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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

10-19-1916 Statesboro News

Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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Recommended Citation "Statesboro News" (1916). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 4935.

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But mere Every Thursday by' many great authors, which would famil­ agitation '�CKING will no longer suffice. The time for y,a�to.ur-Me�"ill HOUSE CITY iarize STATUBORO NEWS the student with a variety of mas­ PUBLISHING CO action has come. The tllJle is here / OUR terpieces from a great number of au- when the buslne�s Interests must act. thors, a scant few of and GUARANTEE ,.... D. Va. •• dry stilled It Is time for 001 , E.llor the for N ManaiiDI merchant, the selections from certain college selected OF banker, for the man I�t lltQttsb,ro tW�. writers are professional to $1.00 P.r Year required and demanded. get together in .sUBSCRIPTION PRICE and l,!arnest conference. StateHero, Geor,la, """-- V Marner, and must Thunday, 19, 1t18. Emers?�'s.E8says, They not specU1ate, or Octo..,r ------QUAI;;ITY ... --- theorize, --- 1·.Silas. --- Burke's on --- $1 • 00 speech Concillatlon must be must Vol. '18. N� 31 ' � talk-they act. read-and "studied" and Is Back Of Our "Criticized," just The News sounds the call for those to "fit" the student for some Entire Stock of TOr. college interested to start 'TATF.'UOHO Nt;II'S .u,�""" '''''lit which he never will enter; and these sometoing-now­ HARDWARE OUH rOOD PROGRESSIVE dry today-at once! Won't the VALUES STATESBORO selections from a Chamber -Our :�d·d�.dIC=I�����::o�I:��I�;O·II;(/�\81��I��, few musty authors of Line is hit,. u 11011 II' Oommerce call a Complete-Our Prices rn public meeting, at :I� �U:.w:I�i!fJ\'""I:�Or��I� �Ir �I�(lif{r: 11I11ilCTlC� ""ust be read to the exclusion of all other Are a� Low as You Will JUST a TOO Iba.,. no' 0,.""0 ... added to the .. pagitica, Speech oatmeal, Gi S,eeial Credit for paY as-you-eat will besalt (Sonciliation, tercakes, or To Get It ...... and Emerson's' .be all scrambled eggs for break­ and water. Essays may right . 1- / , / latlve when it comes to fast; Work . giving "units" forlad- -:...,_----'-- .' a Ga - • mission to I Require military salute upon pass­ PIGS Atlanta, .• October 19.-An At- a college, but make bold' to J' Not vacant house in a I lanta Atlanb>,.· Ga., October 19.-The Statesboro ing trustee on the • newspaper man who is fond of . ". say that they are not half so to en­ street; ...� ,"C.ll\���.f.· work of 'U"lted Statel Senator Hoke avail.ble ought to be an incentive apt Don I\orn liquor, or at leaat who ...... for the . a love boys in stripes, teach them prefers Smith I. courage for tbi. - of.Ge'orgla given of and one­ make to all - con.plcu- Bome' the land owners to literature, oth.·rs, hu dbcover.. _�_.,.. stick a the lock and .... ous "mention IIi the new up tenth so much in step, shave their ed a t0, Ien I • .... National few shacks that would demand in g�neral heads: way rep Ii hi• suppIy Democratic be inhabitable. Restrict the to �08N when the blind Hund Book which wal social life as some of the short 'girls unifol'm dresses TO tigers are hiding out, ------. and or recently issued, and the 18nator'. , and the of how to get the real limon charming selections which I have destroy books all who dare J. M. Donaldson, pure friends feel much We overheard a at named. Groveland • if the very gratilled over. the weal' . are farmer cotton I silk W. J. tigen selling an . In the stockings;.. . Kingery NEW FIRST .the credit a�cord.d him for the warehouse science, liame rule The �oon.hinef.rlor bran.d N�TIONA� BANK part express himself as prevails. Prohibit the W. H. Woodcock -i BUILI?ING he has in that! must have so of t achieving the aplen- "there was JlO boy many "units." There­ ea�ng candy, except G. W. sich critter as boll ,wee- on HAMPSHIRES Wallace did legr,layedslative record of the party. fore his physics course is for Saturday mornmgs, with a month's R. E. vii" and that he intended to planned Trapnell Among other measures mentioned double his him on a 'suspension for each rather scale. violation; Z. F. Woodcock 'in the hand book are the cotton acreage next When' pretent\>us He Take Agricultural yea,'. old must have a away the recess Early weevil's rather f privil(lg'e from Metts. Statesboro/Rt. 1. the writer for WI' EI boll comprehensive !:)�lf;l�::�;aw�;m���i�;:�...... Dom- team comes appa­ aupp hil Joda· out in the each pupil who listens to Tommie Rushing, Route 6. ine name; ratus, and is required to' go too ,a bird sing, and when the ft and I�Ell J. legialator reada - :100 sprinr gets to playing their admire's the J. Johns, Route 2. th.III, IlIlIon game into one blue in the skies, or en­ STATES80RO!S MOST and ively branch.' The better Rev. J. B. 'MODERN ::::�!rni];�r�'!;f:����Jr�;:L�1:� Mr. Farmer has his plan Thrasher, alrJ'iculture, both of bleachers cut to would joys the glorious autumn Statesboro. wblch were be to have a science course ,weather. D. N. Akin, Route 2. 88 If 8 drawn Senator pieces and gets a few foul bolls struck eXhaust-.\shaped Y IdOSt8 by Smith. are to .meet the of By !lny of the A. D, Tuderville, Blitch. to a solar needs. the lIign School qping these thing� Dollar Book plexis hit, he'll to boy school I. 111': Portal. begin who cannot go to official�. could' hilt niake them­ Hendricks, ::;�:tet�:��::::�:�I�:O:��;:t; think that there is college. He need not REMARUO,U G. W. "John," (whicll wu not the 1010.... "sich a critter as boil selves a 'Burnsed, Pembroke. Slat.d for _'. bit more CltaiI'lDAll of know abstruser absurd, Dame) "where "'II Social AND ridiculous, I weevil" the\ of some Mrs. C. C. I,get,cornf"ben, A!__I alld that he is some principles Daughtry BlANK "'61__ or ,!I! boll bhnd • as are OFf.rICE - _ _. __ ..- " player. and as tiger. one pre'po,sterous, Mrs. A. P. out! . u._ _ I�� .. of 100lg they Green hiding BtIll, "';-'"T.'... �,., and Some particular b.ranch science that he .�'. Worker. TO BE' G_" ,,,,,,� the are ConveDtioD ERECTED i\1Wi�t:������t:�i��1: a-. ",all Ar from - I THE ', foll�. really insist on �t the real .tuff .... D._I�, Governmen� NORntWEST MissourI. being Mrs. W. H. - lien· CORNER OF' � may get credit for deliberately Brannen e "units,''' Dut he or she silly'theYI £'. blind are me' lGero...... Larpat Wareliou"'1ct. ought to make a -[fFfCTlV£ Harvey Strickland tiJers lelllng WEST MAIN AND Depoaib EARTH TREMOR of AND should the perfect job it. oene oil , NORTH MAIN STORM' knpw elementary principles Lonnie mIxed with dynamite and STREETS " rI " HITS , Kennedy GEORGIA AND ALABAMA AND of oayenne pepper! You Atlanta Ga 19 -The -�. - CELEBRATE many sciences-a B. . there Oct. ..,,;_... little. of M. fortb.. _' Everett __ ADVEJtTISE physics, I!ve up ,j • I Dr. they make It Itrik•• me coming c';nfer�nce of The barometer a chemistry, and Aa a' matter the H. H. Olliff :wb�e a�clal work... of town's ana a•. geology astronomy. He �f fact, school offi­ • It'"and of which progress is Atlanta, , October 19.-Count- Wla" V.locll, I If Mil•• Ia Every county in the "Savannah Zal1e" to Eulie Geotgia meel!!, in Macon 'on the modem ten million ought of to cials have no Wigfall . buildings, cleanliness and civic ine wu the mere -M"IoIl. al.o Suff.r al I kno'\V chemistry "'absolutely shadow of Y0s.':dg��o�::'r� the acribe: October 25 �'I will a pride in dol� � ., . en.ough -SEl[CTIONS ¥ co.... displayed IIhould WArnock Co. appoint get squarely back of that Drug the various that "aptelle of .n which aD. llut R••uII city dIfference between an legal .right to or "Bill," (which is not his mlttee to talic "I' wltli next W,aya go to make a town unt!ertaklng D.mal. and with all 'unde�stand the. deprive any boy girl W. W. Akins name), the. legia.. and habitable, deairable push their to alkah '''you go down 'to the non .. might bring and of of the of a Mrs. . unioll object of noticeallle bFthe wayfarer who chancea to .i"J