “It signifies contin- Children’s Hospital PICU. “This ac- pital pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) uous learning and a systematic approach knowledgment of our team’s effective nursing staff has attained a Silver Beacon for optimizing evidence-based patient leadership, staffing, communication, and Award for Excellence from the Ameri- care, outcomes and satisfaction.” nursing practice – along with our work- can Association of Critical Care Nurses The PICU staff at Hasbro Children’s place environment and outcomes – is a (AACN). The distinction recognizes the earned the silver award by meeting the significant milestone. It’s recognition of hospital’s PICU, a 2013 silver-level Bea- following evidence-based Beacon Award the hard work that has gone into achiev- con designee, for delivering exceptional for Excellence criteria: ing national quality standards for im- patient care and achieving healthy work • Leadership Structures and Systems proved patient outcomes and a healthy environments. Hasbro Children’s PICU • Appropriate Staffing and work environment.” is one of 16 pediatric intensive care units Staff Engagement “The Beacon Award for Excellence from across the country to receive the recognizes caregivers in stellar units • Effective Communication, silver designation for 2017 and the only whose consistent and systematic ap- Knowledge Management, nursing unit in the state to hold Beacon proach to evidence-based care optimizes Learning and Development Award designation. patient outcomes,” said AACN President • Evidence-Based Practice and Processes “The Beacon Award for Excellence Christine Schulman, MS, RN, CNS, recognizes our PICU nursing staff who • Outcome Measurement CCRN-K. “Units that receive this nation- serve as role models for excellent patient “It’s a thrill to be honored with this al recognition serve as role models to oth- and family care,” said Myra Edens, RN, designation again,” said Lisa Paolino, ers on their journey to excellent patient MSN, administrative director of Hasbro RN, BSN, clinical manager of the Hasbro and family care.” v

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Stephen A. Fanning, III, DO, 59, and non-fiction and spent many happy hours at the Providence of North Kingstown, died on August 4, Athenaeum. He especially delighted in watching his five grand- 2017. He was the loving and ever devoted children enjoy their many pursuits. husband, father and grandfather of Susan, Long after he retired from practice, Jack was fondly greeted Timothy, Daniel and Emily, Michael, by former patients, some of whom cared for him during his re- Patrick, Katharine and Kailar Fanning. cent illness. The Montgomery family would like to thank all He was predeceased by his parents, the medical professionals at the Miriam Hospital, especially Dr. Stephen A. Fanning, Jr. and Margaret El- Robert Sokolic, Hallworth House, Hope Nursing Home Care, dredge Fanning and is survived by his siblings, Margaret E. Car- and Hope Hospice & Palliative Care RI, who treated him and ney and Michaela, James and Robert Fanning. our family with so much care, respect and kindness. Steve graduated from College of the Holy Cross and New En- In addition to his wife, he is survived by his children Aman- gland College of Osteopathic Medicine. He was a dedicated phy- da Montgomery and her husband Rick Von Kaenel of Santa Fe, sician who served patients for more than 30 years at the Apple NM; John Montgomery and his wife Pamela of Riverside, CT; Valley Family Treatment Center, Greenville, Rhode Island. He Julie Andrews and son-in-law Todd Andrews of Providence, RI; was a kind, loving healing man who will be missed greatly and Sarah Montgomery and her husband Kevin O’Shea of Concord, remembered always. NH; his five cherished grandchildren Charlie and Jack Andrews Donations in his memory may be sent to the North Kings- and Kate, Emma, and Jake Montgomery; and his brother James town Food Pantry. Montgomery of Brisbane, Australia and his sister Tessa Pauley of Perth, Australia. He also leaves many loving in-laws, nieces and nephews. John Beaton Montgomery, MD, 82, died A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Rev. Edward peacefully on August 14, 2017 after a short battle with L. Pieroni at St. Donations can be made in his name to St. Ray- leukemia at Hope Hospice & Palliative Care RI. He was the be- mond’s Church or The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. loved husband of Marjorie (Cunniam) Montgomery for 56 years. Born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Jack Dr. Jorge Hugo Sturam, a retired was the eldest son of the late Dr. James pediatric allergist living in Barrington, and Gwendolyn (Goodwin) Montgomery. RI, passed away peacefully on July 23, As a young man, he attended the Ruzawi 2017 at the age of 80. He wife, Irene, pre- School in Zimbabwe and Michaelhouse deceased him in 2009. He is survived by in KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, South Afri- two daughters, Irina Sturam Shea of Sad- ca before graduating with a medical de- dle River, NJ, and Georgette Ann Sturam gree from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland in 1959. He came to (Dorsky) of Princeton, NJ. He also leaves America in 1960 to pursue a pediatric internship and residency four beloved grandsons and a brother, Luis Alberto Sturam, two at Roger William Hospital in Providence. He served as a Cap- nieces and a nephew in his country of origin, Argentina. tain in the US Army during the Vietnam era and was stationed Jorge served numerous patients in his 50-year medical career at Fort Gordon in Augusta, GA. He returned to Providence in as an allergist. He was double board certified in allergy and pedi- 1969 and opened a pediatric practice on Waterman Street where atrics, had a private practice in Providence, on Waterman Street, he tended to generations of infants and children before retiring served as a physician with Rhode Island Hospital and was an in 2011. He was on the staff of Hasbro Children’s Hospital and adjunct professor of medicine at Brown University. Women & Infants Hospital. Jorge was an avid pianist, tango dancer, catamaran sailor, His love of plants and in particular, flowers, brightened the world traveler, master gardener and gourmet cook. He read vo- neighborhood and his garden was a reflection of his patience, raciously and was always curious about history, culture, politics perseverance, and quiet endurance. Jack woke early and start- and current events. Those who knew him describe his vigor for ed most days with a cup of hot tea and the New York Times life, his sharp wit, his integrity and his determination. crossword puzzle. He found pleasure in nature walks, identi- Those wishing to honor Jorge’s memory may donate to the RI fying bird’s songs, classical music, traveling, and attending ASPCA, 186 Amaral Street, East Providence, RI 02915 or to the plays at Trinity Rep. He was a voracious reader of mysteries ALS Association, 2915 Post Road, Warwick, RI 02886.

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