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11-11-1967 Times (November 11, 1967, vol. 6, no. 185) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 11, 1967, vol. 6, no. 185)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1628.

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" '

~ , • THE KABUL TIM.:' . , .... I I, ,I ...... _:1 diI. iiUtfC '""1/ ...... ~... " /lr lMIUMJ,s by life Jt~"l 1'/~. ,.u~: \ l~ ..Ulllttllll•• ""rfll.....IIl'II'"1111l1111111IlIIIIlIlUlIlIUIllUIlIIIII'1'111111111_A 88 ':, , Despite several InternatioDal ~"'.'~ brm. &lie CliiI1IIet from the battldleld'.':~." COIIfelUlle tal1le. the war In V~ llIIllbated. Coacem Is expressed from .~ comer ot the world but all practical meUllfta • _ to meet fallure. LIi1lllst developmenbl reveal that .0_.. of bope may 8DalIy 1pIte. The mls&loa Gt the NObeIl'eace PrIze WlDueh Is ~to lea" far M~ lIhol1ly. InllJilaUoDs are liIM tile ndSsJOD Is aeetiptable to both the parU. III U$ war. A~1'dlDC to Dr. MartIn Luther'KfiI&'. & Nobel Peate PrIze winner, wbo Is a m '01 the COmmlsslOIli his teaIb will bave ~ III MOBCOW who, most probably will chdiil'.. views to BanoL I, What -bas been spedfleal1y laddDt~ the previous efforts to ftDd & ~iiit8e­ meat for VletnuD Ii» been .. medium·.... ~ TIle coaJItries that have approalllitiil ~ pUties to seek a settlement. UIIl the pelIII1e 1fIIo ~ their desire to mediate the'~ have DOt been aeceptaMe 10 alI1nvolved parties. But 110_ that a NcitieJ. Pelule (Jomm1ss1on has been aooeptla. It tiIa'tteh move IIDI~. 'lID acreement ou lhe way 'to eoni1uet talks may be reaehed ~l) one ~ alter even for an !Iqr What the tjlullBh's late IS, 1Iq AllIle .IlQt. 1'IIe WlIl' en. ¥letmIm '.... cedliInI,y ,taupt everyone concerned that Its prolclnl1lUllIl II of no beDeM _ 'IIb:ilbod¥. ae sooner a truoe Is What th.e outcome will be In etemIty? Everyones' Is iWferent. so cal'!' DC!,t.· , Without doubt We will come to Its e!W, Though It's so dear, so care !!.l}!- _. ,--

ThIs world as we see It Is an 'Wl,brl\lF Aban!lllned at the Altar, S!l IAfie ql\~. ~ut mosur revenues hav, dwindI. ~'a wo~ld bel'Il at :the &Ioustly Councl1 tozlInd ed because the kar,lI,kuI .4llIlUil/.7 'at l.rah carried BlI editorial ~d ~l\~anlS!an ~iem~ln"" ,~;, eoutlei! "~Uoh elf 'LoI!al Indu.· The editorial 'l!lCp'- tho 1101'0 a'oompromllll'formula 1M,a:aoIyUon D\ln't J>e declveti by a face h'\S stidio· ,For benealh ~Ies a hypocrite, so care not. Da~r CrB)ma ' nmt~'. , ~ trlc." 'l'be oit'1ilbillbb of our na· 'tblIt !FAO _1Ift..tlIIft wnuld make .It to :the 'problilrn ami! Ihe 1IIIldentl! I ~alni8jnh\g plMMlble for 'tI«elopethe \ Ibe bleh quality Of Uenal In"1lusll'1et 'beld 'Itt tolU:itlft ka~a~uI nf the ~QmeJl·. "'Vcllurib!er Abacia· 'lalrtt a \more "':8'Ot1'Ve ond direct in­ Arabs, the editorial IUuesled thet II Badls alao says the world's a fiend nFep f~c~n will !C'I~ ere!!!er IU~ 10 !he fUture. . -;;;'!'J that altmct foreJan tourlIUI. LIItIriir'1Iliine of the Important "\ye bope It deve!oll,l a marke~ 1_pillllb'lal bY rtJIaprnmd \OCa1 lyaterD for kar~kuI wblch wlII .iInli. ~ '&be ediloriaI mentfoned . nsle m1debefiieh. &en; and ab'roa1i-.. ~._ varlilw o1i:incls or·em- North Vietnam Prime _fer 'Desplte hlitler contrlbuli.... 'from that karakul herders ~t hIJr';;' broider uid· noeilte work, Ildod . P\Iam"Van1lOnll .....a-In· an Interview nine nad...... 1bml 'Ia·" dellcll 'elf in~'" the OQi(orlal"·· - - urodll~ modern elltlat!1ltU CllWd '8latt. saM at ,,'preis 'eOnt'el'tn;""lniGeneora ll~atlon of lbelr 'o!lIY. - ~ ~ i.~ 'llave ~8ted the need for Wednesday. It lays ~ ~itj,zeD1 commt~ oUg"t riIQt .~ ~ \l.etIIl In l!aY·W'daY In ... COJlYliellt \ll1et'ril!W 'lIIl1aa!>ed to. ~ be fqrm';d 'lei Ii.... ~~ "l'lfq~tll' arll1 Ilo_c by·tIIe 'OwInIIlm.".-.paper,'1!e .ld IIWvlewInil '& '=-clay ~-of resldenu a lay Ii1 the adiJ)lnlatratlOb needi, the editorial iald, 'tiler.. Ia a the Vietnamese were"a'I)ioeIlf4'petlJlIe hll oxecutl....iCClllUQ\llee 'wbHh-"lDd­ at !he city, III development ·plana. cr<>wlnl numberofpeople In and oul. who would not necoUete uIlder ed bere th•• week, 'HI*" l~ and Ibe 'proYilion . of II~" Iide tile Cll\lIl1r7 itholpUrchaoe \hate bombing-'i cab In'ltteIt tor I.o\lh lIrodueton as weU oemark bekI.out no hope uII"".. nlher'lhan OIl 'ID'_ the edItorial aaya. ,• iDlJ the exbl\>Uio... "Q,dobo4ie134e" 01 Sarajevo, one ed bUdeel 'Neb 81 'ked _bu· Inalde In!onnaUon whlch the .-­ Tlnuaday'l An" carried an edIto­ of Yl1lloolav ,Ieadlne daUlea un· Uons from memben 01 most UN dents ~,,-e 1\bO~*,~ City andJIl rJaI ~ the to make _ent 'for re­ tile ·c.13t to oa.e...... Or the'I!OUn• INaI .0 11I1.. of their constant dforU lateat American InIUaUve In the fugee reiief CClq)uaory 'W!wl the ({y.' f7"- _. to raise food produetion are n0­ United KIliGns'Mats to c:andUlion .UN even find. lillftculry In eM dna Good III . where """r aeIf..ull\c~cy and aUlI ..that Waah!neton eal1ma1ed tho IIa ~,Ii>z 'JM!I'C8k",piAlr. 'd 'iti.'ff '6r:!'R'-. 'P"~ teams lind II n"""""ry to import wheat present moment U'8I1ilabie for'.fUr­ iJ"\!"'~eI ~.'1f.D P,e p"'t aad olloer food stu1f1 !her 'PI'f!IIUf'e' 011 'Arab ecx:urt:rta." F"""",,",.DenmarIr.. Weat Germany There hili been a food shortaee In ~,lJ~l, ' ", .,'!Jl~.Jliv. ~ tour~!s WlU he Norway. SwecleD, ~ the developlne countries. the edito­ .In attention 'Of' t!IplI\\_1 ~re the u-aed rete 'cit "~jWIilIon .'_t'!llvader,_ ~"U1IJ)I'eIIIae. r,.r, Im.P,Or.1jtnl lnaftuments fOr _.lAme.." odraft rel101aUon helplne mothers and chil~. crowlh due to improved pubUc ~ven ~ tdd~;; ,. \ well. .\..,.- -,~, I ·,,?r . IKArD ~ EdII~ , r,.. - '.! (';. IJlIler nunlben4ib1t"lIIill


" '

~ , • THE KABUL TIM.:' . , .... I I, ,I ...... _:1 diI. iiUtfC '""1/ ...... ~... " /lr lMIUMJ,s by life Jt~"l 1'/~. ,.u~: \ l~ ..Ulllttllll•• ""rfll.....IIl'II'"1111l1111111IlIIIIlIlUlIlIUIllUIlIIIII'1'111111111_A 88 ':, , Despite several InternatioDal ~"'.'~ brm. &lie CliiI1IIet from the battldleld'.':~." COIIfelUlle tal1le. the war In V~ llIIllbated. Coacem Is expressed from .~ comer ot the world but all practical meUllfta • _ to meet fallure. LIi1lllst developmenbl reveal that .0_.. of bope may 8DalIy 1pIte. The mls&loa Gt the NObeIl'eace PrIze WlDueh Is ~to lea" far M~ lIhol1ly. InllJilaUoDs are liIM tile ndSsJOD Is aeetiptable to both the parU. III U$ war. A~1'dlDC to Dr. MartIn Luther'KfiI&'. & Nobel Peate PrIze winner, wbo Is a m '01 the COmmlsslOIli his teaIb will bave ~ III MOBCOW who, most probably will chdiil'.. views to BanoL I, What -bas been spedfleal1y laddDt~ the previous efforts to ftDd & ~iiit8e­ meat for VletnuD Ii» been .. medium·.... ~ TIle coaJItries that have approalllitiil ~ pUties to seek a settlement. UIIl the pelIII1e 1fIIo ~ their desire to mediate the'~ have DOt been aeceptaMe 10 alI1nvolved parties. But 110_ that a NcitieJ. Pelule (Jomm1ss1on has been aooeptla. It tiIa'tteh move IIDI~. 'lID acreement ou lhe way 'to eoni1uet talks may be reaehed ~l) one ~ alter even for an !Iqr What the tjlullBh's late IS, 1Iq AllIle .IlQt. 1'IIe WlIl' en. ¥letmIm '.... cedliInI,y ,taupt everyone concerned that Its prolclnl1lUllIl II of no beDeM _ 'IIb:ilbod¥. ae sooner a truoe Is What th.e outcome will be In etemIty? Everyones' Is iWferent. so cal'!' DC!,t.· , Without doubt We will come to Its e!W, Though It's so dear, so care !!.l}!- _. ,--

ThIs world as we see It Is an 'Wl,brl\lF Aban!lllned at the Altar, S!l IAfie ql\~. ~ut mosur revenues hav, dwindI. ~'a wo~ld bel'Il at :the &Ioustly Councl1 tozlInd ed because the kar,lI,kuI .4llIlUil/.7 'at l.rah carried BlI editorial ~d ~l\~anlS!an ~iem~ln"" ,~;, eoutlei! "~Uoh elf 'LoI!al Indu.· The editorial 'l!lCp'- tho 1101'0 a'oompromllll'formula 1M,a:aoIyUon D\ln't J>e declveti by a face h'\S stidio· ,For benealh ~Ies a hypocrite, so care not. Da~r CrB)ma ' nmt~'. , ~ trlc." 'l'be oit'1ilbillbb of our na· 'tblIt !FAO _1Ift..tlIIft wnuld make .It to :the 'problilrn ami! Ihe 1IIIldentl! I ~alni8jnh\g plMMlble for 'tI«elopethe \ Ibe bleh quality Of Uenal In"1lusll'1et 'beld 'Itt tolU:itlft ka~a~uI nf the ~QmeJl·. "'Vcllurib!er Abacia· 'lalrtt a \more "':8'Ot1'Ve ond direct in­ Arabs, the editorial IUuesled thet II Badls alao says the world's a fiend nFep f~c~n will !C'I~ ere!!!er IU~ 10 !he fUture. . -;;;'!'J that altmct foreJan tourlIUI. LIItIriir'1Iliine of the Important "\ye bope It deve!oll,l a marke~ 1_pillllb'lal bY rtJIaprnmd \OCa1 lyaterD for kar~kuI wblch wlII .iInli. ~ '&be ediloriaI mentfoned . nsle m1debefiieh. &en; and ab'roa1i-.. ~._ varlilw o1i:incls or·em- North Vietnam Prime _fer 'Desplte hlitler contrlbuli.... 'from that karakul herders ~t hIJr';;' broider uid· noeilte work, Ildod . P\Iam"Van1lOnll .....a-In· an Interview nine nad...... 1bml 'Ia·" dellcll 'elf in~'" the OQi(orlal"·· - - urodll~ modern elltlat!1ltU CllWd '8latt. saM at ,,'preis 'eOnt'el'tn;""lniGeneora ll~atlon of lbelr 'o!lIY. - ~ ~ i.~ 'llave ~8ted the need for Wednesday. It lays ~ ~itj,zeD1 commt~ oUg"t riIQt .~ ~ \l.etIIl In l!aY·W'daY In ... COJlYliellt \ll1et'ril!W 'lIIl1aa!>ed to. ~ be fqrm';d 'lei Ii.... ~~ "l'lfq~tll' arll1 Ilo_c by·tIIe 'OwInIIlm.".-.paper,'1!e .ld IIWvlewInil '& '=-clay ~-of resldenu a lay Ii1 the adiJ)lnlatratlOb needi, the editorial iald, 'tiler.. Ia a the Vietnamese were"a'I)ioeIlf4'petlJlIe hll oxecutl....iCClllUQ\llee 'wbHh-"lDd­ at !he city, III development ·plana. cr<>wlnl numberofpeople In and oul. who would not necoUete uIlder ed bere th•• week, 'HI*" l~ and Ibe 'proYilion . of II~" Iide tile Cll\lIl1r7 itholpUrchaoe \hate bombing-'i cab In'ltteIt tor I.o\lh lIrodueton as weU oemark bekI.out no hope uII"".. nlher'lhan OIl 'ID'_ the edItorial aaya. ,• iDlJ the exbl\>Uio... "Q,dobo4ie134e" 01 Sarajevo, one ed bUdeel 'Neb 81 'ked _bu· Inalde In!onnaUon whlch the .-­ Tlnuaday'l An" carried an edIto­ of Yl1lloolav ,Ieadlne daUlea un· Uons from memben 01 most UN dents ~,,-e 1\bO~*,~ City andJIl rJaI ~ the to make _ent 'for re­ tile ·c.13t to oa.e...... Or the'I!OUn• INaI .0 11I1.. of their constant dforU lateat American InIUaUve In the fugee reiief CClq)uaory 'W!wl the ({y.' f7"- _. to raise food produetion are n0­ United KIliGns'Mats to c:andUlion .UN even find. lillftculry In eM dna Good III . where """r aeIf..ull\c~cy and aUlI ..that Waah!neton eal1ma1ed tho IIa ~,Ii>z 'JM!I'C8k",piAlr. 'd 'iti.'ff '6r:!'R'-. 'P"~ teams lind II n"""""ry to import wheat present moment U'8I1ilabie for'.fUr­ iJ"\!"'~eI ~.'1f.D P,e p"'t aad olloer food stu1f1 !her 'PI'f!IIUf'e' 011 'Arab ecx:urt:rta." F"""",,",.DenmarIr.. Weat Germany There hili been a food shortaee In ~,lJ~l, ' ", .,'!Jl~.Jliv. ~ tour~!s WlU he Norway. SwecleD, ~ the developlne countries. the edito­ .In attention 'Of' t!IplI\\_1 ~re the u-aed rete 'cit "~jWIilIon .'_t'!llvader,_ ~"U1IJ)I'eIIIae. r,.r, Im.P,Or.1jtnl lnaftuments fOr _.lAme.." odraft rel101aUon helplne mothers and chil~. crowlh due to improved pubUc ~ven ~ tdd~;; ,. \ well. .\..,.- -,~, I ·,,?r . IKArD ~ EdII~ , r,.. - '.! (';. IJlIler nunlben4ib1t"lIIill1'ift. \f.;. '" , e ~ ·'t;·'l ..... I nO' .~~c~~~;,:\" ' ".'. ' "'~ . "DICe' ,. - ~ FO:R SHEER f'.tIi.. j WtTtr61il11i* 'I.....··, Yit i • Iilil ~ ~'l /"" • ;: ",~ • ~, ,., .~ ~< , ~. I l'.. 1- ~LIGHr ~ ~ ~ r ,'l , CldRemfov.;.111j;(:$FP).-Nowand the Federation", c'6ura~iiave ft 1; f'-: {'ttl 1- , ' that JIl!8~lioDll between FLOSY repdrcussiona in ,nelghbOllring Ye-' :. .. . - I and llie NLF have finally coUap- men. " ',,, ' .' • sed bOtli independence move- 3. Tension in sQ;lth - ~b1a • ~l ~ I ,~ •• ments are posed for what seelD8 could C!'mp,romlSe UiIiU bqiW/!ien' -. '. , ,- .' , , ,," .." ,t' I• " an unequal renewed llI'IDed $'US- the UAR and Britilln and South- ~.: ~ ,. , .. , gle for power In the SOuth Arib- em Arabia. , , 1 ,I It "'I f I' . t.~'1" t .'. 'l~ Ian Federation. Observers" in Cairo are certain I .... :h \ •• IJ _ ,'t I "l.."-.I" tha~ ~dt!lif VO" VJ"'O 18tl '." '-', " ,. ',' , It will be unequal because the UAR. Qamal Ab-'. ..t L.o. f"''t / .' r:";.! ,l.:. ,'1 ' IJ·. ; ~~J" ~ v,A'rJUL SUNDAY NOVEMBER'12 I ...... (A "'...... , ,- c , ,- r-- , 7' , "t. ,nru> ., • " 'r' ,.. ''"I' Q"'(U> 2O,11S4!' ' S,H.) National Liberation Fro~t~) del Nasse!', ds anxious fIll: the i ; " PrIee AI. 3 • which controls the greater part Federation to reach IndepenCience of the territory, has ab::eady W1th~ peacefjJpY, ' JOM~'SGt~fl~~;[:LS" ~i'~i~t~,T,O'~Citl"~ In the past few days scored a Nssser has 8lreadY brought the I. ~I~ ~"l ~ ~ F'O' Aden" the FLOSY ,lIpreme command endeavo\Jred in December 1966" to In accordance with the appro­ IOUS to disengage Itself. 'l'he two girls were atten~ Speaking at Veterans Armlstlce Day sel"V1ce the fight deck department In the ministrY. say. that the Br[tfsh colonIal ad- supress the wave ot re\"Olution in val and decision 01 the Woles! 2. Moreover, unheaval m Aden a triaJ OIl illegal JlI\!! '1lIl of· of the nuclea.-powered EnterprIse off the coast of California the liThe iriterference of untrained, order to prove Ibis allegation, lay, Jlrgah, the proeednre lor the vote drnp when the JDdp lIIJOtte4 President declared that American statesmen "WIll press ' the uneducated people In pUblic bealth the ,ta1cment. FLOSY Is prepared of confldenoe In the governmeDt them and objeeted to tIlelr search for peace to the corners of the earth". affairs In Ihe provinces 11 doe of Brezhnev Receives to provide eVidence If lIiis reference will take place at 10:00 tomorrow ARRIVALS AND c10~. lbe problemt; the minlatry I' tsktoe which also points to the action of morning In the ll"neral session 01 He said the eom waa not a "That meetmg'ground could c:ven the seas In oUr search," he said ufor precautions against In th~ draft of Ali Sabri the American central lDteIligence the House and will be broadcast DEPARTURES strip tease Joint, and ..,.ned Security Council he at sea," he said. "Standmg here. us, the wardroom could readily be the public health [aw," he 'aid. agency. directly over Radio AIghanlstan. on tile two girls "to purffl speckS between the vastness of oc­ a conference: room The ,horlage or"'ona,'lliIIblllty of MOSCOW, Nov. 12, (DPA).­ The FLOSY command stales lbal Those who have visitors cards ean and heaven, men mIght realise sate drinking water in hoipitaI. .. KABUL, Nov. 11, (Bakhtar).­ tIlemselves by obtalDJD&' 811ffI, , ~r-~ .~ ~J') ,; ." 'oJ .:1;"'·.:.... "A neutral ship on a neutral sea Soviet party Secretary-General on 6lb NOVAY GREETINGS are smong the objects. Coins and thai the Uwted States has dcclded sole representstive of the people need for tramed people and in­ to see /the industrial exhibition expenses smcc It would make nec­ 01 live kilograms (11' ~) npts after apparently eclipsing its there, returned to Kabul yester­ nch armed forces Johnson was thaI would IOdecd be isolal1ooism. He saId he was also encouraged :~~t o:~ to relurn the Boom Archipelago tenSIfIed resdarch. essary a reform of agncuItural pra­ more vulnerable, and had no 'chOIce SENT TO GUSTAV V I :ri":'a't: WID also be main nationalist rival-the Front The aClual movement 1 have- been by the San Francisco referendum lo Earlier Pnme Mmister Tunku day. ctIces 10 numeroUS countries ~UL, Japan wheo Salo viSIts Washing' bUI to act as he dId, The Briush bad dls¢liSslRg IS mote compll'll snd less las~ Thursday in 'whIch vojers Nov. 12. (Bakhtar).- Ahmad Ali Motamedi. the dir- ton next week, observers S8Jd yes­ for the Liberation of Occupied Abdul Rahman m opening the Miss Jamila Amin and MIss These expenses could probably A telegram congratulating His ector of the Kabul Museuro B8ld South Yemen (FLOSY)-m bloo­ Nadira Saldari, officials of the a chOice. and made the wrong one culpable. Europeans ate saylog, in overwhelmingly rejected a pro­ terday conference on paraSIte disease iri not be borne alone by the. mdlvldual effect "Let us hquldalc all that re­ Get your Majesty Gustav V of Sweden that thIS IS the fourth time an dy street fighting earlier this humans and ammals, saId a great Kabul Public Library, left Kabul governments concerned. the Comm­ NAUROZ CARPET for an unmediate American The San FranCISCO Peace Treaty mams of our overseas empires and WIthdrawal from Vietnam. on hIS bIrthday has been sent on Afghan art exhibItIOn IS gomg ab­ week need eXIsted for South Asian for Turkey Thursday to study litee sta~ behalf nf His M/lJesty the King. road. Smular exhibitions have of 1951 placed the ISlands under manuscripts WORLD BRIEFS sholY the Amer1C8JlS whal II feels like copy 01 the "It means the country is stan­ American admlmstratton. The cable to the foreIgn secre­ countrIes to cooperate In health [Is proposal will be paSS«! 00 10 . ' Ihe Information department of been held ID Japan Italy and the to. mamtam Ihe security. and mler­ EXPORT CO. ding behind the president's poli­ The progressive return of PacifIC tary came on a day in which a fIelds for theIr mutual benefit Mohammad Karim Akram and the Uolled NaUoDS EcooOJDlc and II the ForeIgn Mmistry announced. UnIted States.' , WASHINGTON, Nov (Reuter) nal pe8C\> of dlstanl countries. If cy and the country's policy," he marme and an Arab boy were They had SImIlar clunates, ve­ Ghulam Ahptad Noorl Qfflclals SoCIal Couoctl WIth the stipulalton ISles to Japan will be discussed du­ -U S ambassador to South V,el­ they get tired of the Job, we may Kabul Times added. wounded m new clashes between gatatIon, soclar and economic bac­ of the Ministry of Infol'l'liatlon that ways of implementing such a rtng two days of talks here. Salo nam Ellsworth Bunker returned to have 10 thmk agalR. Meanwbile we This IS Bunkers first trip back 8I~ BntlSh troops and nattonalists kgrounds and therefore sunllar and Culture, left Kabul for scheme ~ considered as soon as seeml tc went to obtam flrmcr Washmgton Frtday [or talk.s on the th~ at to Washington smee he was post­ here dIseases Turkey Thursday under Turkish posslbl~. WIll complele revlyal of. our own Annual ur,ances than the Amencans have so governmen~ course of tbe war WIth President shattered 'contin~nl and spread Eur­ ed to SaIgon last April. General scholarships to study The Commiuees suggestion was a N. Vietnamese Ambush Heavily far made on the handlog back of Journalism Johnson and other top o[f,clals. opean IOflucnce throughoul the the Khyber. Westmoreland has been here twi­ Okinawa and the Ryukyu ArchIpel­ ,. kind of "farcweU present" &lnce a Bunker flew to Andrews Air For­ world primllrily by means of trade, ce this year. Abdul Ghalar Karim. an offic­ new eleven-member International ago , ial of Kabul UDlverslty. left Ka­ ce Base outSIde WasbmgtoJ'l soon aid and cultural contactsI'. 1b~re U.S. Armed Convoy In Dakto Th~ ,Japaoese premIer Wlll strive Planes In Trouble Can Now Narcohcs Control CommIttee Will after PreSIdent Johoson had left are flaws io thIS phIlosophy, but [I AI. SAIGON Nov 12. (Reuter).-A Vletnamese torces have been fllhtinl bul Thursday under a Ft,!nch take over functions early next no. • heavi1y·a~med to put prpsure on leading Ameri· it!: there m a coasl-to-coast Inspection IS not without a modicum of WlB· American army COD­ company strength battles within government scholarship to study year cans he will meet to ,nclude some law and pobtlcal science tour of milItary bases dom Viet Cong Fighters VOy snakihg through the central several rt\iles of Dakto, and U.S. precIse undertaklDg about OklD&Wa Safely Land By Parachute Abdul Fatsh SameilZadah, an FOR RI!NT highlands towards the mountam for­ complanders report 405 North Viet· 10 the (mal communIque NEW YORK. Nov 12 (Reuter}-week, the pIlot of. smgle-engmed official of the Finance Ministry. LONDON. Nov II. (DPA)-Brt­ Red-Marble two storey botllle tress ot Dakto was ambushed yes­ namese killed Okmawa's strategiC p0f;ution mak­ Two lOventors here have successful- four seater StInson aircraft cut off tam today handed over to Israel the Congratulated terday by North Vietnamese regu­ American forces lilt 51 men dead left Kabul for France under a India Urges Help We offer our customers very comfortable, 1 acre plot. es It one of the maID U S. bases In ly tested an au safety techmque 10 hIS engme at 4,600 feet (1,400 met- submanne Dakar al .. a Portsmouth lers and 199 InJured in the actions. French government scholarship to Ground Door salon, picture wID­ HANOI. Nov 12. (AFP) -Tbe th~ Paclhc aod the mlhtary do not which an aircraft 10 trouble sheds res) then fhcked a switch settmg off navy shipyard new and 6\ntique carpets 'f\umbllng tanks heading the con' A U.S spokeaman said artillery study pubbc law To Needy Nations US PERSISTS IN doWB kitchen, d1DIng room, dor­ command at the South VIetnamese want to gIve It up Its wmgs and lands by parachute small explOSive charges to blow Out I \'Oy turned theIr bIg guns On the supported the tanks and troops as The sub IS the second of two bo- at low prices and different mlt.ory and office. FIrst stonly National Liberation Front yesterday They believe that any weaken1D8 Estate agents Dana Manfedl and the pms holding the WIng bolts attackers-entrenched ID Jungle along they fought the,r way througb the GENEVA. Nov II (Reuler}-An ught by Israel as early as Novem­ sizes. Opposite the Blue five bedrooms, three bathroolDll, sent Us "warm congratulations" to of American authonty on th1S Isle Angelo RaltI, who spent thousands At the same time a small parach- VIET, MIDEAST the SIde of the road ambush In 15 minute!. urgent appeal 10 help solve the trade ber J964 They have sInce been tho­ haD, modern fIItores. the Viet Cong fighters In the Loc of dollars and 20 years perfectIng ute opened on eacb WlDg, pullIng Mosque, Share Nau. The North VletDl;lmese struck the Five American soldiers were kil­ would ImmedIately decrease If$; value problems fac;:mg the world"s poorer roubly over-hauled and re-equlpp­ Location Karte-Seh, _4 Nmh Gon theIr system belteve It can be appli- them clear, and a (19 melres, para- Kontwn City Washingtoo Is bound to take .hlS nations was made here Thursday ed In Portsmouth Te: 24035 street opposIte Hablbla school, or The message wi,bed good health convoy SIX 1'Jliles out of led and seven wouoded. he said ~d UN SOLUTIONS and 19 mUes from DBkto--some 270 NIne North Vietnamese were killed, mto cons1deratJOn tu the largest Inter Conhnental t.:hute opeq.ed above the fuselage to the 74 member countnes of the They belong to the 1,500 ton near wooden bridge jolDlDg Kar­ to the uregular, regional mllttia and passenger Jels as parachutes come The poln stayed In the fuselage NEW YORK Nov. 11. (DPA)­ miles nOllheast of Saigon and a suspect detained SIdM fa Ute lOutlaem aDd Dar­ General }Lgrcement on Tar11ls and "TTT" class bulll In Ihe 1940's MERCEDES te-Char over Ute Cham Cbamast guerIlla torces a8 well EU the shock· BENZ For 10 days American and North The spoke,man told reportera he to all SIzes unHI It was (457 metres- from the them rect- .of tIte eoantry wiD Trade (GATT) Israel look delivery of the first The United Sb.b>s will persist IR JJt C GAZOLlNB, river. youth, porters and coolies". Special Committe dforts to secure jUlI and durable was unable to say it the convoy In the test over the Lakehurst, ground before bailIng out on hiS be partly cIoad7. Yesterdq Ute KB Lall of India called on the sub. the "Leviathan Just before the Splendid CODdlUon. The message 8140 stated 1Il ten peace m both Vietnam and the was carrying supplies for American OK's Parties' Articles New Jersey. naval air station thiS owo parachute ~ __ of Illte co1lll1l7 GAIT member states, which Inc­ outbreak of last June's Arab-israeli Grey white, lit}... km, consecutIve y dlmcult', pejiod. reactor from Britain, if interna­ , This falls far short of the $350.000 spending oprcc acrOls cd Idenllt1caUon carda. partmentnl budgets, but none threa­ gradll4111 or abolillliln/l. ~­ .... r I delay Bntsin's entry Into the ,. tional nuclear experts 1Dil!dng a sldent's request. whic,b. was belie­ Europe and North America. Proeecution ,aid Invett!eaton had tened Its eXistence as It can be over­ maini\il1li'tiffs sod other lr!de ba- feasibilitY survey recommend ved to have' been for a 20,000­ Prosecution told the jury Frldsy e,tabll,hed direct IlnkJ between the European Common Market. rrierl~ ...... ',~'" . PARIS: ~:w: l1;jn,~;~--stste-- Callaghan again turned down a thrown only by a successful vote of , that one should be tolitalled for .man dIvision. the fraud covered a rnauive h:avel­ stolen cards and IIle crime ,ydnicate no-confidence or censur:e , run COl\Ul1erclai W1evlSlon III to h~ve ~ ope~ation mere assoclation WIth the EEC. production of electrte energy, ac­ But the orha,S pointed out linll. scheme for underworld ..... 10 New York, Lei Vegas. The vote has the effect of glvmg be mtroduced In France, infor­ that the threat of communist gu­ to p~ddle pornography, pro,tltutfon, Los Angile.. Chicago Allama and whl'ch"he saId would not enable (~~~).­ cording to Boonrod Hinson, se­ the assembly's approval to the- whole Alll&NA C1NDIA HANOI, Nov. ,'9;' mation Minister Georges Gone cretary-general of nat1lmal ener­ erriDas In northeastern ....d sou· drug. and ..ol~n securities on both Miami a. well u I~ Canada and Britain "to prepare ourselves to Al 2, •.30, 7 and 9 p.m. lranIao Six u.s; tilrcraft. Were lIbol down told the national assembly' lower ~uthority. SIdes of the Atlantic. Europe. play a due role m the pohtlcal budget, !DeludIng those POints on num~ gy them ::rhalland is Increasing. which the government was technica­ ~ ana a of p'liq..-were e.p­ house of parliament in Paria lo­ Boonrod l'8ld fIve nuclear -ex­ Besides, they SIlY, the cO\lI1try· II Invoh~ gambling, murd~r and Police JlDa.hed the rlne after on~ and economIc development of lly deleated ' .....WJ:LL T.r:HJlAN tured in North Vllibiam Wednes­ day. He said the government tac-_ perts from the International Ato­ has now become more eXposed as armed robberies Dln~r'\. Club member received , bill western Europe -, ' befor~ ..... QNBIIA day, it was announced here. ed the choice be~&e!' 1Im\\ed and mic Energy Ageney (IAEA) from thl' consequence of ill! Increased p.ollce saId th~ four men--AI· for $8,000 for a1rlln~ ticket, he Bntaln would be able \P bear The draft, as announced At-, 2.JO, 5, 7.30 and 9.30 P.D!. • One plaite was downed over controlled tel~on' advertlalng/ Vienna have arrived to survey partlclpation'ln the VI~tn&nl war. phonse Conf....,.... 30 Phil Traver" never bad. the pnce mcreases wllich would the debate, was Viewed as a modest­ -;llAlNAB CINDIA Hanoi, two over r.angson, and and unbridled 8D!i uncontroUea the feasibility for one: month they Tqalland's present contribution 40, Jo,eph Pucci, 30, and John CoofeJlOt'e. who worked at the result from acceptance of the ly defla"onary budget aImed at se­ &atifim 'elmo one eacJi 0Ye!' Thanh Hoa, Quang advertising' by private or forelgn Kellerman-atol~ 1110'" than 2,000 company em\x;llllne the club cards. EEC agncultural concept provid­ curmg fIve p~r cent increase In the , wiD make thetr report to the _ID So"\tlt :VIetnam Is '2,200 combat . ,~LL TEHRAN 8inh ana Nghla Lo prOvInces. mterests. 'rhal goverrunent after their llUr­ troops:' 1ltl"lijJ;, force transport Dlne~ Club card, from the ware­ denIed the charee of eonoplracy 10 ed she was granted a period of gross naltonal product, as laid down vey. wmg, and -lwg .naval vauels: house of a company which -ho.. defraud th~ Diner', 5350.000. adjustment, Callsghan said by France's fIfth economiC plan

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