Dear State Central Committee members:

I’ve received a tremendous amount of feedback from you all and am heartened by your support. It means so much to me to have the endorsements of our statewide representatives and our entire federal delegation. I hope you can take a few moments to read why our party leaders are supporting me for State Democratic Party Chair:

U.S. Senator : “William gave us the crucial leadership and made the strategic investments that strengthened Nevada Democrats, united our party and kept Nevada blue. Thanks to Chairman McCurdy's leadership, Nevada elected , , Aaron Ford, Susie Lee, and a host of Democratic candidates up and down the ballot. William is a champion for hardworking families in Nevada and his powerful voice has spoken loudly against this President's hateful agenda. He has my full support to continue serving as our Party Chair.”

U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen: “William has been a dedicated champion for hardworking Nevadans and his leadership brought so much success to our party over the last two years. Under his leadership, the Democratic Party achieved historic victories, including female majorities in the State Legislature, State Supreme Court, and our Congressional Delegation. I’m excited to endorse William in his bid for re-election.”

Governor Steve Sisolak: “William did a tremendous job of uniting our party and ensuring voices in every county were heard in 2018. He helped get Democrats up and down the ticket across the finish line last cycle as our chair and I’m excited to see him lead us to victory again in 2020. His vision for Nevada Democrats is exactly what we need to keep our state competitive, see our party prosper, and fight for working families now and into the future.”

Lt. Governor : “Because of William’s hard work and determination, Nevada Democrats saw tremendous success in 2018. I am so grateful for William’s dedication to Democrats across the state--it is imperative every county has their voice heard. He is the best person to help our party build upon our success and win in 2020.”

Attorney General Aaron Ford: “I am so proud of William and the work he has accomplished on behalf of the party. It takes a lot of dedication and focus to see the results we did in 2018. I am excited to endorse my friend and colleague for re-election and look forward to seeing all that our party can achieve over these next two years.”

U.S. Representative Susie Lee, District 3: “Nevada Democrats won across the state because our party connected with working families, and we out-worked and out-organized at every level. That wasn’t an accident--it was William McCurdy who made sure that every Nevadan heard from Nevada Democrats.”

U.S. Representative , District 4: “Assemblyman McCurdy led the state Democratic Party’s efforts that achieved historic victories in 2018, capturing the Governor’s mansion for the first time in 20 years, electing the nation’s first female-majority legislature, promoting two women as US Senators and electing 3 of 4 democrats to the Congress. He’s young, he’s dynamic and he’s committed to the work of voter engagement and mobilization that will ensure Nevada elects the next democratic president in 2020 and we continue to make gains for Nevada families up and down the ballot.”

U.S. Representative , District 1: “William McCurdy has been a tireless champion for hardworking Nevadans and an effective leader who gets the job done. I’m proud to support him in his re-election as Chair of the Nevada State Democratic Party.”

Treasurer : “Nevada Democrats owe so much to William for his leadership and commitment to bringing our party together. As our party Chair, William has continued to make sure all Nevadans have a seat at the table. We deserve a leader who is going to continue on this momentum and keep Nevada blue.”

Douglas County Democrats Chair Kimi Cole: “I’ve had the honor of developing a good working rapport with current NSDP Chair William McCurdy II. I feel it is in the best interests of the party moving forward to work together in unity. William has shown that he is willing to work collaboratively, to continue leading the Nevada State Democratic Party forward through the 2020 Presidential election, as well as embracing increased outreach and support to Rural Nevada. I wholeheartedly endorse William McCurdy II for reelection as Chair of Nevada State Democratic Party.”

I’m still trying to talk to as many people as I possibly can in our Democratic family. If you’re looking for ways to show your support and get involved, or have some input and would like to reach out, please send us a message here.

I hope to earn your support in the upcoming election on March 2 in Reno. If you have questions, ideas, feedback, please contact me at 702-481-8139.

All the best,

William McCurdy II

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This message was produced and distributed by William McCurdy II, [email protected], 702-481-8139.