
Florida’s fantastic reefs Numerous of are found in Seven ways that you can help reefs. Each kind lives in a separate that is Florida is the only state in the continental United to keep our reefs healthy shaped differently from the others. The colonies take States to have extensive shallow coral formations on the various hues of the that live within them— The tropical setting of Florida’s reefs attracts millions near its . Approximately 6,000 reefs are found usually red, green, and brown. can generally be of visitors annually. In order to minimize human dam- from Stuart, on the Atlantic , southwestward to divided into two main categories: stony corals and age to the corals, everyone’s help is needed. the , west of , in the Gulf of octocorals. Mexico. The most spectacular reef-building corals in Florida • Use navigational charts to locate coral reefs. Most reef growth occurs south and east of the are brain, star, elkhorn, and staghorn. is Most reefs are well marked on navigation charts; if . An irresistible magnet for divers, the dome-shaped and has waves, folds, and ridges that re- you are not familiar with the area, refer to the charts. reefs here are spectacular and rival those of many semble those of a human brain. It may be as as Every year, careless boaters run aground, destroying areas. a golf ball or as large as a boulder. Star coral is also coral colonies that are hundreds of years old. Re- How corals build reefs dome-shaped, but it has a distinctive star pattern on member the jingle, “Brown, brown, run aground; blue, blue, sail on through.” From the water’s surface, Florida’s coral reefs came into existence 5,000 to its surface that is caused by the accordion-like folds reefs appear golden-brown. If you see brown, you 7,000 years ago when levels rose after the Ice within its cups. Elkhorn and staghorn corals are may be about to hit a reef. Age. Reef growth is slow—from one to 16 feet every so named because their branchlike projections re- 1,000 years. All coral reefs are in a constant state of semble the antlers of those . • Anchor to mooring buoys or anchor in . flux, expanding with new polyps on the outer surface Octocorals, some of which are also called gorgoni- Be cautious when anchoring your boat. Do not de- while being ground into sand by storms and animals. ans, look like strange trees and shrubs, although they ploy the anchor directly on coral. Usually there are During long periods of favorable conditions, the reefs too are composed of living polyps. The name “gor- sandy areas close by; anchor in the sand. Many may reach awe-inspiring heights. gonian” aptly refers to the mythical Gorgons, sinister popular reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Stony corals are the major reef architects. Polyps, women with writhing snakes for hair. Unlike stony Sanctuary have special anchor buoys for mooring. the living portion of the coral, begin as free-swim- corals, octocorals are unable to build thick In these areas, tie up to the buoys rather than ming larvae that later settle into a sedentary lifestyle skeletons. Instead, many octocorals are supported by anchoring. on the sea floor. They unite into colonies, extract cal- an internal structure composed of a horn-like sub- • Stash your trash. cium from seawater, and combine it with carbon stance called gorgonin. Octocorals frequently grow on Do not dispose of trash, bilge washings, or other de- dioxide to build the elaborate limestone skeletons that or near the reef like a fantastical, though carelessly bris on or near the reefs! sown, garden. form the reef. An individual colony grows one-half to • Don’t touch coral. You will crush the fragile coral The most common octocorals in Florida are sea seven inches a year, depending on the species. polyps. fans and sea whips. Sea fans are pale lavender or Although reef corals are actually animals, micro- When diving or , look, but do not touch! green fan-shaped corals. Their fans flutter in the scopic plants called live within the coral Do not grasp, stand, or sit on living coral. You may currents like lace curtains. Sea whips have long, feath- polyps. This symbiotic relationship is referred to as mu- damage the coral and hurt yourself in the process. tualism. The coral polyps benefit from the sugars and ery branches that spread in all directions. They can be • Avoid trolling for fish above a reef. oxygen that the plants provide through photosynthe- orange, lilac, purple, yellow, brown, or buff. Anglers should avoid shallow coral reefs when sis. The plants are protected within the coral tissues and trolling. Hooks can scar and injure the coral, leaving get from the coral’s wastes. These tiny plants What corals do for us it vulnerable to infection by microscopic organisms give the coral much of its color. Coral reefs provide the adjacent coast with natural that can kill the coral. Coral reefs develop only in areas with specific en- storm protection by reducing wave energy from the vironmental characteristics: a solid structure for the ocean breakwater. They help to form the sandy • Do not place lobster or crab traps on corals. base; clear, transparent water that is low in phosphate and tranquil lagoons that Florida’s residents and tourists When fishing for lobster, avoid placing traps on and nitrogen nutrients; warm and stable temperature; alike find so inviting. reefs. Heavy traps break corals and damage the bot- oceanic ; and moderate wave action to dis- As home to many of the state’s most important tom when the traps are pulled. perse wastes and bring oxygen and to the reef. fisheries resources such as spiny lobsters and groupers, • All coral is protected by law. You may NOT col- reef communities form specialized that pro- lect, harvest, or sell coral that comes from Types of reefs and corals vide shelter, food, and breeding sites for many plants state or federal waters. Florida has three types of coral reefs: patch reefs, and animals. In this way, they contribute greatly to the which grow close to shore in shallow water, and fring- total value of Florida’s fisheries. Recreational and com- Florida coral reefs are significant, unique natural re- ing and barrier reefs, which grow farther offshore in mercial fishing along the reefs, combined with tourism, sources. Be a responsible visitor—help ensure the deeper waters and rise steeply from the ocean floor. bring over one billion dollars annually to the state. continued vitality of Florida’s coral reefs. Florida’s CORAL REEFS alt Jaap W A patchwork of deep-reef corals in Sherwood Forest on the Tor- tugas Banks, Florida. Parts of this reef are over 7,000 years old.

ON THE COVER Vivid green plumes of Pseudopterogorgia reach toward a sea fan, Gorgonia ventalina, waving gently at upper right. Inset—Deep-water sea fan, schrammi, a gorgonian. OVERLEAF (from top) , palmata, at , Florida. Boulder star coral, annularis, at Dry Tortugas, Florida. This coral and elkhorn are found in shallow water. Great star coral, Montastraea cavernosa, inhabits deep water. Example of shallow-water, hardbottom with octoco- rals, , Florida.


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The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is an equal opportunity agency, offering all persons the benefits of participat- ing in each of its programs and competing in all areas of employment regardless of race, color, religion, , national origin, age, handi- cap, or other non-merit factors. 5/2007