The and Europe in the Age of Empire

Umar Ryad - 9789004323353 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 11:20:11AM via free access Leiden Studies in Islam and Society


Léon Buskens (Leiden University) Petra M. Sijpesteijn (Leiden University)

Editorial Board

Maurits Berger (Leiden University) – R. Michael Feener (Oxford University) – Nico Kaptein (Leiden University) Jan Michiel Otto (Leiden University) – David S. Powers (Cornell University)

volume 5

The titles published in this series are listed at

Umar Ryad - 9789004323353 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 11:20:11AM via free access The Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire

Edited by

Umar Ryad

leiden | boston

Umar Ryad - 9789004323353 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 11:20:11AM via free access This is an open access title distributed under the terms of the cc-by-nc License, which permits any non-commercial use, and distribution, provided no alterations are made and the original author(s) and source are credited.

Cover illustration: Ansicht de Moschee, während darin ein gemeinschaftliches Çalät abgehalten wird. English translation: View of the mosque, while congregational Çalat [i.e., Salat] are being held inside. Photograph attributed to al-Sayyid ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Physician of Mecca, by scholar Claude Sui. From Volume ii, page 88. Plate no. i in portfolio: Bilder aus Mekka, C. Snouck Hurgronje. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1889. lot 7088 [item] [p&p], Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, d.c. 20540 usa.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Ryad, Umar, editor. Title: The hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire / edited by Umar Ryad. Description: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2017] | Series: Leiden studies in Islam and society ; V. 5 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: lccn 2016035042 (print) | lccn 2016036427 (ebook) | isbn 9789004323346 (pbk.) : alk. paper) | isbn 9789004323353 (e-book) Subjects: lcsh: Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages––Mecca–History. | Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages–Europe. | Europe–Colonies–Administration. | Europe–Relations–Islamic countries. | Islamic countries–Relgions–Europe. | Europeans–Saudi Arabia–Mecca. Classification: lcc BP187.3 .H2434 2017 (print) | lcc BP187.3 (ebook) | ddc 297.3/52409–dc23 lc record available at

Typeface for the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts: “Brill”. See and download: issn 2210-8920 isbn 978-90-04-32334-6 (paperback) isbn 978-90-04-32335-3 (e-book)

Copyright 2017 by the Editor and Authors. This work is published by Koninklijke Brill nv. Koninklijke Brill nv incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Rodopi and Hotei Publishing. Koninklijke Brill nv reserves the right to protect the publication against unauthorized use and to authorize dissemination by means of offprints, legitimate photocopies, microform editions, reprints, translations, and secondary information sources, such as abstracting and indexing services including databases. Requests for commercial re-use, use of parts of the publication, and/or translations must be addressed to Koninklijke Brill nv.

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Umar Ryad - 9789004323353 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 11:20:11AM via free access Contents

Acknowledgements vii List of Illustrations viii Contributors ix

Introduction: The Hajj and Europe in the Pre-Colonial and Colonial Age 1

1 “Killed the Pilgrims and Persecuted Them”: Portuguese Estado da India’s Encounters with the Hajj in the Sixteenth Century 14 Mahmood Kooria

2 “The Infidel Piloting the True Believer”: Thomas Cook and the Business of the Colonial Hajj 47 Michael Christopher Low

3 British Colonial Knowledge and the Hajj in the Age of Empire 81 John Slight

4 French Policy and the Hajj in Late-Nineteenth-Century Algeria: Governor Cambon’s Reform Attempts and Jules Gervais-Courtellemont’s Pilgrimage to Mecca 112 Aldo D’Agostini

5 Heinrich Freiherr von Maltzan’s “My Pilgrimage to Mecca”: A Critical Investigation 142 Ulrike Freitag

6 Polish Connections to the Hajj between Mystical Experience, Imaginary Travelogues, and Actual Reality 155 Bogusław R. Zagórski

7 On his Donkey to the Mountain of ʿArafāt: Dr. Van der Hoog and his Hajj Journey to Mecca 185 Umar Ryad

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8 “I Have To Disguise Myself”: , Gyula Germanus, and Pilgrimage as Cultural Capital, 1935–1965 217 Adam Mestyan

9 The Franco North African Pilgrims after wwii: The Hajj through the Eyes of a Spanish Colonial Officer (1949) 240 Josep Lluís Mateo Dieste

Index 265

Umar Ryad - 9789004323353 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 11:20:11AM via free access Acknowledgements

My sincere gratitude is due to the Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (lucis) and the King Abdul-Aziz Foundation in for their funding of the conference “Europe and Hajj in the Age of Empires: Muslim Pilgrimage prior to the Influx of Muslim Migration in the West” (Leiden University, 13–14 May 2013). I would also like to express my special thanks to the European Research Council (erc) for supporting my erc Starting Grant Project “Neither visitors, nor colonial victims: in Interwar Europe and European Trans-cultural History” (Utrecht University, 2014–2019). The generous support of the erc has also made the publication of the present volume in Open Access possible. The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (bgsmcs, Freie Universität Berlin) was also gracious in hosting me as a visiting researcher in the summer of 2016. I also thank the team members of the erc project— Soumia Middelburg-Ait-Hida, Mehdi Sajid, Sophie Spaan, Tolga Teker, and Andrei Tirtan—for their cooperation and fruitful input during the last two years to make our joint work successful.

Umar Ryad - 9789004323353 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 11:20:11AM via free access List of Illustrations

1.1 Facade of Jāmiʿ mosque, Ponnāni, established in the sixteenth century 29 2.1 John Mason Cook, c. 1890 54 2.2 Cook’s Oriental Travellers’ Gazette and Home and Foreign Advertiser, 1890 58 2.3 Thomas Cook Mecca Pilgrimage Ticket, 1886 65 4.1 Front page of Gervais-Courtellemont’s travelogue 131 5.1 Excerpt from von Maltzan’s diary 153 6.1 Risale-i Tatar-ı Leh, in Ottoman Turkish and in Polish 157 6.2 The mosque in Łowczyce (Western Belarus), homeland of Kontuś 160 6.3 The grave of Kontuś in the Muslim cemetery of Łowczyce 161 6.4 The cover page of the travel book by Ignacy Żagiell 169 6.5 Various Polish Translations of Islamic sources 172 6.6 Polish translations of Islamic sources 173 6.7 A Polish-Tatar handwritten prayer book from the 19th c. 175 6.8 The Mufti of Poland, Dr. Jakub Szynkiewicz (sitting, first from the right) with King ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (in the centre), Count Raczyński (on the left) and Saudi officials (standing) in , May 1930 176 7.1 Pilgrims on board in Jeddah (taken from Van der Hoog’s book). Dutch captions read as follows: xviii. Pilgrims coming on board xix. The deck of a pilgim boat. 202 7.2 Van der Hoog on his donkey on the Mountain of ʿArafāt (taken from Van der Hoog’s book). Dutch caption reads: The author on his donkey at the plain of Arafah. 204 7.3 Van der Hoog’s piece of the Kiswah of Kaʿba (taken from Van der Hoog’s book). Dutch caption reads viii. A piece of the kiswah that the author received as a gift. 206 8.1 “The Pilgrim of Scholarship”: an official photo of Gyula Germanus (1939) 225 8.2 Gyula Germanus dressed as a sailor on the ship “Duna” (1939) 228 8.3 Kató Kajári, Ms. Germanus, in Mecca (1965) 236 8.4 Gyula Germanus during his last pilgrimage in Mecca (1965) 237 9.1 “Peregrinos del Protectorado español en Marruecos a bordo del Marqués de Comillas” (1937 or 1938) 245 9.2 Moroccan Pilgrims in 1949 251

Umar Ryad - 9789004323353 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 11:20:11AM via free access Contributors

Mahmood Kooria is a post-doctoral fellow at the International Institute for Asian Studies and the African Studies Centre, Leiden. He completed his Ph.D. on the circulation of Islamic legal ideas and texts across the Indian Ocean and Eastern Mediter- ranean worlds at the Leiden University Institute for History. He earned his m.a. and M.Phil. in History at University, New . He has co- edited a volume with Michael Pearson titled Malabar in the Indian Ocean: Cos- mopolitanism in a Maritime Historical Region (Oxford University Press, forth- coming).

Michael Christopher Low is Assistant Professor of History at Iowa State University. He completed his Ph.D. at Columbia University (2015) and is currently finishing his first book project, tentatively titled The Mechanics of Mecca: The Ottoman Hijaz and the Indian Ocean Hajj. His research focuses on the Late Ottoman and modern Mid- dle Eastern period as well as on the Indian Ocean and environmental history. His most recent article, “Ottoman Infrastructures of the Saudi Hydro-State: The Technopolitics of Pilgrimage and Potable Water in the Hijaz,” Comparative Studies in Society and History (2015) received the American Society for Envi- ronmental History’s 2016 Alice Hamilton article prize. His research has been supported by the American Institute for Yemeni Studies, Columbia University’s Institute for , Culture, and Public Life, the David L. Boren National Security Education Program, the Institute of Turkish Studies, and Koç Univer- sity’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations.

John Slight is a Research Fellow in History at St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, where he completed his b.a., M.Phil. and Ph.D. His research interests include the Red Sea, its surrounding littorals and this area’s links with Britain since c. 1850, Arabia and the greater during the First World War, and the relationship between British imperialism and Islamic religious practices. He is the author of The British Empire and the Hajj, 1865–1956 (Harvard University Press, 2015).

Aldo D’Agostini is a post-doctoral researcher at the IMAf (Intitut des Mondes Africains). He studied at the Sapienza University of Rome and received his Ph.D. from Aix-

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Marseille University. His main research focuses are on the history of French and Italian colonialism in Africa and the Mediterranean, European discourse on ‘pan-Islamism’ in the colonial age, and the entanglements between European Islam-policies and empire-building in the nineteenth century.

Ulrike Freitag is a historian of the modern Middle East and the director of Zentrum Mod- erner Orient in Berlin as well as professor of Islamic Studies at Freie Univer- sität Berlin. After completing her doctorate on Syrian Historiography in the 20th Century (Hamburg 1990), she worked on South Yemen while lecturing at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. In 2003 she pub- lished Indian Ocean Migrants and State Formation in Hadhramaut (Leiden, Brill). She has since published on translocality and global history, while her own research focuses on urban history in a global context. Recent contribu- tions include Saudi-Arabien—ein Königreich im Wandel? (ed. Paderborn 2010), The City in the . Migration and the making of urban modernity, (ed. with Fuhrmann, Lafi, and Riedler, London 2011), Urban Governance Under the Ottomans, (ed. with Lafi, London 2014), and Urban Violence in the Middle East, (ed. with Fuccaro, Ghrawi, and Lafi, New York, Oxford 2015).

Bogusław R. Zagórski is the founder and director of the Ibn Khaldun Institute in Warsaw. He stud- ied and Islamic Studies at Warsaw University. He also studied at the University of Oran-Es-Senia (Algeria), Institut Bourguiba (Tunis), Institut des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (inalco)—Paris iii and École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), as well as the High School of Journalism in Aarhus (Den- mark). For many years he was a member of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Religious Union in Poland. He is also a member of the Commission for the Standardization of Geographical Names Outside Polish Borders (ksng) and the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (ungegn).

Umar Ryad is Associate Professor of Islamic Studies at Utrecht University. Prior to this, he was Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Leiden University (2008–2014). He earned a b.a. in Islamic Studies (in English) from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, followed by an m.a. and a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies, both from Leiden University. He also taught at the universities of Bern and Oslo and was a research fellow at the University of Bonn, Zentrum Moderner Orient (zmo), and The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies in Berlin. His current research focuses on the dynamics of the networks of Islamic reformist and pan-Islamist

Umar Ryad - 9789004323353 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 11:20:11AM via free access contributors xi movements, Muslim polemics on , the history of Christian missions in the modern Muslim World, and transnational Islam in interwar Europe. He leads a European Research Council (erc) Starting Grant project on the history of Muslim networks in interwar Europe and European transcultural history (2014–2019).

Adam Mestyan is a historian of the modern Middle East. He holds an assistant professor posi- tion in the Department of History at Duke University. He earned a Ph.D. in History from the Central European University in . He was a Junior Fellow at the Society of Fellows at Harvard University, a department lecturer in the modern history of the Middle East at the University of Oxford, and a post-doctoral fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. His most recent pub- lication is Arab Patriotism—The and Culture of Power in Late Ottoman (Princeton University Press, 2017).

Josep Lluís Mateo Dieste is a Serra Hunter Professor of social and cultural anthropology at the Univer- sitat Autònoma de Barcelona as well as a member of the ahcisp (Anthropol- ogy and History of the Construction of Social and Political Identities) research group at uab. He received his m.a. in Anthropology (1996) from the Univer- sitat Autònoma de Barcelona and his Ph.D. in History (2002) from the Euro- pean University Institute (Florence). His ethnographic and historical research focuses on Spanish-Moroccan relationships, colonial policies in the Spanish Protectorate in , and traditional healing and cults in Morocco. He is the author of Health and ritual in Morocco. Notions of the body and healing practices (Brill, 2013).

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